July-Des 2008 (PDF 8,8 MB)


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Komite Nasional Responsible Care® Indonesia



July - December 2008Indonesia - English

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Pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2008, bertempat di Intercontinental MidPlaza Jakarta telah berlangsung Rapat Umum Tahunan atau KN-RCI Annual General Meeting 2008. AGM kali ini menjadi special karena merupakan AGM ke-10 sejak

berdirinya KN-RCI pada tahun 1997. Menjelang usia KN-RCI ke-11, AGM kali ini juga menandai berakhirnya kepengurusan KN-RCI Periode 2005-2008 dibawah kepemimpinan Bapak Frank Moniaga. Pak Frank adalah Ketua Presidium KN-RCI yang ke-3, Ketua yang pertama dijabat oleh Bapak Ir. Rahman Subandhi dan yang kedua adalah Bapak Nurjachman Sumawinata. Beberapa catatan penting sebagai keberhasilan selama 3 tahun terakhir adalah:1. Bergabungnya 29 perusahaan sebagai anggota baru, meningkat dari 77 menjadi

106 perusahaan. Telah dilaksanakan 10 kali Roadshow di 5 wilayah atau Regional Manegement, 16 kali training dan workshop atau lebih dari 5 kal training pertahun diantaranya meliputi kode etik Responsible Care, Verifikasi Responsible Care, Pelatihan Praktis GHS, Pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi ahli kimia. Untuk antisipasi penerapan regulasi baru Uni Eropa, diadakan training tentang REACH

®2. Kegiatan “Self-Assessment” dan pelaksanaan Verifikasi Responsible Care di sekitar 40% perusahaan anggota KN-RCI aktif.

3. Mendukung penuh untuk persiapan implementasi Globally Harmonized System(GHS). Sampai dengan Agustus 2008, ada14 GHS certified instructors yang telah lulus mengikuti kualifikasi sebagai instruktur dalam training GHS Instructors yang diadakan di AOTS Jepang, atas prakarsa dan dukungan dari Pemerintah Jepang.

4. Berperan dalam pendirian organisasi Asosiasi Pengusaha Transportasi Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya atau APTB3 sebagai mitra dalam pelaksanaan salah satu Responsible Care Code Management Practice yaitu Distribution Code.

5. Kerjasama internasional Telah berlangsung dengan cukup baik seperti dengan

Japan External Trade Organization – JETRO dalam pelatihan praktek Verifikasi,

serta GHS. Kerjasama dengan The Association for Overseas Training Scholarship

– AOTS Jepang, dalam pelatihan GHS tingkat Dasar, Menengah, Lanjutan atau

Advance sampai dengan Instruktur yang diadakan di Indonesia dan Jepang.

Kerjasama yang lain, dengan VAPRO-OVP dari Kerajaan Belanda dan ITS

AGM 2008:PERJALANAN 3 TAHUN KN-RCI 2005 – 20083 Years Journey of KN-RCI 2005 – 2008

Almost all of programs have been implemented, there are 6 keys of success that have been achieved. Don't quickly be self-satisfied, there are still many challenges we must face.

Hampir semua program telah dapat dilaksanakan, ada 6 kunci sukses yang telah diraih. Jangan cepat berpuas diri, masih banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi.

Ostn 21 of August 2008, a KN-RCI Annual General Meeting 2008

was held in Intercontinental MidPlaza Jakarta. This AGM thbecome a special event as it is the 10 AGM as from the

thestablishment of KN-RCI in 1997. Facing the 11 birthday of KN-RCI, this

AGM was also marked with the termination of service term of KN-RCI

management for the Period 2005-2008 under leadership of Bapak Frank

Moniaga. Pak Frank is the third Chairman of KN-RCI Presidium, the first

Chairman is Bapak Ir. Rahman Subandhi and the second chairman is

Bapak Nurjachman Sumawinata. A number of important notes of

achieved success for the latest 3 years are as follows:

1. Joining of 29 companies as new members, increasing from 77 to 106

companies. 10 times of Roadshow have been held in 5 regions or

Regional Management, 16 times of training and workshop or more

than 5 times of training a year consisting among others trainings on

Responsible Care code of conduct, Verified Responsible Care, GHS

Practical Training, Capacity Building of Chemical Specialists. In

facing the adoption of new regulation of the Europe Union, a training

on REACH was held.®2. “Self-Assessment” activity and Responsible Care verification were

held in about 40% of active members of KN-RCI.

3. Fully supporting the preparation of implementation of Globally

Harmonized System (GHS). By August 2008, there are 14 GHS

certified instructors who have passed from qualification as instructor

in the training GHS Instructors held in AOTS Japan, at initiation and

support from the Government of Japan.

4. Taking role in establishment of Indonesian Association of Dangerous

Goods Transporter (APTB3) as partner in implementation of one of

Responsible Care Code Management Practice, namely Distribution


5. International Cooperation was held properly such as with Japan

External Trade Organization – JETRO in Verification practice and

GHS trainings. The cooperation with the Association for Overseas

Training Scholarship – AOTS Japan, in Basic, Medium, and Advance

GHS training levels up to Training for Instructors held in Indonesia

and Japan. Another cooperation was among other with VAPRO-OVP ®from Dutch and ITS Surabaya in the ”Responsible Care Goes to

School” program followed by 4 Chemical Vocational High Schools.

6. Actively taking role in building relationship with the International

Council of Chemical Associations, ICCA-RCLG and APRO.

In addition to the success story, there are still many challenges to be faced

and priority of the future management (2008-2011) among others:

•Regeneration and development of cadres

•Key Performance Indicator (KPI ) KPI reporting

•Statistics on Accidents. Distribution Incidents

•Incentives and keeping of Momentum

Ketua Presidium Frank Moniaga bersama anggota Pengurus KN-RCI bersyukur dan bergembira usai menjalankan tugasnya selama periode 2005-2008. Presidium Chairman Frank Moniaga together with KN-RCI leadership members commemorate thier success after performing their duties for a period of 2005-2008.

KN-RCI news

Daftar Isi/ Table of Contents

2 KN-RCI news

Content Page

AGM 2008 1

Sambutan dari Ketua Presidium/Message from the Chairperson 2

Mengenal Pengurus Baru KN-RCI 2008-2011/ 3Get to Know Our New Committee

GHS Update 4

Federasi Industri Kimia Indonesia / Federation of 6The Indonesian Chemical Industry - FIKI

Turnamen Golf FIKI & INACHEM 2010 7


Astt our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 21 of August 2008, the

Third KN-RCI Leadership team under Bapak Frank Moniaga has shared their outstanding achievements which exceeded the

expectation of our members. Their efforts had placed KN-RCI firmly on the road to a more sustainable future and affirmed that KN-RCI is “walking the walk”. Although much had been accomplished and we can be proud of such achievements, there is much to do in Indonesia to further meet the public expectations and growing concern about our products and to effectively implement sound management of chemicals and product stewardship along the value chain. Integrated chemical safety will not be achieved by scattered efforts, but ONLY through the integrated effort of leading industrial sectors and

Sambutan dari Ketua PresidiumMessage from the Chairperson

Ibu / Mrs. Urai Rogers

Pada Rapat Umum Tahunan kita yang diadakan pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2008, Tim Kepemimpinan KN-RCI Ketiga yang diketuai oleh Bapak Frank Moniaga telah menyampaikan kinerja mereka yang luar

biasa yang melebihi harapan para anggota kita. Upaya yang mereka lakukan telah menempatkan KN-RCI pada posisi yang mantap dalam meraih masa depan yang berkelanjutan dan menegaskan bahwa KN-RCI tengah “melangkah maju”. Kendati banyak pencapian yang telah diraih dan kita bangga dengan pencapaian itu, namun masih ada banyak hal yang harus kita lakukan di Indonesia untuk memenuhi harapan publik dan isu yang berkembang terkait dengan produk kita dan untuk secara efektif melakukan pengelolaan bahan kimia dan product stewardship yang sehat di sepanjang rantai nilai. Keselamatan penanganan bahan kimia terpadu tidak akan dapat dicapai dengan upaya yang tidak menyatu, namun HANYA dapat dicapai melalui

sebuah upaya terpadu dari para sektor industri terkemuka dan perusahaan-perusahaan yang bersama-sama meningkatkan standar dan persyaratan kinerja mereka dan membawanya dalam rantai suplei mereka, sehingga industri mampu menghadapi tantangan dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan.Masalah global kini tengah memerlukan solusi global, kreativitas, dan kepemimpinan, seraya menentukan sasaran serangkaian tindakan lokal yang menyeluruh. Hal ini akan memerlukan perhatian dari semua mitra, dari masyarakat serta dari sektor swasta, serangkaian reformasi strategi dan kebijakan, yang memerlukan sebuah budaya perubahan yang serius. Telah menjadi minat industri-industri besar dan para asosiasi mereka untuk mencegah kecelakaan bahan kimia pada tingkat Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM), karena Media Komunikasi selalu menempatkan berita buruk di halaman muka. Oleh karena itu, adalah penting bagi semua pihak untuk menjaga keselamatan dan penanganan yang bertanggung jawab atas bahan kimia, dan KN-RCI siap untuk membentuk kemitraan menyeluruh dengan perusahaan-perusahaan yang berminat, kemitraan yang akan secara efektif berupaya mengatasi tantangan yang mendorong upaya industri kimia untuk beroperasi secara aman dan memperhatikan generasi yang akan datang.Responsible Care Global Charter (RCGC) mengatasi masalah sosial yang penting termasuk pembangunan berkelanjutan dan kebutuhan industri untuk saling bekerja sama secara lebih erat dan transparansi. RCGC menciptakan sebuah kesepakatan penting yang harus dicapai oleh para anggota Federasi Industri Kimia Indonesia (FIKI) guna menciptakan sebuah visi yang sama dalam Responsible Care untuk melaksanakan kode etik industri kita. Responsible Care Leadership Group akan menangani pelaksanaan RCGC yang akan membuat sarana dan bahan panduan guna membantu perusahaan dan asosiasi FIKI dalam bidang seperti sistem manajemen, product stewardship, dan pengembangan berkelanjutan.Ada peluang besar bagi Leadership Team kami yang akan datang untuk jangka waktu 2009-2011. Sehubungan dengan komitmen terhadap publik dari Industri Kimia untuk mempromosikan responsible care dan turut andil dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan, KN-RCI mengundang para anggota dan Stakeholder Industri Kimia untuk lebih proaktif dan memainkan peran depan dengan kami dalam hal Keselamatan Bahan Kimia di seluruh rantai suplei. Saya merasa sangat bangga mengumumkan Tim Kepemimpinan Keempat dan Satuan Tugas kami yang benar-benar memiliki komitmen terhadap visi jangka panjang kami untuk mengembangkan Responsible Care di Indonesia untuk terus menjamin pengelolaan bahan kimia secara aman di seluruh siklus kehidupan mereka dalam rangka Strategi Produk Global ICCA.Tim Kepemimpinan (Leadership Team) terdiri dari 8 (delapan) Anggota Dewan Presidium, 1 (satu) Sekretaris Jenderal and Direktur Eksekutif, satu (1) Sekretaris dan Manajer Kantor, yang didukung oleh 36 anggota Kelompok Fungsi, antara lain enam (6) Pelatihan, Humas & Promosi, enam (6) Self-Assessment dan Verifikasi, empat (4) Hubungan Pemerintah dan Regulasi, delalapan (8) Manajemen Regional Bagian Indonesia Timur, dan sepuluh (10) Manajemen Regional Bagian Indonesia Barat. Kelompok Fungsi dan Satgas Responsible Care kami akan sepenuhnya mencurahkan upaya mereka guna mencapai tujuan bersama dan membantu para anggota kita dalam upaya mereka yang tanpa itu, keberhasilan tidak mungkin dapat dicapai.Kami mengucapkan banyak terimakasih atas perhatian anda.

Urai Rogers

companies jointly uplifting their performance standards and requirement and bringing along their supply chains, can the industry face the challenges of sustainable development.Global problems are calling for global solutions, creativity, and leadership, while targeting a set of comprehensive local actions. This would require from all concerned partners, from the public as well as from the private sectors, a series of strategic an policy reforms, imbedded in a serious culture of change. It is in the interest of the major industries and their associations that chemicals accidents be prevented at level of SMEs as Communication Media are always looking for bad news to put on front pages. It is therefore in the interest of all to keep on promoting chemical safety and responsible care, and KN-RCI stands ready for establishing comprehensive partnerships with concerned companies, partnerships that would effectively look for contributing to such challenging goal driving the chemical industry's efforts to operate safely and due care for future generations.The Responsible Care Global Charter addresses important societal issues including sustainable development and the need for the industry to work more closely and transparently with others than ever before. The Charter embodies an important agreement which is to be achieved among the members of the Federation of The Indonesia Chemical Industry (FIKI) to create a common national vision for Responsible Care to commit to our industry's ethic. Responsible Care Leadership Group will administer a Charter implementation process which will develop tools and guidance materials to assist companies and associations under FIKI in such areas as management systems, product stewardship, and sustainable development.There are big shoes for our next Leadership Team to fill in the next term 2009-2011. In response of the Industry's public commitment for promoting responsible care and contributing to sustainable development, KN-RCI invites the members and the Chemical Industry Stakeholders to take and assume a more pro-active and front role with us on Chemical Safety throughout the supply chain. I am very proud to announce our Fourth Leadership Team and the Task Forces who thoroughly commit to the long-term vision to the growth of Responsible Care in Indonesia to continuously assure the safe management of chemicals throughout their life cycle within the context of the ICCA's Global Product Strategy.The Leadership Team consisting of eight (8) Presidium Boards, one (1) Secretary General and Executive Director, (1) Secretary and Office Manager, supported by 36 Function Group members i.e., six (6)Training and Public Relation & Promotion, six (6) Self-Assessment and Verification, four (4) Government Relation and Regulatory Affairs, ten (10) Regional Management of East Indonesia and eight (8) Regional Management of West Indonesia.Our Responsible Care Function Group or Task Forces will fully dedicate their efforts to achieve these common goals and in assisting our members in their endeavors, without which the successes so far would not have been possible.Thank you very much for your kind attentions.

Urai Rogers

Pertemuan Tahunan ICCA - RCLG 2008/ 9RCLG 2008 Annual Meeting

Responsible Care Goes to School (KN-RCI & VAPRO) 10

Verification OJT (KN-RCI & JETRO) 11

Radio Talkshow di Surabaya, Roadshow di RM II, 12-14RM III & Indonesia National Single Window, INSW

“Workshop on Chemical Management (KLH & UNDP) 15

Headline News & Calender of Activity 18

KN-RCI Workplan 2009 19


Ermin Peng

3KN-RCI news


In Memoriam

Selamat jalan teman kami tercinta,Good bye to our beloved friend

At the age of 52 years and after a long 3-month battle with life, our dear friend, Endi, has returned to his Creator in peace. His dear family and all his friends have brought him to his final resting place at the Tanah Kusir-cemetry in South Jakarta. today, June 19, 2008 at 13:30 pm.Endi was one of the pioneers of Indonesia's Responsible Care(R) organization, KN-RCI and a strong pillar in our current Presidium Board. His demise is a big loss for our team and we will miss his candid opinion and his strong drive in implementing things which have been agreed upon. His employer, PT Cognis Indonesia and the whole Cognis organization have done every possible effort and tried very hard to support and to get back the health of their top executive; they have shown their utmost care, however destiny meant differently. Let us honour Endi, with our thoughts of thanks for his contributions towards our organization, may the Almighty Lord accepts his soul at His side. We wish his beloved family all the strength and may they carry on his wishes, which they have crafted together, for the good sake of the whole family. Best regards, Frank MoniagaKN-RCI Chairperson 2005-2008

Pada usianya yang ke-52 tahun dan setelah berjuang selama 3 bulan, teman kita tercinta, Endi, telah berpulang kepada Sang Khalik dalam damai. Keluarga serta teman-teman mengantarkan beliau ke tempat perisitirahatan terakhir di Pemakaman Tanah Kusir, Jakarta Selatan, pada hari Kamis, 19 Juni 2008 pada pukul 13:30 WIB.Endi merupakan salah satu pendiri organisasi Responsible Care® Indonesia (KN-RCI) dan seorang tokoh penting pada Presidium Board saat ini. Kepergiannya meninggalkan duka yang dalam bagi kita dan kita akan merindukan opini serta tekadnya dalam menjalankan komitmen yang telah disepakati.PT Cognis Indonesia, tempat beliau bekerja, serta seluruh organisasi Cognis telah melakukan segala daya upaya untuk dapat memulihkan kesehatan top eksekutifnya; mereka telah menunjukkan kasih sayang terdalamnya, namun takdir telah berbicara lain.

Mari kita berikan penghormatan kepada Endi, dengan rasa terima kasih kita atas kontribusinya terhadap organisasi, semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa menerima di sisi-Nya. Kita doakan semoga keluarga tercintanya mendapatkan kekuatan dan membawa kekuatan tersebut untuk mewujudkan impian yang telah diukir bersama, untuk kesejahteraan seluruh keluarganya. Hormat kami, Frank MoniagaKetua Presidium KN-RCI 2005-2008


®Kode Etik Responsible Care menjadi Perhatian Khusus dan Tanggung Jawab PresidiumGet to know our new Committee – Period of 2008 - 2011

®Responsible Care Code will be our Presidium's attention focus and responsibilities

This Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at Mercantile Athletic Club WTC Jakarta, a

formative team has been established during the AGM 2008, and it has official

announced its new KN-RCI committee for the period of 2008-2011. A newly

specific matter derived out of this new committee compared to the last, is that each

Presidium members will be responsible to carry out in implementing and developing its

respective tasks and the Responsible Care ethics code. The mechanism is still being

designed and formulated on how best for this concept to be executed well.

