デンマーク・ライフサイエンスセミナー 『臨床開発インフラ...


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主 催: デンマーク大使館

後 援: 日本製薬工業協会/一般財団法人バイオインダストリー協会

日 時: 平成 27 年 11 月 10 日(火)9:00-13:30 (懇親会を含む)

場 所: 日本製薬工業協会 8 階会議室 (央区日本橋本町 2-3-11 日本橋ライフサイエンスビルディング)

******************************** プログラム ********************************

08:30 開場・受付

09:00 開会に先立ち 駐日デンマーク大使 フレディ・スヴェイネ

開会挨拶 デンマーク保健省事務次官 ペア・オッケルス


09:05 『デンマークにおける臨床試験のし易さおよび迅速性』

デンマーク首都圏行政区 特別顧問(Clinical Trial Denmark Office)

Kristian Teglkamp (Dr.) (クリスチャン・タイルカンプ)


09:35 『臨床試験の枠を超えて:日々蓄積されていく医療データーベースが医療現場でどのように役


オーフス大学 臨床医学部 臨床疫学課

Professor Henrik Toft Sørensen (ヘンリック・トフト・ソーレンセン教授)

(Associate Professor Vera Ehrenstein (ヴェラ・エーレンスタイン准教授)に変更の可能性有)

10:05-10:20 休憩

10:20 『デンマークのユニークなバイオバンク・システムの活用』

オーフス大学病院 病理学研究所

Professor Stephen Jacques Hamilton Dutoit (ステファン・J・H・デゥトア教授)


10:50 『デンマーク・バイオマーカー・ネットワーク: 製薬/ライフサイエンス業界、研究者、臨床医の


バイオニア社 研究開発担当 (デンマーク・バイオマーカー・ネットワーク会長)

Kim Holmstrøm (Dr.) (キム・ホルムストローム)

11:20 中締めのご挨拶/ 意見交換会・懇親会始まりのご挨拶(日本製薬工業協会)

13:30 閉会

*) 敬称は省略しています

*) 全ての講演は英語で行われます。同時通訳付です。

*) 各講演毎に質疑応答の時間を設けております。

*) 都合によりプログラムが一部変更される場合がございますのでご了承ください。


『臨床開発インフラ – 充実したサポート体制による臨床試験効率の向上』

Danish Supports to Improve QOL and Success Rate in Clinical Trials ~ approach of danish stakeholders supporting medical industries ~

Date: Nov 10, 2015

Time: 9:00-13:30 (incl. Networking Lunc)

Venue: Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA)

Nihonbashi LifeScience Bldg., 2-3-11 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuoku, Tokyo


1. 9:00- Prologue: Mr. Freddy Svane (Ambassador)

Opening speech: Mr. Per Okkels (State Secretary, Danish Ministry of Health)

2. 9:05- Presentations (speech 20 min. Q&A 10 min.)

Chairperson: Dr. Kim Holmstrøm (Bioneer A/S)

Approach by public sector

9:05- Dr. Kristian Teglkamp (Clinical Trial Office Denmark)

“A Single Point of Entry Performing clinical trials within Denmark”

Approach by academia

9:35- Professor Henrik Toft Sorensen (Aarhus University)

(Might be substituted by Associate Professor Vera Ehrenstein)

” Beyond randomized clinical trials – routine medical databases can improve

clinical research”

3. 10:05-Break

10:20- Dr. Stephen Jacques Hamilton Dutoit (Aarhus University Hopital)

“The Danish Biobank System – a Unique Resource for Biomedical Research and


Approach by private sector

10:50- Dr. Kim Holmstrøm (Bioneer A/S)

“The Danish Biomarker Network – A new platform for knowledge sharing

across the pharmaceutical and life science industry, researchers and clinicians”

11:20- Epilogue: Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association

4. -13:30 Networking Lunch







デンマーク政府と 5つの行政区の関連団体は、新しい治療法や新しい知識の治験を確実に進めるため、そ


これを受け、デンマークで臨床試験を行うための窓口が一元化されることとなった。 ヘルスケアや製薬

業界の異なる背景をもつ 5人のコーディネーターがネットワークを形成し、研究者、業界、研究インフラ、






Kristian Teglkamp 博士。コペンハーゲン大学出身、医学博士。医師としての研










Kristian Teglkamp is a medical doctor from the University of

Copenhagen. He is a trained physician with clinical focus on primary

care from Denmark and Norway and has also functioned as an external

lecturer and guest speaker at several conventions. From the clinic he

decided to work within the pharmaceutical industry in several positions

within R&D and Medical Affairs at both affiliate and headquarter level.

