Nyansa (Issue 1)


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  • 8/6/2019 Nyansa (Issue 1)


    NYANSAPolitics, Oral Tradition, News, Nationalism


    Ordering information

    and philosophy.....pg. 2


    The Search for a

    Negro Messiah.....pg. 3


    Reviews of dub and

    music from Africa

    .......pg. 5


    The Origin of

    Child Support.......pg. 1

    The Case Against

    Marijuana............pg. 1

    Nyansa, is AKANfor

    wisdom and intelligence,

    which is necessary in

    order to grow, thrive, and

    counteract an enemy bent

    on miseducation.

    $ 1.00National Edition:Detroit. New York.

    Atlanta. Los Angeles.

    Chicago. Washington.


    Vol. 1, No. 1

    The Origin of

    Child SupportBy Jabulani Durojaye

    Child Support, this term when

    mentioned to those in the

    suburban areas, or the urban

    jungles of America, sends trepida-

    tion down the spinal column of indi-

    viduals who unfortunately have to

    relinquish it. This form of aid foryouth under eighteen years of age, is

    nothing but a unconstitutional hoax

    perpetuated by those who wish to

    play upon the divisiveness of the

    man and women. Created as an enti-

    ty in 1975, during Gerald Fords

    presidency, the former stated it must

    be checks and balances for the

    O.C.S.E. because it ventured to far

    into the domestic situation.

    Nevertheless in 1976 with feminist

    backing the O.C.S.E. (office of childsupport enforcement.) shamelessly

    promoted itself as a champion of

    children and unwed mothers, against

    the decadent scourge of deadbeat


    In the eighties, Irwin Garfinkel

    would serve as the architect who

    would encourage the transformation

    of the child support system, to

    model communist Russia, this would

    mean by the early nineties and on

    state and federal employees got a

    piece of the proverbial pie, O.C.S.E.

    employees, prosecutors,

    The Case AgainstMarijuana Part: 1By Priest Ra-El Mahanem Elioenai

    As we further slip into this age of

    darkness and confusion, the wide-

    spread use and hallucinogenic

    drugs has grown exponentially since the

    free sex and drug (hippie/ tippie) move-

    ment of the mid to late 60s. While most

    will deny cocaine, LSD, and heroine are

    indeed illicit and extremely harmful drugs,

    due to gross medical, historical, socio-reli-gious, cultural, and medicinal misinforma-

    tion coupled with the casualness and popu-

    larity of its use (recreational and other-

    wise), marijuanahas conveniently

    escaped such classification. To this day

    there is a vast multitude of the general

    worldwide populous who insist for social

    or even social or even religo-spiritual rea-

    sons that marijuana use is not only harm-

    less, but beneficial, leading to clearer per-

    ception of reality and a closer relationshipwith God.

    Continued on page 4

    All myths and falsehoods

    aside, no where in

    Els Holy Scriptures or

    related sacred texts, i.e.

    the Kebra Negast,

    the Fetha Negast, etc., is

    there mention of any

    prophet ofhwhy partakingof marijuana or any

    reference to marijuana

    growing on King Solomonsgrave. In fact true

    Rastafarians (Nazarites rzn)

    dont ingest any substance

    (drug, herbal, or otherwise)

    that intoxicates the mind,

    heart, body or soul.

    (The Holy Bible, Numbers 6:3-5).


    Summer 2005

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    2 Summer 2005




    Jabulani Durojaye

    Editorial Staff

    Onafowokan Fafa Olatunji

    Jabulani Durojaye


    Contributing WritersJabulani Durojaye

    Ra-El Mahanem Elioenai

    Salik Yalal Ali Rahman

    How to reach us:


    Nyansa News

    P.O. Box 04345

    Detroit, Michigan 48204

    Nyansa News is published four

    times a year. Any reproduction

    without written consent of Nyansa

    is prohibited.

    Support NYANSA and

    help raise the

    consciousness ofAfrican people.

    Your subscription of Nyansa, gets you the news,views, and information you wont find in the

    mainstream media. Any war being fought usually begins with dissemination of propaganda,

    so please help those who are for YOU!!!


    (Method of payment: If outside of U.S. call (313) 883-0156 for rates.)









    P.O.BOX 04345DETROIT, MI 48204

    Kodi mulipo (How are you?) welcome, you have within your hands the first

    issue ofNyansa.Prepare to sojourn with the staff of this publication, as we

    delve into unspoken truths, dissemination of the Amalozi and removing the

    crust from the third-eyelid, arduously working to prepare the people to do the

    one thing that Western civilization forbids, and that is to question. To engage

    in such a practice is to free the mind from superficial constructs, allowing truewisdom to abound from the gateway one with the cosmos, the mind.

    ENTER... Jabulani Durojaye



    Welcome to the first issue of NYANSA. What you are holding in your hands

    represents the outpouring of the life giving principlesof the priests and

    priestesses of . With that said, the purpose of this publication is to ultimate-

    ly aid in the amelioration of , bringing to fruition a great awakening

    that culminates in the total and unequivocal liberation

    of BA-TU people.

