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หากตองการดกระบวน คาใชจาย และขอตกลงเตม

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คณไมจาเปนตองเสยเวลาเยยมชมเวบไซตของผจดจาหนายจานวนมากเพอคนหาราคาทดทสดสาหรบสนคาแตละรายการ เพยงแจงหมายเลขชน

สวนของผผลตใหเราทราบ เราจะตรวจสอบใหคณ และคณมนใจไดวาจะไดราคาทตาทสดเทาทจะเปนไปได

ตดตอทมใบเสนอราคาของเราโดยแจงคาสงซอลาสด แลวทมงานของเราจะคนหาดวาเราจะประหยดเงนใหคณไดอยางไร



















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เมอ IOT มบทบาทในการทดสอบและการวดคา มประโยชนอยางไรกบอตสาหกรรม



รวดเรวยงขน ในขณะเดยวกนกชวยลดคาใชจายและใชเวลา

นอยลงอกดวย Internet of Things (IoT) คอการพฒนาทยงใหญ

ดานหนงซงชวยผลกดนประสทธภาพการใชงาน T&M - ตอไป


IoT ชวยพฒนาการทดสอบและการวดคาไดอยางไร IoT เกดขนดวยอปกรณทมการเชอมตอ เซนเซอร และคอมพวเตอรทรวบรวมและวเคราะหขอมล

ซงเปลยนแปลงวธทางของอตสาหกรรม เนองจากธรกจทเคยดาเนนการดวยระบบทซบซอนซง

ประกอบดวย ตกอาคาร เครองจกร และคนงาน ไดถกแทนทดวยระบบอตโนมตและระบบอจฉรยะ

อปกรณ T&M อเลกทรอนกสประกอบไปดวยเครองมอและเซนเซอรทใชในการทดสอบ

วดคา วเคราะห ควบคม ปรบเทยบ แสดงผล และบนทกขอมลในระหวางการทดสอบ การ

ทดสอบใชกบการใชงานดานวศวกรรมหลากหลายรปแบบ เชน อเลกทรอนกส การผลตและ

หองปฏบตการคนควาวจยสาหรบแขนงตางๆ รวมไปถงยา ยานยนต และการบนอวกาศ

สงททาใหใชงานเครองมอ T&M กบ IoT ไดคอการผสมผสานกนระหวางเทคโนโลย

ตางๆ เชน การสอสารกนระหวางอปกรณ การวเคราะหดวยระบบอตโนมต และระบบท

ปรบขนาดได ซงทงหมดนไดมการปรบใชโดยผนาในอตสาหกรรมตางๆ มานานแลว

การใชอปกรณ T&M ทลาหนาชวยใหคณทาการทดสอบแบบครบวงจรดวย

ระบบอตโนมต การวเคราะห และปรบปรงระบบไดอยางเตมท ซงทาใหคณใช


เขาถงขอมลไดตลอดเวลาเวบ ระบบคลาวด และเทคโนโลยอปกรณเคลอนท


และเครองจกร เชนเดยวกบการสอสารระหวาง

เครองจกร ในขณะนมอปกรณ IoT อยประมาณ 1,500 ลาน

เครองทวโลก แตจะเพมขนเปนประมาณ 5,000 ถง 7,000 พน

ลานภายในป 2020 ซงหมายความวาวธการใชอปกรณเหลา


ตวอยางเชน ผลตภณฑ Fluke Connect มแอปเฉพาะ

สาหรบดคาทวดผานทางสมารทโฟน แทบเลต หรอ

พซ เนองจากแอปเชอมตอไดหลายอปกรณ จงทาใหคณ


ดวย IoT ทาใหผจดการทดสอบสามารถใชเครองมอสาหรบ

การทดสอบและการวดคาอยางหลากหลาย ตงแตออสซลโล

สโคปและมลตมเตอรไปจนถงเครองกาเนดสญญาณ เครอง

บนทกขอมล และเครองทดสอบอจฉรยะเตมรปแบบในตว การ



ความปลอดภยเมอตองทาการทดสอบทมความอนตราย ทซง


อณหภมทรนแรง และสภาพแวดลอมทมแรงดนไฟฟาสง


เรองสาคญ ดงนนการวดคาจากระยะไกลจงชวยปองกนการ

เผชญกบความเสยงได อปกรณบนทกขอมลทเชอมตอกบ


ททาการทดสอบ ซงชวยลดความเสยงเนองจากพนกงานไม




ทางสถตและการเรยนรของเครอง ซงสามารถกาหนดรป



ประกอบไปดวย การเรยนรของเครอง สถต อลกอรธมทาง

สถต ปญญาประดษฐ การสรางโมเดล และการคนขอมลเพอ


โนม ถอวาเปนเทคนคทขบเคลอนดวยขอมล ซงสามารถใช


และกาหนดอนาคตได วธนชวยใหใชประโยชนจากขอมล




กระบวนการทดสอบซอฟตแวร พรอมกบผลลพธทมขอผด




เพมความกดดนใหกบผผลต คณสามารถยกระดบการใชงาน

อปกรณ T&M เพอเพมคณภาพการทดสอบได เพราะการตรวจ

สอบอปกรณอยางตอเนองและเทคโนโลย IoT ไดกลายมาเปนสวน


ซงชวยคณประหยดเวลา ลดความผดพลาดของมนษย และ

ตรวจสอบแนวโนมของเครองจกรไดงายขน ประโยชนหลก


การไดผลตภณฑทมคณภาพสงขน ลดคาใชจายทเกยวของ

กบความผดปกตของผลตภณฑ และลดความถในการ

ซอมแซม เปลยนใหม เรยกผลตภณฑคน และผลตซา


อยางตอเนอง การกาจดปญหาในกระบวนการและ


ตลาด โซลชน T&M ทใช IoT เปดโอกาสใหคณแลว

ทลายกาแพงเทคโนโลย Narrowband IoT (หรอเรยก

วา NB-IoT หรอ TE-M2) ซงองคกร

ยกษใหญในดานโทรคมนาคมเชน Huawei, Ericsson,

Qualcomm และ Vodafone ไดมสวนรวมในการสรางขนมา

Narrowband IoT คอเทคโนโลย Low Power Wide Area

Network (LPWAN) ทอยในมาตรฐาน LTE มเตอรสาหรบการ

ใชไฟฟา แกส หรอนามกมการโอนถายขอมลขนาดเลก อปกรณ


แบตเตอร นอกจากน ความครอบคลมในพนทเหลานคอนขางตา

การใชเทคโนโลย LTE ทมอยปจจบนจะทาใหเกดการโอเวอร

โหลดในเครอขายได NB-IoT จะชวยใหอปกรณเหลานเชอมตอได

ในททมสญญาณตา ใชงานแบตเตอรอยางเตมประสทธภาพ และ

แกไขปญหาในชวงทมความหนวงเพอหลกเลยง Packet Loss

เพอใหอปกรณเชอมตอจากพนทใตดนไดสาเรจ ลงคบด

เจทของ NB-IoT ตองมประสทธภาพเหนอกวาเทคโนโลย

เซลลลารในปจจบน เราพบวาอปกรณทอยหลงกาแพงอฐ


ความถตาได ซงหมายความวาอปกรณทตงอยในอโมงค ทอ

ระบายนา ใตดน หรอพนทชนบทสามารถเชอมตอได

และยงมความครอบคลมมากกวา โดย NB-IoT มลกษณะ


ดวย ซงหมายความวาอปกรณทใชกระแสไฟฟาจาก

แบตเตอร 5 วตต/ชวโมงจะอยไดนานขนอกถง 10 ป

ยงไปกวาน โซลชนนยงมคาใชจายในดานอปกรณ



เรมเชอมตอการทดสอบและการวดคาของคณเลย การมโซลชนในการทดสอบและการวดคาทลาหนาชวยใหคณระบปญหาและแกไขไดตงแตเนนๆ ซงการ

ลงทนกบโซลชนการทดสอบทถกตองจะชวยลดคาใชจาย และเหนอสงอนใดคอการลดความเสยง

IoT ไมใชสงใหมสาหรบแอปพลเคชนการทดสอบและการวดคา การใขงาน IoT มขอดมากมายสาหรบการทดสอบและการวด

คา และเราทางานรวมกบซพพลายเออรชนนาของอตสาหกรรมในสวนของ T&M เพอนาโซลชนทดทสดใหกบธรกจของคณ

ดวยการนาเสนอแบรนด RS PRO คณภาพสงของเรารวมกบแบรนดยคบกเบก เชน Fluke, Flir, Keysight

Technologies และ Tektronix จงทาใหคณหาผลตภณฑทกอยางทคณตองการไดจากเรา

ขอด 5 ประการของ IOT ทมตอ










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What’s on theProduct Launchpad?We’re constantly launching new products and brands so you can complete your mission with the latest technologies.


174-9558 LCD Display

RS PRO Air Quality Monitor with data logging• No MIc. Extension Cable required• Lightweight and small size• Calculates all the popular

noise dose parameters• Calculates the LC-LA value• Wide dynamic range

from 70 to a full 140dB• Measures simultaneously 3dB

and 5dB exchange rates

174-6574 LED Display

174-6575 LCD Display

RS PRO Desktop Indoor Air Quality CO2 Monitors• 2.4 inches TFT colourful LCD display• 240 x 320 pixel• Detecting the concentration of CO2• Air temperature and humidity• Auto Power Off• Exquisite outlook and easy to carry

174-6576 TFT LCD Display

RS PRO Six in 1 Particle Counter• 2.8"TFT Colour LCD display• 320*240 pixels • lmages (JPEG) & Video(3GP) • Micro SD(max, use 8GB)memory card • Simultaneously measure and display

6 channel of particle sizes. • HCHO detector, TVOC detector

and C02 detector

161-3614 x5x → 200x, UK Power Plug

161-3611 x5x → 200x, EU Power Plug

RS PRO Wifi Digital Microscopes• Very innovative handheld Colour

digital microscope with Wi-Fi wireless transmission

• Measurement, conservation, copy and transfer of images and video

• Small, easy to operate light and portable fun

146-9092 0-30V

RS PRO DC Data Logger• Memory for 32000 readings• The data can be drafted to graphic curve through PC software• Selectable sampling time• Triple LED light (Red, Yellow, and Green)

to indicate running state• Data can be downloaded to PC software via USB interface

175-5056 8"

175-5055 12"

RS PRO Folding Measuring Wheels• Big sight digital display:

Size 7mm*4.5mm• Precise & Light Weight• Folds down to ½ its size• Balanced, inline design,• Sturdy Doule-fold hanble

with TPR pistol grip• Trigger brake and counter

control at the handle

174-9559 70dB - 140dB

RS PRO Sound Level Meter• Simple tool for air dust measurements (indoor or outdoor)• Direct reading field air pollution degree No

need for mobile phones to download data from cloud, no Internet Traffic problem

• Easy use battery or AC adaptor to power the meter

175-2552 6, 16 channels , 1Msps, Analogue, Digital Input DAS60PZ

Sefram DAS60 Data Acquisition• 6 analogue isolated channels• Universal input• DC, AC+DC RMS voltage measurement• Frequency, counter• Temperature: thermocouple, Pt100/Pt1000 (2 separate channels)• Network and power analysis function (up to 400Hz)

with trigger on parameters

175-2557 60 Hz PRO3000F50

175-2558 50Hz, with Tone Generator PRO3000F50-KIT

Fluke Pro3000F Filtered Probes• Innovative filtered probe obstructs signal

of 50 Hz external interference• Switch between filtered and unfiltered

modes with one button press• Tone and trace wire on non-active networks• Auto-off capability extends battery life• Loud probe speaker is audible in noisy locations

175-4970 Single-use temperature recorder NSYDTEF32TRH

Schneider Electric ClimaSys DTH Datalogger• Time stamp/start/stop with magnet key• Dew point reading on LCD and software• Fast response time for RH sensor• USB firmware update• Low power consumption for extended

battery life (up to two years) • QR code on dataloggers for easy

online access to data sheets, videos, and other technical information

175-4971 Temperature, humidity and dew point recorder


Schneider Electric ClimaSys DTMinilog (single use) Datalogger• Activation button to start logging

and mark time stamps• Low power consumption for

extended six-month battery life• Easy data download to PC

via USB connection• USB firmware update• Compact and easy to use• QR code on dataloggers for easy

online access to data sheets, videos, and other technical information

174-7893 Max. Resistance Measurement 2500 Ω CA 6255

Chauvin Arnoux CA 6255 Micro Ohm Meter• Optimized current generator

on inductive objects• Measurement up to 2,500

Ω, resolution 0.1 μΩ• Automatic compensation

of stray voltages• Calculation of R at a reference

temperature – Pt100 Ω probe• Automatic discharge after test

175-7815 600 V ac T6-1000 KIT

175-7813 1000 V ac T6-600/62MAX+/1ACE

Fluke T6 Electrical Testers with FieldSense• FieldSense technology for ac voltage, current and frequency

measurement without making electrical contact to live voltage+ • Simultaneous voltage and current display (T6-1000)—

shows all power supply measurements at a glance for efficient troubleshooting

• 1 to 1000 V ac or dc (T6-1000); 600 V ac or dc (T6-600)