In addition he has taken a master degree in pharmaceutical medicine

from Dublin and Harvard. Bringing clinical studies to Denmark was a

key task within his last position as the Nordic Medical Director for a

major pharmaceutical company. Motivated by a more holistic approach

to increase the number of clinical studies in Denmark has let him to his

current position within the Research & Innovation unit at the public

office of the Capital Region of Denmark. Here he supports the Clinical

Trials Office Denmark by building bridge between the pharmaceutical

industry and the researchers based on the hospital departments within

the Capital Region of Denmark.




図 1:業界からデンマークの治験場所の候補や治験医に関する要請があった場合の対応時間







製薬会社や CROから適切な試験場所を探したいとの要請があると、コーディネーターは専門知識やネッ



利点は、チームがデンマーク各地から集めた候補施設や治験医の完全なリストを 4営業日以内に提供でき

る点である(図 1)。一つの窓口で、一人のコーディネーターが対応する。 製薬会社の地域支部は情報




法律問題に対応するため、クリニカル・トライアル・オフィスは国内 5行政区の一元交渉機関として機能


は(電子ジャーナルや FDA規則を参照し)起こりうる法的問題に対応する。可能であれば標準的な契約








子どもに投与されている薬の 40〜70%が小児用として登録されておらず、科学的根拠に基づく新薬や承認薬の




クセスできるほか、新薬の開発にも影響を与えることができる。 デンマークの小児科のあるすべての病院に配置


ることができる。 小国であることは決してマイナスではない。重要なのは、デンマークのような国が「将来、臨床試




クラスターと見られることが多い。 北欧諸国にも違いはあるが、個人レベルで団結することで大きな力が得られる。



“A Single Point of Entry - Performing clinical trials within Denmark” It’s clear that the time has come to start working on different approaches to get drug or medical device candidates into trials. Getting clinical trials into a small country or region can be a challenge and the need for collaboration across public and private partnerships is the key. Background It became quite apparent here in Denmark that something needed to be done as the industry sponsored clinical trials appeared to almost pass us by. In 2010 we had only 140 industry initiated clinical trials at our hospital sites whereas in 2006 the number was around 230. To dispel myths surrounding the impact of the financial crisis, one should keep in mind that a pharmaceutical pipeline is based on long term planning across many years. The activity level in terms of industry initiated studies should therefore be more or less stable and continuous, aside from some natural fluctuations. In turn, not everything should be blamed on the economic instability which has spread almost throughout the entire world. The Danish government and the interest organisation for the five Danish Regions agreed that steps must be taken within the pharmaceutical industry to secure the progress of clinical trials of new treatments to patients, new knowledge within the industry and for the benefit of the Danish clinicians and general economic growth. And so, the idea of an easy, single point of entry for Danish clinical studies was born. A network of five coordinators with various backgrounds in healthcare and industry experience was given the task to implement initiatives which linked researchers, the industry, research infrastructures and administrative bodies. Now the Danish Regions is leading the project and acts as secretariat and political co-ordinator for the team. The team is called Clinical Trials Office Denmark. Speed is everything and time is money The preconceptions surrounding running clinical studies in Denmark is based around the ideas that they would be very expensive to run, and salaries would have to be high. However, when it comes down to results; Denmark can deliver. A smart and efficient system, it offers easy access to committed investigators and nurses, flexible hospital systems and a focus on high performing clinical trials. All of these benefits can be translated into real cost saving for those who decide to run their clinical trials in Denmark.

