temario inglés


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    La Ley Orgnica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo de Educacin regula el ordenamiento de las enseanzas de idiomas de rgimen especial. La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Santa Cruz de Tenerife ha implantado el Plan Nuevo de estudios. El artculo 59.1 de la Ley organiza estas enseanzas en tres niveles: bsico, intermedio y avanzado, que se adecuan a los establecidos por el Consejo de Europa en el documento Marco Comn de Referencia para las Lenguas: aprendizaje, enseanza, evaluacin. El Real Decreto 1629/2006, de 29 de diciembre, fija los aspectos bsicos del currculo de las enseanzas de idiomas de rgimen especial de los idiomas ingls, alemn, francs, italiano, espaol como lengua extranjera, chino, japons, ruso y rabe en la Comunidad Autnoma de Canarias; y el Real Decreto 362/2007, de 2 de octubre, establece la ordenacin de las enseanzas de idiomas de rgimen especial en la Comunidad Autnoma de Canarias. Los cursos que se impartirn durante este curso escolar 2013-2014 en el idioma ingls sern:

    Nivel Bsico: Curso 1 y Curso 2.

    Nivel Intermedio: Curso 1 y Curso 2.

    Nivel Avanzado: Curso 1 y curso 2.

    Nivel C 1: Curso 1 y 2. Principios generales: Las enseanzas de idiomas de rgimen especial tienen por objeto capacitar al alumnado para el uso adecuado de los diferentes idiomas, fuera de las etapas ordinarias del sistema educativo, atendiendo a su necesidad, ya sea con fines generales o especficos, y obtener el correspondiente certificado de su nivel de competencia en el uso de la lengua. De acuerdo con lo establecido en la Disposicin Adicional Segunda del Real Decreto 1629/2006, de 29 de diciembre, la Consejera competente en materia de educacin regular los trminos en que la Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas podrn organizar e impartir cursos especializados para el perfeccionamiento de competencias en idiomas. Estos cursos estarn dirigidos a desarrollar una o varias destrezas o bien a adquirir el lenguaje especfico y las necesidades comunicativas de un perfil profesional determinado. Asimismo se podrn organizar cursos de actualizacin de competencias en el uso de la lengua como parte de la formacin continua del profesorado. Sin embargo, en este curso escolar no se impartir ningn curso de esta modalidad.


    El objeto prioritario de la enseanza de lenguas es desarrollar la competencia comunicativa, es

    decir, la capacidad de reconocer y producir lenguaje que no slo sea correcta, sino tambin apropiada a la situacin en que se usa.

    Deben ser las necesidades del alumno, en cada momento, y las condiciones en cada momento tambin, las que aconsejen la utilizacin de diferentes recursos, diferentes estrategias, aunque ello suponga conjuncin de diversos enfoques metodolgicos.

    Segn esta orientacin, los alumnos deben ser los protagonistas de su aprendizaje. Se tender a organizar las clases de forma que se facilite la sociabilidad, la interaccin entre los alumnos, la motivacin hacia el aprendizaje y la intervencin del alumno y de comunicacin real. Se fomentar el trabajo en grupo o cooperativo, ya que desarrolla la autonoma del alumno, mejora su autoestima, y supone la aceptacin de diferentes ritmos y estilos de aprendizaje, as como la valoracin de las aportaciones individuales.

    Dentro de las competencias comunicativas se desarrollarn la competencia lingstica, la competencia pragmtica, la competencia sociolingstica y la competencia sociocultural e intercultural.

    El establecimiento de estrategias de aprendizaje est orientado hacia el desarrollo de habilidades y actitudes que permitan optimizar los conocimientos de la lengua de estudio ante las limitaciones y



    obstculos que surgen en el proceso de comunicacin. Los alumnos debern ser entrenados en estrategias para cada una de las destrezas, tanto receptivas como productivas, lo que les permitir comunicarse de forma ms eficaz.

    Teniendo en cuenta la dimensin de la lengua como vehculo de interrelacin social, se hace indispensable el desarrollo de ciertas habilidades socioculturales e interculturales.

    Las tecnologas de la informacin y comunicacin (TICs) tienen un papel muy importante en el proceso de aprendizaje de las lenguas, tanto dentro como fuera del aula. Las TICs no son slo una herramienta para obtener informacin sino que es un valioso medio para entrar en contacto con la cultura, con hablantes y con textos autnticos y actualizados de la lengua objeto de estudio.

    El profesor pasa a ser presentador, informador, animador y evaluador de la actividad; no se limitar a la correccin de errores sino observar las dificultades colectivas e individuales. De acuerdo con esto planificar las fases de presentacin, comprensin, prctica y creacin. La enseanza ser cclica y acumulativa. Partiendo de la prioridad de la lengua hablada en la vida real se atender equilibradamente a todos los aspectos de comprensin y produccin en discursos orales y textos escritos.


    En la Orden de la Consejera de Educacin de 17 de abril de 2009 se regula la evaluacin del alumnado que cursa enseanza de idiomas de rgimen especial en la Comunidad Autnoma de Canarias (BOC n 83, de 4 de mayo).

    Durante el curso 2011-2012 fueron dictadas instrucciones complementarias a la orden de evaluacin, y en la Orden del 11 abril de 2013 se regula la evaluacin de las enseanzas de idiomas de rgimen especial en la Comunidad Autnoma de Canarias.

    Durante el curso escolar se impartirn 140 horas lectivas. Para todos los cursos y niveles se

    establecen dos periodos de evaluacin, durante los cuales el alumnado deber estar informado sobre su proceso de aprendizaje.

    La primera evaluacin incluir todas las actividades realizadas desde el 16 de septiembre al 21 de enero, y la segunda evaluacin desde el 29 de enero al 29 de mayo.

    La evaluacin constar de dos componentes: A) La evaluacin de progreso y B) La prueba de

    aprovechamiento. A) La evaluacin de progreso proporciona datos, a lo largo del curso, sobre los avances en el

    aprendizaje y grado de consecucin de los objetivos y contenidos programados. El alumnado recibir informacin de la misma al final de cada uno de los cuatrimestres: la calificacin de cada destreza vendr determinada por las calificaciones obtenidas en, al menos, dos pruebas por destreza y por cuatrimestre, as como a travs de las observaciones en el aula del profesor. Dicha calificacin de progreso se expresar del uno al diez, con un decimal si fuera necesario y tendr un valor del 40% de la nota final de la evaluacin final de aprovechamiento.

    La evaluacin de progreso ser superada cuando se obtenga una media de cinco o ms puntos, resultantes de haber conseguido un 5 como mnimo en cada destreza. Excepcionalmente, tambin se podr superar esta evaluacin cuando se obtenga una media de 5 o ms puntos, a pesar de que una y slo una destreza est suspendida, siempre y cuando la nota obtenida no sea menor de un 4.

    B) La prueba de aprovechamiento mide la dimensin lingstica (nivel de comprensin y

    expresin oral y escrita) de la competencia comunicativa del alumnado. Al final del curso escolar (finales de mayo) el departamento didctico elaborar una prueba obligatoria y comn para el alumnado del mismo curso y nivel en la que se evaluarn las cuatro destrezas y sern calificadas del uno al diez, con un decimal si fuera necesario. Esta nota supondr el 60% de la nota final de la evaluacin de aprovechamiento.



    La calificacin final de aprovechamiento se obtendr calculando la media de la calificacin de las cuatro destrezas que sern expresadas del uno al diez con un decimal.

