PUMItaaLiit:t IlatEROGalu. 1t.20..T 01( OVE LEV GULD7.1:4


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E R 0 ILE TPUMItaaLiit:t IlatEROGalu. 1t.20..T

01(OVE LEV GULD7.1:4)----..--- ,

HamAl...: i s flan,

I HMUL'IMID,.--- .611at.dbus lf,C11:3:- Om Lcif Of

f.:1)y cAno. : lfon,.. . \DIU. art Placeiir -birth : 25 1L:g 07 aLl'igl, (HIJW/17-, C-41-.1110nationality : Danish—tioigi).77.._Occupation 01 Jnulmeli,t. tact werkci ia the PIgn (7CVNII:J.VI)

Date a arrivalS tietaaavi Prra -jut In. Hiniatry ,. . ‘ 72!: Ilan. *A A.S.. e•rA.1( #14._Rd:11.......

• . ARM' 114/2re...-Irki-420. 5-• - ./0-4at HQ Soeona /.:1O Jun 4.5N • - •

.. ,.•...._..

./zr.roworrierAnatz,/ . — AM/MM.

•/, $ ,i, •,

..f.rea.,...v if /:s../37,1‘1,,o) ..,

Hair s Pair, thin, 10ing bald, rocolinz frX.1Pao.. Thin. Hilt ohca.Jc bonoaFord:eat' : trod, vosyEyt.s s MUD. Li . :ht coloured horn-nitric-1 apeetaalcsEarn Pmainont- sti,tki.r.7 out.Dose Largo, straightLi-es : ThinCoradt.zions PaleTooth :Co4. Gild to )th ooh siJ lowor set. co' i t tooth atasirs.; rm.

trip left.Nook IPDao

t Val =trod for. No sk,iul of manual stork. Long firr;ora andfinger Gold ei-eu.t riur, frith very ltuto oval uhapodhead on ulddle finger left hand. Elaborato orost on ring. ThreoUt3 of oharactera.Top... sht in full sail. Cuatre-

uhield containing a nonogrsn(?) supportc4 oa each :tido by alion . rutapant. Bottom- orssoecl maarths.

Drosa : L'luo and white striped shirt, trIth aoft poiatod collar. Navyblue hi,gh- ncc1rl pulbver (110? polo trypo) Ho tio. Mary 'aleasuit, old, doublo broastcd. Throo bittons on the cuff of oaohgoat slnevo. that:10 button stiasotr; frni loft sleeve. DanishMI(:iota) in loft lapel buttonhole. Mit hamtalrohiof.loftbreast z.00koz. Dim soaks, black shoes, no hat.

Lost pormanont addresnt

In GM1.1111fi Ar;entinisehalle 32, Zehlondorf, DEtiLlit

In DERL'.RI:." Strun•vogt-n Jt, GPENFLIGEU

GoitrIn Porfeot)Danich Native)IoAr.aus.,:es

fluent) •Svodiahttosvort,ian Pair leatlodgeDutch

Pathor s GUL.V.0 Hans Oyu Nikolai. Laat heard ofProsidont of the Da:doh Club in DatJ.ii.mother, sine° remarriod.

other t Vii4lln TH049.011. Divorced from Subject's fathor. Ro•marrielto a Scottish sea captain about 19g.

Jmther GULPERD, Pella 1.1.sr:ono ro.portud shot in DMA: rebxuary 1941.Vtifo t First : Agreto CORR Marrind Oct 32.

Divorood 1937'Suomi! Emt Alice Elizaboth :::'LSCHIa- a German Jamas. t.:arric,O.23 451ufturthe Russian ocou,gttioa. Previous alatlio.itionsfor pang-aft Lirito marry had boon refusod by tho Gettr.a outsorities on the Irotnulo that ;',48(.11/CE ltaa not Aryan.

Ghildron Ifono


DozariLlti snAgo :37

*1 r7: Thin

•Pt •


in DE1LI.1 194.0/0 as t.Divorced frcti aubjeot a



2C/51. .17Fri/42 (-7 64 ft. k§§14 di g AND IRMO t

oitiltmoosEXEMPTION3WNAll WA RIMEsOlsciosuREACT0 A0 /Oil tOos

Identity Docuaonts

- 2 -

Danish -Wtatr20rt go. 119, issued in TIEMAil S l iar 43 atthe Danish gnmulatt, his •,-)rcvi.ats ,:asaport

A card photorAaphe attaohol, announcing in Gonton andRussian that GliLIMEt was a Danish Journalist under theprstootion of the Donish Csnati.lato, MUM.

yliTROECCTICI" 1 • GULP= was brsught to GU, n Second Aar, from FA Barracks,

UMW, having arrived there fraa the DP Centre at LuDiacsuusr, chars heasked to sae an Intulligonoe Officer. He arrived at HI Second Maw on 10 Jun45, are avo an outline et' his ease ad re:loons it.or ankln: to sea an Intoll-i r;encto Officer.On 11 Juno his storAno taken clown in detail and is tvenin the succuoding paragraphs. In order to present his informatitres in its boatfora it has been nocossaly to givo his caroor in outline only, old to givodotailod descriptions of the various phasos in it as ;:i,;..trlin..a to tho mainreport.

EARL.Y HISTORIC,1907 2. Dorn in ALTONA ,of Danish paronts. His fa thor was iMporting Danish

moat into Gomm/. Hs htul provisusly worked for thy Danish bacon Cm:Extnyin LONDON, 1905-0

1907-17 GULPERD stayed in Carmany on did his first years of sohooling there.1917 Returned to DENHARX with his parents.1920- His parents were divorced.

221117- auwaD stayed at a boarding school in DMVARK, and did ncrt Co home

22 oven to spend his holidays.1922 Left sohool1 922" Joined a bacssn factory.

2519§.- Served in the Kitx;'s Do:lyguard and was &mobilised as a 2/L3.cnt


3. GULPIIID stoyel in Ellinburgh with his mother and otep..fathor, atayitzat Oxp,angs Road. Ho was issuel (late 28 or early 29) with an Alien'a certificatesigma by Police Constable ROSS, of EDI1LRRIGH.

-. Ho met and was friendly with one of the mmtbers of the BALMER fottityship owners of LEM Ana taught one of the sons Danish.

/ GULPED is known to his mother's lawyors in EDINOURGH-, Wawa EVUVIS,i Geort,o Street, and also to Ur. w.....:.r. the architect of his mothers house. I^ 3

-,,1 - ALTURN TO DENHARK- oDick AS MIVAPAPER OWNERi 1941. .i 4. GULPMD roturried to COPILVIAGE11, was Married in 1932, was curried in 1932

, and with his csm savinns and tho money of his wealthy wifo bought the novialxtPar"DANUARKS-11AUDELS CO SO/MINTS TIM013" dealing mainly with Danish shippir2; andoccotorao, This paror was not wiloly circulatod outside MURK, thow,h copies

P wore sent 'so ENGLAND and SWEDEN. Its outlook was mainly oormoroinl, but had aioolitioal bao1crourrInoccutue polities are usually mixed with businoosif

...v- 11111,E1' CONTAQT WITH _DANISH DITELLLIENON SERVICE, 5. In connection with this newspaper GULPERD did a lot of travailing to the .

lielLINS, to POLAND and GMWANY, looldng for markets, contacts and infortntion.Beamuca of thew) tray-knowing that he spoke fluent Gerson OULPERS insapproached by a'atantain MONT° of the Danish Intolligenoo Service, who wasknown to GULPEPD as a motabor o tho Danish Intollizettoo Service and with villasOULPLItD had servoa dtu,dn his p riod in the Ai*. NORDENVOI'T au ; Anted tintOULPERD /that'll imp his eyes opon on his travels, and make a report of anythingho saw whiah trd.ght be of intoresi pp, tin Danish Intolli once Service, to whichaDlarialD anrood• UC.N;:_q ) - .,_, -..1 * ' •—•'::t111.A&L,■,',., 4 v .. fA V.Ve,U/t .1\4 sl .'s 44= 'x .11,........,._inn CONTACT WITH VivilAZIS 1711011, 0c .1 1,411,1' oC UV... I.J.: k. C.121. 1,itirit'l;: ' ieroull .6. attPERD woo %toll known in CGPVII/11Eit asla pmlinont man Ills the oucinotic64 is. and newspaper world, a can, of m Ictoy and influence. Ho v,'Its rogularly ocitaultod,flu .4.1[141by all the forofrn, atbitsaios who wished. information obit Danish matters. wat-Ifklii.egehRly:

.C1.,-i.,..,__ 'E.t.d. ._...\ A..LIA A ilL. LVA .



