th - · 011 / Rukun Warga 010, Kelurahan Rawamangun, Kecamatan Pulogadung, Jakarta...


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Number 7

On this day, Friday, the sixth of April two

thousand and eighteen (6-4-2018), 10:26 WIB

(twenty six minutes past ten Western Indonesia

Time), I, AULIA TAUFANI, Bachelor of Law, Master

of Notary, Notary in the Administrative City of

South Jakarta, in the presence of witnesses whose

names shall be mentioned at the end of this deed.

- At the request of the Board of Directors of:

"PT BANK MAYBANK INDONESIA Tbk", a public limited

liability company duly incorporated pursuant to

and under the Laws of the Republic of Indonesia,

based in Central Jakarta with its address at

Sentral Senayan 3, Jalan Asia Afrika No. 8,

Senayan, Jakarta 10270, of which its articles of

association has been published in the State

Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia on 6th

(sixth) day of May 1960 Number 37, Supplement

Number 122;

- the articles of association has been amended

from time to time and entirely amended to conform

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with Law Number 40 of 2007 (two thousand and

seven) regarding Limited Liability Company, as

stipulated in the deed dated 16th (sixteenth) July

2008 (two thousand and eight) Number 10, made

before ENGAWATI GAZALI, Bachelor of Law, Notary

in Jakarta, which has obtained the approval from

the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the

Republic of Indonesia in accordance with Decree

dated 28th (twenty eighth) August 2008 (two

thousand and eight) No. AHU-56218.AH.01.02.Tahun

2008 and has been announced in the State Gazette

of the Republic of Indonesia on 6th (sixth)

January 2009 (two thousand and nine) Number 2,

Supplement Number 527;

- the articles of association has been amended to

adjust to the Regulation No. IX.J.1 Attachment of

the Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory

Agency and Financial Institution No. KEP-

179/BL/2008 on the Articles of Association

Principles conducting Public Offering in the form

of Equity and Public Corporate, as stipulated in

the deed dated 7th (seventh) April 2009 (two

thousand and nine) Number 06, made before Notary

ENGAWATI GAZALI, Bachelor of law, of which its

articles of association amendment has been

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received and recorded in the Legal Entity

Administration System database of the Ministry of

Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia

in accordance with its letter dated 1st (first)

May 2009 (two thousand and nine) No. AHU-

AH.01.10-05099, and has been published in the

State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia on 1st

(first) of December 2009 (two thousand and nine)

Number 96, Supplement Number 873;

- the articles of association was last amended

entirely to conform with the provisions of the

Financial Services Authority Regulation, among

others, Financial Services Authority Regulation

Number 32/POJK.04/2014 on the Planning and

Organization of General Meeting of Shareholders

of Public Companies and Number 33/POJK.04/2014 on

Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of

Issuing or Public Companies, as stipulated in the

deed dated 24th (twenty fourth) August 2015 (two

thousand and fifteen) No. 60, made before Notary

ARYANTI ARTISARI, which has been approved by the

Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the

Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the

Decree dated 26th (twenty sixth) August 2015 (two

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thousand and fifteen) No. AHU-

0941203.AH.01.02.TAHUN 2015;

- the latest composition of the Board of

Directors, Board of Commissioners and Sharia

Supervisory Board as stipulated in the deed that

I, Notary, made on this day No. 9,;

- (henceforth to be referred also as the


At the Function Room, Sentral Senayan III 28th

Floor, Jalan Asia Afrika No. 8, Senayan, Gelora

Bung Karno, Jakarta 10270;

- to prepare the minutes of all matter discussed

in such Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

and at the aforementioned time and venue

(hereinafter to be referred to as the "Meeting").

The Meeting was attended by and therefore

appeared before me, Notary, in the presence of


1. Mr. DATUK ABDUL FARID bin ALIAS, born in

Johor, on February 2 (second) 1968 (nineteen

sixty eight), Entrepreneur, residing in

Nomor 5, Jalan Wangsamas l, Bukit Wangsamas,

Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, holder

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of Malaysian Passport Number A28225298,

Malaysian Citizen, temporarily staying in

Jakarta; -As per his elucidation, the

appearer acted, in this case, as a President

Commissioner of the Company.

