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Table of Contents

Summary Report……………………………………………………….3-6

Week 1 Twitter Post…………….......………………….......…….…7 Week 1 Facebook Post…………………………..…….……………..8 Week 1 Instagram Post……………………..……..………………...9 Week 2 Twitter Post………………....………..……………...…….10 Week 2 Facebook Post………………….…..……………………...11

Week 2 Instagram Post…………………………….......………...12

Week 3 Twitter Post……………………………......……....………13 Week 3 Facebook Post………………………………………………14

Week 3 Instagram Post……………………………....….…………15

Week 4 Twitter Post……………………………......………...…….16 Week 4 Facebook Post…………………………........…….………17

Week 4 Instagram Post………………………….….….……..……18

Text Posts…………………………………………………………….19-20 Holiday Posts………………………………………..……..………21-22


Team Type Z: Summary Report

In our approach targeting millennials, we reframed the discussion about recycled

water so that it would appeal to people of our generation in an engaging, relatable way.

Through our understanding of the Pure Water San Diego program, as well as our

reflection on our personal interactions with water, we drew parallels to water as a

relationship. The relationship we all have with water is integral to our health, and, as

such, we need it to survive. As humans who desire connection with one another, we

similarly need relationships to survive. For millennials, iterations of their daily

interactions with relationships highlight this connection: relationships are the

foundation on which millennials develop their social persona. Personifying water,

especially water from the Pure Water San Diego treatment facility, as the perfect

relationship allowed us to appropriately target millennials.

Through our iPad surveys, we garnered information regarding San Diegans’

perspectives and usage of water. Specifically, the common theme among millennials

was that they had knowledge about the possibility of water treatment facilities and their

function to recycle water, yet they were unsure about the intricacies of the process. For

example, millennials were hesitant to drink the water but not hesitant to use the water

elsewhere for other purposes. To continue, our sample consisted of mostly college-aged

students; these students choose to drink water that is filtered through a pitcher or sink

or fridge because they care about the quality of the water. Additionally, many college


students opt either for water bottles out of convenience or cold water to quench their

thirst. In this way, the Pure Water San Diego program would appeal to these students

who are conscious about their water quality and access, but they would surely

appreciate more information regarding the process and results. Moreover, many

millennials seem to consult Facebook and online news articles to retrieve their

information about their respective San Diego communities; however, these seem to be

related in that Facebook serves as the medium through which millennials access news

articles online. What is telling about this is that Pure Water San Diego can target

millennials via Facebook and/or news website advertising. Additionally, the majority of

our survey participants disclosed that they would be more inclined to drink recycled

water filtered through the extensive Pure Water San Diego program if they had more

information about the process or if they could taste the water; therefore, more

compelling and descriptive information would affect millennials’ perceptions of the Pure

Water San Diego program.

After compiling our survey results, we identified that millennials interact with

social media and online news the most for information. That being said, our campaign

was heavily social media-based; from Instagram to Facebook to Twitter, we utilized each

of these platforms and featured pictures, graphics, videos, and a hashtag that illustrate

our over-arching theme of relationships. Our hashtag, #H2Olove, reflects this

relationship we have with water in a succinct and appealing way to millennials; it is

short and sweet but also pertinent to our campaign concept. We decided to personalize

our campaign to account for this, creating a relationship with water anthropomorphized


as a romantic partner in a relationship. In doing this, we translated our personification

of water as a relationship into similar social and romantic relationships among

millennials, highlighting that the relationships millennials are in with water are

analogous to their relationships with one another in social and romantic situations. We

did this by formatting our video as an eHarmony commercial parody in which actors

discussed their relationship with their significant other, water. In creating our video as a

parody, we wanted to capture millennials’ attention in a humorous way to get them

intrigued to find out more about the Pure Water San Diego program. Similar to our

parody video, we created an infographic that would still capture millennials’ attention

but would also give them more comprehensive information, especially because we

gleaned from our surveys that this would be most helpful in effecting change in water

habits from bottled and filtered tap water to recycled water through the Pure Water San

Diego program.

