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  • ---

    fENN5YLVANI45QlL5 WITH 5UIf} CREW!!1.o&,.. l"1\;.;.o.n rr~isc 0" d',v ,,:'I.iN';''I\ tS ~ hi'~ :-» in ~ ;th.:»' _ ~"'7",i,( '"--"Y" in :ie,. t~ r t- ,-.xy .._pit.U~ rr "\l."ity 'h.I;J ?".,~cl;. L",..cv r, :tJ.l k.st n:,~t ti~~ a.;;-,j",~t t~ pooonor -,_lItCom" ""'.ll- l:no" :-tso.J\O'r " h",YC II. ~,.y in t'l.- .:r (r!.)]>,.o ~'- ;; -.'" U r bel 1IElod~JlIDtlt. ,::'I1y vote.,; t;- .11 .v. b :::t~ n. 2lilit'.:l~,~.1hU_,-"lII!.·:'11o-~m';rolledthe r.lio, ,r ~'l'lC.:l rr.x.=,'::itm 'lrl "."yl"f; ~ nt'J':a ,::~",tr

    '1'., ~r(.- d: th~ P=ylT~-rl, ''11' t'"', ".i~ 0.-':' :r,_ ..m", ,r ':rJ t, .... Il&:111:lnd rOT thi rcuor. vot~d to 1;1O~!Y.> ::l1tt;,u:t" ~u':: ~r tM unicndtr..,,-.s-..."Uon \om:: did "'::~. !'r:bj; th= to t1.. . ~~t!'! -'It dirl.r1ct.

    Tho "".~or _U::1oCS of" tLis ""~i,,:,, il'l il ~pit(. ",,~l1(.

  • •2PM'


    LEi" $. LlJ.XE SURE WRAN.T!llS PIIli:tn' 1W'


    liC'W Orl~ 10tts1ooro:-.... st:l..-tcd 19:16ntb L'lCr~s~ ':C.y ~ ILl r'Xlot;niticmfor '::n .L"!".rt i= =inoo 1931.

    ib"" o! tho brlc,1" OCl"l':l..-u.OS thereI-_'\v hc= fi!'..o.l~y !ar"od to d:;n' up withtho llnion. Th=.:.cs to ti'. r:..~..k spl1ttinl;;t:lC:"ios oj; 1to·"'.... :l.."X!. :';'s '.onchDm tho r>"".Orlc= ,Lckrs 1l.1"0 o"o'rr4 03 tbl:ipO.l11c~ by th.-:olv;;:l. 1'ho Tox-

    In only 0. yO'U" lU'd II. h:1.lf "'" lbritlllc'IV"'", r..3i tu"".od. t_ of-ta>. OTOI"tho Hol1da.y.. ':'f1th IC\ 01"1&1=1 ~rahip at 76 _ 00..... Tooruit&d nine n"""_ben. 1ha.t ian't .. bad shawi:lf:, butwhen _ lIondder.t h .....t t"1f t:.tluaanjw1"OB or lc,o~s~rc:c:. ~ho"ld b

    ':lle"two _in rea"""" tho ladle: A'1l ....rJ is r.ot tho or~:u:.Ho" ud thehelp to;. lU it oc>ul

  • ,-

    ---OO'..I£_ CUe:: l':~Z :P_1J.ire .l :111.: .AClll:5!

    S!':...l.'-::P ;.. D ,tit :;.AJ.l,t. ~.::..-w ",t do",-' fra:l1S c:l"" to lZ. ':h~.h-.-.f:8 """rk.'."r. rer Schirr;.r Stcvcu,r'_"'l,;Co:v."(:;1y retus:Jd to ...-erk ~1:th j1tney.b"'l~tOt.""t c'!l 'T.1.~~ie..t 1011. r,ct'l1:,-(; to r..-.,,, .:~-'" "1".-. tallil::,;i."\~..o -1:.'", ~old in c..... bo hJ:!,~~

    JOB AC'n'.1!1 l.)'SKD ro CtlT LOJ,I!S ~ rtA1'SO!l

    A tinT.(; ,,"orldns t"· =··§O~~~~~'C=====:':=:::=J:'A~n~'Cl'~?"" '.iYLV.'JiU (;.ULS (Can';ll;u-;;d ,ro:, ..:r.T - - I'£"G~t)·s iUl!'ITS AT CP.OOY.ET1'theo "--ot'~o.

    (2) ~,(l II.Ctkn _5 nt ~kt!n i..., "'::I. ~f'TJMI!c(l ;rl'th t±" ac~~->'!: ,, nr,"-"' .• in' ri~o\l'to:ut"-.r 1'.h "r.i£ittly ~~.t ...rt«.r~1' t •!he 1c,,", ob-::l.O'-l:lly i.