2. Mr. SPENCER LEE TIEN CHYE, born in Pulau

Pinang, on May 10 (ten) 1951 (nineteen fifty

one), Entrepreneur, domiciled in Nomor l,

Jalan SS 2/8, Petaling Jaya, Selangor,

Malaysia, holder of Malaysian Passport

Number A31342338, Malaysian Citizen,

temporarily staying in Jakarta; — As per his

elucidation, the appearer acted, in this

case, as a Commissioner of the Company.

3. Ms. BUDHI DYAH SITAWATI, born in Palembang,

on 4 (four) May 1959 (nineteen fifty-nine),

Entrepreneur, residing in Jakarta, Jalan

Bunga Cempaka Raya No. 101, Rukun Tetangga

006 / Rukun Warga 002, Kelurahan Cipete

Selatan, Kecamatan Cilandak, Jakarta

Selatan, holder of Identity Card with

National Identity Number 3174034405590001,

Indonesian citizen;

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According to her statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as an Independent

Commissioner of the Company.

4. Mr. HENDAR, born in Bandung, on 20 (twenty)

March 1957 (nineteen fifty-seven),

Entrepreneur, residing at Jakarta, Jalan

Dwijaya III/5, Rukun Tetangga 005/ Rukun

Warga 015, Kelurahan Gandaria Utara,

Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan,

holder of Identity Card with National

Identity Number 3174072003570001, Indonesian


According to his statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as an Independent

Commissioner of the Company;

5. Mr. EDWIN GERUNGAN, born in Jakarta, on 17

(seventeen) June 1948 (nineteen forty-

eight), Entrepreneur, residing at Jakarta,

Jalan Terusan Hanglekir II/W.40, Rukun

Tetangga 006/ Rukun Warga 008, Kelurahan

Grogol Selatan, Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama,

Jakarta Selatan, holder of Identity Card

with National Identity Number

3174051706480003, Indonesian citizen;

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According to his statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as an

Commissioner of the Company;

6. Mister TASWIN (TASWIN ZAKARIA), born in

Medan, on June 24 (twenty four) 1968

(nineteen sixty eight), Entrepreneur,

domiciled in Jakarta, Jalan Jaya Mandala I

Nomor 9, Rukun Tetangga O09 / Rukun Warga

OO1, Kelurahan Menteng Dalam, Kecamatan

Tebet, South Jakarta, holder of Identity

Card Registration Number: 3171062406680005,

Indonesian Citizen; — As per his

elucidation, the appearer acted, in this

case, as the President Director of the


7. Ms. THILAGAVATHY NADASON, born in Singapore,

on 24 (twenty-four) September 1961 (nineteen

sixty-one), Entrepreneur, residing in

Jakarta, Jalan Cipaku II No. 14, Rukun

Tetangga 011 / Rukun Warga 004, Kelurahan

Petogogan, Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta

Selatan, holder of Identity Card with

National Identity Number 3174076409610003,

Malaysian Citizen;

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According to her statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as the Director

of the Company.

8. Ms. JENNY WIRIYANTO, born in Pontianak, on 22

(twenty two) May 1964 (nineteen sixty-four),

Entrepreneur, residing in Jakarta, Jalan

Niaga Hijau Raya Nomor 83, Rukun Tetangga

001 / Rukun Warga 017, Kelurahan Pondok

Pinang, Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta

Selatan, holder of Identity Card with

National Identity Number 3174056205640004,

Indonesian citizen;

According to her statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as an Independent

Director of the Company.

9. Ms. DHIEN TJAHAJANI, Bachelor of Law, Master

of Business Administration, born in Kebumen,

on 3 (three) July 1966 (nineteen sixty-six),

Entrepreneur, residing in Jakarta, Aston

Rasuna Residence TB-20 H, Rukun Tetangga 002

/ Rukun Warga 010, Kelurahan Menteng Atas,

Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, holder

of Identity Card with National Identity

Number 3174024307660001, Indonesian citizen;

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dokumen hukum, sehingga tidak mengikat secara hukum serta tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai barang bukti dalam persidangan. Apabila Anda

pemegang saham memerlukan copy dari akta dimaksud, mohon dapat menghubungi Corporate Secretary Perseroan melalui email :


According to her statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as an Independent

Director of the Company.

10. Mr. ERI BUDIONO, born in Malang, on 30

(thirty) November 1968 (nineteen sixty-

eight), Entrepreneur, residing in Jakarta,

Jalan Gedung Pinang Blok PS-24, Rukun

Tetangga 014 / Rukun Warga 016, Kelurahan

Pondok Pinang, Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama,

Jakarta Selatan, holder of Identity Card

with National Identity Number

3174053011680004, Indonesian citizen;

According to his statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as the Director

of the Company.

