Revista Romana de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii


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  • 8/10/2019 Revista Romana de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii








    Anul 8, nr. 4 / Vol. 8, Iss. 42012

  • 8/10/2019 Revista Romana de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii


    Colegiul de redacie / Editorial Board

    Comitet tiinific / Scientific Committee


    Prof.univ.dr. Mircea REGNEAL - preedinte, Asociaia Bibliotecarilor din RomniaMembri

    Prof.univ.dr. Gunnstein AKSELBERG - Universitatea din BergenDr. Corina APOSTOLEANU - Biblioteca Judeean I.N. Roman, ConstanaProf.univ.dr. Lorenzo BALDACCHINI - Universitatea din BolognaProf.univ.dr. Albert BOEKHORST - Universitatea din AmsterdamProf.univ.dr. Iuliana BOTEZAN - Universitatea Complutense, MadridDr. Liviu-Iulian DEDIU - vicepreedinte, Asociaia Naional a Bibliotecarilor i

    Bibliotecilor Publice din RomniaAcad. Florin FILIP - director general, Biblioteca Academiei RomneDr. Silvia GHINCULOV - director, Biblioteca tiinific a Academiei de Studii Economice

    din Chiinu

    Carmen Leocadia PESANTEZ - director general, Biblioteca Pedagogic Naional I.C.PetrescuConf. dr. Elena TRZIMAN - director general, Biblioteca Naional a Romniei

    Colegiu consultativ / Board of Advisors

    Lector dr. Silviu BOR - director, Biblioteca Judeean Astra din SibiuDr. Letiia CONSTANTIN - Biblioteca Naional a RomnieiProf. univ. dr. Ionel ENACHE - Universitatea din BucuretiDr. Victoria FRNCU - Biblioteca Central Universitar Carol I din BucuretiDr. Doina OSTAFEDr. Aurelian Ctlin POPESCU - Biblioteca Central Universitar Carol I din BucuretiConf. dr. Cristina POPESCU - Universitatea din BucuretiDr. Doru STAN - Biblioteca Universitii din Piteti

    Comitet redacional / Editorial Committee


    Dr. Robert CORAVU

    Redactor-ef adjunct Angela REPANOVICI - Universitatea Transilvania din Braov

    Secretar de redacie

    Gina ENESCU - Biblioteca Central Universitar Carol I din BucuretiAbonamente, distribuie

    Mihai CONSTANTINESCU - secretar executiv, Asociaia Bibliotecarilor din Romnia


    ASOCIAIA BIBLIOTECARILOR DIN ROMNIA (ABR)Bd. Unirii nr.22, Sector 3 (cam. F3M06 - mezanin), cod 030833Bucureti, Romniae-mail: infoabr@gmail.comsite:

    Rspunderea asupra coninutului materialelor revine n ntregime autorilor.

    Tiparul a fost executat la tipografia Oficiului de Stat pentru Invenii i Mrci

  • 8/10/2019 Revista Romana de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii





    Numr coordonat de dr. Liviu-Iulian DediuTraducere: dr. Corina Apostoleanu

    ISSN 1841-1940 Asociaia Bibliotecarilor din Romnia (ABR)

    Revistindexatn baza de date EBSCOLibrary and Information Science Source

  • 8/10/2019 Revista Romana de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii






    Issue coordinated by Liviu-Iulian Dediu, PhDTranslation: Corina Apostoleanu, PhD

    ISSN 1841-1940 Romanian Library Association (ABR)

    Journal indexed in EBSCOLibrary and Information Science Source database

  • 8/10/2019 Revista Romana de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii





    RR Argument

    Liviu-Iulian Dediu 7


    Calitatea serviciilor i responsabilitatea socialn biblioteca public

    Corina Apostoleanu 11

    Biblioteca publici integrarea n comunitate

    Mircea Regneal 19

    Sistemele de tip Next Generation OPAC

    Liviu-Iulian Dediu 29

    De la nchisoarea trupului la nchisoarea spiritului. Servicii specialeale bibliotecilor publice pentru deinui i persoane cu afeciuni psihice(sindromul Down, autism)Ruxandra Nazare 41


    Despre jocul potenial al paradigmelor n cmpul biblioteconomiei


    Alexe Ru 53


    Liviu-Iulian Dediu,Managementul serviciilor pentru utilizatorin bibliotecile contemporane

    Robert Coravu 67


    Robert Coravu 71

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    Liviu-Iulian Dediu 9


    The quality of services and the social responsibility in the public library

    Corina Apostoleanu 15

    The public library and its integration in the community

    Mircea Regneal 24

    Next Generation OPAC systems

    Liviu-Iulian Dediu 35

    From the body prison to the spirit prison. Special services in public librariesdestined to detainees and persons with intellectual disabilities(Down syndrome, autism)Ruxandra Nazare 47


    About the potential play of paradigms in the field of Besserabianlibrary scienceAlexe Ru 60


    Liviu-Iulian Dediu,Managementul serviciilor pentru utilizatorin bibliotecile contemporane

    Robert Coravu 69


    Robert Coravu 72

  • 8/10/2019 Revista Romana de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii


    7Revista RomndeBiblioteconomiei tiina InformriiAnul 8, nr. 4, 2012

    Acest numr alRevistei Romne de Biblioteconomie i tiina Informriireaduce n atenie o sum

    de subiecte care sunt de interes, n mod special, pentru cei preocupai de viaa i activitatea bibliotecilor

    publice, n contextul socio-economic n care ne aflm.

    n ultimii ani, bibliotecarii din bibliotecile publice au fost determinai, ntr-o oarecare msur, s

    incont de membrii comunitilor pe care le servesc n cadrul bibliotecilor publice.Contextul economic a fost i este determinant n asigurarea resurselor. Contextul social, influenat

    i de cel economic, impune luarea unor msuri prin care comunitatea servit s aprecieze funcional

    rolul organizaiilor susinute din banii publici, aa cum sunt, n foarte mare proporie i bibliotecile

    publice din Romnia.

    Criza economici mutaiile suferite de organizaiile tutelare ale bibliotecilor - n calitatea lor de

    ordonatori principali de credite - prin aciunea politicului, a condus la modificarea strii de echilibru n

    ntregul ansamblu organizaional al bibliotecilor publice. n acest context complex, unii se nal,

    depindu-i propriile bariere, precum i pe cele puse n cale de alii. De cele mai multe ori, ns,

    biblioteca publicse luptpentru existencu fore contrare prezente att n interiorul sistemului su, cti n exteriorul acestuia. Din pcate, cei care ar trebui s se ocupe de efectuarea analizelor sistemice

    ignor, cel mai adesea, n mod intenionat, orice formde punere n ordine logica lucrurilor. De ce fac

    acest lucru? Pentru simplul motiv cntr-un mediu dezorganizat e greu stragi pe cineva la rspundere.

    Privind holistic, marea majoritate a bibliotecarilor i personalului din bibliotecile publice nu este

    mulumitcu situaia de ansamblu n care i desfoaractivitatea.

    Coninutul prezentului numr al Revistei Romne de Biblioteconomie i tiina Informriivine s

    dezvluie anumite realiti i sofere posibilitatea alegerii anumitor ci pentru existena pe mai departe

    a bibliotecilor publice. Timpul devine un factor determinant. Din acest motiv, cea mai mare parte a

    articolelor pornesc de la practica existent n unele biblioteci publice, acolo unde autorii au cptat

    experiena pe care o dau mai departe ctre dumneavoastr, cititoriiRevistei.

    Corina Apostoleanu abordeaz anumite aspecte privind relaia dintre comunitate i biblioteca sa

    public, analiznd serviciile bibliotecii n contextul mai general al pieei de informaie. Un element

    important al articolului l reprezintcalitatea serviciilor furnizate de ctre biblioteca public, exprimat

    i ca un factor pozitiv ce difereniazoferta ei de cea a altor furnizori de informaie. Nu n ultimul rnd,

    satisfacia utilizatorului, analizat prin prisma calitii serviciului furnizat de ctre biblioteca public,

    readuce n discuie importana unui indicator pe care, cel mai adesea, bibliotecarii evits-l calculeze pe

    baze obiective: gradul de satisfacie.

    nvarea pe tot parcursul vieii i rolul de poartlocalspre cunoatere pe care biblioteca public

    trebuie sle susinpentru bunstarea informaional a membrilor colectivitii pe care o servete suntabordate de ctre Mircea Regneal n articolul su, intitulat Biblioteca public i integrarea n

    comunitate. n acelai articol, autorul enun i comenteaz succint opt dintre obiectivele majore ale

    bibliotecii publice.

    Un capitol aparte n tipologia serviciilor de bibliotecpublic l reprezintserviciile speciale. Cel

    mai adesea, diferitele subtipuri de servicii speciale sunt furnizate nesistematic, puine dintre bibliotecile

    publice din Romnia punndu-le la dispoziie nentrerupt, pe perioade mari de timp. ntre acestea, o

    parte au aprut ca urmare a condiiilor catalizatoare generate de prezena unor proiecte de finanare care

    solicitau n mod limitat (doar pentru perioada de derulare a proiectului) crearea unor subtipuri de servicii


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    8Revista RomndeBiblioteconomiei tiina InformriiAnul 8, nr. 4, 2012


    speciale. Ruxandra Nazare surprinde n articolul din acest numr dou subtipuri de servicii speciale:

    unul dintre ele face parte din subtipul serviciilor externe i vizeazoferta de servicii pe care bibliotecile

    publice le pot face pentru deinui, iar cel de-al doilea l reprezintserviciile pentru persoane cu afeciuni

    psihice (sindromul Down, autism). O componentimportantn organizarea acestor categorii de servicii

    vizeazsprijinul pentru reintegrarea acestor persoane, combinat cu combaterea prejudecilor.Aceste subtipuri de servicii sunt parte din conceptul care definete biblioteca drept un factor de

    sprijin pentru incluziunea social a categoriilor defavorizate i care poart numele de Biblioteca -

    centru social. Valoarea articolului rezid n cercetarea pe care autoarea a fcut-o privind furnizarea

    acestor servicii de ctre bibliotecile publice de nivel judeean i analiza rezultatelor cercetrii, urmat,

    cum este firesc, de formularea unor concluzii.

