For Love’s Sake€œFor the love of Christ controls us...” F 2 Corinthians 5:14 or...


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Calvary Chapel South Bay Women’s Ministry

For Love’s Sake

Part 1

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“For the love of Christ controls us...”2 Corinthians 5:14For Love s Sake’

Calvary Chapel South Bay Women’s Bible Study

Lesson 1 Lydia

“Follow Me For I Follow Christ”

In the year ahead we’ll take a journey through both the Old and New Testaments to discover many different women of the Bible. We will take an up-close look at how they lived and how they were motivated to do things “For Love’s Sake.” From their example we’ll learn powerful lessons to apply to our own walk of faith. We’ll begin our study this week with Lydia. Although we don’t know too much about her, what we do know is enough to paint a picture of her as a woman who gave God first place in her life. She had been given much and she used it for the Lord. Lydia is an awesome reminder of what God can do through a woman who makes Him her first priority. Begin this lesson with a prayer. Pause and ask the Lord to help you be a great follower of Him. Ask Him to also strengthen your commitment and help you to remain steadfast in your study in the year ahead.

Memorize This Scripture

“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.”Philippians 2:13

1. Read Acts 16:11-15,40. This is where we meet a woman named Lydia. From these verses describe the kind of woman you think she was.

2. When Paul first meets Lydia by the river she’s attending a prayer meeting, but she doesn’t know the Lord personally. After Paul’s done sharing though she’s given her heart to the Lord. In verse14 notice the phrase whose heart the Lord opened. What do you think this means?

3. In the parable of the sower we are given a clear picture of several different types of hearts. Which one of these types of hearts do you think Lydia possessed? (Luke 8:5-15)

Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel South Bay, 19300 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 352-3333

4. Because Lydia opened her heart to the Lord she’s forever remembered in scripture as a woman of influence. We too desire to be women who are making an impact in our homes and work places. What do you learn from the scriptures below about the importance of your heart?

a. Psalms 119:10,11

b. Psalms 24:4,5

c. Proverbs 4:23

5. Lydia not only opened her heart to the Lord she also opened her home. As women, God desires for us to open our homes to others. Why do you think it’s important for us to open our homes for the Lord to use?

a. 1 Peter 4:9,10

b. Hebrews 13:1

6. Lydia is an outstanding example of how much God can do through a woman who has made the Lord her first priority in life. What are some practical ways you make the Lord a priority in your Life? Home? Church? Workplace? Community?

7. The powerful church of Philippi began in Lydia’s home. This church was always dear to Paul and held a special place in his heart. How would you describe Paul’s relationship with Lydia and this church from Philippians 1:3-8?

8. Paul prays a very specific prayer for Lydia and the church at Philippi. Read Philippians 1:9-11 and share below the contents of that prayer.

9. It was no coincidence for Lydia to be where she was when she meet Paul. It was part of God’s divine plan. From that day forth Lydia’s life was forever changed. She made herself available to God and He poured a world through her. Are you making yourself available to the Lord and cooperating with His divine plan?

10. What did you learn from studying Lydia’s life that you will apply to your own life today?

“For the love of Christ controls us...”2 Corinthians 5:14For Love s Sake’

Calvary Chapel South Bay Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel South Bay, 19300 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 352-3333

Lesson 2 Mary Magadalene

“From Sadness to Gladness”

This week we will be studying the life of Mary Magdalene. She was a woman who had been possessed by seven demons and her life was one of incredible sadness and torment. When Mary met Jesus for the first time He commanded the demons to leave her, and from that point on her life was forever changed. She went from darkness to light; from being bound to freedom; from desperation to devotion; from sadness to gladness! Once possessed by the devil, she had now received another passion. Jesus Christ had taken hold of her and from now to the end of her life she would follow Him no matter what the cost. Her life stands as a strong reminder to us that our past has no power over us. When we come to Christ we are a brand new creation. Start your lesson this week with a prayer. Thank the Lord for His wonderful love for you and His power to set you free from sin and darkness.

Memorize This Scripture

“Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: Thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness.”