    C) La evaluacin de aprovechamiento: La ponderacin de cada uno de estos dos componentes en la evaluacin final de aprovechamiento

    ser, con carcter general la siguiente: -Evaluacin de progreso: 40%. -Prueba final de aprovechamiento: 60%. No obstante, cuando por razones excepcionales alguna de las destrezas no haya podido ser evaluada por evaluacin de progreso, se tomar como calificacin final de esa destreza la obtenida en la prueba final de aprovechamiento. La evaluacin final de aprovechamiento se considerar superada cuando se obtenga una calificacin igual o superior a cinco puntos, siempre que se tengan superadas, al menos, tres destrezas con una calificacin igual o superior a cinco y cuatro puntos, como mnimo, en la destreza no superada. La calificacin final de la evaluacin superada se expresar con el trmino Apto y la correspondiente a la no superada se expresar con el trmino No Apto. Asimismo, el profesor podr redondear al alza la nota de la evaluacin final de aprovechamiento cuando tanto la evaluacin de progreso como la prueba de aprovechamiento hayan sido superadas con cinco o ms de un cinco en cada una de sus destrezas. Promocin de curso y nivel. La evaluacin positiva de aprovechamiento permitir la promocin al curso siguiente del mismo Nivel o del Nivel superior. La superacin de la correspondiente prueba de certificacin de Nivel tambin permitir la promocin al primer curso del nivel siguiente. Pruebas de certificacin La prueba para la obtencin de la Certificacin oficial constar, en todos los niveles, de cuatro partes independientes, correspondientes a las cuatro destrezas. La calificacin de cada una de las cuatro partes se expresar del uno al diez, con un decimal. Se considerar superada una parte cuando se haya obtenido 5 o ms puntos. En cada parte, se expresar con el trmino Apto la calificacin igual o superior a 5 puntos, con No Apto la calificacin inferior a cinco y con No presentado en el caso de no haberse realizado la misma. La calificacin global se obtendr calculando la media de las cuatro partes, y se expresar del 1 al 10, con un decimal. La prueba de certificacin se considerar superada cuando se d alguna de las siguientes condiciones: A) se haya obtenido, al menos, cinco puntos en cada una de las cuatro partes. B) se consiga una calificacin global de cinco o ms puntos; siempre que no se tengan menos de cuatro puntos en una de las partes, y se haya cursado el idioma durante el ao acadmico y obtenido una calificacin de apto en la evaluacin final de aprovechamiento del nivel. Para todos los niveles, la calificacin global de la prueba ser de Apto (A), en el caso de haber superado la misma, de No Apto (NA), en el caso de no haberlo hecho; o no procede calificacin (NC), cuando no se ha realizado alguna parte. TAREAS:

    Comprensin de lectura. Constar de un mnimo de dos tareas, a partir de textos autnticos o de similares caractersticas, de tipologa y fuentes diversas, las tareas podrn ser de ejercicios de ejercicios de opcin mltiple, de respuesta breve, de emparejar textos y epgrafes, de rellenar huecos de un banco de tems, etc.



    Comprensin auditiva. Constar de un mnimo de dos tareas, a partir de textos orales autnticos o de similares caractersticas, en soporte de audio o video, de tipologa y fuentes diversas, las tareas podrn ser de ejercicios de opcin mltiple, de respuesta breve, de completar una tabla o un esquema de notas, de emparejar textos y epgrafes, etc.

    Expresin escrita. Constar de un mnimo de dos tareas. El alumno deber redactar uno o ms textos de diversa tipologa. La produccin escrita se evaluar con arreglo a las siguientes competencias: - Pragmtica: cumplimiento del objetivo, adaptacin del contenido a las convenciones

    organizativas, y la organizacin de la informacin. - Lingstica: uso del vocabulario, estructuras y formas gramaticales, as como la correccin

    ortogrfica y uso de los signos de puntuacin. - Sociolingstica: adecuacin del registro, propsito y situacin, uso de formas y expresiones

    lingsticas condicionadas por lo social.

    Expresin oral. Constar de un mnimo de dos tareas. El alumno deber producir un discurso fonolgico y tambin participar en discursos interactivos. La produccin oral se evaluar con arreglo a las siguientes competencias: - Pragmtica: cumplimiento del objetivo, adaptacin del contenido a las convenciones

    organizativas, y la organizacin de la informacin. -en la tarea expositiva: la organizacin y estructuracin del discurso. -en la tarea de interaccin: la naturalidad, el uso de conectores y marcadores de la conversacin.

    - Lingstica: uso del vocabulario, estructuras y formas gramaticales, as como el ritmo, la entonacin y la claridad de la expresin.

    - Sociolingstica: adecuacin del registro, propsito y situacin, uso de formas y expresiones lingsticas condicionadas por lo social.


    La incorporacin de nuevo alumnado a un curso de un determinado nivel, requiere, en determinados casos, la realizacin de una prueba de clasificacin. La prueba de clasificacin constar de dos partes, una oral y otra escrita. Esta prueba ser elaborada y administrada por el departamento de coordinacin didctica y estar basada en los niveles del MCERL del Consejo de Europa y en los currculos respectivos. La prueba de clasificacin estar estructurada en tantos tramos como nmero de cursos conforman los distintos niveles bsico, intermedio y avanzado del idioma. Las partes oral y escrita que integran la prueba de clasificacin sern calificadas del uno (1) al diez (10), con un decimal, y la calificacin global se obtendr mediante el clculo de la media aritmtica de las calificaciones alcanzadas y se expresar con un nmero entero y un decimal. Se considerar superada la prueba de clasificacin cuando se ha alcanzado una calificacin global de cinco o ms puntos. Para el clculo de la media se admitir haber obtenido, en una de las partes, una calificacin mnima de cuatro puntos. Lo recogido en esta programacin didctica en relacin a la evaluacin del alumnado corresponde a lo regulado por el proyecto de orden por la que se actualizan las normas que regulan la evaluacin de las enseanzas de idiomas de rgimen especial en la Comunidad Autnoma de Canarias, en trmite de publicacin en el boletn oficial de canarias. La misma entrar en vigor al da siguiente de su publicacin.




    El Departamento Didctico elaborar pruebas para la evaluacin de progreso y las pruebas

    finales de aprovechamiento, que constarn de las mismas partes y tendr las mismas caractersticas que las pruebas de certificacin elaboradas por la Direccin General de Formacin Profesional y Educacin de Adultos para el Nivel Bsico, Nivel Intermedio y Nivel Avanzado.


    La Direccin General de Formacin Profesional y Educacin de Adultos realizar una convocatoria anual en el mes de junio para el alumnado no presencial que desee obtener una certificacin. Los niveles que estos alumnos podrn certificar en este curso escolar sern:

    Nivel Bsico

    Nivel Intermedio

    Nivel Avanzado

    Nivel C1


    La Ley Orgnica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educacin, establece en el artculo 59.4 que las Administraciones educativas podrn integrar en la oferta de las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas las enseanzas en modalidad a distancia. El currculo de esta modalidad de enseanza es el mismo que regula el de la modalidad presencial. Esta EOI oferta los cursos Bsico 1 y 2, Intermedio 1 y 2, y Avanzado 1 y 2 en esta modalidad. El alumnado cuenta con orientacin y apoyo sistemtico de tutoras presenciales y telemticas. Las tutoras presenciales se destinarn a la prctica de las destrezas de comprensin y de expresin e interaccin oral. Se ofertarn sesiones semanales de dos horas de duracin. Las tutoras telemticas tienen por objeto desarrollar los contenidos que el alumnado ha de cursar de forma autnoma y con el apoyo de Internet. Se destinarn a ejercitar las destrezas de comprensin y de expresin e interaccin escrita.


    8.1 NIVEL BSICO El Nivel Bsico tiene como finalidad capacitar al alumnado para usar el idioma de manera

    suficiente, receptiva y productivamente, tanto en la forma hablada como escrita, as como mediar entre hablantes, en situaciones cotidianas y de inmediata necesidad que requieran comprender y producir textos breves, en diversos registros y en lengua estndar, que versen sobre aspectos bsicos concretos de temas generales y que contengan expresiones, estructuras y lxico de uso frecuente.

    El Nivel Bsico tiene como referencia un nivel de competencia A2, tal y como ste se describe en el Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas del Consejo de Europa.

    8.1. A OBJETIVOS GENERALES Comprensin auditiva Comprender el sentido general, la informacin esencial, los puntos principales de textos orales breves sobre asuntos de la vida cotidiana, correctamente estructurados, trasmitidos de viva voz o por medios tcnicos (telfono, televisin, megafona, etc.) Y articulados de forma lenta, en un



    registro formal o neutro y siempre que las condiciones acsticas sean adecuadas y el mensaje no est distorsionado. Expresin oral Producir textos orales breves de forma comprensible en un registro neutro aunque se hagan pausas, se titubee, resulte evidente el acento extranjero y sea necesaria la repeticin y la parfrasis. Comprensin de lectura Comprender el sentido general, la informacin esencial y los detalles relevantes en textos escritos breves correctamente estructurados en un registro formal o neutro, referidos a asuntos de la vida cotidiana y siempre que se pueda volver a leer. Expresin escrita Escribir textos breves y de estructura sencilla en un registro neutro referidos a asuntos de la vida cotidiana, utilizando adecuadamente los recursos de cohesin tales como conectores y convenciones ortogrficas y de puntuacin elementales. Interaccin y mediacin Participar, reaccionando y cooperando, en situaciones de comunicacin oral y escrita que requieran un intercambio sencillo y directo de informacin sobre asuntos corrientes y cotidianos, utilizando y reconociendo los gestos ms usuales, las frmulas cotidianas de saludo, tratamiento y cortesa, y siempre que se cuente con la ayuda del interlocutor.



    8.1. B CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Comprensin auditiva Se considerar que un alumno ha adquirido las competencias propias de este nivel cuando sea capaz de:

    Identificar el tema de una conversacin sencilla entre dos o ms interlocutores.

