tekuk kolom - puput


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Di kerjakan oleh

Wanda Nugraha I0109104

Alfi Noor Rokhman I0110012

Hanif Yuniarta I0110051

Nadiya Ramadhani Putri I0110082






1. Algoritma Program Tekuk Kolom

a. Algoritma cara hitung langsung

1. Memulai

Menjalankan program

2. Memilih perletakan

Membaca data pilihan yang telah dimasukkan:

2.1 sendi - sendi

2.2 sendi – jepit

2.3 jepit – jepit

2.4 jepit - bebas

3. Memilih penampang

3.1 penampang T

3.2 penampang L

4. Memilih jenis bahan penampang

4.1 bahan baja = 120000 mpa

4.2 bahan alumunium = 200000 mpa

4.3 bahan beton = 20000 mpa

4.4 bahan lainnya (memasukan data sendiri)

5. Memilih panjang batang


6. Memasukan nilai dimensi a,b,c,d (milimeter)

a b

c a


d c d

7. Tampilkan hasil perhitungan

7.1 Ix kanan-kiri

7.2 Iy atas – bawah

7.3 Pmax

7.4 P diperbolehkan

8. Selesai


p p p p

Pkritis= π2. E . IL2 Pkritis= π2. E . I

0,5 L2 Pkritis= π2. E . I0.699 L2 Pkritis

π2 . E . I2 L2

Sendi-Sendi Jepit-Jepit Jepit-Sendi Jepit-Bebas



Input : Memilih perltakan ; bentuk penampang ( L , T ) ; jenis penampang (baja,alumunium,beton,dll) ; panjang bentang batang ; dan memasukan nilai

Pilih 1 perletakan dari 4 perletakan

Sendi-sendi jepit-jepit Sendi-jepit jepit-bebas

Tampilkan hasil Perhitungan

Pilih bentuk penampang

Pilih Jenis penampang (alumunium,baja,beton,dll

Masukan panjang bentang

Masukan Nilai dimensi (a,b,c)



Program Selamat datang :


Perletakan sendi - sendi

Perletakan jepit-jepit

Perletakan sendi - jepit

Perletakan Jepit - bebas

Materi Program tekuk kolom


Form selamat datang

Private Sub Command1_Click() Form1.Show frmSelamatDatang.HideEnd Sub

Form materi

Private Sub Command1_Click() Unload Me Form1.ShowEnd Sub

Form pemilihan

Private Sub cmnJepit2_Click() frmJepit2.Show

End Sub

Private Sub cmnJepitBebas_Click()frmJepitBebas.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnSendi2_Click() frmSendi2.Show End Sub

Private Sub cmnSendiJepit_Click() frmSendiJepit.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click() frmHasil.Show End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditFont_Click() With dlgCommon.Flags = cdlCFScreenFonts.ShowFontcmnSendi2.Font.Name = .FontNamecmnSendi2.Font.Bold = .FontBoldcmnSendi2.Font.Italic = .FontItaliccmnSendi2.Font.Size = .FontSizecmnJepit2.Font.Name = .FontNamecmnJepit2.Font.Bold = .FontBoldcmnJepit2.Font.Italic = .FontItaliccmnJepit2.Font.Size = .FontSizecmnSendiJepit.Font.Name = .FontNamecmnSendiJepit.Font.Bold = .FontBoldcmnSendiJepit.Font.Italic = .FontItaliccmnSendiJepit.Font.Size = .FontSizecmnJepitBebas.Font.Name = .FontNamecmnJepitBebas.Font.Bold = .FontBoldcmnJepitBebas.Font.Italic = .FontItaliccmnJepitBebas.Font.Size = .FontSizeCommand1.Font.Name = .FontNameCommand1.Font.Bold = .FontBoldCommand1.Font.Italic = .FontItalicCommand1.Font.Size = .FontSizelblJudul.Font.Name = .FontNamelblJudul.Font.Bold = .FontBoldlblJudul.Font.Italic = .FontItalicEnd WithEnd SubPrivate Sub mnuEdtWarnaFrame_Click() With dlgCommon .ShowColor Frame1.BackColor = .Color End WithEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuEdtWarnaFont_Click() With dlgCommon.ShowColorcmnSendi2.BackColor = .ColorcmnJepit2.BackColor = .ColorcmnSendiJepit.BackColor = .ColorcmnJepitBebas.BackColor = .ColorCommand1.BackColor = .ColorlblJudul.ForeColor = .Color

End WithEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuEdtWarnaImage_Click() With dlgCommon .ShowColor Picture1.BackColor = .Color Shape2.FillColor = .Color End WithEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuFileExit_Click() keluar = MsgBox("Are y0u Sure to eXit fr0m thiS pR0graM?", vbYesNo, "Exit") If keluar = vbYes Then frmSelamatDatang.Hide Form1.Hide Unload Me Else Form1.Show End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuFileSave_Click() With dlgCommon .ShowSave End WithEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuHelpAbout_Click() frmAbout.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuHelpLisensi_Click() Form2.Show End Sub

Private Sub mnuHelpMateri_Click() Materi.Show End Sub

Private Sub mnuPilPerletaknJepit2_Click() frmJepit2.Show

Form1.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub mnuPilPerletaknJepitB_Click() frmJepitBebas.Show Form1.Hide frmJepit2.Hide frmSendi2.Hide End Sub

Private Sub mnuPilPerletaknSendi2_Click() frmSendi2.Show Form1.Hide frmJepit2.Hide frmSelamatDatang.Hide End Sub

Private Sub mnuPilPerletaknSendiJepit_Click() frmSendiJepit.Show Form1.Hide frmJepit2.Hide frmSendi2.HideEnd Sub

Form lisensi

Private Sub Command1_Click() Unload Me Form1.ShowEnd Sub

Form about

Private Sub Command1_Click() frmAbout.HideEnd Sub

Form jepit – jepit

Dim pilihan, titik, iPrivate Sub Form_Load() cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang T") cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang L")

End Sub

Private Sub cmbPenampang1_Click() If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then picT.Visible = True picL.Visible = False txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" End If End SubPrivate Sub optAl1_Click() If optAl1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "200000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBaja1_Click() If optBaja1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "120000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBeton1_Click() If optBeton1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "20000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optLain_Click() If optLain.Value = True Then Label13.Visible = True Label14.Visible = True txtE.Visible = True End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnHitung_Click() Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11 As Single L = Val(txtPanjangBatang.Text) a = Val(txtA.Text)

b = Val(txtB.Text) c = Val(txtC.Text) d = Val(txtD.Text) E = Val(txtE.Text) If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "0" Or txtA.Text = "0" Or txtB.Text = "0" Or txtC.Text = "0" Or txtD.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "Data tidak valid, mhon ulangi input data", vbOKOnly, "Tidak Valid" txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtDiameter.Text = "" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * c 'luas bidang 1 i2 = b * (c + d) 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * a) + (i2 * (a + 0.5 * b))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * c * a ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * a) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * (c + d) * (b ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) i7 = ((i1 * 0.5 * c) + (i2 * 0.5 * (c + d))) / i3 'titik berat dr kiri i8 = (c + d) - i7 'titik berat dr kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * a * c ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i7 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * b * ((c + d) ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i8 - 0.5 * (c + d)) ^ 2))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((0.5 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * b 'luas bidang 1 i2 = c * d 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * b) + (i2 * (b + 0.5 * c))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas

i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * a * b ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * d * (c ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * i7 = a / 2 'titik berat dr kiri-kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * b * a ^ 3) + ((1 / 12) * c * (d ^ 3))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((0.5 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If End Sub

Private Sub cmnReset_Click() frmData.Visible = False txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnSave_Click()

Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data1.Recordset.Fields("Panjang Batang") = txtPanjangBatang.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Perletakan") = txtJepit2.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Bentuk Penampang") = txtPenampang1.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai a") = txtA.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai b") = txtB.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai c") = txtC.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai d") = txtD.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("E") = txtE.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Ix") = txtIx.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Iy") = txtIy.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pmax") = txtPmax.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pijin") = txtPijin.Text Data1.Recordset.Update


txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.Hide frmHasil1.Visible = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = False Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnBack_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub txtIx_Change() txtIx.Text = Round(txtIx.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtIy_Change() txtIy.Text = Round(txtIy.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPijin_Change() txtPijin.Text = Round(txtPijin.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPmax_Change()

txtPmax.Text = Round(txtPmax.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPanjangBatang_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtPanjangBatang.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtPanjangBatang.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtLebar_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtLebar.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtLebar.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtDiameter_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtDiameter.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtDiameter.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtE_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtE.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True

If Mid(txtE.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Form jepit – bebas

Dim pilihan, titik, iPrivate Sub Form_Load() cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang T") cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang L") End Sub

Private Sub cmbPenampang1_Click() If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then picT.Visible = True picL.Visible = False txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" End If End SubPrivate Sub optAl1_Click() If optAl1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "200000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBaja1_Click() If optBaja1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "120000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False

txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBeton1_Click() If optBeton1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "20000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optLain_Click() If optLain.Value = True Then Label13.Visible = True Label14.Visible = True txtE.Visible = True End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnHitung_Click() Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11 As Single L = Val(txtPanjangBatang.Text) a = Val(txtA.Text) b = Val(txtB.Text) c = Val(txtC.Text) d = Val(txtD.Text) E = Val(txtE.Text) If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "0" Or txtA.Text = "0" Or txtB.Text = "0" Or txtC.Text = "0" Or txtD.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "Data tidak valid, mhon ulangi input data", vbOKOnly, "Tidak Valid" txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtDiameter.Text = "" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * c 'luas bidang 1 i2 = b * (c + d) 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * a) + (i2 * (a + 0.5 * b))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * c * a ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * a) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * (c + d) * (b ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) i7 = ((i1 * 0.5 * c) + (i2 * 0.5 * (c + d))) / i3 'titik berat dr kiri i8 = (c + d) - i7 'titik berat dr kanan

i9 = ((1 / 12) * a * c ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i7 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * b * ((c + d) ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i8 - 0.5 * (c + d)) ^ 2))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((2 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * b 'luas bidang 1 i2 = c * d 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * b) + (i2 * (b + 0.5 * c))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * a * b ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * d * (c ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) i7 = a / 2 'titik berat dr kiri-kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * b * a ^ 3) + ((1 / 12) * c * (d ^ 3))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((2 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If End Sub

Private Sub cmnReset_Click() frmData.Visible = False txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = ""

txtD.Text = "" picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnSave_Click()

Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data1.Recordset.Fields("Panjang Batang") = txtPanjangBatang.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Perletakan") = txtJepit2.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Bentuk Penampang") = txtPenampang1.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai a") = txtA.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai b") = txtB.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai c") = txtC.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai d") = txtD.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("E") = txtE.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Ix") = txtIx.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Iy") = txtIy.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pmax") = txtPmax.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pijin") = txtPijin.Text Data1.Recordset.Update Data1.Refresh

txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Form1.Show frmJepitBebas.Hide frmHasil1.Visible = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = False Label13.Visible = False

Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnBack_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub txtIx_Change() txtIx.Text = Round(txtIx.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtIy_Change() txtIy.Text = Round(txtIy.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPijin_Change() txtPijin.Text = Round(txtPijin.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPmax_Change() txtPmax.Text = Round(txtPmax.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPanjangBatang_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtPanjangBatang.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtPanjangBatang.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtLebar_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtLebar.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtLebar.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next

If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtDiameter_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtDiameter.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtDiameter.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtE_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtE.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtE.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Form sendi – sendi

Dim pilihan, titik, iPrivate Sub Form_Load() cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang T") cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang L")

