SALAD, SOUP & SNACK Oryza... · 2019-07-02 · putih & lalapan tanah Sumedang) Sumatran...


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THAI BEEF SALAD 50(Selada daging sapi sirloin panggang ala Thailand) Australian sirloin steak-eggplant-shallot-basil-Thai dressing

GARDEN SALAD 40(Selada sayuran segar dengan saus cuka madu)Mixed crispy leaves-cherry tomato-capsicum-cucumber-honey balsamic dressing

IN SALATA CAPRESE 40(Selada tomat dengan keju Mozzarella) Mozzarella cheese-tomato-basil-olive oil

VIETNAMESE SPRING ROLL 40 (Lumpia goreng udang dengan saus asam manis Vietnam) Fried prawn spring roll-sweet & sour Vietnam sauce

CHICKEN WING TANDOORI SALAD 40(Selada sayap ayam goreng tandoori ala India) Tandoori fried chicken wing-mesclun lettuce-onion-kyuri-refreshing sauce

BEEF GOULASH SOUP 60(Sup sayuran & daging sapi Hungaria) Beef consommé-capsicum-beef loin


TOM YAM GOONG 60(Sup asam pedas tradisional Thailand dengan udang & jamur) Traditional spiced Thai soup-prawn-mushroom

MUSHROOM SOUP 50(Sup jamur dengan krim & roti panggang) Creamy mushroom soup-croûtons

PRAWN WASABI 100(Udang goreng saus mayonnaise wasabi & buah beri) Prawn tempura-wasabi mayo-berry coulis

TEXAS CHICKEN WING 65(Sayap ayam goreng Texas dengan saus barbekyu) Fried chicken wing barbeque’s sauce

ORYZA PLATTER 85 (Kudapan Oryza; sayap ayam goreng, quesadillas, pastel sayuran, keripik jagung, kentang goreng & sambal alpukat) Fried chicken wing-beef quesadillas-samosa-fries-guacamole

MARTABAK DAGING 45(Martabak gurih daging sapi dengan acar & saus khas) Beef martabak-pickles-tamarind soy dip

WOKU AYAM BAKAR 70(Ayam bakar bumbu Woku dengan tumis bunga genjer & nasi putih)Charcoal grilled woku chicken-water spinach jasmine rice

KAMBING JELETOT 180 (Kambing bakar bumbu spesial dengan nasi putih & sambal jeletot pedas) Spicy roasted lamb jasmine rice-extra traditional chili sauce

NANIURA SUMEDANG 90(Ikan mas goreng bumbu Sumatera dengan nasi putih & lalapan tanah Sumedang) Sumatran spiced grilled Gurame-jasmine rice- Sumedang greens

TURKEY WRAP 90(Roti gulung isi ayam kalkun dengan keju Swiss, alpukat & saus pedas)Grilled turkey wrap-Swiss cheese-avocado-lettuce-chipotle spread

PEPES IKAN KAKAP 90(Pepes kakap sayur kemangi bungkus daun pisang dengan nasi putih) Steamed snapper in banana leave jasmine rice

CHICKEN WELLINGTON 75(Ayam panggang oven bumbu spesial dengan jamur dibungkus kulit pastry) Oven roasted chicken with mushroom in puff pastry


SOUP BUNTUT RESINDA 145(Aneka sup buntut khas Resinda-goreng/rebus/bakar) Authentic Resinda oxtail soup-fried/boiled/grilled

NASI GORENG RESINDA 70(Nasi goreng khas Resinda dengan sate ayam & telur goreng) Authentic Resinda fried rice-chicken satay-straight egg

PINDANG IGA MANG SAE 85(Pindang kuah iga bakar Majalaya dengan nasi putih & emping) Grilled short rib beef in spiced soup-jasmine rice- melinjo cracker

FISH & CHIPS 75(Ikan dori goreng tepung disajikan dengan kentang goreng & saus tartar) Battered fried fish-French fries-tartar sauce

CLUB SANDWICH 65(Roti lapis isi ayam dengan daging asap, telur goreng, bawang bombay & sayuran) Triple decker sandwich-grilled chicken-fried egg-beef bacon-onion-lettuce-cucumber

BURRITOS 65(Nasi khas Mexico ala Resinda disajikan dengan daging sapi cincang berbumbu & selada tomat pedas) Mexican fried rice-beef chili con carne-tomato salsa


BBQ BEEF RIBS 140(Iga sapi bakar dengan saus barbeque & pilihan kentang) Grilled Australian beef ribs-barbeque sauce-choice of potatoes

AUS PRIME BEEF TENDERLOIN 300(Daging sapi khas dalam Australia panggang dengan pilihan kentang & saus) Grilled Australian beef tenderloin-choice of potatoes & sauce

AUS PRIME BEEF STRIPLOIN 240(Daging sapi Australia khas luar panggang dengan pilihan kentang & saus)Grilled Australian beef striploin-choice of potatoes & sauce