• 0.1 to 200 A ac• Resistance 1 Ω to 100 kΩ (T6-

1000), 1 Ω to 2 kΩ (T6-600)

146-9085 10A ac 600V ac 10A dc 600V dc

RS PRO RS-960 True RMS Compact Digital Multimeter• True RMS compact digital multimeters with

double molded plastic housing and over sized high contrast 4000 counts LCD display

146-9097 10A ac 1000V ac 10A dc 1000V dc

RS PRO RS-9963T 6000 counts Handheld Digital Multimeter• True RMS AC Voltage, Current readings, MAX-MIN

recording, Peak recording, as well as Frequency and Capacitance readings

• Safety Conformance• 1000V input protection• 10A/1000V & 0.5A/1000V fuses protection

146-9098 10A ac 1000V ac 10A dc 1000V dc

RS PRO RS-965 Heavy Duty, IP67 Handheld Digital Multimeter• With double molded plastic housing and

over sized high contrast 6000 counts LCD display• All CAT IV 600V/CATIII 1000V

161-1624 10A ac 1000V ac 10A dc 1000V dc

RS PRO RS-989 Handheld Digital Multimeter with Bluetooth• 5000 Counts coloured TFT

LCD Display, whereby multi-parameters can be displayed

• Measures AC/DC Voltage and Current • Maximum data record function • Data logging - up to 100 Data

and screen shots are possible • Bandwidth up to 20KHz • Bluetooth Interface for

Smartphone communication

175-4969 Temperature recorder NSYDTEF32T

Schneider Electric ClimaSys DTT Datalogger• Time stamp/start/stop with magnet key• Low power consumption for extended two-year battery life• Easy data download to PC via USB connection• USB firmware update• QR code on dataloggers for easy online access to

data sheets, videos, and other technical information



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136-7898 AVO830, 10A ac 600V ac 10A dc 600V dc 1007-494

136-7899 AVO835 with RSCAL calibration, 10A ac 1000V ac 10A dc 1000V dc


Megger AVO®830 Series Digital TRMS Multimeters• CAT III 1000 V and CAT IV 600 V• IP54 environmental protection• Phase rotation• High / Low sensitivity live circuit detection• 10 MΩ / 10 kΩ input impedance• MIN / MAX / AVG / Smoothing

705-9422 1.5kΩ CAT IV 1000-761

910-6810 1.5kΩ CAT IV, Opto-coupled IrDA-USB interface


Megger DET14C/DET24C Digital Earth Clamps• Elliptical clamp shape improves access to

earth cables and straps up to 50 mm• Low maintenance flat jaw interface• Measures ground resistance from 0.05 Ω to 1500 Ω• Measures true RMS ground leakage current from

0.5 mA rms to 35 A rms• CAT IV 600 V safety rating• Backlit LCD display

489-664 200kΩ CAT IV 100 V DET4TC2

Megger DET4TC 4 Pole Earth Tester• Resistance range 0.01 to 20000 ohms auto ranging• Choice of 2, 3 or 4 terminal measurements• Simple one button operation• Superior noise rejection to 40V pk-pk• Measures earth voltage 0 – 100V• Automatic P spike and C spike check

117-6026 250V, 500V 1008-121

117-6027 100V, 250V, 500V 1008-123

117-6028 100V, 250V, 500V, Earth electrode test 1008-128

117-6030 100V, 250V, 500V, On Site 1008-130

Megger MFT1711/MFT1721/MFT1731 Multifunction Testers• Simple colour-coded test selection with large

clear backlit display for ease of use• Two and three wire non-trip loop testing

for RCD protected circuits• Type-B RCD and 3-phase RCD testing for

industrial applications with no Earth• 3-terminal earth test and stakeless testing

for electrode resistance measurement• Internal memory and Bluetooth® communications• EN61010 CAT IV safety rating and tough IP54 case

516-7681 Voltage warning MIT300

516-7697 Default voltmeter MIT310

516-7704 Moving coil display MIT310A

516-7710 Resistance MIT320

Megger MIT 300 Series Insulation & Continuity Testers• Extremely easy to use• Tough rubber armoured case• Self contained protective cover• Live circuit warning• Weatherproof to IP54• Intelligent Safety System for protection

763-9264 20TΩ CAT IV 1001-946 1001-945

Megger MIT1025 Insulation Tester• 10 TΩ (5 kV) / 20 TΩ (10 kV) max. insulation resistance• Timed IR plus PI and DAR diagnostic tests• Operate with dead battery when on line power/mains• Rapid charge Li-ion battery – up to 6

hrs continuous testing (5 kV)

122-6798 200GΩ 1004-745

Megger MIT2500 Insulation Tester• Insulation testing up to 2.5 kV and 200 GΩ

range in a hand held instrument• Guard terminal for high-resistance accuracy• Adjustable insulation test voltage from 50 V to 2500 V• Stabilised insulation test voltage

921-4508 250 V, 500 V and 1000 V MIT400/2

921-4510 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V and 1000 V + PI, DAR


921-4523 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V and 1000 V + PI, DAR + VAR (New) and result storage


921-4520 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V and 1000 V + PI + DAR + VAR (New) + Bluetooth® download


Megger MIT400/2 CAT IV Insulation Testers• Designed for Electrical and Industrial testing• Insulation testing up to 1000 V and 200 GΩ range• Stabilised insulation test voltage• Single range, faster continuity

testing from 0.01 Ω to 1 MΩ• Adjustable insulation test

voltage from 100V to 1000V• 600 V Trms AC and DC

voltage measurement

122-6799 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V* + Storage MIT481/2

122-6800 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V* + Storage + Download + recharge ready


Megger MIT480/2 Insulation Testers• Insulation testing up to 500 V and 100 GΩ

range in a hand held instrument• 3 wire connection for A, B and E (Tip,

Ring and Earth) connection• Gated access to 500 V to

prevent accidental damage• Rechargeable options for

mains and car charging• Single range, faster continuity

testing from 0.01 Ω to 1 MΩ

763-9267 10TΩ CAT IV 1001-935 1001-937

763-9260 10TΩ CAT IV, USB cable, PowerDB Lite software

1001-939 1001-941

Megger MIT500 Series Industrial Insulation Testers• Measures up to 10 TΩ• PI, DAR, DD, SV and ramp test• Improved productivity – operate from

line power/mains if battery dead• Li ion battery - extended capacity, rapid charge• Advanced memory with time/date stamp• CATIV 600 V safety rating

712-5749 Loop Impedance Test Type 2 Wire 500V LRCD220

Megger LRCD220 Loop & RCD Tester• Built-in protective front cover• Tough rubber armoured case• Weatherproof to IP54• High current loop testing• Phase to phase loop testing• Auto RCD testing• 1000mA RCD test

198-435 2 Wire loop impedance measurement LTW315

198-441 2 wire + maxZ + (R1+R2) + 0.001 Ω LTW425

Megger LTW 300 Series 2 Wire Loop Impedance Testers• 2 Wire Non-tripping loop tester• 50 V to 440 V operation• 110 V centre-tap loop testing• CATIV installation testing• AUTO start - operation

712-5737 500mA AC Selective, DC Selective CAT III 300 V


Megger RCDT310 Residual Current Device Testers• Tests standard, DC, selective, and programmable RCDs• Ramp testing• Auto (Remote) testing• 3 Phase safe• Enables testing on 110 V centre tapped supplies• Tough rubber armoured case with built-in cover

910-6801 2000 Ω 1006-598

910-6807 2500 μΩ 1006-600

Megger DLRO10/DLRO10X Digital Microhmmeters• Interchangeable test lead terminations• Auto current reversal cancels standing emfs• Protected to 600 V• Automatically detects continuity in

potential and current connections• Multiple operating modes

including fully automatic

910-6804 Max. Resistance 2500 μΩ, Resolution 100nΩ 1006-603

666-7371 DH5 straight duplex handspike set with 2.5m long leads


Megger DLRO10HD Heavy Duty 10A Low Resistance Ohmmeters• 2 high power ( up to 25W) ranges ideal for

inductive applications, and where heating a potential weakness is desirable

• 7 low power output ranges limited to 0.25W to avoid heating the test piece and to extend battery life

• 10 A for 60 seconds, less time waiting to cool, great for charging inductance

764-2825 5000m TDR1000/3

764-2828 5000m, with fused test lead set TDR1000/3P

Megger TDR1000/3 Handheld Cable Fault Locators• Unidirectional modeSimple operation• AUTO set up for instant use• Ultra fast pulse for near end fault identification• Trace HOLD feature with live trace overlay

to allow comparison between cables

891-9769 20000m 1005-021

Megger TDR2050 Advanced Dual Channel TDR• 600 V CAT IV input protection filter built in• Step and pulse TDR selections• Distance dependant gain• Trace tagging• 2ns pulse width• Designed for use on all metallic paired cables

146-2899 CATIV @ 600 V 1009-753

Megger MPQ1000 Handheld Power Quality Analyzer• Automatic CT recognition• Automatic connection verification• On-board data analysis• SD card and USB stick support• 1000 V ac and 1000 V dc range• Scope and DMM modes



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Industrial Imaging Multimeters with IGM™


Thermal Imaging Camera Attachment for iOS and Android

FLIROne® Pro

Affordable thermal imaging camera with Wi-Fi and MSX® Enhancement



Industrial Imaging Clamp Meters with IGM™


FLIR One Pro -DM285 HK.indd 1 24/08/18 13:17

848-1331 Field of View: 50° x 38.6° - wider angle TG165

922-8761 Field of View: 25° x 19.6° - narrower angle TG167

875-4799 Case TA13

877-7102 Holster TA14

FLIR TG165/TG167 Spot Thermal Cameras • Bridge the gap between single spot

infrared thermometers and FLIR’s thermal cameras Equipped with FLIR’s exclusive Lepton® micro thermal sensor, let you see the heat so you know where to reliably measure it

• TG165 is useful for building applications, like HVAC inspections, or locating a warm pipe in a wall

• TG167 is primarily designed for indoor electrical inspections

922-8759 Distance to Spot Ratio: 24:1 GT54

922-8768 Distance to Spot Ratio: 30:1 GT56

FLIR TG54/TG56 Spot Infrared Thermometers • Simple, easy to use• Compact, rugged design• Graphical menu structure and

colour display enable easy access to measurement settings & alarms

• Feature powerful LED work lights• Take non-contact surface temperature

measurements with IR (infrared) sensor• Easily identify measurement

location with built-in laser

848-1400 240 x 180 pixel, -20 → +650 °C FLIR E50

FLIR E50 Thermal Imaging Camera • Display: Touch screen, 3.5 in. LCD, 320 x 240 pixels• IR resolution: 240 x 180 pixels• MSX resolution: 320 x 240 pixels

173-0024 240 x 180 pixel E53 24°

FLIR E53 Entry-level Advanced Thermal Imaging Camera • Spot-size ratio allows you to take the

most accurate temperature readings on smaller targets, at farther distances

• Measures up to 650°C (1200°F), offers 3 spotmeters and displays the max/min temperature within an area live, on-screen

• Customizable work folders, a built-in mic for voice annotation, and report generation features all help the E53 streamline your workday


135-3293 320 x 240 pixel 78502-0101

135-3295 384 x 288 pixel 78502-0201

135-3294 64 x 348 pixel 78502-0301

FLIR E75/E85/E95 Thermal Imaging Cameras • MSX® image enhancements add perspective to

scenes, with edge detail on windows and doors • 5 MP digital camera mode• True 24° field of view (FOV) standard lens allows

for surveys of wide areas with a single lens • Built-in voice annotation and customisable

work folders make finding images easier • 4" optically bonded PCAP touchscreen

with 160° viewing angle

136-8284 iOS 435-0006-03

136-8285 Android 435-0007-03

136-8286 Micro USB Android 435-0011-03

FLIR ONE PRO Thermal Imaging Cameras • MSX™ - adds visible spectrum detail to thermal images

and enhances resolution• Ruggedized Design• OneFit™ Adjustable Connector• VividIR™ Advanced Image Processing• Higher Resolution Thermal Sensor• Advanced Diagnostics• One-Touch Reporting• Enhanced FLIR ONE App

175-1156 4,800 pixels (80 x 60) 63906-0604

135-3290 10,800 pixels (120 x 90) 63909-0904

135-3289 19,200 pixels (160 x 120) 63907-0704

135-3288 76,800 pixels (320 x 240) 63908-0805

FLIR E4/E5/E6/E8 Thermal Imaging Cameras with MSX® Enhancement • Multi-Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) for easier

interpretation of an image - adds visible spectrum definition to IR images by detecting the edges of objects and including that detail in the thermal image