    Aciunile bibliotecilor contemporane de a pstra echilibrul serviciilor pe care trebuie s le

    optimizeze i s le furnizeze ctre utilizatori, care le solicit, redefinirea coordonatelor sistemice de

    funcionare a bibliotecilor n ansamblul socio-cultural din care fac parte au determinat i determin

    bibliotecile srestructureze din temelie organizaia. Nu de puine ori se vorbete chiar de reinventareabibliotecii. Adaptarea la nevoile utilizatorilor pune o presiune mare asupra organizaiilor care trebuie s

    regndeasci sofere servicii noi sau adaptate. Nu de puine ori, instrumentele eseniale sunt ignorate

    n noile procese de reorganizare a serviciilor de bibliotec. n aceast situaie se afl i cataloagele


    n cadrul cataloagelor automatizate, cea mai importantzoneste cea de contact dintre bibliotecar

    i utilizator. Atunci cnd discutm despre automatizarea bibliotecii, zona de contact este chiar

    programul de interfa care permite accesul utilizatorilor la informaii, la produsele oferite de ctre

    bibliotecari i la serviciile specifice care sunt furnizate de ctre bibliotecprin intermediul tehnologiilor

    informaionale bazate pe procesare artificiali comunicaii. ntr-un cuvnt, sistemul OPAC reprezinto

    zon de o importan aparte, de care bibliotecarii trebuie s in seama n procesul de organizare i

    funcionare a propriei biblioteci. Articolul scris de subsemnatul aduce n atenie funcionalitile pe care

    trebuie sle ndeplineascun sistem OPAC de nougeneraie i se constituie ntr-un reper pentru cei

    care sunt interesai de actualizarea propriilor sisteme sau de evoluia acestor componente.

    Alexe Ru abordeaz schimbarea paradigmelor n spaiul teoretic managerial al reelelor de

    biblioteci din Republica Moldova i, inevitabil, am putea spune, abordeazi subiecte importante, cum

    ar fi lipsa unei comuniti tiinifice adecvate a specialitilor domeniului, care are consecine directe n

    derularea procesului de elaborare a unei paradigme tiinifice, complet funcional, n domeniul nostru

    de interes.

    n calitatea mea de editor invitat al acestui numr dinRevista Romnde Biblioteconomie i tiinaInformrii, m-am simit extraordinar scitesc despre toate aceste servicii ale bibliotecilor publice - pe

    care le-am urmrit i cercetat n decursul timpului - i despre modul cum ele sunt puse n practic. Le

    mulumesc tuturor autorilor care au contribuit cu articole i sunt ncreztor ci dumneavoastr, cititorii

    acestei reviste, vei gsi aici informaii actuale, utile privind organizarea i funcionarea bibliotecilor


    Dr. Liviu-Iulian Dediu

  • 8/10/2019 Revista Romana de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii


    9Romanian Reviewof Library andInformation ScienceVol. 8, Iss. 4, 2012

    The present issue of the journal Revista Romnde Biblioteconomie i tiina Informrii brings

    back to attention a series of subjects of interest, especially for the specialists preoccupied with the life

    and activity in public libraries, in the present social and economic environment.

    In the last years, the librarians in public libraries have been determined, to a certain measure, to take

    into consideration the members of the communities they are attending in public libraries.The economic context used to be and still is decisive in providing the financial resources. The

    social context, influenced by the economic circumstances, imposes to take measures by which the

    community appreciate functionally the role of the organizations supported by public finance, as the

    public libraries in Romania are on a large scale.

    The economic crisis and its consequences upon the tutelary organizations of the libraries - as the

    main financial providers - by the action of the political influence - led to a change of the equilibrium in

    the whole organization ensemble of public libraries. Under these complex circumstances, some of the

    libraries developed, passing over their own barriers, as well over the barriers put by other bodies. But, in

    most of the situations, public libraries fight for their existence with opposite forces present both withinthe system, and outside, as well. Unfortunately, the people in charge with the analyse of the system

    ignore, on purpose, most of the time, any form of methodical organization of the library. Why do they

    do this? For the simple reason that is difficult to make someone responsible in a confused environment.

    A general view shows that the majority of librarians and the staff in the public libraries are not

    content with the general situation of their working place.

    The content of the present issue of the Revista Romn de Biblioteconomie i tiina Informrii

    comes to unveil some realities and provide the possibility to choose some ways for the further existence

    of the public libraries. Time becomes a decisive factor. That is why most of the articles start from the

    existent practice in some libraries, where the authors have gained their experience which they transmit

    further on to you, the readers of this journal.

    Corina Apostoleanu approaches some aspects about the relationship between the community and its

    public library, analysing the library services in the general context of the information market. An

    important element in the article is represented by the quality of the services provided by the public

    library, expressed as a positive factor which makes the difference between the library offer and the offer

    of other information providers. Last, but not least, the satisfaction of users -analysed through the quality

    of the services- brings again into the discussion the importance of an indicator that, most of the time,

    librarians avoid to calculate based on an objective element : the level of satisfaction.

    Long life learning and the role of local gate to knowledge which public library should maintain

    for the informational satisfaction of the community members are brought into light by MirceaRegnealin his article namedBiblioteca publici integrarea n comunitate (The public library and its

    integration into the community). In the same article, the author states and comment shortly eight of the

    major objectives of the public library.

    A special chapter about the typology of the public library services is represented by the special

    services. Most of the time, the different subtypes of the special services are provided in a non-

    methodical manner and few of the public libraries in Romania put them at the users disposal

    uninterruptedly, in long periods of time. Among them, a part of these services emerged as a

    consequence of the catalysing conditions generated by the presence of some financial projects which


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    10Romanian Reviewof Library andInformation ScienceVol. 8, Iss. 4, 2012

    requested for a limited period of time (only for the project development) the emergence of some

    subtypes of special services. Ruxandra Nazare writes in her article about two subtypes of special

    services: one of them is included in the subtype of the external services and is dedicated to the services

    organized by public libraries for the people in the penitentiaries, and the second one is represented by

    the services for people with psychical diseases (Down syndrome, autism). An important element inorganizing these categories of services aims the support for reintegrating these people, together with the

    discouragement of the prejudices.

    These subtypes of services are included in the concept that defines library as a support body for the

    social inclusion of the disfavoured categories and which bears the name The library-social centre. The

    merit of the article stands in the research made by the author about the condition of these services

    provision in the public county libraries and the analysis of the results, followed, naturally, by some


    The actions of the contemporary libraries to maintain the equilibrium of the services they are going

    to improve and provide to users who request for them, the re-built of the framework conditions tofunction in the social and cultural ensemble they are integrated in, determine libraries to re-construct

    from the basis their organiyation. There are not few situations when we speak to re-invent the library.

    The adaptation to the users needs put a great pressure upon the organizations which should restore their

    services ot to think new or adapted ones. There are not few situations when the new processes of re-

    organization the library services are ignored. This is the situation of the automated catalogues.

    The most important area of the automated catalogues is that of the contact between librarian and

    user. Discussing the library automation, the contact area is the interface programme which allows users

    to have access to information, to the products provided by librarians and the specific services which are

    provided by the library using the information technologies based on artificial processing and

    communications. Shortly, the OPAC system represents an area of special importance which librarians

    should take into consideration in the process of organization and function of their own library. The

    article written by myself brings into light the qualities a new generation OPAC system should have; the

    article represents a benchmark for those specialists interested in bringing up-to-date their own systems

    or are interested in the evolution of these components.

    Alexe Ru approaches the change of the paradigms in the management theoretical area of the

    libraries networks in the Republic of Moldova and, inevitably, we can could say he approaches also

    important subjects, as the following : the lack of a real scientific community including the specialists

    in the field, with direct consequences upon the process to elaborate of a completely functional scientific

    paradigm in our field of study.As invited editor for the present issue of the Revista Romn de Biblioteconomie i tiina

    Informrii, I felt great to read about all these public libraries services - which I have watched and

    studied in time - and also about the way they are put into practice. I express my gratitude to all the

    authors who contributed with articles and I am confident that you, the readers of the present issue, are

    going to find here current information about the organization and function of the public libraries, useful

    for study.

    Liviu-Iulian Dediu, PhD


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    11Revista RomndeBiblioteconomiei tiina InformriiAnul 8, nr. 4, 2012

    Corina Apostoleanu


    Dr. Corina Apostoleanu, ef serviciu Dezvoltare -Prelucrarea Coleciilor, Informare Bibliografic iComunitar, Biblioteca Judeean Ioan N. Romandin Constana, preedintele Diviziunii Bibliotecipublice a Asociaiei Bibliotecarilor din RomniaE-mail:


    Biblioteca public modern are nevoie, mai mult caoricnd, s fac fa unor solicitri generate deutilizatori, n relaie cu noiunea de de calitate, n

    condiiile n care i acest tip de instituie se manifestpe piaa de informaie, asigurndu-i vizibilitateaalturi de media, ONG-uri etc.Percepia membrilor unei comuniti despre bibliotecnu este rezultatul unei simple relaionri, la un momentdat, cu instituia. Formarea - n timp - a unui anumitmod de a considera rolul unei astfel de structuri deinformare este rezultatul prezenei continue n viaalocalitii, prin servicii, activiti culturale, imaginepozitivetc.Puterea de dezvoltare a unor noi servicii dedicatecomunitii creeazun nou statut al bibliotecii publice

    n comunitate.

