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Japanese Business Taxation Europe

Newsletter – Special Edition

Newsletter for Japanese Multinational Corporations operating in Europe

Japanese Anti-Tax Haven Rules - Japan Tax Reform Proposals 2017




Deloitte Japanese Business Taxation Europe (‘JBTE’) Team より JBTE Newsletter をお届け致します。


Dear Sirs / Madam,

We would like to send you our Japanese Business Taxation Europe (‘JBTE’) Newsletter.

Kind regards

Deloitte - JBTE Team

Japanese Business Taxation

Europe Newsletter

January 2017

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter



平成 29年度税制改正大綱における外国子会社合算税制の改正

平成 28 年 12 月 8 日、与党より平成 29 年度税制改正大綱1(以下「大綱」)が公表された。



1. 改正の背景



しかし、現行制度においては、外国子会社の税負担水準が 20%(トリガー税率)以上であれば経済実体を伴わない所得であっても合算

されず申告も求められない一方(Under Inclusion)、実体ある事業から得た所得であっても合算されてしまう場合(Over






2. 改正後の制度の概観


approach)に加え、個々の所得の内容や稼得方法といった「所得の内容」に応じて把握するアプローチ(Income approach)の要素


1 「平成 29 年度税制改正大綱」は与党のウェブサイトをご覧ください。 2 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting:税源浸食と利益移転






能動的所得 受動的所得







Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter




3. 特定の外国関係会社(ペーパーカンパニー等)に対する課税の導入

(1) 大綱の内容



会社単位の合算課税の対象とされる。ただし、当該外国関係会社の当該事業年度の租税負担割合が 30%以上である場合には、会社



① ペーパーカンパニー






② 事実上のキャッシュボックス

a 金融子会社等4以外


(a) 下記 4(1)①部分合算課税対象所得のうち、k 以外の所得の合計額 >30%


(b) 有価証券、貸付金および無形固定資産等の合計額 >50%


3 大綱上、租税負担割合基準(トリガー税率)は廃止されることとされているが、会社単位または受動的所得の合算課税の対象となるか否かの判断基準として租税負担割

合を基準とした適用免除制度が導入されており、実質的に存置されることになる。 4 本店所在地国の法令に準拠して銀行業、金融商品取引業または保険業を営む外国関係会社で、本店所在地国においてその役員または使用人がこれらの事業を的確に


























Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


b 金融子会社等




以下 4(1)②金融子会社等に係る部分合算課税

対象金額のうち a に掲げる所得


以下 4(1)②金融子会社等に係る部分合算課税

対象金額のうち b から d に掲げる所得の合計額


(b) 有価証券、貸付金および無形固定資産等の合計額 >50%


③ ブラックリスト国所在法人


(2) 実務上の影響

現行法において制度適用対象外であった、租税負担割合が 20%以上の国(例:オランダ)を経由したマイノリティ投資、知的財産の管


現行制度上においては、上図の B、E および F 社の租税負担割合が 20%以上であるため、特定外国子会社等には該当せず、合算課税

は生じていなかった。本改正により、B、E および F がペーパーカンパニー等に該当する可能性があり、その場合、会社単位の合算課税が適

用され、B、E および F 社の所得の全額が合算課税されることになる。


減のための再編を検討することが必要となる。また、M&A により海外の事業会社の買収を検討する場合には、買収先のグループ会社にペー


4. 部分合算課税所得(受動的所得)

