JiisSUBB INJTH E SCHOOLS. r £---^--;w*witr**HI^-...


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%fA^^^HK'l4;_^orthr2otll in9t. i9 a

Sm\,»t r fw w. hComml-loncr Wood to wbleb I

CCTili aStaa *_B_ bara preventod earller a*teg«* ,Ut J "',rt na ren._rka there rfven by myUnUoa on my P«* cauitio crltlcUm uponT0Ut.rahlefrleud^mmea aahaatoB8_______?«rfU?a« .» tha 13th laat. My clvHItyTfportcd ln IBB i R

th<j . of an ,nfluen.lBBi-werii.gthev«»t« <>to ruM) ,nt01,81 JTSSSI.ds« atfault. for did not

,,rln.." Ia »ot vn> raiew^^ ^^on

k'KlU,TlIsitctri Bhlha thlnks hl. fellowBB-lartagtohaBBBPBaa b-|oW the Bottrd 0,CoiuinUMouer ahould iay ".»

tducation. h(Vtf earneetly my views wereCan ho have *£* on 0ctober 15, ln opposltionexpteasadlWoretheBoa^ ^mrtry to tbo

10 W" ^ ____ft*aaat1 indeedltwas after bear-

,w thHtdU sM^^ rell.vcd.ti. propoundhis

SHt,,rC<Ur_ne,pontoplc»on wbleb the people were

jSaSttaI" tate.-'»n,awkishscn.in.e,.taM.y."S2S.^2 I.Vvpert." ete., they sound like raillery." "atl '

t _n _n*rt ta that dlrection ; indccd it ap-Ma,mno»-*f»«J^ >. . M roi Miaaa_alBT^ri i w !.*¦.-« ,h°M,i,ioct u io°

-aa^eraaaBaBb m revl.(.d thP COUPM of

\^n %_? made tal. provlslon: "Klemen.sofBtaayiaun" »¦

tive mwtag, baaa>

^irid "Vnueslfasuotiomy nre perml.sl.de s,.,

SfhS o .u of thaaa 8aajaata may he taagM ta aay

C i II rimlttcd bv the cominittee on coiirao of atudy,* S » ef the board of trustees." Under thla

2525!eWl."for nuvrrincipalso wlahlag to

gjS^gji^arpll latha taaaefan Ua

M^i"lnrllaeedhiS resolution of Octoher 18 and

then*uTruoted the city .uperlntondent to .aMaaarlo^rprlncipal. (tho answer to ho made to 1.1.u. Mr.

SSf Tl.eo.rd asks: "What permls-il.le _tud.cs. if .

iTcom7Z i.¦ - _~ .KP-tment wilbont

gatriiarnt to tl.e health of cither pwpOa or teacln ia 1


Thelnqulry seomed to me muih like what the lawy. re

ralla-eadlmc qncatlon. Batl am only eaaai....,.. with

Ut Wood** atatemea. of the reaalaa, which I ooatoea d

Zm m aarpHaa Ba *«)*-"From retnrna reoeutlyLt to me fmm 10. prlncipale of femalc. n.i.le B»dau^darammaracuoolaonly thlrty-nlne are in favor of

ontinulm. the prcaent casy cour ...; alxty«lM are lu

f.v.-ofa.ldlbgtoltoneor other aai som of th.-mlwo

cr three of tho followlng addltlonal stulh'-: aaaaotttj,aleebra, perspcctlvc drawln*. book-keeplna aad artronn-

niy" Battagataearaad thaaatattara wBb the atmoattoM I 'In.l myself ___B_hl8 to coiiflrm Mr. Wood't Igaraa.WBh the beat Ughl Bt my command the-e are tl.e taetaaa

I understand them: Numher of prlncipal. .n all tl.e

Kruinmarsehoolsaccordius to the auiwrlnten. eut a ro-

vi.T> Mi.le-ehools 46, female m-hoofs 17. and l.lx.-dI i,,_t_ i-4 niatiinira total of 1">. In response to Mr.^HiSal^adiyu-oaVboo-aand p rnlxed achooU.n.ak. ni ." . "ft thRk any peraalaalble jtudtoa can beJ hl. d" and aeariy all of thaae ohject deelded y. Tberewon., female aehoola an.l two mtaad M-bou s '

could a-id one or moro of tl.cse atudles. lha . li_-i_-)ite*n. lnake no ie.poi.se.nSirpamai^rsa aatlraS llmlted to tbe ulrto'.achoolaimSmtUt. WoodtaelBdeathe malea Inbta reply. mnatfbUowblm. There ara twentytwo male aoboola whien

do not thluk any studies could he addod, aeventeen ouldB_Maaa »r more. and the olher neven ni.ik.- ln. r. .-P"'-''.TH»of siitv aeboola atrlcOy eonaaotod with tbU matt. r

Sytwelrareapoi_dfavo«bly, and of the enUre numberof sihool*. Km.oulv twenty-nlne reapond ln favor of2_i__.uk to what Mr. \v.1 ealli "tht pwaenl easycourae." and onh ft.nr females and three mah-s wo.i.ddeslrereoroetry: aure'y nuch ll«ures do nol ravor Mr.\v....f_ivlew* Beslde* do they not ahow ineontestnhlythat ti.a '.rity verdlcl of tbaae able teaehera tl a: tbeatrain now on the tlmbeT l« as mneh asit can alandWhi.lenirlncerilaredrivchi. ei.Kine.ir iuad bia

up to the f-he. r poiut ol endurauco I N"W tbalWhal lagotagoniaourirtrla'aehoola. It lahUh pressure.nithaii eatraneeat theNonna] ...l.e--. aa tbe roirm, a< her can rntertaiii. aslt aecu.a tome, any Done rorlieri.'.i'ii who f.ilis at achool rraduation mueh owOf, p-r cent. Itenco, even BOW it U BBlHoessa.it stri.in for the next June <¦ .-

aiuinaiiuna. We must not he d.-cetv.-.l l.y tbe ttatemautthai ccitaiii -tudies bave been dropped wben the stralu

tbeaaiMttmaloctroaaod hy the hlgh ralataKoftheaaramtaaa atexamlnBtlon. It latraethat aii npplleanl...rthe nualtion ot teacher muat ahow a physlciau s cr-

tltleate ifphyaieal Btueaa for the work. Bul tbe ..,,,,.

inatioii tbnalmplled la made after mdtfatlon from theeolleaa. Oomp*_wd witb tbaae who Ibni i¦¦vi->- e.-i-ifl-,-iitesi.i'.- th.re not many who oannot honeaUj i-t auebcvrtifleatea l Uo not *ce tbal thla tolrly baara apea iu.-

l-i.t. vi.iv.a POB RBALTH.Vaa_Baa_ayalraad to Ba_rata__bal almplytb

mmj he tae!" Bai hi.nnfui. Ia ahorl wi n-k u wayVhhh ivhiih will ."'t involve n I'liy-i.-al bitlie courfc, or rntat! .;. rvou« nllment- BB the

, Mr. V.-..,'.: "I U know tbalFrt-n.h a'.nl BBgUflh >'ome to tU for InatrnctloD Wllhlacard to populai edacatlon, aud admlt tbal we aro far¦Sead ol thera." That i- to say tbe forel u

1 ui. Nuw.lo.-s u.d o..r"e-i»Tl;,, r* abroad from ui

anflaljrii nllntn Ju il noa laloiid to put on thehrahes i.ith.-lrTn- le s.'hool-l 77)' Lfturri -.: n .../

sv. i.n, .i-.-. ¦¦;-.-, roiiai nd ln. ip able hlunder." '1 hettirli-h Parllauie.it la con .ideruiK the appuiniin n.i

.a.uii:,i.i to luveatigate the matt;ln Praaslaapctltlon, »Un. .1 by tcachcr*. pbyal.lauBtber*. baa been addresae l to the Chamherof !> ;> ni -,

in-tiiui. f..rth the ___aeblevo_i eBeetoof exceaalvenerv>aaa atraia. etc.But reeently eommlsslona to lnvestiu-ite the nver pre»-

.nrflti sehooU hnve been appoluted ... He--.-. ... Huxouj.un,l iu Badea. If now under a rexlme ol leaa hurry amlil.ive tbere is daaaer, what thonld i ot ..<. infer ikava tn.i K|.:neto foilow my oolleaaue to the en.l. Mr..Vood'n "At.haii-.-l." ..nd tiu- ¦. Mii.-sto..--.' ot blatori

.s may he ui..r.-eitieiently and"in better taate->-dat aboanl ui"<tiug.

ln my ',-_.'e-ti..n tbat th» ntre of admlsalon mlieht oaflxed at six years. I refer to a.l.ni- i.m to tbe reffularprlmary cour-e. II.nl we the acoommodat.ona I wuulJaalvocat. lor tne tlve-u ,.r-ulds a yearof kluder artenwith lis iaecillliarol>jo.-t-te;:-hln_ deve!..i.in_; the |.. :.e|.-tlou Blld the lliVt-ntlve laeullie. of tiie Chlld. HeWwould he aeuared .-.._,: physi.ai dlraotlon hy the lu-door

¦an.l Bot-dkwr sxarel ¦-. and through tbe inedlura ofchildf.-n storlcs wme n.'ir.il enlture, hotban.l the liisiriietif.u l.ein- adapted to tbelr ¦-

¦¦-.rjitHiiii nn.TTT 1'. leavlng the Ur.->t Uutk.Bclou* lessou for the primary ooune.Thanks to Mr. W.t ;.>r IiIh well .le«>-r\ rd mantinn ol

Jaaaaa B*. Qwaid \v.n.:,i tbal bewan allre and withus now. H.s eiiiin. nt aervleea to. tife cauaaof publiem hool ediieatiou wore sneu aa would WBtTanl the hellellhal hi- _..-at baart, aoodjudinaaal and atroon coiniuonK.-a-e ini^ht hy ratiou.il method* pllot ua throuth_tii,t inifit of our pre.eii. perplexluea.Wmt-tartt,Dee.81,18__ Paaocaica w. Dkvoe.

' INCREASE Uf BCHOOL ATTEHDANCE,f City Supi'riiit'n.-ent iaaapt of the pii'ii.'schoois laaa_gafad peapaaaag -hi- yaariy raportot theachools. ile aaid yes'.irday that lt would ahow aa Ia-B8M88 of over _k080 iu the average BttoadaaoB for Ihey.-ar. Thi. feBBBBBM B larsrely iu thu Bpper w.n I-,wherethescho.il mco'iiuio laMons have been inlai <. I.Ia tha Wlaetaaatb Ward tba Ini raaae la 8,000. Muatofthelowi-r wai.l- abow a deeraaaa indleatliu the drlft oftheclty's p'.pulatio.i. The l-'ift.-enth Ward Is an exc«p-tlon, tho Im -raa..' heinjc nearly SMM. This is the reanlt ofthe s.i}_-rilr|on of tho triiant uxeuts obllging lialiauVaituts to m nd their childrcn to schooL


nrroRMs is booruo.platbbb <>s tbb paofic00*81.CIIAN.;: S AT IIIK POLO lillirl'Mis,

TheBeerisgaobjeel lebeihg ..ijrit.if.-.l hy ilu--Castern aeorera *ho wish tbe eo-operat-Ofl of otberaeorers tn all Ix-u^'ue i itics. A jK-titlon to tbe NatlonalLeague ha-ix-.n iirawn up aad will be preaented byPre»iUeiit Bodler, »f tbe Boataa club. at the M mb au et-lt»R. It Is uiidoiil.tedly de-inhle that the newapapenahould puhllsh -i <ir..-s ..n a ntnfonn hasls. Aecordlng tothe presf nt LeagOS niles, wild pltehes and jia-.-e 1 l.iil-ar»: uie.-.-j.v i-h irged ;is hatu-ry crrors and ar.- BOI ebait .

