KORFBALL - Nikita Giel . HMALS4006 Major Games: Unit Plan Resource (Ely Vikings Korfball Club, 2014)...


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KORFBALL HMALS4006 Major Games: Unit Plan Resource

(Ely Vikings Korfball Club, 2014)

Nikita Giel 30091356 & Carly Whitlock

Table of Contents

Section A: Overview of Unit Plan Resource………………………………………………………… 3

Introduction and Rationale…………………………………………………………... 4

Links to AusVELS…………………………………………………………………….. 5

Historical Overview…………………………………………………………………… 7

Organisational Components………………………………………………………….. 8

Non-Participant Worksheets…………………………………………………………. 17

Comprehension Worksheet…………………………………………... 18

Skill/Tactical Analysis Worksheet…………………………………… 21

Section B: Minor Games/Activities using Game Sense/TGfU Approach…………………………. 23

Minor Game 1: Escaping the Defender……………………………………………... 24

Minor Game 2: Running in Shot…………………………………………………….. 26

Minor Game 3: 4 Korfmans………………………………………………………….. 28

Minor Game 4: Pressure Defence……………………………………………………. 30

Minor Game 5: First to 10……………………………………………………………. 32

Minor Game 6: Rebounding………………………………………………………….. 34

Section C: SEPEP Plan for Implementation………………………………………………………… 36

Unit Plan of Activities…………………………………………………………………. 37

Organisational Factors………………………………………………………………... 40

Pro-forma Templates………………………………………………………………….. 44

Appendicies…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 53

Appendix 1: SEPEP Roles Handout………………………………………………….. 54

Appendix 2: SEPEP Nominations Forms…………………………………………….. 57

Section D: Statement of Authorship………………………………………………………………….. 58

References……………………………………………………………………………………………… 59


Section A: Overview of the Unit Plan Resource

Introduction and Rationale

Korfball is not a usual sport to be included in the PE curriculum however it is a game that

should be considered. The game of Korfball is much similar to the sport of Netball.

Including a unit of korfball into a year 10 PE class allows students to play something they

may not have done before. Students will be able to use previously learnt skills in a new

and exciting way. Students will be able to adapt tactics and strategies from other sports to

use in the game of Korfball. They will be able to learn tactical knowledge of the game of

Korfball through the game sense model. Over four weeks students will participate in a

SEPEP program where the students will be responsible for organising. Each student will

be given a role that they will be doing over the four weeks. By allowing students to run

the SEPEP program it will allow the students to see what goes into organized sport and

what needs to be done so the sport runs smoothly. Students will have the opportunity to

take on a role of being a Sports Board Member, Equipment Manager, Captain,

Statistician, Scorer, Umpire or Publicity Officer. Each role will have their own tasks the

students will need to complete for the running of the Korfball SEPEP program. Students

will also need to communicate with each other to make sure all aspects are completed and

that the SEPEP program is consistent across the roles. This will allow students to show

they can work as a team and build their communication skills.


Links to AusVELS

Domain AUSVELS Link to Unit Plan

Health and Physical


- Movement and


- Students develop proficiency in a range

of high-level movement and

manipulative skills

- Students focus on identifying and

implementing ways of improving the

quality of their performance during

games, physical activity and sport

- Students will be introduced to new sports

which will require them to adapt

previously learnt skills in a new context

- Students will learn and practice tactics

and strategies relevant to the sport and

activities in which they are participating

in. This will include the development of

strategies to counter tactical challenges

in game situations.

- Students undertake a variety of roles in

team games such as player, coach,

umpire and administrator. They will

assume responsibility for the

organization of aspects of a sporting


Students will develop the skills

necessary for the sport of

Korfball so they can be used in a

game context

Students evaluate their

performance in a game and

discuss ways in improving to

benefit their team and

themselves as an individual

Students will be introduce to the

new game of Korfball and use

skills they have learnt previously

such as passing, defending and

attacking and adapt these skills

to this new game

Students will work as a team to

develop tactics and strategies

that are necessary in the game of

Korfball by participating in

game sense games and activities

Students will participate in a

SEPEP program for Korfball

that will require each student to

take on a role such as sports

board member and equipment




- Working in


- Students work collaboratively,

negotiating roles and delegates tasks to

complete tasks in teams

- Working with the strengths of a team

they achieved agreed goals within set


Students will work with each

other to determine who takes on

what roles for the SEPEP

program, they will also delegate

tasks amongst each of the roles

Students work with others to

determine what needs to be done

before each game of Korfball

Historical Overview

Korfball was first developed in 1902 by Nico Broekhuysen, a Dutch school teacher from

Amsterdam. During a teaching position in Sweden, Broekhuysen observed students playing

the Swedish game ‘ringboll’, where mixed gender students played each other. Using three

zones, the students aimed to scored points for their team by shooting a ball through a ring

at either end of the court.

On his Broekhuysen’s return to Amsterdam, Broekhuysen was inspire and developed a

similar game that could meet the learning outcomes for his students. Using a mixed gender

approach, two zones, zoned positions, simplified rules and replacing the ring with a basket

on a pole, Korfball was invented.

