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  • AT6400 AllTouchControle Remoto

    UniversalGuia do Usurio

    Bem vindo Experincia de Controle DefinitivaSeu novo Controle Remoto Universal Infravermelho AT6400 AllTouch um controle remoto verdadeiramente universal, que funciona como quatro controles em um. Por exemplo, voc pode usar este controle remoto para operar seu decodificador, sua TV e outros dois dispositivos como DVD ou vdeo cassete.

    Informao importante sobre seu controle remotoSeu controle remoto programado inicialmente apenas para operar seu decodificador. Portanto, voc deve program-lo para operar sua TV, vdeo cassete ou outros dispositivos. Veja Programando o Controle Remoto para Controlar Meus Dispositivos para aprender como inserir os cdigos dos dispositivos e programar seu controle remoto.

    Nota: Voc deve usar o controle remoto dentro da linha de visada do decodificador para operar o dispositivo corretamente.

    Como Funciona um Controle Remoto Universal?Voc programa o controle remoto sobre o dispositivo que quer operar usando as quatro teclas na parte superior do controle remoto. Essas teclas, conhecidas como Teclas Modo, so identificadas como STB, TV, DVD e AUX. A cada tecla associado um dispositivo. Por exemplo, depois de programar o controle remoto, se voc quiser que ele controle sua TV, simplesmente pressione a tecla TV. A partir de ento, as teclas que voc pressionar no controle remoto iro atuar na sua TV. Quer controlar um dispositivo diferente? Basta pressionar a tecla correspondente ao prximo dispositivo que voc quer operar. Neste guia voc vai aprender quais tipos de dispositivos podero ser operados e como programar o controle especifica-mente para eles.

    Por onde comear?Antes de comear a usar o seu controle remoto, verifique os seguintes passos.

    Coloque as PilhasO controle requer duas pilhas tipo AA (recomenda-se alcalinas). Um diagrama no compartimento das pilhas indica a posio correta para inseri-las. Se as pilhas estiverem devidamente instaladas, o LED no controle remoto ir piscar sempre que uma tecla for pressionada.

    Verifique a Seo Referncia RpidaUse a seo Referncia Rpida deste guia para se familiarizar com o controle remoto e as funes de suas diversas teclas. Saber a funo e a localizao das teclas ser til para quando voc for programar o controle remoto.

    Programar o Controle RemotoPara aprender como programar seu controle remoto, refira-se s sees Que Dispositivos Posso Controlar, Que Dispositivos Quero Controlar e Programando o Controle Remoto para Controlar Meus Dispositivos para mais instrues.

    Encontre um Lugar para Guardar seu Controle RemotoUtilizar apenas um controle remoto muito mais fcil que utilizar at quatro controles. Mesmo assim uma boa idia encontrar um lugar para guardar seu controle remoto. O AT6400 no um brinquedo. Ele deve ser deixado longe do alcance de crianas menores que 6 anos.

    Programando o Controle Remoto para Controlar Meus DispositivosSeu controle remoto programado inicialmente para operar apenas seu decodificador. Voc precisa configurar o controle para operar outros dispositivos usando os modos TV, DVD e AUX. A tecla TV pode ser programada para operar uma TV convencional ou de alta definio (HDTV). A tecla DVD pode ser programada para operar um reprodutor de DVD. A tecla AUX pode ser programada para operar um VCR, um receiver, um amplificador ou um sistema de Home Theater. Se o controle remoto no responder a alguns comandos para um dispositivo voc pode procurar um cdigo que proporcione mais funcionalidades.Verifique as tabelas de cdigos ao final deste guia para localizar cdigos de programao adicionais.Nota: Voc tem a opo de atribuir teclas para operar apenas um tipo de dispositivo. Por exemplo, voc pode querer controlar somente o volume da sua TV. Se este for o caso, voc pode reprogramar os controles de volume e canal usando os procedi-mentos descritos adiante neste guia.

    Atribuindo um Cdigo de Dispositivo a uma Tecla Modo1. Procure na tabela de cdigos ao final deste guia para localizar

    a informao do dispositivo que deseja programar. Nota: se o dispositivo no estiver listado, voc pode

    programar o controle remoto usando a funo Auto-Busca. V at a seo O que Fazer se Nenhum dos Cdigos Funcionarem para maiores instrues.

    2. Ligue o dispositivo a programado.3. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla Modo cor-

    respondente (TV, DVD ou AUX) no controle remoto, e ento pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla OK.

    4. Solte ambas as teclas e a tecla Modo selecionada ir piscar duas vezes.

    5. Digite os 4 dgitos do cdigo de configurao para este dispositivo usando as teclas numricas no controle remoto. A tecla Modo correspondente ir piscar trs vezes indicando que o cdigo foi aceito.

    Notas: Quando for digitado um cdigo invlido, a tecla Modo

    selecionada ir piscar por um perodo mais longo, indicando que voc no digitou o cdigo correto.

    Caso acabe o tempo para a programao do controle remoto, voc ter de comear de novo. Isso indicado quando o LED vermelho pisca uma vez por um longo tempo.

    6. Aponte o controle remoto para o dispositivo e pressione POWER para test-lo.

    7. O dispositivo desligou? Se sim, escreva este nmero de cdigo na tabela deste

    guia. Voc pode precisar dele caso o cdigo do dispositivo seja acidentalmente apagado.

    Se no, repita este procedimento a partir do passo 3 usando um cdigo de configurao diferente.

    Nota: se nenhum dos cdigos listados para a sua marca de dispositivo funcionar corretamente, v para a seo O que Fazer se Nenhum dos Cdigos Funcionarem.

    8. Repita este procedimento para cada dispositivo que queira programar.

    O que Fazer se Nenhum dos Cdigos Funcionarem?Se nenhum dos cdigos listados para a marca do seu dispo-sitivo puder oper-lo corretamente, ou se seu dispositivo no estiver listado na tabela de cdigos, voc pode usar a funo Auto-Busca para encontrar um cdigo vlido na biblioteca de cdigos. Esta seo mostra os procedimentos para usar a funo Auto-Busca.

    Caractersticas da Funo Auto-BuscaConsidere os seguintes itens quando utilizar a funo Auto-Busca: Esta funo comea a busca a partir do primeiro cdigo da

    lista. Se um cdigo vlido no for encontrado uma luz de fundo

    verde piscar duas vezes e o controle remoto voltar a sua operao normal.

    Se qualquer outra tecla for pressionada (exceto PLAY, ENTER, POWER, VER TV, REW, FF ou as teclas numricas de 1 a 4 para programao de dispositivo AUX) a tecla Modo ir acender por um longo tempo (mensagem de erro) e o controle remoto voltar a sua operao normal.

    Caso acabe o tempo para a programao da funo Auto-Busca voc ter de comear de novo. Isso indicado quando o LED vermelho pisca uma vez por um longo tempo.

    Se o dispositivo no estiver listado e a funo Auto-Busca for incapaz de encontrar um cdigo utilizvel, voc pode ter de usar o controle remoto original fornecido com o dispositivo.

    Usando a Funo Auto-Busca para Procurar Cdigos para os Modos TV ou DVD (Cdigo de Programa 922)Nota: Este procedimento somente aplicvel para TVs e DVDs.1. Ligue o dispositivo que deseja configurar (TV ou DVD).2. Aponte o controle remoto para o dispositivo.3. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla de modo selecio-

    nada (TV ou DVD), ento pressione a tecla OK. Por exemplo, para encontrar um cdigo de TV, pressione e mantenha apertada a tecla TV e pressione OK ao mesmo tempo.

    4. Solte ambas as teclas e todas as Teclas Modo iro piscar duas vezes.

    5. Digite o cdigo de programao 9 2 2 pressionando as teclas numricas correspondentes no controle remoto. A Tecla Modo selecionada no passo 3 ir piscar duas vezes indicando que o cdigo foi digitado corretamente.

    6. Aponte o controle remoto para o dispositivo e pressione PLAY.

    7. Seu dispositivo ir desligar quando encontrar o cdigo cor-reto. Ento, escolha uma das seguintes opes:

    Salvar o cdigo e sair Pressione a tecla ENTER para programar o cdigo no controle remoto e a tecla Modo correspondente ir piscar trs vezes indicando que a programao foi aceita.

    Avanar cdigo Pressione a tecla FF (fast-forward) para ir para o cdigo seguinte. Retorne ento para o passo 6.

    Retroceder cdigo Pressione a tecla REW (rewind) no controle remoto para voltar ao cdigo anterior. Retorne ento para o passo 6.

    Sair sem salvar o cdigo Pressione a tecla VER TV no controle remoto. A tecla Modo selecionada ir piscar trs vezes e o controle voltar operao normal.

    Enviar o cdigo atual Pressione a tecla POWER no controle para enviar o cdigo atual. Se o dispositivo ligar, pressione a tecla ENTER. Se o dispositivo no ligar, retorne ao passo 6.

    Continuar com a funo Auto-Busca Pressione a tecla PLAY no controle para continuar com a funo Auto-Busca. Retorne ento ao passo 6.

    Usando a Funo Auto-Busca para Procurar Cdigos para o Modo AUX (Cdigo de Programa 922)1. Ligue o dispositivo ao qual voc deseja atribuir a tecla AUX. 2. Aponte o controle remoto para o dispositivo.3. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla AUX, ento pres-

    sione a tecla OK.4. Solte ambas as teclas AUX e OK. Todas as teclas Modo iro

    piscar duas vezes.5. Digite o cdigo de programao 9 2 2 pressionando as teclas

    numricas correspondentes no controle remoto. A tecla AUX ir piscar duas vezes indicando que o cdigo foi digitado corretamente.

    6. Pressione a tecla PLAY, escolha uma das seguintes catego-rias de dispositivos e ento, usando as teclas numricas no controle remoto, pressione o nmero (1 4) dependendo do tipo de dispositivo:

    1 = VCRs 2= Receivers 3= Amplificadores 4= Home Theater Nota: as categorias de dispositivos so codificadas por

    nmero para permitir um mtodo de programao mais direto e menos complexo.

    7. Aponte o controle remoto para o dispositivo e pressione PLAY.

    8. Seu dispositivo ir desligar quando encontrar o cdigo correto. Ento, escolha uma das seguintes opes:

    Salvar o cdigo e sair Pressione a tecla ENTER para programar o cdigo no controle remoto e a tecla Modo correspondente ir piscar trs vezes indicando que a programao foi aceita.

    Avanar cdigo Pressione a tecla FF (fast-forward) para ir para o cdigo seguinte. Retorne ento para o passo 7.

    Retroceder cdigo Pressione a tecla REW (rewind) no controle remoto para voltar ao cdigo anterior. Retorne ento para o passo 7.

