788409 Thi Thu Dai Hoc Anh Ha Tinh 2




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S GD-T H Tnh

S GD-T H Tnh

Trng THPT L Hu Trc I.

( thi c: 06 trang) THI TH LP 10 CHUYN NM HC 2010-2011.

Bi thi mn: TING ANH Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht.

M thi: 510H v tn th sinh: .

Hc sinh trng: .

S bo danh: THI GM 80 CU (T CU 1 N CU 80) DNH CHO TT C CC TH SINH.

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.Question 1. A.qualification B. competition C. independence D. politicianQuestion 2. A.multiply B. simplify C. consolidate

D. decorateQuestion 3. A.curriculum B. generator C. temporary

D. atmosphere Question 4. A.development B. originate C. misbehavior D. certificate

Question 5. A.signature B. scholarship C. terminus D. transaction

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 6. _________ ten minutes of the start of the game two players had been sent off.

A. Before B. Inside C.Within D. Around

Question 7. Now that he has retired , he lives partly on his pansion and partly on the __________ on his post office savings account.

A.income B.interest C.wages D.salary

Question 8. She isnt _____________ well with the new manager.

A.getting on B. going on C. keeping on D. taking on

Question 9. : -Do you like the weather here?

-I wish it __________ .

A. doesnt rain B. didnt rain

C. wont rain

D. hadnt rainedQuestion 10. ______________ his assistance in those days, I would not be so successful now.

A. Unless I had B. If there were not C. If it had not for D. Had it not been for

Question 11.When you have a small child in the house, you _______ leave small objects lying around. Such objects _______ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

A. should / must B. should not / might C. needn't / may

D. mustn't / can't

Question 12.She__________ on her computer for more than two hours when she decided to stop for a rest.

A. has worked B. has been working C. had been working D. was working

Question 13. Anne: "Make yourself at home".

John : "____________"

A. Yes, Can I help you? B. Not at all. Don't mention it.

C. Thanks! Same to you. D. That's very kind. Thank you.

Question 14.As a result of the companys __________ policy, there are now 15 Fairdeal supermarkets compared with 10 in 1980.

A. expansion

B. increase C. intensification

D. magnificationQuestion 15. They are going to make ______ excursion next month.

A. two weeks' B. two-weeks

C. a two-week D. a two-week's

Question 16. The new system didnt ______ expectations.

A. catch up with B. bring about C. come across D. come up to

Question 17. _ Hello, Id like to speak with Mrs. Smith.

_ __________

A. Who are you?

B. Hang on, please, I will put you through.

C. Sure

D. Off course you can

Question 18. Id rather you _________ in here.

A.dont smoke B.shouldnt smoke C.didnt smoke D.not smokeQuestion 19. - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!

- _______

A. I don't like your sayingsB. Thank you for your compliment

C. Thank you very much. I am afraidD. You are telling a lie

Question 20. Jack wont come to the meeting and _____________

A. Betty wont too B.nor wont Betty C.Betty wont neither D. neither will Betty

Question 21. I didnt see Tommy at the party last night.

- Oh, there was a chocolate fair in the mall. A chocoholic like him____there.

A. would have gone B. wasC. must have beenD. can have gone

Question 22. At no time ____________ the house.

A.did they leave B.they did leave C. they left D. they didnt leave Question 23. The rumors go that Jason will be arrested. He is said__________a bloody robbery.

A. to take part in B. to join inC. to have joined inD. to have taken part in

Question 24. _________ lack of success and financial reward, Vincent van Gogh persevered with his painting.

A. Despite his B. Because of his C. His D. Although his

Question 25. Not only_________ a good physician but also a talented violist

A. she is famous as B. she appears to be C. appears as she is D. is she known as

Question 26. In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep oneself ___________ A. occupation

B. occupant C. occupied D. occupational

Question 27. They thought they could deceive me but they were wrong. I could________.

A. see them through B. see through them C. see them off D. see off them

Question 28. _ My parents got divorced when I was 5

_ _________

A .How did it happened? B. They shouldnt do that.

C. Oh, Im sorry. D .You must have been shocked

Question 29. The actress, along with her manager, ___________ going to the party tonight.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

Question 30. When he heard the joke, he burst into loud ______.

A. smile

B. laughter

C. amusement D. enjoyment

Question 31.We had _________ food left over that we had to throw it away.

A.such a lot of many a lot of D.such much

Question 32. Never say it again,____________?

A.wont you you C.dont you D.will you

Question 33.John failed again. He _______ harder.

A. must have tried B. should have tried C. can have tried D. may have tried

Question 34.Dont phone me between 8.00 and 9.00. I shall _________ then. studying C. be studied D. have studied.

Question 35.You __________ the washing-up. I could have done it for you.

A . hadnt to do B. couldnt have done C. mustnt have done D. neednt have done

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 36 to 45.

A desert is a special (36) ________ where only certain kinds of plants and animals can survive. All deserts have very little water. This means that only animals and plants that can (37) _________ water for long periods of time can exist in the desert.

Plants in the deserts are particularly (38) ______ to the dry and hot environment. One well-known desert plant is the cactus. Like many desert plants, this plant has very tiny leaves. As plants lose most of their water (39)_______ their leaves, the small leaves of the cactus help to cut down water evaporation. There are some desert plants that do not have leaves (40) ________ . Some desert plants survive by avoiding the dry season altogether . During the dry season, this plant remains a seed and does not (41) _________ from the soil at all. When the rains come, this seed would grow very quickly into a plant. It would bloom rapidly and then (42) _____________ its seeds before the dry season returns.

Desert animals have also learnt to adapt well to life in this region. The camel, for example, (43) __________ well in the desert because water can be (44) __________ in its body. Other desert animals include rodents such as mice. These animals need very little water as they can get all the water they (45) __________ from their food.