Encompassing skill, cooperative play, controlled physical contact and gender equality,

Korfball became a popular sport throughout the Netherlands and its surrounding countries.

However, the sport also gained a considerable amount of controversy with reviews like

“Korfball is a monster that spreads its claws to all sides. Given that it was a mixed gender

sport, journalists refused to pay little attention towards the sport. Reports made only

focused on the sport at being immoral or inappropriate.

By 1920, opinions surround Korfball changed significantly. The sport became global as it

became a summer Olympic sport in the Antwerp Summer Olympics. In 1928, Korfball

made it’s second appearance at the Summer Olympics in Amsterdam. In 1933, the

International Korfball Federation was founded. By 1985, the Korfball international

Federation was officially recognized by the International Olympic Committee, allowing the

sport to be represented within the World Games.

Korfball is now played internationally by 57 different countries. In the Netherlands alone,

there are over 580 Korfball clubs, with more than 100,000 people playing korfball each

year professionally.

Organisational Components Equipment (International Korfball Federation, 2012)


The korfball ball must be at least two colours and have a circumference

of 68.0cm to 70.5cm . The weight of the ball must weight between the

range of 445g to 475g.


The posts are fixed to the ground or on the ground within both zones, situated between the

two sidelines. The posts are 4.5 to 8.0cm in diameter.


The korf (basket) is fitted to each post 3.50m above the ground. The korf faces towards the

centre of the field and is cylindrical in shape. The korf must be made of approved synthetic

material (IKF Korf Regulations) and must be a strong yellow colour.


• Are 23.5 to 25.0 cm high

• Have an inner diameter of 39.0 to 41.0cm on the upper side.

• Have an inner diameter of 40.0 to 42.0cm on the bottow side.

Court/Field Dimensions

Field of play

• Field dimensions are 40.0m x 20.0m

• The field is divided into two equal zones by a line that runs parallel to the two ends

of the field.

• The free height is between 7.0m to 9.0m (preferably 9.0m)

Boarder Area

A boarder of 1.0m surrounds the field and must be free of obstacles at all times.

(Sports Ball Shop, 2013)

(Sportsballen, 2014)


Major Rules (Cambridge Phoenix Korfball, 2014; Sportsground, n.d.)

1. Korfball consists of four team members: four male and four female.

2. Korfball is a non-contact sport. No deliberate physical contact is allowed.

3. Players may only mark/defend players of the same gender.

4. Players are not allowed to run with the ball.

i. If a player receives the ball while they are running and then shoots or

passes the ball, they are allowed to take a maximum of two steps before

releasing the ball.

ii. If a player receives the ball in a stationary position they can only pivot

on one foot.

5. Players are not allowed to dribble/bounce the ball.

6. The main offences that a player can commit include:

i. Contact: Pushing, holding, shoving, knocking

ii. Knocking the ball out of an opponents hand(s)

iii. Travelling: illegally moving with the ball.

iv. Playing outside of their half (e.g. defender entering the attacking half).

v. Touching the ball with the leg or foot.

vi. Playing the ball when on the ground.

vii. Solo-play (e.g. trying to move position by throwing and catching the ball


viii. Marking/defending a player of the opposite gender.

ix. Scoring from the defensive half or direct from a free pass.

x. To grab hold of or move the post.

xi. If a player commits any of the offences, then a restart, free pass or

penalty will occur.


Goals can only be scored when a player breaks free of their defender. An attacker is

considered ‘defended’ when the defender (of the same gender) is:

1. Between the attacker and the korf

2. Close enough to the attacker that they would be able to touch their torso.

3. Facing the attacker.

4. Actively trying to block a shot.


The attacker must break free from their defender before they can attempt a shot. An

attacker may successfully shoot a goal by:

1. Catching their defender(s) off balance

2. Running past their defender(s) and taking a pass from a team member and shooting

on the run.

3. Making distance from their defender by shooting over them.


A penalty is a free shot from 2.5m and can be taken by an attacker within the section

rewarded the penalty.

Penalties are awarded for any infringement that prevented a scoring chance.

Free Pass

A free pass is taken from the penalty sport. All players must start 2.5m away from the

penalty shot.

A free pass is awarder for ‘heavy’ infringements that are physical or disrupt an attack.

Umpiring Roles/Umpiring Signals (International Korfball Federation, 2012)


The referee controls the game. They:

• Enforce the rules.

• Determine the suitability of the conditions for play (e.g. slippery surface)

• Use official signals to clarify decisions.

• Indicate start, stop or restating of the game.

• Take action against misbehaviour of player, coach, substitute players and public



Timekeepers keep time, including stopping and starting the time as required. Scorers keep

track of the score for both teams playing.


Umpiring signals

Substitute of a player

The referee raises their hands above their head and

with the forehand of each hand pointing towards each

other, move their hands back and forth.

Stopping playing time

The referee lifts the arm on which they are wearing

their watch and with the hand of the other arm

indicates that they will stop their stop-watch. To

indicate a restart of the playing time they give the

same signal and restarts their stop watch.