    Sair sem salvar o cdigo Pressione a tecla VER TV no controle remoto. A tecla Modo selecionada ir piscar trs vezes e o controle voltar operao normal.

    Enviar o cdigo atual Pressione a tecla POWER no controle para enviar o cdigo atual. Se o dispositivo ligar, pressione a tecla ENTER. Se o dispositivo no ligar, retorne ao passo 7.

    Continuar com a funo Auto-Busca Pressione a tecla PLAY no controle para continuar com a funo Auto-Busca. Retorne ento ao passo 7.

    Redefinir as Teclas ModoVoc pode redefinir a Tecla Modo para operar um dispositivo diferente. Por exemplo, voc pode redefinir a tecla AUX para operar um DVD ou uma TV. Se voc redefinir uma tecla, assegure-se de atualizar a tabela neste guia.

    Redefinindo as Teclas Modo (Cdigo de Programa 944)1. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla Modo STB no

    controle remoto.2. Sem soltar a tecla Modo STB, pressione e

    mantenha pressionada a tecla OK.3. Solte ambas as teclas e todas as teclas Modo iro piscar

    duas vezes.4. Digite o cdigo de programao 9 4 4 pressionando as teclas

    numricas correspondentes no controle remoto. A tecla Modo STB ir piscar duas vezes indicando que o cdigo foi digitado corretamente.

    5. Pressione e solte a tecla Modo associada com o tipo de dis-positivo que voc deseja controlar, ento pressione e solte a tecla Modo que voc deseja alterar. A tecla com o novo modo piscar uma vez indicando que o comando foi executado com sucesso.

    Alguns exemplos: Para programar a tecla AUX para operar o seu DVD, pres-

    sione DVD e ento AUX. Para programar a tecla DVD para operar sua TV, pressione

    TV e ento DVD.

    Controle de VolumePor padro, uma vez que a tecla modo TV programada com um cdigo vlido as teclas de volume e mudo controlaro o seu televisor. Essas teclas ajustam o volume da sua TV para mais, para menos ou temporariamente desligam o volume (mudo), mesmo que o controle remoto esteja nos modos STB, TV, DVD ou AUX.Se voc preferir pode fazer com que as teclas de volume e de mudo sempre controlem outro dispositivo, como um receiver de Home Theater. (Veja Controlando o Volume para um Dispositivo). Note que voc primeiro tem que programar uma das teclas Modo, por exemplo, a AUX, com um cdigo vlido para aquele dispositivo.De outra maneira, voc pode preferir que as teclas de volume e mudo controlem diferentes dispositivos quando o controle remoto estiver em modos diferentes. Por exemplo, controlar o volume do televisor quando estiver no modo TV, mas controlar o volume do receiver de Home Theater quando estiver no modo AUX. (Veja Controlando o Volume para Diferentes Dispositivos). Note que nem todos os dispositivos tm controle de volume, portanto se voc escolher esta opo as teclas de volume e de mudo podero no ter efeito quando alguns modos estiverem ativos, tais como STB e DVD.

    Controlando o Volume para um Dispositivo (Cdigo de Programa 955)1. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla Modo STB no seu

    controle remoto.2. Sem soltar a tecla STB, pressione e mantenha pressionada a

    tecla OK.3. Solte ambas as teclas e todas as teclas Modo iro piscar

    duas vezes.4. Digite o cdigo de programao 9 5 5 pressionando as teclas

    numricas no controle remoto. A tecla Modo STB ir piscar duas vezes indicando que voc entrou com um cdigo vlido.

    5. Pressione e solte a tecla Modo para o dispositivo cujo volume voc deseja controlar pelas teclas do controle remoto. Por exemplo, se voc quiser controlar o volume atravs da sua TV, pressione e solte TV. A tecla Modo selecionada piscar trs vezes indicando que voc entrou com um cdigo vlido.

    As teclas de volume agora controlaro apenas um dispositivo, no importando se voc estiver nos modos STB, TV, DVD ou AUX.

    Controlando o Volume para Diferentes Dispositivos (Cdigo de Programa 955)1. Complete os passos de 1 a 4 do procedimento Controlando

    o Volume para um Dispositivo.2. Pressione e solte a tecla ENTER. A tecla Modo STB piscar

    trs vezes indicando que voc entrou com um cdigo vlido.Depois que voc pressionar a tecla ENTER, as teclas de volume controlaro o dispositivo definido para aquele modo. Por exemplo, no modo TV, as teclas de volume controlaro o volume apenas da TV.Notas: Se qualquer outra tecla for pressionada exceto as teclas

    Modo e a tecla ENTER, o controle remoto no aceitar quaisquer mudanas ou atualizaes. A tecla modo STB ir piscar em vermelho por um longo tempo e o controle remoto retornar sua operao normal.

    Se o tempo para programar essa funo expirar antes que a programao de volume esteja completa, o controle no aceitar quaisquer mudanas ou atualizaes. Voc ter de comear de novo a partir do passo 1 deste procedimento.

    Controle de CanaisO controle remoto configurado por padro para controlar a seleo de canais no decodificador. Mas voc pode programar o controle de canais para atuar em quaisquer dos modos TV, DVD ou AUX, desde que o dispositivo permita controle de canais. Ou voc pode configurar a seleo de canais (ou fazer page up ou page down) para atuar em todos os dispositivos programados nas quatro teclas de modo. Ou ainda possivel apenas controlar canais (ou fazer page up ou page down) em um dispositivo especfico, como por exemplo a TV ou o DVD.

    Nota: As teclas de controle de canais incluem CH/Page e as teclas numricas de 0 a 9.

    Controlando Canais para Um Dispositivo (Cdigo de Programa 966)1. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla Modo STB no seu

    controle remoto.2. Sem soltar a tecla STB, pressione e mantenha pressionada a

    tecla OK.3. Solte ambas as teclas e todas as teclas de modo iro piscar

    duas vezes.4. Digite o cdigo de programao 9 6 6 pressionando as teclas

    numricas no controle remoto. A tecla Modo STB ir piscar duas vezes indicando que voc entrou com um cdigo vlido.

    5. Pressione e solte a tecla Modo para o dispositivo sobre o qual voc quer que a tecla de canal tenha efeito. Por exemplo, se voc quiser controlar canais na sua TV, pressione e solte a tecla TV. A tecla de modo selecionada ir piscar trs vezes para indicar que voc entrou com um cdigo vlido.

    A tecla de canal agora sempre controla o dispositivo associado ao modo que voc selecionou neste procedimento: STB, TV, DVD ou AUX.

    Controlando Canais para Dispositivos Diferentes (Cdigo de Programa 966)1. Complete os passos de 1 a 4 no procedimento Controlando

    Canais para um Dispositivo.2. Pressione e solte a tecla ENTER. A tecla Modo STB piscar

    trs vezes indicando que voc entrou com um cdigo vlido.Depois de pressionar a tecla ENTER, as teclas de canal contro-laro o dispositivo definido para aquele modo. Por exemplo, no modo TV, as teclas de canal controlaro o canal da TV, mas no modo STB, as teclas de canal controlaro o decodificador.Notas: Se qualquer outra tecla for pressionada exceto as teclas

    Modo e a tecla ENTER, o controle remoto no aceitar quaisquer mudanas ou atualizaes. A tecla Modo STB ir acender em vermelho por um longo tempo e o controle remoto retornar a sua operao normal.

    Se o tempo para programar essa funo expirar antes que a programao de canal esteja completa, o controle remoto no aceitar quaisquer mudanas ou atualizaes. Voc ter de comear de novo a partir do passo 1 deste procedimento.

    Controle Liga-Desliga (Power)A tecla POWER do controle remoto configurada por padro para controlar um dispositivo por vez em cada um dos modos (STB, TV, DVD ou AUX). Quando no modo STB, o controle remoto alterna o decodificador de desligado (em modo stand-by) para ligado, ou de ligado para desligado (modo stand-by). Entretanto, voc pode escolher programar a tecla POWER para controlar simultaneamente at quatro dispositivos. altamente recomendvel que voc configure a tecla POWER para desligar e ligar seu decodificador e sua TV ao mesmo tempo. Ao desligar seu decodificador voc economiza energia e estende a vida til do seu decodificador. Quando desligado, o decodificador ainda assim pode gravar programas agendados e realizar quaisquer outras funes que sejam necessrias.

    Controle Liga-Desliga para Mltiplos Dispositivos Simultaneamente (Cdigo de Programa 977)1. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla Modo STB no seu

    controle remoto.2. Sem soltar a tecla STB, pressione e mantenha pressionada a

    tecla OK.3. Solte ambas as teclas e todas as teclas de modo iro piscar

    duas vezes.4. Digite o cdigo de programao 9 7 7 pressionando as teclas

    numricas no controle remoto. A tecla Modo STB ir piscar duas vezes indicando que voc entrou com um cdigo vlido.

    5. Para o primeiro dispositivo, pressione a tecla STB. A tecla Modo STB ir piscar duas vezes.

    6. Para o segundo dispositivo, pressione a tecla Modo correspondente (TV, DVD ou AUX). A tecla Modo selecionada ir piscar duas vezes.

    7. Repita o passo 6 para at dois outros dispositivos (total de quatro dispositivos).

    8. Pressione a tecla ENTER para completar a programao do controle liga-desliga. A ltima tecla Modo selecionada ir piscar trs vezes indicando que voc digitou o cdigo de programao correto.

    Exemplo: Em um cenrio onde voc pressionou apenas TV nos passos 6 e 7, a tecla POWER controla tanto o decodificador e a TV ao mesmo tempo, independentemente do modo em que o controle remoto esteja configurado (STB, TV, DVD ou AUX).

    Controle Liga-Desliga para Um Dispositivo Por Vez1. Complete os passos de 1 a 4 do procedimento Controle

    Liga-Desliga para Mltiplos Dispositivos Simultaneamente.

    2. Pressione a tecla ENTER para completar a programao do controle liga-desliga. A ltima tecla de Modo selecionada ir piscar trs vezes para indicar que voc entrou com um cdigo de programao vlido.

    Depois de selecionar o modo, a tecla POWER ir controlar o dispositivo definido para aquele modo. Por exemplo, no modo TV o controle remoto liga ou desliga apenas a TV.Notas: Se qualquer outra tecla for pressionada exceto as teclas

    Modo e a tecla ENTER, o controle remoto no aceitar quaisquer mudanas ou atualizaes. A tecla Modo STB ir acender por um longo tempo e o controle remoto retornar sua operao normal.

    Se o tempo para programar essa funo expirar antes que a programao de Controle liga-desliga esteja completa, o controle no aceitar quaisquer mudanas ou atualizaes. Voc ter de comear de novo a partir do passo 1 deste procedimento.

