Norsk Varemerketidende nr 11/09€¦ · 1 nr 11/09 - 2009.03.09 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk...


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nr 11/09 - 2009.03.09 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925

Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet

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Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Innholdsfortegnelse: Registrerte varemerker ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ................................................................................................................. 37 Innsigelser ........................................................................................................................................................... 137 Avgjørelser etter innsigelser ................................................................................................................................ 138 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ........................................................ 139 Endringer i varefortegnelsen for nasjonale og internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ..................................... 150 Slettelser, begjært av innehaver .......................................................................................................................... 157 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter ................................................................. 158 Lisenser ............................................................................................................................................................... 162 Endringer i navn og adresser i alle rettigheter .................................................................................................... 163 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold ................................................................................................................................. 164 Fornyelser ............................................................................................................................................................ 167 Administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn ................................................................................. 169 Erstatning ............................................................................................................................................................ 170 Fornyede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer .............................................................................................. 171 Ikke fornyede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ........................................................................................ 172 Slettede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ................................................................................................ 173 

INID-koder I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data). (111) Registreringsnummer (151) Registreringsdato (180) Registreringen utløper (210) Søknadsnummer (220) Inngivelsesdato (526) Unntaksannmerkning (300) Prioritetsopplysninger (450) Kunngjort registrert dato (511) Vare-/tjenesteklasse (521) Bruk/innarbeidelse (526) Unntaksannmerkning (540) Gjengivelse av varemerketekst (541) Merket er et ordmerke (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (551) Fellesmerkebestemmelser (554) Merket er tredimensjonalt (571) Beskrivelse av merket (730) Søker/innehaver (740) Fullmektig (791) Lisenshaver (793) Lisensinformasjon (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Registrerte varemerker Registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven § 20 I løpet av 2 måneder fra i dag kan det fremsettes innsigelse mot registreringen av varemerket, jf. varemerkeloven § 21, varemerkeforskriften kapittel 6 og varemerkebestemmelsene kapittel 5. Registreringen gjelder i inntil 10 år regnet fra registreringsdagen, jf. varemerkeloven § 23. (111) 247678 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200714762 (220) Inndato: 2007.11.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2007.06.01 US 77/195,836

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

PREPARED MINDS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

BlackRock Inc, 40 East 52nd Street, NY10022 NEW YORK, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Elektroniske publikasjoner og audiovisuelle opptak, nemlig, undervisningsmateriale og rapporter innen området finansiell investering, risikostyring, forretningsutvikling, praksisledelse og finansielle- og markedstrender registrert på computermedia og relaterte instruksjonsrapporter solgt sammen dertil som en enhet.

Klasse:16 Trykte publikasjoner, nemlig, undervisningsmateriale og rapporter innen området finansiell investering, risikostyring, forretningsutvikling, praksisledelse og finansielle- og markedstrender.

Klasse:35 Tilveiebringe informasjon og konsultasjonstjenester innen forretningsutvikling og praksisledelse.

Klasse:36 Tilveiebringe informasjon og konsultasjonstjenester innen området investeringsbestyring, risikostyring og finansielle- og markedstrender.

Klasse:41 Utdanningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe live og online klasser, arbeidsgrupper, seminarer og konferanser innen området finansiell investering, risikostyring, forretningsutvikling, praksisledelse og finansielle og markedstrender

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250011 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812260 (220) Inndato: 2008.09.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.03.27 EM 006785786

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

LIP ICE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

The Mentholatum Co, 707 Sterling Drive, NY14127 ORCHARD PARK, US

(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Kosmetikk; ikke-medisinske leppepleiepreparater og -substanser; ikke-medisinsk leppebalsam, kremer, salver og geleer; ikke-medisinske leppepreparater og leppebeskyttelse; kosmetiske leppepreparater; kosmetisk leppebeskyttelse; ikke-medisinske solblokkeringspreparater og solbeskyttelsesmidler for lepper; lip gloss; leppestifter; konturblyanter for lepper; leppeblyanter; leppepomader.

Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser; medisinske leppepleiepreparater og substanser; preparater og substanser for behandling av lepper; preparater og subsanser for sprukne, tørre og såre lepper; medisinsk leppebalsam, kremer, salver og geleer, medisinske leppepreparater og leppebeskyttelsemidler; medisinske solblokkeringspreparater og solbeskyttelsesmidler for lepper.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250012 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814004 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.08 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Johnny Lorentzen, Sørvollveien 3, 9100

KVALØYSLETTAa, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Anne-Lise Lorentzen, Sørvollvegen 3, 9100 KVALØYSLETTA, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og

drikke; midlertidig innlosjering.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250013 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200809261 (220) Inndato: 2008.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.01.24 US 77/379,854

2008.01.24 US 77/379,863 2008.01.29 US 77/383,323 2008.02.29 US 77/410,150 2008.02.29 US 77/410,162 2008.02.29 US 77/410,173

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Target Brands Inc, 1000 Nicollet Mall, TPS-3165,

MN55403-2467 MINNEAPOLIS, US (740) Fullmektig:

JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Gjødsel for jord; plantejord.

Klasse:2 Maling for kunst og håndverk. Klasse:3 Hudsåpe; røkelse; potpurri;

luftrensemidler, luftrensemiddelrefiller for ikke elektriske luftrenseanordninger.

Klasse:16 Papirvarer, konvolutter, brevholdere, kokebokholdere; passepartout for innramming av bilder; kontorrekvisita i form av markørstifter, tegnestifter, binders, splittbinders, stifter, gummistrikker, hefteklemmer, selvklebende etiketter, kartotek-merkelapper, hengemapper, adressebøker, klebebånd for papirvarer eller husholdningsbruk; permer; ringpermer; svarte tavler, oppslagstavler, magnettavler, korktavler; skrivebordskalendere; skrivebordsunderlag; penner; blyanter; skrivebordssett; skrivebordskurver, penneholdere, dagsplanleggere, bokstøtter; arkivbokser for oppbevaring, forretningsregister og personlig register, brevkurver; fotobokalbum og oppbevaringsbokser av papp, plast, lær eller stoff; beskjedblokker; markørtusjer; fargeblyanter; malerkoster og -pensler; globuser; papirkniver; lim, klebestifter og klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; selskapsartikler av papir i form av selskapshatter av papir, bursdagsposer av papir, pappservise og -utstyr, papirinnbydelser, papirbordservise, papirbånd og -sløyfer; presangkort, gaveinnpakningspapir; gavebånd av papir og papirmerkelapper for presanger.

Klasse:18 Parasollføtter; parasolltrekk; parasollstativ; parasollstang; ringer for paraplyer; paraplyer; kofferter; kasser.

Klasse:19 Leirefigurer; keramikksten;

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


steinskulpturer; stein (ikke edle) til hage eller til dekorativ bruk, dekorstein.

Klasse:24 Sengetøy; dusjforheng; dusjforhengsfôr av tekstil; madrasstrekk av bomull; madrasstrekk av skumgummi; sengetøy i form av duntepper, laken, puter, putetrekk, sengekapper, sengetepper, tepper, sengeovertrekk, dyner, vattepper og pledd; dekketøy (ikke av papir) i form av kuvertbrikker, servietter, bordduker; bordløpere i tekstil og bordbrikker i tekstil; tildekning for vinduer i form av gardiner, forheng, stores , draperi, gardinkapper; håndklær; vaskekluter; oppvaskkluter; oppvaskhåndklær; grytevotter; ikke tilpassede tøytrekk; vaskevotter; tilpassede toalettsetetrekk.

Klasse:26 Kunstige blomster; kunstige blomsteroppsatser; planteskulptur; kunstig frukt; kunstige planter, kunstige girlandere og kranser.

Klasse:27 Ryer; papirtapeter; tapetborder; badematter; badekarmatter i tekstil; småtepper; dørmatter; vevede gulvtepper; ryer i form av gulvløpere; sklisikre teppeunderlag.

Klasse:31 Tørkede blomsterkranser; girlandere av tørkede grønne planter; tørkede blomsteroppsatser.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250014 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200809262 (220) Inndato: 2008.07.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Sungeum Music Co Ltd, 356-1 Goam-dong YANGJU-

SI, GYEONGGI-DO, KR (740) Fullmektig:

Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Forforsterkere til musikkinstrumenter,

forsterkere til musikkinstrumenter, pick-up til musikkinstrumenter, magentiske pick-up til musikkinstrumenter, elektroniske effektorer til musikkinstrumenter.

Klasse:15 Akustiske gitarer, elektriske gitarer, bassgitarer, pianoer, trommer, fioliner, mandoliner, banjoer, resonator-gitarer, orgler, harmonikaer, trekkspill, harper, fløyter, amerikanske orgler (melodeon), capoer til gitarer, pedaler til gitarer, maskinhoder til gitarer, strenger til musikkinstrumenter, stemmere for musikkinstrumenter.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250015 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200813672 (220) Inndato: 2008.10.31 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Kavli Holding AS, Postboks 7360, 5020 BERGEN, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt- kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett.

Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is.

Klasse:31 Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; levende dyr; friske frukter og grønnsaker; frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt.

Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250016 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814713 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.25 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Reynolds Consumer Products Inc, 6641 West Broad

Street, VA23230 RICHMOND, US (740) Fullmektig:

Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:19 Veibærelag og plastvevlag for

underlagsstyrking for veibygging og for å forhindre erosjon av veier.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250017 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814707 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.25 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

GRAN DUQUE DE ALBA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Bodegas Williams & Humbert SA, Ctra. Nacional IV, Km.641,75, 11408 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (CADIZ), ES

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:33 Sherry brandy.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250018 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200810673 (220) Inndato: 2008.08.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Helium (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Hard Rocx AS, Fusdal Terrasse 3, 1387 ASKER, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:12 Sykler (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250019 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200715056 (220) Inndato: 2007.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

OXYGO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Oxygo Norge AS, v/Johan Holte, Postboks 1515 Lundsiden, 4688 KRISTIANSAND S, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg.

Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt.

Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250020 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200715057 (220) Inndato: 2007.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Oxygo Norge AS, v/Johan Holte, Postboks 1515

Lundsiden, 4688 KRISTIANSAND S, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider.

Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og

sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt.

Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250021 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200709562 (220) Inndato: 2007.08.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SOLARA ION (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Gerber Scientific International Inc, 83 Gerber Road West, CT06074 SOUTH WINDSOR, US

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Skrivere; skrivere til bruk ved fremstilling av vinylskilt; programvare til bruk med skrivere; blekkskrivere til bruk med skumplasttavler, plast, polykarbonat, aluminium og andre overflater.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 250022 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812839 (220) Inndato: 2008.10.08 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Møysalen Nasjonalparksenter AS, 8414 HENNES, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:39 Båtutleie, guidete turer, turistbesøk,

sightseeing. Klasse:41 Fisketurer. Klasse:43 Camping, overnatting.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250023 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812588 (220) Inndato: 2008.10.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Oyé Enterprise Pearl Hamre, Våkleiven 11, 5155

BØNES, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Mørk afrikansk natursåpe (african black soap), hudpleieprodukter, alle varer i fra Afrika.

Klasse:20 Håndverk og pyntegjenstander, kurver, alle varer i fra Afrika.

Klasse:29 Sheasmør, kakaosmør, alle varer i fra Afrika.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250024 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815342 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

WHEATRITE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Bayer AG, 51368 LEVERKUSEN, DE (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Analysesett for vitenskapelige formål og

landbruksformål (unntatt veterinære formål), inkludert immundiagnostiske analysesett hovedsakelig bestående av noen eller alle av reagenser, antistoffer, antistoff-fragmenter, faste bærere for antistoffer og antistoff fragmenter, og analytiske kjemikalier, slike sett inkludert sett for bedømmelse av regnskade (vekst før innhøsting) i hvete.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 250025 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815343 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ERA-COAT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Jotun AS, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Kjemiske produkter til industriell bruk i

form av temperaturherdende pulver på polyester-, epoxy-, polymer-, fluorpolymer-, polyurethan-basis for beskyttende og dekorativ overflatebehandling av metalldeler og metallkonstruksjoner samt kjemiske herdemidler for maling og lakk.

Klasse:2 Maling, fernisser, lakker (herunder pulverlakk), rust- og korrosjonsbeskyttelsesmidler for beskyttelse av overflater av metall og tre.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250026 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815346 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BioBlok (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Biologge AS, Postboks 1512, Huvik Brygge, 3206 SANDEFJORD, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Bindemidler [klebemidler] til industrielle

formål; aktivkull; kjemiske produkter for industrielle formål; kjemiske produkter for vitenskapelig bruk, andre enn for medisinsk eller veterinært bruk; kjemiske reagenser, andre enn for medisinsk eller veterinært bruk; olivin [kjemisk produkt]; overflateaktive midler; biologiske preparater, andre enn for medisinsk eller veterinært bruk.

Klasse:42 Kjemiforskning; prosjektstudier [tekniske]; undervannsforskning; biologisk forskning; forskning i forbindelse med miljøvern.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250027 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815347 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BIOCRAB (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Biologge AS, Postboks 1512, Huvik Brygge, 3206 SANDEFJORD, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Fremdriftsmaskiner andre enn for

landkjøretøyer; industrielle manipulatorer [maskiner]; industriroboter; elektromekaniske maskiner for kjemisk industri; motoriserte kultivatorer.

Klasse:42 Kjemiforskning; prosjektstudier [tekniske]; undervannsforskning; biologisk forskning; forskning i forbindelse med miljøvern.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250028 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815348 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MARLIFE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Biologge AS, Postboks 1512, Huvik Brygge, 3206 SANDEFJORD, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Bindemidler [klebemidler] til industrielle

formål; aktivkull; kjemiske produkter for industrielle formål; kjemiske produkter for vitenskapelig bruk, andre enn for medisinsk eller veterinært bruk; kjemiske reagenser, andre enn for medisinsk eller veterinært bruk; olivin [kjemisk produkt]; overflateaktive midler; biologiske preparater, andre enn for medisinsk eller veterinært bruk.

Klasse:42 Kjemiforskning; prosjektstudier [tekniske]; undervannsforskning; biologisk forskning; forskning i forbindelse med miljøvern.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250029 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815359 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Skipsteknisk AS, Postboks 36 Sentrum, 6001

ÅLESUND, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Teknologiske tjenester, industridesign,

design av skip og båter.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250030 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.26 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814965 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Ingers Middagsbrød (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Hverdagskost Fibermat As, Nedre Bogenvei 14, 3150 TOLVSRØD, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA, Postboks 1324 Vika,

0112 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:29 Kjøtt,fisk,fjærkre og vilt;kjøttekstrakter;konserverte,tørrede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer,syltetøy,melk og melkeprodukter,spiselige oljer og fett

Klasse:30 Kaffe,te,kakao,sukker,ris,tapioka,sago,kaffeerstatning;mel og næringsmidler av korn,brød, bakverk og spiseis; honning,sirup; gjær,bakepulver; salt, sennep, eddik, sauser, krydderier,is.

Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet;opplæringsvirksomhet.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250031 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.27 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814415 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Western Chef (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Nor-Frost AS, Postboks 476 Økern, 0512 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:29 Kjøttvarer, viltkjøtt, eksotisk viltkjøtt, fjørfe- fersk eller kjølt.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250032 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.27 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814416 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Southern Chef (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Nor-Frost AS, Postboks 476 Økern, 0512 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:29 Kjøttvarer, viltkjøtt, eksotisk viltkjøtt, fjørfe- fersk eller kjølt.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250033 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.27 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814962 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Auto 23 AS, Postboks 3675 Fyllingsdalen, 5845

BERGEN, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Kjøretøyer og dertilhørende deler og

utstyr. Klasse:36 Kapitalinvesteringer og forretninger

med fast eiendom. Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet;

reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet; vedlikehold og service av kjøretøyer.

Klasse:39 Transportvirksomhet; utleie av kjøretøy (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250034 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.27 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814971 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.01 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Tandberg Telecom AS, Philip Pedersens vei 20, 1366

LYSAKER, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Videokonferansesystemer;

videokonferanseapparater og -utstyr; systemer, apparater og utstyr, herunder software og webbasert software applikasjoner for sanntid-, multimedia- og multipartkommunikasjon over computernettverk; apparater for mottak, lagring, gjengivelse, avspilling, opptak og overføring av lyd eller bilder, herunder kameraer, mikrofoner, fjernsynsmonitorer, videomonitorer, computermonitorer, bordvideosystemer; lydmoduler; forsterkere, ekkokompensatorer, miksere, høyttalere, fjernstyringsapparater, fjernsynsmottakere, radiomottakere, diskspiller, minnebasert spillere, telefoner, videotelefoner, mobiltelefoner og bærbare terminaler; software applikasjoner og webbaserte software applikasjoner for kommunikasjon, interaksjon og datadeling; analog-til-digital og digital-til-analog konvertere; systemer og utstyr for digital kringkasting av lyd, data og video over forskjellige nettverk inkludert kabel-, satellitt-, terrestrisk-, IP- og telenettverk; systemer og utstyr for streaming av lyd, data og video over forskjellige nettverk inkludert kabel-, satellitt-, terrestrisk-, IP- og telenettverk; systemer og utstyr for kommunikasjonsinfrastruktur inkludert servere, arkiver, multipointkontrollenheter, svitsjer, miksere, gateways, gatekeepers, brannvegger og nettverksstyringssoftware; systemer, utstyr og software for overvåking, sikkerhet, kryptering og autentisering av data; systemer, utstyr og software for styring av tid, avtaler, planer, aktiva samt styring av møterom; elektroniske publikasjoner (nedlastbare); elektroniske publikasjoner, nemlig bøker, manualer, brosjyrer innen området videokonferanser.

Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet telekommunikasjonstjenester, telekonferanse og videokonferansetjenester; audio-, video-, data- og grafisk kommunikasjon via nettverk; samarbeidstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe sanntid-multimedia- og multipartkommunikasjon over

computer nettverk; telekommunikasjonstjenester for media- og datakreering, vedlikeholdsutveksling og samarbeidstjenester; kommunikasjonstjenester via intranett, ekstranett, internett og andre elektroniske og optiske midler; leie, utleie eller leasing av datanettverk og telekommunikasjonsutstyr, infrastruktur, software og utstyr; leie, utleie eller leasing av computer databaser eller -servere; kommunikasjonstjenester, nemlig overføring av streamet lyd og audiovisuelle opptak via internett; streaming av lyd og videomateriale via internett; informasjonstjenester vedrørende kommunikasjon og kringkasting gjennom elektronisk media.

Klasse:41 Ledelse og gjennomføring av videokonferanser, inkludert videokonferanser innen områdene utdanning, forretningsvirksomhet, telemedisin, feltoperasjoner, rettsvesen og helsevesen.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250035 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.27 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814626 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.19 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ADDRESSING FUTURE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

AF Gruppen ASA, Postboks 34 Grefsen, 0409 OSLO, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS,

Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom.

Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvlrksomhet.

Klasse:40 Bearbeiding av materialer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250036 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.27 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815266 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.06.03 EM 006958656

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Haki AB, Box 102, 28063 SIBBHULT, SE

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; stillas, rammeverk, stillasmaterialer; stolper, støttebjelker og former av metall; gjerder av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikke-elektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt); låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin; varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); malmer.

Klasse:7 Maskiner; heiser, løfteanordninger, heiseredskap, maskindrevne plattformer for byggevirksomhet og maskinverktøy; støpemaskiner, støpeformer (maskindeler); maskiner og motorer (unntatt for kjøretøyer); maskinkoblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for kjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner.

Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, overvåking,

livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; alarmapparater; tyverialarmer; varsellys (blinkende); signalfløyter; verne- og beskyttelsesutstyr mot ulykker for personlig bruk; beskyttelsesvisir for arbeidere; beskyttelseshjelmer; hansker for beskyttelse mot ulykker; beskyttelsesklær mot skader, stråling og brann; sikkerhetsnett og -presenninger; sikkerhetsseler; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater.

Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker; brosjyrer; materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); manualer; plastemballasje (Ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer.

Klasse:17 Kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest, glimmer samt varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; ekstrudert plast som halvfabrikata; tetnings-, paknings- og isolasjonsmateriale; plastprodukter (plastfilm) for tildekking; bøyelige rør (ikke av metall).

Klasse:19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stillas og rammeverk; stillas, rammeverk, stillasmaterilaer, ikke av metall; støttebjelker og former (ikke av metall); gjerder (ikke av metall), stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygnings- og anleggsformål; asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall); minnesmerker (ikke av metall).

Klasse:22 Tau, reip, hyssing, garn, nett, telt, markiser, presenninger, seil, sekker og bagger (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); plastprodukter (presenninger) for å dekke til stillas og rammeverk; materiale til polstring (ikke av gummi eller plast); ubearbeidet tekstilfibermateriale.

Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet inkludert tjenester innenfor byggebransjen, utleie av stillaser og rammeverk.

Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 250037 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.27 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815281 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VEMPRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

The Dow Chemical Co, MI48674 MIDLAND, US (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:17 Plastfilm til bruk i bygging og

konstruksjon av fuktighetssperrer og isolasjon.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250038 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815354 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.08 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Bonnier Publications A/S, Strandboulevarden 130,

2100 KØBENHAVN Ø, DK (740) Fullmektig:

Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Elektroniske publikasjoner

(nedlastbare), herunder aviser, magasiner, tidsskrifter og bøker, alle i elektronisk format, eller distribuert on-line eller via multimedienettverk; CDer, innregistrerte og nedlastbare computer programmer; videokassettbånd og innspilte DVDer.

Klasse:16 Trykksaker, herunder aviser, tidsskrifter, magasiner og bøker, plakater; fotografier; samlemapper (kontorrekvisita).

Klasse:41 Forlagsvirksomhet, inkludert elektronisk forlagsvirksomhet; utgivelse av aviser, magasiner, tidsskrifter og bøker; klubbvirksomhet (underholdning eller undervisning), bokklubbvirksomhet (underholdning eller undervisning), produksjon av fjernsyns- og radioprogrammer, herunder fjernsyns- og radioprogrammer til bruk på datanettverk; produksjon av film og programmer lagret på videokassettbånd og DVDer.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250039 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815285 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Risavika Gas Centre DA, Energiveien 16, 4056

TANANGER, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Teknologiske tjenester; kvalitetkontroll,

testing og evaluering av utstyr til olje og gassindustri.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250040 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815356 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Skan-El AS, Lerstadveien 545, 6015 ÅLESUND, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:42 Teknologiske tjenester herunder elektro prosjektering; ingeniørvirksomhet.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250041 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815358 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Nordhome, Postboks 613, 0214 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Såper, parfymevarer, kosmetikk.

Klasse:18 Produkter av lær, skinn og hud. Klasse:24 Tekstiler, tekstilvarer, sengetøy.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250042 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815284 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

RGC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Risavika Gas Centre DA, Energiveien 16, 4056 TANANGER, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:42 Teknologiske tjenester; kvalitetkontroll, testing og evaluering av utstyr til olje og gassindustri.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250043 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815361 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Dahlen Tekstservice, Jerpeveien 10, 1488 HAKADAL,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:35 Kontortjenester. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250044 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815286 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Egeland Sveis AS, Postboks 88, 4380 HAUGE I

DALANE, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:40 Bearbeiding av materialer; sveise- og

mekaniske virksomhet (behandling av metall).

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250045 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814953 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SUNDNÆS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Arcus AS, Postboks 6764 Rodeløkka, 0503 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl).

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250046 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815364 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Ecoconsult AS, Postboks 8, 1001 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 Varmepumper for oppvarming, kjøling,

ventilasjon. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250047 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815682 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:


(541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

McNeil AB, 25109 HELSINGBORG, SE (740) Fullmektig:

JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater i form av

røykeavvenningspreparater. Klasse:16 Trykksaker i form av flygeblader,

brosjyrer og tidsskrifter relatert til området røykeslutt.

Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet i form av overføring av tekstmeldinger, informasjon, lyd og bilder relatert til området røykeslutt via kommunikasjon, telefon, lnternett og datanettverk.

Klasse:41 Tilveiebringelse av informasjon samt undervisning vedrørende røykeslutt.

Klasse:44 Medisinske- og helsestelltjenester i området røykeslutt.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250048 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815690 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

DULRAM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Dulram AS, Skogliveien 4, 3047 DRAMMEN, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Teknologiske tjenester;

konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare og datamaskiner; herunder datasikkerhet, datanettverk, datakommunikasjon og system integrasjon.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250049 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200816039 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.06.25 US 77/508,165

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VIANCE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Wyse Technology Inc, 3471 N. First Street, CA95134 SAN JOSE, US

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; datamaskiner og periferiutstyr til datamaskiner, nemlig datamaskiner og tynnklienter.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250050 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.02.28 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200816044 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

PANTENE AQUA LIGHT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

The Procter & Gamble Company, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, OH45202 CINCINNATI, US

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann, preparater for rengjøring, pleie og forskjønnelse av hodebunn og hår, inkludert, men ikke begrenset til, preparater for pleie, behandling og forskjønnelse av hår og hodebunn hos voksne, hårstylingsprodukter, preparater for toning, bleking, farging og kolorering av hår, antiperspiranter og deodoranter for personlig bruk.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250051 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812353 (220) Inndato: 2008.10.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ViewSonic (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

ViewSonic Corp, 381 Brea Canyon Road, Walnut, CA 91789, US

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, opptaksplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; projektorer, projektorskjermer, TV-er, TV-skjermer, LCD-TV-er, plasma-TV-er, plasmaskjermer, flatskjerm-TV-er, flatskjermer, datamonitorer/skjermer, LCD-skjermer, LCD-paneler, monitorer, digitale fotorammer, høyttalere, webkameraer, MP3-spillere, MP4-spillere, MP5-spillere, digitale TV-mottakere, mikrofoner med øretelefoner, datamaskiner, tastaturer, bærbare PC-er, set-top-bokser, GPS (global positioning system), mobiltelefoner, DVD-spillere, internettradio, datamuser, skannere, dataskrivere, elektroniske ordbøker og oppslagsverk, mikrofoner, hodetelefoner, øretelefoner, innregistrerte dataprogrammer, modemer, VGA-kort/videokort, datarutere, kameraer, digitalkameraer, CD-er, ROM-er, dataprogramvare (innregistrerte), konnektorer disketter, datamaskinvare, DVD-brennere, PC¬kabinetter, fastvare for datamaskiner, PDA-er (personal digital assistants), videotelefoner, høyttalerkabinetter, batterier, fjernkontroller, adaptere, dataperiferiutstyr, kalkulatorer, elektroniske penner, TV/spillprogrammer, dataspillprogrammer, elektroniske oppslagstavler, UPS-systemer (uninterruptible power supply systems), forlystelsesmaskiner for bruk med datamaskiner, forlystelsesmaskiner for bruk med TV-apparater, dataminner, videokonferanseutstyr /interkommunikasjonsapparater, stemplingsur (tidsregistreringsapparater), musematter, dataskjermer, tråd, ledning og kabel, TV/databriller, monitorer for innbruddsalarmsystemer, forsterkere, magnetiske datamedia, brilleetuier,

mikroprosessorer, PC-vesker, overførere av elektroniske signaler, transformatorer, overførere av elektriske signaler, digitale omkodere for datamaskiner, håndleddsstøtte for bruk med datamaskiner.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250052 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814379 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

INTULO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Constellation Europe Ltd, Constellation House, The Guildway, Old Portsmouth Road, GU31LR GUILDFORD, SURREY, GB

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:32 Ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; alkoholholdig øl; øl; pils, ikke-alkoholholdige cocktails; preparater til fremstilling av drikker, tonic water.

Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl); alkohol; rusbrus; aperitiffer; musserende vin, sider; tørr musserende vin, rødvin; brennevin, ikke-musserende bordvin; hvitvin; vin

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250053 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200711584 (220) Inndato: 2007.10.01 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Reime Protech Steel AS, Jardarveien 22, 4365

NÆRBØ, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:35 Markedsføring av produkter mot linjemateriell, vei og bane, mekanisk industri.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250054 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200806752 (220) Inndato: 2008.05.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Modeverket AB, Kungsgatan 29, 4tr., 11156

STOCKHOLM, SE (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Personellrekruttering.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250055 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814630 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.19 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:


(541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Wm Wrigley Jr Co, 410 North Michigan Avenue, IL60611 CHICAGO, US

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:30 Konfektyrer, nemlig tyggegummi, bobletyggegummi, godteri og mint

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250056 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814692 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Termocap AS, Tangevegen 1, 6885 ÅRDALSTANGEN,

NO (740) Fullmektig:

Advokatfirmaet Frydenlund, Postboks 7031 St.Olavsplass, 0130 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:17 Kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest,

glimmer samt varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; ekstrudert plast som halvfabrikata; tetnings-, paknings- og isolasjonsmateriale; bøyelige rør (ikke av metall)

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250057 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815303 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.06.27 GB 2491346

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

E_TERRAIN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Land Rover, Banbury Road, Gaydon, CV350RR WARWICK, WARWICKSHIRE, GB

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:12 Biler og deler og tilbehør dertil og motorer.

Klasse:35 Annonsering og salgsfremmende tjenester relatert til miljøbiler og teknologi for motoriserte kjøretøy.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250058 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815650 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CALLWAY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Tandberg Telecom AS, Philip Pedersens vei 20, 1366 LYSAKER, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Videokonferansessystemer; videokonferanseapparater og -utstyr; systemer, apparater og utstyr, herunder software og webbasert software applikasjoner for sanntid-, multimedia- og multipartkommunikasjon over computernettverk; apparater for mottak, lagring, gjengivelse, avspilling, opptak og overføring av lyd eller bilder, herunder kameraer, mikrofoner, fjernsynsmonitorer, videomonitorer, computermonitorer, bordvideosystemer; software applikasjoner og webbaserte software applikasjoner for kommunikasjon, interaksjon og datadeling; analog-til-digital og digital-til-analog konvertere; systemer og utstyr for kommunikasjonsinfrastruktur inkludert servere, arkiver, multipointkontrollenheter, svitsjer, miksere, gateways, gatekeepers, brannvegger og nettverksstyringssoftware.

Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet telekommunikasjonstjenester, telekonferanse og videokonferanse-enester; audio-, video-, data- og grafisk kommunikasjon via nettverk; samarbeidstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe sanntid-multimedia- og multipartkommunikasjon over computer nettverk; telekommunikasjonstjenester for media- og datakreering, vedlikeholdsutveksling og samarbeidstjenester; kommunikasjonstjenester via intranett, ekstranett, internett og andre elektroniske og optiske midler.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250059 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814637 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(571) Beskrivelse av merket: Merket består av en gyllen-gul sirkel med et omega-

symbol i, samt navnet omegatri i mellom-blått (730) Innehaver:

Omegatri AS, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Pulver basert på marin omega-3 for ernæring, kosmetikk eller farmasøytisk bruk. Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250060 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815305 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.06.12 EM 006983225

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

EOLYS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Aktiebolaget Electrolux, Sankt Göransgatan, 10545 STOCKHOLM, SE

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:7 Støvsugere og deler til støvsugere, nemlig slanger, munnstykker, rør, støvposer og filtre.

Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet og informasjon til kunder i forbindelse med salg av støvsugere og deler til støvsugere, nemlig slanger, munnstykker, rør, støvposer og filtre.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250061 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815719 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

WACKY WORLD OF SPORTS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Sega Corp, 2-12, Haneda 1-chome, Ohta-ku, 144-0043 TOKYO, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Videospillprogramvare; spillprogramvare for PC'er; spillprogramvare for håndholdte spillmaskiner; computerspillprogrammer; spillprogrammer for mobiltelefoner; nedlastbare spillprogrammer; videospilldisker og -kassetter; computerspilldisker og -kassetter.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250062 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815373 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.08 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TAKE OFF (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Stadium AB, Box 773, 60117 NORRKÖPING, SE (740) Fullmektig:

Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Vesker, ryggsekker.

Klasse:25 Klær, skotøy, hodeplagg.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250063 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200714337 (220) Inndato: 2007.11.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

IPOS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Scandpower Petroleum Technology AS, Postboks 113, 2027 KJELLER, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 2743 Solli, 0204

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:42 Design og utvikling av dataprogrammer.

Klasse:45 Lisensiering av dataprogramvare.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250064 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200807349 (220) Inndato: 2008.06.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.02.26 US 77/406,203

2008.02.26 US 77/406,205 2008.02.27 US 77/407,052

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VROOM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Target Brands Inc, 1000 Nicollet Mall, TPS-3165, MN55403-2467 MINNEAPOLIS, US

(740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276

Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Produkter for rengjøring, polering og beskyttelse av kjøretøyer i form av rengjøringsmiddel til alle formål; vaskekluter til alle formål innsatt med vaskemiddel; bilvaskkonsentrater og -preparater, bilvaskesett, rengjøringsmiddel og beskyttelsesmiddel for tepper, innvendige trekk, lær, glass, hjul og dekk, tørkemiddel, poleringsmiddel og voks, engangskluter impregnert med kjemikalier for rengjøring, beskyttelse og polering.

Klasse:5 Luftforfriskningsmidler for kjøretøyer i form av hengende luftforfriskere, luftforfriskningssprayer, luftforfriskningsgeler og luftforfriskere for ventilasjonsanlegget.

Klasse:9 Tilbehør for kjøretøyer i form av oppbevaringsanordninger for CD-spillere, DVD-spillere, MP3-spillere og mobiltelefoner.

Klasse:12 Bagasje- og seteoppbevaringslommer for kjøretøyer; oppbevaringslommer for frontrute-solskjerm, oppbevaringsanordning til instrumentbord og rullegardin for kjøretøyer.

Klasse:21 Pleieprodukter for kjøretøyer i form av vaske-, rengjøring-, tørke-, pusse- og poleringsvotter, hansker, børster, svamper, kluter og filler, polerballer og påføringsputer, nal, stangbaserte rengjøringsredskaper, vannskraper, støvkluter, biltørkingsutstyr, vindusmopper, vannslanger og tilbehør, forhåndsfuktede småkluter, vaskeskinn, semsket pusseskinn og avfallskurver; reisekrus, -kopper og -flasker, bærbare kjølebeholdere, varmeisolerende beholdere for næringsmidler og drikke; bærbare avfallsbokser/kurver, fordelingsbokser for papirservietter; snøbørste/isskrape; vaskekluter for alle formål; håndkluter; pleieprodukter for kjøretøyer i form av vaske-, rengjøring-, tørke-, pusse- og poleringskluter, -votter, -hansker, -børster, -svamper, -kluter og filler.

Klasse:24 Tepper. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250065 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.02 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812310 (220) Inndato: 2008.09.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: PJ Hungary Szoláltató Korlátolt Felelosségu Társaság,

Hajógyári sziget 122, Ép fszt.3, 1033 BUDAPEST, HU (740) Fullmektig:

Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Varer laget av lær og lærimitasjoner

(ikke opptatt i andre klasser); bager, håndvesker, ryggsekker, ransler, skuldervesker, vadsekker, kofferter, reisevesker, skrin, dokumentmapper, nøkkeletuier, reisebager, portemonéer, lommebøker og punger; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokk

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250066 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815663 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.07.17 US 77/524,600

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

XOETRY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, 345 Park Avenue, NY10154 NEW YORK, US

(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater til bruk for mennesker.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250067 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815722 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VERDANDE DRILL EDGE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Verdande Technology AS, Stiklestadveien 1, 7041 TRONDHEIM, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Vogt & Wiig Advokatfirma Trondheim AS, Postboks

1280 Pirsenteret, 7462 TRONDHEIM, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Dataprogramvare, dataprogrammer, datamaskinvare og databehandlingsutstyr blant annet innenfor oljevirksomhet, medisinsk virksomhet, flyindustri og romfart.

Klasse:16 Trykksaker; tidsskrifter, rapporter, instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell.

Klasse:41 Undervisnings- og opplæringsvirksomhet.

Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil, industriell analyse og forskning, innsamling av data, design og utvikling av dataprogramvare, dataprogrammer, datamaskinvare, databehandlingsutstyr, databaser og datanettverk; konsulenttjenester innenfor de forannevnte tjenester. Lisensiering og utleie av forannevnte tjenester.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250068 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815724 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VERDANDE TECHNOLOGY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Verdande Technology AS, Stiklestadveien 1, 7041 TRONDHEIM, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Vogt & Wiig Advokatfirma Trondheim AS, Postboks

1280 Pirsenteret, 7462 TRONDHEIM, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Dataprogramvare, dataprogrammer, datamaskinvare og databehandlingsutstyr blant annet innenfor oljevirksomhet, medisinsk virksomhet, flyindustri og romfart.

Klasse:16 Trykksaker; tidsskrifter, rapporter, instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell.

Klasse:41 Undervisnings- og opplæringsvirksomhet.

Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil, industriell analyse og forskning, innsamling av data, design og utvikling av dataprogramvare, dataprogrammer, datamaskinvare, databehandlingsutstyr, databaser og datanettverk; konsulenttjenester innenfor de forannevnte tjenester. Lisensiering og utleie av forannevnte tjenester.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250069 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815720 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

LOVE.HUGS.PEACE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Build-A-Bear Workshop Inc, 1954 Innerbelt Business Center Drive, MO63114 ST. LOUIS, US

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:35 Detaljsalgstjenester og on-line detaljsalgstjenester innenfor leketøy og klær, tilbehør til de forannevnte varer.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250070 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200813327 (220) Inndato: 2008.10.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

HUMAPEN LUXURA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Eli Lilly and Co, Lilly Corporate Center, IN46285 INDIANAPOLIS, US

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:10 Insulin leveringsanordninger, nemlig sprøyter.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250071 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200311359 (220) Inndato: 2003.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Sea-Bell AS, Stålfjæra 18, 0975 Oslo, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:29 Kjøtt, fisk, skalldyr, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, salater, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett.

Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is.

Klasse:31 Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; levende dyr; friske frukter, salater og grønnsaker; frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250072 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815728 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

OTRIBABY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske, veterinære og

hygieniske preparater; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk; næringsmidler for spedbarn; plaster og forbindingsstoffer; materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider.

Klasse:10 Kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, ortopediske artikler, suturmaterialer.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250073 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815731 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

EDVARDSEN ELEKTRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Edvardsen Elektro AS, Postboks 1058, 2305 HAMAR, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning; deler og tilbehør til forannevnte varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser).

Klasse:37 Reparasjon og installasjon av elektriske apparater.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250074 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200802584 (220) Inndato: 2008.02.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

AURORALAKS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Hallvard Lerøy AS, Postboks 7600, 5020 BERGEN, NO(740) Fullmektig:

Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Fisk, fersk, avkjølt eller frossen (ikke

levende); og andre spiselige vanndyr, fersk, avkjølt eller frossen (ikke levende); foredlede fiskeprodukter.

Klasse:40 Foredling av fisk og annen bearbeidelse av mat; konsulentvirksomhet og tilveiebringelse av informasjon i forbindelse med bearbeidelse av fisk; utleie av maskiner og apparater til bruk av behandling av mat og drikkevarer.

Klasse:43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, tilveiebringe informasjon relatert til bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250075 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200802586 (220) Inndato: 2008.02.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

LERØY AURORA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Hallvard Lerøy AS, Postboks 7600, 5020 BERGEN, NO(740) Fullmektig:

Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Fisk; fersk, avkjølt, frossen (ikke

levende); og andre spiselige vanndyr, fersk, avkjølt eller frossen (ikke levende); foredlede fiskeprodukter.

Klasse:40 Foredling av fisk, og annen bearbeidelse av mat; konsulentvirksomhet og tilbeiebringelse av informasjon i forbindelse med bearbeidelse av fisk; utleie av maskiner og apparater til bruk av behandling av mat og drikkevarer.

Klasse:43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, tilveiebringe informasjon relatert til bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250076 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200802619 (220) Inndato: 2008.02.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

AURORA SALMON (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Hallvard Lerøy AS, Postboks 7600, 5020 BERGEN, NO(740) Fullmektig:

Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Fisk; fersk, avkjølt eller frossen (ikke

levende); og andre spiselige vanndyr, fersk, avkjølt eller frossen (ikke levende); foredlede fiskeprodukter.

Klasse:40 Foredling av fisk; og annen bearbeidelse av mat; konsulentvirksomhet og tilveiebringelse av informasjon i forbindelse med bearbeidelse av fisk; utleie av maskiner og apparater til bruk av behandling av mat og drikkevarer.

Klasse:43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke; tilveiebringe informasjon relatert til beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250077 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815732 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Mine Safety Appliances Co, 121 Gamma Drive,

PA15238 PITTSBURGH, US (740) Fullmektig:

Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Beskyttende hodeplagg, nemlig

sikkerhetshjelmer og -hatter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250078 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200811684 (220) Inndato: 2008.09.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.03.14 DK VA 2008 01074

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

KONGE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Brandhouse A/S, Middelfartgade 17, 2100 KØBENHAVN Ø, DK

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet, også på digitale medier, bistand ved utvikling av forretningsstrategi, herunder av forretningskjennetegn; systematisering av informasjon i computerdatabaser, kompilering og innføring av informasjon i computerdatabaser, bistand ved forretningsledelse og forretningsadministrasjon.

Klasse:42 Vitenskapelig og teknologisk virksomhet og forskning og design i forbindelse hermed, industriell analyse og forskningsvirksomhet; design av logoer og firmakjennetegn; grafisk designervirksomhet; teknisk rådgivning vedrørende innkjøp og bruk av computerhardware- og software, design av computerprogrammer og computer programmering, industriell design.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250079 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815730 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Networks In Motion Inc, 6A Liberty, Suite 200,

CA92656 ALISO VIEJO, US (740) Fullmektig:

Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Datamaskinvare og -programvare for

tilveiebringelse av kart, søk på severdigheter, fortegnelser over bedrifter, filmer, arrangementer, trafikkforhold, bensinpriser og vær, og GSM-navigasjonsinstruksjoner til sjåfører, passasjerer og reisende via trådløse telekommunikasjonsnettverk, inkludert Internett, mobiltelefoner, PDA-er (håndholdte datamaskiner), personsøkere, tekstmeldingsapparater.

Klasse:38 Elektronisk overføring av data, nemlig kart, søk på severdigheter, fortegnelser over bedrifter, filmer, arrangementer, trafikkforhold, bensinpriser og vær, og GSM-navigasjonsinstruksjoner til sjåfører, passasjerer og reisende via trådløse telekommunikasjonsnettverk, inkludert Internett, mobiltelefoner, PDA-er (håndholdte datamaskiner), personsøkere, tekstmeldingsapparater.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250080 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815733 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Bonnier Publications A/S, Strandboulevarden 130,

2100 KØBENHAVN Ø, DK (740) Fullmektig:

Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Elektroniske publikasjoner

(nedlastbare), herunder aviser, magasiner, tidsskrifter og bøker, alle i elektronisk format, eller distribuert on-line eller via multimedienettverk; CDer, innregistrerte og nedlastbare computer programmer; videokassettbånd og innspilte DVDer.

Klasse:16 Trykksaker, herunder aviser, tidsskrifter, magasiner og bøker, plakater; fotografier; samlemapper (kontorrekvisita).

Klasse:41 Forlagsvirksomhet, inkludert elektronisk forlagsvirksomhet; utgivelse av aviser, magasiner, tidsskrifter og bøker; klubbvirksomhet (underholdning eller undervisning), bokklubbvirksomhet (underholdning eller undervisning), produksjon av fjernsyns- og radioprogrammer, herunder fjernsyns- og radioprogrammer til bruk på datanettverk; produksjon av film og programmer lagret på videokassettbånd og DVDer; helse-, fitness- og rekreasjonssentere; helseklubber, gymnastikkundervisning og fysisk trening.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250081 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200816040 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Viking Holding AS, Postboks 22, 4661 KRISTIANSAND

S, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; motorer

(unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner.

Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater.

Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; salg av forannevnte varer i klasse 7 og 9, maskiner og utstyr til olje- og gassutvinning, bergverksdrift og industri ellers; forretningsinformasjon og rådgivning; bedriftsrådgivning og -informasjon; rådgivning om markedsføring; rådgivning i personalspørsmål.

Klasse:36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; finansrådgivning; utleie av fast eiendom; bestyrelse av fast eiendom; eiendomsomsetning.

Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet; installasjon og reparasjon av vanningsanlegg.

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Klasse:39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser; vannforsyning; vanndistribusjon; transportvirksomhet; lasthåndtering; sjøtransport; transportinformasjon; lossing.

Klasse:40 Bearbeiding av materialer; rådgivning om produksjon; vannbehandling; avsalting av vann.

Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; teknisk rådgivning; oljeverntjenester; ingeniørtjenester; vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester samt forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; forskning og utvikling av nye produkter (for tredje mann); forskning i forbindelse med miljøvern; teknisk forskning; kjemisk forskning.

Klasse:44 Medisinske tjenester; veterinære tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker eller dyr; landbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbrukstjenester; rådgivning om landbruksvirksomhet.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250082 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200803276 (220) Inndato: 2008.03.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2007.09.07 EM 006247522

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

POWERPACKS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Reckitt Benckiser NV, Siriusdreef 14, 2132WT HOOFDDORP, NL

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Blekemidler og andre stoffer for klesvask eller oppvask; vaske- og rensemidler for renserier; oppvaskmidler; rengjøringsmidler, forfriskningsmidler og luktfjernemidler for oppvaskmaskiner; rensemidler; poleringsmidler for kjøkken og glasstøy; midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning og sliping; tepperensere; såper; avskallings- og kalkfjerningspreparater for husholdningsbruk; stoffmykningsmidler; alle forannevnte varer med og uten desinfiserende komponenter.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250083 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200809597 (220) Inndato: 2008.08.01 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CELLEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, US

(740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276

Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:10 Terapeutisk medisinsk innretning for ekstrahering av blod fra kroppen, separering av blod, ekstrakorporal behandling av blod, og tilbakeføring av blodet til kroppen. Forannevnte varer til bruk i ekstrakorporal fotoferese, ekstrakorporal fotoimmunbehandling, ekstrakorporal fotoimmunterapi, ekstrakorporal fotokjemoterapi samt celleterapi.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250084 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812827 (220) Inndato: 2008.10.08 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

THULE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Nortura BA, Postboks 397 Økern, 0513 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt;

kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett.

Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250085 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814655 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Yoshida & Co Ltd, No. 1-17-6, Higashikanda, Chiyoda-

Ku TOKYO, JP (740) Fullmektig:

Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Vesker, lommebøker, toalettvesker og

poser til sminkebokser, håndvesker for kvinner, Babybærere som man bærer på kroppen, ryggsekker, sports- og treningsbager til alle formål, strandbager, håndbagasjebager, clutchvesker, reisevesker og skipssekker, handlevesker av skinn og lær, overnattingsvesker, skolevesker, skoposer for reiser, stresskofferter, dokumentmapper, kofferter, nøkkelpunger og dokumentmapper; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker.

Klasse:25 Klær, jakker til kvinner og menn, skjorter, bukser, dresser, drakter, skjerf, belter (klær), hatter og luer, hansker, strømper og sokker, slips, sløyfer, sko, støvler, sandaler og tøfler.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250086 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814636 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Yoshida & Co Ltd, No. 1-17-6, Higashikanda, Chiyoda-

Ku TOKYO, JP Porter International Co Ltd, 1F, No. 278, Sec. 4 Chung Ching Rd. Ta-Ya Hsiang, 0000 Taichung Hsien, TW

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:18 Vesker, lommebøker, toalettvesker og poser til sminkebokser, håndvesker for kvinner, Babybærere som man bærer på kroppen, ryggsekker, sports- og treningsbager til alle formål, strandbager, håndbagasjebager, clutchvesker, reisevesker og skipssekker, handlevesker av skinn og lær, overnattingsvesker, skolevesker, skoposer for reiser, stresskofferter, dokumentmapper, kofferter, nøkkelpunger og dokumentmapper; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker.

Klasse:25 Klær, jakker til kvinner og menn, skjorter, bukser, dresser, drakter, skjerf, belter (klær), hatter og luer, hansker, strømper og sokker, slips, sløyfer, sko, støvler, sandaler og tøfler.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 250087 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812896 (220) Inndato: 2008.10.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ARPAZ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Wyeth, Five Giralda Farms, NJ07940-0874 MADISON, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater for behandling av betennelses- og auto-immune sykdommer og lidelser, smittsomme sykdommer, metaboliske sykdommer og lidelser, sykdommer og lidelser i sentralnervesystemet, kardio-vaskulære preparater; onkologiske preparater; preparater for å motvirke og behandle osteoporose; vaksiner.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250088 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812581 (220) Inndato: 2008.10.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Kraft Foods Global Brands LLC, Three Lakes Drive,

IL60093 NORTHFIELD, US (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Ost og ostebaserte produkter

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250089 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200809306 (220) Inndato: 2008.07.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CAMERA ARMOR (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

DayMen Photo Marketing LP, 55 Valleywood Drive, ONL3R5L9 MARKHAM, CA

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Bagger, kofferter med harde og myke lokk, ryggsekker, vesker, ryggsekker med hjul, ryggsekker uten hjul, rumpetasker, beltevesker i form av hoftebagger, pengepunger, lommebøker, handlevesker, skuldervesker, og bærevesker, alt spesielt tilpasset for bæring av fotografisk, kinematografisk, video-, optisk, lyd-, elektronisk og computer utstyr; hjelpemidler for organisering av filmer, nemlig vesker for bæring av eksponerte og ueksponerte filmer til kameraer; bærevesker spesielt tilpasset for mobiltelefoner; hofte- og skulderstropper solgt som tilbehør til de forannevnte varene; støvbeskyttere for computere, beskyttelsesovertrekk computere, beskyttelsesovertrekk for bærbare computere, beskyttelsesovertrekk for elektroniske konsumvarer; lukkere for kameraer; og fotograferingsutstyr, nemlig reflektorer, trebente stativer, lysstativ og lysstøtter, håndtak til kameraer.

Klasse:18 Bærebagger, vesker og kofferter, nemlig ryggsekker med og uten hjul, ransler, sportsbagger, gymbagger, håndvesker, handlevesker, ryggsekker, reisevesker, skulderbagger, bærevesker, rumpetasker, beltevesker i form av hoftebagger, pengepunger, lommebøker, kofferter, portemoneer, kredittkortholdere; hofte- og skulderstropper solgt som tilbehør til de forannevnte varene; beskyttelsesovertrekk laget av fleksibelt vannavstøtende materiale spesielt designet for bruk med bærebagger, kofferter og vesker.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250090 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814282 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.11 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BEPANTHOL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Bayer Consumer Care AG, Peter-Merian-Strasse 84, 4052 BASEL, CH

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Kosmetikk. Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater: hygieniske

preparater for medisinske formål; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250091 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200809612 (220) Inndato: 2008.08.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

GT-TV (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment (also trading as Sony Computer Entertainment Inc), 2-6-21, Minami-aoyama, Minato-ku, 107-0062 TOKYO, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Musunderlag for datamaskiner; mus for datamaskiner; elektroniske kretser, magnetiske disker og disketter og magnetbånd kodet med dataprogrammer for kryptering og dekryptering av informasjonsdata; informasjonsprøveinnretninger, krypterings- og mikroprogrammeringsinnretninger for informasjonsbehandlingsmaskiner; stropper for mobiltelefoner; polaroidkameraer med filmer; nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner; krypteringsinnretninger til bruk ved kryptering innen telekommunikasjon; elektroniske kretser, magnetiske disker og disketter, optiske disker og disketter, magnetoptiske disker og disketter, CD-ROM (Compact Disk ROM), magnetbånd og Digital Versatile Disk ROM kodet med videospillprogram for personlig bruk; elektroniske kretser, magnetiske disker og disketter, optiske disker og disketter, magnetoptiske disker og disketter, CD-ROM (Compact Disk ROM), magnetbånd og Digital Versatile Disk ROM kodet med videospillprogram for forretningsbruk; kontrollere, joysticks, minnekort, volumkontrollere, mus og andre deler og tilbehør for videospillmaskiner med fjernsyn for personlig bruk; magnetiske disker og disketter, optiske disker og disketter, magnetoptiske disker og disketter, CD-ROM (Compact Disk ROM), magnetbånd og Digital Versatile Disk ROM kodet med magasiner, bøker, aviser, kart, bilder, illustrasjoner og tekstbasert informasjon; kraftfordelings- og/eller kontrollapparater; faseregulatorer; tørrelementer; våtelementer; akkumulatorer og batterier; fotoelektriske celler; elektriske ledninger; elektriske kabler; fotografiske apparater og instrumenter; kinematografiske apparater og instrumenter; mikroskop; briller og beskyttelsesbriller; deler og tilbehør for briller og beskyttelsesbriller; telefonapparater; apparater for overføring ved trådforbindelse, nemlig, telefaksapparater, automatiske telegrafapparater; bærefrekvensapparater, nemlig generatorer for lavfrekvensoverføring, bærefrekvens-generatorer av kabeltypen; bærefrekvensgeneratorer av kraftlednings-typen,

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


bærefrekvensgeneratorer av luftlinjetypen, og bærefrekensforsterkere; kringkastingsapparater, nemlig fjernsynsmottakere, fjernsynsendere, radiomottakere, radiosendere; flerkanal-radiokommunikasjonsapparater for faste stasjoner; radioapplikasjonsapparater, nemlig radiofyrenheter, radiopeilingsapparater, radarer, hyperbelnavigasjonsenheter; fjernstyrte fjernmålingsapparater; lavfrekvensapparater; videofrekvensapparater, nemlig videokameraer, videoplatespillere, videobåndopptakere; deler og tilbehør for elektriske kommunikasjonsapparater og -instrumenter; grammofonplater; metronomer; innspilte CD-plater; datamaskiner; elektronmikroskop; elektroniske bordkalkulatorer; tekstbehandlingsmaskiner; lysfølsomme rør; vakuumrør; likeretterrør; halvlederelementer (halvlederkomponenter); integrerte kretser; storintegrerte koplingskretser; eksponerte kinematografiske filmer; eksponerte lysbildefilm; forhåndsinnspilte videoplater og videobånd; salgsautomater (automatiske distribusjonsmaskiner); videospillmaskiner med fjernsyn for personlig bruk.

Klasse:38 Kringkastingstjenester og tilbydelse av telekommunikasjonstilgang til filmer og videoprogrammer leverte via en video-på-bestillingstjeneste; kabelfjernsynssendinger; mobiltelefontjenester; kommunikasjon via dataterminaler; telegrafisk kommunikasjon; telefonisk kommunikasjon; telefakstjenester; informasjon om telekommunikasjon; meldetjenester; informasjonsbyråer (nyheter); radiokringkasting; utleie av telefaksapparater; utleie av overføringsapparater for beskjeder; utleie av modemer; utleie av telekommunikasjonsutstyr; utleie av telefoner; satellittoverføring; telegramforsendelse; telekommunikasjonsrute og -sambandstjenester; telefonkonferansetjenester; telegraftjenester; telefontjenester; fjernsynskringkasting; fjernskrivertjenester; telegramoverføring; overføringstjenester for video-på-bestilling; pressebyråer.

Klasse:41 Fornøyelsesparker; underholdningsvirksomhet; dressur av dyr; arrangering av skjønnhetskonkurranser; booking av seter for showforestillinger; bokbusstjenester; sirkus; diskotektjenester; distribusjon av et race-spill show for andre; dubbetjenester; artistopptredener; underholdingstjenester, nemlig tilbydelse av en online søkbar database med videospillopplysning, bestående av tittel, år, distribusjonsdato, plattform, omslagskunst, skjermskudd, utgivere, utviklere og anmeldelser; underholdingsinformasjon;

underholdingstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av online dataspill, tilveiebringelse av en nettside med musikalske forestillinger, musikalske videoer, relaterte filmklipp, fotografier, og annet multimediamateriale, tilveiebringelse av online filmanmeldelser; filmproduksjon; spilltjenester tilbudt online fra et datanettverk; pengespillvirksomhet; gymnastikkundervisning; helseklubbvirksomhet; utlånsbibliotek; mobile bibliotektjenester; modelltjenester for kunstnere; filmstudioer; varietéteatre; barnehager; organisering av lotterier; orkestervirksomhet; organisering av ball; organisering av sportskonkurranser; fysisk trening; produksjon av radio- og fjernsynsprogrammer; showoppsettinger; spillehalltjenester; tilveiebringelse av en nettside med oppslag om høye poengtall for bilracespill for datamaskiner og nedlastbare redigeringsprogrammer for bilrace-dataspill; tilveiebringelse av online anmeldelser og vurderinger av videospill; sportsinstallasjonstjenester; tilveiebringelse av underholding angående tema som er av interesse for bilentusiaster; radiounderholdning; opptaksstudioer, rekreasjons- og fritidsinformasjon; religionsundervisning; utleie av lydutstyr; utleie av videokameraer med opptakere; utleie av kinematografiske filmer; utleie av belysningsutstyr for teateroppsetninger eller fjernsynsstudioer; utleie av spillefilmer; utleie av filmfremvisere og tilbehør; utleie av radio- og fjernsynsapparater; utleie av sceneutstyr for showforestillinger; utleie av dykkerutstyr; utleie av lydopptak; utleie av idrettsplasser og stadion; utleie av sceneutstyr; utleie av tennisbaner; utleie av videokameraer; utleie av videokassettopptakere; utleie av videobånd; tekstforfattertjenester; treningsleirtjenester; fjemsynsunderholdning; teateroppsetninger; tidstakningstjenester ved sportsarrangementer; undervisning; videobandredigering; videofilmproduksjon; zoologiske hager; tilveiebringelse av online informasjon om dataspill og dataspillprogrammer beskrevet i magasiner, håndbøker og publikasjoner; produksjon av bruksanvisninger for programmer for videospillmaskiner med fjernsyn for personlig bruk: utleie og leasing av magnetbånd kodet med programmer for videospillmaskiner med fjernsyn for datasystemsikkerhet.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250092 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814681 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VIPLETE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Medlmmune LLC, One Medlmmune Wau, MD20878 GAITHERSBURG, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Influensavaksiner til bruk for mennesker.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250093 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814682 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TACTEVO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Medlmmune LLC, One Medlmmune Wau, MD20878 GAITHERSBURG, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Influensavaksiner til bruk for mennesker.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250094 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815735 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.09.09 GB 2497173

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

POCNAD (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

NorChip AS, Industriveien 8, 3490 KLOKKARSTUA, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:10 Diagnostikk- og testapparater for medisinske formål; testanalyseapparater; analysesystem for rutinemessig medisinsk diagnostikk.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250095 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814683 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

IMLETE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Medlmmune LLC, One Medlmmune Wau, MD20878 GAITHERSBURG, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Influensavaksiner til bruk for mennesker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250096 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815736 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.09.09 GB 2497174

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

POCNAT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

NorChip AS, Industriveien 8, 3490 KLOKKARSTUA, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:10 Diagnostikk- og testapparater for medisinske formål; testanalyseapparater; analysesystem for rutinemessig medisinsk diagnostikk.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250097 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200900400 (220) Inndato: 2009.01.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2008.08.05 JP 2008-064381

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CENACTO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, 541-0045 OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater for behandling og forebygging av diabetiske sykdommer.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250098 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200900401 (220) Inndato: 2009.01.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

KOZEBA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, 541-0045 OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater for behandling og forebygging av diabetiske sykdommer.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250099 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200900402 (220) Inndato: 2009.01.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

DIDGET (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Bayer HealthCare LLC, 100 Bayer Road, PA15205 PITTSBURG, US

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Medisinske diagnostiske reagenser for analyser av kroppsvæsker.

Klasse:9 Videospill programvare til bruk i forbindelse med medisinske diagnostiske instrumenter for analyser av kroppsvæsker.

Klasse:10 Medisinske diagnostiske instrumenter for analyser av kroppsvæsker.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250100 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815678 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Casa Cuervo SA DE CV, Av Rio Churubusco No 213

Col. Granjas, 08400 MEXICO DF, MX (740) Fullmektig:

JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker; alkoholholdige

coctailblandinger, vaniljelikør. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250101 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200815378 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.08 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

UMBILICAL WEAR & TEAR UWT(541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Cetix AS, Jåttåvågveien 7, 4020 STAVANGER, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner for oljeindustri, for lasting og lossing; vinsjer; heiser (andre enn skiheiser); elevatorer.

Klasse:9 Apparater til veiing, måling og kontroll for oljeindustrien. Kontrollapparater, målere, omformere (elektrisk), programvarer, veiemaskiner (system som måler last og slitasje på rov kabel)

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250102 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200803371 (220) Inndato: 2008.03.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

OPERA LINK (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Opera Software ASA, Waldemar Thranes gate 98, 0175 OSLO, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Dataprogrammer, blant annet dataprogramvare for globalt nettverk og annet nettverk, presentasjonsprogramvare, nettlesere.

Klasse:35 Annonse og reklamevirksomhet blant annet annonsebyråer, utsendelse av reklameannonser, publisering av reklametekster, utleie av reklameplass, systematisering og innsamling av informasjon for bruk i databaser, innsamling av annonser for bruk på websider.

Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet, blant annet informasjonsbyråer, internett portal tjenester, dataassistert overføring av beskjeder, bilder, informasjon og betalingsmidler, elektronisk postoverføring, kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler, kommunikasjon ved optisk fibernettverk, mobiltelefontjenester, satelittoverføringer, telefonisk kommunikasjon, utleie av tilgangstid til databaser.

Klasse:42 Edb-programmering; profesjonell og teknisk assistanse, utleie av dataprogramvare, konsulenttjenester vedrørende datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; individuell design og utvikling av dataprogrammer, -systemer, -websider, nettlesere og nettverk for andre.

Klasse:45 Lisensiering av programvare.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250103 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200803372 (220) Inndato: 2008.03.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

OPERA UNITE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Opera Software ASA, Waldemar Thranes gate 98, 0175 OSLO, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Dataprogrammer, blant annet dataprogramvare for globalt nettverk og annet nettverk, presentasjonsprogramvare, nettlesere.

Klasse:35 Annonse og reklamevirksomhet blant annet annonsebyråer, utsendelse av reklameannonser, publisering av reklametekster, utleie av reklameplass, systematisering og innsamling av informasjon for bruk i databaser, innsamling av annonser for bruk på websider.

Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet, blant annet informasjonsbyråer, intemett portal tjenester, dataassistert overføring av beskjeder, bilder, informasjon og betalingsmidler, elektronisk postoverføring, kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler, kommunikasjon ved optisk fibernettverk, mobiltelefontjenester, satelllttoverføringer, telefonisk kommunikasjon, utleie av tilgangstid til databaser.

Klasse:42 Edb-programmerIng; profesjonell og teknisk assistanse, utleie av dataprogramvare, konsulenttjenester vedrørende datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; individuell design og utvikling av dataprogrammer, -systemer, -websider, nettlesere og nettverk for andre.

Klasse:45 Lisensiering av dataprogramvare. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250104 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200803373 (220) Inndato: 2008.03.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

OPERA UNITED (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Opera Software ASA, Waldemar Thranes gate 98, 0175 OSLO, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Dataprogrammer, blant annet dataprogramvare for globalt nettverk og annet nettverk, presentasjonsprogramvare, nettlesere.

Klasse:35 Annonse og reklamevirksomhet blant annet annonsebyråer, utsendelse av reklameannonser, publisering av reklametekster, utleie av reklameplass, systematisering og innsamling av informasjon for bruk i databaser, innsamling av annonser for bruk på websider.

Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet, blant annet informasjonsbyråer, internett portal tjenester, dataassistert overføring av beskjeder, bilder, informasjon og betalingsmidler, elektronisk postoverføring, kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler, kommunikasjon ved optisk fibernettverk, mobiltelefontjenester, satelittoverføringer, telefonisk kommunikasjon, utleie av tilgangstid til databaser.

Klasse:42 Edb-programmerIng; profesjonell og teknisk assistanse, utleie av dataprogramvare, konsulenttjenester vedrørende datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; individuell design og utvikling av dataprogrammer, -systemer, -websider, nettlesere og nettverk for andre.

Klasse:45 Lisensiering av dataprogramvare.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250105 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200803399 (220) Inndato: 2008.03.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

OPERA DRAGONFLY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Opera Software ASA, Waldemar Thranes gate 98, 0175 OSLO, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Dataprogrammer, blant annet dataprogramvare for globalt nettverk og annet nettverk, presentasjonsprogramvare, nettlesere.

Klasse:35 Annonse og reklamevirksomhet blant annet annonsebyråer, utsendelse av reklameannonser, publisering av reklametekster, utleie av reklameplass, systematisering og innsamling av informasjon for bruk i databaser, innsamling av annonser for bruk på websider.

Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet, blant annet informasjonsbyråer, intemett portal tjenester, dataassistert overføring av beskjeder, bilder, informasjon og betalingsmidler, elektronisk postoverføring, kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler, kommunikasjon ved optisk fibernettverk, mobiltelefontjenester, satelittoverføringer, telefonisk kommunikasjon, utleie av tilgangstid til databaser.

Klasse:42 Edb-programmering; profesjonell og teknisk assistanse, lisensiering og utleie av dataprogramvare, konsulenttjenester vedrørende datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; individuell design og utvikling av dataprogrammer, -systemer, -websider, nettlesere og nettverk for andre.

Klasse:43 Lisensiering av programvare. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250106 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200816036 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Best Buys International AS, Hoffsveien 70C, 0377

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl).

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250107 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200816052 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Fundamentering AS, Vikelvfaret 4, 7054 RANHEIM, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet herunder peling, spunting og forankring; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250108 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200814288 (220) Inndato: 2008.11.11 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BRIGHT OFFICE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Georg A Torp AS, Pottemakerveien 6A, 0954 OSLO, NO

(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

registrerte varemerker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 250109 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200816111 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.19 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ZUMAGEV (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA, Rue de l'Institut 89, 1330 RIXENSART, BE

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Vaksiner til bruk for mennesker.

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250110 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200816050 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza,

NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, US (740) Fullmektig:

JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Kosmetiske preparater, toalettpreparater

og -produkter for behandling og rensing av hud og hår.

Klasse:5 Topiske medisinske preparater for behandling av tilstander i hud og hår; preparater for eliminering av rynker

(450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 250111 (151) Reg.dato.: 2009.03.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200816053 (220) Inndato: 2008.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BLÅFALL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Blåfall AS, Postboks 61, 1324 LYSAKER, NO (740) Fullmektig:

Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei 12, 0484 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:40 Bearbeiding av materialer; produksjon

av elektrisk kraft. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som gjelder for Norge ved utpekning etter Madridprotokollen. Innsigelsesperioden utløper 2 mnd. fra kunngjøringsdato, jf. varemerkeloven § 51. Generell informasjon om kunngjøringer etter Madridprotokollen Det vil si det internasjonale registreringsnummer som WIPO har gitt søknaden om internasjonal

registrering. Int.reg.dato: Det vil si den dato en internasjonal registrering anses for å ha skjedd, jf. varemerkeloven § 53

og Madrid-protokollen artikkel 3 (4). Dersom den internasjonale registreringen besluttes gjeldende i Norge, vil registreringsperioden på 10 år regnes fra den internasjonale registreringsdatoen.

Etterfølgende utpekningsdato: Det vil si datoen for rettsvern i Norge hvor utpekingen ikke har skjedd i forbindelse med den

internasjonaleregistreringen. Prioritet: Internasjonale søknader kan påberope seg prioritet etter Pariskonvensjonen artikkel 4 fra det

land merket først ble søkt registrert. Dette vil ofte være søkers hjemland idet en internasjonal registrering må bygge på en hjemlands-registrering eller -søknad.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: Det vil si den datoen det innføres i varemerkeregisteret at den internasjonale registreringen

gjelder i Norge, jf. varemerkeloven § 51. (111) 0390195 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1972.07.14 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2012.07.14

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200811900 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.25 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

HYPERSAL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Ineos Melamines GmbH, Alt-Fechenheim 34, 60386 FRANKFURT, DE

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:1 Chemical products used in industry, science and photography, unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0413885 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1975.03.04 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2015.03.04

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815237 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

LIERAC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Laboratoires Lierac SA, 99, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 PARIS, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Perfumery and beauty products,

particularly soaps, make-up and cosmetics, hair products, dentifrices.

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical preparations.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0420038 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1975.12.16 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2015.12.16

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200714635 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.11.29 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BOTTEGA VENETA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Bottega Veneta International SarL, 12, rue Léon Thyes, 2636 LUXEMBOURG, LU

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:18 Ladies' bags, valises and cases for toiletry use, travelling bags, umbrellas and walking sticks, small leather goods, picture frames, trinkets, boxes made of skin.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0523731 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1988.06.20 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.20

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815238 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Red, yellow, black, white, brown, sky blue, blue, green and grey.

(730) Innehaver: Ceba SrL, Vicolo Ratti, 4, 21013 GALLARATE, IT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:32 Beers.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0606047 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1993.07.15 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2013.07.15

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200811325 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.11 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ADOS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

ADOS GmbH, Trierer Str. 23-25, 52078 AACHEN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:7 Reinforcing materials (machine parts); gas and liquid pumps; valves (machine parts); filters and filtering cartridges for gases and liquids; deaerators; blowing machines for compression, exhaustion and transport of gases; machine housings; current generators; gears other than for land vehicles; pistons (machine, motor or engine parts); piston segments; compressors; condensing installations; ball-bearings; ball rings for ball-bearings; clutches other than for land vehicles; bearings (machine parts), bearing brackets for machines; guides for machines; stands for machinery; tables for machines; axles for machines; pump diaphragms; speed controllers for motors and engines; belts for motors and engines other than for land vehicles; pumps (machine, motor or engine parts); regulators (machine parts); automatic cleaning apparatus; robots (machines); suction machines for industrial use; grease boxes (machines); lubricators (machine parts); heat exchangers (machine parts); water separators; axles for machines; cylinders for machines; pistons for cylinders.

Klasse:9 Sensors for input and/or analysis of physical or chemical quantities, in particular of light, pressure, speed, flow, acceleration, temperature, humidity, gas concentration and gas composition; measuring and monitoring instruments, in particular for measuring and/or analyzing physical and/or chemical quantities, in particular light, pressure, speed, flow, acceleration, temperature, humidity, gas, gas concentration and gas composition, as well as accessories for the aforesaid goods, namely space probes, gas sampling apparatus, filters, containers for purification of gases by liquids, switches, pumps, diaphragm compressors, measurement signal converters, computers as well as installations which are equipped entirely or partly with the above; data output apparatus, particularly printers, recording apparatus, plotters, microfilming equipment and apparatus (COM), punchers and stamping apparatus, engraving apparatus, terminals, display screens and other display and touch-sensitive apparatus; equipment and apparatus for reading documents; data storage, namely diskettes, hard disks and magnetic tapes, bubble memories, solid state memories, magnetic tape readers, disk

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


storage devices or tape storage devices encoded optically or mechanically; electrotechnical and electronic apparatus and equipment (not included in other classes); parts of data processing installations and apparatus, particularly data input, processing and output installations and apparatus; equipment and apparatus for human voice input, reproduction and recognition; plain-text recognition apparatus and equipment; apparatus and equipment for controlling operations and machines; electrical and electronic construction sets and parts (not included in other classes); apparatus and instruments for light current engineering, namely for telecommunication, high-frequency, measuring and regulating technology; apparatus and instruments for heavy current engineering, namely for conducting, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling; electric apparatus for remote control of industrial operations; timers, automatic weighing apparatus; measurement; software.

Klasse:16 Instructional and teaching material (except apparatus) in the form of printed matter, games, models, blackboards, drawing and graphic representation instruments.

Klasse:42 Engineering work and services; technical consulting and expertise services; computer programming; programming for third parties on their computers and in third-party calculation centers; services in connection with computer use; rental of data storage on data media; rental of technical apparatus and hardware as well as of software; development of electrotechnical and/or optical equipment and apparatus for third parties, particularly in the field of measuring, analyzing, controlling and regulating technology.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0619919 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1994.05.11 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2014.05.11

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200715326 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.12.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Management Engineers GmbH + Co KG International Consultans, Am Seestern 8, 40547 DÜSSELDORF, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Research and development of new

products (for others), mechanical research, technical project studies.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0620918 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1994.06.21 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2014.06.21

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200810029 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.08.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

AEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Euronext Indices BV, Beursplein 5, 1012JW AMSTERDAM, NL

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Advertising, drawing-up and publication

of statistics, commercial information agencies; market research and market analysis.

Klasse:36 Insurance underwriting and financial services; setting up, updating and using a rate and price index, financial services, namely developing trade in shares and other financial securities.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0708403 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1998.08.27 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.27

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815240 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MEGUIN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Meguin GmbH & Co KG Mineraloelwerke, Rodener Strasse 25, 66740 SAARLOUIS, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Chemical products for industrial use,

particularly additives for lubricants, greases, industrial oils, motor oils, gear oils, compressor oils and for hydraulic oils, all these additives with chemical and physical properties, as well as additives for fuels, particularly gasoline and diesel fuel; additives for radiator liquids; antifreeze solutions in the form of additives for radiator liquids and for water in devices for washing windshields; de-icing products; impregnating materials for motor car convertible tops; chemical products in aerosol form for establishing electrical contact.

Klasse:2 Anti-corrosive products. Klasse:4 Lubricants; industrial greases and

industrial oils, including motor oils, gear oils, compressor oils as well as hydraulic oils; contact oils and greases; sliding lacquers; additives for industrial oils and for fuels, particularly for gasoline and diesel fuel; non-chemical additives for industrial greases, for industrial oils, for motor oils, gear oils, compressor oils and for hydraulic oils.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0723102 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1999.07.26 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2009.07.26

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815241 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The mark comprises the word REXITE in printed capital letters.

(730) Innehaver: Rexite SpA, 7, via Edison, 20090 CUSAGO, IT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Stationery articles, office requisites,

namely racks, baskets and trays for mail, trays for bulldog clips, pots and holders for pencils and other office articles, book ends, waste paper baskets and their parts, desk pads, adhesive tape holders, document holders, stamp racks, notepad holders, business cards cases, inkstands, pencils and fountain pens.

Klasse:20 Furniture for office use or for household use, namely book stands, book shelves (furniture), stepladders, small tables, tables, tables for developers, desks; coatstands, waste paper baskets and their parts, trolleys (furniture) and their component parts, photograph holders and frames; containers, umbrella stands.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0743125 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2000.08.28 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2010.08.28

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200808987 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.07.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Sebapharma GmbH & Co, 80, Binger Strasse, 56154 BOPPARD, DE

(740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276

Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Medicinal dressings for treatment of dermatological skin problems and surgical dressings; medicines, excluding medicines containing glucocorticoids and medicines for stomach and intestinal therapy; medical products, excluding medical products containing glucocorticoids and medical products for stomach and intestinal therapy, not included in other classes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0778920 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2002.03.11 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2012.03.11

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200814243 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Blue, autumn leaf, yellow. (730) Innehaver:

Gilan Trading Kft, Kerekdombi út 7, 2071 PÁTY, HU (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats.

Klasse:30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flours and cereal preparations, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0817358 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2003.11.07 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2013.11.07

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200808990 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.07.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Various shades of red, yellow; white. (730) Innehaver:

Iglo Nederland BV, Langesteijn 102, 3342LG HENDRIK IDO AMBACHT, NL

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat

extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; jellies; jams; compotes; eggs; milk and dairy products; soups; frozen or deep-frozen foodstuffs, not included in other classes.

Klasse:30 Frozen or deep-frozen foodstuffs, not included in other classes.

Klasse:43 Consulting in connection with foodstuffs; institutional food services (provision of foodstuffs).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0846614 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2005.02.16 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2015.02.16

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815245 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

RJ Watches SA, 8, rue Céard, 1204 GENÈVE, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of these materials or plated therewith included in this class, jewelry, precious stones, timepieces and chronometric instruments.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0846698 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2005.03.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2015.03.30

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815246 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Sichuan Mianzhu Jian Nan Chun Distillery Co Ltd, No.289, Chunyijie Street MIANZHU, SICHUAN, CN

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Fruit extracts (alcoholic); arak (arrack);

distilled beverages; cocktails; wine; spirits (beverages); alcoholic beverages (except beer), alcoholic beverages containing fruit; rice alcohol, whisky.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0870925 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2005.10.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2015.10.19

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815249 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MICROGARD (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Microgard Ltd, Malmo Road, Sutton Fields Industrial Estate, HU80YF HULL, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Protective clothing; clothing for

protection against chemicals and hazardous substances; disposable, non-woven protective overalls.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0870926 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2005.10.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2015.10.19

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815250 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MICROCHEM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Microgard Ltd, Malmo Road, Sutton Fields Industrial Estate, HU80YF HULL, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Protective clothing; clothing for

protection against chemicals and hazardous substances; disposable, non-woven protective overalls.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0870974 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2004.11.05 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2014.11.05

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200712712 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.10.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

WISDOM (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Real Enterprise Solutions Nederland BV, Het Zuiderkruis 33, 5215MV DEN BOSCH, NL

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Hardware and software; software for assistance and screen adoption at distance, as well as for searching and downloading information, files and documents; software for downloading messages, images and sound.

Klasse:16 Printed matter; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus) in the field of software and hardware.

Klasse:18 Leather and imitation of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery.

Klasse:21 Household or kitchen utensils (not of precious metal or coated therewith); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; dishes and plates (not of precious metal or coated therewith); unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building).

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear, among which shirts, T-shirts, sweat-shirts, jackets, waistcoats, short trousers, trousers, jogging suits, jogging trousers, hats, jackets, braces, leather jackets, tennis shoes, sweat-bands (clothing), coats, pullovers, sweaters, poloshirts, rugby shirts, wristlets (clothing), scarfs, ties, sunshades (head-gear), gloves (clothing), underwear and shoes.

Klasse:35 Publicity; distribution of advertisements for third parties by means of electronic online communication networks; compiling of information for data banks; services of a database containing trade and (business) economic information.

Klasse:38 Providing access to telecommunication systems, also for assistance to computer users; electronic transmitting of data; data communication; telecommunication, also for receiving and transmitting of messages, documents and other data by electronic means.

Klasse:41 Providing of training (in the field of computerization); publishing of software, books, newspapers, illustrated magazines and printed matter; dissemination (in the opinion of the International Bureau, this term is too vague for the purpose of classification - see Rule 13(2)(b) of the Common Regulations) of software (in the opinion of the International Bureau,

this terms is too vague for the purpose of classification - see Rule 13(2)(b) of the Common Regulations), books, newspapers, illustrated magazines and printed matter.

Klasse:42 Services of ICT-specialists in the field of computers and computer databases; computer programming; design of software; information concerning computer hardware and software; services of ICT-specialists either or not on site services, also related to system inventory or security, also via computer networks; services of ICT-specialists in the field of electronic commerce; programming for electronic data processing; computer development and engineering; management of computer projects (automation services); automation advices and advices related to computer hardware and software; computerization consultancy analysis; services of ICT-specialists in the field of protecting computer data traffic.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0879358 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2005.12.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2015.12.08

(210) Nasj. 200603872 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2006.04.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Maxi Zoo (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Fressnapf Tiernahrungs GmbH, Westpreussenstrasse 32-38, 47809 KREFELD, DE

(740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276

Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:30 Sugar confectionery, confectionery articles, candy; ices, ice creams.

Klasse:32 Lemonades; fruit drinks and fruit juices; mineral waters; aerated waters; preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages; non-alcoholic beverages (included in this class).

Klasse:35 Retailing of filtering apparatus for indoor aquaria, heating apparatus for indoor aquaria, lights for indoor aquaria, leads, collars; sand, in particular bird sand; garvel, in particular for indoor aquaria; dog baskets, cat baskets, cushions; dog kennels and shelters for cats; transport boxes for dogs and cats; cabinets for indoor aquaria; decorative articles for indoor aquaria, not of textile; feeding bowls; grooming and cleaning implements for animals, in particular combs and brushes for animals; cages for small animals, in particular bird cages; cat litter trays (all the aforesaid goods included in class 21); toys for domestic pets, scratching posts for cats; animal food, foodstuffs for animals, bones for chewing, products for animal litter, in particular cat litter and litter for small animals; hay, straw; plants for indoor aquaria; retailing of sugar confectionery, confectionery articles, candy, ices and ice creams; retailing of beverages, especially of non-alcoholic beverages, lemonades, fruit drinks and fruit juices, mineral waters, aerated waters and preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0890469 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2006.01.03 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2016.01.03

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815251 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

COMMANDER CT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Koenig & Bauer AG, Friedrich-Koenig-Strasse 4, 97080 WÜRZBURG, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Printing machines; rotary offset printing

presses; webfed rotary printing presses; sheetfed rotary printing presses; machines for the graphics industry; engraving machines; machines for finishing printed matter or paper, namely for transporting, cutting, folding, gathering, stitching, packing, collating, sorting, binding, scanning, perforating, gluing, stapling, strapping, banding, book-binding; accessories for the aforementioned printing machines, machines for the graphics industry and machines for finishing printed matter or paper, namely control devices, mechanical devices for transporting printed matter or paper within manufacturing processes, printing systems, inking systems, dampening systems, machinery and mechanical devices for folding printed matter or paper, reel stands; machinery and mechanical devices for changing plates; machinery and mechanical devices for mounting and/or adjusting rollers in inking or dampening units and/or cylinders in printing units; parts of the above-mentioned equipment, as specified in this class.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0891923 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2006.04.21 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2016.04.21

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200815252 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SURFACE TO AIR (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Surface to Air, 129 rue de Turenne, 75003 PARIS, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:41 Publication of books, film production, organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes, sound recording production, electronic publication of books and newspapers online.

Klasse:42 Visual and graphic creation for third parties.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0912285 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2006.10.09 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2016.10.09

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200713631 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.11.08 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2006.08.01 EM 5233424 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Orange and white. (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The trademark consists of a square with orange background and rounded right corners. Inside there are the letters OVS in small white characters, with the letter V slightly rising above and the letter O having the left side incomplete. Below said letters there is the word INDUSTRY in small white characters, of smaller dimension.

(730) Innehaver: Oviesse SpA, Via Terraglio, 17, 30174 MESTRE (VE), IT

(740) Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland,

0134 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices.

Klasse:4 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting.

Klasse:8 Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery, side arms; razors.

Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus.

Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Klasse:16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks.

Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes, animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.

Klasse:20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics.

Klasse:21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes.

Klasse:24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse:27 Carpets, rags, mats and matting,

linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile).

Klasse:28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees, playing cards.

Klasse:35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.

Klasse:43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0913876 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2006.08.29 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2016.08.29

(210) Nasj. 200702893 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.03.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2006.04.13 BX 1109750 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

FCV (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Fugro NV, Veurse Achterweg 10, 2264SG LEIDSCHENDAM, NL

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:12 Underwater vehicles, under water amphibious and remotely-controlled vehicles; supervision, inspection and rescue cars, all for underwater use; except fuel cell vehicles; launching and recovery apparatus for the aforesaid goods; components for all aforementioned goods.

Klasse:37 Underwater construction, installation, inspection, maintenance, reparation and cleaning, except services relating to fuel cell vehicles.

Klasse:39 Deployment and rental of vessels, underwater vehicles, amphibious and remotely-controlled vehicles, salvage services, except services relating to fuel cell vehicles.

Klasse:42 Underwater investigation, inspection, exploration, measuring, tests, tracing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0916075 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.01.26 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.01.26

(891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato:


(210) Nasj. 200807338 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.06.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VERNEL AROMA THERAPY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Henkel AG & Co KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, 40589 DÜSSELDORF, DE

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Washing and bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, rinsing agents for laundry and tableware, laundry starch; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; preparations for cleaning metal, wood, stone, porcelain, glass, synthetics and textiles; soaps.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0922424 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.02.07 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.02.07

(210) Nasj. 200706427 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.06.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2006.12.15 AT AM 8474/2006 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

ALL CLICK Vertriebs- und Produktionsgesellschaft mbH, Wiener Strasse 106, 2511 PFAFFSTÄTTEN, AT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal

building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores.

Klasse:7 Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs.

Klasse:8 Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors.

Klasse:19 Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal.

Klasse:37 Building construction; repair; installation services.

Klasse:39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods, travel arrangement.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0931153 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.03.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.03.19

(210) Nasj. 200709868 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.08.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2006.09.19 FR 06 3 451 274 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Red (Pantone 032) and blue (Pantone 280). (730) Innehaver:

Accor, 2, rue de la Mare Neuve, 91000 EVRY, FR (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Magnetic, optical, memory or electronic microchip cards with or without contact (radio frequency, infrared or other), disposable or rechargeable, for pre-paid or post-paid use, capable of containing one or several electronic purses, used for all types of applications and especially physical access control, control of access to computer systems, checking loyalty cards.

Klasse:16 Printed matter, photographs, stationery, stickers (stationery items), prospectuses, leaflets, tickets (tickets), coupons.

Klasse:35 Advertising, including on electronic and computer carriers, distribution of samples and prospectuses including via electronic and computer communication networks; rental of advertising space, including on electronic and computer carriers; organisation of commercial transactions within loyalty schemes; sales promotion services; rental and distribution of advertising matter (tracts, prospectuses, samples and printed matter); advertising and updating of advertising documentation including via electronic and computer communication networks; public relations; organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes including on electronic and computer media; consulting, analysis and expert appraisal services regarding evaluating the administrative means necessary for managing commercial orders (purchases), the provision of meals, food products and domestic services; administrative management of hotels, residential hotels and more generally of temporary accommodation locations.

Klasse:36 Issuing, compensation and refunding of vouchers, tickets, coupons, counterfoils, prepaid or debit/credit cards or any other means of payment especially via computer networks, used to arrange payment for the supply of meals and food products and any other product or service.

Klasse:39 Travel and tourist agencies; sightseeing; travel, excursion and cruise arrangement; passenger transport; reservation for passenger transport; coach rental; chauffeur services; information and assistance advice with regard to travel, transport and tourism; furniture removal services; home delivery

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


services; courrier services. Klasse:41 Providing recreation facilities;

organization of competitions (education or entertainment) and planning of events (entertainment); organization of seminars, colloquiums, conventions, discussion forums (education or entertainment) by all means, including via a computer communication network (such as the Internet or an intranet); rental of video tapes and sound discs; booking of seats for shows, concerts, films, booking of seats for sports competitions; education, school or university instruction; theoretical or practical vocational training; information and consultancy regarding school studies, university studies, professional training and education; school study support services; selection of cultural or sporting events for third parties; operating lotteries.

Klasse:42 Consulting, analysis, technical expert appraisal services regarding evaluating the technical means necessary for the establishment in a company or a network of companies of means for supplying meals, food products, essential goods, clothing, household appliances, domestic services and tourism and leisure activities; technical consultancy with regard to development, study, selection and suggestions for the organization of cultural or business events for third parties; computer programming.

Klasse:43 Babysitting services, services of a nanny, day-nurseries, drop-in day care centres; butler services.

Klasse:44 Running convalescent homes; running thalassotherapy centres; running beauty and hairdressing salons; information and consulting relating to foodstuffs; information and consulting relating to hygiene and beauty care; information and consulting in the field of medicine; hairdressing, massage, beauty care and manicure services; gardening services including lawn care.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0936399 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.05.25 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.05.25

(210) Nasj. 200712098 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.10.11 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SOLEA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Kurt Geiger Ltd, 75 Bermondsey Street, SE13XF LONDON, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils,

toiletries, hair care and hair colouring products, body lotions, hand lotions, foot lotions; dentifrices; shoe cream, shoe polish, shoe wax.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0939166 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.09.05 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.09.05

(210) Nasj. 200713239 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.11.01 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

cha cha (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

LFS Life Food Systems AG, Große Bleichen 8, 20354 HAMBURG, DE

(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:29 Convenience foods with meat, convenience foods with fish, convenience foods with poultry.

Klasse:30 Convenience foods of pasta. Klasse:35 Procurement of economic know-how,

namely providing know-how for the operation of a restaurant within the scope of a franchise system.

Klasse:43 Services for providing food and drinks in coffee bars, cafeterias, canteens, restaurants, self service restaurants and snack bars.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0939356 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.07.18 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.07.18

(210) Nasj. 200713280 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.11.01 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.05.09 GB 2454983 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Chapman Entertainment Ltd, The Pavilion, 90 Point Pleasant Wandsworth, SW181NN LONDON, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Clothing; footwear; headgear.

Klasse:28 Toy gardening sets; toy buckets and spades; action figures; action figure accessories and environments; bubble making wand and solution sets; balloons; balls; battery operated action toys; board games; building blocks; building games; card games; Christmas tree ornaments and decoration; clothes for dolls or soft toys; doll accessories; dolls; doll's prams; games; gymnastic and sporting articles; hand puppets; infant rattles; infant action crib toys; jigsaw puzzles; kites; manipulative puzzles; masks; mobiles; modelling compound, modelling compound and apparatus to work with said modelling compound sold as a unit, craft sets; novelties for parties; party favours in the nature of small toys; playing cards; plush toys; puppets; puzzles; ride on toys; sandboxes; slides, pool rings, inflatable swimming pools, bath toys, pool toys, water wings, water squirting toys; skateboards, ice skates, skis, flying discs, hockey sticks, snow sleds; soap bubbles; soft sculpted toy figures; toy bake ware; toy banks; toy cookware; toy figures; toy tools, toy tool belts, toy hard hats; tricycles (playthings); paper party hats.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0941554 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.09.24 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.09.24

(210) Nasj. 200714202 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.11.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.07.19 FR 307 47 571.9/03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

EXPERT INSTITUTE AT HOME (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Coty Prestige Lancaster Group GmbH, Fort Malakoff Park, Rheinstrasse 4E, 55116 MAINZ, DE

(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Soaps, perfumery; essential oils; cosmetic lotions for the eyes, face, body and lips; cosmetics; cosmetic hair lotions.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0942923 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.09.24 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.09.24

(210) Nasj. 200714904 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.12.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

HQ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

HQ AB, 10371 STOCKHOLM, SE (740) Fullmektig:

Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Business-, trade and macro-economic

analysis. Klasse:36 Banking business; home-banking;

mutual funds; stocks and bonds brokerage; share brokerage; quotation of stock exchange prices; financial affairs; financial planning; financial management; financial information; financial analysis; fund investment; securities brokerage.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0943740 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.08.09 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.08.09

(210) Nasj. 200715255 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.12.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.03.29 DK VA 2007 01304 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VIPP (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Vipp A/S, Snorresgade 22, 2300 KØBENHAVN S, DK (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear and headgear, including swimwear, bathrobes, nightgowns, pyjamas, shawls, beach clothes and underwear.

Klasse:35 Retailing of: bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, and scouring preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware, buckets, toilet brushes, soap dispensers, laundry baskets; toilet-paper holders, soap holders, shaving brush stands, storage holders, paper towel dispensers; textiles and textile goods; bed and table covers, towels, tablemats and tablecloths; and of clothing, footwear and headgear, including swimwear, bathrobes, nightshirts, pyjamas, shawls, beach clothes and underwear.

Klasse:42 Industrial design.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0943772 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.10.19

(210) Nasj. 200715263 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.12.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

NV SOLO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

VKR Holding A/S, Breeltevej 18, 2970 HØRSHOLM, DK

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Motors for opening and closing

windows. Klasse:9 Window and door openers (electrical);

temperature, CO2, wind and rain sensors, wireless weather stations.

Klasse:11 Installations for air conditioning; installations and apparatus for ventilation.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0944132 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.07.16 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.07.16

(210) Nasj. 200715412 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.12.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.06.14 TR 2007/32870 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

The colors blue, black, orange and white are claimed as a feature of the mark. , The colors grey, black and orange appears on the figure of the penguin; the rectangular shaped object held by the penguin is in blue with the word "penguen" written inside in white font.