With respect to the phrasing “toilet to tap,” survey participants were of several

minds: some preferred using this because they found it was partially accurate, others

denounced it as inaccurate, and still others regarded it as irrelevant to their water

situation. For example, one student elaborated that the phrasing is “gross, but I would

still drink it [because] I'm a broke student and need fluids.” Another student said,

“[‘Toilet to tap’] is inaccurate, although the sentiment certainly remains intact. There

are definite and non-arbitrary reasons why one could still prefer bottled water over tap

water, regardless of any information provided in this survey.” Yet another explained,

“This survey did not actually explain the water purification process at all, so I would not


have much to say to support or debunk that statement.” To approach this term

throughout our campaign, we reframed the discourse around “toilet to tap” as recycled

water that goes through an extensive and intensive treatment and filtration program

through Pure Water San Diego. This made it more efficient to elaborate the facts and

demystify any preconceived claims regarding “toilet to tap” enthusiasts. As the Pure

Water San Diego program progresses throughout the next several years, it is imperative

that the program addresses the issues regarding information-collecting techniques, for

example, the survey, and targeting the specific audiences. It was evident in our survey

results that many agreed the survey itself was ill-equipped to inform people about Pure

Water San Diego, the program and the process itself. One student elaborated, “The

survey was well-written in terms of being understandable. [...] However, it didn’t

actually inform me, yet it asked me to do so as if it had.” Moving forward, we

recommend to reframe the “toilet to tap” discussion as something more appealing to

millennials as outlined above.

In conclusion, we argue that approaching our campaign in a way that

personalizes water will appeal to millennials, a generation that both is the future of the

Pure Water San Diego program and has comprehensive experience in social and

romantic relationships, including an important one with water. We hope that, by using

our heavily-based social media approach, reframing the discourse about “toilet to tap,”

and creating an engaging PSA, we might encourage the bright minds of the future to

partake in the discussion and call them into action. We are millennials; we are those

bright minds.


Week 1 Twitter Post


Spread head-to-toe #H2Olove today by learning more about San Diego's Pure Water Project!

Week 1 Facebook Post

Thirsty? Pure Water SD can help with that. We just found your



Week 1 Instagram Post


See what we did there? ;) Show us what you will do for the sake of #H2Olove today! Repost with the hashtag #H2Olove and we might repost your video!

Week 2 Twitter Post


Check out the details of how we fell in #H2Olove, and you can too!

Week 2 Facebook Post


Visit us at and meet your #H2Olove!

Week 2 Instagram Post


Pure Water San Diego wants to use proven water purification technology to produce a clean high-quality water supply for sunny San Diego! #H2Olove

Week 3 Twitter Post


Man that was deep...just like our #H2Olove.

Week 3 Facebook Post


Check out our video of how we fell in #H2Olove, and then share your love story!

Week 3 Instagram Post


Post with the hashtag #H2Olove and tell us how water has made YOUR life better!

Week 4 Twitter Post


Visit us at and let us show you the many ways that Pure Water SD loves you! #H2Olove

Week 4 Facebook Post


We think Leonardo was in #H2Olove too! Visit us today at and find out how to fall in #H2Olove

Week 4 Instagram Post


Go to to find out how you can fall in #H2Olove again.

Text Posts

We want to know: who is YOUR #H2Olove? Repost a video, tag @PureWaterSD, share the hashtag, and show us how you fell in love!

Pure Water San Diego wants to use proven water purification technology to produce a clean high-quality water supply for sunny San Diego! #H2Olove Can YOU guess which one is our #H2Olove?!


4. Spread some #H2Olove and get to know more about Pure Water San Diego!

→ (This is a GIF; the water droplets would be dancing!)

Want to learn more about Pure Water San Diego?! Come visit us for a tour and share your #H2Olove! Safe. Secure. Sustainable. That’s the kind of #H2Olove we love! Come learn more about #PureWaterSD at


Holiday Post


Happy Holidays to you and your family, we hope you are ringing in the holidays with your #H2Olove!

Holiday Post


5...4...3...2...1... Happy New Year to you and YOUR #H2Olove!