    AT6400 AllTouch

    IR UniversalRemote Control

    User Guide

    Welcome to the Ultimate Control ExperienceYour new AT6400 AllTouch Infrared (IR) Universal Remote Control (remote) is a true universal remote, functioning as four remotes in one. As one example, you can use this remote to operate your set-top, your TV, and two other devices, such as a DVD player and VCR.

    Important Information About Your RemoteYour remote is initially programmed to only operate your set-top. Therefore, you must program the remote to operate your TV, VCR, or other devices. See Program the Remote to Control My Devices to learn how to enter device codes and program your remote.

    Note: You must use the IR remote within line of sight of the set-top to operate the set-top correctly.

    How Does A Universal Remote Control Work?You tell the remote which type of device you want to operate using the four keys arched across the top of the remote. These keys, known as mode keys, are labeled STB, TV, DVD, and AUX.Each mode key is associated with a specific device. As an example, after programming the remote, if you want the remote to operate your TV, you simply press the TV key. Other keys you press on the remote, thereafter, should operate your TV. Want to switch the remote to operate a different device? Just press the mode key for the next device you want to operate. In this guide, you will learn which types of devices you can control and how to program the remote to control your specific devices.

    Where Do I Start?Before you begin using your remote, complete the following initial setup tasks.

    Install the BatteriesThe remote requires two AA batteries (alkaline recommended). A diagram in the battery compartment of the remote indicates proper placement of the batteries. When batteries are properly installed, the light on the remote blinks each time a key is pressed.

    Visit the Quick Reference SectionUse the Quick Reference section of this guide to familiarize yourself with the remote and the functions of its various keys. Knowing the function and location of the keys on the remote will assist you when you are programming the remote.

    Program the RemoteTo learn how to program your remote, refer to the sections What Devices Can I Control, What Devices Do I Want to Control, and Program the Remote to Control My Devices for further instructions.

    Find a Place to Store Your RemoteKeeping up with one remote is much easier than keeping up with four or five remotes. However, it is still a good idea to find a storage location for your remote. The AT6400 is not a toy. It should be kept out of the reach of children under the age of 6 years.

    Program the Remote to Control My Devices Your remote is initially programmed to only operate your set-top. You will need to set up the remote to operate your other devices using its TV, DVD, and AUX modes. The TV key may be programmed to operate a standard or high-definition television (HDTV). The DVD key may be programmed to operate a DVD player. The AUX key may be programmed to operate a VCR, a receiver, an amplifier, or a Home Theater in a Box (HTIB) system. If the remote provides only limited functionality for a device, you can look for a code that provides more functionality.

    Refer to the code tables at the end of this guide to locate additional programming codes.

    Note: You have the option to assign some remote keys to operate one device type only. For example, you may want to assign volume control to the TV only. If this is the case, you can reprogram power, volume, and channel control using procedures found later in this guide.

    Assigning a Device Code to a Mode Key1. Refer to the code tables at the end of this guide to

    locate the information for the device you want to program.

    Note: If your device is not listed, you may be able to program the remote using the Auto-Search function. Go to What If None of the Codes Work for instructions.

    2. Turn on the device that you want to assign to a mode key.

    3. Press and hold the appropriate mode key (TV, DVD, or AUX) on the remote, and then press and hold the OK key.

    4. Release both keys and the mode keys blink twice.5. Enter the first 4-digit setup code for the device using

    the numeric keys (0-9) on the remote. The mode key blinks three times to indicate that the code entry was accepted.

    Notes: When an invalid code is entered, the selected

    mode key displays a long flash to indicate that you have not entered the code correctly.

    Should the remote time-out before you complete the code setup, you must start over. This is indicated by one long flash of the red LED.

    6. Point the remote at the device, and press POWER to test the device.

    7. Did the device power off? If yes, write this code number in the table found

    in this guide. You may need it again if the device code is accidentally erased.

    If no, repeat this procedure from step 3 using a different setup code.

    Note: If none of the codes listed for your brand of device operate the device correctly, go to What If None of the Codes Work for instructions.

    8. Repeat this procedure for each mode key you want to program.

    What If None of the Codes Work?If none of the codes listed for your brand of device operate the device correctly, or if your device is not listed in the codes table, you can use the Auto-Search function to search through the code library for a valid code. This section provides procedures for using the Auto-Search function to search the code library for TV, DVD and AUX mode codes.

    Note: Read the procedures in this section thoroughly before beginning. You need to be prepared to observe the behavior of the remote.

    Auto-Search FeaturesConsider the following items when using Auto-Search:

    The Auto-Search function begins searching from the first code.

    If a valid code is not found, the green backlight blinks twice and the remote returns to normal operation.

    If any other key is pressed except PLAY, ENTER, POWER, EXIT, REW, FF, or numeric keys 1 through 4 (when programming the AUX mode key), the mode key displays a long red flash (error message) and the remote returns to normal operation.

    Should the remote time-out before you complete the Auto-Search function you must start over. This is indicated by one long flash of the red LED.

    If the device is not listed and the Auto-Search function is unable to find a usable code, you may need to use the original remote provided with the device.

    Auto-Searching the Code Library for TV or DVD Mode Codes (Program Code 922)Note: This procedure only applies to TVs and DVDs.

    1. Turn on the device you that you want to assign to the TV or DVD key.

    2. Point the remote at the device.3. Press and while holding a selected mode key (TV or

    DVD), press the OK key. For example, to search for a TV code, press and hold TV and OK at the same time.

    4. Release both keys and all the mode keys blink twice.

    5. Enter the programming code 9 2 2 by pressing the numeric keys on the remote. The mode key you selected in step 3 blinks twice to indicate a successful entry.

    6. Point the remote toward the device, and press PLAY.

    7. Your device powers off when it finds the correct code. Then, choose one of the following options:

    Save code and exit Press the ENTER key on the remote to program the code in the remote and the mode key flashes three times indicating successful entry.

    Step forward Press the fast-forward (FF) key on the remote to step ahead through the codes one at a time. Then, return to step 6.

    Step backward Press the rewind (REW) key on the remote to step back through the codes one at a time. Then, return to step 6.

    Exit without saving the code Press the EXIT key on the remote. The selected mode key flashes three times and returns to normal operation.

    Send the current code Press the POWER key on the remote to send the current code. If the device turns back on, press the ENTER key. If the device does not turn on, return to step 6.

    Continue with auto-search function Press the PLAY key on the remote to continue with the auto- search function. Then, return to step 6.

    Auto-Searching the Code Library for AUX Mode Codes (Program Code 922)1. Turn on the device that you want to assign to the

    AUX key.2. Point the remote at the device.3. Press and while holding the AUX key, press the OK

    key.4. Release both the AUX key and the OK key and all

    the mode keys blink twice. 5. Enter the programming code 9 2 2 by pressing the

    numeric keys on the remote. The AUX key blinks twice indicating a successful entry.

    6. Press the PLAY key, choose one of the following device categories and then, using the number keys on the remote, press its assigned number (1 4)based on the following list:

    1 = VCRs 2 = Receiver/Tuners 3 = Amplifiers 4 = HTIB Note: The device categories are number-coded to

    provide a more direct programming method.

    7. Point the remote toward the device, and press PLAY.

    8. Your device powers off when it finds the correct code. Then, choose one of the following options:

    Save code and exit Press the ENTER key on the remote to program the code in the remote and the mode key flashes three times indicating successful entry.

    Step forward Press the fast-forward (FF) key on the remote to step ahead through the codes one at a time. Then, return to step 7.

    Step backward Press the rewind (REW) key on the remote to step back through the codes one at a time. Then, return to step 7.

    Exit without saving the code Press the EXIT key on the remote. The selected mode key flashes three times and returns to normal operation.

    Send the current code Press the POWER key on the remote to send the current code. If the device turns back on, press the ENTER key. If the device does not turn on, return to step 7.

    Continue with auto-search function Press the PLAY key on the remote to continue with the auto- search function. Then, return to step 7.

    Reassign Mode KeysYou can reassign a mode key to operate a different device. For example, you can reassign the AUX key to operate a DVD player or a TV. If you reassign a key, be sure you update the table found in this guide.

    Reassigning Mode Keys(Program Code 944)1. Press and hold the STB mode key on the remote.2. Without releasing the STB key, press and hold the

    OK key.3. Release both the keys and all mode keys flash

    twice.4. Enter the programming code 9 4 4 by pressing the

    numeric keys on the remote. The STB mode key blinks twice indicating a successful entry.

    5. Press and release the mode key associated with the type of device you want to control, and then press and release the mode key that you want to change. The newly assigned mode key blinks one time indicating a successful entry.

    Some common examples: To program the AUX key to operate your DVD

    player, press DVD and then AUX. To program the DVD key to operate your TV,

    press TV and then DVD.

    Change Volume ControlBy default, once the TV mode key is programmed with a valid code, the volume and mute buttons control your TV. These keys adjust the volume of your TV higher, lower, or temporarily switch the volume off (Mute), regardless of whether the remote is in STB, TV, DVD, or AUX mode.

    If you prefer, you can choose to have the volume and mute buttons always control a different device rather than your TV, such as a home theater receiver. (See Controlling Volume for One Device below.) Note that you must first program one of the mode keys, such as AUX, with a valid code for that device.

    Alternatively, you can choose to have the volume and mute buttons control different devices when the remote is in different modes. For example, you might want to control the volume on your TV when in TV mode, but the volume on your home theater receiver when in AUX mode. (See Controlling Volume for Different Devices below.) Note that not all devices have volume controls, so if you choose this option, the volume and mute buttons may do nothing in some modes, such as STB and DVD.

    Controlling Volume for One Device (Program Code 955)1. Press and hold the STB mode key on the remote.2. Without releasing the STB key, press and hold the

    OK key.3. Release both keys and all mode keys blink twice.4. Enter the programming code 9 5 5 by pressing the

    number keys on the remote. The STB mode key blinks twice indicating a successful entry.

    5. Press and release the mode key for the device you want the volume keys to control. For example, if you want to control volume through your TV, press and release TV. The selected mode key blinks three times to indicate a successful entry.

    The volume keys now control only one device whether you are in STB, TV, DVD, or AUX mode.

    Controlling Volume for Different Devices (Program Code 955)1. Complete steps 1 through 4 of the Controlling

    Volume for One Device procedure.2. Press and release the Enter key. The STB mode

    key blinks three times to indicate a successful entry. After you press the Enter key, the volume keys control the device assigned to that mode. For example, in TV mode, the volume keys control volume for the TV only.

    Notes: If any other key is pressed except the Mode keys and

    the ENTER key, the remote does not accept any changes or updates. The STB mode key displays a long red flash and the remote returns to normal operation.

    If the remote times out before you complete programming volume control, the remote does not accept any changes. You must start over from step 1 of this procedure.