(730) Innehaver: Penguen Gida Sanayi Anonim Sirketi, Izmir Yolu, 22. Km

BURSA, TR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry, game, meat extracts, broth, bouillon, shellfish, namely shrimp, lobster, clams, processed meat, frozen meat, dried meat, fried meat, meat jellies, meat juices, canned, dried, preserved or processed fruits and vegetables namely, peaches, apricots, beans, instant or pre-cooked soups, frozen, prepared or packaged meals consisting primarily of meat, fish, poultry or vegetables, tomato paste, preserved or processed beans, chick peas, lentil, soy beans, ground almonds, processed olives, pickles, raisins, prepared walnuts, olive oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, milk and milk products, namely milk, cheese, yoghurt, drink based on yoghurt "ayran", cream, milk powder, milk-based beverages containing fruits, edible oils and fats, butter, margarine, jams, marmalades, eggs, fruit jellies, unflavored and unsweetened gelatins, processed and roasted nuts, proteins for use as food additives, processed bee pollen for food purposes, potato chips, potato crisps, potato fritters.

Klasse:30 Coffee, cocoa, artificial coffee, vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes, cocoa-based beverages, coffee-based beverages; tapioca, sago, macaroni, ravioli; flour for food, flour-based products, namely chips, pasta, dough products, namely, pizza dough, bread dough, bread, pizzas, sandwiches; puddings, ready cake mixes, baking powders, chocolate food beverages not being dairy-based or vegetable based, honey, royal jelly for human consumption, propolis for human consumption, Turkish delight (a kind of candy), halvah, flour, sugar, malt for food, chewing gums not for medical purposes; ice cream, ice, edible fruit ices, sorbets, salt; rice; tea; ketchups,

mayonnaises, mustards, flavorings of lemons, sauces, salad dressings, spices namely, pepper, ginger, cinnamon powder, snacks made of cereals, namely, corn flakes, oatmeal.

Klasse:31 Agricultural products, namely, unprocessed grains, wheat, barley, oats, corn, maize, rye; horticultural products, namely, fresh fruits and vegetables; fresh mushrooms, raw mushrooms; forestry products, namely, unprocessed wood; crop seeds, grass seeds, plant seeds, rye seeds, flower seeds, fruit seeds, vegetable seeds; live animals, namely, poultry, chickens, quail, sheep, cattle, goats, cows; live aquatic animals, namely, crabs, shrimps, prawns and lobsters; eggs for hatching, fertilized eggs for hatching; live plants, namely, flowers, sod, grass, seedlings, saplings; dried plants, namely, dried flowers, dried flower arrangements, dried flower wreaths, dried herbs for decorative wreaths and sachets, hay; animal feed, non-medicated additives for animal feed; malt extracts for consumption by animals, namely, food for animals; sanded paper for pets for animal litter, aromatic sand for pets for animal litter, pet food, bird seed, cuttlebones for birds.

Klasse:32 Beers; preparations for making beers, namely extracts of hops; mineral and aerated water, soda water; fruit and vegetable juices, nectars, fruit juices in the form of powder, unfermented grape juice, tomato juice, syrups, essences and extracts and other preparations for making beverages; cola drinks, isotonic beverages.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0944228 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.11 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.10.11

(210) Nasj. 200715428 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.12.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.08.24 IT RM2007C005153 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CAREME (541) Merket er

et ordmerke

(730) Innehaver: Alessandro Manfredini, Piazza Missori, 3, 20123

MILANO, IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus.

Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software.

Klasse:44 Agriculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0944880 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.10.30

(210) Nasj. 200715744 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.12.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MAMMUTTIHIRSI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket:

MAMMOUTH TIMBER. (730) Innehaver:

Pohjois-Suomen Hirsitalokeskus OY, Ouluntie 972, 91300 YLIKIIMINKI, FI

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary

affairs; real estate affairs.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0945325 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.07.17 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.07.17

(210) Nasj. 200715859 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.12.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.02.01 DE 307 06 470.0/07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CleverMixx (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Strasse 34, 81739 MÜNCHEN, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Household and kitchen machines and

apparatus (included in this class), in particular electric kitchen machines and apparatus, including mincing machines, mixing and kneading machines, pressing machines, juice extractors, juice centrifuges, grinders, slicing machines, electric motor-driven tools, electric can openers, knife sharpeners as well as machines and devices for the preparation of beverages and/or food; electric waste disposal units, including waste masticators and compressors; dishwashers; electric machines and appliances for treating laundry and clothing, including washing machines, spin driers, laundry presses, ironing machines (included in this class); electric cleaning apparatus for household use, including window cleaning devices and shoe cleaning devices, vacuum cleaners; wet and dry aspirators; parts for the aforementioned goods, included in this class; in particular hoses, pipes, dust filters and dust filter bags, all for vacuum cleaners; taps (parts of machines, engines or motors) and pumps for dispensing cooled beverages, for use in combination with appliances for cooling of beverages.

Klasse:9 Electric apparatus and instruments (included in this class), namely electric irons; kitchen scales, personal scales; electric welding devices for wrapping film; remote control devices, signalling devices, controlling (supervision) devices and monitoring devices (electrical/electronical) for household and kitchen machines and equipment; recorded and non-recorded machine readable data carriers, such as magnetic data carriers, for household appliances; electric apparatus for dispensing beverage or food, vending machines; data processing devices and data processing programmes for controlling and operating household appliances; parts for the afore mentioned goods included in this class.

Klasse:11 Heating, steam producing and cooking devices, in particular ovens, cooking, baking, frying, grilling, toasting, thawing and food and plate warming apparatus, hot water appliances; immersion heaters, cooking pots, electric; microwave appliances, waffle irons; egg boiling apparatus, deep fryer; electric tea and coffee making apparatus, electric espresso machines, coffee dispenser; dispenser for beverages; cooling devices, in particular refrigerators, freezers,

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


cooling cabinets, beverage cooling apparatus; combination apparatus for cooling and freezing, deep freezing apparatus, ice-makers; ice-cream makers; dryers, in particular laundry dryers, tumble dryers for laundry use; hand dryers; hair dryers; infrared lamps (not for medical purposes); electric heating pads; electric heating covers (not for medical purposes); ventilation devices, in particular ventilators, grease filter devices and extractor devices, including extractor hoods; air conditioning devices and devices to improve air quality, air humidifiers, air deodorization apparatus; air cleaning apparatus; heat pumps; parts of all aforementioned goods included in this class.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0945350 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.06.07 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.06.07

(210) Nasj. 200715863 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2007.12.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.06.01 US 77195885 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BRIDGESTONE BANDAG (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Bridgestone Corp, 10-1, Kyobashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, 104-8340 TOKYO, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:1 Cushion gum and rubber cement for use in retreading preformed tires; solvents; self-vulcanizing binder compositions and vulcanizing accelerator compositions all used in the repair of tires.

Klasse:7 Tire repairing machinery, pressure chambers for recapping tires, tire buffers, adjustable metal bands used in recapping tires; tire tread rollers and stitchers, tire tread cutters and bonding agent applicators used in recapping tires.

Klasse:12 Tread used to retread tires; retreaded tires; preformed tire tread, rubber patches for repairing vehicle tread.

Klasse:17 Rubber compounds. Klasse:37 Tire repair and recapping services.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0949514 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.10.19

(210) Nasj. 200801444 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.02.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Nanjing Automobile (Group) Corp, 331 Zhongyang, 210037 NANJING, CN

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:12 Land vehicles; chassis for land vehicles; parts and fittings for land vehicles; vehicles seats; head rests and back rests; safety belts; seat covers; anti-dazzle and anti-glare devices for vehicles; mud guards and flaps; brake pads, linings, segments and shoes; steering wheels, shaped covers for steering wheels; shock absorbers; non skid devices; wheel hubs, caps, rims, spokes and tyres; bumpers, wheel trims, trim panels, spoilers; vehicle pedals; spare wheels; shaped or fitted mats and floor coverings for motor land vehicles; pumps for inflating vehicle tyres; windscreen wipers; vehicle window blinds, sunshades; roof racks, luggage carriers and nets; cycle carriers; sail board carriers, ski carriers and snow chains; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:37 Repair, maintenance, diagnostic tuning, reconditioning, inspection, painting, polishing, restoration, cleaning and servicing of motor land vehicles and their parts; advisory and information services relating to the foregoing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0949581 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.10.19

(210) Nasj. 200801462 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.02.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Nanjing Automobile (Group) Corp, 331 Zhongyang, 210037 NANJING, CN

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:12 Land vehicles; chassis for land vehicles; parts and fittings for land vehicles; vehicles seats; head rests and back rests; safety belts; seat covers; anti-dazzle and anti-glare devices for vehicles; mud guards and flaps; brake pads, linings, segments and shoes; steering wheels, shaped covers for steering wheels; shock absorbers; non skid devices; wheel hubs, caps, rims, spokes and tyres; bumpers, wheel trims, trim panels, spoilers; vehicle pedals; spare wheels; shaped or fitted mats and floor coverings for motor land vehicles; pumps for inflating vehicle tyres; windscreen wipers; vehicle window blinds, sunshades; roof racks, luggage carriers and nets; cycle carriers; sail board carriers, ski carriers and snow chains; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:37 Repair, maintenance, diagnostic tuning, reconditioning, inspection, painting, polishing, restoration, cleaning and servicing of motor land vehicles and their parts; advisory and information services relating to the foregoing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0949655 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.10.19

(210) Nasj. 200801479 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.02.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Nanjing Automobile (Group) Corp, 331 Zhongyang, 210037 NANJING, CN

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:12 Land vehicles; chassis for land vehicles; parts and fittings for land vehicles; vehicles seats; head rests and back rests; safety belts; seat covers; anti-dazzle and anti-glare devices for vehicles; mud guards and flaps; brake pads, linings, segments and shoes; steering wheels, shaped covers for steering wheels; shock absorbers; non skid devices; wheel hubs, caps, rims, spokes and tyres; bumpers, wheel trims, trim panels, spoilers; vehicle pedals; spare wheels; shaped or fitted mats and floor coverings for motor land vehicles; pumps for inflating vehicle tyres; windscreen wipers; vehicle window blinds, sunshades; roof racks, luggage carriers and nets; cycle carriers, sail board carriers, ski carriers and snow chains; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:37 Repair, maintenance, diagnostic tuning, reconditioning, inspection, painting, polishing, restoration, cleaning and servicing of motor land vehicles and their parts; advisory and information services relating to the foregoing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0954154 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.12.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.12.19

(210) Nasj. 200803430 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.03.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.06.25 BX 1138024 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

G-STORE RAW (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

G-Star International BV, Keienbergweg 100, 1101GH AMSTERDAM, NL

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130

OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; bags, rucksacks and wallets, trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear, belts (clothing).

Klasse:35 Advertising; business management; business administration, administrative services; retail services and franchise services in the field of, amongst other things, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, suntan oils, hair lotions, glasses, sunglasses, products for glasses and sunglasses such as head straps and cords, cases for glasses, cases for sunglasses, precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes, jewellery, ornaments, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments including watches and clocks, leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes, bags, rucksacks and wallets, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, furniture, clothing, footwear, headgear, belts (clothing) and fashion accessories.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0956791 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.01.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.01.08

(210) Nasj. 200804442 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.04.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.07.12 ES 2782585 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CYMPLE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Laboratorios Almirall SA, Ronda del General Mitre 151, 08022 BARCELONA, ES

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products. Klasse:10 Surgical and medical apparatus and

instruments; inhalers. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0957933 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.03.04 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.03.04

(210) Nasj. 200805059 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.04.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.29 EM 006711519 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

JC AB, 43585 MÖLNLYCKE, SE (740) Fullmektig:

Advokatfirmaet Steenstrup Stordrange DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and

goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse:35 Retail services in the field of leather

and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, clothing, footwear and headgear.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0961779 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.03.05 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.03.05

(210) Nasj. 200806628 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.05.29 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.09.05 EM 006283725 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MAXXSPINE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Christian Röbling, Kirchenhölzle 31A, 79104 FREIBURG, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:10 Surgical implants, in particular implants

for spinal column surgery.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0961839 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.03.11 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.03.11

(210) Nasj. 200806636 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.05.29 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.09.12 EM 006273205 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Red, silver, grey, white and various shades of blue. (730) Innehaver:

Reckitt Benckiser Deutschland GmbH, Theodor-Heuss-Anlage 12, 68165 MANNHEIM, DE

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Non-medicated toilet preparations; skin

care preparations; cosmetics; facial wipes and pads; make up removal wipes and pads, cotton wool in the form of wipes and pads for cosmetic use; preparations for the hair; soaps, perfumes and essential oils; dentifrices.

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances; medicated skin care preparations; preparations for treatment of acne.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0962376 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.04.28 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.04.28

(210) Nasj. 200806839 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.06.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The mark consists of the words auto europe with a fanciful depiction of the letters "ae" within a circle.

(730) Innehaver: Auto Europe LLC, 39 Commercial Street, ME04104

PORTLAND, US (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:39 Travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for transportation; car rental.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0964161 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.12.28 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.12.28

(210) Nasj. 200807628 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.06.19 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.07.10 DE 307 45 051.1/36 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Commerzbank AG, Kaiserstrasse 16, 60311 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, DE

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Computer software (recorded); chip cards, USB sticks and other data storage media; card reading devices and other electronic machinery and devices and parts thereof, as far as coming under this class.

Klasse:36 Financial services; banking and credit transactions; on-line banking; telephone banking; issuance of credit and debit cards, issuance of travelers' cheques; depositing of valuables, leasing of safe deposit boxes; financial consultancy services; monetary transactions; consultancy in the field of securities; administration and safe depositing of securities portfolios; securities business; foreign-exchange transactions; receipt of money deposits (inclusive of deposits of fixed-interest securities) and receipt of funds in time deposit accounts, credit funds, bills; domestic foreign-exchange transactions; acceptance of debenture bonds; pledging of securities, precious metals and other articles; money change; commodity forward transactions on a commission basis; trading in stocks and bonds, securities, monetary credits, mortgage deeds and land charge certificates as well as real servitudes and hereditary tenancy rights; issuing of securities; foreign exchange business; handling of letters of credit; transactions in relation to payment on deferred terms (financial sector); grant of sureties and guarantees; services of a securities broker; trading in index futures; trading in domestic and foreign securities options; services of a broker or agent in relation to the purchase and sale of securities, index futures, domestic and foreign securities options; services of a broker or agent in relation to the issuance of domestic securities, securities futures and securities options; services of a broker or agent in relation to the issuance of foreign securities, securities futures and securities options; direct trading transactions with securities,

securities options and futures; arrangement and procurement in relation to the redemption of securities, acceptance of securities, sale of securities; solicitation for bids for securities issuance and securities purchases; stock exchange information (financial sector); insurance business; arrangement and procurement of life insurance contracts; life insurance business; arrangement and procurement of property and indemnity insurance contracts; property and indemnity insurance business; computation of premium rates; real estate business; services of a broker or agent in relation to the leasing of buildings; leasing of buildings; services of a broker or agent in relation to building and real estate appraisal; real estate management; services of a broker or agent in relation to the leasing of real estate; leasing of real estate; providing information about buildings and real estate (as far as included in this class); arrangement and procurement of contracts in relation to the purchase and sale of real estate; services of a broker or agent in relation to the arrangement and procurement regarding the purchase and sale of real estate; investigations into credit standing.

Klasse:37 Building construction. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0965124 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.04.16 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.04.16

(210) Nasj. 200808021 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.06.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.10.19 DE 307 68 127.0/29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Green, beige, pink, red and white. (730) Innehaver:

Rügenwalder Mühle Carl Müller GmbH & Co KG, Industriestraße 5, 26160 BAD ZWISCHENAHN, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Meat and goods made from meat;

sausage and goods made from sausage.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0966744 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.29 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.02.28

(210) Nasj. 200808846 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.07.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

DOLL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Doll Fahrzeugbau GmbH, Industriestr. 13, 77728 OPPENAU, DE

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:12 Land vehicles.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0969824 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.27 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.27

(210) Nasj. 200809769 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.08.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.26 JP 2008-013812 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Happy Science (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Happy Science, 2-38, Higashigotanda 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, 141-0022 TOKYO, JP

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:41 Religious education. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0971067 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.07 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.07

(210) Nasj. 200810262 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.08.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.01.15 TR 2008/01975 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Red, black, white, silver. (730) Innehaver:

Philip Morris Products SA, Quai Jeanrenaud 3, 2000 NEUCHÂTEL, CH

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:34 Raw or manufactured tobacco; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, hand-rolling tobacco, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, kretek; tobacco substitutes (for non-medical use); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco boxes (not of precious metal, their alloys nor plated therewith), cigarette cases and ashtrays not of precious metals, their alloys or plated therewith, tobacco pipes, pocket machines for rolling cigarettes, smokers' lighters; matches.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0971598 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.04.24 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.04.24

(210) Nasj. 200810559 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.08.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Calidris 28 GmhH & Co KG, Hagenauer Strasse 59, 65203 WIESBADEN, DE

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Bags and containers not adapted to the

contents to be received, including hand bags, briefcases, shopping bags, travelling bags, sports-bags, satchels, pack sacks, rucksacks, small leather goods including wallets, brief cases, key cases, travelling sets, toilet-bags, trunks and travelling-bags; skins and furs; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.

Klasse:25 Clothing including sports and leisure clothing; shoes, footwear and boots including sports and leisure shoes and boots; stockings, tights, socks; suspenders; ties including bow ties; gloves; headgear including headbands and sweat absorbents bands; belts, suspenders also of leather.

Klasse:32 Mineral waters and aerated waters; non-alcoholic, vitamin containing and isotonic beverages; caffeine containing refreshing beverages; caffeine containing taurin beverages; beverages energy drinks; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0972757 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.10.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.10.22

(210) Nasj. 200810937 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The mark consists of The word DELL with a stylized E in a diamond shape that appears as a slanted E within the word.

(730) Innehaver: Dell Inc, One Dell Way, TX78682 ROUND ROCK, US

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:2 Toner cartridges and ink jet cartridges.

Klasse:9 Desktop computers, notebook computers, laptop computers, servers, computer peripheral devices and parts and fittings therefor; monitors, keyboards, mouses, printers, scanners, facsimile devices, remote control devices, projectors, co-processors, modems, hard and floppy disk drives, tape drives, CD read/write drives, digital video read/write drives, optical drives, data storage devices, docking stations, battery chargers, speakers and, electronic or magnetic cards and memory add-ons, memory boards and chips, cables and connectors, all for use with computers; computer operating and utility software all sold together as a unit; personal and handheld computers; personal digital assistants (PDA), electronic organizers, electronic notepads, memory cards, compact flash cards; smart media cards, computer styli, batteries, battery chargers, digital audio recorders, and digital audio playback devices, mp3 players, headphones, handheld computer carrying cases, electric power adapters, vehicle electric power adapters, keyboards, scanners, cradles for recharging and connecting to other devices and peripherals, electric cables and connectors for the above computer hardware and computer peripherals, namely modems, computer cables, handheld computers with wireless e-mail and wireless access to electronic communications networks; projectors; and electronic instruction manuals sold therewith as a unit for all the aforesaid goods; for portable and handheld digital electronic devices for recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating and reviewing text, data and audio files; computer software for use in organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, and audio files on a portable and handheld digital electronic devices; televisions.

Klasse:36 Credit services; leasing of computers. Klasse:37 Maintenance and repair of computer

hardware; installation of computer networks; installation of computer

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


systems; custom installation of computer hardware for others.

Klasse:42 Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems; consulting services in the field of design, selection, implementation and use of computer hardware and software systems for others.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0973338 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.13 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.02.13

(210) Nasj. 200811232 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.11 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Ceratiziz SA, 101, route de Holzem, 8232 MAMER, LU (740) Fullmektig:

Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Cutting tools for turning, milling and drilling

(parts of machines); wood working machine tools; machine tools for size reduction technics; machine tools for fastening technics; stone working machine tools; PCB drilling machine tools; stamping tools (machines); saw teeth for sawing machines; paper processing machine tools; machine tools for metal forming technology; wear parts made of hard metal, cermets, ceramics, super-hard materials for machine tools; tooling presses (machines).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0973769 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.04.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.04.22

(210) Nasj. 200811448 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.13 US 77395803 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TRICO MARINE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Trico Marine Services Inc, 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2950, TX77027 HOUSTON, US

(740) Fullmektig: Bjørn Brodwall, Adv. fa. Økland & Co ANS, Postboks

63, 2001 Lillestrøm, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:39 Marine transportation and support vessel services for transporting oil and gas industry drilling materials, supplies and crews, by marine vessels, to drilling rigs and other offshore facilities; marine transportation and support vessel services for the construction, installation, maintenance and removal of offshore facilities, well servicing, and subsea construction; marine transportation and support vessel services for towing drilling rigs and drilling rig equipment to offshore locations.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0974096 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.22

(210) Nasj. 200811506 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.10 IT MI2008C006621 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

DOLCE & GABBANA (541) Merket er

et ordmerke

(730) Innehaver: Gado SrL, Via Goldoni, n. 10, 20129 MILANO, IT

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:35 Services consisting of the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods namely clothing, footwear, perfumery, cosmetics, toiletry articles, eyewear and relative accessories, watches and jewelry, leather, leather articles and bags(excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; advertising; business management.

Klasse:41 Discotheque services, nights-clubs; organization of events for entertainment purposes.

Klasse:43 Services for providing food and drinks, including restaurant services; temporary accomodation.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0974309 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.22

(210) Nasj. 200811531 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.09.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.10 IT MI2008C006622 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Gado SrL, Via Goldoni, n. 10, 20129 MILANO, IT (740) Fullmektig:

Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:35 Services consisting of the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods namely clothing, footwear, perfumery, cosmetics, toiletry articles, eyewear and relative accessories, watches and jewelry, leather, leather articles and bags (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; advertising; business management.

Klasse:41 Discotheque services, night-clubs; organization of events for entertainment purposes.

Klasse:43 Services for providing food and drinks, including restaurant services; temporary accommodation.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0979277 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.09 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.09

(210) Nasj. 200813494 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.07 DE 30 2008 006

836.1/41 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Grüner Weg 11, 63450 HANAU, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products and products

for the field of veterinary medicine; dental ceramic materials; dental alloys; dental materials for the manufacture of tooth substitute and dental treatment; semi-finished goods, i.e. blanks consisting of ceramics or metal and dental materials for the production of dental substitutes and dental treatment; dental fillers, also as composite materials and impression compounds for dentistry purposes; surgical implants (living tissue).

Klasse:10 Surgical and dental instruments and apparatus; surgical implants of synthetic materials, dental prostheses, dental treatments, dental posts, tooth substitute, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth.

Klasse:40 Services of a dental technician and a dental laboratory, in particular measuring and imaging in the medical and dental-medical field and construction of dental replacement parts such as e.g. crown caps or bridge structures, preferably of ceramics or metal, on behalf of third parties.

Klasse:41 Education, training and maintenance in the field of dental medicine and dental technology.

Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research work and designer services in this respect; industrial analysis and research services and design and development of computer hardware and software in the field of dental medicine and dental technology.

Klasse:44 Medical services and services in the field of veterinary medicine.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0979339 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.03 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.03

(210) Nasj. 200813514 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

DIAFECOL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

InDex Diagnostics AB, Scheeles Väg 1, 17177 STOCKHOLM, SE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Diagnostic tests within the area of


Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0979344 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.28 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.28

(210) Nasj. 200813515 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.01 DE 006819601 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ZERRES (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

W Zerres GmbH & Co KG, Mülgaustrasse 322-324, 41238 MÖNCHENGLADBACH, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Clothing, belts for clothing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0979355 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.11.16 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.11.16

(210) Nasj. 200813516 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.10.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Blue. (730) Innehaver:

Dmytro R Lysyuk, vul. Gagarina, bud. 11, kv. 6, m. Brovary, 07400 KYIVSKA OBLAST, UA

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Aluminium; aluminium wire; anchor

plates; angle irons; anti-friction metal; anvils; barbed wire; bars for metal railings; binding screws of metal for cables; bindings of metal; bolts; bolts for casement windows; bolts of metal; braces of metal for handling loads; branching pipes of metal; brass, unwrought or semi-wrought; bronze; bronzes (works of art); buckles of common metal (hardware); building boards of metal; building materials of metal; building or furniture fittings of nickel-silver; buildings of metal; buildings, transportable, of metal; casement windows of metal; cast iron, unwrought or semi-wrought; casting molds permanent; ceilings of metal; ceramic-metal materials; chrome iron; clips of metal for cables and pipes; collars of metal; collars of metal for fastening pipes; common metals, unwrought or semi-wrought; containers of metal (storage, transport); copper rings; copper wire, not insulated; copper, unwrought or semi-wrought; cornices of metal; couplings of metal for chains; door bolts; door closers, non-electric; door fittings, of metal; door frames of metal; door openers, non-electric; door panels of metal; door stops of metal; doors of metal; dowels of metal; drain pipes of metal; drain traps (valves) of metal; duckboards of metal; ducts of metal for ventilating and air conditioning installations; ducts of metal, for central heating installations; elbows of metal for pipes; eye bolts; ferrotitanium; ferro wolfram; figurines (statuettes) of common metal; filings of metal; fish plates (rails); fittings of metal for building; fittings of metal for windows; flanges of metal (collars); flashing of metal, for building; flat slide valves; floor tiles, of metal; floors of metal; foils of metal for wrapping and packaging; foundry of steel; foundry molds (moulds) of metal; frames of metal for building; framework of metal for building; gates of metal; girders of metal; grasps of metal; gratings of metal; greenhouse frames of metal; greenhouses of metal, transportable; guard rails of metal; gutter pipes of metal; gutters of metal; hinges of metal; hooks (metal hardware); hooks for slate (metal hardware); ingots of common metal; iron slabs; iron strips; iron, unwrought or semi-wrought; ironmongery; ironwork for doors; ironwork for windows; jalousies of metal; joists of metal; junctions of metal for

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pipes; ladders of metal; latch bars of metal; latches of metal; laths of metal; latticework of metal; lead seals; lead, unwrought or semi-wrought; linings of metal (building); lintels of metal; loading pallets, of metal; locks of metal, other than electric; machine belt fasteners of metal; manifolds of metal for pipelines; masts of metal; molybdenum iron; mouldings of metal for cornices; nails; nickel-silver; nozzles of metal; nuts of metal; packaging containers of metal; palings of metal; partitions of metal; paving of metal; penstock pipes of metal; pillars of metal for buildings; pins (hardware); pipe muffs of metal; pipe work of metal; platforms, prefabricated, of metal; poles of metal; porches of metal (building); posts of metal; props of metal; pulleys of metal, other than parts of machines; pyrophoric metals; rails of metal; reinforcing materials of metal for building; reinforcing materials of metal for machine belts; reinforcing materials of metal for pipes; reinforcing materials, of metal, for concrete; rings of metal; rivets of metal; rods of metal for brazing and welding; roller blinds of steel; roof coverings of metal; roof flashing of metal; roofing of metal; runners of metal for sliding doors; safety chains of metal; scaffolding of metal; screws of metal; sheet piles of metal; sheets and plates of metal; shims; shuttering of metal for concrete; shutters of metal; silicon iron; sills of metal; silver plated tin alloy; skating rinks (structures of metal); sleeves (metal hardware); slings of metal for handling loads; spring locks; springs (metal hardware); stair treads (steps) of metal; staircases of metal; statues of common metal; steel alloys; steel buildings; steel masts; steel sheets; steel tubes; steel wire; steel, unwrought or semi-wrought; steps (ladders) of metal: strap-hinges of metal; straps of metal for handling loads; stretchers for metal bands (tension links); stringers (parts of staircases) of metal; swimming pools (metal structures); tanks of metal; tile floorings of metal; tiles of metal; tiles of metal for building; tinfoil; tubbing of metal; tubes of metal; turnstiles, non-automatic; valves of metal, other than parts of machines; vaults of metal (burial); wainscoting of metal; wall linings of metal (building); wall plugs of metal; water-pipe valves of metal; water-pipes of metal; window fasteners of metal; window frames of metal; window pulleys; window stops of metal; windows of metal; window sills of metal; wire cloth; wire of common metal; wire of iron; works of art of common metal.

Klasse:7 Bitumen making machines; blade holders (parts of machines); bulldozers; concrete mixers (machines); cranes (lifting and hoisting apparatus); cutters (machines); earth moving machines; excavators; glass working machines; glaziers' diamonds (parts of machines); glue guns, electric; holding devices for machine tools; knives (parts of machines); machine tools; machines and apparatus for polishing (electric) for parquet flooring; milling machines; painting machines; pliers (machines); propulsion mechanisms other than for

land vehicles; punches for punching machines; punching machines; road making machines; shovels, mechanical; spray guns for paint; tools (parts of machines); transporters (machines); winches.

Klasse:19 Alabaster; alabaster glass; angle irons, not of metal; aquaria (structures); arbours (structures); artificial stone; asbestos cement; asbestos mortar; asphalt paving; balustrading; beams, not of metal; binding material for road repair; bitumen; bituminous coatings for roofing; bituminous products for building; blinds (outdoor), not of metal and not of textile; branching pipes, not of metal; bricks; building cardboard (asphalted); building glass; building materials, not of metal; building panels, not of metal; building paper; building stone; building timber; buildings, not of metal; buildings, transportable, not of metal; busts of stone, concrete or marble; caissons for construction work under water; casement windows, not of metal; ceilings, not of metal; cement; cement posts; cement slabs; chimney cowls, not of metal; chimney pots, not of metal; chimney shafts, not of metal; chimneys, not of metal; clay; concrete; concrete building elements; cornices, not of metal; door frames, not of metal; door panels, not of metal; doors, not of metal; drain pipes, not of metal; drain traps (valves), not of metal or plastic; ducts, not of metal, for ventilating and air-conditioning installations; felt for building; fences, not of metal; figurines (statuettes) of stone, concrete or marble; fireproof cement coatings; fireproof materials; flashing, not of metal, for building; floor tiles, not of metal; floors, not of metal; folding doors, not of metal; framework, not of metal, for building; framework, not of metal, for greenhouses; furrings of wood; gates, not of metal; granite; gravel; greenhouses, transportable, not of metal; gutter pipes, not of metal; gutters, not of metal; gypsum; hips for roofing; insulating glass (building); jalousies, not of metal; joists, not of metal; latticework, not of metal; lengthening pieces, not of metal, for chimneys; linings, not of metal, for building; lintels, not of metal; luminous paving; macadam; magnesia cement; manhole covers, not of metal; mantelpieces; manufactured timber; marble; materials for making and coating roads; monuments, not of metal; mortar for building; mosaics for building; mouldable wood; mouldings, not of metal, for building; mouldings, not of metal, for cornices; olivine for building; palings, not of metal; parquet floor boards; parquet flooring; partitions, not of metal; paving of wood; paving slabs, not of metal; paving, not of metal; pigsties; pilings, not of metal; pitch; planks (wood for building); plaster; plate glass (windows), for building; platforms, prefabricated, not of metal; porches, not of metal, for building; posts, not of metal; props, not of metal; reeds, for building; reinforcing materials, not of metal, for building; rigid pipes, not of metal (building); road coating materials; roof coverings, not of metal; roof flashing, not of metal; roofing slates; roofing, not of

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metal; rubble; safety glass; sand, except foundry sand; sandstone for building; sandstone tubes; sawn timber; scaffolding, not of metal; schists; shingle; shuttering, not of metal, for concrete; shutters, not of metal; sills, not of metal; slag (building material); slag stone; slate powder; stables; stained-glass windows; stair treads (steps), not of metal; stand pipes, not of metal; statues of stone, concrete or marble; steps, not of metal; stone; stringers (parts of staircases), not of metal; swimming pools (structures, not of metal); tanks of masonry; tarred strips, for building; tiles, not of metal; tiles, not of metal, for building; wall claddings, not of metal, for building; wall linings, not of metal, for building; water-pipe valves, not of metal or plastic; water-pipes, not of metal; window frames, not of metal; window glass, except glass for vehicle windows; window glass, for building; windows, not of metal; wood boards; wood for making household utensils; wood pulp board, for building; wood veneers; works of art of stone, concrete or marble; works of stonemasonry.

Klasse:35 Advertising; advisory services for business management; auctioneering; book-keeping; business appraisals; business information; business inquiries; business investigations; business management and organization consultancy; business management assistance; business management consultancy; business management of hotels; business organization consultancy; business research; commercial information agencies; commercial or industrial management assistance; compilation of information into computer databases; computerized file management; cost price analysis; data search in computer files for others; demonstration of goods; distribution of samples; drawing up of statements of accounts; economic forecasting; efficiency experts; import-export agencies; marketing research; marketing studies; office machines and equipment rental; on-line advertising on a computer network; opinion polling; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; payroll preparation; personnel management consultancy; personnel recruitment; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); professional business consultancy; psychological testing for the selection of personnel; public relations; publicity material rental; relocation services for businesses; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising time on communication media; rental of photocopying machines; sales promotion for others; statistical information; systemization of information into computer databases; television advertising.

Klasse:36 Accommodation bureaux (apartments); antique appraisal; apartment house management; art appraisal; brokerage; business liquidation services, financial; capital investments; charitable fund raising; clearing, financial; credit bureaux; customs brokerage; debt

collection agencies; deposits of valuables; factoring; financial analysis; financial consultancy; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); financial information; financial management; financial well-doing; financing services; hire-purchase financing; home banking; housing agents; installment loans; insurance consultancy; insurance information; jewellery (jewelry (am.)) appraisal; leasing of farms; leasing of real estate; loans (financing); mutual funds; numismatic appraisal; pawnbrokerage; real estate agencies; real estate appraisal; real estate management; rental of offices (real estate); renting of flats; securities brokerage; stamp appraisal; surety services.

Klasse:37 Air conditioning apparatus installation and repair; anti-rust treatment for vehicles; artificial snow-making services; asphalting; boiler cleaning and repair; bricklaying; building construction supervision; building impacting; building insulating; building of fair stalls and shops; burglar alarm installation and repair; burner maintenance and repair; cabinet making (repair); cleaning of buildings (exterior surface); cleaning of buildings (interior); construction; construction information; demolition of buildings; disinfecting; dry cleaning; electric appliance installation and repair; elevator installation and repair; factory construction; fire alarm installation and repair; freezing equipment installation and repair; furnace installation and repair; furniture restoration; harbour construction; heating equipment installation and repair; installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware; irrigation devices installation and repair; machinery installation, maintenance and repair; masonry; office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair; painting or repair of signs; painting, interior and exterior; paper hanging; pier breakwater building; pipeline construction and maintenance; plastering; plumbing; pumicing; pump repair; rebuilding machines that have been worn or partially destroyed; rental of bulldozers; rental of cleaning machines; rental of construction equipment; rental of cranes (construction equipment); rental of excavators; rental of road sweeping machines; repair information; repair of security locks; re-tinning; riveting; road paving; roofing services; rust proofing; safe maintenance and repair; scaffolding; strong-room maintenance and repair; underwater construction; underwater repair; upholstering; varnishing; vehicle cleaning; vehicle lubrication (greasing); vehicle maintenance; vehicle repair; vehicle service stations (refueling and maintenance); warehouse construction and repair; window cleaning.

Klasse:42 Architectural consultation; architecture; authenticating works of art; calibration (measuring); computer programming; computer rental; computer software design; computer system design; computer systems analysis; construction drafting; consultancy in the field of computer hardware; consultancy in the

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field of environmental protection; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and maintaining web sites for others; data conversion of computer programs and data (not physical conversion); design of interior decor; duplication of computer programs; engineering; graphic arts designing; hosting computer sites (web sites); industrial design; installation of computer software; maintenance of computer software; material testing; mechanical research; physics (research); quality control; recovery of computer data; rental of computer software; research and development for others; styling (industrial design); surveying; technical project studies; technical research; underwater exploration; updating of computer software; urban planning.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0980331 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.30

(210) Nasj. 200813906 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.15 SE 2008/08305 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

QUICK BRUSH (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Alcro-Beckers AB, 11783 STOCKHOLM, SE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:8 Hand-pumped paint-spraying devices as well as parts and components of such spraying devices.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0980389 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.05.08

(210) Nasj. 200813929 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.01.24 CH 568826 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Dätwyler Holding AG, Gotthardstrasse 31, 6460 ALTDORF, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Non-electric cables and wires of metal,

cable connections of metal (non electric). Klasse:9 Apparatus and instruments for

conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; cables, especially electric cables, fibreglass cables, flat and round cables, adapters, plugs; sensors, actuators, switching circuits; plugs and plug connectors for cables; electrical sockets; connectors and couplings for electric cables, for power lines and for fibreglass cables; accessories for cables and mounting cables, namely connecting straps, cabling channels; sheaths and identity threads as well as junction boxes and cases not included in other classes; connections, fastenings, holders and couplings not of metal for cables.

Klasse:37 Mounting cables; technical consultation in the field of mounting cables, cable installations.

Klasse:38 Telecommunications. Klasse:41 Training and education in the field of

cables and cable installations, in particular provision of training in the field of manufacturing and mounting cables and cable installations.

Klasse:42 Technical consulting on the safety of cables and cable installations; technical project studies in the field of cable installations; research and development in the field of cables, cable installations, and fibre-glass technology; development and design of solutions relating to the electrical infrastructure of buildings; building automation.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0980889 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.27 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.27

(210) Nasj. 200814124 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Zhejiang Victory Valve Co Ltd, Xincheng Industrial Zone, Yongchang WENZHOU, CN

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Valves (parts of machines); pumps

(machines); hydraulic component (not including vehicle hydraulic system); petrochemical plant; carburettors; metalworking machines; gear reducers; electric machines and apparatus for cleaning; automobile maintenance equipment; pharmaceutical industrial processing machinery.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0981395 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.10 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.10

(210) Nasj. 200814233 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.30 GB 2498998 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ELEMENTAL 028 (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

SHS International Ltd, 100 Wavertree Boulevard, Wavertree Technology Park, L79PT LIVERPOOL, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations; dietetic

substances adapted for medical use, (fortifying) food for medical use including food for babies, infants and invalids; nutritional dietary supplements for medical use; nutritional products for medical usage.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0981483 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.02 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.02

(210) Nasj. 200814441 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

nanostabil (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

IVT Installations- und Verbindungstechnik GmbH & Co KG, Gewerbering Nord 5, 91189 ROHR, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Construction material made of metal,

ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; tubes of metal; goods made of metal (as far as belonging this class).

Klasse:11 Apparatus for heating, steam generating, refrigerating, drying, ventilating water supply and sanitary purposes.

Klasse:19 Building materials (not made of metal), tubes made of plastic for building purposes, connecting pieces, retaining fixtures and fasteners made of plastic.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0981572 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.30

(210) Nasj. 200814453 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Superwoman Pty Ltd as trustee of the Superwoman Holdings Trust, Suite 205, Level 2, 19 Boundary Street, NSW2011 RUSHCUTTERS BAY, AU

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Business management; business

administration; assistance and consultancy services relating to business management and administration.

Klasse:39 Travel agency services; travel arrangement and reservation services; travel brokerage; travel consultancy; travel information and advisory services; sightseeing (tourism); escorting of travellers; tourist offices.

Klasse:41 Education; providing of training; arranging and conducting of conferences, seminars and workshops.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982068 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.24 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.24

(210) Nasj. 200814551 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.22 CH 576779 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

JUVENA MasterCream (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Juvena (International) AG, Industriestrasse 8, 8604 VOLKETSWIL, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Cosmetics.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982099 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.03 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.03

(210) Nasj. 200814558 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Green, white and yellow. (730) Innehaver:

Jarola Beheer BV, Dedemsvaartseweg-Zuid 59, 7775AC LUTTEN, NL

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 Filters, parts of household or industrial

installations, irrigation machines. Klasse:17 Sealing materials, filtering materials; pipe

connectors of polyvinyl chloride (PVC); compressed-air ducts, not of metal, insulating materials, film, flexible pipes, not of metal, corrugated sheets of reclaimed cellulose, other than for packing, plastic film used for ponds; adhesive tapes other than stationery and not for medical or household use.

Klasse:19 Gutter pipes and attachments, rigid inlet pipes, not of metal, drainage systems, not of metal or plastic, gutters and fittings, not of metal, rigid roof pipe-feedthroughs, not of metal, laths, roof coverings, not of metal, rigid polythene pipes and attachments, penstock pipes and attachments of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rigid pipes for hot-water-supply systems, rigid pipes and coupling pieces, not of metal for building, frames, skylights, roof windows, greenhouses, not of metal, ground gutters, not of metal, sheet glazing and fittings included in this class.

Klasse:25 Overalls, work shoes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982101 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.03 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.03

(210) Nasj. 200814559 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Yves Geipel, Schönheider Straße 26, 08209 AUERBACH, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Articles of clothing, footwear, headgear,

gloves. Klasse:28 Sporting goods, especially bodybuilding

machines and their equipment, gloves, namely boxing gloves and golf gloves, included in this class.

Klasse:29 Dietary food or nutritional supplements not for medical purposes, based on proteins and fats, with added vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fatty acids, either individually or in combination, included in this class.

Klasse:30 Nutritional additives mainly consisting of carbohydrates, also with the addition of oils, milk powder and/or animal fats and/or vegetable proteins and/or amino acids, with added vitamins, minerals, vegetable fibres, cereals, dried fruits and sugar, either in solid or liquid form, also as dietary and low-calorie products not for medical purposes, included in this class.

Klasse:32 Mineral and carbonated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, especially isotonic beverages and energy drinks for sports and fitness, not for medical purposes, especially containing carnitine, choline, inositol, vitamins, minerals and sugar, fruit drinks and fruit juice; other preparations for making beverages, included in this class, not for medical purposes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982309 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.29 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.29

(210) Nasj. 200814759 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.28 DE 30 2008 020

378.1/05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

STRIVERDI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, 55218 INGELHEIM, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982310 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.29 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.29

(210) Nasj. 200814760 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.28 DE 30 2008 020

376.5/05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SPIRIDUO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, 55218 INGELHEIM, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982311 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.15 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.15

(210) Nasj. 200814761 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

zelmer (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Zelmer SA, ul. Hoffmanowej 19, 35-016 RZESZÓW, PL(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:7 Electric household appliances, namely blenders, mixers, bread and charcuterie slicers, electric coffee grinders, citrus presses, juicers, meat mincers (machines), multipurpose food processors, vacuum cleaners, vacuum cleaner hoses and suction nozzles, filters for vacuum cleaners, polishers, electric brushes, turbo brushes, floors and carpet cleaning apparatus, devices for removing liquid contaminants, steam cleaners, electric motors for household appliances, suction systems, suction systems driven by electric motors, electric suction systems, multipurpose electric suction systems, electric butter churns, meat choppers (machines), machines and apparatus for carpet shampooing (electric), pepper mills other than hand-operated, electric knives, electric scissors, vacuum cleaner attachments for disseminating perfumes and disinfectants, electric can-openers, water heaters (parts of machines), washing machines, ironing machines, electric shoe-polishers, electric food processors, waste disposals, vacuum cleaner bags, electric beaters, electric whisks for household purposes, electric washing apparatus, machines and apparatus for wax-polishing (electric), electric kitchen appliances, centrifugal milk separators, dishwashers, vacuum dust exhausting installations for cleaning purposes, dust removing installations for cleaning purposes, electric lawnmowers, cutters (machines), blenders (machines), centrifugal drying machines, vegetable slicers (machines), meat choppers (machines), injection moulds (parts of

machines), spare parts for the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:9 Electric irons, weighing scales. Klasse:11 Electric kitchen appliances for cooking,

frying, baking, toasting and percolating, electric coffee and tea machines, espresso coffee machines, electric fryers, portable heating apparatus, electric kettles, toasters, sandwich-makers, cooling installations for drinks, drying apparatus, fruit-drying apparatus, electric fruit-drying appliances, air-purifying apparatus and machines, ice machines and apparatus, ionization apparatus for the treatment of air, electric baking moulds, electric waffle irons, electric pressure cookers, foot muffs, electric coffee filters, filters for drinking water, electric fryers, electric waffle irons, heaters, foot warmers, electrically heated, cookers, microwave ovens, curling lamps, refrigerators, humidifiers for central heating radiators, kilns, electric, for feeding bottles, air heaters, plate warmers, water heaters (apparatus), roasting spits, electric laundry dryers, hairdryers, hand drying apparatus for washrooms, air dryers, electric pressure cookers, toasters, water-filtering apparatus, bath fittings, electric heating apparatus, cooking apparatus and installations, air-conditioning apparatus, spa baths (vessels), electric fans for personal use, extractor hoods for kitchens, freezers, spare parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982317 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.22

(210) Nasj. 200814762 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.07.04 DE 30 2008 042

970.4/12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SPACEBACK (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Daimler AG, Mercedesstrasse 137, 70327 STUTTGART, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Automobiles and parts thereof included

in class 12. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982318 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.22

(210) Nasj. 200814763 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.07.04 DE 30 2008 042

969.0/12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

STYLEBACK (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Daimler AG, Mercedesstrasse 137, 70327 STUTTGART, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Automobiles and parts thereof included

class 12.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982323 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.08

(210) Nasj. 200814764 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VACCARI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Galliano BV, Paulus Potterstraat 14, 1071CZ AMSTERDAM, NL

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982348 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.04.28 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.04.28

(210) Nasj. 200814768 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.10.29 GB 2470802 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Racing Green Ltd, SRG House, Unit 4 Chester Road, WD61LT BOREHAMWOOD, HERTFORDSHIRE, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Cosmetics, perfumes and toiletries;

soaps; essential oils, dentifrices, mouthwashes, hair care products.

Klasse:9 Sunglasses, eyewear, optics, eyeglass frames, contact lenses and contact lens cases; reading glasses; eyewear cases; optical apparatus and instruments; computer software; CD-ROMs; computers; videos; disks and tapes; telephone apparatus and instruments; mobile phones; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; publications downloadable from the Internet; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; watches, clocks; cufflinks; tie clips; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:16 Catalogues, newsletters, periodicals, brochures, inserts, magazines, circulars, books, photographs, stationery, diaries, yearbooks and calendars.