1934 =PERO nos asked by tho Gernon Lotion in COMIC-WM if ho Iranproparod to write and publish artiolos in ein norapaper e.bout the new Cotmttleas in easseifie and politics. He acoe7toA ond was provilol with articles by

Hitler, Goorin, Goobbels call other prominent Nazis vitioh found tluir tv intohis nowspaper. As a result 11(1 ViTID csal recoivcd by the Ot-nouv:, and IN...'uP.Ately

. invited to vr..riaus neetialn, ..apastrotions t.to., in (knave, 0.3. hr ant to theannual maotinz of Soandinwian never/opera ta LUBEC.:, went to isuoUn,:a atliUlgelilIGhnd other such places. As ft result of tn.no iieit, C4JLI7W nav that. Gonisny arepreparine, for rat, and eliaru3 to have rtz.,ortcl thereon to 1:01117:217.072.

1936 GULFERD visited. the Olympic cation, and follarrinz the mooting net afriend in Dam, fr. BLOM of the firs ICr23Mi and .3LOCIC, who Wtta canofaottuixtg sane spcaialisod instmt,ents for airplanes. Aocortlin,-; to 01.1WED this tecta adevice forldotensinina the dampness of thc air" and :as to ho fitted on the scraoof ono per ZIG firm ha. rooeived an ardor for 50,000end GULP= reportedthis 1-EiliDiliKET, with his opinion that it reprcasontod a en= Lir Force of40.M. planes.

193Z GOL.:̂ Z/D Vtoa naiad by the Polish Legation to start a Polish Chamborof uom...orcio in 00212. 111;CEN. No d.34 no. The nem yeer ho was :Asked by the GC=133to start a Garman Mather of Commerce in C0MILIC-121, and again ho did so.

1938 Early 1938, he vas col/cd to the GOMan LEILA' tiOri arti ens decorate-Awith "acme sorb of oross connected vith the 033tpia :pace.

FIRST 0012. .OT C.I.S. -K. • Hay 37 On this day, a nut =so to sco GOLEMID fras tlieuGotartn legationitxl asked him to show him round. the tarn. He was Richard =GM, and °paled him-self an en,*tecr, but acoorditt; to GOLPEriD he vas a spy. =PERO asked a Primaof his, a captain in the Ititu ts Dedyztuttel to have a look at this Ger= and topass the word on to the EUnish Intelliluneo Service. ICESGER roturned to BERLIN,and ovontually wont to South Americo. just before the outbreak of war. On his urAYthere he sent a postcard to • GULPEIID Prat H2.111URG.

The Goznan Lu-ation often called upon =PEW to show thoirvisitors the sis;hts or- cirrarriam, nal er.haz.; the visi-tors osoorted vex%StlIOXKL, Gauleitor of THUILTInIi., and LA/LEAS, leador of the doich Chancellory.


Sop 39 8. Oallod to the Danish ..ony .as Liout, and spent throo sontha in as.rrison town in. JUTLAiD

1 Jan 40 Dosobilisuil

• 7."„ GO • • 1 3,,,1 • OW • ,„ CL)

voluntcared to o thuro and prom.:_ned to cake a re-port to /10.:.:=T0rr on his rot-urn

8 Jon.i3 O ixrivel in PPILADD, and etztrted to form a Danish battalion, canniertine of 900 voluntoors. !tin job was mainle to *catch those volunteers for doubt-ful i.o. Danish °omxtinista infilitratiari in from S./E1. 181( and ;10111171Y.Ho ola-lcus to halsi worked with the Finaish Sooret Polio(); to have been instrun-ontal in oapturin; a Ceram WT aunt; and to have shot dam a basbinl planewith Hamann maricika, whose crew of throe vorti olothinti, be:trial the labcla"Luftwaffo Depot, :,:2311/111". OULPERD insists it %nu!. coaaon Intarlokio that Gommarms wore flyin; these dinned to ;at 2ractiot . and oxperienoo.

CULPF.HD to.e in touob with Ni.113-1 (rank anima%) a mumbor of tho Finnishc.iteitt.l. Staff, -tho tas in the Secret Police an". vho !mow that CUI2.10 heldr

ire a watohin; brief fur tho Darash Intolli .junce Service.

PROJEGTED III8SI011 TO OATEN 011"q1tl.2THE muisx rirrrui.lacz

1 Apr 4-0 9. =PM returmcl to C0NAHAGE11,not H011oriZOVT two de,yn 1 ..tcr andmade his report, lifter song discunnion it van a;roed that 01.112/41D should to toSLED/li to "try and establish coanuntiens ith the 13ri tish Intulli ..erteo P.ctviao"The dc-t-als behind thSs mission, its alms, methods and sontastn von) never re-vaatil ■io Ct11,9:ARD fer it van fnuitratcA by the ontry of th,. tienvels into Di.iiV.111K.0117Jr.' Jiaappeared. It is believed he vas re:.e*ved le the Cenums.

JUIPERD3 (010( POR THE C2.17' L4TtC.t Il COPL1l1:41111.

20 4,-4. 413 10. • tra rt.ws oiler en* tic .PD if he were vflhinto predttoo a do reportmport on the Dan

ish rrtotions to thu,Cximn ocratpattan, fit.. Goma troops cull their behaviour. rhiz t...quont Utta :lade by

Presa attache at thr. Lciatiou. GUL) thow:ht that a: . uu dig ho mijttable to holp his omultry and acee;:ced the ot fur. :!•2 (=mica kaa this woe.: for aboutcovot ranths, :n.kity; a short report doll:, on f_ta-ta of lenorttl infonaut. Ho mid°throo (sepia, or tbib raorl,• ono for.the Lat./or of the .01--atien, one ro

.1r the Paroian

• oifice i nBafu'In, and the third he 1,:e2t as 'tutu ononrecord. He %a 3.:a 2:1. 400 crownsdeathly for this

• PnIST ;CLTH re.T.: SD.Jur/J10y 11. There teas oW the Loation Staff a certain Z

II• t.hose =tot flirtation40.. - -nta2317411 lid not knew. 3atto vA.-eks after havirc started work there GULPERD

approached by GE11 Trho showed him Iocumont showinz raccabershib of thoonlrxiw; evoxybody to obey his orders. He aerminded a oraAr cce GULMID I s daily re.rortand ordered the latter not to reveal to anyono that tho SD ma !;rattin; this clo,y.A fourth copy talc thoroforo cupplied daily to HEIL.

