Le futur simple. So far this year, we have learned the present tense (to talk about things that are...


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Le futur simple

So far this year, we have learned the present tense (to talk about things that are happening now) and the past tense (to talk about things that already happened). But what if we want to talk about something that will happen? For that, we need a whole new tense: the futur simple.

It’s easy! All you do is add the endings to the infinitive, and you’ve got it! The endings for futur simple are:

je -ai nous-ons tu -as vous-ez il -a ils -ont elle -a elles-ont on -a qui -a

Regardez ces exemples:

regarder nous regarderons we will watch

choisir tu choisiras you will choose

Vendre elle vendra she will sell

There’s one little trick to remember. Look at the example with “vendre” again. Do you see what we did? That’s right, we dropped the “e” before we added our ending. That wasn’t so bad, was it?

Ok, so some of the verbs don’t like to follow the rules. To be perfectly honest a lot of the verbs don’t like to follow the rules. There is no trick to learning them, they just have to be memorized.

Here they are: aller ir- j’irai I will go

avoir aur- tu auras you will have

devoir devr- il devra he will have to

être ser- elle sera she will be

faire fer- nous ferons we will do / make

Here they are:

pouvoir pourr- vous pourrez you will be able to

recevoir recevr- ils recevront they will receive

savoir saur- elles sauront they will know

venir viendr- on viendra we will come

Here they are:

devenir deviendr- qui deviendra who will become

Revenir reviendr- je reviendrai I will come back

voir verr- nous verrons we will see

vouloir voudr- elles voudront they will want

There are also some verbs that have accents or consonants added to them in the futur simple because of pronunciation. Take a look:

acheter tu achèteras you will buy

jeter vous jetterez you will throw

appeler qui appellera who will call

That’s it! You have learned your last verb tense for grade 9 French. You can now talk about things that are happening, have already happened, and will happen. Congratulations!

Pendant que vous écoutez le poème suivant, encerclez tous les verbes qui apparaissent au futur simple.

“Demain, dès l’aube”