Klasse:18 Bags, cases, luggage, umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks, leather articles; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:20 Furniture; mirrors; picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; bamboo and bead curtains; curtain poles, runners, hooks, curtain fixtures and fittings; cushions; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers; fabrics; linen; sheets; towels; bedspreads; duvets; shams; dust ruffles; blankets; pillow cases; comforters; throws; cushion covers; curtains; drapes and window coverings; handkerchiefs.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; trousers; jackets; outer wear; blouses; T-shirts; suits; braces; lingerie; underwear; leisure wear; casual wear; sports clothing, footwear and headgear; belts; shirts; socks; ties; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Klasse:26 Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; hair accessories and ornaments; belt clasps; ornaments for clothing, footwear and headgear; clips and fasteners for braces; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile); floor coverings; wall coverings; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles; sports bags; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:35 Advertising; advertising services for others; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising and promotional services; marketing services; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of clothing, footwear, belts, headgear, hair care products and hair accessories, personal grooming products, jewellery and imitation jewellery, eye wear, sporting and leisure goods, leather goods and imitations of leather including bags, cases, wallets, purses and holdalls, stationery including cards and paper, toys, games, fabrics, textiles, furnishings, furniture, millinery, wedding apparel and also to select service providers in relation to the aforesaid; mail order services connected with clothing, footwear, headgear, belts, hair care products and hair accessories, personal grooming products, jewellery and imitation jewellery, eye wear, sporting and leisure goods, leather goods and imitations of leather including bags, cases, wallets, purses and holdalls, stationery including cards and paper, toys, games, fabrics, textiles, furnishings, furniture, millinery, wedding apparel and also to select service providers in relation to the aforesaid; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services.

Klasse:36 Insurance services, financial affairs; financial services; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services.

Klasse:42 Clothing, footwear and headgear design services; Web site design services; hosting of Websites; creating and maintaining Websites; compilation of Web pages including for adverts; graphic art and design services; architectural services; photographic research services; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services.

Klasse:45 Hire of clothing, footwear, headgear; rental of fashion accessories; dress rental; rental of jewellery; personal shopper services; domain name search and registration services; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982357 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.31

(210) Nasj. 200814769 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.07 ES 2.821.927 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BTIGEST (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Biotechnology Institute SL, San Antonio, 15-5°, 01005 VITORIA, ES

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer programs.

Klasse:41 Education and training services. Klasse:42 Design and development services of

computer software as well as installation and maintenance thereof.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982358 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.31

(210) Nasj. 200814770 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.07 ES 2.821.932 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BTIULTRASONIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Biotechnology Institute SL, San Antonio, 15-5°, 01005 VITORIA, ES

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:10 Ultrasound apparatus and instruments

for use in medical surgery. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982360 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.09 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.09

(210) Nasj. 200814771 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.14 EM 006861661 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Dark blue, red, white. (730) Innehaver:

Demp BV, Hagenweg 1 F, 4131LX VIANEN, NL (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:17 Packing, stopping and insulating materials, in particular packing brushes, seals for doors and windows of all kinds, floor seals for doors, grooved and hollow profile seals, foam seals.

Klasse:19 Building materials (non-metallic).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982366 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.04.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.04.08

(210) Nasj. 200814772 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.11.26 DE 307 76 595.4/07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

PDT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

SMS Demag AG, Eduard-Schlömann-Strasse 4, 40237 DÜSSELDORF, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Machines for the metallurgical industry,

machines for the steel mill industry, continuous casting machines, rolling machines for the rolling of metals, machinery equipment for processing metal strips, forging machines, presses for metals, parts of the foregoing machines, inasmuch as they are included in this class.

Klasse:9 Instrumentation and control devices for machines for the metallurgical industry in as much as they are included in this class for machines for the steel mill industry, for continuous casting machines, for rolling machines for the rolling of metals, for strip processing lines, for forging machines, for presses for metals; weighing, measuring, signalling, and checking apparatus and instruments; data-processing equipment and computers; computer programs stored on data carriers.

Klasse:11 Furnaces for metallurgical plants, for steel mills, for continuous casting plants, for rolling mills, for strip processing lines, for forging and press systems; cooling systems for machinery for the metallurgical industry, for machines for the steel mill industry, for continuous casting machines, for rolling machines for the rolling of metals, for strip processing lines, for forging machines, for presses for metal.

Klasse:42 Building and construction planning and consultancy; services of an engineer; design and development of computer software; technical consultation and the preparation of technical expert opinions.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982370 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.09 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.09

(210) Nasj. 200814774 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:


PATIENTS WORLDWIDE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Celgene Corp, 86 Morris Avenue, NJ07901 SUMMIT, US

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Research in the fields of chemicals and

pharmaceuticals; product safety testing in the fields of chemicals and pharmaceuticals; research and development of new products for others in the fields of chemicals and pharmaceuticals; providing clinical laboratory testing services, namely pharmacogenetic tests, scientific research services for medical purposes, gene sequencing-based tests and genotyping base on the assessment, development and application of genomic discoveries in the pharmaceutical, informatics and clinical diagnostic industries; providing medical and pharmaceutical research information; scientific research services; design for others in the field of DNA-based assays, DNA sequencing protocols, immunoassay and methods for drug discovery; scientific research, namely, development of pharmaceuticals or diagnostic methods for others; agrochemical product development for others.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982396 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.09.27 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2017.09.27

(210) Nasj. 200814775 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.03.28 GB 2450912 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

AWOMO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

GDI Game & Domain International Ltd, Cottrell House, 56-63 Wembley Hill Road, HA98BE WEMBLEY, MIDDLESEX, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer software; computer software

for use in downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, playing, storing and organising data including video data; video and data recordings; multimedia products comprising or for use with the transmission of video and digital gaming data; apparatus for the downloading, transmitting, encoding, decoding, editing, playing and storage of digital gaming data including video recordings, personalised computer games, online computer games and games in digital format; interactive products comprising or for use with any of the aforesaid goods; computer databases; downloadable computer games; downloadable personalised computer games, online computer games and games in digital format for a fee or pre-paid subscription via the Internet or pre-bundled with computing devices; sleeves and insets for cases for compact discs, DVDs and CD-ROMs; computer hardware, parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:16 Printed matter; printed publications; paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials; stationery; periodicals; books; comic books, activity books, colouring books, notebooks, address books; magazines, catalogues, guides, brochures, printed programmes, publications; posters; calendars, non-electronic organisers, non-electronic diaries; carrier bags of paper, card or plastic; stickers, transfers (decalcomanias); bookmarks; postcards, greetings cards, trading cards; instructional and teaching materials; wrapping and packaging materials; memorandum boards; stamp albums; manuals; scrap books, photographs; pictures, prints; picture holders made of cardboard; photograph albums; paper or cardboard models; adhesives for office or domestic use; writing instruments; gift vouchers; gift cards, store cards and gift certificates.

Klasse:28 Electronic games machines and hand-held games consoles (other than those adapted for use with television receivers only); playing cards; board games; games, toys and playthings; action figures (playthings).

Klasse:35 Retail services in the field of computer hardware, computer software, consumer electronics, telecommunications and multimedia products; mail order services in the field of computer hardware, computer

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


software, consumer electronics, telecommunications and multimedia products; retail services in the field of entertainment products namely, personalised computer games, online computer games and games in digital format, audio visual works and music related electronic products provided via the Internet and other electronic and communications networks; retail store services in the field of entertainment related products and merchandise, namely telecommunications and multimedia goods; data storage and retrieval services; the provision of information on databases relating to the storing, retrieving and compiling of data; advertising services; business administration; marketing services; creating indexes of information, sites and other resources available on a global computer network for others for business purposes; information and advice services relating thereto.

Klasse:38 The provision of access to a portal for managing and distributing games; the transmission and communication of digital gaming data over a global computer network in a 3-D environment; information and advice services relating thereto.

Klasse:41 The provision of online entertainment services by means of a 3-D virtual user interface; educational services, providing of training and instruction in the field of computers, multimedia products, interactive products and online services, and distributing course materials therewith; arranging and conducting of exhibitions, workshops, seminars and video conferences; publication of printed matter and instructional and teaching materials; entertainment services provided on the Internet; on-line gaming services; providing on-line computer games, multi-player matching services, and on-line entertainment in the nature of tournaments, competitions and leagues; digital imaging services; online subscription digital gaming services; information and advice services relating thereto.

Klasse:42 Computer software design, testing, research and advisory services; updating of computer software; computer programming services; computer services relating to multimedia and/or interactive products; computer services, namely, provision of technical on-line information services relating to downloading of information and data from the Internet; searching, browsing and retrieving information, sites and other resources available on a global computer network for others; computer web site management, namely, organising content of information provided over a global computer network according to user preference; computer services relating to multimedia and/or interactive products; computer services, namely, provision of technical information and software information for databases relating to the editing of data; information and advice services relating thereto.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982401 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.21 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.02.21

(210) Nasj. 200814777 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.12.27 IT VI2007C000708 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Red and white. (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

BASPED stylized in white colour, on red background. (730) Innehaver:

Bas Group SrL, Via del Rosario, 48, 36022 CASSOLA (VI), IT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:39 Transport, packaging and storage of

goods; organization of travel; information relating to transport; brokerage services in loading, unloading of goods; information on storehouses; courier services; logistics services in the transport field; collection and shipment of goods, such as documents, parcels, packages, letters and pallets; monitoring of shipments by means of electronic localization and tracking devices for materials and goods, such as documents, parcels, packages, letters and pallets; management of warehouses, organization and management of shipments returned to sender (management of returns); hire of storage containers; postal services, goods services and express services; rental of storehouses; advice services on logistic matters; execution/accomplishment of shipments; collection of data relating to goods and shipments; preparation of all shipment documents; supplying information concerning handling, transport and logistics, in particular handling and transport of documents, letters, parcels, packages and pallets.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0982486 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.12

(210) Nasj. 200814797 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Apostrophe, 43, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 PARIS, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Perfumery, cosmetics.

Klasse:14 Artificial jewellery. Klasse:18 Leatherware especially bags, wallets,

purses and small goods made of leather; luggage.

Klasse:25 Clothing including boots, shoes and slippers.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982493 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.06 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.06

(210) Nasj. 200814798 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.06 CH 571758 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ROLEX ROYAL WHITE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

ROLEX SA, Rue Francois-Dussaud 3-5-7, 1211 GENÈVE 26, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:14 Jewellery, timepieces, namely watches,

wrist-watches, component parts for timepieces and accessories for timepieces not included in other classes, clocks and other chronometric instruments, chronometers, chronographs, apparatus for timing sports events, time measuring and marking apparatus and instruments not included in other classes; dials, cases, boxes and presentation cases for timepieces and jewellery.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982564 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.18 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.18

(210) Nasj. 200814811 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

PRESSPEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

LK Systems AB, Box 66, 12126 BROMMA, SE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:6 Pipes, junctions for pipes and pipe clamps of metal; reinforcing materials of metal for pipes; penstock pipes (of metal); staples of metal for cables and pipes; pipe jackets of metal; valves of metal (not parts of machines).

Klasse:11 Water conduits installations, heating installations; water heating installations; water pipes for sanitary installations; coils (parts of distilling, heating and cooling appliances); fittings for gas and water apparatus and cables; pipeline taps and taps; pipe fittings and pipes for water pipes; fasteners for agitators, valves and clutches, all the aforementioned products included in heating water and sanitation installations.

Klasse:17 Flexible tubes, not from metal; junctions for pipes, sleeves and muffs, not from metal; reinforcing materials, not from metal, for pipes; gaskets; pipe gaskets; joint seals.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0982585 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.07 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.07

(210) Nasj. 200814817 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.05 IT VR2008C000381 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Spyke SrL, Via Magellano, 21, 36061 BASSANO DEL GRAPPA (VI), IT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal

building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores.

Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus.

Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse:28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and

sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982631 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.24 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.24

(210) Nasj. 200814824 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.20 CH 578392 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Rado Uhren AG (Radio Watch Co Ltd) (Montres Rado SA), Bielstrasse 45, 2543 LENGNAU, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and

goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982634 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.13 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.13

(210) Nasj. 200814826 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.08 CH 576785 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

DULSÃO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Société des Produits Nestlé SA, 1800 VEVEY, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:30 Coffee, coffee extracts, coffee-based preparations and beverages; iced coffee; tea, tea extracts, tea-based preparations and beverages; iced tea; cocoa and cocoa-based preparations and beverages; chocolate, chocolate products, chocolate-based preparations and beverages; sugar; cereal preparations; pastry and confectionery, edible ices.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0982658 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.29 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.29

(210) Nasj. 200814833 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

REOS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Reos Partners Inc, One Broadway, 14th floor, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, US

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Consulting and assistance services in

the field of organizational change management and strategy formation; assistance and advisory services with respect to analysis, planning, management and organizations for business, government, and non-governmental entities.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982667 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.05 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.05

(210) Nasj. 200814838 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Redcats, 110, rue de Blanchemaille, 59100 ROUBAIX, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Paper and cardboard (unprocessed,

semi-processed or for stationery or printing purposes); toilet paper; paper tissues and handkerchiefs; babies' napkin-pants (diaper-pants) of paper and cellulose (excluding incontinence pants/panties); printed matter; cardboard articles, printed matter, newspapers, books, manuals, catalogues, mail-order and/or distance-selling catalogues; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paintbrushes; paintings (pictures) and engravings; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); advertising, promotional and display materials (excluding apparatus) of paper or of cardboard (non-luminous, non-mechanical and non-metallic); wrapping paper; paper or plastic packaging bags, pouches and sheets; printing type; printing blocks.

Klasse:25 Clothing, underwear, hosiery, textile baby napkins; footwear (except orthopaedic footwear); stockings, socks; headgear.

Klasse:35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; dissemination of advertising material (leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter, samples); marketing and sales promotion services for third parties; public relations; newspaper subscription services for third parties; business organization and management consulting, information or enquiries; accounting; document reproduction; employment agencies; computer file management, data compilation and systematization in a database; opinion polling, commercial and statistical information; services for grouping (excluding the transport thereof) for third parties of pharmaceutical, dietetic and veterinary products, disinfectants, fungicides and herbicides, care, hygiene and/or beauty products, clothing products, jewellery and/or clock and watchmaking articles,

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textile articles and/or household linen, leatherware articles, haberdashery articles, metal and/or non-metallic building materials, coatings and/or paint, coverings, textile or not, for walls, floors and/or ceilings, curtains and hangings, textile or not, locksmithing and ironmongery goods, apparatus for lighting, heating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, electricity and/or water distribution and sanitary installations, DIY products, drugstore, tool, and/or gardening products, vehicles, goods for equipping vehicles, motor fuel, bookstore and stationery goods, and/or printed matter, medical, dental, orthopaedic and veterinary apparatus, musical instruments, articles of tableware, table utensils, objects of art, cleaning equipment for personal or household use, articles and/or utensils for the kitchen and household, food, furniture and/or lighting products, household electrical, audio and/or video goods, computer, and/or telephone apparatus, office appliances, optical, photographic, and/or cinematographic goods, sports articles, games and toys, horticultural products, to enable consumers to examine them and buy them conveniently in the same place; auctioneering services; services provided by retail stores, department stores, or factory outlets, in the context of retail services and/or self-service sales and/or services provided in the context of mail-order or distance selling of pharmaceutical, dietetic, and veterinary products, disinfectants, fungicides and herbicides, care, hygiene and/or beauty products, clothing goods, jewellery and/or clock and watchmaking articles, textile goods and/or household linen, leatherware articles, haberdashery articles, metal and/or non-metallic building materials, coatings and/or paint, coverings, textile or not, for walls, floors and/or ceilings, drapery fabrics, textile or not, locksmithing and ironmongery goods, lighting, heating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, electricity and/or water distribution and/or sanitary installations, DIY products, drugstore, tool, and/or gardening products, vehicles, products for equipping vehicles, motor fuel, bookstore and stationery goods, and/or printed matter, medical, dental, orthopaedic and veterinary apparatus, musical instruments, articles of tableware, table utensils, objects of art, cleaning equipment for personal or household use, articles and/or utensils for the kitchen and household, food, furniture and/or lighting products, household electrical, audio and/or video goods, computer, and/or telephone apparatus, office appliances, optical, photographic, and/or cinematographic goods, sports articles, games and toys, horticultural products; organizing exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; online advertising on a computer network; rental of advertising spaces and materials; rental of advertising time on all means of communication; public relations; rental of office machines and apparatus (other than: computers,

telecommunications apparatus, or furniture); rental of vending machines.

Klasse:38 Telecommunications; press and information agencies (news); radio, telephone communications, via fibre-optic networks, via satellite; communications by computer terminals; providing access to a global computer network; connection by telecommunications to a global computer network; transmission of messages, sound or images; electronic display services (telecommunications); Internet services, namely telecommunication and electronic messaging services via the global computer network, provision of information on the Internet, namely transmission of information via the internet; rental of apparatus and telecommunications, equipment for the transmission of messages, sound or images.

Klasse:41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; book and magazine editing and publishing; lending libraries; animal training; show and film production; modelling for artists; services provided by news reporters; rental of films and magnetic recordings, recording or audiovisual discs, rental of equipment for recording or reproducing sound or images; rental of sports equipment (other than vehicles); rental of scenery sets for shows; rental of lighting apparatus for theatre sceneries and television studios; videotaping (filming); videotape editing; arranging of competitions in the field of education or entertainment; arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; operating lotteries; reservation of seats for shows; providing games on line on a computer network; electronic publishing of books and periodicals online; desktop publishing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0982668 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.22

(210) Nasj. 200814839 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Pantone red n°1788c. (730) Innehaver:

Groupe Partouche, 141 bis rue de Saussure, 75017 PARIS, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Advertising; business management;

business administration; business organisation and management consulting; accounting; organising exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; online advertising on a computer network; public relations.

Klasse:36 Financial affairs, monetary affairs, real estate affairs; real estate management; financing services; financial analysis; mutual funds or capital investments; financial consulting; financial evaluations (insurance, banking, real estate); fund investments.

Klasse:41 Entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; information on educational or entertainment events; providing recreation facilities; gambling services.

Klasse:43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; cocktail lounge services; catering services; hotels; reservation of temporary accommodation.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982716 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.03.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.03.31

(210) Nasj. 200814843 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

KITZ CORPORATION, 10-1, Nakase 1-chome, Mihama-ku, 261-8577 CHIBA-SHI, CHIBA-KEN, JP

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Irons and steels; nonferrous metals and

their alloys; ores of metal; metal materials for building or construction; prefabricated building assembly materials of metal; loading and unloading pallets of metal; turn-tables for load handling; traversers for load handling; artificial fish reefs of metal; poultry cages of metal; paint spraying booths of metal; metal moulds for forming cement products; pulleys (of metal, not machine elements); springs (of metal, not machine elements); valves (of metal, not machine elements); metal junctions for pipes; metal flanges; keys (mechanical element); cotter pins; railway points; road signs of metal (not luminous nor mechanical); beacons of metal (non-luminous); reservoirs of metal; anchors; mooring bitts of metal; mooring bollards of metal; containers of metal for transport; anvils; swage blocks; metal hardware; wire ropes; wire nets and gauzes; industrial packaging containers of metal; metal nameplates and door nameplates; chains for dogs; metal stepladders and ladders; letter boxes of metal; hat-hanging hooks of metal; money boxes of metal; water tanks of metal for household purposes; tool boxes of metal (empty); towel dispensers of metal; metal joinery fittings; safes; upright signboards of metal; transportable greenhouses of metal for household use; metal tombs and metal tomb plaques; ferrules of metal for canes and walking-sticks; sculptures of metal.

Klasse:7 Metalworking machines and tools; mining machines and apparatus; construction machines and apparatus; loading-unloading machines and apparatus; fishing machines and instruments; chemical processing machines and apparatus; textile machines and apparatus; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; sewing machines; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated; machines for use in shoe production; leather tanning machines; tobacco processing machines; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; painting machines and apparatus; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus; power-operated potters'

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wheels; plastic processing machines and apparatus; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; stone working machines and apparatus; non-electric prime movers (not for land vehicles); pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; adhesive tape dispensing machines; automatic stamping machines; dish washing machines for household purposes; electric wax-polishing machines for household purposes; washing machines for household purposes; vacuum cleaners for household purposes; electric food blenders (for household purposes); machines and apparatus for repairing other machinery; mechanical parking systems; vehicle washing installations; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants (not for agricultural purposes); machine elements (not for land vehicles); lawnmowers; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors (not including those for land vehicles but including parts for any AC motors and DC motors); AC generators (alternators); DC generators; dynamo brushes.

Klasse:9 Ear plugs; ultraviolet-ray transmitting glass (not for building); infrared-ray absorbing glass (not for building); lense glass (semi-finished material) (not for building); electric arc welding machines; electric metal cutting machines (by arc, gas or plasma); electric welding apparatus; ozonisers (ozonators); electrolysers (electrolytic cells); egg-candlers; blueprinting apparatus; cash registers; coin counting or sorting machines; electric sign boards for displaying target figures, current outputs or the like; photo-copying machines; manually operated computing apparatus; time and date stamping machines; time clocks (time recording devices); punched card office machines; voting machines; billing machines; postage stamp checking apparatus; vending machines; gasoline pumps for service stations, compressed natural gas pumps for service stations, or liquid natural gas pumps for service stations; coin-operated gates for car parking facilities; life saving apparatus and equipment; fire extinguishers; fire hydrants; fire hose nozzles; sprinkler systems for fire protection; fire alarms; gas leak alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; protective helmets; railway signal apparatus, luminous or mechanical; vehicle breakdown warning triangles; luminous or mechanical road signs; diving machines and apparatus (not for sports); apparatus for arcade games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electric door openers; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; sports training simulators; laboratory apparatus and instruments; photographic instruments and apparatus; cinematographic instruments and apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; measuring or testing

machines and instruments; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifiers; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic meters and testers; electric wires and cables; electric flat irons; electric hair-curlers; electric buzzers; telecommunication devices and apparatus; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; magnetic cores; resistance wires; electrodes; fire boats; fire engines; cigar lighters for automobiles; gloves for protection against accidents; dust masks; gas masks; welding masks; fireproof garments; spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles); apparatus for consumer games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; phonograph records; metronomes; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with automatic performance programs for electronic musical instruments; slide-rules; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications; rockfall prevention nets of textile.

Klasse:11 Toilet units consisting of toilet bowl and seat; bath installations; drying apparatus (for chemical processing); recuperators (for chemical processing); steamers (for chemical processing); evaporators (for chemical processing); distillers (for chemical processing); heat exchangers (for chemical processing); milk sterilizers; industrial furnaces; nuclear reactors (atomic piles); forage drying apparatus; industrial boilers; air-conditioning apparatus (for industrial purposes); freezing machines and apparatus; laundry dryers (electric, for industrial purposes); towel steamers (for hairdressing purposes); hair drying machines for beauty salon use; hair steamers for beauty salon use; shampoo basins for barber's shop use; cooking equipment for industrial purposes; industrial dish drying apparatus and installations; dish disinfectant apparatus for industrial purposes; tap water faucets; level controlling valves for tanks; pipe line cocks; waste water treatment tanks (for industrial purposes); septic tanks (for industrial purposes); garbage incinerators; solar water heaters; water purifying apparatus; electric lamps and other lighting apparatus; household electrothermic appliances including dehumidifiers (for household purposes), electric coffee makers (for household purposes), electric cooking ovens (for household purposes); microwave ovens (for household purposes), and electromagnetic induction cookers (for household purposes); washers for water taps; gas water heaters (for household use); non-electric cooking heaters (for household purposes); kitchen sinks; ice chests (for household purposes, non-portable); ice-cooling refrigerators (for household purposes); household tap-water filters; bathtubs and the like; standing paper lanterns (andon); portable paper lanterns (chochin); gas

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lamps; oil lamps; lamp chimneys; warming pans (non-electric); pocket warmers (non-electric); hot water bottles (for warming one's feet in bed); toilet stool units incorporating water squirters; disinfectant dispensers for toilets; toilet bowls; seating for use with Japanese style toilet bowls; waste water treatment tanks for household purposes; septic tanks for household purposes; heating or cooling packs filled with chemical substances ready to react when required; non-electric heating apparatus for household purposes.

Klasse:12 Ropeways for cargo or freight handling; unloading tipplers (for tilting railway freight cars); pusher cars for mining; puller cars for mining; traction engines; non-electric prime movers for land vehicles (not including their parts); shaft couplings or connectors (for land vehicles); brakes (for land vehicles); parachutes; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; wheelchairs; AC motors or DC motors for land vehicles (not including their parts); vessels and their parts and fittings; aircraft and their parts and fittings; railway rolling stock and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings; two-wheeled motor vehicles, bicycles and their parts and fittings; baby carriages (prams); rickshaws; sleighs and sleds (vehicles); wheelbarrows; carts; horse drawn carriages; bicycle trailers (riyakah); adhesive rubber patches for repairing tubes or tires.

Klasse:17 Mica (raw or partly processed); valves of rubber or vulcanized fiber (not including machine elements); gaskets; junctions for pipes (not of metal); packings; fire hoses; asbestos fire curtains; floating anti-pollution barriers; electrical insulating materials; washers of rubber or vulcanized fiber; chemical fiber (not for textile use); asbestos; rock wool; slag wool; rubber thread and covered rubber yarn (not for textile use); chemical fiber yarn and thread (not for textile use); asbestos yarn; asbestos fabrics; asbestos felt; insulating gloves; rubber cords and laces; asbestos cords and strings; asbestos nets; industrial packaging containers of rubber; rubber stoppers; rubber lids and caps (for industrial packaging containers); plastic sheeting for agricultural purposes; condenser paper; asbestos paper; vulcanized fiber; plastic substances, semi-processed; rubber (raw or semi-worked); soundproofing materials of rock wool (not for building purposes); asbestos boards; asbestos powder; demarcating tapes.

Klasse:20 Meerschaum (raw or partly worked material); yellow amber; loading pallets (not of metal); beehives (hive boxes or honeycombs); hairdressers' chairs; barbers' chairs; valves of plastic (not including machine elements); storage tanks (not of metal or masonry); containers for transport, not of metal; curtain fittings; closures of plastic for containers; furniture fittings, not of metal; nails, wedges, nuts, screws, tacks, bolts, rivets and casters (not of metal); washers (not of metal, not of rubber or vulcanized fiber); locks (non-electric, not of metal); cushions (furniture); Japanese floor

cushions (zabuton); pillows; mattresses; straw plaits (braids); industrial packaging containers of wood, bamboo or plastics; drinking straws; embroidery frames and hoops; nameplates and door nameplates (not of metal); flagpoles; hand-held flat fans; hand-held folding fans; stakes for plants or trees; beds for household pets; dog kennels; nesting boxes for small birds; step ladders and ladders (not of metal); letter boxes (not of metal or masonry); hat hooks (not of metal); shopping baskets; water tanks for household purposes (not of metal or masonry); hanging boards (Japanese style pegboards using positional hooks); tool boxes (not of metal); towel dispensers (not of metal); furniture; indoor window blinds (shades) (furniture); blinds of reed, rattan or bamboo (sudare); bead curtains for decoration; oriental single panel standing partitions (tsuitate); oriental folding partition screens (byoubu); benches; advertising balloons; upright signboards of wood or plastics; artificial model food samples; funerary urns; cradles; infant walkers; mannequins; costume display stands; picture frames; plaster sculptures; plastic sculptures; wooden sculptures; ferns (unworked or partly worked material); bamboo (unworked or partly worked material); bamboo skins (unworked or partly worked material); vines (plaiting materials); rattan (unworked or partly worked material); tree barks; reeds (raw or partly worked material); rushes (raw or partly worked material); onigaya hay (raw or partly worked material); sedge (unworked or partly worked material); wheat, barley or oat straw for use as plaiting materials; rice straw; tusks (raw or partly worked material); whalebone; shells and crustacean shells; artificial horns; ivory (unworked or partly worked material); animal horns; animal teeth; tortoiseshell (unworked or partly worked material); animal bone (unworked or partly worked material); coral (unworked or partly worked); kitchen worktops; joinery fittings (not of metal); bathroom stools; wind chimes; Japanese cloth screens with black-and-white stripes (kuroshiro-maku); Japanese cloth screens with red-and-white stripes (kohaku-maku).

Klasse:37 Construction; construction consultancy; repair or maintenance of building equipment; shipbuilding; repair or maintenance of vessels; aircraft maintenance or repair; repair of bicycles; repair or maintenance of automobiles; repair or maintenance of railway rolling stock; repair or maintenance of two-wheeled motor vehicles; repair or maintenance of cinematographic machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of optical machines and instruments; repair or maintenance of photographic machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of loading-unloading machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of fire alarms; repair or maintenance of office machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of air-conditioning apparatus (for industrial purposes); burner maintenance or repair; repair or maintenance of boilers; pump

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


repair or maintenance; repair or maintenance of freezing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of telecommunication machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of construction machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of consumer electric appliances; repair or maintenance of electric lighting apparatus; repair or maintenance of power distribution or control machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of power generators; repair or maintenance of electric motors; repair or maintenance of laboratory apparatus and instruments; repair or maintenance of measuring and testing machines and instruments; repair or maintenance of medical machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of firearms; repair or maintenance of printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of chemical processing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of fishing machines and instruments; repair or maintenance of metalworking machines and tools; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for use in shoe production; repair or maintenance of industrial furnaces; repair or maintenance of mining machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; repair or maintenance of machines and systems for manufacturing integrated circuits; repair or maintenance of semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for processing foods or beverages; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; repair or maintenance of textile machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of tobacco processing machines; repair or maintenance of painting machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of agricultural machines and implements; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for pulp-making, papermaking or paper-working; repair or maintenance of plastic processing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of packing or wrapping machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of sewing machines; repair or maintenance of storage tanks; repair or maintenance of gasoline station equipment; repair or maintenance of mechanical parking systems; repair or maintenance of bicycle parking apparatus; repair or maintenance of industrial dish washing machines; repair or maintenance of cooking apparatus for industrial purposes; repair or maintenance of industrial washing machines; repair or maintenance of vehicle washing installation; repair or maintenance of vending machines; repair or maintenance of power-driven floor cleaning machines; repair or maintenance of amusement machines

and apparatus; repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for use in beauty salons or barbers' shops; repair or maintenance of water pollution control equipment; repair or maintenance of water purifying apparatus; repair or maintenance of waste compacting machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of waste crushing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of diving machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of nuclear power plants; repair or maintenance of chemical plants; furniture restoration; umbrella repair; repair or maintenance of musical instruments; safe maintenance or repair; shoe repair; clock and watch repair or maintenance; sharpening of scissors and kitchen knives; setup or repair of locks; repair or maintenance of gas water heaters; repair or maintenance of non-electric cooking heaters; repair or maintenance of cooking pots and pans; repair or maintenance of signboards; repair of bags or pouches; repair of personal ornaments; repair of toys or dolls; repair of sports equipment; repair of billiard equipment; repair of game machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of bathtubs and the like; repair of toilet stool units with washing water squirters; repair of fishing tackle; repair of spectacles; fur care and repair; laundering; pressing of clothing; clothing repair (mending clothing); repair of tatami mats; chimney sweeping; cleaning of building exterior surfaces; window cleaning; carpet and rug cleaning; floor polishing; septic tank cleaning; bathtub and bath boiler cleaning; street cleaning; storage tank cleaning; disinfecting of telephone hand-sets; vermin exterminating (other than for agriculture, forestry or horticulture); sterilization of medical machines and apparatus; rental of construction machines and apparatus; rental of floor cleaning machines; rental of mops; rental of car-washing apparatus; rental of electric washing machines; rental of laundry dryers; rental of spin dryers for clothes; rental of mining machines and apparatus; rental of industrial dish drying machines; rental of dish washing machines for industrial purposes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982747 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.07 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.07

(210) Nasj. 200814849 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The mark consists of the wording "FANTUZZI REGGIANE" written in fancy characters, in which the wording "FANTUZZI" is placed above the wording "REGGIANE", all placed on the right of a label substantially squarely inside of which there is a stylized letter "F".

(730) Innehaver: Fantuzzi - Reggiane SpA, Via Vasco Agosti, 27, 42100

REGIO EMILIA, IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:6 Frames of metal for building; frameworks of metal for building; common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores.

Klasse:7 Lifting apparatus, cranes; platforms for the transport of containers; container cranes; elevating apparatus; hoists; conveyors; machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs.

Klasse:12 Fork lift trucks; vehicles for transport of containers and parts thereof; vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982748 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.19

(210) Nasj. 200814850 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.01.08 DE 30 20008 001

067.3/1 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

UNITOOL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Sandhofer Strasse 116, 68305 MANNHEIM, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Enzymes, enzyme systems (included in

this class) and enzyme master (included in this class) for the amplification and detection of DNA and RNA for industrial and scientific purposes all also in form of kits (except for medical and veterinary purposes).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982763 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.18 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.18

(210) Nasj. 200814852 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.10 GB 2481958 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Green (Pantone no: 342 u) and red (Pantone no: 1795 u) are a feature of the mark as seen in the mark filed. , Green: inner left and right segments; red: upper, middle and lower segments.

(730) Innehaver: Autobar Group Ltd, 14th Floor, East Wing, 389 Chiswick

High Road, W44AJ CHISWICK, LONDON, GB (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; fruit and vegetable preserves; pickles.

Klasse:30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; pepper, vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice.

Klasse:32 Beer; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; syrups and other preparations for making beverages.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982766 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.28 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.28

(210) Nasj. 200814853 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.01 EM 006795851 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet

for: Black, red.

(730) Innehaver: Paul Günther GmbH & Co KG Beteiligungsgesellschaft,

Cremon, 3, 20457 HAMBURG, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:12 Land vehicles, trailer and container chassis, and parts therefor.

Klasse:35 Retail and wholesale services in relation to land vehicles, trailer and container chassis, and parts therefor.

Klasse:36 Leasing of land vehicles, trailer and container chassis, and parts therefor.

Klasse:37 Maintenance and repair of land vehicles, trailer and container chassis, and parts therefor.

Klasse:39 Vehicle fleet management; rental of land vehicles, trailer and container chassis, and parts therefor.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982769 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.20 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.20

(210) Nasj. 200814854 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.07.07 AU 1250421 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ACRUX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Acrux DDS Pty Ltd, 103-113 Stanley Street West, Vic3003 MELBOURNE, AU

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations and

medicated compositions for topical and transdermal applications, namely solutions, lotions, creams, gels, sticks, sprays, patches, pads, ointments, pastes, mousses, and aerosols; topical and trandsermal medicated skin preparations and pharmaceutical compositions for spray application to the skin, namely solutions, lotions, creams, gels, sticks, sprays, patches, pads, ointments, pastes, mousses and aerosols; pharmaceutical preparations for transdermal delivery, namely solutions, lotions, creams, gels, sticks, sprays, pads, ointments, pastes, mousses and aerosols.

Klasse:10 Dispensers for medical purposes; spray cans and bottles for medical use; applicators for sprays, aerosols, semi-viscous solutions, lotions or gels for medical use; apparatus for use in application of pharmaceuticals for transdermal delivery; applicators for spraying or dispensing pharmaceuticals onto the skin; apparatus to apply predetermined quantities of semi-viscous solutions, lotion or gel to the skin for medical purposes; apparatus to apply metered doses of liquid to the skin for medical purposes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982772 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.20 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.20

(210) Nasj. 200814855 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

IVSIL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Obschestvo s Ogranichennoy Otvetstvennostyu Firma MIRAZH, uch. N° 18, Ostrovetskoe shosse der. Vereya Ramenskiy r-n, 140153 MOSKOVSKAYA OBL., RU

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Adhesives used in industry.

Klasse:2 Paints, varnishes, lacquers; colorants; mordants; primers; paint fixing agents.

Klasse:17 Packing, stopping and insulating materials.

Klasse:19 Building materials (non-metallic).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982790 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.12

(210) Nasj. 200814857 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.03 LV M-08-884 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

APEQ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Real Sound Lab SIA, Akademijas laukums 1, 1050 RIGA, LV

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Audio equipment including devices for

measurement, analysis and correction of acoustic parameters of electro-acoustic transducers, audio equalizers.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982791 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.12

(210) Nasj. 200814858 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.03 LV M-08-885 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

REAL SOUND LAB (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Real Sound Lab SIA, Akademijas laukums 1, 1050 RIGA, LV

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Audio equipment including

loudspeakers, record players, home audio systems, amplifiers, microphones, headphones, audio equalizers; devices for measurement, analysis and correction of acoustic parameters of electro-acoustic transducers; software for measurement, analysis and correction of acoustic parameters of electro-acoustic transducers.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982792 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.12

(210) Nasj. 200814859 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.03 LV M-08-886 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Orange, grey and black. (730) Innehaver:

Real Sound Lab SIA, Akademijas laukums 1, 1050 RIGA, LV

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Audio equipment including loudspeakers,

record players, home audio systems, amplifiers, microphones, headphones, audio equalizers; devices for measurement, analysis and correction of acoustic parameters of electro-acoustic transducers; software for measurement, analysis and correction of acoustic parameters of electro-acoustic transducers.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982812 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.06 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.06

(210) Nasj. 200814861 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Chugai Seiyaku KK, 5-1, Ukima 5-chome, Kita-ku, 115-8543 TOKYO, JP

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982817 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.23 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.23

(210) Nasj. 200814862 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

WILD PELICAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Vinovation International BV, Nazarethstraat 157, 5683AK BEST, NL Christiaan Andries Fekko Huisman, Nazarethstraat 157, 5683AK BEST, NL

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Wines. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982820 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.10 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.10

(210) Nasj. 200814863 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

PROSTAGE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Okamura Corp, 7-18, Kitasaiwai 2-Chome, Nishi-ku, 220-0004 YOKOHAMA-SHI, KANAGAWA-KEN, JP

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:20 Office furniture; school furniture;

furniture for houses; chairs; armchairs; desks; tables; lockers; index cabinets; filing cabinets; shelves for filing-cabinets; racks; display racks; screens; shelves for storage; stools; sofas; seats; benches; sideboards; chests of drawers; showcases; sales and display counters; furniture partitions; furniture of metal.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982869 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.22

(210) Nasj. 200814868 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.28 CH 573616 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

PLASTIROTA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

KBA-GIORI SA, Case postale 3109, 1003 LAUSANNE, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Mechanically-operated machines for

making and packing bank notes; mechanically-operated machines for printing and numbering bank notes, machines for applying security features to paper securities, in particular to bank-notes and security paper; mechanically-operated machines for measuring and checking biometric data; mechanically-operated and electronic machines for manufacturing security documents and paper securities with biometric data; mechanical equipment for checking the print quality of printed documents, especially of bank-notes; parts of all the afore-mentioned goods, included in this class.

Klasse:9 Electronic apparatus and instruments for producing, printing and numbering bank-notes; electronic apparatus and machines for controlling the print quality of printed documents, especially of bank-notes, security paper; electronic apparatus and machines for sorting bank-notes; electronic apparatus and instruments for measuring and checking biometric data; electronic equipment for checking the print quality of printed documents, especially of bank-notes; parts of all the afore-mentioned goods, included in this class.

Klasse:37 Services for repairing mechanically or electronically operated machines designed for producing and/or printing and/or checking and/or numbering bank-notes and security paper.

Klasse:41 Training of staff for the turn-key installation of mechanically or electronically operated machines designed for producing and/or printing and/or checking and/or numbering bank-notes and security paper.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982872 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.22

(210) Nasj. 200814869 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.24 CH 577506 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

KBA-GIORI SA, Case postale 3109, 1003 LAUSANNE, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Mechanically-operated machines for

making and packing bank-notes; mechanically-operated machines used for printing bank-notes, machines for applying security features to paper securities, in particular to bank-notes and security paper; mechanically-operated and electronic machines for manufacturing security documents and paper securities with biometric data; electronic machines and apparatus for producing and printing bank-notes; parts of all the afore-mentioned goods, included in this class, and all accessories for the afore-mentioned goods, included in this class.

Klasse:9 Electronic apparatus and machines for controlling the print quality of printed documents, especially of bank-notes, security paper; electronic apparatus and machines for sorting bank-notes; electronic machines for measuring and checking biometric data; mechanically-operated machines for measuring and checking biometric data; parts of all the afore-mentioned goods, included in this class, and all accessories for the afore-mentioned goods, included in this class.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982873 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.10 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.10

(210) Nasj. 200814870 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

AVANTI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Cofra Holding AG, Grafenauweg 10, 6300 ZUG, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, distributing, transforming, accumulating, regulation or control of electric current; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing and computer equipment; fire extinguishers.

Klasse:18 Leather and imitation leather, goods made of these materials not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.

Klasse:35 The bringing together for the benefit of others of a variety of goods enabling the consumer to view and purchase them conveniently and this in the field of goods in classes 9, 14, 18 and 25.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982878 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.22

(210) Nasj. 200814871 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ICRETE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

iCrete LLC, 9355 Wilshire Boulevard, 4th Floor, CA90210 BEVERLY HILLS, US

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:37 Construction consultation in the field of

concrete mix formulations and production processes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982885 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.31

(210) Nasj. 200814873 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.07.21 CH 578766 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CITIZ (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Société des Produits Nestlé SA, 1800 VEVEY, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:11 Apparatus for heating milk and for foaming milk; electric apparatus for preparing beverages; electric coffee machines, coffee makers and percolators.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982899 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.12

(210) Nasj. 200814876 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet

for: Orange, brown, white.

(730) Innehaver: Wilico Wireless Networking Solutions SA, Calle

Almagàvers, 107-119. 3° 3ª, 08018 BARCELONA, ES (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Computer programs, in particular, operating systems programs; computer programs for accessing computer networks, wireless networks and the Internet; recorded computer programs; computer programs (electronically downloadable software); computer peripheral devices; electronic publications (downloadable); apparatus for recording, transmitting, reproducing sound or images; magnetic data media, phonograph records; data processing equipment and computers; statistical information; scientific, photographic, cinematographic and teaching apparatus and instruments; radio, television and telephone apparatus; telephone transmitters, wireless apparatus electronic projectors; transmitters (telecommunications); audio and video receivers.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982907 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.05.12

(210) Nasj. 200814878 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The mark consists of the stylized letter F and the stylized letter D and the term FIRST DATA.

(730) Innehaver: First Data Corp, 6200 South Quebec Street, Suite 270,

CO80111 GREENWOOD VILLAGE, US (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Computer software that allows merchants to accept payment for goods and services by check, credit, debit or stored value card over a global computer network; combination electronic terminal, printer, check reader, card reader and payment transaction storage device for use in the approval and processing of check, credit, debit and stored value card payments; and computer hardware, namely, terminals, printers, signature capture devices, check readers, PIN pads, contactless readers, cellular wireless computer terminals for use in connection with check, credit card, debit card and stored value card transactions, transaction authorizations and payment processing services.

Klasse:38 Electronic mail services, namely, electronic receipt and transmission of text, files, graphics and data via computer networks and mobile communication devices; electronic transmission of data and documents via telephones, computers and mobile communication devices over a global computer network; telecommunications services, namely, enabling merchants and financial institutions to notify customers of time-critical events through interactive voice response, text messaging, broadcast messaging, e-mail and instant messaging using wireless application protocol for mobile communication, fax and pager devices; application service provider, namely the operation of call centers.

Klasse:42 Providing on-line non-downloadable software that allows merchants to accept payment for goods and services by check, credit, debit or stored value card over a global computer network; providing on-line non-downloadable software for use in analyzing credit and debit card expenditures and generating reports relating thereto; application service provider, namely call center hosting; technical consultation and research in the field of custom credit, debit, stored value and payment processing card programs; computer services, namely, designing, maintaining and operating computer networks and computer programs for others in the field of financial services; data encryption and data security services; web service

solutions, namely, web store design, web hosting; website design and website management services for financial institutions.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982911 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.12

(210) Nasj. 200814880 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.12.14 US 77352965 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

AMALGA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Microsoft Corp, One Microsoft Way, WA98052-6399 REDMOND, US

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Hospital information systems software;

computer software for use by health care providers; hospital and health care administrative software; hospital and health care accounting and billing software; human resource software for use by hospitals and health care providers; asset and materials management software for use by hospitals and health care providers; computer software for controlling and managing patient medical information; computer software for use with medical patient monitoring equipment, for receiving, processing, transmitting and displaying data; a full line of medical software; computer software for use in radiology and medical image storage, transmittal, access and archiving; computer software for patient and bed management; computer software for managing medical laboratories; computer software for managing pharmacies and prescriptions; computer software in the fields of data analysis in medical care, diagnostic analysis and therapeutic treatment; computer software for collecting, storing, editing, organizing, modifying, reviewing, analyzing, transmitting and sharing of data and information in the fields of health care, social care, medicine and prescribing of medicines including patient records, clinical care information, facilities information, health provider administration and human resources information, inventory information and accounting and financial information; and computer network interface software for use by health care providers.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0982916 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.10 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.10

(210) Nasj. 200814882 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TADIMCA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Tadim Gida Maddeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Istasyon Mah., E-5 Karayolu Alti Tuzla ISTANBUL, TR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:30 Candy bar with peanuts, hazelnuts,

pistachios, raisins, almond kernels, crushed walnuts, roasted sesame and all kinds of dried fruit with praline (confection made from nuts covered with a sweet coating).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982929 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.26 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.26

(210) Nasj. 200814884 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.07.05 SA 132594 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

EDGEN MURRAY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Edgen Murray II LLP, Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, DE19801 WILMINGTON, US

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Distributorship services in the field of

specialty metal products and valves; business consultancy services in the field of specialty metal products and valves.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982958 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.18 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.18

(210) Nasj. 200814889 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Sensys (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Hettich Marketing- und Vertriebs GmbH & Co KG, Vahrenkampstraße 12-16, 32278 KIRCHLENGERN, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Furniture fittings of metal.