Psalms 30:11

1. Mary Magdalene was a woman who was incredibly transformed. Read Luke 8:2 and share what you think her life was like before she came to Christ.

2. Demon possession is as real today as it was during biblical times. From the scriptures below describe what you learn about demon possession.

a. Matthew 12:22

b. Luke 9:37-42

3. Today we see demonic activity in such things as fortune-telling, psychic counseling, astrology, magic, witchcraft, communicating with the dead and drugs just to name a few. Read Deuteronomy 18:9-12. What word of warning is given to those who get involved with these kinds of activities?

4. The word reminds us that Satan travels as an “angel of light.” This means that he will go to any lengths to deceive us. Our part is to be discerning and recognize the things that we should stay away from. What are some areas where you see the enemy at work trying to deceive people today?

5. Mary Magdalene experienced incredible freedom because she willingly left everything to follow Jesus. Many women today are held in bondage because they simply won’t “let go” and follow Jesus. True freedom comes when we’re no longer dominated by our own pursuits but we live for Jesus and the sake of others. From Luke 9:23-25 what do you learn about a life of true freedom and devotion?

6. From the moment of her deliverance Mary was a woman passionately devoted to the Lord. From Luke 7:47 what insight do you gain as to why she was so devoted to her Lord?

7. Mary was a woman driven “For Love’s Sake.” The depth of her devotion and love led her to follow Jesus all the way to Calvary. There at the cross her heart was crushed in despair as she watched her beloved Savior crucified. How disappointed she must have been! Look up the Scriptures below. What do you learn that will help you handle the disappointments or devastating circumstances of life?

a. Romans 4:18-21 (regarding Abraham)

b. 2 Corinthians 2:14

c. 1 Corinthians 13:7,8

8. Mary’s pain didn’t last forever. As she stood at the tomb weeping, Jesus met her and turned her sadness to gladness! Read about their encounter in John 20:11-18. How did Mary recognize Jesus?

9. The minute Mary heard Jesus speak she knew it was the Lord. As women, there are many voices demanding our attention. How do you hear the voice of the Lord speak to you today?

10. Since the time of Mary Magdalene millions of women have lived, and most of their names have been forgotten. But Mary’s name lives on. What will you remember most about her?

“For the love of Christ controls us...”2 Corinthians 5:14For Love s Sake’

Calvary Chapel South Bay Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel South Bay, 19300 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 352-3333

Lesson 3 Rebekah

“No Other Way But To Trust And Obey”

Have you ever known someone who started off well in her Christian walk and then began to turn aside? Well, that’s what happens to Rebekah. Her story is one that is bittersweet. As a young woman she meets her future husband Isaac through an encounter with Abraham’s servant at a well. The story of Isaac and Rebekah would touch hearts for thousands of years to come as one of the most beautiful love stories of all time.

Rebekah gave birth to twin sons and God promised that the youngest would be a great leader. Unfortunately, instead of letting God work out the details of how this would happen, she took matters into her own hands and the results were disastrous! If we’re not careful this can easily happen to us too. Take a moment to pray. Specifically ask the Lord to help you to trust Him moment by moment as you walk through this life. May the Holy Spirit anoint your time of study, and help you to obey the Lord in anything He asks of you as a result of spending time in His Word.

Memorize This Scripture

“Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.”Proverbs 14:1

1. We’ll first meet Rebekah in Genesis 24. Read verses 1- 14 and share the circumstances that surround her story.

2. The servant stood at the city well at the time of the evening when the women came to draw water from the well, and there he met Rebekah. Now let’s get acquainted with her by reading through Genesis 24:15-20. Describe the kind of young woman she was from these verses.

3. Abraham’s servant retells the story of how he met Rebekah to her family. Read this account from Genesis 24:34-49. Before the servant had even gotten his prayer completely out of his mouth along comes Rebekah! How was God’s plan for Rebekah’s life unfolding?