Question 36. A.section B. district C. part D. region

Question 37. without B. keep off C. stay away D. give up

Question 38. A.convenient B. adjusted C. regulated D. adapted

Question 39. B. through C. out of D. from

Question 40. all B. as well C. in all D. either

Question 41. A.rise B. arise C. awake D. emerge

Question 42. A.scatter B.throw C. fling D. cast

Question 43. A.exists B. survives C. subsists D. remains

Question 44. A.stocked B. kept C. stored D. contained

Question 45. A.demand B. require C. request D. ask for

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 55.

Psychologists have debated a long time about whether a childs upbringing can give it the ability to do outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that it is simply something a person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great achievement can be developed. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.

It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a childs ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities. As one psychologist says, To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel.

Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of identical twins that were separated shortly after birth and brought up by different parents. They found that achievement was based on intelligence, and later influenced by the childs environment.

One case involving very intelligent twins was quoted. One of the twins received a normal upbringing, and performed well. The other twin, however, was brought up by extremely supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That twin, though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better.

This case reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The more favorable the environment, the more a childs intelligence and ability are developed. However, there is no link between intelligence and the socioeconomic level of a childs family. In other words, it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not affect intelligence.Gifted people cannot be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than ordinary performers, often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians then needed at least ten years hard work and training in order to reach the level they were capable of attaining.

People who want to have very gifted children are given the following advice:

- Marry an intelligent person.

- Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.

- Start a childs education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.

- Encourage children to play; for example, playing with musical instruments is essential for a child who wants to become an outstanding musician.

Question 46: The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires _____________A. an expensive education

B. good musical instruments

C. parental support and encouragement

D. wealthy and loving parents

Question 47: The word others used in the first paragraph refers to ______________A. other people

B. other scientists

C. other children

D. other geniuses

Question 48: When scientists studied intelligence and ability in twins, they found that _________A. ability depends mainly on intelligence and achievement

B. intelligence and development are irrelevant to ability

C. ability depends both on intelligence and on environment

D. different twins generally have different levels of ability.

Question 49: Scientists chose twins for their study because ______________A. each twin has the same environment as his/her twin

B. they are born into the same family, hence the same upbringing

C. they have the same economic background and hence the same opportunities

D. they have the same genetic background, usually with similar intelligence

Question 50: How were great musicians different from ordinary musicians in their development?

A. Their ability was realized at an early stage and then nutured.

B. They practised playing their instruments for many years.

C. They concentrated on music to the exclusion of other areas.

D. They were exceptionally intelligent and artistic.

Question 51: The writer advises that gifted children should be allowed to follow _________A. their parents interests B. their own interests

C. only their interests in musical instruments

D. only their interests in computer games

Question 52: When encouraging their gifted children, parents should avoid _____________A. pushing their children too hard.

B. letting them play their own way

C. permitting them to follow their own interests

D. starting their education at an early age

Question 53: The remark: To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel. in the passage means that in order to become a genius ________________A. you need to have good health and good nourishment

B. you need intelligence and you need to develop it

C. you should try to move quickly and efficiently

D. you must nourish your brain and train your muscles hard

Question 54: The word favorable in the passage mostly means ____________A. good for someone and making him/her likely to be successful

B. helping somebody to be more intelligent compared to other people

C. of high quality or an acceptable standard

D. under the control or in the power of somebody else

Question 55: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _________________ A. studying different twins is a useful scientific procedure

B. a childs intelligence is influenced by that of his/ her parents

C. to become successful, a child needs both native intelligence and development

D. educational development depends completely on economic well-being

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 65.

Million of people are using cell phones today. In many places,it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries,cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.

The explosion in mobile phone used around the world has made some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.

On other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss. He couldnt remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week , for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employers doctor didnt agree.

What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation.

High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.

As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that its best to use mobile phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, its wise not to use your mobile phone so often.

Question 56.According to the passage, cell phones are especially popular with young people because ____________

A. they are indispensable in everyday communications

B. they make them look more stylish

C. they keep the users alert all the time

D. they can not be replaced by regular phones

Question 57.The changes possibly caused by the cell phones are mainly concerned with ________

A. the mobility of the mind and the body B. the smallest units of the brain

C. the arteries of the brain D. the resident memory

Question 58. The word means in the passage most closely means_____________

A. meanings B. expression C. method D. transmission

Question 59 . The word potentially in the passage most closely means ____________

A. obviously B. possibly C. certainly D. privately

Question 60 . Negative publicity in the passage most likely means______________

A. information on the lethal effects of cell phones

B. widespread opinion about bad effects of cell phones

C. the negative public use of cell phones

D. poor ideas about the effects of cell phones

Question 61 . Doctors have tentatively concluded that cell phones may______________

A. cause some mental malfunction B. damage their users emotions

C. change their users temperament D. change their users behaviors

Question 62. The man mentioned in the passage, who used his cell phone too often,____________

A. suffered serious loss of mental ability B. could no longer think lucidly

C. abandoned his family D. had a problem with memory

Question 63. According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful is_______

A. their radiant light B. their power of attraction

C. their raiding power D. their invisible rays

Question 64 . According to the writer, people should____________________

A. only use mobile phones in certain cases

B. never use mobile phones in all cases

C. keep off mobile phones regularly

D. only use mobile phones in medical emergencies

Question 65. .The most suitable title for the passage could be__________________

A. The reasons why mobile phones are popular

B. Technological innovations and their price

C. The way mobile phones work

D. Mobile phones : A must of out timeMark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 66.After studying all the new materials, the student was able to rise his test score by twenty-


five points.

Question 67. Because the residents had worked so diligent to renovate the old building, the


manager had a party.

Question 68. Because there are less members present tonight than there were last night, we must wait A B C

until the next meeting to vote.


Question 69. His job is quite important to the total function of the firm because he is responsible for

A B maintain the records of sales and costs for all the department.