.'..aiiikt the playcrs ln tho t.ihul.tted taora, l.i.t are

prinu-d lu tho ¦tiinmary ftdlowtaf. The_e inlaplayaalhiw a player t<> make oue or more has. n, and tiu- playera>__kti.|f th.-.u Hhould he charited with iu- Mnader, aa laaflfridi r \, hu in-iil- or throwa a hall wlldly. ObJaettoBBag ba aa_de to tbe plan, that lt doaa aa iujuatlee to ihepilchcr and cat. her in tli.it tli.se jilayera have manyBiore cbaaccs to make errors thau the othdr ui<n oa th--.lne. Whea, however, lt Is rcineiuhere.1 Ihut couipnrl-aoasof a at-aaou'a work ure claaalflcd, pitchera withpltchere, ealoaere with cateb«-rs aud ttelder* with tl.hl-ars, thu ohjeitioi,. wil! he removed. It is also aiiKt-'cstedtbm ameh aaaaat, au mattor of what oaiture, chould appearcou*plcuou»ly in th< Mcore ln order to *how .'. hi.h play-Bt* did the wor'f of th.-^aiiie It ls thuuicht, ton, to he.Idyjustlca; that Ihe piteh-r Kho.ild be ^Ivcli un i-,-ist on.ach *trlke out. Tho i*titloii n ul- as foliows :tolht SiUfnml Unyuf of I nfettUmttl /; i*ib t'l Player* ;

" We, the uud. r-un.-ti, repurtera of hu-cull k.ihh-. Iuthea_-r.-r_leiii.-- ,,1 th. U-agiie, ie-pei-tr.i'U p.-titlonloar houoruhle liody to .iin.-nd Hulc 7.) of ihe pli.yiui.rul_4_isf.,lh,w»: 6

blr.ke ui lue la-t pa .mr.iph of Seeth.ii li and SUhatl-aate tbe foliuwiuK Aua ,i .t shail h. .'. tiu- |.lt<-l>.-i-Whentli .... ..ii.tii la,,. ,. |,|| ||.. ,,.,,. ,,

mtbaa.m.oahall i..-. n. iitsdln tbobumman uuder ihebeadol >tr ieko.il.'Adl tho i.liowi, tai Bectlon 7: Wlld pItcho_ anlPaajedli;.I|.M. '..... J |..,.

tl _b.La\u...'" "' l'oiumu' "-'' »"' ¦" " ¦'! r "

_______Sf__T.tlMr " ¦¦' ,-"'-,"t and ni 1.,.., of laatLeiVLllo ''¦..* '. Will proh.vl.;, i'..,.i':: ||.,¦_!_f _W.h,"' l"'M Se..H.n. Ile u:.,y |.. ,

jB-*n,out ht w:, n.t.«i<ler.ililatruuba«bUMtgng tbe

pl'iac'i'"""'" ' r ''""i'"':i! >,,u'8r8 *l"t-nn on thet- ._.

" ,:av" >i in-'edareuulHraM nediileof cauiusJ^wa^'' ua >««dut4d__y, i-atui-uaj' aad fciaday of

_____r______£---^--;w*witr**HI^-__pw__--___and sbould ha made before the aeaaou o-*-na. The iliaira

wlll be repalnted and probably thefenclngwhltewaahei.Tl e entrance. and exlta ahould be «£A-M£"_$the one near Klfth-ave. Laat year theta waa niiithcrowding jostllngand lllhumor before and after the

ga.ues. Iii some cliies large blaekboard* are B*a*MieeB*picuouslv In the groiinrts an.l a tally of the "BBB ¦

kept by lunlugs. These blackboards would rneet witn

favor here nnd would forerer allanee the " wbat a-tB«v

eoere I" liet.d. A uew atatlon la to be built at One-hun-dred-and-ienth-st. and Thlrd-ave. for the aceommoda lon

ofihepatronsof the Polo Orounds. The Metropolltani:\hiiiltlonCoinpanyhaaaecuroda flve yeara lease or

Ua grounda. ^_____TBJf OOVBTB.



Alhort A. Hill, of London, obtained n jndpr-ment of .6,500 ngulnat Ambrose Lee before JustlceDonoluie, ln tbe Siipreme Court, on Tuesday. Mr. Hill 1*

a haberdasher. The defeudunt was lu the eniploy of

lltirris & Co., No. 877 llromlway. when Hill made his

aequalutnnee. Hill asserts tbat ho vialted thla **Tj*tbeaprlngof 1P82. aad was ladaaed by Ut to livestsome money in stocks. lee toid blin tbat he was ln pos-.esataa of *'iiiaideH taformatlon ahoat adalag atoeu,audontbeatreiigtliof Ibia HUlgavo blm Sl.aOO to ln-vest ln abiires of tbe Horn Silvcr Mlnlng f ..nipaiiy. Hwas nndeistoo.1 by Hill tbat he eoul.l obta.n 1.1s alinreaon tbree daya' notice. From IH.ie to time IU furiitahedLaa with oth.r mmbs whieh aggregated fe^yWi. mtarmt

of stoek to this nn.ouiiT bo Biippoaed were held t>yChleholn* & 00. brokers. Hill held no cer-

tlttcates. ns Lee toid blm that a fa\oral.]eopportimlty for aellroa ini-.it occur at any iin..

In the winter oi l-si Hill wanted to retarato Kn-ian,i.nnd detnaaded a aettlement. Tbla waa poMponed .Jf'eral tiines. aad when ai laat Hill called at HhitIs a < <;. ¦

More, be Waa toid that l.eeha.l "koiio into tbe (onntiif.r b Bonpk <-f wiik.." ,Thla aad n

Mareh, l^i. He ne*t recolved a letter it<«¦

Lee, who toid him ihat be bad aalledfor Uverpool laiae( ity of Cheater. and mi. ht nol retiirn for sevei-al 0*onl BB. .

TbeCitvof Chfater broke down aadpulilato Halirax,Notb scotia. for repalra There Lee waa foaad ay hi«.wbo broii_hi suit againal blm, aad obtalued a .u*.igmeutbv eoufes.ion. r-nlt wa> broajrht againal l**e aora ia

1883. bnt tbe eaae weat orer un.l did not i-ome up i«r

trialaatllTaaaday, HUI teatlBed thal u-p bad beagaiall bia sharea on marirliia iBOtoadof oiiti.ifht.

J. H. lleilly. attoruev for LBB,aatd to a I (tll'.l M. re-

porter yeaterday: .. We sball appeaJ tbe eaae, ofcourae. HUI aud Lea boajrht Moeks as pn.tn.is.ll.u boughl iii:uiv «.f tbe atocka hlraaelt on iiiaicins.Leepat84,000 and his experienee atratuatBXi.BW) ror-

niahcd i>v lllil. ln the snmmerof 18«_ ther tnada about.t<> i. in pebrnary. 1883. they bad a eradll of aii.wajat th.-ir brokera, an.l iu May »f the aaoM year taoy owetbe brokera 812 Both loal all tbey bad pul lnl««B_*bnahieaa. ifiu drew ,'no. whieh left hia loaaa*.8V0Bgalaatla-e'aloeaof 94,000."DI8CUB8ING BUGH J. IIASTIXOOT WILL.B (sc.i.'t:o;iklinirt:ilki'il lor an liour y.*t.T-

d.'.V in thel ,..'.! o-ale's Coiirl, nnd ;.! tbe did of it all tbe

Bctrrog ite loolted daaed, aad Raataa B. Baaaaaa, tha <..¦-

poatag ...iiio.!, appeared areatly pasatod, Thaa Mr.lUmsoiu spoke for nn bo.|i-."aud tbe olher tWO g«-n-

tieinen a*«med Involred laa meatal tahyrlath, Mr.Coukling theu talked again. and al the eoaeluali.I hl*remurki Mr. Ban«oni said: "B'lll yoa BlniUy repealtbatl Realiy. I do not cotuprebend your m-uulng.The siibj.-ei in ban-l waa the wlll of tbe tate liu-.-ii.t

ITaatluga, nud tl.ntroveray tnraed npon tha |iolnlwhetbertbe ail.ooii wbleb h d been a-frntag on Mr.Ua«ttngs's Commeretal Adterttten- atoch fot Bva yearabafoxe hl* d. th ahould ir,, to the topetee*araong whom the atorh waa apporMri-i-d orto Mra. I!: tlngs aa tha raaldnary legatee. Mr. C»nkUn_atated tbat the qiiestlon had been BUbmltted b? tba -..

ecutors of the will aud the tagateea to tha Iate J.ida-e.Polger.and urgod thal be a. led aa an arblterlndecliliuathe matter. Mr. Rnnsoru, fo« Mra. Uaatlnga, deelaredlhal Judge I'..!.- r's oplnlon «..- rnarely a legal one, nndhadnoblndlngfoi <¦. FartberTnore, one of tba <-\.-.-n-

tora, Jenklns V'an s. h ilok, bad been In iitt.-r Ignoranoe olthe lubtnlaalou of the matter t...ln.lb'e Fidger. Tha baar-in_ waa adjoarni .11.» Pebruary -.


AFTEB IKINTIV- WEALTH AGAIH.Tli.'old diapotesSaa t-» th.-Trinity Chuab

property, whtah ezelted attaatioa Iftaea y. m- aga. bbt(been in -.ni.e degn e r. rlred b] *wueeedlngB whtah Mrai::,.ni;. ii. Wallaea, ofOhta, bas begaa ta lha Pulted~'.i'e-c,eii... Mra, w.-iiboc j, irporta toi>.- oaeaf lha taiiimiei-.tble deaeewilentaol \.keJ ina. whoto D itnlnla Bognrdna, Tt..- p alnllfl eUlmaaabare In thaealcatate whieh Corualtaa Brower,her aneeator ti'-e

generatloiiB haek, Is declared to bare ..wn.-.i in thElghth an.l Nlnth Warda. A roortgage >.r *7....m>. ,. bi.wi.s takea ln pkrt rayrneal wh in tbe pt-opeity wa - -. Idls aaid i.ot to nave been paid, and hence com* tb.w'l.lcb tb.- plnlntlfl il. -ii*. to have inbaiantiated. '1.la alao a repnted leaae of propitty In Die Annea.

by a anil more retdota aneeator, wh... ta 17'".rented It for nlnety-nlBe yeara. ^ii* wallaeeallege*tbat, thta "eaae bavlfig ezplrra, the i>:.;i>*it\ rrTerta t,.b,.: -,- t .ii ¦! othei helra. Otaer mllllonala hardraabare

!,,- aneeeaafttl eompletlon ..r thother iulta. A |,.li,t itoch oompany i- i ,..i to be paahlnatbu Miit and selliug aharea ln lha eontlngenl«ttate.

FRAOMENTa 0P LEQAL KEW&Dr, WolfgaagQoetasaya li i- tae Bai_aoa

ofthellthK. s ¦.¦ * -s'- T.,aadphyal ia totiie New Y-,. d B ind aad th-

Vork Geraaa Uooka' Bo. *y. Ira aaaetia (*o-a_t. hiau,,, ... klng an ab-ohit« dlroree frora bha. taylna I

i . \ -'.i il-.ia. Or.., ,:/ rec .-''-. --'."><>.» b.ill when arreated In tb-riiii. ou an i-i

on n ll,otl.,ii tovacBte tbe order of ir:--:. T»r. .... U dentai anydoalre|o le.IV ilieM

i. .. - fl '! .- id .avored ye*terr1 ijinon

tb -'.¦ .-¦ .: .¦.

.- ;¦ illr :¦ ln" :« v- He >¦¦

nl!. .'...-.-¦.fi'.iK of tiii-in. -I i-:i.e Amdrewa |MMtponedii. .., when the Injanellon ln the oianlbtu

mip .... i- .¦

aa eutoi for w llliam Renni 111A'lnis 1: 1.1 > waa tran«ferred v

- -,_,

Hi ableh H I- alle.ed 'i. Pfct Idid noi full. pay I >r. "

il, ri ire i tnal >li K.:. 11 ||y ba .. tltle ln ibe pian.l ih return with Intare toftbe woaej |midon tbe proji

(M.l j ii.\i: .,! DAT.¦Cllifl . ii. J.- N v

8, J7. -... ., :;... 1: 17 -. IA, I .', i.>>,.' 18

...; i-rr.'.11.eix.'iii-.; ' r i,av,». i- j iiia.lv, J-V,. I, 'io,¦.- .

171. 1.... 1-... 1-". IM4. .- l, -..'. 1 ¦'. ;..-.: m ,111,.1 .,1 9.

-1 .1:1 h ¦. I'I it. Tl I'aln 1.Ib or i.J.-.-¦. -. ....


nra, ri, .l».irr ii :>. .¦ , \ ..

I., il J.- .',, ...

... .,- '_p_a, ¦¦¦., .1

> ,,

hi I'lli -ii.I .1 ;; ¦.', Ul l ;. -.

214 1147. :404tt. II11...... .."...'.¦>- -... ...',.., 170.1770mi--. in-¦itt- Part lil '.< '. .¦¦ nen .i--i*. t

¦' 4, .-'.¦ --.

B ¦. .' ls 7.. .-; ta. 'ii ¦..',..., ".>, :¦..'. J .7 .', '. .1 ...

2778 20u*t. 1 '... .?, 2. . 1 176II. Noa. i'-l. Ill, 101,

li.II IB ... 4I.TBBM-B fon ~',ly»i- k . J

I'i ua\ vi.'. .-.n.i.ia, J. J.- Nu*. -.., 30, 70, 74, 81, «*, 13, -.r* _u

s R -'1 BlAt IB PAB1 I -I'-' for. "'ln IB,J.- .v .'..-

'. II KB4LTr.au Ilelor.- I,»iiciii.,r,-. I'. J.,ki ii \ ...i iiM-.-n, j. Noa. 13, 72, 78, ..>. ',:>, *i, -i. -.;,-.;. 03, I.i'..oavtos Puia.araciAL Tbbb.llefore i.aiy, J..Ni i -,

ta.OOMMOa PlBia TtlH ll'.hU-l'Aiii I.Before Allen.J-

.-.Crnr ..-.:, ui. Tbbb Pabi 1 Before Hall J.-.v.n.

-:|, 101 I. . 77, .'.. st, ).-,.( . J 80, '.'72 W.'H. ",'J -. 7 '-.

