SCOR(海洋研究科学委員会)の活動と歴史 ワー …mikeda/outreach/scor.pdf議題 •...


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• SCOR(Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research)は海洋科学のみでなく、水産、海洋工学、社会系も含む

• ICSU(International Council for Science:国際学術連合会議)のもとに置かれている

• SCOR分科会を日本学術会議の中に設立した

• 主たる役割



• SCORワーキング・グループ(WG)申請へのコメント提出

• 学術会議大型計画の提案作成

• ブレーク・スルー研究への支援

• 東日本大震災への海洋科学コミュニティーとしての対応

ワーキング・グループ• 50年に及ぶSCORの歴史において、世界の海洋研究をけん引する役割を果たしてきた

• 何をするか



• 毎年2つのWGが採択され、おおよそ5年間活動を続ける

• 日本の研究者が代表を務めたWGはない

初期のWG WG28 Air-seainteraction (1974)

初期のWG WG62 Carbon budget of the oceans (1979)


WG 59 (Mathematical Models in Biological Oceanography) and WG 73 (Ecological Theory in Relation to Biological Oceanography)

Regarding the less tangible results of our WG activities, I believe that the most important influence was on JGOFS. All four of the WG's books greatly influenced JGOFS in its strategy for sampling the ocean, since they bear on uncertainty of natural systems in the ocean and the need to link physics and biology in a whole systems approach.


WG 83 (Wave Modelling)The monograph Dynamics and Modeling of Ocean

Waves was widely used as a standard reference work on ocean modeling.

継続中のWGWG 134: The Microbial Carbon Pump in the OceanSummarize representative microbial data on biomass,

production and diversity of functional groupsAssess the available techniques for quantifying microbial

functional groups and demonstrating the bioreactivity of marine DOC

Convene International Workshop(s) and publish a special volume in an internationally recognized peer-reviewed journal

Make recommendations for future research related to the microbial carbon pump in the ocean

継続中のWGWG 136: Climatic Importance of the Greater

Agulhas System (with WCRP and IAPSO)Facilitate collaboration between existing and planned

studies in the greater Agulhas Current systemWrite a review paper that highlights the importance of

the greater Agulhas systemIdentify key components of the circulation which

deserve further study through physical/palaeo observations and/or models, some of which may act as indices/proxies that can help describe the state of the Agulhas system

今年の申請1. Physical and biological determinants of population connectivity:

Are perceived temperate-tropical differences real?2. Organic ligands - A key control on trace metal biogeochemistry in

the oceans採択

3. Deep-sea biodiversity patterns of the South Atlantic Ocean4. Common challenges in establishing ocean observatories5. Subterranean estuaries6. Patterns of rocky shore dynamics in coastal ecosystems:

comparative analysis7. Biogeochemical exchange processes at the sea-ice interfaces採択

8. Understanding the global impacts and implications of range-shifting species in marine systems


• 広く関心を持たれているトピックである

• ブレーク・スルー研究の要素を持っている

• 世界に拡がる人脈がある

• 途上国のメンバーも入れている

• 男女比が偏っていない