Figur 1 Turnaround time upon request from the industry regarding potential sites and investigators located in Denmark

Bridging the gap between the sponsor companies and the contract research organization was the window of opportunity for Denmark. It was vital to find investigators who were willing to spend time completing feasibility requests, and most importantly, making sure they could live up to their promises and deliver results for future trials. Acting as a single point of contact, the coordinators of the clinical trials office in Denmark cover a broad background in the industry. Some are trained nurses with extensive experience in clinical studies whilst others are doctors with expertise in epidemiology. All have experience from the pharmaceutical industry, and they use this to help and support each other, which translate in to a fast and reliable service. The coordinators use their knowledge and networking skills to interact with clinical departments when either a pharmaceutical company or CRO requires assistance in tracking down the right site. This is could be a huge problem to a company unfamiliar with a specific therapeutic area, or unsure about which site has the capability of running a specific clinical study. And perhaps the best thing is the team can deliver a full list of names for potential sites and investigators within four working days, sourced from every part of Denmark (See fig.1). All of these are delivered by one coordinator and one point of contact. Once this information is received, the local pharmaceutical affiliates can deliver a full list of potential clinical sites to their headquarters and leading figures. This quick turnaround means that the local pharmaceutical company can rapidly review a feasibility request at their headquarters, and hence serve a far better chance of getting the right clinical site in Denmark for them. However, finding the right site which can guarantee adequate enrollment rates is one thing, the legal aspect is another. To address this, the Clinical Trials Office also consists of a legal network which acts as one central negotiating body for all five regions in Denmark. The individual companies will negotiate with one of the lawyers as a "lead" to the Agreement. They will handle any potential legal barriers (monitoring access to Electronic Journals, FDA rules in contracts, etc.), prepare standard contracts if at all possible, simplify the administrative work and generally keep the clinical coordinators informed about issues raised by the individual company Research Networks elevates science and increases patient recruitment In order to utilize that Denmark in terms of geography and infrastructure is a small country it has been of great importance to build up very close research networks located at all hospitals. These networks are able to support each other as soon as there is a study ongoing in terms of e.g. patient recruitment. Even though you as a center might not participate in a study – you know about it via the research network and can support by recruiting patients from your outpatient clinic cross the nation. This has been successfully done at the Danish breast cancer society as well as in the respiratory research area. Based on the fact that 40-70% of medicines given to children are not registered for paediatric use and evidence based knowledge of new drugs and already approved drugs are needed as legislation demands a paediatric investigational plan from the pharmaceutical industry. This provides an opportunity to start up the Danish Investigators Network for Paediatric Medicines which can deliver an easy access to pediatricians for new knowledge about existing drugs on the market where there are no controlled, dose-effect drug studies in children as well as influence the development of new drugs. The group of researchers placed on all Danish hospitals with paediatric units can thereby provide input for new research on medicines for children in Denmark - and the Nordic countries - to create an optimal environment for clinical research in Denmark. We have found being a small country is by no means a downside; what is important is a country like Denmark shows the world that in future, placing clinical studies can be done in an efficient and productive manner. Other Nordic countries could easily build a similar body, and the Nordics may have a far greater potential together. Many of the pharmaceutical industries already build their local offices as representatives for the Nordic region, and we are often seen as a cluster of nations. Although we in the Nordics may be different, when it comes to individuals, we are way stronger unified. Furthermore, many of our clinicians already have academic collaboration across borders. As an example, when it comes to rare diseases one country might not have enough patients to be included into a study – but from a Nordic region as a whole we may have the resources compared to other big countries.

Henrik Toft Sørensen 博士。2000 年にデンマークのオーフス大学病院に臨

床疫学科を創設し、現在同科部長を務める。同科は 15 年間で外国人を含むスタッ

フ 100 名を抱える欧州有数の規模に成長し、臨床医学、生物統計学、疫学的手法





者になる前の 1983 年から 2005 年までは内科、特に肝臓を専門とする開業医で





を越える査読出版物(うち 140 以上が筆頭著者、400 以上が責任著者)がある。査

読付き雑誌「Clinical Epidemiology」編集長のほか、複数の査読付き定期刊行




Henrik Toft Sørensen chairs the Department of Clinical

Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, which he

founded in 2000. Over the past 15 years, the department has

developed into one of the largest departments of clinical epidemiology

in Europe, with international staff of more than 100, collectively

covering a broad range of expertise in clinical medicine, biostatistics,

and epidemiologic methods. Professor Sørensen is a pioneer of

applying what has come to be known as ‘big data’ in clinical research,

as he recognized early the potential of registry-based data to benefit

patients, especially when these data are set in the Danish egalitarian

society with universal health care. Before becoming a full-time

researcher, Henrik Toft Sørensen has worked as practicing clinician

from 1983 to 2005, with specialist training in hepatology and internal

medicine. In addition, he earned a PhD in health services and Doctor

of Medical Science degree in clinical epidemiology. Over years, he has

held visiting and adjunct professorship at several universities in the

United States, including Stanford University, University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill, Boston University, Vanderbilt University and