<in '.i -Taui l..:" Pabi n Before ll .-.- 7 '..('.,.i. '_7io.-Jl io 7.13, l7.ii, V... 8, 'l

2737,'-7::8.'.:741,2742,2743, 2744, 2745, 2740, -7 4. J. .<!.'^if,-'. 270 2764] .181, 100 '.citr Couut.TttiAL TBBM.Part iii i!.-r..ri. iinwea. j.

N.h 1 '. 9 -T. -. 82h30. _8Ut,2383, 2514, 2_78,227H, 2B72, 2411, .1 1,18429.

0O47B1 oi OMBBAI BBaaiosaI'ai.i ,' .iini:,- (-,-viiia. Pabi Jiulaefllbtoraiae-ra.Ahsi i'.-t Itty t rdy. 'Aaal. Dlafc All Bedfard.

leea, i.,.i,.|- le iWllllaai Bonas*. aaaaalLi ,;,:i [_.. tttr )i-,i,i ci le. 'Anioi lu Iteil . muuiltlebar.1 ¦., i. *ul Ide '--, '¦ i ulohn ti boiniclde. rtnothy M.( BtlhY. iiH-.,,'fii.i'n .lln_hea, lanlt. A ia .! rV Branseombe, for,

.i ,1 Touby, robb. vAmi. o*l« I....,.*.. 'i :. "ill. B- i.ii-I Dai nuort, ei ilJ:,i,.- A,;..,,-. aaaaull VVHIlain llBir.n_ton KTai.d larj'i .nk -.ii it i.i., .' s.'icr raraoll, pet.tlliaio.-i ¦,'' 'oiii.or, i>. r -ii.iv. Joaepb Ooaruy. petil lareauCbari ¦¦ W Buyle, bur_l_ry. Tlioioa* Uourtaey. oraad tarKr.-d. ri. u atoraul Juii.i* n..vis, rrand b_«e_y,I'i-i t n.itv /i.biiery. Pteadingi\,i, I,.,.; i.nscuii) John v'ii-'.n, asaaalt.ii,, -.> n '. >'. .>-. D.ivlil'1 .:.-i,.... aaaaullj., i.-.-i.i.', fliau lar. '..- pbCarrolt, robberjr,v i law i-,--ie, iriiiini lar, Jataes Rarnr robb.Miiliel nrrcll i ,1'IuumI Ki-iuy, i..l.t,.-iy.ow. n Boyla >robbory. Ueorae loi.ea, burglary.Juui, ..i.n .ii \ Itlrbard I li,,ni,. ii ii'ir*lnry

/ /..i./,,i.« i.ij.i. r.l W il y, bur_l ry.'lii.-i-i n iiit'.ii :i-H.inii. i;,iii rd Daily, trand lareaay,I.,, ii,.>. ,i, i,,. ,-sn. t 'Ababaii. i-act-Bv, kraud lar.Un ...-p.. -I.'. .. :.-s»,.iit. iv,ini.ui,. roiih, loaad lare ,.

Wlih'iu li.e-.r. hurira-y, CoaataatineBovoa, eoaeaaird(.,--.-'-ie. wuapau.dw* .1 401 in, Ki-.'-i larc'y

jiiiia IIil r ^uii-i bweenyr.l.., .,,'1 lirc -HY.

r ti ii Ifartha, K* ud lan'y.lV I... li W>nn, -. u,l lar- nv.

..,j.i.-i. bawdy h.nhf.?

THE r.\Hi:i) BTATB8 ftUT-UUIE c< UiiT.Wamiini.ton, Jan. 7..Tht- proeoodtti's of

the I Iiit4*l r-t.tle.s Mipivme C'oml to-tlay w.-ie ...

foltawi;No. B 5-Tbe I'lilted St,-,te», flfB8BBB}. a..'t. Iiavld \y,___

n ,r. su nuUle igo 1001.Th( (alt.dM.ile-, IBflttaBl, n't. l-.dward J.

Jor.lui , . . Im.. 007.Tba84. I.-.....'. Ii.'.i Mouotala an.l -onili.-rn Hall-

!,,; I iu; :. i.v ;...,nl! i.i-ii',:. ..'-'(¦ JflflBta II. ll. n y ,.;iilii j.llted iii..!.-1 20UI rul*

-,«.. i4i. rbe t-ie.i.io Ballroad *ii*aal oa.p-iuy. 4.. t.;,. iL.i.U. u_l. il.-e liaii llal.n.a.1 H_l.oI Cieniuiiy.

Ai .-tiiueiii. ontlnuod,,.No. 14.- iu.yal M. I'hIkI.'.tii'hI o'h, n. .'. npp.-lbint -,-ili.itl.-s llollla ilralnar.l Apt.e..l in.mi- ' n.'.iiii'.iuii ut

tno full,.1 -i.i. s inrlbi) l).-;)'..t ol ilasa-icauaotls. ....-

inlHSei! vulli cis.sIll Tb* IIiIbuI* rnaaiBartn fiaa coiui.auy, ap.tiiaui.

utrt J.w«.-ph U a:.d Clnirle* ller*> Ar.nal.No. 114 l'.«-.i.a:uiii V. hevST ;.uloh.r» »p|-elnu's, a<t.

lia.i'y il. fair audoUier,. Ap.i'.u Iroiolbe .-.i.pi'.-ui-j lumt* .."* Ub-U.ct of Culujibio. I'it _isaiU ".ith cuata.

lfo. 148-Oeorre W. Wllson and other*. i,l_nti__ in errer

aat. DnncAB McBan*. fontlnned._TBE NEBUCBADNEZZAII C YUNDER.


The folloxringtranBlAtlon of tho recently dis-covered Bnhylonlan Cyllnder ln the New-York Muaeum

of Art wa* mado by J. F. X. OConor, 8. J., a pupll ln

Assyrlan cuuetform of Profo*sor ITa.pt. Th* cyllnderwaa copied In Beptember »nd the tranalatton nnnouneedon November 17, 188-1. Aa tho text was somewhat ob-

l.terate.1 aid pre_entedr.-ionalderal.le dllllculty on ac-

conut of tbe doubtful form of *oiu* of the character*.'these were reatoredby J. N. Btrasamider, 8. J., accordlnifto l'rofcssor Haupt, the dletiugi.Uhed Babylonlan au-

thorlty. On Decemher 2'J the tranelatlon waaoffaredfor revi»ion to I'rofe*sor Ilaupt. who §poko of the ad-

vUahillty of a pn.vlslonal ptibllcatlon accordlnf to th*

plun of UeorKe Hmilh of the Brltlsh M.i.euui. The work

willapiiear with the full text which ha* been in preassliico Decemher 20. For tl.e pe.fectlou of the»e text*.the tratislutor is Indchted to J. N. Htra*smaicr, 8. J., andfor materlal and vatuabfe a»sl»tanca to Profc*sor Ilaupt,of llaltltuore.rhlslnscriptlon, to the knowledire ef the wrlter, and

on the authorlty of the two fcreat cunelform scholar*mcntloned, has nevor ht-foro been trnnslated. and thefnll text could not he Rathcred from thi* cyllnder alonewlthout eollutlw. with the other eylinders ln the BrltlshMi.seiiiii. The Inserlption refer* to the rehuildlng and rea-

toi.tioii, h/Nehtiehudnezzar, of tb.-iTcmple of the 8unat Wppeia. a alater city to Laraa, w here thare waa also a

temple of th.- am. «od Baaata, lha tran-latlon here glvenIsprovislonal, ai.dkeeps to the < nide form comnion In

Ilal.ylonian texts. The im-erlptlon will be publishedwith trlple text-tho Archale Babylonlan cunelform of

the oriirlnal. the Bnhylonlnn cunelform of the slxth ceii-

tury, II. ('., nnd the As-y. ian of the .eventb century. The.1. '.all- ..f tr.uislatlon nnd the in.Mlitlentlou of the word

lag win bppaar in IBB ln the wart now ln prca*. us the

trati-lator hns collated lt with the liuhylonian text*

hltli. llo publis hcl.TIIK TitANSI.ATiUN.

Behaehadaaaaar, Ktag <>f Mghlaeaaaaaa, who knoweththe 1,-ar ,..' Ihe mdit, tffe l.eloved of lilsllce und rlKtlteollsaeea Bnler t.f llfe an.l lha aaa eaaatag the fe.tr'Of taa...eat Ood IW dWBll lll the l.eart of the |> ople. Hel.llll.lerof ihe temph-of the god, Beetorrr oftbe temple Ba«ila...I th. teiiit.h- /.hia, Balgaty aaa <>f BabopsMaaara Klagof Babj ton, I am.Tba Ood Merodaeb, tl.e araaX Lord, la aalgbtr power

r.i-e.l iu.-up for the rt-storat.".. of the city and the rc-

111 -w Ing ..f hi- templea A lofty aaaae be proelalmad.Thatemple »t Parra, tba leaapM <>f lia Baa, »t B_p-

para, wbleh lona befora me was iu daaay aai Baaaaa re-

piilr ... I i-.-i.niit.1 l.e Bnn (iinl ?-aniu». the irre.it Lord, .n.t to any fnnner

k.iif. baabedi. thla former. Nor hu- he triw-n <->m-

inandK to do thi- I. hl- * -rvii.it. whnm the fcar ..f I.Ih .11-

vinlty urged t<> tbe bnildlaa «i hl* tctuples, l taraad myInatt . to tbia work.

Tl..- <;..! .i'i,..-.-.111..-..1 my hande, be reeeived myI. er* for the bulldln* of tbat temple, tbe balBllag oftbe toinple of the Ood - mr.-.

.-.nn..-. lu.ii.'.n.'i aad Merodaeb eaaaed pnw.-r to i.e lnt..-. prareranto Bamaa, for tbe bnlldlmi "f tl.e teniple,th. teniple of tiu- .-nn. Baaiaa my Lord, th.- lofty Jadgaof heaven and earlh. tlie _r. a:. '.h-- elevated .

rular, arblier of rfgbt, the gtwal i.»r... my Lora.Iii. temple the t. mplr ... tl..- -ua, wblohlaal Blppara ...

|..\ ari.l rladn. *- iti I l.ullt.-i.'i.a-. L-i-eat I.....I. ...""li the !..'. f enterli.K Inf" fh"-

temple nf Parra, thy ri wloua temple, Into ii." worka >.f11 y hi.nl-tr.nt l.e fav.T.ihle und miiy thy a-sistiiiieei-o.iiplele my ifim 1.

Inth] w.,nl of lu-li.e. fraal me itl a f..llne.t-.«>f irlorv.a llfe nut a eiiiute day. ai.d the u-tuliilfih.il. Ul of I.i)'

- -,.r teralty.Lord, for alleternlty, tbaaeaptreofrnle, tr'»- power,

| mu h< tba areptre of my reyalty forevarV. 'th ,,,i*ht. w.i|,.,ii- -a,' I'i- I.I..W that will make

ouamj wanion i... .I Baauufthoa ta aalght aad¦. t: w ,.:. I.

itb. dead M_i Ibey, mv anemlee draw i.e.ar,11., Wetipous slroiv, 4...1 1. t ..,, _J__M *c_ilter Uilu.

elieluli ._.

II la an Intoioallag lhal for lha people of Baw-TertiCBy, tbal ihe tir-t aapablUbe enw if'.rm laamiptl. ¦>'"

¦h-iii -h-.tiit betoog te tha laiga «<f a kmi,' aa '-i-

mlllar ta Orteatal hisi..r>.

.1 NEWAND BANDSOME r. OOKITB 8TOBB.1. iiim. ..r un iini.-i'm; araicfl arBca*x_B

I8BAB4B w ll la BOOK IX'< PT,It li..- 1... 11 !. lt for pome time br leadl ig

.ut- ..t Piaablya that,..»la Bea -Yetft. the Bia .-f

t-..!.- .aettlngni lown lintoad nl raaaalalaa Balloaary.At nr.- aai tba prla. Ipal ¦:ra. .-.1- atoraa «i>- aaaaaad lfp.-.tier tn oa.- i.i wa at I'r.t -ii at 'i hia mti-i.t bara '.. i

witb tba aaada af lha labaBBaato a'ew_wdiBgO,bal It la hy llo lll'llll-. -Illted l'. thr prr.ent «l/r ,,f

ibe po .. \:ei.i..,..t -.',. n,,i-t eatorprMag at:.r aaaae ai .. IbaQapfraaab a< ibe taevHahle, aad'_-;.ir>. loag Maaara, aTosBatoa _k(Abeaham wtu imveBOVed lata th.-lr new ipiirler* lu l'uli>.ii-«f

Par mootba tba atteetl... af pat,., 1., ladbyt naona bnlldlBg wbtoh baa... BB rl .:, ; a'.-.si- th>- hlgh '.¦. ir.| '. ln fr..nt >.f It. snd

aoaanad Ibal batoea naany vaaba tba laat *Vt .:ia;.e,l, UM ia IgbUj b -ar i.n.. t..rn ¦:

..;¦:.. ... iii Brooklya, ai 1. 11:, s v i.i l.- .,; ,,. I |.i ll

|H!blk_ " '.f" "

.ihd bulldiag la thi tauaeaaa aatraaae areb, tbaorowaof wbleh riaea tolbalerelof tbatblrdataaywta;|,,w- .. 1.. entraace --...iity Bve faal a daaad

.- Indowa, rbe . -..

