Information update May 2010 Finding the key (words) to the hidden treasure


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  • 1.
    • Information Update
      • Finding the key (words) to the hidden treasure
  • May 2010
  • Inbar Yasur 2. 3. Forum IFISH

  • IFISH 2001 , .
  • :
  • , .
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  • "

4. Forum IFISH : . 5. Forum IFISH

  • IFISH 15 16 - .
  • .
  • .
  • :Zuzana Helinsky , , , .


  • What I will cover:
    • 9:00 9:40
      • Finding the key (words) to the hidden treasure
    • 9:40 10:30
      • Google enhancements
    • 11:00 12:00
      • Alternative search engines
    • 12:00 13:00
      • Productivity tools
    • 14:30 15:30
      • Pay As You Go

7. 8. From : Factiva Synapse White Paper KMS101 Taxonomies, Ontologies, Thesauri and Authority Files 9.

  • Google Definition
  • Links to the definition in the blue bar that mentions the number of results.
  • Initially, Google linked to, then it switched to and now it uses its own service:Google Dictionary .
  • Google updated the English dictionary with synonyms, antonyms, pronunciations, detailed definitions and examples from Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.
  • Google's dictionary lists the most recent 5 searches.
  • You can star words, find related words and definitions from the Web.

10. Google Definition Googles New Interface 11. Google Definition 12. Shortcuts for Google Translate and Google Dictionary Here's a quick way to translate text directly from Google Search. Type the language pair, followed by the text you want to translate.For example, to translate "I love you" in French, search Google for: [ en:fr love ]. You can also type [ translate love in french ], but this query is longer. 13. Shortcuts for Google Translate and Google Dictionary For now, this feature only works for language pairs that include English:en:fr, fr:en (French),en:it, it:en (Italian),en:de, de:en (German),en:es, es:en (Spanish),en:ru, ru:en (Russian),en:zh, zh:en (Chinese),en:ja, ja:en (Japanese),en:ko, ko:en (Korean). 14. Shortcuts for Google Translate and Google Dictionary If you use the language pair en:en (English to English), Google shows definitions from Google Dictionary.For example, a search for [ en:en astute ] shows the definition of the word "astute" and the pronunciation. Google Dictionary uses definitions from Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary. 15.

  • Google Show Options
          • When your results page appears on screen, click Show options just above the
          • results and to the left of the screen.
          • Then select Wonder wheel from the list on the left of the page.

16. Google Wonder wheel 17. Google Wonder wheel 18. Google Related searches 19. E ASY D EFINE Definitions are taken from PrincetonsWordNet3 . . 20. E ASY D EFINE Download OR email the list of synonyms. . 21. Google Not entirely unlike 22.

  • LigerCat
  • Search PubMed using words or even a DNA/protein sequence to create atag cloudshowing an overview of important concepts and trends.
  • LigerCat aggregates multiple articles in PubMed, combining the associated MeSHdescriptors into a cloud, weighted by frequency

23. LigerCat 24. Google Transliterate With Google Transliterate , you type a Roman character on your keyboard and Googletransliterates it to the equivalent character in 19 languages.While this doesn't offer the translation feature of Google Translated Search, it lets you run a quick search to see the number of mentions of a name or brand in a language you cannoteasily type on your keyboard 25.

  • 2 Lingual
  • 2lingual makes it easy to Twitter Search in 2 languages.
  • Features include Realtime Results, Search-as-you-Type, and Automatic Query Translation.
  • 2lingual currently supports 400 possible Twitter Search combinations.

26. Google On-Screen Keyboard To Search virtual keyboard allows you to enter the precise search terms you want, regardless of the language keys on your physical keyboard. It can be helpful for people who use one of the many non-Latin script-based languages that require special characters such as Arabic, Greek, and Thai. . 27. Google Adwords 28. Google Adwords This is Google's cash cow.It brings in most of their revenue and therefore Google invests all their efforts and resources to provide their advertisers with the best possible information tools.The AdWords program includeslocal ,national , andinternationaldistribution.Google helps advertisers choose the right words for the right possible customers, based on actual Google search queries. 29. Google Adwords 30. Google Adwords In addition to giving ideas about the subject, AdWords also provides, for each suggested keyword, theamount of trafficreceived each month from your chosen country or territory.. 31. Google Adwords 32. Google Adwords 33. Google Insights for Search 34. Google Insights Google Insights gives the search trends of people all over the world.The new thing aboutGoogle insights, as opposed to Google trends, is that you can be specific about the territory search. First it gives ideas for key words and then it gives the relative popularity of each key word in each territory. 35. Google Insights To findinformation about the potential worldwide market for swimming suits, first you have to find the right keywords. 36. Google Insights 37. 38. Google Insights In Australia, this is called 39.

  • Google Insights
  • If you want to find information about a local market, you should use the term that is most suitable to that market.
  • For example, by limiting your search to Australia you will learn that the most useful term is swimsuit but you should also consider swim wear

40. Google Insights In Canada, this is called 41. Google Insights By limiting your search to Canada you will learn that the most useful term is swimsuit but you should also consider bathing suit as an additional search term. 42. Thsrs The Shorter Thesaurus How can you intelligently get across a complex thought in just 140 characters without needing to use ugly abbreviations (e.g. w/o needing 2 use ugly abbrevs)? If only there were a service that helps with the struggle of rewriting a 146-letter message to fit in a 140 character limit 43.

  • MoreWords: Find Dictionary Words For Word Games
  • Use a hyphen (dash) to give the location of a missing letter: w-rd or are
  • Use an asterisk (star) for any number of unknown letters: lett* or *gry or ar*ct
  • Exclude words containing the letters that follow a caret (hat): ma-e ^kt
  • Or enter a few letters (without hyphens or asterisks) to see if they make any words

44. Thank you!