Dartmouth Medical School. Henrik Toft Sørensen has mentored more

than 50 defended PhD dissertations. He has co-authored book

chapters and more than 840 peer-review publications, including 141

as the first author and more than 400 as the last author. He is

Editor-in-Chief of the online peer-reviewed journal Clinical

Epidemiology and is a member of editorial boards of several other

peer reviewed periodicals. His current research interests mainly focus

in determinants of long-term prognosis for chronic diseases, in

particular, the clinical pathways and the interaction between multiple

chronic diseases, complications and outcome; observational studies

of safety of medical interventions and treatments; and methods in

clinical epidemiology.



的としている。ランダム化比較試験フェーズ 3 で得られた安全性および短期的有効性に関する証拠は、多くの場









腫瘍科まで多くの主要疾患群をカバーする 60 近い疾患ごとの、高品質かつ大規模な臨床データベースを維持し



” Beyond Randomized Clinical Trials – Routine Medical Databases can Improve Clinical


Randomized controlled trials provide experimental evidence about efficacy of therapies under standard

conditions in selected patient groups. Evidence about safety and short-term efficacy from Phase III

randomized controlled trials is, in most cases, a prerequisite for regulatory approval of new therapies.

However, most randomized trials are too short, too small and too selected to generalize to the entire

population who will eventually use the therapy. Moreover, placebo-controlled trials are unethical in the

presence of a known effective treatment. Therefore, most evidence about therapies’ real-world

effectiveness comes from postmarketing observational research. Observational studies assess

effectiveness of a given therapy in real clinical practice, covering wide spectrum of provider preferences

and competence; patients with different sets of characteristics, risk factors, and behaviors (such as

non-adherence). Furthermore, observational studies supply knowledge about long-term safety and rare

adverse events of treatments, especially in populations that are rarely included in clinical trials, such as

pregnant women, children, or the elderly. In addition to the interlinkable population-based nationwide

routine registries, Denmark has maintained close to 60 disease-specific clinical databases with

high-quality rich clinical data, covering many major disease groups, from orthopedics to psychiatry to

oncology. Leveraging these databases to inform patient care through evidence that translates to

treatment guidelines is an obligation of practicing clinical epidemiologists.

Stephen Jacques Hamilton-Dutoit 博士学歴

1975-1978 年:英ケンブリッジ大学ペンブルック・カレッジ

1978-1980 年:英ケンブリッジ大学メディカル・スクール


1. 英ケンブリッジ大学 学士(医学、優等)1978 年

2. 英ケンブリッジ大学 医学士 1980 年

3. 英ケンブリッジ大学 修士 (M.A.)

4. 英王立病理学会(Royal College of Pathologists)会員 組織病理専門医 1987 年

5. デンマーク 病理専門医 1989 年

6. 英王立病理学会フェロー 1997 年


1. デンマーク オーフス大学病院 病理学研究所 病理医(Consultant)(1995 年 12

月 1 日〜)

2. デンマーク オーフス大学 健康関連学部 臨床教授および病理科長 (Clinical

Professor, Chair of Pathology)(1997 年 3 月 1 日〜)



デンマーク オーフス大学病院 病理学研究所 次席研究員(reservelæge)(1993 年 6 月 1 日〜1995 年 11 月 30 日)

デンマーク オーフス大学病院 病理学研究所 研究助手 (1988 年 5 月 1 日〜1993 年 5 月 31 日)

英ロンドン大学ロイヤル・フリー病院付属医科大学 組織病理学部病理学講師(1985 年 12 月 1 日~1988 年 4 月 30 日)

英ケンブリッジ大学アデンブルックス病院 組織病理科 後期研修医(Senior Registrar)(1985 年 5 月 1 日〜11 月 30 日)

