Going Green at Work How you can take simple actions to help your company and the environment...


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Going Green at Work

How you can take simple actions to help your company and the environment

Provided by HelpSaveEarth.org © 2009


Why should you help?

Reduce Energy, Waterand Landfill costs

Increases CompanyProfits

Allows company to investin new business

Provides more jobs and job stability

Who Wins?You




• Most trash can be recycled now, so it doesn’t have to end up in the landfill

• Provide recycling containers for the following items:– Paper, Magazines, Junk Mail– Glass– Plastic bottles and bags– Styrofoam– Cardboard– Aluminum cans– Ink toner cartridges– Cell phones– Batteries– And more…



• Set default on printers– Double-sided (less paper)– Black and white (color more expensive)

• “Think before you print”– Ask yourself if you really need the document in hard

copy format (training material, brochures, procedures, reports, etc)

– Place this note at the bottom of your emails for others to consider

– GreenPrint software, forces print previews so wasted printing does not occur!

– Don’t print this training material!



• Get rid of fax machine– Online services convert fax to email attachment– Saves electricity

• Buy recycled paper– Should have at least 30% recycled content

• Recycle paper when done– Leave paper recycling bin next to printer and copier


Cafeteria and Eating

• Sit down and eat– Don’t take food back to your work area in carry-out

containers (reduce packaging waste)

• Provide filtered water for employees– Cuts down on bottled water purchases

• Bring your own lunch? Use reusable bags or lunch boxes– Avoid throwing away paper or plastic bags each day

• Purchase Energy Star® appliances (fridge, stove, etc)


Cafeteria and Eating

• Bring your own reusable items from home– Mugs, glasses and containers for drinks, to replace

disposable cups– Cloth napkin to reduce paper towels and napkins– Silverware and dishes to replace Styrofoam plates and

cups and plastic silverware (simply clean and dry after each use)

– Or replace all these items with biodegradable options


Cafeteria and Eating

• Buy from local growers– Reduced transportation, supports community

• Buy organic– Healthier for you, chemical-free

• Start a compost pile– Stop sending food waste to the landfill



• Electric hand dryers or cloth towel rack– Replaces paper towels– Otherwise, have paper recycle bin near exit

• Low flow/waterless toilets• Motion detector on faucets

– Prevents water from being left on

• Report water leaks right away!



• Enable screen savers on monitors– Increases security, and saves electricity

• Shut down equipment when not in use– Machinery, computers, printers, fax machines, copiers– Measure actual electricity usage of equipment (focus

on those that heat and cool!)

• Choose laptops over desktops– Use less electricity, less packaging and raw materials


Office Supplies

• Buy recycled products– Binders, desks, chairs, pens, file cabinets, etc

• Buy rewriteable CDs and DVDs (reuse)• Create organized central area for supplies

– Clean out desks regularly to put back into storage, take only what you need to reduce purchases

– Ask around before you buy new


Office Area

• Install CFL and LED bulbs• Unplug cell phone chargers when finished

– Many devices still drain electricity when plugged in

• Keep thermostats 2-3 degrees higher in summer, lower in winter– Look for unoccupied spaces and close off vents

• Install motion detector light switches– Great for conference rooms, hallways, offices

• Use task-specific lighting as needed– Use lamps instead of overhead lights for entire area



• Reduce packaging of your products– Reuse existing packaging if possible

• Keep good maintenance on your equipment– Lasts longer, performs better, runs more efficiently

• Buy parts from local suppliers– Less transportation, faster response, money back into



Business Travel

• Reduce travel (car and plane)– Use online conferencing and teleconferences

• Pack lightly– Saves extra baggage charges, reduces fuel


• Minimize housekeeping at hotels– Reduces cleaning of towels and sheets, saves water

and electricity


Business Travel

• Eat at local businesses– Reduces food miles and supports local economy

• Select eco-friendly hotels– Sustainable practices and energy efficient

• Rent vehicles with high MPG– Ask for hybrids, economy or electric vehicles



• Create a green task force– Walk around and look for opportunities– Provide recommendations, resources and education

to employees

• Provide employee suggestion box– Helps build employee engagement, generates great




• Support environmental organizations, initiatives and projects– Be a corporate leader in the community

• Use local suppliers for services– Staffing, training, consulting, maintenance, catering,

outsourcing, etc


Larger Projects

• Invest in renewable sources of energy– Wind, solar, geothermal (based on your region)– Reduces costs, risks, and seasonal fluctuations

• Install a green roof– Cuts heating and cooling bill, looks great

• Make your office buildings LEED© certified– LEED = Requirements for “healthy” efficient buildings


Getting to work

• Take public transportation– Bus, train, shuttle, subway, etc

• Carpool with co-worker– Start a program to help co-workers find others that

are interested in carpooling

• Buy a more fuel-efficient vehicle– More options today with electric, hybrid, or other

renewable fuel sources– Start with company-owned cars


Getting to work

• Bicycle/Walk– Use alternative methods of transportation

• Work from home– Start with one day per week or month– May not be possible for certain jobs


Start Simple!

• Try one new thing today!• Take it at your own pace, don’t have to drastically

change your lifestyle• Every little effort helps, it all adds up to a big

impact• Take these tips home with you

– Can greatly reduce your bills


Final Thoughts

• What other green ideas can you think of?• What actions should your company pursue?• What actions are YOU going to try to implement?



• Thanks for your time!

Help Save Earth

