Linux Veze



linux veze

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To se sve moe odratiti gospodski kroz Software Manager (dok se ne naviknete malo na terminal). Softwate manager gledajte kao na Google Play prodavnicu ili App Store na iPhone-u. Sve se zasniva napronadji i instaliraj.Ja preferiram da sve to mi se treba instalairati spakujem u jednu .sh skriptu koju uvam negde na Dropbox-u pa je pokrenem. Evo kako igleda sadraj jedne takve skripte koji e instlirati neke dodatne programe i igrice za klince a bogami i mene:#Programcicisudo apt-get install chromium-browser -ysudo apt-get install p7zip-full -ysudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn -ysudo apt-get install openvpn -ysudo apt-get install openssh-client -y sudo apt-get install openssh-server -y sudo apt-get install skype -y sudo apt-get install gimp -y sudo apt-get install inkscape -y sudo apt-get install smplayer -y sudo apt-get install gedit -ysudo apt-get install unetbootin -ysudo apt-get install pinta -y#Edukativni softver za klincasudo apt-get install tuxpaint tuxpaint-data tuxpaint-config -ysudo apt-get install gcompris -y# Igricesudo apt-get install supertuxkart -ysudo apt-get install torcs -ysudo apt-get install trigger-rally -ysudo apt-get install hedgewars -ysudo apt-get install openarena -ysudo apt-get install frozen-bubble -ysudo apt-get install supertux -ysudo apt-get install sauerbraten -ysudo apt-get install neverball -ysudo apt-get install lbreakout2 -ysudo apt-get install assaultcube -ysudo apt-get install assaultcube -ysudo apt-get install gnome-games -ysudo apt-get install extremetuxracer -ysudo apt-get install neverputt -ysudo apt-get install xmoto -ysudo apt-get install zaz -ysudo apt-get install abuse -ysudo apt-get install scorched3d -ysudo apt-get install smc -ysudo apt-get install gl-117 -y