A bigger attention is paid to the execution of Self Assessment and KPI reporting, which is

now lead directly by a Presidium. Beforehand it is managed by the Verification team

under the Training & Auditing function which is now joined with the PR&P function,

whereas the Government Regulation & Regulatory Affairs remain the same. Changes in

the Regional Management I to V which beforehand is lead by a

Presidium, now with RM-I and II will be RM for Eastern Indonesia,

whilst RM-III, IV and V will be under Western Indonesia. Several

old faces of the KN-RCI Presidium will be seen strengthening the

new committee among others Urai Rogers, Frank Moniaga,

Cahyono Adi, Suhardi Rahman and Bambang Sastrosatomo.

And three new faces are Kamaludin, George Hadi Santoso and

Ermin Peng whom are actually have taken a role in KN-RCI

activities before outer the committee. According to previous KN-

RCI Chairman, Frank Moniaga, KN-RCI is in need of “Fresh

Blood” be it in the Presidium or in the Function Group. With the

new personnel, it is expected to bring synergy for KN-RCI in

achieving its “vision” and “mission”.

KN-RCI Chairman, Urai Rogers and the Presidium members

have presented each tasks details and responsibilities. Before

the announcement of new KN-RCI committee members, KN-RCI

has officially handover previous Chairmanship from Frank

Moniaga to our new KN-RCI Chairman, Urai Rogers by signing

the handover plaques.

KN-RCI committee members for Period of 2008-2011 are as


KN-RCI Chairperson: Urai Rogers, CEO/ President Director of

PT. Dow Chemical Indonesia.

George Hadi Santoso

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elasa siang, tanggal 18 November 2008, bertempat di Mercantile Athletic Club WTC Jakarta, Tim Formatur yang dibentuk pada AGM 2008, secara resmi mengumumkan susunan pengurusan baru KN-RCI periode 2008 – 2011. Ada

suatu hal yang khusus bila disbanding dengan kepengurusan periode sebelumnya. Setiap anggota Presidium mendapat tugas dan bertanggung jawab terhadap implemebtasi dan pengembangan kode etik Responsible Care. Masih perlu disusun dan dirumuskan mekanismenya, bagaimana cara kerjanya agar konsep ini dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Perhatian yang lebih besar difokuskan pada penerapan Self-Assessment, Pelaporan KPI dan Verifikasi, kini dipimpin langsung oleh seorang Presidium. Sebelumnya hanya dikelola oleh Tim Verifikasi dibawah kelompok Training & Auditing. Bidang Training digabung dengan PR&P, sedangkan Government Regulation & Regulatory Affairs tidak mengalami perubahan. Regional Management I s/d V yang semula masing-masing dipimpin oleh Presidium, ada perubahan, RM-I dan II menjadi RM Indonesia Timur, sedangkan RM-III, IV dan V, menjadi RM Indonesia Barat. Beberapa wajah lama Presidium KN-RCI masih memperkuat kepengurusan yang baru seperti Urai Rogers, Frank Moniaga, Cahyono Adi, Suhardi Rachman dan Bambang Sastrosatomo. Ada 3 wajah baru yaitu Kamaludin, George Hadi Santoso dan Ermin Peng. Ketiga yang terakhir sebenarnya telah mengambil peran dalam kegiatan KN-RCI, akan tetapi diluar kepengurusan. Menurut Ketua lama, Frank moniaga, KN-RCI memerlukan “fresh-blood” baik ditingkat Presidium maupun Function Group. Dengan adanya personil baru diharapkan mampu bersinergi untuk membawa KN-RCI mencapai target sesuai “visi” dan “misi” nya.Ketua Presidium Urai Rogers dan para anggota Presidium memaparkan presentasi mengenai uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing. Sebelumnya setelah

diumumkan Susunan Pengurus baru KN-RCI secara resmi dilakukan serah terima dari Ketua lama Frank Moniaga kepada Ketua baru Urai Rogers dengan menandatangani piagam serah terima.Susunan Pengurus KN-RCI Periode 2008-2011 sebagai berikut:Ketua Presidium:Ibu Urai Rogers, CEO / President Director PT Dow Chemical Indonesia

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Handover of Chairmanship from Frank Moniaga to Urai Rogers for KN-RCI Chairmanship 2008-2011

GHS UPDATE:Satu bahan kimia, Satu label, di Seluruh Dunia /Apakah GHS tetap diberlakukan pada akhir tahun 2008? Industri memerlukan regulasi untuk implementasi GHS

One chemical , One label, over the World

Does GHS remain to be applied by the end of 2008? Industry needs for a regulation of implementation of GHS

Salah satu keputusan rapat Forum Komunikasi Nasional Pengelolaan Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya (FORKONAS B3) 24-25 Oktober 2008, merekomendasikan, untuk jangka pendek agar ada peraturan yang dapat

mengakomodasi implementasi GHS perlu diadakan revisi Permen LH No. 03 Tahun 2008 tentang Tata Cara Pemberian Simbol dan Label B3. Untuk jangka panjang, akan dilakukan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah R.I. No.74 Tahun 2001 tentang Pengelolaan B3. Pada tanggal 19 November 2008, Deputi IV MENLH mengadakan pertemuan dalam rangka menindaklanjuti hasil rapat FORKONAS yang terkait dengan regulasi GHS untuk jangka pendek, dan dibentuk Tim Kecil untuk revisi PERMNLH 03 / 2008, beranggotakan lintas sektoral dan organisasi non pemerintah termasuk KN-RCI. Khusus untuk bahan kimia dan produk yang menggunakan bahan kimia yang diekspor ke negara-negara Uni Eropa, harus mengikuti regulasi REACH yaitu Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, yang berlaku sejak 1 Juni 2008. Regulasi REACH menggunakan GHS sebagai acuan klasifikasi dan pelabelan bahan kimia. Negara-negara lain juga akan menerapkan regulasi seperti REACH. Oleh karenanya, Departemen Perindustrian R.I. melalui Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu menerbitkan surat No.372/IAK.5/11/2008 tanggal 14 November 2008 ditanda tangani oleh Dr. Ir. Alexander Barus, MA, MBA, ditujukan kepada para Ketua Asosiasi Industri Kimia, yang intinya meminta kepada industri khususnya yang berorientasi ekspor agar mulai menerapkan GHS sebagai langkah antisipasi perdagangan global. GHS merupakan pendekatan yang konsisten dan koheren untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya bahan kimia dan memberikan informasi mengenai bahaya dan tindakan perlindungan yang diperlukan bagi pemakai atau siapa saja yang terpapar bahan kimia tersebut. Sistem ini terstruktur sehingga elemen-elemen yang tepat untuk klasifikasi dan komunikasi bahan kimia dapat ditentukan. Karena tujuan GHS adalah untuk meindungi manusia dan lingkungan yang juga akan berdampak positif bagi pertumbungan industri dan bisnis, maka sudah seharusnya bila Pemerintah dalam hal ini Kantor Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup, Departemen Perindustrian, dan departemen terkait yang lain memberikan perhatian dan dukungan penuh untuk implementasi GHS di Indonesia.Latar belakang GHS diawali dari Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Bumi, Earth Summit di Rio de Janeiro Brazil pada tahun 1992, dihadiri para Kepala dan Pimpinan Negara, termasuk Presiden R.I. Salah satu butir dari hasil KTT Rio adalah Agenda 21 Bab 19, yaitu:“Environmentally Sound Management of Toxic Chemicals including Prevention of Illegal International Trafic in Toxic and Dangerous Products”. Dalam World Summit on Sustainable Development, WSSD 2002 dikenal pula sebagai KTT Bumi yang ke-2 di Johannesburg lebih di tegaskan lagi mengenai GHS ini. GHS juga merupakan bagian penting dari Strategic Approach of International Chemical Management. SAICM dideklarasikan di International Conference on Chemical Management, ICCM diselenggarakan oleh UNEP - PBB, dimana Bapak Rahmat Witoelar, Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup R.I., berperan penting dalam konferensi

®tersebut. Responsible Care Global Charter juga dicanangkan dalam pertemuan internasional ini di Dubai pada bulan Februari 2006. Menurut catatan NL tidak kurang dari 10 orang delegasi Indonesia dari berbagai Departemen dan Kementerian.

One of the meeting resolutions of the National Communication Forum of Toxic and Dangerous Goods Management (FORKONAS B3) held on 24-25 October 2008, recommended that, for the short time, a regulation should be made, which can

accommodate the implementation of GHS, so that it is necessary to revise Regulation of Minister of Environment No. 03 of 2008 on Procedures of Marking and Labeling of Toxic and Dangerous Goods. For the long time, the Government Regulation of RI No.74 of 2001 on Toxic and Dangerous Goods Management should be amended. On 19 November 2008, Deputy IV of the Ministry of Environmental affairs held a meeting for the sake of following up the result of FORKONAS meeting relevant to the GHS regulation for short term, and a small Team was established having duty to revise the Regulation of Minister of Environment No. 03 of 2008, whose members come from sectoral cross and non-governmental organizations including KN-RCI. Special for chemical substances and products made of chemical materials that are exported to European Union's countries, they must be subject to REACH regulations, namely Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, which was effective as from 1 June 2008. The REACH Regulation uses GHS as a reference of classification and labeling of the chemical materials. Other countries will also adopt the regulations such as REACH. Therefore, the Ministry of Industry of R.I., through the Director of Downstream Chemical Industry, issued a letter No.372/IAK.5/11/2008 dated 14 November 2008 signed by Dr. Ir. Alexander Barus, MA, MBA, sent to leaders of Chemical Industrial Association, which principally requires industries, particularly those industries with export orientation to adopt the GHS for the sake of anticipating the global trade. GHS is a consistent and coherent approach of identifying the danger of chemical materials and giving information on danger and protective actions required by users or anyone working with such chemical materials. This system is structured in such away, so that correct elements of classification and communication of the chemical materials can be determined. Given the GHS is aimed at protecting the human being end environment which will also give positive impact on the industrial and business growths, it is a must that the Government, in this case is the Ministry of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Industry, and other relevant ministries to fully pay their attention and give support to the implementation of the GHS in Indonesia.The birth of GHS was initialed from the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro Brazil in 1992, which was attended by a number of leaders or presidents of countries, including President of R.I. One of the clauses of the resolutions of KTT Rio is Agenda 21 Chapter 19, as follows:“Environmentally Sound Management of Toxic Chemicals including Prevention of Illegal International Traffic in Toxic and Dangerous Products”. In the World Summit on Sustainable Development, WSSD 2002, which is also known as the Second Earth Summit held in Johannesburg, this GHS was more confirmed. GHS is also a crucial part of the Strategic Approach of International Chemical Management (SAICM). SAICM was officially declared in the International Conference on Chemical Management (ICCM), which was organized by UNEP - UN, where Mr. Rahmat Witoelar, the Minister for Environmental Affairs of R.I., took an important role in that event.

®Responsible Care Global Charter was also launched in the international meeting in Dubai held in February 2006. According to the NL record, there were not less than 10 Indonesian delegations from various Departments and Ministries attending in this event. A number of industries, particularly those multinational companies have been adopting the classification, labeling and SDS based on GHS. Anyway, Industries and business actors apparently need for a regulation serving as a reference of implementation of GHS. Around 1500 types of chemical materials (single substance) and 44 types of surfactant materials have been classified by Japan and about 3000 types have been classified by the European Union. This data can be seen from website KN-RCI at: www.kn-rci.or.id About 3000 types have been classified by the European Union. This data can be seen from website KN-RCI at: www.kn-rci.or.id Please also visit the official website of GHS at: http://www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/ghs/ghs_welcome_e.html . (MSZ)

4 KN-RCI news

Hingga menjelang akhir tahun 2008 ini, belum terbit peraturan tentang klasifikasi, penandaan atau pelabelan dan penyusunan lembar data keselamatan atau safety data sheet – SDS berdasarkan ketentuan Globally Harmonize System – GHS. Draft regulasi yang disusun oleh Tim Nasional GHS yang beranggotakan lintas Departemen dan organisasi non pemerintah termasuk KN-RCI telah dibahas sejak tahun 2005, namun hingga kini masih belum belum “rampung”. Menurut sumber NL, draft Peraturan Presiden tersebut oleh Kementrian Sekretariat Kabinet R.I. dipandang perlu untuk disempurnakan agar tidak terjadi “tumpang-tindih” dengan regulasi yang telah ada.

By end of the year 2008, there is no regulation on classification, marking or labeling and preparation of safety data sheet – SDS based on the Globally Harmonize System – GHS. Draft regulation prepared by the GHS National team whose membership are amongst the elements from Ministries and non-governmental organizations including KN-RCI has been discussed since 2005, but it has not been completed. According to source NL, this draft Presidential Regulation, according to the Secretariat Ministries of Cabinet of RI, needs to be amended in order to prevent from “overlapping” with the existing regulations.

Bebe rapa i ndus t r i khususnya mul t inat iona l companies te lah menerapkan kalsifikasi, pelabelan dan SDS berdasarkan GHS. Bagaimana, seperti apa atau apapun bentuk peraturannya, Industri dan kalangan pengusaha jelas memerlukan regulasi sebagai acuan untuk pelaksanaan GHS. Sekitar 1500 bahan kimia (single substance) dan 44 bahan surfaktan telah diklasifikasi oleh Jepang dan sekitar 3000 telah diklasifikasi oleh Uni Eropa. Data ini dapat anda peroleh sebagai rujukan, silahkan klik website KN-RCI www.kn-rci.or.id Kunjungi pula website resmi GHS di website: http://www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/ghs/ghs_welcome_e.html. (MSZ)

Ada 9 pictograms atau symbol GHS berdasarkan kriteria bahaya fisik-kimia, bahaya lingkungan dan kesehatan.There are 9 pictograms of GHS based on physical-chemical hazards and environmental - health hazards.

5KN-RCI news

Pelatihan Praktis GHS

Pada tahun 2008 ini KN-RCI kembali menyelenggarakan paket Pelatihan Praktis GHS di Jakarta (24-26 Maret 2008) dan di Surabaya (21-23 April 2008). Pemandu pelatihan adalah mereka yang mengikuti tahapan pelatihan di Indonesia dan di AOTS Jepang dan memiliki sertifikat sebagai instruktur pelatihan GHS. Mereka adalah Arie Handoko, Prio Utomo, Edith Limengka, Dr. Emy S. Togelang, Setyabudhi Zuber, Sri Muharni dan Dr. Rar.net. Budiawan dari Universitas Indonesia. Materi pelatihan meliputi teori, bahaya fisik-kimia, bahaya lingkungan dan kesehatan, latihan menentukan klasifikasi dan pelabelan bahan kimia dengan menggunakan data internet hingga latihan menyusun lembar data keselamatan, safety data sheet, SDS. Masing-masing pelatihan diikuti oleh 24 peserta dari industri anggota KN-RCI, dan dari instansi Pemerintah seperti Departemen Perindustrian Jakarta, dari Dinas Naker Pemda Prop. Jawa Timur dan Dari Bapedalda Jawa Timur masing-masing satu orang. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, diharapkan para peserta mampu mempersiapkan untuk penerapan GHS di perusahaan-perusahaan yang bersangkutan.Bila memerlukan konsultasi lebih lanjut dalam klasifikasi, pelabelan dan penyusunan SDS bahan kimia di masing-masing perusahaan, dapat menghubungi Tim GHS KN-RCI melalui email ke

Kerjasama antara KN-RCI dan Departemen Perindustrian

Disamping pelatihan yang diselenggarakan sendiri oleh KN-RCI, pada tahun ini instruktur

GHS dari Tim GHS KN-RCI juga diminta untuk memberikan pelatihan GHS yang

diadakan oleh Departemen Perindustrian di Kota Bogor Jawa Barat. Paket pelatihan

”Training for the Trainer – TOT GHS” diadakan pada tanggal 9-11 Juni 2008 dan 23-25 Juli

2008 diikuti oleh industri kimia hulu dan hilir, baik anggota maupun yang belum menjadi

anggota KN-RCI serta dari jajaran instansi Pemerintah Daerah / Dep. Perindustrian di

Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Materi pelatihan meliputi teori, studi kasus,

dan praktek klasifikasi, pelabelan dan penyusunan SDS menggunakan data internet.

Diharapkan para peserta dapat menerapkannya untuk masing-masing perusahaan,

sedangkan peserta dari Instansi Pemerintah diharapkan dapat menularkan ilmunya

untuk advokasi atau penyuluhan khususnya untuk industri kecil-menengah serta sebagai

fasilitator dalam implementasi GHS. Demikian disampaikan oleh Direktur Industri Kimia

Hulu, Dr. Ir. Alexander Barus dalam pembukaan TOT GHS di Bogor. (MSZ)

Purple Book versi Bahasa Indonesia dan Sosialisasi GHS

Tim Penterjemah Panduan GHS – Purple Book telah selesai melaksanakan tugasnya,

menterjemahkan Purple Book kedalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tim ini dibawah koordinasi

Badan POM diantara anggotanya Arie Handoko dari KN-RCI, Dr. Emy Togelang dari

APTB3, Dra. Sri Muharni (BPOM) dan Dr. Budiawan dari Universitas telah mengikuti GHS

Training di Jepang. Penterjemahan ini telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2005 dan

dinyatakan selelasai dalam pertemuan di Bandung pada bulan September 2008. Purple

Book Edisi I Bahasa Indonesia diharapkan dapat dicetak dalam waktu dekat oleh

Departemen Perindustrian.