    Cuvinte-cheie: bibliotec public; servicii; calitate;comunitate; piaa de informaie

    Serviciul de Informare privind Cercetarea iDezvoltarea al Uniunii Europene (Community

    Research and DevelopmentInformation Service -CORDIS) arta ntr-un document din anul 1998 cbibliotecile publice traverseaz o perioad de

    profunde transformri determinate de apariiatehnologiilor informaionale, dar i solicitrile totmai mari din partea utilizatorilor. n acest context,

    Report on the Green Paper on therole of librariesin the modern world(1) subliniazcbiblioteciletrebuie s rspund urmtoarelor cerine pornindde la relaia individului (sau grupului) cusocietatea, cu grupul sau cu sine nsui:

    - funcia de orientare social (relaia individ-societate) - necesitatea de informare a individului;

    - funcia de identificare social(a individului,a grupului) - apartenenla anumite grupuri;

    - funcia contactului cu alt individ -compararea opiniilor;

    - funcia de autoafirmare (individ-sine) -recunoatere sociali autorecunoatere;

    - funcia de descrcare emoional(relaxare) -lectur.

    Structurile infodocumentare intrastfel ntr-orealcompetiie cu mass-media, dar este evidentcaceasta din urmnu poate substitui nici una dinfunciile bibliotecii, dup cum nu se poate

    ntmpla aceasta nici cu informarea exclusiv de pe

    Internet.Biblioteca public modern are nevoie maimult ca oricnd, s fac fa acestor solicitri, nrelaie cu noiunea de de calitate, n condiiile ncare i acest tip de instituie se manifestpe piaade informaie, asigurndu-i vizibilitatea alturi demedia, ONG-uri etc.

    Percepia membrilor unei comuniti desprebibliotec nu este rezultatul unei simplerelaionri, la un moment dat, cu instituia.Formarea - n timp - a unui anumit mod de aconsidera rolul unei astfel de structuri de

    informare este rezultatul prezenei continue nviaa localitii, prin servicii, activiti culturale,imagine pozitivetc.

    Literatura biblioteconomic romneasc aren prezent o atitudine de ofensiv n aprareaimaginii structurilor infodocumentare,considernd c acestea i pierd din autoritate nfaa mass-media i altor surse de informare, ntrecare este citat cu predilecie Internet-ul.

    O aspr lege economic spune Creti saumori i poate nicicnd nu a fost mai adevratca

    Calitatea serviciilor i responsabilitatea socialn biblioteca public

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    12Revista RomndeBiblioteconomiei tiina InformriiAnul 8, nr. 4, 2012

    Calitatea serviciilor i responsabilitatea socialn biblioteca public

    n secolul 21.Odat cu provocrile aduse de Internet, de

    lumea electronic i virtual, biblioteca a nelesperfect aceast spus. i modalitile recente dedezvoltare a serviciilor aratcaa stau lucrurile.

    Structurile infodocumentare au un rol greu desusinut n privina imaginii care este fie preasimplist, din punctul de vedere al unor non-utilizatori, ori chiar al unor utilizatori insuficientinformai, fie supradimensionatcnd orizontul deateptare al utilizatorilor merge mult pesteposibilitile financiare ale bibliotecii. Utilizatoruldorete, de exemplu, full-text-ul unui articol sau alconinutului unei cri, fra nelege rigorile legiicopyright-ului sau volumul de munc necesarunor astfel de operaiuni.

    Calitatea simultan pentru client iorganizaie (2) nseamn pentru structurainfodocumentar: satisfacia utilizatorului nrelaie cu orizontul su de ateptare vizavi debibliotec, congruena dintre serviciile iinformaiile oferite i necesitile de informare,lectur, petrecerea timpului liber al utilizatorilor.Nu putem nega ns, c utilizatorii accept demulte ori un nivel de calitate al serviciilor maislab, fiind contieni c dotrile tehnologice,achiziiile etc. sunt cele pe care biblioteca i lepoate permite la un moment dat.

    Goffman propune patru perspective deabordare a unei instituii (3):- tehnic - n termenii eficienei i ineficienei -

    ca un sistem de activitate organizat premeditatpentru a atinge obiective prederminate.Structurile infodocumentare pot proba prinindicatorii de eficiencunoscui activitatea lor;

    - politic - prin raportare la aciunile pecare fiecare participant (sau clasde participani)le poate pretinde de la ali participani, la tipurilede privaiuni i recompense care pot fi distribuitepentru a ntri aceste solicitri, precum i la

    sistemele de control social care coordoneazaceast exercitare a autoritii i sistemul desanciuni. Raportndu-se la administraia localdin punct de vedere al finanrii, bibliotecilepublice sunt - cel puin teoretic - sub controlulsocial al comunitii locale. n realitate, nRomnia, acest control social nu exist, ntructcomunitatea localnu i cunoate aceste atribuiidect n foarte micmsur, ori nu este interesatde aceste aspecte;

    - structural - prin raportare la diviziunile

    de statut orizontale i verticale i la tipurile derelaii sociale care leag ntre ele respectivelegrupuri. n cazul de fa, bibliotecile din reelelepublice se afl n structuri asociative sau decolaborare, pun n comun proiecte i programe

    comune, n ideea unei dezvoltri profesionale alcrei rezultat este tot dezvoltarea serviciilor;

    - cultural - prin raportare la valorile moralecare influeneaz activitatea din interiorulinstituiei. nelesul dat de Goffman poate firaportat la cultura instituiilor, n general, n timpce, n calitate de instituie de cultur, bibliotecaacopertoate nelesurile acestei noiuni.

    Acelai autor propune i o a cincea abordare,dramaturgic, prin perspectiva rolului pe careo instituie l joacn faa comunitii.

    Bibliotecile publice sunt implicate direct nviaa cultural a comunitilor i, prindimensiunea instructiv-educativ i n viaasocial. Chiar daco parte a comunitii locale nucontientizeaz n mod direct importana acestuirol, simte efectele sale prin faptul c populaiacolar, studenii, cetenii implicai n formareaprofesional continu sunt cei mai activi dintreutilizatori i recunosc imposibilitatea continuriiactivitii lor n absena structurilorinfodocumentare din reelele publice.

    Noiunea de responsabilitate social, ca

    element strategic al dezvoltrii comunitilor, seaplic din ce n ce mai mult tuturor actanilorvieii sociale i economice, instituiilor i

    ntreprinderilor, marilor corporaii industriale,furnizorilor de servicii, bncilor etc.

    Responsabilitatea socialse gsete n relaiedirectcu:

    - echilibrul dintre viaa social i viaaprofesionala cetenilor

    - drepturile fundamentale la:1. munc2. educaie

    3. asistensanitar4. informaie

    - protecia mediului nconjurtor.Exist n literatura de specialitate chiar

    termenul de trus de instrumente deimplementare a responsabilitii sociale.

    Prin Comunicarea pentru relansareaStrategiei Lisabona, Comisia European nelegenoiunea de responsabilitate socialca fiind parteintegrant a competitivitii. Iniiativelevoluntare ale ntreprinderilor, lund forma unor

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    13Revista RomndeBiblioteconomiei tiina InformriiAnul 8, nr. 4, 2012

    Calitatea serviciilor i responsabilitatea socialn biblioteca public

    practici legate de responsabilitatea social (RSE)pot constitui un aport esenial la dezvoltareadurabil, ntrind in acelai timp potenialul deinovaie i competitivitate al Europei.

    n plan local, bibliotecile publice i continu

    rolurile binecunoscute de centre informaionale,educaionale i culturale ale comunitii, la acesteaadugndu-se o important component deprotecie social, precum i ca centru local pentruIT &C.

    n acest sens, Biblioteca Judeean Ioan N.Roman Constana dezvolt, ncepnd cu anul2011, o serie de servicii n folosul comunitii,destinate unor categorii diferite de vrst.

    Existena acestor servicii nu urmretealinierea la iniativele altor biblioteci publicedin Romnia, ci rspunde la cerinele pe caremembri ai comunitii locale le-au formulat ctrebiblioteca noastr.

    Secia de calculatoare cu Internet pentrupublic a luat fiin ca parte a unui program dedotare tehnologic iniiat, dup cum este binecunoscut, de ctre Fundaia Bill i MelindaGates. Aceste reprezint unul dintre serviciilecele mai solicitate de utilizatori de toate vrstele,care au diferite interese de informare, de cutare aunui loc de munc, pstrare a legturii cu familiasau prietenii aflai n strintate, lectur, loisir etc.

    Reconversia unei foste sli de lectur itransformarea ei n Secia de calculatoare cuInternet pentru public s-a dovedit a fi un maresucces, i aceasta cu siguran nu numai laBiblioteca JudeeanIoan N. Roman Constana,dar i n toate celelalte biblioteci din ar carebeneficiazde acest program.

    n perioada octombrie-decembrie 2011, aufost organizate, n cadrul acestei secii, cursuri delimba englez pentru omeri, ca parte a unuiprogram de nvare pe tot parcursul vieii.