Question 70. Sandra has not rarely missed a play or concert since she was seventeen years old.


Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 71. The British considered__________

A. it is impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

B. it impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

C. that it impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

D. as it is impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

Question 72. Throughout history, trade routes have increased contact between people, ____________ and greatly affected the growth of civilization.

A. have resulted in an exchange of ideas B.the result was an exchange of ideas

C. an exchange of ideas has resulted D. resulted in an exchange of ideasQuestion 73. _________ that gold was discovered at Sutters Mill and that the California Gold Rush began.

A. Because in 1848 B. It was in 1848 C. In 1848 that it was D. That in 1848

Question 74. __________ in the atmosphere is the temperature falling below freezing.

A. Frost is produced B. Frost produces C.What produces frost D.What is frostQuestion 75. ____________ cause extensive damage to Pacific Island nations each year.

A. Because of the high tides and winds during hurricanes

B. That the high tides and winds of hurricanes

C. The high hurricanes tides and winds which

D. The high tides and winds of hurricanes

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is the closest in meaning to the one in bold .Question 76. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.

A. The way he spoke the local dialect was unique.

B. We were sent to prison because he spoke only one dialect.

C. We sent him to prison because he spoke the local dialect.

D. But for his command of the local dialect, we would have been put in prison.

Question 77. The ministers popularity suffered as a result of the scandal.

A. The scandal made the minister popular .

B. Despite the scandal, the ministers popularity remained the same.

C. The scandal had a negative effect on the ministers popularity.

D. The scandal had a good effect on the ministers popularity.

Question 78. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us.

A. The story he told us was magical

B. Its possible that he told an unreal story.

C. Its possible that he told a real story.

D. The story he told us was beyond belief.

Question 79. They would never have accepted his money if they had known his plans.

A. They took the money he offered them without realising his purposes.

B. They knew what he wanted to do, so they refused his money.

C. They agreed with his wishes because they were glad to have his money.

D. They didnt know his plans and never took money from him.

Question 80. I was so shocked that John stole the car.

A.John was so shocked that he couldnt take the car.

B.Johns car was very shocking.

C.That John stole the car shocked me.

D.The car was stolen , and John was shocked.

--------------------------The end--------------------------

S GD-T H Tnh

Trng THPT L Hu Trc I.

( thi c: 06 trang) THI TH I HC NM HC 2010-2011.

Bi thi mn: TING ANH Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht.

M thi: 515

H v tn th sinh: .

Hc sinh trng: .

S bo danh: THI GM 80 CU (T CU 1 N CU 80) DNH CHO TT C CC TH SINH.

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 1.After studying all the new materials, the student was able to rise his test score by twenty-


five points.

Question 2. Because there are less members present tonight than there were last night, we must wait A B C

until the next meeting to vote.


Question 3. His job is quite important to the total function of the firm because he is responsible for


maintain the records of sales and costs for all the department.


Question 4. Sandra has not rarely missed a play or concert since she was seventeen years old.


Question 5. Because the residents had worked so diligent to renovate the old building, the


manager had a party.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 6 to 15.

A desert is a special (6) ________ where only certain kinds of plants and animals can survive. All deserts have very little water. This means that only animals and plants that can (7) _________ water for long periods of time can exist in the desert.

Plants in the deserts are particularly (8) ______ to the dry and hot environment. One well-known desert plant is the cactus. Like many desert plants, this plant has very tiny leaves. As plants lose most of their water (9)_______ their leaves, the small leaves of the cactus help to cut down water evaporation. There are some desert plants that do not have leaves (10) ________ . Some desert plants survive by avoiding the dry season altogether . During the dry season, this plant remains a seed and does not (11) _________ from the soil at all. When the rains come, this seed would grow very quickly into a plant. It would bloom rapidly and then (12) _____________ its seeds before the dry season returns.

Desert animals have also learnt to adapt well to life in this region. The camel, for example, (13) __________ well in the desert because water can be (14) __________ in its body. Other desert animals include rodents such as mice. These animals need very little water as they can get all the water they (15) __________ from their food.

Question 6. A.district B. part C. section D. region

Question 7. A.keep off B. do without C. stay away D. give up

Question 8. A.convenient B. adjusted C. regulated D. adapted

Question 9. B. through C. out of D. from

Question 10. all B. as well C. in all D. either

Question 11. A.rise B. arise C. awake D. emerge

Question 12. A.throw B. fling C. scatter D. cast

Question 13. A.exists B. survives C. subsists D. remains

Question 14. A.stocked B. kept C. stored D. contained

Question 15. A.require B. demand C. request D. ask for

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 16 to 25.

Psychologists have debated a long time about whether a childs upbringing can give it the ability to do outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that it is simply something a person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great achievement can be developed. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.

It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a childs ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities. As one psychologist says, To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel.

Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of identical twins that were separated shortly after birth and brought up by different parents. They found that achievement was based on intelligence, and later influenced by the childs environment.

One case involving very intelligent twins was quoted. One of the twins received a normal upbringing, and performed well. The other twin, however, was brought up by extremely supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That twin, though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better.

This case reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The more favorable the environment, the more a childs intelligence and ability are developed. However, there is no link between intelligence and the socioeconomic level of a childs family. In other words, it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not affect intelligence.Gifted people cannot be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than ordinary performers, often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians then needed at least ten years hard work and training in order to reach the level they were capable of attaining.

People who want to have very gifted children are given the following advice:

- Marry an intelligent person.

- Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.

- Start a childs education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.

- Encourage children to play; for example, playing with musical instruments is essential for a child who wants to become an outstanding musician.