Ono wean:: taricr tho influence or drink,HELL shared GUIPMD a wirolesstransuittor in his flat awl sail that GULa .̀.:D t s Mill, report and other nessa.,lou worotrunseittod by HYTT• to thu SD Hatdquarters in BEEITH by this mans.

HEM sur,ested that GULTAID owfit to join the 3D.GULPE.J) ..T0L!3 THE SD

12. Saar throo to four monthn later, GULIraD -aas callod to the GenstnLalation was :-,ivon a scaledlettor, and toil to read it awl dustioy it, This lettereincd by HFXDRIGH offered =NERD a n

hoeat in tho SD. He satr in it so he soya, a

ohtut n-oe of f;otti; to t centre of tht German intolliLlonce Service, awl of hulpirctho Mash Intellilenao Sol-rice. lath this cod in vim 4o accepted, an Ottirnt thathis true raotivoa at this *tam wore Yawn to Captain ARNDRIIP of tho Guards:Thom ho had imam sinee.1926 and whose allhoss is 7REDIRLKS10ILS calria, No.18, CCP1.7111AGVI,or at the Guards 'larra.olo3 COMMAGEH.


'BERGER, and uns .iessaltatoly aunt as Obor:stuzufuchrer to a camp on the Pro Swiss• 3 Jan 4.1 13. GULMD arrived BMW, trent to the SD Headquarters, mat oniVolircr

I border for Danish awl Horatian SS. His job there was to hunt out bnglophilos.


GUIPERD found none and roturnod to BERLIN thrc.0 trucks later, when ho oarBERGER for a second time. Ho vas toLl to roport Po 102

drtilholtas. triage whore ho\yas

to report to the hea of tho Stawlinavian section of the Si)' Sfartabaratillohror VOICLIVwho col.. Jaw rant he uioultt most 1110J23 l3 cent an u cassia-. to SitEdill.

•GULPERD was livon an SD uniform Ma atwod in the hotel ;11LON, with o.

nvaber of .ocrican nowspaper reporters. He did to work :brim that poriod, merelyraportim to the head of flea once a mak. lie roceived pa; of his rank.

Prom :ionortal gossip mow; the Si members, he rtaiisal thnt tho Conn=were intendiw; to attack RUSSIA in Juno, and that before no doirr, they tyro :;oinsto invado YUGOSLAVL'..

GMPUDS ARREST BY MB GESTAPO IUD DISMISSAL PROI.: THE SD \•GULPERD was talktnes to a. Danish journalist a novaPaPor

corrospondont whoa ho had boon for s pa° six or seven years in C0PEICbGE1 .1, to whomhe mentionod the gonnip ho had overheard of I/ftr with RUSSIA in Juno, (rocoda(L by theGorman entry into YUGOSLAVIA18 Mar 41. The next day GULPERD ma arrested by the Goatapo as a result of JENSSVSdonurtoiation, (JENSEH taut a mentber of the Gestapo) and was 'tabor% May to tho GostapoHoadeputrtora,..8 Prince Albertstrtiese. At fleet the outlook seemed bnA, hut OULPERDploadod that ho had merely napeated rhot ho that:Kt was ino gossip and that therewan no other wave laultinl hit revelation.

41.3 a. retult of this plea, end duo to the faot that S01 .810.113a0, the tunat the enquiry, oonsiclorod that OULPERD had cormittod art indiaorotion maird;. • thrw.;t•his inoranoo, GULPERD %ins oilcan:al to leave) the Goatka Iforulquartors after five daysApr 41) and was inflamed at tho ' April 194.1 that ho as dismisced teem tho SDthat ho had to hunt in his uniform, that howasnotalloacd to rt,?eak to AnY roroilP'ors, anl that ho could not Lave BEZEL

GULPED moved to thc. Hotel ii.gx„;rixirotor, iivitv ott thc atoney he had.0 r. • '

- 5•flatIbil money, an atill detcavinea to obtain infoatr.tion likely tobe of uso alaitutt tho Genr..14 should he over ,et Cho chanc y of'

27 Jun 41 .usin7 it, 0t11.2MDij1is d to the Roich Charatelicny (LAICM.S) for a1 r b .• fr 1.11, .■4 that he In sorvel

a tona of 40 siva' irtpriaotowst for having publishod in his " •nowspapnr a Iissi articlo which Jai offonded the Atnish fravornmonitTho truth of tir:s olaira, is, according to =PM that whilst he

attnY trival3-11; La P•4at4 or alscrallere a /tr. its'eflarge of tho :alter durirg CULPZILI s ahs...nso obtained an articlefrom a flits oalled the Anti- Caainturn (ostensibly a oivil ien firm'taut rcrallor controllod by the Gorman Pavpa,'.,ania Innis-try). Thisarbiele was an attaok on a certain Danish factory inspector calledJiang, athour,It t JAMMt tcxx. 'so uction the litniah r.overnracnt sued

the -tem/taper for libel. and Loll the ownor-OULVERD twspensiblo,GUIZEIM vent to the Anti- Ctrs:Intern fer the proof bohind this attaok,but they woro tusabla ka substantiate this accusation. .1s a rosulttItlIPMD 3pat the ouso and las firtod 1,000 amnia or 40 daya. 0114918Do ors it is an all Danish east.= among mraspapat elltors not to paytaoso fined, and ho sorted the forty Jays, This vas in 1938.

tIaine this "martyrdom for Nazism", toccthor bith the art-'Soles ho had published treat1193* orsrarda on betalf of the Nazi party,and his coral rucadnt vork with the Chnittall Logation in 001018/01:21as proof of his /Iasi prinoiplos, GULFAID therefore applied to theReich Chanael.lory for avloycont.

GULFERD ENTERS TM 0ERlihrf FOIFIGI/ CBlop 4.1 15. As a result of this lottor, GULP.MD was offered, aritt acooptod

a post in the isireless auction of the Gonna Foreign Offioo, whichtwedad a Danish c-vort en Prams miters.

, No stay..1 there nix months, atvl his rork ostasistal of translatingoceasiatml prose 'satin-it. He nev..r bro gillast htssolf. Each day hovas tiven a too:: of the nattite..red output of British stations, and =is

loft very much to himself to tala; uountor narase..a.5 likaV to influcausithe Danish liotonc.a.

Bev 4.1 GI.F.VAID heard from a friend that ho was clone...10re.) dead in 00PL2flhICHNand that his purport:yam-I offestswerebein3 disposed et. No obtainedthree arecien lctvo on this account and rJturnca to 03PENRIOni, titer° hoIta:".d in a hotel uith his friond 0007 ,301RM whose office is atR.V.DHUSFL.DSE/1 37. This is 00DPaDS last visit to COPENHAMEN.

tAILF rOs Poroi,Tn Otfinoun, rizo4 at 483 VU'Jur month. This Foreign Office section vas altakysit-palo isoilnifioehtreproduction of a similar sootion in GOEBBELS Propeagan.la ninistryand was °yea:tunny IiRsolved, Through the goat ;races of this loader

cf Lin section, CIIV.912D was able to transfer td tho correspondingvirtzloas section -of the Propagruah Itinistry

WIPERWS .PRK Tim raaruss 8E0=0? aM58134.2'Aar 42. . . FRONAAND& I-1111ISTPX.

.•16. GUIDLRD vas piirinto the SoanditGrran &apartment of a seotion dealttrith trircloss politios whom main aim vas in counter.- not theiuflucnce of British Piopnoturia on Scandinavia, ana to persuadeSoaddinavia that a:Il ints well vitt, the Getman Ireiab and its warpotential.