Juknis atau Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Teknis GHS saat ini sedang disusun oleh Direktorat

Industri Kimia Hilir – Ditjen IAK, Departemen Perindustrian. Diharapkan selesai sebelum

akhir tahun 2008. Kontribusi KN-RCI memberikan masukan dari bahan-bahan training

dan referensi yang aktual. Perlu dipertimbangkan pula untuk secara periodik

mengadakan sosialisasi GHS untuk karyawan industri, konsumen / pengguna produk

dan masyarakat luas lainnya. Misalnya dengan menerbitkan kembali ”komik” seperti

pernah diterbitkan Badan POM, Poster, talk-show di radio atau TV dan publikasi media

masa. Disamping Departemen terkait, asosiasi industri perlu berkontribusi untuk

kegiatan ini. Selain menyelenggarakan Training of the Trainer (TOT) GHS, Departemen

Perindustrian dan Tim KN-RCI pada tahun bulan Oktober 2008 mengadakan sosialisasi

di Surabaya dan Semarang. (MSZ)


GHS Practical Training

In this 2008, KN-RCI held again the GHS Practical Training in Jakarta (24-26 March 2008) and in Surabaya (21-23 April 2008). Instructors of the training are those who had attended the training phases in Indonesia and in AOTS Japan and who have certificate as instructor of GHS training. They are Arie Handoko, Prio Utomo, Edith Limengka, Dr. Emy S. Togelang, Setyabudhi Zuber, Sri Muharni and Dr. Rar.net. Budiawan from the University of Indonesia. Materials of this training consist of theory, physical/chemical danger, environmental and health danger, training of determining classification and labeling of chemical materials using internet data and training of preparation of safety data sheet (SDS). Each training was attended by 24 participants coming from companies being member of KN-RCI, and from governmental agencies such as Ministry of Industry Jakarta, from Manpower Agency of Regional Government of East Java and from Bapedalda (Regional Environmental Impact Control Agency) of East Java one person respectively. By following this training, the participants are expected to be able to prepare their respective company in adopting the GHS method.Should you need for further consultation on classification, labeling and preparation of SDS of chemical materials in each company, please contact the KN-RCI GHS Team via email to

Cooperation between KN-RCI and the Ministry of Industry

In addition to the KN-RCI's own training, in this year, GHS instructors from the KN-RCI GHS Team was also requested to give GHS training held by the Ministry of Industry in Bogor City, West Java. A ”Training for the Trainer – TOT GHS” package was held on June 9-11, 2008 and July 23-25, 2008 attended by persons from upstream and downstream chemical industries, both those companies who are member and non-member of KN-RCI as well as from personnel of Local Governments Agency Dept. of Industry in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Materials of this training consist of theory, case study, and practice of classification, labeling, and preparation of SDS using internet data. The participants are expected to be able to adopt this GHS method in their respective company, while those participants from Governmental Agencies are expected to be able to share their knowledge for advocating or education particularly to small-medium scale businesses as well as to serve as facilitator of implementation of GHS. This was revealed by the Director of Downstream Chemical Industry, Dr. Ir. Alexander Barus in the opening agenda of TOT GHS in Bogor. (MSZ)

Purple Book in Bahasa Indonesia version and Socialization of GHS

Translator Team of GHS Guidelines – Purple Book has finished their work of translating the Purple Book into Bahasa Indonesia. This Team was under the coordination of POM Board, whose members are among others Arie Handoko from KN-RCI, Dr. Emy Togelang from APTB3, Dra. Sri Muharni (BPOM) and Dr. Budiawan from University who had attended the GHS Training in Japan. The translation process of this Book had started since 2005 and declared finish in a meeting in Bandung on September 2008. The First Edition of Purple Book in Bahasa Indonesia version is expected to be printed in a near time by the Ministry of Industry. The Technical Guidelines of Implementation of GHS are now being in preparation by the Directorate of Downstream Chemical Industry – Directorate General of IAK, of the

Ministry of Industry. This process is expected to finish prior to the end of 2008. KN-RCI contribution was to provide inputs from training materials and actual references. A periodical socialization of GHS to employees of industry, consumers / user of products and other public at large need to be considered. This may be done by republishing ”comic” as had once published by POM Board, Poster, radio/TV talk-show and publication through mass media. In addition to the relevant department, the industrial association needs to provide its contribution in this activity. Other than organizing the Training of the Trainer (TOT) of GHS, the Ministry of Trade and KN-RCI Team also held socialization of GHS in Surabaya and Semarang on October 2008. (MSZ)


Peserta Pelatihan Praktis GHS di Surabaya berfoto bersama dengan para instruktur setelah acara penutupan, 23 April 2008.Participant of GHS Practical Training in Surabaya.

Peserta Pelatihan Praktis GHS di Jakarta berfoto bersama dengan para instruktur setelah acara penutupan, 24 Maret 2008Participan of GHS Practical Training in Jakarta..

Melanjutkan perjuangan Indonesian CIC dan BKS-INKIM

ada tanggal 15 September 2008, Ketua Umum FIKI Ir. Hidayat Nyakman, didampingi oleh para Wakil Ketua dan anggota pengurus FIKI yang lain, diterima oleh Menteri Perdagangan R.I., Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu di kantor Departemen

Perdagangan Jakarta. Ketua Umum FIKI menyampaikan maksud kunjungan kepada Menteri Perdagangan R.I., yaitu memperkenalkan dan melaporkan berdirinya organisasi FIKI yang merupakan penggabungan dan sinergi Indonesian Chemical Industry Club, ICIC dan Badan Kerjsama Industri Kimia, BKS-INKIM. Kini FIKI hadir untuk melanjutkan ”perjuangan” asosiasi-asosiasi industri kimia Indonesia. Ibu Menteri menyambut baik berdirinya organisasi FIKI dan menyatakan kesediaan beliau menjadi salah satu Penasehat FIKI. Atas pertanyaan ibu Menteri, Ketua Umum FIKI, Hidayat Nyakman dan Wakil Ketua Didie Soewondho menjelaskan bahwa anggota FIKI terdiri atas Asosiasi-Asosiasi industri kimia dan industri yang terkait. Asosiasi-Asosiasi tersebut sebagian besar telah menjadi anggota KADIN dan FIKI bertindak sebagai koordinator untuk hubungan ke Pemerintah yaitu Departemen dan Kementrian terkait serta KADIN, sehingga organisasi ini merupakan Federasi dan tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan perundangan atau regulasi mengenai KADIN. Contoh yang telah ada adalah Federasi Automotive. Ibu Menteri juga mendukung industri yang mengutamakan Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (Safety Health & Environment) melalui penerapan program Responsible Care. Ketua Umum FIKI menyampaikan brosur yang berisi profile organisasi dan "highlight" Program Mendesak diantaranya:•Mendesak untuk didirikannya National Boards dan Help-desk of REACH & GHS,

untuk mengantisipasi diberlakukannya Regulasi di Eropa & International (technical barrier).

•FIKI sangat mendukung dan berharap dapat berpartisipasi dalam penyusunan masterplan industri kimia Indonesia tahun 2009 - 2025 dengan menyempurnakan kebijakan yang telah ada.

•Penerapan Responsible Care pada semua industri kimia di Indonesia

•Pencapaian "Indonesia sebagi sasaran investasi industri Kimia terbaik ASEAN"

•Perdagangan bebas bilateral dan multilateral

•Forum bisnis dan investasi nasional dan internasionalIbu Menteri menyambut baik program mendesak tersebut, dilanjutkan dengan diskusi yang dicatat oleh Dirjen Perdagangan Luar Negeri dan Dirjen Perdagangan Dalam Negeri untuk dapat ditindak lanjuti bersama. Mengenai REACH, Ditjen Perdagangan Luar Negeri akan berkoordinasi dengan Ditjen IAK Dep. Perindustrian. Dalam diskusi, hal-hal mendesak yang perlu diprioritaskan untuk tindak lanjut adalah:1) Pra Pendaftaran, Pendaftaran, Evaluasi, Otorisasi dan Pembatasan Bahan Kimia

yang diekspor perusahaan industri kimia dari Indonesia ke negara-negara Uni Eropa dalam kerangka regulasi REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, Restriction of Chemical) serta penunjukkan OR (only Representative).

2) Pemerintah dan FIKI perlu melakukan "Outreach tentang REACH melalui Roadshow" terutama mengenai Pelaksanaan Pra-Pendaftaran (s/d 30 Nov. 2008) dan Pendaftaran REACH. Sasarannya adalah Perusahaan Kimia Nasional (BUMN, PMDN, UKM) hingga ke daerah-daerah di seluruh propinsi di Indonesia. Pra-Pendaftaran akan berakhir hanya 3 bulan dari sekarang. Perlu upaya "extra" dari Industri / Pengusaha dan Pemerintah..

3) Perlunya merevisi Kebijakan / Road Map Jangka Panjang dan Jangka Pendek pengembangan Industri Kimia di Indonesia yang sudah ada.

Saat ini FIKI beranggotakan 21 Asosiasi Industri Kimia dan akan menyusul beberapa asosiasi lain. Pada tahun 2010, FIKI akan mengadakan “Indonesia International Chemical Summit” yaitu rangkaian kegiatan Seminar, Lokakarya dan Pameran atau Exhibition meliputi R&D, Teknologi, Proses, Produksi, Transportasi dan produk-broduk

®industri kimia, serta perkembangan implementasi Responsible Care . Event besar ini tentu harus didukung oleh semua anggota FIKI termasuk KN-RCI dan stakehorders yang lain. Ketua Umum FIKI menyampaikan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Ibu Menteri Perdagangan, Dirjen Perdagangan Luar Negeri. dan Dirjen Perdagangan Dalam Negeri atas berlangsungnya pertemuan yang sangat baik. Pertemuan dimulai pada pukul 14.20 WIB dan berakhir pada pukul 15.15 WIB, ditutup dengan foto bersama. Kontak (MSZ).



Pengurus FIKI berfoto bersama dengan ibu Menteri PerdaganganFIKI Presidium Boards posed together with the Minister of Trade

FEDERASI INDUSTRI KIMIA INDONESIA Federation Of The Indonesian Chemical Industry

To follow up the initiatives of Indonesian CIC and BKS-INKIM

n 15 September 2008, Chairperson of FIKI Ir. Hidayat Nyakman, accompanied by Vice-Chairpersons and other members FIKI Management Board, were received by the Minister of Trade of R.I., Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu in the Ministry of Trade

office in Jakarta. The Chairperson of FIKI communicated the intention of his visit to the Minister of Trade of R.I., namely to introduce and report the establishment of FIKI organization being a combination and synergy between the Indonesia Chemical Industry Club and Chemical Industry Cooperation Board, BKS-INKIM. Now, FIKI presents to follow up the ”initiatives” of the Indonesian Chemical Industrial Associations. Madam Minister welcomed the establishment of FIKI and stated her willingness to serve as one of FIKI Advisors. In response to a question of Madam Minister, the Chairperson of FIKI, Hidayat Nyakman and Vice-Chairperson of FIKI Didie Soewondho explained that the membership of FIKI consists of associations of chemical industry and other relevant industries. Most of these associations are member of KADIN and FIKI acts as a coordinator of relation to the governmental departments and other relevant ministries as well as KADIN, so that this organization serves as a Federation and does not conflict to the prevailing laws and regulations on KADIN. The existing sample is Automotive Federation. Madam Minister also supported industries focusing on Safety Health & Environment by applying the Responsible Care program. The Chairperson of FIKI presented a brochure containing the organizational profile and "highlight" of Urgent Program, such as:•Urgency of establishment of the National Boards and Help-desk of REACH & GHS,

in order to anticipate the adoption of Regulations in Europe & International (technical barrier).

•FIKI highly supports and expects to be able to participate in the preparation of master plan of Indonesian chemical industry of 2009 - 2025 by improving the existing policies.

•Application of Responsible Care by all Indonesian chemical industries

•Achievement of "Indonesia as the best target of chemical industrial investment in ASEAN"

•Bilateral and multilateral free trade

•Forum of business and investment both at national and international levelMadam Minister welcomed such urgent programs, continued with discussion recorded by the Director General of Foreign Trade and Director General of Domestic Trade to be followed up together. With respect to the REACH, the Director General of Foreign Trade will do coordination with the Director General of IAK of the Ministry of Trade. In this discussion, the urgent matters that need for follow up are as follows:1) Pre-Registration, Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of

Chemical Materials exported by chemical industries from Indonesia to the European Union countries in the frame of REACH regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, Restriction of Chemical) as well as appointment of OR (only Representative).

2) The Government and FIKI need to do "Outreach on REACH through Roadshow" mainly in respect of Implementation of Pre-Registration (up to 30 Nov. 2008) and Registration of REACH. The targets are National Chemical Industries (BUMN, PMDN, UKM) up to regions throughout Indonesia. An "extra" effort need to be taken by Industry and Government.

3) The importance of amending the existing Short and Long Terms Policy/Road Map of development of Indonesian chemical industries.

Currently, FIKI has 21 members consisting of Chemical Industrial Associations and some other associations will follow. In 2010, FIKI plans to hold the “Indonesia International Chemical Summit”, namely a series of Seminar, Workshop and Exhibition activities including R&D, Technology, Process, Production, Transportation and products of

®chemical industry, as well as the progress of implementation of the Responsible Care . This big event, of course, should be supported by all members of FIKI including KN-RCI and other stakeholders. The Chairperson of FIKI granted his award and appreciation to Madam Minister of Trade, Director General of Foreign Trade and Director General of Domestic Trade for their welcome of the meeting. The meeting started at 14.20 WIT until 15.15 WIT, closed with a pose together. Contact :




6 KN-RCI news

Pada hari Minggu yang cerah, 23 November 2008, ada yang sangat istimewa di kawasan perbukitan nan indah mempesona, di Padang Golf Rainbow

Hills. Memasuki kawasan bukit hijau nan asri kita disambut oleh umbul-umbul berlogo FIKI di-mana-mana. Anda dapat menuju ke padang golf yang luas terbentang ini dengan menyusuri lika-liku jalan sekitar 12,5 km dari arah Sentul Selatan. Sejak pagi hingga sore, FIKI mempunyai hajatan, menyelenggarakan olah raga golf persahabatan, diikuti oleh 135 golfer tidak hanya dari kalangan industri kimia anggota FIKI, namun juga dari perbankan, para senior industriawan kimia dan berbagai golf lovers diantaranya Pejabat Eselon 2 dan 3 Departemen Perindustrian, Departemen Pertanian, Departemen Perdagangan, dari KADIN, serta para pebisnis lainnya. Diantara peserta golf pendukung acara FIKI, tampak Duta Besar dari 4 negara sahabat, H.E. Pehin Datu Harimaupadang Major General (R) Dato Paduka Seri Awang Dubes Kerajaan Brunei Darussalam, H.E. Dato' Zainal Abidin bin Mahamad Zain Dubes Malaysia, H. E. Mr. Vidal E. Querol Dubes Filipina dan H.E. Mr. U Nyan Lynn, Dubes Myanmar. Turnamen Golf Persahabatan diakhiri dengan pembagian hadiah yang menarik. Prestasi tertinggi BNO diraih oleh H. E. Mr. Vidal E. Querol Dubes Filipina,

dan BGO oleh Bapak Suhatmiyarso dari PT. Candra Asri.Menjelang pengumuman hasil turnamen golf diluncurkan peresmian INACHEM 2010, yaitu Indonesia International Chemical Summit – Exhibition and Conference 2010 ditandai dengan acara penandatanganan naskah kesepahaman atau Memorandum of Understanding oleh Ketua Umum FIKI Ir. Hidayat Nyakman dan Direktur Utama PT Wahyu Promocitra, H. Moh. Syukur Sakka selaku event organizer dan mitra FIKI untuk INACHEM 2010Dalam sambutan ucapan terima kasih kepada para sponsor, peserta dan seluruh pendukung acara Golf Persahabatan FIKI, Ketua Umum FIKI menyampaikan bahwa meskipun FIKI baru seumur jagung, namun telah berupaya untuk berperan aktif dalam beberapa kegiatan, diantaranya dalam forum Working Group on Chemical Industry ASEAN – Jepang, sosialisasi regulasi Uni Eropa, REACH dan GHS. Selain rencana penyelenggaraan INACHEM 2010, FIKI juga akan menjadi tuan rumah untuk ASEAN Chemical Industry Council (ACIC) Conference 2009.Keberhasilan event hari ini merupakan langkah awal yang dapat memotivasi para pengurus dan anggota FIKI beserta para stakeholders untuk melaksanakan berbagai program kegiatan agar dapat mencapai visi dan misi organisasi. FIKI diharapkan dapat mendorong peran aktif industri kimia di Indonesia sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi yang significant bagi kepentingan Indonesia. Demikian disampaikan pak Hidayat. (MSZ)

TURNAMEN GOLF PERSAHABATAN FIKI & INACHEM 2010FIKI Partnership Golf Tournament & INACHEM 20104 Duta Besar negara sahabat turut meriahkan golf persahabatan FIKI

4 Ambassadors of fellow countries participate in the FIKI tournament golf

On Sunday, 23 November 2008, a very special event occurred in the beautiful Golf Rainbow Hills. Entering the green and beautiful hill area, we ware welcomed

by posters with FIKI logo anywhere. You can go to this wide golf yard through bend of road of 12,5 km from South Sentul. Since morning to evening, FIKI has an event of organizing a golf tournament, followed by 135 golfers, who not only come from chemical industries being member of FIKI, but also executives of banking sectors, chemical industrial actors and some golf lovers including Echelons 2 and 3 of the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Trade, from KADIN, and other business actors. Amongst the participants of golf supporting the FIKI's event were 4 ambassadors of 4 fellow countries, namely H.E. Pehin Datu Harimaupadang Major General (R) Dato Paduka Seri Awang, Ambassador of the King of Brunei Darussalam for Indonesia, H.E. Dato' Zainal Abidin bin Mahamad Zain Ambassador of the Malaysia for Indonesia, H. E. Mr. Vidal E. Querol Ambassador of the Filipina for Indonesia and H.E. Mr. U Nyan Lynn, Ambassador of the Myanmar for Indonesia. This Golf tournament was finished by granting of interested gift. The first rank of BNO was achieved by H. E. Mr. Vidal E. Querol Ambassador of Filipina for Indonesia, and the first rank of BGO was achieved by Mr. Suhatmiyarso from PT. Candra Asri.