11. Mr. IRVANDI FERIZAL, born in Padang, on 20

(twenty) February 1968 (nineteen sixty-

eight), Entrepreneur, residing in Jakarta,

Jalan Balai Pustaka IV / 25, Rukun Tetangga

011 / Rukun Warga 010, Kelurahan Rawamangun,

Kecamatan Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, holder

of Identity Card with National Identity

Number 3175022002680009, Indonesian citizen;

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pemegang saham memerlukan copy dari akta dimaksud, mohon dapat menghubungi Corporate Secretary Perseroan melalui email :


According to his statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as the Director

of the Company.

12. Mr. EFFENDI, born in Singkep, on 5 (five)

April 1970 (nineteen seventy), Entrepreneur,

residing in Jakarta, Jalan Mokmer Blok

B/11.A, Rukun Tetangga 006 / Rukun Warga

007, Kelurahan Gunung Sahari, Kecamatan

Sawah Besar, Jakarta Pusat, holder of

Identity Card with National Identity Number

3171020504700002, Indonesian citizen;

According to his statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as the Director

of the Company.

13. Ms. DYAH INDRASTUTI, born in Jakarta, on 16

(sixteen) October 1980 (nineteen eighty),

Self-employed, residing in Jakarta, Jalan

Kramat II No. 52, Rukun Tetangga 008 / Rukun

Warga 004, Kelurahan Kwitang, Kecamatan

Senen, Jakarta Pusat, holder of Identity

Card with National Identity Number

3276055610800009, Indonesian citizen;

- As per her elucidation, the appeared

acting, in this case acts in virtue of 2

(two) Power of Attorneys, both dated 20

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(twenty) September 2017 (two thousand and

seventeen), privately drawn up, sufficiently

duty stamped and the original is attached

hereto, as the proxy of and therefore for

and on behalf of:


company incorporated under the laws of

Singapore, domiciled and headquartered

in Battery Road #01-11 Maybank Tower,

Singapore 049907;

- the company is in this case

represented as the owner of / entitled

to 30,499,981,823 (thirty billion four

hundred and ninety nine million nine

hundred eighty one thousand eight

hundred and twenty-three) shares in the



(LABUAN) SDN. BHD., a company

incorporated under the laws of

Malaysia, domiciled and headquartered

at the 14th floor, Menara Maybank, 100

Jalan Tuan Perak, 50050 Kuala Lumpur,


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the company is in this case represented

as the owner of / entitled to

23,006,572,441 (twenty-three billion

six million five hundred and seventy-

two thousand four hundred forty one)

shares in the Company.

14. The public as the owner of / entitled to

24,931,884 (twenty four million nine hundred

and thirty one thousand eight hundred and

eighty four) shares in the Company, which of

the names, addresses and total of its

shareholding is as stated in the List of

Attendance of Shareholders attached to the

minutes of this deed.

15. Mr. Doctor MUHAMMAD ANWAR IBRAHIM, born in

Palembang, on 16 (sixteen) November 1941

(nineteen forty one), Entrepreneur, residing

in Tangerang, Jalan Kenari II B – L 5/13,

Rukun Tetangga 002 / Rukun Warga 008,

Kelurahan Rengas, Kecamatan Ciputat Timur,

Tangerang Selatan, Banten, holder of

Identity Card with National Identity Number

3674051611410001, Indonesian citizen;

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According to his statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as the Chairman

of the Sharia Advisory Board of the Company.

16. Mr. Doctor ABDUL JABAR MAJID, born in Langgam,

on 29 (twenty nine) December 1952 (nineteen

fifty two), Entrepreneur, residing in

Bekasi, Kampung Ujung Harapan, Rukun

Tetangga 007 / Rukun Warga 003, Kelurahan

Bahagia, Kecamatan Babelan, Kabupaten

Bekasi, Jawa Barat, holder of Identity Card

with National Identity Number

321602291252003, Indonesian citizen;

According to his statement, the said

appearer in this case acts as the member of

the Sharia Advisory Board of the Company.