Klasse:20 Non-metal fittings for furniture.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982965 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.30

(210) Nasj. 200814890 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.11.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.31 DE 30 2008 020

900.3/17 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Green, yellow, black, grey and white. (730) Innehaver:

Henkel AG & Co KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, 40589 DÜSSELDORF, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Adhesive tapes for stationery and

household purposes. Klasse:17 Adhesive tapes other than stationery and

not for medical and household purposes. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0982991 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.23 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.23

(210) Nasj. 200815006 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

THALIDOMIDE CELGENE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Celgene Corp, 86 Morris Avenue, NJ07901 SUMMIT, US

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations used to

treat cancers and immune related diseases.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983011 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.04.18 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.04.18

(210) Nasj. 200815007 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.10.19 IS 3516/2007 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ROSEDIAB (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Actavis Group PTC ehf, Reykjavikurvegi 76-78, 220 HAFNARFJORDUR, IS

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations and


Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983012 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.04.07 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.04.07

(210) Nasj. 200815008 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.10.26 IT UD2007C000442

2008.02.06 IT UD2008C000044 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BRIONVEGA (541) Merket er

et ordmerke

(730) Innehaver: SUPER//FLUO SpA, Viale Ledra, 108, 33100 UDINE

(UD), IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Eyeglasses, lenses for eyeglasses, eyeglass frames, eyeglass cases, eyeglass chains and eyeglass cords.

Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse:32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and

other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983034 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.23 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.05.23

(210) Nasj. 200815013 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.11.23 FR 07 3 539 248 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Mantion, 7 rue Gay Lussac, 25000 BESANÇON, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:6 Ironwork, especially mountings, support rails, guides and stops for sliding doors and windows; metal wheeled mountings for use in assembly of sideways-moving doors, and in general in all door assembly applications using a tubular rail; metal sectional overhead doors, especially for garages, sideways or vertically moving metal doors; brackets for shutters, louvres, doors and garages; articles for handling by overhead conveyors, namely rails, switches, metal jib cranes, sleeves (metal hardware and metal slings); metal frames, door frames, doors and door panels.

Klasse:20 Non-metallic door fittings. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983066 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.02.19

(210) Nasj. 200815021 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.12 US 77395414 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MENTOR (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Mentor Corp, 201 Mentor Drive, CA93111 SANTA BARBARA, US

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations for use in

dermatology, oncology, hematology and in tissue and organ transplantation, in ophthalmology and for gastroenterological disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the prevention and treatment of disorders of the nervous system, the immune system, the cardio-vascular system, the metabolic system, the respiratory system, the musculo-skeletal system, the genitourinary system, and for the treatment of inflammatory disorders.

Klasse:10 Silicone and saline breast implants; breast implants consisting of artificial materials and parts and components therefore; plastic surgery products, namely, mammary prostheses, tissue expanders, facial implants, chin implants, malar implants, rhinoplasty prostheses, injection port detectors; medical apparatus and instruments, namely reinforcement patch for use as port protector for access ports of implantable medical devices such as tissue expanders and breast implants; ultrasonic and traditional liposuction surgical equipment, namely, ultrasonic consoles, ultrasonic generators, pumps, cannulae, patient positioners, patient compression bandages, aspiration and irrigation apparatus, tubing, filters, canisters, liners, and parts and fittings therefore; dermal filler kits comprising a pre-filled syringe; self contained syringes and ampules for dispensing prepackaged hyaluronic acid and derivatives thereof alone, or in combination with other polysaccharides, and with or without lidocaine, injected under the skin, used to reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, fill scars and contour the lips and face.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983090 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.27 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.05.27

(210) Nasj. 200815025 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

LORCA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Osborne & Little Ltd, Riverside House, 26 Osiers Road, SW181NH LONDON, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:24 Textiles; fabrics; goods made wholly or

principally of textiles; goods made wholly or principally of fabric; materials for soft furnishings; bed clothes, bed covers, bed linen, curtains, table covers, curtain holders of textile materials, brocades.

Klasse:27 Wallpaper, borders, being wall decorations in the nature of wall covering; non-textile wall hangings.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983095 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.06 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.06

(210) Nasj. 200815026 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.07 GB 2484375 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Blue, red, yellow, green, purple, orange and black. (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The mark contains the color blue, red, yellow, green, purple & orange, presented on a black background with the words DO MORE.

(730) Innehaver: Brother International Europe Ltd, Brother House, 1 Tame

Street, Audenshaw, M345JE MANCHESTER, GB (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Printers, scanners, copying machines, facsimiles, and multifunction devices which is the combination of these machines; computer software, computer hardware, and media recorded with computer programs used in relation to the above-mentioned products; drum units; facsimile-transmitting and receiving apparatus; multifunctional devices which incorporate copier and facsimile functions in the standalone mode; multifunctional devices which incorporate copier, facsimile, scanner and/or printer functions, when attached to a computer; computer-controlled sheet-feeding apparatus; telecommunications apparatus and equipment; modems; optical character readers; optical characters recognition apparatus; optical storage and retrieval media; optically readable storage and retrieval media; photocopying apparatus; xerographic apparatus and instruments; data processors; reprographic apparatus, electronic publications; electronic publications (downloadable) provided on-line from databases or the internet; digital audio and digital video (downloadable) provided on-line from databases or the internet; software and hardware for all the aforesaid goods; parts, fittings and accessories for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:16 Paper; laminating machines; typewriters; ink ribbons; thermal ink ribbons; ink ribbon cartridges; thermal ink ribbon cartridges; printing ribbons; printing ribbon roll refills; typewriter correction ribbons and tapes; tape cartridges and tapes for label printing machines; self inking and pre-inked stamps; stationery and instructional materials; label printing machines; stamp making machines.

Klasse:41 Education and training services; education and training services relating

to office apparatus and equipment, printing apparatus and equipment, telecommunications apparatus and equipment and equipment and apparatus providing office, printing, photocopying, telecommunications and other functions; organising exhibitions for educational purposes; publishing services.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983108 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.08

(210) Nasj. 200815028 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.01.11 LI 14819 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Valta Ltd, Fuerst-Franz-Josef-Strasse 362, Postlach 66, 9493 MAUREN, LI

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Dietetic substances adapted for medical

use; food and nutritional supplements; medicated beverages; preparations for making beverages for medical use; vitamin preparations; mineral preparations; mineral preparations for dietary foodstuffs; vitamin bars; medicated chewing gum; impregnated dissolvable strips for use as a stimulant; energy boosting gum for use as a dietary supplement; chews enhanced with caffeine and vitamins for use as a dietary supplement; chewing gum enhanced with caffeine and vitamins for use a s a dietary supplement.

Klasse:16 Printed matter; printed publications; magazines; books; paper, cardboard, paper articles, cardboard articles; photographs; stationery; writing instruments; instructional and teaching material; greeting cards; decalcomanias; stickers; posters; calendars; prints.

Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat products, fish products; pates; preserved, dried, cooked, canned and frozen fruits, vegetables, pulses, meat, meat products, fish and fish products; soups; dairy products and substitutes therefore; milk products and substitutes therefore; eggs; yoghurts; frozen yoghurts; cheese and substitutes therefore; milk drinks; milk drinks substitutes; milkshakes; shakes of milk substitutes; milkshake powder; powered milk or milk substitutes; jams,

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


marmalade, preserves; conserves; peanut butter; meat, fish, fruit, vegetable, savoury, sweet and sandwich spreads; edible oils and edible fats; pickles; pickle relishes; jellies; jelly crystals; mincemeat; fruit curds; fruit desserts; fruit salads; candied and uncandied peel; bottled fruits; fish, meat and vegetable pastes; prepared meals, snack foods; canned milk puddings; myco-protein for food for human consumption; savouries consisting of or containing myco-protein; desserts; dessert puddings; desserts and dessert puddings of milk substitutes; dessert toppings; dietetic and slimming foodstuffs and substitutes; crisps; nuts, mixtures of nuts and dried fruit, corn and products made from corn, chips.

Klasse:30 Flavourings and seasonings; herbal preparations for making beverages; additives for beverages; coffee, mixtures of coffee and chicory, coffee essences, coffee extracts, artificial coffee, coffee preparations; drinks containing coffee; chicory and chicory mixtures, all for use as substitutes for coffee; tea, black tea, green tea, herbal tea, tea essences, tea extracts, instant tea, tea mixtures; fruit tea, fruit and herbal flavoured tea; infusions for making beverages; cocoa, cocoa products, cocoa powder, drinking chocolate, beverages made from or containing chocolate; beverages made from or containing cocoa; preparations for making chocolate or cocoa based drinks; malted food drinks; malted drinks; preparations for making malted beverages; custard; custard powder; blancmange; baking powder; flour; preparations made from flour; bran, wheat germ, yeast; rusks; cereals and preparations made from cereals; bread, bread products, pastry; bakery products; pastry products; farinaceous products and preparations; macaroni; vermicelli; spaghetti; pasta; pasta sauces; noodles; pizzas; pastries and confectionery; tarts; biscuits; cookies; cakes; chocolate; chocolate products; chocolate bars; spices; sugar, rice, tapioca, sago; syrup; boney and honey substitutes; treacle; chocolate spread; salt; mustard; pepper; vinegar; sauces; desserts; puddings; dessert toppings; pudding toppings; ice cream and ice cream confections; water ices; frozen ices; frozen confections; lollipops; pies; curry powder; curry paste; mayonnaise, yeast extracts; savoury spreads; salad dressings; prepared meals, snack foods and sandwiches; chutneys, sauces and salad cream; preserved ginger; mixes for cheese sauce, mixes for white sauce, mixes for sauces, mixes for cakes, mixes for bread and pizza dough, mixes for cookies, mixes for muffins, mixes for doughnuts; dietetic foodstuffs and beverages; slimming foodstuffs and beverages; cereal bars; cereal based food bars and cake bars; prepared rice dishes, prepared pasta dishes; mousse confections; pretzels, crisps; chewing gum; chews in the nature of candy.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983111 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.15 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.15

(210) Nasj. 200815030 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.30 EM 007025067 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

WATERSPEED (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Fairpoint Outdoors A/S, Gydevang 19, 3450 ALLEROD, DK

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Fishing bags and rucksacks for

recreational and sport fishing. Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear and headgear for

recreational and sport fishing. Klasse:28 Fishing tackle, fish hooks, gut for

fishing, creels (fishing equipment), rods for fishing, reels for fishing, lines for fishing, artificial fishing bait, floats for fishing, bite indicators (fishing tackle); sporting articles (not included in other classes) for use in recreational and sports fishing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983112 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.15 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.15

(210) Nasj. 200815031 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.30 EM 007025083 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

GODSPEED (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Fairpoint Outdoors A/S, Gydevang 19, 3450 ALLEROD, DK

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:28 Fishing tackle, fish hooks, gut for

fishing, creels (fishing equipment), rods for fishing, reels for fishing, lines for fishing, artificial fishing bait, floats for fishing, bite indicators (fishing tackle); sporting articles (not included in other classes) for use in recreational and sports fishing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983113 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.15 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.15

(210) Nasj. 200815032 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.30 EM 007025117 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

NANOSPEED (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Fairpoint Outdoors A/S, Gydevang 19, 3450 ALLEROD, DK

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:28 Fishing tackle, fish hooks, gut for

fishing, creels (fishing equipment), rods for fishing, reels for fishing, lines for fishing, artificial fishing bait, floats for fishing, bite indicators (fishing tackle); sporting articles (not included in other classes) for use in recreational and sports fishing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983129 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.12

(210) Nasj. 200815037 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.05 AU 1228366 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

JIRA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Atlassian Pty Ltd, Level 1 173-185 Sussex Street, NSW2000 SYDNEY, AU

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer software distributed online or

recorded and downloadable, computer programs and recorded software distributed online or recorded and downloadable; pre-recorded, electronic publications, including those sold and distributed online; electronic newsletters; instructional materials in electronic form supplied on line, accessories, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods in this class.

Klasse:38 Provision of access to computer databases; rental of access time to a computer database.

Klasse:42 Consulting services in the field of design and development of computer software; service of an application service provider, namely, hosting software; computer software design; installation, modification and maintenance of computer software; computer system design and analysis; data hosting services; data conversion of computer programs and data; consultancy services in the field of computers and software; providing information and consultancy services in respect of the above services, including by electronic means via a global computer network.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983130 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.12

(210) Nasj. 200815038 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.05 AU 1228368 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

JIRA STUDIO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Atlassian Pty Ltd, Level 1 173-185 Sussex Street, NSW2000 SYDNEY, AU

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer software distributed online or

recorded and downloadable, computer programs and recorded software distributed online or recorded and downloadable; pre-recorded, electronic publications, including those sold and distributed online; electronic newsletters; instructional materials in electronic form supplied on line, accessories, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods in this class.

Klasse:38 Provision of access to computer databases; rental of access time to a computer database.

Klasse:42 Consulting services in the field of design and development of computer software; services of an application service provider, namely, hosting software; computer software design; installation, modification and maintenance of computer software; computer system design and analysis; data hosting services; data conversion of computer programs and data; consultancy services in the field of computers and software; providing information and consultancy services in respect of the above services, including by electronic means via a global computer network.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983131 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.12

(210) Nasj. 200815039 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.05 AU 1228365 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Atlassian Pty Ltd, Level 1 173-185 Sussex Street, NSW2000 SYDNEY, AU

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer software distributed online or

recorded and downloadable, computer programs and recorded software distributed online or recorded and downloadable; pre-recorded, electronic publications, including those sold and distributed online; electronic newsletters; instructional materials in electronic form supplied on line, accessories, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods in this class.

Klasse:38 Provision of access to computer databases; rental of access time to a computer database.

Klasse:42 Consulting services in the field of design and development of computer software; services of an application service provider, namely, hosting software; computer software design; installation, modification and maintenance of computer software; computer system design and analysis; data hosting services; data conversion of computer programs and data; consultancy services in the field of computers and software; providing information and consultancy services in respect of the above services, including by electronic means via a global computer network.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983132 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.12

(210) Nasj. 200815040 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.05 AU 1228364 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ATLASSIAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Atlassian Pty Ltd, Level 1 173-185 Sussex Street, NSW2000 SYDNEY, AU

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer software distributed online or

recorded and downloadable, computer programs and recorded software distributed online or recorded and downloadable; pre-recorded, electronic publications, including those sold and distributed online; electronic newsletters; instructional materials in electronic form supplied on line, accessories, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods in this class.

Klasse:38 Provision of access to computer databases; rental of access time to a computer database.

Klasse:42 Consulting services in the field of design and development of computer software; services of an application service provider, namely hosting software; computer software design; installation, modification and maintenance of computer software; computer system design and analysis; data hosting services; data conversion of computer programs and data; consultancy services in the field of computers and software; providing information and consultancy services in respect of the above services, including by electronic means via a global computer network.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983133 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.12

(210) Nasj. 200815041 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.05 AU 1228373 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ATLASSIAN CLOVER (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Atlassian Pty Ltd, Level 1 173-185 Sussex Street, NSW2000 SYDNEY, AU

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer software distributed online or

recorded and downloadable, computer programs and recorded software distributed online or recorded and downloadable; pre-recorded, electronic publications, including those sold and distributed online; electronic newsletters; instructional materials in electronic form supplied on line, accessories, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods in this class.

Klasse:38 Provision of access to computer databases; rental of access time to a computer database.

Klasse:42 Consulting services in the field of design and development of computer software; services of an application service provider, namely, hosting software; computer software design; installation, modification and maintenance of computer software; computer system design and analysis; data hosting services; data conversion of computer programs and data; consultancy services in the field of computers and software; providing information and consultancy services in respect of the above services, including by electronic means via a global computer network.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983134 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.12

(210) Nasj. 200815042 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.05 AU 1228372 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ATLASSIAN CROWD (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Atlassian Pty Ltd, Level 1 173-185 Sussex Street, NSW2000 SYDNEY, AU

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer software distributed online or

recorded and downloadable, computer programs and recorded software distributed online or recorded and downloadable; pre-recorded, electronic publications, including those sold and distributed online; electronic newsletters; instructional materials in electronic form supplied on line, accessories, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods in this class.

Klasse:38 Provision of access to computer databases; rental of access time to a computer database.

Klasse:42 Consulting services in the field of design and development of computer software; services of an application service provider, namely, hosting software; computer software design; installation, modification and maintenance of computer software; computer system design and analysis; data hosting services; data conversion of computer programs and data; consultancy services in the field of computers and software; providing information and consultancy services in respect of the above services, including by electronic means via a global computer network.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983141 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.22

(210) Nasj. 200815043 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.30 IT UD2008C000194 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Eurotech SpA, Via Fratelli Solari, 3/A, 33020 AMARO (UD), IT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying,

photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus.

Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983164 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.08

(210) Nasj. 200815046 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.14 NZ 785945 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MORFIRE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Mas Zengrange (NZ) Ltd, 30-32 Downer Street, 5010 LOWER HUTT, NZ

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:13 Explosive and firing control systems

including percussion and detonation caps, detonators, detonating fuses, detonating plugs, fuses and primings; control and operational equipment including percussion and detonation caps, detonators, detonating fuses, detonating plugs, fuses and primings, launchers, trunnions, firing lanyards, firing platforms, and cartridge loading apparatus for explosives, projectiles and mortar devices.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983165 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.17 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.17

(210) Nasj. 200815047 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.17 SM SM-M-200800113(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

NESS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Titan Hornet SrL, Via Rivo Fontanelle, 73 Loc. Gualdicciolo, 47892 ACQUAVIVA, SM

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Bicycles and cycles; inner tubes, bells,

rims, wheels, brakes, handlebars, pumps, spokes, dress guards, saddles, frames, stands, tyres, gears, cranks, motors, hubs, mudguards, pedals.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983171 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.20 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.20

(210) Nasj. 200815049 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Black and gold. , Gold: logo RR; black: Carlo; gold: Torrecci.

(730) Innehaver: Towers Capital SL, San Isidro, 17, 03203 ELCHE

(ALICANTE), ES (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear (except orthopaedic footwear), headgear, coats, blouses, boots, shirts, waistcoats, corsets, skirts, pullovers, trousers, parkas, lingerie, slippers, uniforms.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983175 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.01 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.01

(210) Nasj. 200815051 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

GRØNNE GAARDEN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Pebas A/S, Postbox 100, 6950 RINGKØBING, DK (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:32 Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, syrups and other preparations for making beverages.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983177 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.03 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.03

(210) Nasj. 200815053 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

1VIP.INFO Corp, Drake Chambers TORTOLA, VG (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.

Klasse:38 Telecommunications. Klasse:41 Education; providing of training;

entertainment; sporting and cultural activities.

Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; legal services.

Klasse:45 Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983191 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.19

(210) Nasj. 200815055 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.30 DE 30 2008 028

535.4/12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

AIRCAP (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Daimler AG, Mercedesstrasse 137, 70327 STUTTGART, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Automobiles and parts thereof

(included in this class). Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983198 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.22 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.22

(210) Nasj. 200815056 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

INTELLIGENT CONCRETE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

iCrete LLC, 9355 Wilshire Boulevard, 4th Floor, CA90210 BEVERLY HILLS, US

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:37 Construction consultation in the field of

concrete mix formulations and production processes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983205 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.09 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.09

(210) Nasj. 200815058 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.25 AT AM 2184/2008 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

IHS Infrarot - Heizsysteme GmbH, Am Ökopark 5, 8230 HARTBERG, AT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 Heating systems and room heating

appliances, in particular infrared heating apparatus and installations and parts thereof, heating radiators, heating balls for ceiling suspension; heating elements for wall fastening; heating columns; control accessories for the aforementioned goods; water heaters and hot water accumulators; sanitary apparatuses and installations; swimming pool heating installations; sauna installations, in particular infrared saunas and cabins.

Klasse:37 Installation, maintenance and repair of heating systems and room heating appliances, in particular of infrared heating apparatuses and heating installations.

Klasse:42 Construction drafting of heating systems and room heating appliances, in particular of infrared heating apparatuses and installations; design of heating appliances and heating systems, in particular of infrared heating apparatuses and installations and parts thereof.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983216 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.29 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.29

(210) Nasj. 200815063 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG, Grosse Elbstrasse 27, 22767 HAMBURG, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Updating and maintenance of data in

computer data bases; collecting of data, news and information in computer data bases.

Klasse:36 Financial affairs, monetary affairs; securities brokerage, management of securities, brokerage of futures; investment banking, namely online-business, derivates, hedgefunds, brokerage, managed futures.

Klasse:37 Telecommunications, providing of access to databases and leasing of access time to a computer database.

Klasse:42 Design and development of computer programming; storage of data, news and information in computer data bases.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983218 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.30

(210) Nasj. 200815064 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.04 CN 6700582

2008.05.26 CN 6744926 2008.05.26 CN 6744927

(540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Dooshion International Holding Co Ltd, No. 7, Dongsanhuan Road, Rm. 505, Tower A, Fortune Plaza, Chaoyang District BEIJING, CN

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Animal skins; purses; handbags;

traveling bags and suitcases; bandoliers; fur; canes; umbrellas; saddlery.

Klasse:25 Clothing; knitwear clothing; down clothing; trousers; belts for clothing; shoes; hats and caps; gloves (clothing); scarves; hosiery.

Klasse:35 Advertising; advertisement planning; business management consultancy; marketing research; organization of exhibitions for advertising or sales promotion; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; import-export agencies; sales promotion for others; personnel management consultancy; auditing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983225 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.08

(210) Nasj. 200815065 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.27 BX 1162211 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SPIROPLUS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Spiro Enterprises BV, Den Hoek 3, 5845EL SINT ANTHONIS, NL

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Anti-freeze; chemical products for

industrial purposes. Klasse:3 Cleaning, polishing, scouring and

abrasive preparations including decalcifying preparations.

Klasse:17 Chemical sealing preparations for stopping leaks.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983226 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.12

(210) Nasj. 200815066 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Eurosicura SrL, Frazione Mezzi Po, 98, 10036 SETTIMO TORINESE (TO), IT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Bleaching preparations and other

substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983231 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.17 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.17

(210) Nasj. 200815067 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.07.23 IT BO2008C000964 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et

kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Società Agricola CIÙ CIÙ di Bartolomei Massimiliano e

Bartolomei Walter ss, C. da Ciafone, 106, 63035 OFFIDA (AP), IT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Wines, sparkling wines, grappa, spirits. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983233 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.27 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.27

(210) Nasj. 200815069 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.19 CH 578209 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

VOLTACARE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983235 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.24 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.24

(210) Nasj. 200815070 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.21 EM 007332241 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

MQ Retail AB, Box 11919, 40439 GÖTEBORG, SE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:3 Cosmetics; perfumery; hair colorants; hair waving preparations; soap; deodorants for personal use; ethereal oils.

Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; trunks (luggage); umbrellas; travelling bags; handbags; pocket wallets.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983246 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.30

(210) Nasj. 200815071 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket:

Together make fortune. (730) Innehaver:

Fujian Tongfa Foods Group Co Ltd, 9th Floor, No. 37 Zhenhai Road, Siming District XIAMEN, FUJIAN, CN

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Fruit, preserved; mushroom, preserved;

vegetables, tinned; vegetables, canned; meat, tinned; meat, canned; fruits, tinned; fruits, canned; jellies for food; bean curd products.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983251 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.15 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.15

(210) Nasj. 200815072 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

NEOVIA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Evialis SA, Talhouët, 56250 SAINT-NOLFF, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:31 Foodstuffs for animals. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983268 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.02.08

(210) Nasj. 200815073 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.08.10 DE 307 52 734.4/41 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Die Spiele im Herzen (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Olympiapark München GmbH, Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21, 80809 MÜNCHEN, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Printed matter, in particular printed

information directories, printed and/or stamped cards made of cardboard or plastic (uncoded), printed publications; teaching and learning materials (except instruments); books and magazines; paper and stationery; packaging paper; postcards and greeting cards, address books and personal appointment diaries; memo boards included in this class and blocks; office items (except furniture); writing tools, pens and pencils; erasers, organisational aids for writing desks included in this class, desk pads and pen holders (office items); desk trays; office desk sets made of cardboard or paper; posters and signs; automobile stickers; calendars and decorative stickers and transfer pictures, photos.

Klasse:28 Games; toys; gymnastic and sports articles, insofar as these are not included in other classes; electronic and automatic games and toys included in this class, in particular interactive game systems and toy robots; playing cards; equipment for various sports and games, included in this class.

Klasse:35 Business administration, in particular for the processing of sales made via the Internet; business management; marketing studies; business information and company administration; compilation of directories for publication on the Internet; advertising, in particular regarding electronic and printed information directories; online, radio and television advertising; compilation, systematisation and maintenance of data in computer databases; marketing and marketing and merchandising for third parties; online procurement of trading operations and contracts for third parties; services for comparing prices and properties of goods and services (consumer counselling) via the Internet; procurement of contracts included in this class, regarding the usage of services included in classes 35 - 45; retail and wholesale services, namely compilation of the following goods for third parties (in order to facilitate view and purchase of these goods for the consumers) by means of electronic media except of the transport of these goods: chemical products for industrial, scientific, photographic, agricultural, botanical and forestry purposes, unprocessed synthetic resins, unprocessed plastics, fertilisers, fire extinguishing agents, agents for curing and soldering of metal, chemical products for conserving and preserving

of food, tanning agents, adhesives for industrial purposes, paints, varnishes, lacquers, rust inhibitors, wood preservatives, dyes, pickling substances, unprocessed natural resins, beaten metal and powdered metal for painters, adorners, printers and artists, washing and bleaching agents, cleaning and polishing agents, fat solvents, abrasives, soap, perfume, essential oils, body care products and cosmetics, hair tonics, dentifrice, technical oils and fats, lubricants, dust absorbents, dust moistening agents, dust binding agents, combustibles (including engine fuels) and und luminescent substances, candles, wicks for illumination purposes, pharmaceutical and und veterinary products, hygiene substances for medical purposes, dietary products for medical purposes, baby nutrition, plasters, dressing material, dental filling substances and impression compounds for dental purposes, disinfectants, substances for the obliteration of vermins, fungicides, herbicides, base metals and alloys thereof, building materials made of metal, transportable constructions made of metal, rail building materials made of metal, cables and wires made of metal (not for electric purposes), locksmith goods and ironmongery goods, metal tubes, security containers, goods made of metal, ores, machines and machine tools, engines (except of engines for land vehicles), couplers and appliances for power transmission (except of those for land vehicles), not hand-operated agricultural appliances, incubators for eggs, hand-operated tools and appliances, cutler products, forks and spoons, batons and thrustings, razors, appliances and devices for science, navigation, gauging, photography, film industry, optics, weighing, measurement, signalling, controlling, rescuing and teaching, appliances and devices for conduction, switching, transformation, accumulation and control of electricity, appliances for recording, transmission and playback of sound and images, magnetic recording medium, records, selling machines mechanics for money-operated machines, cash registers, calculators, data-processing machines and computers, fire-fighting equipment, surgical, medical, dental and veterinary devices and appliances, artificial extremities, eyes and teeth, orthopaedic products, surgical suturing materials, appliances for illumination, heating, steam generation, cooking, cooling, drying, ventilation and water conduit as well as sanitary arrangements, vehicles, machines for land, air or water conveyance, fire arms, ammunition and bullets, explosives, pyrotechnic articles, precious metals and alloys thereof as well goods manufactured of precious metals or goods plated with it, jewellery goods, gemstones, clocks and und time measuring devices, musical instruments, paper, paperboard (cardboard) and goods made of these

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materials, printing products, bookbinding products, photographs, stationary, adhesives for paper, stationeries or for domestic use, products for artists, brushes, typing machines and office items (except furniture), teaching and learning materials (except instruments), packaging materials made of plastic, printing letters, printing plates, caoutchouc, gutta-percha, rubber, asbestos, mica and goods made of mica, goods made of plastics (semi-finished goods), sealing, packaging und isolating materials, tubes (not made of metal), leather and imitation leather as well as goods made thereof, hides and furs, cases and suitcases, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, lashes, harness and und saddler goods, building materials (not made of metal), pipes (not made of metal) for building purposes, asphalt, pitch and bitumen, transportable constructions (not made of metal), monuments (not made of metal), furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods made of wood, cork, sand, osier, horn, bones, ivory, boning, tortoise shell, amber, nacre, sepiolite and substitute materials thereof or made of plastics, appliances and containers for domestic purposes and kitchen, combs and sponges, scrubbers and brushes (except for painting purposes), brush maker materials, cleaning items, steel wool, unprocessed or partially processed glass (except structural glass), glass products, China and crockery, ropes, pack-threads, nets, tents, tarpaulins, canvas, bags, filler materials for bolsters (except made of caoutchouc or plastics), unprocessed cocoon fibers, threads and yarns for textile purposes, textiles and fabrics, blankets and table cloths, clothing articles, shoes, headdresses, lace and embroideries, straps and shoelaces, button, hooks and eyelets, needles, artificial flowers, carpets, door mats, mats, linoleum and other floor coverings, wallpapers (except made of textile materials), games, toys, gymnastics and sports articles, Christmas tree decorations, meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, conserved, frozen, dried and boiled fruits and vegetables, gelatines (jellies), jams, stewed fruit, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioka, sago, coffee surrogates, flour and corn compounds, bread, bakery products and pastries, ice cream, honey, molasses syrup, yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice, agricultural, botanic and forestry products as well as seeds, living animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, living plants and natural flowers, animal feed, malt, beer, mineral waters and carbonated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, sirups and other compounds for the preparation of drinks, alcoholic drinks (except beer), tobacco, smoking products, matches; compilation of a range of offered goods and services for third parties for

advertising purposes; compilation of data in databases; research regarding the range of offered goods and services in databases for third parties.

Klasse:41 Education, professional education; entertainment; sports activities and cultural activities; organisation and implementations of sport, show, quiz and music events as well as arrangement of competitions in the areas of entertainment and sports, also for recording or as live broadcast on the radio or television.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983269 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.02.08

(210) Nasj. 200815074 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.08.10 DE 307 52 723.9/41 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket:

Munich 2018 - the game of your hearts. (730) Innehaver:

Olympiapark München GmbH, Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21, 80809 MÜNCHEN, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer hardware; electrical,

electronic, optical, measuring, signal, control or teaching equipment and instruments are included in this class; sound or image recording media included in this class; cable ducts (electricity); instruments for the receiving, recording, transmission, processing and playback of sound, images or data; machine-readable data recording media; data processing devices and computers; optoelectronic directories, in particular information directories on CD-ROM; computer software, in particular software to search, query and compare information and material.

Klasse:16 Printed matter, in particular printed information directories, printed and/or stamped cards made of cardboard or plastic (uncoded), printed publications; teaching and learning materials (except instruments); books and magazines; paper and stationery; packaging paper; postcards and greeting cards, address books and personal appointment diaries; memo boards (insofar as these are included in this class) and blocks; office items (except furniture); writing tools, pens and pencils; erasers, organisational aids for writing desks included in this class), desk pads and pen holders (office items); desk trays; office desk sets made of cardboard or paper; posters and signs; automobile stickers; calendars and decorative stickers and transfer pictures, photos.

Klasse:25 Clothing, shoes, headdresses. Klasse:28 Games; toys; gymnastic and sports

articles, insofar as these are not included in other classes; electronic and

automatic games and toys included in this class, in particular interactive game systems and toy robots; playing cards; equipment for various sports and games, included in this class.

Klasse:35 Business administration, in particular for the processing of sales made via the Internet; business management; marketing studies; business information and company administration; compilation of directories for publication on the internet; advertising, in particular regarding electronic and printed information directories; online, radio and television advertising; compilation, systematisation and maintenance of data in computer databases; marketing and marketing and merchandising for third parties; online procurement of trading operations and contracts for third parties; services for comparing prices and properties of goods and services (consumer counseling) via the Internet; procurement of contracts included in this class) regarding the usage of services included in classes 35 - 45; retail and wholesale services, namely compilation of the following goods for third parties (in order to facilitate view and purchase of these goods for the consumers) by means of electronic media except of the transport of these goods: chemical products for industrial, scientific, photographic, agricultural, botanical and forestry purposes, unprocessed synthetic resins, unprocessed plastics, fertilisers, fire extinguishing agents, agents for curing and soldering of metal, chemical products for conserving and preserving of food, tanning agents, adhesives for industrial purposes, paints, varnishes, lacquers, rust inhibitors, wood preservatives, dyes, pickling substances, unprocessed natural resins, beaten metal and powdered metal for painters, adorners, printers and artists, washing and bleaching agents, cleaning and polishing agents, fat solvents, abrasives, soap, perfume, essential oils, body care products and cosmetics, hair tonics, dentifrice, technical oils and fats, lubricants, dust absorbents, dust moistening agents, dust binding agents, combustibles (including engine fuels) and und luminescent substances, candles, wicks for illumination purposes, pharmaceutical and und veterinary products, hygiene substances for medical purposes, dietary products for medical purposes, baby nutrition, plasters, dressing material, dental filling substances and impression compounds for dental purposes, disinfectants, substances for the obliteration of vermins, fungicides, herbicides, base metals and alloys thereof, building materials made of metal, transportable constructions made of metal, rail building materials made of metal, cables and wires made of metal (not for electric purposes), locksmith goods and ironmongery goods, metal tubes, security containers, goods made of metal, ores, machines and machine tools, engines (except of engines for land vehicles), couplers and appliances for power transmission (except of those for land vehicles), not hand-operated agricultural

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


appliances, incubators for eggs, hand-operated tools and appliances, cutler products, forks and spoons, batons and thrustings, razors, appliances and devices for science, navigation, gauging, photography, film industry, optics, weighing, measurement, signalling, controlling, rescuing and teaching, appliances and devices for conduction, switching, transformation, accumulation and control of electricity, appliances for recording, transmission and playback of sound and images, magnetic recording medium, records, selling machines mechanics for money-operated machines, cash registers, calculators, data-processing machines and computers, fire-fighting equipment, surgical, medical, dental and veterinary devices and appliances, artificial extremities, eyes and teeth, orthopaedic products, surgical suturing materials, appliances for illumination, heating, steam generation, cooking, cooling, drying, ventilation and water conduit as well as sanitary arrangements, vehicles, machines for land, air or water conveyance, fire arms, ammunition and bullets, explosives, pyrotechnic articles, precious metals and alloys thereof as well goods manufactured of precious metals or goods plated with it, jewellery goods, gemstones, clocks and und time measuring devices, musical instruments, paper, paperboard (cardboard) and goods made of these materials, printing products, bookbinding products, photographs, stationary, adhesives for paper, stationeries or for domestic use, products for artists, brushes, typing machines and office items (except furniture), teaching and learning materials (except instruments), packaging materials made of plastic, printing letters, printing plates, caoutchouc, gutta-percha, rubber, asbestos, mica and goods made of mica, goods made of plastics (semi-finished goods), sealing, packaging und isolating materials, tubes (not made of metal), leather and imitation leather as well as goods made thereof, hides and furs, cases and suitcases, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, lashes, harness and und saddler goods, building materials (not made of metal), pipes (not made of metal) for building purposes, asphalt, pitch and bitumen, transportable constructions (not made of metal), monuments (not made of metal), furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods made of wood, cork, sand, osier, horn, bones, ivory, boning, tortoise shell, amber, nacre, sepiolite and substitute materials thereof or made of plastics, appliances and containers for domestic purposes and kitchen, combs and sponges, scrubbers and brushes (except for painting purposes), brush maker materials, cleaning items, steel wool, unprocessed or partially processed glass (except structural glass), glass products, China and crockery, ropes, pack-threads, nets, tents, tarpaulins, canvas, bags, filler materials for bolsters (except made of caoutchouc or plastics), unprocessed cocoon fibres, threads and yarns for textile purposes, textiles and fabrics,

blankets and table cloths, clothing articles, shoes, headdresses, lace and embroideries, straps and shoelaces, button, hooks and eyelets, needles, artificial flowers, carpets, door mats, mats, linoleum and other floor coverings, wallpapers (except made of textile materials), games, toys, gymnastics and sports articles, Christmas tree decorations, meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, conserved, frozen, dried and boiled fruits and vegetables, gelatines (jellies), jams, stewed fruit, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee surrogates, flour and corn compounds, bread, bakery products and pastries, ice cream, honey, molasses syrup, yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice, agricultural, botanic and forestry products as well as seeds, living animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, living plants and natural flowers, animal feed, malt, beer, mineral waters and carbonated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, syrups and other compounds for the preparation of drinks, alcoholic drinks (except beer), tobacco, smoking products, matches; compilation of a range of offered goods and services for third parties for advertising purposes; compilation of data in databases; research regarding the range of offered goods and services in databases for third parties.

Klasse:38 Telecommunication services included in this class), in particular collecting (as services of press agencies) and transmission of news information via various networks and media; line and connection services for telecommunications; providing access to databases, information and telecommunication directories, respectively insofar as these are included in this class; interactive video text services; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunications, in particular for radio and television; transmission of television and radio programmes; communication via fiber-optic networks; network coupling services for telecommunications; paging services; e-mail, telex, mobile telephone and telegram services; information on telecommunications; information on the technical aspects of telecommunications, Internet provider services, namely providing access to digital networks; providing access to information (in particular comparisons) on the Internet or via mobile telephone services relating to the sale and resale of items via the Internet; providing access to information in a global computer network regarding the services: business administration, in particular for the processing of sales made via the Internet; business management; marketing studies; business information and company administration; compilation of directories for publication on the Internet.

Klasse:41 Education, professional education; entertainment; sports activities and cultural activities; organisation and implementations of sport, show, quiz and

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


music events as well as arrangement of competitions in the areas of entertainment and sports, also for recording or as live broadcast on the radio or television.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983270 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.08 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.02.08

(210) Nasj. 200815075 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.08.10 DE 307 52 735.2/41 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

München 2018 - Die Spiele im Herzen

(541) Merket er et ordmerke (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket:

Munich 2018 - the games of your hearts. (730) Innehaver:

Olympiapark München GmbH, Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21, 80809 MÜNCHEN, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer hardware; electrical,

electronic, optical, measuring, signal, control or teaching equipment and instruments included in this class; sound or image recording media included in this class; cable ducts (electricity); instruments for the receiving, recording, transmission, processing and playback of sound, images or data; machine-readable data recording media; data processing devices and computers; optoelectronic directories, in particular information directories on CD-ROM; computer software, in particular software to search, query and compare information and material.

Klasse:16 Printed matter, in particular printed information directories, printed and/or stamped cards made of cardboard or plastic (uncoded), printed publications; teaching and learning materials (except instruments); books and magazines; paper and stationery; packaging paper; postcards and greeting cards, address books and personal appointment diaries; memo boards included in this class and blocks; office items (except furniture); writing tools, pens and pencils; erasers, organisational aids for writing desks included in this class, desk pads and pen holders (office items); desk trays; office desk sets made of cardboard or paper; posters and signs; automobile stickers; calendars and decorative stickers and transfer pictures, photos.

Klasse:25 Clothing, shoes, headdresses. Klasse:28 Games; toys; gymnastic and sports

articles, not included in other classes; electronic and automatic games and toys included in this class, in particular interactive game systems and toy robots; playing cards; equipment for various sports and games, included in this class.

Klasse:35 Business administration, in particular for the processing of sales made via the Internet; business management;

marketing studies; business information and company administration; compilation of directories for publication on the internet; advertising, in particular regarding electronic and printed information directories; online, radio and television advertising; compilation, systematisation and maintenance of data in computer databases; marketing and marketing and merchandising for third parties; online procurement of trading operations and contracts for third parties; services for comparing prices and properties of goods and services (consumer counselling) via the Internet; procurement of contracts included in this class regarding the usage of services included in classes 35 - 45; retail and wholesale services, namely compilation of the following goods for third parties (in order to facilitate view and purchase of these goods for the consumers) by means of electronic media except of the transport of these goods: chemical products for industrial, scientific, photographic, agricultural, botanical and forestry purposes, unprocessed synthetic resins, unprocessed plastics, fertilisers, fire extinguishing agents, agents for curing and soldering of metal, chemical products for conserving and preserving of food, tanning agents, adhesives for industrial purposes, paints, varnishes, lacquers, rust inhibitors, wood preservatives, dyes, pickling substances, unprocessed natural resins, beaten metal and powdered metal for painters, adorners, printers and artists, washing and bleaching agents, cleaning and polishing agents, fat solvents, abrasives, soap, perfume, essential oils, body care products and cosmetics, hair tonics, dentifrice, technical oils and fats, lubricants, dust absorbents, dust moistening agents, dust binding agents, combustibles (including engine fuels) and und luminescent substances, candles, wicks for illumination purposes, pharmaceutical and und veterinary products, hygiene substances for medical purposes, dietary products for medical purposes, baby nutrition, plasters, dressing material, dental filling substances and impression compounds for dental purposes, disinfectants, substances for the obliteration of vermins, fungicides, herbicides, base metals and alloys thereof, building materials made of metal, transportable constructions made of metal, rail building materials made of metal, cables and wires made of metal (not for electric purposes), locksmith goods and ironmongery goods, metal tubes, security containers, goods made of metal, ores, machines and machine tools, engines (except of engines for land vehicles), couplers and appliances for power transmission (except of those for land vehicles), not hand-operated agricultural appliances, incubators for eggs, hand-operated tools and appliances, cutler products, forks and spoons, batons and thrustings, razors, appliances and devices for science, navigation, gauging, photography, film

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industry, optics, weighing, measurement, signalling, controlling, rescuing and teaching, appliances and devices for conduction, switching, transformation, accumulation and control of electricity, appliances for recording, transmission and playback of sound and images, magnetic recording medium, records, selling machines mechanics for money-operated machines, cash registers, calculators, data-processing machines and computers, fire-fighting equipment, surgical, medical, dental and veterinary devices and appliances, artificial extremities, eyes and teeth, orthopaedic products, surgical suturing materials, appliances for illumination, heating, steam generation, cooking, cooling, drying, ventilation and water conduit as well as sanitary arrangements, vehicles, machines for land, air or water conveyance, fire arms, ammunition and bullets, explosives, pyrotechnic articles, precious metals and alloys thereof as well goods manufactured of precious metals or goods plated with it, jewellery goods, gemstones, clocks and und time measuring devices, musical instruments, paper, paperboard (cardboard) and goods made of these materials, printing products, bookbinding products, photographs, stationary, adhesives for paper, stationeries or for domestic use, products for artists, brushes, typing machines and office items (except furniture), teaching and learning materials (except instruments), packaging materials made of plastic, printing letters, printing plates, caoutchouc, gutta-percha, rubber, asbestos, mica and goods made of mica, goods made of plastics (semi-finished goods), sealing, packaging und isolating materials, tubes (not made of metal), leather and imitation leather as well as goods made thereof, hides and furs, cases and suitcases, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, lashes, harness and und saddler goods, building materials (not made of metal), pipes (not made of metal) for building purposes, asphalt, pitch and bitumen, transportable constructions (not made of metal), monuments (not made of metal), furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods made of wood, cork, sand, osier, horn, bones, ivory, boning, tortoise shell, amber, nacre, sepiolite and substitute materials thereof or made of plastics, appliances and containers for domestic purposes and kitchen, combs and sponges, scrubbers and brushes (except for painting purposes), brush maker materials, cleaning items, steel wool, unprocessed or partially processed glass (except structural glass), glass products, China and crockery, ropes, pack-threads, nets, tents, tarpaulins, canvas, bags, filler materials for bolsters (except made of caoutchouc or plastics), unprocessed cocoon fibres, threads and yarns for textile purposes, textiles and fabrics, blankets and table cloths, clothing articles, shoes,

headdresses, lace and embroideries, straps and shoelaces, button, hooks and eyelets, needles, artificial flowers, carpets, door mats, mats, linoleum and other floor coverings, wallpapers (except made of textile materials), games, toys, gymnastics and sports articles, Christmas tree decorations, meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, conserved, frozen, dried and boiled fruits and vegetables, gelatines (jellies), jams, stewed fruit, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee surrogates, flour and corn compounds, bread, bakery products and pastries, ice cream, honey, molasses syrup, yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice, agricultural, botanic and forestry products as well as seeds, living animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, living plants and natural flowers, animal feed, malt, beer, mineral waters and carbonated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, syrups and other compounds for the preparation of drinks, alcoholic drinks (except beer), tobacco, smoking products, matches; compilation of a range of offered goods and services for third parties for advertising purposes; compilation of data in databases; research regarding the range of offered goods and services in databases for third parties.

Klasse:38 Telecommunication services included in this class, in particular collecting (as services of press agencies) and transmission of news information via various networks and media; line and connection services for telecommunications; providing access to databases, information and telecommunication directories, included in this class; interactive video text services; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunications, in particular for radio and television; transmission of television and radio programmes; communication via fiber-optic networks; network coupling services for telecommunications; paging services; e-mail, telex, mobile telephone and telegram services; information on telecommunications; information on the technical aspects of telecommunications, Internet provider services, namely providing access to digital networks; providing access to information (in particular comparisons) on the Internet or via mobile telephone services relating to the sale and resale of items via the Internet; providing access to information in a global computer network regarding the services; business administration, in particular for the processing of sales made via the Internet; business management; marketing studies; business information and company administration; compilation of directories for publication on the Internet.

Klasse:41 Education, professional education; entertainment; sports activities and cultural activities; organisation and implementations of sport, show, quiz

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and music events as well as arrangement of competitions in the areas of entertainment and sports, also for recording or as live broadcast on the radio or television.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983273 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.01 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.01

(210) Nasj. 200815076 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.29 DE 30 2008 028

309.2/12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ROCKET (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Volkswagen AG, 38436 WOLFSBURG, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:12 Vehicles for locomotion by land and/or water and their parts included in this class, motorized land vehicles and their parts included in this class, engines for land vehicles, rims for land vehicle wheels and their parts, alarm systems for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles, alarm systems for motorized land vehicles, anti-theft devices for motorized land vehicles.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983280 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.01 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.01

(210) Nasj. 200815078 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MOVECTRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Ares Trading SA, Zone Industrielle de l'Ouriettaz, 1170 AUBONNE, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products for human use;

sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances for medical purposes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983282 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.17 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.17

(210) Nasj. 200815079 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.23 CH 572469 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Kama Design GmbH, Mühleweg 4, 9325 ROGGWIL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:18 Rucksacks, handbags, attaché cases, document cases, multipurpose bags, wallets, vanity cases (not fitted), leather or leather-board boxes, purses, change purses, travelling trunks, leather cases, not adapted to the products they are intended to contain, key cases (leather goods), bags for climbers, sports bags, travelling bags, packaging bags (envelopes, pouches) of leather, school bags, valises.