: llmilr, tr - tt.- r ¦'

;,,t. .--, ... illi ,.- .- Bul bed ....... ibe

;d lill) in.. .¦

irruandlmi t.,. ,.,.-. -. :,. wblrh :. .' d- ep, Ihe eye

it WI ¦' .-, , tern llubt nnd en

,. .- \M'I. ...i- ..«.-. I' i.-ii.. _, in 01 thi. eiiy, II

roof of the m ilu hwldlii_r,.,,11 ia Ir -i. Ibe liit.il .!

,| 1.. .',,11, .: ,.| .1:1 thr ttr .

h >1 ...1. .ui ibe.¦ t ,|iie nf the Ih/bl well 1- B faatars u 1I0I. .. -,. new

11 i,|. alloB. Ir ¦

parloUie 11.. fxa ilu* ti....r ,,t .¦,

,¦ ibnumb to

pl,. .- ... a e_ie.ii. Thla.-1 - || .- hia.!..

,,,, t;,, || ..... ... 17 'ee.

fmnl ul .,..-. ¦- na .) Wb. U .' a

,.' .!* ,,f tb< lal.i.e lia -J, l.e

,... .1, -....,-1 i.> th.- ii-,- ai ibe, 111 m,,.i... a.v. tr- »>.I ln l"'.a

,\ ir..-.- ln '..- .. cf Unl ¦',>.. up the..,:,,;.. (baa coilliia ... ..ri 11 ,¦ .11 re I m..| u.ii.-l

ln \ ir. _- Im:>.« Of .>r..i.e. A Ml.-I i'i en ll-.-Kl .>¦ is

,| ||) ia ii-ii.t -1 1. ted ..._ii.i_.iiiv m.iiilei, ...e.-.I,,,, ||.. ¦r.i.i.e a-....|l..-t. -.

rlcli im.._,.._ a pi.-.,i..;;i B001 und low-l.I,.il IIU-. lll..' II .1 ¦*

f,,ri;. ,,.,¦¦,,:,. ul tbe itore. Dlreollyoppoallathla.oa_.i. nftbei ¦". ...- tlMi twu alevator*. around

ii th.1 - ¦>'.¦

¦.. >.-: .¦.. Itb .1 \e nnd marqiu trj n-.iU.a 1.11,1 11. will be ._¦<..ipe-.l bj ti. (llfe tlepartinent,

ruu .¦ '.-Bi.1 -ii I I. >- ln .o.iiM-. Uon with llrt .l.iike.ie.l r.i.ai tfl I'.'-'e ..T L'a-ll_."it etl.el-. tbi

. ,ni,| Ih.ii -U. p -i_ liue-i. hi.-..iv. flove, -iat.u iberd bai dep *tni nu Beaayally -

Door will .. .1,,1110,1 .te tbe mada iii> mllllnerj,,, nt, nr, ibe npbol tory. -'.."-. uedarwear nw

e'i .k i.i.,ir'i.H -..!-. The Boor ahove will beeutlrelyde\,,; ,| U. a e ...up te I.n li-iil.i^ e-l 1l.l1-l1111e.1t. 'I l.elonrth fioar will eoutala tbo 1. >, a>< >. <-.t .ir.--e« andonlerii, ;»i,uia-.it. and f,.n... porthiB <>f theapaee wtll bederote.1 lo the reeepiion ..f Kooda fromu.if tba threef.. k-i.i elevatora. rbe flrtb Rom will hadevotedto the,i:..riilue..irll.K' "l>'|.ail.I.I- for all l.ra.i.'he-. I he

...illl.ill of tlie l..i-elneill li.rni-a ll.-lil it.ld hlllel- .in, bi.:. 1- lu be devot. .11.. bloa aud

i.-;.-. waie. and >.¦ ... "f ni. on tbia Roer ara alao tbar... ni, derotad lo Ihe male and feniale empl ...¦ '.

-i, eiiv.iv. Eaeh paraon will hava a aaparate jtoekar,¦Bd l.ili!.-.. ste.tl.i ln al.-l lin. h laMr-. hil ,U ... leit, >-le.,

irovlded. Tl.e ¦:.'. l..i-1-i.a- it emitains tm- BMehinei-,, e,ifi-l«iiiiir o' ;. l"'. horaa powarianglaaL wbtotaWill I :.. Ihe llxtj -'..' Sl e uelle |>,.-.t.r i-|e,-||-.e liuhl-. Ihet -. ., rai ai n 111 for tbe rl.vut.ii-, aml fotukevent] h..i-.- pnwar bollera. Tbe Oallatla-piaaa wlaan ,1, .i.'.-ii to Un- elerleal atafl aad tba bnslaaaaparpoaaa,'ih.-iiun. All tba n.iiiiK- are of bard wemd artlatw ta

<li-l-'li BIM] pltl-eW". IhV ... .-X_a-.il|i..i. I'Iim heullliK i*Ineenh n Ij managed bj imall radlaiora ptaeod at tn-

ipieltl <ll lanee- ll. Ihe. »ltlrtlii.- of tbe 1 iiil.-r-, Whiehwtll dUtrioutelt anualij and tboroughly n.r..iu h....t tbeball'lloa. Hi" H.l.tHi. of tl.e -ti.te ln e-|.eel.il alls for-.i. ;, ... eoinpli-le 111.1 i"ii'etiill\ nrrai.rf.-d I* It. Tl.e(|M* 11-11I Iii ll.- WtadaAWB, S...111I. II 1. .aid, eoicr au,11, .1 ..: hall au ... re if l.nd onl.

-. « __.

////: PBTBOLBUM MARKET.BBW V.iiik. .I.m. 7.

[f " iii-i'li..." ai'' Baloadingi .I'luli- oil, liil.l Ibtbe »hai>e of i>ijm- iin<- eertBtoatoa, tn.-y ur>- eartalaly a.--

io.!,pn«iiimr iii.-t.' oiije-'t with ao oatontatloa aad wlthaI'.-.ai .ii ai >.f -.ie- -.--- a regard* tii.- tr. -,-t ou prtoaaafth.-ir ,i'..-. ABaal loaa ofl aethaaeaa <e.it la tbaie>uit of ibsdaaUaga t'.-i.y, aud yei Uan araaeevl

'iiiiee. thut uny heglag i* gaaag aaexeept Baak aa fwiHw lha raaai tradata totri.11 lli.-lr Hitlla »..< erwtfi.lly lu order to Wllid up the<t..y's baatoaaa fraa <>f aa-harraaalag aaatraato, thanvia- 1111 I.i-wh of i-oii .eipii-uei: f.ii.n the oil lleltlx. Thogaaaa af the Thaaa Orrak .n-tri.-i p..t- th.- Bradaattoa at

:>,..i>7 hairels. lu «1, Ihe Ii.iIIk u.(i BgfaS-Bg B_BI theae I..:. of ihe pi'.'.l.i rs iu .leeidlliK nol to ciut.iil Iho

i.upii 1- .'iii'.i uaalag, b awiae It todleataa in.-ir aaa-li.t. 111 >-I.; ln .... ..'.ie to enp.. wilh Ihe luitilial pinilui'ii.... Tbere la Ju-i m ataeb, if m>t more. r.-.t-miii to li.llevn that the n--i.ll wua c.i.ined bytne porerti m ...any pnidncrn who bara toltodto r.eeiie h.-'inr prieea aa ,1 mward f..r lu«t vur'_ ra¦tiloflve poit.-y aud wbo are now i.n-e.i by their ilna..-.i.,i na-. -aaall k ito market ib. .. n-ido:'tha-irweji -at th.-i.-sira-e tbey <at. re. uul 1.1 uie.ea-e th.n jieid wberaver

'e. 1 ."..'.":;« 7..f'B, eul- lie. maikel lo-dliy il.tlledW i:ll o.ilv "U'di. .11.1 r '.i. 11,111- 1,1 7Ji4 eenlH, Ihe e|,.-eu . ixnB- i.i'»e tba io_..-i Bgaraa oi lha day halV. ,:k ill UI1H-.

iu.- raaea el prteee .. 11 tba iot.ii daaltafa wenaa p.iiow*:

K. V. I'ftfc ( ons. Ba,OiM-t.ltitr. 7:1 7:l

Ht_fi.-st. ...... 7.l-"Sa-ow.sl. 7-»h 7_."iI'ui.il. . 78 .

Bailua, nii-ra-V....,1 -I.:'. 1 »'..< »4j-»C--.__.lU-C_j-_.l_.t__,). l,HJO,OoO _>.J



Toial «*!-* for tb* ttar.bOVt.ll.SMFMX

r - I- i;.-. <i. - i, ItJBaaOta-poa 1881Bftiaai.138 »»o..o .188

DB4*oiBaa1atacad W.000.l-i7*1-'.,'. .11J»» l M .I* llegl»t-r_l08 4 _*('o.i|»,u I-..I 10,000.....101"r10,000._.118% l_______

BOJTDJ .l.v.'i ¦__*_ BTOOR9.( outiii'iilal liaiik

18i>aii. Baak

i:, uiN,,r ... I

1,1 89Viraliuu '. dai

|.8*1 K»n I'.,- >,.

aiiaaiu*. 8 fac Dea ii.v.m'n'iIOO

111 ihi,, .1 417

Albam t H,|* j,I

II TOI <Vnt lst .N Y N II a ii taIfala LtM 9.000. los

:i',,,i,, _mo North Pae 1*1 eoap1 ooo M*a 5,000.101

Intern'IB <i B '«t B V t-"»" '¦ i BJ1)00 .l.'t>lj IU l-'iiml.-il eoi.|, 7.

2 ooo IOO 8.04)0 Ki1*N Y 1',-iit l,'s'H7

'.'....Hl lo|

K.,n..i4 l'ac .»t. ,nl.ooo.... aa**

I.'y'I* A NashvllleN >i A M <1iy1,000 76irael honds o*41I.10J


7 >,U 4.


I M*l I ll T.-tcd 1*1l,on. ii."¦. -.

UlrlOf N J I*ti . .71

% \. -. ., 't A *_ 1*4 ron*..<>.> 12... Ba .<


N V li *St I. UtI.i 00. u..1 .n*.).00*18.IKM) 81ao,. bo*.

North Mo l*tl.ooo ..111

7l N JOnt Ut 1*90Mil A *>» pnnl 1*1 -'.ooo 1,4 114

(I. A I' W.llv.'.....a). :>.'.l.oot). '..418080 18w i Mlnn <llv.

.. .. .,|,|n I.i*

, !.' O'H).Mol,Mo Kan * liirn 8*

I.O.MI: . Um I'aiao i-i ¦.*

>¦»». r,;h <- -..lli.'ii, -K.-, ,,

Ocn A III.,,..! ,. Ml< h '>.. 7*.'. 184

.'. * A W t *r.- (l »i. I'.iOO ... BO

'tu - -


N" \ Klevute.l l»tIjOOti 110

ol lo >atbi rn laelu.oisi 89

¦I __*-<ir. ~.,n ^h.irt I.'..

.-. ..'". tn t-.Ohln.'.-'.n Ial

8.»... lat

l.."»>. 67Penn '¦ '¦.\ o .......

Pae ol Mo l t..,.., .188

114 Itidiand I'an lst

18.000 88lll.ll * Alle'y lit10,. _61R. -'.. A o-

i -1

or". -.-¦¦-I < -I -

,| H » 'J*nn l'«i-

1,0 .. r .'. i« Paeof Mo Is|. )o'l

.,, "I I. k'in .' .? V->r1 '* lt..,. I .....

3,o»*i k)Bl I. .? -in I'r J

4 1, -.!.*..' I, \. ,, |,.-.

ti'. m i - a w i *t < :«** .

¦ -. .... 'ii .'...'.o . . B8*i LOOO 88*l.a..jo. II.t Marafe.1 ''-I Blf~g___ttj J ¦

:, --.-; lha <iiv loi,. ...(', i .,-... IOI

II .,., , Mo K .* m ,.n 7* r< i.i 8 rm in- Ial.,_ |. .-... lltt Ki.'<lra.i,l<ilT

7.0..I ... lo I.OOll . ..>> lo4». A>|/. .-., -i|> ... "Mlrilt l. . Mt.ti < Il 5's I'jof .Y>N.H> .61

lo| T ' « a'.,.h lit8 I W "4 Al!.,* Ut >-t l..,iil»i!iY

, i l.ooo aa ,s, 1.7lO'HI.) t,~ IlMlj T.I I'Ul Ine 0

,000 :.-'. '-.".,f. fT*.41..>>». ..a cr ii it l*t M

., I,. IBI llo',I oo., ..t7't 4 .»». .... 11"

N Y lake 1 1 A Ufar>*» Meoasol. 117

'.....nmi s>4 riali -.n Mt«|,....o .6 '«7i

4.1IIH,9.000 .'.: ayabaah -H L a r

47.ooo_ 67'i ll. .llv20 uon .'.,", l.'HKi_ 73l.o'N) t.'\

Irl.. j

II .1I.i

I...*. B7Sii .i \


(i, ,f, ,i t - ...1 ,



1..H".. 1 9

p .un gtehaaae aad BtaaB Board

PtlY, r-


I.',.'.- .-..


lallSVI Weal.