    Comprender el sentido general e informacin especfica de conversaciones en las que no se participa e identificar un cambio de tema.

    Comprender frases, expresiones y palabras clave sobre temas de relevancia inmediata, siempre que se hable despacio y con claridad.

    Comprender y extraer informacin esencial de pasajes cortos grabados que traten sobre asuntos cotidianos y predecibles y que estn pronunciados con lentitud y claridad.

    Comprender los puntos principales y los detalles relevantes en mensajes grabados o en directo, que contengan instrucciones, indicaciones u otra informacin si las palabras son claras y las condiciones acsticas no dificultan la audicin.

    Expresin oral Se considerar, aunque resulten evidentes en algunos casos las pausas, las dudas iniciales y la reformulacin, que un alumno ha adquirido las competencias propias de este nivel cuando sea capaz de:

    Pronunciar de forma clara y comprensible aunque resulte evidente su acento y entonacin extranjeros y los errores no interfieran en la comunicacin.

    Utilizar un repertorio de elementos lingsticos bsicos que le permita abordar situaciones cotidianas de contenido predecible, aunque generalmente tiene que adaptar el mensaje y buscar palabras.

    Utilizar las estructuras descritas para el nivel, aunque siga cometiendo errores bsicos siempre que estos no interfieran en la comunicacin.

    Utilizar los conectores sealados para el nivel.

    Realizar breves descripciones y comparaciones de objetos, personas, lugares, condiciones de vida o trabajo y actividades diarias.

    Hablar sobre experiencias, costumbres y planes.

    Narrar historias o describir algo mediante una relacin sencilla de elementos.

    Ofrecer brevemente motivos y explicaciones para expresar ciertas opiniones, planes y acciones.

    Realizar presentaciones breves y ensayadas sobre temas habituales ante una audiencia. Comprensin de lectura Se considerar que un alumno ha adquirido las competencias propias de este nivel cuando sea capaz de:

    Inferir el tema de un texto a partir de la estructura y las imgenes del mismo.

    Identificar cada uno de los elementos de una situacin comunicativa (receptor, emisor, canal) Como medio de ayuda a la comprensin del texto.

    Deducir el significado de palabras desconocidas por las imgenes, contexto, similitud con la lengua extranjera

    Identificar las frases y palabras clave de cualquier texto breve y sencillo que permitan captar las ideas principales y los cambios de tema.

    Comprender frases y vocabulario habitual sobre temas de inters personal relacionado con la propia persona, familia, lugar de residencia, hbitos y entorno, en general

    Comprender los mensajes sencillos en notas personales sobre situaciones de la vida cotidiana, familiar y social.



    Comprender la informacin relevante de instrucciones e indicaciones en letreros, seales y carteles en calles, tiendas, restaurantes, medios de transporte y otros servicios y lugares pblicos, siempre que el texto se presente con una estructura clara y ordenada.

    Comprender indicaciones muy bsicas para completar fichas, impresos y otro tipo de documentos de la vida cotidiana.

    Comprender la informacin general contenida en correspondencia personal sencilla sobre temas de la vida cotidiana.

    Comprender la idea general del contenido de un texto que relate experiencias muy concretas, siempre que pueda solicitar aclaracin o tener un segundo contacto con el texto.

    Comprender la informacin esencial en artculos de prensa o en televisin que narren hechos o acontecimientos, siempre que tengan un apoyo visual.

    Comprender la informacin especfica en folletos ilustrados y otro material informativo como prospectos, listados, horarios, etc., sobre actividades y ocio tales como actividades culturales y deportivas, horarios de apertura y cierre de establecimientos, mens, etc.

    Comprender la informacin especfica en anuncios breves de peridicos, revistas Comprender la informacin especfica en correspondencia formal breve sobre cuestiones

    prcticas de la vida cotidiana tales como la reserva de la habitacin de un hotel o la informacin sobre un curso de idiomas en el extranjero.

    Delimitar lo verdadero o falso de un texto.

    Reconocer convenciones culturales propias del idioma que se estudia. Expresin escrita Se considerar que un alumno ha adquirido las competencias propias de este nivel cuando sea capaz de:

    Escribir con la correccin ortogrfica exigida para este nivel (correspondencia sonido-letra, letras maysculas / minsculas, separaciones de palabras).

    Utilizar las convenciones ortogrficas que rigen en cada texto de los sealados para el nivel: carta, correo electrnico

    Producir textos adecuados a las funciones comunicativas sealadas para el nivel.

    Utilizar un repertorio de elementos lingsticos bsicos que le permitan abordar situaciones cotidianas de contenido predecible, aunque generalmente tiene que adaptar el mensaje y buscar palabras.

    Utilizar los conectores especificados para este nivel con el fin de contar una historia o describir algo.

    Rellenar un cuestionario o ficha aportando datos personales e informacin sobre educacin, trabajo, intereses y conocimientos o habilidades.

    Utilizar un lenguaje sencillo y descriptivo para realizar breves declaraciones sobre personas, objetos y posesiones y para hacer comparaciones.

    Escribir notas o mensajes con informacin, instrucciones e indicaciones relativas a actividades cotidianas o de inmediata necesidad.

    Realizar con el lenguaje especificado para el nivel descripciones o presentaciones de personas, lugares, condiciones de vida o trabajo y actividades diarias.

    Describir planes y citas, costumbres, actividades habituales o pertenecientes al pasado y experiencias personales.

    Ofrecer brevemente motivos y explicaciones para expresar ciertas opiniones, planes y acciones.

    Narrar historias presentes o pasadas, reales o hipotticas mediante una relacin sencilla de elementos.

    Distinguir, en lneas generales, las situaciones formales e informales segn sea la situacin y el contexto.

    Utilizar las frases estereotipadas que rigen algunos textos, por ejemplo, para el saludo, la despedida, la felicitacin



    Interaccin y mediacin Se considerar que un alumno ha adquirido las competencias propias de este nivel cuando sea capaz de:

    Interactuar en las diferentes situaciones descritas para el nivel utilizando las frmulas cotidianas de saludo y tratamiento y actuando segn las normas de cortesa.

    Participar en conversaciones que impliquen dar informacin personal, respondiendo a preguntas sobre cuestiones habituales, reaccionando ante comentarios y/o expresando opiniones, siempre que el interlocutor se muestre cooperativo.

    Participar en conversaciones en que se establece contacto social de forma breve en el mbito pblico: restaurantes, tiendas, bancos

    Utilizar frmulas sencillas para iniciar, mantener o terminar una conversacin breve.

    Pedir que se repitan o aclaren palabras clave o enunciados que no se han comprendido.

    Mantener correspondencia personal en la que se hable de uno mismo o de su entorno (familia, amigos, condiciones de vida, trabajo, tiempo libre, etc.).

    Mantener correspondencia formal sencilla en la que se recaba informacin sobre algo, se piden disculpas, se solicita un servicio

    Realizar, ante una audiencia, presentaciones breves y ensayadas sobre temas habituales y responder a preguntas breves y sencillas de los oyentes.

    8.1.C BIBLIOGRAFA Y LIBROS DE CONSULTA RECOMENDADOS - Gramtica Practical Grammar, level 1. (Heinle). English Grammar ...with exercises. Eoi. (Longman). (nueva edicin). Essential Grammar In Use. R. Murphy. (CUP). (edicin en espaol o en ingls). Elementary Language Practice. M. Vince. (Macmillan). Oxford English Grammar Course. Basic. M. Swan, c. Walter. (OUP). Collins Cobuild Elementary English Grammar.(Collins) - Vocabulario: English Vocabulary In Use. Pre-Intermediate-Intermediate. Redman. (CUP).

    - Diccionarios Diccionario Bsico LUX Oxford Pocket Dictionary. Bilinge. (OUP). Collins pocket dictionary. Bilinge. (Grijalbo). Longman Advanced. Bilinge. (Longman). Macmillan Diccionario Pocket. Bilinge. (Macmillan). Essential Dictionary, monolinge. (Macmillan). The Heindle Picture Dictionary . Ingls espaol. Diccionario Concise. (Longman). Www.wordreference.com Www.onelook.com 8.1.1 NIVEL BSICO 1

    Obligatorio: Speakout Starter. F. Eales / S. Oakes. (Pearson).

    Opcional: Speakout Starter workbook with key.

    Opcional: MYGRAMMARLAB, Elementary. (Pearson).


    1 cuatrimestre: 16 septiembre 21 enero unidad 1: 16 septiembre - 10 octubre



    unidad 2: 14 29 octubre unidad 3: 30 octubre 19 noviembre unidad 4: 20 noviembre - 5 diciembre unidad 5: 10 diciembre 13 enero

    informacin de la evaluacin de progreso del 1er cuatrimestre: 22 y 23 de enero.