Penandatanganan MOU INACHEM 2010 antara FIKI dan PT Wahyu Promocitra

Signing of MOU INACHEM 2010 between FIKI and PT Wahyu Promocitra

Before announcing the golf tournament rank, INACHEM 2010 was officially launched, namely Indonesia International Chemical Summit – Exhibition and Conference 2010, which was marked by a signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by the Chairperson of FIKI Ir. Hidayat Nyakman and Managing Director of PT Wahyu Promocitra, H. Moh. Syukur Sakka as event organizer and FIKI partner for INACHEM 2010.In his message of thank to sponsors, participants and all supporters of FIKI's Golf Tournament, the Chairperson of FIKI stated that despite FIKI has a relatively young old, but it has made efforts to actively participate in some activities, including Working Group on Chemical Industry ASEAN forum – Jepang, socialization of regulations of the European Union, REACH and GHS. Other than the plan of organizing the INACHEM 2010, FIKI will also serve as a host of the ASEAN Chemical Industry Council (ACIC) Conference 2009.The success of this event is an initial step of motivating the management board and members of FIKI and its stakeholders in implementing a wide range of programs in order to achieve the vision and mission of the organization. FIKI is expected to be able to boost the active role of Indonesian chemical industries thereby giving significant contribution to Indonesia. Thus, this message was given by Mr. Hidayat. (MSZ)

Wakil Ketua Presidium : Bp. Frank Moniaga, CEO / President Director PT ARBE Indonesia.Anggota Presidium terdiri atas 6 orang, yaitu satu (1) Bendahara dan lima (5) Bidang:•Bendahara: Bp. Cahyono Adi, Direktur PT Rohm and Haas Indonesia (EHS Code)

•Bidang Training, Public Relation & Promotion: Bapak Kamaludin CEO PT Evonik Degussa Peroxide Indonesia (CAER Code)

•Bidang Self-Assessment & Verification: Bapak Ermin Peng, CEO PT Nalco Indonesia (Process Safety & Security Code)

•Bidang Government Regulations & Regulatory Affairs: Bapak George Hadi Santoso, CEO PT DuPont Indonesia (Product Stewardship Code)

•Bidang Regional Management Indonesia Timur Bapak Suhardi Rachman, Direktur Produksi PT Pupuk Kaltim Tbk. (Pollution Prevention Code)

•Bidang Regional Management Indonesia Barat: Bp. Bambang Sastrosatomo, Direktur PT Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Indonesia (Distribution Code)

Untuk terlaksananya program kegiatan, masing-masing Bidang beranggotakan 6 – 10 orang anggota dari berbagai industri / perusahaan anggota KN-RCI. Susunan Pengurus lengkap telah disampaikan kepada CEO / para pimpinan perusahaan anggota KN-RCI, melalui surat resmi. Dapat pula dibaca pada website (MSZ)www.kn-rci.or.id

Vice Person : Frank Moniaga/President Director of PT ARBE Indonesia. Presidium members consist of 6 i.e., one (1) the Treasury position and (five) 5 in functions:•Treasury: Cahyono Adi, Director of PT Rohm and Haas Indonesia (EHS Code)

•Training, Public Relations & Promotions: Kamaludin, CEO of PT Evonik Degussa Peroxide Indonesia (CAER Code)

•Self Assessment & Verification: Ermin Peng, CEO of PT Nalco Indonesia (Process Safety & Security Code)

•Government Regulations & Regulatory Affairs: George Hadi Santoso, CEO of PT DuPont Agricultural Products Indonesia (Product Stewardship Code)

•Regional Management for Eastern Indonesia: Suhardi Rahman, Production Director of PT Pupuk Kaltim Tbk. (Pollution Prevention Code)

•Regional Management for Western Indonesia: Bambang Sastrosatomo, Director of PT Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Indonesia (Distribution Code)

In the execution of respective programs, each function has 6 to 10 members from various industries/companies from KN-RCI members. The complete KN-RCI committee members will be announced through an official letter. You may also visit our website:


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7KN-RCI news

AMEICC, singkatan dari ASEAN Economic Ministers-Ministry for International

Trade and Industry of Japan and Industrial Cooperation Committee. Pada

tanggal 22-23 Juli 2008 AMEICC menyelenggarakan pertemuan ke-13

kelompok kerja industri kimia (WGCI), di Hanoi Vietnam dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil dari

negara-negara ASEAN yaitu Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar,

Philippines, Singapura, Thailand, Vietnam dan dari Jepang. Delegasi Indonesia dipimpin

oleh Dr. Alexander Barus, Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu, Departemen Perindustrian.

Anggota delegasi M. Khayam (Dep. Perindustrian), Waluyo Utomo (FIKI) dan Setyabudhi

Zuber (FIKI/KN-RCI) dan Suhat Myarso dari Candra Asri. Pertemuan dibuka oleh Wakil

Meneri Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Vietnam, H.E. Dr. Do Huu Hao. Pertemuan

selama 2 hari, menyimpulkan 6 butir bahasan sebagai berikut:

a) Laporan seluruh kegiatan AMEICC

b) Situasi terkini industri kimia global

c) Manajemen Informasi bahan keselamatan kimia dan implementasi GHS

d) Kelompok Pakar – Manajemen Informasi Keselamatan Bahan Kimia

e) Lain-lain

f) Kegiatan yang akan datang

AMEICC Secretariat menjelaskan hasil pertemuan AEM-METI ke-14 di Manila pada

Agustus 2007, mengenai keputusan para Menteri Ekonomi ASEAN untuk

mengkomunikasikan dengan Uni Eropa tentang perhatian dari industri kimia ASEAN

menghadapi diberlakukannya regulasi REACH di Eropa. Dilaporkan pula bahwa

Perjanjian Kerjasama Ekonomi Komprehensif antara ASEAN – Jepang telah

ditandatangani dan sekarang dalam tahap ratifikasi oleh masing-masing Negara.

Presentasi mengenai tren masa depan industri petrokimia – pasokan dan kebutuhan.

Pasokan dari Timur-Tengah yang over capacity, akan mempengaruhi penurunan thpertumbuhan ekonomi. Malaysia melaporkan tentang hasil pertemuan “the 7 APEC

Cemical Dialogue” di Arequipa, Peru pada 22 Mei 2008. Propsal dari Jepang untuk

pembentukan “consumer's product sub-group” dan proposal dari Thailand untuk

penyelenggaraan pelatihan “Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)”, telah disetujui. Setiap

Negara melaporkan mengenai status dan kesiapan menghadapi regulasi REACH dan

implementasi GHS. Atas arahan dari Dirjen IAK Deprin, KN-RCI cukup aktif dalam

menyiapkan bahan laporan sekaligus sebagai anggota delegasi yang pernah diikuti di

Singapura (2005) dan di Indonesia sendiri pada tahun 2000 dan 2006. Kunjungi

www.ameicc.org (MSZ)


Pertemuan Ke-13 AMEICC WGCI di Hanoi, Vietnam


th13 MEETING OF AMEICC WGCI in Hanoi, Vietnam

AMEICC, is abbreviation of ASEAN Economic Ministers-Ministry for

International Trade and Industry of Japan and Industrial Cooperation thCommittee. On 22-23 July 2008 AMEICC held a the 13 Meeting of Working

Group of Chemical Industry (WGCI), in Hanoi Vietnam attended by representatives

of ASEAN countries including Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar,

Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan. Indonesian delegation was

chaired by Dr. Alexander Barus, Director of Downstream Chemical Industry of the

Ministry of Industry. The Indonesian delegation members were M. Khayam (Ministry

of Industry), Waluyo Utomo (FIKI), Setyabudhi Zuber (FIKI/KN-RCI) and Suhat

Myarso (PT. Candra Asri). The meeting was opened by Vice-Minister of Industry and

Trade of Vietnam, H.E. Dr. Do Huu Hao. The 2 days meeting concluded 6 topics as


a) Report on the Over-all activities of AMEICC

b) Current situation on Global Chemical Industry

c) Chemical Safety Information Management and GHS Implementation

d) Expert Group on Chemical Safety Information Management

e) Other Matters

f) Future ActivitiesthAMEICC Secretariat verified the result of the 14 AEM-METI Meeting in Manila in

August 2007, regarding the resolutions of Economic Ministers of ASEAN countries,

communicating with the European Union on the concern of ASEAN's Chemical

Industry, in facing the implementation of regulation of REACH in Europe. It was also

reported that the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement between

ASEAN – Japan had been signed and now it is being in ratification process by the

respective country.

Presentation on trend of future of petrochemical industry – supply and demand.

Supply from Middle-East which is over capacity, will affect the decreased economic thgrowth. Malaysia reported the result of “the 7 APEC Chemical Dialogue” held in

Arequipa, Peru on 22 May 2008. Proposal from Japan of establishing “consumer's

product sub-group” and proposal from Thailand of organizing “Good Laboratory

Practice (GLP)” training, have been approved. Each country reported their status

and readiness of facing regulation of REACH and implementation of GHS. Upon

directions from the Director General of IAK of Ministry of Trade, KN-RCI actively

prepared the report materials simultaneously serves as delegation member that had

been followed in Singapore (2005) and Indonesia in 2000 and 2006. Please visit

www.ameicc.org (MSZ)

Para peserta The 13rd Meeting of AMEICC Working Group on Chemical Industry di Hanoi, Vietnam.Participants of The 13rd Meeting of AMEICC Working Group on Chemical Industry in Hanoi, Vietnam.

AEM-METI Economic and IndustrialCooperation Committee

8 KN-RCI news


Seperti halnya tahun-tahun yang lalu, pada tahun 2008 inipun Indonesia (KN-RCI) tidak absen untuk hadir dan berparpartisipasi dalam pertemuan tahunan Responsible Care Leadership Group, RCLG – ICCA di Marrakech, Marocco pada

tanggal 8 – 10 Oktober 2008. KN-RCI diwakili oleh Urai Rogers. Tahun lalu, dalam konferensi RCLG 2007 di Paris, KN-RCI diwakili oleh Bp. Suhardi Rahman dan Bp. Sutarman Hadiwijaya dari Pupuk Kaltim.U. Rogers menyampaikan informasi mengenai Responsible Care di Indonesia yang implementasinya dikoordinasikan oleh KN-RCI. Sejak 2005 telah dikembangkan suatu rencana kerja atau work-plan berdasarkan 9 butir RC Global Charter, identifikasi indikator-indikator kinerja atau performance indicators, dan mengadakan berbagai kegiatan pelatihan. Diinformasikan pula mengenai peningkatan pencapaian target kegiatan dan peningkatan jumlah perusahaan yang berpartisipasi dalam penerapan Responsible Care, atau peningkatan jumlah anggota KN-RCI.KN-RCI juga aktif dalam jaringan forum regional ASEAN, Asia-Pacific (APRO) serta internasional untuk memperkuat implementasi Responsible Care di Indonesia. Selain beberapa sukses seperti disampaikan oleh Bp. Frank Moniaga pada AGM 2008, tantangan yang ada adalah belum semua industri kimia termasuk pimpinan dan karyawannya mengenal dan mengerti Responsible Care, terlebih lagi bagi masyarakat diluar itu. Bagaimana KN-RCI dapat mengadopsi dan menerapkan “Security Code” pada semua perusahaan anggotanya, serta bagaimana KN-RCI dapat mendorong dan membantu Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) untuk menerapkan Responsible Care. Para anggota RCLG mendiskusikan “capacity building” dan bantuan kerjasama (mutual assistance) di berbagai wilayah., diantaranya:M. Kos dari Brazil menyampaikan informasi mengenai pertemuan RC di Columbia yang focus pada Global Product Sstartegy, GPS, Process Safety, REACH dan Prioritas bhan kimia dan karakterisasi resiko.Barry Dyer dari New Zealand menyampaikan informasi tentang edukasi di beberapa asosiasi di kawasan Asia. Barry juga mendiskusikan perlunya perusahaan multinasional agar dapat memenuhi ketentuan standard nasional di masing-masing Negara. Diingatkan banyak industri telah melewati batas waktu untuk penerapan GHS.Dari Jepang, Noriyuki Yoshihara mendiskusikan mengenai pelatihan (capacity building) product stewardship di Asia. RCLG dan CP&H Taskforce mengharapkan pengembangan product stewardship workshop di Asia. Telah diputuskan suatu kemitraan untuk penyelenggaraan workshop yang akan diadakan pada bulan Februari 2009. Tempatnya akan ditentukan kemudian.. Shiozaki mendiskusikan keterlibatan organisasi RC Asia Pasifik, APRO mengenai pentingnya upaya-upaya dalam implementasi product stewardship di wilayah Asia dan pada Asia Pacific Responsible Care Conference (APRCC). Peran serta dalam APRCC meliputi: Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Catatan penting dari Pertemuan RCLG 2007 & 2008 dan beberapa presentasi menarik dapat di “down-load” di website



As the previous years, in this 2008, Indonesia (KN-RCI) is not absent to attend and

participate in the annual meeting of Responsible Care Leadership Group, RCLG

– ICCA in Marrakech, Marocco on 8 – 10 October 2008. KN-RCI was represented

by Urai Rogers . The preceding year, in a conference of RCLG 2007 in Paris, KN-RCI was

represented by Bp. Suhardi Rahman and Bp. Sutarman Hadiwijaya from Pupuk Kaltim

U. Rogers communicated information about Responsible Care in Indonesia whose

implementation is coordinated by KN-RCI. Since 2005 a work plane has been developed

based on 9 points of RC Global Charter, identification of performance indicators, and

organizaiton of various trainings. It was also informed about the achievement target of

activity and increased number of companies who participate in the applicaiton of the

Responsible Care, or increased number of KN-RCI members.

KN-RCI also takes an active role in the regional forum network of ASEAN, Asia-Pacific

(APRO) and internasional to strengthen the implementation of the Responsible Care in

Indonesia. Other than a number of successes as communicated by Bp. Frank Moniaga in

the AGM 2008, the existing challenges are not all chemical industries including their

leaders and employees knowing the Responsible Care, let alone the community beyond

this industry. How can KN-RCI adopt the “Security Code” in all of its members, as well as

how can KN-RCI boost and help small-medium-scale industries (SME) to adopt the

Responsible Care.

RCLG members discussed the “capacity building” and mutual assistance in various

regions., among others:

M. Kos from Brazil communicated information about RC meeting in Columbia focusing on

Global Product Strategy, GPS, Process Safety, REACH and priority of chemical material

and risk characterizing.

Barry Dyer from New Zealand communicated information about education in some

associations in Asia. Barry also discussed the importance of multinational companies to

meet the national standard of their respective country. It was noted that there are many

industries who have passed the deadline of the adoption of the GHS.

From Japan, Noriyuki Yoshihara discussed capacity building of product stewardship in

Asia. RCLG and CP&H Taskforce expected the development of product stewardship

workshop in Asia. A partnership was agreed for organization of workshop to be held on

February 2009. Precisely will be stipulated later. Shiozaki discussed the involvement of

RC Asia Pacific organization, APRO about the important of efforts in implementation of

product stewardship in Asia and Asia Pacific Responsible Care Conference (APRCC).

The countries taking role in APRCC are: Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea,

Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Important notes to the Meeting of RCLG

2007 & 2008 and a number of interested presentations can be downloaded from website


PERTEMUAN TAHUNAN ICCA - RCLG 2008 - CATATAN PENTING DARI MARAKES, MAROKO RCLG 2008 Annual Meeting – Important Notes From Marrakech, Marocco

Para peserta pertemuan RCLG 2008Participants of the RCLG 2008 Meeting

ICCA’S RCLG Annual Meeting Paris, 22-24 October 2007.

9KN-RCI news






Aset utama Jasa Pelayanan Keselamatan Akzo Nobel adalah suatu tim terdiri atas 20 orang spesialis bidang safety yang berpengalaman dalam risk assessment, explosion phenomena, barang-barang berbahaya serta issues berbagai proses dan regulasi. Unit ini juga memiliki laboratorium safety berkelas dunia yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas eksperimental yang luas untuk

investigasi produk-produk dan berbagai proses bahan berbahaya yang potensial. Kekuatan tim juga ditunjang oleh pengalaman industri manufaktur bahan kimia berbahaya selama lebih dari 80 tahun. Pengantar diatas adalah gambaran dari salah satu aktivitas dalam rangka kerjasama Indonesia – Belanda, Indonesia Facility dimana KN-RCI salah satu mitra dari Indonesia dengan VAPRO-OVP mitra dari Belanda. Program yang berlangsung selama 2 minggu di

Belanda dari tanggal 27 Oktober – 8 November dikenal dengan Program Training of the Trainer - TOT diikuti oleh 12 orang guru dari Sekolah Kejuruan – SMK Kimia dan Program D1 UNTIRTA, Serang Banten, ITS dan VAPRO Indonesia. Masing-masing peserta dari SMK Caraka Nusantara Jakarta (3 orang), SMK 7 Bandung (3 orang), SMK 1 Cerme Gresik (3 orang) Program D1 UNTIRTA (2 orang), ITS (1 orang) dan VAPRO Indonesia (1 orang). Sedangkan sebagai mitra kerja dari VAPRO-OVP yang mengikuti program “EXPERT-TRIP”, dari

................ page 17

Participant of TOT & Experttrip Program at The Haque, Netherlands.

Sjaak Mens, Director of Vapro (standing up at most left) and H.A.F van Well, Senior Chemicals Policy Advisor VNCI (sitting at left) pose together with Expertrip Group from ITS, KN-RCI and Depdiknas after presentation of REACH & GHS in VAPRO office, Den Haag.

Akzo Nobel SHERA – Safety, Health, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs adalah suatu Departemen dari Akzo Nobel Teknologi dan Enjeniring. Akzo Nobel Safety Services adalah organisasi yang memiliki spesialisasi prima dibidang Safety Research dan jasa-jasa konsultasi. Mereka menawarkan “tailor-made solutions” untuk berbagai tantangan safety di bidang-bidang pengembangan fabrikasi atau manufacturing, produk dan proses. Selain itu penanganan, penyimpanan dan transportasi bahan dan barang serta Risk Assessment dan regulasi-regulasi yang terkait.

Akzo Nobel SHERA – Safety, Health, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs is a Department of Akzo Nobel of Technology and Engineering. Akzo Nobel Safety Services is an organization having prime specialization of Safety Research and consultation services. It offers “tailor-made solutions” for facing different challenges of safety in the development of manufacturing, products and process. In addition, it also performs handling, storage and transportation of materials and goods as well as Risk Assessment and relevant regulations.