17. Mr. Doctor ONI SAHRONI, Masters of Arts,

born in Serang, on 26 (twenty six) November

1975 (nineteen seventy five), Entrepreneur,

residing in Jakarta, Jalan Masjid

Baiturahman Komplek Pesona Sakinah, Rukun

Tetangga 001/Rukun Warga 008, Kelurahan

Mekarsari, Kecamatan Cimanggis, holder of

Identity Card with National Identity Number

3604192611750001, Indonesian Citizen;

According to his statement, the said

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appearer in this case acts as the member of

the Sharia Advisory Board of the Company.

18. Mr. GUFRON SUHARTONO, born in Jakarta, on

January 26 (twenty six) 1976 (nineteen

seventy six), private person, domiciled in

Bekasi, Pesona Anggrek Blok G 9-37, Rukun

Tetangga OO7 / Rukun Warga O24, Kelurahan

Harapan Jaya, Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, Kota

Bekasi, Jawa Barat, holder of Identity Card

Registration Number: 327503260l7600l6,

Indonesian Citizen, temporarily staying in

Jakarta; — As per his elucidation, the

appearer was present in the Meeting, in this

case, based on invitation from the Company's

Directors representing PT SINARTAMA GUNITA

as the Stock Administrative Bureau of the


Before the commencement of the meeting, the

Master Cemeremony (MC) read out the summary of

the Meeting’s Code of Conduct. The complete

Meeting’s Code of Conduct was distributed to the

Meeting participants prior to entering the

meeting room.

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After reading out of the summary of the Meeting

Code of Conduct, the MC requested Mr. DATUK ABDUL

FARID BIN ALIAS as the President Commissioner of

the Company to open and chair the meeting.

Mr. DATUK ABDUL FARID BIN ALIAS firstly extended

praise and gratitude to the Almighty God, for His

grace providing health and opportunity to be able

to attend this Meeting held today.

On behalf of all members of the Board of

Commissioners and Board of Directors, Mr. DATUK

ABDUL FARID BIN ALIAS welcomed and conveyed his

gratitude for the presence of the shareholders,

proxy of the shareholders and invitees in the


Whereas in virtue of Article 11, paragraph 7 of

the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr.


Commissioner of the Company has been appointed by

the Board of Commissioners through its meeting on

23 (twenty-three) February 2018 (two thousand and

eighteen), to chair the Meeting (“Chairman of the


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The Chairman of the Meeting stated that the

Meeting was officially opened at 9.20 WIB (twenty

past nine A.M Indonesia Western Time).

That for convening the Meeting, the Company had

fulfilled the following legal procedures:

1. The Board of Directors of the Company had

notified the Financial Services Authority ("OJK")

regarding the plan of this Meeting by its letter

dated the 20th (twentieth) of February 2018 (two

thousand eighteen) and the 14th (fourteenth) of

March 2018 (two thousand eighteen) in order to

comply with the OJK Regulation No. 32 of 2014

(two thousand fourteen);

2. The Board of Directors of the Company had

also made an ANNOUNCEMENT to the Shareholders in

the newspaper i.e. "Neraca" which was published

on the 28th (twenty eighth) of February 2018 (two

thousand eighteen), the said ANNOUNCEMENT was

also published on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

website and the Company’s website i.e. on the same date.

3. SUMMON to the Shareholders had been

posted in the newspaper i.e. "Neraca" which was

published on the 15th (fifteenth) of March 2018

(two thousand eighteen), the said SUMMON was also

published on the Indonesia Stock Exchange website

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and the Company’s website i.e.

on the same date.

Likewise, explanation on each agenda of the

Meeting to be discussed, as well as the

curriculum vitae of members of the Board of

Commissioners, Board of Directors and Syariah

Supervisory Board to be re-appointed in this

Meeting, had also been published on the Company’s


each copy of the newspaper containing the

abovementioned advertisement was attached to the

minutes of this deed.