    Ideea organizrii de cursuri de limba englez

    pentru aceast categorie defavorizat a aprutdatorit unui numr important de tineri carefrecventau aceste servicii oferite de bibliotec.Persoanele aflate n omaj intenionau sparticipela diferite sesiuni de recrutare pentru munca nstrintate, la care una dintre condiii eraposibilitatea de exprimare ntr-o limbstrin, depreferin engleza. Participanii la aceste cursuri,tineri, absolveni de studii medii i superioare eraucursani i ai altor forme de nvare continu ireconversie profesional finanate din fonduri

    europene, astfel c puteau utiliza cunotineasociate de specialitate i limba englezpentru a -i gsi un loc de munc.

    n cadrul seciei pentru copii a existatsolicitarea din partea unor cadre didactice dincolile cu care Biblioteca Judeean Ioan N.Roman Constana are parteneriate de colaborarede a permite studiul individual organizat al unorgrupuri de elevi n sistem after-school, sub

    ndrumarea nvtorului de la clas.Acesteactiviti se desfoar zilnic i n prezent,utilizndu-se materiale din bibliotec.

    Cursurile de iniiere n IT pentru senioriorganizate n cadrul Centrului de formare-structur nou nfiinat, ca parte component aserviciilor de bibliotec, au constituit nc dinfebruarie 2011, cnd a pornit prima grup de

    nvare, un mare punct de interes pentrupersoanele de vrsta a treia. Dac la nceput,seniorii participani au aflat din pres ori dinafiajul din bibliotec de aceste cursuri, ulteriorcanalele de comunicare s-au diversificat i, astfel,colegele noastre au fost nevoite sfacplanificride pe un an pe altul pentru a face fasolicitrilor.Din februarie 2011 i pn n prezent, aubeneficiat de aceste cursuri 24 de grupe de seniori.Cursul este organizat pe un modul de dousptmni, urmat de o sptmn de mentorat,

    respectiv de consolidare a cunotinelor, la cerere.Dupinstruirea n IT, seniorii au fost invitais participe la modulul de povestiri digitale, ceconstn realizarea unor scurte filme documentarededicate unor evenimente mai importante dinviaa personal, ori dedicate unor aspecte de viasocial. Filmele au for realizate sub ndrumareatrainerilor i au fost prezentate unui public mailarg.

    Centrul de formare s-a implicat n instruireautilizatorilor n folosirea noilor tehnologii -categoria de vrst seniori, dar i n cadrul

    cursurilor dedicate bibliotecarilor comunali,crora le-au fost prezentate noiuni de culturainformaiei, necesare n noul mediu de lucru cucomputerul. Astfel, au fost livrate cursuri deBazele serviciilor noi de bibliotec, bazele TLIBi, respectiv povestiri digitale unor bibliotecari din

    judeul Constana, n anul 2011, urmate n acelaian de Cursul de Formare de formatori pentruPovestiri Digitale pentru bibliotecarii traineridin alte biblioteci judeene din ar. n anul 2012,cursurile livrate au fost dedicate bibliotecarilor din

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    14Revista RomndeBiblioteconomiei tiina InformriiAnul 8, nr. 4, 2012

    Calitatea serviciilor i responsabilitatea socialn biblioteca public

    bibliotecile locale.Au fost organizate, de asemenea, activiti de

    follow-up - prin aplicarea unui chestionar -pentrubibliotecarii participani, aceasta nsemnndevaluarea post-curs, n sensul meninerii unui

    nivel al cunotinelor i, respectiv aplicareaacestora n bibliotecile proprii.

    Seniorii au acceptat s participe i la alteactiviti ale bibliotecii, s-au nscris ca utilizatori,au participat la Ziua Bibliotecarului, la activitilede la Nocturna Bibliotecilor, avnd deja unataament emoional legat de bibliotec, dar iintenia de a -i completa cunotinele.

    Toate aceste cursuri au artat c puterea dedezvoltare a unor noi servicii dedicate comunitiicreeaz un nou statut al bibliotecii publice ncomunitate.

    Se cuvine, n aceeai msur, menionatfaptul cextinderea numrului de documente pusela dispoziia utilizatorilor s-a realizat printr-oimportantrelaie de colaborare cu OSIM. Astfel,brevetele de invenii, standardele i revistele despecialitate prelucrate din punct de vederebiblioteconomic, respectiv dupcatalogare au fostbibliografiate, astfel nct pot fi puse la dispoziiacercettorilor, inventatorilor, ntregului publicinteresat informaii altdatgreu accesibile.


    1.Vezi SANCHEZ MOTOS, Enrique Miguel. Calitatetotal. Constana: Editura Companiei NaionaleAdministraia Porturilor Maritime SA, 2004, p. 67-74.3. GOFFMAN, Erving. Viaa cotidianca spectacol.Bucureti:, 2003, p. 263.


    1. DEMPSEY, Beth. Build an identity that works inthe age of superstore. n: Library Journal, 18.08.2004.[Accesat: 01.09.2012]. Disponibil la: GOFFMAN, Erving. Viaa cotidianca spectacol.Bucureti:, 2003. 288 p.3. HOHAN, Ion; WIENER, Ulrich (coord.).Enciclopedia calitii. Bucureti: Oficiul de InformareDocumentarpentru Industrie, Cercetare, Management,2005. 476 p.4. NEGROPONTE, Nicholas. Era digital. Bucureti:All, 1999. 232 p.

    5. SANCHEZ MOTOS, Enrique Miguel. Calitatetotal: organizaii de calitate, organizaii de succes.Constana: Editura Companiei Naionale AdministraiaPorturilor Maritime SA, 2004. 204 p.6. Site CORDIS. [Accesat: noiembrie 2012].

    Disponibil la: Steps to Create a Succesful Campaign. [Accesat:8.09.2012]. Disponibil la: Strategia de la Lisabona. [Accesat: 20.11.2012].Disponibil la: USHERWOOD, Bob; LINLEY, Rebecca. NewLibrary - New Measures: A Social Audit of PublicLibraries. n:IFLA Journal, vol. 25, nr. 2, 1999, p. 90-96.

  • 8/10/2019 Revista Romana de biblioteconomie si stiinta informarii


    15Romanian Reviewof Library andInformation ScienceVol. 8, Iss. 4, 2012

    Corina Apostoleanu


    Corina Apostoleanu, PhD, Head of CollectionDevelopment - Processing - Bibliographic andCommunity Information Department, Ioan N. RomanConstana County Library, president of PublicLibraries Division, Romanian Library Association(ABR)E-mail:


    The modern public library needs, more than ever, tomeet the requests generated by users, in connection

    with the term of quality, and when this type ofinstitution is on the information market, ensuring itsvisibility, beside media, NGO etc.The perception of the members of a community aboutthe library is not only the result of the connection withthe institution, at a certain moment. The development,in time, of a certain manner to consider the role of suchan information structure, is the result of the continuouspresence in the life of the community, by services,cultural activities, positive image, etc.The capacity to develop new services dedicated to thecommunity creates a new status of the public library inthe community.

    Keywords: public library; services; quality;community; information market

    The European Community Research andDevelopment Information Service-CORDISshows in a document in 1998 that public librariespass through a period of profound changesdetermined both by the emergence of theinformation technologies, and the more and moreconsistent requests from users. Under thesecircumstances, the Report on the Green Paper onthe role of Libraries in the Modern World (1)underlines that the libraries should answer to thefollowing needs, starting from the relationship ofthe individuals (or groups) with society, with thegroup or with himself/herself:

    - function of social orientation (connectionbetween the individual and society) - individualsneed for information;

    - function of social identification (individualor group) - affiliation to certain groups;- function of contact with another individual -

    compare the opinions;- function of self appreciation (individual-

    own person) - social appreciation and selfappreciation;

    - function of emotional relief (relaxation) -reading.

    Thus, libraries enter in a real competitionwith media, but it is obvious that the latter cannotsubstitute any of the librarys functions, and the

    same happens with the exclusive information fromthe Internet.The modern public library needs, more than

    ever, to meet the requests generated by inconnection with the term of quality, and whenhis type of institution is on the informationmarket, ensuring its visibility, beside media, NGOetc.

    The perception of the members of acommunity about the library is not only the resultof the connection with the institution, at a certainmoment. The development, in time, of a certain

    manner to consider the role of such an informationstructure, is the result of the continuous presencein the life of the community, by services, culturalactivities, positive image, etc.

    Nowadays, the Romanian library sciencestudies have an offensive attitude in defending thelibraries image, considering that they are loosingtheir authority, in front of media and otherinformation sources, among which we cite mostlythe Internet.

    A strict economic law says Develop or die

    The quality of services and the social responsibility in the public library

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    16Romanian Reviewof Library andInformation ScienceVol. 8, Iss. 4, 2012

    and maybe this saying has never been more true,than in the 21stcentury.

    Together with the challenges brought by theInternet, by the electronic and virtual world, thelibrary understood perfectly this saying. The

    recent manners to develop services show that thisis the reality.

    Libraries have a difficult role to maintain asregarding their image which is either too simple,from the point of view of non-users, or even fromthe point of view of the users who are not wellinformed, or over-sized, when the usersexpectations go much further the financialcapacity of the library. The user wants, forexample, the full text of an article or of thecontent of a book, without understanding therigors of the copyright legislation, or the worknecessary for these operations.

