STAT 111 Recitation · I Step 4: Prob(X >C 1 jH 0 is...


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STAT 111 Recitation 10

Linjun Zhang

March 31, 2017

Recap of last week

I Regression (Estimation of α, β, σ2, and the confidence interval

of β.)

I Null and alternative hypothesis; type I and type II error; α.


Hypothesis Testing

Basic concepts:

I H0, H1 (simple; composite: one-sided up/down, two-sided)

I Type I and type II error.

Type I error =The probability that we reject the null hypothesis when

the null hypothesis is true

=Prob(reject the null hypothesis | H0 is true)


Hypothesis Testing: Approach 1

Hypothesis testing involves the test of a null hypothesis (which we denote as

H0) against an alternative hypothesis (which we denote as H1).

Step 1. Declare H0 and H1.

Step 2. Pick the size of the Type I error (probability of incorrectly reject H0 when

H0 is true), α. Usually use α = 0.05 or 0.01.

Step 3. Determine the test statistic T .

Step 4. Compute the critical region C , which is the region where we will reject H0

if T = t ∈ C .

Step 5. Compute the observed value of the test statistic T . If T = t ∈ C , we

reject H0 and conclude that we have significant evidence that H1 is true.

If T = t /∈ C , we accept H0 and say that we do not have significant

evidence to conclude that H1 is true.


Hypothesis Testing: Approach 1

More on Step 4:

Type I error =Prob(reject the null hypothesis | H0 is true)

=Prob(T ∈ C | H0 is true)



Practice problem 1

Practice problem 1

Suppose we are interested in testing the (null) hypothesis that a newborn baby

is equally likely to be a boy or a girl. To test this hypothesis, we take a sample

of 10,000 newborn babies and observe 5,114 boys. Use (i) the proportion of

boys and (ii) the number of boys as test statistics and carry out two hypothesis

testings of the (null) hypothesis and the alternative that the probability of a

boy is not equal to the probability of a girl via the cut-off number approach

(α = 0.05).


Solution to practice problem 1


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of getting a boy. H0 : θ = 12


H1 : θ 6= 12.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote P as the proportion of boys out of total. Then

P ∼ N(θ, θ(1−θ)n


I Step 4: Prob(P > C1 or P < C2 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 0.5√


) = 0.025⇒ Prob(Z ≤ C1 − 0.5√0.2510000

) = 0.975.

From the Z -chart, C1−0.50.5100

= 1.96. Hence C1 = 0.5098. According to

symmetry, C2 = 0.5− 0.098 = 0.4902.

I Step 5: p = 0.5114 > C1 reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 1


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of getting a boy. H0 : θ = 12


H1 : θ 6= 12.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote P as the proportion of boys out of total. Then

P ∼ N(θ, θ(1−θ)n


I Step 4: Prob(P > C1 or P < C2 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 0.5√


) = 0.025⇒ Prob(Z ≤ C1 − 0.5√0.2510000

) = 0.975.

From the Z -chart, C1−0.50.5100

= 1.96. Hence C1 = 0.5098. According to

symmetry, C2 = 0.5− 0.098 = 0.4902.

I Step 5: p = 0.5114 > C1 reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 1


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of getting a boy. H0 : θ = 12


H1 : θ 6= 12.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote P as the proportion of boys out of total. Then

P ∼ N(θ, θ(1−θ)n


I Step 4: Prob(P > C1 or P < C2 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 0.5√


) = 0.025⇒ Prob(Z ≤ C1 − 0.5√0.2510000

) = 0.975.

From the Z -chart, C1−0.50.5100

= 1.96. Hence C1 = 0.5098. According to

symmetry, C2 = 0.5− 0.098 = 0.4902.

I Step 5: p = 0.5114 > C1 reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 1


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of getting a boy. H0 : θ = 12


H1 : θ 6= 12.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote P as the proportion of boys out of total. Then

P ∼ N(θ, θ(1−θ)n


I Step 4: Prob(P > C1 or P < C2 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 0.5√


) = 0.025⇒ Prob(Z ≤ C1 − 0.5√0.2510000

) = 0.975.

From the Z -chart, C1−0.50.5100

= 1.96. Hence C1 = 0.5098. According to

symmetry, C2 = 0.5− 0.098 = 0.4902.

I Step 5: p = 0.5114 > C1 reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 1


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of getting a boy. H0 : θ = 12


H1 : θ 6= 12.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote X as the total number of boys. Then

X ∼ N(nθ, nθ(1− θ)).

I Step 4: Prob(X > C1 or X < C2 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.025⇒ Prob(Z ≤ C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.975.