• Display: 3” color LCD• On-board 640 x 480 digital camera• Easy-to-use, weighs only 1.2lbs• 2% accuracy

135-3287 -10 → +150°C, 80 x 60pixel 72003-0303

FLIR C3 Thermal Imaging Camera with WiFi • A full-featured, pocket-sized thermal camera

designed for building inspections, facilities maintenance, HVAC or electrical repair

• Equipped to find hot fuses, cold air leaks and plumbing issues and to find hidden heat patterns that signal energy waste

• Must-have features include MSX® real-time image enhancement, area maximum or minimum temperature measurement and WiFi connectivity

135-6220 -20 → +250 °C 320 x 240pixel 63950-1001

FLIR ETS320 Test Bench Thermal Camera • Designed for hands-free laboratory testing. Ideal for

reducing test times and improving product design for electronic board and device evaluation

• 320 x 240 IR resolution (7800 pixels)• Vibrant 3" LCD display provides immediate thermal feedback• 45⁰ field of view• ±3% measurement accuracy• Records standard radiometric JPEGs• Pole mount included for

fast and easy setup



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786-3022 -50 °C to +70 °C

RS PRO Digital Thermometer, 1 Input Fridge• Designed to detect the temperature of a freezer or

refrigerator and should be placed inside the compartment• Room / Freezer or Refrigerator temperature

display (°C / °F selectable)

408-6109 0 °C → +40 °C (resolution 0.5 °C)

RS PRO Digital Thermometer, 3 Input LCD• Large, 3 channel LCD display• Displays time, temperature (select indoor

or outdoor) and Relative Humidity• 3m external temperature sensor• °C/°F selectable

136-7890 +380 °C, +716 °F

RS PRO RS-820 Mini lnfraRed Thermometer• Distance to Spot Ratio: 12:1• Built-in laser pointer identifies target area • Illuminated display • Max / Min record • Over-range indication • User selectable °C or °F • Targeted scanning for

higher/lower temperature

123-2216 Max. +500 °C, +932 °F

123-2217 Max. +1350 °C, +1999 °F

RS PRO Remote (Non Contact) Infrared Thermometers• Built-in laser sighting• Backlit LCD display • Auto HOLD• MAX / MIN reading• Adjustable emissivity • High/Low audible and visible alarm (presettable)• Data memory (50 measurements)

and read function

788-4675 -20 → +650 °C, 200 x 150 pixel FLK-TI200 9HZ

788-4666 -20 → +650 °C, 240 x 180pixel FLK-TI300 9HZ

788-4662 -20 → +1200 °C, 320 x 240pixel FLK-TI400 9HZ

Fluke Ti200/Ti300/Ti400 Thermal Imaging Cameras• Capture up to five additional measurements with CNXTM

Wireless System for more complete analysis and reporting• Detect and communicate issues faster with patented

Fluke IR-Fusion® technology with AutoBlendTM mode• Faster communication with wireless image transfer

directly to your PC, Apple® iPhone® or iPad®

• One-handed, easy-to-use user interface

922-4826 -20 → +1200 °C, 320 x 240 pixel, 640 x 480 pixel


Fluke TI450 Thermal Imaging Camera• High performance, 320x240 thermal imaging

camera with MultiSharp™ Focus• Captures a clear, accurate

image focused throughout the field of view

• Presents an instant in-focus image of designated target with LaserSharp® Auto Focus

• Delivers 4x the pixel data with SuperResolution to create a 640 x 480 resolution image

• Measures temperatures from -20 °C to +1200 °C (-4 °F to +2192 °F)

171-6857 ≤-10 → +1000 °C, 1280 x 960 pixel, 640 x 480 pixel


Fluke Ti480 PRO Thermal Imaging Camera• The PRO Series takes focus to a

new level of clarity with MultiSharp™ Focus that rapidly takes multiple images and combines them to produce one in-focus image

• Increased sensitivity to visualize temperature differences

• Easier to visualize and diagnose issues with sharper onscreen images, multiple rectangle markers and 9 color palettes

• More intuitive visual interface, improved, user-tested, touch screen interface


168-1355 10A ac 1000V ac 10A dc 1000V dc DM285

FLIR DM285 Handheld Thermal Imaging Multimeter with Bluetooth• Infrared Guided Measurement (IGM) technology

powered by a built-in 160 x 120 FLIR thermal imager• Visually guides you to the precise location of an electrical

problem, helping you pinpoint hot spots faster• Helps streamline inspections by connecting wirelessly to FLIR

Tools or the new FLIR InSiteTM workflow management app

168-1351 10A ac 600V ac 10A dc 600V dc DM166

FLIR DM166 Handheld Thermal Imaging Multimeter• Featuring IGM: A built-in 80 x 60 resolution thermal

camera sensor visually guides you to an electrical problem• Range of Measurement Options: Includes

True RMS, VFD mode, and more• The Test Tools You Need: Comes with high-quality test leads

and a Type K thermocouple input (DM166 and DM64)• Smart design and functionality: Intuitive

user interface and high-quality design, with flashing backlight and audible indicators

• Safe and Durable: Drop-tested

877-7105 VFD Mode DM92

FLIR DM92/DM93 Digital Handheld Multimeters• Accurately analyze non-traditional

sine waves and noisy signals• LoZ Mode eliminates ghost voltage error readings

caused by long wires that share a conduit• Powerful LED worklights eliminate the need for a

flashlight while performing tests in dim lighting• Manually store and recall up to 99 readings• Durable double molded construction (IP54, 2m Drop Test)

168-1345 10A ac 600V ac 10A dc 600V dc DM62

168-1347 10A ac 600V ac 600V dc 10A dc DM64

168-1349 10A ac 600V ac 10A dc 600V dc; low impedance (LoZ) mode


FLIR DM62/DM64/DM66 True RMS Digital Multimeters• Rich feature set ideal for various electrical applications• Safely check voltage with non-contact voltage detection• Measure both AC-DC voltage and current (A, mA, μA)• Diagnose faults with broad digital multimeter

test functions including variable-frequency drive (VFD) mode and voltage range up to 600 V

• Fast Efficient Testing and Troubleshooting

906-3909 Max. Measurement 100% MR160

FLIR MR160 Moisture Meter• 80 x 60 Lepton thermal imager with IGM technology• Document thermal images and

moisture readings on one screen• Review images and generate reports

with free FLIR Tools software• Pinless technology for fast non-contact measurements

922-6236 12 (Vapor Pressure) kPa MR176

FLIR MR176 Imaging Moisture Meter Plus with IGM™

• Thermal Image Resolution: 4800 pixels (80 x 60)• Lepton® thermal imager powers IGM technology• Review images and generate reports

with free FLIR Tools software• Rugged design with intuitive menu system• Compact for convenient carriage and use

922-6220 Max Current 600A ac, 600A dc CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V


FLIR CM174 600A AC/DC Clampmeter with IGM™

• Work safely - scan a panel or cabinet for hazards using IGM without direct contact

• Verify problems, check load and validate hot spots • Narrow jaw and built-in work lights help you

access difficult locations with lighting issues• Advanced electrical features: True RMS, LoZ,

VFD Mode, Inrush, Smart Diode with Disable• Expandable to 3000 Amps AC

with FLIR flex accessories

168-1358 Max Current 600A ac, 600A dc CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V


FLIR CM275 Clamp Meter• Find problems faster• Diagnose efficiently• Document and share results• IGM: Up to 160 x 120 (19200 pixel) Lepton®

thermal imager powers IGM technology for visual identification of electrical issues

906-3918 10" coil for easy maneuverability and compact convenience


906-3912 18" coil for larger and multiple conductor measurements, double-wrap requirements, and deeper access


FLIR CM55/CM57 Flexible Clamp Meters• Made with a narrow flexible coil clamp, let you easily

take measurements in tight or awkward spots— a difficult task with a traditional hard jaw clamp meter

• With Bluetooth communication for remote viewing and data transfer to iOS® and Android™ devices via the FLIR Tools Mobile App

• True RMS AC Current up to 3,000 Amps for multiple conductor measurements

136-5667 80 x 80 pixel; FOV:17° x 17°; -20 → +150 °C, -4 → +302 °F

136-5668 120 x 160 pixel, FOV:19° x 25°; +32 → +662 °F, 0 → +350 °C

RS PRO RS700/RS730 Thermal Imaging Cameras with WiFi• Combines all the important features for

thermographic measurement at an affordable price• Display: 2.8" LCD, 240 x 320 pixels• Image Frequency: 50 Hz• Built in digital camera

777-6704 SuperResolution (IFOV): 2.1 mrad (Standard lens)

0563 0875 V1

777-6707 SuperResolution (IFOV): 2.1 mrad (Tele: 0.6 mrad)

0563 0875 V2

Testo 875-i Thermographies• Infrared resolution 160 x 120 pixels• SuperResolution technology to 320 x 240 pixels• Thermal sensitivity ˂ 50 mK• Built-in digital camera with power LEDs• Exchangeable lenses• Measurement mode for detecting mould-risk areas• High temperature measurement up to 550 °C



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530-0793 300mA dc 600V ac/dc KEW1110

Kyoritsu 1110 Analogue Multimeter• High dc sensitivity - 20kΩ/V• Polarity selector switch• 600V ac/dc measurement• 300mA current measurement• Resistance measurement & continuity buzzer

284-8056 10A ac 750V ac 1000V dc 10A dc 58122-0750

Aim-TTi 1604 Digital Multimeter Bench• 40000 count auto/manual ranging• Large bright LED display (14mm/0.56in.)• Resolution 10mΩ, 0.1μA• Current measurement up to 10 amps• True RMS a.c. functions, wide bandwidth• Frequency measurement function

394-4470 0.15% +2 FLUKE 175

394-4486 0.09% +2 FLUKE 177

394-4492 0.09% +2 FLUKE 179

Fluke 175/177/179 True RMS Digital Multimeters• 6000 count LCD with 33 segment bargraph• True rms (a.c.) measurement• EN61010-1 safety standard compliance

to Cat IV 600V & Cat III 1000V• Resistance, continuity and

diode measurement• Capacitance measurement

up to 10000μF

175-7817 2.5kA ac 1000V ac 1000V dc FLUKE-279FC I/B

Fluke 279 FC Digital Multimeter Handheld• Full-featured multimeter with

built-in thermal imager• 15 measurement functions• Low-pass filter for troubleshooting

adjustable speed drives• Thermal imaging reveals hots

spots that may indicate electrical issues quickly and safely


760-0398 10A ac 1000V ac 1000V dc 10A dc FLUKE 28 IIEX

Fluke 28EX Digital Multimeter Handheld• Ex certification allows you to operate this

digital multimeter into most Ex rated areas• Tested for drops of up to 3 m • Dustproof per IEC60529 IP6x • Waterproof per IEC60529 IPx7 • 4 ½ digit mode for precise

measurements (20 000 Counts) • True RMS ac voltage and current

for accurate measurement on non-linear signals

480-2355 10A ac 1000V ac 1000V dc 10A dc FLUKE 87-5

Fluke 87 Handheld Digital Multimeter• Accurate frequency measurements on adjustable speed

drives (ASD) due to Fluke-designed low-pass filter• Built-in thermometer allows temperature measurements

without having to carry a separate instrument

760-0351 Ethernet and RS-232 interfaces 2701/E - 2 slots

760-0357 GPIB and RS-232 interfaces 2700/E - 2 slots

760-0360 GPIB and RS-232 interfaces, Dry circuit ohms (20 mV clamp)

2750/E - 5 slots

Keithley 2700/2701/2750 Digital Multimeters• Cost effective - Combines functions of digital

multimeter, switch system and datalogger• True 6-digit (22 bit) resolution• Can select 12 switch/control plug-in modules• Up to 200 differential input channels (with 300

V isolation) for measurement and control• Convenient front panel inputs• ExceLINX - 1A datalogging software

173-9961 3A ac 750V ac 1000V dc 3A dc DAQ6510

Keithley DAQ6510 Bench Digital Multimeter• Large, 5-inch (12.7 cm) multi-

touch capacitive touchscreen with graphical display

• 2-year specified, full featured, traceable 6-digit multimeter with 0.0025% DCV (1 V, 10 V ranges) basic accuracy


777-7104 10A ac 750V ac 1000V dc 10A dc 34461A

Keysight Truevolt 34461A Digital Bench Multimeter• Bright 4.3in (109mm) high-resolution

colour graphical display• Intuitive menu-driven interface• Press and hold a key to display built-in help• Display operation can be

customised to meet user needs• Customised labels can be added

161-1626 10A ac 1000V ac 1000V dc 10A dc

RS PRO RS9663 Digital Handheld Multimeter• Ensure the highest level of protection against sudden

transient over voltage and arcing flash-over with advanced DMM features and True RMS accuracy

• Rugged, waterproof and drop-proof multimeter will take whatever rough handling you dish out

• Double molded plastic housing and over sized high contrast 4000/6000 counts LCD display CAT IV rated for 600V/CATIII 1000V

