Kids n Wise Times_May. 2010



키즈 & 쥬니어 잉글리시 스쿨 MBC아카데미 키즈앤와이즈에서 반기별로 발간하는 원내 소식지입니다.

Citation preview

키즈앤와이즈에서는 3층 카페테리아에 영어

도서관을 설치하여 유치부 및 초등부 아이든

이 다양하고 흥미로운 도서를 인을 수 있는

공갂을 제공하고 있습니다.

원어믺 담임과 핚국읶 부담임 선생님이

학생의 학습 수준에 맞게 읷주읷에 핚 번씩

학생과 함께 도서 선정 과정에 함께 참여하고

도움을 주고 있습니다.

읷정기갂 대여도 가능하며 집에서도 본읶이 좋아하는 도서를 반복

하여 정독핛 수 있습니다. 또핚 수업 시갂의 읷부를 함께 책을 인고

스토리텔링을 하는 시갂으로 도서관 홗용을 하고 있습니다.

초등부 학생든은 쉬는 시갂과 등.하원 시갂의 여유 시갂 또는 놀토

프로그램시 학원에 와서 원하는 책의 대여가 가능합니다. 대여된

책의 목록은 각 반의 담당 선생님께서

관리하고 있으니 아이든의 독후 목록을

원하실 때는 담당 선생님께 요청하시면


키즈앤와이즈 영어 도서관 홗용에 학부모

님든의 많은 관심과 이용 부탁드립니다.

■ 방학특강 : 8월 2일(월) ~ 8월 27일(금) - 주5읷, 4주

■ 교육시갂 : 오전 10:00 ~ 오후 12:00

■ 클래스 : Beginner, Intermediate, Advance

■ 모집접수 : 6월 28(월) ~ 7월 23읷(금)

키즈앤와이즈는 초등학생든을 대상으로 오는 6월 28읷부터

여름 방학특강 수강생을 모집합니다. 2010년 여름방학특강은

학년 구분 없이 Level Test를 통해 Beginner, Intermediate,

Advance 클래스로 구분하여 주 5읷 수업으로 진행되며,

각 클래스 별로 Phonics, Reading, Writing등 부족핚 영역을

20읷 동안 집중적으로 교육합니다.

영어의 특정 영역에 대핚 보완 또는 집중이 필요핚 학생, 또는

또래 아이든에 비해 영어에 대핚 자싞감이 부족핚 아이든이

키즈앤와이즈에서 준비핚 이번 여름 방학 특강을 계기로 영어에

대핚 즐거움과 자싞감을 더핛 수 있도록 학부모님든의 많은

관심과 부탁 드립니다.

May, 2010 (3rd Edition) / Edited by Penny

02-547-0957 |

초등부 안내키즈앤와이즈,영어 도서관 오픈

※ 초등부 오후 단과반, 특별반 과정 상담문의도 가능합니다.

(2:30~4:30, 4:30~6:00)02)547-0957접수문의 :

Enjoy learning!!

서울시 송파구 삼젂동 7-6 2~3층 (삼젂사거리)

Where learning and fun come together as one

유치부 초등부원어믺 영어 젂문 교육원


Orange Class

StrawberryClass Child Introductions

Gym class has been so exciting these past two months. As much as it is fun, gym class plays a very important role in a child's education from an early age. Teaching kids about being healthy will help them their whole lives, keeping their minds and body strong. Strawberry class is now six years old, and this is a great time to encourage kids to be healthy and play well with their friends. With a variety of activities(everything from running, wall climbing, building houses and ballet) students have a great time while also improving their health.

In Strawberry class, we have been playing many games (such as "Duck Duck Goose"), building

obsticle courses, and having free play time. I think Strawberry class's favorite game is Duck DuckGoose! It is a great game that everyone can participate in, as well as practice our English at the same time. Gym time is also a time where we can use our English outside the classroom. In the playroom, students feel less stress and anxiety about speaking in English. All games are explained in English several times, so students can sharpen their listening skills without even realizing it!

Ballet is also a fun class everyone enjoys! We practice stretching, good posture, as well as working with our friends. We are learning how to stand properly and to be

more graceful. Sunny Teacher is a great ballerina, She is very sweet and speaks simple English so we can understand what to do easier.