(1) 大綱の内容


パニー等に該当しない外国関係会社で、経済活動基準をすべて満たしている場合においても、租税負担割合が 20%未満のときは、受動















F 使用料

E Fin Co




合算 合算

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter




① 金融子会社等以外

a 利子










b 配当等

持分割合 25%以上等の要件を満たす法人から受ける配当等(その支払を行う法人において損金算入される配当等を除くものとし、主た


条約の相手国に化石燃料を採取する場所を有するものから受ける配当等にあっては、持分割合要件を 10%以上)については、対象から



c 有価証券の貸付けの対価

d 有価証券の譲渡損益

ただし、持分割合 25%以上等の要件を満たす法人の株式等に係る譲渡損益については、対象から除外される。

e デリバティブ取引損益



現行制度の資産性所得の範囲 注

債券の利子 ※

債券の償還差益 ※

持株割合10%未満の株式等に係る配当 ※

持株割合10%未満の株式等の譲渡益 ※

債券の譲渡益 ※










a. 改正後の受動的所得の範囲 注

a. 利子 ◎

b. 配当等(25%以上の配当等の一定のものを除く) ◎

c. 有価証券の貸付けの対価 ◎

d. 有価証券の譲渡損益 ◎

e. デリバティブ取引損益 ◎

f. 外国為替差損益 ◎

g. 上記aからfまでに掲げる所得を生ずべき資産から生ずるこれらの所得に類する所得

h. 有形固定資産の貸付の対価

i. 無形資産等の使用料

j. 無形資産等の譲渡損益

k. 総資産等に比して根拠性の希薄な異常所得


Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter





f 外国為替差損益



g 上記 a から f までに掲げる所得を生ずべき資産から生ずるこれらの所得に類する所得


h 有形固定資産の貸付けの対価





i 無形資産等の使用料





j 無形資産等の譲渡損益



k 外国関係会社の当該事業年度の利益の額から上記 a から j までに掲げる所得種類の所得の金額および所得控除額(外国関係

会社の総資産の額、減価償却累計額および人件費の額の合計額に 50%を乗じて計算した金額)を控除した残額に相当する所得



② 金融子会社等

下記 a の金額と、b から e の合計額のうち、いずれか大きい金額

a. 金融子会社等の異常な水準の資本に係る所得

b. 上記①h (有形固定資産の貸付けの対価)

c. 上記①i (無形資産等の使用料)

d. 上記①j (無形資産等の譲渡損益)

e. 上記①k (超過利潤ないし異常所得)

部分合算課税所得についても欠損金の制度が設けられ、金融子会社等以外については、①d から g までおよび j の所得について、金融子

会社等については、②d の所得について欠損の金額がある場合は、繰越控除の対象とされる。

(2) 実務上の影響




為替差損益等は、多くの統括会社において JV 投資や資金運用等のビジネス上取り扱われているものも多く、大綱を基礎とした改正におけ


Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter



29 年 4 月より法人税率が 19%に引き下げられ、同様の問題が生じるため、同様に検討が必要になると考える。

5. 実質支配基準の導入

(1) 改正の内容





(2) 実務上の影響




6. 適用除外基準の経済活動基準への改組

(1) 改正の内容



① 事業基準



② 実体基準および管理支配基準





③ 所在地国基準





④ 非関連者基準







5 大蔵省主税局長 高橋元監修「タックス・ヘイブン対策税制の解説」(清文社)昭和 54 年 1 月 10 日

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


(2) 実務上の影響






7. その他の重要な改正点

(1) 書類等の提出等(要件充足回避防止)




(2) 外国関係会社の判定

外国関係会社の判定における間接保有割合について、内国法人等との間に 50%超の株式等の保有を通じた連鎖関係がある外国法人




(3) 化石燃料採取事業の特例




(筆者注)化石燃料採取事業においては、各種リスクの遮断、投資パートナーの意向の反映等の事業上の理由に基づいて、投資 SPC を

経由して資源国に投資するケースが多い。この場合、上記 3 のペーパーカンパニー等に対する課税により合算課税のリスクが生じることとなる




(4) 外国関係会社に係る財務諸表等の添付


租税負担割合が 20%未満の外国関係会社

租税負担割合が 30%未満の外国関係会社(ペーパーカンパニー等に該当する外国関係会社に限る。)

(5) 適用開始時期

上記の改正は、外国関係会社の平成 30 年 4 月 1 日以後に開始する事業年度から適用される。

8. 今、日系企業が何を検討すべきか



租税負担割合が 20%以上であるとして従前特段モニタリングを行っていなかった会社のペーパーカンパニー等の該当有無についてスクリ


租税負担割合が 20%未満であったものの、適用除外基準を充足し、かつ、資産性所得が生じていなかった会社について、受動的所

得の有無の確認(例えば、持株割合 25%未満の株式に係る配当、グループファイナンスを行う会社における利子、デリバティブ取引損


Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter



場合これらの統合を検討、受動的所得の租税負担割合が 20%以上である国に所在する子会社への移転を検討、等)




Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter



Japanese Anti-Tax Haven Rules - Japan Tax Reform Proposals 2017

The Japanese Government ruling parties agreed on an outline of the 2017 Tax Reform proposals6 on 8

December 2016. This newsletter sets out the key measures proposed and the practical aspects relating to the

Japanese Controlled Foreign Company rules (“CFC” or so-called the “Japanese Anti-Tax Haven rules”), which

may give rise to potential tax implications for Japanese owned groups.

1. Background

Under the "Controlled Foreign Company" (“CFC”) rules in Japan, income arising in a foreign subsidiary

(located in countries with lower tax rates under current law) that meets certain conditions is deemed to

arise as the income of the parent company in Japan and taxed in Japan in order to prevent tax avoidance

arrangements using a foreign subsidiary.

However, there has been much discussion of the need to update the existing CFC rules. Under the current

CFC rules, if the effective tax rate of a foreign subsidiary is 20% or more (i.e. higher than the CFC trigger

rate), none of the income earned by a corporation lacking sufficient economic substance is subject to

taxation at the Japanese parent company level nor is there a requirement to file a return in Japan (“Under-

Inclusion”). On the other hand, where the effective tax rate of the foreign subsidiary is less than 20% (the

current trigger rate), in certain circumstances, income earned by such a company even with actual

economic substance may be subject to Japanese taxation (“Over-Inclusion”).

Thus, under the basic concept of the "BEPS7 project" that tax should be imposed based on consideration of

the actual economic substance of foreign subsidiaries, the proposed Tax Reforms attempt to revise the

current CFC rules so that so-called “passive income” arising in a foreign subsidiary corporation without

sufficient economic substance will be aggregated with the Japanese parent’s income, while income earned

by businesses with sufficient economic substance will not be included in the total income amount of the

Japanese parent, regardless of the effective tax rate of such a subsidiary.

A diagram that illustrates conceptually the aggregated income under the proposed new CFC rules as

outlined in the Tax Reform Proposals is as follows:

6 2017 tax reform is posted on the Liberal Democratic Party’s website. (Japanese/PDF) 7 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


2. Overview of the new Japanese CFC rules

The new Japanese CFC rules will be based on an “Entity approach” which is the main framework under the

current CFC rules, where certain characteristics of the company are taken into consideration (e.g. the

effective tax rate of the subsidiary or the overall extent of active business undertaken in the subsidiary

etc.). In addition, the new CFC rules further incorporates an "Income approach” where the judgement is

made based on the details of income earned by the foreign subsidiary.

An overview of the proposed new CFC rules is as follows8:

3. Change in scope for specified foreign subsidiaries (“Paper Company” etc.)

(1) Overview

Under the current CFC rules, where the effective tax rate of a foreign subsidiary exceeds the trigger tax

rate, the income of such companies is not subject to Japanese taxation. Under the proposed new Japanese

CFC rules, the income of specified companies categorised as a ‘Paper Company’, ‘Cash Box’ or resident in a

‘black-list’ jurisdiction (‘Black-List Company’), will be subject to Japanese taxation on an entity basis even if

their effective tax rate is higher than the trigger rate. However, there will be an exemption where the

effective tax rate of those specified foreign subsidiaries is 30% or more. Further details of the following are

outlined below:

I. “Paper Company”

II. “Cash Box”

III. “Black-List Company”

I. Paper Company

A Paper Company means a foreign related company that meets neither of the following conditions:

Substance Test:The specified foreign company maintains an office or other fixed place of business

necessary to conduct its main business (for certain specified foreign companies that perform insurance

business, the test is satisfied where similar conditions are met).

Management and Control Test:The specified foreign company functions with its own administration,

control, and management in the country where the head office of the specified foreign company is located

(for certain specified foreign companies that perform insurance business, the test is satisfied where similar

conditions are met).