英ケンブリッジ大学アデンブルックス病院 組織病理科 後期研修医(Registrar)(1983 年 8 月 1 日〜1985 年 4 月 30 日)

英ケンブリッジ大学アデンブルックス病院 組織病理科 前期研修医(Senior House Officer)(1982 年 11 月 1 日〜

1983 年 7 月 31 日)

英エンフィールド チェイス・ファーム病院 組織病理科 前期研修医(Senior House Officer)(1982 年 2 月 1 日〜10 月

31 日)

英ハンティンドン ハンティンドン病院 内科病棟研修医(House Physician)(1981 年 8 月 1 日〜1982 年 1 月 31 日)

英ケンブリッジ大学アデンブルックス病院 外科病棟研修医(House Surgeon)(1981 年 2 月 1 日〜7 月 31 日)


中国 北京友谊医院および首都医科大学 病理学科 客員教授 2002 年

デンマーク オーフス大学 病理学 臨床講師(Clinical Lecturer) (1995 年 1 月 1 日〜1997 年 2 月 28 日)

デンマーク オーフス大学 病理学 臨床指導員(Clinical Tutor) (1994 年 2 月 1 日〜12 月 31 日)

英ケンブリッジ大学 病理学 指導員(Supervisor)(1983 年 10 月 1 日〜1985 年 11 月 30 日)


APMIS 国際編集委員 (2004 年〜)

22 の国際科学雑誌の査読者






臨床のほか、30年間にわたり癌の研究を行っている。My Bibliography (NCBI)に含まれる175編の出版物の被引

用数は6800回を超える。H指数(Web of Science)は41。その他の著述物は数百。








オーフス大学病院 病理学研究所 分子形態センター(CMM)のセンター長。CMM は、オーフス大学の研究者や国内外

のパートナーのために分子病理学のサービスを提供する中核施設である。CMM の主な独立研究分野は :

i) 固形腫瘍の病理生物学的特性、特に悪性リンパ腫、黒色種、悪性軟部腫瘍、肺癌、乳癌

ii) in situ(免疫組織化学と in situ ハイブリッド形成法)、PCR ベース技術、次世代シーケンシングを用いた遺伝


iii) 癌の in situ 分子プロファイルのハイスループットのための組織顕微解剖、組織マイクロアレイ。

iv) 分子形態(in situ 分子ベース技術と顕微鏡検査の併用)。分子レベルの癌診断と標的治療への応用。

v) バイオバンキング。オーフス大学病理学研究所に付属する大規模な診断および研究用バイオバンクの設立と運






2012-3: 「乳癌予測のための新メチル化特異的バイオマーカー:臨床応用性の評価」のPI。デンマーク独立研究評議会が


2012-15: 「EBV陽性と陰性のホジキンリンパ腫の疫学的、臨床学的差異」の主任病理医(PI共同申請者:Henrik



2010-13: 「次世代シーケンシング技術を用いた分子解析におけるホルマリン固定パラフィン包埋(FFPE)組織の大規模

利用」の主任病理医および共同申請者(PI:Torben Ørntoft)。デンマーク全国先進技術協会出資。目的:次世代シーケン



2007-2015: ユトランド乳癌再発バイオバンクの2つのプロジェクト(「遺伝子多型および他の薬によるタモキシフェン効果

の変化」、「ProBe Care45乳癌プロジェクト」)における主任病理医および共同申請者。両プロジェクトとも、米国立衛生研




北欧および欧州諸国、北米の 45 人以上のパートナーと、幅広い研究コラボレーション・ネットワーク

Stephen Jacques Hamilton-Dutoit


Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (UK), 1975-1978 University of Cambridge Medical School, UK, 1978-1980


1. B. A. (Medical Sciences), Cambridge, UK; B.A. (Honours), 1978

2. M.B., B.Chir., Cambridge, UK, 1980 3. M. A., Cambridge, UK,1982 4. Member, Royal College of Pathologists, UK; medical specialist in histopathology, 1987 5. Medical specialist in pathology, Denmark (DK), 1989 6. Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists, UK, 1997

CURRENT POSTS: Consultant Pathologist, Institute of Pathology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, DK; from 01.12.95 Clinical Professor and Chair of Pathology, Health Faculty, Aarhus University, Aarhus, DK, 01.03.97

PREVIOUS POSTS: abbr. (省略)

OTHER POSTS: abbr. (省略)


International Editorial Board, APMIS, since 2004 Referee for 22 international journals


I graduated in medicine from the University of Cambridge, UK in 1980 I completed my UK histopathology training in 1987. I have held clinical appointments in diagnostic pathology in both the UK and in Denmark.

