Moving Photos from one folder to another & O · Moving Photos from one Folder to another &...


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Moving Photos from one Folder to another & Naming Within Folders

• If you already have pictures in a folder but want to separate them into different groups, simply create anew folder under “My Pictures” naming it as you wish. Then double click on the folder containing thephotos you want to move to open it. You can:

• Move one photo at a time:1. First, go to the drop down menu “View” and select to view photos as “Thumbnails”2. Open both the file that contains the picture you want to move and the new file where you are going

to send the photo (to open the second folder you’ll have to go back down to the “Start” menu andre-select “My Pictures” and then the second folder. Make them smaller on your screen so you cansee both of them.

3. Then Left click on the particular photo you want to transfer, hold down the Left click and drag thephoto into the new folder, then release. Make sure you don’t have the same name or picturenumber already in the new folder. (See rest of instructions on how to rename pictures first.)number already in the new folder. (See rest of instructions on how to rename pictures first.)

• Move a whole section if they are consecutive – (to make them all consecutive see rest of instructions first):1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above.2. Left Click on the first picture in the series you want to move. Go to the last picture you want to

move and hold down the shift key and Left click on it and then release shift key. All the picturesfrom the first picture to the last should now be highlighted.

3. Left Click on the last picture and HOLDING DOWN the left click, drag the whole bunch of photos intothe other folder and release the Left click.


Once you have the pictures in a fileyou will want to edit them and putthem in order of how you wantthem to appear. Double click toopen the file. To arrange photos,first select “Thumbnails” from the“View” dropdown menu. In theexample, say you want to movephoto #6 down between photo #26and #27. Left click on #6, do notrelease but keep your left clickrelease but keep your left clickdown. Drag the photo down until itis between photo #26 and #27. Ablack line (see left here) will appearbetween the destination. Let go ofthe left click. The photo is moved.Proceed putting the rest of yourphotos in order or do just a coupleand stop for the day. DO NOT exitthis folder now without finishing therest of the steps following or thephotos will not stay where you havemoved them!!


Click once on the first picture in the bunch tohighlight it.


Then go to the Edit drop down. Click on“Select All” – all the picture filenames willthen be highlighted. See next slide forexample.



Go to the File drop down and click on “Rename”.7

You will see that all of the filenames are now grayedout, except for the first picture that is highlighted. 8

Without clicking anything, type in a subject name forthe photos - for instance “April” as in this example -and hit “Enter”. Depending on how many pictures youhave in the folder it may take a few seconds– buteventually the pictures will rename themselves in theorder in which you put them. 9

The first picture will say just April and then the secondThe first picture will say just April and then the secondwill say April (1), and so on to the last photo. If youwant them to list just as numbers, without a name, inthe first highlighted picture type in a number inparenthesis. For instance: (1). Note: If you have alreadyused numbers you will have to name it something elsefirst and follow the above steps, and then put thenumber in again and do the steps again. Continuerenaming the first file each time you go in to save thenew rearrangement of your pictures. Name itsomething different every time. When you have thefinal order that you want, then you can rename thepictures whatever you want them to permanently be.That’s it! If you want to move the first picture you’llneed to continue on to the next slide, otherwise, simplyrepeat the above steps over and over again.


It gets really complicated if you decide you wantto move the first picture. First, rename the firstpicture as if you were going to add it after the lastpicture – say you have 27 pictures in the file, as inthis example. You would rename the first picturein the example here : “April (28)” by clicking in thebox under the first picture only and renaming it.


Then go to the “View” drop down and click “List” and thepictures will rearrange themselves as a list (see picture on theright). 12

Go again to the“View” drop downmenu and select‘Refresh”. The list‘Refresh”. The listwill refresh puttingthe first photo last.


Select “Thumbnails” again from the “View” drop-down menu.Now you can drag and drop that original first picture (now last)where you want it and proceed back through the previous stepsto save and exit the file. And so on ……

