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8/3/2019 nrkat2 1/1


Men and Women of the Rapid Response Task Force;

It has come to this, this moment in history on which all of what we have worked towards hangs in the

balance, as a new foe attempts to make the republic bow to his whims. This foe, one whom we have

only heard rumors of, seen shadows of, and read little about, has perfectly orchestrated everything up

to this moment. This moment, but a few minutes of deadly combat, can settle everything, could set the

entire future of the galaxy up for success or absolute failure.

This enemy has been able to unite the Imperial Remnant, the Pentastar Alignment, the Ciutric

hegemony, the Correllian Sector, the Oplovis Sector, and the Antemeridian Sector in a single entity once

more. Their combined forces rival that of our own, and it is only tactics that remain, but this tenuous

balance will tip in the direction of whosoever captures the fleet.

I cannot guarantee victory; I cannot guarantee that we will arrive before the Empire; I cannot guarantee

that we will survive. But, we will give them a fight that they will never forget. Our only chance, should

the Imperials arrive before we do, is to capture the Katana, the first of the dreadnought cruisers and

also the flagship to which all the others are slaved. If we get control of it, then we will be able to use the

others to destroy the enemy fleet.

I received word that Talon Karrde will arrive with a massive smuggler fleet to support us, and Borsk

Feylya will also send the Home fleets to support us. This will be the largest engagement since the Battle

of Endor, and it is likely we may not win; but we will give them the fight of their lives. Each of you are

veterans, valiant soldiers, loyal citizens, and wonderful people who would rather have peace than the

brutality of war. But, while we move to our last destination, look right and left, thank everyone around

you, and pay your respects.

Pilots, your jobs are to give cover to our ships as they land their marines on the Katana. Marines, kill

any you find on board, and take control. Admirals, hold off the rest of the Imperials, and lay your ships

and your lives on the line of duty, and do not let it break. You have your orders, and your code of honor,

and you must follow it to whatever end it goes.

Now we will go towards that which we have been seeking, that which we need to prevent, and that at

which we need to succeed. Go there, with my gratitude, the gratitude of the New Republic, and the

gratitude of all the peoples of our wonderful galaxy. You are the Shepherds who must drive away thewolves, and the wolves already are nipping at the flock. Good luck, good hunting, and May the Force be

With You.

General Crix Madine