. Ba *h»n .


47.¦ .




: -

h. .


Bl' o


12. l:

i -..II 0III.


- a. B'-ii.im.o88m '.- 'j *"","

tou ii. 8140i... /.;.,/c_-.N... /.- mrofi troota

l(,.-r.,v. .lm. 7. l^"..i '

¦V*it-r iv I'-. UrWBterPower..., l«N "s ow r.\,mr. i4i'-j uIt .- r... i.ii .., :> >, Un I..n,l |,.ef 17V_..,,. , al .i.i, .t lleeia 188 ->-

a i. . l 1 -< r-ranaun.. .,',... .1 i ¦' ..inier. . a* 97

*.-... .1 II - .', \V|. ,',.,,. Illt. r., 1 I k,i\ ,. Ii i iii.i a r M pM *it-i «4

_4_,t4Mi<* Uaiu, 18 ,,*.¦.... * rtIbie.llui . /.-. .'. 1.7'. M-i. .'.Til. ceii Ki'q 18

IIM*i e:iL ..,.11.1i4.47 -erli.. B84\) II

rili.t A 1'erellar !. .' M'v. Oani l*t1.. ICAJ-. 1. ... ._>» ... m.r. bds. 447, 4a.N. ). A .... lu.-. 1.1'. I9I|t;.'*s/\'. rziCMt or niu.AHFi.rniA nooRM,

t; ,).¦''",j is ii. Dira*00_ 17 ir.ii.'W.

i-.i.i a... i BiiLAakedf"t»1i.n*'»_li, I'.B Nori' ,-ri. l'--l 1 -.

I ... N' 1.1 I. i.'l io f-IT-ll. .'( "« 80',,. y.i ,ui,M. ...'4 ji ^g"'. Oaai.BR 6i

.... *H .*« l al,l.li N iv .>..)heediii*ur...

l.elllt VJ,l .,-y nl il.N .¦( I,

i.,i Oo, _. v. ni7'.''* Phll.,00 a . 3.-,, BuOela. !f. Y. ni

r '4 .18 I'.nl iir .f. 8li, iiuoYUie rl'f.. 15


. n . 17 17s, inla. A Krta ... 114 l'-"j

Wl MI BDAT, J..... 7.1". B".i- ¦- toek -peeuiation araa tha aataral aaqaanea af

., ,i, \ rerarlah aad Irregalar "|. nll,.'. al BBMll decliiies Iioin last ,-v.-iiiii.Vs eloslnrf IgBrBB,¦/¦¦ :,,iiowe,i i,y iharp raaorertaa Tha elre-Uat..I,,;.-., ni raiaoraaf aa laipaBdlBgdlaaaterla lhaabapoofaane il Onad lui|..|t'.lit f.ill.livs Inniie It a neces-.ll> for ) e*-

(,-..|-,v'- IVi ...fM.e W.l.i.t wbo je; had lli,t.lceollll'll-.ll«,lIln II full oijecl, lo BOBJBtO UM -uppoit »f pil.es, :,n,|

li, ii, e, ii- MMBBMa -t'-a.linei* wns aeeonipllsh.-d tln- » hole

coiitiniicnt ,,f l.o.int i.i ti.i.lers laiiipe.l lo tl.e eon.-lu¦taa thal ti.e laa-nra wora pat torth I8r taa aar-paaaof J.l.li.clli.' BBlOa of stocks, and llieivf,,-e lecnue

l,ii-.. -.> iii-te,i,| ,,r -elh-r.. >m> far BB tbe day's ruinoi- Blaoaoaraad.ll .m.-ih. prohahta lhal alMtaaaf af twaada-lioii there may baie 1,,-en for the.u, arrau_eiiiaiit I Ii-.m-i.-> i.waafiillj *oada tottda arar, IfaaB euiin-ly t.»

i.-iiiow, ih,- oaaaa af aaa*taaa*aaBBa. Bal it i« one of tha¦yateri.-HoI spculaitou th.il it was uut tlfl after il was

a-BBotallj baltorad, ,,i araa aaaaaia.i as an abeolatafa.i, ii.-.i tb.n- bad baaa aa ttowtit farapprahaadlag a

dlaaatai that tha atoek a-arkat hotrayadaay raalwaak-aaaa Iftththa ra-aora ta otronlattoa aad aaaa ..riessb.-lleied then- wei.i ralliea lu pricea fromoi.< aiag Bgarea «r from -m to ;u ihtaaal Aft«r their ahaalata iaatal them were

dccill.es fot- aliio.l ever.Mbll.. to lillces below opelllll-II. ui cs. Tbe .biy'H biisin,.-. amoaated to MB£M sbaresaaafaat tnjMA *auuwa -ataaataaaji bad to-.iuy'a feaaf*1,,-s B*aa more aaada .f taaal irn.ini_a -tho **BjrB*g aad¦Blllaa forsmall prollt ,.i ,--.s tbaii waa that of i -s-

larday. Thara aaa aaaaahaataaalra n.|uidatiou af aa*Baaata ou itthat ahta ta dar "* ""'", aaa raafrraaf.Dalawaro, Laa tawanaa aad Ifaatata aaaaai t tka fn.utwtth -ai.-sof ..io',i,i.i«h.ir,-4. aftaa a aaaaaa Btaailtojla 17*a ai flpanlBg. II ralttad ta B7*a,*aad laaaraald al.8%8884«, .Noilliiv.-.l.-i-ii r, covered from *)7% to m _,

ai,,l .ift.-rii ird M.ld al Hi;r..s7'. Hl. I'atil rose from 74

ta74%aaddaollaadto7S%8)T9% Lalataaraaaa aaa**|aii thowaj .mt 'j par aaal was UMfBttaatsaaaftta BaB.t. ,-, J "j I_ite'r ut tK)"rt 1* was ~m per ceut aboi e lls lowent

prtafl lor lha.i.... ( -iilr.il iinl liil.liou recosered ..'T_<-1.i to8B%traaa Baaasti pataaaad later soid dowu to

87V8 '7;_. I'eimal I'aeilie wiis nior. than usiially aet.ve«. .- ns laal agan affhraaaj ajahowi11 daatkaaBfSaaraaat, Uuloj. I'.. ille after I1ili-tiiail..rr» between

;.;._ mi I I", .'. clos.-.t un. baii ..^1 nt 4ilTe. an.l Weatornl u| n laezei; t'.-inalin aliowln_ a «kaal a.lvaneo <>f per., IunIiusoM upto.VJ _. hut Ibe *l*ecu

l ru I....... ha.it.it haaaitafa widospread

clrculation of the private " tlp ": " Ton don't waat to beahort of lt Juat now"; and upon such coi.iideiit.nl inform-atlon tbere wa* a general closlng up of short account* Inthe atock. The tone of the market ln Ita weaknesa at theend waa a disappointment to the average tradera, butwlehee for better thing* to-morrow are hopeftilly euter-talned.Goyernmcnt bonde were falrly actlvo and flrm with

thehidsfor tho 4_s up'a per cent. Auuexcd are thecloalng quotatlona:

nid. A»k. Hld. Aik.B.BLA4*1.9i.re».ii-"SiliJ*-i r. aXear.Ba 1888 188 .t7.B.4Vi«lS91.cofl.ll- -|ll_T*l V.H. cur.4 18s7 129 .u.8.4»iuo7. raa..138 i--1*. _.t_cur.e.i._-i laCa.II. 8. 4*l_u7. con..l'___ l'."2'*l U. H. cur. 0. l._>_i 1__ .U.s. :ip.r,'_nt. ...M!'.lu'.; M.i. r.i. -.__.. ...U_ _.

U. H.c __-..« 1 ._¦-..¦. 124 .|_The market for State honta was as dull as i.»unl with

small sules of Vtratala «>* deferred nt ".ta. und NorthCarollna consol* at 8_!. Of city bank stock-. Coutluontalaold nt l'iaiiil-r,i,.. ut 111.The huslneaa It. rallway hond* covered a lartre variety

of 1-sues, hut the -a,.-. generally were of in_i_:nifl.antamounts, and the feature of the market wa* tl.at it ex-blblted no ¦ympatby with the aarly rallv that occurredln tho share market. Frle second consnJs *old down -ito B7*_fc und ended at 37-4857% Vaem hhore aud liuflulottrst 5a decllned from 3hSh to 37-4, and cloaed ijuoted37nHa:i77H. maaanfl Kausas aml Texa* Brst consol-wero otf '4 at 105, and tlie general 6s were _i lower at?»»!._. t'he-apeake and Ohlotlrst*. (Mrie* B, were np Hlat 7m MoliIi-and Dhio Kr-t il* aold at 100'j, au ad-vuiu-e of l| per e.-ut. New-York Klevated llrst 7s Im-ptarad 7* to 110, h..t Metropoiitan flrst ti* we.noff ut 100% Faat Tinii>.see, Vbwbta andOeorjr.a cou-ol r>* wera ste.idy at ahout11 a,/ t.., aud the Inco.ne* w.-re uc-tivo hetween |0t|-alOHi New-York, OhtoMB and St. Uuiis Urst 9* were

up Hi at 00% The aeconda were 47 bid, and .»0 otlercd.Honston and Tft__M I i-ntriil llists, iii.iiu line, d.-eliiied toaad etoaad at00% PeanaylvaataBailroad -t'-js soid at!»<;¦_. nt Paal eoeaal 7. w.-re ap ^ at nt>.«. I'a.itie, amlWesiern 5s wen- oil >4 at 04. aud Wiseonsin and .Minne-sota 5s were .. hlghai ut !»:t7-. Northwe-tern new tweu-ty-tlve-ycar deheuture Ba.Were up -j at 04, Milwaukee,lata Baiaa and Weetera Kiwtadeelined l per aentto 00%Dearer an^Blo Ontade trtta roaa fron. BS to BO, butlater snirnB. -I'j m ller twenty daya. luioii I'ac.ttctlr-t- were dull hut tlriii at 1 HiV_ 1 10_>. andPadfle leeomea were ofl':.- nt _7>_. u.ul lir.-ts Rio l.randedlvlsion were .3 per «'e:it .-tter at 01. Atliantfc andPaelBe Inrnmaa wen off -i at 17%Tne Siiii-'I'reasiiry to_ay BBlned ou leilance 0116,0-6,iiiu.lu ii|s by a eurrei.cv galn of |OS0,7SO, le*a a colnlo ..f 0210,133, Tba day*a operatloaa oovered:Heeeipts, 81,2311,821; paymente, *l.l23,r.i5"; currencybalaaea, 810,736,1 11: eota haia.ue. |12&,470,831.Tl.e loeal mniiey market reuuiined uudlstiuhcd by

rntii.iri or deiaaod .aud cull loana ruled at '._ 1i» r eaataThe t learinft Ilmise statcment to-day was as follow*

Exchange*. 8(40,1)56.6 l!»; hulanees, 94,772.000.Tbe L'nit.-d Btatea Treaanry at waabtagtoa to-day re-

eelred4086,000 ln Natiomil hauk BOtea ror redemptinn.The euatoma recMpta were 0537,128 and the lnteinalrevenue recelpta wer>- 0301,030.Tiu- boalneaa in foralga eiohaaaae wns very small aml

Wltbont f. .al.i.e.e-.e.-ptlhat it wa.-. inarked hy steiidim-s*ln the r.ite., whicli for actual biiaines* BIB as fouowa:llni.kn .' bllla, |4 -1 nnd |4 M for long nnd abortaterllna reapectlvelr; 5.25 and B.33H tto fraaea; 04%an.l ti.".'., for reiehmarkai 80% aad 40 for gnlldai-

lu i-omion nritish eoaaala waraatrongw aad ir.e-_.t-lar. Quotatlona wen- advaaeed '.i ;.. r eeal t" 39 7-10formoney and 08 11-18 for aeootmt ualted Btatea 4a wareqiiot. d Hi bluha-r at 135% aud the 4 _.- were >-. blgh. r Btlt".".. Amerleaa rallwaya ruled lower uft.-r the fashlonof y.-i nlay'a daeltaea la tba hoaae market. luataxactliaa for the two preeadtag daya Loudou quotatlona f>>l-lowed after New-Y.irk'a advaacea. Indla Coaadl hdl*were allotted at an advanoe of 0-18d per rupee. aml i.arsiiv.r wa- l6d.bljrberat4815-16d.peroaaee.At Pana,In in h :i per cent* r.-e to 7',i.77'a, and sli^ht e\chan_e.... 1..... t-.u roaa.to35.33-ifraaeatotaeO.


ronrt'i w, VinPec... IH-*.. 1084. _...._,Iii.llne*_t8oathern_ltv.a-0_._78 $'_in.ii00 Ine. BIB.niIo. a'Hv!»|..:i . Mj-f _I7,_M)0 Dee. WBTotal f-.r trr.-'_ _$3:14. lfU 8241.860 H.c. $7.i:l'J

Jaa.ltoD-W.8l.l3.u7-',o.-_ 12.iod,6';4 l>tc. 0__,ao_


aALBAAt T;n: FMW-IOMK U1W1W9 8I0BAW0BNi.w-Y.iiiK. Ja... 7, 1-¦*.".