161-1625 10A ac 600V ac 600V dc 10A dc

RS PRO Digital Handheld Multimeter• Provide much more safe measurements

with double modled housing• The meterbox-iMM software can support a DMM product

transferring the measured data to the customers' smartphone for data editing and sharing

123-1930 200mA ac 600V ac 600V dc 200mA dc

RS PRO IDM20 Digital Handheld Multimeter• 3 digit, 4000 Count LCD display• Data Hold• Resistance & capacitance measurement• Frequency, duty cycle measurement• Diode & continuity check• Built-in non-contact AC voltage

detector plus flashlight

123-3239 6mA ac 750V ac 1000V dc 6mA dc

123-3243 10A ac 750V ac 1000V dc 10A dc IDM73

RS PRO IDM71/IDM73 Digital Handheld Multimeters• Handy and compact housing• Large-scale display• 6000 display count• DCA μA • Data Hold• Min / Max function • Frequency Counter • Capacitance Measurement

123-3244 10A ac 600V ac 600V dc 10A dc

RS PRO IDM91E Digital Handheld Multimeter• 3 ½ digit LCD• Accuracy: 0.5% basic DCV, 1.3% basic

ACV, 1.0% basic DCA, 1.5% basic ACA• 0.75% basic OHM accuracy• Continuity and diode test• 500V dual-fuse protection• Auto power-off

123-1939 600V ac 600V dc 10A dc

123-1938 10A ac 600V ac 600V dc 10A dc DT-914

RS PRO RS12/RS14 Handheld Digital Multimeters Auto-ranging• Ideal for using in your workshop or on-site• Measure Voltage (V), Current (mA),

Resistance (Ω) and Temperature (°C)• Battery-powered which is

great for portability• Digital 2000 counts

LCD backlit screen• Robust, double-moulded,

plastic housing provides ultimate protection for use in harsh environments

697-4196 5.5 digit display resolution, 10A ac 750V ac 1000V dc 10A dc


697-4200 6.5 digit display resolution, 10A ac 1000V ac 1000V dc 10A dc


Tektronix DMM4020/DMM4050 Digital Bench Multimeters• Ideal for using in your workshop or on-site• Measure Voltage (V), Current (mA),

Resistance (Ω) and Temperature (°C)• Battery-powered which is great for portability• Digital 2000 counts LCD backlit screen• Robust, double-moulded, plastic housing provides

ultimate protection for use in harsh environments

237-160 Application: Industrial FLUKE 87V/E2

Fluke 87V/ E2 Industrial Electrician Combo Kit• 1.5m heat resistant silicone test leads• Removable test probes with 4mm of exposed

metal for use on industrial circuits• Retractable long reach alligator clips• Magnetic hanger to position and

hold meter to steel surfaces• Kit consists of: 87-V Multimeter, soft carry

case, TL224 test leads, 80BK temperature probe, TL910 lead kit, H80M Holster


176-6018 Application: Electrical

RS PRO Electricians Backpack Tool Kit• Designed for professional engineers who work

on or around electrically live circuits• Kit Contents Cutters, Digital Multimeter, Insulation Tester,

Pilers, Screwdrivers, Socket tester, Voltage Indicator


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174-9556 Max. 30V, 20mA

RS PRO Current & Voltage Calibrator• Simulate electronic load (Max.30V,20mA)• Test LED brightness (0∼20mA)• Calibrate temperature of 11

types of thermocouples• Handle function generator of

sine wave,squre wave,triangular wave,arbitary wave,from 0.3 to 20KHz


757-560 0 → 20 mA 1044

Time Electronic 1044 Current & Voltage Calibrator• Three voltage and 3 current ranges• Source output and measurement

values displayed on clear LCD• Housed in rugged ABS case• Low battery condition indicator

237-451 24mA UPS III IS

Druck UNO-UPS-III-IS-4211 Current Loop Calibrator• ATEX/IEC intrinsically safe• Measure or source 0 to 24 mA• Accuracy 0.015% of reading• Dual mA and % readout, linear or flow• Step, span check, valve check, ramp• 50 VDC measurement and continuity

434-7000 24mA UPS-III

Druck UPS-III Current Loop Calibrator• Built in 24Vdc power supply loop• mA and % displayed simultaneously,

as linear or square root (flow)• Measurement/generation 0 - 24mA DC• Instrument accuracy 0.01% of the reading (over 1 year)

174-9557 24mA

RS PRO Current Loop Calibrator• Source 4∼20 mA, 0∼24 mA with 1

μA resolution (1 KΩ load, 24 V loop supply), basic accuracy 0.025%

• Source 0∼24.000 V with 1 mV resolution• Source frequency 1∼20000 Hz square wave

with programmable duty cycle (1∼99%)


710-9044 0 to 20 bar IPM620-IS-13G

Druck Intrinsically Safe Advanced Modular Calibration System• For Use With DPI 620 Series• Multi-function modular calibration system• Electrical, frequency and temperature calibration

with simultaneous measurement and source• Modular pressure measurement and pressure

calibration functions – from 25 mbar to 1000 bar• Upto 100Bar pressure generation pneumatically,

Upto 1000Bar pressure generation hydraulically

541-081 -1 to +2 Bar g PM 620-07G

541-071 -1 to +20 Bar g PM 620-13G

541-097 100 Bar g PM 620-165G

Druck Multi Function Calibrator Pressure Modules• Multi-function modular calibration system,

for use with DPI 620 Series• Electrical, frequency and temperature calibration

with simultaneous measurement and source• Modular pressure measurement and pressure

calibration functions – from 25 mbar to 1000 bar

532-7530 30V 55mA DPI 880

Druck DPI 880 Multi Function Calibrator• Sources and reads mA, mV, V, ohms, frequency and pulses• Simulates and reads 8 RTDs and 12 thermocouples• Automatic detection of 2, 3 and 4 wire RTD’s• Simultaneous dual reading capability• Automatic switch test• 24 V loop power supply

800-3016 Fieldbus Comms 1000bar DPI620G-FF

800-3013 HART 1000bar DPI620G

Druck Genii Multi Function Calibrators• Multi-function capabilities: electrical,

frequency, temperature and pressure• Complete HART communicator included• Optional Foundation Fieldbus communicator• Modular re-rangeable and expandable concept• Individual components can be used

as stand-alone instruments

686-2107 20 channels , 3Msps, Digital Input 34970A

702-7958 20 channels , 3Msps, Digital Input, USB memory port


Keysight 34970A Data Acquisition/Switch Units• Combines simplicity of user interface with

low per-channel cost, modular flexibility and impressive measurement performance

• Its versatility includes use as a data-logger, data acquisition front-end and switch system

• Measures and converts temperature with thermocouples, RTDs & thermistors, dc & ac volts, 2-wire & 4-wire resistance, frequency & period and dc & ac current

• Each channel is independently configurable

702-7939 20-Channel Multiplexer (2/4-wire) Module 34901A

702-7932 16-Channel Multiplexer 34902A

Keysight Data Acquisition Multiplexer Modules• For Use With Data Acquisition & Switch Unit• 300V switching • Built-in thermocouple reference junction

740-6483 USB 2.0, Battery Powered, LED Display P01157010

Chauvin Arnoux CL 601 Current Data Logger• Maximum Current Measurement 600A• 0 to 600 Arms• True RMS AC measurements• Self-contained, no exposed connections• Overload indication• Optically-isolated USB 2.0

output (cable included)

740-6480 USB 2.0, Battery Powered P01157040

Chauvin Arnoux L261 Voltage Data Logger• Maximum Voltage Measurement 600V ac/dc• TRMS voltage recording up to 600 V AC/DC• 64 samples per cycle• Programmable storage rates from

8 per second to 1 per day• 3 user-selectable storage modes• Stores up to 240,000 measurements

in nonvolatile memory

666-8179 USB, Battery Powered, IP67 EL-USB-1-PRO

Lascar EL-USB-1-PRO Temperature Data Logger• Simple USB interface for setup and data

download (no cable or cradle required)• Over 32000 temperature readings• Export to Excel functionality• Extended -40°C - +125°C measurement range• Memory rollover function for continuous logging

490-1064 USB, Battery Powered, IP67 EL-USB-2

Lascar EL-USB-2 Dew Point, Humidity, Temperature Data Logger• Measures temperature (-35 °C to +80 °C), humidity

(0% to 100%) and calculates dewpoint • Easy to use software supplied with unit. Compatible

with Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7• Export to Excel functionality

666-8166 Dew Point, Humidity, Temperature; with LCD Display


666-8160 Temperature EL-USB-TC-LCD

Lascar EasyLog USB Data Loggers• Ideal for applications where measuring temperature

and humidity ranges with high accuracy are required• Easily set up the logger and view downloaded

data by plugging the unit into a PC’s USB port and using the free EasyLog software

• Data can then be graphed, printed and exported to other applications for detailed analysis

492-5105 USB, Mains Powered USB TC-08

Pico Technology USB TC-08 Temperature Data Logger• Works with thermocouple types

B, E, J, K, N, R, S and T• Wide temperature range, with

20 bit vertical resolution• Built in cold junction compensation• No power supply required, power

is drawn from USB port

172-0573 Cable Length: 1m

RS PRO Data Logger Plug• Useful in applications where monitoring

of ambient air temperature is required• Available in standard or high

accuracy versions• For use with PRO-MOTE-T and

PRO-MOTE T+ model types• Power Supply with 4 Interchangeable

plugs including UK, US, EU and AU/NZ


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INSPECTEDตรวจสอบเพ อรบประกน

คณภาพและประส ทธภาพ

TESTEDทดสอบโดยวศวกรช นน

ผลตภณฑ RS PRO ทกรายการผานการทดสอบคณภาพตามมาตรฐานอตสาหกรรมประกอบดวย:

ทกตวเลอกมความหมาย เลอก RS PRO



อปกรณการทดสอบและวดคาคณภาพสงจาก RS PRO การนตความถก

ตองแมนยาและประสทธภาพทมาพรอมราคาประหยด เราสงมอบผลตภณฑ

ตางๆ ของเราใหกบลกคาทวโลก ซงไดรบการทดสอบอยางเขมงวดตาม

มาตรฐานอตสาหกรรมทกาหนดเพอใหไดรบตรารบรองจาก RS PRO

และนอกเหนอไปจากการมสนคาคณภาพหลากหลายรายการแลว เรายง

เจรจาดวยเงอนไขทดทสดเพอชวยลดคาใชจายใหกบซพพลายเออร แลวแบบน

จะไมเลอก RS PRO ไดอยางไร


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ผลตภณฑ RS PRO ทกรายการผานการทดสอบคณภาพตามมาตรฐานอตสาหกรรมประกอบดวย:

มองหาตรารบรองคณภาพจาก RS

ตงแตป 1937 ท RS PRO มความความหลงใหลในชนสวนอตสาหกรรม ทสาคญไปกวานน เราเชอ

วาทกชนสวนสาคญเสมอ เพราะคณภาพทเกดจากการใชงานของคณนนจะเชอมโยงเขากบคณภาพ

ของทก ๆ ชนสวนทอยในนนเสมอ



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731-2842 2 Output Digital 840W 0 → 60V 0 → 20A CPX400D

707-2857 2 Output Digital 840W 0 → 60V 0 → 20A, Digital interfaces only


Aim-TTi CPX400D/CPX400DP• Dual isolated outputs, independent or tracking• PowerFlex regulation with 840 watts of total power• Up to 60V and up to 20A within a 420W

power envelope on each output• Isolated tracking provides up to 120V in

series or up to 40A in parallel• True analogue controls with digital enhancements

665-4886 1 Output Digital 60W 0 → 30V 0 → 2A EL302R

Aim-TTi EL302R• Separate 3 digit 14mm voltage and current meters• Constant voltage or constant current operation• New safety terminals accept fixed shroud

4mm plugs plus forks and wires• DC output switch enables voltage/

current setup with load disconnected

424-5926 1 Output Digital 180W 0 → 18V 10A EX1810R

Aim-TTi EX1810R• Mixed-mode regulated with linear final regulation• Constant voltage or constant current

with automatic cross-over• 4 digit meters with 10mV and 1mA resolution• Switchable remote sense terminals for

perfect regulation at the load

895-2491 3 Output Digital 375W 0 → 12 V, 0 → 120 V, 0 → 60 V


Aim-TTi MX180T• Three high performance outputs, two of

180 watts each and one of 18 watts • Total power of 378 watts in a highly compact package • Range switching gives up to 120

volts and up to 20 amps • 21 range combinations for maximum flexibility

753-1447 228W 0 → 15 V, 0 → 35 V, 1 → 6 V QL355T

Aim-TTi QL355T• More than 100W per main output• Multiple ranges for increased current flexibility• Setting by numeric data entry or spin wheel• Multiple non-volatile setting memories• Selectable remote sense terminals• Compact modular width for bench or rack