Question 16: The word others used in the first paragraph refers to ______________

A. other people

B. other scientists

C. other children

D. other geniuses

Question 17: When scientists studied intelligence and ability in twins, they found that _________

A. ability depends both on intelligence and on environment

B. ability depends mainly on intelligence and achievement

C. intelligence and development are irrelevant to ability

D. different twins generally have different levels of ability.

Question 18: Scientists chose twins for their study because ______________

A. each twin has the same environment as his/her twin

B. they are born into the same family, hence the same upbringing

C. they have the same economic background and hence the same opportunities

D. they have the same genetic background, usually with similar intelligence

Question 19: How were great musicians different from ordinary musicians in their development?

A. Their ability was realized at an early stage and then nutured.

B. They practised playing their instruments for many years.

C. They concentrated on music to the exclusion of other areas.

D. They were exceptionally intelligent and artistic.

Question 20: The writer advises that gifted children should be allowed to follow _________

A. their parents interests B. their own interests

C. only their interests in musical instruments

D. only their interests in computer games

Question 21: When encouraging their gifted children, parents should avoid _____________

A. pushing their children too hard.

B. letting them play their own way

C. permitting them to follow their own interests

D. starting their education at an early age

Question 22: The remark: To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel. in the passage means that in order to become a genius ________________

A. you need to have good health and good nourishment

B. you need intelligence and you need to develop it

C. you should try to move quickly and efficiently

D. you must nourish your brain and train your muscles hard

Question 23: The word favorable in the passage mostly means ____________

A. helping somebody to be more intelligent compared to other people

B. of high quality or an acceptable standard

C. good for someone and making him/her likely to be successful

D. under the control or in the power of somebody else

Question 24: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _________________

A. studying different twins is a useful scientific procedure

B. a childs intelligence is influenced by that of his/ her parents

C. to become successful, a child needs both native intelligence and development

D. educational development depends completely on economic well-being

Question 25: The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires _____________

A. an expensive education

B. good musical instruments

C. parental support and encouragement

D. wealthy and loving parents

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 26 to 35.

Million of people are using cell phones today. In many places,it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries,cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.

The explosion in mobile phone used around the world has made some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.

On other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss. He couldnt remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week , for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employers doctor didnt agree.

What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation.High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.

As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that its best to use mobile phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, its wise not to use your mobile phone so often.

Question 26. The word means in the passage most closely means_____________

A. meanings B. expression C. transmission D. methodQuestion 27 . The word potentially in the passage most closely means ____________

A. obviously B. possibly C. certainly D. privately

Question 28. Negative publicity in the passage most likely means______________

A. information on the lethal effects of cell phones

B. the negative public use of cell phones

C. poor ideas about the effects of cell phones

D. widespread opinion about bad effects of cell phones

Question 29 . Doctors have tentatively concluded that cell phones may______________

A. cause some mental malfunction B. damage their users emotions

C. change their users temperament D. change their users behaviors

Question 30. The man mentioned in the passage, who used his cell phone too often,____________

A. suffered serious loss of mental ability B. could no longer think lucidly

C. abandoned his family D. had a problem with memory

Question 31. According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful is_______

A. their radiant light B. their invisible rays C. their raiding power D. their power of attraction

Question 32. According to the writer, people should____________________

A. only use mobile phones in certain cases

B. never use mobile phones in all cases

C. keep off mobile phones regularly

D. only use mobile phones in medical emergencies

Question 33 .The most suitable title for the passage could be__________________

A. The reasons why mobile phones are popular

B. Technological innovations and their price

C. The way mobile phones work

D. Mobile phones : A must of out time

Question 34 .According to the passage, cell phones are especially popular with young people because ____________

A. they are indispensable in everyday communications

B. they keep the users alert all the time

C. they can not be replaced by regular phones

D. they make them look more stylish

Question 35.The changes possibly caused by the cell phones are mainly concerned with ________

A. the mobility of the mind and the body B. the smallest units of the brain

C. the arteries of the brain D. the resident memory

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.Question 36. A.qualification B. competition C. independence D. politician

Question 37. A.multiply B. simplify C. consolidate

D. decorate

Question 38. A.curriculum B. generator C. temporary

D. atmosphere

Question 39. A.development B. originate C. misbehavior D. certificate

Question 40. A.signature B. scholarship C. terminus D. transaction

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 41.She__________ on her computer for more than two hours when she decided to stop for a rest.

A. has worked B. has been working C. had been working D. was working

Question 42. Anne: "Make yourself at home".

John : "____________"

A. Yes, Can I help you? B. Not at all. Don't mention it.

C. Thanks! Same to you. D. That's very kind. Thank you.

Question 43.As a result of the companys __________ policy, there are now 15 Fairdeal supermarkets compared with 10 in 1980.

A. expansion

B. increase C. intensification

D. magnificationQuestion 44. They are going to make ______ excursion next month.

A. two weeks' B. two-weeks C. a two-week D. a two-week's

Question 45. The new system didnt ______ expectations.

A. catch up with B. bring about C. come across D. come up to

Question 46. _ Hello, Id like to speak with Mrs Smith.

_ __________

A. Who are you?

B. Hang on, please, I will put you through.

C. Sure

D. Off course you can

Question 47. Id rather you _________ in here.

A.dont smoke B. shouldnt smoke C. didnt smoke D. not smokeQuestion 48. - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!

- _______

A. I don't like your sayingsB. Thank you for your compliment

C. Thank you very much. I am afraidD. You are telling a lie

Question 49. Jack wont come to the meeting and _____________

A. Betty wont too B. nor wont Betty C. Betty wont neither D. neither will Betty

Question 50. I didnt see Tommy at the party last night.

- Oh, there was a chocolate fair in the mall. A chocoholic like him____there.

A. would have gone B. wasC. must have beenD. can have gone

Question 51. At no time ____________ the house.

A. did they leave B. they did leave C. they left D. they didnt leave

Question 52. The rumors go that Jason will be arrested. He is said__________a bloody robbery.