    The simultaneous quality for the client andorganization (2) means for the library: the usersatisfaction in relation with his/her expectationsregarding the library, the harmony between theservices and information provided by the libraryand the users information needs, reading, leisure.But, we cannot deny that users accept in manysituations a poor level of services, being awarethat the technological endowments, acquisitionsetc. are those the library can afford at a certain

    moment.Goffman suggests four perspectives toapproach an institution (3):

    - technically - in the terms of efficiency andinefficiency -as a system of activity organized onpurpose to reach predetermined goals. Librariescan show by the well-known efficiency indicatorstheir activity;

    - politically - by reporting to the actionsrequested by each participant (or category ofparticipants) from other participants, the types ofprivations or rewards which cane be distributed in

    order to strengthen these requests, as well as to thesocial surveillance systems which coordinate theseauthority exert and the sanctions system. Publiclibraries are-at least theoretically- under the socialsurveillance of the local community, as the localadministration provides their financial support.However, in reality, in Romania, this socialcontrol does not exist, as the local communitydoes not know its attributions but in a smallmeasure or the local community is not interestedin these aspects.

    - structural - by relating them to thehorizontal and vertical structures and to the typesof social relationships which connect among themthose groups. In the present situation, the publicinstitutions are situated in associative or

    cooperation networks, they develop projects andprograms in common, with the idea of aprofessional development whose consequence isthe development of services, as well.

    - cultural- by relation with the moral valueswhich influence the activity within theinstitution. The meaning given by Goffman canbe related to the culture of institutions, generally,and as a cultural institution, the library covers allthe meanings of this notion.

    The same author suggests the fifth approach,the dramatic one, by the perspective of therole played by an institution in front of thecommunity.

    Public libraries are involved directly in thecultural life of the communities and, by thetraining-educative component of their role insocial life. Even if a part of the local community isnot aware directly the importance of this role,people see its consequences by the fact that thechildren in schools, students, the citizens involvedin the long life learning are the most active usersand admit that is not possible to continue their

    activity in the absence of the public libraries.The notion of social responsibility, asstrategic element of the communitiesdevelopment is applied more and more to all theparticipants to the social and economic life, to theinstitutions and enterprises, to the importantindustrial corporations, services providers, banksetc.

    The social responsibility is in a directconnection with:

    - equilibrium between the social andprofessional life of the citizens

    - fundamental rights to:- work- education- medical assistance- information

    - protection for the environment.There is also in the specialized literature even

    the term of tool set to implement the socialresponsibility.

    The European Commission understands bythe Communication for re-launching the Lisbon

    The quality of services and the social responsibility in the public library

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    17Romanian Reviewof Library andInformation ScienceVol. 8, Iss. 4, 2012

    Strategy the notion of social responsibility as anintegrating part of competitiveness. Thevolunteer initiatives of the enterprises, under theaspect of the practices connected with the socialresponsibility (RSE) can represent an essential

    contribution to the durable development andstrengthens, in the same time, the potential ofinnovation and competitiveness of Europe.

    In the country, public libraries continued theirwell-known roles of being information, educationand cultural centers of the community; this role iscompleted with an important duty of socialprotection and local centre for IT &C.

    This way, the County Library Ioan N.Roman Constana has been developing,beginning with 2011, a series of services for thecommunity, destined to different age categories ofusers. The existence of these services does notfollow to be in line with the initiatives in otherpublic libraries in Romania, but answer to therequests made by the members of the localcommunity to our library.

    The department with computers with Internetfor public was set up as part of a technologicalendowment program initiated, as it is well-known,by the Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates. Thisdepartment represents one of the most requiredservices in the library by users of all ages who

    have different interests in information, searchingfor a job, keep in touch with the family or friendsabroad, reading, loisir etc. The reconversion ofa former lecture room and its transformation in theDepartment for Computers with Internet forpublic has proved to be a great success and this,for sure, not only in the County Library Ioan N.Roman Constana, but as well in all the librarieswhich benefit from this program.

    During October-December 2011, Englishlanguage classes for unemployed people wereorganized in the library, as apart of a long life

    program.The idea of organizing English classes for

    this underprivileged category appeared due to animportant number of youngsters who attended theservices provided by the library. The unemployedpersons intended to participate to differentrecruitment sessions for working abroad, and oneof the conditions was that persons should speak ina foreign language; English was preferable. Theparticipants to these courses were young people,graduated from high schools or faculties and they

    used to go also to other long life professionalcourses financed by European funds, thus theycould be able to use associated English andprofessional knowledge in order to find a job.

    Some teachers from the schools with which

    the County Library Ioan N. Roman Constanahas cooperation partnership agreements appliedfor childrens individual study, in organizedgroups under the care of the schools master, in thechildrens library department. These activitiestake place every day, even in present, with thesupport of materials from the library.

    The IT initiation training for seniorsorganized within the Training Centre - recentlyestablished structure and included in the libraryservices, represented since February 2011, whenthe first group started, an important interest centrefor the third age persons group. If at thebeginning, the participant seniors found out fromnewspapers or the advertising in the library aboutthis training, later on the communication channelsvaried and, thus, our colleagues needed to lay outa plan from one year to another in order to coverall the requests. 24 groups of seniors benefitedthese training sessions, since February 2011 andup to present. The training was organized in a twoweeks module, followed by two weeks ofmentorship meaning to consolidate the

    knowledge, at request. After the IT training, theseniors were invited to participate to the digitalstory module, consisting in making some shortdocumentary films dedicated to some importantevents in the personal life or dedicated to someaspects of social life. The films were made underthe trainers care and were presented to a largerpublic.

    The Training Centre has been involved intraining users to use the new technologies-thecategory of age-seniors, but the Centre has beenalso involved in the courses for the librarians

    working in the rural area, to which there werepresented notions of information culture necessaryin the new working environment with based onthe computer. Thus, there have been deliveredcourses about the basis of library science, TLIBbasis and digital stories to some librarians fromConstana County, in 2011, followed in the sameyear by the Training Course for trainers regardingthe Digital Stories for the trainer librarians inanother county libraries in the country. In 2012,the courses were dedicated to the librarians in the

    The quality of services and the social responsibility in the public library

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    18Romanian Reviewof Library andInformation ScienceVol. 8, Iss. 4, 2012

    The quality of services and the social responsibility in the public library

    local libraries. There have been also organizedfollow-up activities-by applying a questionnairefor the participant librarians, this meaning thepost-course evaluation, in the direction ofmaintaining a level of knowledge and apply themin their own libraries.

    The seniors accepted to participate to otheractivities, as well: they registered as the libraryusers, participated to the activities dedicated toLibrarians, Day, to the activities at the LibrariesNight and they already have an emotionalattachment for the library, as well as the intentionto complete their knowledge.

    All these courses have shown that the powerof developing new services dedicated to thecommunity create a new status for the public

    library in the community.It is also ought to be mentioned the fact thatthe increase of the number of documents put at theusers disposal increased through an importantcooperation relationship with OSIM. Thus, thepatents, standards and the specialized journalsprocessed, and they can be put at the disposal ofthe researchers, inventors, the whole publicinterested in information difficult to be accessedin the past.

    NOTES1.See SANCHEZ MOTOS, Enrique Miguel. Calitatetotal. Constana: Editura Companiei NaionaleAdministraia Porturilor Maritime SA, 2004, p. 67-74.3. GOFFMAN, Erving. Viaa cotidianca spectacol.Bucureti:, 2003, p. 263.


    1. DEMPSEY, Beth. Build an identity that works in

    the age of superstore. In: Library Journal, 18.08.2004.[Accessed: 01.09.2012]. Available at: GOFFMAN, Erving. Viaa cotidianca spectacol.Bucureti:, 2003. 288 p.3. HOHAN, Ion; WIENER, Ulrich (coord.).Enciclopedia calitii. Bucureti: Oficiul de InformareDocumentarpentru Industrie, Cercetare, Management,2005. 476 p.4. NEGROPONTE, Nicholas. Era digital. Bucureti:All, 1999. 232 p.5. SANCHEZ MOTOS, Enrique Miguel. Calitate

    total: organizaii de calitate, organizaii de succes.Constana: Editura Companiei Naionale AdministraiaPorturilor Maritime SA, 2004. 204 p.6. CORDIS website. [Accessed: November, 2012].Available at:

    7. Steps to Create a Succesful Campaign. [Accessed:8.09.2012]. Available at: Strategia de la Lisabona. [Accessed: 20.11.2012].Available at: USHERWOOD, Bob; LINLEY, Rebecca. NewLibrary - New Measures: A Social Audit of PublicLibraries. In:IFLA Journal, vol. 25, nr. 2, 1999, p. 90-96.

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    19Revista RomndeBiblioteconomiei tiina InformriiAnul 8, nr. 4, 2012

    Mircea Regneal


    Prof. univ. dr. Mircea Regneal, preedinteleAsociaiei Bibliotecarilor din Romnia (ABR)E-mail:


    Biblioteca public are rolul de a contribui ladezvoltarea i prosperitatea indivizilor aparinnd uneicomuniti. Progresul social se bazeaz pe un nivelsatisfctor de culturi educaie.Strategia european pentru 2020 privind ocupareaforei de munc i creterea economic pstreaz

    obiectivul de reducere a abandonului colar. Bibliotecapublicoferindivizilor i grupurilor sociale condiiilede bazpentru nvarea pe tot parcursul vieii.Bibliotecile publice au urmtoarele obiective majore:s dezvolte i s pstreze deprinderile de lectur alecopiilor, ssprijine procesele de educaie, att la nivelindividual ct i la nivel instituional, s susincreativitatea personal, s contribuie la evidena iprezervarea patrimoniului cultural local, s asigureaccesul la valorile culturale i marile creaii naionale iinternaionale, spromoveze dialogul intercultural i ssprijine diversitatea artistic, s asigure accesulcetenilor la toate tipurile de informaie comunitari

    s furnizeze la cerere informaii pentru ageniieconomici, instituiile i grupurile de interese dincomunitate.