Time out

To indicate the awarding of a time-out, the referee

makes a ‘T-Signal’ with both hands.

Changing zones after two goals

The referee makes a circling movement with one

finger above their head.

To touch the ball with leg or foot

The referee touches the outside of their leg below the

knee with one of their hands. The leg can be lifted.

To hit the ball with the fist

The referee lifts an arched arm, clenches his fist and

moves the arm slightly up and down.

To take hold of, catch or tap the pall when any part

of the body other that the feet is touching the


The referee stoops down and touches the ground.

To run with the ball

The referee lifts both arms in front of their body and

makes a turning movement with both hands.

Solo play

Move hand up and down miming bouncing a ball.

To delay the game

The referee points to their watch with a finger.

To hand the ball to another player of one’s own


The referee starts with their arms in front of their body

with both hands vertical and makes a rotational

movement with both arms showing the giving of the

ball to another player.

To knock, take or run the ball out of an opponents


The referee lifts one of their arms with the palm of

the hand facing upwards. With the other hand, they

make a sweeping movement away from their body

over the palm of the raised hand.


To push, to cling to, or to hold off an opponent

The referee points the palms of both hand forward and

makes a pushing movement with both arms.

To push, to cling or to hold off an opponent

The referee stretches both arms out wide with the

hands pointing at a slant to the ground.

To hinder an opponent excessively

Blocking the movement of the arm: The referee lifts

one arm upward with the other hand taps down on the

outside arm.

To hinder an opponent excessively

The referee makes a movement with both arms as if

embracing a person.

To hinder an opponent excessively

To hit a player in the body: The referee taps on his

chest with one hand and points towards the violating

player with the other hand.

To play outside one’s zones and out-ball

Using a plat hand the referee moves their arm

backward and forwards as if along a line.

To shoot from a defended position

The referee lifts their arm into a defended shooting


To shoot after cutting past another attacker

The referee lifts both arms and crosses their forearms

in front of their body.

To play in a dangerous manner

The referee lifts on of their forearms in front of their

body with their palm vertical and open. Using the fist

of the other hand they punch against the palm of their

open hand while looking at the offending player.

To influence a shot by moving the post/ To take

hold of the post when jumping, running or in

order to move away quickly.

The referee takes hold of the post.

Referee throw up

The referee raises the thumbs of both hands above their



Whenever a re-start is awarded the referee points to

where the re-start should be takes from and with the

other arm gives the direction.


4 second rule

The referee raises one hand showing four fingers of

that hand. The same signal is also given at a free pass

to indicate that they will whistle to restart the game

within, at least, 4 seconds.

Free pass

Within 2.5m after the referee has whistled to start

the game: the referee lifts both forearms in front of

their body and with their palms vertical and moves

their palms towards each other.

Free pass

The referee puts up his arms showing an open palm

and points to the penalty spot.


The referee points to towards the penalty shot with

one outstretched arm while blowing their whistle.

Repeat infringement penalty

The referee points towards the penalty spot with one

outstretched arm while lifting the other hand with two

raised fingers and looks towards the offender.

Shot Clock Signal

The signal of one arm raised with a clenched fist.


The referee raises their arm in the direction of play.


The referee raises both arms in the direction of play.

(International Korfball Federation, 2011; Scheidsrechtergebaren Korfball, 2010)


Non-Participant Worksheets

Worksheet links to AusVELS

AusVELS level 10: Health and Physical Education

Worksheet 1: Comprehension

This worksheet focuses on the key terminology used within Korfball, including different

terms for the equipment, players, rules and organizational components. Specifically

crossword worksheet requires the student to demonstrate their understanding of the key

terms. Many of these terms will cross over between previously learnt material from similar


This worksheet links to the domain of ‘Health and Physical Education’: Students will be

introduced to new sports which will require them to adapt previously learnt skills in a

new context

NAME:_______________________________ DATE:_____________

Korfball P J I T X N L S C O R I N G H C A O C E E H M Z Z P S U B S T I T U T I O N S O N T M T U O E M I T B E R Z Y T M Z N R A P A R T Y L V O Y A L Z E S J S W I X L I A D F E D X F W O D H O E T T Z A I T G N I S S A P F N Y S V X N L H L T N Y M F V V S B K G Y Z T H E I E C L P T O R E S T H K S D T X N M R L U S A A E C P E W C O H U P Y Y E H I E T D B C R O Y D O A O S W O P G N V P D E L T D C U E E M T T X D S N Z O Y M I A H U E E R I R S N I J N I H P P S U S M A O C P T N E R O N X R T B N P A T T A C K N T L J B S C G F B I Z R O P B A L L N E I S W O K E N U S O Q J P R L H G S O F O I K U M I L T P N R G O A L A K B T E N Y I N R B S U S S A P E E R F Y F J D U R R D X O N H R L Y L X C F H B E R Y J X C S P Y B W S L G T A C T I C S R O T M P Y A T G H L C Z P L B E N C H M S K



Name: Date:



1. an unlawful action 2. the scoring basket 3. When a player tries to change the position of the ball in his possession without the help of another player 4. When the ball goes out of play 5. a player who assists in scoring goals by passing the ball to the shooters 6. the term used to divide the court into attacking and defending


1. player trying to stop a goal 2. player trying to get a goal 3. when a defender catches a ball that was throw from another player 4. A pass given to attacking side when defending side when an infringement has been made 5. awarded to the opposing side after the attacking side has made an unlawful action

Worksheet 2: Skill/Tactical Analysis

This worksheet focuses on the skills, tactics and strategies that a player and team can use in a Korfball game.