    2 cuatrimestre: 29 enero 29 mayo

    unidad 6: 14 enero 6 febrero unidad 7: 10 25 febrero unidad 8: 26 febrero 20 marzo unidad 9: 24 marzo 10 abril unidad 10: 21 abril - 13 mayo

    das para las pruebas de la evaluacin final de aprovechamiento: del 14 al 27 de mayo. informacin a los alumnos: 28 y 29 de mayo.


    Speakout Starter Teaching Programme UNIT 1: HELLO I. AIMS

    - To introduce themselves - To ask questions about people - To give personal information - To check spelling - To speak about themselves and their country - To read an article about people arriving at an airport - To read descriptions about people - To listen to people giving personal information - To listen to people saying hello - To listen to a conversation - To listen to conversations at reception - To watch a BBC programme about people around the world - To watch video podcasts from the BBC - To exchange personal information - To know useful language - To learn to use capital letters - To write a personal introduction - To study the verb to be - To use vocabulary about places and adjectives - To use vocabulary about jobs and countries - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language - To recognize the word stress in country names

    II. CONTENTS Communication Skills

    - Introducing themselves - Asking questions about people - Giving personal information - Speaking about themselves and their country - Reading an article about people arriving at an airport - Reading descriptions about people - Listening to people giving personal information - Listening to people saying hello



    - Listening to a conversation - Listening to conversations at reception - Writing a personal introduction

    Language reflections

    A. Language and grammar functions - Be: I/you - Be: he/she/it

    B. Vocabulary - To make a presentation - Countries - Jobs - Alphabet

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To debate about other countries - To respect other cultures - To think about social and personal differences


    - To talk about photos of family and friends - To talk about their family - To check information about people - To suggest things to do - To talk about five people - To listen to someone talk about photos - To listen to people making suggestions - To respond to suggestions - To watch a BBC programme about a royal wedding - To read a text about family businesses - To use contractions - To write a description about five people - To know useful language - To use the possessive adjectives - To study the verb to be - To use vocabulary about family - To know the numbers - To use vocabulary about feelings - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language - To recognize word stress

    II. CONTENTS Communication Skills

    - Talking about photos of family and friends - Talking about their family - Making suggestions - Responding to suggestions - Talking about five people - Listening to someone talk about photos - Listening to people making suggestions - Reading a text about family businesses - Writing a description about five people

    Language reflections



    A. Language and grammar functions - Be: you/we/they - Possessive adjectives

    B. Vocabulary

    - Family - Numbers 11-100 - Feelings

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To debate about family relationships - To respect others - To debate about the Royal Family


    - To ask about objects - To talk about possessions - To order food and drink - To buy things in a market - To listen to conversations in an office - To listen to people in a caf - To listen to people talk about their favourite things - To ask for the names of things in English - To say prices - To watch a BBC programme about a famous market - To read an article about famous possessions - To read a text about the Museum of Memorabilia - To read a text about Covent garden - To use linkers and, but - To write a description about a market - To know useful language - To use possessive s - To study this/that/these/those - To use vocabulary about clothes and colours - To know names of objects - To use vocabulary about food and drink - To know the main objects to be found in a market - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language - To recognize word stress

    II. CONTENTS Communication Skills

    - Asking about objects - Talking about possessions - Listening to conversations in an office - Listening to people in a caf - Listening to people talk about their favourite things - Asking for the names of things in English - Saying prices - Reading an article about famous possessions - Reading a text about the Museum of Memorabilia - Reading a text about Covent garden



    - Writing a description about a market

    Language reflections

    A. Language and grammar functions - This/that - These/those - Possessive s

    B. Vocabulary

    - Objects - Clothes and colours - Food and drink - Objects in a market

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To debate about consumerism - To think about different ways to spend free time - To show interest in famous people


    - To speak about things they have in common - To speak about the things people do to have fun - To speak about their favourite season - To talk about cultural events - To find differences in pictures - To tell the time - To talk about their favourite season - To listen to people talk about life in the USA - To listen to people tell the time - To listen to conversations about times - To watch a BBC programme about life on a river - To read an article about people and their avatars - To read an article about rivers - To use linkers and, because - To write a text about their favourite season - To write a forum reply - To write a blog about their life - To study the present simple - To use verb phrases - To know the days of the week and time phrases - To use vocabulary about events - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language - To recognize word stress

    II. CONTENTS Communication Skills

    - Speaking about things they have in common - Speaking about the things people do to have fun - Speaking about their favourite season - Talking about cultural events - Telling the time - Talking about their favourite season



    - Listening to people talk about life in the USA - Listening to people tell the time - Listening to conversations about times - Reading an article about people and their avatars - Reading an article about rivers - Writing a text about their favourite season - Writing a forum reply - Writing a blog about their life

    Language reflections

    A. Language and grammar functions - Present simple - Telling the time

    B. Vocabulary

    - Verb phrases - Days - Time phrases - Events

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To debate about consumerism - To think about different ways to spend free time - To show interest in nature - To debate about climate change - To show interest in peoples life - To debate about life in the USA - To show interest in discovering new cities - To debate about cultural events


    - To discuss bad habits - To talk about food - To talk about routines - To ask for tourist information - To speak about things they do at the weekend - To listen to people say what drives them crazy - To listen to a tourist asking questions - To listen to enquiries in a hotel - To watch a BBC programme about Doctor Who - To read an article about what a sportsman and a model eat - To read a text about someones morning routine - To use linkers to sequence - To write a forum entry about food to take to a desert island - To study present simple question forms - To use adverbs of frequency - To use vocabulary to talk about daily routines - To know vocabulary about food - To know vocabulary about hotel services - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language - To recognize word stress




    Communication Skills - Discussing bad habits - Talking about food - Talking about routines - Asking for tourist information - Speaking about things they do at the weekend - Listening to people say what drives them crazy - Listening to a tourist asking questions - Listening to enquiries in a hotel - Reading an article about what a sportsman and a model eat - Reading a text about someones morning routine - Writing a forum entry about food to take to a desert island

    Language reflections

    A. Language and grammar functions - Present simple questions - Adverbs of frequency - Asking for information

    B. Vocabulary

    - Daily routines - Food - Hotel services

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To show interest in Doctor Who - To debate about bad habits - To debate about healthy and unhealthy habits - To show interest in sports - To debate about living in a desert island


    - To talk about differences in lifestyles - To ask and answer questions about transport - To buy a ticket for travel, using the proper expressions - To read an articles about transport facts - To ask about places - To compare cities transport - To talk about travel - To learn to start and end an e-mail - To speak about India - To listen to a man stuck at a station - To listen to someone buy a bus ticket - To watch a BBC programme about rush hour in India - To read some fun facts about transport - To write an email - To write in a travel forum - To watch a video podcast about how to get to school or work - To use there is/are - To use a/an, some, a lot of, not any - To know vocabulary about places and travel - To know vocabulary about transport - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language



    - To recognize word stress

    II. CONTENTS Communication Skills

    - Talking about differences in lifestyles - Asking and answering questions about transport - Buying a ticket for travel, using the proper expressions - Reading an articles about transport facts - Asking about places - Comparing cities transport - Talking about travel - Speaking about India - Listening to a man stuck at a station - Listening to someone buy a bus ticket - Reading some fun facts about transport - Writing an email - Writing in a travel forum

    Language reflections

    A. Language and grammar functions - There is /are - A/an, some, a lot of, not any - Buying a ticket

    B. Vocabulary

    - Places - Transport - Travel

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To show interest in different countries - To show interest in India - To debate about travelling abroad - To talk about different means of transport - To debate about different kinds of places


    - To talk about the past - To talk about what others did in the past - To talk about important dates in the past - To give an opinion - To do a history quiz - To listen to people talk about New Year 2000 - To listen to people give opinions - To watch a BBC programme about the Chilean miners - To read an article about amazing records - To improve punctuation - To write a history quiz - To watch a video podcast about Britain - To show feelings - To use the past simple was/were - To use the past simple of regular verbs - To know vocabulary to talk about dates - To know vocabulary about actions



    - To know vocabulary about adjectives - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language - To recognize word stress

    II. CONTENTS Communication Skills

    - Talking about the past - Talking about what others did in the past - Talking about important dates in the past - Giving an opinion - Listening to people talk about New Year 2000 - Listening to people give opinions - Reading an article about amazing records - Writing a history quiz