II. Cash Box

8 Although the effective tax rate criteria (i.e. the trigger tax rate) is said to be abolished according to the opening section of

the proposed Tax Reforms, it is in fact substantially preserved, as an exemption to a Japanese CFC charge is applied under

the entity based approach or the passive income approach based on the effective tax rate of the foreign subsidiary.

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


a. Other than financial subsidiaries etc.9

A Cash Box means a foreign related company that meet both of the following conditions (a) and (b)

(a) Total passive income (total of items outlined below

under 4(1)I. excluding k)

>30% Total assets

(b) Securities+Loan receivables+Intangible assets etc.

>50% Total assets

b. Financial subsidiaries etc.

A Cash Box means a foreign related company that meets both of the following conditions (a) and (b)


Whichever is


Total passive income of financial subsidiaries

(total of below 4(1) II. a)


Total passive income of financial subsidiaries

(total of below 4(1) II. (from b to d))

Total assets

(b) Securities+Loan receivables+Intangible assets etc.

>50% Total assets

III. Black-List Company

A Black-List Company means a foreign related company whose head offices is located in a jurisdiction

designated by the Finance Minister in Japan as a non-cooperative jurisdiction with respect to exchange of

tax information.

(2) Practical implications

This may give rise to major implications for minority investments, intellectual property management, group

finance, etc. performed out of countries where the subsidiary’s effective tax rate is 20% or more but under

30% (e.g. the Netherlands), which is not within the scope of the current CFC rules.

Under the current CFC rules, since the effective tax rate of B, E and F in the above diagram is 20% or

more, these companies are not considered to be specified foreign subsidiaries, and therefore not subject to

the CFC rules. As a result of the amendments made in the proposed Tax Reforms, B, E and F may

potentially fall within the definition of a ‘Paper Company’ under the new rules. If so, the CFC rules would

apply so that the entire income of each of B, E and F will be aggregated and subject to Japanese taxation.

It will therefore be necessary to identify overseas affiliates that may be categorised as Paper Companies

falling within the new CFC rules, and to consider possible reorganisation in order to mitigate the Japanese

tax risks where necessary. In addition, when considering acquisitions of overseas operating groups,

9 “Financial subsidiaries” is defined as foreign related subsidiaries whose business is banking, financial services, or insurance meeting certain conditions (e.g. the directors or employees of the foreign related subsidiary engage in all the work which is

generally required to manage these businesses.)

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


Japanese headquarters will also be required to perform an analysis of whether there are any entities within

the group that may be categorised as a Paper or other specified company.

4. Changes of scope to Passive Income

(1) Overview

The scope of income that is subject to the passive income inclusion rules has been substantially expanded

as follows. Where the effective tax rate is less than 20%, passive income under the new rules will be

subject to the Japanese CFC rules, even if the foreign subsidiary meets the Economic Activity Test and is

not defined as “Paper Company”, “Cash Box”, or “Black-List Company”.

The scope of passive income under the proposed new rules compared against the current rules is

summarised as follows:

Details of the above types of passive income are set out below:

I. Applicable to other than financial subsidiaries etc.

a. Interest

However, the following types of interest have been specifically excluded from the definition as out

of scope:

Loan interest where the borrower is a related company of the foreign related company that

satisfies certain conditions (e.g. the directors or employees of the foreign related company

engage in all the work that is generally required to manage the money lending business.)

Loan interest arising to a lender that is a foreign related company and related to the borrower,

where the borrower is a foreign related company that satisfies the conditions as outlined above.

Loan interest received by a foreign related company whose business is a money lender and

satisfies certain conditions (the directors or employees of the foreign related company engage

in all the work which is generally required to manage the money lending business.)

Bank interest, which derived in the ordinary course of business by the foreign related company

(Deloitte comment) There should be further clarification on the definition of “ordinary” and

“generally” as outlined above.

b. Dividends etc.

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


Dividends from a company owned 25% or more by the foreign subsidiary (other than dividends

that are tax deductible in the hands of the dividend paying company) is excluded from scope.