AUS PRIME RIB EYE 240(Daging sapi Australia dengan pilihan kentang & saus) Grilled Australian beef rib eye-choice of potatoes & sauce

AUS DOUBLE LAMB CHOP 240(Daging iga domba Australia panggang dengan pilihan kentang & saus) Gritted Australian lamb chop-choice of potatoes & sauce

SALMON STEAK 170(Ikan salmon Norwegia panggang dengan pilihan kentang & saus) Grilled Norwegian Salmon-choice of potatoes & sauce


BROILED ROSEMARY HALF CHICKEN 140(Ayam panggang aroma rosemary dengan campuran wortel, seledri & bawang bombay) Pan roasted rosemary half baby chicken-carrot-celery-onion

PAN SEARED DORY FILLET 70(Ikan dori panggang wajan dengan pilihan kentang & saus) Pan seared Dory fillet-choice of potatoes & sauce

SALMON SALSA 170(Ikan salmon Norwegia panggang dengan sambal dabu-dabu mangga & nasi putih) Pan seared Norwegian Salmon-mango salsa jasmine rice

STEAK SANDWICH 70(Roti isi daging khas panggang, sayuran & keju Swiss) Grilled Australian sirloin steak sandwich-onion-capcicum-tomato-Swiss cheese

RESINDA BURGER 85(Roti isi daging sapi, telur mata sapi, selada, tomat, keju chedar & alpukat lumat) 8oz beef patty burger-cheddar cheese-fried egg-guacamole

SATE TELUK JAMBE 100(Kombinasi sate sapi/ayam/kambing yang disajikan dengan saus khas, nasi putih/lontong & saus kacang) Charcoal grilled chicken/beef/lamb or combination served with steamed rice or rice cake and peanut sauce


CLASSIC CARBONARA 80(Pasta dengan saus krim, daging asap, bawang putih, telur mats sapi & parutan keju) Cream pasta-white sauce-beef bacon-onion-parmesan cheese

PRAWN SPINACH AGLIO OLIO 85(Tumisan pasta dengan bayam, udang, bawang bombay, cabai kering, bawang putih & minyak zaitun) Aglio Olio pasta-spinach-prawn-onion-dried chili-garlic- olive oil

SPICY GARLIC PRAWN LINGUINI 90(Tumisan pasta dengan udang, saus tomat, cabai kering, bawang putih & bawang bombay) Prawn Linguine-tomato sauce-dried chili-garlic-onion

SINGAPOREAN STYLE LAKSA 70(Laksa ala Singapura dengan tahu, udang & kwetiau) Coconut curry Singaporean laksa-fishcake-prawn-thick rice noodle

CLASSIC BOLOGNESE 70(Pasta dengan saus daging & tomat) Pasta-tomato ragout-beef

WOK-FRIED NOODLE 90(Mie goreng dengan ayam, tahu, tauge & kecap) Wok fried egg noodle in sweet soy sauce-chicken-bean sprout


WOK-FRIED KWETIAU 80(kwetiau goreng dengan ayam/seafood/sayuran) Wok fried kweetiau-chicken/seafood/vegetable

CLASSIC LASAGNA 70(Pasta lapis klasik dengan daging sapi cincang, keju & saus tomat) Classic lasagna-cheese-minced beef-tomato ragout

ANGEL HAIR CHICKEN PESTO 70(Tumis pasta dengan daun basil, minyak zaitun disertai ayam, brokoli, tomat & keju) Angel hair pasta-chicken-broccoli-tomato-pesto sauce


BANTELLA TART 45 (Kue tart dengan puding susu, pisang & coklat Nutella) Banana custard cake-Nutella mouse-Nutella crust

LIME PIE 45(Pai dengan selai jeruk nipis & krim putih telur kocok) Key lime curd cake-orange jelly-meringue

OREO CAKE 45(Kue tart dengan taburan biskuit Oreo & krim)Oreo studded cake-cookie crumble-cream frosting

MATCHA CHEESECAKE 45(Kue tart keju rasa teh hijau dengan biskuit vanila & selai raspberry) Green tea cheese cake-vanilla short bread-raspberry jelly

REGAL TART 45(Kue tart biskuit Regal dengan krim kopi & taburan biskuit) Regal biscuit sponge cake-coffee cream-Regal crumble

ES TELLER TORTE 45 (Kue tart es teler dengan selai nangka, krim alpukat & es krim kelapa) Jack fruit cake-avocado mousse-coconut ice cream


FRIED GELANCONG 45(Gelato durian goreng dengan saus durian & buah beri)Deep fried durian gelato-durian sauce-mixed berry sauce

COLENAK 45(Tape bakar dengan baluran kayu manis & gula arena)Grilled fermented cassava-caramelized cinnamon & palm sugar coat