    Change Channel ControlThe remote is set by default to control channel selection on the set-top. You can also program channel control to control any of the TV, DVD, or AUX mode devices provided the device allows for channel control assignment. Or, you can set the channel selection control programming to control channels (or page up or down) for all of the devices programmed in the four mode keys. Otherwise, you can only control channels (or page up or down) on a specific device, for example, the TV or DVD.

    Note: The channel control keys include CH/Page, Jump, and the numeric keys 0 through 9.

    Controlling Channels for One Device(Program Code 966)1. Press and hold the STB mode key on the remote.2. Without releasing the STB key, press and hold the

    OK key.3. Release both keys and all mode keys blink twice.4. Enter the programming code 9 6 6 by pressing the

    numeric keys on the remote. The STB mode key blinks twice to indicate a successful entry.

    5. Press and release the mode key for the device you want the channel key to control. For example, if you want to control channels on your TV, press and release TV. The selected mode key blinks three times to indicate a successful entry.






    DeviceType Brand Code

    Example:DVD DVD Sony 2066




    The channel key now always controls the device associated with the mode you selected in this procedure, whether in STB, TV, DVD, or AUX mode.

    Controlling Channels for Different Devices (Program Code 966)1. Complete steps 1 through 4 of the Controlling

    Channels for One Device procedure.2. Press and release the Enter key. The STB mode

    key blinks three times to indicate a successful entry.

    After you press the Enter key, the channel key now controls the device associated with the mode key you select. For example, in TV mode, the channel key controls the TV, but in STB mode, the channel key controls the set-top.

    Notes: If any other key is pressed except the Mode keys

    and the ENTER key, the remote does not accept any changes or updates. The STB mode key displays a long red flash and the remote returns to normal operation.

    If the remote times out before you complete programming channel selection control, the remote does not accept any changes. You must start over from step 1 of this procedure.

    Change Power ControlThe POWER key on the remote is set by default to control the power switch on one device at a time, in either mode (STB, TV, DVD, or AUX). When in STB mode, the remote switches the set-top from OFF (standby mode) to ON, or from ON to OFF (standby mode). However, you can alternatively program the POWER key to control the power switch on up to four devices at the same time, instead of controlling one device at a time. It is highly recommended that you set up the POWER key to turn on and off your set-top and your TV at the same time. Turning off the set-top saves electricity and extends the life of the box. When turned off, the set-top can still record scheduled programs on its DVR and perform any other necessary functions.

    Controlling Power for Multiple Devices at Once (Program Code 977)1. Press and hold the STB mode key on the remote.2. Without releasing the STB key, press and hold the

    OK key.3. Release both keys and all mode keys blink twice.4. Enter the programming code 9 7 7 by pressing the

    numeric keys on the remote. The STB mode key blinks twice to indicate a successful entry.

    5. For the first device, press the STB key. The STB mode key blinks twice.

    6. For the second device, press the applicable mode key (TV, DVD, or AUX). The selected mode key blinks twice.

    7. Repeat step 6 for up to two more devices (total of four devices).

    8. Press the ENTER key to complete the power switch control programming. The last selected mode key blinks 3 times to indicate a successful entry.

    Example: In an example scenario where you press only TV in steps 6 and 7, the POWER key controls both the set-top and the TV at the same time, regardless of which mode the remote is in (STB, TV, DVD, or AUX).

    Controlling Power for One Device at a Time (Program Code 977)1. Complete steps 1 through 4 of the Controlling

    Power for Multiple Devices at Once procedure.2. Press the ENTER key to complete the power switch

    control programming. The last selected mode key blinks 3 times to indicate a successful entry.

    After you select a mode, the POWER key controls the device assigned to that mode. For example, in TV mode, the remote controls power for the TV only.

    Notes: If any other key is pressed except the Mode keys

    and the ENTER key, the remote does not accept any changes or updates. The STB mode key displays a long red flash and the remote returns to normal operation.

    If the remote times out before you complete programming power switch control, the remote does not accept any changes. You must start over from step 1 of this procedure.

    Device Control Turns devices on or off

    Enables set-top mode functions

    Enables TV mode functions

    Enables DVD mode functions

    Enables AUX mode functions

    DVR, VOD, DVD, VCR ControlNotes: In STB mode, these keys control DVR and VOD functions. In DVD and AUX modes, these keys may control your DVD or VCR depending on how you have programmed the remote.

    Records the selected program

    Stops DVD, VCR, VOD, or DVR content

    Pauses DVD, VCR, VOD, or DVR content

    Plays DVD, VCR, VOD, or DVR content

    Scrolls through available TV or video input sources

    Rewinds or fast forwards through DVR or VOD content

    Skips backward or forward through DVR or VOD content

    Sound ControlNote: These keys are assigned to the TV when the TV mode key is programmed with a valid code.

    Adjusts volume

    Mutes sound

    Numeric Keys Enters channel numbers, text, and remote codes. Also use to enter your parental control PIN

    Clears text and numbers in text fields

    Enters and saves (stores) an entry. Sizes the picture for some high-definition television (HDTV) models

    What Devices Can I Control?The four mode keys arched across the top of the remote tell the remote which device you want to operate.

    Each mode key is associated with different types of devices. You can use each mode key to control one of its associated devices:

    Mode Key Associated Devices STB IP gateway set-top

    TV* TVs (including HDTVs)

    DVD* DVD players

    AUX* VCRs, receivers, tuners, and Home Theater in a Box (HTIB)

    * These keys can be reassigned to control different devices. Go to the Reassign Mode Keys section of this guide for instructions.

    Viewing and Browsing Control

    Accesses the On Demand menu

    Returns to previous screen

    Accesses the Main Menu

    Accesses the DVR list of recordings

    Enables Interactive mode

    Moves through selections

    Selects and deselects screen items

    Returns from menu screens and to viewing TV or video

    Selects options in menus and the program guide

    Displays text information about the selected program

    Displays or closes the IPG

    Returns to last channel viewed

    Selects the next channel, up or down, when watching TV. Moves up or down one page in the IPG and in some menu screens

    Quick Reference LED Indicators There are red LEDs underneath each of the four mode keys (STB, TV, DVD, and AUX) that flash each time a key is pressed to show which device the key is currently controlling.

    There are also green LEDs that illuminate several keys whenever the remote is in use. They stay illuminated for a short time after a key is pressed.

    During programming, if the remote times out before you complete the code setup, you will need to start over. This is indicated by one long flash of the red LED.

    What Devices Do I Want to Control?To help you keep track of the devices you want to control, list the type of devices you have (including brand) in the following table. Then, use the code tables at the end of this guide to locate the codes for your device. For example, look under TV Group if you need to program the remote to operate your TV. If you have two devices that use the same key, you must reassign the TV, DVD, or the AUX key. The STB key cannot be reassigned. Go to Reassign Mode Keys. Otherwise, go to Program the Remote to Control My Devices for additional instructions.







    REW FF







    1 2ABC


    4 5JKL


    7 8TUV









    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    7 8 9



    0 ENTER























    REW FF





    B CA



    1 2ABC


    4 5JKL


    7 8TUV























    REW FF





    B CA
























    B CA

    AT6400 AllTouch

    IR UniversalRemote Control

    User Guide

    Welcome to the Ultimate Control ExperienceYour new AT6400 AllTouch Infrared (IR) Universal Remote Control (remote) is a true universal remote, functioning as four remotes in one. As one example, you can use this remote to operate your set-top, your TV, and two other devices, such as a DVD player and VCR.

    Important Information About Your RemoteYour remote is initially programmed to only operate your set-top. Therefore, you must program the remote to operate your TV, VCR, or other devices. See Program the Remote to Control My Devices to learn how to enter device codes and program your remote.

    Note: You must use the IR remote within line of sight of the set-top to operate the set-top correctly.

    How Does A Universal Remote Control Work?You tell the remote which type of device you want to operate using the four keys arched across the top of the remote. These keys, known as mode keys, are labeled STB, TV, DVD, and AUX.Each mode key is associated with a specific device. As an example, after programming the remote, if you want the remote to operate your TV, you simply press the TV key. Other keys you press on the remote, thereafter, should operate your TV. Want to switch the remote to operate a different device? Just press the mode key for the next device you want to operate. In this guide, you will learn which types of devices you can control and how to program the remote to control your specific devices.

    Where Do I Start?Before you begin using your remote, complete the following initial setup tasks.

    Install the BatteriesThe remote requires two AA batteries (alkaline recommended). A diagram in the battery compartment of the remote indicates proper placement of the batteries. When batteries are properly installed, the light on the remote blinks each time a key is pressed.

    Visit the Quick Reference SectionUse the Quick Reference section of this guide to familiarize yourself with the remote and the functions of its various keys. Knowing the function and location of the keys on the remote will assist you when you are programming the remote.

    Program the RemoteTo learn how to program your remote, refer to the sections What Devices Can I Control, What Devices Do I Want to Control, and Program the Remote to Control My Devices for further instructions.

    Find a Place to Store Your RemoteKeeping up with one remote is much easier than keeping up with four or five remotes. However, it is still a good idea to find a storage location for your remote. The AT6400 is not a toy. It should be kept out of the reach of children under the age of 6 years.

    Program the Remote to Control My Devices Your remote is initially programmed to only operate your set-top. You will need to set up the remote to operate your other devices using its TV, DVD, and AUX modes. The TV key may be programmed to operate a standard or high-definition television (HDTV). The DVD key may be programmed to operate a DVD player. The AUX key may be programmed to operate a VCR, a receiver, an amplifier, or a Home Theater in a Box (HTIB) system. If the remote provides only limited functionality for a device, you can look for a code that provides more functionality.

    Refer to the code tables at the end of this guide to locate additional programming codes.

    Note: You have the option to assign some remote keys to operate one device type only. For example, you may want to assign volume control to the TV only. If this is the case, you can reprogram power, volume, and channel control using procedures found later in this guide.

    Assigning a Device Code to a Mode Key1. Refer to the code tables at the end of this guide to

    locate the information for the device you want to program.

    Note: If your device is not listed, you may be able to program the remote using the Auto-Search function. Go to What If None of the Codes Work for instructions.

    2. Turn on the device that you want to assign to a mode key.

    3. Press and hold the appropriate mode key (TV, DVD, or AUX) on the remote, and then press and hold the OK key.

    4. Release both keys and the mode keys blink twice.5. Enter the first 4-digit setup code for the device using

    the numeric keys (0-9) on the remote. The mode key blinks three times to indicate that the code entry was accepted.

    Notes: When an invalid code is entered, the selected

    mode key displays a long flash to indicate that you have not entered the code correctly.

    Should the remote time-out before you complete the code setup, you must start over. This is indicated by one long flash of the red LED.

    6. Point the remote at the device, and press POWER to test the device.

    7. Did the device power off? If yes, write this code number in the table found

    in this guide. You may need it again if the device code is accidentally erased.