I was appointed to the Clinical Professor and Chair of Pathology, Aarhus University in 1997. In addition to my clinical duties, I have been active in cancer research for 30 years. My Bibliography (NCBI)

includes 175 publications, that have been cited over 6800 times. My H-index (Web of Science) is 41. I have several hundred other works.

My main interest is the molecular pathology of solid tumours, in particular malignant

lymphomas, malignant melanoma, and breast cancer. My early research concerned the role of oncogenic viruses in lymphoma, and my group

made important contributions on the pathogenetic role of EBV in lymphomas including

Hodgkin lymphoma. Recently I have been lead pathologist and PI on several large molecular epidemiological

studies examining lymphomas, lung cancer, and breast cancer. I am a specialist in the use of molecular pathological laboratory techniques, particularly

as applied to formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues for the molecular profiling of

cancer, using both in-situ (immunohistochemistry, tissue microarrays, in-situ hybridization), molecular

morphological techniques (including microdissection) and PCR-based techniques. I am head of the Centre for Molecular Morphology (CMM), Institute of Pathology, Aarhus University Hospital, a

core facility providing molecular pathological services for researchers at Aarhus University and for national and

international partners. The main independent areas of research at the CMM are: i) The pathobiology of solid

tumours, in particular malignant lymphomas, melanomas, sarcomas, and lung and breast carcinomas. ii) The

detection of genetic abnormalities and the analysis of gene expression in solid tumours using in situ

(immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization), PCR-based techniques and next-generation sequencing; the

application of these techniques in cancer diagnosis, prognosis and prediction. iii) The use of tissue

microdissection and tissue microarrays for high-throughput in situ molecular profiling of cancer. iv) Molecular

morphology – i.e. the combined use of in situ molecular-based techniques with microscopy - and its use in

molecular cancer diagnostics and targeted treatment in oncology. V) Biobanking – organisation and running the

extensive diagnostic and research biobanks attached to the Institute of Pathology, AUH.


I have over 25 years’ experience in project management and supervision of junior academic and scientific staff, and

have acted on many research projects as Scientific Lead/Principal Investigator (PI).

Over the last few years, my main research activities have been in the field of tumour molecular pathology. I have worked on:

2012-3: PI on “Novel methylation specific biomarkers for breast cancer prognostication: An evaluation of clinical applicability.” Funded by Danish Council for Independent Research. Aims: To examine the potential of candidate gene methylation biomarkers in the diagnosis and prognostification of breast carcinoma.

2012-15: Lead pathologist (PI co-applicant Henrik Hjalgrim) on “Epidemiological and clinical differences between EBV positive and negative Hodgkins lymphomas. Funded by Danish Cancer Society. Aims: To analyse primary tumour tissue and clinical and epidemiological data from a nationwide population-based cohort of 2500 Danish patients with HL (HOLYDAN study; to be used in this proposal)

2010-13: Lead pathologist and co-applicant (PI Torben Ørntoft) on “Large scale use of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue in molecular analyses using next generation sequencing.” Funded by The Danish

National Advanced Technology Foundation. Aims: To develop novel methods to enable large scale molecular analysis of archived FFPE tissues samples using next generation sequencing technology, and to use them to generate targeted whole-exome or whole-genome sequence data in cancer specimens.

2007-2015: Lead pathologist and co-applicant on 2 projects within the Jutland Breast Cancer Recurrence Biobank “Modification of tamoxifen effectiveness by gene polymorphisms and other drugs”, and “ProBe Care45 breast cancer project”, both funded by the National Institutes of Health, USA, Danish Medical Council and Danish Council for Independent Research. Aims: Analysis of drug-relevent gene polymorphisms in 2 Danish breast cancer cohorts (total 7,500 cases)

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS I have an extensive network of research collaborations with more than 45 active partners in the Nordic countries, other European countries, and North America.