Klasse:25 Footwear, headgear, apparel, blouses, belts (clothing), hats, socks, shoes, sports footwear, shirts, suits, gloves (clothing), skirts, bathing suits, coats, trousers, parkas, pelerines, pullovers, pyjamas, wooden shoes (footwear), sandals, soles for footwear, inner soles.

Klasse:28 Appliances for gymnastics, gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983286 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.30

(210) Nasj. 200815080 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.14 CH 571938 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Shell Brands International AG, Baarermatte, 6340 BAAR, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:4 Aviation fuel.

Klasse:35 Organization and management of customer loyalty plans.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983287 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.27 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.27

(210) Nasj. 200815081 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.30 CH 571819 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

LORQESS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Arena Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Untere Brühlstrasse 4, 4800 ZOFINGEN, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products for human use;

pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment or prevention of obesity.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983288 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.27 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.27

(210) Nasj. 200815082 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.30 CH 571820 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SILLETO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Arena Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Untere Brühlstrasse 4, 4800 ZOFINGEN, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products for human use;

pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment or prevention of obesity.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983292 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.01 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.01

(210) Nasj. 200815083 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.05 CH 577276 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet

for: Brown, beige, blue, pink, black, white.

(730) Innehaver: Société des Produits Nestlé SA, 1800 VEVEY, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Milk-based preparations and

beverages; milk substitutes; milk-based and cream-based desserts; yoghurts.

Klasse:30 Coffee, coffee extracts, coffee-based preparations and beverages; iced coffee; artificial coffee, artificial coffee extracts, preparations and beverages made with artificial coffee; chicory; tea, tea extracts, preparations and beverages made with tea; iced tea; malt-based preparations for human consumption; cocoa and cocoa-based preparations and beverages; chocolate, chocolate products, chocolate-based preparations and beverages; breakfast cereals, muesli, corn flakes, cereal bars, ready-to-eat cereals; cereal preparations; confectionery products, sugar confectionery; sweets; toffees, chewing gums, bakery goods, pastry articles, biscuits; cakes, wafers; edible ices and preparations made with edible ice.

Klasse:32 Non-alcoholic beverages and preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages (except for essential oils); beverages made with malt; isotonic beverages.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983298 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.13 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.13

(210) Nasj. 200815084 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.28 EM 006873111 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

edding (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

edding AG, Bookkoppel 7, 22926 AHRENSBURG, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:2 Inks (toner) for printers and photocopiers; toners for printers and photocopiers; paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants, raw natural resins; lacquered metals and metals in pure form for painters, decorators, printers and artists.

Klasse:16 Writing implements, in particular felt pens and fibre-tipped pens, markers, permanent markers and pigment markers, flipchart markers, markers (highlighters), textile markers and X-ray markers, fountain pens, ballpoint pens and rollerball pens, fineliners, propelling pencils, correction pens; offices requisites, in particular staplers, staples, cutting mats, erasers (included in this class), cutters, spare blades; ink, Indian ink, cartridges and refills for the aforesaid writing implements, stationery (included in this class), in particular forms, sets of forms, index cards, organisational planners, calendars; printed matter; adhesives for paper; office equipment, in particular screens, planning and presentation boards, pinboards, whiteboards, flipcharts, boards with stick-on planning and presentation symbols; planning and presentation symbols and cards; magnetic and self-adhesive labels and label holders of paper and/or plastic; adhesive tapes and foils, labelling apparatus (included in this class); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); printers' type; printing blocks; packaging material of cardboard and/or plastic, paper for printers and copiers.

Klasse:20 Office, seminar and conference furniture; occasional furniture; computer furniture; stands for boards and room dividers; wall rail systems being carrier elements for boards (included in this class).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983305 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.20 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.20

(210) Nasj. 200815086 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MOTELIO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Editions Techniques Pour L'Automobile et L'Industrie, 20, rue de la Saussière, 92100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Magnetic recording media; compact

optical discs; electronic publications (downloadable); servicing and repair manuals for motor vehicles in the form of compact optical discs; software (recorded programs).

Klasse:16 Printed matter, especially books, reviews, newspapers, periodicals, magazines; photographs; servicing and repair manuals for motor vehicles.

Klasse:41 Arranging and conducting of colloquiums; organization of competitions (education or entertainment); arranging and conducting conferences; arranging and conducting of conventions; exploitation of electronic (non-downloadable) publications online; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; arranging and conducting of seminars; arranging and conducting of symposiums; editing and publishing of books, reviews, newspapers, periodicals and magazines; publication of texts (other than advertising texts); electronic publishing of books and periodicals online.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983306 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.05.19

(210) Nasj. 200815087 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The trademark consists of a word in English "SINTOIL" anD the same in Russian characters.

(730) Innehaver: ZAO Obninskorgsintez, 57, Kievskoye Shosse, 249032

OBNINSK, KALUGA REGION, RU (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:1 Acetate of cellulose, unprocessed; acetic anhydride; acetone; acetylene; acetylene tetrachloride; acids; acidulated water for recharging accumulators; acrylic resins, unprocessed; actinium; activated carbons; additives, chemical, to drilling muds; additives, chemical, to motor fuel; agar-agar; agglutinants for concrete; albumen (animal or vegetable, raw material); albuminized paper; aldehydes; algarovilla (tanning material); alginates (gelling and inflating preparations) other than for alimentary purposes; alkalies; alkaline iodides for industrial purposes; alkaline metals; alkaline-earth metals; alkaloids; alum; alumina; aluminium acetate; aluminium alum; aluminium chloride; aluminium hydrate; aluminium iodide; aluminium silicate; americium; ammonia; ammonia (volatile alkali) for industrial purposes; ammonia alum; ammoniacal salts; ammonium aldehyde; ammonium salts; amyl acetate; amyl alcohol; anhydrides; anhydrous ammonia; animal albumen (raw material); animal carbon preparations; animal charcoal; anti-boil preparations for engine coolants; antifreeze; anti-frothing solutions for batteries; anti-incrustants; anti-knock substances for internal combustion engines; antimony; antimony oxide; antimony sulphide; antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes; anti-tarnishing chemicals for windows; argon; arsenic; arsenious acid; artificial resins, unprocessed; artificial sweeteners (chemical preparations); astatine; auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives; bacterial preparations other than for medical and veterinary use; bacteriological preparations for acetification; balm of gurjun (gurjon, gurjan) for making varnish; barium; barium compounds; barium sulphate; baryta; baryta paper; barytes; bases (chemical preparations); basic gallate of bismuth; bauxite; bentonite; benzene derivatives; benzene-based acids; benzoic acid; benzoic sulphinide; berkelium; bicarbonate of soda for

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


chemical purposes; bichloride of tin; bichromate of potassium; bichromate of soda; biochemical catalysts; biological preparations (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); bismuth; bismuth nitrite for chemical purposes; bleaching preparations (decolorants) for industrial purposes; blood charcoal; blueprint cloth; blueprint paper; bone charcoal; borax; boric acid for industrial purposes; brake fluid; brazing fluxes; brazing preparations; bromine for chemical purposes; by-products of the processing of cereals for industrial purposes; caesium; calcium carbide; calcium salts; californium; camphor, for industrial purposes; carbide; carbon; carbon black for industrial purposes; carbon for filters; carbon sulphide; carbon tetrachloride; carbonates; carbonic acid; carbonic hydrates; casein for industrial purposes; cassiopium (lutetium); catalysts; catechu; caustic alkali; caustic soda for industrial purposes; caustics for industrial purposes; cellulose; cellulose derivatives (chemicals); cellulose esters for industrial purposes; cellulose ethers for industrial purposes; cement (metallurgy); cement preservatives, except paints and oils; cement-waterproofing preparations, except paints; ceramic compositions for sintering (granules and powders); ceramic glazings; ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as filtering media; cerium; chemical condensation preparations; chemical intensifiers for paper; chemical intensifiers for rubber; chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals; chemical preparations for scientific purposes (other than for medical or veterinary use); chemical preparations for self defense; chemical preparations for the manufacture of paints; chemical preparations for use in photography; chemical preparations, except pigments, for the manufacture of enamel; chemical reagents (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); chemical substances for analyses in laboratories (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); chimney cleaners, chemical; china clay; chlorates; chlorides; chlorine; cholic acid; chromates; chrome alum; chrome salts; chromic acid; chromic salts; chromium oxide; cinematographic film, sensitized but not exposed; citric acid for industrial purposes; clarification preparations; coal saving preparations; cobalt oxide for industrial purposes; collodion; color-brightening chemicals for industrial purposes; combusting preparations (chemical additives to motor fuel); compositions for repairing inner tubes of tires (tyres); compositions for repairing tires (tyres); compositions for the manufacture of phonograph records; compositions for the manufacture of technical ceramics; compositions for threading; compost; concrete preservatives, except paints and oils; concrete-aeration chemicals; condensation-preventing chemicals; coolants for vehicle engines; corrosive

preparations; cream of tartar, other than for pharmaceutical purposes; creosote for chemical purposes; crotonic aldehyde; cryogenic preparations; cultures of microorganisms other than for medical and veterinary use; curium; currying preparations for leather; currying preparations for skins; cyanides (prussiates); cymene; damp proofing preparations, except paints, for masonry; degreasing preparations for use in manufacturing processes; degumming preparations; dehydrating preparations for industrial purposes; detergent additives to petrol (gasoline); detergents for use in manufacturing processes; dextrine size; diagnostic preparations, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; diastase for industrial purposes; diatomaceous earth; diazo paper; dispersions of plastics; distilled water; dolomite for industrial purposes; dressing and finishing preparations for textiles; dressing, except oils, for skins; drilling muds; dry ice (carbon dioxide); dysprosium; emollients for industrial purposes; emulsifiers; enamel and glass-staining-chemicals; engine-decarbonising chemicals; enzyme preparations for industrial purposes; enzymes for industrial purposes; epoxy resins, unprocessed; erbium; esters; ethane; ethers; ethyl alcohol; ethyl ether; europium; fat-bleaching chemicals; fatty acids; ferments for chemical purposes; fermium; ferrocyaniDes; ferrotype plates (photography); fertilizing preparations; filtering materials (chemical preparations); filtering materials (mineral substances); filtering materials (unprocessed plastics); filtering materials (vegetable substances); filtering preparations for the beverages industry; finishing preparations for use in the manufacture of steel; fire extinguishing compositions; fireproofing preparations; fissionable chemical elements; fissionable material for nuclear energy; fixing baths (photography); flashlight preparations; flocculants; flour for industrial purposes; flowers of sulphur for chemical purposes; fluids for hydraulic circuits; fluorine; fluorspar compounds; formic acid; formic aldehyde for chemical purposes; foundry binding substances; foundry molding (moulding) preparations; foundry sand; francium; fuel for atomic piles; fuel-saving preparations; fuller's earth for use in textile industry; fulling preparations; fulling preparations for use in textile industry; gallic acid for the manufacture of ink; gallium; gallnuts; gallo tannic acid; galvanizing baths; galvanizing preparations; gambier; gas propellents for aerosols; gas purifying preparations; getters (chemically active substances); glass-frosting chemicals; glass-staining chemicals; glaziers' putty; glucose for industrial purposes; glucosides; glycerides; glycerine for industrial purposes; glycol; glycol ether; gold salts; graphite for industrial purposes; guano; gum Arabic for

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


industrial purposes; heavy water; helium; holmium; humus top dressing; hydrates; hydrazine; hydro chlorates; hydrochloric acid; hydrofluoric acid; hydrogen; hydrogen peroxide; hypochlorite of soda; hyposulphites; industrial chemicals; iodic acid; iodine for chemical purposes; iodine for industrial purposes; iodised albumen; iodised salts; ion exchangers (chemical preparations); iron salts; isotopes for industrial purposes; kainite; ketones; krypton; lactic acid; lamp black for industrial purposes; lanthanum; lead acetate; lead arsenate; lead oxide; leather-dressing chemicals; leather-impregnating chemicals; leather-renovating chemicals; leather-waterproofing chemicals; lecithin (raw material); lime acetate; lime carbonate; lime chloride; limestone hardening substances; liquids for removing sulphates from batteries; lithia (lithium oxide); lithium; litmus paper; loam; magnesite; magnesium carbonate; magnesium chloride; magnetic fluid for industrial purposes; malt albumen; manganate; manganese dioxide; mangrove bark for industrial purposes; manure for agriculture; masonry preservatives, except paints and oils; mastic for leather; mastic for tires (tyres); meat tenderizers for industrial purposes; mercuric oxide; mercury; mercury salts; metal earths; metal hardening preparations; metal tempering preparations; metalloids; methane; methyl benzol; methyl ether; milk ferments for chemical purposes; mineral acids; moderating materials for nuclear reactors; moistening (wetting) preparations for use in bleaching; moistening (wetting) preparations for use in dyeing; moistening (wetting) preparations for use in the textile industry; mordants for metals; mould-release preparations; naphthalene; neodymium; neon; neptunium; nitrate of uranium; nitrate paper; nitrates; nitric acid; nitric monoxide; nitrogen; nitrogenous fertilizers; nitrogenous lime (manure); oil dispersants; oil cement (putty); oil-bleaching chemicals; oil-purifying chemicals; oils for currying leather; oils for preparing leather in the course of manufacture; oils for tanning leather; oil-separating chemicals; oleic acid; olivine (chemical preparations); opacifiers for enamel or glass; organic-bleaching chemicals; oxalates; oxalic acid; oxygen; palladious chlorides; paper pulp; peat (fertiliser); pectin (photography); perborate of soda; percarbonates; perchlorates; persulphates; persulphuric acid; petroleum dispersants; phenol for industrial purpose s; phosphates (fertilisers); phosphatides; phosphoric acid; phosphorus; photographic developers; photographic emulsions; photographic paper; photographic sensitizers; photometric paper; photosensitive plates; picric acid; plasticizers; plastics, unprocessed; plastisols; plutonium; polish removing substances; polonium; potash; potash water; potassium; potassium dioxalate; potato flour for industrial purposes;

power steering fluid; praseodymium; preparations for preventing the tarnishing of glass; preparations for preventing the tarnishing of lenses; preparations for the separation of greases; preparations of the distillation of wood alcohol; preservatives for tiles, except paints and oils; protactinium; protective gases for welding; protein (raw material); pyrogallic acid; quebracho for industrial purposes; radiator flushing chemicals; radioactive elements for scientific purposes; radium for scientific purposes; radon; rare earths; reagent paper; reducing agents for use in photography; refrigerants; renovating preparations for phonograph records; rhenium; rock salt; rubber preservatives; rubidium; saccharin; sal ammoniac; sal ammoniac spirits; salicylic acid; salt, raw; saltpeter; salts (chemical preparations); salts (fertilisers); salts for coloring (colouring) metal; salts for galvanic cells; salts for industrial purposes; salts from rare earth metals; salts of alkaline metals; salts of precious metals for industrial purposes; samarium; sauce for preparing tobacco; scale removing preparations, other than for household purposes; scandium; sea water (for industrial purposes); seaweeds (fertilizers); sebacic acid; selenium; self-toning paper (photography); sensitized cloth for photography; sensitized films, unexposed; sensitized paper; sensitized photographic plates; sensitized plates for offset printing; separating and unsticking (ungluing) preparations; silicates; silicon; silicones; silver nitrate; silver salt solutions for silvering; size for finishing and priming; sizing preparations; slag (fertilisers); soap (metallic) for industrial purposes; soda ash; sodium; sodium salts (chemical preparations); soldering chemicals; soldering fluxes; solidified gases for industrial purposes; solutions for cyanotyping; solvents for varnishes; soot for industrial or agricultural purposes; sorrel salt; spinel (chemical preparations); spirits of vinegar (dilute acetic acid); stain-preventing chemicals for use on fabrics; starch for industrial purposes; starch size (chemical preparations); starch-liquifying chemicals (ungluing agents); stearic acid; strontium; substances for preventing runs in stockings; sulphates; sulphides; sulphonic acids; sulphur; sulphuric acid; sulphuric ether; sulphurous acid; sumac for use in tanning; superphosphates (fertilisers); surface-active chemical agents; synthetic materials for absorbing oil; synthetic resins, unprocessed; talc (magnesium silicate); tan; tannic acid; tannin; tan-wood; tapioca flour for industrial purposes; tartar other than for pharmaceutical purposes; tartaric acid; technetium; tellurium; terbium; tetra chlorides; textile-impregnating chemicals; textile-waterproofing chemicals; thallium; thiocarbanilide; thorium; titanite; titanium dioxide for industrial purposes; toluol; toning baths (photography); toning salts

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(photography); toxic gas neutralizers; tragacanth gum for use in manufactures; transmission fluid; tungstic acid; uranium oxide; vinic alcohol; viscose; vitriol; vulcanisation accelerators; vulcanising preparations; wallpaper removing preparations; water purifying chemicals; water-softening preparations; wax-bleaching chemicals; welding chemicals; witherite; wood alcohol; wood pulp; wood vinegar (pyroligneous acid); xenon; X-ray films, sensitized but not exposed; yttrium; zirconia.

Klasse:2 Agglutinants for paints; alizarine dyes; aluminium paints; aluminium powder for painting; aniline dyes; annatto (dyestuffs); anti-corrosive bands; anti-corrosive preparations; anti-fouling paints; anti-rust greases; anti-rust oils; anti-rust preparations (for preservation); anti-tarnishing preparations for metals; asbestos paints; auramine; bactericidal paints; badigeon; bitumen varnish; black Japan; blacks (colorants or paints); blues (colorants or paints); bright gold for ceramics; bright platinum for ceramics; bronze powder; bronzing lacquers; Canada balsam; caramel (food colorant); carbon black (pigment); carbonyl (wood preservative); ceramic paints; coatings (paints); coatings for roofing felt (paints); cobalt oxide (colorant); cochineal carmine; colophony; colorants; colorants for beer; colorants for beverages; colorants for butter; colorants for liqueurs; copal; copal varnish; creosote for wood preservation; distempers; dyewood; dyewood extracts; enamels (varnishes); enamels for painting; engraving ink; fireproof paints; fixatives (varnishes); fixatives for watercolors (watercolours); food colorants; gamboge for painting; gildings; glazes (pints, lacquers); gum resins; indigo (colorant); ink (toners) for photocopiers; ink for leather; ink for skin-dressing; lacquers; lamp black (pigment); lime wash; malt caramel (food colorant); malt colorants; marking ink for animals; mastic (natural resin); metal foil for painters, decorators, printers and artists; metals in powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; minium; mordants; mordants for leather; oils for the preservation of wood; orange lead; paints; paper for dyeing Easter eggs; pigments; primers; printing compositions (ink); printing ink; protective preparations for metals; natural resins (raw); saffron (colorant); sandarac; shellac; shoe dyes; siccatives (drying agents) for paints; sienna earth; silver emulsions (pigments); silver foil (leaf); silver paint for ceramics; silver paste; silvering powders; soot (colorant); sumac for varnishes; thickeners for paints; thinners for lacquers; thinners for paints; titanium dioxide (pigment); toner cartridges (filled) for printers and photocopiers; turmeric (colorant); turpentine (thinner for paints); undercoating for vehicle chassis; varnishes; white lead; whites (colorants

or paints); whitewash; wood coatings (paints); wood mordants; wood preservatives; wood stains; yellowwood (colorant); zinc oxide (pigment).

Klasse:3 Abrasive cloth; abrasive paper; abrasives; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; adhesives for affixing false hair; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; after-shave lotions; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; almond oil; almond soap; alum stones (antiseptic); amber (perfume); ammonia (volatile alkali) (detergent); antiperspirant soap; antiperspirants (toiletries); antistatic preparations for household purposes; aromatics (essential oils); astringents for cosmetic purposes; badian essence; bases for flower perfumes; bath salts, not for medical purposes; beard dyes; beauty masks; bergamot oil; bleaching preparations (decolorants) for cosmetic purposes; bleaching salts; bleaching soda; blueing for laundry; breath freshening sprays; cakes of toilet soap; carbides of metal (abrasives); cleaning chalk; cleaning preparations; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; colorants for toilet purposes; color-brightening chemicals for household purposes (laundry); color-removing preparations; corundum (abrasive); cosmetic creams; cosmetic dyes; cosmetic kits; cosmetic pencils; cosmetic preparations for baths; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; cosmetics; cosmetics for animals; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; creams for leather; decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes; degreasers other than for use in manufacturing processes; dentifrices; denture polishes; deodorant soap; deodorants for personal use; depilatory preparations; detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes; diamantine (abrasive); disinfectant soap; dry-cleaning preparations; eau de Cologne; emery; emery paper; essential oils; essential oils of cedar wood; essential oils of lemon; ethereal essences; extracts of flowers (perfumes); eyebrow cosmetics; eyebrow pencils; fabric softeners (for laundry use); false eyelashes; false nails; flavorings for beverages (essential oils); flavourings for cakes (essential oils); floor wax; floor wax removers (scouring preparations); fumigation preparations (perfumes); gaultheria oil; geraniol; glass cloth; glass paper; greases for cosmetic purposes; hair colorants; hair lotions; hair spray; hair waving preparations; heliotropine; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; incense; ionone (perfumery); jasmine oil; javelle water; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; lacquer-removing preparations; laundry preparations; laundry soaking preparations; laundry wax; lavender oil; lavender water; leather bleaching preparations; lipsticks; lotions for cosmetic purposes;

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


make-up; make-up powder; make-up preparations; make-up removing preparations; mascara; medicated soap; mint essence (essential oil); mint for perfumery; moustache wax mouth washes, not for medical purposes; musk (perfumery); nail care preparations; nail polish; neutralizers for permanent waving; oil of turpentine for degreasing; oils for cleaning purposes; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for perfumes and scents; oils for toilet purposes; pastes for razor strops; perfumery; perfumes; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; polish for furniture and flooring; polishing paper; polishing preparations; polishing rouge; polishing stones; polishing wax; pomades for cosmetic purposes; potpourris (fragrances); preparations for cleaning dentures; preparations for cleaning waste pipes; preservatives for leather (polishes); pumice stone; quillaia bark for washing; rose oil; rust removing preparations; sachets for perfuming linen; safrol; scale removing preparations for household purposes; scented water; scented wood; scouring solutions; shampoos; shampoos for pets; sharpening preparations; shaving preparations; shaving soap; shaving stones (antiseptic); shoe polish; shoe wax; silicon carbide (abrasive); skin whitening creams; smoothing preparations (starching); smoothing stones; soap; soap for brightening textile; soap for foot perspiration; soda lye; stain removers; starch for laundry purposes; starch glaze for laundry purposes; sun-tanning preparations (cosmetics); tailors' wax; talcum powder, for toilet use; terpenes (essential oils); tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; toilet water; toiletries; Tripoli stone for polishing; turpentine, for degreasing; volcanic ash for cleaning; wallpaper cleaning preparations; washing soda, for cleaning; whiting; windscreen cleaning liquids.

Klasse:4 Alcohol (fuel); anthracite benzol; candles; ceresine; charcoal (fuel); Christmas tree candles; coal; coal briquettes; coal dust (fuel); coke; combustible briquettes; dust removing preparations; firewood; fuel gas; fuel with an alcoholic base; gas for lighting; gasoline; illuminating wax; kerosene; lamp wicks; lighting fuel; lignite; ligroin; methylated spirit; mineral fuel; nightlights (candles); oil-gas; oleine; paraffin; peat (fuel); peat briquettes (fuel); petroleum ether; producer gas; solidified gases (fuel); stearine; wicks for candles; wood briquettes; xylene; xylol.

Klasse:35 Advertising; advertising agencies; advertising by mail order; bill-posting; business investigations; business management and organization consultancy; business management assistance; business management consultancy; business management of hotels; business management of performing artists; business organization consultancy; business research; commercial information agencies; compilation of information

into computer databases; data search in computer files (for others); demonstration of goods; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; marketing research; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; news clipping services; on-line advertising on a computer network; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; personnel management consultancy; personnel recruitment; photocopying; professional business consultancy; publication of publicity texts; publicity columns preparation; publicity material rental; radio advertising; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising time on communication media; sales promotion (for others); shop window dressing; systemization of information into computer databases; television advertising; updating of advertising material.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983321 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.04.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.04.30

(210) Nasj. 200815089 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.06 US 77390168 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

KINDSIGHT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Rialto Media Corp, 701 E. Middlefield Road, CA94043 MOUNTAIN VIEW, US

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Computer virus protection and security

services; network and internet security services, technical consultation in the field of computer software installation and maintenance; computer support services; providing information in the fields of global computer network and local area network security, preventing computer viruses, computer hardware and software applications in security; application service provider services, namely, providing on-line, non-downloadable software for computer security testing in the fields of computer and internet security.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983326 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.05.21 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.05.21

(210) Nasj. 200815090 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Simon SA, Diputación, 390-392, 08010 BARCELONA, ES

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 Lighting apparatus and installations;

electric lamps, halogen, fluorescent and energy-efficient lamps; electric light bulbs; light bulbs, lampholders for electric lights; lamp casings; luminous tubes for lighting, pocket torches; lamp reflectors, electric spotlights; underwater spotlights; luminaires, poles for luminaires, columns for luminaires, telescopic columns for luminaires; lanterns, street lamps and Chinese lanterns, diving lights, light columns, lampshades, ceiling lights; lamp globes; beacons, recessed beacons; recessed wall lamps; light diffusers, anti-dazzle devices (lamp fittings); apparatus for heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983331 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.07 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.07

(210) Nasj. 200815091 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.20 BX 1155754 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SecondFloor (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

SecondFloor BV, Beech Avenue 180, 1119PS SCHIPHOL-RIJK, NL

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Electronic apparatus, appliances and

instruments; computers, computer peripheral equipment, computer terminals, word processing apparatus; registered computer programs (software); computer memories; apparatus and appliances for storing and reproducing data; magnetic data carriers; recording discs; data carriers, being tapes, discs, and other similar products, as far as not included in other classes, for use in consistency with all aforementioned equipment and apparatus, including registered computer programs; computer software; computer programs for obtaining access to computer networks and worldwide communication

networks; computers and computer peripheral equipment in handheld size and portable computers and communication equipment; personal digital assistants (PDAs); electronic apparatus for worldwide communication networks; telecommunication equipment and associated peripheral equipment; telephone equipment and their parts; card-shaped information carriers, in particular identification, SIM, credit and debit cards, and combinations of aforementioned wares, among other things for (mobile) telecommunication; rechargeable cards and telephone cards; electronic apparatus for the receipt and processing of transmission by means of satellite.

Klasse:38 Telecommunication services; providing access to the Internet and other telecommunication networks; granting access to databases and services by means of the Internet; transmitting of information and data by electronic means, among which the Internet; providing of Information in the aforementioned area; providing of telecommunication facilities required to ask information, to store, to search, to index, to connect, and to systemize by means of the Internet or other telecommunication networks; transmission of information by means of data networks, among which, between computers, data processing computers, computer displays, and databases which are linked with such networks; electronic communication services, among which e-mail services and SMS (Short Message Service) services; interactive communication services, among which providing and arranging of and providing access to conversation and discussion groups by means of the Internet, on-line or by means of other (electronic) way; mobile telecommunication networks services; technical advice in the field of (interactive) telecommunication; services in the field of e-mail; providing access to several users simultaneously to a worldwide computer Information network; electronic bulletin services; making available electronic telecommunication connections; making available telecommunication facilities, characterized by particular tariffs and recall possibilities (telecommunication); granting access to computer databases and Internet sites of third parties in several areas by means of worldwide communication networks; communication called between equivalent computers without server, called peer-to-peer communication; information in the field of (interactive) telecommunication; electronic communication services by means of Internet and other ways of transmission of information and data by telecommunicative and electronic way; rental of access time to worldwide computer networks; providing information concerning the aforementioned services, whether or not by means of the Internet, online or by means of other (electronic) way;

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professional consultation and advice in the field of telecommunication; expert and professional advisory services in relation to (tele)communication, communication networks and systems, message processing, and with electronic data links; rental of access time to computer databases by means of the Internet, the cable net or other forms of data transfer.

Klasse:42 Technical network management; technical information and advice in the field of wares and services from the aforementioned classes, among other things by means of a special telephone number (help desk); automation services for providing services by means of the Internet; computer programming including updating, maintenance and adaptation of computer programs; designing, developing and maintaining websites; webhosting; professional consultation, not related to business management; updating of software and hardware for websites; technical advice concerning computer networks; developing and implementation of software; advisory services concerning automation systems, which are also related to the Internet; advisory services to organizations in the field of information and communication technology; scientific and technological services, as well as associated research and design services; services in the field of industrial analysis and industrial research; designing, developing, adapting, updating and maintaining of software and websites (services of ICT-specialists); computer services, namely hosting of online web facilities for third parties for organizing and holding online conferences, meetings, and interactive discussions; rental of web servers; providing of search engines for the Internet; supply of software applications by means of a website; supplying information in respect of computers and software by means of computer networks and worldwide communication networks; computer services, namely assisting third parties at making web communities and providing communication and computer services to such communities; designing and developing of training programs, and educational programs; quality control; certification of staff, products and services; advisory services concerning the aforementioned services; all the aforementioned services whether or not electronic and by means of the Internet.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983332 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.18 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.18

(210) Nasj. 200815092 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

FOODWATCH (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

foodwatch eV, Brunnenstr. 181, 10119 BERLIN, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, as far as included in this class; printing materials; newspapers, periodicals, brochures, reference books; calendars, prospectuses, placards, postcards, photographs; writing stationery; teaching materials (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging, included in this class; stickers, advertisement boards of paper or cardboard.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse:35 Providing advertising services;

management of business affairs; business advice and consultancy; office work; drawing up and publication of statistics; professional business surveys; economic forecasting services; provision of commercial and economic information; marketing, market research, market opinion polling, market analysis; business research; public relations; organisation and arranging of events, namely publicity events; organisation and arranging of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; business organisation consultancy; business research, namely investigation of product offers; consumer consultancy; systematic ordering of data in computer databases; collating of data in computer databases; computerized file management; rental of advertising space, including on the Internet; arranging of commercial and supply contacts via the Internet; arranging of business contacts on the Internet; consultancy, namely professional business and organisational consultancy; distribution of samples; bill posting; investigating prices for goods and/or services; business investigations and business inquiries; cost price analysis; banner exchange, namely rental of advertising space on the Internet; Business management consultation; data storage and data processing, for others.

Klasse:38 Telecommunications; technical collation, storage, updating, distribution, dissemination, supply and transmission of messages, press reports and information, also in the form of electronic media, films and radio; transmission of messages and images via computer; Internet services, namely news agencies on the Internet; web messaging, namely the relaying of messages of all kinds to Internet addresses; e-mail data services; electronic information and

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communications systems; providing a hotline; providing of Internet portals, for others; operating chatlines and forums; call centres, namely provision of information; providing of Internet access; setting up discussion forums.

Klasse:41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sports and cultural activities; organising and arranging of conferences, congresses and symposiums; arranging and conducting seminars, distance learning, workshops and colloquiums; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; organising and/or conducting of further training programmes; organisation of trade fairs, exhibitions, congresses and seminars for cultural or entertainment purposes; services of a publishing firm; publication of books, specialist articles and journals; publication of information on environmental and health awareness; publication of printed matter in electronic form, including on intranets and the Internet; publication of periodicals and books in electronic form, including on intranets and the Internet; further training consultancy; performances; photographic reporting.

Klasse:42 Scientific and industrial research; creation of programs for data processing; biological research; gathering and storage of software, data, images, audio and/or video information; rental of software; chemistry services; medical, bacteriological and/or chemical laboratories; physics (research); technical measuring and testing; legal services; medical and clinical examinations; technical tests and checks; chemical analysis; conducting scientific investigations, publicity-oriented evaluation of the results of tests and investigations; determining concentrations of hazardous materials; calculating emissions and immissions; bacteriological, chemical, genealogical, cosmetics and technological research; technical consultancy in the energy sector; technical consultancy in the field of waste and recycling management; environmental assessment services; issuing and checking of quality seals/certification; oil field surveys; geological, technical and/or scientific expertise and surveying; analysis for oil field exploitation; database services; homepage and website design; Internet services, namely the creating and installation of Internet presentations; rental of webservers and providing of memory space on the Internet; Research and development [for others]; providing an e-commerce platform on the Internet.

Klasse:44 Consultancy in the fields of the environment, food and agricultural products; environmental-impact consultancy; veterinary services; guidance on nutrition; providing information with regard to agricultural products and food in the form of software, data, images, audio and/or video information; internet provider services, namely providing of information with regard to agricultural

products and food. Klasse:45 Legal information research services;

arbitration services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983335 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.01 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.01

(210) Nasj. 200815093 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.28 FR 083578170 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ACERYCAL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Biofarma, 22, rue Garnier, 92200 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products for human use. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0983340 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.12

(210) Nasj. 200815095 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.23 GB 2488283 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SUPREMEBEING (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Supreme Being Ltd, Unit 8, Road Farm Wendy, Ermine Way, Arrington, SG80AA ROYSTON, HERTFORDSHIRE, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Non-medicated toilet preparations;

cosmetics; make-up; cosmetic kits; skin care preparations and products; soaps; non-medicated preparations for the care of the skin, scalp, hair and the body; deodorants for personal use; perfumery products; perfumes, eau de toilette, cosmetic fragranced milks; creams for body care; essential oils; aromatherapy products and preparations for cosmetic purposes; tissues and wipes impregnated with cosmetic lotions and cleaning agents; hair care preparations and products; shampoos, conditioners, gels, lotions and hair sprays; hair detangler; non-medicated hair styling preparations and products; skin and facial care preparations and products, creams and lotions; moisturising masks, lotions, creams and serums for cosmetic use; skin tightening lotion; nail care preparations and products; cuticle creams; nail creams and lotions; nail polishes; nail moisturising and strengthening products and preparations; artificial nails; nail tips; adhesives for fixing artificial nails; skin toners; eye makeup; eye lash moisturiser; blush; rouge; skin makeup; deodorants; lipstick; lip pencil; lip gloss; lip balm; moisturisers; eye shadow; highlighters; mascara; eye pencil; foundation (make up); powder (make up); massage creams.

Klasse:9 Eyeglass frames; sunglasses; non-prescription magnifying eyeglasses; eyeglass and sunglass cases; eyeglass and sunglass chains and chords; parts, accessories and fittings for eyeglasses and sunglasses; protective and/or water-resistant and/or water-proof bags, covers, cases, carriers and holders adapted for use in relation to media players, portable media players, portable stereo systems, MP3 players, cameras, telephones, computers, computer accessories, computer game consoles, portable computer game consoles and/or computer and video games; bags, covers, cases, carriers and holders specifically designed or adapted for consumer electronic devices: bags, covers, cases, carriers and holders specifically designed or adapted to contain MP3 players, hand held computers, personal digital assistants, electronic organizers and electronic notepads; mobile telephone covers; mobile telephone cases; armbands for carrying mobile telephones, MP3 players, personal

digital assistants, electronic organizers and electronic notepads; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); sponges; combs; comb cases; brushes (except paint brushes); nail brushes; brush-making materials; eyebrow brushes, mascara brushes; make up brushes; powder compacts; lipstick cases; powder puffs; soap holders; toothbrush holders; fitted vanity cases; toothbrushes; perfume sprayers; perfume vapourisers; bottles, atomisers and sprays; perfume burners.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983343 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.12 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.12

(210) Nasj. 200815096 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.08.26 CH 576420 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Fromm Holding AG, Hinterbergstrasse 26, 6312 STEINHAUSEN, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Packing machinery; machines for

strapping goods to be transported; film banderoling machines; machinery using air for packaging purposes; banderoling machines.

Klasse:16 Stretch films; Airpad films; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0983347 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.26 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.26

(210) Nasj. 200815098 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.02 DK VA 208 01280 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for:

Red: pantone 200C. , Red circle on white background. (730) Innehaver:

SOS International A/S, Nitivej 6, 2000 FREDERIKSBERG, DK

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:36 Insurance, including handling claims for

travelling, health and accident insurances of other insurance companies; financial affairs; monetary affairs.

Klasse:39 Transport, including home transportation from abroad of sick and injured travellers as well as of wrecked cars; travel arrangement.

Klasse:44 Medical services, including consultancy and management of medical and surgical treatment of injured and sick travellers abroad; psychological emergency relief, namely providing psychological help and assistance in situations of distress, emergency and crisis.

Klasse:45 Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals during travels, including security service related to the protection of valuables and individuals; services provided by emergency service centres; legal advice.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983357 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.01 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.01

(210) Nasj. 200815101 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.07.09 IT MC2008C000375 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The trademark consists of an original capital letter "P", placed inside a stylized frame composed of lines and circles, and followed by the wording "PARISIENNE" in original boldface capital letters.

(730) Innehaver: Giove SrL, Via Roma, 251, 62010 MONTECOSARO

(MC), IT (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983372 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.23 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.23

(210) Nasj. 200815103 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.31 DE 30 2008 020

788.4/11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

KREIOS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Osram GmbH, Hellabrunner Strasse 1, 81543 MÜNCHEN, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:11 Lighting apparatus, especially electric

lamps and luminaires; parts of the aforementioned goods.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0983376 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.30

(210) Nasj. 200815104 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

FUYAO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co Ltd, Fuyao Industry Village, 350300 FUGING CITY, FUJIAN PROVINCE, CN

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:12 Windshields; windows for vehicles.

Klasse:19 Building glass; insulating glass; safety glass; window glass except glass for vehicle windows; coated glass; window glass, for building; glass granules for road marking.

Klasse:21 Opaline glass; semi-finished glass for vehicle windows; plate glass; crystal; unworked or semi-worked glass; shatterproof glass; toughened glass; enamelled glass; mosaics of glass, not for building.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983391 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.31

(210) Nasj. 200815107 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.08.05 CH 578064 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CUUN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Erik Myhren, Hammerstrasse 4b, 6312 STEINHAUSEN, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Leather and imitation leather, goods

made of these materials not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983395 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.27 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.27

(210) Nasj. 200815108 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.26 EM 007019185 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Kindle Entertainment Ltd, 1a Goldsmiths Row, E28QA LONDON, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Cinematographic and photographic

films; sound and video recordings; audio tapes and video tapes; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; sound, video and data recording and reproducing apparatus; records, discs, tapes, cassettes, cartridges, cards and other carriers, all bearing or for use in bearing sound recordings, video recordings, data, images, graphics, text, programs or information; memory carriers, interactive compact discs; CD-ROMs and DVDs; smart phone apparatus and software relating thereto; WAP phone apparatus and software relating thereto; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:16 Books; printed matter; periodicals; monographs; photographs; booklets; calendars; diaries; magazines; posters; stationery; office requisites; pens; pencils; erasers; greetings cards; artists' materials; paint brushes; post cards.

Klasse:25 Clothing, headwear, footwear. Klasse:28 Toys, games, puzzles and playthings;

ornaments and decorations for Christmas, New Year, Easter, Halloween, Hanuka and Eid; dolls and puppets and clothing therefor; flock covered figurines; plastic play figures; pre-school educational toys; hand-held electrical and electronic games apparatus, hand-held computer games; plush and fabric toys; toy mobiles; rattles; blocks for play, balls, sports and exercise equipment, playing cards; Christmas tree, Easter and Halloween ornaments.

Klasse:38 Broadcasting and telecommunication services; broadcasting and transmission of television, radio, cable, satellite and Internet programmes; telecommunication of information (including web pages), computer programs and any other data; electronic mail services; provision of telecommunications access and links to computer databases and the Internet; transmission of messages, sound and images; transmission of information by communications satellite, microwave or electronic, digital or analogue means; communications services for provision and display of information from a computer stored databank; communications services for the

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electronic, digital and analogue display of information, messages, images and data; information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services.

Klasse:41 Entertainment; entertainment services; entertainment services in the form of television programmes, radio, cable, satellite and Internet programmes; production and presentation of television programmes, shows, films, videos and DVDs; production and presentation of television, radio, cable, satellite and Internet programmes; production, presentation, distribution, syndication, networking and rental of television, radio, cable, satellite and Internet programmes and of films, sound recordings, video recordings and DVDs; educational services relating to entertainment; information relating to entertainment or education, provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet or by communications satellite, microwave or other electronic, digital or analogue media; publishing; audio and video recording services; organisation, production and presentation of events for educational, cultural or entertainment purposes; conducting, organisation, production and presentation of competitions, contests, games, game shows, quizzes, fun days, exhibitions, shows, roadshows, staged events, raves, theatrical performances, concerts, live performances and participation events; information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983400 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.26 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.26

(210) Nasj. 200815110 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

NOVADE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Eczacibasi - Zentiva Saglik Urunleri Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Büyükdere Caddesi Ali Kaya Sokak No: 7 LEVENT, ISTANBUL, TR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary

preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; gases for medical purposes; sanitary knickers; sanitary napkins; sanitary pads; sanitary panties; sanitary towels; disinfectants.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983410 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.28 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.28

(210) Nasj. 200815111 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.02.01 FR 08 3 552 871 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ENODIA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Danfoss Socla, 365 rue du Lieutenant Putier, 71530 VIREY LE GRAND, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Metal pipework; fluid pipe check valves

of metal; fluid pipe valves of metal (other than parts of machines), metal butterfly valves (other than parts of machines), metal butterfly valves (other than parts of machines), metal sliding gate valves (other than parts of machines); metal wall-mounted valves (other than parts of machines); metal non-return valves.

Klasse:7 Machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); transmission couplings (non electric) and transmission components (excluding those for land vehicles); valves and check valves for industry (parts of machines) and machines.

Klasse:20 Plastic valves and check valves for fluid conduits; plastic butterfly valves, plastic sliding gate valves, plastic wall-mounted valves, plastic non-return valves.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983431 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.11 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.11

(210) Nasj. 200815112 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.28 FR 08 3 566 094 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TRUESENSE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Kodak SA, 26, rue Villiot, 75012 PARIS, FR (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Cameras; photographic and optical sensors for cameras, digital cameras, cellular phones and video cameras.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0983441 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.01 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.01

(210) Nasj. 200815114 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.03 FR 08 3 559 965 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SolarStyl (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

ArcelorMittal-Stainless & Nickel Alloys, 1-5 rue Luigi Chérubini, 93200 SAINT DENIS, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys,

steels; metal building materials; all metal roof covering materials and elements, metal roofings and component parts thereof; all metal materials for the envelope of a building; panels, slabs, facings, claddings and covers of metal; sheet metal; all metal support products, component parts and pieces thereof, for fixing photovoltaic cells, especially metal frames, metal strips, metal panels.

Klasse:9 Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating solar or thermal electric energy, component parts and pieces of these apparatuses and instruments; photovoltaic cells, photovoltaic modules, component parts and pieces of photovoltaic cells and modules.

Klasse:11 Apparatus for heating and for generating heat, component parts and pieces of apparatus for heating and for generating heat; solar pickups, collectors and panels, component parts and pieces thereof.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983446 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.03.03 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.03.03

(210) Nasj. 200815115 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

INDE MYSTERIEUSE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket:

Mysterious India. (730) Innehaver:

Cartier Internationl NV a holding and trading company organized and existing under the laws of the Netherlands Antilles, Scharlooweg 33 CURAÇAO, AN

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils,

cosmetics, hair lotions. Klasse:14 Goods in precious metals and coated

therewith; cuff-links, tie clips, rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, brooches; watches, chronometers, clocks, watch straps, watch bracelets, boxes of precious metals for watches and jewellery, key rings.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983448 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.06 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.02.06

(210) Nasj. 200815117 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.08.09 ES 2786688 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Servicio Andaluz De Salud, organismo Autonome De La Junta De Andalucia, Avda de la Constitución, 18, 41071 SEVILLA, ES

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal

building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal, ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores.

Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines data processing equipment and computers; fire extinguishers.

Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Klasse:16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter, printed publications; books, magazines, newspapers; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks.

Klasse:25 Ready-to-wear clothing for men, women and children, footwear (except orthopaedic footwear) and headwear.

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Klasse:28 Games, toys; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees.

Klasse:35 Advertising services; business management; business administration; office work services.

Klasse:36 Insurance services; financial, monetary and real estate affairs.

Klasse:39 Transport services, packaging, storage and warehousing of goods; travel arrangement services; air transport of travellers.

Klasse:41 Providing of education, training, entertainment and leisure; sports and cultural activities.

Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services, and research and design services related thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983463 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.26 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.26

(210) Nasj. 200815118 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Brand-Rex Ltd, The Old Courtyard, 11 Lower Cookham Road, SL68JN MAIDENHEAD, GB

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Machines for the handling of single and

multi-stranded filamentous materials of all types; machines incorporating blowing mechanisms for the installation of cables, wires and optical fibres, particularly in ducts and pipes using compressed air or another gas and parts and fittings therefor; apparatus for the installation of cables, wires and optical fibres in ducts and pipes, namely pressurised gas bottles and compressors; air compressors being parts of industrial blowing machines for the transport of cables, wires and optical fibres; vacuum pumps being parts of industrial blowing machines for the transport of cables, wires and optical fibres; valves for compressors being parts of industrial blowing machines for the transport of cables, wires and optical fibres; pressure control valves being parts of industrial blowing machines for the transport of cables, wires and optical fibres; control valves being parts of industrial blowing machines for the transport of cables, wires and optical fibres; blowing machines for the transport of cables, wires and optical fibres; feed mechanisms, feed rollers, drive mechanisms and gears, all for controlling the movement of cables, wires and optical fibres; machines and equipment

for joining, terminating and separating cables, wires and optical fibres; cleaving, cutting and stripping apparatus, all for electrical cables, wires and optical fibres.

