TeleDent CDA 2016 Reel


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The Teledentistry Opportunity

30% of Americans Need Better Access to Dental Care

That’s over 100 Million people.

Nearly 1/3 of adults have untreated tooth decay

13 million Californians have Denti-Cal coverage

But there are 20 counties where there is 1 Denti-Cal practice for

every 100,000 people.

What if your practice or public health initiative could be part of a change?

It would be difficult to bring these patients to your office.

And if you did…you might need to build new operatories

and hire more staff.

What if you could reach new, insured patients, effectively?

That’s the promise of teledentistry. Using technology to remotely screen, record,

triage, and diagnose dental cases.

And teledentistry is reimbursable in California.

And many other states are making that possible too.

Teledentistry was out of reach for most practices:

complex, insecure, costly.

Not any longer.


The easiest, most cost-effective way to make

teledentistry work.

What does that mean?

Let’s walk through an example.

A hygienist from your office schedules a senior home visit…

Your office is using TELEDENT…

with the TELEDENT tablet and intraoral camera.…

…connected to the HIPAA-compliant cloud-based TELEDENT system.

At the senior home, your hygienist efficiently conducts 50 reimbursable

screenings and other services…

…recording exam details, patient information, and high-quality intraoral images on the

TELEDENT powered tablet.

Those records can be remotely reviewed by the dentist or specialist through the

TELEDENT cloud software…

…or during a real-time TELEDENT video consultation.

5–10 of those patients then schedule restorative treatment with you.

This is just one example of how practices increase revenue

with teledentistry.

With TELEDENT, your practice is no longer limited by the number

of chairs in your office.

• Reach previously difficult to examine patients

• Make more productive use of hygienist time

• Review and triage cases from anywhere

• Manage patients and staff with just a web browser


Provide reimbursable services to new and existing patients.


Conduct store and forward teledentistry.


Offer live video consultations to patients, regardless of location.


Easily comply with complex HIPAA regulations.


Boost revenue from every dental professional in your office.


Manage entire practices and teams for community outreach and

charitable programs


Record patient forms, consent, histories and demographics from anywhere.


Easily import x-rays and other clinical imaging to teledentistry exams.


Easily export images, notes and billing details to your practice management software.


Track billing codes for easier claim submissions.

So, will your practice benefit from TELEDENT?

Let’s see…

Do you need to make your hygiene and screening

programs more profitable?

Would you like to add new patients?

Would you like to convert teledentistry services into treatments?

Do you need or want to get more engaged with community outreach?

What if your hygienist could see many new patients

without taking up chair time?

Do you need to grow revenue without building more operatories?

Do you need to grow revenue without working longer hours?

Do you need to grow revenue without hiring more staff?

Here’s an example of how you’ll use TELEDENT

Hygienist captures images remotely

Notes, services and patient information captured

Dentists can review exams from a browser, anywhere

Estimate time required for in-office visits

Like to learn more? Schedule a free consultation:

Who is MouthWatch?

A leading intraoral camera and software company, with over 10,000

dental professional users.

Leading the field of teledentistry.