The Danish Suction ima staffed with members of FRITZCLAUS1WS Danish Nazi party,

atILFERD thaurAt it Atould be a 0300. thin • for his countryto discredit those Danish Duda and -,et than dianis iA4 Ito(waded 4 i &iv; so by &twin.; at Alien L. % their lack 4,1 db1.11.y,their look of oxporienco and thoir obvious daterainatS.cn to put

the sane of the Danish ?Iasi party to the Danish peeplu. This ...tolioypail, and eventuaLly GUL1)123D faun: himsolf in ahargo thr- ,3oan-rlinnvian ivpartmont of the l yirelcata ovation.

Horo he wan aot paid a f4 s:dd rate, but on a piast: ; roteof 48 WI for u throe minute tnlk, arcao months he caeaci moh ad4 1 5.:10 IC•I• At timed he branclaa t his cro. tolk, but pram'eft'. to letoalu r people the brvaclarr:tlir: , ad a lonoral rale.

.i; to


- 6 -

In broad outlini. his job e••.s to ohm htz: th^. Ovum poo-,•lo voro=nitrating the vor, cal to aonvt.oe Soanlinavia that thoso thing acould bz•ing only v-lotor.,- t: the Itoioh. In this zavol he usn ,ivcn =clot°frecloa of action, and :an cuy.eatr.1 to boast of Gertan achieve:mato.

Thus ho hit uyni the itha of over ea:zhasitt- certain aspects of Goreanylavar industzy ao that their value zrauld be noticed by the _aliod povorsCknom to be monitorial all (lennn broadcast!, says MJL D). In thisrespect he arcs attention to tho maw of the Cron= vr--r irelustry ofsynthetic oil, synthetic rubber, inland tratezvvo oto., and trios toclaim sem sham of credit in their lestruotion by becalm.

Bo claims that the ihnish Oanwl in BMW- AM. LUDERSM, and thePress 'ittaoho there )Pa, Trout auaro of thsse activities and therc.1 motivo behind them. it the rsno time G1112MID also otvcris that the

Danish Undorpmund nomnent "Furl Dank also kaoa of his anti- Gortonactivitioe, and -$,Ives the znno of SERUDFF, 'oho vas a funaborof this partyLiao is novr in COP4111313: and oho crin r;ivo •videnco of GULF4iDis anti-Ihzi vork.

AUE 43 CHI�ERD continued this work until .111.1;ust 4.3

At this time the tremends•Js bccabirc of 11411.331110 =do the Corr= authoritiesfast. 841-14 inv. raids upon BERLIN, an accordingly thoy decided to do-contral-is° sone of their activities. The Seandinctvian Sontion of the PropagandaMinistry vas sont to LUXBHBOUFG and subsequontly to KONICSIM. GIRARD rdid not go to either place, maintaining that to leave BERLIN irould have —

been to ouAlimscelf off frau all the sources of infor ution ho had orgmicadcurl which Ina his only reason for vorldng vrith the Getriatis. 1ilt theSection vas at IADMMBOURG, CRUMB) cantinued to do tho cork as usual,passing his articles to the broad=tater by telophono. Slhon'tho sootion

moved to KOA081111111 this vas no lour possiblo and. =PERO =Awed toaccuripany tho notion for the reasons already given bet the roason ho gavoto the Propszanea Hirdstry las that since the time hlotted to broadcastingin Danish vas drastically roduood, it could not pay him financially toaimesi luny the sootion.

5 Aug 43 The section loft KO1GEBERt1 and CIIIMID vas out of vork. • •5 Aug 4.3 to 011I2?ERD carried on ocutsional tuanalr-tions for tho Gonsan Foroiz Oefiao.Doe 43



17. =PEW joined the nortspaper section of the Propaganda tanistry aaa foroign journalist ohmic) job vals transl•tting articles for the Danish LIand florrioalan Press.Ho become a masbor of the Foroin ?Teas Club, uhoro ho spent a oonsidonablopart of his tins; viler() he mot JOYCE-cuul his zrifo often, JohnMEW once and all the rust of tho foreign corrospondants go.tharocl inBERLIN. His vork hero puroly the translation of otli.a. pocrplas Tutorial.His translations wore distrihutod to 19 provinaial Ihnish papers ma 100nonrogian papors,oll of tchich yore controlled by GOMEL% Ki eas laryhero vras constant at 750 RH par ...loath.

His vork continuod on thuso linos until 1945. In tinrch 1943 it vat nolcmgor poosiblo to .Listributo the tutorialorinl ho translatod, ovin:,• to tans-port difficulties, but inspito of this thenot/vapor auction continued

to function sari tho =bort; oontinuod to receive their sal:rics for Littloor no work, it this tineOULPERD vas in charge of the DruziAh soationhaving boon rolloved of his Norctopian Scotian, b7 a Oun.r1113..'revnor movlbc *•„„gt_pho Attohr in 140)Wr. 6calaaiLL14 Mtea• ' • I :•_4•.:;p111.0.,

I . 4:12,4..k._14d 1 • ,,.. SIc1-%1..-ct•o•;THR RUSSIAN OW/PATION OF DialL111411/0 EVERTS LEAX110 TO


21 Apr 4.5 ' 18. A friend offered to take al/lerraill and his vire to 1.11BMK into theBritish sono.MEM stat.o that for coma tino paat nemborosof tlsePoroin num Club

1 r''\••• ". :*'• • ' 't.': "cuntrol. These 1.1pu, ho ri 1 1-Mu not, offical,1

tn hn oirt frn-,


Isti. 45


. .

25 At.r 45

6 Jun 45

GUIPAID refiumd this offer t:. leave DiaLLI, nayisr, tira ast journal-ist hr. 7rellimd t. eta? in 1:17itLr.. "tai Liar.

1,Lis GULPZSD waz tr•t :-;yrrta.1, :Irfialv;h hf.• ;7:1 beim li...rin_ withhis "wifou for 3Cia; time, ona sta. acet.:to:i at; his wife by theDanish 1.‘..1,tion;

entewl tho ;1;.:sterr ;Art o1DERI,Li when.: CULTAII:0 vas

COLT.rila) 1d obtn4 ne.,. Dini •Jh fle r.:, a natio' 40i4:: hOUA a ..;1.3DariEL aanc.d, an Identity ix.rd earanl..."-e with rh:441k7sph on -ithichprizteA in &Manion and Govan a notico in tt hu vaa 4 Danishjourmilat and and,r the DITOr.171hczytion, and _as a

prtrailaeot aispl..st of all he 1.as not nelcstc:d in any anyby thc oac:Aring r4r0C3 1 W4Airit on -..roe. oe tain ..-ontoion ho left his

ask.ty and ruturnon to 11.14 it ran .rteke4. Hc t:ent to tho Danish

oaly to rind it wree1qe4 nnt ty. Hu rl his • i:o iceided to. - fa out of BUILT.H, and reaohoG the Interaition-t1 Rad Crezs t .12ESEE.

CIL,PLID3 wife, ohotre.suUc11 trair.c.1, out up a : l.ressing stationfor wuunde.1 fore, ,u.rs and for :: ;.ok British N.' rho I: n; at an aijoirtinzP. &amp, MP:2D and his %rife oentinuod h ,-re l4#1.1 6th Juno 45.

