Impact Evaluation of a Community Development Program in the Central African Republic Radu Ban, World...


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Impact Evaluation of a Community Development Program in the Central African Republic

Radu Ban, World BankMatthias Rieger, Graduate Institute Geneva

Central African Republic

PDCAGV details

Projet de Développement Communautaire et Aide aux Groups Vulnérables

PDCAGV details

Projet de Développement Communautaire et Aide aux Groups Vulnérables

USD 8 million project

PDCAGV details

Projet de Développement Communautaire et Aide aux Groups Vulnérables

USD 8 million project3 Project components

PDCAGV details

Projet de Développement Communautaire et Aide aux Groups Vulnérables

USD 8 million project4 Project components

Capacity building for local development 1.5m

Priority response fund 1.86m Local development fund 2.79m Project management, monitoring, and

evaluation 1.85m

Recall CDD unanswered questions

Recall CDD unanswered questions

What is the impact of participation by itself?

Recall CDD unanswered questions

What is the impact of participation by itself?

What is the impact of the community driven approach relative to a centralized counterfactual?

What, if any, are the complementarities between a community driven and centralized approach

How will this IE answer these questions?

How will this IE answer these questions?By using a randomized roll-out of the

different project components

How will this IE answer these questions?By using a randomized roll-out of the

different project components The capacity building component will be

a “participation shock” The two funding interventions (PRF and

LDF) will provide an opportunity to assess the relative effectiveness of the community-driven and centralize approach

Project implementation and identification

The project targets 102 communes in 10 prefectures

Project implementation and identification

Project implementation and identification

The project targets 102 communes in 10 prefectures

To identify the effects of the program these 102 communes are divided into 4 random groups and the different project components are rolled out as follows:

Project implementation and identification

Group (number of communes by group)

1(48) 2(18) 3(18) 4(18)Stage1 CB - CB+PAF CB+PAF2 - CB LDF -3 - LDF - -

•CB : capacity building•PAF: priority action fund•LDF: local development fund


Group (number of communes by group)

1(48) 2(18) 3(18) 4(18)Stage



2 - CB LDF -

3 - LDF - -

•CB : capacity building•PAF: priority action fund•LDF: local development fund




Measuring the effects

Baseline means:

1st follow up means:

2nd follow up means:

40302010 ,,, YYYY

41312111 ,,, YYYY

42322212 ,,, YYYY

Measuring the effects

Capacity building effect =

PRF impact =

LDF impact =

)()( 20211011 YYYY

)()( 10113031 YYYY

)()( 40433033 YYYY

Survey instruments

Measuring a wealth of indicators: socio-economics child anthropometrics access to public services social capital (for now only with

surveys, games later) conflict resolution and other interesting topics

Survey instruments

Survey instruments

How much does this cost?

How much does this cost Item Per unit

cost (USD) Number of items

Total Responsibility

Data collection costs Survey (3600 HH, 360 village) 170,000 3 510,000 PDCAGV Supervision costs Field coordinator fee (STC, 60

days per year, USD 200/day) 12,000 3 36,000 DIME

Field coordinator trips (economy roundtrip)

2,000 6 12,000 DIME

Field coordinator accommodation and per diem (20 days per year,

USD 150 per day)

3,000 3 9,000 DIME

Technical assistance costs Coordinator fee (20 weeks/year) 25,000 3 75,000 DIME

Coordinator trips (economy roundtrip)

2,000 3 6,000 DIME

Coordinator accommodation and per diem (10 days per year, USD

150 per day)

1,500 3 4,500 DIME

External consultant fee (STC 5 days, USD 500/day)

2,500 2 5,000 DIME

External consultant trips (economy roundtrip)

2,000 2 4,000 DIME

External consultant accommodation and per diem (5 days per year USD 150 per day)

750 2 1,500 DIME

TOTAL 663,000



TOTAL DIME 153,000