707-2875 2 Output Digital 600W 0 → 80V 0 → 50A QPX600DP

Aim-TTi QPX600DP• Dual independent or tracking 600W outputs• Ultra-wide range of voltage/current combinations• Up to 80V and up to 50A within each power envelope• Isolated tracking of voltage only, or voltage and current

175-2542 1 Output Digital 320W 0 → 42V dc 0 → 20A BK9103

175-2543 1 Output Digital 320W 0 → 84V dc 0 → 10A BK9104

BK Precision BK9103/BK9104• Automatic CV/CC crossover operation• Lightweight and compact• Save up to 3 user-defined voltage and

current presets for quick recall• Transient mode for generating square,

triangular or trapezium waveforms• PC software for remote control and

external timed programming


493-8038 1 Output Digital 160W 0 → 16V 0 → 10A PS 3016-10B

EA Elektro-Automatik PS 3016-10B• Current and voltage can be adjusted with

a coarse and precision regulator• Constant current and constant voltage operation• Temperature-controlled fan output

122-0710 2 Output Digital 390W 0 → 32 V, 0 → 64 V 6 A, 12 A


ELC ALR3206D• Large graphic display• Sensitive, soft-touch keypad• Interfaces USB, RS485, controller 0-10 V• Output in rear-panel, used for remote sensing• Coupling - Auto mode: Series, Parallel, Tracking

810-4172 2 Output Digital 400 W, 500 VA AC6801A

810-4188 2 Output Digital 3.2 kW, 4 kVA AC6804B

Keysight AC6800 Series Basic AC Power Sources• Intuitive user interface – If you’ve used

a Keysight DC power supply, you’ll feel right at home with these AC sources

• Flexible I/O – LAN/LXI Core and USB (standard), and GPIB (optional). And you can access and

• control the source remotely via a standard browser• Low cost of ownership – backed with global support

and the longest standard warranty in the industry

175-1801 1 Output 30W 6V dc 5A E36102B

175-1802 1 Output 40W 20V dc 2A E36103B

175-1803 1 Output 35W 35V dc 1A E36104B

175-1804 1 Output 36W 60V dc 600mA E36105B

175-1805 1 Output 40W 100V dc 400mA E36106B

Keysight E36100B Series Basic DC Power Supplies• Accurate voltage/current programming

and read back capability provides excellent control to precisely power your device under test

• USB and LAN (LXI Core)• Save space on your bench, 2U rack• Easily view the high contrast OLED display


667-7362 1 Output Digital 30W 0 → 20 V, 0 → 8 V 1.5 A, 3 A E3640A

667-7375 1 Output Digital 40W 0 → 20 V, 0 → 8 V 2.5 A, 5 A E3642A

667-7372 1 Output Digital 80W 0 → 20 V, 0 → 8 V 4 A, 8 A E3644A

667-7381 1 Output Digital 80W 0 → 35 V, 0 → 60 V 1.3 A, 2.2 A E3645A

667-7384 2 Output Digital 24W 0 → 20 V, 0 → 8 V 1.5 A, 3 A E3646A

667-7388 2 Output Digital 28W 0 → 35 V, 0 → 60 V 500 mA, 800 mA E3647A

667-7397 2 Output Digital 40W 0 → 20 V, 0 → 8 V 2.5 A, 5 A E3648A

667-7390 2 Output Digital 49W 0 → 35 V, 0 → 60 V 1.4 A, 800 mA E3649A

Keysight E364xA Single Output DC Power Supplies• Single and dual outputs• Dual range output• 30 W to 100 W output power• Front and rear output terminals• Over-voltage protection• Remote Sensing connections on the rear• GPIB and RS-232 interfaces• Save and recall functions for up to 5 values

501-219 3 Output Digital 30W 0 → ±25 V, 0 → 6 V


Keysight E3631A 80W Triple Output Power Supply• The triple output, 80 W, GPIB, E3631A provides small,

compact size for bench use; low output ripple and noise• Built-in measurements and basic programmable

features with GPIB and RS232 interface. • Designed for general purpose applications and combines

convenient bench top capabilities with flexible system features in a compact, multi-output package

501-174 0 to 15 V/7 A or 0 to 30 V/4 A E3632A

501-178 0 to 8 V/20 A or 0 to 20 V/10 A E3633A

501-229 0 to 25 V/7 A or 0 to 50 V/4 A E3634A

Keysight E3632A - E3634A 120W to 200W Single Output Power Supplies• Front-panel VFD (vacuum-fluorescent display) shows

and monitors actual or limit values simultaneously• Delicate device-under-tests are provided with

overvoltage and overcurrent protection• Three completed power supply setup states can be

stored and recalled from internal non-volatile memory• Remote sensing function eliminates errors in voltage

regulation due to voltage drop at load leads

174-2915 2 Output Digital 188W 0 → 32V 5 A, 10 A HMP2020

174-2916 3 Output Digital 188W 0 → 32V 5A HMP2030

174-2918 3 Output Digital 384W 0 → 32V 10A HMP4030

174-2920 4 Output Digital 384W 0 → 32V 10A HMP4040

R&S®HMP Series Power Supplies• Primarily designed for industrial

use - for production environments as well as for development labs

• Galvanically isolated, floating outputs with overload and short-circuit protection

• Remote sensing eliminates voltage drops on the load leads• Comfortable programming features and 19” rack adapters

ensure perfect integration in production environments

888-2355 1 Ch, 2 Ω → 200 MΩ 10.5 (Pulsed Output) A, 3 (DC Output) A


Keysight B2900A Series Precision Source/Measure Unit• Supports one-channel configuration• Minimum source resolution 1pA /1μV, minimum

measurement resolution 100fA/100nV• Maximum output 210V, 3A DC/10.5 A pulse• Arbitrary waveform generation and digitising

capabilities from 20μs interval• Integrated 4-quadrant source and measurement capabilities• 4.3 inch colour display supports graphical

and numerical view modes


705-5022 1 Output Digital 96W 0 → 32V 0 → 3A PWS4323

Tektronix PWS4323• Low-noise linear regulation• Wide voltage and current ranges• 0.03% basic voltage accuracy, 0.05%

basic current accuracy• USB interface for remote programming• Bright display shows actual voltage,

current and limits simultaneously



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175-7368 150W 0 → 30V dc 0 → 5A

175-7367 150W 0 → 30V dc 0 → 5A

175-7366 300W 0 → 30V dc 0 → 5A

175-7365 300W 60V dc 0 → 5A

RS PRO Bench Power Supplies• 1 Output Digital


123-6469 220W 0→32 V, 2.5→5 V 3.2A, Resolution 1mV/1mA

123-6468 220W 0→32 V, 2.5→5 V 3.2A, Resolution 10mV/10mA

RS PRO 3 Output Programmable Linear Programmable Power Supplies• 3 independently-controlled and isolated outputs, total 220 W• Supports front panel timing output functions• 4.3 inch true colour TFT- LCD 480x272 display• 3 types of output mode - independent, series, parallel• 100 V/120 V/220 V/230 V compatible design to

meet the needs of different power grids

123-3577 1 Output Digital 360W 0 → 18V 0 → 20A

123-3578 1 Output Digital 360W 0 → 36V 0 → 10A

123-3579 1 Output Digital 360W 0 → 60V 0 → 6A

RS PRO IPS Series Switching DC Power Supplies• LED type meter• Switched mode technology • Voltage and current can be displayed at the same time• High regulation at 0·01%• Constant voltage/constant current operation• High efficiency, High power density

123-3558 2 Output Digital 180W 0 → 30V 2 x 0 → 3A

RS PRO IPS Series Multiple Output Programmable Linear DC Power Supply• 4 LED display sets - 3 digits after decimal point

(IPS-2303S, IPS-3303S & IPS-4303S)• Minimum resolution 1 mV / 1 mA (IPS-2303S, IPS-3303S &

IPS-4303S), 100 mV / 10 mA (IPS-3303D)• Digital panel control (rotary encoder

switch, rubber key with indicator)• User-friendly operation, Coarse / Fine volume control• 4 sets memory Save / Recall

123-3570 1 Output Digital 200W 0 → 40V 0 → 5A

RS PRO IPS Series Programmable Switching DC Power Supply• Output On/Off control• Constant voltage/current operation• OVP, OCP, OTP & OPP protection• Key lock to avoid operational errors• Normal, +% & -% output operation key• RS-232 interface

817-2204 0 → 30 A 0.1 → 120 V, 0.1 → 10 Ω BK8500

817-2210 0 → 30 A 0.1 → 60 V, 0.1 → 10 Ω BK8540

B&K Precision 300W Programmable DC Electronic Load• Operates between 0-120Vdc, 1mA-30A (300W maximum) • High resolution 0.1mA/1mV (range dependent) • VFD Display • CV/CC/CW/CR operation • Overcurrent/Overvoltage/Over power/

Overtemperature protected

125-0640 1 Ch, 20 Ω → 200 MΩ ±10 nA → ±1 A 2450+MICFIP

Keithley 2450 Sourcemeter plus RS PRO WiFi Microscope• A great value bundle comprising Keithley 2400 Series

sourcemeter model 2450 and an RS Pro WiFi microscope• Sourcemeter Function: Current Resistance

Voltage Measure, Current Voltage Source

176-5836 1 KΩ 100 nA → 3 A 100 → 240 V ac 20.2 W 2606B

Keithley 2606B System SourceMeter SMU• Four-channel SMU instrument in

a single 1U full rack chassis• Stackable; no 1U spacing

requirements between units• Tightly-integrated voltage/current source

and measure instruments offer best in class performance with 6½-digit resolution

• 20 V @ 1 A and 6 V @ 3 A power envelopes, 20 watts• 0.015% DCV basic accuracy• Up to 28 open drain digital I/O bits


123-2238 3.999kΩ

RS PRO IET1700 Earth & Ground Resistance Tester• Large 3 digit, 4000 count LCD• 0 to 39.99, 0 to 399.9 and 0 to

3999 earth resistance ranges• Capable of measuring earth voltage• Data hold, MAX / MIN function

144-5339 2kΩ

RS PRO Earth & Ground Resistance Tester• Meets IEC10101, CATIII 1000V• Large dual display with backlight

& Low Battery Indication• Test hold function for easy operation• Zero Automatic adjustment• Sampling Rate: 2.5 times per second

123-3220 20GΩ CAT IV 600 V

RS PRO IIT1500 Insulation Tester• 4000 Counts LCD display with analogue bargraph• Test Voltages: 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V & 1000 V• Polarisation Index (PI) and Dielectric Absorption

Ratio (DAR) measurements for accurate measurement of insulation quality

123-2237 4000MΩ

RS PRO IIT1601 Insulation Tester• Insulation resistance to 4000 MΩ autoranging• 250 V, 500 V & 1000 V insulation test voltages• Continuity to 40 Ω, 200 mA test current• Low battery warning• Continuity beeper• Lock and hold facility

917-6291 50GΩ

RS PRO IIT5000 Insulation Tester• 500 VA AC Test Capacity• 240 x 64 Ice Blue Dot-Matrix LCD• Sweep function for DUT characteristic analysis• Insulation resistance measurement up to 50 GΩ

(GPT-9903/9904)• Manual / Auto Mode• Function key for quick selection

123-1931 2000MΩ CAT III 1000 V

123-1934 4000MΩ CAT III 1000 V

RS PRO RS5500 Insulation Tester• Large dual display with backlight• Meets IEC 10101, CAT III 1000 V• Triple insulation voltage Test Ranges: 200 MΩ/250 V;

200 MΩ/500 V; 2000 MΩ/1000 V• 200 mA short current continuity range• Test Hold function for easy operation

161-1630 4000MΩ CAT III, CAT IV

RS PRO Insulation Tester with Multimeter• Measures AC/DC Voltage, AC/DC Current,

Resistance, Capacitance, Frequency (electrical & electronic), Duty Cycle, Diode Test,Insulation Test, and Continuity plus Thermocouple Temperature

• Store and recall data• Waterproof, rugged design for

heavy duty use


518-5998 2GΩ CAT III 600 V, CAT IV 600 V FLUKE 1503

518-6008 10GΩ CAT III 600 V, CAT IV 600 V FLUKE 1507

Fluke 1503/1507 Insulation Testers• Compact, rugged, reliable, and easy to use• With its multiple test voltages, it is ideal for

many troubleshooting, commissioning, and preventative maintenance applications

• With a remote probe, repetitive or hard-to-reach testing is made easy

• Test leads, probes and alligator clips are also included

123-2240 10 mA, 20 mA, 30 mA, 100 mA, 300 mA, 500 mA AC

RS PRO IRT1900 Digital RCD Tester• Rated Tripping Current 10 / 20 / 30 / 100 / 300 / 500 mA• 3 LEDs for checking correct wiring status• 0° and 180° phase angle switch permits

quick tests and consistent readings• Visual indication of reversed phase

& neutral wiring at socket

176-6013 3 Output 195W 0 → 30 (CH 1, CH 2) V dc, 0 → 5 (Channel 3) V dc 3A


176-6014 3 Output 375W 0 → 30 (CH 1, CH 2) V dc, 0 → 5 (Channel 3) V dc


176-6015 3 Output 375W 0 → 5 (Channel 3) V dc, 0 → 60 (CH 1, CH 2) V dc 3A


Keithley Multi-Channel USB/GPIB Programmable DC Power Supplies• All channels are independently

controlled and have isolated outputs for maximum flexibility

• All channels have remote sensing to ensure that programmed voltage is accurately applied to the load