-4.:ririt. sil".*-..

^|^|%H_ri_J^a_rln(. est. _«_.

Alinn ....I .1» 151 _U -IJ l.«MCDnr.iV.it_ . .-.'' »4» 08 Jl

. io-. i.t-" i'»" I2211. ..-ir. 'J J^ 8.881 S.7BI 3.78

. 16.18 1&I3 13 87 10 -7. .;. .1 _.')<> <a >>.) 5 «<»

Btandarn. .:. .f.o, .60; .ao: -_u.



V . .- *>3tW

odayaatae. _r 18 taja at i."..._

olosm i raioa oa oacifobxia stock*.BAfl PB4SO-B0 ). Jan. 7,1SS3.

.. ;,. ,.. Yesterlnr. T.a-dar-ji;t.. .:..) Murtln V-Tilte. . ,_5 ..._.

,. .1 M. .1, ill.'*> ..'

, 1 "-j Navaio._ _..'<) 3.00,. 2.H6 '-'.>" ".'iu.'.-''0.»A-

CBouar.. .-iv- 1.7* ffoa-BB. ."o .10_..>,. -.!. Virir. .'ia .M ;Hav_u». l.t.a^ 1.6'_Sj

... !-.. ... l.!..".> BJerra N v...i__ -88 .wi.86 '' >nt >n.60 ..".S

reka I'on.. 1'" M "'I ...II ..¦icrv !..*. 1.0.1 Yfilowjacket.. l-"__ l.i!8

.._... ... ruaa* 3.00 ?-"-



Reaowed areakneaa eharaeforiaed tli.- fraa¦artwto. wllb tha aaaeptlaaot eorn. whlab 1..-M fairiyBm nml einled at sui.i.l gaBUa The deellne lu wheat Wil*

aat uuullBauua .fjiailabnaaa araald battar deaerlbotba;,i:,Mi.ii. tbe -.ie* of the ImlW were i,:l.-.et fre-

w t.. over slmrt eontraets. A timderate btudni -- waa do* e tor nxp..rt, bat tba daeBna alaeaM.ii.ai.hi-aol i'."-n iny aaotaaBaetlva la athaalatlBg.1 largar toralga daoaad thaa _hap__nrtoaa aaeei u.n

beea. fho loadlng bmlfar wba Bgarad aa tba Bow^Torilar ..f ih- lata " bail" aaaapaiga i* ereditod to-day

witb aalea ao topof prarloaa oparatloas. a* ragardawatbara laaoaa at ptaaaal thal aagbl u laBoeaeeuiin.:.... 11 .'-¦..aie. l.ut tl..- t"-i.f.-r «.f operatora i-

_rr..M ii'_; ni"..- ".'.¦ 11 .-h " aad tha" ...iii- " in.»>¦ f.-r tbetu...- ii.-ini; r.-ly for a rally upon the ai-,-u.ii:l!.itlou of a

fraah abort Intaraat al lowat i dm .*.-

BTbeat gaaerally->adad at tba bottoai ,of t»,e apeeaia-tlveblll. Jaaaary opttoaa aleaad 1 la lower al 88% und\pr.i 1%eaatahrparal03lt eooto. i' otber apttoaaatraod 1'-i.it 00%tor Pebniary, .¦"'.' tor Baroh, :»i'-for M.ti, nml'.'".'- ror .'.me. .lain...' ...rn ended up :,4,-. tn ... ..i'i,, an.. May a* al l'"i. IVliruary, March andAptti optlou*...'-.,1 al Itf.the ii'.-.i.. i- aboartag a ttnal.,,.i'i4..... aud Ibe two othaf* heiug unchanned,I'li*. flual prteaw fnr oala abowed a loaa ol l4''s cent al.;., for J im, ..".. .11 '1 for ¦¦ ¦¦ ___rj. 35 tor B ireh, and :iii,,.,-:,.: .,.,}¦ ,,|,:i, ii-. All the pr»vl_lou marketa were-U-.n- .. iili't h.r.l t.'.ne I>. en. - ai >7 -4 f..r .laiinaiy,11 ai -7 :;i' fnr March, and 18 al 87 13 for May optlona.

Kt v.-.i 'i.'is. Ha tlinoro, l' dhtd Iphla and Hoatou Iberereipta <>f icralu to-tlay were: Wheat, lll.tHW btuhel*;i-orn, 1...'....- I.twhi U; oata, I0.5UJ biubelsi total araln,".,- -1 i,,i.i.,.-; ii..¦¦'¦. 17,7ihJ barrola, rba reeolpta',. ,',,:, ,.,,, Mil«..iif."e and Bt. Louia were: Wheat.

'- ,¦ tiel ..'¦ n. ... -.'. '¦' i'.'-'lel-, ..... :.

hushula; touU _...i... 633,018 tmahelai Boarl'83>0B0 barrela.

? .'

THB TBADE IV CHU \<\0.Ciin \.;". .inii. 7. -" Hilly" Liaa aold wheat

down t» S5taeaata aar May thla BMwalag m. tberaawr,wbleh I.-- aappaBed be bad exelaaively, thal thi re waa |greal rallure ia Baw-Vert to-day, Bai LlaaTa laaaor^Mnol h. eaaae a toct, aad a _.1 __aay tradera thoaghl thalwhenMaj gotdowuto (.'.laaeata it waa aaarig "t thabotttMB, aad began baying.Ai ¦-.:;;.).i'1'io.-k tbaeloM «a< f..r Pi braary wbeal 70»i

aata, aad *i7- eaata for Bayi Pabruary eorn,361..nl-; May OOTB, 88 '_ »UU| 1 ehiilaiy aOt%,8\'l\ B If,Bl<i45; lei.'ii.irs lanl, M BTf May lard. *7 M. Tha';i_i. wa* -I'-n-eiit.-. for Maj calta ;.t 86%and "puts"im ..-.it-. '1 bere have h. 1.1 tower buslnea* ebaaeaa ....

,i, Board o( lr.nl.. thi- v.-iar ll.an tor ina.iv a .l.ii.nary.Dui] one notewortb) onel* meutloned.thal nf ArtburDrr, Prank Crltteudeu aud l.arlea'W. CoakM, who .....

all yoiinil men, who hat>- loi.u.d the Ulinof U1T, C'rlltell-d.-U tt t'ouif*._


POMBBTIO BABKBT&n*iTiBiMt«. Jsn. 7. Oettaa >i ii-t Mil'tilnr in».fl. jBaai

ai'iu. lloward siroet aad .V s:..rn S;iy-r. ti io-tti TY. dolA.i, 1.1.10-1-8 .... .1". Paailor, t'..'.¦.. r. 7,; city Blllasoner I '.'... .' ¦. ciltr, - »'. 1 '. 11. .tl > At* lt,?4 .-_"17.>; tiiiiin,'.) Kan.lv. .'>,": d'. -a|-ri..t.vi-riieiii »;¦ 7.. vviie.it.x.intiiein nr ue-. Mreatern eauer:Boathe'ra tted, 8«»_l '-... do. Aabar, MaV'** B0..I .Marr-lau.l [i.i,,' nv.. N". i We*_ern aVtpter Iteal i|>..:. .-,,.-,'..'. Jaii.i.irv, _. ..' .-< leuiiiirv, ..'«..-S'.j... M,.y.i'..'i.. 0n1-.-11.nh.r1. Bnn; \'.r-i.-rn oweri noatbera\M,ile


.,.!,/ lf.. .I-. Vellova. .0.1 .-'.-.. W.-Mtern ilni-.U*,,,' 4 .. ..'.,-. l.'.ini..iy. l-'n^-V.. i-.-.-ruar... 1 ,'',,4 _. Mareli. i7U'-*l7'-_.-. "its .pu.-i an.l tlrin; -oi.'.li-,.'rl, ?.' e aVe.l.Ti. WI11I-. .»l_.i".'.; '!> Mlt.il. ¦e.'.i.il,-..|...iiii«v.va.iiii. SS-M'-Ct i:v.- luiailiml at .l.i,....t:. I'i,.-

,1,'n- aa.M.,,1. v Ite* IV M-" Pora, $13 00 ,:.¦..,:.- .I....r.j ,,,,, aViiMt, .¦. '."'i" 0.1 *i>.. t'.iru, .ill,..,lo l.ii-Ii.i .i.it-t,

i.kTuusd si.i|iniei.i- wheat, l',DO tiu*h.iCorn, 'j.ooohii-i..l.ut-. -01) iiusU. _alo». Wht-at, !,.-.'111.1)011 I1UJI1.1 1 orn. oi 1/HK>hll-llii,.to. Baaa. J.m. T.-PUmr flrm hut nm-tmufel;

Weatcra Bapartna, _B75e8806i Oeni-aoa ¦¦'¦v.r.- *_<h>_*a.i_..i P_-ent.sjir.u_f, \M.-ai- t> ....--.> -'.'> Pataal wmior,»t 7.'.i_ t.< lu. l tirn .pil.-l autl ii.i.iiiiiiiily iiiicliaiiK>'d. Baaa B4WVelltiw.-Mc; su-amer .txi-.l. .1 u >_ -e, Na >.ra;l., *'*<f-"'o.oats llriiiiiinl.-ti'i.lv. Bo. 1 aVliit.. _.".__>_¦.- N.^ 'J «h.te.;i-,i,i- _¦<-. .hort* ind Milllni-1 't.il.ii hut.ne_v.ly. itt-toipta.floiii .ii.i.) in.la.. 6,060 sued-i ...rn. ui.00,1 l.U-ti.; uaU..Ji.,.,.1.1 uush.j ilvo. l.'.'O btish,: Sliorts, CS.HJ haali.

0DMI88ML Iaa 7 -.'...ur. easler; "'a iillv. 88fBOMS 1.0;l-.i'i.v.f .*¦»¦_.#_. «._>. _,r.>vi..i)i.».i'i>r_r|n.ot_t»ll ,j**i..i l|*ru a.'liv., ti f'l -3. Ilnlkme.its <|Uiet: rthoill.ler*._i -7. s.urirlu. au'J... B__o.ui ipnet. a '¦'"lor*- ».>'-'.*_..rt- .'il. «7" iiiort Oleir. *; ll.). . "_1 BM | Obbv¦ alll l/lL IJ I).*.! I.V. ..lU.l.I'.l lUJIlMa IlllU*S*"* '.ihSiVi. iaei. baaS atoaaaaaai. Wfi Baal

a-Mi.-iini Jan 7 -Kloiir att-t.lv and flrm; CholoeWini.i Wlieat ?,* ,.0_'f* --V Hprm. WUo*t *ii 0.'>».* _..»-.M.iiii«»i_r i___er_; -Smao' 7.V l"at*0Ut. #4 t-»B- W<1 oi iu2ta» a* ift-88 0.. itye Kl...ir. *.< itoi»88 aItn harrel*.wuaa.__-.iv..Vnd lowiu.-aaiaeBmaodi Jannary 7-'4-.. .ci...mii_ ui ;.-\«'7s'.i'.; Pebruaiy, .--v- 'c aloaiBaai7 .".." m ir.-i UHa au ¦¦*.¦ e-eatoa *_ 7uv.i May.H.e'.*.-. Hto.,rhiauLB ai LrfS ,>*...: No.J Cliiciwn Spriuf. 7-¦-i«7!4'-_C.; No.i!.., ,...-- .V»*_«L T!t_..l_.l tot -M»_8a <'orna.'tlve :i.id»_.lor, sale* l»n_;iMl: I'auah. M>dM'_*!.. cio*to_ at_!" JuViary H_t4*H^V:.. elo.lua at i'.r'.'-e.i i-vbruiirv. «'._i:J",',e .-liisiii* at-' '««>.»"%.., May. _ll-'4*i" _r_..clo«lii_r at'mi, mu ui'iiii <ui.<* raniieiti Janua.-y. '-'.i'M.-.. -j'unrur.ry.:'il£:' May Jl»'*c Kve, atoiulv *t ilV. Barlejr, at li'^cp"i_"aoiivoi ...lil* rant.eal: Uaab. Bll e7S,»fU 06; Jaauarr-ill -/ .**i-'<«>. eloaillilC *t #11 87v«*tl.'.'O, J'eBrtuHT.2 1 7. _/,-l*.'-..ci-_ii.i. al «l->.).i_.$i'J..a'_: M*r.-h. ail.Mj.*

'7 _.. .lo«lu^*t« i'J 18. Lanl aetivi-; «*Ue* tmaa^iAmb.