10 KN-RCI news

Kerjasama InternasionalInternational Cooperation

................ hal 17

®Responsible Care Goes To School - TOT & EXPERTTRIP Program Kunjungan ke Negeri Belanda / Visit to The Netherlands

Direktorat Pendidikan SMK Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (1 orang), ITS Surabaya (2 orang) dan dari KN-RCI (2 orang). Program TOT dan EXPERTTRIP dimulai di kota Den Haaq, sekitar 40 KM dari Amsterdam. Diawali dengan pengenalan umum oleh Bapak Sjaak Mens, presentasi mengenai Belanda dan penjelasan program kegiatan selama di Belanda oleh Bapak Robert Goedhart dilanjutkan peninjauan ke Kantor VAPRO dan penjelasan mengenai organisasi VAPRO-OVP. Agenda pada hari pertama ditutup dengan presentasi oleh Bapak S. Looijs, Manager Responsible Care dari Asosiasi Industri Kimia Belanda, VNCI, dengan topik mengenai Pengenalan dan Implementasi Responsible Care di Eropa dilanjutkan diskusi mengenai implementasi Responsible Care di Indonesia dan Eropa.Pada hari-hari berikutnya disampaikan penjelasan mengenai regulasi baru di Eropa, Registration, Evaluation Authorization an Restuction of Chemicals – REACH, oleh pakar REACH yang bekerja di VNCI, kunjungan ke kantor Menteri Pendidikan Belanda dipandu oleh Bapak H. Hopstaken, Pejabat Senior Pengambil Keputusan dan Bapak E. Huijbers, konsultan PMLF. Beberapa program menarik yang lain adalah Dialog dengan Ketua Serikat Pekerja Belanda, Bapak H. Koole, mengunjungi Rotterdam “boat trip”, program social di Antwerpen, Belgia presentasi Lanxess Antwerpen oleh Bapak D. Roelands dan Bapak R. van Speanhoven, mengunjungi perusahaan Akzo Nobel Deventer.Di Akzo Nobel, para peserta berkesempatan mempelajari Metoda HAZOP, batch process and procedures (a.o. human factors), organisasi, pelaporan dan tindak lanjut. Dalam training termasuk individual and team exercises dengan penjelasan / klarifikasi beberapa topic dan modul. Inti dari Balancing Safety yaitu ReAct Process forms juga dipelajari. Dalam Proses ada 3 elemen kunci yaitu:· Recognize unsafe acts, unsafe conditions and near misses· Act for prevention and· Report the observation, the actions taken and the suggestions for improvement to

managementThe ReAct process adalah alat untuk meningkatkan nilai individu dan kelompok, budaya safety, mengetahui penyebab berbagai kecelakaan, analisis kebiasaan dan merubah kebiasaan kurang baik bagi para pengemudi.Program yang menarik ini tentu akan sangat bermanfaat dan perlu ditindak lanjuti oleh kalangan SMK peserta program di masing-masing sekolah termasuk di ITS untuk mengenalkan pada para siswa dan mahasiswa mengenai pentingnya implementasi Safety, Health & Environment yang tercakup dalam Responsible Care, sehingga kelak para siswa SMK tersebut siap terjun di dunia industri dengan bekal pengetahuan “SHE” yang memadai. Demikian pula untuk para insinyur lulusan ITS sebagai calon pemimpin perusahaan industri akan lebih memperluas wacana mengenai aspek K3LH. Bagi KN-RCI, pengalaman di “Holland” ini akan bermanfaat, di tularkan kepada para anggota melalui kegiatan training & workshop (MSZ & Edith).

Main asset of the Akzo Nobel Safety Services is a team consisting of 20 safety specialists having experience in handling risk assessment, explosion phenomena, dangerous goods and issues of various processes and regulations.

This unit also has a world-class safety laboratory furnished with broad experimental facilities for investigating products and processes of potential dangerous goods. The power of the team is also supported by its experience in manufacturing chemical materials for more than 80 years. The above description is an illustrate of one of activities of the collaboration between Indonesia – Dutch, Indonesia Facility where KN-RCI is one of partners from Indonesia with VAPRO-OVP partner from Dutch. This program held for 2 weeks in Dutch starting from 27 October – 8 November is known as Training of the Trainer Program (TOT). This TOT was attended by 12 teachers of Vocational High School – Chemical Senior High School and D1 Program of UNTIRTA, Serang Banten, ITS and VAPRO Indonesia. The participants come from SMK Caraka Nusantara Jakarta (3 persons), SMK 7 Bandung (3 persons), SMK 1 Cerme Gresik (3 persons) D1 Program UNTIRTA (2 person), ITS (1 person) and VAPRO Indonesia (1 person) . While the partner of VAPRO-OVP attending the “EXPERT-TRIP” program are the Directorate of National Senior High School (SMK) Education (1 person), ITS Surabaya (3 persons) and KN-RCI (2 persons). TOT and EXPERTTRIP program started in The Hague City, about 40 KM from Amsterdam. Initialed with a general introduction by Mr. Sjaak Mens, presentation of Dutch and explanation of activity program during in Dutch by Mr. Robert Goedhart continued with visit to VAPRO office and explanation of VAPRO-OVP organization. The agenda of the first day was closed with a presentation by Mr. S. Looijs, Responsible Care Manager from Dutch Chemical Industrial Association, VNCI, with a topic of Introduction and Implementation of Responsible Care in europe continued with a discussion on implementation of Responsible Care in Indonesia and Europe.At the following days, agenda of the events were an explanation of new regulations in Europe, Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals – REACH, given by a REACH expert working for VNCI, visit to the office of Minister of Education of Dutch guided by Mr. H. Hopstaken, a Senior Office of Decision Maker and Mr. E. Huijbers, PMLF consultant. A number of other interested programs are Dialog with Chairperson of Dutch Labor Union, Mr. H. Koole, Rotterdam “boat trip”, social program in Antwerpen, Belgium, presentation of Lanxess Antwerpen by Mr. D. Roelands and Mr. R. van Speanhoven, visiting to Akzo Nobel Deventer company.In Akzo Nobel, the participants have a chance to study the HAZOP method, batch process and procedures (a.o. human factors), organization, reporting and follow up. In the training including individual and team exercises with clarification of a number of topics and modules. The core of the Balancing Safety, which is ReAct Process forms are also studied. In the process, there are 3 key elements, namely:· Recognize unsafe acts, unsafe conditions and near misses· Act for prevention and· Report the observation, the actions taken and the suggestions for improvement to

managementThe ReAct process is a mean of improving the individual value, safety culture, identifying causes of different accidents, analysis of customs and changing bad habits of drivers.This interested program will be useful and needs to be followed up by the program

part ic ipants (SMK) in their respective school including in ITS for introducing to the students and un ivers i ty s tudents on the importance of implementation of Safety, Health & Environment covered in the Responsible Care, so that in the future, the students will be ready for working in industrial world with sufficient knowledge of “SHE”. L ikewise, engineers g radua ted f rom ITS be ing prospective leaders of industry will have more insight on HSE aspects. For KN-RCI, experience in this “Holland” will be useful, which to be shared to its members through training & workshop (MSZ & Edith).

ari sekitar 106 anggota KN-RCI hingga Agustus 2008, tercatat hanya kurang dari 40% perusahaan yang telah diverifikasi.Menurut Sekjen & Direktur Eksekutif KN-RCI idealnya, sejak perusahaan menyatakan komitmen untuk menerapkan Responsible Care, maka seharusnya sudah mulai memikirkan tahap-tahap untuk

implementasinya sehingga ketika setelah menjadi anggota selama 3 tahun, perusahaan siap untuk diverifikasi. Di Negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat, suatu perusahaan sebelum menjadi anggota asosiasi industri kimia harus terlebih dulu di verifikasi. Dengan

demikian akan dapat d i l i ha t kemajuan kinerja perusahaan d i k e m u d i a n h a r i setelah berstatus sebaga i anggota asosiasi.F r a n k M o n i a g a , dalam pembukaan OJT Verification di H o t e l G r a n d Mahakam Jakarta m e n y a m p a i k a n bahwa tahapan Self-A s s e s s m e n t , Verification dan Key P e r f o r m a n c e

Of around 106 KN-RCI members up to August 2008, there are less then 40% pf companies that have been verified. According to the Secretary General & Executive Director of KN-RCI, ideally, since a company declares its commitment

to implement the Responsible Care, it should have started to think phases of its implementation when it has been a member for 3 years, the company is ready for verification. In the advanced countries such as the United State of America, prior to be the member of chemical industrial association should have been verified. As such, the progress of performance of the company can be seen after having been the member of the association.Frank Moniaga, in the opening of OJT Verification in Grand Mahakam Hotel Jakarta stated that the phases of Self-Assessment, Verification and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reporting should be the “basic activity” of KN-RCI to improve the care of the members to 6 management codes of the Responsible Care®. Why is the verification important for KN-RCI members? The KN-RCI's by-law states that a company is permitted to use KN-RCI logo on its letterhead, card name and other “corporate stationary” if such company has been verified. The re-verification is conducted once of 3 years. Therefore, we need for additional verification experts having good competency and quality.KN-RCI Verification Team was formed for the first time in 2005. The team was supported and sponsored by each company concerned. The establishment of this team was initialed with a training of verification system introduction by Dr. Chris van Lint from Bayer (2005), then continued by Nevill Hunter from Rohm and Haas. (2006). Further, for the latest 2 years (from the end of 2006) KN-RCI closely collaborated with JETRO and JRCC that facilitated Fukuma-san, expert from Japan for giving education and training to the Verification Team of KN-RCI. Through JETRO & KN-RCI JEXSA Program KN-RCI has professional Verification Team and become more strong. After completing 3 modules up to the third years, the fourth module is expected could be implemented in the next year, achieving Verification OJT Advance Level.Abe Michita from JETRO Jakarta, expected that this capacity building could be utilized as best as possible by participants from each company in raising business world, particularly chemical industries in Indonesia being an effort to continually improve their performance so that they have competitiveness in global market. Safety, health and environmental aspects contained in the Responsible Care are most important part of strategy of global business. The collaboration between JETRO and KN-RCI which has been very well running for a number of years gives benefits for both Indonesia and Japan.

The training which has been running for around 2 weeks results in the best 3 r a n k a n d D r . E m y Setiawati Togelang was confirmed by Fukuma-san expert from JRCC, as a qua l i f i ed Tra iner o f R e s p o n s i b l e C a r e Ver i f i ca t ion System. (MSZ).

Masih banyak perusahaan belum menyadari perlunya verifikasi; VERIFIKASI penting untuk ® mengukur pencapaian perbaikan kinerja K3L dan Responsible Care dalam menunjang bisnis

Perusahaan secara korporat.Many companies are not aware to the importance of verification; VERIFICATION is important for measuring the performance of implementation of

® HSE and Responsible Care for supporting the Company at corporate basis.

Mr. Fukuman at the class room training.

Presentation by SHE manager at PT Bayer MaterialScience Indonesia.

11KN-RCI news

Program training verifikasi tahun ini kembali diselenggarakan untuk yang ke-3 kali selama 2 minggu dari tangal 11 November s/d 21 November 2008. Verification On Job Training Intermediate-2 yang dilaksanakan tahun ini merupakan program lanjutan Verification OJT tingkat Elementary (2006) dan Intermediate-1 (2007) dan diikuti oleh 7 anggota team verifikasi yang telah beberapa kali melaksanakan verifikasi di berbagai perusahaan serta 5 calon anggota team verifikasi. Sasaran dan tujuan umum program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi Tim Verifikasi KN-RCI yang akan melaksanakan verifikasi di perusahaan-perusahaan anggota KN-RCI.

The third verification training program of this year was held for 2 weeks starting from 11 November up to 21 November 2008. Verification of On Job Training Intermediate-2 held in this year is a renewal of the OJT Verification at Elementary (2006) and Intermediate-1 (2007) level and was attended by 7 verifier team members who have numerously conducted verification in different companies and 5 prospective members of verification team. General objectives of this program is to improve the competency of KN-RCI Verification Team who will conduct the verification in KN-RCI's members.

Indicator (KPI) reporting seharusnya menjadi “basic activity” KN-RCI untuk meningkatkan kepedulian para anggota terhadap 6 kode etik atau management codes

®dari Responsible Care . Mengapa verifikasi menjadi penting untuk perusahaan anggota KN-RCI? Dalam Anggaran Rumah Tangga KN-RCI dinyatakan bahwa perusahaan dibolehkan menggunakan logo KN-RCI pada kop surat, kartu nama dan pada “corporate stationary” yang lain jika perusahaan tersebut telah diverifikasi. Verifikasi ulang dilaksanakan setiap 3 tahun. Oleh karenanya kita memerlukan penambahan jumlah tenaga ahli verifikasi yang memiliki kompetensi dan kualitas yang baik.Tim Verifikasi KN-RCI dibentuk pertama kali pada tahun 2005, Para anggota Tim didukung dan disponsori oleh masing-masing perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Pembentukan Tim ini diawali dengan pelatihan Pengenalan system verifikasi oleh Dr. Chris van Lint dari Bayer (2005), kemudian oleh Nevill Hunter dari Rohm and Haas. (2006). Selanjutnya sejak 2 tahun terakhir (mulai akhir 2006) KN-RCI menjalin kerjasama yang sangat intent dengan JETRO dan JRCC yang memfasilitasi Fukuma-san, pakar dari Jepang untuk mendidik dan melatih Tim Verifikasi dari KN-RCI. Melalui JETRO & KN-RCI JEXSA Program KN-RCI memiliki Tim Verifikasi yang professional dan semakin kuat. Setelah melewati 3 mudul hingga tahun ke-3, tahun depan diharapkan memasuki modul ke-4, mencapai peringkat Verification OJT Advance Level.Abe Michita dari JETRO Jakarta, mengharapkan capacity building ini agar dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya oleh para peserta dari masing-masing perusahaan dalam menunjang dunia bisnis khususnya industri kimia di Indonesia sebagai upaya memperbaiki terus-menerus kinerjanya agar memiliki daya saing yang tinggi dalam persaingan global. Aspek keselamatan, kesehatan dan lingkungan yang terangkum dalam Responsible Care adalah bagian terpenting tak terpisahkan dalam strategi global dunia usaha. Kerjasama JETRO dan KN-RCI selama beberapa tahun ini telah berlangsung sangat baik untuk kepentingan Indonesia dan Jepang. Pelatihan yang telah berlangsung selama sekitar 2 minggu menghasilkan peringkat 3 besar terbaik dan Dr. Emy Setiawati Togelang ditetapkan oleh Fukuma-san expert dari JRCC, memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai Trainer of Responsible Care Verification System. (MSZ).

Japan External Trade Organization



Kerjasama InternasionalInternational Cooperation

Pada tanggal 23 April 2008 KN-RCI mengadakan Radio Talkshow di studio Suara Surabaya di Surabaya. Panelis terdiri atas, Ketua Presidium KN-RCI, Frank Moniaga, Sekjen KN-RCI Setyabudhi

Zuber, Anggota Tim RM-II Viskanto Adi Prabowo dan Jeane Noveline yang akrab dipanggil Nane dari tim Public Relation & Promotions.Diawali dengan latar belakang, apa itu, Responsible Care, mengapa dan bagaimana oleh Frank Mononiaga, kemudian sejarah lahirnya KN-RCI oleh Setyabudhi serta bagaimana peran contoh penerapannya oleh DuPont di Jawa Timur khususnya, mengundang beberapa pendengar untuk berinteraktif melalui telfon. Selama sekitar satu jam siaran dalam radio talk show termasuk pariwara, telah diterima beberapa telfon dari pendengar. Waktu terasa demikian singkat sekali karena talkshow yang menarik berkat kepiawaian sang penyiar Aries yang telah memandu

On 23 April 2008, KN-RCI goes on air live in a Radio Talkshow at the Studio Suara

Surabaya (Surabaya Broadcasting Studio) in Surabaya. The panelists consists

of the Chairperson of KN-RCI Presidium, Frank Moniaga, Secretary General of

KN-RCI Setyabudhi Zuber, and members of RM-II Team Viskanto Adi Prabowo and Jeane

Noveline or known as Nane who is team member of Public Relations & Promotions.®Kicking off from the background of, “what is, why and how is Responsible Care ” is Frank

Moniaga, followed by the journey of birth of KN-RCI by Setyabudhi and how to apply the

role model of DuPont in East Java by Viskanto, invited and triggered a number of

audiences to interact with KN-RCI via telephone. The duration is about one hour including

commercials, and the radio talk show has obtained incoming comments and inquiries from

a number of audiences. The time felt very short as the talkshow turned out to be very

RADIO TALKSHOW DI SURABAYA Radio Talkshow in Surabaya

Mendengarkan dengan seksama telfon dari pendengar saat radio talkshow di Suara Surabaya.Genuinely listening to an incoming inquiry from an audience during the radio talkshow in Suara Surabaya.


Pada tanggal 24 April 2008, KN-RCI menyelenggarakan sosialisasi

®yang lebih dikenal Responsible Care Roadshow bertempat di Wisma Kebo Mas, PT Petrokimia Gresik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan

sebagai tatap muka dengan para anggota KN-RCI di Regional Management II (Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta), menyampaikan informasi perkembangan terbaru serta mengenalkan Responsible Care kepada perusahaan potential calon anggota baru. Kegiatan ini dibuka oleh Ketua Presidium KN-RCI, Frank Moniaga. Hadir dalam acara Cahyono Adi, anggota Presidium KN-RCI, Sekjen & Direktur Eksekutif KN-RCI, Setyabudhi Zuber, para manajer, pimpinan dan karyawan PT Petrokimia Gresik Serta 80 orang peserta dari 22 perusahaan di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Barat dan Banten.Selain pembicara dari Jakarta khususnya dari kalangan KN-RCI sendiri, dihadirkan pula pembicara dari lingkungan Pemda Jawa Timur. R o a d s h o w dengan tema R e s p o n s i b l e

®Care Sebagai Budaya Industri K i m i a menampi lkan topik – topik m e n a r i k meliputi:

Roadshow at RM-II, Wisma Kebo Mas PT Petrokimia Gresik, East Java. Four companies join as KN-RCI new members, witnessed by KN-RCI Chairperson, Frank Moniaga.

