Reading Report



Reading Report. The Black Tulip -------Alexandre Dumas. The Black Tulip was written by Alexandre Dumas who was one of the most famous French writers of the 19th century. He is best known for his historical adventure novels. . The Three Musketeers The Count of Monte-Cristo (Drama) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reading Report

The Black Tulip

-------Alexandre Dumas

• The Black Tulip was written by Alexandre Dumas who was one of the most famous French writers of the 19th century. He is best known for his historical adventure novels. 

classical works

• The Three Musketeers

• The Count of Monte-Cristo (Drama)

• Henry III and His Court

• Christine

• 《三个火枪手》或译《三剑客》

• 《基督山伯爵》( 戏剧 )

• 《享利第三及其宫廷》

• 《克里斯汀》

• The Black Tulip is a deceptively simple story and the shortest of Dumas's most famous works. It weaves historical events around a brutal murder into a tale of romantic love. 

• The Flower growers at Haarlem have set a prize of one hundred thousand guilders to the person who can grow a black tulip. This begins a keen competition among the country's gardeners to win the money, honor and fame. 

• Cornelius Van Baerle, a happy tulip grower, has almost succeeded when he suddenly is thrown into prison, which is the result of Van Baerle's neighbour Boxtel's envy.

• In the prison Van Baerle meets the prisonkeeper's beautiful daughter Rosa who shall be his comfort and help, and at last his rescuer.

• In spite of Boxtel's disruption and obstruction, Van Baerle succeeds in growing the black tulip with the help of Rosa. And Rosa manages to get the truth known to the Prince of Orange,ruler of Holland. Finally, the good defeat the evil------Van Baerle wins the prize and gets married with Rosa.


• ● The content of this book is vivid, intensive and full of attraction.

• ● The plot of shortening edition is fairly centralized and condensed.

• ● The book only uses 1500 common English words for narrative. The language is easy and fluently, with many dialogues.

Memorable Quotes

• “Sometimes one's sufferings have been so great that one need never say, I am too happy.”

------- Cornelius de Witt

• Those who have suffered much , have a right to be happy.

• --------Van Baerle ,Rosa

• In The Black Tulip , the real hero is neither Van Baerle nor Rosa, but a flower which passes through the whole story and pushes the plot ahead. It is notable for its suspense and excitement, its foul deeds,hairbreadth escapes, glorious victories and most importantly its true love. What's more, readers will be given the lesson once again that the evil never wins.

My Feelings

• After reading ,I believe life is sweet . Everyone has their earnest wish, just like the most beautiful black tulip. Only with wholehearted cultivation , The most resplendent will be in bloom.

That’s all . Thank you!