End Sub

Private Sub cmbPenampang1_Click() If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then picT.Visible = True picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = True frmData.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" End If End SubPrivate Sub optAl1_Click() If optAl1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "200000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBaja1_Click() If optBaja1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "120000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBeton1_Click() If optBeton1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "20000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optLain_Click() If optLain.Value = True Then Label13.Visible = True Label14.Visible = True txtE.Visible = True End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnHitung_Click() Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11 As Single

L = Val(txtPanjangBatang.Text) a = Val(txtA.Text) b = Val(txtB.Text) c = Val(txtC.Text) d = Val(txtD.Text) E = Val(txtE.Text) If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "0" Or txtA.Text = "0" Or txtB.Text = "0" Or txtC.Text = "0" Or txtD.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "Data tidak valid, mhon ulangi input data", vbOKOnly, "Tidak Valid" txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtDiameter.Text = "" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * c 'luas bidang 1 i2 = b * (c + d) 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * a) + (i2 * (a + 0.5 * b))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * c * a ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * a) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * (c + d) * (b ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) i7 = ((i1 * 0.5 * c) + (i2 * 0.5 * (c + d))) / i3 'titik berat dr kiri i8 = (c + d) - i7 'titik berat dr kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * a * c ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i7 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * b * ((c + d) ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i8 - 0.5 * (c + d)) ^ 2))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((1 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * b 'luas bidang 1 i2 = c * d 'luas bidang 2

i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * b) + (i2 * (b + 0.5 * c))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * a * b ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * d * (c ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) i7 = a / 2 'titik berat dr kiri-kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * b * a ^ 3) + ((1 / 12) * c * (d ^ 3))

i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i2) / (((1 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If End Sub

Private Sub cmnReset_Click() frmData.Visible = False txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub cmnSave_Click()

Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data1.Recordset.Fields("Panjang Batang") = txtPanjangBatang.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Perletakan") = txtJepit2.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Bentuk Penampang") = txtPenampang1.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai a") = txtA.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai b") = txtB.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai c") = txtC.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai d") = txtD.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("E") = txtE.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Ix") = txtIx.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Iy") = txtIy.Text

Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pmax") = txtPmax.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pijin") = txtPijin.Text Data1.Recordset.Update Data1.Refresh

txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Form1.Show frmSendi2.Hide frmHasil1.Visible = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = False Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnBack_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub txtIx_Change() txtIx.Text = Round(txtIx.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtIy_Change() txtIy.Text = Round(txtIy.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPijin_Change()

txtPijin.Text = Round(txtPijin.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPmax_Change() txtPmax.Text = Round(txtPmax.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPanjangBatang_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtPanjangBatang.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtPanjangBatang.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtLebar_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtLebar.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtLebar.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtDiameter_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtDiameter.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtDiameter.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtE_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtE.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtE.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Form sendi – jepit

Dim pilihan, titik, iPrivate Sub Form_Load() cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang T") cmbPenampang1.AddItem ("Penampang L") End Sub

Private Sub cmbPenampang1_Click() If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then picT.Visible = True picL.Visible = False txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = True txtPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" End If End Sub

Private Sub Image1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub optAl1_Click() If optAl1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "200000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False

txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBaja1_Click() If optBaja1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "120000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optBeton1_Click() If optBeton1.Value = True Then txtE.Text = "20000" Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub optLain_Click() If optLain.Value = True Then Label13.Visible = True Label14.Visible = True txtE.Visible = True End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub cmnHitung_Click() Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11 As Single L = Val(txtPanjangBatang.Text) a = Val(txtA.Text) b = Val(txtB.Text) c = Val(txtC.Text) d = Val(txtD.Text) E = Val(txtE.Text) If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "0" Or txtA.Text = "0" Or txtB.Text = "0" Or txtC.Text = "0" Or txtD.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "Data tidak valid, mhon ulangi input data", vbOKOnly, "Tidak Valid" txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtDiameter.Text = "" End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang L" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * c 'luas bidang 1 i2 = b * (c + d) 'luas bidang 2