Specifically, the worksheet requires the student to demonstrate their ability to develop tactics/strategies for

different game situations.

This worksheet links to the domain of ‘Health and Physical Education’: they learn and practice tactics and

strategies relevant to the sport, including the development of strategies to counter tactical challenges in game




1. The main objective for an offensive korfball player is to off-balance their defensive opponent so that

they can gain enough distance to shoot for a goal. Describe (and draw) two basic shot options that a

korfball attacker can make to shoot for a goal.

2. The main objective for a korfball in defence is to maintain a distance to their attacker no more than

____________________ to their offensive opponent to prevent their opponent from taking a shot for


Describe a team strategy that would allow the defending team to adjust to changing defensive


4. Analyse the diagram below. Describe one strategy the attacking team could implement to score a goal.

Each attacking team member has been labeled A, B, C or D to aid your description.


(Crydon Korfball Club, 2012)

3. Describe the potential advantages and disadvantages of Korfball players only being allowed to defend

players of the same gender.

Advantages Disadvantages



Section B: Minor Games/Activities using Game

Sense/TGfU Approach

Minor Game/Activity 1

Game name: Escaping the defender

Description of the game:

Attacking team = 6 players Defensive Team = 4 Players.

Aim is for the attacking team to pass the ball down into their attacking zone and make 10 successful consecutive

passes. The objective is for the attacking team to use a variety of tactics and strategies to create an opening and

escape their defender to receive a pass. The attacks also need to strategically pass the ball so that a defender does

not intercept it.

Game sense being used: Creating space, creating an opening, escaping the defender and passing to a leading



Defending zone Attacking zone

Major rules:

1. Attackers 1 and 2 can only stay within the defending zone.

2. Attackers 3 to 6 can only stay within the attacking zone.

3. Attackers must aim to successfully pass the ball between each other 10 times.

4. Attackers can pass back to defending players a maximum of 3 times if required.

5. No contact allowed.

6. Same rules for korfball apply.

7. Rotate between positions when an intercept occurs.

Safety considerations:

Students are not to make contact with each other.

Watch for other players and the ball to avoid collisions.

Each field is set up with enough space between them (set up on oval or on double indoor/outdoor courts)

3X X X X4

1X 2X X X5 6X X

X Attacking team X Defenders


Modifications and Questions:

Tactical Skill/Strategy questions:

1. How can you work together as a team to open up a player for a pass?

2. If the defender intercepts your pass, what could you and your team do to try to regain possession?


1. Introduce a 5th defender within the defending zone to emphasize the strategies and tactics an attacking

team may need to use within a game.

2. Increase or decrease the number of consecutive passes, including out to the defending zone.

3. Increase or decrease the size of the playing area to increase or decrease the difficulty of the task.

Additional follow up questions?

1. When a 5th defender was introduced how did this effect the decisions you made? How did you overcome

the increased pressure?

2. What were some strategies that your team used to successfully pass or receive the ball? How could these

be used within a full game of korfball?

Minor Game/Activity 2

Game Name: Running in Shots

Description of the game:

The game simulates a common situation in korfball, providing students with the strategies to utilize outside

assisting players. Player 2 passes out to player one and runs to number 1’s position. Player 1 passes to the assist

player, Number 4. Number 4 runs through for a running in shot. Number 3 tries to rebound the ball.

Game sense being used: Creating space, using an opening, goal shooting, repossessing the ball, fast attacking

passes and variation in passes


Major rules:

1. Major Korfball rules apply.

2. No contact

3. Students rotate between numbered positions each play.

4. Defenders apply pressure and try to intercept the ball.

Safety considerations:

Students are not to make contact with each other.

Watch for other players and the ball to avoid collisions.

Each field is set up with enough space between them (set up on oval or on double indoor/outdoor courts)

Modifications and Questions:

Tactical Skill/Strategy questions:

1. Why is it sometimes necessary to bring the ball back out of the line of the korf? How can that be a

strategic advantage?

2. What are some other strategies you could use to set up a run in shot?

X1 X X2

X3 X X4

X Attacking team X Defenders



1. Increase the number of defenders.

2. Allow players to choose the strategy of play, but finishing with a run in shot.

Additional follow up questions?

1. What other strategies and tactics did you use once another defender was introduced? Why was this


2. What tactics and strategies did you find worked favorably? Why do you believe they were successful?

Minor Game/Activity 3

Game Name: 4 Korfmans

Description of the game: The class is divided up into four teams. Using a full size court/field, a member from

each team will be positioned in each corner of the court, they will be the ‘korfmans’. All other team members are

dispersed amongst the court.

