Part I: CURRICULUM VITAE - אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון...


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Amnon Bustan Jan 2015


I. Personal


Born in Israel

1971 - 1976 High-school education in Hareali Haivri Haifa

1977 - 1980 Military service

Marital status: M+ 4

Address: 15 Kida Str., Lehavim, 85338






II. University Education and Additional Training

1981 – 1983 B.Sc. in Horticulture at the Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University

of Jerusalem, Rehovot

1984 – 1986 M.Sc. in Horticulture at the Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University

of Jerusalem, Rehovot and ARO, Bet Dagan

Title of thesis: “Carbohydrate partitioning between fruitlets and young

vegetative growth as a possible factor involved with fruitlet abscission

in avocado”

Supervision by: Dr A. Blumenfeld and Dr Y. Erner

1990 – 1995 Ph.D. in Horticulture at the Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University

of Jerusalem, Rehovot.

Title of thesis: “The Availability of Carbohydrates as a Limiting Factor

in Citrus Productivity - Simulation Models”

Supervision by: Prof. E.E. Goldschmidt and Dr N. Seligman

1996 – 1998 Postdoctoral position at the Institutes for Applied Research, Ben-

Gurion University of the Negev, with Prof. D. Pasternak

Research subject: Uses of saline irrigation water


III. Positions Held and Academic Status

1998-2005 Research Scientist (C) at the Institutes for Applied Research, Ben-

Gurion University of the Negev.

2005-present Free-lance researcher and consultant in agriculture

2007 Lecturer (Plant Physiology) – temporary position at Achva Academic

College, under the academic auspices of BGU.

2007-present Volunteer researcher at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Campus

Bergmann, Beer Sheva, Israel.

2008-2012 Research engineer (Part time) in Gilat Research Center, ARO

2014 Research engineer (Part time) in Gilat Research Center, ARO

5102-present Free-lance researcher in Ramat-Negev R&D: Horticulture

IV. Training / Teaching Experience

Lecturer in a two-week mobile course conducted in Eritrea. Cooperation of MASHAV (Israel

foreign office) and the Ministry of Agriculture of Eritrea: ‘Crop production in arid and

semiarid lands’, 1997.

Lecturer in IPALAC workshop: ‘Saline irrigation water’. 2000.

Lecturer in BGU, Department of Life Sciences: ‘Salt Stress in Plants’. 2001-2002.

Lecturer in the frame of collaboration between the Institute for Agriculture, BGU and Buenos

Aires University: ‘Sustainable Orchard Management’. 2002.

Lecturer in Achva Academic College, under the academic auspices of BGU: ‘Plant

Physiology’. 2007.

Training activity in Namibia (CRIAA-SADC) – Low Pressure Drip Irrigation for the co-

cultivation of the Kalahari Desert truffle and watermelons. US-AID/CDR project (2003 and


Lecturer in the Study Programs in Agricultural Export & Agribusiness, Division for External

Studies, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture Food & Environment, HUJI: ‘Quality

management of fresh produce export’. 2011.

Students guidance: Ram Assael, M.Sc (jointly supervised with Dr. Zaccai), 2001: “Genetic

Variation in the American Pioneer Species Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) investigated By

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers”.


Student guidance: Roach-Bahalul Edna, M.Sc., (jointly supervised with Dr. Sitrit, and Dr.

Zaccai), 2003: “Isolation and characterization of Na+/H

+ antiporter gene family in the roots of

the plant Distichlis spicata”.

Student guidance: Leon Adrian, M.Sc., (jointly supervised with Prof. Sanchez (University of

Buenos Aires) and Dr. Sitrit), 2005: “Hydroponic cultivation of lettuce with saline irrigation


Student guidance: Ventura Yvonne, Ph.D. (jointly supervised with Prof. N. Roth-Bejerano,

Dr. V. Zur, and Dr. D. Mills), 2004: “Factors involved in the establishment of a dual culture

of Tuber melanosporum and Ri T-DNA transformed Cistus incanus roots”.

Student guidance: Li Yongfang, Ph.D. (jointly supervised with Dr. Y. Sitrit, and Dr. M.

Zaccai), 2007: “Isolation and Characterization of the Genes Encoding for Na+/H

+ Antiporters

on the Plasma Membrane of the Halophyte Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata).

V. Membership in Scientific and Agricultural Committees

A. Local:

2001 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Scientist Research

Proposal Evaluation Committee-Field crops

2002 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Scientist Research

Proposal Evaluation Committee-Field crops and Fruit trees.

2007-2011 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Scientist Research

Proposal Evaluation Committee –Whole plant research

2012 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Scientist Research

Proposal Evaluation Committee – Whole plant research (Head, with Dr D. Holland)

B. International:

2002-2003 BARD proposal evaluation panel

2009 GlobalHort Grant Program to support research-for-development projects in

developing countries.

VI. Editorial Responsibilities

2005 Reviewer of manuscripts for Field Crop Research


2006 Reviewer of manuscripts for Agricultural Water Management

2007 Reviewer of manuscripts for Agricultural Water Management

2010 Reviewer of manuscripts for Agricola Brazil

2010 Reviewer of manuscripts for the International Journal of Biodiversity and


2010 Reviewer of manuscripts for Crop Protection

2011 Reviewer of manuscripts for Crop Pasture Sciences

VII. Participation in International Meetings

1995 Posters presenter: International Conference on the Transport of Photoassimilates,

Canterbury, Kent, UK, Aug. 1995

1995 Speaker: 4th International Symposium on Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and

Orchard Management, Avignon, France (INRA), Sep. 1995.

1998 Speaker: 5th International Symposium on Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and

Orchard Management, Wageningen, Holland, Aug. 1998.

2000 Invited lectures: Cashcrop Halophytes, CA Symposium, Osnabruck, Germany, May


2000 Speaker: World Congress on Soilless Culture on ‘Agriculture in the Coming

Millenium. Maale Hahamisha, Israel, May 2000

2000 Speaker: 9th Conference of the International Society of Citrus, Florida, USA,

December 2000.

2002 Gordon Research Conferences - Mitochondria & Chloroplasts, August 25-30, 2002,

The Queen's College Oxford, United Kingdom.

2003 Speaker: International Conference of Edible Mycorrhitic Mushrooms, Victoria,

Canada, August 2003

2004 Poster presenter: 13th

International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology,

Montpellier, France, July 6-10, 2004

2007 Poster presenter: 14th

International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology,

Valencia, Spain, September, 2007.

2008 Speaker: 1st International Symposium "Underutilized plants for food, nutrition,

income and sustainable development", Arusha, Tanzania, 3-7 March 2008


2009 Invited lectures: Annual Meeting of the South African Society of Plant Sciences,

Stellenbosch, South Africa, 13-17 January, 2009.

2009 Poster presenter: International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality,

Nazareth, Israel, 6-10 Dec, 2009.

2010 Speaker and poster presenter: XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on

Science and Horticulture for People, Lisbon, Portugal, Aug 2010.

2011 Speaker: International Congress of Postharvest Pathology, Lleida, Apr 11-14, Spain.

VIII. Invitation only by Professional Societies in Israel

1994 (Lecture) The Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society for Plant Sciences

2004 (Lecture) The Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society for Plant Sciences

2011 (Lecture) The biannual meeting of the Israeli Society for Field Crops and Vegetables

IX. Membership in Professional Societies

0994-0991 The Israeli Society of Botany

0991-5111 American Society of Horticultural Science

0991-0999 American Society of Plant Physiologists

5111-5112 International Society of Citriculture

0992-5111 International Society for Horticultural Science

2008-present International Society for Horticultural Science

2009-Present Israeli Society for Field Crops and Vegetables

X. Research Grants

(A) International Competitive Grants

1997-2001 Fohs Foundation of Oregon. D Pasternak and A Bustan.*

Irrigation with saline water in the Negev desert. Total grant116000$/year,

researcher part 80,000$/yr (*PI during the last two years).

2000-2002 Joint Korean-Israeli Research Grant in the Field of Plant Biotechnology,

Ministry of Science. M. Zaccai, A. Bustan (Co), Y. Sitrit, Y-P. Lim.

Improving the Performance of Flowering Bulbs (Geophytes) by Introducing


Genes that Regulate Plant Resistance to Heat, Drought and Salinity Stress

(23,500$/year, total 47,000$, researcher part 4000$/yr).

2001-2004 AID/CDR/CAR. A Bustan (PI), S Mendlinger, A Degen, M Durikov (Turkmen

PI). Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata): a new forage crop for saline environments

(24000$/year for Israeli side, total budget: 150000$, researcher part 15000$/yr).

2002 Desert Agriculture Program, Collaboration between Univ. of Buenos Aires,

Argentina, and BGU, Israel. S. Mendlinger, A Bustan (Co), Y Sitrit, M Zaccai.

(Total grant 4000$/year, researcher part 1000$/yr).

(B) National Competitive Grants

1998-2003 Chief Scientist, Ministry of Agriculture, Market Oriented Research Fund.

A Bustan*, V Kagan-Zur, N Roth-Bejerano. Introduction of Black Truffle to

Israel (Total grant 45000$/year, researcher part 15000$/yr) (*PI from 2001).

2001-2003 Vegetable Board, Ministry of Agriculture. A Bustan (PI). Nitrogen fertilization

regime for late summer melons. (3500$/year).

2001-2002 Seed money from BGU for German Israel Fundation (GIF) high ranking.

Y. Sitrit, A Bustan (CoPI) and M. Zaccai. Isolation, Characterization and

Localization of a Gene Family Encoding for Na+/H

+ Antiporters in the Roots of

the Halophyte Ditichlis spicata. (Total grant 10,000$, researcher part 3000$).

2002-2005 Chief Scientist, Ministry of Agriculture. A Bustan (PI), Y. Sitrit, and M. Zaccai.

Isolation, Characterization and Localization of a Gene Family Encoding for


+ Antiporters in the Roots of the Halophyte Ditichlis spicata.

(35,000$/year, total grant 105,000$, researcher part 15000$/yr).

2003-2004 Authority for Negev Development & Ministry of Absorption .

Y Anatoly, A Bustan (CoPI), R Ofenbach, A Bartal, S Cohen. Growth medium

cooling system in sweet pepper grown in the Arava (24000$/year, R&D Arava).

2015-2017 Chief-Scientist: Special R&D Support Program.

A. Bustan (PI). Breaking the restrictions shell of date palm production in

Ramat-Negev. (53,000$/year, Ramat-Negev R&D).


Amnon Bustan Jan 2015

Part II: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS All publications have been classified into four major categories

The letter following each number indicates the appropriate category.

a Publications exclusively within the candidate’s research group (including graduate and

post-graduate students, technicians, associated scientists, etc.)

b Joint publications with other research group(s) in which the candidate plays the major


c Joint publications with other research groups in which the candidate’s contribution is

comparable in weight to that (those) of the other research groups.

d Joint publications with other research groups in which the candidate’s group plays a

secondary role.

1. Articles in reviewed journals.

1.a. Bustan A, Y Erner, EE Goldschmidt (1995).

Interactions between developing Citrus fruit and their supportive vascular system.

Annals of Botany 76(6): 657-666. IF 4.03; Plant sciences, Rank 19/190.

2*.a Bustan A, EE Goldschmidt (1998).

Estimating the cost of flowering in a grapefruit tree.

Plant, Cell & Environment, 21(2): 217-224. IF 5.215; Plant sciences, Rank 12/190.

3.a Ram A**, M Zaccai, D Pasternak, and A Bustan (2004).

Analysis of phenotypic and genetic polymorphism among accessions of saltgrass (Distichlis


Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 51: 687-699. IF 1.554; Plant sciences, Rank 26/80.

4*.a Bustan A, M Sagi, Y DeMalach, D Pasternak (2004).

Effects of saline irrigation water and heat waves on potato production in an arid environment.

Field Crops Research 90: 275-285. IF 2.474; Agronomy, Rank 10/80.

5.a Bustan A, S Cohen, Y De Malach, P Zimmermann, R Golan, M Sagi, and D Pasternak (2005).

Effects of timing and duration of brackish irrigation water on fruit yield and quality of late-

summer melons.

Agricultural Water Management 74: 123-134. IF 1.998; Agronomy, Rank 16/80.

6.a Bustan A, D Pasternak, I Pirogova, M. Durikov, T. T. deVries, S. Meccawi, and A. A. Degen.


Evaluation of saltgrass as a fodder crop for saline environments.

J. Science Food & Agriculture 85: 2077-2084. IF 1.436; Agronomy, Rank 10/57.

7.c Ventura Y**., D Mills, V Kagan-Zur, N Roth-Bejerano, and A. Bustan. (2006).


Mycorrhized Ri-transformed roots facilitate in vitro inoculation of Cistus incanus with Tuber


Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture 85: 53-61. IF 3.09; Plant sciences, Rank 29/190.

8.b Bustan A, Y Ventura, V Kagan-Zur, and N Roth-Bejerano (2006).

Optimized conditions for mycorrhyza formation between the black Perigord truffle (Tuber

melanosporum) and pink rockrose (Cistus incanus).

Israel J. Plant Sciences 54: 87-96. IF 0.307; Plant sciences, Rank 172/190.

9.a Bustan A, S Cohen, O Erlich and L Tsror (Lahkim) (2008).

Association of Cladosporium species and Alternaria alternata and serious post-harvest early

calyx decay (PHECD) in truss tomatoes in Israel.

Plant Pathology 57: 378. IF 2.125; Agronomy, Rank 15/80.

10.a Dag A, A Bustan, A Avni, S Lavee, and J Riov (2009).

Fruit thinning using NAA shows potential for reducing biennial bearing of 'Barnea' and 'Picual'

oil olive trees.

Crop & Pasture Science 60: 1124-1130. IF 1.418; Agronomy, Rank 11/57.

11.a Dag A, A Bustan, A Avni, I Zipori, S Lavee, and J Riov (2010).

Timing of fruit removal affects concurrent vegetative growth and subsequent return bloom and

yield in olive (Olea europaea L.).

Scientia Horticulturae 123: 469-472. IF 1.527; Horticulture, Rank 8/32.

12.d Lugassi-Ben-Hamo M, M Kitron, A Bustan, and M Zaccai (2010).

Effect of shade regime on flower development, yield and quality in lisianthus.

Scientia Horticulturae 124: 248-253. IF 1.527; Horticulture, Rank 8/32.

13.c Ben-David E, Z Kerem, I Zipori, S Weissbein, L Basheer, A Bustan and A Dag (2010).

Optimization of the Abencor system to extract olive oil from irrigated orchards.

European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 112: 1158-1165. IF 1.733; Food science &

technology, Rank 43/128.

14*.a Bustan A, A Avni, S Lavee, I Zipori, Y Yeselson, AA Schaffer , J Riov and A Dag (2011).

Role of carbohydrate reserves in yield production of intensively cultivated oil olive (Olea

europaea L.) trees.

Tree Physiol 31 (5): 519-530. IF 2.876; Forestry, Rank 2/59.

15.c Turgeman T, Y Sitrit, O Danai, Y Luzzati, A Bustan, N Roth-Bejerano, V Kagan-Zur, S

Masaphy (2012).

Introduced Tuber aestivum replacing introduced Tuber melanosporum: a case study.

Agroforestry Systems 84: 337-343. IF 1.378; Agronomy, Rank 30/80.

*16.a Bustan A, A Avni, U Yermiyahu, A Ben-Gal, J Riov, R Erel, I Zipori, A Dag (2013).

Interactions between fruit load and macroelement concentrations in fertigated olive (Olea

europaea L.) trees under arid saline conditions.

Scientia Horticulturae 025, 44-55. IF 1.527; Horticulture, Rank 8/32.

*17.a. Bustan A, Z Kerem, U Yermiyahu, A Ben-Gal, A Lichter, S Droby, E Zchori-Fein, D

Orbach, I Zipori, A Dag (2014).


Reharvest circumstances leading to elevated oil acidity in ‘Barnea’ olive cultivar.

Scientia Horticulturae 176, 11-21. IF 1.527; Horticulture, Rank 8/32.

2. Articles in reviewed journals in Hebrew.

1.a Bustan A, E Margalit, EE Goldschmidt, Y Erner, R Goren, N Seligman (1992).

Effects of source-sink ratio on carbohydrate level and photosynthesis in Citrus source leaves.

Alon Hanotea 46

2.a Pasternak D, A Bustan, Y DeMalaach, M Sagi (1999).

Potato cultivation with brackish irrigation water in Ramat Negev.


3.a Bustan A, Zipori I, Yermiyahu U, Ben-Gal A, Lichter A, Droby S, Zchory-Fein E, Orbach D,

Kerem Z, Birger R, Abdelhadi F, Hanoch E, Mujira Y, Dag A (2013).

Factors evolving deviation from the desired acidity range in ‘Barnea’ olive oil.

Alon Hanotea 67(7), 25-33 (in Hebrew).

3. Books, book chapters and invited reviews

1.a Pasternak D, and A Bustan (2003).

African Market Garden.

Encyclopedia of Water Science, edited by B.A. Stewart and Terry Howell, Marcel Dekker, Inc.,

NY, p: 9-14.

2.a Bustan A, M Zaccai, A Ram, and D Pasternak (2003).

Distichlis spicata as a case study of promising mechanisms of salt resistance in plants.

In: H. Lieth and M. Moschenko (eds.) Cashcrop Halophytes.

3.a Bustan A and D Pasternak (2003).

The use of saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) as a pioneer forage crop in salty environments.

In: H. Lieth and M. Moschenko (eds.) Cashcrop Halophytes.

4. Articles in non-reviewed journals and scientific reports.

1.a Bustan A, H Dixon, H Klotz, E Katz, and D Pasternak (1998).

New forage crops irrigated with saline water in the Negev of Israel.

In: Irrigation with Saline Water in the Negev Desert, Annual Report 1998 submitted to The

Fohs Foundation.

2.a Bustan A, S Cohen, R Golan, and D Pasternak (2000).

Effects of the level of nitrogen fertilization on fruit yield and quality of autumn-grown melon

plants irrigated with saline water.


In: Irrigation with Saline Water in the Negev Desert, Annual Report 1999 submitted to The

Fohs Foundation (BGUN-ARI-14-2000).

3.a Bustan A, T de Vries, and D Pasternak (2000).

Patterns of salt resistance among saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) ecotypes.

In: Irrigation with Saline Water in the Negev Desert, Annual Report 1999 submitted to The

Fohs Foundation (BGUN-ARI-14-2000).

4.a Ram A, M Zaccai, A Bustan, and D Pasternak (2000).

Characterization and molecular fingerprinting of the saltgrass collection.

In: Irrigation with Saline Water in the Negev Desert, Annual Report 1999 submitted to The

Fohs Foundation (BGUN-ARI-14-2000).

5.a Bustan A, A Reyim, RS Criddle, and D Pasternak (2000).

Physiological studies of salt resistance in saltgrass (Distichlis spicata).

In: Irrigation with Saline Water in the Negev Desert, Annual Report 1999 submitted to The

Fohs Foundation (BGUN-ARI-14-2000).

6.a Bustan A, H Klotz, and D Pasternak (2000).

Examination of Bermuda grass lines with saline water irrigation (1996-1998).

In: Irrigation with Saline Water in the Negev Desert, Annual Report 1999 submitted to The

Fohs Foundation (BGUN-ARI-14-2000).

7.a Bustan A and D Pasternak (2002).

Irrigation with saline water in the Negev Desert.

Annual report 2000 submitted to the Fohs Foundation of Oregon (BGUN-ARI-30-2001).

8.c Zaccai M, R Shillo, A Bustan, Y Sitrit and A Cohen, 2002.

Improving the Performance of Flowering Bulbs (Geophytes) by Introducing Genes that

Regulate Plant Resistance to Heat, Drought and Salinity Stress.

Report to the Joint Korean-Israeli Research Grant in the Field of Biotechnology.

9.a Bustan A, Y Sitrit, and M Zaccai (2002).

Isolation and characterization of a family genes encoding for Na+/H+ antiporters in the roots of

the halophyte Distichlis spicata.

A report submitted to the Vice President of BGU (BGUN-ARI-24-2002).

10.a Bustan A and D Pasternak (2003).

Irrigation with saline water in the Negev Desert.

Annual report 2001 submitted to the Fohs Foundation of Oregon.

11.a Bustan A, A Degen, S Mendlinger, and D Pasternak (2003).

Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) – a new salt-resistant forage crop for the reclamation of salinized


A report submitted to AID/CDR/CAR (BGUN-ARI-01-2003).

12.a Bustan A, Y Sitrit, and M Zaccai (2002).


Isolation and characterization of a family genes encoding for Na+/H+ antiporters in the roots of

the halophyte Distichlis spicata.

A report submitted to the Chief Scientist, MOAG.

13.a Bustan A, Y Sitrit, and M Zaccai (2003).

Isolation and characterization of a family genes encoding for Na+/H+ antiporters in the roots of

the halophyte Distichlis spicata.

A report submitted to the Chief Scientist, MOAG.

14.a Bustan A, A Degen, and M Durikov (2004).

Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) – a new salt-resistant forage crop for the reclamation of salinized


Annual report for 2003, submitted to AID/CDR/CAR.

15.a Lahav J, A Bustan (2009).

Effects of Natralife coating on the shelf life of stored sweet pepper fruit.

Submitted to Natratec Int. Ltd.

16.a Lahav J, A Bustan (2009).

Effects of Natralife application on post-storage quality parameters of ready-to-eat mango fruit.

Submitted to Natratec Int. Ltd.

5. Articles in non-reviewed journals and scientific reports – in Hebrew.

1.a Bustan A (1995).

Citrus productivity - steps toward a simulation model.

A report submitted to the Citriculture Committee, Israel Ministry of Agriculture. (in Hebrew).

2.a Siton D, A Bustan, S Cohen, M Sagi, D Pasternak (1996).

Autumn melon production under saline water irrigation in Ramat Negev: correlations between

water salinity and the sugars content and taste of the fruit melon pulp.

Negev-Arava Research and Development Reports of 1995-6 (in Hebrew).

3.a Sagi M, A Bustan, S Cohen, R Golan, D Pasternak (1996).

Autumn melon production under saline water irrigation in Ramat Negev: the effects of timing

of saline water application on fruit yield and quality.

Negev-Arava Research and Development Reports of 1995-6 (in Hebrew).

4.a Bustan A, M Sagi, S Cohen, R Golan, D Pasternak (1996).

Autumn melon production under saline water irrigation in Ramat Negev: tests of a trailing

system in an open field.

Negev-Arava Research and Development Reports of 1995-6 (in Hebrew).

5.a Bustan A, M Sagi, Y DeMal’ach, D Pasternak (1996).

Testing some heat and drought resistant cultivars of potato under saline water irrigation in

Ramat Hanegev.

Negev-Arava Research and Development Reports of 1995-6 (in Hebrew).


6.b Zur V, N Bejerano, and A Bustan (2000).

Introduction of the black Perigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) to Israel.

A report submitted to the Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Agriculture (in Hebrew).

7.b Zur V, N Bejerano, and A Bustan (2001).

Introduction of the black Perigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) to Israel.

A report submitted to the Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Agriculture (in Hebrew).

8.b Zur V, N Bejerano, and A Bustan (2002).

Introduction of the black Perigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) to Israel.

A report submitted to the Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Agriculture (in Hebrew).

9.a Bustan A, S Cohen, D Pasternak and R Golan (2002).

Effect of nitrogen fertilization regime on fruit yield and quality of late-summer melons grown

in soilless culture with saline water.

A report submitted to Cucurbitae Board, MOAG (BGUN-ARI-39-2002, in Hebrew).

10.b Zur V, N Bejerano, and A Bustan (2003).

Introduction of the black Perigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) to Israel.

A report submitted to the Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Agriculture (in Hebrew).

11.a Bustan A, S Cohen, Y Zvieli, A Meduel, R Golan, S Kremer (2003).

Effects of nitrogen fertilization regime on fruit yield and quality of autumn melon in north

Arava valley.

A report submitted to the Cucurbitae Board, MOAG (BGUN-ARI-8-2003, in Hebrew).

12.a Bustan A, and S Cohen (2005).

Diagnosis, priority analysis and proposed ways of action to improve the post-harvest quality of

tomatoes exported to Europe.

A report submitted to AGREXCO Ltd. – vegetable department (in Hebrew).

13.a Anatoly Y, A Bustan, S Cohen, R Offenbach (2005).

Development of integrative system to save water and expand the sweet pepper season in the

Arava Valley.

A report submitted to the Authority for the Development of the Negev (in Hebrew).

14.a Bustan A, S Cohen, Y Zvieli, R Offenbach and A Meduel (2005).

Effects of root competition among neighboring melon plants on fruit yield and quality.

A report submitted to Arava R&D (In Hebrew).

15.d Cohen S, R Offenbach, D Elkayam, Y Zvieli, S Aharon, S Eliahu, R Golan, E Itiel, E

Pressman, A Bustan (2007).

Effects of night temperatures and fruit thinning on greenhouse sweet pepper yields in the Arava


A report submitted to Arava R&D (In Hebrew).

16.a Bustan A, and S Cohen (2007).

In-greenhouse protocol to reduce post-harvest quality problems of tomatoes on the vine.

Submitted to AGREXCO Ltd. – vegetable department (In Hebrew).


17.a Lahav J, A Keinan, A Bustan (2009).

Effects of Natralife application on shelf life duration and various quality parameters of

'Ettinger' avocado fruit.

Submitted to Natratec Int. Ltd (in Hebrew).

18.a Bustan A (2009).

Natralife application on sweet pepper during 2009-10 season – first report.

Submitted to AGREXCO Ltd. – vegetable department (in Hebrew).

19.a Gelbart R, A Bustan (2009).

Natralife application on sweet pepper during 2009-10 season – second report.

Submitted to AGREXCO Ltd. – vegetable department (in Hebrew).

20.a Bustan A, S Glidai, S Cohen and M Mazaki (2010).

Protocols of plant protection and postharvest management in tomato greenhouses.

Published in AGREXCO website Growers’ Guide (in Hebrew).

21.a Bustan A And S Cohen (2010).

Conclusive 2009-10 report of sweet pepper quality assessment using the accelerated test


Submitted to AGREXCO (in Hebrew).

22.a Bustan A and S Cohen (2010).

Conclusive 2009-10 report of tomato quality assessment using the accelerated test method.

Submitted to AGREXCO (in Hebrew).

23.a Berenzon S and A Bustan (2011).

Effects of ozone postharvest treatment and plastic boxes on the post-storage quality of sweet

pepper fruit.

Submitted to AGREXCO (in Heberw).

24.a Bustan A. and S Cohen (2011).

Conclusive 2010-11 report of sweet pepper quality assessment using the accelerated test

method. Submitted to AGREXCO (in Hebrew).

25.a Bustan A and S Cohen (2011).

Conclusive 2010-11 report of tomato quality assessment using the accelerated test method.

Submitted to AGREXCO (in Hebrew).

26.a Dag A, E Simensky, L Tsror, I Zipori, and A Bustan (2011).

Screening avocado rootstocks for resistance to Verticillium dahlia.

Annual report (203-0800-10) submitted to MOAG (in Hebrew).

27.a Dag A, Z Kerem, A Lichter, S Druby, E Zchori-Fein, U Yermiyahu, A Ben-Gal, I Tzipori, E

Hanoch, R Birger, Y Mugira and A Bustan (2011).

Improving olive oil quality in irrigated orchards.

Annual report (203-0900-10) submitted to MOAG (in Hebrew).

28.a Dag A, E Simensky, L Tsror, I Tzipori, and A Bustan (2012).

Screening avocado rootstocks for resistance to Verticillium dahlia.


Annual report (203-0800-10) submitted to MOAG (in Hebrew).

6. Articles of symposia proceedings

1.a Bustan A, Y Erner, EE Goldschmidt (1995).

*Carbohydrate supply and demand during fruit development in relation to productivity of

grapefruit and ‘Murcott’ mandarin.

Acta Horticulturae 416: 81-88.

2.a Bustan A, Y Erner, EE Goldschmidt (1996).

*Integrating temperature effects on fruit growth into a Citrus productivity model.

Proceeding International Society of Citriculture Vol 2: 938-944.

3.a Bustan A, EE Goldschmidt, and Y Erner (1999).

*Progress in the development of ‘CITROS’ – a dynamic model of citrus productivity.

Acta Horticulturae 499: 69-80.

4.a Bustan A, EE Goldschmidt (1999).

*Examination of ‘hierarchical’ and ‘proportional’ dry matter partitioning models with potted

citrus trees.

Acta Horticulturae 499: 81-90.

5.c Heiman A, T Karo, A Bustan, R Neale, EE Goldschmidt (2002).

*Fruit quality perception by growers, retailers and consumers: The case of oranges.

Acta Horticulturae 584: 177-184.

6.a Cole D, and A Bustan (2008).

*Devil's claw – how to bridge between overexploitation and underutilization.

Acta Horticulturae 806: 603-614.

7.b Cohen S, E Itiel, Y Zvieli, S Kremer, R Offenbach, and A Bustan (2009).

More than water saving: integrating large and small scale agricultural systems through the

reuse of irrigation water.

Proceeding of the South African Society for Plant and Soil (in Press).

8.a Bustan A and J Lahav (2010).

*Influence of Organic Beeswax-Based Coating Emulsion on the Post-Storage Quality of

Sweet Pepper, Mango, and Avocado Fruit.

Acta Horticulturae 934: 807-814.

7. Abstracts.

1.a Blumenfeld A, A Bustan (Buchholz), Y Erner (1989).

Sink-source relationships in the partitioning of carbohydrates in Avocado.

ISGS International Symp. on the Culture of Subtropical and Tropical Fruits and Crops,

Nelspruit, November 1987. (Working Abst. 116).


2.a Bustan A, E Margalit, EE Goldschmidt, Y Erner, R Goren, N Seligman (1992).

Effects of source-sink ratio on carbohydrate level and photosynthesis in Citrus source leaves.

Plant Physiology 99(1): 144 (Abst. 857).

3.a Bustan A, Y Erner, EE Goldschmidt (1995).

Fruit-pedicel interactions: does transport limit fruit growth?

The International Conference on the Transport of Photoassimilates, Canterbury, Kent, UK.

Journal of Experimental Botany 47: 1319.

4.a Bustan A, Y Erner, EE Goldschmidt (1995).

Testing carbon partitioning models with pot-grown, fruiting calamondin trees. The

International Conference on the Transport of Photoassimilates, Canterbury, Kent, UK. Journal

of Experimental Botany 47: 1319.

5.a Bustan A, Y Erner, EE Goldschmidt (1995).

Carbohydrate supply and demand during fruit development in relation to productivity of

grapefruit and ‘Murcott’ mandarin.

4th International Symposium on Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard

Management, Avignon, France (INRA), Sep. 1995.

6.a Bustan A, Y Erner, EE Goldschmidt (1996).

Integrating temperature effects on fruit growth into a Citrus productivity model.

International Society of Citriculture, VIII International Citrus Congress 12-17 May 1996,

Sun City South Africa.

7.a Bustan A, EE Goldschmidt (1998).

Examination of ‘hierarchical’ and ‘proportional’ dry matter partitioning models with potted

citrus trees.

5th International Symposium on Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard

Management, Wageningen, Holland, Aug. 1998

8.a Bustan A, EE Goldschmidt, and Y Erner (1998).

Progress in the development of ‘CITROS’ – a dynamic model of citrus productivity.

5th International Symposium on Computer Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard

Management, Wageningen, Holland, Aug. 1998.

9.a Pasternak D, A Bustan, M Ventura, H Klotz, F Eshetu, and T Mpuisang (2000).

Use of low-pressure drip irrigation (LPDI) to produce dates in the market gardens of semi-arid


Proceeding of the International Date Palm Symposium.

10.a Bustan A, S Cohen, R Golan, and D Pasternak (2000).

Effects of nitrogen fertilization and saline water irrigation on melon plants at desert conditions

in soilless culture.

World Congress on Soilless Culture on ‘Agriculture in the Coming Millenium. Maale

Hahamisha, Israel, May 2000.

11.a Bustan A, M Zaccai, A Ram, and D Pasternak (2000).


Distichlis spicata as a case study of promising mechanisms of salt resistance in plants.

Cashcrop Halophytes, CA Symposium, Germany, May 2000.

12.a Bustan A and D Pasternak (2000).

The use of saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) as a pioneer forage crop in salty environments.

Cashcrop Halophytes, CA Symposium, Germany, May 2000.

13.a Bustan A (2000)

Development of Citrus Productivity Models (1977-2000): A Review.

Proceedings of the Ninth ISC, Florida, USA, December 2000.

14.a Ventura Y, V Kagan-Zur, A Bustan, D Mills, and N Roth-Bejerano (2002).

In vitro mycorrhization of Cistus incanus seedlings by Tuber melanosporum mycelium.

ICOM3, Oslo, August 2002.

15.a Ventura Y, A Bustan, V Kagan-Zur, N Roth-Bejerano, and D Mills (2003).

Effect of sugars on in vitro growth of Cistus incanus transformed roots and of Tuber

melanosporum mycelium.

ICOM4, Montreal, Canada.

16.c Ventura Y, A Bustan, V Kagan-Zur, N Roth-Bejerano, and D Mills (2003).

Using mycorrhized hairy roots for in vitro inoculation of Cistus incanus with Tuber


International Conference of Edible Mycorrhitic Mushrooms, Victoria, Canada, August 2003.

17.a Bustan A, Ventura Y, V Kagan-Zur, and N Roth-Bejerano (2003).

Optimizing growth conditions towards intensive cultivation of the black Perigord truffle.

International Conference of Edible Mycorrhitic Mushrooms, Victoria, Canada, August 2003.

18.a Bustan A, A Ezra, J Ben-Asher, and Y Sitrit (2004).

Fluctuating salinity level affects aquaporin gene expression in the halophyte Distichlis spicata.

13th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology, Montpellier, France, July 6-10,


19.a Li Y, A Bustan, M Zaccai and Y Sitrit (2007).

Overexpression of SOS1 genes of the halophyte saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) induces

resistance to salt and oxidative stresses in Arabidopsis.

14th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology, Valencia, Spain, September, 2007.

20.a Bustan A and AA Degen (2008).

Use of saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) to feed livestock during drought seasons in salinized


1st International Symposium "Underutilized plants for food, nutrition, income and sustainable

development", Arusha, Tanzania, 3-7 March 2008.

21.a Bustan A (2008).

Accelerated postharvest test – a possible quality management tool for tomatoes.

Arava R&D conference concluding the 2007-8 export season (May 2008, in Hebrew).

22.b Cohen, S, E Itiel, Y Zvieli, , S Kremer, R Offenbach, and A Bustan (2009).


Increasing agricultural water use efficiency by secondary consumption of the drainage water.

Annual Meeting of the South African Society of Plant Sciences, Stellenbosch, South Africa,

13-17 January, 2009.

23.a Bustan A, A Avni, I Zipori, U Yermiyahu, S Lavee, J Riov, and A Dag (2009).

Changes in the mineral content in leaves, branches, bark, and roots of olive trees during

biennial yield cycle.

International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality, Nazareth, Israel, 6-10 Dec,


24.a Bustan A and A Kryzel (2010).

Accelerated postharvest test – a quality management tool in sweet pepper.

Arava R&D conference concluding the 2009-10 sweet pepper export season (May 2010, in


25.a Bustan A, S Glidai, O Erlich and L Tsror (Lahkim) (2011).

Cladosporium (spp.) and Alternaria alternata postharvest syndromes and management in

tomatoes on vine.

International Congress of Postharvest Pathology, Lleida, Apr 11-14, Spain.


Amnon Bustan Jan 2015


1. General contribution to agricultural science.

A. Primary production and carbon partitioning in plants

Source-sink relationships in plants are a major motive of my research. Competition between young

fruitlets and vegetative growth was assumed to cause fruitlet abscission in avocado. In my M.Sc. thesis

(1986), using HPLC we revealed that the mobile assimilates in avocado were mainly 7-carbon sugars.

We demonstrated the significant differences in the final fruiting capacity between indeterminate and

determinate inflorescences. Yet, our conclusions were that the competition between young leaves and

fruit was about the connection to the vascular system rather than on specific resources.

I constructed CITROS as a productivity model for citrus trees (PhD, 1995). The model integrated

physiological knowledge with environmental parameters in order to describe and provide insight into the

factors that limit fruit yields. Physiological studies were undertaken to determine the major parameters

of the model as realistic as possible. Models of citrus tree photosynthesis were already available at that

time, but we had to modify them to the arid/semiarid climate of Israel. Feedback inhibition of

photosynthesis was found to limit dry matter production when demand for carbohydrate declined

(Bustan et al 1992). In the modeling work, we concentrated on the estimates of carbohydrate demands

by the reproductive organs (Bustan et al 1995). The significance of carbohydrate demands during bloom

was determined (Bustan and Goldschmidt 1998). A new method was suggested to improve the

integration of temperature effects on fruit growth, effective heat units (EHU) (Bustan et al 1996). That

method allowed more accurate estimates of carbon demand by the citrus fruit during its development

and thus improving our understanding of the confrontation between overall carbohydrate reproductive

demands with the current supplies. Transport limitations were shown to be a considerable parameter

during the period when fruit number was determined (Bustan et al 1995). Although not included yet in

the productivity model, different approaches of dry matter allocation among various organs were

analyzed (Bustan and Goldschmidt 1999). This may be of significant importance for the understanding

of carbon allocation modes in plants (Bustan et al 1999).

Thus, source-sink relationships continued to play a significant role when saline irrigation water and

desert agriculture dominated my research activity. The combination of salt stress and heat-waves was

found to be critical to the development of potato plants and to severely reduce their tuber yield (Bustan

et al 2004). In melons, salt stress reduced vegetative growth and contributed to fruit quality (Bustan et al


Alternate bearing is a serious problem in many fruit trees species, which has been often associated

with source-sink relations. On the contrary to citrus, we have shown that neither carbohydrate (Bustan et


al 2011) nor mineral reserves (Bustan et al, 2013) could account for this problem in olive trees. We

demonstrated the role of sufficient vegetative growth ensuring the following year fruit yield and the

effect of fruit load and time on the vegetative growth (Dag et al 2010).

B. Salt resistance in plants

Salinity has become a worldwide problem of agriculture, due to soil salinization and lack of fresh

water. The future agricultural environment is expected to be more saline while the majority of crop

species are salt sensitive. Salt resistant plant species (halophytes) are the ultimate genetic source for the

improvement of salt resistance among crop species. Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) is an American

halophytic grass, which we have chosen to use either for domestication as a forage crop or as a source of

genes for salt resistance. A large collection of saltgrass ecotypes was established and characterized for

phenotypic and genetic diversity (Ram et al 2004), emphasizing on their performance under high salinity

levels (Bustan et al 2005).

Saltgrass possesses impressive capacity for salt avoidance in the roots. Together with Sitrit and

Zaccai, we completed the cloning of two genes, DsSOS1.1 and DsSOS1.2., homologous to Na+/H


antiporters in plants. The expression of the genes in crop (tomato) and model plant species

(Arabidopsis), gave rise to mildly improved salt resistance in the transformed plants (Li et al 2007). We

also studied the role of aquaporins maintaining the water balance of saltgrass in the fluctuating salinity

range of its habitat (Bustan et al 2004). Further investigation is required to understand the complex

regulatory system in saltgrass roots and to identify halophytic genetic motifs, the embedding of which to

glycophytes would improve their performance in the salinizing agricultural environment.

C. Mycorrhizal relationships

In the frame of our attempts to introduce the appreciated edible mycorrhitic fungi – the Black

Périgord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) - to Israel, we studied the abiotic and biotic conditions necessary

for successful inoculation of Rockrose (Cistus incanus) roots. The soil temperature, texture, and

composition were found crucial to maintain the mycorrhiza (Bustan et al 2006). In vitro studies with Ri-

transformed Cistus roots provided understanding of the biochemical and chemical relationships between

the partners during the early stages of the mycorrhiza (Ventura et al 2006). This work improved our

ability to enhance the establishment and maintenance of mycorrhitic relationships, the importance of

which to agriculture and forestry gains increasing awareness.

2. Achievements in applied research specifying major contribution to Israeli agriculture

or the environment.

A. Irrigation with brackish water

Large areas of sandy-loess soils and immense quantities of brackish water await appropriate

agricultural use in the Negev desert of Israel. Together and following previous work by Prof. Pasternak

et al, we studied the effects of saline irrigation water on various crops and developed practices to

optimize yield and quality.


Potatoes: We determined the response of several potato cultivars at a large salinity range.

Principally, potatoes can be successfully grown under salinity level as high as 4.5 dS/m, nevertheless the

yields were unstable. We demonstrated that successful production with saline water negatively correlated

with the frequency and severity of heat wave events during the stage of intensive tuber development

(Bustan et al 2004). In this research, we have provided the knowledge required for winter and spring

production of regular and "baby potatoes" in the Negev desert using saline water through drip irrigation.

Autumn melons: Saline irrigation water was known to significantly improve melon fruit quality,

however yields declined considerably. In order to compensate fruit quality and yield, scheduled

combinations of fresh and saline water irrigation were examined in Ramat Negev. The combination of

fresh water irrigation until bloom and saline irrigation water thereafter resulted in high fruit yield and

quality (Bustan et al 2005). In the Arava Valley, we developed a nitrogen fertilization regime that

significantly reduced N application, improved and stabilized the fruit quality, and decreased

environmental risks of excess use of fertilizers (Bustan et al, reports 2001-2003).

B. Introduction of new species to Israel

Black Perigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum): The introduction of the black Perigord truffle to

Israel is of great economic and scientific challenge. I joined the research group of Dr. Zur and Prof.

Bejerano to assist in the agricultural aspects of the project. We developed an intensified agricultural

system using rockrose (Cistus incanus) as the host plant, suggesting an infrastructure for commercial

truffle production. We improved inoculation techniques (Ventura et al 2006) and determined optimum

environmental conditions for simultaneous sufficient growth and development of the host plant and

rapid development and maintenance of the mycorrhiza (Bustan et al 2006). Unfortunately, the next step,

identifying the signal for carpophores induction, remained beyond the frames of time and budget.

Salt-resistant productive forage crops: Green grass for animal feed is always necessary in deserts.

Where saline waters are available, halophytic grass species may be useful. We established a wide

collection of saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) ecotypes, characterized their performance under saline

conditions and evaluated their feed value for sheep (Bustan et al 2005). We also tested the production of

6 bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) lines (Tifton, TX) under a salinity gradient in Ramat Negev.

Outstanding clones of both species can be beneficial in the reclamation of salty environments in Israel

and abroad (funded by AID/CDR/CAR).

C. Low Pressure Drip Irrigation (LPDI)

Low pressure drip irrigation (LPDI) is an innovative method that allows enjoying the advantages of

drip irrigation without the expensive auxiliary equipment. Therefore, LPDI opens new horizons for third

world farmers as well as for certain Israeli communities who have not yet practiced drip irrigation due to

its high cost. Together with Prof. Pasternak, we demonstrated that LPDI was at least equal to the

conventional irrigation method (Pasternak and Bustan 2003). LPDI also paves the way for secondary use

of drainage water in combination with modern agricultural systems (Cohen et al 2009). The distribution


and assimilation of that technology has been recognized by UN and World Bank as of high priority for

combating famine in Africa and is heavily supported accordingly.

D. Fresh produce quality

Diagnosis, monitoring and control: In my freelance research and consultation activities, the major

project was the analysis of the production and transportation chain of tomatoes and sweet peppers

exported to Europe (Agrexco). Together with Mr. S. Cohen, we diagnosed and evaluated the reasons for

poor produce quality (mould, decay, rot), starting from the greenhouse and the packing house throughout

the transportation chain to Europe. I have designed and established practical routine methods to evaluate

and predict the quality of fresh tomato produce on its arrival to Europe (Bustan 2008) and more

important, to alert individual growers weekly, on real-time basis, regarding quality problems and the

ways to overcome them, whenever needed ((Bustan et al 2010, Agrexco). We identified Cladosporium

spp. and Alternaria alternata as the pathogens causing mould and wilting problems in tomatoes on the

vine (Bustan et al 2008), and furthermore, we developed practical tools to minimize the levels of those

post harvest diseases. Our advice brought about to significant modifications in the concepts and practice

of packaging tomatoes and the environment control during the shipment of the produce. During 2008-

2011, our activities have been extended from tomatoes to sweet pepper (Bustan and Kryzel 2010).

Edible coating: Natratec International Ltd. is a young Israeli company located in Katzrin, Golan

Heights, which developed an organic emulsion of bees wax. The application of Natralife (the formulated

product) supports and repairs qualitative and quantitative traits of the natural waxy layer (cuticule),

reduce water loss, preserve freshness, and extend the shelf life of many fruit and vegetable species. I

provide the company with experimental design, analysis, and conclusions. Good results have been

recently obtained in sweet peppers, mango, and avocado (Bustan and Lahav 2010).

E. Horticulture

Olive oil production and quality: Irregular bearing is a major horticultural and economic problem

of olive oil production. As a member of the olive team in Gilat Research Center, I have contributed to the

conclusive practice aimed to reduce alternate bearing and optimize a yearly oil yield (Dag et al 2009). I

have been responsible for the management of a countrywide survey aimed at revealing possible

environmental, physiological, entomological, and pathological factors leading to reduced olive oil quality

(high rates of FFA-free fatty acids). I have found that the Off-trees fruit yield is a major contributor to

high FFA (Dag et al 2011, reports). We have currently demonstrated the complex circumstances leading

to the phenomenon (Bustan et al 2014), making attempts to develop practices to avoid the problem.

Verticillium-tolerant avocado rootstocks: My current responsibilities also include a project aimed

at screening for Verticillium-resistant avocado rootstocks. We have planted 600 trees grafted on 20

rootstocks (selected for high productivity and other traits) in a plot deliberately infected with

Verticillium. Preliminary results show significant differences among rootstocks, some of which display

promising capacity (Dag et al 2012, reports). Productive and tolerant rootstocks might ensure the future

of avocado in the western Negev, a region which is heavily inoculated by Verticillium.