    Cuvinte-cheie: bibliotec public; comuniti locale;servicii de bibliotec; nvare pe tot parcursul vieii

    n lumea contemporanexistnumeroase cide participare a comunitilor locale la activiticulturale. Acestea sunt n funcie de tradiia local,de gradul de cultur a indivizilor care compunacea comunitate, de interese individuale i de grupetc. Una dintre aceste ci este legatde bibliotecapublic, creat spre a servi interesele culturalelegate, n principal, de carte i de lectur alecomunitii.

    Poarta localspre cunoatere

    Biblioteca publicare ntr-o comunitate rolulde a contribui la dezvoltarea i prosperitateaindivizilor care compun acea comunitate. La

    aceastvaloare umanse poate ajunge numai dacexistceteni bine informai, care pot juca un rolactiv n societate tiind c progresul social sebazeaz pe existena unui nivel satisfctor aleducaiei i culturii.

    ntr-o serie de documente ale UniuniiEuropene, dar i ale unor organisme internaionalecare se ocup de biblioteci, cum ar fi IFLA(Federaia Internaional a Asociaiilor deBiblioteci i Bibliotecari) i UNESCO, sesubliniaz c rolul bibliotecii publice estefundamental n societatea bazat pe cunoatere.

    Aceast societate, cunoscut i sub numele desocietatea informaional sau societatea digitalcreeazcondiiile pentru accesul liber i nelimitatal oamenilor la cunotine, idei, cultur iinformaii.

    nvarea pe tot parcursul vieii

    Noul raport al Comisiei Europene privindnvmntul i formarea, dat publicitii laBruxelles pe data de 19 aprilie 2011 precizeazc

    progresele nregistrate n privina reduceriiabandonului colar, creterea numrului de eleviabsolveni ai nv mntului secundar,

    mbuntirea competenelor de citire, precum in creterea potenialului adulilor care participlanvmntul de formare sunt nesatisfctoare.

    Strategia european pentru 2020 privindocuparea forei de munc i creterea economicpstreaz obiectivul de reducere a abandonuluicolar sub 10%, precum i cel al creteriiprocentajului de absolveni la cel puin 40%. Se

    Biblioteca publici integrarea n comunitate

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    20Revista RomndeBiblioteconomiei tiina InformriiAnul 8, nr. 4, 2012

    arat c abandonul colar timpuriu continu sreprezinte o problemcare afecteazun tnr dinapte n Uniunea European, i unul din cincielevi are competene reduse la vrsta de 15 ani.nvmntul i formarea reprezint obiectivele

    strategiei Europa 2020. Din cei cinci indicatori dereferin n materie de nvmnt pentru 2020,doi intereseaz n mod deosebit bibliotecilepublice: reducerea procentajului tinerilor n vrstde 15 ani cu competene insuficiente n materie decitit de la 20% n prezent la 15%; cretereaprocentului de aduli, n grupa de vrst25-64 deani, care s participe n programe de nvare petot cuprinsul vieii de la 9,3% la 15%.

    La aceste capitole, Romnia se afl pe unadin poziiile cele mai de jos din UniuneaEuropean. Astfel, la persoane cu nivelul cel maisczut al competenelor la citit, ara noastrse aflape locul nti n Europa n anul 2000 (41,3%) i pelocul doi, dup Bulgaria, n anul 2009 (40,4%),din cele 18 state investigate. De asemenea, lainstruirea pe tot cuprinsul vieii la adulii n grupade vrst25-64 de ani, ara noastrse afl tot pepenultimul loc, dup Bulgaria, cu un procent de1,4% fa de Danemarca, de exemplu, aflat nfruntea clasamentului cu 31,6%.

    E de la sine neles crolul bibliotecii publicen sprijinirea programelor de formare rmne

    esenial.Biblioteca public ofer indivizilor igrupurilor sociale condiiile de baz pentru

    nvarea pe tot parcursul vieii.n democraia actual, oamenii i-au ctigat

    independena n luarea deciziilor, iar dezvoltareacultural a individului i a grupurilor sociale sepoate realiza fr costuri importante din parteaacestora.

    Biblioteca public este centrul local deinformare, asigurnd accesul utilizatorilor si laorice fel de cunotine i informaii n forme gata

    prelucrate pentru uzul acestora. Serviciilebibliotecii publice sunt oferite n mod egal pentrutoi, indiferent de vrst, ras, sex, religie,naionalitate, limb sau statut social. Pentruutilizatorii care nu pot, din diferite motive, s lefoloseasc pe cele curente, este necesarfurnizarea de servicii i materiale specifice. Suntavute n vedere ndeosebi minoritile fielingvistice, fie cele cu dizabiliti. Este importantca toate persoanele din aria de activitate abibliotecii publice s gseasc materialele

    adecvate intereselor lor.Coleciile i serviciile trebuie s includ toi

    purttorii de informaii (e vorba aici depurttorii care au devenit clasici, cum estecartea,dar i cei moderni bazai pe publicaii

    noncarte din familia documentelor audiovizuale ielectronice) i s utilizeze tehnologiile moderne,

    ndeosebi cele informaionale care permit un accesmai rapid i mai eficient la informaii.

    Coleciile i serviciile trebuie sprezinte ungrad nalt de relevan pentru a putea srspund ntr-o ct mai mare msurnecesitilorlocalitii respective. n acest sens, pornind de laprincipiul c biblioteca nu este un scop n sine,scopul su sunt cititorii i nevoile lorinformaionale, coleciile bibliotecii, fie c deinpublicaii pe suport hrtie, fie pe suportinformatic, trebuie s vin n ntmpinarea celormai diverse cerine ale utilizatorilor, exprimatesau nu. Bibliotecile moderne de astzi anticipeazcerinele n materie de informaii ale cititorilor.Ele vor reflecta interesele i evoluia comunitii

    n afara oricror ingerine politice sau de altnatur.

    Obiectivele majore ale bibliotecii publice

    Biblioteca public, comunal sau urban,pentru a determina comunitatea pe care odeservete de a participa la activiti culturale,intermediate de bibliotec, va trebui s

    ndeplineascurmtoarele obiective:

    1. Sdezvolte i spstreze deprinderile delectur la copii de la vrsta cea mai fraged,cunoscndu-se relaia dintre lecturi culturprinintercondiionare.

    Asemenea programe sunt realizate nGermania, experimental,nc nainte de vrsta de

    trei ani i chiar de la naterea copiilor, printr-orelaie cu spitalul, cnd mmicilor li se nmneazprimele materiale promoionale care s ledetermine s pstreze legtura cu biblioteca i sorienteze copilul spre activitile desfurate debibliotec. Pentru realizarea acestui obiectiv,biblioteca trebuie sdezvolte programe adecvate,

    n care activitile educative i culturale s sempleteasc cu cele recreative, iar jocurile s-igseasc locul lor bine gndit, i care s fiedezvoltate gradat n funcie de vrst i

    Biblioteca publici integrarea n comunitate

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    Biblioteca publici integrarea n comunitate

    capacitatea de nelegere.

    2.S sprijine procesele de educaie, att lanivel individual ct i la nivel instituional.

    De mai mult vreme, s-a acceptat ideea c

    biblioteca este parte integrant a procesului denvmnt. nc de la nceputurilenvmntului, s-au creat biblioteci pe lngcolicare au sprijinit transmiterea informaiilordidactice, au completat informaia transmis nclas, au sprijinit studiul individual. Reuitaacestor activiti nu poate avea loc fro strnscolaborare ntre profesor i bibliotecar. Profesorulest cel care transmite informaii nclas,bibliotecarul este cel care orienteaz istimuleaz lectura i studiul individual att nbibliotec, prin bogia coleciilor aflate n accesliber ct i prin mprumutul la domiciliu. De aicinecesitatea de a se realiza o buncooperare ntrecadrele didactice i bibliotecari, fie c eibibliotecari comunali sau bibliotecari colari.Activiti culturale se fac n Romnia ndeosebi nbibliotecile colare. n puine locuri acestea se fac

    mpreun cu biblioteca public comunal. Seimpune realizarea de acorduri ntre aceste doutipuri de biblioteci pentru realizarea de proiecteculturale care s depeasc nivelul intereselorcolii prin antrenarea tinerilor care au absolvit

    deja coala, precum i a altor categorii de vrst.Noii supori de informaii, noua tehnologie decomunicare electronic sunt oportuniti deatragere a populaiei spre bibliotec i cultur,dacacestea sunt exploatate inteligent i cu multrbdare.

    3. S susin creativitatea personal,ndeosebi prin stimularea imaginaiei copiilor itinerilor.

    Uriaa resurs documentar care se afl ncoleciile unei biblioteci, augmentatprin accesul

    la Internet, unde resursele practic sunt infinite,sunt premisele sprijinirii creativitii membrilorcomunitii, ndeosebi a copiilor i tinerilor. Setie c lectura la o vrst tnr poate fi nociv,dac cititorul tnr este influenat de fapte iaciuni antisociale gsite n cri sau benefic,daclectura este orientatspre idei i fapte nobilesau spre activiti practice. n programele deactivitate ale bibliotecilor comunitare trebuieavute n vedere toate aceste lucruri care convergspre educaia oamenilor n spiritul idealurilor

    societii democratice pe care o edificm. Un omde cultur este un om ctigat pentru societate.Cultura i informaia sunt elemente inseparabileale unuia i aceluiai proces de educaie aceteanului n spiritul valorilor democratice ale

    societii noastre. Dac acest proces ncepe detimpuriu, ansele de a reui sunt tot mai mari.Creativitatea personalnu se poate dezvolta dactinerii nu sunt stimulai prin lecturi acces liberla informaie. Se impune crearea de programe nacest sens, prin cooperarea ntre toi furnizoriilocali i zonali de informaii i documente.