  • 8/6/2019 Nyansa (Issue 1)


    Summer 2005 3


    FALLEN : The Search for a Negro Messiahby Jabulani Durojaye


    t truly was a good run indeed, William Cosby affectionately known as (Bill)

    the mind behind Fat Albert, The Cosby Show, and Little Bill, apparently has

    fallen from grace, stripped of his socio-political wings, after revelations ofsexual assault (which Cosby has admitted intimacy.). Ironically Bill Cosby went

    lecturing around the country about the failure of the African collective and its

    problems, and vociferously called for accountability. I will not participate in a

    diatribe about Cosbys private life, but what I will offer is an observation of the

    desperation of a people. Cosby admonished parents paying exorbitant prices for

    shoes, but failed to condemn the corporations who

    exploit African youth and the Third World. Nike,

    Reebok, and Addidas escaped the wrath of Cosby,

    while he entertained a mass audience mesmerized by

    every word, African People WAKE UP!!! Where was

    Cosby in the eighties when the crack epidemic was

    wreaking havoc? Better yet where was he in the seven-

    ties, he was a participant in the black exploitation

    genre. The arrogance of this man to castigate the mass-

    es, while he was allowed to exist safely is staggering, what race in their right

    mind would see a comedian as a leader, no wonder were a joke.

    Leadership is a heavy burden, and should not be loaned out to any group, or

    man/woman who gets the part-time courage to speak out, and please do not

    inform me of his philanthropy towards historically black colleges, because

    it is a well known fact that the federal government is the deciding factor whether

    or not this entity continues. It is asinine to latch on to any personality, who can

    return to their sanctuary, after he or she leaves you with some words. We want

    some figurehead no matter how superficial to rescue us from the cultural, eco-nomic, and political quicksand in America, anyone with your legitimate interests

    lives, laughs and cries like you do. Understand those who assert racism is what

    toppled Bill Cosby , that we are the only people who fail in two areas glaringly,

    and that is not willing to punish our traitors, and secondly not being discriminat-

    ing when it comes too choosing leadership, until that changes we will always be

    material for the unseen pranksters.

    Where was Bill Cosby

    in the eighties when

    the crack epidemic was

    wreaking havoc?

    Better yet, where was

    he in the seventies?

    He was a participant

    in the black

    exploitation genre.

    Jabulani Durojaye is the founder of the

    Monastery of Illumination, and also is a

    contributing writer for Iman magazine.

  • 8/6/2019 Nyansa (Issue 1)


    4 Summer 2005

    The Case AgainstMarijuana Continued from page 1

    A. While the Monastery of Illumination and Temple of the Etherians have

    a great deal of respect for the Rastafarian movement as well as anyone

    embarking on a spiritual path to discover their god-self, there is absolutelynothing holy or sacred about marijuana. All myths and falsehoods aside,

    no where in Els Holy Scriptures or related sacred texts i.e. the Kebra Negast,

    the Fetha Negast, etc., is there mention of any prophet of God partaking of

    marijuana or any reference to marijuana growing on King Solomons grave. In

    fact true Rastafarians (Nazarites rzn) don't ingest any substance (drug, herbal,

    or otherwise) that intoxicates the mind, heart, body or soul. (The Holy Bible,

    Numbers 6:3-5).

    The Ethiopian Orthodox (Tewahedo) Church (of Ethiopia)

    does not condone or support marijuana use. Neither does

    it condone or support liquor or tobacco use. Orthodox

    monks have learned over centuries of experience that such

    shortcuts are at best dangerous and at worst soul-

    destroying. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,

    and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man

    defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the

    temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

    (An Interview with the Venerable Getahun Atlaw,

    Archdeacon of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church of Jerusalem,

    Israel by Charles Bryant-Abraham, PhD, The Hon. Knight de

    Bryan, OAA)

    It must also be noted that Haile Selassie, former Emperor of Ethiopia, and

    defender of the Christian faith, outlawed the use of marijuana in Ethiopia as a

    crime punishable by imprisonment. Marcus Garvey also campaigned against

    marijuana as he perceived it to be a hindrance to the keen mind necessary for

    African liberation. (Could Rastas and Christians Really Unite? William

    David Spencer, Professor of Theology, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary,

    Boston, 2003).

    Contrary to popular myth the word marijuana or any phrase, term, utterance,

    expression or its equivalent thereof does not appear one single time in Els

    Holy Scriptures. Unfortunately, due to gross misinformation postulated on a

    regular basis by folk etymologists, many have been fooled into believing that

    the Hebrew/Amharic word kan(an) ank mentioned in various placesthroughout the scriptures (Genesis 9:20-21; Deuteronomy 22:9; Exodus 22:5;

    Psalms 107:37; etc.) as well as in the Kebra Negast means marijuana when it

    actually translates plants of (or to plant) a vineyard.The same can be said for

    the word herb bq6 eseb [meaning: to glisten (or be green); grass(or any tender shoot)], which can be found in Genesis 1:29-30 as well as

    Psalms 104:14. (The New Strong's Complete Dictionary of Biblical Words,

    James Strong, LL.D., S.T.D.; The Oxford English-Hebrew Dictionary,Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (Corporate Author), N. S.

