Perumusan Masalah




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  • Perumusan masalah

  • Darimana masalah ditemukan? 1. pengamatan terhadap kegiatan manusia sekeliling2. ulangan serta perluasan penelitian3. cabang studi yang sedang dikembangkan4. praktek serta keinginan masyarakat5. bidang spesialisasi6. pelajaran yang sedang diikuti7. diskusi-diskusi ilmiah8. persaan intuisi8. persaan intuisi9. pengalaman dan catatan pribadi10. deduksi dari teori11. literatur yang relevan (termasuk laporan hasil penelitian)12. kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh suatu instansi, lembaga

    atau organisasi

    Donald Ary dkk (1994); Sanapiah Faisal (1995) dan Moh Nasir (1999)

  • What is a research problem?

    Konvensional: problem adalah seperangkat kondisi yang memerlukan solusi, diskusi dan informasi.

    Teknis/metodologis: menunjukkan perlunya dilakukana penelitian empiris; pengumpulan data dan analisis

    It is not: (1) how to do something; (1) how to do something; (2) a vague or too broad a proposition; or (3) a value question.

    But by asking these types of questions a researchable problem may emerge.

    Preliminary work determines what type of logic would best serve the investigation. Is deductive or inductive reasoning needed?

  • research problem Penelitian kualitatif: sejumlah

    pertanyaan atau hipotesis. Hipotesis deductive reasoning.

    Penelitian kualitatif: suatu pertanyaan Penelitian kualitatif: suatu pertanyaan penelitian yang merupakan hasil pemikiran induktif untuk memahami situasi tertentu. Biasanya diungkapkan dengan kata how, what, why

  • Merumuskan masalah

    Rambu-rambu perumusan masalah : Masalah biasanya dirumuskan dalam bentuk

    pertanyaan Rumusan hendaknya jelas dan padat Rumusan hendaknya jelas dan padat Rumusan masalah harus berisi implikasi adanya data

    untuk memecahkan masalah Rumusan masalah harus merupakan dasar dalam

    perumusan hipotesis Masalah harus menjadi dasar perumusan judul


    Moh. Nasir (1999)

  • Tujuan Penelitian The purpose of this study is to . . . (it

    should imply the question, define the variables for the purpose of the study, and define the population of the study)and define the population of the study)

  • Problem Statements

    The problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.It the research problem.It communicates:(1)the focus & importance of the problem;(2)the context & scope; &(3) the framework for reporting the results.

  • Jenis Permasalahan Masalah = problem Tiga jenis problem:

    Problematik deskriptif, yaitu problema untuk mengetahui status dan mendeskripsikan fenomena sehingga lahirlah penelitian deskriptif

    Problematik komparatif, yaitu problema untuk membandingkan dua fenomena atau lebih. Disini peneliti berusaha mencari dua fenomena atau lebih. Disini peneliti berusaha mencari persamaan dan perbedaan fenomena, selanjutnya mencari arti atau manfaat dari persamaan dan perbedaan tersebut

    Problematik korelatif, yaitu problema untuk mencari hubungan antara dua fenomena. Problem korelasi ada dua macam, yaitu korelasi sejajar dan korelasi sebab akibat.

    Ketiga jenis permasalahan ini biasanya dijadikan dasa peneliti dalam merumuskan judul penelitian

  • Formulating research aims and objectives

    Maksud (Aims): are broad statements of desired outcomes, or

    the general intentions of the research, which 'paint the picture' of your research proposal

    emphasize what is to be accomplished, not emphasize what is to be accomplished, not how it is to be accomplished

    address the long-term project outcomes, i.e. they should reflect the aspirations and expectations of the research topic

    do not need to be numbered

  • Latar Belakang,Rumusan masalah dan Judul Penelitian

  • Objectives: are the steps you are going to take to answer your research

    questions or a specific list of tasks needed to accomplish the goals of the project

    emphasize how aims are to be accomplished must be highly focused and feasible address the more immediate project outcomes make accurate use of concepts and be sensible and precisely

    described are usually numbered so that each objective reads as an are usually numbered so that each objective reads as an

    'individual' statement to convey your intentions

    For each specific objective you must have a method to attempt to achieve it. The development of a realistic time schedule may help to prioritize your objectives and help to minimize wasted time and effort.

  • Aims and Objectives should not: be too vague, ambitious or broad in scope:

    though aims are more general in nature than objectives it is the viability and feasibility of your study that you have to demonstrate and aims often present an over-optimistic picture of what the project can achieve

    just repeat each other in different terms just be a list of things related to your research topic just be a list of things related to your research topic spend time discussing details of your job or research site i.e.:

    it is your research study your assessors are interested in and you should keep this in mind at all times.

    contradict methods, that is, they should not imply methodological goals or standards of measurement, proof or generalizability of findings that the methods cannot sustain

  • Remember:

    at the conclusion of your project you will need to assess whether or not you have met your objectives and if not, why not.

    you may not however always meet your aims in full, since your research may reveal that your questions were inappropriate, that there are intervening variables you inappropriate, that there are intervening variables you could not account for or that the circumstances of the study have changed etc. Whatever the case, your conclusion will still have to reflect on how well the research design that was guided by your objectives has contributed to addressing your aims.

  • Jenis-jenis metode penelitian Metode deskriptif: penelitian yang

    menggunakan metode kuantitatif untuk menggambarkan fenomena seperti apa adanya fenomena tersebut. Bukan adanya fenomena tersebut. Bukan bermaksud untuk memanipulasi atau mengontrol. Contoh: Naturalistic observation Survey research

  • Penelitian korelasional: mengidentifikasi hubungan antara variabel-variabel, bukanuntuk melihat hubungan sebab akibat

    Prosesnya melibatkan developing a research question, collecting data, and collecting data, and drawing a conclusion.

    Proses pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam bentuk pengukuran variabel bukan memanipulasi variabel

  • Beberapa persoalan dalam penelitian korelasional

    Karena hanya mengukur tidak bisa ditetapkan mana yang penyebab mana yang akibat

    Bisa saja terjadi variables X dan Y Bisa saja terjadi variables X dan Y berkorelasi,meski X tidak menyebabkan Y.

    Misal: hubungan antara banyaknya teman dengan kesehatan

  • Misal: ada hubungan positif antara banyaknya teman dengan kesehatan

    Kemungkinan : Banyak teman membuat seorang menjadi Banyak teman membuat seorang menjadi

    lebih sehat Karena lebih sehat seseorang punya banyak

    teman. Orang yang sehat bisa terlibat banyak dalam aktivitas sosial sehingga memiliki teman lebih banyak.

  • Contoh penelitian korelasional smoking and violent crime (Brennan, 1999) Women surveyed during the final trimester of

    pregnancy about smoking. Correlated with arrested records of their sons 34 years later. Controlled for:Controlled for:

    socioeconomic status parental psychiatric problems age fathers criminal historyConclusion: maternal smoking during pregnancy is related to increased rates of crime in adult offspring. Evaluation:

  • Contoh Does being violent cause people to seek

    violent television shows? Or does watching violent television shows cause violent behavior? If all we do is measure violent behavior? If all we do is measure the variables, we can't tell which of these is true

  • Metode eksperimental: bertujuan memanipulasi dan mengontrol variabel untuk melihat (establish) hubungan sebab-akibat. Quasi-experimental designs True experimental designs True experimental designs Single-subject designs

  • Experiments are tests of hypotheses in which investigators manipulate an independent variable in order to determine a cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variable


    experimenter manipulates. Independent variables experimenter manipulates. Independent variables are manipulated when an experimenter randomly assigns participants to experience different levels of the independent variable.

    DEPENDENT VARIABLES : the variables that are measured by an investigator to determine if the independent variable had the intended effect