From the Z -chart, C1−500050

= 1.96 Hence C1 = 5098. According to

symmetry, C2 = 5000− 98 = 4902.

I Step 5: x = 5114 > C1 reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 1


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of getting a boy. H0 : θ = 12


H1 : θ 6= 12.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote X as the total number of boys. Then

X ∼ N(nθ, nθ(1− θ)).

I Step 4: Prob(X > C1 or X < C2 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.025⇒ Prob(Z ≤ C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.975.

From the Z -chart, C1−500050

= 1.96 Hence C1 = 5098. According to

symmetry, C2 = 5000− 98 = 4902.

I Step 5: x = 5114 > C1 reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 1


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of getting a boy. H0 : θ = 12


H1 : θ 6= 12.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote X as the total number of boys. Then

X ∼ N(nθ, nθ(1− θ)).

I Step 4: Prob(X > C1 or X < C2 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.025⇒ Prob(Z ≤ C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.975.

From the Z -chart, C1−500050

= 1.96 Hence C1 = 5098. According to

symmetry, C2 = 5000− 98 = 4902.

I Step 5: x = 5114 > C1 reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 1


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of getting a boy. H0 : θ = 12


H1 : θ 6= 12.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote X as the total number of boys. Then

X ∼ N(nθ, nθ(1− θ)).

I Step 4: Prob(X > C1 or X < C2 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.025⇒ Prob(Z ≤ C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.975.

From the Z -chart, C1−500050

= 1.96 Hence C1 = 5098. According to

symmetry, C2 = 5000− 98 = 4902.

I Step 5: x = 5114 > C1 reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 1


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of getting a boy. H0 : θ = 12


H1 : θ 6= 12.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote X as the total number of boys. Then

X ∼ N(nθ, nθ(1− θ)).

I Step 4: Prob(X > C1 or X < C2 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.025⇒ Prob(Z ≤ C1 − 5000√

2500) = 0.975.

From the Z -chart, C1−500050

= 1.96 Hence C1 = 5098. According to

symmetry, C2 = 5000− 98 = 4902.

I Step 5: x = 5114 > C1 reject the null hypothesis.


Practice Problem 2

Practice Problem 2

You have decided to become a professional gambler specializing in roulette. If

the roulette wheel is fair, each number has an equal chance (1/38) of coming

up and the bets are structured so that you will lose in the long run. Your

strategy is to find roulette wheels that are not properly balanced and produce

some numbers more frequently than 1 out of 38 times. You believe that you

have found just such a wheel and that it produces the number 29 more

frequently than expected. You observe the wheel for 420 spins and note that

the number 29 came up 14 times. Carry out a hypothesis testing of your belief

(aka, the null) using the critical value approach with α = 0.05. Use (i) the

number of 29 coming up and (ii) the proportion of 29 coming up as test



Solution to practice problem 2


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of number 29 coming up in the

roulette. H0 : θ = 138

and H1 : θ > 138.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote P as the proportion of number 29 coming up. Then

P ∼ N(θ, θ(1−θ)n


I Step 4: Prob(X > C1 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 1

38√138× 37


) = 0.05⇒ Prob(Z ≤C1 − 1

38√138× 37


) = 0.95.

From the Z -chart,C1− 1


× 3738


= 1.645. Hence C1 = 0.03916.

I Step 5: p = 14420

= 0.03333 < C1 don’t reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 2


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of number 29 coming up in the

roulette. H0 : θ = 138

and H1 : θ > 138.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote P as the proportion of number 29 coming up. Then

P ∼ N(θ, θ(1−θ)n


I Step 4: Prob(X > C1 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 1

38√138× 37


) = 0.05⇒ Prob(Z ≤C1 − 1

38√138× 37


) = 0.95.

From the Z -chart,C1− 1


× 3738


= 1.645. Hence C1 = 0.03916.

I Step 5: p = 14420

= 0.03333 < C1 don’t reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 2


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of number 29 coming up in the

roulette. H0 : θ = 138

and H1 : θ > 138.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote P as the proportion of number 29 coming up. Then

P ∼ N(θ, θ(1−θ)n


I Step 4: Prob(X > C1 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 1

38√138× 37


) = 0.05⇒ Prob(Z ≤C1 − 1

38√138× 37


) = 0.95.

From the Z -chart,C1− 1


× 3738


= 1.645. Hence C1 = 0.03916.

I Step 5: p = 14420

= 0.03333 < C1 don’t reject the null hypothesis.