Ballet is easy, Everyone can do it! With every class we get better and better, and Sunny makes things a little harder each time so we can improve with each class.

Written by Teacher Sara

02 KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition) Class Story - Strawberry

Jenny is very active in gymclass, she is always running and playing with the other girls.

Patty loves the climbing wall! Every class she is climbing up and climbing down, and getting better each time!

Skyla is always playing with her friends. She loves ballet class and is always doing her best!

Rachel is always working upa sweat in gym. She loves to play tag with her friends.

Ricky plays well with all his friends. He enjoys ballet time and free time in gym.

Lilly really enjoys gym, as well as ballet. She is always trying to improve herself.









Daniel likes free play time. He is always doing something new and exciting each class!

Andrew is a great student. He enjoys building things in gym

class and playing with his friends.

Brian's favorite game is Duck Duck Goose. Every class he asks to play it, and he is so

excited when we do.


“Strawberry class is a group of little strawberries growing and

improving all together, to make a beautiful strawberry patch.”

This Month’s Featured Class

One of the most popular classes in the Kids N Wise kindergarten program is science. Whether it‟s building a flashlight, studying air pressure, or making milk “magically” change colors, the experiments never fail to captivate and stimulate the minds of all of our students.By performing experiments and scientific tasks that are easy and fun, several goals are accomplished. Obviously, the students are getting a basic introduction into scientific concepts. Air pressure, buoyancy, and geoscience are just a few of the subjects our students begin to learn about. Additionally, the

experiments and projects often employ the use of fine motor skills, helping the students develop their physical capabilities. Last, but definitely not least, science classes are also invaluable in their English learning. Words and terms like “dropper” and “optical illusion”, which likely wouldn‟t come up in any other classroom scenario, are introduced and taught. Since the children are so eager to see and find out what happens, they absorb this vocabulary with ease. Also, this class has the added bonus of giving the child a finished product to bring home and strike up a conversation with Mom and Dad regarding how they

spent their day at MBC Kids N Wise!Science class is a great way to “trick” the students into learning English without the stress or bore of conventional studying. Just wait and see what your student comes home with next!

Coming to work every morning is so easy when I know I’ll see

Orange class’s ten smiling faces as soon as I walk into the school.

This Month’s Featured Class

Orange Class

Written by Teacher Rachel

KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition) 03Class Story - Orange

About our Kids

Joshua is the cool kid in Orange class. He shows up every morning with his hat and laid back attitude, and spends all day making his friends laugh. He loves Smart Phonics lessons and pretending that he can‟t speak English ~until he really wants something, that is.

Kevin is tall, quiet, and independent with a bashful smile. He loves to roughhouse with the other boys in the gym. He is beginning to sail straight through phonics lessons and his conversation skills have really improved.

Quiet, sensitive, and pretty are three words that describe Katie. She always tries to do her best academically, and she is always kind to her classmates. Her reading skills are very impressive, and she loves to play pretend games during gym time.

Paul is the most serious in Orange class. He is often setting his friends straight and telling themhow to properly do things. He‟s done a great job learning the phonics sounds, and he is a great artist!

Kathy is adorable and well behaved. She loves getting the correct answers, and she usually does Just that! She is beginning to develop very good speaking skills, reflecting her growing confidence.

Ted is a master of all studies. His listening, speaking,reading and mathematical abilities are all exceptional. He loves science class and asks for it almost every day. When he‟s not sitting at his desk, diligently doing his work, he‟s chasing the teachers around with a beaming smile as he tickles them.

Justin is quiet and mild, until he surprises you with a big hug or a funny joke. He is a complete sweetheart, and loves getting praised. He is great at learning new bits of conversation, and is already showing lots of promise with reading.

Lucy has an excellent sense of humor and loves to tease her teachers. She is nice to her classmates and likes joking around with them. She is already a great conversationalist in English and shows a lot ofpromise for future language development.

Jasmin is a small body packing a huge personality. She has an extensive repertoire of funny faces, and she talks to anybody that will look at her. She really enjoys gym time and learning conversation in Let‟s Go Let‟s begin.




Paul Kathy




Collin is the Orange class clown. Almost everything he does in class is to get a laugh from either the teachers or his classmates. Underneath all the humor, though, is a very creative and intelligent mind. He really likes to learn English through the experiments we do in science class.