    4.Scontribuie la evidena i prezervareapatrimoniului cultural local, care trebuievalorificat prin programe comunitare.

    Romnia se numrprintre puinele state caredein nc un bogat patrimoniu cultural localfuncional. Tradiiile i obiceiurile strvechi sepractic nc n multe zone ale rii, n ciudaurbanizrii localitilor rurale i a mutrii masive apopulaiei de la sat la ora. Aceste tradiii riscsse piard definitiv dac nu exist programe devalorificare a lor, ndeosebi prin ncurajareatradiiilor orale.

    Asemenea programe pot fi coordonate debiblioteca comunal, ca principal element deculturperena localitii. Cu sprijinul cminelor

    culturale i al altor structuri locale se potvalorifica, prin program specifice, diferiteelemente ale patrimoniului local. Formele imijloacele de realizare a evidenei patrimoniuluicultural local sunt extrem de diverse, plecnd de lacunoaterea istoriei i arheologiei locale imergnd pn la obiceiurile de la srbtorilecretine. O asemenea eviden ar trebui sexiste

    n toate localitile din ar. Prin intermediultehnologiilor informrii i comunicrii, n cadrulproiectului Educaia Bazat pe Cunoateredezvoltat de Ministerul Comunicaiilor i al

    Societii Informaionale, n comunitiledezavantajate s-a fcut un prim pas n acest sens.Se pot realiza arhive sonore i vizuale la preuri decost reduse, se pot face diferite nregistrri aledeintorilor nc n via de asemenea comoripatrimoniale, legate de obiceiuri ale pmntului,de activiti gospodreti locale, de tradiiistrvechi, precum i de alte zone de interes.

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    5. Sasigure accesul la valorile culturale imarile creaii naionale i internaionale.

    Accesul la valorile culturale nu se poateconcepe astzi fr nelegerea culturii ca unfenomen global n care se regsesc deopotriv

    creaiile tale naionale, dar i cele internaionale.n multe localiti rurale,oamenii se mndresc cumari personaliti culturale sau tiinifice care s-aunscut sau au trit n acele localiti. Numele unorasemenea personaliti se regsesc astzi ndenumirea unor biblioteci , coli sau alte instituiilocale. Personaliti remarcabile sunt ntlnite i nmemoria regiunii sau a provinciei. Toate acestea ebine sfie cunoscute prin programe de cunoaterei valorificare a creaiei lor, a devotamentului isacrificiilor fcute pentru a se realiza, pentrumndria de a fi romn i a apra cauza naional.Expoziii documentare, conferine publiceorganizate n i de ctre biblioteca public, alteforme de popularizare contribuie la cunoatereavalorilor culturale locale. La acestea se adaugprograme de cunoatere i valorificare a marilorcreaii naionale cu nume de rsunet care pot fievocate la diferite aniversri. Cultura universal,prin marii creatori i creaii, trebuie regsit nprograme speciale, dar i n programe n care suntevocai creatorii naionali care nu s-au dezvoltatpe loc gol, ci n contextul culturii i creaiei

    mondiale, dar prin valorificarea potenialuluiartistic naional , legat de o creaie popular attde expresiv, poate cea mai interesant dinEuropa. Trebuie accentuat ideea c, dac avemreuite n cultura mondial, aceasta se datoreazvalorificrii superioare a specificului nostrunaional (ex. Enescu, Brncui, uculescu).

    6. Spromoveze dialogul intercultural i ssprijine diversitatea artistic.

    Epoca contemporan nu ne mai permite strim n izolare, care a fost i este pguboas.

    Mijloacele de comunicare de astzi, ndeosebitehnologia informrii i comunicrii, puneoamenii n relaie unii cu alii mai mult ca oricnd

    n istorie. Tehnologia audiovizual, de exemplu,faciliteaz un schimb activ de date i informaiipermind interculturalitatea. Fenomenul deinterculturalitate se poate dezvolta att pe planlocal, unde exist mai multe etnii i unde se potorganiza programe comune ntre acestea,contribuind la nelegerea i apropierea ntreoameni prin comunicarea reciproc a valorilor

    culturale, dar i pe plan regional prin comunicareavalorilor spirituale existente n diferite comuniti.Pot fi realizate proiecte comune ntre diferitelocaliti mai apropiate sau mai puin apropiate, decunoatere a obiceiurilor i datinilor locale -

    ceremoniale legate de evenimente i srbtoriagricole sau religioase - dar i a practicilor nlegtur cu culturile agricole, cum ar fi tehnicilocale privitoare la anumite culturi n funcie decalitile solului, tipul de climat , ngrijireaanumitor soiuri de plante sau rase de animale etc.

    7. S asigure accesul cetenilor la toatetipurile de informaie comunitar.

    n Marea Britanie i unele ri nordice, dupmodelul Statelor Unite, biblioteca comunitarestei centru de informare local.Cetenii aflde pesite-ul bibliotecii comunitare, zilnic, tot ceea ce se

    ntmpl i intereseaz comunitatea. Existpersoane din cadrul bibliotecii, cu acordul isprijinul primriei i a altor structuri locale, pebaza unei convenii prestabilite, care nregistreaztoate evenimentele importante ce au loc ncomunitatea respectiv, precum i obligaiilelegale ale cetenilor vizavi de comunitate i destat. Aadar, alturi de festivaluri i altemanifestri artistice care pun n luminbogia ivarietatea folclorului i obiceiurilor locale,

    cetenii afl tot feluri de informaii legate deviaa de zi cu zi n comunitate, de sarcini iobligaii legale, cum ar fi termenele pentruachitarea unor taxe sau impozite. Din celecunoscute direct, comunitatea este foartesatisfcut de aceast activitate, ntruct primelepreocupri ale membrilor comunitii sunt legate ,cum este i firesc, de ceea ce se ntmpl ninteriorul ei. Acest program d bune rezultatenumai n urma unei cooperri strnse ntre toifurnizorii locali de informaii, sub coordonareaoficiala primriei.

    8. S furnizeze la cerere informaiipentruagenii economici, instituiile i grupurile deinterese din comunitate.

    Acest aspect este deosebit de importantpentru comunitile romneti din toate zonelerii. Biblioteca comunaleste cea chemat , prinspecificul i funciile sale de furnizoare deinformaii, s ofere informaii, la cerere, tuturoracelora care au nevoie de ele fie pentru a-ideschide o afacere , a se informa de piaa de

    Biblioteca publici integrarea n comunitate

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    Biblioteca publici integrarea n comunitate

    desfacere i afaceri, fie, cum este cazul expres alRomnei, de a nva cum s acceseze fondurieuropene. Stimularea creativitii nu se poate facefr informaii pertinente, fr cunoatereamediului i a cerinelor sectorului spre care te

    ndrepi. Marele potenial pe care l reprezintinternetul nu trebuie neglijat. Aici, dac deiideprinderea de a ti s caui informaii tematice,obii rezultate de-a dreptul spectaculoase. Culegiinformaii, le prelucrezi, le sistematizezi i le oferigata ambalate utilizatorului. Acesta este rostulbibliotecarului modern, adecvat cerinelor epocii,care trebuie sstpneasctehnologiile informriii comunicrii integrate strategiilor de dezvoltarelocal. Aceast tehnologie, dac este binestpnit, este de un real interes n munca deinformare i documentare. De aici, necesitateastringent a instruirii i reinstruirii celor care seocupcu cutarea i furnizarea de informaii.


    1.Digital Library Federation. audiovizuale i multimedia n biblioteci:ghid IFLA.Traducere i adnotare de Mircea Regneal.Bucureti: Asociaia Bibliotecarilor din Romnia,2008.3. EUROPEAN COMMISSION - INFORMATION

    SOCIETY - TELECOMMUNICATIONS. EUeducation report: good progress, but more effortneeded to achive targets. EUROPEAN COMMISSION. 15th Progress



    Assessments. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2009. 318 p.

    12. Open Archives Initiative. http:// THE EUROPEAN BUREAU OF LIBRARY,INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATIONASSOCIATIONS (EBLIDA). Digital Agenda forEurope: Digital Libraries Initiative. UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL,SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURALORGANIZATION (UNESCO). Education for AllGlobal Monitoring Report/Education. http://


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    Mircea Regneal


    Prof. Mircea Regneal, PhD, President of RomanianLibrary Association (ABR)E-mail:


    The public library has the role to contribute to thedevelopment and prosperity of the individualsbelonging to a community. The social progress is basedon a satisfactory level of culture and education.The European strategy for 2020 about employment andeconomic growth maintains the objective to reduce the

    school renunciation. Public libraries provide thefundamental conditions for lifelong learning to theindividuals and social groups.Public libraries have the following major objectives:develop and maintain the reading habits to children,support the educational processes, both at individualand institutional level, support the personal creativity,contribute to the record and preservation of the localcommunity patrimony, ensure the access to the culturalvalues and to the great national and internationalcreations, promote the intercultural dialogue andsupport the artistic diversity, ensure the citizens accesstoo all the types of community information and provide

    information at request for the economical units and thegroups of interests in the community.