    Language reflections

    A. Language and grammar functions - Past simple: was/were - Past simple: regular verbs - Giving opinions

    B. Vocabulary

    - Dates - Actions - Adjectives

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To be aware of the situation of other people and other countries - To debate about History - To respect peoples past - To talk about amazing records - To give an opinion using proper expressions in English


    - To talk about first meetings - To ask and answer about a good holiday - To give directions - To speak about unusual stories - To speak about supermarkets - To learn to use examples - To give directions in a supermarket - To tell a bad holiday story - To listen to a radio programme about holidays - To watch a BBC comedy about tourists in Spain - To read about how people met their friends - To read about unusual stories - To use linkers so, because - To write a text about a bad holiday story - To use the past simple of irregular verbs - To use the past simple question forms - To know prepositions of place - To know vocabulary about holiday activities



    - To know vocabulary about holidays - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language - To recognize word stress

    II. CONTENTS Communication Skills

    - Talking about first meetings - Asking and answer about a good holiday - Giving directions - Speaking about unusual stories - Speaking about supermarkets - Learning to use examples - Giving directions in a supermarket - Telling a bad holiday story - Listening to a radio programme about holidays - Reading about how people met their friends - Reading about unusual stories - Writing a text about a bad holiday story

    Language reflections

    A. Language and grammar functions - Past simple irregular verbs - Past simple questions - Giving directions

    B. Vocabulary

    - Prepositions of place - Holidays - Holiday activities

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To compare supermarkets - To think about unusual stories - To debate about the past - To compare between good and bad experiences - To talk about holidays


    - To talk about how they spend their money - To ask people to do things - To talk about things they would like to have or buy - To talk about likes and dislikes - To speak about shopping - To describe a favourite possession - To make requests. - To listen to a radio programme about shopping mistakes - To listen to someone shopping - To watch a BBC programme about the iPod - To read a website forum about gift-giving around the world - To read an article about right gifts in someones country - To read a text about a favourite possession - To write photos captions - To write a description about a favourite possession - To use hesitation phrases



    - To use object pronouns - To use like, love, hate + -ing - To know prepositions of place - To know vocabulary about money - To know vocabulary about activities and actions - To know vocabulary about shopping departments - To know vocabulary about music players - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language - To recognize word stress

    II. CONTENTS Communication Skills

    - Talking about how they spend their money - Asking people to do things - Talking about things they would like to have or buy - Talking about likes and dislikes - Speaking about shopping - Describing a favourite possession - Making requests. - Listening to a radio programme about shopping mistakes - Listening to someone shopping - Reading a website forum about gift-giving around the world - Reading an article about right gifts in someones country - Reading a text about a favourite possession - Writing photos captions - Writing a description about a favourite possession

    Language reflections

    A. Language and grammar functions - Love, like, hate + ing - Object pronouns - Making requests

    B. Vocabulary

    - Activities - Money - Shopping departments - Music players

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To think about money - To debate about shopping - To debate about likes and dislikes - To think about possessions


    - To talk about the best job - To talk about plans - To start and end conversations - To talk about when they tried something new - To talk about abilities - To debate about goals and plans - To listen to job interviews



    - To listen to street interviews about peoples goals - To listen to people start and end conversations - To listen to street interviews about peoples goals - To watch a BBC comedy about a funny woman - To read an article about interesting jobs - To read job adverts - To read an article about top ten goals - To read an email - To write an email - To write a magazine interview about something new - To use collocations - To learn to respond naturally - To use object pronouns - To use can/cant - To use be going to - To know how to say goodbye - To know vocabulary about problems - To know vocabulary about life changes - To know vocabulary about shopping departments - To improve the pronunciation of the English Language - To improve the intonation of the English Language - To recognize word stress

    II. CONTENTS Communication Skills

    - Talking about the best job - Talking about plans - Talking about when they tried something new - Talking about abilities - Speaking about goals and plans - Listening to job interviews - Listening to street interviews about peoples goals - Listening to people start and end conversations - Listening to street interviews about peoples goals - Reading an article about interesting jobs - Reading job adverts - Reading an article about top ten goals - Reading an email - Writing an email - Writing a magazine interview about something new

    Language reflections

    A. Language and grammar functions - Can/cant - Be going to - Starting and ending conversations

    B. Vocabulary

    - Collocations - Life changes - Saying goodbye - Problems

    Sociocultural Aspects

    - To debate about the future - To think and talk about the labour market



    - To debate about abilities 8.1.2 NIVEL BSICO 2

    Obligatorio: Speakout Elementary. F. Eales / S. Oakes. (Pearson). Students book. Opcional: Speakout- Elementary. Work book with key.

    Opcional: MYGRAMMARLAB, Elementary. (Pearson).


    1er cuatrimestre: 16 septiembre 21 enero

    unidad 1: 16 septiembre - 8 octubre unidad 2: 9 22 octubre

    unidad 3: 23 octubre 7 noviembre

    unidad 4: 11 - 21 noviembre

    unidad 5: 25 noviembre 5 diciembre

    unidad 6 + used to: 10 diciembre 9 enero

    informacin de la evaluacin de progreso del 1er cuatrimestre: 22 y 23 de enero.

    2 cuatrimestre: 29 enero 29 mayo unidad 12 (present perfect + the passive): 13 30 enero unidad 10 (the future): 4 19 febrero

    unidad 7: 20 febrero 12 marzo

    unidad 8: 13 marzo 1 abril

    unidad 9: 2 24 abril

    unidad 11: 28 abril 13 mayo

    das para las pruebas de la evaluacin final de aprovechamiento: del 14 al 27 de mayo. informacin a los alumnos: 28 y 29 de mayo.


    Speakout Elementary Teaching Programme UNIT 1 WELCOME OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding by using the simplest everyday polite forms of greetings and farewell. To introduce people using the present simple of be. To learn common greetings and countries and nationalities to introduce oneself and others. To learn how to describe possessions in simple terms, asking and answering questions. To learn how to make requests and to listen for key words. To use polite forms of greetings and address at a hotel or e-mail. CONTENTS LISTENING Understand people in tourist situations Listen for key information



    Listen to prices and numbers Watch an extract from a sitcom about a hotel SPEAKING Introduce yourself and others Identify objects Give information for numbers, prices, etc. Make simple requests Arrival and check into a hotel READING Read about travelling light Read a general knowledge quiz about world facts Read tourist leaflets WRITING Improve your use of capital letters Complete a registration form at a hotel Write an email to book a hotel room LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar. Present simple: be this/that, these/those; possessives Making requests Vocabulary. Greetings Countries and nationalities Objects Tourist places Hotel services and phrases for booking in a hotel Pronunciation. Stressed syllables Stressed syllables Sentence stress and polite intonation Learning reflection: Understanding basic introductions. Learning to introduce oneself and others. Learning to make simple requests. Reading and listening to a British show. Spelling countries and nationalities. Learning functional language for meeting people. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn how to communicate with people of all nationalities . Interest in learning about British culture. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to ask and answer questions and learn through dialogues and personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities. UNIT 2 LIFESTYLE OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding through conversation of a basic factual nature on a predictable topic such as her/his school. To exchange information using the present simple to talk about daily routines. To understand a simple conversation to ask for information. To learn the present simple. To be able to say, write and understand different activities. To use specific vocabulary to describe himself/herself and what he/she does and lives. To speak and use to be to talk about activies and daily routines.



    To learn through reading and speaking about different lifestyles. CONTENTS LISTENING Listen to a conversation between two friends choosing the right online group for them. Listen to people describing their jobs. Listen and identify a variety of jobs. Learn to get a speaker to slow down and grade their language. Watch an extract from a reality programme about a difficult job SPEAKING Talk about activities Talk about a group/team Talk about routines Describe other peoples routines Learn to show you dont understand Ask questions at a tourist information centre Talk about life at home: likes and dislikes READING Read an article about social online groups Read a web posting about pen pals WRITING Learn how to use linkers: and, but and or Write an internet posting to a penpal describing yourself LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar. Present simple: I/you/we/they Present simple: he/she/it Asking for information Vocabulary. Activities Daily routines, jobs The time Household routines; phrases to describe life at home Pronunciation. Strong and weak forms of do you Present simple verb endings: /s/, /z/, /iz/ Polite intonation Learning reflection: Understanding peoples schedules by learning the time. Learning to talk about your routines and likes and dislikes. Learning how to use linkers to talk about jobs. Reading and listening about peoples lifestyle. Learning when and how to use the present simple. Learning functional language to speak about yourself. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn about people and their job and to identify a variety of jobs. Interest in learning about various activities and routines. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss jobs in banking and learn through dialogues and personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities UNIT 3 PEOPLE OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding through conversations about describing friends. To make arrangements to meet friends.