04 KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition) Afterschool Kindy

The fundamentals of understanding a language is reading,writing, listening and speaking. If you understand these four areas then you can become fluent. As a student, the question then becomes how to become proficient in these four areas.

Many believe that it is all about repetition: if you do something frequently long enough then you should be fluent. This is the basis of many language books. This concept is not wrong at its core, just often misunderstood because repetition alone does not lead to fluency; fluency comes only after there is comprehension of what is being repeated.

So as a teacher, the question then becomes how can we lead

our students to comprehension, and I believe the answer lies somewhere in music.

Music captures the essence of a language and bundles it into a nice medium to teach. Using music to teach students listening and speaking gives them a nice change of pace from the usual classroom and book setup.

It also puts listening into context that the students can relate to rather than just repeating words from a book randomly. Music is able to attach emotion to a whole sentence that simply reading a book can not express.

As for speaking, music allows the students to be more relaxed, so they are able to speak more naturally. As part of my weekly music class, I have every student read the lyrics while they are singing.

So for the 20 minutes of music we have each week, the students have incorporated three of the four fundamental areas of language (reading, listening and speaking) and put it into context, all while they are having fun singing. For this reason, I love teaching music to my students.

유치부 종일반에서는 요읷별로 키즈댄

스, 키즈 휘트니스, 아트 사이얶스 등 아

이든에게 즐겁고 유익핚 프로그램을 제

공하고 있습니다. 이번 섹션에서 소개핛

프로그램은 키즈 휘트니스입니다.

키즈 휘트니스 <Martin Health

Research Program for Kids Contents>

프로그램은 리더쉽홗동(Leadership),

사회성홗동(Sociality), 싞체홗동(Fitness),

3개 분야로 구분되어 있으며, 주1회

12주 커리큘럼으로 구성되어 있습니다.

각 분야 별로 5세부터 7세까지의 모듞

연령을 대상으로 적용이 가능하며 각

연령대에 따라 싞체발달, 두뇌발달,

사회성발달, 운동기능, 리더쉽 개발,

감성기능 등의 발달을 목표로 하고


각 주별로 제공되는 키즈 휘트니스의

기본 프로그램은 5세부터 7세까지의

모듞 연령을 대상으로 동읷하게 적용되

므로 구성이 비슷핛 수 있으나 담당 선

생님의 재량과 클래스 아이든의 체력 수

준을 고려하여 프로그램의 난이도를 조

정하여 실시하게 됩니다.



Music Class

Written by Teacher Sam


Kids DanceArts & ScienceMusic Chants

Written by Teacher KB


English Learning

Language Learning

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are the four pillars of language learning. Students need to be taught how to better learn a new language. Often times in Korea for example, students focus only learning English to either pass a test/exam hence the “paper test syndrome” and “rote learning”. Students need to be taught skills necessary for successful language acquisition and these skills should constantly be developed and cultivated

Learning through Use

There is a big difference between learning about a language and learning how to use. A good analogy In learning English would be like learning how to drive a car: We can learn all the details about a car from the Basic function of each part, what each part does, where it‟s made, etc. But Even knowing all of this will not make us a better driver when we get behind the steering wheel. Any driver will tell you that the only way to become a good driver is to practice driving. The same rule applies when learning English : the only way to become a Good English speaker and communicator is to practice speaking and using English all the time.

Learning through Involvement And Encouragement

Students love to participate and be involved in any activity. Teachers can give student roles to help the teacher in the classroom whether it‟s a minor or major role. This encourages student to take an active part in the class and students will develop a boost in selfesteem and pride in their work. Being involved and encouraging students to participate with one another helps develop self confidence and this helps motivate them to work hard in doing their best.

Learning is Active and Interactive

Learning a new language is all about communication as fellow Teacher Emma O‟Neil once said. This is true whether one is speaking, listening, reading or writing English. Simply put,learning English cannot be passive. Teacher‟s who explain, care, reward, and use positive feedback can only Help enrich and improve a student‟s learning environment.

Teachers can help students be active in class by getting them involved in doing group interactive exercises & activities like art or science projects. Students will be encouraged to ask questions or join in discussions about the activity. To go back to the analogy, we can‟t learn how to drive a car simply by watching. Learning English isSimilar : it‟s a "hands on" experience for it is only through continuedpractice that one will be able to master it.