    If no, repeat this procedure from step 3 using a different setup code.

    Note: If none of the codes listed for your brand of device operate the device correctly, go to What If None of the Codes Work for instructions.

    8. Repeat this procedure for each mode key you want to program.

    What If None of the Codes Work?If none of the codes listed for your brand of device operate the device correctly, or if your device is not listed in the codes table, you can use the Auto-Search function to search through the code library for a valid code. This section provides procedures for using the Auto-Search function to search the code library for TV, DVD and AUX mode codes.

    Note: Read the procedures in this section thoroughly before beginning. You need to be prepared to observe the behavior of the remote.

    Auto-Search FeaturesConsider the following items when using Auto-Search:

    The Auto-Search function begins searching from the first code.

    If a valid code is not found, the green backlight blinks twice and the remote returns to normal operation.

    If any other key is pressed except PLAY, ENTER, POWER, EXIT, REW, FF, or numeric keys 1 through 4 (when programming the AUX mode key), the mode key displays a long red flash (error message) and the remote returns to normal operation.

    Should the remote time-out before you complete the Auto-Search function you must start over. This is indicated by one long flash of the red LED.

    If the device is not listed and the Auto-Search function is unable to find a usable code, you may need to use the original remote provided with the device.

    Auto-Searching the Code Library for TV or DVD Mode Codes (Program Code 922)Note: This procedure only applies to TVs and DVDs.

    1. Turn on the device you that you want to assign to the TV or DVD key.

    2. Point the remote at the device.3. Press and while holding a selected mode key (TV or

    DVD), press the OK key. For example, to search for a TV code, press and hold TV and OK at the same time.

    4. Release both keys and all the mode keys blink twice.

    5. Enter the programming code 9 2 2 by pressing the numeric keys on the remote. The mode key you selected in step 3 blinks twice to indicate a successful entry.

    6. Point the remote toward the device, and press PLAY.

    7. Your device powers off when it finds the correct code. Then, choose one of the following options:

    Save code and exit Press the ENTER key on the remote to program the code in the remote and the mode key flashes three times indicating successful entry.

    Step forward Press the fast-forward (FF) key on the remote to step ahead through the codes one at a time. Then, return to step 6.

    Step backward Press the rewind (REW) key on the remote to step back through the codes one at a time. Then, return to step 6.

    Exit without saving the code Press the EXIT key on the remote. The selected mode key flashes three times and returns to normal operation.

    Send the current code Press the POWER key on the remote to send the current code. If the device turns back on, press the ENTER key. If the device does not turn on, return to step 6.

    Continue with auto-search function Press the PLAY key on the remote to continue with the auto- search function. Then, return to step 6.

    Auto-Searching the Code Library for AUX Mode Codes (Program Code 922)1. Turn on the device that you want to assign to the

    AUX key.2. Point the remote at the device.3. Press and while holding the AUX key, press the OK

    key.4. Release both the AUX key and the OK key and all

    the mode keys blink twice. 5. Enter the programming code 9 2 2 by pressing the

    numeric keys on the remote. The AUX key blinks twice indicating a successful entry.

    6. Press the PLAY key, choose one of the following device categories and then, using the number keys on the remote, press its assigned number (1 4)based on the following list:

    1 = VCRs 2 = Receiver/Tuners 3 = Amplifiers 4 = HTIB Note: The device categories are number-coded to

    provide a more direct programming method.

    7. Point the remote toward the device, and press PLAY.

    8. Your device powers off when it finds the correct code. Then, choose one of the following options:

    Save code and exit Press the ENTER key on the remote to program the code in the remote and the mode key flashes three times indicating successful entry.

    Step forward Press the fast-forward (FF) key on the remote to step ahead through the codes one at a time. Then, return to step 7.

    Step backward Press the rewind (REW) key on the remote to step back through the codes one at a time. Then, return to step 7.

    Exit without saving the code Press the EXIT key on the remote. The selected mode key flashes three times and returns to normal operation.

    Send the current code Press the POWER key on the remote to send the current code. If the device turns back on, press the ENTER key. If the device does not turn on, return to step 7.

    Continue with auto-search function Press the PLAY key on the remote to continue with the auto- search function. Then, return to step 7.

    Reassign Mode KeysYou can reassign a mode key to operate a different device. For example, you can reassign the AUX key to operate a DVD player or a TV. If you reassign a key, be sure you update the table found in this guide.

    Reassigning Mode Keys(Program Code 944)1. Press and hold the STB mode key on the remote.2. Without releasing the STB key, press and hold the

    OK key.3. Release both the keys and all mode keys flash

    twice.4. Enter the programming code 9 4 4 by pressing the

    numeric keys on the remote. The STB mode key blinks twice indicating a successful entry.

    5. Press and release the mode key associated with the type of device you want to control, and then press and release the mode key that you want to change. The newly assigned mode key blinks one time indicating a successful entry.

    Some common examples: To program the AUX key to operate your DVD

    player, press DVD and then AUX. To program the DVD key to operate your TV,

    press TV and then DVD.

    Change Volume ControlBy default, once the TV mode key is programmed with a valid code, the volume and mute buttons control your TV. These keys adjust the volume of your TV higher, lower, or temporarily switch the volume off (Mute), regardless of whether the remote is in STB, TV, DVD, or AUX mode.

    If you prefer, you can choose to have the volume and mute buttons always control a different device rather than your TV, such as a home theater receiver. (See Controlling Volume for One Device below.) Note that you must first program one of the mode keys, such as AUX, with a valid code for that device.

    Alternatively, you can choose to have the volume and mute buttons control different devices when the remote is in different modes. For example, you might want to control the volume on your TV when in TV mode, but the volume on your home theater receiver when in AUX mode. (See Controlling Volume for Different Devices below.) Note that not all devices have volume controls, so if you choose this option, the volume and mute buttons may do nothing in some modes, such as STB and DVD.

    Controlling Volume for One Device (Program Code 955)1. Press and hold the STB mode key on the remote.2. Without releasing the STB key, press and hold the

    OK key.3. Release both keys and all mode keys blink twice.4. Enter the programming code 9 5 5 by pressing the

    number keys on the remote. The STB mode key blinks twice indicating a successful entry.

    5. Press and release the mode key for the device you want the volume keys to control. For example, if you want to control volume through your TV, press and release TV. The selected mode key blinks three times to indicate a successful entry.

    The volume keys now control only one device whether you are in STB, TV, DVD, or AUX mode.

    Controlling Volume for Different Devices (Program Code 955)1. Complete steps 1 through 4 of the Controlling

    Volume for One Device procedure.2. Press and release the Enter key. The STB mode

    key blinks three times to indicate a successful entry. After you press the Enter key, the volume keys control the device assigned to that mode. For example, in TV mode, the volume keys control volume for the TV only.

    Notes: If any other key is pressed except the Mode keys and

    the ENTER key, the remote does not accept any changes or updates. The STB mode key displays a long red flash and the remote returns to normal operation.

    If the remote times out before you complete programming volume control, the remote does not accept any changes. You must start over from step 1 of this procedure.

    Change Channel ControlThe remote is set by default to control channel selection on the set-top. You can also program channel control to control any of the TV, DVD, or AUX mode devices provided the device allows for channel control assignment. Or, you can set the channel selection control programming to control channels (or page up or down) for all of the devices programmed in the four mode keys. Otherwise, you can only control channels (or page up or down) on a specific device, for example, the TV or DVD.

    Note: The channel control keys include CH/Page, Jump, and the numeric keys 0 through 9.

    Controlling Channels for One Device(Program Code 966)1. Press and hold the STB mode key on the remote.2. Without releasing the STB key, press and hold the

    OK key.3. Release both keys and all mode keys blink twice.4. Enter the programming code 9 6 6 by pressing the

    numeric keys on the remote. The STB mode key blinks twice to indicate a successful entry.

    5. Press and release the mode key for the device you want the channel key to control. For example, if you want to control channels on your TV, press and release TV. The selected mode key blinks three times to indicate a successful entry.






    DeviceType Brand Code

    Example:DVD DVD Sony 2066




    The channel key now always controls the device associated with the mode you selected in this procedure, whether in STB, TV, DVD, or AUX mode.

    Controlling Channels for Different Devices (Program Code 966)1. Complete steps 1 through 4 of the Controlling

    Channels for One Device procedure.2. Press and release the Enter key. The STB mode

    key blinks three times to indicate a successful entry.

    After you press the Enter key, the channel key now controls the device associated with the mode key you select. For example, in TV mode, the channel key controls the TV, but in STB mode, the channel key controls the set-top.

    Notes: If any other key is pressed except the Mode keys

    and the ENTER key, the remote does not accept any changes or updates. The STB mode key displays a long red flash and the remote returns to normal operation.

    If the remote times out before you complete programming channel selection control, the remote does not accept any changes. You must start over from step 1 of this procedure.

    Change Power ControlThe POWER key on the remote is set by default to control the power switch on one device at a time, in either mode (STB, TV, DVD, or AUX). When in STB mode, the remote switches the set-top from OFF (standby mode) to ON, or from ON to OFF (standby mode). However, you can alternatively program the POWER key to control the power switch on up to four devices at the same time, instead of controlling one device at a time. It is highly recommended that you set up the POWER key to turn on and off your set-top and your TV at the same time. Turning off the set-top saves electricity and extends the life of the box. When turned off, the set-top can still record scheduled programs on its DVR and perform any other necessary functions.

    Controlling Power for Multiple Devices at Once (Program Code 977)1. Press and hold the STB mode key on the remote.2. Without releasing the STB key, press and hold the

    OK key.3. Release both keys and all mode keys blink twice.4. Enter the programming code 9 7 7 by pressing the

    numeric keys on the remote. The STB mode key blinks twice to indicate a successful entry.

    5. For the first device, press the STB key. The STB mode key blinks twice.

    6. For the second device, press the applicable mode key (TV, DVD, or AUX). The selected mode key blinks twice.

    7. Repeat step 6 for up to two more devices (total of four devices).

    8. Press the ENTER key to complete the power switch control programming. The last selected mode key blinks 3 times to indicate a successful entry.

    Example: In an example scenario where you press only TV in steps 6 and 7, the POWER key controls both the set-top and the TV at the same time, regardless of which mode the remote is in (STB, TV, DVD, or AUX).

    Controlling Power for One Device at a Time (Program Code 977)1. Complete steps 1 through 4 of the Controlling

    Power for Multiple Devices at Once procedure.2. Press the ENTER key to complete the power switch

    control programming. The last selected mode key blinks 3 times to indicate a successful entry.

    After you select a mode, the POWER key controls the device assigned to that mode. For example, in TV mode, the remote controls power for the TV only.

    Notes: If any other key is pressed except the Mode keys

    and the ENTER key, the remote does not accept any changes or updates. The STB mode key displays a long red flash and the remote returns to normal operation.