    To understand a simple conversation from a documentary about a special occasion and to be able to talk about it. To learn specific vocabulary to describe family photos. To be able to say, write and understand how to make arrangements. To learn about special occasions and how other celebrate theirs. To learn words and expressions used to describe friends.. CONTENTS LISTENING Listen to people describing their friends. Learn to show interest when you listen. Watch an extract from a documentary about a special occasion. SPEAKING Describe a personality. Do a quiz and find out what kind of friend you are. Talk about your family. Make arrangements to meet friends. Talk about a special occasion. READING Read a quiz about what type of friend you are. Read an article about unusual families. Read an invitation. WRITING Improve your use of apostrophes. Write about your family. Write an invitation. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar Frequency adverbs Have/have got Making arrangements Vocabulary Personality Family photo Time expressions Special occasion activities; phrases to describe special occasions Pronunciation Stressed syllables Contracted forms of have/have got Positive and negative intonation Learning reflection: Discuss your family and friends. Learning to make arrangements. Learning when to use adverbs of frequency. Reading and listening about special occasions. Learning when and how to use have/have got. Learning functional language to speak to talk about friends and families. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn how to discuss special occasions celerbated around the world. Interest in learning about families around the world. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss how banks work and what they offer, learning through dialogues and personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities. UNIT 4 PLACES



    OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking through describing your home and to develop listening by listening to a man describing his flat. To talk about things you can do in a town. To understand a simple conversation in shops and to maintain a conversation in a shop. To understand a text that talks about an English village not in England To learn how to improve your writing with the use of commas in e-mails and blogs. To learn English through native speakers on a trip to amazing places. CONTENTS LISTENING Listen to a conversation between two people talking about a special flat. Learn to say no politely in a shop. Listen to various shopping conversations. Watch an extract about some amazing places. SPEAKING Describe your home. Talk about things you can do in towns. Describe a favourite place in your town/city. Describe your favourite place of all. READING Read an article about a special kind of village. Read a web posting about a favourite place. WRITING Improve your use of commas. Write an e-mail about your home. Write a blog about your favourite place. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar There is/there are Can for possibility Ordering in a restaurant Vocabulary Rooms/furniture; prepositions (1) Places in towns; prepositions (2) Things to buy; shops Phrases to describe places Pronunciation There is/there are Strong and weak forms of can and cant Polite intonation Learning reflection: Understanding a description. Learning to write an e-mail or blog. Learning when and which prepositions to use. Reading and listening about favourite places to visit. Learning about amazing places around the world. Learning functional language to speak politely and ask for or offer help. SOCIO-CULTURAL CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn how to use the right words to speak politely. Interest in learning about homes and places around the world. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss how banks work and what they offer, learning through dialogues and personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities.



    UNIT 5 FOOD OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding through conversations about your eating and drinking habits. To learn to understand fast speech and to order a meal at a restaurant. To use specific vocabulary to describe a special dish. To read a text about eating and drinking habits. To watch an extract from a cookery programme about a famous chef. To learn how to write a recipe. To learn how to form paragraphs to write a short report about your class. CONTENTS LISTENING Listen to people talk about food. To understand fast speech. Listen to a man ordering in a fast food restaurant. Watch an extract from a cookery programme. SPEAKING Talk about your eating and drinking habits. Talk about diets and lifestyles. Order a meal in a restaurant. Describe a special dish. READING Read an article about how much food an average person gets through in a lifetime. Read a recipe. WRITING Learn to use paragraphs and write a short report. Write a recipe. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar. Countable and uncountable nouns How much/many Quantifiers Ordering in a restaurant Vocabulary. Food/drink Containers Restaurant words Ingredients; phrases for writing a recipe Pronunciation. Fast speech; linking Learning reflection: Understanding fast speech and linking. Learning to order in a restaurant. Learning to talk about food and drink. Reading and listening about food and its preparation. Using useful phrases to order in a restaurant. Learning functional language describing what food and drink you have in your fridge. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn about food people eat. Interest in learning about healthy eating lifestyles. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss personal finance and learn through dialogues and personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities. UNIT 6 THE PAST



    OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding through descriptions of your favourite childhood things. To interview a special person and to learn the past simple to talk about past events. To hear famous people talking about their favourite thing. To read about Time twins To watch a documentary about a famous dancer. To learn how to link sentences using because and so. To write your lifes story. To write a profile about a special person. To learn how to keep a conversation going by learning specifi c vocabulary. CONTENTS LISTENING Listen to people describing famous peoples favourite things. Learn to keep a conversation going. Listen to someone describing their weekend. Watch an extract from a documentary about a famous dancer. SPEAKING Talk about peoples favourite things. Describe your favourite childhood things. Talk about your life/past events. Describe a perfect/terrible weekend. Interview a special person. READING Read an article about time twins. Read an essay about a special person. WRITING Link sentences with because and so and write your lifes story. Write a profile essay about a special person. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar Was/were Past simple Making conversation Vocabulary Dates and time phrases Common verbs (I) Weekend activities Phrases for interviewing Pronunciation Strong and weak forms of was and were Past simple of regular verbs with /t/, /d/ and /id/ Learning reflection: Understanding dates and time phrases to speak of the past. Learning how to maintain a conversation going by talking about wekeend activities. Learning when to use the Past simple. Reading and listening about peoples lives. Learning when and how to use the regular and irregular past simple. Learning functional language understand an interview. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn about famous people and the way they live. Interest in learning about how to communicate in English. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss how banks work and what they offer, learning through dialogues and personal experience.



    Enjoyment in completing activities. UNIT 7 HOLIDAYS OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding through conversations about travel. To understand someone giving you directions and to give directions. To read an article about a bus ride from London to Sydney. To compare places, transport and holidays and to be able to write a short article on it. To watch an extract from a travel show about Buenos Aires. To plan and talk about a long journey. To check and correct information about a holiday. CONTENTS LISTENING Listen to people discuss how they like to travel. Understand directions. Learn to check and correct directions. Watch an extract from a travel show about Buenos Aires. SPEAKING Talk about you like to travel. Compare places and holidays. Plan and talk about a long journey. Give directions in the street. Describe a town/city you know. READING Read an article about a long journey. Read a travel article. WRITING Learn to check and correct information. Write about a holiday. Write a short article about a town/city. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar Comparatives Superlatives Giving directions Vocabulary Travelling Places (I) Places (II) Phrases to describe a town/city Pronunciation Stressed syllables Strong and weak from of the Sentence stress for correcting Learning reflection: Understanding comparative and superlative adjectives and their use. Learning to talk about a journey by using descriptive language. Learning how to check and correct directions. Reading and listening about a city/town. Learning how to write basic descriptions of their environment. Learning functional language to speak about travel and places. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn about travel places around the world. Interest in learning about holiday destinations, cities and towns. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss jobs in banking and learn through dialogues and personal experience.



    Enjoyment in completing activities. UNIT 8 NOW OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To talk about what people are doing at the moment. To learn how to describe peoples appearance. To ask for and give recommendations. To talk about an event. To listen to a radio programme about ideas of beauty, To watch an extract from a documentary about an English music festival. To read blog entries about what people are doing now and to write one yourself. To write a review of an event. CONTENTS LISTENING Read a blog about what people are doing now. Read a festival review. WRITING Write a blog entry about what you are doing. Write a review about an event. Listen to a radio programme about beauty ideas. Learn to link words to speak faster. Watch an extract from a documentary about an English music festival. Talk about taking photos. Talk about what people are doing. Discuss what you know about various fi lm stars. Discuss what you know about various fi lm stars. Describe peoples appearance. Ask and answer a questionnaire about films. Ask for and give recommendations. Describe an event. SPEAKING READING LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar Present continuous Present simple and present continuous Recommending Vocabulary Verbs+prepositions Appearance Types of film Festival activities; phases to describe an event Pronunciation Learning reflection: Describing an event. Using the present continuous to talk about the present. Learning how to use link words to speak faster. Reading and listening about films. Learning how describe someones appearance. Learning functional language to talk about current subjects. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn how to discuss current culture subjects. Interest in learning about fi lm culture. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss how banks work and what they offer, learning through dialogues and



    personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities. UNIT 9 TRANSPORT OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding through conversations about types of transport. To learn how to apologise for being late. To listen to a museum tour. To listen to a man talk about his problems getting to work. To learn and write how to tell a long story using the correct linkers. To learn to speak about dealing with problems when flying and to write an e-mail explaining your experience at an airport. To watch an extract from a documentary about a day at Heathrow airport. To read an article about Paris Citybikes. CONTENTS LISTENING Listen to a guide giving a tour around a transport museum. Listen to a man talk about his problems getting work. Watch an extract from a documentary about a day at Heathrow airport. SPEAKING Talk about types of transport. Talk about ways to travel around towns/cities. Apologise for being late. Tell a long story. Deal with problems with flying. READING Read a news story about a lottery win. Read an extract from a survival instruction book. Read an article about things to do with friends. WRITING Learn to use linkers and write a story. Write an e-mail about an experience at an airport/on a plane. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar Articles: a/an, the, no article Can/cant, have to/dont have to Apologising Vocabulary Transport collocations Adjectives (I) Excuses Phrases to describe and complain about your problems. Pronunciation Strong and weak of a and the. Strong and weak forms of can, cant, have to, and dont have to. Intonation to show being happy or unhappy. Learning reflection: Talking about the present using the present continuous. Learning how to describe a persons appearance. Learning linking words to speak faster. Reading and listening about a British music festival. Recommending films and actors/actresses. Learning functional language to describe, recommend and talk about the present. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn about the fi lm industry.