On 24 April 2008, KN-RCI organized a socialization called

®Responsible Care Roadshow in Wisma Kebo Mas, PT

Petrokimia Gresik. This event was intended to have a face-to-

face interaction amongst the members of KN-RCI in Regional

Management II (East Java, Central Java and Special Region of

Yogyakarta), to share information of the latest progress and to introduce

the Responsible Care prpgram to companies potentially become

member. This event was opened by the Chairman of KN-RCI Presidium,

Frank Moniaga. This event was attended by managers, leaders and

staffs of PT Petrokimia Gresik as well as 80 persons being

representatives of 22 companies from East Java and Central Java.

Other than speakers from Jakarta, particularly from environment of KN-

RCI itself, another speaker was also invited from Local Government of

East Java. The

Roadshow with

a t h e m e

R e s p o n s i b l e ®C a r e b e i n g

C h e m i c a l

I n d u s t r i a l

C u l t u r e

presented the

interested topics

as follows:

acara dengan professional. Pertanyaan mengenai apa itu Responsible Care serta masukan yang baik diantaranya mengharap agar di Surabaya atau Jawa Timur ada fasilitas pengolah limbah yang dikelola oleh perusahaan seperti halnya PPLI di Jawa Barat. Dengan demikian industri di Jawa Timur dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas ini sehingga lebih efisien dan lingkungan akan lebih baik. Radio Suara Surabaya merupakan salah satu Stasiun Radio favorite di Surabaya menjangkau pendengar kalangan eksekutif. Untuk yang akan datang KN-RCI akan melakukan kegiatan yang sama di Jakarta dan kota-kota lainnya karena terbukti merupakan media yang efektif untuk mempublikasikan

®program kegiatan Responsible Care dan mengenalkan kepada masyarakat luas khususnya untuk industri kimia (MSZ)

interested and it was supported by the professional

broadcaster, Aries who moderated the talkshow till the

end. Question pertaining what is Responsible Care®

and good inputs are obtained among other, public

expectation that a waste processing facility managed

by private company should be established in Surabaya

or East Java like that of PPLI in West Java. As such

industries in East Java can utilize this facility in order to

have efficient treatment and better environmental

condition. Radio Suara Surabaya is one of favorite

Radio broadcasters in Surabaya reaching audiences

of executive groups. In the future, KN-RCI will do the

same branding exercise in Jakarta and in other cities

as this medium shows an effective channel to create ®awareness of Responsible Care program and

introducing it to the community particularly chemical

industries (MSZ)

12 KN-RCI news

................ page 13................ hal 13

Refreshing dan pengenalan Responsible Care oleh Maman Setiawan dari Nalco Indonesia /anggota Tim Training & Auditing,Pengenalan Sistem Harmonisasi Global, GHS tentang klasifikasi, pelabelan bahan kimia disampaikan oleh Dr.rar.net Budiawan dari Universitas Indonesia, Global Product Strategy & Product Stewardship oleh Adi Sunariadi dari DuPont Jakarta, Pengenalan regulasi baru dalam produksi dan perdagangan yang menyangkut bahan kimia, yaitu REACH, Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals, regulasi baru Uni Eropa, disampaikan oleh Edith Limengka, Koordinator Bidang Training & Auditing KN-RCI. Topik tentang Implementasi PROPER di Jawa Timur disampaikan oleh pembicara dari BAPEDALDA Jatim dan mengenai Tanggap Darurat Industri oleh Dinas Naker Pemda Jatim.Pada kesempatan Roadshow ini telah bergabung empat perusahaan sebagai anggota baru KN-RCI yaitu : CV Saba Transindo (Banten), PT Ceva Logistic Indonesia (Jakarta), PT Sinar Jaya Intimperkasa (Surabaya) dan PT Medco Downstream Indonesia (Kaltim) adalah perubahan nama dari PT Medco Metanol Bunyu. Kegiatan Roadshow diakhiri dengan demo tanggap darurat menanggulangi terjadinya kebocoran tangki dalam pengangkutan ammonia cair, diperagakan oleh karyawan PT Petrokimia Gresik. Drill ini disaksikan oleh seluruh peserta Roadshow. Ketua Presidium menyampaikan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada pendukung kegiatan ini, PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT Nalco Indonesia, PT Draegerindo Jaya dan PT Liku Telaga. (MSZ/SUL).

Global Product Strategy & Product Stewardship by Adi Sunariadi from

DuPont Jakarta, Introduction of new regulations on production and trade

in respect of chemical materials, namely REACH, Registration,

Evaluation and

Authorization of Chemicals, Union European's new regulation, were

presented by Edith Limengka, Coordinator of Training & Auditing of KN-

RCI. Topic on implementation of PROPER in East Java was presented by

a speaker from BAPEDALDA East Java Province and topic on Industrial

Emergency Response was presented by Labor Agency of Regional

Government of East Java.

In this Roadshow there are four companies that joined as new member of

KN-RCI, they are: CV Saba Transindo (Banten), PT Ceva Logistic

Indonesia (Jakarta), PT Sinar Jaya Intimperkasa (Surabaya) and PT

Medco Downstream Indonesia (Kaltim) who is previously under the name

PT Medco Metanol Bunyu.

This Roadshow event was completed with a demo on emergency

response of preventing from leakage of liquid ammonia tank, done by

staffs of PT Petrokimia Gresik and witnessed by all participants of the

Roadshow (MSZ/SUL).

Lilik Sankrib sedang menyampaikan presentasi

On 15 May 2008, KN-RCI in cooperation with the Association of Dangerous and Toxic Materials Entrepreneurs (APTB3) held a Roadshow in Imperial Country Club, Lippo Karawaci Tangerang.

This theme Roadshow is Responsible Care Refreshing Training & Workshop on Distribution Code. Materials being presented: Fundamentals of Responsible, introduction of GHS (Globally Harmonized System), Introduction to the European Union's new regulation, REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals), Products Stewardship Code, Transportation & Distribution Code. This Roadshow is performed in the frame of facing the implementation of regulation on transportation of Dangerous and Toxic Materials and boosting & helping transporter of Dangerous and Toxic Materials to be ready for facing the global competition.Therefore, 80% of participants come from logistic service provider / transporter. Total 60 participants of this event come from 31 companies being member of KN-RCI and the other companies are non-member. (SUL).

Pada tanggal 15 Mei 2008, KN-RCI mengadakan Roadshow di Imperial Country Club, Lippo Karawaci Tangerang bekerjasama dengan Asosiasi Pengusaha Transportasi Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun, APTB3.

Tema Roadshow kali ini adalah Responsible Care Refreshing Training & Workshop on Distribution Code. Materi yang disampaikan : meliputi Dasar-Dasar Responsible, pengenalan GHS (Globally Harmonized System), Pengenalan Regulasi Baru Uni Eropa, REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals), Products Stewardship Code, Transportation & Distribution Code. Target dari aktivitas Roadshow kali ini dalam rangka menyongsong diberlakukannya regulasi transportasi B3 serta mendorong & membantu transporter B3 agar lebih siap menghadapi persaingan global.Oleh karenanya 80% peserta adalah dari perusahaan logistic service provider / transporter. Tercatan jumlah peserta 60 orang dari 31 perusahaan anggota KN-RCI dan beberapa diantaranya belum menjadi anggota. (SUL).


Penerapan Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) yang diberlakukan sejak Juni 2008 oleh Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai disambut baik oleh kalangan industri kimia Indonesia, namun masih perlu banyak perbaikan. Demikian

disampaikan dalam kesempatan tatap muka Pengurus FIKI dengan Menteri Perdagangan R.I., pada tanggal 15 September yang lalu. Beberapa permasalahan disampaikan kepada ibu Menteri:•Buku Tarif Bea Masuk Indonesia (BTBMI) 2007 sebagai acuan bagi Industri Kimia

dalam menentukan dan mengintepretasikan Harmonized System Number atau HS Code suatu bahan kimia BELUM dapat mencantumkan atau memberikan danmemfasilitasi semua bahan-bahan kimia yang diimpor ke Indonesia dengan HS code yang pasti dan spesifik. Banyak HS Code di BTBMI yang isinya "lain-lain". Padahal semua bahan kimia itu memiliki Chemical Abstract Services atau CAS Number. Dengan tidak adanya HS Code untuk setiap bahan kimia yang diimpor ke Indonesia, maka Pemerintah RI tidak memiliki angka / statistik yang akurat, akibatnya kebijakan (road map) pengembangan Industri Kimia ke depan bisa keliru.

•Diperlukan beberapa perbaikan untuk kelancaran implementasi NSW seperti tumpang tindihnya berbagai peraturan perundangan dari berbagai instansi pemerintah untuk satu komoditas kimia yang sama , sebagai contoh : o Senyawa Kimia Metomil dan Paraquat untuk bahan baku pembuatan

June 2008 by the Directorate General of Customs and Excises were welcomed by Indonesian chemical industrial actors, even though many improvements are still required. This was revealed in a face-to-face meeting between FIKI Management

Board and the Minister of Trade of R.I., on 15 September. Some issues communicated to Madam Minister are as follows:· Indonesian Import Duty Tariff Book (BTBMI) 2007 being a reference of chemical

industrial actors in determining and interpreting the Harmonized System Number or HS Code od a chemical material HAS NOT specified or facilitated all chemical materials imprted to Indonesia with a certain and specific HS code. Many HS Codes in BTBMI contains "others". In fact, all chemical materials have Chemical Abstract Services or CAS Number. With the absence of HS Code for each chemical material imported to Indonesia, the Government of RI has no an accurate number / statistic, which results in a mistake of the road map of development of chemical industry in the future.

· For smoothing the implementation of NSW, some improvements are required. The existing issues are among others the overlap of various regulations from the different governmental instances regulating a similar chemical commodity, for example: o Metomil and Paraquat chemical elements for a raw material of pesticide that

INDONESIA NATIONAL SINGLE WINDOW, INSW Masih perlu disempurnakan untuk kelancaran implementasinya.

It is still need for improvement in order to have smooth implementation.

................ page 17................ hal 17

13KN-RCI news

.......... dari hal 12 .......... from page 12

ROADSHOW DI RM II .......... ROADSHOW IN RM II ..........


Roadshow di RM-I diadakan pada tanggal 24 Juli 2008 di Hotel Equator Bontang, dihadiri oleh 80 undangan, diantaranya Direktur Produksi PT Pupuk Kaltim, Ir.

Suhardi Rachman yang juga sebagai anggota Presidium yang memimpin KN-RCI RM-I (Kalimantan & Indonesia Timur), jajaran pimpinan dan karyawan Pupuk Kaltim Tbk., serta perusahaan anggota KN-RCI di RM-I, seperti PT Kaltim Pacific Ammonia, PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Metanol Industri dan PT Kaltim DSM Melamin. Sponsor kegiatan ini adalah 5 perusahaan tersebut. Hadir pula wakil-wakil dari perusahaan lain di kawasan industri Bontang , wakil dari Pemda Kaltim dan Bontang. Pengurus KN-RCI yang hadir adalah Eko Pratikto dari DyStar Indonesia dan anggota function group lainnya, Maman Setiaman dan Prio Utomo dari Training & Auditing serta Adi Sunariadi dari Regulatory Affairs.Sama halnya dengan Roadshow di RM lain, tujuan utama

Penandatanganan komitmen Responsible Care oleh 3 Pimpinan Perusahaan di RM-I sebagai anggota baru KN-RCI

Roadshow at RM-I was held on July 24, 2008 at Hotel Equator Bontang. The event was attended by 80 invitees including Production Director of PT Pupuk

Kaltim, Ir. Suhardi Rachman who is also a member of KN-RCI Presidium heading RM-I (Kalimantan & East Indonesia), management members and staffs of Pupuk Kaltim Tbk., as well as representatives of KN-RCI's subsidiaries in RM-I, including PT Kaltim Pacific Ammonia, PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri and PT Kaltim DSM Melamin. This event, sponsored by these five companies was also attended by representatives of other companies existing in Bontang industrial estate, representatives of Local Government of East Kalimantan and Bontang. Management of KN-RCI attending in the event were Eko Pratikto from DyStar Indonesia and other members of function group, Maman Setiaman and Prio Utomo from Training & Auditing as well as Adi Sunariadi from Regulatory Affairs.Similar to the Roadshow held in other RM, the event is aim as a

kegiatan ini adalah sebagai Refreshing untuk anggota KN-RCI dan pengenalan Responsible Care untuk perusahaan “non member” yang berpotensi untuk menjadi anggota baru. Kegiatan ini juga merupakan rangkain penutup aktivitas Verifikasi di 4 perusahaan anggota KN-RCI di Bontang. Setelah sambutan pembukaan oleh Ir. Suhardi Rachman selaku pimpinan RM-I dan oleh Eko Pratikto mewakili Ketua Presidium, dilanjutkan dengan presentasi beberapa topik: ! Responsible Care update oleh Maman Setiaman! Pengenalan dan GHS update serta implementasinya di PT Nippon Shokubai

Indonesia oleh Prio Utomo! Product Stewardship update & Pengenalan REACH oleh Adi Sunariadi! Pelaporan Key Performance Indicator (KPI) oleh Marindo Palar (BMSI)! Distribution & IMDG Codes oleh Adi Sunariadi (DuPont)Jumlah peserta yang hadir 80 orang. Para peserta mengikuti rangkaian acara dengan seksama hingga penutupan pada sore hari. Dalam Roadshow ini bergabung sebagai Associate members sebanyak 3 perusahaan, yaitu PT Kaltim Daya Mandiri, PT Kaltim Industrial Estate, Yayasan Rumah Sakit Pupuk Kaltim.Diskusi interaktif telah berlangsung dengan baik dalam kegiatan ini. Sebagai Acara ditutup dengan Pelantikan dan Peresmian Pengurus Asosisiasi Hiperkes & Keselamatan Kerja Indonesia (AHKKI) Propinsi Kalimantan Timur. (MSZ/SUL)

Refresher for members of KN-RCI and introduction of Responsible Care for potential “non member” companies to be member of the organization. This event is a series of the closing of verification activity of the four of the KN-RCI members in Bontang. After an opening speech by Ir. Suhardi Rachman who is acting as Chairman of RM-I and by Eko Pratikto representing the Chairman of Presidium, the event continued with presentation of the following topics: ! Responsible Care update by Maman Setiaman! Introduction and GHS update and its implementation in PT Nippon Shokubai

Indonesia by Prio Utomo! Product Stewardship update & Introduction of REACH by Adi Sunariadi! Reporting of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) by Marindo Palar (BMSI)! Distribution & IMDG Codes by Adi Sunariadi (DuPont)The 80 participants fully followed the series of agenda of the event until the closing in the evening. At this Roadshow, there were three companies, including PT Kaltim Daya Mandiri, PT Kaltim Industrial Estate, and Yayasan Rumah Sakit PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur which joined as the Associate members. An interactive discussion took place smoothly in this event.The event was closed with an Inauguration and Official Appointment of Management Members of Association of Hiperkes & Keselamtan Kerja (Safety) Indonesia (AHKKI) East Kalimantan Province and Signing of Commitment by three companies. The new company members of KN-RCI for implementation of the Responsible Care, were as follows:PT Kaltim Industrial Estate, PT Kaltim Industrial Estate and Yayasan Rumah Sakit PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur. (MSZ/ASN)

ROADSHOW DI REGIONAL MANAGEMENT - V / ROADSHOW AT RM - VPlant Visit to PT Kao Indonesia Chemicals & Roadshow at President Executive Club JABABEKA

Pada hari Rabu, 16 Juli 2008 anggota KN-RCI berkesempatan mengikuti plant visit ke PT KAO Indonesia Chemicals di Tambun Bekasi Jawa Barat, diikuti oleh 26 orang dari 14 perusahaan. Tujuan plant visit ini adalah untuk benchmarking dalam

rangka implementasi GHS agar peserta dapat mengetahui langsung implementasi GHS yang telah dilaksanakan di PT KIC, disamping itu sharing dalam penerapan 6 codes Responsible Care. Peserta disambut oleh Direksi KIC yang disampaikan oleh Bp. Asep Suparlan dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan mengenai penerapan Responsible Care oleh Bp. Wahyu Juhana. Presentasi dan diskusi mengenai implementasi GHS disampaikan oleh Bp. Arie Handoko. Acara dilanjutkan dengan Roadshow di President Executive Club JABABEKA Industrial Estate Bekasi, diikuti oleh 60 orang peserta dari 20 Perusahaan. Beberapa topik yang disampaikan dalam Roadshow adalah Responsible Care Refreshing dan Verifikasi disampaikan oleh Maman Setiaman dari Nalco Indonesia, Product Stewardship Code, Pengenalan REACH dan Sosialisasi UU No. 9 / 2008 tentang Senjata Kimia, disampaikan oleh Adi Sunariadi dari DuPont serta topik mengenai Pelaporan Key Performace Indicator, KPI disampaikan oleh Marindo Palar dari Bayer MaterialScience Indonesia. Bapak Frank Moniaga selaku Ketua Presidium KN-RCI menyampaikan topik mengenai Responsible Care Global Charter. Sambutan mewakili Koordinator RM-V, Bp. Kamaludin dari PT Evonik Degussa Peroxide Indonesia. Pada kesempatan ini bergabung menjadi anggota baru KN-RCI, P T M u l t i H a n n a Kreas indo dan PT Jababeka Infra Struktur sebaga i assoc ia te member. (MSZ/SUL)

Para peserta plant visit ke PT KAO Indonesia ChemicalsParticipant of plant tour to PT KAO Indonesia Chemicals

On Wednesday, 16 July 2008, KN-RCI members had opportunity to follow a plant

visit to PT KAO Indonesia Chemicals in Tambun Bekasi West Java, followed by

26 participants from 14 companies. This plant visit was aimed at benchmarking

in respect of implementation of GHS so that the participants can directly know PT KIC's

GHS process, in addition to sharing of implementation of 6 codes Responsible Care. The

participants were welcomed by the Board of Directors of KIC represented by Bp. Asep

Suparlan and then continued with a verification on KIC's application of Responsible Care

by Bp. Wahyu Juhana. Presentation and discussion on implementation of GHS were

presented by Bp. Arie Handoko.