    Doniach (Editor) and Ahuvia Kahane (Editor);Enyclopaedia Judaica 5, 1997;

    English-Amharic Dictionary, Amsalu Aklilu and G. P. Mosback, Addis

    Ababa: Oxford University Press, 1973).

    And God said, Behold, I have given you every (bq6 herb)bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth,

    and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree

    yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every

    beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to

    every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there

    is life, I have given every (bq6 green herb) for meat:and it was so.

    (The Holy Bible, Genesis 1:29-30)Continued on page 6

    Originally this article was going to be a four part series divided into

    sub-categories each addressing a specific aspect of marijuana. However, after

    reviewing the end result the article was far too lengthy. Therefore it was agreedupon by all parties involved that a question and answers format would be

    more insightful and informative. Come take a journey through the annals of

    time as explore, expound upon, and argue the case against marijuana.

    Q. Why the case against marijuana? I mean, isnt marijuana essentially a

    harmless, recreational herb (drug)?

    A. The age has finally arrived for marijuana to be tried and found guilty

    of being precisely what it is...a very dangerous, addictive, and mind-alter-

    ing herb (drug). In ancient China where scientist believe the earliest known

    use of the cannabis plant has been found dating back over 10,000 years, the

    vast majority of the then Chinese populous denounced the psychotropic use of

    cannabis sativa and saw it as a gateway to sin and an impetus to demon pos-

    session.Historians and researchers alike speculate that such a widespread view

    was held partly due to the growing Chinese interest and dedication to the Tao

    (the way; the cosmic truth) in which anything that contains yin,(the force of

    earth: the negative female principle linked to the qualities of contraction, cold,

    heaviness, and wetness) such as marijuana, was regarded with contempt since it

    enfeebled the body (and attacked the mind) when ingested (eaten, inhaled,

    smoked). Only substances filled with yang, (the force of heaven: the positive

    male principle linked to the qualities of expansion, heat, lightness and dryness)

    the invigorating principle in nature, were looked upon favorably.

    Marijuana is hallucinogenic. Feelings of being high or

    down may be experienced. Thought processes may be

    disturbed. Time, space, distance and sound may be

    distorted. Confusion and disorientation can result from

    its use. Reflexes are slowed. And it has been known to

    produce psychosis. With this description of the effects of

    its use it must be stated that any use of marijuana is

    the misuse of a drug. (Social Values, American Youth,

    and Drug Use, E. D. Mattmiller).

    Physiologically speaking, THC (delta-1-tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoac-

    tive chemical in marijuana which produces hallucinogenic effects in humans is

    known and documented to destroy brain cells and retard the bodys neurotrans-

    mitters which serves as a catalyst to schizophrenia, depression, memory lost,

    motor incoordination, decreased sexual drive, and the like. So as you can see,

    marijuana is far from being harmless.

    As the abuse pattern grows, the chronic user develops

    inertia, lethargy and indifference. Even if he does not

    have psychotic or pseudopsychotic episodes or begin a

    criminal or violent existence, he becomes a blight to

    society. He indulges in self-neglect. And even though he

    may give the excuse that he uses the drug because it

    enlarges his understanding of himself, it is the drug

    experience, not his personal development, which is his

    principal interest. (Marijuana: Social Benefit or Social

    Detriment? Bloomquist).

    Q. I have a friend who is a Rastafarian and another one who is very spiri-

    tual, and they both speak of the holiness of marijuana. It was even

    explained to me that the prophets of old smoked the wisdom weed, and that

    marijuana is Gods gift to mankind, the healing of the nations. I have also

    heard that the cannabis plant actually sprouted on King Solomons grave.


  • 8/6/2019 Nyansa (Issue 1)


    Augustus Pablo was a musical genius who became one of the most

    unique and influential creators of music on the planet. From the early

    1970s on, his impact on the world of reggae was profound, and is

    recognized worldwide as one of the prime architects of dub music. His

    King Tubby Meets The Rockers Uptown is considered by many to be

    the greatest dub albums of all time. May hwhy keep and rest his soul.

    Augustus Pablo, June 21, 1954 - May 18, 1999.

    Live in Tokyo Japan: Augustus Pablo (1991)

    Born Horace Swaby in 1954 in St.

    Andrew Jamaica, this man would be

    known to thousands by a different

    name, and that name was Augustus Pablo. For

    those not familiar with this adept ofdub

    music you are in for a treat. Responsible for

    Rockers Paradise, King Davids Melody,

    etc., Live in Tokyo Japan is a melodious

    escape into the music of a master. We get a

    close look into the roots rockers contribution

    to the genre with tracks such as Twinkling

    Stars (3) or track (7) East of the River Nile.

    Pablo made his debut in 1971 with the songIggy Iggy. From the seventies until the late

    nineties Augustus Pablo blessed us with an

    array of gems before making his transition at

    the age of 45 due to cancer. So if you want real dub, kick back put on Live in Tokyo

    Japan and see why the roots world is less good with the loss of one of its shining stars.

