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Edgar Allan Poe - A Dream Within A DreamUn vis ntr-un vis

Te srut pe frunte-acumi plecnd pe lungul drum,ngduie-mi a-i spune cumC-aveai dreptate cnd ai zisC zilele mi-au fost un vis;Oricum ndejdea mea pieri-De-ar fi-ntr-o noapte, ori ntr-o zi-n nluciri ce sunt i nu-s,De dus, i-aa, ea tot s-a dus.Cci toate ce se vd i parSunt un vis ntr-un vis doar.

Stau n viul freamt alrmului btut de val.in n mna mea -tezaur-Fire de nisip de aur.Ce puine! Se prelingPrintre degete-n adnc.Pe cnd plng, pe cnd plng.Doamne, nu le pot ineaMai vrtos n mna mea?Doamne, nu pot s le mntui?Le ia marea n mormntu-i!Cci toate ce se vd i parSunt un vis ntr-un vis doar.

Take this kiss upon the brow!And, in parting from you now,Thus much let me avow-You are not wrong, who deemThat my days have been a dream;Yet if hope has flown awayIn a night, or in a day,In a vision, or in none,Is it therefore the less gone?All that we see or seemIs but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roarOf a surf-tormented shore,And I hold within my handGrains of the golden sand-How few! yet how they creepThrough my fingers to the deep,While I weep- while I weep!O God! can I not graspThem with a tighter clasp?O God! can I not saveOne from the pitiless wave?Is all that we see or seemBut a dream within a dream?Snowballby Shel SilversteinI made myself a snow ball as perfect as could be.I thought I'd keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me.I made it some pajamas and a pillow for its head.Then, last night it ran away.But first -- it wet the bed.