Solution to practice problem 2


I Step 1: Denote θ as the probability of number 29 coming up in the

roulette. H0 : θ = 138

and H1 : θ > 138.

I Step 2: α = 0.05.

I Step 3: Denote P as the proportion of number 29 coming up. Then

P ∼ N(θ, θ(1−θ)n


I Step 4: Prob(X > C1 | H0 is true) = 0.05.

Prob(Z >C1 − 1

38√138× 37


) = 0.05⇒ Prob(Z ≤C1 − 1

38√138× 37


) = 0.95.

From the Z -chart,C1− 1


× 3738


= 1.645. Hence C1 = 0.03916.

I Step 5: p = 14420

= 0.03333 < C1 don’t reject the null hypothesis.


Hypothesis testing: approach 2 (calculating P-values)

Hypothesis testing involves the test of a null hypothesis (which we denote as

H0) against an alternative hypothesis (which we denote as H1).

Step 1. Declare H0 and H1.

Step 2. Pick the size of the Type I error (probability of incorrectly reject H0 when

H0 is true), α. Usually use α = 0.05 or 0.01.

Step 3. Determine the test statistic T .

Step 4. Conduct experiment and observe the value of the test statistic.

Step 5. Calculate a P-value (the probability of obtaining the observed value of

the test statistic, or one more extreme in the direction indicated by the

alternative hypothesis, assuming that the null hypothesis is true). If the

P-value is less than or equal to the chosen Type I error, the null

hypothesis is rejected.


P-valueP-value: the probability of obtaining the observed value of the test statistic, or

one more extreme in the direction indicated by the alternative hypothesis,

assuming that H0 is true.

For simplicity, suppose the hypothesis is related to θ. Additionally, we assume

the test statistics is T = θ̂ is an unbiased estimate of θ, and its observed value

is t.

I H1 : θ > a: P-value=Prob(T > t | H0 is true)

I H1 : θ < a: P-value=Prob(T < t | H0 is true)

I H1 : θ 6= a:

P-value = Prob(|T − a| > |t − a| | H0 is true)

=Prob(T > a + |t − a| | H0 is true) + Prob(T < a− |t − a| | H0 is true)

=2 · Prob(T > a + |t − a| | H0 is true)


2 · Prob(T > t | H0 is true), t > a (upward)

2 · Prob(T < t | H0 is true), t < a (downward)

(If T = θ̂ is symmetric around θ, and usually it is. )


P-valueP-value: the probability of obtaining the observed value of the test statistic, or

one more extreme in the direction indicated by the alternative hypothesis,

assuming that H0 is true.

For simplicity, suppose the hypothesis is related to θ. Additionally, we assume

the test statistics is T = θ̂ is an unbiased estimate of θ, and its observed value

is t.

I H1 : θ > a: P-value=Prob(T > t | H0 is true)

I H1 : θ < a: P-value=Prob(T < t | H0 is true)

I H1 : θ 6= a:

P-value = Prob(|T − a| > |t − a| | H0 is true)

=Prob(T > a + |t − a| | H0 is true) + Prob(T < a− |t − a| | H0 is true)

=2 · Prob(T > a + |t − a| | H0 is true)


2 · Prob(T > t | H0 is true), t > a (upward)

2 · Prob(T < t | H0 is true), t < a (downward)

(If T = θ̂ is symmetric around θ, and usually it is. )


P-valueP-value: the probability of obtaining the observed value of the test statistic, or

one more extreme in the direction indicated by the alternative hypothesis,

assuming that H0 is true.

For simplicity, suppose the hypothesis is related to θ. Additionally, we assume

the test statistics is T = θ̂ is an unbiased estimate of θ, and its observed value

is t.

I H1 : θ > a: P-value=Prob(T > t | H0 is true)

I H1 : θ < a: P-value=Prob(T < t | H0 is true)

I H1 : θ 6= a:

P-value = Prob(|T − a| > |t − a| | H0 is true)

=Prob(T > a + |t − a| | H0 is true) + Prob(T < a− |t − a| | H0 is true)

=2 · Prob(T > a + |t − a| | H0 is true)


2 · Prob(T > t | H0 is true), t > a (upward)

2 · Prob(T < t | H0 is true), t < a (downward)

(If T = θ̂ is symmetric around θ, and usually it is. )


P-valueP-value: the probability of obtaining the observed value of the test statistic, or

one more extreme in the direction indicated by the alternative hypothesis,

assuming that H0 is true.

For simplicity, suppose the hypothesis is related to θ. Additionally, we assume

the test statistics is T = θ̂ is an unbiased estimate of θ, and its observed value

is t.