    Review by Jabulani Durojaye

    {Reviewers note: Augustus Pablo is survived by his wife Karen and two sons, Addis

    and Isis respectively.)

    Summer 2005 5

    Music Reviews

    Hamza El Din, circa 2004, one of the first

    African musicians to gain widespread

    international recognition. He is considered

    by many to be the father of modern Nubian

    music, and has taught music at universities

    in Japan and the U.S. Hamza El Din now

    resides in the San Francisco Bay area,where he continues composing, teaching,

    and recording during breaks in his busy

    worldwide concert schedule.

    With the re-release of these

    Vanguard recording classics, a

    new and unsuspecting genera-

    tion will get to experience the awe and

    majesty of one of the worlds greatestmusicians.

    From the start Music of Nubia and

    Al Oudboth play like a well scripted

    concert, not in the sense of predictability

    or ennui, but in vibrancy and freshness.

    Each song takes hold of the ear, gently

    guiding us to the next selection without the

    slightest seam giving the listener a perfect

    balance between his magnificent and

    beautiful oud playing and a voice so

    harmonious that it mesmerizes the soul.

    Without exception Music of Nubia and

    and Al Oud are timeless masterpieces

    that express the glory of the

    Nubian past, present, future.

    Selections to pay close atten-

    tion to are: Hoi To Irkil

    Fagiu (The Message Bearer); Nubala (Nubiana); Shahadag Og

    (Believe!); and Desse Barama (Peace) from Music of Nubia,

    and Annun Sira (Grandfathers Stories); Nuban Uto (Call For

    Unity); Shortunga (The Spirits) from Al Oud.

    For more information about Hamza El Din, please visit:


    Review by Salik Yalal Ali Rahman

    Hamza El DinMusic of Nubia (Originally Released 1964)

    Al Oud: Vocal and Instrumental Music of Nubia (Originally Released 1965)



  • 8/6/2019 Nyansa (Issue 1)


    6 Summer 2005

    The Case AgainstMarijuana Continued from Page 4

    Kali-Ma, the most ancient goddess still worshiped in the

    world today is the Mother of Life and Death. Her worship

    stretches back into pre-history, and is believed to

    predate that of her more well-known consort Shiva, the

    longest continually worshiped god on earth. Both Shiva

    and Kali are strongly associated with marijuana. Kali is

    generally depicted with a girdle of human arms and a

    necklace of skulls, and represents the dark aspect of the

    goddess trinity of virgin-mother-crone. Both ancient and

    modern devotees of Kali partake of marijuana in various

    forms as a part of their worship. Devotional ceremonies

    to Kali involve cannabis ingestion and ritual sex.

    (Marijuana and the Goddess, Chris Bennet, 1998).

    The Goddess Kali has black skin. She wears a necklace of

    human heads and has a girdle of hands. She has

    earrings made out of little children. These have all beencut off from those she has killed. Her mouth is wide open

    as if to devour the entire creation. She possesses red

    teeth in her open mouth. Her face, though smiling, is

    stained with blood falling from both corners of her

    mouth. She has a flaming tongue which can lick up the

    blood of those she kills before it can even hit the

    ground. The Goddess Kali screams terribly when killing.

    Her scream has a mysterious supernatural quality to it.

    It seems to come from everywhere and penetrates

    everything most powerfully. She has well-developed

    breasts. Sometimes they are attractive and normal and

    sometimes they are long and thin. Kali has eight hands.

    They hold weapons and symbols of power, although one hand

    is always raised in blessing. She has disheveled hair and

    three bloodshot eyes. One eye is in the center of herforehead. Images of the Goddess Kali show hand movements

    and postures indicating action and dynamism.

    She symbolizes the emotions of terror and repulsion.

    (Kali, the Black One, Wendell E. Wilkinson).

    The beginning...

    Next issue: The Case Against Marijuana, Pt. 2. Topics include:The True Origin of Cannabis; India: The First Marijuana-Oriented Culture;

    The African Dagga Cultures; and The White Buffalo Woman: Marijuana and

    the Peace Pipe.

    Do something about your addiction...

    The 12 Step Program For Marijuana Addicts

    Marijuana Anonymous World Services,

    P.O. Box 2912

    Van Nuys, CA 91404

    1-800-766-6779, or visit:


    He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and (bq6

    herb) for the service of man: that he may bring forthfood out of the earth.

    (The Holy Bible, Psalms 104:14)

    Unfortunately many religious stoners use the above scriptural quotes to justify

    smoking or ingesting cannabis on the basis that marijuana is one of the green

    herbs God gave to man for his meat. If one follows this erroneous line of rea-

    soning then why not smoke or ingest green hellebore; belladonna;dog

    poison; monkshood rue; scotch broom;or woodruff on a consistent

    basis, each of which is a green herb (albeit poisonous) bearing seed just like


    Lastly, for those who will take whatever long reach pass common sense that

    they can to find some religious justification to partake of marijuana, it must be

    noted that the mention of incense burning and the use of incense thereof inthe Els Holy Scriptures does in no way give credence to the common postulat-

    ed pseudology that the incensereferred to is really a cryptic reference to

    cannabis use. In Hebrew/Amharic, the word for incense isr4k qatar,which literally means fumigation in a close place (and thus driving out the

    occupants); i.e. to turn into fragrance by fire (especially as an act of worship):

    to burn incense as a sacrifice upon an altar. Not one place in Els Holy

    Scriptures does it state that marijuana was burned or offered as a sacrament or

    sacrifice to God. On the contrary, in most instances when the burning of

    incense is mentioned in Els Holy Scriptures it is followed by the

    Hebrew/Amharic wordhnbl lebonah, which literally translates, thewhiteness of its smoke, i.e. frankincense. (The New Strong's Complete