Where the main business of the dividend paying company is mining of fossil fuels (including

businesses that are closely related to the mining of fossil fuels), the above ownership ratio is

reduced to 10% or more.

(Deloitte comment) It should be noted that the reduced ownership percentage of 10% is only

limited to fossil fuel businesses and those countries that Japan has tax treaties with.

c. Consideration from securities lending activity

d. Capital gain/loss on disposal of securities

A capital gain/loss derived from the disposal of shares in a company with 25% or more

ownership and satisfy certain conditions is excluded from scope.

e. Profit/loss arising from derivatives transactions

Profit/loss arising from the following derivatives transactions are out of scope:

Where it is apparent that the derivatives transaction is carried out for the purpose of hedging

Gain or loss arising from commodity futures transactions derived by a foreign related company

that is a commodity futures dealer in the country where its head office is located and meets

certain conditions (e.g. the directors or employees of the foreign related company engage in all

the work which is generally required to manage the commodity futures transaction)

f. Foreign exchange gain or loss

A foreign exchange gain or loss arising from the ordinary course of the business of the foreign

related company (except for where the purpose of the business is derived from earning income

from fluctuations of foreign exchange rates) is out of scope.

g. Other income similar to the above income types a to f arising from assets that could generate such


However, where it is apparent that the transactions carried out are for the purpose of hedging, this

is out of scope.

h. Consideration from tangible fixed assets leasing

However, the following is out of scope:

Consideration arising from the leasing of tangible fixed assets where the fixed assets is in use

by the company and is used in the country where its head office is located.

Consideration arising from the leasing of tangible fixed assets derived by a foreign related

company meeting certain conditions (e.g. the directors or employees of the foreign related

company engage in all the work which is generally required to manage the tangible fixed assets

leasing business)

i. Royalties from intangible assets etc.

Royalties arising from intangible assets that have been self-developed, purchased, or licensed for

substantial consideration that are used for certain businesses by a foreign related company are out

of scope.

(Deloitte comment) It should be highlighted here that the scope has been expanded to include

"royalties from intangible assets" rather than royalties arising from industrial property rights such

as patents etc. under the current rules.

j. Capital gain or loss on intangible assets etc.

A capital gain or loss on intangible assets that have been self-developed, purchased, or licensed for

substantial consideration that are used for certain businesses by a foreign related company are out

of scope.

k. A certain amount of the foreign related company calculated by the following formula is subject to

the passive income inclusion rules.

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


Profit of the fiscal year - (total income above (from a to j) + (total assets + accumulated

depreciation expenses + labour costs) ×50%)

(Deloitte comment) This calculation gives rise to ‘excessive earnings’ or ‘irregular income’ that

exceeds a certain level to be regarded as passive income regardless of the type of income arising.

As a concept, this can be considered similar to making a transfer pricing adjustment, and therefore

businesses that do not contain much fixed assets or human resources may be particularly affected.

II. Applicable to Financial subsidiaries etc.

Whichever is higher, a below, or total of b to e below:

a. Income derived from over-capitalisation of the financial subsidiary

b. Above I. h (Consideration from tangible fixed assets leasing)

c. Above I. i (Royalties from intangible assets etc.)

d. Above I. j (Capital gain or loss on intangible assets etc.)

e. Above I. k (Certain amount of excessive earnings/irregular income)

Losses (“NOL”) carried forward is newly recognised for certain types of passive income subject to CFC

taxation. Losses arising on the following types of passive income can be carried forward to offset against

future income:

Other than financial subsidiaries etc.: above I. d to g, and j

Financial subsidiaries etc.: above II. d

(2) Practical impact

In practice, the extent to which a CFC taxation charge may arise on income from foreign subsidiaries that

currently satisfy the Active Business Exemption rule or the Economic Activity Test under the new rules is

likely to be increased. For example, Japanese owned groups that have established regional headquarters in

countries with lower tax rates such as Singapore and Hong Kong and are investing in Asian countries

through those regional headquarters, should review the nature of income received by such regional

headquarters. In particular, dividend income and gains on disposals deriving from shares with less than

25% ownership, interest income from group finance, gains and losses on derivative transactions and

foreign exchange gains and losses etc. often arise in the headquarters company from Joint Venture

investment, fund management and similar activities, and therefore it is necessary to monitor the details of

the CFC rules which are due to be amended based on the proposed Tax Reforms.