Fehrn*-.. M S" _7S«'! 07 s». ehvdn- st *!0VMs»eb. 87 08.Buikmeaw-Hiiotinttra 44 '7 _5*4 .;: 4'mrl Itil. afl oo*B'ii>6i rthorl Clear. *fl 36 ?v-<>!-. ft- :ei.t*. Klnar. art.OOrtbbla.: Wb.-a. l'O.OOO bt.sh IJofl i/Ut.OOo DB*h.i Ous.7:4,000 bu»1.i ilv. i.ooo hiiiX; ,;.>.- .. . ...O.i. shipoi-iite.Floux 1..000 ob!*.. Whei'. Ii.on imiii.,- .o__ 1,1..n.ibuab.i Oats. 4 1.0.10 nus.'i. K.-..,-bnafe- Birler. '.V.owbuah.DBTtlOlT. Jsn 7 -¦Vh»viwflik: 8.1. I V.iit*. .1*1. 81 _MJanuary. S4'.e.; F-biiury. 8'*_c If'v, *_»__; No. S il 1,7.;e. (.'orn-N... 2 41'*.. <>.:< -.>.'¦>. .. Wh.t. 3.-_- \_

% aie. Baaaapta wmt ai iCod .> m.. v

Mil.WAi.KKB. 1*1. 7-Ktfxir llro aal BBflBBBBad, V*h*ltweak; N«. a Mllwaakee (as'i, 77'*c.; Janoaiy. 77 _«.il-'ebruary. 77 _::.-.. Mar.-h. 7s'.c; M»r. ntc. (orn flru. i-,No. :t, 37®:*-. Oar* »ieailv. Na, a V\..it*, a7»»e. Rye t'r .:No. 1, 6'i _e. Harle.-N.. a B.rln_ MWj No. 3 pJurnitKxtra, 47c. rr.iri-noiM l.,'.ie-; M.sii P.irk. 411 ao. (.'..,.an.l Jannary: al 1'.'S. Kebrur'.r.-. __(. -Prumi Ht-eaiu. ; -.)( _>'i uiiii J.intury: #.. 1)",. Febriiai,'. ;.*. «t P.czlel II .-ut, ¦¦ tjc ').-. 110. 44 ao <J l 6<>. Ke,;,i.t.- _.>_*. 6,*O0 b»»1 _.

Wheat. a.'.'HX) h.ism ii-irt*-. l I...'.... £uio_enta.FluarBIOBBIO,. B*_ij_ 4T> basb. .'..irleY. 0.500.

Pi(n.Al»rai'il,'A. Jan 7.Honr showd less ectlrtty tbinbas been noted for a fevr davs j,., i. but -till tl ero was ,i .n sltrade un.l fonner iat -a w<r-- fir.a, VVoatorti rtat '.Vn:isr,Ya.itaMiipci: 898)88980; do. Kr'ri. «¦..',:.-«:.)) P-nuiilvaai*Katnily. 13,' _<**3 ,.,: I_nu.sriv.iuu BollOf i'i .ces.. ii. >4j<j$4-'6; DeiawareF-rniiy, <7 54*61 '..). VVlnter WBflil P*.e_\*45<><J*J ia .. Wii.-at un,'.-ni-l an.l week: n.k-ea cloaot.

..'l'-.c loiver at tiie noon call ear a,-- .-ile. an.l o.-a-No. 3 lttdln oxport aterator *Mo; N'i a Delaware Had ta,stic: No. 1 P*nnnylvsnia II.*! _;:<.: No 2 Hed Jannary, 87_rt7_c: i.-bru.-.r. m-.__ii.io: M i.-i, S'i\a9.."-e.i Apitl.n! ,«¦ .'.r, coru rule.1 ea*i>-r i.u.i ,!c<llued about *icic*r liits wereduil; No. 2 Mixed, irauk. I'.'e.: do. ln ex-poit elevulor, l'.» _o.i istea-ner No. a Yellow. qaotedlorfooal l. !>¦ -.' J '<2. ,o _e.: do In ciani ilejiot, 4:ie.; .So. iIII. 1. Mlxed in ifraln depot, 6 >.-: No. 'i Mixed Jannary.48_ait*ej rt-brnarr. 47*4a4*'4C.; Mar.h. 47,^4'se.Apiil 4 '-«48c. Oats-Car let* rlrni Rejeeted W_U 33 _C;BaTSVVbtba, 354c.-No. 9 *M.lfe \r\a.:\n _c.: fntnrea flrmbnt antafc No. 9 Whlie January. 3".,a'W.*»c.. February, M5BM'.,- Mareh. 36 _aS6e. Reielpts.Flour, 4,"oo bbls.:w ,*.-,». -J.').". busha Corn. 7.000 bnat-i Oara, H.000 buatusiiuoiieiiu.Wheau 600 buaa. um, .o-jo buah.: OaU16.000 t>ua_.

LIVE STOCK -MAKKET.NKtt.Yobk, Wedoe*day, J.in. 7..UHKVK8.Recelpts war*

11)7 ear* of :i.4:i8 head- 14X cars at Jer-ey city and 4!) earaat .'.(Hh-st. Total for fonr dsys -.(..>! h -ad a-ainst 4. IHO headi.n t'ier.,ir.-*|,<,ii<itiisf iiin la.t w,--k At iioth-st. Mr. fcaat-man bad 11 tar* o" Cattle for r-portation In dressed uoar-ters and ( Uy slauubtere.s reee.ve I 'J- c irs direct. At taoaeyards J. A. Miioroe sol.t lo ear* ,,: ...-aiiu.in to Medlum iste rato Mr. a.tinnn al ( a r6 "... p.-r ioo ID.AtJer.oy City the 14*1 cars. in-arly all o' wha-h were on

sale niei wiih a bilsk .ti-rmnil lroiu slao ,h>r r«. nd thoyardawer. wellcleare.l hy uwa. T.e 'innlity was bettertbauon Mond.iv. and whll* I-'air to I'r:.Kolloan wero Tltin. thelower crane* aold at a all rbt deelloe, a-aal to.abont *l perhe-xl; andsonirof the* 11 r. laiel tho market ',e lower.Three iaucy hteera were sold to W. i'l.uueiarial'*faaa at se per 1*). Ihe welflht; snd aear-taad of Knra o'l* Oiaars to MM aaaaa pa.-tb-a01872* per Kxifb. Very CommOB to IM.ne s.e r-ra.i*>stfrom m:», ,o IC^e, to dr, ss .v.,.-.,() th. unds fe-.Y HII euds *oiddn-vii ta **., bve -relsliT. '! wo e ..-l-.ailsof Di. ows .-oldat:;^?ii12C; Keagb 0 en a IV8)'c: and ani Biharof oar.l«a Ih nf weatera ilullsat:)',a4c, v. .tl. .mecarot .-still-le.1 at84 10 per ioo tb.Mr. .l-.n't:. rcserved BJ head for export aliYe and

l--«..i_J.r 0 b'-ad....,¦¦. a-- t..-:a'. ln, lnde '.'.¦.'. 1 iv,- ( att's snd about 1.0 wi

<j,i m ;. rs of Beef on th* l.n,l«at,. Hill by N. Morrls, who w.lta,-., seml out 46 h*n,I intheC astle l'::,\; Mr. OoMsmlth p.'tl."-. beadon the .i.-ilil..-., andro-n.»rr«w the oiii.oco w.ll take ii1.1 v. caitle, 30 lav 8b*ep aud :, ,-« B-ef and Mution taBern.nda. TlieFbimlMiio'ich Wttl take 16 l.lYebhe-u.('able adYlres from London ,.n e Auierlcan refrbrerator

Ii. <-f -'lea.ly at lo*4'«S 11c. i>*r 1"..-.ales-J. F. Hailier.i: ,.. toid: l". Mtasoarl Steers, 1.110

B. 018888: l.ido, 1.:'4.', 16, at J;0; lilflo, 1,31h tt). at $.!0^:I ,1a, 1.97. B, at 8ft 96:41 do 1 91. Iti.a: #-'>-Oi 17.1,,, 1 844n.at lle,',()">: 17do, l,'..'»0ffi. at lOVe Kl do, 1,'JIM 16. stV, ..:, ft; laohtodo. l.it.m. at:> \-\ "', 1, 17 io. L888

ff). Kt ()'., 1", I'eii'.isvivanla.'..., l.Ja; TTi, at li.'-je, .'Mi ¦ '4d.. l.Miai m', al, ll'#': 1 flull. 710 Ib. at 4 _c.F.-anni"l*foraelf 3 lliii 01s St.-er*. 1 .W Bl, at *0 44: 18

do, l.-'.o IB. al*« asi; lOdo. !.._))-. m.atsi-S Kj; l.ido. 1.19.1".. ataftM) lo do. 1.1 rto Ih. at 86881 'J do. l.l a." Ib, at

..; ::: do, 1,1'J.( ffi, ai .', M.D Met'her m.n eonnnlaaloo 28 '>V.o ateera, 1.6*3 ff). at

if« a*;iv4. t'lk a. .;:(.". 90. 1.4 «. m. st «a 40;ai do,1.330 lt). Bt$l> ia _: ir"la. le'^'l fh. Bt rS B8l 14.1o 1-8188*.-188.711 10do, 1,140 B, 0* 8." 80: 11 <to l.lS", L>. at *3 a5 4do. 1,390 ffi at rj .c. .->« ffi 1,-s* 8l -awhaad; Sda, 1,448 (6 alII *4,-. 5 i!o. 1,494 ffi, at V- hv* -" 3 ita, 843 ffi. at 11 ta]:

.!.. 1,460 ffi. at 11 .<.: 3..I0. 1.350 ffi, Jt lle 9 .lo, 1.174 TBat 10 _e; 15 do, 1,141 P).»T 1'0 58 B, feflfl *10; 3 do, 1,1-0 Ib,at *-t -r,o. 1 Mi.cd Wertein do. 1,305 fb,at 12r, 56 ffi 11 do 1,385 ffi at 11«bC: « Ao 12!', ffi. at lle;4 .1... l.l*o ffi. at 10 .,-; 13do 1.1:(« n. nt 1? _e. .".'. tb 81 do.1,908 Bal 85 "Oi ...lo I,088B,atf r... l.-H* SJl por head 11In.lianad.i. I.Miaib. at l'-e. 5-iffi; 9da 1.410B, at llc;.).lo,1,179 a Bl Ha. 0.", ffi; Sda, 1,190 ffi. at BH*_ 3 ""ata uxea,1,300 ft.at 85 pei l"0 ffi; lil.ry 1.11..1, l.oai tb, at *:! 60; Jdo. 1.li* ffi.at .1 ...Bowtoo 4t Olflet 00 rominlsslon: 3 P-.-nnxylYanla Stiera.

l.«40 ffi, st+0 7o. :( I'.-'im-. Ivai.ia. x.-n, 1.780 8, Bl 'J.e. 55ffi-'J.to. i.-'-tl lt), at x .,-: r.' t'owa, Il»»77a ffi, at .'.,.:'.-,e:II tBdaaaateer*. 1.154 m.-t'..--jc. 85 ffi: a da 1.881 ffi- aa10_60 ffi; do. 1,37(1 ffi. st lu OW 1,150 ffi. at 8c.'." n>.

II. -. it.,s.-ri;h..iou ,'«:n iiiaaioa 8 iOhlca*o "teera, l.J >"»,at *.", 85. JO do. 1.130 ffi.at -V. .) ffi; ^<» "lo. 1.171 ffi atBS 001 9 do, 1.-33 ffi 04 85 00:8' do, 1,147 it, at .*¦". 60 .'

do, 1,154 ffi. at*.'. ::"-.. 41 <1>. 1.191 i'-, 0, 05 '-'., 40Ao 1,188Bl '.'V. 8'. tt) ; 158 do. l,'2.-> ffi. al (.-',e, les* "Oe perh-.ul: K*J.1... 17159 tb, at B _fl and ,0c la r hea.1. ,." do. l.tl.,0 tb, at'J^ct8.I0. 917 ffi. at .'c 4 Hall.. I.'Joo t .

Bhet-aaa a 'uivi- .¦ 14 IndlansSteeta. 1,118ffi.at.'e 90da, 087 ffi >t*V. ". ffi: 10 "hio do. l.l'.'UfS,nt UN'. 60 ffi 1 Odo. 1.241 ffi. st l'.'-_-; I Oo. I IT.. ffi, at'.i 'e'. "511)1 OStateOiea. I.77H n at«V5 90; fl Mlcl.lxan do. 1.76 »,at SO .' Odo, 1.508 8 ..t..'.'..); 1. .1". I. 69 », 048460M (ioldl a ihfor*. .f; 7 ..blo steers I.4.'8 tti. ai Mfft

Hdo, l.l,.3 ffi, af *.',0.i; l8tac.l,190B a'flSO; I Hul. .10ffi. at $4 75] *>( loo-*-t- r.. 1,311 ffi. al *.'.; 31 do. l.al J to.ut*,!*.; H.irto l.l'-.B at.i 15; "do, 1,0-0 ffi. at *3 0-. 14_o 1.989 ffi.at l.)"_<-. MI ffi.


1). w.ixci on .'"uuniasiiMi: l* .oatera --tee-*, .891 ffi, al.I'l'i; 1^ -tlll-f'-d llii'ls. 1,94081, st -;

\,i ei .t Ketr-nsutn for Merera K--"'D*'etn 3 liiiimUBteers Fan.-v, 1.57.1 tb. at a.-. llve welrfhi. .A do I,a.".0lb,a8M 1" -.-i!,^ as", "3 at 80 10 3000,1.9241b. at *0: 80 .to,1,3.17 lb.al 40 02; 30 do. 4.19.) Ib, at 85 S>. 41 do, 1,12a Ib,nl 88 ..'