    Dictionary of Biblical Words, James Strong, LL.D., S.T.D.; The Oxford

    English-Hebrew Dictionary, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies(Corporate Author), N. S. Doniach (Editor) and Ahuvia Kahane (Editor);

    Enyclopaedia Judaica 5, 1997).

    The sons of Amram; Aaron and Moses: and Aaron was

    separated, that he should sanctify the most holy things,

    he and his sons for ever, to (hnbl r4k burn incense)before the LORD, to minister unto him, and to bless in

    his name for ever.

    (The Holy Bible, 1 Chronicles 23:13)

    And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a

    golden censer; and there was given unto him much (r4kincense), that he should offer it with the prayers of all

    saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.

    And the (hnbl r4k smoke of the incense), which came withthe prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of

    the angels hand.

    (The Holy Bible, Revelation 8:3-4)

    As you can see, after all has been said, done, and revealed, marijuana or

    cannabis sativa is a highly poisonous herb (drug) that adversely affects the

    human mind and body, and acts as an impetus to emotional and spiritual blind-

    ness. In truth history makes evident the fact that the smoking and eating of

    marijuana actually has its origins in the demonic (blood) rites and (human sac-

    rificial) rituals associated with the worship and cult of the fallen goddess, i.e.

    KALI, whose counterpart is the ferocious and sensual Canaanite goddess, ANATH,

    known in Hebraic traditions as LILITH, in Sumerian as TIAMET, in South African

    as WATAMARAKA, in Germany as FREYA, et al. (A Field Guide to Demons,Carol K. and Dinah Mack, 1998).



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    Summer 2005 7

    The Origin of

    Child SupportContinued from page 1

    judges, and the state and benefited off of the tough

    on deadbeat dad propaganda, by masquerading as

    child support advocates.

    Currently the O.C.S.E. has grown to a billion dollar

    industry, and sinisterly works towards destroying the

    lives of men and women, by suspending licenses

    and seizing vehicles, both which are a violation of

    the 5th and 14th amendment of the constitution.

    Mind control tactics excluded, men pay 79.1% of

    arrearages as opposed to women who owe support,

    also twenty percent of men have not fathered chil-

    dren as claimed by women, but should this fact be

    proven via blood test, the courts steadfastly refuse to

    recompense the accused, also should a payee meet

    their demise, they still owe the state, and with a per-

    cent tax added the person usually inherits the debt

    of the spouse.

    On January 28, 1999, The Minnesota Supreme

    Court ruled child support as unconstitutional, as

    well as the state of Georgia in 2002. In Michigan,

    former Wayne County prosecutor Michael Duggan

    stated in a June 24, 2003 interview that children

    who saw their fathers with lots of money, or a new

    car should report this to their mother, and the moth-

    er should subsequently contact the friends of the

    court. The O.C.S.E. is fostering a Nazi Germany cli-

    mate, that encourages children to spy on their


    In the urban areas where poverty, illiteracy,

    and crime is the highest, the O.S.C.E.

    encourages an individual to borrow monies

    from another party to pay the debt if neces-

    sary. Step-families a growing reality often

    fail 60% of the time because of outside

    children, do you wonder the role child sup-

    port plays in the collapse of that union?

    Checks awarded to mothers can be used to

    purchase cars, furniture etc, and has

    become the equivalent to receiving alimo-

    ny, sadly, this manipulative ruse serves as a

    casual reminder of why men do not wish to

    marry, because it is a lose-lose proposition.

    Feminism, which have undervalued the

    male principle have stated that fathers are

    no longer needed, although statistics prove

    to the contrary. This totalitarian approach

    the U.S.A. adopted from the Soviet Union

    should be closely scrutinized for the adopt-

    ed paradigm failed in Russia, and if men

    and women, challenge this facade in

    America it too will fail in the end. Only if

    individuals cast aside arrogance will they

    understand the greatest compensation a

    parent can bequeath to their children istheirTIME !!!


    90% of fathers with joint custody pay all support


    44% of fathers with no visitation pay all support


    50% of mothers see no justification for fathers to

    play a role in the lives of their children.

    Surviving the Breakupby Joan Kelly

    63% of youth suicides are by children from homes

    without fathers. U.S. D.H.H.S., Bureau of the

    Census.80% of rapists with emotional instability come from

    homes without fathers.