(Deloitte comment) The UK is a popular location for establishing a regional headquarter function for Europe

and beyond, but where its consecutive corporation tax rate reductions in recent years have attracted

attention. The UK’s corporation tax rate will be reduced to 19% from April 2017 and therefore will give rise

to issues similar to those described above.

5. Changes in scope of the Foreign Related Company definition

(1) Overview

A substantive control test is introduced to define control of the foreign related company. The foreign

company will be treated as a controlled foreign related company, where certain conditions are met (e.g. the

Japanese company has a residual claim for almost all the assets of the foreign company).

(2) Practical impact

Although it is possible to be related to a foreign company not only on the basis of share ownership, but also

in the form of loans, dispatching executives etc., it is extremely difficult to put in place a precise provision

which comprehensively and accurately covers such a relationship. As such, when the CFC rules were first

introduced, this consideration was taken into account and the control test was limited to one based on the

capital relationship only10. This limitation will be eliminated as a result of the amendments proposed by the

10 "Commentary on Anti-Tax Haven Rules" (Seibunsha, January 10, 1979) Supervised by Gen Takahashi, Ministry of Finance

Tax Div. Director

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


Tax Reforms, which appear to give more focus on the purpose of the CFC rules as an anti-tax avoidance


6. Economic Activity Test – Reform of the Active Business Exemption

(1) Overview

The Active Business Exemption under the current CFC rules will be reformed and renamed the Economic

Activity Test, with each condition of the Active Business Exemption updated as below. The main aim of this

change is to take into consideration an exemption only for certain business activities.

I. Business Purpose Test

A foreign related company whose major business is aircraft leasing will be treated as satisfying the

Business Purpose Test, where the foreign related company meets certain conditions (e.g. the directors or

employees of the foreign related company engage in all the work which is generally required to manage the

aircraft leasing business.)

II. Substance Test/ Administration and Control Test

A foreign related company which is an insurance consignor will be treated as satisfying the Substance Test/

Administration and Control Test, where the foreign related company meets certain conditions when

obtaining the licence as an insurance consignor.

III. Country of Location Test

There will be some necessary updates for a foreign related company whose major business is

manufacturing with regard to the Country of Location Test, where the foreign related company is

considered to be independently engaged in the important part of the manufacturing business in the country

where its head office is located.

(Deloitte comment) From this announcement, it is presumed that some relief measures will be provided for

cases where the manufacturing principal and the manufacturer itself are located in different locations, for

example, for specific contract processing arrangements in China, which resulted in a large number of

precedent court cases about the application of the CFC rules.

IV. Unrelated Party Test

Where the transaction with an unrelated party is determined in advance as if the goods or services are

to be transferred or provided to a related party, the transaction is treated as a related party transaction

when the Unrelated Party Test is considered.

Where a foreign related company whose major business is to act as an insurance consignee has a

transaction with an insurance consignor, the transaction of the foreign related company is treated as a

transaction between unrelated parties when the Unrelated Party Test is considered.

The Unrelated Party Test will be applied to a foreign related company whose main business is aircraft


(2) Practical impact

Although the aircraft leasing business is expected to grow with demand for LCCs (Low Cost Carriers) rapidly

increasing, the Japanese tax rules were considered to be holding up the growth of Japanese groups in this

industry. This is because the current CFC rules clearly state that aircraft leasing does not satisfy the

Business Purpose Test. For example, subsidiaries that conduct aircraft leasing business in Ireland are

subject to the CFC rules. Under similar rules in other major countries, aircraft leasing businesses with

sufficient business substance are typically excluded from equivalent CFC rules, and therefore the proposed

Tax Reforms are responding to protests that Japan's aircraft leasing businesses are unfairly disadvantaged

against their international competitors.