4. God has a plan for every life. Look up the verses below and share what you learn about knowing God’s plan for your life.

a. Genesis 24:27

b. Jeremiah 29:11-13

c. Proverbs 3:5-7

5. Notice in Genesis 24:42-44 that Abraham’s servant is making his request to find a wife for Isaac a specific prayer. From the following verses how significant is prayer in the life of a woman whose heart is to walk the path God has chosen for her?

a. 1 John 5:14,15

b. James 5:13-15

c. James 5:16

6. Women have an incredible ability to influence others when they trust and obey. In Genesis 24:58-61 we see that Rebekah was willing to forsake all and follow Abraham’s servant to her new husband. What is God asking you to do today? Will you, like Rebekah, say I will go?

7. Rebekah gave birth to twin sons and God promised that the youngest would be a great leader. Instead of letting God work out the details of how this would happen she took matters into her own hands and the results were disastrous. What are some practical ways you can avoid the temptation to take matters into your own hands?

8. Although Rebekah had received a word from the Lord concerning the future of her sons (Genesis 25:22,23), she didn’t wait for God to unfold His plan in the matter. Instead, she began to work out what she presumed was God’s plan in her own strength. Do you think it is important to confirm what you think you heard from the Lord? Why or why not?

9. The later years of Rebekah’s life teach us how powerful our flesh can be when it is not held in check. From Romans 8:13 what provision have you been given that will help you to avoid the pitfall of walking in the flesh?

10. What things from Rebekah’s life story can you apply to your own life if you:

Are single and looking for a life partner?

Have walked with the Lord for a long time?

Believe the Lord has spoken and given you a specific word for a particular situation?

Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel South Bay, 19300 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 352-3333

“For the love of Christ controls us...”2 Corinthians 5:14For Love s Sake’

Calvary Chapel South Bay Women’s Bible Study

Lesson 4 Rachel & Leah

“Seeing God's Hand In All That Comes My Way”

From the very beginning God's plan for marriage was monogamy – one man with one woman. The Israelites, however, disobeyed God and began to take multiple wives like the heathens around them. Although God tolerated this at that time, He also knew there would be serious consequences for those who practiced this lifestyle. The lives of Rachel and Leah prove this. They were two sisters married to the same man – Jacob. Jacob loved Rachel but didn't love Leah. He was deceived into marrying her. From the very beginning these two women faced different but painful circumstances. Rachel was jealous, self-centered and very competitive. Leah lived with the pain of being in an unhappy marriage. We'll learn more about the details of their story as we do our homework this week. Start your lesson with a prayer. Ask the Lord to help you learn to look beyond the painful circumstances of life tosee His hand in all that comes your way.

Memorize This Scripture

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”Proverbs 3:5

1. You've heard the saying “love at first sight.” Well, that statement best summarizes Jacob's first meeting with Rachel. To get a clearer picture of this encounter read Genesis 29:1-12. Describe this scene in your own words.

2. Rachel had an older sister named Leah. From Genesis 29:16,17 write down all that you learn about these two women.

3. Jacob paid a stiff price to gain the bride he wanted (Genesis 29:18-20). What does this say to you about Rachel?

4. Rachel and Leah's father was only concerned with his own personal interests. Because of this he deceived Jacob and tricked him into marrying Leah. But Jacob's heart was still toward Rachel so Laban allowed him to marry her too. But it cost Jacob another seven years of service. This was just the beginning of many problems for this family. Read Genesis 29:30-30:5 and share what you think some of these problems were.

5. No doubt we have major problems! Rachel is angry with Jacob and she is envious of her sister's fruitfulness. What do the verses below teach us about envy?

a. Romans 13:13,14

b. James 3:14-16

6. Maybe you find yourself in a difficult circumstance too. Perhaps even struggling with a woman that God has placed in your life. Look up the scriptures below and write down anything you learn that will guard you from the sins of envy, jealousy, bitterness and a competitive spirit?

a. Hebrews 13:5

b. Ephesians 4:30-32

c. Ephesians 5:1-4

7. Leah was subjected to many very painful circumstances at the hands of others. Even though she didn't deserve these things she still encountered the unfairness of life. Many times when a woman experiences deep sorrows they can drive her either to God or far from Him. Leah drew near to God. Read Psalm 55:22 and share how this will help you to face your heartache.