• Two 30V channels can be combined either in series to double output voltage or in parallel to double output current

• 0.03% basic voltage output accuracy and 0.1% current accuracy ensure quality test data

• Low noise, linear regulation with <3mVpp ripple and noise



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TATA STEEL ชวยคณประหยดไปกบ RS PROเมอพดถงการบารงรกษา การซอมแซม และการดาเนนงานของสนทรพยและสง

อานวยความสะดวกขององคกร ทมและวศวกรฝายจดซอตองเผชญหนากบความ

ทาทายหลายประการ ซพพลายเชนสาหรบวสดทางออมมความซบซอนและแรง


ในฐานะทเปนหนงในซพพลายเออรวสดอตสาหกรรมทใหญทสด เราอยในตาแหนงทตองทาความเขาใจ

เกยวกบความตองการของลกคา รวมถงชวยปรบปรงและสรางประสทธภาพใหแกธรกจ

ความทาทายTata Steel ในไซต UK ทพอรตทาลบอต, เซาทเวลส ไดจางวศวกรไฟฟาประมาณ 600 คนทใชผลตภณฑ MRO กวาพนรายการทกป ดวยปรมาณทสง ทมจดซอตองเผชญความทาทายในการแสวงหาทางเลอกราคาประหยดจากสนคาแบรนดตางๆ ในขณะเดยวกนกตองรกษามาตรฐานคณภาพและความปลอดภยของผลตภณฑเหลานนดวย ยงไปกวานน Tata Steel ยงมงมนทจะยกระดบมาตรฐานของเครองมอใหสงยงขนในหลายๆ สวนของธรกจ


Tata Steel ซงเปนกลยทธซพพลายเออรของเรา


จายกบเรา และถามถงวธชวยเหลอพวกเขาเพอ

ใหบรรลวตถประสงคดงกลาว ดวยการใชขอมล


บรการมาหลายป เราจงไดมองหาโอกาสท

แบรนดอนๆ จะไดเขามามสวนในการสนบสนนได


การทดสอบของวศวกร ระหวางการทางานรวม

กบทมวศวกรของ Tata Steel เราไดตรวจสอบ


ตรงกบขอกาหนดดานเทคนคของพวกเขา ซงใน

ระหวางกระบวนการน เราไดแนะนาผลตภณฑและ

เครองมอตางๆ ของ RS PRO ใหกบหวหนาวศวกร

แหง Tata Steel เพอเปนโซลชนสาหรบพวกเขา


หลากหลายของผลตภณฑ RS PRO จงทาให

Tata Steel เขามารวมงานกบเราเพอระบการสง

ซออปกรณ MRO ทอาจเปลยนเปนผลตภณฑ

ของ RS PRO ได ตวอยางหนงคอมลตมเตอร ซง


ทงหมด โดยมเตอรทใชอยมราคาอยท £247 ใน

ขณะทเวอรชน RS PRO มราคาเพยง £106 และ

ตรงตามขอกาหนดของ Tata Steel ทกประการ

ผลลพธTata Steel ยอมรบในคณภาพของ RS PRO


จากแบรนดเดมทเคยใชอย ถงแมวาจะตอง

ใชเวลาในการเรยนรผลตภณฑใหมๆ แต

เครองมอของ RS PRO กไดแสดงใหเหนถง

ความนยมในหมวศวกรของ Tata Steel


จากมลตมเตอรแบรนดอนมาเปนทางเลอกของ RS

PRO” Rob Choat วศวกรไฟฟาจาก Tata Steel กลาว



น แตเมอเวลาผานไปซกระยะ และไดรบการ

สนบสนนจาก RS เราจะสามารถชนะใจผใชเหลา

นน และตอนนพวกเขายอมรบอยางเปดเผยวา

มลตมเตอร RS PRO ตอบโจทยของพวกเขา”


เปนไปอยางมประสทธภาพ ซงชวยใหวศวกรมเวลา


อยางมประสทธภาพ แทนการใชเวลาแสวงหาผลตภณฑ

และเครองมอ เรายงสามารถสงมอบบรการผลตภณฑ

ตางๆ ตรงสโตะทางานของวศวกรจากสาขาทองถนท

Cardiff ซงชวยใหการเลอกซอผลตภณฑทาไดโดยงาย

ในชวง 12 เดอนแรกของการเปลยน Tata Steel

ประหยดคาใชจายไปอยางนอย THB1,264,000 และ

เราพบวายงสามารถประหยดไดอก THB547,770


ขณะน Tata สามารถเขาถงผลตภณฑ RS

PRO จานวนมากทพรอมจาหนาย, คณภาพ


แบรนดทางเลอกอน ผลตภณฑเหลานไดถก

ผสานเขากบ Workstream การบารงรกษาราย

วน ขณะทคงไวซงมาตรฐานทสงของ Tata


เปลยนไปใชผลตภณฑของ RS PRO ไดหรอไม ไปท แลวคนหา “RS PRO”

671-8886 Resistance Resolution 0.001Ω RBB6-B

Cropico RBB6-B Decade Box Type Resistance Decade Box • Compact, durable case of

encapsulated moulded epoxy• Constructed using low temperature coefficient

resistor wire and gold plated contact switches• Particularly suitable for use in electrical

and electronic industrial laboratories

537-2619 10pF to 100uF 1071

Time Electronic1071 Decade Capacitance Box • Connection by 4mm binding posts

and a third terminal is provided• High stability capacitors used throughout• 10pF to 100uF• In-line reading with colour coded digits• Bi-polar working• Compact 110 x 75 x 200mm

738-9489 100 Hz, 120 Hz, 1 kHz U1731C

738-9482 10 kHz U1732C

738-9486 10 kHz, 100 kHz, DCR U1733C

Keysight U1730C Series Handheld LCR Meters • 20,000 counts resolution• 0.2% basic accuracy• Wide LCR ranges• Auto identification Ai automatically determines and

displays component type and measurements• Detailed component analysis

685-8791 22000μF, 40 Ω ESR70

Peak Electronic Design ESR70 Handheld Meter • Measure capacitance and ESR• Resolution down to 0.01 ohms• Analyses at industry standard of 100kHz• Capable of In-Circuit testing• Polarity free, connect any way round

123-3254 20mF, 200 MΩ, 20kH

RS PRO LCR1703 LCR Meter • 20000/2000 Count dual digital display• 46 segments bar graph display• Auto selection of LCR testing• Auto-ranging, Auto backlit• 0.2% basic accuracy capacitance

and inductance

117-6714 9999.99mF, 99.9999 MΩ, 9999.99h

123-5979 LCR Meter Chip Test Fixture, 4 Wire, Kelvin Clip


RS PRO LCR-6000 Series High Precision LCR Meter • 3.5 inch colour LCD• Consecutive Test Frequency• Basic accuracy 0.05%• Measuring speed up to maximum 25 ms• Full frequency range or spot OPEN/SHORT

671-8864 Max. Resistance 400 Ω, Resolution 1μΩ DO4002

Cropico DO4002 Micro Ohm Meter • True 4 terminal measurement to

eliminate lead resistance errors• 4000 count 15mm LCD screen with LED indicators• Auto/manual range selection

124-0940 Max. Resistance 20k Ω, Resolution 100μΩ

RS PRO ILOM-508A Milliohm Meter • 3 digits, LCD display with maximum reading of

1999 with decimal point and measurement unit• Accuracy ± (0.3% of reading + 1 digit)• Open-terminal voltage 1.0 V maximum• Overload indication 'OL'• Zero adjust knob

424-4383 Max. Resistance 20k Ω, Resolution 1μΩ BS407

Aim-TTi BS407 Milli/Micro Ohm Meter • Wide measurement range of 1mΩ to 20kΩ• Four terminal measurement using Kelvin lead set• High basic accuracy of 0.1%• Current reversal switch for thermal EMF detection• Current diversion switch for easy zero setting



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245-5676 0.01 mm, Metric & Imperial 50019630

Mitutoyo 150mm Digital Caliper• Absolute features re-sets reference point of

measurement taken by instrument jaws• Select imperial or metric display• Origin feature resets zero point of instrument. This

point is memorised, even if instrument is switched off

794-3604 0.01 mm, Metric 500-445

Mitutoyo 200mm Digital Caliper• Environmentally friendly model does not require batteries• Flat depth gauge• Min. luminosity for use: 60 lux• Supplied in a case• Impact proof housing

432-025 0.01 mm, Imperial 500-171-30

Mitutoyo 6in Digital Caliper• All measuring surfaces are ground

and lapped for high accuracy• Capable of measuring: inside, outside, depth and step• Storage Temp: -10°C to +60°C• Operating Temp: 0°C to +40°C• LCD display

841-2511 0.0005 in, 0.01 mm ,Metric & Imperial

877-1775 0.01 mm, Metric

RS PRO 200mm Digital Calipers• Clear LCD display• Stainless Steel construction• Origin setting • Switchable On/Off• Thumbwheel for fine adjustment• Knurled locking screw

145-7885 305 m 806677

Leica 806677 S910 Distance Meter• Measure point to point - quickly and easily• Draw directly into CAD packages... wirelessly• Capture DXF and other measurement

data for transfer to CAD• Measure roof and wall areas

126-8184 0.05 → 100 m

RS PRO RSLDM-100H Distance Meter• Immediate or long-term (tracking) measurement

of the distance to the target (length) • IP54• Angle measurement • Indirect distance measurements • Area and volume determination

877-1804 185 pieces

RS PRO Pin Gauge Set 185 pieces• Ideal for high precision and accurate checking of hole

sizes, location, gorge slots, etc. to produce exact size pins• All sizes and tolerance directions are marked on the

gauges and all sets contain a certificate of accuracy• Fully Hardened: HRC 60-62• Have a Surface finish of 10 micro inches or better

449-9640 25 blades, Metric

263-5074 25 blades, Imperial or Metric

263-7137 13 blades, Metric

RS PRO Steel Feeler Gauges• Feeler gauges sets which have hardened

ground steel blades and mild steel cases

785-7828 Blade length 5”

785-7822 Blade length 12”

RS PRO Plastic Feeler Gauge Sets• Professional plastic feeler gauge set

available in two seperate sizes• Non corrosive, non conductive, non

sparking, non scratching• Colour coded

486-8282 LCD Display, max. 12 in 570-312

Mitutoyo 570-312 Digimatic Height Gauge• Digital height gauge with a 12in./300mm measuring range• Data hold, preset and direction changeover

are all touch button controlled• Statistical process control (SPC) data output is incorporated

795-9990 Resolution 0.001 mm 542-156

796-0000 Resolution 0.0005 mm 542-157

796-0003 Resolution 0.0001 mm 542-158

Mitutoyo LGK 542 Series Linear Gauges• Differential square-wave signal output enables

to use it for a wide range of applications• Stroke ball bearing• IP66 protected• Contact Point size 3mm

794-3519 Range 0 → 25 mm 293-145

Mitutoyo 293-145-30 QuantuMike Micrometer• The ratchet spindle gives 2 mm of

feed for every revolution• 0 to 25 mm or 25 to 50 mm options• Available with and without SPC data output• ± 1μm accuracy• 0.001 resolution• LCD Display

833-6423 With SPC data output 293-230-30

833-6427 Without SPC data output 293-240-30

Mitutoyo 293 Series Micrometers External• Imperial or Metric reading• Large LCD display• Protected to IP65 for use where coolant may be present• Original setting and Auto power off

574-343 Range 0 → 6 in 340-351-10

Mitutoyo 340-351-10 Micrometer External• Pre-setting to a required reference value• Incremental or absolute mode of operation• Instant metric/imperial reading conversion• Value hold button• Power off 2 hours after last thimble movement

841-2521 3 pieces, Stainless Steel

RS PRO Metric & Imperial Digital Caliper, Micrometer, Ruler Measuring Set• Professional 3 piece measuring kit supplied in a

compact lockable case with pre-cut protective foam• Dial Caliper: 150mm• Mechanical Micrometer: 0-25mm• Satin Chrome Rule: 150mm/6”

123-0921 Range 0 → 50 mm

RS PRO Plunger Dial Indicator• Adjustable dial• Hardened & ground racks• Bezel lock• Lug back fitting• Tolerance pointers • Fitted with ball anvil

660-8130 -0.1 FN 1250μm, Digital Display TC 1250-0.1 FN

Saute TC 1250 Series Layer Measurement Device• Digital layer thickness measurement device • RS232 interface possible with optional

accessory ATC-01 RS 685-0959• Measurement range of up to 1250 μm,

can be switched between μm and inches

660-8158 -0.1 US 225mm, 5MHz, Digital Display

TD 225-0.1 US

Saute TD 255 Material Thickness Measurement Device• Digital material thickness measurement

device with RS 232C interface• With external measuring head with 1 m cable,

for easy access to the measurement point• Measurement range switchable

between mm and inches

Signal Generator and Analysers

THEN• In 1946 C. Howard Vollum and Melvin J. Murdock invented

the world’s fi rst triggered oscilloscope: the Model 511 • Tektronix quickly became the foremost supplier of oscilloscopes

Signal Generator and Analysers

NOW• Today Tektronix is the top brand and the

benchmark when talking about oscilloscopes• Tektronix designs and manufactures to

break through the walls of complexity, and accelerate global innovation.