Klasse:9 Apparatus and instruments for the control and transmission of optical and/or electronic signals; telecommunications apparatus and computers and microprocessors for use therewith; software for use with telecommunications apparatus; electrical and electronic apparatus, computer hardware, computer firmware and computer software, all for the monitoring and/or control and/or management of the physical configuration and connectivity of telecommunications networks and of computer networks, the said networks including wireless networks and/or copper networks and/or optical fibre networks; electrical and electronic apparatus, computer hardware, computer firmware and software for controlling access to and/or protecting communications on telecommunications networks and computer networks; electronic scanning apparatus; network management control panels; optical fibre connectors; optical fibre devices, including couplers, splitters, patch panels, fibre cassettes, patch cord management bars, wall and floor outlets, route joints, changeover boxes, duct connectors, end-caps, plugs and blanks; duct testing kits for use in the installation and testing of optical fibres and optical fibre cables, including apparatus and instruments for mechanically testing the integrity of cable ducts; apparatus and equipment for use in the testing of optical fibres and optical fibre cables, including apparatus and instruments for monitoring the strength and leakage of optical signals; apparatus and instruments for use in the repair of optical fibres and optical fibre cables, including apparatus and instruments enabling the removal and replacement of a damaged section by cutting and joining; optical fibre installations, being networks of optical fibres, including those contained within conduits or ducting; conduits for receiving optical fibres and optical fibre cables; optical fibres, optical fibre cables; electric wires; electric cables; coaxial cable; switches, plugs, sockets, and connections, all being electric, electronic or optical; electrical terminals; joints, connectors and stops for the termination of cables, wires and optical fibres; apparatus and instruments for protecting electrical and optical installations and apparatus; mountings for electrical apparatus; electrical test apparatus; optical test apparatus; aerials for telecommunications apparatus; socket outlets for coaxial cable; electrical and electronic indicator apparatus for displaying information; computer peripheral devices; data logging apparatus; local area networking apparatus for telecommunications and for the transmission of data; modems; multimedia communications apparatus; apparatus and instruments for distribution of radio, television and telephone services; cable installations for the distribution of radio, television and

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telephone services; apparatus for providing Internet access; optical and electronic monitoring and sensing apparatus; optical and electronic interconnection apparatus; telephone line jack outlets and computer terminal sockets, all being telecommunications apparatus; ducts; trunking; flexible ducting for containing optical fibres and/or electric cables or wires; electricity conduits; conduit boxes; conduit fittings; insulated copper wire; electric cables; electric conductors; identification labels and sheaths for optical or electric wires or for optical or electric connections; filters for radio interference suppression; parts and fittings for protection against electromagnetic radiation for use in electrical installations; protection devices for electronic and electric circuits; electrical power conditioning apparatus; voltage spike suppressors; electrical noise suppressor apparatus, capacitors, inductors, and resistors; electrical earthing apparatus; earth terminals and connections; earthing conductors; boxes for electrical, electronic or optical connections, being waterproof, or splashproof, or adapted to exclude the ingress of dust or water; safety locking devices (electric); apparatus for the protection of optical fibres and optical fibre installations; housings, cases and cabinets for optical, electrical and electronic equipment; flexible cords; patch cables; coiled or retractable leads and cables; wiring for interconnection of computers and computer equipment; telephone and data-carrying wires, cables and optical fibres, all in screened, unscreened, twisted pair or ribbon form; communication and control equipment adapted for use in buildings; electrical, electronic or optical apparatus and instruments for environmental control systems and for building management control systems; communication and control equipment adapted for use with marine, aircraft or aerospace apparatus; cables, wires, and optical fibres adapted for use with or in vehicles; communication and control equipment adapted for use with vehicles; plugs, sockets, terminals, connections, all being for cables, wires and optical fibres adapted for use with or in aerospace apparatus, aircraft, ships, off-shore platforms, or vehicles; railways and mass transit signalling and communication apparatus; drums, reels and cassettes, all for electrical or optical cables, wires and fibres; electrical, electronic or optical apparatus and instruments for transport control systems, including signalling and information systems, particularly for railway, road, mass-transit or airport systems; communications apparatus for cameras for surveillance, including closed circuit television cameras; apparatus for control and information systems for motorised vehicles and for engines; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; but not including timers or any goods incorporating timers.

Klasse:16 Instructional and teaching materials, technical manuals, printed matter and signage, all relating to optical fibres, the use of optical fibres, the transmission of

electrical signals, telecommunications installations, electrical installations, electricity, fire or safety; materials for use in vocational training courses relating to optical fibres, the use of optical fibres, the transmission of electrical signals, telecommunications installations, electrical installations, electricity, fire or safety.

Klasse:17 Flexible pipes and flexible tubes, not of metal; sealing devices and covers, all for waterproof or dustproof joints; insulators for cables; insulators for electrical mains; junctions, not of metal, for pipes; couplings of plastic for pipes and tubes; couplings of rubber for pipes and tubes; covers made of plastics for protecting electrical, electronic or optical components; non-metallic flexible ducting for holding optical fibres, optical cables, electronic wires, or electric cables; flexible ducting of plastics; electrical insulation articles for use on joints of optical fibres, optical fibre cables, electric cables, splices of electric cables, terminations of electric cables, and for electric conductors; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:19 Non-metallic rigid pipes for building; non-metallic building elements for use in the construction of floors and for the supply of services; non-metallic skirtings, architrave, dado rails, and cornices; joints for cable conduit; non-metallic housing units; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.

Klasse:35 Commercial information services provided from computer databases relating to the installation, maintenance and repair of optical fibre installations and of telecommunications networks and of computer networks; data handling and data entry services for the monitoring and controlling of telecommunications networks and of computer networks, the said networks including wireless networks and/or copper networks and/or optical fibre networks; advisory, supervision and consultancy services for the aforesaid services.

Klasse:37 Installation and repair of optical fibres, optical fibre cables, optical fibre connectors, optical fibre devices, conduits for receiving optical fibres and optical fibre cables, and of optical fibre installations; installation and repair of telecommunications networks, pipe work, ducting and sewers; installation and repair of telecommunications networks, including fibre optic cables within pipe work, ducting, sewers, underground pipes or conduits; installation, repair, maintenance and upgrading of electrical and electronic apparatus, computer hardware and computer firmware, all for the monitoring and control of telecommunications networks and of computer networks, the said networks including wireless networks and/or copper networks and/or optical fibre networks; advisory services relating to the installation, repair, maintenance, renovation and improvement of optical fibres or optical fibre cables; supervision of building construction; advisory services relating to the installation of telecommunications or electrical services in buildings or in vehicles, or in marine,

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or in aircraft, or in aerospace apparatus; advisory services relating to the repair, maintenance, renovation and improvement of telecommunications or electrical services; advisory services relating to the installation, repair, maintenance and upgrading of electrical and electronic apparatus, computer hardware and computer firmware, all for the monitoring and control of telecommunications networks and of computer networks, the said networks including wireless networks and/or copper networks and/or optical fibre networks; advisory services relating to the installation of building management systems; advisory services relating to the installation of fire alarm systems; advisory services relating to installation, repair and maintenance of hardware for computer installations and computer based systems for telecommunications; advisory services relating to the safe installation of electrical apparatus to protect property and personnel from electrical hazards; building construction supervision; construction information; electrical installation; installation of electrical apparatus, repair and maintenance; installation of apparatus for heating and ventilating; wiring of buildings for electrical power and communication services; advisory, supervision and consultancy services for the aforesaid services, including related information and database services, provided directly or indirectly from a computer; consultancy services for the installation, and repair of telecommunications and/or computer networks, the said networks including wireless networks and/or copper networks and/or optical fibre networks; consultancy services for the installation and repair of optical fibres, optical fibre cables, optical fibre connectors, optical fibre devices, conduits for receiving optical fibres and optical fibre cables, and of optical fibre installations.

Klasse:38 Consultancy services for the transmission of optical and/or electronic signals.

Klasse:41 Arranging and conducting of seminars, training workshops, and training courses, all relating to optical fibres, the use of optical fibres, electrical wires, electric cables, or to telecommunications systems; publication and distribution of books and texts, all relating to optical fibres, the use of optical fibres, electrical wires and cables, or to telecommunications systems; production and distribution of videotape, film, audio tape recordings and computer based training materials, all for educational and training purposes and all relating to optical fibres, the use of optical fibres, electrical wires and cables, or to telecommunications systems; practical training, teaching and tuition, all relating to the use of optical fibres or electrical wires; training and training services relating to optical, electronic or electrical engineering; publication of materials for use in vocational training courses relating to optical, electronic or electrical engineering, or to telecommunications systems; education services relating to

electrical safety; education information relating to the safety of electronic or electrical installations, and to the protection of property and personnel from electrical hazards; publication of materials in printed and electronic form, including instruction and training manuals, data sheets, leaflets and books, all relating to the safety of electrical installations and to the protection of property and personnel from electrical hazards.

Klasse:42 Design and development services, all for the control and transmission of optical and/or electronic signals; design and development services, all for the installation and repair of telecommunications and/or computer networks, the said networks including wireless networks and/or copper networks and/or optical fibre networks; design and development services, all for the installation and repair of optical fibres, optical fibre cables, optical fibre connectors, optical fibre devices, conduits for receiving optical fibres and optical fibre cables, and of optical fibre installations; design, development and consultancy services, all for electrical and electronic apparatus, computer hardware, computer firmware and computer software, all for the monitoring and control of telecommunications networks and of computer networks, the said networks including wireless networks and/or copper networks and/or optical fibre networks; installation, repair, maintenance and upgrading of computer software, all for the monitoring and control of telecommunications networks and of computer networks, the said networks including wireless networks and/or copper networks and/or optical fibre networks.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983465 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.06.19

(210) Nasj. 200815119 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.12.21 DE 307 82 793.3/09 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH, Borsigstraße 14, 65205 WIESBADEN, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Computer programs and software stored

in any form and/or downloadable, especially concerning the fields customer message management, semantic Web, enterprise content management and Web 2.0 and comprising the use of software concerning humanized user interfaces and visual economics, furthermore concerning especially geographic, map-based and globe-based navigation software, multi-dimensional charts, elastic lists and for the deployment of application and database servers; software for application in or with mobile terminals.

Klasse:38 Telecommunication services, i.e. provision of access to data and information in computer networks, especially from Internet application platforms, in particular for the support and integration of communications features by means of centralization and systematization of information, especially with regard to telecommunication services for internal communication of functional areas and organizational units in enterprises as well as for telecommunication with mobile terminals.

Klasse:42 Technical computer server administration; design, development, programming, implementation, maintenance of software of any kind, including software for mobile terminals, aforementioned services of this class, especially in the fields customer message management, semantic Web, enterprise content management and Web 2.0, in particular using humanized user interfaces and visual economics as well as including geographic, map-based and globe-based navigation, supported by application servers and database servers; scientific analysis of informational correlations in complex system environments; technical planning and corresponding consultancy concerning the introduction of software and implementation of processes for the organization, orientation, visualization, user dialog control and for automated and automated proposal-driven creation of information by means of electronic data processing.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983471 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.07.04 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.07.04

(210) Nasj. 200815120 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

AP Group (China) Co Ltd, AP Industrial Garden, Quetang, 362200 JINJIANG' FUJIAN, CN

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Paper; copying paper (stationery); towels

of paper; cardboard; notebooks; tear-off calendars; albums; calendars; printed publications; greeting cards; picture posters; bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastics, for packaging; staplers; jackets for papers; stationery; ink; stamp pads; pens; self-adhesive labels; drawing materials; hectographs; teaching materials (except apparatus); architects' models; chaplets.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0983473 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.05 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.05

(210) Nasj. 200815121 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.30 IT MI2008C007410 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The trademark is characterized by the word "PIRELLI" written in full block letters, the roundest part of the initial letter "P" is above of the remaining letters of the trademark.

(730) Innehaver: Pirelli & C SpA, Via G.Negri 10, 20123 MILANO, IT

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Data processing equipment; computers,

computer peripherals; computer hardware; computer software; computer games; electronic games; gaming apparatus for use with television receivers and/or monitors; computer games software; computer games cartridges; interactive educational games for use with television receivers and/or monitors; electronic handheld devices for the wireless receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and messages; digital music players; MP3 players; personal digital assistants, electronic organizers, electronic notepads; telecommunications apparatus; telephones; mobile telephones; apparatus, instruments, software and media for recording, reproducing, carrying, organising, storing, processing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, encrypting, playing, manipulating, downloading, uploading, streaming, transmitting, broadcasting, receiving, retrieving and reproducing music, sound, images, text, signals, software, information, data and/or code; music, sounds, ringtones, images, games, text, signals, software, information, data and code provided by telecommunications networks, by online delivery and/or by way of the Internet and the world wide Web; computer software to enable peer-to-peer networking and file sharing; database management software, character recognition software, telephony management software, electronic mail and messaging software, paging software, mobile telephone software; data synchronization programs and application development tool programs for personal and handheld computers; search engine software; computer software for conducting and coordinating real-time and asynchronous communications among computer users sharing information and audio/video data via electronic communications networks; electronic publications (downloadable); screensavers; electronic card; digital photographic images; sound and/or video recordings; downloadable digital sound and/or video recordings; computer software facilitating the licensing and/or exploitation of intellectual property; computer software for payment of licence fees; computer software to allow users to

perform electronic business transactions via the Internet; computer software for supply chain management; data carriers; magnetic and/or optical data carriers, recording discs; CDs, CD-ROMs, SACDs (super audio CDs); DVDs, DVD-ROMs; DVD-audio; DVD-video; UMDs (universal media discs); memory cards, random access memory, read only memory; solid state memory apparatus; batteries; rechargeable batteries; chargers; chargers for electric batteries; headphones; stereo headphones; in-ear headphones; loudspeakers; amplifiers; printers; cameras; video cameras; bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain any of the aforementioned goods; parts and fittings for all the aforementioned goods.

Klasse:28 Toys, games puzzles and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; electronic games, handheld electronic games; gaming apparatus (other than adapted for use with television receivers); bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain any of the aforementioned goods; parts and fittings for all the aforementioned goods; play and modelling components (including in the form of kits, construction kits or sets containing the aforesaid components) for building models of land, water and air vehicles, space vehicles, space stations and other large industrial equipment, and figures; toy cars and toy land, water and air vehicles, toy space vehicles, toy space stations.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983486 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.19

(210) Nasj. 200815123 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.03.06 DE 30 2008 014

636.2/01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Sandhofer Strasse 116, 68305 MANNHEIM, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Chemical, biochemical and biological

preparations for industrial, scientific and research purposes, included in this class; chemical reagents and in-vitro diagnostic reagents for scientific and research purpose; all also in form of kits.

Klasse:9 Scientific instruments and apparatus; laboratory instruments for use in research, science and industry including accessories thereof (included in this class); computer software and computer hardware; electronic publications saved on data carriers for research, medical, veterinary and diagnostic purposes.

Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research; industrial analysis and research services.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983489 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.25 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.25

(210) Nasj. 200815124 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.17 DE 302008025240.5/31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et

kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Green, yellow and white.

(730) Innehaver: PRAKTIKER Bau- und Heimwerkermärkte AG, Am

Tannenwald 2, 66459 KIRKEL, DE (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:1 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures and other chemicals for the treatment of soil and cultures; fire extinguishing compositions; preparations for tempering and soldering of metals; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; potting soil; preparations for the preservation of cut flowers; chemicals used in horticulture (except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and preparations for the control of parasites); hydroponics substrates (agriculture); hydroponics grow rocks.

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; hygiene preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides.

Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal, included in this class; ores; transportable buildings of metal in the form of summer houses, conservatories, garden pavilions and greenhouses; metal rainwater tanks; metal compost bins; non-electric metal cable joints; metal wire mesh fencing and gratings; metal fences, posts, gates; tool handles of metal; metal flower boxes; metal containers and pots for plants and flowers; figurines (statuettes) of common metals; hose drums; steel wool.

Klasse:7 Metal, wood and plastics working machines, machines for the chemical industry, for agriculture, mining and parts thereof; machine tools; textile machines and their parts; machines for the beverage industry and parts thereof; construction machines and their parts; packaging machines and their parts; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements and machines (not hand-operated); incubators for eggs; mechanical devices and

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machines for horticulture; motorised garden tools; motorised lawnmowers; pumps (parts for machines or motors); electric or gas-driven water pumps (as parts of machines or motors).

Klasse:8 Hand-operated tools and implements for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, for the construction of machines, apparatus and vehicles, for the building industry and parts of the above-mentioned tools and implements; cutlery, forks and spoons; side arms; razors; hand-operated agricultural implements and tools, soil tillage implements and gardening implements (included in this class); gardening tools; hoes, spades, forks, rakes, shovels, shears; lawn shears; hand pumps; hand operated lawnmovers.

Klasse:11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; heat pumps, agricultural irrigation machines; electric irrigation systems and their accessories (included in this class), in particular, filters and adaptors; fountains, decorative wells; fountain pots.

Klasse:12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; apparatus for the storage of hoses in the form of hose reel carts; trolleys and wheelbarrows.

Klasse:17 Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials (included in this class); plastics (intermediate goods); packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes and hoses, not of metal; rubber and plastic hoses for irrigation systems.

Klasse:19 Building materials (non-metallic), non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; monuments (not of metal); non-metallic transportable buildings in the form of summer houses, garden pavilions, greenhouses, conservatories; wooden houses; compost bins (not of metal); rainwater tanks made of masonry; building materials of wood, plastic, ceramics or glass for use in gardening or landscaping; fencing and fence posts (not of metal); rails for fencing; windows (not of metal); building materials of wood for gardens; figurines (statuettes) of stone, concrete or marble; pipes of rubber and plastic for irrigation systems.

Klasse:20 Furniture, garden furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (included in this class) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; tool handles (not of metal); rainwater tanks (not of metal or masonry); flower-pot pedestals (not of metal); flower boxes; decoration articles, not of metal or masonry; figurines (statuettes) of wood, wax, plaster or plastic.

Klasse:21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brooms; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in this class); art objects, figurines (statuettes) of clay,

terra-cotta, porcelain, glass; flower boxes; tubs and pots for plants and flowers; holders for flowers and plants (flower arranging), flower-pot covers; watering cans; nozzles for watering cans; pots for hydroponics; watering nozzles for flowers and plants; nozzles for irrigation hoses; all of the above-mentioned goods included in this class.

Klasse:31 Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, included in this class, grains and seeds, also in the form of tapes, pills or other, and in mixtures and compositions with fertilising and soil-improving agents; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; natural plants and flowers; trees, Christmas trees; flower bulbs; bulbs; tubers; rootstocks; onions sets and shallot offsets, all of the above treated and untreated; plant cuttings; plants for tree nurseries, in particular, deciduous and ornamental trees; conifers; perennials; berries, stone-fruit and pip-fruit plants and frees; rose bushes; twiners and climbers; plants for flower beds and balconies; indoor plants without pots; tillandsias; bonsai plants; hydroponic plants; vegetable and spice plants; aquatic plants; animal foodstuffs; animal feed, malt; lawn seeds; bird sand.

Klasse:35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail services relating to the goods in the above classes, such as products for the building industry and for tradesmen, garden products and, in particular, consumer goods for the do-it-yourself market.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0983498 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.25 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.25

(210) Nasj. 200815127 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.06.11 DE 30 2008 037

963.4/06 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

DUKTAL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

F W Brökelmann Aluminiumwerk GmbH + Co KG, Oesterweg 14, 59469 ENSE-HÖINGEN, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys,

especially aluminium and aluminium alloys; building materials out of metal, especially building materials out of aluminium and aluminium alloys, especially aluminium profiles, aluminium profiles for windows, doors, claddings, winter gardens and canopies.

Klasse:12 Vehicles and parts for vehicles (not included in other classes); components and assemblies for vehicles on the basis of aluminium, especially supporting elements, chassis elements and ornamental strips, especially such out of aluminium profiles; security relevant interior and exterior components, of vehicles, especially such out of aluminium profiles.

Klasse:40 Treatment of materials; treatment of metals; treatment of aluminium and aluminium alloys; production of aluminium profiles; forming, extrusion, bending and joining of aluminium and aluminium alloys.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983499 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.18 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.18

(210) Nasj. 200815128 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.09 BX 1157097 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet

for: Turquoise (pms 315) and white.

(730) Innehaver: OPG Groep NV, Europalaan 2, 3526KS UTRECHT, NL

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations;

medicines for human purposes; medicines for dental purposes; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, nutritional additives for medical purposes, food for babies, vitamin preparations; plasters for medical purposes, medical dressings; disinfectants; insecticides and insect repellents; first-aid boxes; medicine cases, portable, filled.

Klasse:10 Orthopedic articles; suture materials; condoms; medical apparatus and instruments; medical disposables and medical articles, for medical use.

Klasse:35 Retail and wholesale services with respect to pharmaceutical products, medicines, medical disposables and medical articles, for medical use, also via Internet; logistical and administrative services with respect to stock management; business planning and advice concerning stock management; cost price analysis; business planning and advice concerning cost control.

Klasse:36 Insurance; financial affairs. Klasse:39 Transport, distribution and delivery of

goods; packing and storage of goods; planning and advice concerning the storage of pharmaceutical products, medicines, medical disposables and medical articles, for medical use.

Klasse:41 Education; trainings. Klasse:44 Consultancy in the field of

pharmaceutical preparations, medicines, medical disposables and medical articles, for medical use; pharmaceutical services (making prescriptions).

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983505 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.01 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.01

(210) Nasj. 200815130 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Christian Berg (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Anson's Herrenhaus KG, Berliner Allee 2, 40212 DÜSSELDORF, DE

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils,

cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and

goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; trunks and travelling bags.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983527 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.20 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.20

(210) Nasj. 200815132 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.28 CH 577857 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Orthofile (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

SDC Switzerland GmbH, Gotthardstrasse 31, 6304 ZUG, CH

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary

apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983544 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.30 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.30

(210) Nasj. 200815135 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

HONCHIT (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Hongqingting Group Co Ltd (Hongqingting Jituan Youxian Gongsi), Yangguang Road, Oubei, 325100 YONGJIA, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, CN

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:18 Briefcases; travelling sets

(leatherware); saddlery; cattle skins; purses; umbrellas; handbags; canes; leather linings for shoes and boots; key cases (leatherware).

Klasse:25 Clothing; shoes; hats; gloves (clothing); neckties; leather belts (clothing); football shoes; layettes (clothing); bathing suits.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983547 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.08.29 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.08.29

(210) Nasj. 200815137 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket:

The trademark is a created word and has no meaning. (730) Innehaver:

Guo Zhidong, Rm 603, No. 166-4 Haopan Street GUANGZHOU, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, CN

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Galvanic cells; galvanic batteries;

accumulators, electric; accumulator jars; chargers for electric batteries; solar batteries; accumulator boxes; batteries for pocketlamps; batteries for lighting.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983568 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.31

(210) Nasj. 200815139 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.12 CH 578759 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SPEXOTRAS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983570 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.31

(210) Nasj. 200815140 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.12 CH 578758 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TRAUPIX (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983571 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.31

(210) Nasj. 200815141 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.12 CH 578757 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TAURSPEC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983572 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.31

(210) Nasj. 200815142 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.12 CH 578756 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TECSOTRA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.26

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983573 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.31

(210) Nasj. 200815143 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.12 CH 578755 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SOTAURIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983574 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.31 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.31

(210) Nasj. 200815144 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.12 CH 578754 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TAURPACK (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, CH (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.02.27

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983575 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.25 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.25

(210) Nasj. 200815145 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.04.10 FR 08 3 569 130 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TIERRA DE LUNA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket:

Land of Moon (730) Innehaver:

Francois Lurton SA, Domaine de Poumeyrade, 33870 VAYRES, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Wine.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.03

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983576 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.19 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.19

(210) Nasj. 200815146 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Abitis OY, Henrikinkatu 2, 21100 NAANTALI, FI (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Sun glasses, skiing glasses, sports glasses.

Klasse:25 Clothing, clothes and accessories for gymnastics and sports, ski wear and accessories; shoes; footwear; headgear.

Klasse:28 Equipment and accessories for gymnastics and sports.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.04

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983578 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.09.16 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.09.16

(210) Nasj. 200815147 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.05.13 BX 1159202 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CHEFMANSHIP (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Unilever NV, Weena 455, 3013AL ROTTERDAM, NL (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983584 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.15 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.15

(210) Nasj. 200815151 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.10 DK VA 2008 03548 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ZENVELOP (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

H Lundbeck A/S, Ottiliavej 9, 2500 VALBY, KØBENHAVN, DK

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations;

pharmaceutical preparations acting on the central nervous system.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983585 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.15 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.15

(210) Nasj. 200815152 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.10 DK VA 2008 03545 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

STEPSOLA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

H Lundbeck A/S, Ottiliavej 9, 2500 VALBY, KØBENHAVN, DK

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations;

pharmaceutical preparations acting on the central nervous system.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0983586 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.15 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.15

(210) Nasj. 200815153 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.09.10 DK VA 2008 03547 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TALRAO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

H Lundbeck A/S, Ottiliavej 9, 2500 VALBY, KØBENHAVN, DK

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations;

pharmaceutical preparations acting on the central nervous system.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0983601 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.28 (180) Registreringen

utløper: 2018.10.28

(210) Nasj. 200815154 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.12.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2008.10.06 EM 007313737 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:


(541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Societe D'Interet Collectif Agricole Caves du Mont Tauch, 11350 TUCHAN, FR

(511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:33 Alcoholic beverages; wine.

Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2009.03.02

(450) Kunngjøringsdato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

innsigelser 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Innsigelser Innsigelser i registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven § 21, samt innsigelser i internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som er besluttet gjeldende i Norge jf. varemerkeloven §§ 52 og 21. (111) 0587829 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200811903 (450) Reg. kunngjort

dato: 2008.12.22

(540) Gjengivelse av merket

ANTHELIOS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Laboratoires Pharmaceutiques de la Roche-Posay SA, Avenue René Levayer, 86270 LA ROCHE-POSAY, FR

Innsiger: Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG, Reisholzer-Werftstrasse 38-

42, 40589 DÜSSELDORF, DE Innsigers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,


(111) 0963959 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200807580 (450) Reg. kunngjort

dato: 2008.10.27

(540) Gjengivelse av merket

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent

figurmerke (730) Innehaver:

Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, 74167 NECKARSULM, DE

Innsiger: AS Forma, Sofienberggt. 17, 0558 OSLO, NO Innsigers fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS,

Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO

(111) 249078 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200712821 (450) Reg. kunngjort

dato: 2008.12.22

(540) Gjengivelse av merket

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Unil AS, Postboks 72 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, NO

(750) Innehavers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS , Postboks 2003 Vika,0125 OSLO,

NO Innsiger: Demerara Distillers Ltd KINGSTON, GEORGETOWN,

GY Innsigers fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130


(111) 249120 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200703741 (450) Reg. kunngjort

dato: 2008.12.22

(540) Gjengivelse av merket

ORPHAN INTERNATIONAL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Swedish Orphan International AB, Drottninggatan 98, 11160 STOCKHOLM, SE

(750) Innehavers fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS , Postboks 7007 Majorstua,0306

OSLO, NO Innsiger: Orphan Europe, Immeuble "Le Wilson", 70, avenue du

Général de Gaulle, 92058 PARIS LA DÉFENSE, FR Innsigers fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302


innsigelser 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Avgjørelser etter innsigelser Formelle avgjørelser i innsigelsessaker jf varemerkeloven §§ 21a og 52. Avgjørelser truffet av Patentstyrets 1. og 2. Avdeling. (111) 0946717 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200800051 (540) Gjengivelse av merket

ADITRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Aditro Group AB, Box 1102, 17222 SUNDBYBERG, SE Innsiger: BCD Travel Germany Holding GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-

Str. 1, 28199 BREMEN, DE Innsigers fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306

OSLO, NO Resultat: Innsigelsen er trukket.

(111) 236516 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200600596 (540) Gjengivelse av merket

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: SwissMed, Case Postale 1016, 8201

SCHAFFHAUSEN, CH (750) Innehavers fullmektig:

Lyngstad Terapi , Vangsliveien 11,7670 INDERØY, NO Innsiger: Wella AG, Berliner Allee 65, 64274 DARMSTADT, DE Innsigers fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua,

0306 OSLO, NO Resultat: Innsigelsen er trukket.

(111) 242172 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200609985 (540) Gjengivelse av merket

BELVITA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

Kraft Foods Holdings Inc, Three Lakes Drive, IL60093 NORTHFIELD, US

(750) Innehavers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS , Postboks 2003 Vika,0125 OSLO,

NO Innsiger: AS Forma, Sofienberggt. 17, 0558 OSLO, NO Innsigers fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS,

Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO Resultat: Innsigelsen er trukket.

(111) 244749 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200716295 (540) Gjengivelse av merket

iSOUL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

K-Swiss Inc, 31248 Oak Crest Drive, CA91361 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, US

(750) Innehavers fullmektig: Pretor Advokat AS , Postboks 1734 Sentrum,7416

TRONDHEIM, NO Innsiger: Eldo SrL, Via Rimini 7, 50047 PRATO (FIRENZE), IT Innsigers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO Resultat: Innsigelsen er trukket.

(111) 247849 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200807450 (540) Gjengivelse av merket

MY.SPACEMAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver:

A C Nielsen Co, 150 N. Martingale Road, IL60173-2076 SCHAUMBURG, US

(750) Innehavers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS , Postboks 2003 Vika,0125 OSLO,

NO Innsiger: MySpace, Inc, 407 N. Maple Drive, CA90210

BEVERLY HILLS, US Innsigers fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO,

NO Resultat: Innsigelsen er trukket.

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Begrensing av liste over varer eller tjenester utført for internasjonale registreringer hvor Norge er utpekt. (111) 0700632 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199810520 (151) Reg.dato: 1998.08.07 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2018.08.07

(220) Inndato: 1998.11.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ENDERMO (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: LPG Systems (SA), 30, rue Georges Abel, F-26000

Valence, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Cosmetics, perfumery, hair lotions,

dentifrices. Klasse:10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary

apparatus and instruments, medical or beauty treatment massage apparatus, rehabilitation apparatus.

Klasse:16 Periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets. Klasse:25 Clothing, dressing gowns, footwear,

headwear. Klasse:41 Personnel training for beauty care and

massage treatment, physical training services (health clubs, gymnastic courses), massage and rehabilitation technique teaching and training.

Klasse:42 Restaurants (providing of food and drink), temporary accommodation, medical, sanitary and beauty care, massage services, leasing access time to a computer data base, operating medical data banks and/or bases

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0708772 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199903753 (151) Reg.dato: 1998.12.17 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2018.12.17

(220) Inndato: 1999.04.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

'S MOVE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Schwan-Stabilo Schwanhäusser GmbH & Co,

Schwanweg 1, 90562 HEROLDSBERG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Writing, drawing, painting and modelling

material; mechanical pencils, signing and marking appliances; pencils, coloured and copying pencils, leads or refills, coloured leads or refills and copying leads or refills, retractable pencils, ballpoint pens, refills for ballpoint pens, felt and fibre pens, refills for fibre pens; fountain pens and ink; chalks for painting and to be used by artists; applicators for writing and marking fluids; correcting fluids and correcting appliances for writing, drawing, painting and marking purposes; expedients and working appliances for overhead-daylight-projection (for visual use), namely transparent foils in the form of sheets and rolls to write on with special pencils, foils with special layers for copying machines, self adhesive colour foils, rub on letters, pointers, compasses, correcting and cleaning preparations for foils; wallets, boxes, packaging out of synthetic material, metal, glass, paper and carton for transport, storage, presentation and use of writing material; boards on stands, foil tables to write on with special fibre pens; painting specimens for copying, albums for colouring, posters, instructional and teaching material (other than apparatus) all included in this class; teaching games and teaching toys; rubbers, adhesive for office supplies, paper and stationery; file stapler, visible cover (out of cardboard and/or synthetic material).

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0717127 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199908930 (151) Reg.dato: 1998.11.06 (220) Inndato: 1999.08.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent

figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG, Lutterstrasse

14, D-33617 Bielefeld, DE (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN,

NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Auxiliaries and products for

preserving foodstuffs; agar-agar; auxiliaries for preserves, i.e. products for preserving foodstuffs, natron for consumption (carbonate) and emulsifiers.

Klasse:16 Books, reviews (magazines), journals (publications).

Klasse:29 Preparations made with fruit formulated for the substance of concentrated fruit juice, fruit juice and pectin or other binding agents for the manufacture of milk-based creams, fromage blanc, cream desserts, creamy yoghurts, milk-based creams; ready-made desserts, i.e. cream desserts, creamy yoghurts, fruit creams, creams fromage blanc, milk-based creams, goods which are also displayed where they are combined with powdered, or ready-made sauces; grilled soya beans, sugar-coated raisins, sugar-coated sultanas, potato crisps; preparations made with fruit and vegetables, including their dried and deep- frozen forms or in conserves; soups and similar preparations, including their dried, deep frozen forms or conserves; fruit soups, garnish for soups; potato dumplings, french fries, edible potato flakes, edible potato rings; victuals made with fromage blanc, ready prepared cream, fromage frais and fromage blanc, including prepared forms, marmalades and jams, cream, fresh cream, including those containing herbs and condiments, yoghurts, including fruit; gelatinization powder; pectin, fromage frais; foodstuffs containing dried fruit, particularly orange and lemon peel; fruit extracts, food gelling products; products for gelling fruit, i.e. gelitinization comprising fruit sugar for gelatinization, pectin in pulverised liquid and paste form; alginates for use in foodstuffs), flour made with carob fat and vegetable jellies; all the goods mentioned above also manufactured as far as possible as dietetic foods or modified for dieting or as foodstuffs with reduced calorie and carbohydrate content and may also be deep-frozen and refridgerated; gelatine for tarts; hazelnuts, peanuts, palm fruits, pistachio nuts, roasted and sugar-coated cashew

nuts; hazelnut spread, spreads made with vegetable fat and containing sugar and/or honey and/or milk constituents and/or glucose syrup and/or nougat and/or fruit and/or fruit extracts and made by adding ground hazelnuts and/or whole hazelnuts and/or peanuts and/or soya beans and/or cocoa and/or cocoa extracts and/or vitamins and/or maize and/or lecithin and other flavor intensifiers; cream for tarts in liquid and paste form; deep-frozen food and ready-prepared dishes mainly comprising meat and fish with added vegetables combined with pasta, condiments, sauces and potatoes; sweet and savoury powdered soups, powdered cream; fragrant oils for cakes, gelling agents for foodstuffs, edible gelatine, edible fats in aerosol form to be turned into powder in cake moulds; deep-frozen fruit and vegetables; deep-frozen fish, deep-frozen potato dumplings, deep-frozen french fries; gelling agents for preserving foodstuffs; preserved fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and fruit jellies, fruit extracts; fermented or non-fermented cream for domestic use essentially consisting of plants and made with milk.

Klasse:30 Powder containing flavourings, thickeners and sweeteners, for the manufacture of desserts using fromage blanc, auxiliaries for the manufacture of cakes and tarts, particularly auxiliary products for the manufacture of tarts, products to increase the volume of the pastry mixture for cooking and filling, cooking mixture and filling mixture, products to consolidate the base of the tart; ready to cook preparations for cakes (confectionery) ; dessert mix, related products for use in the manufacture of cream desserts, whipped cream, jellies, creamy dessert mousses and other sweet dessert dishes; part-prepared pastry, i.e. mixes requiring the addition of eggs and/or milk; sugar substitution and replacement products; condiments, allspice (mixed seasoning), salts made from condiments and condiments in liquid and solid form; pastry and confectionery goods, chocolate, products made from chocolate and confectionery; puffed corn, corn flakes and other cereal flakes, snack foods made from wheat starch and cereal flours and animal albumen, i.e. snack biscuits; small cakes, particularly crackers and savoury biscuits; cereal products as foodstuffs, particularly foodstuffs made with puffed, grilled or cooked cereals, particularly cereal preparations ready to eat with sugar and/or fruits and/or chocolate and/or walnuts, cereal products as products in the form of bars with added sugar and/or honey and/or cocoa and/or chocolate and/or walnuts and/or dried fruits and/or fruits, muesli, i.e. combinations of foodstuffs consisting

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essentially of a combination of cereal flakes and dried fruit; sauces and similar preparations, including salad dressings, including their dried and deep frozen forms or preserves; pasta; ice-cream, deep-frozen food and prepared dishes essentially consisting of pasta, condiments and sauces combined with meat or fish with added vegetables and potatoes, the above goods also in a frozen form; pudding mix, dessert cream in powder form, powdered cream dishes; dessert mix with jelly, glazing for tarts, sauce mix, including powdered salad dressing, baking powder, baker's yeast, vanilla sugar, auxiliaries for cheese cakes, i.e. preparations made from gelling agents and vegetable thickeners with added flavourings and/or colourings; cake flavourings, excluding essential oils, thickening agents for whipped cream, powdered cream for tarts, edible starch, powders for ice cream; pizzas, citric acid for use in foodstuffs, gelling sugar, cream for the manufacture of desserts; powder for the manufacture of potato dumplings; honey, invert sugar cream, gelling sugar; all the above goods also being manufactured, as far as possible, as dietetic foods or modified for dieting or as foodstuffs with reduced calorie and carbohydrate content and may also be deep-frozen and refridgerated.

Klasse:32 Syrups and other goods (included in this class) for the manufacture of non-alcoholic beverages, including powdered and crystal form; fruit juice (concentrated), fruit juice, powdered tea, powdered instant tea, powdered iced tea.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09 (111) 0830092 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200408725 (151) Reg.dato: 2004.04.14 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2014.04.14

(220) Inndato: 2004.09.02 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

DALI (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Dali A/S, Dali Allé 1, 9610 NØRAGER, DK (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306

OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Loudspeakers and related articles and

accessories, namely loudspeaker cross-overs, cross-over inductors, cross-over capacitors, resistors, loudspeaker drive units, loudspeaker enclosures, connectors, terminals, bass reflex ports, subwoofers, mounting brackets and spikes included in this class.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0855329 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200508015 (151) Reg.dato: 2004.07.23 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2014.07.23

(220) Inndato: 2005.08.25 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

JA WORLDWIDE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: JA Worldwide, One Education Way, CO80906

COLORADO SPRINGS, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:16 Printed educational publications,

namely, teaching manuals and student instructional manuals on the subject of business, economics and free enterprise, business forms for teaching, and certificates of achievement.

Klasse:25 Men's, women's and children's clothing, namely, polo-style shirts.

Klasse:41 Educational services, namely, conducting business and economic educational programs for young people in the nature of classroom presentations and workshops and conferences.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09


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(111) 0860340 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200510011 (151) Reg.dato: 2005.03.07 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2015.03.07

(220) Inndato: 2005.09.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BLOGGA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: WorldNames Inc, 266 Main Street, Suite 27, MA02052

MEDFIELD, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Computer network address information

management services, managing the additions, modifications or deletions of information relating to the computer network addresses of others; providing a commercial information directory of uniform resource locators; providing databases featuring computer users' network addresses via a global computer information network.

Klasse:38 Electronic mail services; providing e-mail forwarding services; URL redirection services, namely, rerouting computer connections from one network address to another; providing multiple-user access to data stored electronically in central files for remote consultation, namely, information relating to computer users' network addresses via a global computer information network.

Klasse:42 Domain name service, namely, providing computer servers to function as domain name servers for others, for use in connection with a global computer network; registration of domain names for identification of users on a global computer network; hosting the web sites of others on a computer server for a global computer network; providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0869485 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200513956 (151) Reg.dato: 2005.07.08 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2015.07.08

(220) Inndato: 2005.12.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

CHARADE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Chaulnes Textiles Industries (CTI) SA, 21, rue des

Jeuneurs, 75002 PARIS, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:20 Furniture, footrests, cushions, poufs,

chair pads, cushions and pads for garden chairs (one-piece, sun loungers, multi-position), racks, bread baskets, CD racks, DVD racks, cassette racks, photo organizers, tea trolleys, small tables, folding chairs, tidies, coat stands, clothes hooks; mirrors, picture frames, boards, writing boards; bedding (except linen); garden/beach mats; works of art of wood, cork, reed, wicker, cane, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl and meerschaum, substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; plastic packaging containers.

Klasse:24 Fabrics for textile use; elastic woven material; labels (cloth); lingerie fabric; household linen, bed and table linen (excluding paper table linen); blankets, table covers, and travelling rugs; canvas wall coverings, net curtains, curtains, indoor blinds, bed linen, travelling rugs, bed covers, face towels, washing mitts, shower curtains, bathmats, carpets, pot holders, chair covers, sofa covers; awnings.

Klasse:27 Bedside rugs and/or rag rugs. (450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0888397 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200607843 (151) Reg.dato: 2006.04.21 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2016.04.21

(220) Inndato: 2006.07.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

WATCHER DIVA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Coltex BV, Celsiusstraat 2, 1704RW

HEERHUGOWARD, NL (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306

OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and

goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.

Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear with the exception of neckties, bowties, scarves, belts and cummerbunds.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09 (111) 0891851 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200609100 (151) Reg.dato: 2006.03.17 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2016.03.17

(220) Inndato: 2006.08.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

ANTARA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Opel Eisenach GmbH, Adam-Opel-Strasse 100, 99817

EISENACH, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting

(included in this class), all the aforesaid good in particular for vehicles.

Klasse:28 Games and playthings, sporting articles, toy cars, model cars, soft toys, teddy bears, electronic games (including video games) other than those adapted for use with television receivers only; playing cards; frisbees, footballs, basket balls, soft balls.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0891889 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200609108 (151) Reg.dato: 2006.05.24 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2016.05.24

(220) Inndato: 2006.08.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Well-fresh (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: K-Mail Order OHG, Sachsenstrasse 23, 75177

PFORZHEIM, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics,

preparations for body care and beauty care, hair lotions; oxygen preparations for body and beauty care, especially oxygen filled in containers; with the exception of cooling bolsters or plasters for the mitigation of backaches, muscular inflammation, migraine and headaches or arthritic pains, analgesics for external application and evaporating plasters or pads for the mitigation of pains, common colds, cough and paranasal sinus obstruction, included in this class.

Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; preparations for health care (as far as included in this class); oxygen preparations for medical and/or therapeutical use, especially oxygen filled in containers; with the exception of cooling bolsters or plasters for the mitigation of backaches, muscular inflammation, migraine and headaches or arthritic pains, analgesics for external application and evaporating plasters or pads for the mitigation of pains, common colds, cough and paranasal sinus obstruction.

Klasse:10 Inhalers, especially inhalers in the form of bottles; instruments and apparatus for the respiration with or the administration of gases, especially oxygen; parts and elements of the afore mentioned goods, as far as included in this class.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0896996 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200611317 (151) Reg.dato: 2006.05.30 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2016.05.30

(220) Inndato: 2006.10.19 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Zips (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Intersnack Knabber-Gepäck GmbH & Co KG, Aachener

Strasse 1042, 50858 KÖLN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Roasted, dried, salted or spiced nuts;

processed potato products as snacks, potato products as snacks manufactured in an extrusion and pelleting process or other processes.

Klasse:30 Maize, rice and cereal products as snacks, manufactured in an extrusion and pelleting process or other processes, processed cereal products as snacks; savoury and salted biscuits; muesli bars essentially consisting of processed grains, nuts, dried fruits and ; sauces.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09 (111) 0897540 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200611416 (151) Reg.dato: 2006.03.17 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2016.03.17

(220) Inndato: 2006.10.19 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TALLY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Tally Weijl Holding AG, Industriestrasse 13b, 6300

ZUG, CH (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils,

cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; creams, lotions, exfoliation, make-up, nail varnish, shampoos, bath and shower gels, preparations for hair care.

Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of or coated with these materials not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; related accessories included in this class.

Klasse:18 Saddlery articles. Klasse:25 Clothing; footwear; headgear, all the

aforementioned goods made of leather, textiles and other materials; belts, braces; all these products with the exception of products designed for use in relation to equestrian sports and horse riding.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0908353 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200700059 (151) Reg.dato: 2006.06.13 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2016.06.13

(220) Inndato: 2007.01.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MILLION DOLLAR BODY (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Product Partners LLC, 8383 Wilshire Boulevard Suite

1050, CA90211 BEVERLY HILLS, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Dietary supplements adapted for

medical use; vitamin and mineral supplements; meal replacement bars adapted for medical use; nutritional drink mixes adapted for medical use.

Klasse:9 Pre-recorded video tapes, cassettes, DVDs, and CDs, featuring exercise, fitness, dietary information and instruction.

Klasse:41 Providing a web site featuring on-line instruction in the field of physical exercise and nutrition and tracking progress of workouts; educational services and on-line educational services, namely, providing instruction in the fields of exercise equipment, physical exercise and nutrition, and instructional materials distributed in connection therewith; providing information in the field of entertainment featuring information on reality based television by means of a global computer network; entertainment services in the nature of an on-going reality based television program; entertainment services, namely, providing a reality based television program via a global computer network; entertainment services, namely, conducting contests.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0908828 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200700167 (151) Reg.dato: 2005.07.08 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2015.07.08

(220) Inndato: 2007.01.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent

figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Chaulnes Textiles Industries (CTI) SA, 21, rue des

Jeuneurs, 75002 PARIS, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:20 Furniture, footrests, cushions, poufs,

chair pads, cushions and pads for garden chairs (one-piece, sun loungers, multi-position), racks, bread baskets, CD racks, DVD racks, cassette racks, photo organizers, tea trolleys, small tables, folding chairs, tidies, coat stands, clothes hooks; mirrors, picture frames, boards, writing boards; bedding (except linen); garden/beach mats; works of art of wood, cork, reed, wicker, cane, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl and meerschaum, substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; plastic packaging containers.