8. Leah was also a victim of Jacob's insensitivity and favoritism. He never hid the fact that he loved Rachel more. Part of this was due to Leah's looks because she couldn't compare in physical beauty to her sister. But God blessed Leah despite how Jacob treated her. Look up 1 Samuel 16:7 and share what God's perspective is on true beauty.

9. Rachel's barrenness was allowed by God (Genesis 29:31). Anything that comes into our lives is ultimately allowed by God, and will be used to strengthen us unless we refuse to accept it and let God do His perfect work in us. Read the quote below and share why you agree or disagree.

“In acceptance lieth peace.” – Amy Carmichael

10. What one lesson did your learn from Rachel or Leah that will help you in your relationships?

Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel South Bay, 19300 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 352-3333

“For the love of Christ controls us...”2 Corinthians 5:14For Love s Sake’

Calvary Chapel South Bay Women’s Bible Study

Lesson 5 Lot's Wife

“No Looking Back”

Lot was the Nephew of Abraham. Just as God prospered Abraham, He also prospered Lot. Abraham gave Lot the choice of where he wanted to live and Lot chose the plains and pitched his tent towards Sodom. This was the first of a series of many bad choices by Lot and his wife. Eventually they dwelt within the wicked city of Sodom itself. When God could no longer tolerate the gross immorality of that city, he told Lot to take his family and flee and not look back for destruction was coming. Well, that's what Lot did but unfortunately his wife disobeyed and took a forbidden backward glance. She was turned into a pillar of salt. Begin your lesson with a prayer. Ask the Lord to help you take Him seriously whenever He speaks to you, and resist any temptation to look back when He says to go forward!

Memorize This Scripture“And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough,

and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”Luke 9:62

1. Despite what we may think, Lot and his wife were not “nobodies.” They had a rich spiritual heritage and were well known in their day. Let's highlight some areas of their biography by reading about them from Genesis. As you read the scriptures below share anything you learn about Lot and his wife.

a. Genesis 12:5

b. Genesis 13:5-6

c. Genesis 13:8-11

d. Genesis 13:12,13

e. Genesis 19:1

2. From early on, Lot and his wife faced many choices. He chose to follow Abraham. Then he chose to dwell in the plains with his own herds. Eventually he and his wife ended up choosing to dwell in the wicked city of Sodom. What happened to Lot and his wife and their family as result of this final choice? (Genesis 19:12-26)

3. Lot and his wife made a series of choices that led to serious consequences. Look at the progression of their choices in the verses below and share where you think they went wrong.

a. Genesis 13:12

b. Genesis 19:1

c. Genesis 19:4-8

4. If we do not make good and Godly choices we too could end up in a situation like Lot and his wife. The Bible makes it very clear in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that we are to choose our relationships very carefully. Write in your own words the warning from this verse.

5. Even though we don't know much about Lot's wife (not even her name!) we do know that as she fled the destruction of Sodom she looked back in disobedience. Because of this she became a pillar of salt. Her feet stepped away from this city but her heart lingered there. Perhaps one reason she turned back was because of all that she possessed. How does materialism have a hold on women today?

6. Even though the story of Lot's wife is tragic there is much we can learn from her. What do you think Jesus wanted you to know when He said, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God? (Luke 9:62)

7. When we consider the story of Lot and his wife it gives us a clear picture of the wonderful fact that Jesus is coming again. Read Matthew 24:42,44. What two exhortations are given in these verses that will help you to be ready for His glorious appearing?

8. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah but not before He delivered Lot. God is able to deliver any who are willing to put their faith in Him. How does this truth comfort you today?

9. Our lives really boil down to the choices we make. When God speaks it is crucial that we listen. What could have been the outcome for Lot's wife if she had taken God's Word seriously?

10. Our lesson can be summed up in three simple words, Remember Lot’s wife (Luke 17:32). What one principle will you remember that will influence the choices you make this week?