PISANG KEJU 55 (Pisang goreng dengan taburan keju parut, saus coklat & es krim vanila) Deep fried banana-grated cheese-chocolate sauce-vanilla ice cream

FRESH FRUIT PLATTER 40(Campuran buah potong segar) Mixed seasonal cut fruit platter

MY GELATO - 3 SCOOPS 70 (Gelato khas buatan Resinda dengan berbagai pilihan saus) Resinda Hotel home-made gelato-with your own choice of sauce

MANGO STICKY RICE TART 45(Tart ketan dengan selai mangga, mangga segar, saus santan kelapa & saus buah beri) Sticky rice tart-mango curd-fresh mango-coconut milk-mixed berry sauce


MONSTER BURGER 45(Burger dengan daging sapi, keju cheddar, sayuran & kentang goreng) Beef burger-cheddar cheese-vegetable-French fries

PLUTO DOG 45 (Sosis sapi jumbo, telur orak arik & kentang goreng) Beef hot dog jumbo-scramble egg-French fries

FISH & CHIPS 40(Ikan dori goreng tepung disajikan dengan kentang goreng & saus tartar) Deep fried battered dori-tar tar sauce-French fries

MIE GORENG AKU 40(Mie goreng dengan telur, sayuran, hidangan laut & ayam suwir) Fried egg noodle-vegetable-seafood- shredded chicken

SPAGHETTI MEATBALL 40 (Pasta dengan bola daging & saus tomat) Spaghetti-beef meatball-tomato sauce

NASI GORENG AKU 45(Nasi goreng dengan sayuran & ayam) Aku fried rice-vegetable-shredded chicken


MY GELATO - 1 SCOOP 30(Gelato khas buatan Resinda dengan pilihan sauce) Resinda home-made gelato-with your own choice of sauce

FRESH FRUIT PLATTER 40(Campuran buah potong segar) Mixed seasonal cut fruit platter

KIDS MENU All prices are in thousand (,000) of IDR & subject to 10% of service charge and 11% of government tax.

DARE TO DETOXHealthy juice freshly made from papaya, tomato cherry, honey and basil to against your detox

GREEn MAchinE Healthy juice freshly made from romaine lettuce, green apple, honey & kyuri to refresh your mood

FEEl ThE PAssiOn Healthy juice freshly made from honeydew, carrot, honey & ginger to boost your day

REAsOn TO hEAvEn Signature mocktail made from kiwi, lemon, passion fruit, & mint will bring you far to heaven





BEVERAGES All prices are in thousand (,000) of IDR & subject to 10% of service charge and 11% of government tax.

viRGin hOnEy Signature mocktail made from kiwi, lime, soda water, and honey. Flavour; strawberry, lychee or kiwi

APPlE ROMAncE Signature mocktail made from green apple, black olives, ginger ale and orange leaves. Just perfect taste of love

hOnEyMOOn Signature mocktail made from lime, sprite, mango & honey to complete your romance

DRAGOn PARADisE Signature mocktail made from red dragon fruit, strawberry, mint & vanilla ice cream will rejuvinate your body


58 58



POPEyE Punch Signature mocktail made from spinach, mango, mint & yogurt to bring back your stamina

FRAPPE Combination of espresso, whipped cream, milk & ice cream. Flavour: strawberry, vanila chocolate

cOFFEE OR TEA chEEsE Signature coffee or tea drinks, topped with our special recipe of cream cheese will bring you new sensation

T n T chEEsE siGnATuRE Home made Tea “tarik” combined in perfection with special cream cheese recipe, the one and only in Karawang




45 All prices are in thousand (,000) of IDR & subject to 10% of service charge and 11% of government tax.

BEVERAGES All prices are in thousand (,000) of IDR & subject to 10% of service charge and 11% of government tax.


cOFFEESingle EspressoDouble EspressoAmericano (Hot/Iced)Freshly-brewed CoffeeMacchiato

cAFE lATTE (Hot / Iced) ** Hazelnut, Caramel, Mocha

TEA English Breakfast, Chamomile, Earl Grey, Peppermint, Green teaIced TeaLemon Tea (Hot/Iced)Teh Tarik (Hot/Iced)Honey Lemon (Hot/Iced)


Chocolate (Hot/Iced)

FREsh juicE

OrangeStrawberryKiwi WatermelonHoneydewPapaya


(Fresh milk, yogurt & fresh fruit) OrangeStrawberryKiwi Lychee


(Ice cream, fresh milk & whipped cream) VanillaStrawberryChocolate

sOFT DRinkCokeDiet CokeGinger AleSpriteSoda Water

MinERAl wATERStill WaterEquil naturalEquil SparklingAqua Reflection


(Syrup from fruit and soda water topping) OrangeLemon

BEER by BottleBintangHeinekenCorona

BinTAnG DRAuGhTSmallLargePromo small (3 glases)Promo large (3 glases)

BEER TOwERBintang (300ml)

40 45 45 45 45 45





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45 45

55 75 130

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