A. to take part in B. to join inC. to have joined inD. to have taken part in

Question 53. _________ lack of success and financial reward, Vincent van Gogh persevered with his painting.

A. Despite his B. Because of his C. His D. Although his

Question 54. Not only_________ a good physician but also a talented violist

A. she is famous as B. she appears to be C. appears as she is D. is she known as

Question 55. In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep oneself ...........................

A. occupation

B. occupant C. occupied D. occupational

Question 56. They thought they could deceive me but they were wrong. I could________.

A. see them through B. see through them C. see them off D. see off them

Question 57. _ My parents got divorced when I was 5

_ _________

A .How did it happened? B. They shouldnt do that.

C. Oh, Im sorry. D .You must have been shocked

Question 58. The actress, along with her manager, ___________ going to the party tonight.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

Question 59. When he heard the joke, he burst into loud ______.

A. smile

B. laughter

C. amusement D. enjoyment

Question 60.We had _________ food left over that we had to throw it away.

A.such a lot of many C. so a lot of D. such much

Question 61. Never say it again,____________?

A. wont you you C. dont you D. will you

Question 62.John failed again. He _______ harder.

A. must have tried B. should have tried C. can have tried D. may have tried

Question 63.Dont phone me between 8.00 and 9.00. I shall _________ then. studying B. study C. be studied D.have studied.

Question 64.You _________ the washing-up. I could have done it for you.

A . hadnt to do B. couldnt have done C. mustnt have done D. neednt have done

Question 65. _________ ten minutes of the start of the game two players had been sent off.

A. Before B. Inside C.Within D. Around

Question 66. Now that he has retired , he lives partly on his pansion and partly on the __________ on his post office savings account.

A. income B. interest C. wages D. salary

Question 67. She isnt _____________ well with the new manager.

A.getting on B.going on C. keeping on D. taking on

Question 68. -Do you like the weather here?

-I wish it _____________ .

A. doesnt rain B. didnt rain

C. wont rain

D. hadnt rained

Question 69. ______________ his assistance in those days, I would not be so successful now.

A. Unless I had B. If there were not C. If it had not for D. Had it not been for

Question 70.When you have a small child in the house, you _______ leave small objects lying around. Such objects _______ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

A. should / must B. should not / might C. needn't / may

D. mustn't / can't

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is the closest in meaning to the one in bold .Question 71. The ministers popularity suffered as a result of the scandal.

A. The scandal had a negative effect on the ministers popularity.

B. The scandal made the minister popular .

C. Despite the scandal, the ministers popularity remained the same.

D. The scandal had a good effect on the ministers popularity.

Question 72. They would never have accepted his money if they had known his plans.

A. They knew what he wanted to do, so they refused his money.

B. They agreed with his wishes because they were glad to have his money.

C. They didnt know his plans and never took money from him.

D. They took the money he offered them without realising his purposes.

Question 73. I was so shocked that John stole the car.

A.John was so shocked that he couldnt take the car.

B.Johns car was very shocking.

C.That John stole the car shocked me.

D.The car was stolen , and John was shocked.

Question 74. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.

A. The way he spoke the local dialect was unique.

B. We were sent to prison because he spoke only one dialect.

C. We sent him to prison because he spoke the local dialect.

D. But for his command of the local dialect, we would have been put in prison.

Question 75. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us.

A. The story he told us was beyond belief.

B. The story he told us was magical

C. Its possible that he told an unreal story.

D. Its possible that he told a real story.

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 76. Throughout history, trade routes have increased contact between people, ____________ and greatly affected the growth of civilization.

A. have resulted in an exchange of ideas B.the result was an exchange of ideas

C. an exchange of ideas has resulted D. resulted in an exchange of ideas

Question 77. __________ in the atmosphere is the temperature falling below freezing.

A. Frost is produced B. Frost produces C. What produces frost D. What is frostQuestion 78. ____________ cause extensive damage to Pacific Island nations each year.

A. Because of the high tides and winds during hurricanes

B. That the high tides and winds of hurricanes

C. The high hurricanes tides and winds which

D. The high tides and winds of hurricanes

Question 79. The British considered__________

A it is impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

B. that it impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

C. it impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

D. as it is impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

Question 80. _________ that gold was discovered at Sutters Mill and that the California Gold Rush began.

A. Because in 1848 B. In 1848 that it was C.That in 1848 D. It was in 1848 --------------------------The end--------------------------

S GD-T H Tnh

Trng THPT L Hu Trc I.

( thi c: 06 trang) THI TH I HC NM HC 2010-2011.

Bi thi mn: TING ANH Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht.

M thi: 520H v tn th sinh: .

Hc sinh trng: .

S bo danh: THI GM 80 CU (T CU 1 N CU 80) DNH CHO TT C CC TH SINH.

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 1. She isnt _____________ well with the new manager.

A. going on B. keeping on C. taking on D. getting onQuestion 2. : -Do you like the weather here?

-I wish it ____________.

A. doesnt rain B. didnt rain

C. wont rain

D. hadnt rained

Question 3. _________ ten minutes of the start of the game two players had been sent off.

A. Before B. Inside C.Within D. Around

Question 4. Now that he has retired , he lives partly on his pansion and partly on the __________ on his post office savings account.

A. income B. interest C. wages D. salary

Question 5. ______________ his assistance in those days, I would not be so successful now.

A. Unless I had B. If there were not C. If it had not for D. Had it not been for

Question 6.When you have a small child in the house, you _______ leave small objects lying around. Such objects _______ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

A. should / must B. should not / might C. needn't / may

D. mustn't / can't

Question 7.She__________ on her computer for more than two hours when she decided to stop for a rest.

A. has worked B. has been working C. had been working D. was working

Question 8. Anne: "Make yourself at home".

