Single cell assay on CD-like lab chip using centrifugal single cell trap Microsystem Research...


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Single cell assay on CD-like lab chip using centrifugal

single cell trap

Microsystem Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology


Types of signaling

Conventional method to isolate single cell

Chip design consisting of chamber channel and valve, and trap

Experimental setup

Control module CCD Motor parts of for rotating chip

Microfluidic component on CD-chip

Photo image of microfluidic pattern Schematic sideview of CD-chip

Cell trap assay

Cell trap VS duration time Cell trap VS trap size

Survival rate of cells with the treatment of PFA

Single cell assay at CD-chip MTT assay of crowed cells at 96 well plates

Rate of apoptotic cells with the expose of UV

Fluorescence microscope image of dead cellsFluorescence intensity data was cutoff at 10% of average value


• The ratio of trapping cells were almost 80% and more than 600 cells can be test in a experiment

• The trapping efficiency was main effected by the size of trapping hole

• Cytotoxicity assay showed the single cell might not be affected by the neighboring cells

• Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)