I H1 : θ > a: P-value=Prob(T > t | H0 is true)

I H1 : θ < a: P-value=Prob(T < t | H0 is true)

I H1 : θ 6= a:

P-value = Prob(|T − a| > |t − a| | H0 is true)

=Prob(T > a + |t − a| | H0 is true) + Prob(T < a− |t − a| | H0 is true)

=2 · Prob(T > a + |t − a| | H0 is true)


2 · Prob(T > t | H0 is true), t > a (upward)

2 · Prob(T < t | H0 is true), t < a (downward)

(If T = θ̂ is symmetric around θ, and usually it is. ) 11

Practice Problem 3

Practice Problem 3

Suppose we are interested in testing the (null) hypothesis that a newborn baby

is equally likely to be a boy or a girl. To test this hypothesis, we take a sample

of 10,000 newborn babies and observe 5,114 boys. Use (i) the number of boys

and (ii) the proportion of boys as test statistics and carry out two hypothesis

testings of the (null) hypothesis and the alternative that the probability of a boy

is not equal to the probability of a girl via the P-value approach (α = 0.05).


P-value = 2× Prob(X ≥ 5114 | H0 is true)=2× Prob(Z ≥ 5114−5000√2500

) =

2× Prob(Z ≥ 2.28) = 0.0226

P-value = 2× Prob(X ≥ 0.5114 | H0 is true)=2× Prob(Z ≥ 0.5114−0.5√0.25/10000

) =

2× Prob(Z ≥ 2.28) = 0.0226

We reject H0.


Practice Problem 3

Practice Problem 3

Suppose we are interested in testing the (null) hypothesis that a newborn baby

is equally likely to be a boy or a girl. To test this hypothesis, we take a sample

of 10,000 newborn babies and observe 5,114 boys. Use (i) the number of boys

and (ii) the proportion of boys as test statistics and carry out two hypothesis

testings of the (null) hypothesis and the alternative that the probability of a boy

is not equal to the probability of a girl via the P-value approach (α = 0.05).


P-value = 2× Prob(X ≥ 5114 | H0 is true)=2× Prob(Z ≥ 5114−5000√2500

) =

2× Prob(Z ≥ 2.28) = 0.0226

P-value = 2× Prob(X ≥ 0.5114 | H0 is true)=2× Prob(Z ≥ 0.5114−0.5√0.25/10000

) =

2× Prob(Z ≥ 2.28) = 0.0226

We reject H0.


Practice Problem 4

Practice Problem 4

Suppose we are interested in testing the (null) hypothesis that a newborn baby

is equally likely to be a boy or a girl. To test this hypothesis, we take a sample

of 10,000 newborn babies and observe 4,950 boys. Use (i) the number of boys

as test statistics and carry out two hypothesis testings of the (null) hypothesis

and the alternative that the probability of a boy is not equal to the probability

of a girl via the P-value approach (α = 0.05).


P-value = 2× Prob(X < 4950 | H0 is true)=2× Prob(Z ≤ 4950−5000√2500

) =

2× Prob(Z < −1) = 0.3174.

We don’t reject H0.


Deduction and Induction

Critical region:

I “If the null hypothesis (that the proposed new medicine has the same

cure probability, 0.84, as the current medicine) is true”, then the

probability that the new medicine will cure 4,261 or more people out of

5,000 is 0.01. This is a deduction, or a probability theory “zig”.

I Suppose we chose a Type I error of 0.01 and that, when the experiment

had been conducted, we found that the new medicine cured 4,272 people.

The corresponding statistical induction is that we would reject the null

hypothesis, since the observed number cured (4,272) is in the critical

region. That is, it is greater than the value 4,261 calculated by the

probability theory “zig”. This is the corresponding induction, or statistical

“zag”. It cannot be made without the probability theory “zig”.


Deduction and Induction


I The statement “If the null hypothesis (that the proposed new medicine

has the same cure probability, 0.84, as the current medicine) is true”,

then the probability that the new medicine will cure 4,272 or more people

out of 5,000 is 0.0027 is a deduction, or a probability theory “zig”.

I When the experiment had been conducted, we found that the new

medicine cured 4,272 people. From the probability theory result just

calculated, the P-value is 0.0027. This is less than our chosen Type I

error of 0.01, so we reject the null hypothesis. This is the corresponding

induction, or statistical “zag”. It cannot be made without the probability

theory “zig” (which led to the P-value calculation of 0.0027).



I We will learn Section 10 “ Tests on means” next week.

I Professor Ewens will take the recitation class next Friday.