4131 orkr isouocl by tho CPU that all for‘igaerr, v-ro to 'chi out ofDZILLI within 103 hour. P.■ uor., ;:o to D:.RIMISHE'll, all foreignOjVflJrU Vun. to go to b1=0RP, tsa3./1 VtL1t.c. mot of tha Oder., thenthuy tr.re to be. .n.7.,..triat'2 This ditt not ammal to GULPEDant his ulfo, P.:: to jha 5 r;r1:61011 P.: oho Aturo liviw iththcsa. Paestl%.-ith this dr2ulury ovnouatina the nt party leaidai to =Ito a boltfer itLuD.ri.tinh zone. A Danish ht.'. catered BERLIN trith the intentionof =Irvin-.o.rin banish national.: :.rivon by a friutal ofGLIPI".fei.ersoadull thin man to tak_ tho Wholv party irith MA, Thoy

ntatpt 11. the h.qtlquarters of.' the • a-vizors ocscrablor in BERM and GLU1MDf.1Ihnt in to scot hf.ri. Ho is acsoribed a boier. ft very obliLina; parson

tint -.runrite or the new orcic:r .vins, the atasian none,ptecd to Dar.a. this /arty the -.1; Lrouptica, en.: -Irovidol a pans

ar.d struaped Mn to tiavel co via LiLLIECK. The pal t.y 3.0.f1DEaLli: at 1900 hra, reached thc. auesian- British ti:Intior at GILABOU

0400 bra 7 Juno, Wilt= after cozy, n1iht .:riuziont ani a vait of three-quartora of' an hour, they war° al1ow:44o °roes into Dritinh held torritcry.GUIZIND v:splai.u, the lea.1 of his vile in thosu t'oogoviations at* bein:aoocosary owing to tho xsnInn Ater forbiddinc; aLl journalists ordiplaatt to leav.: the Russian sone.

iiRRIVAL =OM 1,1161' HEariiu.aems.

12, Tiu c.az. wit to LUDITIGSIX3T P oen i:re whore thc • Drtth wurowarted out anal uventuallt nom haao, GULEW asked to e.ot an intolliSenuoOffif,r, awl •httc ovelitually brnught to H. ado_uest(,ra Soca.% cl Aryy via P.a

umEstm.gslt,c1.20. GULT-L2D flavor skf,ned any contract: on behalf of uithor heIntolli3onoo Service or the German Sorriao.

PP 21. Hone zi-rnocl.

PITIANMI.L22 .1"aricd acoording to t

_York Go ttnn L.-gation00PhlitrIM

SDGorman foruir;ri office,ProPa :anda I anis try )

(Virclouu Sec) !ProL?aranin /.finL. try

( Uwonaper So)

Ii. post ho wan filling. To retapitulatoeSalary:

440.414 par LUAlithPaid tor rank ut. Oberaturanehrer.483 RiS per oonth.40 V pr 3 mitriti..5 talk3alary as nuch As 4, 500 AK soma monVmSalary 750 iUt pur month.


munurz tovi:Arr

23 . 7 car two boon aokod t enquiro into this ran, unl the Ivnults ofthuo.r invooti ntisso reataitc-1,

ifec.strhile sr, cm:Ur:ration hos toun possiblo :sera, and the vholo storymust be acoc--;teti theroforo a co. s taitionablu cbr„q.uu of mums,

COI4USIOIZ24.. (a) Wats by his osas c..1sisaiona, Imo boon in publio for a lone, Um°past this aarsirer, sup. portor, or thc. Mai stato. In oyos of ttlibut tho tiniest minority, thc..reforo ho c ."-oses sooncisanod co corta.tnly a -whole'warted collaborator, trot 1ikrlj a Danish truitor. This airsoritY• )alarrinlaccordik, to GULPED his real r14sk14 140 of the acruons and his work aLminst

than consists of tCapt. NORDERTON s DisappuarolCo.pt :JIMIDRUP : Danish Guar's

: Danish Consul, BEAMFABER t Prose Attache, Danish 1,..,totionUr. }ULM t Heather of 'Woo Moose' Assistance Group

Those people will be able to suttlo the whole case one way or anothor,if twit can be found.

(b) Roviowing the caso on the faots disolosc4 so far , the followingsaliont fru:Mors usorge:

(1) CULPERD never had any clear idea of what he uns after. Hu had nospecific aims soudst no particular typo of information

(ii) He had no idea as to what ho was goisxsto do with any informationho might have obtained.

(iii) Phan ho was offorod tho opportunity of uscaping to the Britishlines.oohero ho could have poosod no his inforration (para. 18)iGULPERD rens:1,a to loayo BEILM.

(iv) Since ho mods no effort to live information to tho Russians, and3inoo ho raflased the chance of givinf; lam:lotion to the Britishwhun it would have boon of most uso (i.e boforo the capitulation) therrholo of the offoot built up by GULPERD of double-orossing thoor of sorvinc thee tsorokr to &feat them, appeals untruo.

(v) In addition CULPERD loft BERLIR only whon faaed with • :tho ordo_rto quit and to travol via 210SGOV. Thetorrors inherent in such ajourney to ono whose visolo career is one of close Gowan collaborationcm-spoiled hits to =aka abolt for it to the British linos.

Once in tho British zone, the otho..ls wuro moving to return GlIVERD to DMAAIdC

a journey to kin as partials as the one to 251SCOTt.

Thus ta staves off bho ovil day, GULVERD asked to neo an Intaligonou Officerand has produood this story with its explanation of taco saving, double&soling. Hu follows it up with an offer to norm the British Govornmont. Hodoos NOT want to return to DEilmRK, but prefers to o to the UK to his mother,

(a) Unions good marks two forthooming from the poonlo mentioned in pain 24(a) GULPED appears most certainly a man who has sorv04 tho °crams faith.fully and voll in la number of imortant and hi. bly luorativu posts.

Ho has boon o. collaborator of the hi3host ordor evor sirco 1934.,Ho has I./orb:idin the Gorman Fors:sign Office: and the Gorran Propsolanda Office for a considerablotine and c1ts,y be the Danish William JOYCE.

Ho vas oortainly u V ....mon for the SD (work in Gorman Logotion, C'JiO4HAGE11)and thnts beasts° a full menbor of the SD

In abort he siould appuar a Countor-lutolli r■onao targot of fir st irportanooo ra who is probably bans, wuserly nought by the Danish Rosistanoe Poroao.

iN11111111111Miliiiiiiiiiiiiwiestisitimmeofiwomoserai11 - 1 ..11111 11 1_1 ill 111 !


2. CUL13:111D :aid hi.: wiAs ary b301 in i;heX *Jurzucc=, 14110.4116..GULITAD cloca not rel.liso 'to b under th, 311htest suspicion, n1 thinktill': he is bit eousifIcar,1 for Altura e.Qloyrtont stith Britinh Forces(hc hcrics in "I" .1ccaoity)

It ia felt that this stato onht to continuo until 7 an invostkAtiemsoorvloto. OAP:: no the :.rve of !leak:miters Semul .'aret 14. Jun /45

fl& interrozntion ulll ham to be cli.:4-)atim...3 althoue„h SSW= stillm to say, (xi cclolly on CO=10 JiLl topics. He Ins also r.nnt

inforoation about GOELIDEL t s %mu Hinistry, which nay ...cal interestP Pl. So tar, hcraevor, hc has prilto,1 n4hire slarclim;, end little

...)•!. Ho has not been precaocl 414 °part; frin a little 2roaptina on annestion hare curl there, OULPalt has Just been alicktol to th.lk

H. HLRITU CV.t.for

13 Jun 45 Col CSI 8coon-i IxW




AvE,w At


on tad-War:Am

GULPERDIS °a:manta


Not the beet typo. 1Unly tham ta get publioity or adocoration. Wominont momber there was Liest SOH/MOMwho returned to COM= after the Gorman invasion awl

• booze head of the Danish SS. SOHALBORG ban since boonkilled on thelRussion front.