    Interest in learning about fi lm culture. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to ask and answer questions and learn through dialogues and personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities. UNIT 10 THE FUTURE OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding by talking about your future plans and wishes. To learn how to use the proper tense to make predictions about situations. To make suggestions and learn to say no politely. To listen to a radio interview with lottery winners and to understand a simple dialogue. To watch an extract from a documentary about the wettest place in Europe and extract simple vocabulary from it. To read an extract from an instruction book about survival. To read an article with tips on things to do with your friends. CONTENTS LISTENING Listen to a radio interview with lottery winners. Learn to respond to suggestions. Listen to people discussing which activities they want to do. Watch an extract from a documentary about the wettest place in Europe. SPEAKING Talk about your future plans/wishes. Make predictions about situations. Make some suggestions and invite your friends to join you. Talk about weather and how it makes you feel. READING Read a news story about a lottery win. Read an extract from a survival instruction book. Read an article about things to do with friends. WRITING Improve your use of linkers: too, also and as well to write a short story. Write a message board notice about your country. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar Be going to, would like to Will, might, wont Making suggestions Vocabulary Plans Phrases with get Adjectives (2) Phrases to describe the weather Pronunciation Going to and would Contracted form of will Stressed syllables Learning reflection: Students learn to make and respond to invitations. Learning to talk about the future and future predictions. Learning how to reply on a message board. Can describe arrangements in simple terms. Exchange limited information on familiar matters. Identify specific information in simpler written material. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS



    To learn about the weather in different countries. Interest in learning about various possible activities to do with friends. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss jobs in banking and learn through dialogues and personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities. UNIT 11 HEALT OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding through conversations about what to do when you dont feel well. To discuss cures for the common cold and to give advice and offer help. To understand a simple conversation from a radio programme about colds and flus. To read and do a quiz about how fit you are. To be able to say, write and understand advice on when you are feeling unwell. To learn how to make stories more interesting using the correct vocabulary and sentence structures. To watch an extract from a sitcom about a shopping experience and to learn about a social experiment. To learn, with the right vocabulary and expressions, how to ask for help at a pharmacy. CONTENTS LISTENING SPEAKING Talk about what to do when you dont feel well and give advice. Discuss cures for the common cold. Do a quiz about your fitness. Talk about healthy weekends. Give advice and offer help; thank someone. Ask for help in a pharmacy. READING Read an article about cold cures around the world. Read a quiz about how fit you are. Read an article about a social experiment. WRITING Learn to use adverbs in stories and how to make stories more interesting. Write some advice for a health message board. Listen to a radio programme about colds and flu. Listen to different scenarios of people needing help and thanking someone. Watch an extract from a sitcom about an unusual shopping experience. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar Should/shouldnt Adverbs of manner Offering to help Vocabulary The body, health Common verbs (2) Problems Phrases to describe a problem and to give advice Pronunciation Consonant clusters Learning reflection: Advise on health problems using the body and health vocabulary. Learning to use should/shouldnt. Learning when to use adverbs of manner and to talk about how you do things. Writing short stories and expressing simple opinions.



    Learning to discuss everyday issues, make and respond to offers of help. Learning functional language to speak about basic medical matters. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn about people and their health and fitness and how they maintain a healthy lifestyle. Interest in learning about health and fitness Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss how banks work and what they offer, learning through dialogues and personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities. UNIT 12 EXPERIENCES OBJECTIVES Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following aims: To develop speaking and understanding through talking about unusual experiences and listening to people talk about theirs. To describe movement from one place to another. To understand an extract from a documentary about sharks. To phone someone about a problem. To learn how to write a postcard and to write about an exciting/frightening experience. To learn specific vocabulary by reading about a dangerous job. CONTENTS LISTENING Listen to people talking about their experiences. Listen to different scenarios of people needing help and thanking someone. Watch an extract from a documentary about sharks. SPEAKING Talk about unusual experiences. Describe movement from one place to another. Talk about past experiences. Describe difficult situations/problems. Say telephone numbers. Phone someone about a problem. Describe an exciting/frightening experience. Read an article about a dangerous job. READING WRITING Learn to use postcard phrases and use them to write one. Write a story about an exciting/frightening experience. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE AND USE Linguistic knowledge: Grammar Present perfect Present perfect and past simple Telephoning Vocabulary Outdoor activities Prepositions (3) Telephoning expressions Phrases to describe an experience Pronunciation Sentence stress Learning reflection: Understanding and describing past activities and personal experiences. Learning to write short, simple messages on postcards relaying news. Students understand simple texts and can discuss and express how they feel about personal experiences. Interacting with ease in structured situations and short phone conversations.



    Learning to tell a story about a personal experience. Learning to write a short, basic descriptions of past events in a narrative form. SOCIO-CULTURAL CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS To learn about travel experiences around the world. Interest in learning about dangerous jobs. Positive attitude towards working in pairs. Willingness to discuss how banks work and what they offer, learning through dialogues and personal experience. Enjoyment in completing activities. 8.2 NIVEL INTERMEDIO El Nivel Intermedio tiene como finalidad utilizar el idioma con cierta seguridad y flexibilidad,

    receptiva y productivamente, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, as como para mediar entre hablantes, en situaciones cotidianas y menos corrientes que en nivel precedente que requieran comprender y producir textos en una variedad de lengua estndar, con estructuras habituales y un repertorio lxico comn no muy idiomtico, y que versen sobre temas generales, cotidianos o en los que se tiene un inters personal.

    El Nivel Intermedio tiene como referencia un nivel de competencia B1, tal y como ste se describe en el Marco Comn de Referencia para las Lenguas del Consejo de Europa.


    Comprensin oral Comprender el sentido general, la informacin esencial, los puntos principales y los detalles ms relevantes en textos orales claramente estructurados y en lengua estndar, articulados a velocidad media y transmitidos de viva voz o por medios tcnicos, siempre que las condiciones acsticas sean buenas y se pueda volver a escuchar lo dicho, sobre los temas sealados para el nivel, generales, de actualidad y de inters personal.

    Comprensin de lectura Comprender el sentido general, la informacin esencial, los puntos principales y los detalles ms relevantes expresados de forma explcita, aunque pueda aparecer de forma implcita si es fcil deducir el sentido, en textos escritos claros, bien organizados y en un formato accesible en lengua estndar, y sobre los temas sealados para el nivel, generales, de actualidad y de inters personal.

    Expresin e interaccin oral Producir textos orales bien organizados y adecuados al interlocutor y propsito comunicativo; y desenvolverse en un registro neutro, con cierta flexibilidad para adaptarse a diferentes situaciones y con una correccin, fluidez y espontaneidad que permitan mantener la interaccin, aunque resulten evidentes el acento extranjero y las pausas para planear el discurso o para corregir errores y sea necesaria cierta cooperacin por parte de los interlocutores en situaciones imprevistas. Expresin e interaccin escrita Escribir textos sencillos, cohesionados y respetando las convenciones que les son propias, sobre los temas sealados para el nivel, temas cotidianos o en los que se tiene un inters personal, y en los que se pide o transmite informacin; se narran historias; se describen experiencias, acontecimientos, ya sean reales o imaginados, sentimientos, reacciones, deseos y aspiraciones; se justifican o argumentan brevemente opiniones y se explican planes.