Complete List of Published Work in NCBI (My Bibliography) here:









ている。CRS を利用することにより、臨床データベースのネットワークから得た情報と、バイオバンクに保管されて

いる生物学的試料を、効率的かつ包括的にリンクさせることができる。 たとえば、ある集団の臨床データ(疾患の








“The Danish Biobank system – a unique resource for biomedical research and development”

Over the course of many years, Denmark has established a extensive range of local, regional and

national medical registries and clinical databases. These databases contain a vast amount of clinical

information about all residents of Denmark. More recently, a system of biobanks have been established,

that house a growing collection of biological materials from large cohorts of Danish individuals. Biobanks

can contain a range of biological material, including for example, blood and other fluid samples, cells and

tissues, and stored molecules (DNA, RNA, proteins, ect). In many cases, the individual biobanks contain

specimens collected over the course of several decades.

The centralised Danish Civil Registration System (CRS), established in 1968, provides a personal

identification number system for all Danish residents. Use of the CRS, allows for efficient and

comprehensive linkage of information from the network of clinical databases with biological specimens

held in the biobank system. For example, clinical data (including information on disease diagnosis,

treatment and long-term follow-up) can be collected for a group of individuals. This can be linked to

biological samples lodged in the various Danish biobanks, and the individual biological specimens can be

collected for study. This unique combination of systems allows extensive biological and clinical studies to

be carried out quickly and efficiently within large groups of Danish residents. These studies can combine

clinical information collected over many decades, with sophisticated molecular analyses of biological

specimens that may have been stored for several decades. These comprehensive studies can be

performed at relatively low-cost. The unique combination of registries, clinical databases and biobanks

established in Denmark provides a powerful resource for performing biomedical studies, for example in

the field of cancer research, and provides unique opportunities for drug development and validation.

Kim Holmstrøm 博士。1964 年 6 月 16 日生まれ。デンマーク・バイオマ

ーカー・ネットワークの共同創設者であり、会長を務める。また Bioneer 社*)で

は R&D マネージャーの職にある。デンマーク工科大学で 1989 年に化学工学

の理学修士号、1998 年には分子生物学で博士号を取得。ここ 10 年間はバイ



*) Bioneer 社




Kim Holmstrøm is the co-founder and chairman of The Danish

Biomarker Network, and holds a position as R&D Manager at Bioneer

A/S. He obtained his MSc in chemical engineering in 1989 from the

Technical University of Denmark, where he also in 1998 got his PhD

degree in Molecular Biology. The last 10 years he has been working

with developing technologies for biomarker characterization to

improve especially cancer diagnostic methods. The concepts of

personalized medicine and precision diagnostics have been the driving

forces in his work.

『デンマーク・バイオマーカー・ネットワーク: 製薬/ライフサイエンス業界、研究者、臨床医の間における知識共有


デンマーク・バイオマーカー・ネットワークは、Bioneer、 Biopeople、デンマーク分子医学会がイノベーション・高等

教育省の助成を受け、2015 年 1 月に創設したシステムである。発起人と拠点はデンマークであるが、門戸は国を

問わず開かれており、約 200 にのぼる加盟者にはスウェーデンやドイツからの参加も含まれている。講演では、ネ






“The Danish Biomarker Network – A new platform for knowledge sharing across the

pharmaceutical and life science industry, researchers and clinicians”

The Danish Biomarker Network was established in January 2015 by the joined forces of Bioneer,

Biopeople and The Danish Society for Molecular Medicine and with the financial support from the Danish

Ministry of Higher Education and Innovation. Although the network is founded and grounded in Denmark

it is open for interested stakeholders across borders and among the almost 200 members are both

Swedish and German participants. The purpose of the network and the initiatives organized within the

network will be presented. In the clinical setting biomarkers are used for diagnostic, predictive and

prognostic purposes by analyzing patient material (liquid or solid biopsies). However, biomarkers are not

only highly appreciated in the clinical setting, but are also used by the life science industry as an

important tool in drug development and in the development of pharmacodiagnostic products. We are still

far from having reached the full potential of using biomarkers, and we believe that the Biomarker

Network now launched will provide a necessary discussion forum to facilitate the implementation and use

of biomarkers both in the clinic and in the drug development process.