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


7. Other major amendments

(1) Document required for submission in relation to the foreign related company

Where the national tax officers ask the Japanese parent company to submit supporting documents that

provide proof that the foreign related company satisfies the Economic Activity Test or meets the conditions

to be exempted as a Paper Company but the Japanese parent company does not submit them by the due

date, the foreign related company will be assumed not to have satisfied the requirements of the Economic

Activity Test nor the conditions to be exempted as a Paper Company.

(2) Changes to indirect holding ratio calculation of the foreign related company

The calculation method for testing the indirect holding ratio of the foreign related company will be

amended from the multiplication method to testing the shareholding ratio owned by the intermediate

foreign holding company which is more than 50% owned by the Japanese parent company.

(Deloitte comment) It will be necessary to review the scope of application, since the indirect holding ratio

calculation will be amended from a conventional multiplication method to looking at the shareholding chain

relationship that determines control under the corporate reorganisation taxation regime.

(3) Special treatment for dividends from mining fossil fuel business

Where the major business of the dividend paying company is mining of fossil fuels (including businesses

that are closely related to the mining of fossil fuels), and the company has a place to mine the fossil fuel

located in a country with which Japan has concluded a tax treaty, the minimum 25% ownership

requirement for the exclusion of relevant dividend income from the CFC taxable income calculation, would

be reduced to 10% or more.

(Deloitte comment) For fossil fuel mining businesses, there are many cases where investment in countries

with natural resources is made through an investment SPC based on operational reasons such as ring-

fencing various risks or reflecting the intention of investment partners. In such cases, there is an increased

risk of being subjected to the CFC rules due to the Paper Company criteria (see above section 3 I.), but at

the same time, the risk is also reduced to a certain extent by the special treatment of dividends under the

CFC rules for mining of fossil fuel businesses. However, since these special rules are limited to fossil fuels

mining businesses in countries with which Japan has a tax treaty, such investments in countries (e.g.

Peru) with which Japan does not have a tax treaty will need more attention under the new rules.

(4) Requirement to attach the foreign related company’s financials to the Japanese company’s tax


A Japanese company who holds a foreign related company that is subject to CFC taxation has to attach the

financials of the following foreign related company to its corporate tax return.

A foreign related company whose effective tax rate is less than 20%

A foreign related company whose effective tax rate is less than 30% (limited to a foreign related

company that is considered a paper company etc.)

(5) Effective date

The new rules will become effective for accounting years beginning on or after 1 April 2018 of the foreign

related company.

8. Areas that should be considered by Japanese owned groups now

Examples of areas that Japanese owned groups should consider in view of the proposed new CFC rules can

be summarised as below. In many cases, it is necessary to manage, analyse, instruct and monitor risks on

a global basis, which we envisage will be mainly driven by the Japanese headquarters in a wide range of


Reviewing, preparing individual documents, and establishing a reporting system to the Japanese

headquarters on a continuous basis for those companies not currently monitored due to having an

effective tax rate of 20% or more but which may potentially be categorised as a paper company etc.

under the new rules;

For companies whose effective tax rate is less than 20% but pass the Active Business Exemption test

and has no passive income under the current CFC rules, to consider the existence of passive income

Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter


under the proposed expanded definition (e.g. dividends from shares where there is less than 25%

ownership, interest income in companies conducting group finance, gains and losses on derivative

transactions, foreign exchange gains and losses, etc.), and establish a reporting system to the

Japanese headquarters;

Review the organisational structure based on potential risks identified from the above (e.g. consider the

integration of companies where there is sufficient economic substance with a paper company in the

same country, or consider reallocation of passive income to a subsidiary located in a country where the

effective income tax rate is 20% or more, etc.)

Review business models based on potential risks identified from the above (e.g. for those businesses

that is due to generate passive income on an ongoing basis or for businesses that are predicted to have

a large amount of passive income in the future, consider reorganising the business model so that it is

more tax efficient etc.)


Japanese Business Taxation Europe Newsletter



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Mitsutoshi Sato +49 211 8772 2099 misato@deloitte.de


Roger Brands +31 88 288 1097 rbrands@deloitte.nl

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