    Research from Michigan: has determined 49% of

    child abuse cases are committed by single mothers

    Joan Ditson and Sharon Shay, A Study of Child

    Abuse in Lansing, Michigan: Child Abuse &

    Neglect . (1984)

    80% of teenagers in mental hospitals come from

    broken or fatherless homes. Christian Century,

    July 1993.

    Today children born into an African American mar-

    riage averages less then 0.9%.After the starting

    line: Blacks and Women in an Uphill Pace.

    (Nov. 1988)

    During slavery an African American child was more

    likely to have both parents in the home,as opposed

    to today. Black Fertility and Family Structure in

    the U.S. 1880-1940. Stanley Engerman.

    Today 1/3 of African American children have the

    mother and father in the home.Dennis A. Ahlburg

    and Carol J. DeVita. New Realities of the

    American Family.

    The Out-Wedlock Births for African Americans is

    68% while it is 27.6 for Caucasians. U.S. Census


    Jabulani Durojaye is a metaphysician and can bereached at nyansanews@yahoo.com

    Letters Letters

    e at Nyansa welcome feedback, and your perspective on the thingsthat shape,foster,and ultimately aid in the amelioration of Africanpeople (world view), your correspondences can be sent to the

    address in care, or feel free to e-mail us, letters and comments submitted willgreatly be appreciated, and will help encourage dialogue. MADASE !!!


    e-mail at: nyansanews@yahoo.com 88WThe O.C.S.E. isfostering a Nazi

    Germany climate, that

    encourages children to

    spy on their fathers.

  • 8/6/2019 Nyansa (Issue 1)


    88 Summer 2005


    Now available...Authored byJabulani Durajaye,Head Monk of The Monastery of Illumination,

    these dynamic treatises are being offered for a $1.00 donation.Never has the truth been more relevant!

    b bEarth Planeseries:

    Demonic Love


    1440: The Tao of Illumination

    Drums of Conquest


    Reflections of an African Shaman


    Astral Planeseries:

    Esoteric Gods & Heroes

    A Tale of Two Worlds

    The Zeus Cohesion

    Nda Kata (Celestial Pathways

    to Vernacular)

    Africas Inner Demons

    Demi God

    The Kabala and the Metaphysical

    Foundation of Ten Orisha

    Religious Pedagogyseries:

    Holy Logic As Sirat Al Mustaqim


    O F







    K O M A







    Detroit, MI 48204


  • 8/6/2019 Nyansa (Issue 1)


    The Case Against

    MM aa rr iijj uu aa nn aaA D D E N D U MSemyaza, (above), leader of the two hundred descended

    (fallen) angels in the days of Yared who swore and bound

    themselves by mutual imprecations upon Mt. Hermon to

    subvert the truth ofla and mislead the children ofthe covenant.It was Semyaza along with Azazel who

    genetically engineered the hallucinogen we today know as

    cannabis adding the poisonous chemical THC (delta-1-

    tetrahydrocannabinol) to the original hemp plant as a

    method of ushering in the Age of Kali.(Book of Enoch,Chapters 7,8, and 9; The Mahabharata,

    Vana Parva, Section CLXXXIX.)

    To say that The Case Against Marijuanais a controversial exposition is a gross understatement.

    With the intent of garnering feedback and gauging reactions, a handful of individuals were

    allowed to read The Case Against Marijuanabefore its initial publication. Shock indeedgripped my person as a volley of hostile verbalizations were spewed in all directions in defense of, after

    all is said and done, getting high!To think that in the 21st century people are so benighted as to asso-

    ciate insobriety with holiness is a testament as to how far mankind has to go to recapture its godliness.

    While it cannot be denied that even the slightest amount of researching will reveal that the use of psy-

    choactive drugs can be found in almost every culture seemingly woven into what some would call para-

    normal rituals, what seems to be overlooked is that in every instance these supposed sacred rituals can

    be traced back to the worship of the fallen goddess whether it be KALI, ANATH, LILLITH, TIAMET,

    WATAMARAKA, FRIYA, YUKI-ONNA, etc. Even the 20th centurys greatest stoner,Chris Bennett, co-

    founder of Forbidden Fruit Publications, contributing writer to High Times and Cannabis Culture maga-

    zine and theorist of such ridiculous sentiments as: Was Jesus A Religious Stoner? The Hidden Story

    of Cannabis in the Old Testament, et al., readily admits...

    Our separation from the ancient Goddess and the denial of her ecstasies

    could well be seen as the root cause of humanitys separation from nature,both our own and that of the world around us. Perhaps the Goddess ancient

    spirit wont fully be restored until her children begin to respect and heal

    her abused body the Earth, return to her sacred groves in dance and worship,

    and are free to once again burn the holy incense of marijuana in her honor

    and praise.

    It would seem that the spirit of Asheras ancient incense burners has

    returned, in the form of the modern-day smoke-in. Once again people of all

    ages, races, and creeds are gathering together illegally, to celebrate the

    many benefits and uses of the sacred tree, and to burn holy incense in

    protest, as did the defiant crowd before Jeremiah so long ago. (Kaneh

    Bosm, The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament by Chris Bennett.)