GULEEERD1wwhim wall, JOYCE was mostly drunk rfigularjyrmurgwl to got more than bin ration of drink,

JOYCE and his wife were looked upon as Germans. The farmerwas awarded the Kriegoverdienst kresz and his wife a war medal,given on4y to German nationals.

GULDPLID last sae JOYCE a few days before the Russians entered.JOYMBrms wsaring the Volkssturn uniform are said he was goingto fight.

=VERB knmr JOICE i s wife vbry well. Vorkedwith her ofton inthe Wireless Seotion of the Womganda Ministry. Ha says tanTHE 2012Ulk30 IS S12224 IHTHE SWISH PAP= AS MING ARRESTEDWITH MICE IS MEJOICE t s BIVE.

• 142M1IGNE81A surious undertaking, but not organized in tine to allow itsbecoming a'real force. GULDEM) does nat see any potentialdanger in it.


GUMP= heani this mentioned several times in the PoreignIVassOlub as the code name for sow sort of post-occupations/resistance, but knows no more about it.

Thinks its name was adopted because a film mne tots{ made about=Awn at the time.

5. =TATO

Closely linked with the E2c1T0, many of whose members wore takeninto the Gestapo.

6. AVM

Known to he the Intelligonoe Sorvioo of the Army and thought tohave Icons about. the attompt on HITLER t a life, and to hove madeno offort to warn the loader or to Suppmse the attenpie

IOW that the SD took over the Abowshr, but little more.


A 000k, friend of OULD212D I s 000k, now with GULCH= at LUNEBURG,was asked if eho was prepared tu accept a post an °oak to



- 2 -

RIDLIZTROPani his mother (11D mention of hia 'giro) at a housoin the Tyrol. The hizalao 1.ea not ownod by al:WC/MOP, wasisolated in a small villago, and otherquroplo wore alsoliving in it.

to of this ap,m3aolt - 20 apr 10. 1111C=IM •Aas sup?oseto have been in tha T.;rol acokat this dot... The tosr-n isFrau BROM widow of OAP pilot, and is now believed in1=0EDURG.


(a) Power

"SD was the orgardsationwhiah oontralled all cal everythinguvun ttCostapo."

(b) Plans for Arturo lf SD

Late in 1943, the SD be.::an to plan their future in CABO thewar should bu lost. Thoybogon to transfer money intoforeign oountries. GULDPMD known of one big hotel inDENMARICbonght in this fhshien ne an investment. At thesaw time the SD buried and oonocaloa money all over Germany.

In order to get false identities, the MO:idled cortainpooplevtio had no families or frionas, who were not wall kmannanl who would not be mieeod. The idea was to AMMO theidentities of the people they destroyed.•

At the end of 1943 thora was a big clean-up as a result ofwhioh 1270 members of the SD in BERLIN were arrested. TheOustapo from VIENUAIrta been espeoially imported to carryout this swoop.

Thu puopio arroctod wore not sent to the foal, !tarns thonormal custom, but trans scat to selected oonoontrntion comps.The general idea was that these =were so placed to bereleasoa on an Allied. invasion to be treated preferentially, andto form the nuolous of tho future SD post-000upationalorganiiation.

GULITEM supports this theory by paying that he spoke to someDutch people, as woLl as a British Plf who had boon in theOonoontrxtion camp at ORAMMNBUFA and who icor the arrival ofsome of this. party, and who affirm that they wore very welltreated, wall fedc ana wore not looked upon as no.walintornees.

(0) otrurto l s mission to brauuti for the SD

Of his probotod mission to SWEDE% dULEFERD was to go as aroproaontativo of the UFA,film company. Hems told that hismission= "to got into touch with Sweden who =rewritingfor England". Ho was not told how he was to do this.

Covor ntory

Ho was not givon any oontnots or cower save tho UPA filmoompany fur whom ho was supposed to be working. Hemsto be paid in SWEDEN by UP).. UPA had a smiur robo inOCIEMPMENwhore its ohiof was HAUS JCUEN MAXIFILIANVON


- 3 -

(d) Other karran Da;er.ta

Harlot *-2}ARQUAn - elderly, a 041:91MA with a Spanishaasaport. Vas a ship l o braker a:..1 aortal a ahippingline in Portuattess Fast Afrinu. He was :said to be onoof the SD t s bast W•,unts. EH was in =ARin Var 43 and in watt. His shipping mrried a flagl

Black dotter

5. The Foreign Vimloss Section a the Gomm Foroiax Offioe

GUT.IIPERD says that there was always rivalry and troubleLudineen the corresponding cootiona of the Foreirpi Offioo arethe Propaganda Ministry. In these disputes the PropagandaMinistry always won, and ovontuall,y canned the disbandment ofits rival Foreign Office Section.

This For3ign offico Section was inefficient and badly run. Atfirst it was trying to aounteraot Dritish propaganda (GUMMEDvats working in the Iturlsb/Swedish Secrtion, with emphasis onlatteden), but gradually faded out, and the British and Americansection was later maul to proiucc a newspaper for N.. Thebead of the Scandinavian Section was nn SD member •Vuller-

-NORDER. later transferred to COPEDUCE/7.

IQ* YPI‘EiPP Wireloai i(":114.cm 4.rditta

Thio tallish Section was staffed with drvicohamit ithit party.,whose only aim was to furbtrer their cause with tirepeople. , Docauao of this their ta. ok of ability andevarianooin propaganda coal journalism, arA their heavy defeat as aParty in the ranish eloctione, GULDPERD found it easy touniersisur their poattionL'a this ireotion, and evontuall,y ousted them.

1.(IMPEND became head of the ranist/SVcdish section, had his awnoffice, and sulanittod his mirk for censorship to the ScandinavianSection loader, ERICHBERG, a starch partly member, who had boon anannouncer on the HUM radio prior to 1933. ERICHBG. never readGULPERD i s matorial howovor, and goo tho lattor a free hand.

The IPB-121 lino of GULDPEND l iiiork was to show the bonofito of beingunder Nazi Gormany, to &worth* all thu tritimphs of the systom, andto slier Soandinavia that all these soiontifio and oulttuul 2aactstura still working in time of war and could only auger victory.GULDPERD wrote thvoe artiolon, and in addition broadcast oomo

50/60 timeo • He spoke on ouch subjects as ..thu oinoma thoatro,oulturo, buninoao, insura noo eta. Ho ;ivos tho foLl.aring datosand cub:h.:fats on which he spobi his own maturial, out of his 50/60ouch broadcatn.

29 Mar 4.3 Synthotic petrel.2 Apr 43 Submarines and oil

12 Apr 43 Synthetic: rubber214. Apr 4.3 Transport and Inland watomayo12 MN/ 4.3 Coal30 /fay 4.3 Life in BM-MN- doliveries of fruitd (lob 4.3 Halation of Germans to bombing

He alao upoko on sports, holidays, vitamiru3 etc.In Aul 43, after the hoairy bcodrim of Henburc, ainilr offoetottainat SERLIN was expectv.s. Aa a runult it iron docidad to dtr.

• • •





contraliso this Prop:v.:an:la Rinistrj, Tho Scrutdinovian Sootion unssent to LIT.C.:.a,oura. C4JLIkerz2.0 Oil not acccopany it but aontinuedto work ton BERLIN sendin-; his mterial. by ;ham era r000nl toLUXISIMILLiG. Owing to tt.chnical difficulties, this auction itovol5 Air; 4.3 to KOM10.83G. 41112Eral3 did not r;o, but lort tho Sactinisince tho tizio allottua to his section atts roducod considerablyand it iv longor paid hi x to work for it.