• Broadest portfolio of digital oscilloscopes• The richest set of product features • The most extensive analysis capability

Model 511MDO4000 &


200A N6705C

THEN• Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett decided to

start a business “and make a run for it.”• Their fi rst business location was the now iconic

garage located at 367 Addison Avenue in Palo Alto• Here they manufacture the company’s

fi rst product, the 200A Audio Oscillator


Signal Generator and Analysers

• Tektronix quickly became the foremost supplier of oscilloscopes• Tektronix quickly became the foremost supplier of oscilloscopes• Tektronix quickly became the foremost supplier of oscilloscopes• Tektronix quickly became the foremost supplier of oscilloscopes• Tektronix quickly became the foremost supplier of oscilloscopes• Tektronix quickly became the foremost supplier of oscilloscopes

Signal Generator and Analysers

Did you know that it all about triggering?Triggering allows stationary display of a repeating waveform. Without triggering, multiple copies of the waveform are drawn in diff erent places, giving an incoherent jumble or a moving image on the screen.

THEN• Sydney Evershed (1858–1939) and Ernest Vignoles

bought the instrument section of Goolden and Trotter (where they both worked) and founded Evershed & Vignoles Limited on 5 February 1895.

• Sydney Evershed applied for several patents for various electric devices. One of them was a “hand dynamo”, which allowed generation of voltages high enough to measure resistance in the megohm range and so construction of the fi rst portable insulation tester.

NOW• Megger has grown to be a global designer and

manufacturer of portable electrical test equipment, helping users install, improve effi ciency, reduce cost and extend the life of electrical assets.

• Their extensive range has evolved to meet the needs of many industry sectors as well as utility companies.

• Megger remains the leading supplier of insulation testers. These include new developments to ensure output test voltages are maintained to within 2% of the selected range, even when under test, so avoiding the risk of over-voltage damage to circuits.

• No longer needing winding up, the MIT2500 off ers test voltages from 50V to 2500V! A suite of advanced tests such as Polarisation Index and Dielectric Absorption Ratio are now included, as well as a range of safety features.

Original Megger Megger MIT2500

The name Megger came from abbreviating the name MEGaohm metER. “Megger” became a trademark name registered on 25 May 1903, a term used by engineers throughout the world for decades, and as late as 2002 it became the overall company name as well!

Did you know where Megger got their name from?

• Megger has grown to be a global designer and

• Their extensive range has evolved to meet the needs of

• Megger remains the leading supplier of insulation

• No longer needing winding up, the MIT2500 off ers test

“Megger” became a trademark name registered on 25 May 1903, a term used by engineers throughout the world for decades, and as late as 2002 it became

Insulation testers

• Keysight Technologies is the world’s leading electronic measurement company

• Transforms today’s measurement experience through innovations in wireless, modular, and software solutions

• The company’s nearly 10,500 employees serve customers in more than 100 countries


Did you know that Keysight Technology originated from HP?In 1937 Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett developed plans to create an electronic measurement company. The measurement arm of the company became independant in 1999 and was named Agilent Technologies which became Keysight Technologies in 2013.

Did you know how IR radiation was discovered?On 11 February 1800, Sir Frederick William Herschel was testing fi lters for the sun. When using a red fi lter a lot of heat produced. Herschel discovered infrared radiation in sunlight by passing it through a prism and holding a thermometer just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum. He was shocked when it showed a higher temperature.

Did you know how IR radiation was discovered?

Do you know where FLIR got their name?FLIR took its name from the acronym Forward Looking InfraRed cameras, typically equipped on military and civilian aircraft, using a thermographic camera that senses infrared radiation.

Did you know that Keysight helped Disney?After they developed their fi rst product, the 200A Audio Oscillator, Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett were contacted by Walt Disney Studios. Eight of those oscillators were ordered to test equipment for the groundbreaking sound system used in the movie "Fantasia." .

Thermal Imaging Cameras

Do you know where FLIR got their name?

Thermal Imaging Cameras

THEN• FLIR was established in 1978 to pioneer the development of high-performance, low-cost infrared (thermal) imaging systems for airborne applications • Thermal imaging systems allow the operator to see in total darkness, adverse weather and through such air pollutants as smoke and haze

NOW• Today, FLIR is the world’s largest commercial company specializing in the design and production of thermal imaging cameras, components and imaging sensors• FLIR has spread thermal imaging in new fi elds of application introducing the IGM technology• Everyday instruments like multimeters become an all in one solution opening the door to further usages and application

Airborne IR System FLIR DM284




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687-6162 Detection Depth 15cm DTECT150

Bosch 0601 Metal Detector• Maximum detection depth of 15 cm• Detects all ferrous and non-ferrous metals,

power cables, wood and plastic• Five different detection modes: universal, concrete,

floor heating, plasterboard and hollow brick• Illuminated display for easy reading

123-1026 Scan up to 11.81 in (300 mm) Z67597

Zircon ExitPoint XL300 Metal Detector• Designed to accurately detect exit points

before drilling and coring• Scans through most types of non-magnetic materials such

as wood, drywall, gypsum panels, bricks and concrete• Normal mode scans through conventional

interior walls up to 4.53 in (115 mm) thick• DeepScan mode scans

through materials up to 11.81 in (300 mm) thick

705-1923 Max Current 2.5kA ac, 999.9A dc CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V


Fluke 381 Remote Display True-RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter with iFlex™

• Wireless technology allows the display to be carried up to 10m away from the point of measurement for added flexibility

• Removable magnetic backlit display can be conveniently mounted where it is easily seen

669-3490 100mA dc FLUKE 772

669-3493 100mA dc, DCV source 0-10 V, DCV measure 0-30 V


Fluke 772/773 Clamp Meter• Best in class 0.2% accuracy• 0.01 mA resolution and sensitivity• Measure 4 to 20 mA signals without

“breaking the loop” • Measure mA signals for PLC and control

system analog I/O• Dual backlit display with

both mA measurement and percent of 4 to 20 mA span

162-4458 Max Current 1kA ac, 100A dc CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V

RS PRO 158B Bluetooth Clamp Meter• Advanced power features, phase rotation, total harmonics

distortion, which enables fully professional power measurement application with excellent performance

• Bluetooth feature for streaming data on any mobile devices to provide easy data acquisition and analysis

123-3222 Max Current 600A ac, 600A dc CAT II 1000 V, CAT III 600 V

RS PRO ICM136R True RMS Clampmeter• Backlit 4000 Count LCD display with analogue bargraph• True RMS Reading on ac mode• 600 A ac/dc current measurement• 600 V ac/dc voltage measurement• Resistance measurement with continuity beeper• Display hold & peak hold (10 ms)

123-2206 Max Current 2.1kA ac, 2.5kA dc CAT III 600 V

RS PRO ICM2000N Clamp Meter• Large 3 digits LCD• Accurate DC/AC digital clamp meter for current• DC 2500 A, AC 2100 A (True RMS)• Auto-range for A, V, and Ω• One-touch zero for DCA adjustment

123-3252 Max Current 300A ac, 300A dc CAT III 300V

RS PRO ICM30R AC-DC Current Clamp Multimeter• Digital AC and DC clamp meter with True-RMS reading,

dual hall sensor and a Nickel-Steel alloy jaw mechanism• True-RMS reading• 4000 Count digital display• Auto-ranging, Dual hall sensor• Nickel-Steel alloy jaw mechanism• AC-DC 300 A, AC-DC 600 V

123-3232 Max Current 200A ac CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V

RS PRO ICMA5 Clamp Meter• 2000 Counts large LCD display• Open jaw technology - 16 mm dia. conductor size• 200 A ac measurement capability• 750 V ac / 1000 V dc measurement range• Integral non-contact AC voltage detector

with visual & audible indication

123-1935 Max Current 400A ac CAT III 600 V

RS PRO RS380 Clamp Meter• 400 A AC Current Measurement• Jaw opening 30 mm (approximately 1.2")• 2000 Counts LCD display• Data Hold• Non-contact voltage detection• Voltage Detection Range: 100 V - 600 V

123-1933 CAT III 600 V, CAT IV 300 V 400Hz 690V ac

RS PRO Phase Rotation Tester LCD• Nominal Voltage: 40 V to 690 V ac• Frequency Range: 15 Hz to 400 Hz• Current Pickup: 1 mA• Nominal test current (per phase) 1 mA• Power supply from unit under test

722-6745 CAT III 1000V, CAT IV 600V CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V 66Hz 1000V ac


Kyoritsu KEW8035 Non-contact Phase Rotation Tester• Permits safe testing, without the need of direct

contact between probes and live wires• Wide measuring range for 3 phase

installations from 70 V → 1000 V ac• The insulated crocodile clips can clip insulated

cables from Ø 2.4 mm → 30 mm• Double insulated cables, length approx. 70 cm

122-5408 34Vrms

RS PRO Transformer Turns Ratio Meter 34Vrms• Large backlit display• Ten Test Frequencies (50 Hz → 400 Hz)• Displays turns ratio, deviation, secondary output,

excitation voltage and current, phase angle and nameplate transformer/VT/CT values in one page for easy transformer quality interpretation

865-4756 <3.5 mA @ 1000 V ac/dc 700V MARVIPD150

Martindale MARVIPD150 Voltage Indicator & Proving Unit Kit• Nominal Voltage Range: 50 to 1000V AC / DC• Nominal Voltage Threshold Indications:

50, 100, 200, 400, 690 V DC/AC rms• Polarity indication: from approx 12V DC/AC rms• AC/DC voltage detection: automatic• Range detection: automatic

161-1627 CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V

RS PRO Voltage Indicator• To check for the presence of AC voltage and display

radialisation, signalling the user with an LED and Buzzer on• Built-in bright flashlight with ON/OFF

button and audible beeper indicator

124-1961 CAT III 750 V, CAT IV 600 V with RCD Trip Test

RS PRO IVT10 Voltage Indicator Continuity Check• 2 pole test with LED indication• 2 pole tester with 2000 count digital display (IVT20)• 12 V to 750 V ac/dc Voltage indication range• Integrated single pole test for phase detection• Rotary field indication• Continuity Beeper

124-1962 CAT III 750 V, CAT IV 600 V with RCD Trip Test

RS PRO IVT20 Voltage Tester LCD• 2 pole test with 2000 Count digital display• Auto Sensing of ACV, DCV, Ω, Continuity and Diode• Integrated single pole test for phase detection• Rotary field indication• Dual display for ACV measuring with frequency• AC-DC 750 V capability

457-8327 1000V ac

RS PRO Volt-Stick AC Indicator, Intrinsically-Safe• Approved for use in hazardous areas• Has all the features of the standard 230V version

with voltage measuring range 230 to 1000V 50Hz (with respect to ground potential)

• Sensitivity (50Hz∼) illuminate at 4mm from wire: 220V• Operating temperature: -20 → +50 °C• Response: instantaneous



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134-6148 2 Channels, 70MHz DSOX1102A

Keysight Digital Oscilloscope 1000X Series• 50 to 100 MHz – See more signal detail

with 50,000 wfms/sec update rate• Test quickly and easily with a simple, intuitive user

interface and built-in help and training signals

725-0489 2 Channels, 100MHz DSOX2012A

725-0473 4 Channels, 200MHz DSOX2024A

Keysight Digital Oscilloscopes InfiniiVision 2000X Series• Update rates up to 50,000 waveforms/sec• Memory depth 100k points• Input Z 1-MΩ only (no 10:1 auto-detect)• Triggering: Edge; Pulse Width; Pattern; Video

725-0454 4 Channels, 100MHz DSOX3014A

Keysight Digital Oscilloscope InfiniiVision 3000 X Series• Update rates up to 1,000,000 waveforms/sec• Memory depth 2M points (standard)• Input Z 1-MΩ or 50-Ω user-selectable,

with InfiniiMax auto-probe interface

174-9600 4 Channels, 200MHz, MSO PICOSCOPE 5444D MSO

174-9594 4 Channels, 200MHz PICOSCOPE 5444D

Pico Technology PC Oscilloscopes 5000D Series, Benchtop• 16 bits hardware resolution• 200 MHz analog bandwidth• 1 GS/s sampling at 8 bit resolution• 500 MS/s sampling at 12 bit resolution• 62.5 MS/s sampling at 16 bit resolution• 512 MS buffer memory