    JEREMIAH 44:15-23

    Just who is this ASHERA (QUEEN OF HEAVEN) that Mr. Bennett enjoins us to smoke some dope in her

    praisethat we might heal her abused body which is supposedly THE MOTHER EARTH? Well according

    to both Encyclopedia of Gods by Michael Jordan and The New Book of Goddesses

    and Heroines, by Patricia Monaghan,ASHERA was a Cannanite goddess whose worship

    became one of the major irritations of the early Hebraic prophets who staunchly campaigned against her

    worship due to the orgiastic rites and licentiousness associated with her veneration.

    To make matters even worse this same Chris Bennett, more so than any other 20th century stoneris

    responsible for many of the folk myths (lies) commonly associated with cannabis consumption and sup-

    posed spirituality that has unfortunately been adopted by many Rastafarians, Africentric spiritualists,New Age practitioners, and eclectic religionists. The biggest of these folk myths (lies) being the prepos-

    terous contention that many, if not all of the Biblical Hebraic prophets smoked or used cannabis is some

    way, shape, fashion or form, and in doing so were brought closer to la. Mr. Bennett attempts to

    Fragrant Cane in Exodus 30:23

    Dear Rabbi,

    What is the fragrant cane (qaneh besem, kaneh bosm,kineboisin, etc.) mentioned in Exodus 30:23? I understand

    that calamus was a mistranslation. Is it the lemon grass that

    Ive been reading about or is it cannabis? Finally, were there

    prohibitionist laws against cannabis in Jerusalem during the

    time of Jesus?


    Dear Gene,

    Yehudah Felix has written three books in Hebrew that relate

    to your questions: Biblical Vegetation,published in 1957,

    Nature in the Biblical Land,published in 1992, and Spice,

    Forest and Ornament Plants,published in 1997. Kinamon

    orkinman bosemis definitely cinnamon. It was originally

    used for perfume and incense and only began to be used as a

    spice in the Middle Ages. In all my research, I found no

    reference whatsoever to cannabis, and I dont know whether

    it existed in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus and whether there

    were prohibitionist laws.

    Rabbi Villa (diantami@netvision.net.il)

    Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem


    by Priest Ra-El Mahanem Elioenai


  • 8/6/2019 Nyansa (Issue 1)


    validate his pseudology by asserting that the Hebrew word kaneh bosme#b hnq which is found five timesin the so-called Old Testament in the books of Exodus, the Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel and

    known by any reputable Hebrew linguist to mean fragrant canei.e. cinnamon, actually refers to cannabis.

    (Kaneh Bosm, The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament by

    Chris Bennett.) Sadly, Mr. Bennett and a host of othersocial and religious stonershave led a whole

    generation of lambs to slaughter on the defiled altar ofsex, drugs and rock and rollor more aptly sex,

    drugs, and hip hop.

    Until the 1960s, smoking dope had largely been confined to jazz musicians andhardcore beatniks who had been Jack Kerouakified. But at that time, a new count-

    er-culture was formed which opened up the youth of that period to a massive

    infestation of demonic influence and anti-godly behaviour. Central to this was

    the use of hallucinogenic and mind-altering drugs such as Marijuana, Cannabis

    resin, Lysergic Acid Dithylamide (LSD), di-Methyl Tryptamine (DMT), Mescaline,

    Peyote and other fungal concoctions. The use of these substances on such a

    scale, which is still a vast growth industry to this day, brought millions of

    young and impressionable people under the sway of a number of influences which

    were to be of fundamental importance to Satanic strategy at this point in histo-


    1) It enabled people to alter their consciousness at will and thereby enter

    states in which they could more easily come into contact with evil spirits which

    masquerade as benign beings who have come to assist in the birthing of the New

    Age/New World Order.

    2) The use of such drugs propagated the notion that ordinary godliness was of

    a lower order than the rich mystical experiences which were possible through

    such an alteration of consciousness. Eventually it was discovered that certain

    meditation practices could bring about the same effects as the drugs, which had

    merely paved the way for these deeper religious experiences.

    3) It compounded the concept of both Theosophy and Eastern religion, that one

    can tap into the God within through such activity.

    4) It brought about a realization of people-power through encouraging rebellion against Biblically-rooted authority

    and morality, thus paving the way for the sexual revolution and such democratic human rights as abortion on


    5) The 1960s psychotropic drug culture perpetuated the notion that the long-desired Golden Age of peace and jus-

    tice could be established on the earth, that it was possible, in the words of one psychologist who advocated such

    developments, to stay high forever and bring home the New Jerusalem, the Whole Earth. (John Heider, Catharsis in

    Human Potential Encounter, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, No. 14, 1974. Quoted in John Rowan, Ordinary

    Ecstasy: Humanistic Psychology in Action, [Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976], p.103.).

    (Cannabis & Lucifer: The Spiritual Implications of the Legalization of Cannabis by Alan Morrison.)

    As expressed in The Case Against Marijuana, Pt. 1,cannabis sativais a highly poisonous herb (drug) that

    adversely affects the human mind and body, and acts as an impetus to emotional and spiritual blindness and ultimate-

    ly demonic possession.Further research also makes evident the fact that all forms of cannabis ingestion (burning,

    eating, smoking, drinking, etc.) have their origins in the demonic (blood) rites, (human sacrificial) rituals, and orgias-

    tic traditions associated with the worship and cult ofKALI (THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN) in all of her myriad incarnations.

