Dr na engleskom ili talijanskom jeziku


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Dragi učenici, roditelji i učitelji,

Donosimo vam prvi zbornik radova učenika Osnovne škole Augusta

Šenoe na stranim jezicima. Naša je želja pokazati vam radove s

nastave, iz domaćih zadaća ili projekata koje su naši učenici radili

na engleskom ili talijanskom jeziku.

Učenje stranih jezika obogaćuje naše živote, širi naše spoznaje i

vidike, uči nas toleranciji i čini strance manje stranima.

Odlučili smo zbornik nazvati Auggie oggi jer uključuje skraćeno ime

August na engleskom, dok oggi znači danas na talijanskom. Što se

ovih dana radi u OŠ Augusta Šenoe?

Ovdje je samo dio radova naših marljivih, mudrih i svestranih

učenika koji se igraju i ozbiljno rade i istražuju na engleskom i

talijanskom jeziku.


The Stone Age The Stone Age was an enormous stretch of time in human history

which lasted about 2.5 million years. It was first named the Stone

Age in Victorian times when archeologists divided it into three periods. The

oldest being the Paleolithic period, then come the Mesolithic and the Neolithic

periods. This was based on the type of tools that people were using. Modern

archeologists think that these categories are wrong, but the names are still

used. The BBC podcast brings into light the final phase; the Neolithic period, also

known as the New Stone Age. When I mention the Stone Age, you might think of

cavemen, but these Neolithic people were closer in time to us than they were

to people living in caves during the Ice Age. In Britain, the Neolithic started only

six thousand years ago, and lasted for five thousand five hundred years. The

Neolithic era was a period of time when the world witnessed the farming

revolution. This was when people first started growing crops and keeping

animals for food instead of hunting and gathering in the wild. This was very

important because humans stopped roaming around and started living in one

place: living in houses and villages. Archeologists think that farming started in

Turkey and the Middle East about ten thousand years ago, but the people living

in Britain took four thousand years to get the hang of it. They lived a lot like

we do, but with much simpler technology and a lot more cardio exercise. They

didn´t have cars, bikes or buses, neither did they invent the wheel yet. They had

to walk. The tools were made of wood, stone and bones. They built big stone

monuments called Megaliths. When people died, they threw them in the river. In

1850, a big storm hit the Orkney islands on the northeast coast of Scotland. It

exposed the tops of some ancient houses. Professor Child, an archeologist, did

an excavation in the 1920´s. He found a preserved Neolithic village that is now

called the Sciarra Brey. The houses were made of stone. They had a fireplace in

the center of the room. There were two beds made of stone with a hole in the

center. You´d put animal skins to make it soft. In the kitchen they had a stone

box where they would put some clay cooking pots. In one of these houses,

archeologists found a human figurine made of whale bone. The doors were very

tiny; probably to keep out the cold, biting wind. They lived near the sea, but

they didn´t eat fish, only in emergencies. Some even decided that they would

rather starve than eat fish. They mostly ate the animals that they kept. They

also had pet dogs. The Sciarra Brey had 100 people living there for about six

hundred years. Even the Sciarra Brey is now close to sea, while in the Neolithic

times it was much further in land. The Neolithic era ended in the Orkney islands

probably due to the arrival of new people from Europe, bringing metal and the

wheel. That is how the Stone Age ended, and the Bronze Age began.

(Petar Kamenečki, 6. a)


(Anja Martha Trupčević, 4.b)


My pet

I don't have a pet but I would like to have one- a snake.

My pet's name would be Draco. This is him: He is green anaconda

with small green eyes. He is 2m long. He likes to eat mice and

crickets and drink cold water. He likes to sleep and watch his prey

before eating it. It is good that he isn't dangerous. I can't play with

him as with a dog od a cat, but he is really not boring. Snakes are

very interesting. Most people are scared of snakes but I am not.

Draco is a bit lazy but very friendly. He always loves to hide from

me in his tank. He is poisonous, but very nice to people, especially to


I would like to know more about snakes because I love them. If I am

lucky, one day I will have a snake, my Draco. You guess, his name is

after my favorite character from Harry Potter.

(Marija Angela Tomašković, 6.c)

A flying coin

This story starts in Rome. Last summer my family and I went to

Rome for a little trip. After the trip to Rome, we went to Venice. We

explored everything. We ate traditional Italian food like pasta, pizza,

and ice cream. Every day we had lunch and dinner in restaurants.