Uyt8I aa-r-eiTOO! 15 mmotssieers. 1. -34 th, at 86 Hj2) .I-. L80I 1. ar I 15. baa 881 17 :..>. 1.0.7ll), Bl -'. :,7 _; 17 do, 1,067 Iti at *.' 601 88 do. 1.017 Ib. al9e, .',.% Ih, IfSi+l l>er l.-.l i >..».'. '-7 I'i. at s-4.; 4 Hull*.1.1 .0 Ib. at V - da. 1.297 Ib, ut ::'.' 3 <iu. 1,270 Ib. atPbai :,io, i,a-o;b. a: »i la

J. Seharuberu A Co. for 4. Orcenw.iM: 88 Ohlo 8terra,1,3^8 B, Bl 88 86: H do l_242__ at * 10. B da, 1 J W ffi. -it!¦.',. 5, ai 11 do. 1,301 * at lle: tor I- Kahni 10 Ohiorst,-.is Kit.a i.mi ffi at87251 ar 10.1 ra: I- do, 1,111 m,Bl .:.<>. :l,|. > 1.38*1 B at --: f-.r J. s,-h imber, a t'o:I)»rhii-a.o st.-.-rs l..'s.!b ar *.;.;..; Mdo. i,»«7 ffi. at l" 40; :(7.!,., :.::,-¦ B, al 8540 30do, l.o«2 it. 1. 15 »i lodc 1.1 - ffi,at*5 10; 19 ,lo. 1.1 :ni *_. af !>V. ." ffi I'.u'K I, :*0 ffi. ai4Ci BdO, 1.2--,t ffi.at4e; -.'odo. 1,17" i*. a< 6 1 .BaflOB ffi.Bchaatera I)..n»ni,..a n for X. M,,rrl- (. c.il a.-o .ste.-ra,

1.207 IV. .t f:, 10; 0 ..;o. L092 a. af $'.05; 4 do, 1,095 ffi. al44 a 1. 10 do. 1,088 ffi, ut 9 ¦>¦', tb al liuiu, 1 a:o tt, al?3 8'..

( Kahn reoerta: 62 Kentucky steets. 1,1,0a l,:40o D, all.l n 1 e. loilnas 50 ffi.

J. \ Mniir..-; Ul IliinolBSleen. 1.2... ffi. at *5 50 1 20dO»I.l281b.at8'>.J S. l-i.l. o.-k forself: 18 Jersey DtTCWW*. 881 ffi. Bl8_*V iLVRB-Beeelpte were 3. j head, a'l at 0'iibs». ihe

¦.1,1 .' r.iledtol laalytlini for Veaia. whk-hs.ld B4B____for ...a t<> .'..u,e, wtth a Te-v Bfltafltad at '..\i'<i>9*»o.i.r ...... w. re Jnll a-i.ttullv '4.' lo ver. *ule w.-re uiadc at

0. wlili afew l'e«l < alTraoeUfBCal Hjc.- . 1.1 -nbeek A Davia sold: 14 Veala 1588 I'.s) lb.al

I A ., 115 ffi. at *<¦ 3 F.sl alv.*. 833 ffi. at 4'jc :ni *i i" 1" do. ...¦._ ffi. at*3. ami 10

Vear ls_a und ..r.i-s. rs, 14B ffi. atad.irby -,' :i (.raa rs. 903 ffi st »e.

Dll.ul, ck .t I)ev.-ey so d 11 Veals. 14'-ai73ffi. *t«_»

Il'iii- .'.- >Ti:71 -n s.V- .- ,'s. )i<) ffi, st !.*4e:7d... 158:(,i... 1- ;.,,;..! B*| ii ¦!., 140 do at*vc; an.l 1

>il,-...,' A.M. I.AMfl..B'"-el|rf.i w re f, ears of 9JASb t r anl 1 ._ ear j- '.---eyflty Totalfor fonr day. l9,lHHl,04d,s«;ii;,»i .7 4 _e. for the»anietlru-lasi ...-'. Den._d falr and mirket 6 ..: f.u all desirableirrn'.es ot stoek'. P ,>r lo .


,t 3V._ V'i<¦:, ,-.ii il _-ta Heav) .1 1 to ti-inie

ran r*dfroru 5«a_) - a kl s ir -.-' ...¦ i':-' " '' <1 .-i ',.- .1 .i.i.l ai ..:i kiurba-n t 7c Theaettoo Lar'ibfl

..--,-: by api ,¦ 1' .. v b ..! Ib .'.-'¦ re, I-,¦-:;-...u*C un f 'i.n Le-ry, ¦'

i in a".r.V :ii lo 1. ffi. :.t .''.' 1 '."¦.'. a. B ur M B6| ;i; do.

kentucky do. I2Jf :.l ' i.| .:"¦..,, l20B, . ¦¦¦. [141 da 132 .".*(.., 5.J. V. >:i-!:.r .t 10 sildi ".'' ¦., 11 -',¦.;-. 100 ffi nt .,s,cj

1'.:,' v ,'o. K>3 ffi, at 4"»e t 17('do,0 r. at :u^; \^tir a ¦ a >, .. to, al '.-.. .1 1 104 aa,;... .11 -., .-. ...,-, ,i 81 tn. afl mt 1.I ,,|a t ,": 2 lllll <" IU .lt i'4 (_| M

...:'-. .. ll uky l.a'.iljs, ..' ffi, at 6%fl| 1s«* ",-.

..-, 41 »i« ¦¦ 1 11 i.n [Kztra), 88 ffi,ite i:»-*s 143 '\.'.UV. .1200 a ffi, ar le J .j

uhloHh -1>.' B.al t W.-. Kaaesold: ¦..40 W tcm ftbeep. 7ft ffi.at4_*.

.1.N.nl,-.. ¦- aold: '-'11 ni -l.-ui.-i -v, -,-|,. s."ffiaT.*_<: 219tb, atfl 10| 1 lo, 1". if. ui.Vii; ..5 uhioilo, I) ffi.at

J, r-i-v -lee-v 11 ffi ll -iiii-ne.v Maliaoaaidt tOSiatiLa ih>.-<7 ffi. atoV; 47 do,B, al _ej 10'do ut 0..': 8<lo 7 :*-. u M9<>i 5-00 71

ffi a t "V !»¦". do ot ffi at..,- 1 1 stateWlieep 19.1 B. at 6<M|;-.'.it. ..:("-. nt .,-. io .'.. ir. it, a' i'i.-. 7j do, 118 ffi, alI .-<.. :>n 7 .' Iveni'iekv lo. K'6"». at -'.c.Ilabenberk * UaYlaaolli tOBtata taatba.78 ta. at 8taa

132 do ("1-. few Saeep) Ss m at.i:tOi 204.'., 70 attfV_ - do 7.'ffi u Oe. 13 ,1... '0 ffi.at tc; 88a

,1 :,-i,-.-(.. 104 Ibs'-.'ie ItiTllhta d<>. -4 ffi, M IV. ;... -11 ed-. '.. ffi nt 1 .,.; 175do fe« i.i.iibi 7'. ffi, al IS*.'.-.'¦, Ill ffi.at I'Se >.7.1o. 100 ta. Bl l-.r iin.l 311 do. 88 ffi,Bl -1 "

i'i'1 nbarh " !>. wev sold: 1KS --"tafe Li.tibi 88 ffi. at o*,*,7-..1-., 7. ih ul. _¦; ...'lo, 7 ffi StOijOj 1 d->. ii7 lb.al 0'«.-41)5 "a all ,1 >. S7 1 1. a 6_B BJ Blail S ,'._, 1<>6ffi st \.-; -i,l. 07 * BT ". *«c 7: do 07 ffi. at 6 .c. 98 dfliltncka l<-7 ffi. at 3Kj.' 166 weate-Baheoa part Lanib*,, 95.- ,1 (0, and338 do, Ios ffi. al Jln'.VValah. Mri.y Jt Co. s.u.i: 180 Oiata 81 e j>. >5 tb. at *i 35

ni-r lo "Ihs.in ua. i___wta were 57 ear<i of 7.014 head. Total foe

fonr 1! ,1 . 20,7 '.' be d aj-alnst. -' 89 h. u f-.r the corn'suon.t-InB t aie 1**1 weel Kaellna weah lo lyaipacaj with ihes htde llne ibCltrDresaedyeaterday, rdiaaWtoPftaM|t« .)¦* t.iav l.e.|iioto I ..t l\a5n, aud l.l"ht llija wonld

i.i., ,.;.,,> ..r.urf a'iiC.¦-*>-

I.IVK sTOCh. HABKBT.BV TKA ifliPil-Br*~f_4* "aa 7. CoBBfl Baool Ba ta4ar 1888i-*adi toui

forw -4 th... (.-. 'I, ,'... hOOdi for s i n- ti ii'Ia.l WuiB, 4 OIK)lic.l con.i.iiMt tliiai.'.i -J c.r. '-urkct aetiv*.Ooodto .'n','i,o sioort. *,.:., 1688 -i '.-r* aud Keeder*,*.; -., -f 25.

:;e,-,'i.t* ti-lir, "li)'mi r>n for weat tln far..-I laVbcad |.,r si ii' ti a ii- > ¦> IJ4I beal: BaaauBBB*tbronab, 0 rurs; msrUet n.t.ve an.l e.i*ler Motllum to .

t.<-.. i. -:t maai '¦ Oonad. I auib -. tO ¦.. W 40,//o</»-lt.s'i>i[,ts k.'ltr *,50U ',-.1. tol 8 f>.- week thnsfur.iitio beal; tor sani" trno u.e »>-«a. 26,01.1 ueak eoa.

ai.neii tbrouab 7( eara, inark*! aetl~e and exsier Oaad terii.kc Voruei*. SlUii-»4 70: Ilutcburs llraJea. M 05*4 75i

- -1 "0~> «4 SO,.'MI.-4.... Jan. 7. The rtrni'rf Itieitl rrtrtorrs: t'i/'U.

14,-ceiiil. 7,1)00 l.il; -4 n:> 1. I' i. :, 0 .1 n'lli .uuraet BMBdjBJUiMxlt) .'Uoic'i -.hto.in. *¦'. 0 ... *. o<>; Co.mnon t-j Medlum,j-l ...,;.)...; l'e\:liis. ? -.I'Ti I-"'-


//,,(/»-lleeei.ts. l.'..H)''ie.lt: s'li'i n>nr*. I 111 KilinrolBCtlVei llou.h PaOklBW, II Ot*» :>."».'.nt *M Sbippiuf,,1 ,,..ti oe.Ltaui. 8195884 k* ainpa 08 aoaaaia.SYi*a_ll.-c-,-li.n. J.OOO1 »'.¦>. n.'.iti. I. '.¦.'; ii)urk..t *ie*lY;

lufelior to i-'ur. Kl 9584.1 ata M'.Ud'U to Hood. ti 504.111.': .'UoleeloKitr^. *l tn.iin OO.

_Sr I.in*. Jan. t.-rattle-ileeeipts. 1 .T)<>: shlnmonta.HM.j'i.urkot steady Ktports, *a ;5*<o t_>i 0 ._?____Bblpplntj IC'.il.IWi Fair to Me.uu.u. 41 508*1 OOj

^mSj BBOSIBTB 1 t.i *hlpmenM, 10.1 Co n*n.)-. » M'».1....... 89 95#B«00| Falr to Cioiee. 433 UHii 8B

//,,..- Kccelril* I3.4.M); HhltJ-ii.i.tN '-'-1." }¦['"*' .*..*'

fl 31), I'aoiluif. *4 858)84 4>; ll.-avy, $i t*Wm .*>.-«-

ETTRf)PK.4.N "UAiBjUt XARKSr*.LOBTMiB. Jan. 7.-12:3.) p. *B. CtaB*W-l T* M '"JtaPj

?tU,,, ff i-Vl.° 'io' gooAadAf '.'^ .eat'lH:n..ttli6C^A,t.,Uo' .'* in. I.r i .t,'rn i'.rat Mon*u-o lr,iuees(_lrtia.*l__3-_^BrW4% it^aa^l .01,*,,,.. 5. ., Xew-York_-.;: ni ilii..l*("..tr*l, l-'3i rennsTlYanla. 6a"- (ta*.t-*£,i\% Um2*%P*ti*W. mSSBm Pacia0.T5-s.st.^it\3XmjlZ* Three Per Ceiit lleutea at 79 88888

WA_j!!r5aaad,a_a_TO and a Hall Pe- cent Bonda,nst Trte i4ecoad('oB.-«ils.0() .; PcnnsrlYanla, 6J .; Meit.can urdiu'iry. 3«V. i-'anadlan P-cilc. 48

_st Paul Co-smea.

7I..d .iC,mni-llT):lUwer*_ allotu-.l to day at anad-ranoe of

:'". ai-i'ai^.Vi"7sl.iuote Three Pee (.'ent Rentea at 78 trtaet77 '-j ,-eiiinu** <or the aeeount, aad Exchsna* on taadoa al 98frauca 32 . ceuiuues for chetta. *

apiarrs or TaaPBVTr.faCHAULB-TOB. Jaa- 7 .Turoentln- steady at 97 _o,aavasaaiL Jaa. 7- rj_^palia* *4a*4f «______»