The event was continued with a Roadshow in President Executive Club JABABEKA

Industrial Estate Bekasi, followed by 60 participants from 20 companies.

Palar from Bayer MaterialScience Indonesia. Bapak Frank Moniaga as Chairman of KN-

RCI Presidium communicated topic on Responsible Care Global Charter. Message

representing the Coordinator of

RM-V, was given by Bp. Kamaludin

from PT Evonik Degussa Peroxide


iIn this event, PT Multi Hanna

Kreasindo and PT Jababeka Infra

Struktur joined as new member of

KN-RCI as associate member.


Penandatangan Komitmen Responsible Care oleh 2 perusahaan anggota baru KN-RCI disaksikan oleh Ketua Presidium KN-RCI

14 KN-RCI news

KLH & UNDP menyelenggarakan “Workshop on Chemical Management”. Indonesia perlu Undang-Undang Bahan Kimia. Saatnya menanggalkan “Ego Sektor” untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara

The Ministry of Environment R.I. & the UNDP conduct the "Workshop on Chemical Management" Indonesia needs Laws on Chemical Substances. It is time to leave "Sector Ego" behind for the importance of nation and state.

ementrian Lingkungan Hidup bekerjasama dengan United Nations Development

Program (UNDP) mengadakan Lokakarya Pengelolaan Bahan Kimia di

Indonesia pada tanggal 24-25 November di Hotel Novotel Bogor. Kegiatan ininddiselenggarakan dalam rangka persiapan the 2 Internasional Conference on Chemical

Management, ICCM di Geneva, Swiss tahun 2009. Pada ICCM pertama di Dubai,

dideklarasikan “Strategic Approach on International Chemical Management”. SAICM

meliputi 1) Deklarasi tingkat tinggi (High level declaration), 2) Strategi kebijakan

(Overaching policy strategy), dan 3) Rencana aksi global (Global plan action).

Dalam sambutan pembukaan lokakarya Deputi IV KLH menyatakan Indonesia memiliki

resiko yang sangat besar terhadap perdagangan bahan kimia illegal maupun

penggunaan bahan kimia yang tidak sesuai dengan peruntukannya. Salah satu

keputusan WSSD (World Summit on Sustainable Development) Johannesburg 2002

paragraf 23 yaitu “mencapai produksi dan penggunaan bahan kimia mengarah pada

minimisasi dampak terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan pada tahun 2020. Untuk

mencapai “goals 2020” tersebut maka strategi pengambilan keputusan dalam

pengelolaan bahan kimia dilakukan dengan terbuka, melalui kebijakan, multi sektoral dan

sinergi antar stakeholders.

Asdep IV KLH, Rasio Ridho Sani

menambahkan, sudah saatnya kita

harus menanggalkan “Ego Sektor”

mas ing-mas ing karena akan

menghambat pencapaian tujuan

nasional untuk kepentingan bangsa

dan negara.

Tu juan l okaka rya i n i un tuk

mengetahui kondisi pengelolaan

bahan-bahan kimia secara nasional

dan untuk merumuskan rekomendasi

s e b a g a i m a s u k a n d a l a m

p e n g e m b a n g a n k e b i j a k a n

pengelolaan bahan-bahan kimia

yang terintegrasi secara nasional.

Dalam workshop ini tiap peserta

diminta untuk tukar pendapat dan

sharing sesuai dengan latar belakang dan bidang kerja masing-masing.

Lokakarya selama 2 hari ini diikuti oleh 30 peserta dari beberapa Departemen dan

Kememetrian meliputi KLH, Departemen Perindustrian, Perdagangan, Kesehatan,

Pertanian, LIPI, Badan POM, UNDP Indonesia, KN-RCI , FIKI, JICA dan PLN. Dari KN-

RCI & FIKI diwakili oleh Setyabudhi Zuber dan Ir. Ekowati, (dari Pupuk Kaltim). Untuk

mencapai tujuan workshop ada 4 pendekatan permasalahan yang menjadi pokok

bahasan yaitu :

1) Penurunan Resiko terhadap pelaku, konsumen, masyarakat, dan dunia usaha.

2) Pengetahuan dan informasi,

3) Kebijakan dan kelembagaan (Governance), dan

4) Pengembangan Kapasitas Kerjasama Teknis.

Salah satu pokok bahasan yang mendasar, disepakati oleh semua pihak bahwa

Indonesia perlu memiliki Undang-Undang Bahan Kimia yang menjadi sumber hukum

dalam pengelolaan bahan kimia yang terintegrasi secara nasional dan komprehensif. UU

ini diharapkan dapat mengatisipasi berbagai kepentingan nasional dan yang terkait

masalah global seperti kerangka atau framework SAICM. Dalam diskusi, KN-RCI juga

menyampaikan perlunya perbaikan dan penyempurnaan untuk penerapan implementasi

National Single Window dalam perdagangan khususnya impor bahan kimia. (MSZ)

15KN-RCI news

he Ministry of Environment in cooperation with United Nations Development

Program (UNDP) held the Workshop on Chemical Management in Indonesia on

November 24-25 in Hotel Novotel Bogor. This activity is in relation to the

preparation of the 2nd International Conference on Chemical Management, ICCM in

Geneva, Switzerland in 2009. In the first ICCM in Dubai, the "Strategic Approach on

International Chemical Management" was declared. The SAICM covers 1) High level

declaration, 2) Overaching policy strategy, and 3) Global plan action.

In the opening speech of the workshop, Deputy IV of the Ministry of Environment states

that Indonesia is high risk for illegal chemical trading or inappropriate use of chemical.

One of the decisions of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, WSSD in

Johannesburg 2002 which is stipulated in paragraph 23 is "to achieve production and

chemical usage toward minimization of impact to human health and environment in

2020". To achieve "2020 goals", the policy strategy decision making in chemical

processing is conducted openly, through policies, multi-sectors and synergies among


Peserta Lokakarya Pengelolaan Bahan Kimia di Indonesia berfoto bersama seusai acara penutupan di Novotel Bogor, 25 November 2008Participants of Chemical Management Workshop.

Deputy Assistant IV of the Ministry of

Environment, Rasio Ridho Sani adds

that “it is time for us to leave each

sector ego because it will disrupt in

achieving national goal for the

importance of the nation and state”.

The objectives of this workshop are to

acknowledge the condition of

chemical processing nationally and to

formulate recommendation as an

input in developing the policy of

nationally integrated chemical

processing. In this workshop, each

participant is being asked to

exchange opinions and sharing in

accordance to their own background

and field of work.

The two days workshop is attended by 30 participants from several Departments and

Ministries including the Ministry of Environment, Department of Industry, Trade, Health,

Agriculture, Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), National Agency for Drug and Food

Control (NADFC / BPOM), UNDP Indonesia, Komite Nasional Responsible Care

Indonesia (KN-RCI), Federation of the Indonesian Chemical Industry (FIKI), JICA and PT

PLN (electricity company). KN-RCI and FIKI are represented by Setyabudhi Zuber and Ir.

Ekowati (from Pupuk Kaltim). In order to achieve the objectives of the workshop, there are

4 approaches to the focused issues which are:

1) Reduce of Risk to doer, consumer, society, and business world,

2) Knowledge and information,

3) Governance, and

4) Capacity Development of Technical Cooperation.

One of the basic subjects agreeable to all parties is that Indonesia needs a Law on

Chemical Substance as legitimacy for integrated chemical processing nationally and

comprehensively. This Law is expected to anticipate various national importance and

related global issues such as framework of SAICM. In the discussion, KN-RCI also

conveys the necessity of improvement and perfection to implement National Single

Window in trading especially chemical import. (MSZ/ASN)

16 KN-RCI news

®Surabaya dalam program ”Responsible Care Goes to School” diikuti oleh 4

sekolah menegah kejuruan kimia.

6. Berperan aktif dalam menjalin hubungan dengan International Council of Chemical

Associations, ICCA-RCLG dan APRO.

Selain riwayat sukses, masih ada tantangan yang harus dihadapi dan menjadi prioritas

untuk kepengurusan yang akan datang (2008-2011) yaitu:

•Regenerasi dan pengembahan para “kader” (regeneration and development of


•Pelaporan Key Performance Indicator, KPI (KPI reporting)

•Penyusunan statistik kecelakaan dan peristiwa distribusi (Statistics on Accidents.

Distribution Incidents)

•Pemberian insentif (Incentives and keeping of Momentum)

Keadaan ini dapat ditunjukkan pada Balance Scorecard yang masih berwarna merah.

AGM 2008 dihadiri oleh 60 peserta terdiri atas para CEO, Direktur, dan Pimpinan

Perusahaan serta wakil yang ditunjuk sebagai “contact person” untuk KN-RCI. Peserta

AGM secara aklamasi dapat menerima pertanggung jawaban Pengurus KN-RCI Periode

2005-2008 termasuk Laporan Keuangan 2007 yang telah diaudit oleh Akuntan Publik dan

Un-audit Report Januari s/d Juli 2008.

Keputusan penting AGM 2008 yang lain adalah membentuk Formatur untuk memilih

Ketua Presidium dan menyusun Kepengurusan KN-RCI Periode 2006 – 2011. Formatur

diketuai oleh Frank Moniaga, beranggotakan Bambang Sastrosatomo, Urai Rogers,

Bagus Narjatmo dan Setyabudhi Zuber. Diharapkan susunan pengurus baru dapat

terbentuk secepatnya.

Wakil Ketua Umum FIKI, Didie Soewondo dalam sambutannya menyampaikan selamat

atas kemajuan dan perkembangan KN-RCI dan menyatakan pula bahwa atas peran aktif

KN-RCI, FIKI dapat terbentuk. Dimasa yang akan datang, sangat diharapkan KN-RCI

untuk terus mendorong anggotanya dalam meningkatkan kinerja industri kimia dibidang

Safety, Health & Environment. Peran KN-RCI ditingkat regional dan internasional juga

patut dihargai dan dicontoh oleh asosiasi yang lain. Dr. Ir. Alexander Barus, Direktur

Industri Kimia Hulu yang mewakili Dirjen Industri Agro dan Kimia Departemen

Perindustrian, juga menyampaikan selamat atas berlangsungnya AGM 2008. Setahun

yang lalu pada AGM 2007, Dirjen meresmikan berlakunya pelaporan KPI untuk anggota

KN-RCI. Meskipun belum dicapai hasil yang signifikan, pada tahun-tahun berikut

diharapkan KPI menjadi perhatian yang sungguh-sungguh dari industri kimia karena

dengan mengetahui kinerja masing-masing secara periodik akan memotivasi kearah

penyempurnaan yang lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi.

Departemen Perindustrian juga sangat menghargai KN-RCI sebagai mitra khususnya

dalam persiapan untuk implementasi GHS di Indonesia, sosialisasi REACH dan peran

serta KN-RCI di forum ASEAN, maupun forum regional lainnya seperti forum ASEAN -

.......... dari hal 1 .......... from page 1

AGM 2008:..... AGM 2008:.....

Sambutan oleh DR. Ir. Alexander Barus.Speech by DR. Ir. Alexander Barus, Director of Upstream Chemical Industry of Directorate General of Agricultural and Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Industry gives his speech on the KN-RCI AGM 2008

Enam perusahaan bergabung menjadi anggota KN-RCI : PT Styrindo Mono Indonesia, PT Senator International Indonesia, PT Petrowidada, PT Hunsmant Indonesia, PT Firmenich Indonesia, PT Cahaya Bumi Cemerlang.Six companies joining in the membership of KN-RCI are: PT Styrindo Mono Indonesia, PT Senator International Indonesia, PT Petrowidada, PT Hunsmant Indonesia, PT Firmenich Indonesia, PT Cahaya Bumi Cemerlang.

This condition shows a Balance Scorecard, which is still in red color.

AGM 2008 was attended by 80 participants consisting of CEOs,

Directors, and Leaders of Company as well as representatives appointed

as “contact person” of KN-RCI. AGM Participants can, at acclamation

basis, accept accountability of KN-RCI Management for Period of 2005-

2008 including Financial Statements of 2007 that has been audited by an

Accountant Public and Un-audit Report of January – July 2008.

Another important resolution of the AGM 2008 was to establish a

Formator who will elect the Chairman of Presidium and prepare the

Management Members of KN-RCI for Period 2006 – 2011. This Formator

is chaired by Frank Moniaga, whose members are Bambang

Sastrosatomo, Urai Rogers, Bagus Narjatmo and Setyabudhi Zuber. The

composition of new management members is expected could be realized

as soon as possible.

Vice-General Chairman of FIKI, Didie Soewondo in his speech

communicated his congratulations for the achieved progress and

development of KN-RCI and also stated that with the active role of KN-

RCI, FIKI can be established. In the future, KN-RCI is highly expected to

boost it members in improving the chemical industrial performance in

respect of Safety, Health & Environment. The KN-RCI role at regional and

international levels are should be appreciated and a model for other

associations. Dr. Ir. Alexander Barus, the Director of Upstream Chemical

Industry representing the Director General of Agro and Chemical Industry

of the Ministry of Trade, also given his congratulation for the AGM 2008.

One year ago, namely during the AGM 2007, the Director General

officially announced the KPI reporting for KN-RCI members. Although it

has not achieved a significant achievement, in the coming years, KPI is

expected to be a serious concern for chemical industry by identifying

performance of each member at periodical basis which will motivate the

more and more better improvement.

The Ministry of Industry also very appreciates KN-RCI as its special

business partner in preparing the implementation of GHS in Indonesia,

socialization of REACH and active role of KN-RCI in ASEAN forums and

other regional forums, such as ASEAN – Japan forum (AMEICC - WGCI)

as well as KN-RCI's activities in the Responsible Care international

network. This activity should be continually developed, maintained and

improved in the future.

In this event, a commitment of implementation of Responsible Care was

signed by 6 companies being members of KN-RCI, witnessed by the

Chairman and members of KN-RCI Presidium, Director of Upstream

Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Dr. Ir. Alexander Barus and

Vice-General Chairman of FIKI Didie W. Soewondho, and all participants

of the AGM 2008. (MSZ)Jepang (AMEICC - WGCI) serta

aktivitas KN-RCI dalam jaringan

Responsible Care internasional.

Hendaknya ini aktivitas terus

d ib ina , d iper tahankan dan

ditingkatkan dimasa-masa yang

akan datang .

Pada event ini ditandatangani

komitmen untuk implementasi

R e s p o n s i b l e C a r e o l e h 6

perusahaan sekaligus menjadi

anggota KN-RCI, disaksikan oleh

Ketua dan anggota Presidium KN-

RCI, Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu

Dep. Per industr ian, Dr. I r.

Alexander Barus dan Wakil Ketua

Umum FIKI Didie W. Soewondho,

serta semua yang hadir di AGM

2008. (MSZ)

17KN-RCI news

.......... dari hal 9

.......... dari hal 13

.......... from page 9

.......... from page 13


YANG RINGAN DARI DEN HAAG YANG MENAWANThe Hugae atau orang Belanda biasa menyebut Den Haag, bukan kota besar yang padat seperti Jakarta. Seperti kota-kota di Eropa, bangunan tua tetap terpelihara dengan baik, trem atau kereta listrik angkutan umum sejak abad yang lalu juga masih dipertahankan. Kota yang bersih dan indah menawan ini merupakan pusat Perkantoran Pemerintahan dan Badan Dunia seperti organisasi PPB, OPCW - Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapon, Mahkamah Internasional dan lembaga penting lainnya.

D e n H a a g j u g a m e r u p a k a n b a g i a n penting dari sejarah perjuangan bangsa kita, karena menjadi tempat b e r l a n g s u n g n y a Konferensi Meja Bundar (KMB) yang pada 23 Agustus – 2 November 1 9 4 9 m e r u p a k a n perjuangan Indonesia m e l a l u i d i p l o m a s i d i a n t a r a n y a menghasilkan serah-terima kedaulatan dari pemerintah kolonial B e l a n d a k e p a d a Republik Indonesia. Delegasi Indonesia

THE LIGHTER FROM BEAUTIFUL THE HAQUEThe Hugae or Dutch people usually call Den Haag, not a big city like Jakarta. Such as cities in Europe, old buildings are maintained properly, trem or electric train established since a century ago is also still maintained. This clean and beautiful city is a central of Governmental Offices and World Organizations such as UN, OPCW - Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapon, International Council and other important institutions.

Den Haag is also an important part of struggle story of our country, as it had become a venue of t h e r o u n d d e s k Conference (KMB) on 23 August – 2 November 1949, which is a struggle of Indonesian through a discussion resulting in hand over of sovereignty from Dutch colonial government to the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesian delegations were chaired by our p roc lamator I r. Dr.

