Mahayaha Buddhism #15 Buddhism in Tokugawa Era Masayo Urasaki 26 September 2012


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Mahayaha Buddhism #15

Buddhism in Tokugawa Era

Masayo Urasaki

26 September 2012

Today’s schedule

1) To understand Japanese pre-Modern society (Tokugawa Era) and transformation of Buddhism.

  2) To understand that influences of Kamakura Revolution in Tokugawa Era  

Keywords・ Pre Modern (Tokugawa – Era 徳川時代 )

・ System of family which supports a temple  (檀家制度)

・ Subsidiary system of temple (本末制度)・ Investigating of Religion affiliation (宗門

改)・ Myo-ko-nin/ Ideal person of Shin Pure land

(妙好人)・ Hakuin (白隠)・ Ryoukan (良寛)

Kamakura Era’s Buddhist Revolution

Essence of the Revolution

   ・ Buddhism for the Public (local people)

   ・ Everybody can become Buddha

   ・ Easy practices

   ・ Prefer faith to practices

 →   Spread to Local People, built many Temples. There are monks who engaged in Arts, financier. (Power of Buddhist become strong)

Influences of Christianity Francisco de Xavier/ Born 1506

at Spain.Catholic missionary.

First Propagate at Japan in 1549

→ He wanted to go to Kyoto for propagate, but Shogun and Monk not permitted → propagate at Kyuryu or Shikoku   2 years.

→ Some Japanese Feudal Lord ( daimyo 大名) convert to Christian expecting not only faith but also profit of trading.

From Middle Age to Pre Modern

Era of Civil War →   Unification of all Japan 1) Oda Nobunaga (織田信長) ・ Set fire to the temple for weaken power of monk

(Mt.Hiei, Mt.Koya, Kofuku-ji at Nara)   ・ Permit to propagate Christian Missionary, use

them to oppress Buddhism 2) Toyotomi Hideyoshi  (豊臣秀吉) ・ Strong Control of Buddhist Temples  ・ At first, Protect Christian, spreaded too much, so

he prohibited to propagate at 1587.

Tokugawa Era Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家

康) Tokugawa Era ( 1603-1867)

Conquer all Japan almost 300 years

   Toward Christianity →   prohibit

→ But local people still faith secretly

Toward Buddhism

    →   Using the power of Buddhism to

control local people

Tokugawa Era’s Policy toward Religion

Strong Control and Umbrella of the Politics

1) System of family which supports a temple

  (檀家制度) All people had to belong the temple.

→ Government easy to grasp the information

→ Aim of prohibiting Christianity completely

→ Temple didn’t need to propagate so hard

2) Subsidiary system of temple (本末制度)

Control to use “head and branch temple relations

3) Investigating of Religion affiliation

   (宗門改)  People should submit

their faith, address, family information

 →  It was also benefit to

guarantee the relationship between local people and temple

Main Temple

What happened to each schools? Tendai / Shingon After destroyed by Shogun Oda, obey the Gov’s policy. Nichiren Fuju Fuse (不受不施派) movement ←protest Gov. / Underground movement Pure-Land Tokugawa family’s temple/Gov. treat Zojo-ji well Shin Pure-Land Ikko- ikki (一向一揆) Poor people protest Gov. Myoko-nin (妙好人) Ideal person of Shin Pure land Zen   Protect from Gov. Rich monk-Artist, Tea ceremony

Outstanding Monks at Tokugawa Era

          ・ Hakuin(1685-1768)   Rinzai Zen Born at Shizuoka Province. Revival of Rinzai Zen. Became monk 15 years. Zen Artist. Teaching of Health Care. (Ex.Breath Meditation before sleep)       ・ Ryokan (1757-1831) Soto Zen Born at Niigata-Province. Became Monk 18 years old. Poet and Calligrapher. He likes to play children. Intimate Character.

Prepare for Final Examination

Range of test >> All

(China, Nara, Heian, Kamakura, Tokugawa)

Full score >> 50 points

20 points >> Question “True or False”

(10 questions)

30 points >> Writings short essay

(3 questions)