    Keywords: public library; local communities; libraryservices; lifelong learning

    There are in the contemporary worldnumerous modalities for the local communities totake part to the cultural activities. These followthe local tradition, the education of the individualsin the community, individual or group interests,etc. One of these possibilities is connected withthe public library, created in order to attend thecommunity cultural interests, mainly those linkedwith books and reading.

    The local gate to knowledge

    In a community, the public library has therole to contribute to the development andprosperity of the individuals belonging to that

    community. Only with well-informed citizensplaying an active role in society, one can reachthis of human value, as we know that the socialprogress is based on a satisfactory level of cultureand education.

    A series of documents issued by the EuropeanUnion and also by other international bodiesdealing with libraries, like IFLA (InternationalFederation of the Library Associations) andUNESCO, underline that the role of the publiclibrary is fundamental in the society based onknowledge. This society, also known under the

    name of the information or digital society createsthe conditions for the free and unlimited access ofpeople to knowledge, ideas, culture andinformation.

    Lifelong learning

    The new report of the European Commissionabout education and training, released to thepublic in Brussels, on April 19th, 2011, mentionsthat the progress in reducing the school

    renunciation, the increasing number of thesecondary school graduates, the improvement ofthe learning competencies, as well as theincreasing number of the adults who participate inthe training education are unsatisfactory.

    The European strategy for 2020 aboutemployment and economic growth maintains theobjective to reduce the school renunciation under10%, as well as the objective of the increase of thepercentage of graduates at least at 40%. Thedocument shows that the early school renunciation

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    continue to represent a problem which hits oneyoung person in seven in the European Union, andone of five students who have reducedcompetencies at the age of 15. The education andtraining represent the objectives of the strategy

    Europe 2020. Among the five reference indicatorsfor education for 2020, two indicators interestmainly the public libraries: reduce the percentageof the 15 years old youngsters with insufficientcompetencies in reading from 20% in present, to15%; increase the number of adults, age 25-64,who participate to lifelong learning programsfrom 9.3% la 15%.

    In these matters, Romania is situated on oneof the lowest positions in the European Union.Thus, for the people with the lowest level ofreading competencies, our country was on the firstplace in Europe in 2000 (41.3%) and on thesecond position, after Bulgaria, in 2009 (40.4%),of all the 18 states investigated. In the same time,our country is also situated on the penultimateposition, after Bulgaria with a percentage of 1.4compared to Denmark, for example, which is onthe first position with 31.6%, for lifelong learning.

    It is understandable that the public libraryrole to support the learning programs is stillessential.

    Public libraries provide the fundamental

    conditions for lifelong learning to individuals andsocial groups.In the actual democracy, people gained

    independence in taking decisions, and the culturaldevelopment of the individuals and social groupscan be achieved without important costs fromtheir contribution.

    The public library is the local informationcentre and ensures access to any kind ofknowledge and information in already processedsize to its users. The public library services areprovided equally for all, no matter race, religion,

    sex, nationality, language or social status. Forusers who cannot use the common services, fordifferent reasons, it is necessary to providespecific services and materials. We speak aboutthe linguistic minorities or disabled people. It isimportant that all the people in the library activityarea to find materials proper for their interests.

    Collections and services should include allthe information bearers (we speak here aboutthe classical bearers, as the book is, as well asabout the modern ones based on non-book

    publications, as the audio-video and electronicdocuments) and to use modern technologies,mostly the information technologies which allowa more rapid and efficient access to information.

    Collections and services should have a high

    degree of relevance in order tomeet as much aspossible the needs of the community. This way,beginning with the principle according to whichlibrary is not a purpose itself, its purpose isrepresented by users and their information needs,the library collections, either include publicationson paper or on digital support, should meet asmany as possible of the users needs, expressed ornot. The present modern libraries anticipate theinformation requests. They reflect the interestsand evolution of the community, free of anypolitical or other different interference.

    The major objectives of the public library

    The public library, either in towns or villages,in order to determine the community to participateto cultural activities mediated by the library,should meet the following objectives:

    1. Develop and maintain the reading habitsto children, beginning with from the youngest

    children, as we know the relationship betweenreading and culture by attachment.Such programs are organized in Germany,

    experimentally, even before three years old andeven from the childrens birth, by cooperationwith the hospital, when mothers receiveadvertising materials in order to determine them tokeep in touch with the library and orient childrento the activities in the library. In order to achievethis objective, library should develop adequateprograms where the educational and culturalactivities to mix with the entertaining ones, and

    the games to find their very well thought outplace. The games are to be developed graduallyaccording to the childrens age and capacity ofunderstanding.

    2.Support the educational processes, bothat individual and institutional level.

    The idea, according to which library is aconstitutive part of education process has beenaccepted for a long time. Even from the beginningof the educational process, libraries were opened

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    under the care of schools; libraries used to supportteaching, completed information transmitted in theclass and backed up the individual study. Theseactivities can be successful only based on thecooperation between teachers and librarians. The

    teacher is that who transmits information in theclass and the librarian orient and stimulate readingand individual study both in the library, by therichness of the collections with free access and bylending. Hence, the necessity to have a goodcooperation between teachers and librarians,either communal or school librarians. Culturalactivities are organized in Romania especially inschool libraries. In few places, activities areorganized together with the public communallibrary. It is necessary to have agreementsbetween these two types of libraries in order toachieve cultural projects to pass over the schoolinterest, by drawing the youngsters who alreadygraduated school, as well as other categories ofage. The new information media, the newcommunication technology are opportunities todraw population to the library and culture, if theyare exploited in an intelligent manner and withmuch patience.

    3. Support the personal creativity, mostlyby stimulating the youngsters and childrens

    imagination.The huge documentary resources from thecollections of a library, extended by the Internetaccess, where the resources are practically infiniterepresent the premises to support creativity of themembers of the community, mostly the childrenand youngsters. It is already known that reading atan early age can be harmful if the young reader isinfluenced by antisocial facts and actions, read inthe books or, on the contrary, reading can befavorable, if lecture is oriented to noble ideas andfacts or to practical activities. The programs of the

    community libraries should take intoconsideration all these aspects which lead to theeducation of people in the spirit of the ideals ofthe democratic society we are building up. A manof culture is a person gained for society. Cultureand information are inseparable elements of thesame process of the individual education for thedemocratic values of our society. If this processbegins very early, the chances to succeed aremuch higher. The personal creativity cannotdevelop if the youngsters are not stimulated by

    reading and free access to information. Thus, it isnecessary to create programs by an agreementamong all the local and regional information anddocuments providers.

    4. Contribute to the record andpreservation of the local communitypatrimony, which should be valued throughcommunity programs.

    Romania counts among the few states whichstill have a rich cultural patrimony in function.The old traditions and customs are still practicedin many regions of the country, in spite of theurbanization process in the villages and themassive movement of the population fromvillages to towns. These traditions are in danger tobe lost forever if there are not programs to valuethem, mostly by encouraging the oral traditions.

    Such programs can be coordinated by thecommunal library, as the main cultural institution.Different elements of the local patrimony can bevalued with the support of the cultural houses andother local structures, by specific programs. Themodalities and means to record the local culturalpatrimony are very different, beginning with theknowledge of the local history and archaeologyand up to the Christian festivals and traditions.Such a record should exist in all the villages in the

    country. The first step has been done in thedisadvantaged communities, through theinformation and communication technologies, inthe framework of the project Knowledge-basedEducation developed by the Ministry ofCommunications and Information Society. Soundand visual archives can be done at low costs aswell as records with the people still preservingthese patrimony values, connected with thesecustoms of the country, domestic activities, oldtraditions, as well as other interest areas.

    5. Ensure the access to the cultural valuesand to the great national and internationalcreations.

    The access to the cultural values cannot beunderstood today, but seeing culture as a globalphenomenon, where are to be found both thenational and international creations. In manyvillages, people are proud with important culturalor scientific personalities born there or who livedin these villages. Libraries, schools or other local

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    institutions bear these names. Remarkablepersonalities are present in the memory of theregion or the province. All these aspects should beknown through programs in order to know andvalue their creation, to be aware of their sacrifice

    for having success, for the proud to be Romanianand defend the national cause. Documentaryexhibitions, public conferences organized by thepublic library and other modalities to popularizethem contribute to the knowledge of the localcultural values. There are to be added to theseprograms of knowledge and value the greatnational creations with famous names that can beevoked at different anniversaries. World culture,through its important authors and creations shouldbe valued in special programs, as well as inprograms where the national creators are evoked,as they did not appear in an empty place, but inthe framework of the world culture and creation;these programs should also value the nationalartistic potential, connected with a very expressivefolk creation, maybe the most interesting in thewhole Europe. We should underline the idea that,if we have success in the world culture, this islinked with the superior value of the Romaniannational specific (ex. Enescu, Brncui,uculescu).

    6. Promote the intercultural dialogue andsupport the artistic diversity.The contemporary epoch does not allow us

    anymore to live in isolation, which used to be andstill is harmful. The present means ofcommunication and mostly the information andcommunication technology allow people to get intouch more than ever in the history. For example,the audio-visual technology facilitate an activechange of data and information and supportinterculturality. The phenomenon ofinterculturality can develop both in the local area,

    where are different ethnical groups and wheredifferent programs can be organized and thus tocontribute to the understanding and approach ofpeople by mutual communication of the culturalvalues, but as well in a regional area by thecommunication of the spiritual values of differentcommunities. Common projects can be achievedby different villages more or less close in order toknow the local customs and traditions- ceremoniesconnected with the agricultural or religiousfestivals and events, as well as agricultural

    practices, as different local techniques about someplants growing, according to the soil qualities,climate, or animal races breed etc.

    7. Ensure the citizens access too all the