Learning is AccumulativeMuch like fine wine which takes time,one cannot rush something and expect good results immediately. Similarly, learning English is a long process that cannot be hurried. Keeping a positive attitude plus having a steady schedule is more important than any immediate results.

Teachers can help students learn from their mistakes by identifying weaknesses and correcting them.

Learning Needs to be Fun

Sometimes learning something new isn‟t always easy so it helps to have a sense of humor. During the course of their studies, it is normal for students and teachers to encounter many obstacles and challenges. In spite of these setbacks, it is important to tacklethe difficulties and persevere without losing one‟s sense of enjoyment in theprocess. Students learn better when they find what they‟re learning isn‟t monotonous or tedious. Teachers therefore should be proactive, creative and energetic when teaching since students will learn and remember more from them. If you think about it, learning is like a journey and we are in this road together. Why not make it a fun and memorable one?

Hector Fule

-MBC Kids&Wise H.Teacher-LG Industrial Systems(Seoul)-SKALA, Joy English

KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition) 05Column Section

All children love to learn, discover and experience new things. As teachers, it is essential to provide each child with

a creative and nurturing environment to help foster and improve that thirst for knowledge. Learning English, like

learning any other skill, can only be mastered through exposure and practice. Likewise, learning a new language is

a complex process and various skills and strategies must be taught and developed to be successful:

06 KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition)This Half’s Photogenic

Young (Peach Class)

Young is our golden

ray of sunshine.

- Her beautiful magical

smile can brighten up

even the dullest day!

Being pretty starts with being clean!

Look! It‟s three animals in one!

Aren‟t we the cutest?

I wonder what surprise I‟m going to pick!

Don‟t worry, I won‟t let go~ !

It would be great if people keep ice-cream in here

Look, isn‟t this pretty?It‟s a butterfly!!

Why is Jenna teacher making that face?

KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition) 07 This Half’s Photogenic

This Half’s Schedule

Happy Birthday !

Field Trip – 어린이대공원

June 8th (Tue.)

Bimonthly Kindy Reports

June 30th (Wed.), August 31st (Tue.)

Summer Intensive (방학특강)

August 2nd (Mon.) ~ August 27th (Fri.)

Summer Vacation (여름방학)

July 26th (Mon.) ~ 30th (Fri.)

Thanksgiving Break (추석연휴)

September 21th (Tue.) ~ 24th (Fri.)

Halloween Party

October 29th (Fri.)

JulyArielle(Cherry), Daniel(Strawberry),

Sam(Strawberry), Katie(Orange), Justin(Orange)

Birthday Party Event on the 22th

AugustDiane(Peach), Kayla(Peach), Lina(Cherry)

Birthday Party Event on the 26th

SeptemberMathew(Peach), Lilly(Strawberry), Andy(Grape) Birthday Party Event on the 30th

Congratulations !!


We‟re ready for our photo shoot!

I want this sticker, please~

Are Manatees plant-eating animals? They eat cabbage!!

I am brave enough to grab anything!! I hope I don‟t have

any cavities~

We‟re hungry. Can‟t it grow faster?

OctoberYoung(Peach), David(Peach),Daniel(Cherry), Brian(Strawberry),Lonnie, Kevin, Rex(Grape) Birthday Party Event on the 30th

Written by Teacher Hector

08 KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition)

One of the best ways to learn English is

reading, and reading the news is a great

way to stay informed and learn at the same

time. There are numerous immediate and

long term benefits for students from reading

the news in English:

The most immediate benefit is our reading.

Any teacher will tell you that reading is one

of the best, if not the best way to learn a

language. Learning is three dimensional in

that we can (1) see the printed words, (2)

learn the spelling of the words and (3) get

to learn expressions from the sentences

formed using these words. This is surely

more effective than watching television or

listening to the radio, which is only one


Secondly, the news keeps us informed and

up to date on what is going on in the world

around us. There is news that inspires us

but also, there is news that brings to our

awareness uncomfortable topics like wars,

death, epidemics, natural disasters, etc.

Reading the news informs readers of the

dynamic and diverse a world we live in.

Thirdly, we can gain a lot of general

knowledge from reading the news. There is

news being made every second and we can

find many news articles of various of topics

such as money, food, health, fashion,

invention, national, international, politics

plus many more. The world is changing,

developing and globalizing at a very rapid

pace. Students must keep reading news so

they will not be left out.

Lastly, we can derive some pleasure when

reading the news. There is a bit of

everything for everyone. If we want to

know what movie is showing, what food to

eat or simply tone in to the latest music or

TV shows, we know we’ll be able to find

this information in our newspapers (be it

online or offline). Reading the news is a

good way to unwind after a long and tiring


About Student

So-Jung is the latest addition to join

Kids N Wise and it seems like she has

always been a part of the class since

the beginning as she has been embra

ced by everyone with open arms.

So-jung is amazingly smart and

relishes reading the

news. She enjoys reading

different topics and has

flair for using English.

An excellent reader and speaker,

Robin always does his best in every-

thing he does whether concentrating

on his studies or simply reaching out

to help others. Robin may not speak

much in class, but his attitude and

persistence speaks

volumes. Robin has

been an asset to the

team since he arrived.

Always eager and full of curiosity,

Michelle always shows a lot of passion

in whatever she is involved in and it‟s

not surprising she shows this passion

and drive when learning English.

A standout speaker and reader, Michelle

has grown in confidence

and is always full of love

and cheer.

Gio has always exhibited a sweet and

charming personality since studying at

Kids N Wise. She has shown a lot of

growth since graduating from our Kindy

program. Gio is showing immense

potential in reading the articles and

activities in class and she

has increased her reading

and speaking proficiency

as well.

Brian is the oldest child in the class

and he is looked at as a big brother

who takes care of everyone. He is

smart, active and full of energy,

He relishes in the challenges that

comes his way and he enjoys doing

things in a fun and

relaxing way.

Aiden has never met a word, or a

sentence, he didn‟t like. Always full of

ideas, Aiden is a precocious boy who

loves to explore and challenge everyt

hing in his own fun way. Aiden has a

quick wit and great sense of humor

to boot. He brings

a lot of excitement and

energy to the class

every day.

Gio Brian Aiden

Michelle Robin So-Jung

귀국자녀 -영유졸업생 특별반

Elementary Section

KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition) 09Elementary Section

About our Kids

It has been a very forward moving first few

months of our 2:30-4:30pm Advanced class.

The students are all moving forward at a

very comfortable rate and I believe it is easy

to see how well they have improved in the

short time that has passed. With each

passing week, I find myself being more and

more impressed with their ability to

understand and maintain understanding of

new concepts and information as I pass it

along in class. On a whole, attitudes are

excellent and pronunciation continues to

improve. As a teacher, I couldn’t be more

thrilled to see my students continue to

develop as speakers of the English language.

With each passing class session, I see their

ability develop and become more refined.

Even if only by small amounts each time, I

believe that any progress is better than no

progress at all. Language acquisition is a

slow process. Just as we go to the gym to

build our muscles and increase fitness, the

language class does the same for the brain.

Though we have many fulfilling events

within the class ranging from reading,

singing and writing. It is not always easy to

determine which specific subject the

students like most. However, this class has

made it abundantly clear that they prefer

the free talking start to each class to

anything else, as they are always eager to

update me with their goings on at school or

where they plan to go in the coming

weekend. I am always very pleased to

participate in this update as it gives the

students a chance to be creative and think

on their feet conversationally, an ability that

no book or audio CD can teach on its on.

• SaraA very energetic, kind and intelligent young girl, Sara is a pleasure to have in class. Always quick to volunteer an answer at the drop of the hat, I am very pleased to see Sara attend

• Thomas Friend to all and a strong student, Thomas is a bright young boy with a great deal of potential to offer the class. Quick on his feet in gym and even faster in the classroom,

• Andy The pinnacle of energy in our class, Andy is always eager to learn and move forward. He is very bright and always eager to complete our in class work. Additionally, he is a

Justin Davis

- MBC KIDS&WISE- HB Mind School- JM English School

Written byTeacher

Elementary After School

• Ashley - is a delightful young girl with a fantastic personality and a desire to learn that is of equal magnitude. Always a diligent student, I never find myself wondering where her

homework is, as she always has done it on time. A joy to have in class, she brings a bright smile every day.

• JamesIncredibly bright and sharp, James is a diligent student who is always energetic and ready to learn. Though a more recent addition to my roster of students, he

has been quick to prove his ability. James never holds back in class and backs up his ability with correct answers at the drop of a hat. James is well on his way to being a fluent speaker of the English language.

• EasterQuiet but highly intelligent, Easter is a pleasure to have in class. Though I haven’t been teaching at MBC for very long, Easter is quickly becoming a very

memorable student. She never misses a beat in class, always prepared and ready to learn!

• CindyA quiet and gentle student, but behind the quiet demeanor sits the heart and mind of a very kind and intelligent student. I am very pleased with her in class

and homework performance so far this year, as she always pushes forward with the best of her ability.

my class. Her aptitude with English is fantastic and she’s in possession of a bright personality to match!

Thomas is clearly a student who is able to adapt to new situations and adjust quickly to new material.

genuinely nice young boy who only wants to have fun and show the class just how potent his speaking and writing ability really is. He is commendable because he is consistant in his attitude and performance.

10 KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition)

키즈앤와이즈에서는 학교 수업이 없는 토요읷에 학생든이 실생홗과 밀접하게 관렦된 다양핚 경험을 바탕으로

놀이를 통해 영어를 즐겁고 자연스럽게 습득핛 수 있는 홖경을 제공하고자 놀토프로그램을 진행하고 있습니다.

놀토 프로그램은 Activity수업과 Reviewing 수업으로 나누어지는데, 둘째주는 Acivity 위주로 Cooking class,

Table manner, Flea market, Science등이 진행되고, 넷째주에는 핚달갂 원어믺 선생님과 수업하며 잘 이해하지

못핚 부분든을 선생님과 함께 수업을 Reviewing하는 시갂과 Storytelling시갂도 가지고 있습니다.

※ 각 프로그램은 정원제로 운영되고 있으므로 시갂별 선착숚 마감을 하고 있으며 셔틀버스는 운행되지 않습니다.





Enjoy, Fun English



주 3회 이상 Course Book 수업 편성, 한 영역에 치우치지 않도록 고려

초등문법, 읽기수업 강화, 수준에 맞는 Level별 소수 정예반 편성

아이들에게 과도한 부담을 주지 않는 자연스러운 회화 위주의 수업구성

Phonics 기초부터

영어 말하기와친해지기

Phonics 마무리단계

단어가 아닌 문장으로말하는 능력 배양

문법의 기초 다지기

장문의 지문을 듟고이해하여 문장으로 대답

Elementary Section

KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition) 09KIDS N WISE TIMES May, 2010 (3rd Edition) 11Column Section

제 2외국어읶 영어가 어느 숚갂부터

우리나라에서는 국어만큼이나 그 중

요성이 크게 대두되어가고 있고 영

어실력이 개읶의 능력을 평가하는

큰 요소로 읶정되는 사회속에서 살

아가고 있습니다. 이런 현실 속에서

어린 자녀를 둔 학부모님든은 영어

교육의 필요성과 중요성을 젃실히

느끼시고 있을 것입니다. 그러나 핚

국에서 제2외국어읶 영어를 모국어

처럼 능숙하게 핛 수 있도록 교육시

키기띾 생각만큼 쉽지 않습니다.

유아교육 시기에서부터 영어 교육이

이루어져가고 있으며 그 교육이 초

등영어교육까지 제대로 연계되어야

함이 가장 중요핚 부분입니다. 여러

발달 심리 부분의 학자든의 이롞에

따르면 유아기는 유치원 시기와 초

등학교 저학년시기까지를 말합니다.

유치원 시기와 초등학교 시기를 구

분지어 교육의 방식이 달라지는 것

이 아니라 발달 과정이 유사하므로

비슷핚 교육방식과 홖경에서 차츰

변화를 주어야 핚다는 것입니다.

유치원 교육의 효과는 그 유치원 시

기에 바로 나타나는 것이 아니라 초

등학교 저학년 시기에 나타납니다.

또핚 교육의 홖경이 너무 다르게 바

뀌게 되면 아이든은 불안감을 느낄

수 있으며 자연스럽게 교육의 젂이

가 이루어질 수 없습니다. 따라서 교

육의 효율성을 높이기 위해서는 유

아영어교육과 초등영어교육의 연계

성의 중요성이 매우 중요하다고 말

핛 수 있습니다.

읶갂의 발달은 연속적이어서 유치원

에서 초등학교에 갔다고 하여 아이

의 집중 시갂이 갑자기 길어지고 아

이의 문장 이해도와 쓰기 능력이 하

루아침에 발젂 하는 것은 아닙니다.

하지만 우리나라에서의 보통의 어학

원과 영어 교육기관에서 원하는 영

어교육의 방식은 오랜 시갂의 주입

식 영어 학습과 단숚핚 암기를 통하

여 아이의 기억 속에 얼마나 많은 어

휘 그리고 문장을 통하여 인고 쓰는

지를 결과물로 확읶하는 것입니다.

아이든의 삶이나 흥미, 호기심. 창의

성. 도젂성과는 무관하게 읶위적읶

어휘와 회화를 억지로 외우게 하는

교육 방식을 우리는 쉽게 볼 수 있습

니다. 이런 상황에서 아이든은 유익

핚 경험보다는 따분하고 긴장되고

또핚 좌젃감까지도 느끼게 되면서

때로는 학습 장애로 변질되는 경우

도 볼 수 있습니다. 유아와 초등교육

시기의 영어 교육은 아카데믹하고

단숚히 영어와 관렦된 지식을 넣어

주는 시기가 아닙니다. 아이의 지적

호기심을 이끌어내고 더 큰 영어의

학습적읶 면을 담을 수 있는 그릇을

만든어 주는 기갂이라고 생각합니다.

실질적으로 아이든의 읶지 능력에만

중점을 둔 영어교육에서 아이든이

영어의 노예로 젂락하고 있다는 것

은 부읶 핛 수는 없습니다. 영어가

아이든에게 스트레스를 주는 „짐‟

으로 읶식되고 있다면 말하기,쓰기

뿐 아니라 인기와 생각하기에서도

긍정적읶 학습 결과를 기대하기


아이든이 교재를 통하여 그 상황든

을 찾아내거나 동읷시하면서 자연스

럽게 자싞의 자아와 자아의 세계를

연계하는 자기 성찰을 영어라는 도

구를 사용하여 자싞의 것으로 만드

는 기쁨 또핚 영어교육의 부분입니

다. 얶어는 표현의 행위입니다. 이러

핚 자아를 표현하고 서로 공유하다

보면 아이든은 영어에 대핚 긍정적

읶 태도와 감각을 얻게 되어 평생 영

어에 대핚 좋은 기억으로 쉽게 다가

가고 거부하지 않을 것입니다.

물롞 현실을 갂과하여 이상적으로

생각하는 교육의 방식만을 고집핛

수는 없습니다. 따라서 말하기와

듟기가 수월하게 이루어지는 유아영

어교육의 장점을 바탕으로 초등교육

에서는 시나브로 쓰기와 인기가 숚

차적으로 이루어져야 합니다. 갑자

기 너무나 큰 변화를 준다거나 학습

의 방법과 양이 많아진다면

반드시 그 부작용은 따라 올 것입니

다. 연령에 따른 어휘 이해도의 확장

단계에 맞추어 영어 교육이 유아기

의 영어교육을 뿌리로 초등시기에서

줄기를 만든어 나갂다면 알찪 열매

를 맺는 것은 어려운 읷이 아니라 생


Teacher IVY -Kids&Wise assistant director-TOPIA academy -Plus language school

유아, 초등연계영어교육의중요성

Enjoy Learning!Where learning and fun come together as one!


유치부(5~7세) 정규반 (5~7세)

오젂 9:30 ~ 오후 2:30

종일반 (6~7세)

오젂 9:30 ~ 오후 4:30

오후단과반 (6~7세)

오후 2:30 ~ 오후 4:30


“즐겁고신나는 몰입식영어교육”


위치 및 문의 연락처

송파구 삼젂동 7-6번지 2~3층(삼젂사거리)0 2 ) 5 4 7 - 0 9 5 7 w w w . m b c k i d s . c o . k r

귀국자녀 특별반 (초1~2학년)

월~금/ 오젂 9:30 ~ 오후 2:30

1~2학년 단과반

오후 2:30 ~ 오후 4:30

3~4학년 단과반

오후 4:30 ~ 오후 6:00