111-6771 2 Channels, 50MHz, 500 MS/s, 32 MS buffer


111-6772 2 Channels, 70MHz, 1 GS/s, 64 MS buffer


Pico Technology PicoScope 2000 Series, Benchtop Oscilloscopes• 2 analog channels• 50 MHz bandwidth• Built-in arbitrary waveform generator• USB connected and powered• Serial decoding/FFT advanced waveform analysis included

818-2860 2 Channels, 100MHz, MSO PICOSCOPE 3205D MSO

818-2879 2 Channels, 200MHz, MSO PICOSCOPE 3206D MSO

818-2885 4 Channels, 200MHz, MSO PICOSCOPE 3406D MSO

Pico Technology PicoScope 3000 Series, PC Based Oscilloscopes• 4 analog channels, 16 digital channels• Up to 1 GS/s real-time sampling• Up to 512 MS buffer memory• Built-in function generator and arbitrary waveform generator• Hardware-accelerated update rates• USB connected and powered

741-8629 2 Channels, 5MHz PICOSCOPE 4262

Pico Technology PicoScope 4000 Series, PC Based Oscilloscopes• High-resolution oscilloscope• Low noise• Advanced digital triggers• Low-distortion signal generator• Arbitrary waveform generator

123-6441 4 Channels, 200MHz

123-6442 4 Channels, 300MHz

RS PRO Digital Oscilloscopes, Digital Storage• 7 inch (177.8 mm) colour TFT LCD display• 4 channel models, bandwidth 70 MHz, 100 MHz, 200

MHz or 300 MHz, depending on choice of model• Single channel real-time sampling rate is 2

GSa/s, equivalent sampling rate 50 GSa/s• Memory depth 24 Kpts

123-6455 2 Channels, 100MHz

123-6454 2 Channels, 60MHz

RS PRO Digital Oscilloscopes, Handheld• Dual-input oscilloscope, multimeter and recorder

(including TrendPlot and waveform) in one instrument• Input voltage through BNC up to

CAT˂ 300V and CAT ˂ 150V• Standard probe 10X CAT˂ 400 V

919-5047 2 Channels, 20MHz FLUKE-123B/INT

919-5053 2 Channels, 40MHz FLUKE-124B/INT

919-5069 2 Channels, 40MHz FLUKE-125B/INT

Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter® Hand-Held Oscilloscopes• Dual-input digital oscilloscope and multimeter• 40 MHz or 20 MHz oscilloscope bandwidth• Two 5,000-count true-rms digital multimeters• Connect-and-View™ trigger simplicity for hands-off operation• IntellaSet™ technology

automatically and intelligently adjusts numerical readout based on the measured signal

768-3356 4 Channels, 70MHz DPO2004B

Tektronix Digital Oscilloscope DPO2000 Series, Bench• Wave Inspector® controls for ease of navigation

and automated search of waveform data• FilterVu (TM) variable low-pass filter for removal of unwanted

signal noise while capturing high-frequency events

800-2990 2 Channels, 70MHz TBS1072B-EDU

Tektronix Digital Oscilloscope TBS1000 Series, Digital Storage• 200 MHz, 150 MHz, 100 MHz, 70 MHz

and 50 MHz bandwidth models• 2-channel models• Up to 2 GS/s sample rate on all channels• 2.5 k point Record length on all channels• Advanced triggers including pulse and

line-selectable video triggers

744-2476 4 Channels, 70MHz TDS2004C

744-2470 2 Channels, 100MHz TDS2012C

744-2489 4 Channels, 100MHz TDS2014C

744-2482 2 Channels, 200MHz TDS2022C

744-2486 4 Channels, 200MHz TDS2024C

Tektronix TDS2000C Series Digital Storage Oscilloscopes• 2.5 kpoint record length on all channels• Advanced triggers including Pulse Width

trigger and line-selectable Video trigger• 16 automated measurements, and FFT analysis

for simplified waveform analysis• Built-in waveform limit testing

123-3557 50MHz ISR6051 LCD ISR-6051

RS PRO Analogue Oscilloscope, 2 Channel• Rise time 7/ 50 ns• 8 x 10 1 cm divisions• Cursor readout measurement of ΔV, ΔT, 1/ΔT• 50 Hz to 50 MHz frequency counter,

6-digits, accuracy ±0.01%• MEM save/recall of up to 10 front panel setups

645-3668 3000A a.c. I3000S FLEX-24

Fluke i3000s Flex 24 Flexible Current Probe• Suitable for use with oscilloscopes,

recorders and data loggers • a.c. coupled output (no d.c. offset) • Voltage output of 3V full scale for each range • Fits around conductors up to 160mm diameter • Extended battery life and external power supply input • Meets BS EN61010 – 1 Cat III 600V

123-2199 3000 A

RS PRO ICA3000 Flexible 3000 A Current Probe• 2 selectable ac current ranges, 300 A and 3000 A• DC offset < 20 mVDC (3000 A AC range),

< 20 mVDC (300 A AC range)• 2 output sensitivities, 300 mV/A and 1 V/A• Wide bandwidth (-3dB) 10 to 10 kHz, low phase shift• Input protection up to 600 V• Noise < 2 mVACRMS

898-6747 100MHz, 1000 Vrms, 1400 V ac/dc TA042

898-6741 100MHz, 500 Vrms, 700 V ac/dc TA043

898-6744 25MHz, 700 Vrms, ±700 V TA041

898-6769 50MHz, 600 Vrms, ±700 V TA058

898-6750 70MHz, 2500 Vrms, 7000 V ac/dc TA044

Pico Technology Oscilloscopes, Active, Differential Probes• Bandwidth DC to 100MHz (–3 dB)• Attenuation 100:1/1000:1• Rise time 3.5ns• Accuracy ±2%• Input impedance 4MΩ ll 7pF each side to ground• Maximum differential voltage input (100:1)

±140V (DC + peak AC) or 140VRMS

734-5013 500MHz, 2.5kV dc P5100A

Tektronix P5100A Oscilloscope Probe• Low input capacitance high-voltage (2.5 kV) probe

designed for higher-frequency applications• Can be compensated to match plug-ins and oscilloscopes

with nominal input capacitances of 7 → 30 pF• A variety of screw-on accessories provides easy

connection to the device-under-test



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532-6284 20bar ¼ in DPI104-13G-5491

787-4647 200bar ¼ NPT, BSP ¼ DPI104-18G

532-6290 700bar ¼ in DPI104-22S

Druck DPI 104 Digital Pressure Indicators• 0.05% FS Accuracy• Pressure switch test• Large easy to read 5 digit LCD display• Bar graph and % pressure indication• 0-5V analogue output• Peak hold, max, min, tare and alarm functions

758-8904 34bar ¼ NPT, Hydraulic, Pneumatic


758-8901 20bar ¼ NPT, Pneumatic FLUKE-700G27

758-8914 690bar ¼ NPT, Hydraulic, Pneumatic


Fluke 700G Series Precision Pressure Test Gauges• Precision pressure measurement from

15 psi/1 bar to 10,000 psi/690 bar• Accuracy to 0.05 % of full scale• Easy to use, rugged construction for reliable performance• CSA; Class 1, Div 2, Groups A-D rating• ATEX: rating: II 3 G Ex nA IIB T6

312-0494 0.2bar, Differential I705-02L-2388

312-0517 2bar,Gauge I705-07G-2388

312-0539 2bar, Absolute I705-07A-2388

312-0523 20bar I705-13G-2388

Druck DPI 705 Digital Pressure Meters• 0.1% accuracy• Large 13mm 5 digit LCD display• 16 selectable pressure units• Suitable for use with liquids compatible

with the stainless steel diaphragm• Ambient temperature indication in °C or °F• 60 second leak test mode

451-1302 20bar I705S-13G-3484

451-1295 2bar, Absolute I705S-07A-3484

451-1267 200mbar, Differential I705S-02L-3484

Druck DPI 705/IS Digital Pressure Meters• Intrinsically Safe (EEx ia IIC T4)• 16 pressure units• Leak testing 1 minute• High accuracy (0.1% full scale)• Ambient temperature measurement• Zero-display tare• Peak value hold

146-7721 Absolute, 10bar

146-7723 Absolute, 700bar

146-7719 Differential, 1bar

146-7718 Differential, 350mbar

146-7717 Differential, 70mbar

146-7722 Gauge, 20bar

146-7720 Gauge, 7bar

RS PRO Digital Pressure Meters• 16 pressure units• Impact resistant, sealed to Type 12/IP5• Rugged, lightweight hand held design

509-5750 Differential, 300mbar 0632 0314

Testo 312-3 Model Digital Pressure Meter• Clear display with time• Display gives readings of two decimal places• Switchable precision range with a high resolution• Alarm when freely adjustable limits are exceeded• DVGW approval

451-1251 20bar Gauge I610SPC-13G

451-1245 7bar Gauge I610SPC-10G

Druck DPI 610/IS Pressure Calibrators• Intrinsically safe• Provides a task driven user interface which facilitates

easy set-up of calibration, switch testing, leak testing, 4 to 20mA simulation, relief valve testing, data logging and ambient temperature recording modes

• Pressure range accuracy: ±0.025% FS• Pressure/ vacuum pump (-850mbar to +20 bar)

817-2239 20bar Gauge DPI611-13G

817-2232 2bar Gauge DPI611-07G

817-2235 7bar DPI611-10G

Druck DPI 611 Pressure Calibrators• State-of-the-art analog and digital

microelectronics, reducing size of PCA• Truly hand-held - 50% smaller and

33% lighter than the DPI610• Generates 0 to 20 bar/300 psi within 30 seconds• Creates 95% vacuum

529-3544 40bar, ¼ NPT, Pump Type Hand 453.6g PV211-P

Druck PV211 Pressure Hand Pump• Dual source of pneumatic pressure and vacuum• Generates vacuum to 96%• Adjustable stroke for overpressure protection

123-2210 Max Measurement 99%

RS PRO RS1260 Digital Humidity Meter• Dual LCD display• Dew Point reading• Wet bulb reading • MAX/MIN with time stamp• Data Hold function• °C & °F switchable• DATA memory and read function

(99 readings from LCD display)

724-4193 +60°C FLUKE-971

Fluke 971 Thermohygrometer• New and improved digital sensor

for faster response times• Simultaneously measure temperature and humidity• Measure dewpoint and wet bulb temperatures• 99 record storage• Backlit dual reading display f humidity

and temperature

725-9521 +60°C HYGROPALM HP21

Rotronic Instruments HP21 Thermohygrometer• High accuracy humidity / temperature measurement• 80mm x 15mm diameter fixed probe• Rapid response and highly repeatable• Dew point calculation• Integral 2000 point data storage• Auto-diagnostics and

automatic error correction

123-2230 +140 °F, +60 °C

RS PRO RS1360A Thermohygrometer• Dual display• Robust, compact and easy to use • °C / °F selectable• Dew point reading• Data hold measurement• Data memory and read function (99 sets)

106-5306 Max. +50°C

RS PRO Thermohygrometer• Quick-response capacitance sensor• Max/Min/AVG and Data hold• Auto power off and disable function• Dual LCD display • Temperature ranges -20 ∼ 50 °C / -4 ∼ 122 °F• Temperature accuracy ±1°C / 1.8°F

412-3062 Max. +50°C 0560 6081

420-7261 Max. +70°C 0560 6082

Testo 608-H1/H2 Thermohygrometers• With dew point calculation and max/min 2 line LCD display• NTC probe• Humidity sensor not affected by water• Standalone or attachable• Powered by 9 V PP3 battery (supplied)• Testo 608-H2, with LED alarm, warns if limits are exceeded• Housing material ABS

735-6757 +1370°C 0563 6251

Testo 625 Thermohygrometer• 2 line backlit display• Displays temperature and relative humidity /

wet bulb temperature / dewpoint• Max/min & Hold functions• Hold button to freeze readings

777-0444 Max. +60°C, with pressure indication 0560 6220

777-0440 Max. +60°C 0560 6230

796-1826 Thermohygrometer Software 0554 6230

Testo 622/623 Thermohygrometers• Histogram shows current and past

temperature or humidity values• Hanging and standing bracket allows felxible

positioning on a wall or desktop• Analysis of past temperature and humidity values

directly on site without evaluation on a PC• All important values at a glance: current and past

temperature and humidity values as well as date and time

876-5972 USB and 7 Day Data Logger WMR89

Oregon Scientific WMR89 Full Professional Weather Station• Comprehensive weather data: indoor/outdoor

temperature; humidity; barometric pressure; daily/hourly rainfall; wind speed/direction; dew point; wind chill

• Animated iconic display including bar graphs: 24-hour history of barometric pressure; hourly rainfall; UV data; weather forecast (sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, rainy and snowy); moon phase