11. The ticrospepor SuctionSD.MEL:111/1,101,E). of GOMM'S Proutran.lt

Tho •aork hero °insisted entirely in truutlation and itia-Fritiiartlwas aunt out to Lhnish and ilonacion Rani controlled nowspopors.

The people continued to work and were paid, OVOTI Ithell it 1AS nolcmgor possible to let thoir rtatorial to thof...ttountrios for whichthey wore writing.

• I Phan the ARDEIRMS puah (Deci44) was in prog rose. Praneh, Bolz.ianAd Dutch journalists uere rushed up behind the troops to open upnewspapers as soon as tho Gorman forces had reoccupied those coluntries. Those journalists rottmod, having ;;ot no Atrthar than COB-MM, with vivid rseriorios of lalied air porrcr.

12 : Conlitions ih under Russian Commotion acoordim to DPilt1D.

The liUssian troops bolvarod yell =apt whon undor the influence ofdrink, whon =pc and looting wore widespread.

The Ibussiolus took away all the loading Nazis for questioning, but. many were allots:to to return, espnaially "those who had been converted,"

and Inv° of 'Al enough publics stature to hol? tho occupyirk; rotthorit-ices in spreading their own idtxus. lo an examlo, G1LD2P4a) quotos thecase of a loadixr; Goa= actor who had long boon a finr ouPPortoo ofthe nazi party, who had boon outspoken in his canionts in favour ofnazism, and who after intorroation y thu l'aussLuts, uianaeasedreopen and dirtat a theatre in BraLTR.

The olA hiortrohy was re-started with Dlookluiterz, etc, aud in mayaistwa thu former Nazi Dlookleiter x-mtppcorod unaor 11W uaret;e6int.

Thu Russians pail little attention to Oman civilians, ani tho our-d.r of .ttrooiviliont in fellOPMD's 4listrict who tram popularly thour.;htto httvo been shot beeauso of collabnotion t•ith the Russians, pro-vokod no Ruosion reacition.

Thaw Russian soldit.r t a athtudo torando Rritain unit doorica appaoreito vtuy with the individual, soma treating such nationals and proportywith owoot vospect, others uvreasin8 tho opinion that Russia was sawthe stqlresto power in the world.

The Russiniur appeare.1 to be in no hutuy to holp cirri:nal life inMEDIU and %faro oaking no effort te xnbuild brit us reads eta. Onoposuliar feature noticed 'y GULDPERD taw that the Russians had rc--,moved ono trook of the deublo railway , tout* fino DEW to 1144DU1G.and fro= RERUN to DRDSDEN loavtim; only a one traok niuto. The masonfor this in unknown.

OW/MRD ratio alvoree comonts on Russian heapita facilities ob-served by his wife and himself.

The Russian ordor of the 6th •Tun 45 ordering the evitotattion of all

rm. the Russian zono of all cLiplecaNts and joursviliats havo beennentiontiti in the irtin Ischti of the report.



MU:MX.1a 117-t.itIsUallON

OVL LEIF ,-.211...7_)-:D

Porz:otralitius GULD?:-'9.

. 1:401 Fit : InRcd, sU ;am:it:oho

Hair : lark, 7;ain-, thinboariak3

last soun Jr,p 40, when ho Tn.-, a Captain in thoDanish Cuanls.


ObormgonfuuhrurHt j 1n80Cur.O.oxion Very darkHose : DrokonHair : DarkPeruhcadt loxBuild Thiaksot; paunch

. Defes.ical believal tp be inLIAL_J".1_

ra.4..15-Ef6/41.e, Meafte.sw in ii, kra

/Igo 4.5Ht : iuBuild : Thicksot, brt not fatDrlin of tho Orarlsh Hui party. Ounor of - : • ;Datiah tuntspapor "Foe Irelnillot".

_friyaree.Cvc.. 41:1_ f_.1.41.41a-A412,—

°FIRM= Mel?O. aria!:-- le;Cl■it I In 73.L.O.temay zulia t Maims-

4yoe Crw

Hair t DaldAlways pulling his nose. .1ttacthe in the ()ooze LwAt4 n 00Pi2if..GEN. 80011 Lo ttiofl CORM=

nowt R,4 od, up to Awe, 19 • •w2e4' 4,f•c•'


Ponaor Danish Consul in MLitt until kor I.5, utumho roturaod to COPIMGEN. Can sixmk of =Moo

••C anti.. Cancan activities 1


• °HARE VON Mans_Jur5on ho t 43-48Ht 1n74/72Build t Nonnal403 i BraunHair t'oars spoctao/oe. Last heard of in PRAGG-1. Jon

Rosportaiblo for plapitrLSO tonoy out of Gonw.vtTo:ik an. tialiu part .at tho. tine 2f thu Gorge

. occuPanoh. P Jt4,. • . he,e ltry / do),L40)1;041 n c;Ier/ 'tAIA /IP 4pi/p1

•■•••■•■•••■•■••■•■40 011. • .4.•••••••••'''....



- 2 -

KAMM Cord. )14.

Rt 1:1 76/78Buildgyob : GreyHair $ irk brovn, loin;lioara arn.otaolus. Lerador of ono of the Sections in tilt°PrA.17,:ut1a niniatrjr awl a porrerilil non behind th•---conos.Laat sten in thu Prapa::an la :iiniatzy 19 4pr.,':.P.4 rn-liovedto have :Mx. to . :mund in tho district.

1 IBEM, Ruanlnh? Altv t 30OW.:foamsaday tit : in 76/78

i tUth.!f... Jefiff•.--:" Build t Very thinEyes t DarkHair t Dlnok, curlyOortplexion tliory (lark

itirbnr -,2,1 wirolgss ism 1r.list in COPLHHAGEll 1e 4 up_fon thui,my. 1 ',past :soon w i •NPAtiagii 194. .

tf2/('Left.elortyP.-71 4„„ _„44

HPRIANF, Hann ' .1)th Cr /

/co t 44.

itt Iin 66'AL' built

Dyes : Dark..{.(ustachutDark aM taaaLlHair I Dark, vow thin

err; Journal i nt. A:12.reiss-47artlrar- a3.0 Ito, 3. g_onammarfir'1Inacr of thy. "Frac • Donets' liosistancn. dove:aunt. Canspa k of CULDna l s hob to ttiu OoninhIluoistanou tbvonont

Vi(ce... 136 s". \--1,-s.a4A-atty-e.-- 00.* 41

J.Lra ■i 414 Le. •LELA In c JJJ"

e CO.!. jalitendA

Alu 44Mt : 88/90Lund Shin, -pod fimiroHyos 1 Dark brownHair : Silver -xi.orLanaualon:Entd.sh and GotoruiSneaks with 2.norioln :lsti Go ta o t v orkod Isoein..ER.V.,=_ItunnunosalffliLP121D in wr.aitz.:: 1241 # It soon 22Aug,43 in 3ML/H. e.rdol Oa

_Ott- eq' -

Joahmirs Hurt J Age I 55/60lit irt 72/74Bui/d P .t and atookyEyos t GreyHair Bala•p.otnolos. AlsAys olosinn his vus ohon spalkinn toother pooplo. 'dna head of' a so (tion in the imp:v.:anaHinistrj. Pau ol mol;" oonneotui trith tho Pichtobund andhad a hilt rank in the 93,is thoullt to heAvo runoy inDM:Ida and SWEDEN.