John : "____________"

A. Yes, Can I help you? B. Not at all. Don't mention it.

C. Thanks! Same to you. D. That's very kind. Thank you.

Question 9.As a result of the companys __________ policy, there are now 15 Fairdeal supermarkets compared with 10 in 1980.

A. expansion

B. increase C. intensification

D. magnificationQuestion 10. They are going to make ______ excursion next month.

A. two weeks' B. two-weeks

C. a two-week D. a two-week's

Question 11. The new system didnt ______ expectations.

A. catch up with B. bring about

C. come across D. come up to

Question 12. _ Hello, Id like to speak with Mrs Smith.

_ __________

A. Who are you?

B. Hang on, please, I will put you through.

C. Sure

D. Off course you can

Question 13. Id rather you _________ in here.

A. dont smoke B. shouldnt smoke C. didnt smoke D.not smokeQuestion 14. - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!

- _______

A. I don't like your sayingsB. Thank you for your compliment

C. Thank you very much. I am afraidD. You are telling a lie

Question 15. Jack wont come to the meeting and _____________

A. Betty wont too B. nor wont Betty C. Betty wont neither D. neither will Betty

Question 16. Not only_________ a good physician but also a talented violist

A. is she known as B. she is famous as C. she appears to be D. appears as she is Question 17. In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep oneself ___________

A. occupation

B. occupant C. occupied D. occupational

Question 18. They thought they could deceive me but they were wrong. I could________.

A. see them through B. see through them C. see them off D. see off them

Question 19. _ My parents got divorced when I was 5

_ _________

A .How did it happened? B. They shouldnt do that.

C. Oh, Im sorry. D .You must have been shocked

Question 20. The actress, along with her manager, ___________ going to the party tonight.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

Question 21. When he heard the joke, he burst into loud ______.

A. smile

B. laughter

C. amusement D. enjoyment

Question 22.We had _________ food left over that we had to throw it away.

A. such a lot of B. so many C. so a lot of D. such much

Question 23. Never say it again,____________?

A. wont you B. do you C. dont you D. will you

Question 24.John failed again. He _______ harder.

A. must have tried B. should have tried C. can have tried D. may have tried

Question 25.Dont phone me between 8.00 and 9.00. I shall _________ then.

A. be studying B. study C. be studied D. have studied.

Question 26.You ______________ the washing-up. I could have done it for you.

A . hadnt to do B. couldnt have done C. mustnt have done D. neednt have doneQuestion 27. I didnt see Tommy at the party last night.

- Oh, there was a chocolate fair in the mall. A chocoholic like him____there.

A. would have gone B. wasC. must have beenD. can have gone

Question 28. At no time ____________ the house.

A.did they leave B.they did leave C. they left D. they didnt leave

Question 29. The rumors go that Jason will be arrested. He is said__________a bloody robbery.

A. to take part in B. to join inC. to have joined inD. to have taken part in

Question 30. _________ lack of success and financial reward, Vincent van Gogh persevered with his painting.

A. Because of his B. Despite his C. His D. Although his

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 31 to 40.

A desert is a special (31) ________ where only certain kinds of plants and animals can survive. All deserts have very little water. This means that only animals and plants that can (32) _________ water for long periods of time can exist in the desert.

Plants in the deserts are particularly (33) ______ to the dry and hot environment. One well-known desert plant is the cactus. Like many desert plants, this plant has very tiny leaves. As plants lose most of their water (34)_______ their leaves, the small leaves of the cactus help to cut down water evaporation. There are some desert plants that do not have leaves (35) ________ . Some desert plants survive by avoiding the dry season altogether . During the dry season, this plant remains a seed and does not (36) _________ from the soil at all. When the rains come, this seed would grow very quickly into a plant. It would bloom rapidly and then (37) _____________ its seeds before the dry season returns.

Desert animals have also learnt to adapt well to life in this region. The camel, for example, (38) __________ well in the desert because water can be (39) __________ in its body. Other desert animals include rodents such as mice. These animals need very little water as they can get all the water they (40) __________ from their food.

Question 31. A. region B. section C. district D. part

Question 32. A. keep off B. do without C. stay away D. give up

Question 33. A. convenient B. adjusted C. regulated D. adapted

Question 34. A. by B. through C. out of D. from

Question 35. A. at all B. as well C. in all D. either

Question 36. A.rise B. arise C. awake D. emerge

Question 37. A.scatter B. throw C. fling D. cast

Question 38. A.exists B. survives C. subsists D. remains

Question 39. A.stocked B. kept C. stored D. contained

Question 40. A.demand B. require C. request D. ask for

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.Question 41. A. curriculum B. generator C. temporary

D. atmosphere

Question 42. A. multiply B. simplify C. consolidate

D. decorate

Question 43. A. signature B. scholarship C. terminus D. transaction

Question 44. A. development B. originate C. misbehavior D. certificate

Question 45. A. qualification B. competition C. independence D. politician

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 55.

Psychologists have debated a long time about whether a childs upbringing can give it the ability to do outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that it is simply something a person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great achievement can be developed. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.

It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a childs ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities. As one psychologist says, To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel.

Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of identical twins that were separated shortly after birth and brought up by different parents. They found that achievement was based on intelligence, and later influenced by the childs environment.

One case involving very intelligent twins was quoted. One of the twins received a normal upbringing, and performed well. The other twin, however, was brought up by extremely supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That twin, though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better.

This case reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The more favorable the environment, the more a childs intelligence and ability are developed. However, there is no link between intelligence and the socioeconomic level of a childs family. In other words, it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not affect intelligence.Gifted people cannot be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than ordinary performers, often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians then needed at least ten years hard work and training in order to reach the level they were capable of attaining.

People who want to have very gifted children are given the following advice:

- Marry an intelligent person.

- Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.

- Start a childs education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.

- Encourage children to play; for example, playing with musical instruments is essential for a child who wants to become an outstanding musician.

