Peter Weyl


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  • 8/10/2019 Peter Weyl


    A compact groupGhas a unique normalized both left and right invariant Haar

    measure; and ifGacts continuously on a finite dimensional vector space V,Valso

    has an inner product which is invariant under the action ofG. Because, starting

    from an arbitrary inner product, say P(, ), we define

    v, u:=


    P(gu, gv)dg,

    (integrating with respect tothe Haar measure) which is automatically invariant.

    1 Matrix coefficient

    Let G

    GL(V) be a representation, where V is n-dimensional. Now, choose

    a vector v V and any linear functional L : V C [note that it is given by

    L(x) =< x, w >, once you fix an inner product, for some w V.] Now, observe

    that we have two cases: ifv, w are linearly dependent, i.e. sayw = v: vcan be

    extended to a basis, with respect to that basis,has a matrix form, and L((g)v) =

    11(g) < v, v>. Again, ifv and w are not dependent, thenv, wcan be a part of a

    basis, with respect to which if we consider the matrix from of, then

    L((g)v) =< 11(g)v +12(g)w + , w>=12(g)< w, w> .

    So, functions of the form L((g)v)are scalar multiples of coefficients of the matrix

    form of with respect to particular bases.

    Such functions will be called matrix coefficients. If for a continuous function

    f on G, {(g)f : g G} spans a finite dimensional vector space V over C, then

    fis a matrix coefficient, for (, V) is a finite dimensional representation ofG and

    f(g) = L((g)f), where L : V C : (1) is a linear functional. Thus, itis immediate that the sum of matrix coefficients is also a matrix coefficient. And

    also, for a matrix coefficientg L((g)v), all its right translates are in the linear

    span of the coefficient of the matrix form of, which is finite dimensional. So,

    one can invariantly define a matrix coefficients to be a continuous function whose

    right translates form a finite dimensional subspace ofC(G).

    2 Peter-Weyl Theorem

    T1 (Peter-Weyl) Given a compact group G, a continuous function f on

    it, and any positive real number, there is an elementin the representative ring,i.e., in the C-algebra generated by matrix coefficients, such that||f || < .


  • 8/10/2019 Peter Weyl


    Proof. Let G be a compact group. Let f :G C be continuous.

    1. Since fis conts, and G is compact, for given there is an open nbd. Uof

    identity such that (x)(y)(x1y U |f(x) f(y)|< /2).

    2. There is continuous : G C supported onUsuch that

    G(g)dg =1 and


    ) =(g).3. Have compact self adjoint operatorT : L2(G) L2(G) : i.e.

    T(x) =

    G(g)(g1x)dg. This means that Tcommutes with projections (g),

    where(g)(x) =(g1x).


    < T, >=





    < , T >=





    But the two right side terms are equal by the assumptions on . So, T is self-


    4. It means that in the spectral decomposition

    L2(G) =ker T (E),

    (here bar means the closure of the direct sum) where each 0, and each Ebeing eigenspaces, are finite dimensional; and also, as T commutes with (g),

    these E are G-modules.

    5. So,T L2(G) = T E = E.

    6. As is evident, ||T f f|| /2, andT f E. The inequality is by this:

    T f(x) f(x) =


    {f(g)(g1x) f(x)}dg



    {f(g)(x1g) f(x)}dg



    {f(xg)(g) f(x)(g)}dg,


    |T f(x) f(x)| supgU

    |f(xg) f(x)| /2.

    7. Each E is inside the representative ring: let 1, , n be an orthogonal basisof it; since it is G-stable, one has, for any E, i(g

    1x) =

    jci j(g)j(x),

    whence, in matrix notation,

    (g1x) =(ci j(g))(x),

    which means that as (x) = (ci j(g1))(ci j(g))(x), the matrix (ci j(g)) is always

    invertible. So, i(g) =

    jci j(g1)j(e), which means that the elements of the

    orthonormal basis are linear combinations of the coefficients of a representation.


  • 8/10/2019 Peter Weyl


    More so, by the remerk in the previous section, as E isG-stable finite dimen-

    sional, functions in it are matrix coefficients. So,T f is approximated in L2 norm

    by elements of the representative ring.

    Precisely, there is a coefficient1 of a linear representation such that for a

    scalar multiple of that, we have||T f ||2

    < /2.

    8. So, one has such an element in the representative ring that ||f ||2 < ,

    since the L2-norm is less than or equal to the sup norm. However, for any there

    is such a; so, we can choose such a that||f ||2 <

    2C, whereC=||||2. Write

    =(f ).


    |(x)|2 = |



    = |



    = |


    (xg)(g)dg|2 =| < Lx, > |2

    || Lx||22 ||||




    |(xg)|2dg C2

    = C2


    |(g)|2dg = C2||||22.

    So, ||T f T|| C ||f ||2 < /2. Again, as was chosen to be linear

    combination of elements of Es, it follows that T is also in the representative

    ring. Lastly, one sees that

    ||f T|| ||f T f|| + ||T f T|| < /2 + /2 = .

    3 Applications

    T2 Every compact Lie group has a faithful representation.

    Proof. LetUbe an open neighbourhood of the identity which doesnt contain any

    non trivial Lie subgroup. There is by normality of the group a continuous functionwhich is two outside Uand 0 at the identity. Now, by Peter-Weyl theorem there

    is a representative function which vanishes at the identity and is greater than 1

    outside U. Let that be given by g L((g)v). So, the kernel of is contained

    in U; but the kernel is a closed subgroup i.e. a Lie subgroup, contradicting the

    choice ofU, unless it is trivial.


  • 8/10/2019 Peter Weyl


    3.1 characters

    The character of a representation (V, ), which we will denote by V, is sim-

    ply the trace of. It is easy to check that for irreducible representations V, W,

    HomG(V, W) = 0 ifW and V are inequivalent and Cif they are equivalent. This

    is calledSchurs lemma. Now, take the inequivalent case, dimV = n, dimW = m,and take anyn mmatrix (Tkl). Then define the map A : V Wby

    Ai j =




    ik(g)Tkll j(g)dg.

    This isG-invariant, so by Schurs lemma, is zero. Choose Tkl to be 1 at st-th place

    and zero elsewhere, so that

    Gis(g)tl(g)dg =0.

    IfVis a representation then the operatorp given by v

    Ggvdg is a projection

    operator onto the fixed pointsVG, so that its trace isdimVG. G acts onHom(V, W)

    by (g f)(v) =g(f(g1v)), so that the homomorphisms that are fixed are precisely

    theG-morphism i.e. Hom(V, W)G =H omG(V, W). Thus,

    dimVG =T r(p) =T r(


    (g)dg) =


    T r((g))dg =




    dimHom(V, W)G =


    Hom(V,W)(g)dg =


    VW(g)dg =



    Keeping in mind the above discussion, two irreducible representations V and W

    are equivalent or not according as

    GWVdg is 1 or 0.

    Let us now apply this to representation of compact groups. Representationsof compact groups have invariant inner product i.e can thus be broken up into

    direct sum of irreducible representations: any finite dimensional representation V

    is represented aski=1

    niViwhereViare the inequivalent irreducible components of

    V and ni are the multiplicities. Thus,V =k

    i=1niVi , whence V, V =



    This also means that a representation is irreducible if and only ifV, V = 1. It

    follows, thus, that ifVis irreducible, then so isV. AndV VasG Gmodule

    is irreducible, since GG

    VVVV =






    2 =1.

    Let me denote by R(G) the ring of representative functions, called the rep-

    resentation ring. Now, given a representation V ofG , one has the function sV :

    V V C(G), where the tensor is taken over complex numbers and C(G) de-

    notes the complex valued continuous functions on G: The function sVis defined

    by sV( v) =d,vwhere

    d,v :G C: g (gv).


  • 8/10/2019 Peter Weyl


    Henceforth we will denote by S(V) the image ofsV inC(G). If (V, ) and (W, )

    are inequivalent irreducible representation, then for V, W, and v

    V, u Wand with respect to fixed orthonormal bases with respect to G-invariant

    inner products, (g)v = (

    ji j(g)vj)i and (gv) =

    i jaii j(g)vj; and similarly,

    (gu) = kl



    l. So, theL

    2inner product ofs

    V(v) and s

    W(u) is

    (gv)(gu)dg =



    i j(g)kl(g)dg =0.

    Now, the image ofsVis spanned bydei

    ,ej = sV(ei ej). But


    ,ej (g) =ei ((g)ej) =i j.

    Hence the image is the span ofi j. Now, this map is G G-module map, and

    for Virreducible, since V V is an irreducible G G-module, this map is an

    isomorphism. Hence, we get a map

    s:V G

    (V V) R(G).

    This map is obviously one-one, since the image of one of the summands is or-

    thogonal to that of another. We will show that this map is onto. To show that, it

    is enough to show that any representative function is in the direct sum of finitely

    many S(V). But, for a representative function f, f(g) = g.f(1), and if f gen-

    erates the finite dimensional subspaceV, then letei denote an orthonormal basis

    of V with respect to invariant inner product, and ei the dual basis, if we write

    g.f(x) = iai(g)ei(x), then sV(ej f)(g) =aj(g) and thus,f(g) =


    sV(ei f)(g)ei(1),

    meaning that f is in S(V), which proves the above contention. So, we have the


    s:V G

    (V V) R(G).

    This also means that as a G-module,R(G) is semisimple, and an isotypical com-

    ponent is the direct sum of an irreducible representation its dimension times. By

    Peter-Weyl theorem, the Hilbert space L2

    (G) is the closure ofR(G) i.e.,

    L2(G) =

    V G(V V),

    the sum inside bracket being taken dimension ofVtimes.

    At this stage we need to make a lemma for future reference:

    L.1 If B is a G-submodule of R(G) then B is closed in both sup and inner

    product topology.


  • 8/10/2019 Peter Weyl


    Proof. We have already proved that R(G) is semisimple, which shows that B is

    the direct sum ofB S(V) for irreducible V. Now, let fbe in the closure (inner

    product topology) ofBinR(G). Then ifVdenotes the projection ontoS(V), then

    for anyb B, note that

    V(f b), V(f b) f b, f b.

    This means thatV(f) is in the closure ofV(B) = B S(V); but the latter being

    finite dimensional is closed, whence V(f) B. Now, only finitely many V(f)

    are non zero; so, f B. Now, if something is closed in the inner product topology,

    it is automatically closed in the sup norm topology.

    By Theorem2any compact Lie group G has a faithful representation, say ,

    and with respect to a basis if the coefficients of are denoted by i jthen the alge-

    bra over C generated by {i j, i j}i j is a unitalC algebra separating points, and by

    Stone Weierstrass theorem is dense inC(G). And as this algebra isG-submodule

    ofR(G), we conclude by Lemma1that the representative ring is generated as analgebra over the complex numbers by {i j,i j}i j. Thus,

    T3 The representative ring of a compact Lie group (or a compact group

    admitting a faithful representation) is finitely generated over the field of complex