The aim is to pass to any of the four korfmans to receive a point for your team. There will be two balls within the

court to pass around.

Game sense being used: Attacking options and strategies, Defensive options and strategies.


Major rules:

1. Team scores a point for their team if the successfully pass to a Korfman

2. If a ball is caught by a Korfman they can pass out to one of their team members to restart the play.

3. All major korfball rules apply.

4. No physical contact.

5. If a ball goes out of the boundary, the closest Korfman passes it back into the game

Safety considerations:

Students need to watch other players and for both balls to avoid collisions.

No physical contact allowed.

Modifications and Questions:

Tactical Skill/Strategy questions:


X Korfmans X Team 1 X Team 2 X team 3 X Team 4


1. What strategies did your team come up with for the game? Did you focus on the attack, the defence or

both? Why and how?

2. When aiming to get the ball to a Korfman, what strategies did you have? Was it beneficial to throw to the

korfmans from your team, or the korfmans closer by? Explain.


1. Move the Korfman to the middle of each outside boundary instead of the corners to open up the receiving


2. Introduce a third ball.

3. Have two teams verse each other instead of four, however maintain four korfmans. This will increase the

intensity of defensive and attacking strategies.

Additional follow up questions?

1. How did moving the korfman change the tactic/strategies you used? Did it make it easier or more difficult

to score and why?

2. Did the reduction to two teams change the strategy choices for the attack and defence? How?

Minor Game/Activity 4

Game Name: Pressure Defence

Description of the game:

The class will be broken into groups of four and will either be named attacking team or defensive team. The

number of attacking teams and defensive teams need to be even. An attacking team will group together with an

defensive team. The attacking team will stand in a square roughly 5 meters apart from each other. The defensive

team will pair up with an attacking player. The aim of the defensive team is to create pressure on the passing and

receiving of the ball. The attacking team will only be allowed to pass the ball to the right. Defensive players will

defend closely to their attacker creating them to move more to receive the ball.

Game sense being used: Attacking options and strategies, Defensive options and strategies.


Major rules:

-Students are only allowed to pass to the right

-A point is rewarded to the defensive team when they intercept or deflect the ball

-Students must stay in the square formation by moving with the ball

-If the defensive team take control of the ball then it is given back to the attacking team

-no contact

-all Korfball rules apply

Safety considerations:

-Groups will be given a designated area they will be required to stay in so they do not run into other groups

-Each group will be given the same amount of time being attacking and defending

-Students must be mindful of others and try to avoid physical contact

Modifications and Questions:

Tactical Skill/Strategy questions:

1. What can your group do to try and avoid the ball being deflected or intercepted by the defending

team? What strategies can you adapt to ensure you make a successful pass?










2. As defenders what can you do as a team to apply as much pressure as you can to force an error? As

a team what strategies can you use to make sure you take control of the ball?


1. Change the direction of the ball to the left

2. Once the ball has been around the circle the direction is then changed to the other way

3. The ball can be passed either to the left or right but across the square

Additional follow up questions?

1. What strategies worked well when attacking the ball? What could you have changed to improve the


2. What were the strategies your team that resulted in a successful turnover? Why did these work?

Minor Game/Activity 5

Game Name: First to 10

Description of the game:

Students will be broken into four even groups. Each group will be given a Korf to shoot into. Students will be

placed a distance behind the Korf that they will be required to shoot from. The first group to 10 goals wins the

round. The type of shot that they students will be practicing will be the running in shot to start with and then it

will be change to other types of shots. Each student will have a ball that they will need to collect and then line

back up with. Students who miss will need to collect their ball and line up. Students who make the shot will

collect their ball and then let the next person go and line up in line again. Each group will need to count their own

scores. Each group will have a defender from another team that they will need to get around to make a shot.

Game sense being used: Determining what shot the students perform well, Deciding what shot to do under

pressure of a defender.


Major rules:

-Students will only get one shot at goal before they return to the line

-No physical contact

-A point is score when the ball successfully goes to the korf

Safety considerations:

-Students need to ensure they quickly collect their ball so the next player can take their shoot

-Students need to wait until the player in front of them is out of the way and the defender is ready before making a


-groups will be placed a distance a part that will ensure they do not run into each other








Modifications and Questions:

Tactical Skill/Strategy questions:

1. As a defender are you better off standing back to see where the player is going to go or apply pressure by

being right up and close to the shooter?

2. What as they shooter can you do to put the defender off guard or to get around the defender?


1. Change the types of shots

2. Introduce two defenders

3. Allow students to decide what shots to use

4. Have a shooter and an assisted player that allows them to pass amongst each other to score the goal.

Additional follow up questions?