Question 46: When scientists studied intelligence and ability in twins, they found that _________

A. ability depends mainly on intelligence and achievement

B. intelligence and development are irrelevant to ability

C. ability depends both on intelligence and on environment

D. different twins generally have different levels of ability.

Question 47: The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires _____________

A. an expensive education

B. good musical instruments

C. wealthy and loving parents D. parental support and encouragementQuestion 48: The word others used in the first paragraph refers to ______________

A. other people

B. other scientists

C. other children

D. other geniuses

Question 49: Scientists chose twins for their study because ______________

A. each twin has the same environment as his/her twin

B. they are born into the same family, hence the same upbringing

C. they have the same economic background and hence the same opportunities

D. they have the same genetic background, usually with similar intelligence

Question 50: How were great musicians different from ordinary musicians in their development?

A. Their ability was realized at an early stage and then nutured.

B. They practised playing their instruments for many years.

C. They concentrated on music to the exclusion of other areas.

D. They were exceptionally intelligent and artistic.

Question 51: The writer advises that gifted children should be allowed to follow _________

A. their parents interests B. their own interests

C. only their interests in musical instruments

D. only their interests in computer games

Question 52: When encouraging their gifted children, parents should avoid _____________

A. pushing their children too hard.

B. letting them play their own way

C. permitting them to follow their own interests

D. starting their education at an early age

Question 53: The remark: To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel. in the passage means that in order to become a genius ________________

A. you need to have good health and good nourishment

B. you need intelligence and you need to develop it

C. you should try to move quickly and efficiently

D. you must nourish your brain and train your muscles hard

Question 54: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _________________

A. studying different twins is a useful scientific procedure

B. a childs intelligence is influenced by that of his/ her parents

C. to become successful, a child needs both native intelligence and development

D. educational development depends completely on economic well-being

Question 55: The word favorable in the passage mostly means ____________

A. good for someone and making him/her likely to be successful

B. helping somebody to be more intelligent compared to other people

C. of high quality or an acceptable standard

D. under the control or in the power of somebody else

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 56. Because there are less members present tonight than there were last night, we must wait A B C

until the next meeting to vote.


Question 57. His job is quite important to the total function of the firm because he is responsible for


maintain the records of sales and costs for all the department.


Question 58. Sandra has not rarely missed a play or concert since she was seventeen years old.


Question 59.After studying all the new materials, the student was able to rise his test score by twenty-


five points.

Question 60. Because the residents had worked so diligent to renovate the old building, the


manager had a party.

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is the closest in meaning to the one in bold .Question 61. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us.

A. The story he told us was magical

B. The story he told us was beyond belief.

C. Its possible that he told an unreal story.

D. Its possible that he told a real story.

Question 62. They would never have accepted his money if they had known his plans.

A. They took the money he offered them without realising his purposes.

B. They knew what he wanted to do, so they refused his money.

C. They agreed with his wishes because they were glad to have his money.

D. They didnt know his plans and never took money from him.

Question 63. I was so shocked that John stole the car.

A. John was so shocked that he couldnt take the car.

B. Johns car was very shocking.

C. That John stole the car shocked me.

D. The car was stolen , and John was shocked.

Question 64. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.

A. The way he spoke the local dialect was unique.

B. We were sent to prison because he spoke only one dialect.

C. We sent him to prison because he spoke the local dialect.

D. But for his command of the local dialect, we would have been put in prison.

Question 65. The ministers popularity suffered as a result of the scandal.

A. The scandal had a negative effect on the ministers popularity.

B. The scandal made the minister popular .

C. Despite the scandal, the ministers popularity remained the same.

D. The scandal had a good effect on the ministers popularity.

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 66. __________ in the atmosphere is the temperature falling below freezing.

A. Frost is produced B.What produces frost C. Frost produces D. What is frostQuestion 67. ____________ cause extensive damage to Pacific Island nations each year.

A. Because of the high tides and winds during hurricanes

B. That the high tides and winds of hurricanes

C. The high hurricanes tides and winds which

D. The high tides and winds of hurricanes

Question 68. The British considered__________

A. it is impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

B. it impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

C. that it impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

D. as it is impolite to interrupt a visitor even after the business has been transacted

Question 69. Throughout history, trade routes have increased contact between people, ____________ and greatly affected the growth of civilization.

A. have resulted in an exchange of ideas B.the result was an exchange of ideas

C. an exchange of ideas has resulted D. resulted in an exchange of ideas

Question 70. _________ that gold was discovered at Sutters Mill and that the California Gold Rush began.

A. It was in 1848 B. Because in 1848 C. In 1848 that it was D. That in 1848

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 71 to 80.

Million of people are using cell phones today. In many places,it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries,cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.

The explosion in mobile phone used around the world has made some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.

On other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss. He couldnt remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week , for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employers doctor didnt agree.

What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation.High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.

As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that its best to use mobile phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, its wise not to use your mobile phone so often.