    ...... WW .....

    Jaek J""os. 'WOrl::l.."lI: on II yellUlf Per:i;toun! out of ~e-79. t.:1d 1lhc had .,.""edfor ~bership. .... arr~.ted for boi--.gdrunk. ftlilo u."\d.r ur"st, ho hur./'; bi;:),..selt in thIS City Jail. ,It loJintc nc'!:io" m"8t bo taken.

    Dellr Editor,C~ &~"« tit lIahon's hllVO started

    .. IVst"", ot rotat1n(; tho Sto..rd's tasksuotmd ovory f'..... 1'llo.,'1the thnt should beoop10s by othor ~8 0::1 the 'From:.

    Our u:l10ll is f'oundod on the pTiJ:lc1p1eof' R.e&'i ot the !n1"ll8t1_,aUon Co=d.t't eT ':'ho is l"",.,'nl: thhwdt 1t ie aboat ti= ~.ct the LoberRel.ti~ C~. ~s put in its Fl.oo. Aia."1k nnd fUe InV8sUpti~ CClI'II'1t'toeo.rtainly is judl:e orn,,".:q. to :a.ow ?hm •

    :::AT is /IUI:ibl. om

  • ..

    mE R!lCnlT ELrOl'lOtora got 83L'\t8atiafaotiOll frca thnt source. !n faet •"IIiIe:l the "Brotil.crhcod· il::allted upon1:l;>roV'll.">e:l.t il:: ~"I lll:.d "".lt1>:l6 0011>-dHiena tho bones 1rOre no lor.gor il::ter_eated •

    ?lo", tho que"tio;l , ...hes 1:hr.t poa~iblythero h 110 need fur t!le OIIIpICl7or tower!;" abou't t!1e Cl"ra' tlniOll oit.',cr.r:r..!J,&h l ....ok o!' 00,,'""4:">, iD"rrtoient_l!i-.cnt, 0:- b'J bo~ \ll;l.Sily aatis1'1edtho ClorD' ort;a.n1u:ti= a-.s to holditself in o!:lltOk. han the phCl to thobouU by one ei' OUr oN'ioial. the.t "thoolera I",vo l:;Cv"r r;inm or ea.u.ed thoonn,y trouble·. 'ol!lt 'It.oao b:r.d atov_1ca, ilnrt:=. at Ill, oro ttl" we" "'0thin-I< un tho 06'8..'\01011 to tho """at!:..rking· ot ..et

  • P.o...", 6 JA:iUA.'l.Y IJ, 1956.

    Tr.1:> 1: A J.'" 'r"'!">t __ 1'1.56. ,LD A:!O::: SO.3t OF' .F.!: 11o?OR7,~ ;:m;.::s TilAr HAVE'''-:: J:':!lE.:ui:l 1: IS L;r~:-o:. S-;;l~;U?tIiJJ: RL'":: FOP tffi'; r~"RO)"''! ;Yak"".

    ~~O?JRE, iC ~I.'.'E l''';~ C.'.A.:'l~l:1G $2.00 ?ta IT.AR, '1,,60 ?OR SU II::NTSS "liD 5tJ1?OR Tr.Rf.Z m;:Tlli.

    II(J"" '"E PR,;PO:::E'IOCiY.:HiF. t!'lS _ lmJUCB II 'i'0 $1.50 i'ER YEAR, 7¥ ~R SIX WlITflS,AND rol ''O? '1"'P.~" llCliT!$.

    01.::: 0:' Otl'R ·:RI'T WO!'.K6R .ntL aT .1. LI'i'iLll mGn;;Rf._':: B:Ti ~ r.nClk.!.. C:'PI3S Oll:n~ ',1!O:o"t iP.OM taz S.l.£S!lOYS. 1t17 -,;:: cw.u: ..as

    '1'.; "I 1:"1 ,.~.:...i,.U, ~ :....

    l',~) Tho pIlpClr 15 IF:)r~:'\ lI»re tlM.'l II; r;:ere 21 por cow ""~.

    ) "0;1 r.ov01: 1::'0"; ",:"m yO;l nro g"in-: to :aisx a ""rtlc":;'a...ly ';00dit"rs ~:~ bo :lll tl1e plol:: il1 1;34, T i? ,;.:.:r.,;;;,nc . u"lf'" 1(!U, fii> :wsuom R..WU'_2Li'. "''ld t!K.n s:.>p-PO"" l\ r.::ir;:> o!' '- r~ _"" hi.,. t ro.tcd~.tld o"r u.luboy::> dri·,c!l. off' thostroats undlr pai:l. ot £lrr lit .AlU: (l,tt"ok, t)l.;;n. tn~ lIabllori"tion li;;t wouldthe only moth",\ 0" tiistrUu';ion loft. '1110 J:lUst be prop4l'iX!. for My nnd allcv~r.tutlliti=now, and ...... will I;lo.rlly Sc-A :u'lothc:, O"l!Y or this iuuo tj/(lU, lI.ad -.r0u em IJ ri,T.t llhoaJ. lUld cut this ono upl)