i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * a) + (i2 * (a + 0.5 * b))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * c * a ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * a) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * (c + d) * (b ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) i7 = ((i1 * 0.5 * c) + (i2 * 0.5 * (c + d))) / i3 'titik berat dr kiri i8 = (c + d) - i7 'titik berat dr kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * a * c ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i7 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * b * ((c + d) ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i8 - 0.5 * (c + d)) ^ 2)) If i6 > i9 Then i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i9) / (((0.699 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax Else i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i6) / (((0.699 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) End If i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6) txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If If cmbPenampang1.Text = "Penampang T" Then If txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" Or txtA.Text = "" Or txtB.Text = "" Or txtC.Text = "" Or txtD.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Input data Anda terlebih dahulu", vbOKOnly, "Isi Input" Else i1 = a * b 'luas bidang 1 i2 = c * d 'luas bidang 2 i3 = i1 + i2 'LUAS TOTAL i4 = ((i1 * 0.5 * b) + (i2 * (b + 0.5 * c))) / i3 'titik berat dr atas i5 = (a + b) - i4 'titik berat dr bawah i6 = ((1 / 12) * a * b ^ 3) + (i1 * ((i4 - 0.5 * b) ^ 2)) + ((1 / 12) * d * (c ^ 3)) + (i2 * ((i5 - 0.5 * c) ^ 2)) i7 = a / 2 'titik berat dr kiri-kanan i9 = ((1 / 12) * b * a ^ 3) + ((1 / 12) * c * (d ^ 3)) If i6 > i9 Then i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i9) / (((0.699 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) 'nilai Pmax Else i10 = (3.14 ^ 2 * E * i6) / (((0.699 * L) ^ 2) * 10 ^ 6) End If i11 = i10 / 2.3 ' nilai P ijin txtIx.Text = CStr(i6)

txtIy.Text = CStr(i9) txtPmax.Text = CStr(i10) txtPijin.Text = CStr(i11) frmHasil1.Visible = True End If End If End Sub

Private Sub cmnReset_Click() frmData.Visible = False txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmHasil1.Visible = False optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub cmnSave_Click()

Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data1.Recordset.Fields("Panjang Batang") = txtPanjangBatang.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Perletakan") = txtJepit2.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Bentuk Penampang") = txtPenampang1.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai a") = txtA.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai b") = txtB.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai c") = txtC.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Nilai d") = txtD.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("E") = txtE.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Ix") = txtIx.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Iy") = txtIy.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pmax") = txtPmax.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields("Pijin") = txtPijin.Text Data1.Recordset.Update Data1.Refresh

txtPanjangBatang.Text = "" txtA.Text = "" txtB.Text = "" txtC.Text = "" txtD.Text = "" frmHasil1.Visible = False

optBaja1.Value = False optAl1.Value = False optBeton1.Value = False optLain.Value = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Form1.Show frmSendiJepit.Hide frmHasil1.Visible = False picT.Visible = False picL.Visible = False frmData.Visible = False Label13.Visible = False Label14.Visible = False txtE.Visible = False cmbPenampang1.Text = "Pilih Bentuk Penampang" End Sub

Private Sub cmnBack_Click() Form1.Show frmJepit2.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub txtIx_Change() txtIx.Text = Round(txtIx.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtIy_Change() txtIy.Text = Round(txtIy.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPijin_Change() txtPijin.Text = Round(txtPijin.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPmax_Change() txtPmax.Text = Round(txtPmax.Text, 4)End Sub

Private Sub txtPanjangBatang_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtPanjangBatang.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtPanjangBatang.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If

Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtLebar_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtLebar.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtLebar.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub txtDiameter_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtDiameter.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtDiameter.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub txtE_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) titik = False ' Nilai awal titik adalah false For i = 1 To Len(txtE.Text) ' Mengaktifkan titik menjadi True If Mid(txtE.Text, i, 1) = "." Then titik = True End If Next If KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9 Or _ KeyAscii = 46 And titik = False Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then Exit Sub Else

MsgBox "Karakter tidak diperbolehkan", vbInformation, "ERROR" KeyAscii = 0 End IfEnd Sub