Question 71. The word means in the passage most closely means_____________

A. meanings B. expression C. method D. transmission

Question 72 . The word potentially in the passage most closely means ____________

A. obviously B. certainly C. privately D. possibly Question 73 . Negative publicity in the passage most likely means______________

A. information on the lethal effects of cell phones

B. widespread opinion about bad effects of cell phones

C. the negative public use of cell phones

D. poor ideas about the effects of cell phones

Question 74 . Doctors have tentatively concluded that cell phones may______________

A. cause some mental malfunction B. damage their users emotions

C. change their users temperament D. change their users behaviors

Question 75. The man mentioned in the passage, who used his cell phone too often,____________

A. suffered serious loss of mental ability B. could no longer think lucidly

C. abandoned his family D. had a problem with memory

Question 76. According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful is_______

A. their radiant light B.their invisible rays

C. their power of attraction D. their raiding power Question 77 . According to the writer, people should____________________

A. only use mobile phones in certain cases

B. never use mobile phones in all cases

C. keep off mobile phones regularly

D. only use mobile phones in medical emergencies

Question 78. .The most suitable title for the passage could be__________________

A. The reasons why mobile phones are popular

B. The way mobile phones work

C. Mobile phones : A must of out time

D. Technological innovations and their price

Question 79.According to the passage, cell phones are especially popular with young people because ____________

A. they are indispensable in everyday communications

B. they make them look more stylish

C. they keep the users alert all the time

D. they can not be replaced by regular phones

Question 80.The changes possibly caused by the cell phones are mainly concerned with ________

A. the mobility of the mind and the body B. the resident memory C. the smallest units of the brain D. the arteries of the brain

--------------------------The end--------------------------

S GD-T H Tnh

Trng THPT L Hu Trc I.

( thi c: 06 trang) THI TH I HC NM HC 2010-2011.

Bi thi mn: TING ANH Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht.

M thi: 525

H v tn th sinh: .

Hc sinh trng: .

S bo danh: THI GM 80 CU (T CU 1 N CU 80) DNH CHO TT C CC TH SINH.

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.Question 1. A.misbehavior B. development C. originate D. certificate

Question 2. A.competition B. independence C. politician D. qualification Question 3. A.multiply B. simplify C. consolidate D. decorate

Question 4. A.generator B. curriculum C. temporary D. atmosphere

Question 5. A.signature B. scholarship C. terminus D. transaction

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 6. His job is quite important to the total function of the firm because he is responsible for


maintain the records of sales and costs for all the department.


Question 7. Sandra has not rarely missed a play or concert since she was seventeen years old.


Question 8. Because the residents had worked so diligent to renovate the old building, the


manager had a party.

Question 9.After studying all the new materials, the student was able to rise his test score by twenty-


five points.

Question 10. Because there are less members present tonight than there were last night, we must wait A B C

until the next meeting to vote.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 11 to 20.

Psychologists have debated a long time about whether a childs upbringing can give it the ability to do outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that it is simply something a person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great achievement can be developed. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.

It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a childs ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities. As one psychologist says, To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel.

Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of identical twins that were separated shortly after birth and brought up by different parents. They found that achievement was based on intelligence, and later influenced by the childs environment.

One case involving very intelligent twins was quoted. One of the twins received a normal upbringing, and performed well. The other twin, however, was brought up by extremely supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That twin, though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better.

This case reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The more favorable the environment, the more a childs intelligence and ability are developed. However, there is no link between intelligence and the socioeconomic level of a childs family. In other words, it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not affect intelligence.Gifted people cannot be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than ordinary performers, often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians then needed at least ten years hard work and training in order to reach the level they were capable of attaining.

People who want to have very gifted children are given the following advice:

- Marry an intelligent person.

- Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.

- Start a childs education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.

- Encourage children to play; for example, playing with musical instruments is essential for a child who wants to become an outstanding musician.

Question 11: When scientists studied intelligence and ability in twins, they found that _________

A. ability depends mainly on intelligence and achievement

B. intelligence and development are irrelevant to ability

C. different twins generally have different levels of ability. D. ability depends both on intelligence and on environment

Question 12: The word others used in the first paragraph refers to ______________

A. other people

B. other scientists

C. other children

D. other geniuses

Question 13: Scientists chose twins for their study because ______________

A. each twin has the same environment as his/her twin

B. they are born into the same family, hence the same upbringing

C. they have the same economic background and hence the same opportunities

D. they have the same genetic background, usually with similar intelligence

Question 14: How were great musicians different from ordinary musicians in their development?

A. Their ability was realized at an early stage and then nutured.

B. They practised playing their instruments for many years.

C. They concentrated on music to the exclusion of other areas.

D. They were exceptionally intelligent and artistic.

Question 15: The writer advises that gifted children should be allowed to follow _________

A. their parents interests B. their own interests

C. only their interests in musical instruments

D. only their interests in computer games

Question 16: When encouraging their gifted children, parents should avoid _____________

A. pushing their children too hard.

B. letting them play their own way

C. permitting them to follow their own interests

D. starting their education at an early age

Question 17: The remark: To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel. in the passage means that in order to become a genius ________________

A. you need to have good health and good nourishment

B. you need intelligence and you need to develop it

C. you should try to move quickly and efficiently

D. you must nourish your brain and train your muscles hard

Question 18: The word favorable in the passage mostly means ____________

A. helping somebody to be more intelligent compared to other people

B. of high quality or an acceptable standard

C. good for someone and making him/her likely to be successful

D. under the control or in the power of somebody else

Question 19: The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires _____________

A. an expensive education

B. parental support and encouragement

C. good musical instruments D. wealthy and loving parents

Question 20: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _________________

A. studying different twins is a useful scientific procedure

B. a childs intelligence is influenced by that of his/ her parents

C. to become successful, a child needs both native intelligence and development

D. educational development depends completely on economic well-being

Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 21 to 30.

Million of people are using cell phones today. In many places,it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries,cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.

The explosion in mobile phone used around the world has made some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.

On other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss. He couldnt remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week , for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employers doctor didnt agree.

What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation.High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.

As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that its best to use mobile phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, its wise not to use your mobile phone so often.

Question 21 . The word potentially in the passage most closely means ____________

A. obviously B. possibly C. certainly D. privately

Question 22. The word means in the passage most closely means_____________

A. meanings B. expression C. transmission D. method

Question 23. Negative publicity in the passage most likely means______________

A. information on the lethal effects of cell phones

B. the negative public use of cell phones

C. widespread opinion about bad effects of cell phones

D. poor ideas about the effects of cell phones

Question 24 . Doctors have tentatively concluded that cell phones may_________