Psychological stress Institute of medical psychology Panfang


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Psychological stress

Institute of medical psychology Panfang

Psychological stress

The definition of stress


Selye H , 1907-1982

general adaptation syndrome




The development of definition of stress

Stressor : 应激是引起机体发生应激反应的刺激物。

Response: 应激是机体对有害刺激的反应。

Interaction: 应激是应激源和应激反应的中间变量。

Psychological stress

• 心理应激是个体在觉察需求与满足需求的能力不平衡时倾向与通过整体心理和生理反应表现出来的多因素作用的适应过程。

过程:适应和不适应过程 结果:适应的和不适应的 应激源:生物、心理、社会等 应激反应:心理、生理、行为 认知评价:起重要作用

Psychological stress

The process of stress

生活事件认知评价 应对方式

社会支持 个性特征



Physiological interaction


• 应激源的概念:应激源是造成心理应激并可能导致躯体和心理损伤的刺激物。

The types of stressors

按应激源的属性分类 :

1. 躯体性应激源 physical stressor 2. 心理性应激源 psychological

stressor 3. 社会性应激源 social stressor 4. 文化性应激源 cultural stressor

The types of stressors

按事件的现象学分类 1. 工作问题 2. 恋爱、婚姻、家庭问题 3. 人际关系问题 4. 经济问题 5. 个人健康问题 6. 自我实现和自尊方面 7. 喜庆事件

The types of stressors


1. 正性生活事件 positive live events

2. 负性生活事件 negative events

The types of stressors

按事件的主客观属性分 1. 客观事件 objective events

2. 主观事件 subjective events

The research of stressor

Holmes and Rahe (1976) 5000subjects

Social Readjustment Rating Scale, SRRS, Life Change Unite,LCU


150-300LCU: 50%



The research of stressor





( 模拟现实生活中的应激如:束缚、孤养、噪音、拥挤等 ) 。

Psychological response of stress

1.Excessive and compulsive behaviors, such as nail biting, overeating,pacing,picking and talking.

2.Illogical and non-coherent thinking, as evidenced by memory loss,repetitive thoughts,reduced ability to solve day to day problems.

3.negative emotion, such as anger,anxiety, depression,guilt,or shame.

Behavior response of stress

1.escape or avoidance

2.regression or dependence

3.hostility or attack

4.helplessness and self-pity

5.drug addiction

physiological response

According to Selye’s and Cannon : the

response of stress is fight and flight response



Fight-flight response (reflection)

Physiological response of stress

The endocrine Response:Our endocrine system secretes hormones

directly into our bloodstream via a series of glands.

Adrenal glands: Adrenal medulla(inner cove)-----adrenaline-----increase the activity level of our heart, liver, and muscles.

Adrenal cortex(outer shell)----corticosteroids-----reduce inflammation

Physiological response of stress

Physiological response of stress

The Immune Response

Immuno-suppressants: our bodies release natural suppressants when under stress. Those suppressants decrease the efficiency of our immune system.

Stress system (interaction of physiology)

下丘脑 - 垂体 - 肾上腺皮质系统 蓝斑 - 交感 - 肾上腺髓质系统

导致糖皮质激素和盐皮质激素分泌增加和 交感神经功能亢进。

The interaction of psychology

Cognitive appraisal: means the ideas of the nature , intensity , persistence time and danger about stressor.

There are two types of cognitive appraisal : First cognitive appraisal and second Cognitive appraisal

Cognitive appraisal


First appraisaladaptation

Second appraisalProblem focus

Emotion focus


What is coping?

Characteristic way of one handle with stress.

Types of coping:

Coping can be divided into two types.

problem solving and emotional coping

Types of coping

Problem solving: attempts to change the conditions that produce stress. eg. reduce the tension of noise, study hard, and take rest.

Emotional coping: altering of oneself to reduce tress. eg: cry, doing excise and relax.

The study of coping

The study of coping style

positive and negative coping

The study of coping and stress

coping styles effect the response of stress

The study of coping theory

Defense mechanism

The definition of Defense mechanism

The kind of Defense mechanism

denial,regression,fantasy,displacement,rationalization,reaction formation,etc.

Personality traits and vulnerability to stress

1.Anxiety: a fear response to a perceived future threat

2.Depression:a mood disorder characterized by excessive sadness

3.Learned helplessness:Occurs when a person has learned to be helpless in one situation and transfers that appraisal to a new situation in which an adequate response is possible.

Personality traits and vulnerability to stress

4.Hostility: a state of antagonism or enmity

5. Self-absorbed: excessively engrosses in one’s self or one’s affairs.

6.Vigilance:alert watchfulness

Personality Types and Vulnerability

• Type A: a personality type characterized by impatience and work addiction; thought susceptible to premature heart disorders.

• Type B: personality type characterized by patience,trust, good nature,and an easy going style that is thought to protect them against premature heart disorders.

The urgent behavior of type A personality based on a set of beliefs and

fears, many of which are irrationalBeliefs:1.My self-esteem is based on my material

accomplishments.2.I am worthless if I do not achieve worldly

success.3.There are no universal moral principles.4. All human and natural resources are limited

The urgent behavior of type A personality based on a set of beliefs

and fears, many of which are irrational• Fears:• 1.Good may not prevail over evil; there fore, I

cannot expect justice in this world.• 2.I may not get my fair share of worldly good.• 3.A lack of success will cause me to be judged

as worthless.

Hardy personality

There are some personality traits that make it easier for a person to handle stress

Hardy personality study

Kobasa (1979)studied two groups of executives who had all experienced stressful life events within the past 3 years. Those in one group had become physically ill following the events,while the other had not.

Hardy personality study

The hardy excutives possessed three characteristics that the others did not:

1.They had a great feeling of control; 2.They had a strong sense of commitment to

specific goals in their lives; 3.They viewed change as a challenge rather

than as a threat.

The good way to copy with stress

• The good way to copy with stress





Rethink the value of stress thing

Normally we think or decided the thing is bad or not bad to us at first, and then we are in state of stress.

Rethinking means that not every thing is all good or bad.

Going to abroad to study is a good thing,but you had to adapt to everything.

Having no opportunity to abroad is a bad thing,but you can live with your family.

How to reduce the response of stress

1. Knowing when the stressful thing will come(the ability of forecasting).

2. Sense of control(control the stressful situation).

3. Getting social support.

4. Knowing how long is the stressful thing existing.

How to relax the tense of stress





How to release the negative emotion

To talk to you friends


Going to a trip

Thank you very much!

Please study the social support after class.
