Presentación sobre La Soya Y La Salud



Presentación sobre La Soya Y La Salud. Cortesía De United Soybean Board. US Soybean Statistics. Estadísticas americanas sobre la Soya. 600,000 granjeros de soya 74 millones de acres 2.6 millones de bushels/año US $12 billones /año. 600,000 soybean farmers. 74 million acres - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Presentación sobre La Soya Y La SaludPresentación sobre La Soya Y La Salud

Cortesía De

United Soybean Board

US Soybean StatisticsUS Soybean Statistics

74 million acres 2.6 billion bushels/y $12 billion/y

600,000 soybean farmers

Estadísticas americanas sobre la Soya

600,000 granjeros de soya

•74 millones de acres

•2.6 millones de bushels/año

•US $12 billones /año

The Joy of SoyThe Joy of SoyLa alegría de la Soya

U.S. Consumer Attitudes Toward Soy – 2001 Survey

U.S. Consumer Attitudes Toward Soy – 2001 Survey

39%Aware of specific health benefits of soy

27%Eat soy products at least once a week

69%Consider soy products healthy

2001-2002 National Report on Consumer Attitudes About Nutrition, United Soybean Board

Actitudes de consumidores americanos hacia la Actitudes de consumidores americanos hacia la soya –encuesta del 2001soya –encuesta del 2001

Soyfoods ArriveSoyfoods Arrive

940 12441747


1990 1996 1998 2000

Soyatech, Inc. Soybean Digest, Dec. 2000

Sales in Million Dollars


The World of SoyfoodsThe World of Soyfoods

Traditional – miso, tofu, tempeh, soymilk, edamame

Photos courtesy of the United Soybean Board

The World of SoyfoodsThe World of Soyfoods

Traditional – miso, tofu, tempeh Western or soy protein products

Isolated soy protein, soy protein concentrate, soy flour

The World of SoyfoodsThe World of Soyfoods

Traditional – miso, tofu, tempeh Western or soy protein products

Isolated soy protein, soy protein concentrate, soy flour

Second generation SPPs Burgers, soy nuts, energy

bars, breakfast cereals, etc.

Macronutrient Compositionof Soybeans (% Kcal)

Macronutrient Compositionof Soybeans (% Kcal)

Protein 37%Protein 37%

Fat 37%Fat 37% CHO 26%CHO 26%

Proteína 37%Proteína 37%

Composición de macronutrientes en el frijol soya (% Kcal)

Composición de macronutrientes en el frijol soya (% Kcal)

National School Lunch ProgramNational School Lunch Program

Modification of the Vegetable Protein Products to Include Soy

Meat/soy combination foods help schools meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans in a cost-effective way

Soy-enhanced meat products improve the nutritional profile of school meals

Soy offers flexibility and variety in meal planning

Soy-enhanced products are well accepted by students

Macronutrient Compositionof Soybeans (% Kcal)

Macronutrient Compositionof Soybeans (% Kcal)

Protein 37%Protein 37%

Fat 37%Fat 37%

Soybean Oil – The Balanced Soybean Oil – The Balanced

61% Polyunsaturated fat 24% Monounsaturated fat 15% Saturated fat

Photo courtesy of the United Soybean Board

Soy oil is one of the few good plant sources of

omega-3 fatty acids

Soy oil is one of the few good plant sources of

omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids & Soy oil: Overview

Omega-3 Fatty Acids & Soy oil: Overview

Omega-3 fatty acids Linolenic acid is essential May chronic disease risk:

Arthritis, cancer, CHD, etc

Photo courtesy of the United Soybean Board

Isoflavones & Phytoestrogens

Possible Mechanisms for the Biological Effects of Isoflavones

Possible Mechanisms for the Biological Effects of Isoflavones

Hormonal Estrogen-like Antiestrogenic

Nonhormonal Signal transduction Antioxidant effects Others

The Role of Soy in Disease PreventionThe Role of Soy in Disease Prevention


Heart disease


Hot flashes

Soy & Cancer Prevention

Age-Adjusted Incidence Rates (per 100,000) for Selected Countries

Age-Adjusted Incidence Rates (per 100,000) for Selected Countries


















ProstateProstate BreastBreast

PCa: Shanghai, Hiroshima, Bombay, Basle, Atlanta (W) BCa: Shanghai, Osaka, Madras, Geneva, San Francisco (W). The Prostate 45: 87, 2000











PCa: Shanghai, Hiroshima, Bombay, Basle, Atlanta (W) BCa: Shanghai, Osaka, Madras, Geneva, San Francisco (W). The Prostate 45: 87, 2000

Age-Adjusted Incidence Rates (per 100,000) for Selected Countries

Age-Adjusted Incidence Rates (per 100,000) for Selected Countries

U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics – FY 2001U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics – FY 2001

Incidence: No. 1 among women 192,200 new cases 31% of all female cancer

Mortality: No. 2 among women 40,200 deaths 15% of all female cancer deaths

Soy Isoflavones and Breast Cancer RiskSoy Isoflavones and Breast Cancer Risk

Studies highlight the importance of consuming soy early in life

Prepubertal soy isoflavone exposure greatly reduced mammary cancer in adult rats

Data suggest women who consume soy as teenagers have a 50% less risk of developing breast cancer

Teenage (13-15 y) Soy Intake & Adult Breast Cancer Risk

Teenage (13-15 y) Soy Intake & Adult Breast Cancer Risk


0.75 0.69 0.690.51

<2.2 2.2 4.41 6.61 11

Soy protein intake (g/d)Soy protein intake (g/d)











s ra


Results: pre/Results: pre/post, x age, x age 47.Other legumesOther legumesnot protective. not protective.

**** ********


(Shanghai: 1459 cases, 1556 cont)(Shanghai: 1459 cases, 1556 cont)

CEBP 10: CEBP 10: 481, 2001481, 2001

U.S. Prostate Cancer StatisticsU.S. Prostate Cancer Statistics

Incidence: No. 1 among men 31% of all male cancers 198,100 new cases, FY – 2001

Mortality: No. 2 among men 11% of all male cancer deaths 31,500 deaths, FY - 2001

““Compelling evidence suggests that Compelling evidence suggests that phytoestrogens may have a distinct phytoestrogens may have a distinct role in restraining the events role in restraining the events associated with this phase of prostatic associated with this phase of prostatic carcinogenesis.”carcinogenesis.”

International Prostate Health International Prostate Health Council Study GroupCouncil Study Group

The Prostate 45: 87, 2000The Prostate 45: 87, 2000

Soymilk Decreases Risk of Prostate Cancer

Soymilk Decreases Risk of Prostate Cancer

Studies suggest that soy may reduce the risk of cancer

Results indicate that frequent consumption of soymilk (more than once a day) reduces prostate cancer risk by 70%

Jacobsen, BK, Knutsen, SF, Fraser, GE . Does high soymilk intake Jacobsen, BK, Knutsen, SF, Fraser, GE . Does high soymilk intake reduce prostate cancer incidence? The Adventist Health Study (US). reduce prostate cancer incidence? The Adventist Health Study (US).

Cancer & Control Dec. 1998;9:553-557.Cancer & Control Dec. 1998;9:553-557.

Soy & Heart Disease Prevention

Coronary Heart Disease – U.S. Statistics

Coronary Heart Disease – U.S. Statistics

No.1 killer, 500,000 deaths/year

Accounts for 20% of all deaths

Twice every minute someone suffers from a coronary event

>7 million have a history of MI

>40 million have cholesterol

6.25 g protein/serving Low fat (less than 3 grams) Low saturated fat (less than 1 gram Low cholesterol (less than 20 mg.)

25 grams of soy protein per day, as part of a diet low in

saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce risk of heart disease

“…it is prudent to recommend… soy protein foods … to promote heart health.”

Circulation 102: 2555, 2000

Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Soy Protein Intake on Serum Lipids

Anderson et al, 333: 276, 1995

Meta-analysis: ResultsMeta-analysis: Results

34/38 trials found soy lowered cholesterol Average of 12.9% decrease in LDL (bad

cholesterol) Slight increase in HDL

(good cholesterol)

NEJM 333: 276, 1995NEJM 333: 276, 1995

Soy Protein and Cholesterol Reduction: Clinical Findings

Soy Protein and Cholesterol Reduction: Clinical Findings

Inversely related to initial cholesterol level

Considerable individual variation

For those with moderately elevated cholesterol, 5 – 10%

Effects apparent with 2 – 3 wks

Soy & Bone Health

Osteoporosis & Fractures:U.S. Statistics

Osteoporosis & Fractures:U.S. Statistics

30% of women have osteoporosis 25% have a vertebral deformity Lifetime risk of having a hip fracture

after age 50: Women, 18%; Men 6%

Mortality within 1 yr. of a hip fracture Women, 21%; Men, 36%

Why is soy believed to be good for bone health?

Why is soy believed to be good for bone health?

Estrogen-like effects

Ipriflavone Synthetic isoflavone shown to reduce bone loss in peri- & postmenopausal women

Soy Protein, Isoflavones, and Bone Health

Soy Protein, Isoflavones, and Bone Health


Inhibit bone resorption

Stimulate bone formation

Soy protein

calcium excretion

Soy & Prevention of Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause 8 (5), 2001

Ad produced by: Revival Soy Protein

Percentage of Women Reporting Hot FlashesPercentage of Women Reporting Hot Flashes


30.9 34.8

Japan Canada US

Exp Gerontol 29: 307, 1994Exp Gerontol 29: 307, 1994

Soy and Hot Flashes:Basis for SpeculationSoy and Hot Flashes:Basis for Speculation

Few Japanese women report having hot flashes

Isoflavones are “weak estrogens” Hypothesis: The estrogen-like

properties of isoflavones alleviate hot flashes

Soy & Hot FlashesSoy & Hot Flashes

Possible Explanations: Works only in some women More effective at preventing than at

alleviating hot flashes Strong placebo effect associated with

relief from hot flashes

Most studies show modest benefits at best

Soy and Health: SummarySoy and Health: Summary

“Unique” source of isoflavones Heart Disease: Soy serum

cholesterol -other favorable effects likely

Cancer: Appears to be beneficial in preventing breast and prostate cancer

Osteoporosis: Encouraging results showing increase in bone density, long-term studies needed

Hot flashes: Inconsistent results, perhaps modest benefits

Soy Protein and Isoflavone Intake Recommendations

Soy Protein and Isoflavone Intake Recommendations

Approved by the FDA

Cholesterol reduction: 25 grams soy protein per day

Levels believed to be safe/effective based on collective research data

Cancer, CHD, osteoporosis, & hot flashes: 2 servings/day

Isoflavone intake: 50 mg/day; range, 30-100 mg/day

Online Database of the Isoflavone Content of Foods

Iowa State University&

How to Meet the 25 Grams-A-Day Soy Protein Recommendation

How to Meet the 25 Grams-A-Day Soy Protein Recommendation

¼ cup of firm tofu……………………... 10 grams of soy protein

½ cup of silken tofu…………….……… 9 grams of soy protein

2 soy breakfast links………….……… 12 grams of soy protein

1 soy-based burger…….……….… 10-12 grams of soy protein

8 ounces of plain soymilk….….……… 7 grams of soy protein

1 soy protein bar…………….….…..… 14 grams of soy protein

½ cup cooked soybeans….…….…… 14 grams of soy protein

½ cup tempeh………………….…..….. 16 grams of soy protein

½ cup roasted soy nuts………..……. 34 grams of soy protein





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