    If the remote times out before you complete programming power switch control, the remote does not accept any changes. You must start over from step 1 of this procedure.

    Device Control Turns devices on or off

    Enables set-top mode functions

    Enables TV mode functions

    Enables DVD mode functions

    Enables AUX mode functions

    DVR, VOD, DVD, VCR ControlNotes: In STB mode, these keys control DVR and VOD functions. In DVD and AUX modes, these keys may control your DVD or VCR depending on how you have programmed the remote.

    Records the selected program

    Stops DVD, VCR, VOD, or DVR content

    Pauses DVD, VCR, VOD, or DVR content

    Plays DVD, VCR, VOD, or DVR content

    Scrolls through available TV or video input sources

    Rewinds or fast forwards through DVR or VOD content

    Skips backward or forward through DVR or VOD content

    Sound ControlNote: These keys are assigned to the TV when the TV mode key is programmed with a valid code.

    Adjusts volume

    Mutes sound

    Numeric Keys Enters channel numbers, text, and remote codes. Also use to enter your parental control PIN

    Clears text and numbers in text fields

    Enters and saves (stores) an entry. Sizes the picture for some high-definition television (HDTV) models

    What Devices Can I Control?The four mode keys arched across the top of the remote tell the remote which device you want to operate.

    Each mode key is associated with different types of devices. You can use each mode key to control one of its associated devices:

    Mode Key Associated Devices STB IP gateway set-top

    TV* TVs (including HDTVs)

    DVD* DVD players

    AUX* VCRs, receivers, tuners, and Home Theater in a Box (HTIB)

    * These keys can be reassigned to control different devices. Go to the Reassign Mode Keys section of this guide for instructions.

    Viewing and Browsing Control

    Accesses the On Demand menu

    Returns to previous screen

    Accesses the Main Menu

    Accesses the DVR list of recordings

    Enables Interactive mode

    Moves through selections

    Selects and deselects screen items

    Returns from menu screens and to viewing TV or video

    Selects options in menus and the program guide

    Displays text information about the selected program

    Displays or closes the IPG

    Returns to last channel viewed

    Selects the next channel, up or down, when watching TV. Moves up or down one page in the IPG and in some menu screens

    Quick Reference LED Indicators There are red LEDs underneath each of the four mode keys (STB, TV, DVD, and AUX) that flash each time a key is pressed to show which device the key is currently controlling.

    There are also green LEDs that illuminate several keys whenever the remote is in use. They stay illuminated for a short time after a key is pressed.

    During programming, if the remote times out before you complete the code setup, you will need to start over. This is indicated by one long flash of the red LED.

    What Devices Do I Want to Control?To help you keep track of the devices you want to control, list the type of devices you have (including brand) in the following table. Then, use the code tables at the end of this guide to locate the codes for your device. For example, look under TV Group if you need to program the remote to operate your TV. If you have two devices that use the same key, you must reassign the TV, DVD, or the AUX key. The STB key cannot be reassigned. Go to Reassign Mode Keys. Otherwise, go to Program the Remote to Control My Devices for additional instructions.







    REW FF







    1 2ABC


    4 5JKL


    7 8TUV









    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    7 8 9



    0 ENTER























    REW FF





    B CA



    1 2ABC


    4 5JKL


    7 8TUV























    REW FF





    B CA
























    B CA

    Referncia RpidaControle de Dispositivo Controles de Visualizao e Navegao

    Liga ou desliga o dispositivo

    Habilita as funes de modo decodificador

    Habilita as funes de modo TV

    Habilita as funes de modo DVD

    Habilita as funes de modo AUX

    Controles de DVR, VOD, DVD e VCR No modo STB, essa teclas controlam as funes de DVR

    e VOD. Nos modos DVD e AUX, essas teclas podem controlar seu

    DVD ou VCR, dependendo de como voc programou seu controle remoto.

    Grava o programa selecionado

    Pra o contedo do DVD, VCR, VOD ou DVR

    Pausa o contedo do DVD, VCR, VOD ou DVR

    Reproduz o contedo do DVD, VCR, VOD ou DVR

    Alterna entre as fontes de entrada disponveis.

    Retroceder ou avanar o contedo DVR ou VOD

    Salta para trs ou para adiante no contedo DVR ou VOD.

    Acessa o menu On Demand

    Retorna tela anterior

    Acessa o Menu Principal

    Acessa a lista de gravaes DVR

    Habilita o modo Interativo

    Move atravs das selees

    Seleciona e cancela a seleo de itens na tela

    Retorna das telas de menu para visualizao de TV ou vdeo

    Seleciona opes nos menus e na guia de programao

    Mostra informaes sobre o programa selecionado

    Exibe ou fecha a Guia de Programao Interativa

    Seleciona o prximo canal, para cima ou para baixo, enquanto estiver assistindo TV. Movimenta uma pgina para cima ou para baixo na Guia de Programao Interativo e em algumas das telas de menu.

    Nota: Essas teclas so atribudas TV quando a tecla Modo TV estiver programada com um cdigo vlido.

    Ajusta o volume

    Tecla Mudo

    Servem para entrar com nmeros de canal, texto e cdigos. Tambm usadas para entrar com sua senha de controle dos pais (PIN)

    Apaga texto e nmeros em campos de texto

    Salva um parmetro. Modifica o tamanho da imagem para alguns modelos de TV de alta definio (HDTV)

    Quais Dispositivos Eu Posso Controlar?As quatro teclas Modo dispostas como um arco na parte superior do controle remoto especificam quais dispositivos voc deseja operar.

    Cada tecla Modo est associada a tipos diferentes de dispositivos. Voc pode usar cada tecla Modo para controlar um dos dispositivos associados:

    Tecla Modo Dispositivos AssociadosDecodificador IP

    TVs (incluindo HDTVs)

    Reprodutores de DVD

    VCRs, receivers e Home Theaters

    * Essas teclas podem ser redefinidas para controlar diferentes dispositivos. V seo Redefinir as Teclas Modo para mais instrues.

    Teclas Numricas

    Controle do Som Indicaes dos LEDsH LEDs vermelhos sob cada uma das quatro teclas modo (STB, TV, DVD e AUX) que acendem a cada vez que uma tecla pressionada para indicar qual dispositivo a tecla est controlando no momento.H tambm LEDs verdes que iluminam vrias teclas sempre que o controle remoto estiver em uso. Elas ficam iluminadas por um curto perodo depois que a tecla pressionada.Durante a programao, se o tempo de configurao dos cdigos terminar antes que os procedimentos se completem voc ter de recomear. Isso indicado pelo LED vermelho aceso por um tempo mais longo.

    Quais Dispositivos Quero Controlar?Para lhe ajudar a lembrar dos dispositivos que voc quer con-trolar, preencha a tabela abaixo com os tipos de dispositivos que voc tem (incluindo a marca). Depois use a tabela de cdigos ao final deste guia para localizar os cdigos para o seu dispositivo. Por exemplo, procure no Grupo TV se voc precisar programar o controle remoto para operar a sua TV. Se voc tiver dois dispositivos que usam a mesma tecla, voc ter de redefinir as teclas TV, DVD ou AUX. A tecla STB no pode ser redefinida. V seo Redefinir as Teclas Modo. Ou ento v seo Programando o Controle Remoto para Controlar Meus Dispositivos para maiores informaes.

    Tecla Modo

    Ex: DVD




    Tipo de Dispositivo






    Exibe os ltimos canais recentemente assistidos.

    Controle de Dispositivo

    Controles de DVR / VOD / DVD / VCR

    Controles de Visualizao e Navegao

    Teclas Numricas




  • Sony 4022, 4043, 4010, 4024, 4046, 4023,, 4031, 4009, 4104, 4126, 4124, 4122, 4123

    Sylvania 4068Teac 4011Technics 4038Toshiba 4040Venturer 4011Vizio 4060Wards 4008Yamaha 4032, 4054, 4093, 4132, 4131Zenith 4041, 4025

    DVD Mode Group

    AUX Mode Group

    Combination Device Codes

    AudioADC 5119Adcom 5174Aiwa 5001, 5029, 5000, 5034, 5189, 5199Alco 5024AMC 5183Amphion Media Works 5158, 5197AMW 5158, 5197Anam 5179, 5156Anthem 5053Apex Digital 5185, 5190Arcam 5145, 5000Audiotronic 5145Audiovox 5024, 5152B & K 5175Bang & Olufsen 5151Bose 5180, 5007, 5206Capetronic 5119Carver 5145, 5000Daewoo 5184Denon 5035, 5042, 5114, 5008, 5044, 5224, 5056, 5040Eclipse 5149Electrohome 5208Fisher 5159GPX 5177Gradiente 5153Harman/Kardon 5009, 5000, 5142, 5055, 5231Hitachi 5159iHome 5229iLive 5207, 5036Insignia 5182, 5183, 5204, 5213, 5216, 5218,5238, 5240, 5241Integra 5002, 5140, 5075, 5087iSymphony 5178, 5222, 5230JBL 5009JVC 5119, 5192, 5203, 5209, 5214, 5220,5228, 5010, 5048, 5046,

    5047Kenwood 5011, 5013, 5127, 5060, 5068, 5012,5148KLH 5024 Koss 5157LG 5225Linn 5000 Magnavox 5145, 5112, 5000, 5119, 5195, 5138Marantz 5145, 5112, 5115, 5000, 5069, 5212, 5138, 5039, 5045McIntosh 5069MCS 5115Memorex 5109Micromega 5145Mitsubishi 5071, 5070Myryad 5145NAD 5161Nakamichi 5011Niles 5004Onkyo 5002, 5086, 5131, 5140, 5075, 5196,5087, 5232, 5062, 5061,

    5058Optimus 5120, 5119, 5156, 5109Oritron 5157Panasonic 5016, 5126, 5115, 5020, 5187, 5188,5198, 5201, 5219, 5233,

    5242, 5164, 5109, 5107, 5054, 5031, 5032, 5037Philips 5145, 5112, 5000, 5186, 5226, 5235, 5138, 5043, 5005Pioneer 5120, 5119, 5025, 5021, 5052Polaroid 5194, 5141Polk Audio 5000, 5069, 5221, 5223Proscan 5137Pyle 5038Quasar 5115RCA 5120, 5179, 5137, 5119, 5156, 5025, 5024, 5210Rio 5160Rotel 5150Samsung 5139, 5142, 5193, 5051, 5018, 5006, 5019Sangean 5215Sansui 5000Sanyo 5159Sherwood 5183, 5027, 5200, 5205, 5216, 5041, 5064, 5057, 5063Sherwood Newcastle 5216Sonic Blue 5160Sony 5028, 5121, 5023, 5134, 5029, 5017, 5030, 5133, 5171, 5033,