    Edi or. Pl Btl B=1 t;.o "1~~!lT 1ORlG..;' to... for.(1!:ui: W!'li,h ,,,e }"':)U WI:t)

    Ol:; ~.?C. _ su 1J)n'HS _ -::"(l)I' ordor and ~1"..J'lKV', P\>S'i' OF:JC"; aox 11SS, S.:.: r.......:C:;:SCO. ~..1Iroa.'ti;, 1


    !l:Cl"'~1xl1'1 T!I.,; ....tou ll.l.·O now .1.50 for 1 you, 7r$ 1'0.. I> uontw., 1IlJl,.1 wi i'or 3l3Onth:UUIE(Plo(l,s, PrJnt)---------------t

  • •:J'~A~'~'J'r::=======::-==~lf"'fu'!1lri--':' ·1},u:~_~"~======="""""~"!!!!!"Jl~':;.:l~'~'!!'

    ...... -......:.J·07!!tR YOOliG FE!..Li. ',l"r.i lJUl!tIlJI

    Denr 911Thoro should b" a bnlo oJ: t"·......ls oent

    to I, gc.nr. boa& nt Pier 32, so thnt It: CEIl.dry"ic t""'rtI.

    n' 8 SOb5 lr..at 1'lurSc::.r 9!.tho Shlpso::.1L"lt; Ccatrnotora' J..sc""iIl_

    tion....Moh WU5 r"oantl~' J'ol"'lO'd ·,hUO thoShip Sonlora ~..,r on atriL""O. hM o.lre,..dydillb,~~d. It is Il ~ood. ~~1nG. ror ifthey leept =otL.,,;, tiler prob:'.bly ~dhe.vc 0'

    ./,,-:~ 1:rldng in 1,J.=o

  • ,0:!'~A~G~;::='L=====::;;;;::.=::=,~·.[·t.Ero""."Oll"0'[]'"=iil!g=========,J>~iiii!.".,LJ",;::JJ10"".


    For & long t~ it hns bee~ kno,~~ thaj;·---·;~r?Orntlon 6urpluoso8, inheritanoQ tax,a hugo part ot tho _~erionn "WOrkers w111 a.nd 80 f'or-th.nover tot jobs. Thie u.rr.", of \lnempl~od '!ho lI11tiono.l AdlIlinistrc:tlon sonsing'lhoInoroo.soo ns More young Pploynent". In-inning tho first of tid" yonrrot'U3cd "",rk, "those rllsponsiblll for th18 owry "tII:Irkor will hllvo nbout 11 half 11sta'to of af'fa1rs "-"auld provido 'tI'er:l oent of owry doll"r to.kon frotl hisw1th the nCllessit1es of 111'11. the u.~em- ,ngos. It inoronses until by 1938 itp.loyoo h!l.V11 beon of1'orocl (lhll.rity.Ci.'!: I'rom OV'Clry dollnr.lICA,SERA,N'A,PllA, and =y tomer nlTlho.b_ Tho Cllnployor hCB "pnyroll tcx of ninoetioal nr'~~go~uts. Of' (lourse nlong ton~" of count from overy dollor ~ itwith these cot_ups (lome all o:L~ds'of rod 1noro~sos to 0. 1itt10 loss thQll throot&po and insults. Tho VeI"'." .t'not thnt (lents afi:or that, 01' 0l1lr"S0 it will 1>0the aVllrago unemployed goos to his pro_ ensy" ror t."e e:PI;>loyor to l:tIlke the buyingj"ot in tho ::loming -..orking for tho 1'I'!'A pllbllo stand the eost by the sirlpleand finds out in tho owning that .'10 hilS mOMs of boosting the prioes.boon ,,'Orking 1'0r the P\'IJ. shows how =st~ lIo benefits fire to be pn.id until 1938nblo t."is form of rolief is. Right now u.~der this proposed "Seouri'ty Ant" ofall natior~ diroct relior 18 b"inS nbe- th(l present n~istration, Whioh, oflishod. SM.e 3,500,000 nrc t;ivon jobs nourso, leo.vos ou'\: tho millions"o arJoutll.i1llT NO lmKEa CANof1t~ to nll Ullo::.ployed, youth.~~, RE::.'l1SE A "SUITABL::" JOil OR HE LOSES n1ENogro, =d sol£'~Oln"loyQdpoople po?ulllr- B!.m::nT. In other ·""rdll there is plontyly leno"'" ns '\oiddlo olnss". PIlyll: