Monday, 8/31/09 Today’s Speakers of the Day: Ryan & Scott J: Free Write - Be creative and...


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Monday, 8/31/09 Today’s Speakers of

the Day: Ryan & Scott

J: Free Write - Be creative and write, write, write

Current Events presentation and discussion facilitated by our Speakers of the Day

If your current events article is from online, please print out a copy of it to give me so I can pull it up online while you are journaling.

Monday, 8/31/09 Group»Class Share:

Complete “What does it take to be a Survivor?” connection (p. 3) by rating the list and then discussing experiences they may have had or stories they’ve heard or read about.

List on board and tally each group’s responses.

 Groups»Class Share: Discuss Plot/Conflict (p. 4) and then share the “best” conflict stories they’ve read & why they’re the best.

List on board “Stories with a great conflict” for their info

Top 5 survival traits decided by ENG 1H:

Belief that you’ll survive

Physical strength


Knowledge of surroundings


Best Conflicts: Eragon series

Monday, 8/31/09 Read aloud “The Most

Dangerous Game,” stopping for language connections.



Tomorrow’s SOTD: JP & Jared

Class had lengthy discussion on “day books,” comparing them to our InterActive Reader that we will use for a few short stories. Mrs. Hartwig discussed her goal of using them as purely a tool to interact individually with the text, emphasizing that no interactions will be incorrect because each reader’s experiences and reactions are different.

Ran out of time – will start reading on Tuesday