1. What shots worked well when playing one on one with the defender?

2. As a defender what worked well and how can you use this in a game?

Minor Game/Activity 6

Game Name: Rebounding

Description of the game:

Students will be broken into 3 teams. One team will start as defenders, one as attacking and the other team will

begin off. The defending team will set up around the scoring end while the attacking team will start in the middle

of the court. The attacking team will attempt to make a shot at goal. A point is only scored when a player

successfully rebound the ball from the Korf. Once a shot a goal has been made the defending team will come off,

the attacking team will become the defenders and the other team will come on as the attackers.

Game sense being used: Attacking Strategies, Defensive Strategies, Rebounding Strategies


Major rules:

-No physical Contact

-All Korfball rules apply

-Students must pass the ball three times before they can have a shot at goal

Safety considerations:

-No physical contact

-attacking team need to wait until defending team is set up for commencing

-defending team need to get off as quick as possible so the next team can start





















Modifications and Questions:

Tactical Skill/Strategy questions:

1. What strategies can your team incorporate into your team so the defending team to not take control of the


2. What might be the best place for a player to stand in order to get a rebound?


1. All team members must touch the ball before aiming for goal

2. 1 point for rebounding and two points for a goal

3. Only allowed a certain shot the attackers can do such as running in or long shots

Additional follow up questions?

1. As a defending team, what tactics did you implement that allowed you to intercept the ball or receive a


2. Was it easier to stand in front or behind a player to receive a rebound? Why?

Section C: SEPEP Plan for Implementation


Unit Plan of Activities

Content and Description Equipment

Week 1

Students have already been introduced to SEPEP

expectations and allocated their roles.

Warm up

Coaches work together to conduct a class warm up

session, including simple skills drills.

Minor Game: Korfmans (minor game/activity


Modifications: 3 Teams instead of 4 (using SEPEP

teams), 3 Korfmans set up as shown below:

Korfmans rotate

positions and players.

Introduction to SEPEP: Matball

Run according to the draw and timing organised

by the Sports Board.

Student carry out their roles when they are not


Teacher to facilitate and assist where required

indicating how the SEPEP unit is expected to run

for the duration of the unit.

Warm up equipment ordered by

Equipment Managers.

2 Korfballs (or netballs)

3 sets of coloured sashes

Matball Equipment ordered by the

Equipment managers.

Score and statistic sheets created by

the Statisticians/ Scorers.

Digital Cameras as required by the

Publicity Officers



Week 2 Warm up

Coaches run their own individual team warm ups

and skill drills.

Netball in SEPEP format

Run according to the draw and timing organised

by the Sports Board.

Student carry out their roles when they are not


Teacher to facilitate and assist where required

indicating how the SEPEP unit is expected to run

for the duration of the unit.

Coach Meeting:

Discuss Korfball positions.

Organise additional training if desired.

Pack up

Warm up equipment ordered by

Equipment Managers.

Netball Equipment ordered by the

Equipment managers.

Score and statistic sheets created by

the Statisticians/ Scorers.

Digital Cameras as required by the

Publicity Officers

Week 3 Warm up

Coaches run their own individual team warm ups

and skill drills.

Korfball SEPEP

Run according to the draw and timing organised

by the Sports Board.

Student carry out their roles when they are not


Teacher to facilitate and assist where required

indicating how the SEPEP unit is expected to run

for the duration of the unit.


Pack Up

Warm up equipment ordered by

Equipment Managers.

Korfball Equipment ordered by the

Equipment managers.

Score and statistic sheets created by

the Statisticians/ Scorers.

Digital Cameras as required by the

Publicity Officers

Week 4 Warm up

Coaches run their own individual team warm ups

and skill drills.

Korfball Finals

Run according to the draw and timing organised

by the Sports Board.

Student carry out their roles when they are not


Teacher to facilitate and assist where required

indicating how the SEPEP unit is expected to run

for the duration of the unit.

End of unit Event

As organised by the Sports Board

Announcements and Presentation of Awards

Warm up equipment ordered by

Equipment Managers.

Korfball Equipment ordered by the

Equipment managers.

Score and statistic sheets created by

the Statisticians/ Scorers.

Digital Cameras as required by the

Publicity Officers

Equipment required for the event as

organised by the Sports Board.



Organisational Factors

Team Selection

For a class of 24 students, each team will consist of eight student, consisting of both male and females (preferably

4 male, 4 female). There will be a total of three teams, thus allowing one team to carry out their roles and

responsibilities while the other two teams play a game.

The teams will be allocated at the teacher’s discretion. The teacher will have developed an understanding for the

students’ abilities prior to the SEPEP unit, and ‘ranked’ the players according to their skills and abilities in similar

sports (e.g. Netball, Basketball, Handball, etc).

Student roles

Each team will be provided with a list of the roles/duties they can select from for the SEPEP unit. A description

of each role will be as follows (ACHPER, 2009; Moris, n.d.):

Sports Board Member

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Work with the other Sports Board Members to

develop a draw for each week.

• Establish and implement a timing system for each


• Notify the Publicity Officer of any weekly


• Coordinate and develop awards for recognition of

effort and achievements for each week (to present

at end of unit event)

• Plan, organise and run an end of unit event.

• High level of responsibility.

• Ability to communicate with others.

• Ability to listen to others’ ideas.

• Willingness to spend some time outside of class

time to organise events.

• Creativity

• Organisation skills.


Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Develop and run warm-ups

• Leads skill and strategy practice – providing

constructive feedback to players

• Leads and facilitates team discussions: team

allocations, tactics and strategies.

• Communicates with other student roles for

specific requirements: team publicity,

equipment hire, etc.

• Leadership qualities

• Excellent communication and motivation


• Good organization skills.

• Fairness to all players and other team captains.

• Ability to identify areas for improvement.

• Knowledge of Korfball, Netball or Basketball.

Equipment Manager:

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Follow up equipment requirements from each

coach for their training sessions.

• Develop an equipment list for each lesson

• Pick up equipment from the P.E. storeroom.

• Manage equipment including counting out and

in all of the equipment and reporting any

damaged equipment to the teacher.

• Working with the other equipment managers,

set the dress code theme/uniform for each week

(at least a weeks in advance)

• Nominate “best dressed” award for each week

and design award.

• Outstanding organisation skills.

• Patience.

• Good management skills.

• Creative and inventive.


Statistician/ Scorer (x2)

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Develop score sheets and statistic sheets that

covers at least three different elements.

• Publish scores and results each week

• Develop a ladder and modify it each week.

• Using excel, present and compare the teams

statistics (e.g. pie graph, bar graph)

• Confident in presenting data in excel.

• Excellent mathematic skills, particularly

percentages and averages.

• Excellent organization skills.

• Good communication skills.

• Focused and observant.

Umpire x 2

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Work with umpires from each team to develop a

list of rules for each sport.

• Agree on rule modifications where required.

• Learn all of the rules and the accompanying


• Ensure all of the rules are followed within the


• Manage disputes if they arise.

• Vote for Best and Fairest.

• Detailed understanding of the rules for each

game – developed through research

• Clear, confident voice

• The ability to communicate with players.

• The desire to be fair to all.

• Organisation skills.

Publicity Officer:

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Publish a poster/notice board that communicates

students SEPEP roles/duties and other SEPEP


• Develop a pro-forma to develop player profiles

for the tournament.

• Take digital photos of the players, teams and

action shots during the game.

• Working with other publicity officers, publish a

weekly newsletter discussing weekly highlights,

results, announcements and publishing photos.

• Good writing skills

• Photography skills

• Computer skills

• Creative with a sense of humour.

• Excellent communication skills.

Roles Selection

Prior to commencement of the SEPEP unit, the class will be provided with a handout (Appendix 1) that describes

the student’s roles and the skills they require for that role. The students will be provided with a Nominations

handout (Appendix 2) that allows them to nominate their two role preferences. Students will also nominate who

they feel would suit a specific role from their class.

The Nominations handouts will be collected and the teacher will compile the results and allocate student roles

fairly based on the nominations and their own discretion. Student roles will be published a week prior to the

commencement of the SEPEP unit.


Pro-forma Templates Game Draw Week 1 Game 1 Team 1 VS Team 2 Team 3 sits off Game 2 Team 2 VS Team 3 Team 1 sits off Game 3 Team 3 VS Team 1 Team 2 sits off Week 2 Game 1 Team 1 VS Team 3 Team 2 sits off Game 2 Team 3 VS Team 2 Team 1 sits off Game 3 Team 2 VS Team 1 Team 3 sits off Week 3 Game 1 Team 2 VS Team 3 Team 1 sits off Game 2 Team 3 VS Team 1 Team 2 sits off Game 3 Team 1 VS Team 2 Team 3 sits off Week 4 Game 1 Team 1 VS Team 3 Team 2 sits off Game 2 Team 2 VS Team 1 Team 3 sits off Game 3 Team 3 VS Team 2 Team 1 sits off

Score Card Home team___________________________

Away Team___________________________

Player Number



Player Number



1st Half

2nd Half

1st Half

2nd Half

















Running Total: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Running Total: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



Home team: _________ __ Away Team:____________ Score: ______________ __ Score:_________________ Captain:_____________ __ Captain:_______________ Umpire:_______________ Umpire:________________


Results Week 1 Team 1 Team 2 Team 2 TOTAL


Team 2

Team 3


Week 2 Team 1 Team 2 Team 2 TOTAL


Team 2

Team 3


Week 3 Team 1 Team 2 Team 2 TOTAL


Team 2

Team 3


Week 4 Team 1 Team 2 Team 2 TOTAL


Team 2

Team 3



Win Draws Loses For Against Difference Points

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Win=3 points Draw= 1 point Lose= 0 points


Statistic Match 1

Team Team 1

Team 2


Forced Errors

Unforced Errors

Shot on Goal


Long Shots

Running in Shots

Veering off Shots


Match 2

Team Team 1

Team 2


Forced Errors

Unforced Errors

Shot on Goal


Long Shots

Running in Shots

Veering off Shots



Match 3

Team Team 1

Team 2


Forced Errors

Unforced Errors

Shot on Goal


Long Shots

Running in Shots

Veering off Shots




This certificate is awarded to

for excellence in





Appendix 1 SEPEP Roles

Sports Board Member

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Work with the other Sports Board Members to

develop a draw for each week.

• Establish and implement a timing system for

each game.

• Notify the Publicity Officer of any weekly


• Coordinate and develop awards for recognition

of effort and achievements for each week (to

present at end of unit event)

• Plan, organise and run an end of unit event.

• High level of responsibility.

• Ability to communicate with others.

• Ability to listen to others’ ideas.

• Willingness to spend some time outside of class

time to organise events.

• Creativity

• Organisation skills.


Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Develop and run warm-ups

• Leads skill and strategy practice – providing

constructive feedback to players

• Leads and facilitates team discussions: team

allocations, tactics and strategies.

• Communicates with other student roles for

specific requirements: team publicity,

equipment hire, etc.

• Leadership qualities

• Excellent communication and motivation


• Good organization skills.

• Fairness to all players and other team captains.

• Ability to identify areas for improvement.

• Knowledge of Korfball, Netball or Basketball.

Equipment Manager:

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Follow up equipment requirements from each

coach for their training sessions.

• Develop an equipment list for each lesson

• Pick up equipment from the P.E. storeroom.

• Manage equipment including counting out and in

all of the equipment and reporting any damaged

equipment to the teacher.

• Working with the other equipment managers, set

the dress code theme/uniform for each week (at

least a weeks in advance)

• Nominate “best dressed” award for each week

and design award.

• Outstanding organisation skills.

• Patience.

• Good management skills.

• Creative and inventive.

Statistician/ Scorer (x2)

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Develop score sheets and statistic sheets that

covers at least three different elements.

• Publish scores and results each week

• Develop a ladder and modify it each week.

• Using excel, present and compare the teams

statistics (e.g. pie graph, bar graph)

• Confident in presenting data in excel.

• Excellent mathematic skills, particularly

percentages and averages.

• Excellent organization skills.

• Good communication skills.

• Focused and observant.


Umpire x 2

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Work with umpires from each team to develop a

list of rules for each sport.

• Agree on rule modifications where required.

• Learn all of the rules and the accompanying


• Ensure all of the rules are followed within the


• Manage disputes if they arise.

• Vote for Best and Fairest.

• Detailed understanding of the rules for each

game – developed through research

• Clear, confident voice

• The ability to communicate with players.

• The desire to be fair to all.

• Organisation skills.

Publicity Officer:

Roles and responsibilities Skills you will need

• Publish a poster/notice board that communicates

students SEPEP roles/duties and other SEPEP


• Develop a pro-forma to develop player profiles

for the tournament.

• Take digital photos of the players, teams and

action shots during the game.

• Working with other publicity officers, publish a

weekly newsletter discussing weekly highlights,

results, announcements and publishing photos.

• Good writing skills

• Photography skills

• Computer skills

• Creative with a sense of humour.

• Excellent communication skills.

Appendix 2


Name:______________________________ Sign:_____________________________

Individual preferences:

1. __________________________

2. __________________________





Name:______________________________ Sign:_____________________________

Individual preferences:

1. __________________________

2. __________________________





Name:______________________________ Sign:_____________________________

Individual preferences:

1. __________________________

2. __________________________





Section D: Statement of Authorship

Statement of Authorship


Sub section Group member who completed task


A: Overview of Unit Plan

o Introduction and Rationale

o Links to AusVELS

o Historical overview

o Organisational Components

o Non-participation worksheets - Comprehension - Tactical analysis

Carly Whitlock Carly Whitlock Nikita Giel Nikita Giel Carly Whitlock Nikita Giel


B: Minor Games/Activities using Games Sense/TGfU

o Description of minor games and activities - 1, 2 & 3 - 4, 5 & 6

Nikita Giel Carly Whitlock


C: SEPEP Plan for implementation

o Unit plan o Organisational factors

Carly Whitlock and Nikita Giel


D: Statement of Authorship

o Statement of Authorship o References o Presentation

Carly Whitlock and Nikita Giel




ACHPER. (2009). Sport Education Module [PDF]. Retrieved April 6, 2014, from



Cambridge Korfball League. (n.d.). Scorecard. Retrieved from


Cambridge Phoenix Korfball. (2014). Simplified rules of korfball. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from


Coachkorfball. (n.d.). Individual korfball skills. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from


Croydon Korfball Club. (2012). 06Jan02: Invicta v croydon. Retrieved May 17, 2014, from


Ely Vikings Korfball Club. (2014). Latest News. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from http://www.elyvikings.com/

International Korfball Federation. (2011). Referee signals of korfball 2011. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from


International Korfball Federation. (2012). The rules of korfball. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from


Korfball SA. (2007). Advanced coaching & playing tips. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from


Moris, C. (n.d.). SEPEP hockey resource kit. Retrieved May 19, from


Scheidsrechtergebaren Korfball. (2010). Referee signals korfball. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from


Sportsballen. (2014). Trainingsmateriaa. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from


Sports Ball Shop. (2013). Korfballs. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from


Sportsground. (n.d.). Introduction to korfball. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from