1•41.4•446 m....4046. 46 +41.+40

JO? 0 116natio tie.T.31t.hol)

Isz.n. 28/30Hair DmaniPao° t Thick red.Host. Vury small1.0(1,y Thiokst.tDr.ic Ve y,s, thin44rriut Amu 45( Chia 2(..routta2. :w ...ichnt t •-■ 11/J3:111'in ilillthill. 3/4 Jun 45 twin': to lu.sc with hur huzbattlia an Austin elr for ...Malta.%

.+w ......

r ii

3 -

JUICSKSBli Ham 7olff

!yin DarkComp:ozion Du*Banish :Iasi pi* worst tyjc. last soon belinnin-. or 194.3shun he had it brokou lo:. lava to bevo 74;N/owe +D

DE_I:Atit.i1\tr ••• . ,% lvik-e urt-.

TOMER Richard Izo 4.7Ht in 72/4.

.er pw,,,,, crBuilAi PiornilDah_11/ ,

Ittos Greyte.C.:74er.C;=/12741 _,-44,104- _ Raiz Dark blond, thin .alcugdaid.iL4Lee.44...ru'eddrs liko a boxor, uith a laillt 111.12(?) For9cr Gexycin49,4,1,rif7/ ev.b.)4

7ales*. Belitmcd tp have • no to Socith Auorica.

J sit '17 9// •MI eCi...07t.y..../I). iLi...-44teCtil diNNFIetar% ' cr.,-111, 21 e ciai 'Xipy ( V-7e. As .%6/A.


35in 70SlimDark


MM.. SCHULTZ 31 (looks 38)ltoBurk at sidec ., bald on tJp.Stull and thin

Comploxion tux*Jcs:

Umixis 'laity"rer.itt CULIPHRD from BLIE.131 int./ tho British zono andcan correbore...to thu details of the camp°. Proceeded. to

7..tuilim :•Ny vn .;• : ';s.

Higank,G, •

n 611411:1174.14.A14r) -

...LOBLIOlivia Ago 46-01 enatraralEid4. 6sr__ fit In 60/63

pacwonr,) Build PJ-P131

/0.4-174-/A/99 E2108 Brown

er,?.-. 4:001•71.11qe Hair 1:33aokSpectacles, nc.wous wvonents. Lead..r of the ScandinavianSootio . SD tot III II 5 (194.1) Ittet soon at tho 8-70—lima Office 102 Wiltislrostraogo in Pub 4.5. Likoly to to inSCHLESWIG or on thp "anish borlor, wham bp_ vas won k


e;./. :1 'c", 77,:- , _..e:edZi:.t4.a.jg..1,,,c,, o. re Pt- zit Otme eif- 6:11.4.0 P44.0k,-.---.-

. GULTZEit6 knorts no othor aub-divi don of tho SD and Inior.o/at III 13 5 iivroly Oo atm ho vas part of it.

••••■•••••■••••••••••••••• ••••••■■•••• ••• •••

portv:Ca'fbi i4.4". 2.

RGi4çr t.


14:4.16,44/7-1.44W....meaetAt.,-t I

1421):1 $-2244 _


Ago 30titBuildHair DarkSranish Laokitr, married Jua 4.5 to DE J0;13,..d2r,riou6

Laat Boon 3/4. Jun 4.5 in DERLIii, trylvito :;trt out in an Austin or to. IVI0OV3U115. I

Ht 1o75MO 60Hair' Goy, thinnini,Errs GroyStops a littlo. Italica A/1th u sailor 'oLl. Hatt 'Joon myyoars in Africa. Cumin nationality stith a Spo,.41.3h 'moo-


,- _

.1 Build Von' thin

H;MUER- HITADE1 %.E0 42041Hu-nann 3t in 72/74.• -i -64, aly.D 1. .

ed: ,,n.A.-3, ,,,sHair

GreyA Dark bra-an

Spe-Jes portent Wallah. *.!aallor of $D. Pornor 1 10,-..._s of the Scrandirsivian Section in -t_4_4_092rn. .rcL.b._

°aim.. Has done Intolli.E;onec mat in. 0airaD,-. ..,..th3 tar. Believed to 'is i41a. or. V.,..=1....0.1& I712.4...._.1,..V.Ver- • -elfaeCOV- eSe C'ke.. Ae.f- eVADP010.

14USISSIIIM Oustav) Mt a ?r3i emit;

QA 742...:hry.>A_N)A, - Q ■wa._---- kit, . turit


Hair rialicLast noon in 3ELLI-.1 Pub 4.5,nativoitul to lmvu boon

eatutht in L'OVZ Lpr11ay4.5. 7a* ;rues Attneho in_tho Genalait tion COP7111-EMILL1/4, SS officer -..:ho olar-

mrt in the 0...nun terror in DEIC114. liol•xalin thy Daniah Nazi tart. U---ve,--:„.„„..._-*+--

Fr- PC. OV•t-. — ---‘.— 1 ....:.---------_--

HAL141-21 1Thrnor Ale 36/37Ht 1n8513uild. SlinDyus Drain

Hair Dark br:sm'kW limp in loft lel... I-Let aeon Pm:a:land.: Ministrr23 .pr 4.5. Believed ,:o "3e prisenur of tho Ditsniane.Porar.r1,y Soarettuy of State. SS Drk;adelktuhror inthe Prep:iv-Ai Ministry.

■■••••■1100.11.114.4f • 040.0.1.Y.M1

PAIREPloi kw 34/36 -' N'tHt 1a85/87 ‘1, I

Build Hems; 1Etlics GanyHair Dark, curly

Last aeon Porri7t Press Club DEME11 19 Apr 45. Holievedto have gone in a oar fron LUBEC( to rLi griltED 23 Apr45, Loader of tho far section in the Propatpaiik Min-istry and personally filmed. tho hnn.•,ilv, of VON .11TrfiFim4

mi•■•••• .11.1.■•

SEIDEILira- Llo 38/0Ht in 68/70Duilil Ib=n1L'Yos DJ.uo--,royHair „SlandLoot soon ropagtnaallinistry=1,111. Deft DE.1,1

2; lyr 4.5 iss.r:ptor ear for ILIGED/C. Was saorotary ofHAMM airi plved a bii.,• part bUhina thu scones;

a• ••••••■•■■■•■■

SIJViN Ilse Ale 25Ht 1u1 73atila tionialzycs :11th, and bigHair Dark brornVery .rtuwatui. *L.eake very feet. Soar on ris fOlt abc6t.last ir,iole.r. te on the phone 25 k.)r 45 at thc !Pval'AntlaMinistry. Lile.ly to 1:u in DE11111-. ',71.i1N.7:1.. i`oris.fir12(' i 3.,r.tol- •zr..,0/,t,,try in tAMDLY ,t . -...,.riiuria.1 a:Lao:int, raid tab' •

, ' ''' .... •

priurtto ouor::tar; . aoorcUri to CO131iPui uho hn orlurato at 4th hin until tho last wasont and know of thu

MEV. hr Arsarican fron C'4unbia Broodeastirc CorooratiaaTri4RD 11r Born in Buffalo. Tior)oal for a Chicano nagspapor»ELM 14r focrican. Hacl bun ilorlaul in thc &Aso itaotorii.o.

Thou° thrco Mrt12 atnyitz at tho Hotta J XLC41, TIMM: in 190 b Wh011

CULDFAD, a8 a amber of tho Sd, VMS living in tho sone",)lactu. .
