Emerging Risks and Technologies to Monitor them 食品安全危机和技术监测



Emerging Risks and Technologies to Monitor them 食品安全危机和技术监测. GFSF Workshop, June 2011 China Vincent Paez Director, Food Safety Business Development. Thermo Fisher Scientific. Bringing it all together in the Food Safety Lab 食品安全实验室完全解决方案. Reagents 试剂 Laboratory equipment 实验室设备 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Emerging Risks and Technologies to Monitor them


GFSF Workshop, June 2011 ChinaVincent Paez

Director, Food Safety Business Development

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Reagents 试剂Laboratory equipment 实验室设备 Chromatography 色谱Mass Spectrometry 质谱Microbiology 微生物Radiation 辐射LIMS 实验室管理系统

Bringing it all together in the Food Safety Lab食品安全实验室完全解决方案

Complete analysis of contaminants in food 食品污染物的完整分析

The global food chain 全球食品链• A global food chain is difficult to control 全球食品链难以控制• Food safety cultures and standards differ across the world 食品安全文化和标准的全球差异• Modern food production involves use of a large number of

ingredients procured globally 现代食品生产使用大量全球化供应的物料• When things go wrong ‘tracking and tracing’ is difficult 食品安全危机的跟踪和追溯困难

Threats to our food supply 食品供给的威胁• Global market – new food sources with unknown

risks 全球市场——新食品来源的未知危险• More ‘added value’ by food processors in exporting

countries 出口国食品加工者更多的“附加价值”• Economic effects – rising prices/shortages drive

deliberate adulteration 经济影响——价格提升 / 短缺和掺假• Environmental changes 环境改变• Climate change 气候改变

Food safety – target analysis 食品安全目标分析

1. Pathogenic microrganisms致病微生物

2. Pesticides农残

3. Veterinary drugs兽药

4. Mycotoxins真菌毒素

5. Marine biotoxins海洋生物毒素

6. Dioxins, PCBs, & heavy metals 二恶英 , 持久性有机污染物 , 重金属7. Packaging contaminants


Mastitis (PathoProof Assays) 牛乳腺炎确证分析• Big losses each year to the dairy industry

due to reduced milk production and discarded milk unfit for human consumption每年造成的减产和丢弃,乳品工业损失巨大

• Economical losses ~US$200/cow/year每年每头经济损失约 200美金

• More than 100 different bacteria are responsible for causing mastitis 超过 100个不同的细菌导致乳腺炎

• Bacterial culturing is still regarded as the gold standard in mastitis diagnostics 细菌培养仍是公认的乳腺炎诊断金标准

• However, there are many problems related to culturing但培养的方法存在很多问题