    5217, 5239, 5170, 5227, 5066, 5049, 5065 Stereophonics 5120Sunfire 5011Teac 5156, 5024Technics 5016, 5126, 5115, 5020Thorens 5145Toshiba 5025Venturer 5024Victor 5010Wards 5029, 5000XM 5133Yamaha 5014, 5181, 5135, 5003, 5106, 5165, 5191, 5202, 5211, 5234,

    5236, 5237

    DVD Mode Group

    AUX Mode Group

    Combination Device Codes

    TVAbex 1098ABS 1408Acer 1041Admiral 1009, 1023, 1022Advent 1521, 1476, 1376, 1285, 1594Adventura 1100Aiko 1015Aiwa 1098, 1034Akai 1314, 1427, 1156, 1061, 1524, 1432, 1114, 1612, 1019, 1033 Alaron 1022Albatron 1257, 1477Alienware 1408America Action 1036Ampro 1475Anam 1036AOC 1061, 1018, 1183, 1568, 1569, 1361, 1600, 1635, 1057, 1052,

    1056, 1053Aomni 1570Apex 1066Apex Digital 1058, 1112, 1520, 1111, 1088, 1551, 1163, 1634Apple 1505Astar 1434, 1575Audiovox 1036, 1015, 1106, 1528, 1541, 1455, 1135, 1070, 1084, 1069,

    1071, 1076, 1083, 1077, 1079, 1075, 1081Aventura 1024Bang & Olufsen 1453Belcor 1018Bell & Howell 1043, 1001BenQ 1545, 1557, 1136, 1041BGH 1326

    Bradford 1036Brillian 1487Brockwood 1018Broksonic 1028, 1023, 1121, 1382, 1114Bush 1643Byd:sign 1556Candle 1061, 1100, 1363, 1007Carnivale 1061Carver 1047CCE 1490Celebrity 1037Celera 1111Changhong 1111Citizen 1073, 1061, 1015, 1011, 1363, 1007, 1101, 1114, 1100Clarion 1036Coby 1460, 1572, 1617, 1619, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1623, 1624, 1625,

    1626, 1627, 1628, 1089, 1105, 1107, 1103, 1108, 1109, 1097, 1104, 1087, 1093

    Commercial Solutions 1000, 1094, 1164Concerto 1363Contec 1036Craig 1036Crosley 1037, 1047Crown 1036, 1011Curtis 1629, 1642, 1320, 1110, 1116, 1115Curtis Mathes 1094, 1047, 1043, 1135, 1009, 1073, 1156, 1061, 1051, 1118,

    1385, 1558, 1548, 1068, 1363, 1011, 1001CXC 1036CyberPower 1408Cytron 1232, 1456Daewoo 1043, 1135, 1015, 1118, 1018, 1011, 1106, 1524, Daytron 1018Dell 1142, 1141, 1146, 1409Denon 1051Diamond Vision 1499, 1461Digital Lifestyles 1582DirecTV 1374, 1797Disney 1117Dumont 1020, 1018Durabrand 1023, 1036, 1333, 1024, 1481Dwin 1474, 1068Dynex 1593, 1589, 1507, 1609Electroband 1037Electrograph 1038, 1570Electrohome 1023Element 1407, 1608, 1119 Emerson 1465, 1020, 1043, 1135, 1028, 1023, 1036, 1333, 1024, 1118,

    1595, 1027, 1382, 1145, 1121, 1150, 1106, 1512, 1101, 1102, 1018, 1011, 1022, 1124, 1749, 1120

    Emprex 1438, 1582Envision 1061, 1529, 1183, 1568, 1361, 1600, 1125Epson 1533, 1422, 1451ESA 1314, 1024, 1027, 1595Fisher 1043Fujitsu 1518, 1022, 1007, 1029, 1538, 1127Funai 1037, 1036, 1024, 1022, 1554, 1090, 1595, 1129Futuretech 1036Gateway 1038, 1042, 1408GE 1000, 1094, 1049, 1135, 1333, 1021, 1063, 1512, 1068, 1558,

    1380, 1153, 1385, 1386GFM 1024, 1595Gibralter 1020, 1061, 1018Go Video 1480GoldStar 1333, 1061, 1050, 1018, 1098, 1011, 1363GPX 1022, 1132, 1130Grundig 1029Grunpy 1036, 1022Haier 1481, 1491, 1255, 1580, 1581, 1618, 1616, 1584, 1157, 1162,

    1148, 1152, 1134, 1171Hallmark 1333Hanns.G 1587Hannspree 1559, 1577, 1587, 1175, 1176Harley Davidson 1022, 1090Harman/Kardon 1047Harvard 1036Hauppauge 1503Havermy 1009Helios 1446Hello Kitty 1135Hewlett Packard 1445, 1517, 1408, 1452Hikona 1643Hisense 1112, 1602, 1630, 1637Hitachi 1030, 1522, 1051, 1001, 1098, 1102, 1363, 1086, 1490, 1344,

    1206, 1328, 1090, 1268, 1195, 1192Howard Computers 1408HP 1445, 1517, 1408, 1452, 1177, 1182, 1189Humax 1374Hush 1408Hyundai 1479iBUYPOWER 1408I-Inc 1578iLo 1040, 1436, 1435, 1457Infinity 1047InFocus 1450, 1611Initial 1436, 1457Insignia 1255, 1519, 1024, 1232, 1437, 1507, 1593, 1595, 1596, 1601,

    1436Inteq 1020Janeil 1100JBL 1047JCB 1037Jensen 1521, 1376, 1285, 1594JVC 1023, 1092, 1054, 1055, 1169, 1526, 1026, 1080, 1615KDS 1565, 1407KEC 1036Kenwood 1061, 1018KLH 1111, 1088Kloss 1100KTV 1036, 1061, 1011, 1490, 1101LG 1255, 1020, 1333, 1257, 1539, 1146, 1584, 1638, 1303, 1723,

    1294, 1293, 1718, 1701, 1720, 1721, 1332, 1722, 1327, 1307Linksys 1408Lloyds 1090Logik 1001Luxman 1363LXI 1094, 1047, 1043, 1058, 1333, 1068MAG 1565, 1407Magnasonic 1145Magnavox 1633, 1576, 1047, 1049, 1061, 1632, 1457, 1595, 1027, 1300,

    1145, 1090, 1183, 1553, 1329, 1239, 1141, 1528, 1007, 1022, 1059, 1238, 1650, 1235, 1237, 1769, 1217, 1286, 1751, 1747, 1740, 1230

    Magnin 1380Majestic 1001Marantz 1633, 1047, 1061, 1525, 1214, 1113, 1239, 1549, 1377, 1641Matsushita 1096, 1169Maxent 1038, 1788Media Center PC 1408Megapower 1257Megatron 1333, 1051Memorex 1043, 1023, 1032, 1333, 1001, 1022, 1593, 1121, 1305, 1165,

    1725MGA 1032, 1333, 1061, 1018Microsoft 1408Midland 1094, 1049, 1098, 1011, 1068, 1020 Mind 1408Mintek 1436, 1457

    Minutz 1021Mitsubishi 1005, 1009, 1032, 1333, 1018, 1535, 1540, 1153, 1279, 1284,

    1282, 1281Monivision 1257, 1477Motorola 1009MTC 1073, 1061, 1018, 1363Multitech 1036, 1490NAD 1058, 1333, 1363, 1550NEC 1061, 1018, 1363, 1523, 1525, 1543, 1377, 1588, 1423NetTV 1038Nexus Electronics 1608Nikko 1333, 1061, 1015Niveus Media 1408Norcent 1112, 1531, 1183, 1568, 1569Northgate 1408Norwood Micro 1040NTC 1015NuVision 1573, 1606Olevia 1406, 1488, 1004, 1463, 1421, 1799, 1798Onwa 1036Oppo 1497Optimus 1096, 1043, 1169, 1145, 1305, 1165Optoma 1559, 1607Optonica 1009, 1064Orion 1028, 1023, 1593, 1022, 1121, 1382, 1122Otic 1643Panasonic 1466, 1096, 1469, 1049, 1169, 1554, 1010, 1564, 1385, 1305,

    1165, 1123, 1651, 1654, 1659, 1655, 1657, 1664, 1670, 1663, 1730, 1713, 1666

    PARK 1603Penney 11094, 1058, 1049, 1073, 1333, 1061, 1018, 1021, 1063, 1098,

    1011, 1012, 1068, 1558, 1380, 1385Petters 1565Philco 1047, 1061, 1024, 1018, 1059, 1554, 1150, 1595Philips 1633, 1576, 1047, 1126, 1239, 1549, 1337, 1632, 1234, 1785,

    1226, 1221, 1212, 1774, 1213, 1202, 1216, 1791, 1273, 1205, 1201, 1779, 1794, 1819, 1793

    Philips Magnavox 1772Pilot 1061, 1018, 1011Pioneer 1469, 1102, 1149, 1377, 1336, 1339, 1342, 1343, 1346, 1338,

    1345, 1335, 1334Polaroid 1565, 1111, 1639, 1391, 1604, 1596, 1502, 1371, 1583, 1393,

    1407, 1460, 1232, 1040, 1392, 1446, 1078Portland 1135, 1015, 1118, 1018, 1011Prima 1521, 1476, 1376, 1285, 1594Princeton 1257Prism 1049Proscan 1000, 1094, 1061, 1068, 1558, 1386, 1605, 1614, 1648, 1810,

    1272Proton 1333Protron 1494, 1430Proview 1565, 1407Pulsar 1020, 1018Pyle 1756, 1754Quasar 1096, 1049, 1064, 1169, 1385, 1305Radio Shack 1094, 1043, 1036, 1333, 1061, 1018, 1098, 1011, 1363, 1064,

    1068, 1090RCA 1144, 1000, 1094, 1049, 1009, 1640, 1613, 1610, 1596, 1459

    1386, 1385, 1153, 1380, 1586, 1558, 1552, 1548, 1546, 1068, 1149, 1118, 1067, 1065, 1082, 1102, 1018, 1220, 1426, 1804, 1801, 1758

    Realistic 1043, 1036, 1333, 1061, 1018, 1098, 1011, 1363, 1064RevolutionHD 1570Ricavision 1408Runco 1020, 1061, 1523, 1377, 1571Sampo 1038, 1061, 1098, 1011Samsung 1314, 1073, 1156, 1333, 1061, 1161, 1173, 1547, 1530, 1172,

    1169, 1490, 1363, 1011, 1098, 1018, 1360, 1375, 1418, 1355, 1321, 1366, 1367, 1349, 1318, 1356, 1405, 1313, 1399, 1358, 1369

    Samsux 1011Sansui 1023, 1024, 1064, 1593, 1090, 1121, 1382, 1114, 1256, 1263,

    1251, 1269, 1252, 1260Sanyo 1047, 1043, 1095, 1527, 1062, 1380Sceptre 1542, 1551, 1561, 1467, 1365, 1838, 1837Scimitsu 1018Scotch 1333Scott 1028, 1036, 1333, 1018, 1022, 1428Sears 1094, 1047, 1043, 1058, 1333, 1024, 1363, 1012, 1022, 1068,

    1487, 1090Sharp 1138, 1009, 1011, 1025, 1064, 1350, 1537, 1153, 1378, 1248,

    1247, 1678, 1673, 1677, 1674, 1691, 1696, 1688, 1671, 1672, 1684, 1693, 1685, 1682, 1700, 1676, 1689, 1686, 1692, 1697, 1690

    Sheng Chia 1009Sherwood 1563Shogun 1018Signature 1001Simpson 1007Skyworth 1014Sole 1570Sony 1037, 1219, 1534, 1574, 1090, 1388, 1408, 1515, 1814, 1812Soundesign 1036, 1333, 1022, 1007Sova 1494Soyo 1566, 1578, 1591Spectroniq 1565, 1407Squareview 1024SSS 1036, 1018Stack 9 1408Starlite 1036Studio Experience 1477SunBrite 1365Superscan 1009, 1181, 1027Supre-Macy 1100Supreme 1037SVA 1112, 1491, 1446, 1595Sylvania 1465, 1047, 1061, 1024, 1059, 1554, 1150, 1464, 1145, 1300,

    1027, 1595, 1744, 1746, 1420, 1748, 1708, 1706, 1710, 1711, 1745

    Symphonic 1036, 1024, 1090, 1145, 1027Syntax 1406, 1488, 1004, 1463, 1421Systemax 1408Tagar Systems 1408Tandy 1009Tatung 1040, 1042TCL 1326Teac 1326Technics 1096, 1049Technika 1643Technol Ace 1022Techview 1478Techwood 1049, 1363Teknika 1047, 1036, 1032, 1073, 1015, 1001, 1018, 1011, 1363, 1022,

    1007Telefunken 1156, 1363Thomas 1090TMK 1333, 1363TNCi 1020Toshiba 1159, 1043, 1058, 1223, 1255, 1073, 1222, 1532, 1340, 1550,

    1169, 1012, 1341, 1560, 1179, 1377, 1267, 1114, 1006, 1154, 1597, 1408, 1473, 1470, 1509, 1647, 1820, 1646, 1835, 1821, 1429, 1447, 1444, 1458, 1462, 1496, 1486, 1471, 1510, 1449, 1513

    Totevision 1011Touch 1408TruTech 1425, 1599TVS 1023Ultra 1430Universal 1063

    US Logic 1040Vector Research 1061Venturer 1592, 1704VEOS 1487Victor 1092Vidikron 1047, 1377, 1571Vidtech 1333, 1018Viewsonic 1038, 1206, 1180, 1181, 1184, 1187, 1185, 1190, 1441, 1188,

    1361, 1600, 1408, 1763, 1787, 1826, 1765, 1762Viking 1100Viore 1435, 1590, 1603, 1629, 1789, 1780, 1197Vizio 1829, 1433, 1181, 1184, 1042, 1824, 1289, 1825, 1822, 1823,

    1831, 1649, 1828, 1705, 1832, 1833Voodoo 1408Wards 1047, 1333, 1061, 1001, 1018, 1021, 1063, 1059, 1363, 1064,

    1022, 1550Waycon 1058Westinghouse 1515, 1135, 1184, 1544, 1555, 1178, 1567, 1616, 1816, 1198,

    1199Wharfedale 1643White Westinghouse 1023, 1118, 1106Wyse 1183Yamaha 1061, 1018, 1206, 1533, 1536Zenith 1037, 1255, 1094, 1020, 1023, 1333, 1061, 1522, 1051, 1015,

    1118, 1054, 1001, 1090, 1121, 1382, 1207, 1716, 1301, 1717 ZT Group 1408

    DVD Mode Group

    AUX Mode Group

    Combination Device Codes

    AmplificadorAdcom 6055Bose 6060Carver 6002Cinema Sound 6039Curtis Mathes 6046, 6023Denon 6039, 6057, 6062, 6014Dwin 6026Fisher 6002Garrard 6019GE 6045, 6027 Harman/Kardon 6047Integra 6005, 6056JBL 6050JVC 6018, 6024Kenwood 6022, 6002, 6015Krell 6013Left Coast 6047Legacy Audio 6032Magnavox 6000, 6029Marantz 6047, 6061, 6058, 6000McIntosh 6031, 6003Nakamichi 6012NEC 6048Onkyo 6005, 6006, 6056Optimus 6046, 6036, 6002, 6023, 6008 Panasonic 6040Parasound 6059Philips 6047Pioneer 6004, 6046, 6036, 6023, 6049, 6010Polk Audio 6047, 6063Proscan 6027RCA 6046, 6036, 6023Sherwood 6011Shure 6048Sony 6044, 6042, 6020Soundesign 6045Soundmatters 6021SpeakerCraft 6021Sunfire 6015Teac 6019Technics 6040Toshiba 6029Velodyne 6009Victor 6018, 6024Wards 6045, 6004, 6023Yamaha 6043, 6007, 6037

    DVD Mode Group

    AUX Mode Group

    Combination Device Codes

    DVDAccurian 2002, 2421Advent 2413Aiwa 2026Akai 2378, 2053, 2214, 2510Alco 2010Allegro 2052Alpine 2257Amphion Media Works 2005, 2342AMW 2005, 2342Apex 2198, 2197Apex Digital 2001, 2055, 2057, 2061, 2444, 2098, 2095, 2446, 2007, 2377,

    2316Apple 2383Arrgo 2083Aspire Digital 2415, 2344Astar 2149, 2354Audio Authority 2481Audiovox 2010, 2132, 2373, 2291Bang & Olufsen 2370, 2324BBK 2323Bel Canto Design 2458Blaupunkt 2055Blue Parade 2008Bose 2122, 2276Boss Audio Systems 2336Boston Acoustics 2034Broksonic 2053Buffalo 2490California Audio Labs 2031Cinea 2003CineVision 2195, 2062, 2052Citizen 2053Clarion 2100Classic 2101Coby 2443, 2447, 2414, 2423, 2387, 2380, 2505, 2513, 2514, 2516,

    2515, 2517, 2137, 2145, 2310, 2179, 2143, 2158, 2144, 2147, 2307

    Craig 2003Curtis 2130Curtis Mathes 2420CyberHome 2083Cytron 2374Daewoo 2138, 2062, 2052, 2058Daytek 2005Denon 2031, 2110, 2040, 2216, 2468, 2188, 2184, 2183, 2186Desay 2344Diamond Vision 2280, 2382DigitalMax 2353Disney 2002, 2424, 2154D-Link 2488, 2489, 2494Durabrand 2083, 2326DVD2000 2019DVICO 2493Dynex 2501, 2504

    Eclipse 2335Emerson 2418, 2002, 2064, 2213, 2260, 2392Enterprise 2418ESA 2064, 2213Fisher 2112, 2393Funai 2002, 2213Gateway 2121, 2346GE 2041, 2055GFM 2002, 2213Go Video 2046, 2059, 2062, 2052, 2074, 2085, 2124, 2346, 2249GoldStar 2059, 2052GPX 2286, 2127, 2196Gradiente 2009Grandin 2430Greenhill 2055Grundig 2036Haier 2506, 2290, 2288, 2129Harman/Kardon 2441, 2125, 2449Helios 2462, 2465Hello Kitty 2003Hitachi 2012, 2000, 2240, 2393Hiteker 2001Humax 2454iLive 2267iLo 2451, 2375iLuv 2313Initial 2055, 2375Insignia 2002, 2213, 2394, 2117, 2475, 2484, 2501, 2509Integra 2008, 2341, 2006, 2040, 2463iSymphony 2259JBL 2125, 2043Jensen 2413JSI 2264JVC 2017, 2047, 2361, 2232, 2459, 2366, 2359, 2360, 2362, 2218,

    2035, 2473, 2206, 2208, 2202, 2205, 2204, 2210, 2201, 2209, 2200, 2215, 2217, 2211, 2317, 2318

    jWin 2157Kawasaki 2010Kenwood 2031, 2148KLH 2055, 2010Konka 2376, 2030Koss 2009, 2264, 2417, 2060Landel 2117Lasonic 2081Lenoxx 2326, 2416LG 2418, 2059, 2052, 2371, 2459, 2303, 2270, 2078, 2159, 2115,

    2111, 2076, 2070, 2072Linksys 2486Liquid Video 2417LiteOn 2346, 2421, 2353Loewe 2282Logitech 2485Magnavox 2018, 2036, 2150, 2002, 2064, 2213, 2452, 2375, 2455, 2503,

    2166, 2177, 2173Marantz 2036, 2474, 2178McIntosh 2020, 2450Memorex 2053, 2003, 2424, 2466, 2156MiCO 2430Microsoft 2041, 2436, 2438Mintek 2004, 2055, 2375Mitsubishi 2123, 2019Myryad 2430NAD 2141, 2059Nakamichi 2116NEC 2234Nesa 2055Netgear 2491, 2492Next Base 2117NexxTech 2140, 2394Norcent 2005, 2447, 2149, 2394, 2387Nova 2387Nyko 2472Olevia 2471Onida 2430Onkyo 2018, 2341, 2006, 2024, 2219, 2463, 2190, 2187Oppo 2464, 2432, 2440, 2323Orion 2071Oritron 2009, 2417, 2060Panasonic 2031, 2018, 2272, 2212, 2075, 2207, 2399, 2426, 2066, 2268,

    2104, 2275, 2427, 2428, 2277, 2161, 2151, 2153, 2152, 2163Philco 2002Philips 2018, 2036, 2435, 2437, 2150, 2002, 2285, 2346, 2243, 2051,

    2404, 2452, 2455, 2293, 2033, 2476, 2023, 2314, 2032, 2025, 2038, 2042, 2304, 2069, 2011, 2067, 2027

    Pioneer 2008, 2337, 2160, 2224, 2400, 2458, 2016, 2477, 2126, 2295, 2298, 2296

    Polaroid 2007, 2342, 2377, 2380, 2265, 2409, 2511Polk Audio 2036Popcorn Hour 2495Presidian 2002, 2353Prima 2413Proceed 2001Proscan 2041, 2507Protron 2149ProVision 2443Pyle 2429Qwestar 2009RCA 2041, 2008, 2341, 2055, 2010, 2048, 2289, 2287, 2379, 2466,

    2099, 2192, 2193, 2194REC 2114Regent 2416Rio 2052Roadstar 2114Roku 2487, 2497Rotel 2017Rowa 2412Sampo 2119, 2013Samsung 2031, 2012, 2482, 247