Klasse:24 Fabrics for textile use; elastic woven material; labels (cloth); lingerie fabrics; household linen, bed and table linen (except paper table linen); blankets, table covers, and travelling rugs; canvas wall coverings, net curtains, curtains, indoor blinds, bed linen, travelling rugs, bed covers, face towels, washing mitts, shower curtains, bathmats, carpets, potholders, chair covers, sofa covers; awnings.

Klasse:27 Bedside rugs and/or rag rugs.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0909477 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200700573 (151) Reg.dato: 2006.06.06 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2016.06.06

(220) Inndato: 2007.01.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

NATURE GATE (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Eija Lehmuskallio, c/o Rec Productions Finland Oy,

Vanha Talvitie 2-6 A, 00580 HELSINGFORS, FI (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Apparatus for recording, transmission or

reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; computer software; computer games; DVD and CD-discs; electronical databases used in network services via camera and video telephones and other electronical media and devices, and computer software for using these databases and creating network connections; none being in the field of academic scientific publishing.

Klasse:38 Telecommunications; providing telecommunications' connections for networks, via Internet, digital television, wireless communication devices and other electronical media apparatus, for the transfer of information related to identification aspects of different natural phenomena and species; none being in the field of academic scientific publishing.

Klasse:41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities, organization of exhibitions; organization of science center exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; none being in the field of academic scientific publishing.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09 (111) 0915142 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200703321 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.01.24 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2017.01.24

(220) Inndato: 2007.03.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

voke (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Voke Media LLC, 60 East Simpson Ave., WY83001

JACKSON, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:42 Information, advisory and consultancy

services relating to technology. (450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0917674 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200704373 (151) Reg.dato: 2006.11.03 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2016.11.03

(220) Inndato: 2007.04.19 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent

figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Wise Earth Pty Ltd, 4/136 Railway Street, WA6010

SWANBOURNE, AU (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 The provision of advice and

recommendations in the field of solar energy; provision of advertising space on a webpage; retail sales services of products and components via a global computer network of software, videos and DVD's, solar panels, batteries, wind generators, solar control pergolas, solar water heaters, control systems and publications including books, magazines, reports and papers; retail sales services of solar systems to generate electricity; provision and management of directory services including registers of industry associations, professional categories, information services, not for profit organisations, products and services and sponsors.

Klasse:42 Climate sensible design of houses, solar architecture, energy auditing, creating and designing web pages; research in the field of solar energy including university research and development programs.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0921834 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200706122 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.02.09 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2017.02.09

(220) Inndato: 2007.05.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: NUXEO, 18/20, rue Soleillet, 75020 PARIS, FR (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Calculating machines; software

(recorded programs); computer peripheral devices; computers.

Klasse:38 Communications via computer terminals or via fiber-optic networks; telecommunications by electronic display; news or information agencies; electronic messaging services; transmission of information by telematic means; transmission of commercial advertising data via the Internet; transmission of information via electronic catalogs on the Internet.

Klasse:41 Computer instruction. Klasse:42 Design and development of

computers and software; installation, maintenance, updating or rental of computer software, computer programming; computer consulting.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0931505 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200709990 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.06.25 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2017.06.25

(220) Inndato: 2007.08.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Compass Group Nederland BV, Laarderhoogtweg 11,

1101DZ AMSTERDAM, NL (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:45 Legal services; security services for the

protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals, namely, night security services; civil protection; consultation relating to security; hiring of clothing; monitoring of alarms.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09 (111) 0936952 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200712222 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.08.07 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2017.08.07

(220) Inndato: 2007.10.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

DECISIONSOURCE (541) Merket er et ordmerke

(730) Innehaver: BCD Travel USA LLC, 1055 Lenox Park Boulevard, Suite

420, GA30319 ATLANTA, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Providing business information and

consultation in the field of business travel management and the business travel industry, namely, providing information regarding efficiency and effectiveness of business travel programs, management of business traveler behavior, and business travel policy compliance and consultation in connection therewith.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0944375 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200715357 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.03.02 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2017.03.02

(220) Inndato: 2007.12.13 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Heidmar Inc, 20 Glover Avenue, CT06850 NORWALK,

US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Business and commercial management

services for ships used in transportation of goods.

Klasse:36 Financial risk management services in the area of freight market exposure, namely establishment of joint venture structures with profit sharing between partners and the employment of tanker freight derivatives and bunker derivatives to hedge risk.

Klasse:39 Freight ship transport services; seaborne loading, transportation and discharge of clean and dirty petroleum products, crude oil, chemicals and vegetable oils; operation of floating marine storage for clean and dirty petroleum products, crude oil, chemicals and vegetable oils; chartering and subletting ships to vessel pools directly and through joint ventures; providing information regarding vessel chartering services, ship brokerage, cargo documentation and routing schedules by an interactive website on a global computer information network to customers and pool partners; providing electronic tracking of freight information to others, namely providing vessel status, cargo location and shipping status information.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

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(111) 0948649 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200800950 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.10.25 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2017.10.25

(220) Inndato: 2008.01.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SERIOUS (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Serious USA Inc, 495 Broadway, Floor 4, NY 10012

NEW YORK, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Blank optical discs; optical discs

featuring multimedia content on a variety of subjects, namely, consumer information, education, healthcare, secured access materials and data, business-related information, marketing, promotional, entertainment, such as sports, movies, music, trivia, games, games of chance, leisure, travel, and transactional events and programs, such as shopping, gift cards, banking, purchase-related information, discount programs, loyalty programs, reimbursement programs; optical discs with at least one secure identification device, namely, RFID, contactless, chip and pin, smart card, stored value, magnetic stripe and bar code, all featuring multimedia content on a variety of subjects, namely, consumer information, education, healthcare, secured access materials and data, business-related information, marketing, promotional, entertainment, such as sports, movies, music, trivia, games, games of chance, leisure, travel, and transactional events and programs, such as shopping, gift cards, banking, purchase-related information, discount programs, loyalty programs, reimbursement programs.

Klasse:35 Promotional and marketing services for others using optical discs.

Klasse:42 Design and development of multimedia products; design and development of optical discs.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0949834 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200801606 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.05.10 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2017.05.10

(220) Inndato: 2008.02.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

SYNCHAIN (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Primondo Management Service GmbH, Nürnberger Str.

91-95, 90762 FÜRTH, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Consultancy and business management

issues; evaluating business issues; market research; opinion polling; preparing business reports.

Klasse:36 Insurance; insurance consultancy; real estate; property management; financial analysis; financial affairs; monetary affairs; debt collecting; online banking; provision of credit; financial consultancy and services; allocation of loans, issuing and management of credit cards and debit cards included in this class; handling payments made by means of debit cards.

Klasse:38 Telecommunications services, in particular directory assistance, operating a call centre, namely telephone services via call centres for third parties; providing access to a computer network or a database in computer networks.

Klasse:39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; arranging travel; freight forwarding services and logistical services (included in this class) and road haulage.

Klasse:42 Research and development services with regard to new products.

Klasse:43 Providing guests with food and drink; catering.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 0954374 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200803463 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.12.11 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2017.12.11

(220) Inndato: 2008.03.20 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

MYOFORTIL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Equinavet GmbH, Sentruper Strasse 217, 48149

MÜNSTER, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:3 Cosmetics for animals; animal care

products, other than for veterinary use, for the hair, hide, skin, udders, claws, paws and hooves of animals; dentifrices and dental care preparations, each adapted for animals; shampoos for pets; all the aforementioned goods especially for large animals such as horses, camels, cattle, swine, sheep and other farm animals as well as for small animals such as dogs and cats.

Klasse:5 Veterinary preparations including ointments for veterinary purposes; medicines for veterinary purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use for large and small animals; nutritional additives for medical purposes for large and small animals; amino acids for veterinary purposes; mineral food - supplements for large and small animals; preparations of trace elements for animal use; vitamin preparations adapted for animals; animal washes, cattle washes; parasiticides, vermin destroying preparations, insect repellents, all the aforementioned goods of this class exclusively for large animals such as horses, camels, cattle, swine, sheep and other farm animals as well as for small animals such as dogs and cats.

Klasse:31 Fodder, strengthening forage, fattening preparations, each for animals; animal foodstuffs and pet foods; additives to fodder, not for medical purposes; proteins for animal consumption.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 0969735 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200809755 (151) Reg.dato: 2008.06.17 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2018.06.17

(220) Inndato: 2008.08.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

Connected Life (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140,

53113 BONN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying,

photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) and life-saving apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of images or data; magnetic data carriers, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; recorded and unrecorded data carriers (as far as included in this class); computer programs (saved); electronically recorded data (downloadable); electronic publications (downloadable); all the aforesaid goods with the exception of devices for hearing-impaired persons.

Klasse:16 Printed matter; photographs; office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus).

Klasse:35 Advertising; business management; business administration; gathering, systematisation, compilation and economic analysis of data and information in computer data bases; electronic data storage; retail services (also via Internet and other communication networks), concerning goods of classes 9 and 16.

Klasse:36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs.

Klasse:37 Building construction; installation services; repair and maintenance of computer and telecommunications equipment.

Klasse:38 Telecommunications; news agencies; rental of telecommunications equipment; information on telecommunications.

Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware, software and data bases; maintenance of software; technical consultancy related to services included in this class and in the field of computer hardware; computer services concerning data storage; rental of data processing equipment; Website design for others.

Klasse:45 Licensing of industrial property rights. (450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

endringer i varefortegnelse 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Endringer i varefortegnelsen for nasjonale og internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Delvis slettelse av varefortegnelse tilhørende nasjonale varemerke- eller fellesmerkeregistreringer, eller internasjonale vare- eller fellesmerker som er gyldige i Norge. (111) 101604 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19771685 (151) Reg.dato: 1979.01.25 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2009.01.25

(220) Inndato: 1977.06.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent

figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Bull SAS, Rue Jean Jaurès, BP 68, 78340 LES

CLAYES-SOUS-BOIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO(511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse:

Klasse:9 Hele klassen, herunder vitenskaplige, nautiske, geodetiske, elektriske (herunder radioutstyr), fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; mynt- og jetongautomater; talemaskiner; kassekontrollapparater og regnemaskiner; brannslukningsapparater.

Klasse:16 Hele klassen, herunder papir og papirvarer; papp og pappvarer. Disse varer for så vidt de inngår i kl. 16. Trykksaker, aviser og tidsskrifter, bøker; bokbinderimatrialer; fotografier; papirhandlervarer, klebestoffer for papirvarerL; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (unntatt møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmatriell (unntatt apparater); spillkort; typer; klisjéer.

Klasse:38 Hele klassen, herunder kommunikasjonsvirksomhet.

Klasse:42 Hele klassen.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 135561 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19871778 (151) Reg.dato: 1989.02.23 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2019.02.23

(220) Inndato: 1987.04.30 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

HORSELAND (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Scan-Horse A/S, Postboks 312, 4000 ROSKILDE, DK (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks

5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Hele klassen; alle de forannevnte varer kun

for bruk til hesteridning. Klasse:9 Ridehjelmer; alle de forannevnte varer kun

for bruk til hesteridning. Klasse:18 Varer av lær og lærimitasjoner til ridesport;

pisker, piskeseletøy og salmakervarer; alle de forannevnte varer kun for bruk til hesteridning.

Klasse:25 Hele klassen; alle de forannevnte varer kun for bruk til hesteridning.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09 (111) 195374 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19947044 (151) Reg.dato: 1999.01.21 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2019.01.21

(220) Inndato: 1994.12.12 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Kraft Foods Postres SAU, Poligono Industrial El Raiguer

12, Montornes del Valles, 08170 BARCELONA, ES (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO(511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Gelatin for bruk i næringsmidler, geléer,

syltetøy. Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, bakepulver; bakverk, kakedeig

og konditorvarer i form av dessertmikser og kakemikser; gjær.

Klasse:32 Fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; ikke-alkoholholdige drikker og andre preparater for fremstilling av drikker

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

endringer i varefortegnelse 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 196237 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199809496 (151) Reg.dato: 1999.02.25 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2009.02.25

(220) Inndato: 1998.10.22 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

LYONDELL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Lyondell Chemical Co, 12000 Lawndale, City of Houston,

TX 77017, US (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Kjemiske produkter til industrielle,

vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; ubearbeidete syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast; gjødningsmidler; ildslukningsmidler; preparater og midler for herding og lodding; kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; bindemidler (klebemidler) til industrielle formål.

Klasse:17 Kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest, glimmer samt varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; ekstrudert plast som halvfabrikata; tetnings-, paknings- og isolasjonsmaterialer; bøyelige rør (ikke av metall).

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 197662 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19974069 (151) Reg.dato: 1999.05.27 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2009.05.27

(220) Inndato: 1997.05.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

TERRAFOR (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Claytone SA, 134 avenue du 14 juillet, F-76300 Sotteville-

les-Rouen, FR (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske produkter, hygieniske

preparater for medisin og intimhygiene; dietetiske stoffer, mat og drikke for medisinsk bruk, næringstilskudd for medisinsk og dietetisk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; plaster og forbindingsstoffer; materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler for medisinsk eller hygienisk bruk (annet enn såper); preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider. Registreringen omfatter ikke bleier for inkontinente.

Klasse:29 Kjøtt og kjøttekstrakter, fisk, fjærkre, vilt; konserverte, tørrede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geléer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg; melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett; næringstilskudd basert på ovennevnte produkter, forannevnte varer også til dietetisk ikke-medisinsk bruk.

Klasse:30 Kaffe, kaffeerstatning, te, kakao, sukker; ris, tapioka, sago; mel, næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk, gjær og bakepulver; konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; salt, sennep; eddik; sauser; krydderier; is; næringstilskudd basert på ovennevnte produkter; forannevnte varer også til dietetisk ikke-medisinsk bruk.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

endringer i varefortegnelse 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 242172 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200609985 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.11.12 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2017.11.12

(220) Inndato: 2006.09.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

BELVITA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: Kraft Foods Holdings Inc, Three Lakes Drive, IL60093

NORTHFIELD, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Energistenger og -plater, stenger og plater

med lavt karbohydratinnhold, diettstenger og -plater.

Klasse:29 Nøttestenger og -plater, fruktstenger og -plater

Klasse:30 Småkaker, småkakestenger og -plater, kjeksstenger og -plater, kjeks, sjokolade og snacksstenger og -plater, frokostblandingsstenger og -plater, kornstenger og -plater, frokoststenger og -plater, granolastenger og -plater, godteristenger og -plater, energistenger og -plater, proteinstenger og -plater, stenger og plater med lavt karbohydratinnhold, stenger og plater inneholdende korn og melk, stenger og plater inneholdende frokostblanding og melk, yoghurtstenger og -plater, diettstenger og -plater, kaffe, te, konfektyrer.

Klasse:32 Juicer og vann.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09 (111) 244749 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200716295 (151) Reg.dato: 2008.03.06 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2018.03.06

(220) Inndato: 2007.12.28 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

iSOUL (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Innehaver: K-Swiss Inc, 31248 Oak Crest Drive, CA91361 WESTLAKE

VILLAGE, US (740) Fullmektig: Pretor Advokat AS, Postboks 1734 Sentrum, 7416

TRONDHEIM, NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Erstatt- og utskiftbare mellomsåler for sko

solgt både separat uten sko og som en integrert del av skoen.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

(111) 245828 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200712863 (151) Reg.dato: 2008.05.09 (180) Registreringer utløper: 2018.05.09 (220) Inndato: 2007.10.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Unil AS, Postboks 72 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Kjemiske produkter til industrielle,

vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; ubearbeidede syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast; gjødningsmidler; ildslukningsmidler, preparater og midler for herding og lodding; kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; bindemidler til industrielle formål; kjemiske produkter til fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; gjødningsmidler; ildslukningsmidler, kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; blomsterjord og muldjord; preparater for forbedring av jordsmonnet; bløtgjøringsmidler for vann; destillert vann; duggfjernepreparater; lim (grunnings- og etterbehandlingsmidler), tapetlim, lærlim, limoppløsningsmidler; konserveringsmidler for murstein, murverk, sement og teglstein; eddiksprit; fikserbad og fikservæsker (fotografering), ikke eksponerte filmer, papir for fotografering, fotografiske fremkallingsmidler; fluor; klor; frostvæsker; kjølevesker for kjøretøymotorer; kjemiske produkter for impregnering av lær og tekstiler; midler for røking av kjøtt

Klasse:2 Maling, fernisser, lakker; rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler, fargestoffer, beisemidler, bladmetaller og metallpulver for malere, dekoratører, trykkere og kunstnere.

Klasse:3 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann; tannpussemidler, barbersåper og barberskum.

Klasse:4 Oljer og fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler; støvbindemidler; brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer; lys og veker for lys; fett for lær, fett for skotøy, stearinlys, parfymerte lys og vokslys; kulitre (brensel); kullbriketter; torvbriketter og trebriketter (brensel), ved, oljer for

endringer i varefortegnelse 2009.03.09 - 11/09


konservering av lær og tekstiler, trespon for opptenning; smørefett, smøremidler og smøreoljer

Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider; farmasøytiske preparater; næringsmidler for spedbarn; vitaminpreparater; naturmidler og helsekost, plaster og forbindingsstoffer; desinfeksjonsmidler

Klasse:6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikke-elektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt); låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin; varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); malmer.

Klasse:7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner.

Klasse:8 Håndverktøy og redskaper (manuelt drevne); knivsmedvarer, gafler og skjeer; hugg- og stikkvåpen, barberkniver, -høvler og -maskiner. Knivsmedvarer, gafler og skjeer; barberkniver, -høvler og maskiner; barberblader

Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetlske, fotografiske, kinematografiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; batterier, blitzlys og -pærer (fotografering), sikringer, vekter, smartkort med integrerte kretser, timeglass, musikkdisketter (innspilte), videofilmer (innspilte), DVD filmer (innspilte), lommekalkulatorer.

Klasse:10 Kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, ortopediske artikler, suturmaterialer.

Klasse:11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; lyspærer, kaffetraktere (elektriske), grillapparater, utegriller, grillspidd, hårtørrere, elektriske lys for juletrær

Klasse:12 Kjøretøyer, inkludert sykler, befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet.

Klasse:13 Skytevåpen; ammunisjon og prosjektiler, sprengstoff; fyrverkerisaker.

Klasse:14 Edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener; ur og kronometriske instrumenter; bijouterivarer

Klasse:15 Musikkinstrumenter. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse

materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer.

Klasse:17 Kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest, glimmer samt varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; ekstrudert plast som halvfabrikata; tetnings-, paknings- og isolasjonsmateriale; bøyelige rør (ikke av metall).

Klasse:18 Lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer.

Klasse:19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygnings- og anleggsformål; asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall).

Klasse:20 Møbler, speil, billedrammer, varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) av tre, kork, rør, rotting, kurvflettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum og erstatningsstoffer for alle disse materialer, eller av plast.

Klasse:21 Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt -beholdere; kammer og svamper; børster (ikke malerpensler); materialer for børstebinding; gjenstander til rengjøringsformål; stålull; råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass (ikke glass til bygningsbruk); glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser).

Klasse:22 Tau, reip, hyssing, nett, telt, presenninger, seil, sekker (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); materiale til polstring (ikke gummi eller plast); ubearbeidet tekstilfibermateriale.

Klasse:23 Garn og tråd for tekstile formål. Klasse:24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i

andre klasser, senge- og bordtepper. Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse:26 Kniplinger og borderier, bånd og lisser,

knapper, hekter og maljer, strikkepinner, nåler og synåler, kunstige blomster.

Klasse:27 Tepper, ryer, matter, linoleum, og annet gulvbelegg; tapeter (ikke av tekstilmateriale).

Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt; spillkort.

Klasse:29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk

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og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett.

Klasse:30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is.

Klasse:31 Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; levende dyr; friske frukter og grønnsaker; frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt.

Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker.

Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). Klasse:34 Tobakk; artikler for røkere, fyrstikker. Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet;

bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester, PR-virksomhet; salgsfremmende tjenester, markedsstudier og undersøkelser; spredning av reklameannonser; utarbeidelse av reklametekster og utsendelse av reklamemateriell; flyveblad og vareprøver; rådgivning om reklame og om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse og om forretningsprofilering; rådgivning om og formidling av avtale om anskaffelse og salg av varer samt sortimentsrådgivning innenfor dagligvaresektoren; salg av matvarer, av husholdningsartikler, parfymeriprodukter, av kjemiske produkter til industrielle, vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk, av ubearbeidede syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast, gjødningsmidler, av ildslukningsmidler, preparater og midler for herding og lodding, av kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler, av garvestoffer, av bindemidler til industrielle formål, av kjemiske produkter til fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk, av gjødningsmidler, ildslukningsmidler, av kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler, av garvestoffer, av blomsterjord og muldjord, av preparater for forbedring av jordsmonnet; bløtgjøringsmidler for vann, av destillert vann, av duggfjernepreparater, av lim (grunnings- og etterbehandlingsmidler), tapetlim, lærlim, limoppløsningsmidler, av konserveringsmidler for murstein, murverk, sement og teglstein, av eddiksprit, av fikserbad og fikservæsker (fotografering), ikke eksponerte filmer, av papir for fotografering, fotografiske fremkallingsmidler, av fluor, av klor, av frostvæsker, av kjølevesker for kjøretøymotorer, av kjemiske produkter for impregnering av lær og tekstiler, av midler for røking av kjøtt, av maling, fernisser, lakker, av rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler, av fargestoffer, beisemidler, bladmetaller og metallpulver for malere,

dekoratører, trykkere og kunstnere, av oljer og fett til industrielle formål, av smøremidler, av støvbindemidler, av brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer, av lys og veker for lys, av fett for lær, fett for skotøy, av stearinlys, parfymerte lys og vokslys, av kulitre (brensel), av kullbriketter, torvbriketter og trebriketter (brensel), av ved, av trespon for opptenning, av oljer for konservering av lær og tekstiler, av smørefett, smøremidler og smøreoljer, av farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater, av hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål, av dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, av næringsmidler for spedbarn, av plaster og forbindingsstoffer, av materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk, av desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter, av fungicider, herbicider, av farmasøytiske preparater, av næringsmidler for spedbarn, av vitaminpreparater, av naturmidler og helsekost, av plaster og forbindingsstoffer, av desinfeksjonsmidler, av uedle metaller og legeringer av disse, av bygningsmaterialer av metall, av transportable hus av metall, av materialer av metall for jernbanespor, av ikke elektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt), av låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer), av metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin, av varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), av malmer, av maskiner og verktøymaskiner, av motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer), av koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer), av landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne), av rugemaskiner, av håndverktøy og redskaper (manuelt drevne), av knivsmedvarer, gafler og skjeer, av hugg- og stikkvåpen, barberkniver, -høvler og -maskiner, av barberblader, av vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske apparater og instrumenter samt av apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning, av apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet, av apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder, av rnagnetiske databærere, grammofonplater, av salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater, av kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner, av brannslukningsapparater, av batterier, blitzlys og -pærer (fotografering), sikringer, vekter, smartkort med integrerte kretser, timeglass, musikkdisketter (innspilte), videofilmer (innspilte), DVD filmer (innspilte), lommekalkulatorer, av lyspærer, av kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, av kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, av ortopediske artikler,

endringer i varefortegnelse 2009.03.09 - 11/09


suturmaterialer, av apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål, av kjøretøyer, inkludert sykler og deres deler, av befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet, av skytevåpen, av ammunisjon og prosjektiler, sprengstoff, av fyrverkerisaker, av edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, av juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener, av ur og kronometriske instrumenter, av bijouterivarer, av musikkinstrumenter, av kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest, glimmer samt av varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, av ekstrudert plast som halvfabrikata, av tetnings-, paknings- og isolasjonsmateriale, av bøyelige rør (ikke av metall), av lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder, av kofferter og reisevesker, av paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og av salmakervarer, av bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall), av stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygnings- og anleggsformål, av asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen, av transportable hus (ikke av metall), av monumenter (ikke av metall), av møbler, speil, billedrammer, av varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) av tre, kork, rør, rotting, kurvflettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum og erstatningsstoffer for alle disse materialer, eller av plast, salg av tau, reip, hyssing, nett, telt, presenninger, seil, sekker (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), av materiale til polstring (ikke gummi eller plast), av ubearbeidet tekstilfibermateriale, av garn og tråd for tekstile formål, av tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, senge- og bordtepper, av klær, fottøy, og hodeplagg, av jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, av levende dyr, av friske frukter og grønnsaker, av frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, av malt, av alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl), av tobakk, av artikler for røkere, fyrstikker, av kaffetraktere (elektriske), av grillapparater, utegriller, grillspidd, av hårtørrere, av elektriske lys for juletrær, av bijouterivarer, av blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask, av midler til rengjøring, polering flekkfjerning samt til sliping, av såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann, av tannpussemidler, av barbersåper og barberskum, av papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, av trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding, av fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer, av klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk, av artikler til bruk for kunstnere, av pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke

møbler), av instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater), av plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), av trykktyper, klisjeer og av spillkort, av husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt -beholdere, av kammer og svamper, av børster (ikke malerpensier), av materialer for børstebinding, av gjenstander til rengjøringsformål, av stålull, av råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass (ikke glass til bygningsbruk), av glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), av spill og leketøy, av gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, av juletrepynt, av kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt, av kjøttekstrakter, av konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter, av spiselige oljer og fett, av kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, av mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis, av honning, sirup, av gjær, bakepulver, salt, sennep, eddik, sauser, krydderier, is, av øl, av mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker, av fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer, av saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker.

Klasse:36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom.

Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet.

Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet. Klasse:39 Transportvirksomhet, innpakning og

lagring av varer; organisering av reiser. Klasse:40 Bearbeiding av materialer. Klasse:41 Utdanningsvirksomhet;

opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter.

Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relater-t dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer.

Klasse:43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering.

Klasse:44 Medisinske tjenester; veterinære tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker eller dyr; landbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbrukstjenester.

Klasse:45 Juridiske tjenester; sikkerhetstjenester for beskyttelse av eiendom og enkeltmennesker; personlige og sosiale tjenester utført av andre for å dekke personlige behov.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

endringer i varefortegnelse 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 247529 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200710220 (151) Reg.dato: 2008.09.08 (180) Registreringer

utløper: 2018.09.08

(220) Inndato: 2007.08.31 (540) Gjengivelse av merket:

(546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke

(730) Innehaver: Memogroup AS, Plankedalsveien 92, 1389

HEGGEDAL, NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Dataprogrammer og nedlastbare

mobilapplikasjoner eller andre elelktroniske inntretninger inneholdende mantaltrening, hjernetrening, opplæring, læring, selvutvikling, studieteknikk, personlig og organisasjoners effektivitet.

Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester.

Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter.

(450) Kunngjort dato: 11/09, 2009.03.09

slettelser 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Slettelser, begjært av innehaver Følgende vare- og eller fellesmerker er begjært slettet fra varemerkeregisteret av innehaver. (111) 140832 (151) Reg.Dato.: 1990.03.29

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter Endring av innehaver, eller av innehavers navn og/eller adresse, i spesifiserte varemerkerettigheter, jf. varemerkeloven § 33.1 og varemerkeforskriften §§ 28 og 29. (111) 101813 (730) Innehaver: Amcor Flexibles Transpac NV, Da

Vincilaan 2, 1935 ZAVENTEM, BE (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes,

5817 BERGEN, NO (111) 113095 (730) Innehaver: Hama GmbH & Co KG, Dresdner Str. 9,

86653 MONHEIM, DE (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks

7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) 125418 (730) Innehaver: Koninklijke Sanders BV, Industriepark

Vliedberg 12, 5251RG VLIJMEN, NL (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks

7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) 126395, 125800, 225924, 230740 (730) Innehaver: Fransa Company A/S, Telehøjen 8,

5220 ODENSE, DK (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007

Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) 130724, 135760, 141669, 141670,

135708, 143107 (730) Innehaver: Mitsubishi Pencil Company Limited, 5-

23-37, Higashiohi-Ohi, Shinagawa-ku TOKYO, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 133834 (730) Innehaver: Magneti Marelli SpA, Viale Aldo Borletti,

61/63, 20011 CORBETTA (MI), IT (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs

Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (111) 136101 (730) Innehaver: Chloride Group PLC, Ebury Gate, 23

Lower Belgrave Street, SW1W0NR LONDON, GB

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 136171 (730) Innehaver: Iomega Corp, 3271 Valley Centre Drive

, Suite 200, CA92130 SAN DIEGO, US (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika,

0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 136561 (730) Innehaver: Izarra Distillerie de la Cote Basque,

Espace Olano, Parc d'activité de Jalday, 64500 SAINT JEAN DE LUZ, FR

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 136887 (730) Innehaver: Ethypharm SA, 194 Bureaux de la

Colline, Bâtiment D, 92212 ST. CLOUD CEDEX, FR

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(111) 136962 (730) Innehaver: Somfy SAS (société par actions

simplifiée), 50, avenue du Nouveau Monde, 74300 CLUSES, FR

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 138384, 138430, 154639 (730) Innehaver: Vania Expansion SnC, 19-23, Boulevard

Georges Clémenceau, 92400 COURBEVOIE, FR

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(111) 139413 (730) Innehaver: GDF Suez, 16-26 rue du Docteur

Lancereaux, 75008 PARIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks

7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) 139463 (730) Innehaver: Festina Lotus SA, Via Layetana, 20-4a

planta, 08003 BARCELONA, ES (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika,

0125 OSLO, NO (111) 167343 (730) Innehaver: PharmaNet Development Group Inc,

504 Carnegie Center, NJ08540-6242 PRINCETON, US

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(111) 176174 (730) Innehaver: Make Up Your Life LLC, 9663 Santa

Monica Boulevard, Suite 700, CA90210 BEVERLY HILLS, US

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 176426 (730) Innehaver: Faberge Ltd, Walker House P O Box


(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 185419, 206491 (730) Innehaver: The Evercare Co, 3440 Preston Ridge

Road, Suite 650, GA30005 ALPHARETTA, US

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(111) 194017 (730) Innehaver: Safetec Nordic AS, Sluppenveien 12E,

7037 TRONDHEIM, NO (111) 194061 (730) Innehaver: Glommen Skog BA, Postboks 1329,

2405 ELVERUM, NO (740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 2743

Solli, 0204 OSLO, NO (111) 194356, 241147, 241148, 241149, ,

241225, 241751, 241750, 241752 (730) Innehaver: Grilstad AS, Ranheimsvegen 129, 7053

RANHEIM, NO (740) Fullmektig: Curo AS, Industriveien 53, 7080

HEIMDAL, NO (111) 195840 (730) Innehaver: Stiftelsen Hvite busser til Auschwitz,

Storgata 112, 3921 PORSGRUNN, NO (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum,

0104 OSLO, NO (111) 195949 (730) Innehaver: E. Tjellesen A/S, Engmosen 1, 3540

LYNGE, DK (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes,

5817 BERGEN, NO (111) 195974 (730) Innehaver: Karsten Manufacturing Corp, 2201 West

Desert Cove, AZ85029 PHOENIX, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum,

0104 OSLO, NO (111) 195994 (730) Innehaver: JTI Sweden AB, Box 24155, 10451

STOCKHOLM, SE (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171,


(111) 196155 (730) Innehaver: Stiftelsen Fairtrade Max Havelaar

Norge, Storgata 11, 0155 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 2743

Solli, 0204 OSLO, NO (111) 196320 (730) Innehaver: Stiftinga Den norske bokbyen, 6848

FJÆRLAND, NO (740) Fullmektig: Arne Gjeraker, Postboks 6, 6851

Sogndal, NO (111) 196780 (730) Innehaver: Industrie De Nora SpA, Via Bistolfi 35,

20134 MILANO, IT (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika,

0125 OSLO, NO (111) 198524 (730) Innehaver: Level 3 Communications Inc, 1025

Eldorado Blvd., CO80021 BROOMFIELD, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 200556 (730) Innehaver: Glommen Skog BA, Postboks 1329,

2405 ELVERUM, NO (740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 2743

Solli, 0204 OSLO, NO (111) 205774 (730) Innehaver: Protec Autocare Ltd, Hulme Road,

Radcliffe, M261EY MANCHESTER, GB (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirma DLA Piper Norway DA,

Postboks 1364 Vika, 0114 OSLO, NO (111) 206361 (730) Innehaver: Varme&Bad AS, Postboks 184, 4065

STAVANGER, NO (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei

12, 0484 OSLO, NO (111) 206709 (730) Innehaver: Nycomed Pharma AS, Drammensvn.

852, 1385 ASKER, NO (111) 210598, 210599 (730) Innehaver: European Directories (DH7) BV,

Condensatorweg 54, 1070 AMSTERDAM, AM

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(111) 212024 (730) Innehaver: Vagabond Forlag AS, Sagveien 21A,

0459 OSLO, NO

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 217768 (730) Innehaver: Norkart Geoservice AS, Postboks 145,

1300 SANDVIKA, NO (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Gjerdrums Vei

12, 0484 OSLO, NO (111) 219759, 219761 (730) Innehaver: CaridianBCT Biotechnologies LLC,

1215 Quail Street, CO80215 LAKEWOOD, US

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(111) 224345, 243295 (730) Innehaver: Eyetech Inc, 140 East Hanover Avenue,


(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(111) 225780 (730) Innehaver: RECS International, c/o Ecofys

Netherlands BV, Postbus 8404, 3503 UTRECHT, NL

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 230832 (730) Innehaver: Nordic Kidswear AB, Odelbergsväg 8 B,

13440 GUSTAVSBERG, SE (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum,

0104 OSLO, NO (111) 234047 (730) Innehaver: Materielhuset A/S, Hatrupvej 2A, 4622

HAVDRUP, DK (740) Fullmektig: Richard Markmand, Tvetenveien 231,

Leil. 13055, 0675 OSLO, NO (111) 235894 (730) Innehaver: PCI-Security, v/ Robert Grottfors,

Etterstadsletta 61A, 0660 OSLO, NO (111) 239040 (730) Innehaver: Spice Entertainment Inc, 680 North

Lake Shore Drive, IL60611 CHICAGO, US Cine Craft Ltd, 3, Bell Lane, Gibraltar, GB

(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO

(111) 243490 (730) Innehaver: Seal Trademarks Pty Ltd, 1 Billabong

Place, Qld4220 BURLEIGH HEADS, AU(740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum,

0104 OSLO, NO

(111) 245555, 245785, 245786, 249250, 249025

(730) Innehaver: Vitality Innovation AS, Postboks 42, 3285 LARVIK, NO

(111) 246029, 246646 (730) Innehaver: Rieu Investissements SA, Z.A.I La

Marniere, 2 bis Rue Charles de Gaulle, 91070 BONDOUFLE, FR

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO

(111) 246075 (730) Innehaver: Euroflorist Norge AS, Postboks 43,

1309 RUD, NO (111) 27125 (730) Innehaver: Catomance Technologies Ltd, 96 Bridge


(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(111) 43157, 103504, 188934, 233929,

234027 (730) Innehaver: Rieu Investissements SA, Z.A.I La

Marniere, 2 bis Rue Charles de Gaulle, 91070 BONDOUFLE, FR

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO

(111) 43710 (730) Innehaver: Vulkan Smith AS, Industriveien 18, 1337

SANDVIKA, NO (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika,

0125 OSLO, NO (111) 64844 (730) Innehaver: Cobham Defense Electronic Systems

Corp, (a Massachusetts Corp), 58 Main Street, MA01740 BOLTON, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 71779 (730) Innehaver: Scanspac AB, Kemivägen 7, 70597

GLANSHAMMAR, SE (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum,

0104 OSLO, NO (111) 76403, 75887 (730) Innehaver: Arch Timber Protection Ltd, Wheldon


(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 77045 (730) Innehaver: MacDuff & Co Ltd, 35 Earl Haig Road,

G524JU HILLINGTON, GLASGOW, GB (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika,

0125 OSLO, NO (111) 78744, 124811, 187756, 191346 (730) Innehaver: Reima Holding OY, Jämintie 14, 38700

KANKAANPÄÄ, FI (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007

Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) 80503 (730) Innehaver: Danstar Ferment AG, Bahnhofstrasse 7,

6301 ZUG, CH (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007

Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

lisenser 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Lisenser Anmerkning av nye lisenser jf. varemerkeloven § 32 og de alminnelige bestemmelsene til Madridprotokollen, rule 20bis. (210) Søknadsr: 200610961 (111) / 0896173

Varer / tjenester som omfattes: Hele varefortegnelsen. Lisensgiver/


Jaccoux Camille, 422, route des Gaillands, 74400 CHAMONIX, FR Christophe Villemin, 7, rue des Jonquilles, 68770 AMMERSCHWIRH, FR

Lisenshaver: Cab54 SarL, 52, rue de l'Oberharth, 68000 COLMAR, FR

Kategori: Eksklusiv Lisens inngått: 2009/02/03

endringer i navn og adresser 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Endringer i navn og adresser i alle rettigheter Navne-/adresseendringen er foretatt i alle kundens rettigheter i vårt register. (730) Tidligere navn: Talk2me AS, Drammensveien

130, 0277 OSLO, NO (730) Nytt navn: Bring Dialogue Norway AS,

Drammensveien 130, 0277 OSLO, NO

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Endringer i fullmaktsforhold Endring av fullmaktsforhold, jf. varemerkeforskriften § 29. (111) 101813 (730) Innehaver: Amcor Flexibles Transpac NV, Da

Vincilaan 2, 1935 ZAVENTEM, BE (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880

Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (111) 109536, 110351, 150729, 153072,

152798, 152799, 153191, 154524, 154525, 153073, 152803, 164633

(730) Innehaver: Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd, 1-1, 4.chome, Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku OSAKA, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(111) 135392 (730) Innehaver: Bridgestone Bandag LLC, 2905

N.Highway 61, IA52761 MUSCATINE, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 135862 (730) Innehaver: Hellema-Hallum BV, Hallum, NL (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003

Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (111) 135906 (730) Innehaver: Astellas Pharma Inc, 3-11,

Nihonbashi-Honcho 2-chome, Chuo-ku, 103-8411 TOKYO, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO

(111) 136271, 136272 (730) Innehaver: United States Surgical Corp, 150

Glover Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 136326 (730) Innehaver: Caixa D'Estalvis i Pensions de

Barcelona, Avda. Diagonal, 621-629, 08028 BARCELONA, ES

(740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(111) 136564 (730) Innehaver: Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.,

401 North Lake Street, WI54956 NEENAH, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 137944 (730) Innehaver: Principal Financial Services Inc,

711 High Street, Des Moines, IA 50392, US

(740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, NO

(111) 139463 (730) Innehaver: Festina Lotus SA, Via Layetana,

20-4a planta, 08003 BARCELONA, ES

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 140832 (730) Innehaver: Groupement Carte Bleue,

Groupement d'Intérêt Economique, 21, boulevard de la Madeleine, F-75001 Paris, FR

(740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO

(111) 171961 (730) Innehaver: Cray Valley SA, 12, Place de l'Iris,

92400 COURBEVOIE, FR (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS,

Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO

(111) 176426 (730) Innehaver: Faberge Ltd, Walker House P O


(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 195994 (730) Innehaver: JTI Sweden AB, Box 24155, 10451

STOCKHOLM, SE (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks

171, 4302 SANDNES, NO

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 196390 (730) Innehaver: The Polo/Lauren Company LP, 650

Madison Avenue, NY10022 NEW YORK, US

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO

(111) 196592 (730) Innehaver: L'Oreal SA, Clichy Cedex, FR (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St

Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (111) 196738 (730) Innehaver: L'Oréal, 14, rue Royale, 75008

PARIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St

Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (111) 196748 (730) Innehaver: L'Oréal, 14, rue Royale, 75008

PARIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St

Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (111) 196749 (730) Innehaver: L'Oréal, 14, rue Royale, 75008

PARIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St

Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (111) 196750 (730) Innehaver: L'Oréal, 14, rue Royale, 75008

PARIS, FR (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St

Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (111) 196912 (730) Innehaver: Seiko Holdings KK (trading as

Seiko Holdings Corp), 5-11, Ginza 4-chome, Chuo-ku TOKYO, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 199521 (730) Innehaver: Holland & Barrett Ltd, Bohemia,

NY, US (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449

Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO

(111) 205774 (730) Innehaver: Protec Autocare Ltd, Hulme Road,

Radcliffe, M261EY MANCHESTER, GB

(740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirma DLA Piper Norway DA, Postboks 1364 Vika, 0114 OSLO, NO

(111) 213845 (730) Innehaver: Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd, 1-1,

4.chome, Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku OSAKA, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 220027 (730) Innehaver: Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd, 1-1,

4.chome, Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku OSAKA, JP

(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(111) 224345, 243295 (730) Innehaver: Eyetech Inc, 140 East Hanover


(740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO

(111) 230832 (730) Innehaver: Nordic Kidswear AB, Odelbergsväg

8 B, 13440 GUSTAVSBERG, SE (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449

Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (111) 234047 (730) Innehaver: Materielhuset A/S, Hatrupvej 2A,

4622 HAVDRUP, DK (740) Fullmektig: Richard Markmand, Tvetenveien

231, Leil. 13055, 0675 OSLO, NO (111) 243472, 243473 (730) Innehaver: DiaGenic ASA, Grenseveien 92,

0663 OSLO, NO (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property

Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO

(111) 245566 (730) Innehaver: PatoGen Analyse AS, Serviceboks

9, 6025 ÅLESUND, NO (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St

Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) 246029, 246646 (730) Innehaver: Rieu Investissements SA, Z.A.I La

Marniere, 2 bis Rue Charles de Gaulle, 91070 BONDOUFLE, FR

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO

(111) 43157, 103504, 188934, 233929,

234027 (730) Innehaver: Rieu Investissements SA, Z.A.I La

Marniere, 2 bis Rue Charles de Gaulle, 91070 BONDOUFLE, FR

(740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO

(111) 64844 (730) Innehaver: Cobham Defense Electronic

Systems Corp, (a Massachusetts Corp), 58 Main Street, MA01740 BOLTON, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 76347 (730) Innehaver: Illinois Tool Works Inc, 3600 West

Lake Avenue, IL60025 GLENVIEW, US

(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

(111) 77045 (730) Innehaver: MacDuff & Co Ltd, 35 Earl Haig


(740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO

fornyelser 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Fornyelser (111) (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) (180) Registreringen utløper:

101187 2018.11.16

101712 2019.02.15

101919 2019.04.19

102706 2019.08.09

102752 2019.08.16

134121 2018.11.03

135079 2019.01.19

135461 2019.02.16

135569 2019.02.23

135637 2019.03.02

135648 2019.03.02

135651 2019.03.02

135841 2019.03.22

136127 2019.04.13

136178 2019.04.20

137413 2019.07.06

137752 2019.07.27

137900 2019.08.03

194061 2018.11.06

195116 2019.01.06

195964 2019.02.17

195974 2019.02.17

196021 2019.02.17

196022 2019.02.18

196063 2019.02.18

196119 2019.02.18

196264 2019.03.03

196370 2019.03.04

196379 2019.03.04

196461 2019.03.10

196476 2019.03.11

196504 2019.03.11

196608 2019.03.18

196642 2019.03.18

196643 2019.03.18

196743 2019.03.25

196771 2019.03.25

196777 2019.04.06

196808 2019.04.06

196907 2019.04.09

196908 2019.04.09

196923 2019.04.09

196937 2019.04.09

196993 2019.04.15

197106 2019.04.23

197121 2019.04.23

fornyelser 2009.03.09 - 11/09


(111) (180) Registreringen utløper:

197213 2019.04.30

197321 2019.04.30

197828 2019.06.04

198078 2019.06.17

199270 2019.09.09

199505 2019.09.22

(111) (180) Registreringen utløper:

199683 2019.10.06

38898 2019.12.23

520699 2018.06.18

54950 2019.08.13

76066 2019.02.21

77015 2019.07.31

administrativ overprøving 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn Administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn i henhold til foretaksnavneloven § 3-6. Patentstyrets 1. avdeling. Krav nummer: 2008008 Innsiger: Spa Logic Inc Grunnlag: Registrert varemerke nr. 236874,

kombinert merke ARCTIC SPAS, jf. foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4

Registreringshaver: ARCTIC SPAS AS org. nr. 955 003 993 Beslutning: Registreringen er ugyldig.

Krav nummer: 2008023 Innsiger: Asissi ANS Grunnlag: Registrert varemerke nr. 188499,

ordmerket SILVAMETODEN , jf. foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4

Registreringshaver: SILVA ULTRAMIND NORGE AS org. nr. 988 535 869

Beslutning: Registreringen er ugyldig.

erstatning 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Erstatning Norsk varemerkeregistrering 138225 er erstattet av internasjonal registrering 0521919A. Endringen gjelder for klasse 11, klasse 19 og ”Pipes, bends and tubes of plastic, as well as their parts and accessories not included in other classes” i klasse 17.

fornyelser 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Fornyede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 0216653 0216785 0216894 0442707 0688826 0695970 0702635 0706630 0707060 0707103 0707248 0707367 0707392 0707617 0707831 0707935

0708032 0708142 0708347 0708419 0708422 0708471 0708472 0708473 0708474 0708475 0708476 0708477 0708478 0708479 0708481 0708488A

0708499 0708592 0708594 0708595 0708602 0708604 0708606 0708738 0708772 0708800 0708875 0708925 0709002 0709216 0709246 0709273

0709294 0709309 0709535 0709770 0709877 0711052 0711090 0712030 0712447 0714808 0714809 0714853 0715006 0715654 0715861

ikke fornyede int. reg. 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Ikke fornyede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 0696846 0697804 0697824 0697885 0698443 0698493 0698534 0699149 0699299 0699725 0700364 0700501 0700505 0700922 0701164 0702736 0703880 0703882 0703905 0705051 0705052 0707807

slettelser 2009.03.09 - 11/09


Slettede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 0962517