    To deny the aforementioned truth based upon the carnal desire to get high,employing whatever excuse(s) or justi-

    fication(s) at ones disposal no matter how erroneous or ludicrous it proves itself to be is to put ones self in league

    with the principalities and the rulers of the darkness of this world.

    It is important for us to realize that the main interface between the demonic realm

    and humanity lies in the sphere of the imagination, through the use of mind-control.

    It is, therefore, necessary for appropriate opportunity to be provided in order that

    the unseen forces of evil can work at their most efficient in the human being. These

    footholds generally constitute such things as violent thoughts and actions, extreme

    anti-social behaviour, sexual immorality, compulsive drug-taking, sorcery, etc.

    It is no coincidence that the Greek word most often translated as sorcery or

    witchcraft in the New Testament is pharmakeia. It is from this word that pharmacol-

    ogy is derived, the study of drug preparations. This is because drugs and sorcery

    have historically gone hand-in-hand. This can be seen classically in the life and

    work of the shaman (ethnic medicine man), who uses hallucinogenic drugs in order to

    enter an altered state of consciousness and prophesy. Today, such drugs as cannabis

    are making shamans out of every street-corner Harry who rolls a joint. Surely the

    widespread use and legalization of cannabis is yet another part of the preparation

    for the coming Man of Sin who, thanks to the efforts of cannabis legalization

    campaigners, will find a world far more receptive to the

    pharmakeia (sorceries) he will have to offer. (Cannabis &

    Lucifer: The Spiritual Implications of the Legalization of

    Cannabis by Alan Morrison.)

    High Times Magazine has been the chronicle of the

    counterculture for almost 30 years. Through its regu-

    lar features on marijuana cultivation and use, ongoing

    coverage of the fight for cannabis legalization, and

    profiles of controversial and provocative personali-

    ties, High Times more so than any other publication

    has assisted in wooing the masses into the tattered

    and decadent arms ofTHE FALLEN.

    For false Christs and false prophets shall

    rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to

    seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

    (Mark 13:22). Due to rampant liesand

    gross misinformationabout the true origins

    and real dangers both physically and

    spiritually surrounding the use of psychoactive

    drugs, particularly cannabis, even the elect

    have been seduced into believing ritual drug

    use has the potentiality to bring you closer

    to la.

    NYANSA NEWS, P.O. BOX 04345, DETROIT, MI 48204

  • 8/6/2019 Nyansa (Issue 1)


    For over two years now THE MONASTERY OF ILLUMINATION, THE TEMPLE OF THE ETHERIANS,THE HOUSE OF GRACE (ELON-BETH-HANAN) and THE CHURCH OF THE PERFECT MAN has served asbeacons of light in the ever growing darkness that continues to envelop BA-TU people globally.

    Having published over forty (40) Scrolls ofIlluminationaddressing the myriad issues

    plaguing THE CHILDREN OF ANUuli as wellas feeding and clothing the disadvantagedthrough the H.A.N.D. (Helping Africans In

    Need) project FREE OF CHARGE, thelearned monks and savants find themselvesdismayed, indignant, and disappointedover the lack of support which has comefrom the BA-TU community at large, inparticular, those who unapologeticallyclamor Black Nationalism, Africentricity,and/orPan-Africanism.

    Thus far, after all has been said and done, allof the works and deeds undertaken andperformed by the learned monks and

    savants of THE MONASTERY, THE TEMPLE,THE HOUSE and THE CHURCH have beenaccomplished without a single shred ofsupport (financial or otherwise) from thepeople we have been charged toserve...YOU! This is indeed a travesty!

    We call on all those who find themselvesreading this petition...YOU...to become oneassisting (the) learned monks (and) savants! ALMS!!! (Donations of any type or kind are welcome...tithes, food, canned goods, clothes, books,office supplies, printing services, etc.) Open your heart and accept our outstretched hand andtogether let us feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and bring hope to those who have no faith intomorrow.

    ALMSALMS\'mz, 'lmz\n, plalms : something given

    freely to relieve the poor or to assist those

    who are dedicated to serving the poor and


    Assisting Learned Monks and Savants

    With over $500 billion collective spending power, it is truly sad that Ba-Tu people displaced in the

    Americas continually fail to support the social, religious, or nationalistic organizations that are

    unequivocally dedicated to their amelioration. Instead, due to machinations diverse and sundry,

    Ba-Tu people worldwide continue to financially sustain institutions that keep them mentally and

    spiritually enslaved! Would that The Monastery or The Temple received a $27 million gift for

    renovations, scholarships, and salaries! WAKE UP! WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!!!

    Priest Ra-El Zahir

    Mahanem Elioenai


    O F

    Mfundishi Moitlami

    Jabulani Durajaye


    Templeof theEtherians

    Send all alms, tithes, donations, blessings, comments or suggestions to:

    P.O. Box 04345Detroit, MI 48204