    Comprensin-expresin y mediacin interculturales



    Tomar conciencia de la diversidad cultural, con sus similitudes y diferencias; acercarse y aceptar las diferentes culturas desde una perspectiva ms amplia y menos condicionada por la identidad cultural propia y aprovechar la diversidad como fuente de enriquecimiento de la propia competencia intercultural; y desarrollar estrategias que vayan encaminadas a potenciar la aproximacin intercultural, a eliminar los estereotipos y otros prejuicios que imposibilitan el acercamiento, la interpretacin adecuada y crtica de otras culturas y la participacin en diferentes situaciones sociales, segn las convenciones socioculturales del pas, de los pases del idioma objeto de estudio o de la comunidad en la que se integre; e incorporar estrategias que desarrollen el papel de mediador intercultural. Autonoma del aprendizaje

    Tomar conciencia del grado de control que puede ejercer el estudiante sobre su propio proceso de aprendizaje y de los factores que lo condicionan; formular metas dentro del proceso y adaptacin de stas a los objetivos del currculo; utilizar estrategias que fomenten la autonoma, evaluarlas y diversificarlas, segn las necesidades del propio proceso y los resultados de la evaluacin y de la auto-evaluacin; y desarrollar estrategias afectivas para mantener una alta motivacin y una actitud de cooperacin con el grupo.


    Se considerar que un alumno ha adquirido las competencias propias de este nivel, para cada destreza, cuando sea capaz de lo siguiente:

    Comprensin oral

    Comprender el mensaje general, las ideas principales y los detalles especficos y ms relevantes, siempre que el discurso est bien articulado, sea claro y normal, en lengua estndar, con un acento generalmente conocido y se trate de asuntos cotidianos, relacionados con el trabajo, la escuela, el tiempo de ocio

    Deducir por el contexto el significado de frases y de algunas palabras, desconocidas si el tema es conocido.

    Seguir conversaciones claras, aunque tenga que pedir de vez en cuando que se repitan algunas palabras y frases concretas.

    Comprender las ideas generales de una discusin informal que tenga lugar en su presencia siempre que la articulacin sea clara y se hable en lengua estndar.

    Comprender la mayor parte de la informacin de una conversacin formal (de trabajo o sobre temas de inters personal...) Que tenga lugar en su presencia siempre que la pronunciacin sea clara y eviten un uso muy idiomtico.

    Comprender una conferencia o charla, siempre que el tema sea relativamente conocido y la estructura del discurso sea sencilla y clara.

    Puede seguir generalmente las ideas principales de un debate largo que ocurre a su alrededor, siempre que el discurso est articulado con claridad en un nivel de lengua estndar.

    Comprender informacin tcnica sencilla como, por ejemplo, las instrucciones de uso de un aparato cotidiano, y seguir instrucciones detalladas que se dan en la vida cotidiana.

    Captar lo esencial de los informativos y de programas de radio o televisin, de mensajes telefnicos, de megafona y material audio grabado, sobre temas conocidos, siempre que se hable relativamente lento, claro, de forma sencilla y en un lenguaje estndar.

    Comprender las ideas principales y la lnea argumental de pelculas con una historia sencilla, en las que los elementos visuales y la propia accin conducen gran parte del argumento, y el lenguaje utilizado es claro y sencillo.

    Comprensin de lectura



    Comprender el repertorio de vocabulario, estructuras y funciones lingsticas aprendidas y adecuadas, en las situaciones comunicativas sealadas para el nivel.

    Identificar referentes culturales, normas y convenciones de carcter sociocultural de los textos.

    Comprender de forma satisfactoria textos sencillos sobre hechos concretos que tratan sobre temas relacionados con su especialidad y campos de inters.

    Comprender suficientemente la descripcin de acontecimientos, sentimientos y deseos en cartas personales para mantener correspondencia regular con amigos.

    Localizar y comprender informacin relevante en textos relacionados con la vida cotidiana, como cartas, catlogos, folletos y documentos oficiales cortos.

    Localizar informacin relevante en textos largos y obtener informacin de distintas partes del texto o de varios textos para resolver un problema especfico.

    Reconocer las ideas principales de artculos de prensa sencillos sobre temas conocidos.

    Identificar las conclusiones en textos de argumentacin claros.

    Reconocer la lnea de la argumentacin, aunque no en detalle, de un tema tratado.

    Comprender las instrucciones sencillas y claras, relativas al funcionamiento de aparatos tcnicos de uso corriente.

    Leer textos sencillos con muchos datos sobre temas relacionados con su campo de especializacin e inters con un nivel satisfactorio de comprensin.

    Expresin oral

    Utilizar, en cualquier situacin comunicativa, el repertorio de vocabulario, estructuras y funciones lingsticas aprendidas y adecuadas.

    Relatar con razonable fluidez una historia o dar una descripcin sencilla sobre algn tema de su campo de inters y de asuntos habituales, presentndolo como una secuencia lineal de puntos.

    Contar experiencias con detalles y sucesos imprevistos describiendo sentimientos y reacciones.

    relatar la trama de un libro o una pelcula; narrar una historia de asuntos reales o imaginarios.

    Describir, de forma detallada, sucesos, tanto reales como imaginarios, y sentimientos, sueos, deseos, ambiciones, experiencias y reacciones.

    Dar explicaciones y razonamientos breves de opiniones, planes y acciones.

    Desarrollar un argumento lo suficiente para ser seguido sin problemas.

    Hacer declaraciones y exposiciones breves y ensayadas sobre un tema relacionado con la vida cotidiana o sobre un tema conocido dentro de su campo que, a pesar de un acento y entonacin extranjera, son, sin embargo inteligibles, para ser seguidas durante la mayor parte del tiempo y en las que los puntos significativos se explican con razonable precisin; y contestar a preguntas que surgen, aunque pueda tener que pedir que se repitan si el interlocutor habla rpido.

    Interaccin oral

    Expresarse con razonable correccin, aunque en ocasiones haya dudas, se utilicen circunloquios y haya limitaciones lxicas que produzcan repeticiones.

    Poner en juego los referentes culturales, normas y convenciones de carcter sociocultural necesarias.

    Participar espontneamente en una conversacin que trate temas cotidianos de inters personal o que sean pertinentes para la vida diaria (familia, aficiones, trabajo, viajes y acontecimientos actuales), en la que interviene aunque tenga que pedir ayuda o repeticin.

    Participar en una discusin informal siempre que se hable de forma clara, en lengua estndar, aunque tenga cierta dificultad para participar en el debate.



    Mantener una conversacin o una discusin de manera satisfactoria, aunque en ocasiones resulte difcil entenderle cuando intenta expresar lo que quiere decir.

    Desenvolverse en casi todas las situaciones que puedan surgir antes, durante y despus de un viaje, hasta poder llegar a cursar una reclamacin por un mal servicio.

    Desenvolverse en situaciones menos rutinarias en tiendas, oficinas de correo o bancos, como por ejemplo: devolver una compra, formular una queja

    Comunicarse con cierta seguridad tanto en asuntos que son habituales como en los poco habituales, relacionados con sus intereses personales y su especialidad.

    Pedir y seguir unas indicaciones detalladas.

    Intercambiar, contrastar y confirmar una informacin, solucionar situaciones menos habituales y explicar el motivo de un problema.

    Expresar opiniones sobre temas culturales y abstractos (como libros, pelculas, msica...) Y expresar acuerdo y desacuerdo ante las opiniones de otras personas.

    Expresar y responder a sentimientos y sensaciones tales como sorpresa, tristeza, enfado, inters, desinters, aburrimiento

    Expresar con amabilidad creencias, opiniones, acuerdos y desacuerdos.

    Comparar alternativas, evaluando qu hacer, a dnde ir o qu elegir y cmo organizar un acontecimiento.

    Participar en una discusin formal rutinaria sobre temas conocidos que requiere el intercambio de datos, para recibir instrucciones y solucionar problemas prcticos, siempre que se hable en lengua estndar y de manera clara.

    Dar opiniones personales al discutir sobre temas de inters, realizar breves comentarios sobre los puntos de vista de otras personas e invitar a otros a expresar sus puntos de vista sobre la forma de proceder.

    Resumir y dar opinin sobre una historia corta, un artculo, una charla, un debate, una entrevista o un documental y responder preguntas para dar ms detalles.

    Tomar iniciativa en una entrevista en la que se depende mucho del entrevistador.

    Utilizar un cuestionario para hacer una entrevista estructurada, con algunas preguntas no preparadas para recabar ms informacin.

    Realizar entrevistas preparadas, comprobando y confirmando la informacin, aunque puede que espordicamente tenga que pedir que le repitan lo dicho o que ello le sea reformulado si la respuesta de la otra persona es rpida o extensa.

    Expresin escrita

    Producir textos sencillos y cohesionados sobre una serie de temas cotidianos dentro de su campo de inters enlazando una serie de distintos elementos breves en una secuencia lineal.

    Escribir textos detallados sobre temas relacionados con su campo de inters y los sealados para el nivel, resumiendo y evaluando la informacin y los argumentos procedentes de distintas fuentes.

    Narrar y describir