We went to the famous Colosseum and we bought some souvenirs

there. I bought a pen and a book. I took photos and filmed every

single place we went to. I was so happy. We visited a little country

in Rome. It (is) was the Vatican. I was amazed by the architecture

there. We went to the famous Vatican museums and saw a lot of

famous paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo etc. I

was impressed. We took some photos there and went to church

where we prayed and also saw the Pope. The next day we went to

the Colosseum. It was so beautiful. We were with our tourist guide

who showed us everything in it and then we could explore by

ourselves. It was a nice day and we enjoyed walking there. There


were a bunch of tourists and it was a little bit loud, but we

loved every second in the Colosseum. In the afternoon we

stopped by the ice cream shop. I ordered two scoops of ice

cream in my two favourite flavours – cookie and strawberry. They

put a lot of ice cream in the corn and it was really delicious. They

also put two little, round waffles to make it look like Disney's

Minnie. It was cute. When we finished eating, we went shopping and

bought things. The next day we ate our breakfast in a little, vintage

cafe'. All of us ordered orange juices and Rome's famous cake. My

Mum told me that people in Italy eat only sweet food for breakfast

and we in Croatia eat salty and savoury food, like cheese, ham etc.

That day, we decided to visit Fontana di Trevi. The legend says that

if you throw a coin in it, you will come to Rome again. My Dad gave

us coins and we both threw coins in the fountain. I accidentally

threw my coin on one tourist and the lady was very surprised to see

a flying coin. I didn't want her to take my coin, so I decided to run

and ask her to give me my coin. She laughed and gave it back. I was

happy! My coin fell in the fountain and that means that I will be

back in Rome (but after the Covid-19 pandemic). For dinner we ate

pizza. Yummy! I will never forget this trip! It was so cool and full of

excitement. I will definitely be back!

(Katja Jagić, 7.c)


(Andrija Tičinović, 2.b)

(Šimun Vicko Pešić, 1.a)


(Ena Kovač, 2.b)

(Margita Labaš, 5.c)



My pet Leo

I have a cat called Leo. Leo is our 4th cat. He is cute,

furry, cuddly and very colorful. He has big brown eyes,

yellow fur and a big tail. He loves to eat a lot of cat food, to sleep

and at night he loves to go outside with other cats. Our cat sleeps

during the day because he needs to take a rest to go outside at

night. Sometimes he is very clumsy, like one time he broke a vase

with flowers, scattered the living room and he destroyed our house

in a single night. Our grandma cleaned up the house when she woke


The good thing is that I don't need to take him for a walk because

he is a cat and he goes outside alone. When he sleeps, our house is

quiet and peaceful, but I always take him to my bed and he sleeps

there. I like to be close to him when he sleeps because I like that

purring sound.

Getting a cat as a pet is so good because you only need to feed him

and let him out. I like Leo because when I am sad he makes me

happy and because of him I am more responsible.

(Antun Gašparić, 6.c)


(Iva Puljiz, 2.b)

(Mila Fulanović, 5.c)


(Matija Jaković, 6.a)



(Karla Varkaš, 1.a)

(Tonka Sikavica, 2.d)


(Laura Mikinac, 2.c)

(Lejla Afshari Krpina, 1.e)


(Marta Krajnović, 4.b)


Ema Pomper, 5.c


Luna Fabris, 5.c


Ema Pomper, 5.c


Gabrijela Hofer, 5.e


Ema Pomper, 5.c


Mila Fulanović, 5.c


Ema Nikočević, 5.c


(Lucia Pajtler. 5.e)


(Luna Fabris, 5.c)

(Gabrijela Hofer, 5.e)


(Mia Sarić, 5.e)


(Karmen Brailo, 5.e)


Margita Labaš, 5.c


(Mia Grković, 4.b)

Katarina Špirelja, 5.e


(Hana Hernaus, 3.d)

(Lucija Čustović, 3.d)


(Maro Vuković, 4.b)

(Mia Raife, 4.b)


(Luka Raguž, 4.b)

(Jan Vuković, 4.b)


(Marta Krajnović, 4.b)

(Martina prijateljica, 4.b)


(Nika Ćorluka, 4.b)