Restoran Indonesia Srikandi di Den Haag selalu ramai dikunjungi pelanggan tidak hanya WNI tapi juga masyarakat Belanda dan lainnya yang cinta masakan Indonesia.

dipimpin oleh proklamator kita Bapak Dr. Mohammad Hatta yang akrap disapa Bung Hatta, Wakil Presiden pertama R.I. Oleh karenanya tidak heran bila ternyata cukup banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang tinggal di kota ini, selain diplomat, banyak mahasiswa kita tinggal di the Hague, juga pengusaha Indonesia serta anggota masyarakat lainnya, barangkali ada kaitannya dengan sejarah tadi. Eh ternyata Hotel tempat kami menginap ada di sebelah Gereja Tua, konon tempat berlangsungnya KMB tersebut. Ketika baru tiba di kota ini, saya cukup surprise, tidak kurang dari 10 orang Indonesia sarapan bareng di hotel tempat saya menginap. Siangnya saya sempat jalan-jalan di sekitar hotel, ketemu restoran kecil “Java House”, maka saat itu tepat saat makan, nasi dengan lauk sederhana telor sambal terasa amat sangat terasa lezat dan nikmat, padahal baru saja 24 jam lewat saya lebas landas dari Jakarta (dasar lidah ndeso atau karena selalu cinta tanah air). Di Waroeng itu ada juga nasi oedoek, nasi goreng komplet, tahu-tempe teri, oseng tauge, orek-orek, gado-gado, dll, enak semua sih tapi tarifnya tentu dengan Euro, jadi harus tahu diri, kan perjalanan masih panjang. Keluar dari waroeng makan ….. Eee ketemu lagi dengan saudara kita beberapa orang warga masyarakat Indonesia, diantaranya Mas Emha Ainun Najib beserta istrinya Novia Kolopaking. Kami sempat ngobrol sembari jalan, keberadaan Cak Nun di The Hague dalam rangka menghadiri suatu seminar yang diadakan oleh Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia – PPI di Belanda. Konon ada lagi grup paramedis juga dari Pemerintah Daerah - Diknas Kota Pekalongan yang juga mengikuti kegiatan di The Hague. Di Belanda, khususnya di the Hague anda ini tidak perlu cemas bila kangen dengan santapan Indonesia mulai dari yang selera pedas ala Sumatra sampai manis-pedas ala Jawa. Tidak kurang dari 4 restoran Indonesia terkenal ada di The Hague seperti Garoeda, Bali di Scheveningen, Tempat Senang, Poentjak dan Sarinah. Pada tahun ini, 21 Mei – 1

thJuni 2008 telah diadakan event menarik, “The 15 Pasar Malam Besar Fair”. Ternyata persahabatan dan ikatan batin masyarakat Belanda terhadap Indonesia sebagai bekas koloninya yang mereka sebut ”The Dutch East Indies” masih cukup kuat. Semoga menjadi suatu jalinan mesra yang dapat bersinergi untuk kepentingan kedua bangsa saat ini dan di masa-masa yang akan datang. Goeden Middag ... (MSZ).

Mohammad Hatta usually called Bung Hatta, the First Vice-President of R.I. Therefore, it is not surprise should there are many Indonesian people residing in this city, other than diplomats, there are also many Indonesian students, Indonesian businessman and other community members who reside in the Hague, which may be attributable with such story. The Hotel where we stay overnight behind a Old Church, is a place where the KMB takes place. When we just arrived in this city, I was very surprise, not less than 10 Indonesian people took breakfast the hotel where I stay overnight. At the afternoon, I walked around the hotel, found a small restaurant “Java House”, then when lunch time at the time, I enjoyed rice with simple side dish (egg and sambal (sauce), even I had already arrived for 24 hours from Jakarta (it may be due to the fact that I am a rural man or a nationalist). In that Waroeng, there are also oedoek rice, nasi goreng komplet, tahu-tempe teri, oseng tauge, orek-orek, gado-gado, etc, all are delicious but at Euro rate, so I had to take care myself as the travel is still long. Gone out from the waroeng, I met with a number of Indonesian people, among others are Mas Emha Ainun Najib and his wife Novia Kolopaking. We had once spoken with them while walking, the existence of Cak Nun in The Hague was to attend a seminar held by Indonesian Student association– PPI in Dutch. There was also a paramedic group from Local Government – National Education Agency of Pekalongan City who also come to The Hague. In Dutch, especially the Hague, you will be easy to have Indonesian foods starting from Sumatra food style till Javanese food style. Not less then 4 reputable Indonesian restaurants are available in The Hague, such as Garoeda, Bali in Scheveningen, Tempat

thSenang, Poentjak and Sarinah. In this year, 21 May– 1 June 2008 “The 15 Pasar Malam Besar Fair” was held there. In fact, the amity and spirit binding of Dutch people to Indonesian people as ex colonial they call ”The Dutch East Indies” are very strong. Hoping we could improve harmonious relation both currently and in the future. Goeden Middag ... (MSZ).

pestisida selain diatur oleh Peraturan Menteri Pertanian dan harus didaftarkan pula ke Departemen Pertanian, ternyata juga diatur oleh Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor: 472/MEN.KES/PER/V/96 dan harus didaftarkan ke Badan POM setiap kali ada Pemberitahuan Import Barang (PIB).

o Semua Peraturan tentang Bahan Kimia di Indonesia seperti : Keputusan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor. 254/MPP/Kep/7/2000, PP No.74 Th. 2001, Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No: 722/MEN.KES/PER/IX/88 dan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 472/MEN.KES/PER/V/96, TIDAK atau BELUM mencantumkan TLV (Threshold Limit Value) atau "Cut Off" dalam satuan % bagi suatu bahan kimia untuk wajib didaftarkan ke instansi pemerintah misalnya Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup untuk bahan kimia Metil Etil Keton (MEK), Benzena, Toluena dan Xilena, berdasarkan PP No. 74 Thn 2001.

o Ini bisa mengakibatkan penafsiran yang bermacam-macam oleh petugas Bea & Cukai di lapangan yang berpeluang terjadinya korupsi dan menyebabkan ekonomi biaya tinggi, yang berakibat industri kimia kita di Indonesia tidak kompetitif.

Menanggapi hal ini Ibu Menteri menyatakan akan memperhatikan hal ini untuk dilakukan koordinasi antar Departemen dan instansi yang lebih baik. (MSZ)

are other than regulated by Regulation of Minister of Agriculture and must be registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, they also subject to the Regulation of Minister of Health Number : 472/MEN.KES/PER/V/96 and must be registered with the Drug and Food Control Agency any time of Notice of Good Import (PIB).

o All regulations on Chemical Materials in Indonesia such as : Decree of Minister of Trade of RI Number . 254/MPP/Kep/7/2000, PP No.74 Th. 2001, Regulation of Minister of Health No: 722/MEN.KES/PER/IX/88 and Regulation of Minister of Health No. 472/MEN.KES/PER/V/96, DO NOT specify TLV (Threshold Limit Value) or "Cut Off" in a % unit for a chemical material that must be registered with the government agency such as Ministry of Environmental Affairs for Metil Etil Keton (MEK), Benzena, Toluena dan Xilena chemical materials, based on Law No. 74 / 2001.

o This may result in different interpretations by field officer of Customs & Excises, which potentially give opportunity for corruption and high cost, resulting in bad competition of Indonesian chemical industries.

In response to these issues, Madam Minister stated that she will pay her attention to these issues by improving coordination between Departments and relevant governmental instances. (MSZ)

Salah satu sudut kota Den Haag di akhir pekanThe Haque on the weekend

18 KN-RCI news

Komite Nasional Responsible Care Indonesia (KN-RCI) akan menyelenggarakan

® th ®“Responsible Care Award 2009 dan The 5 National Responsible Care

Conference (NRCC) & Exhibition”. Kegiatan penting ini akan diadakan di Jakarta thpada tanggal 3 Desember 2008, berkaitan dengan 'The 36 ASEAN Chemical Industries

Council Conference” yang diadakan oleh Federasi Industri Kimia Indonesia atau

Federation of the Indonesian Chemical Industry (FIKI).

RC Award 2009 dan NRCC & Exhibition diselenggarakan setiap 2 tahun sekali,

menyambut ulang tahun KN-RCI. Tepat pada 23 Oktober 2009, KN-RCI genap berusia 12

tahun, merupakan perjalanan yang cukup panjang bagi sebuah organisasi yang terus

berupaya agar bermanfaat bagi para anggota, masyarakat, pemerintah dan semua

“stakeholders” yang terkait. Pada tahun 2009 ini RC Award disponsori oleh PT Dow

Chemical Indonesia, sedangkan co-sponsor diharapkan dari beberapa perusahaan lain

yang tidak mengikat.

Sebanyak mungkin perusahaan anggota KN-RCI dihimbau untuk dapat mengikuti RC thAward 2009. The 5 NRCC & Exhibition dapat diikuti pula oleh industri kimia dan yang

terkait yang belum menjadi anggota KN-RCI. Untuk pendaftaran atau memperoleh

informasi mengenai persyaratan peserta RC Award 2009, tema detail program NRCC &

Exhibition dapat menghubungi secretariat KN-RCI melalui email

Pada saatnya, dalam waktu dekat (Januari 2009) akan kami tampilkan pada website KN-






Jakarta, 3 December 2009

The National Committee for Responsible Care Indonesia (KN-RCI) will hold

® th ®“Responsible Care Award 2009 and The 5 National Responsible Care

Conference (NRCC) & Exhibition”. This important event will be held in Jakarta on th3 December 2008, in relation to 'The 36 ASEAN Chemical Industries Council

Conference” that is conducted by Federation of the Indonesian Chemical Industry (FIKI).

RC Award 2009 and NRCC & Exhibition are held once in every 2 years, celebrating the thanniversary of KN-RCI. Exactly on 23 October 2009, KN-RCI celebrates its 12

anniversary, a long journey for an organization that keeps trying to be useful for its

members, community, government and all related stakeholders. In 2009, the RC Award is

sponsored by PT Dow Chemical Indonesia, while the co-sponsor is expected to come

from several other non-binding companies.

It is expected that the largest amount possible for companies included as members of KN-thRCI to participate in RC Award 2009. The 5 NRCC & Exhibition can also include the

participation from chemical industry and the related that have not become the members

of KN-RCI. For registration or information on participant requirements of RC Award 2009,

detailed theme of NRCC & Exhibition program, please contact the secretariat of KN-RCI

via E-mail . In time, within a short time period (January of 2009),

we will display it on the website KN-RCI





GHS Practical TrainingMarch 2 - 4 Mon - Wed

Bumi Karsa Bidakara Jakarta (to be confirmed)


April 20 - 22Mon - Wed

GHS Practical TrainingNovotel Surabaya (to be confirmed)www.kn-rci.or.id

July 21 – 22Tue - Wed

Product Stewardship WorkshopSurabaya (to be confirmed)www.kn-rci.or.id

July The 14th Meeting of AMEICC

Working Group on Chemical IndustryBangkok, Thailand (to be confirmed)www.ameicc.org

May 11 – 15Mon – Fri

nd Session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM2) Geneva, Switzerlandwww.saicm.org


January 28Wednesday

Workshop on REACH Jakarta (to be confirmed)www.kn-rci.or.id

January 22Thursday

Cilegon Crisis Centre Conference and WorkshopPermata Krakatau Hotel, CilegonE-mail: KMI-Banten@migas-indonesia.com

February 9-12Mon - Thu

Informal Workshop on Stakeholders’ Information Needs on Chemicals in Articles/ProductsGeneva, SwitzerlandOrganized by UNEP and Sweden and supported by Japanwww.chem.unep.ch

February 23 - 24Mon - Tue

Product Stewardship Workshop,Jakarta (to be confirmed)Organized by KN-RCI & RCLG-ICCA




Stakeholders' Perspective 60%

Internal Process Perspective 24%

Leadership Learning 16%

Health EHS Code Team

VI 18 Proactively give input to the appropriate government agencies

Number of input contribution to the Government agencies

George Hadi Santoso(GR&RA)



Media Activity to promote for KN-RCI Award 2009 / 12th year Anniversary

No. of Activities & Timing Kamaludin(TPR&P)



Develop RC Collateral material

No. of collateral i.e.: booklets, CD, pin, brochures, etc




Issue KN-RCI Newsletter

2 times per year Setyabudhi Zuber(SG&ED)



Conduct Web analysis

4 times per year Kamaludin(TPR&P)



Conduct the Survey to member

Number of response Kamaludin(TPR&P)



Conduct the Survey to non member

Number of response Kamaludin(TPR&P)



Participate in the international RC events

No. of participation Urai RogersChairperson



Insure Self-financing Operation

Balanced budget supported by members' contributions

Cahyono AdiTreasury



Develop the qualified Verifiers for

KN-RCI No. of certified verifiers Ermin Peng(SA&V)

IX 28 Seek more resources and active upper management participation No. of contacts Urai Rogers


IX 29 Review the effectiveness of Leadership Team annually Once a year Frank Moniaga

Vice Chairperson

VI 15.a Introduce CAER Number of Seminar & Workshop

Suhardi Rachman(RM-EI)

VI 15.b Introduce CAER Number of Seminar & Workshop

Bambang Sastrosatomo


VI 16.a Introduce CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) to reduce CO2 emission

Number of Seminar & Workshop

Suhardi Rachman(RM-EI)

VI 16.b Introduce CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) to reduce CO2 emission

Number of Seminar & Workshop

Bambang Sastrosatomo


VI 17Conduct a Seminar or Workshop to increase awareness of Occupational At least 1 time

Cahyono AdiTreasury &




I 1.a. Drive members to submit the Annual


% members submitting Self-Assessment within 1st year of membership

Suhardi Rachman(RM-EI)

I 1.b. Drive members to submit the Annual Self-Assessment

% members submitting Self-Assessment within 1st year of membership

Bambang Sastrosatomo


II 2

Engage in partnership project with external parties both local and international (JETRO, AOTS, VAPRO etc)

Number of project Setyabudhi Zuber(SG&ED)

II 3Encourage/invite new members toKN-RCI through FIKI focusing on Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

No. of new members Urai Rogers(Chairperson)

II 4Review member's commitments by updating of each company database-2

Updated management list of company commitments.

Setyabudhi Zuber(SG&ED)

III 5.a. Sustain development thru KPI reporting % members submitting KPI

Suhardi Rachman(RM-EI)

III 5.b. Sustain development thru KPI reporting % members submitting KPI

Bambang Sastrosatomo


III 6 Publish KN-RCI member's KPI in the Annual Report Issuance of Annual Report

Setyabudhi Zuber


IV 7Organize Company Visits for benchmarking and best practices sharing (peer review)

No. of visits

Ermin Peng


IV 8 Conduct verification No. of Members visited for verification

Ermin Peng


IV 9 Conduct Seminars, Exhibition and Roadshow to promote RC

No. of Seminar, Exhibition and Roadshow



IV 10

Conduct Training and Workshops on RC Management Codes, AK3 Kimia (SHE Chemical expert), Verifiers.

No. of Trainings and Workshops Completed



V 11

Introduce/Educate members on Global Product Stewardship management system GHS & REACHby conducting training/workshop.

Conduct of Training/workshop on Global Product Stewardship ManagementSystem GHS & REACH

George Hadi Santoso (GR&RA)

VI 12.a

Identify Roadshows and the required Training, Workshops and Seminars for the members in the region

No. of events Suhardi Rachman(RM-EI)

VI 12.bIdentify Roadshows and the required Training, Workshops and Seminars for the members in the region

No. of eventsBambang


VI 13 Introduce Security Code Number of Seminar & Workshop

Ermin Peng(SA&V)




VI 14 Review Security Code Number of Team Review meeting

Ermin Peng(SA&V)

2009 – 2011 KN-RCI WORKPLAN

Berdasarkan 9 elemen dari Responsible Care Global CharterPengurus KN-RCI telah menyusun Rencana Kerja 2009 - 2011

Ada 29 rencana aksi seperti berikut dibawah ini :

Based on 9 elements of Responsible Care Global Charter, KN-RCI Leadership Team has set-up the Work-plan 2009 – 2011

There are 29 action plans as below:

19KN-RCI news

20 KN-RCI news

®Penerbit/ Published by : Komite Nasional Responsible Care Indonesia

Penasihat/ Advisor : Urai Rogers, Frank Moniaga

Penanggung jawab/ Person in charge : Setyabudhi Zuber

Pemimpin redaksi/ Director of Editorial : Asnita Kasmy

Redaksi/ Redactor : Deisi Christianti

Kontributor/ Contributor : Adi Sunariadi, Sulistiyanti

Sirkulasi & Sekretariat/ Circulatin Secretariat : Sulistiyanti

Alamat redaksi/ Address : Secretariat KN-RCI, Duta Mas Fatmawati Blok D2/16, Lt. 4

Jl. R.S. Fatmawati, Cipete Utara, Jakarta Selatan

Tel. : +6221 7279 0211 Fax. +6221 7279 0212

E-mail. : secretariat@kn-rci.or.id

Tim Redaksi/ Editorial Team






October 14Wednesday

Workshop on REACH Jakarta (to be confirmed)www.kn-rci.or.id

The ICCA’s RCLG Annual ConferenceMoscow, Russia (to be confirmed)www.responsiblecare.org


The 11th APRCCAsia – Pacific Responsible Care ConferenceTokyo, Japan (to be confirmed)www.nikkakyo.org

August 13Thursday

The 11th KN-RCI Annual General Meeting - AGM2009

Foursesons Hotel, Jakartawww.kn-rci.or.id

Verification On Job Training Intermediate-3KN-RCI & JETRO JEXSA ProgramJakarta, Banten & West Java (to be confirmed)www.kn-rci.or.id

Workshop on REACHJakarta (to be confirmed)www.kn-rci.or.id

November 16-26Mon - Thu

INACHEM 2010Indonesia International Chemical Summit 2010The 36th ASEAN CIC ConferenceChemical Conference & ExhibitionJakarta International Conference CentreOrganized by FIKIFederation of the Indonesian Chemical Industry

May 2010

November 18Wednesday

December 3Thursday

Responsible Care Award 2009The 5th National Responsible Care

Conference & ExhibitionGran Melia, Jakartawww.kn-rci.or.id


•Untuk Pendaftaran Anggota Baru silahkan menghubungi Sekretariat KN-RCI (lihat alamat Redaksi).

•Redaksi menerima kritik dan saran serta tulisan pembaca yang budiman (syarat dan ketentuan berlaku).

Nama Perusahaan /Company Name

Alamat Kantor /

Office Address

Telpon, Fax & Email /

Phone, Fax & Email

Nama & Jabatan / Contact Person



Jumlah Tenaga Kerja /

Number of Emplo yee

Produk Utama atau Jasa /Main Products or Services