Before the Meeting was commenced, the Chairman of

the Meeting asked me, the Notary, whether the

Meeting had met the quorum requirement for

attendance in accordance with the prevailing


By me, the Notary, it was stated that by taking

into account Article 86 paragraph 1 of the

Limited Liability Company Law No. 40 of 2007 (two

thousand seven), Article 26 paragraph 1.a of the

Regulation of the Financial Services Authority

Number 32 of 2014 (two thousand fourteen), and

Article 12 paragraph 1.a of the Articles of

Association of the Company, the General Meeting

of Shareholders shall be valid if it is attended

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by the shareholders or their authorized proxy

representing more than 1/2 (one half) portion of

the total number of shares with voting right

issued by the Company;

after reviewing the Shareholders

Attendance List, it could be confirmed that the

number of shares attending or represented in the

Meeting were 53,531,486,148 (fifty three billion

five hundred thirty one million four hundred

eighty six thousand one hundred forty eight)

shares or equivalent to 79.02% (seventy nine

point zero two percent) of the total number of

shares of the Company up to the date of the 14th

(fourteenth) of March 2018 (two thousand

eighteen), i.e. amounting to 67,746,840,730

(sixty seven billion seven hundred forty six

million eight hundred forty thousand seven

hundred and thirty) shares;

Accordingly, quorum requirement for

attendance for convening the Meeting had been


Then, the Chairman of the Meeting stated that

because the legal procedure and quorum

requirement for attendance of the Meeting had

been met, the Meeting shall be valid and entitled

to take binding resolution on matters to be

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discussed in accordance with the Agenda of the


Prior to entering the Agenda of the Meeting, the

Chairman of the Meeting let Mister TASWIN ZAKARIA

as the President Director of the Company to first

present brief elaboration on the current general

condition of the Company in order to comply with

Article 24 paragraph 3 of the OJK Regulation No.

32 of 2014 (two thousand fourteen).

Further, Mister TASWIN ZAKARIA stated that:

The Company in the financial statement

period of 31st (thirty first) of December 2017

(two thousand seventeen), had successfully booked

a net profit after tax and non-controlling

interest (PATAMI) of IDR1,800,000,000,000.00 (one

trillion eight hundred billion Rupiah) in

December 2017 (two thousand seventeen) compared

to IDR1,900,000,000,000.00 (one trillion nine

hundred billion Rupiah) in December 2016 (two

thousand sixteen).

In the midst of strict competition of

interbank credit rate interest, the Company had

successfully booked growth of net interest income

(NII) in 2017 (two thousand seventeen) of

IDR7,700,000,000,000.00 (seven trillion seven

hundred billion Rupiah) or grew by 3.7% (three

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point seven percent). The Company had always

strived in a discipline manner to manage funding

including funds interest rate so that the Net

Interest Margin (NIM) ratio can be maintained at

5.17% (five point one seven percent) level in

2017 (two thousand seventeen) from the 5.18%

(five point one eight percent) level in 2016 (two

thousand sixteen).

The total credit distribution grew by

3.0% (three point zero percent) in 2017 (two

thousand seventeen) to become

IDR125,400,000,000,000.00 (one hundred twenty

five trillion four hundred billion Rupiah) from

2016 (two thousand sixteen) in the amount of

IDR121,800,000,000,000.00 (one hundred twenty one

trillion eight hundred billion Rupiah), supported

by strong performance in the Global Banking


The Syariah Business Unit (UUS)

continued to record strong performance in 2017

(two thousand seventeen) with the increase of UUS

total assets of 16.7% (sixteen point seven

percent) to become IDR27,100,000,000,000.00

(twenty seven trillion one hundred billion

Rupiah), contributed to 15.7% (fifteen point

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seven percent) of the total assets of the


Total financing grew by 48.0% (forty eight point

zero percent) to become IDR20,700,000,000,000.00

(twenty trillion seven hundred billion Rupiah) in

December 2017 (two thousand seventeen) from

IDR14,000,000,000,000.00 (fourteen trillion

Rupiah) per December 2016 (two thousand sixteen),

while the total deposits grew by 52.6% (fifty two

point six percent) from IDR10,900,000,000,000.00

(ten trillion nine hundred billion Rupiah) to

become IDR16,700,000,000,000.00 (sixteen trillion

seven hundred billion Rupiah). Asset quality

improved significantly with a low Non-Performing

Financing (NPF) level, i.e. amounting to 3.00%

(three point zero zero percent) in December 2017

(two thousand seventeen) compared to 4.38% (four

point three eight percent) in December 2016 (two

thousand sixteen).

Capital adequacy ratio (CAR) increased to

17.53% (seventeen point five three percent) from

16.77% (sixteen point seven seven percent). In

2017 (two thousand seventeen), the Company

successfully settled several corporate NPL

credits so that the Company's Consolidated NPL

level improved to 2.81% (two point eight one

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percent) (gross) and 1.72% (one point seven two

percent) (net) compared to 3.42% (three point

four two percent) (gross) and 2.28% (two point

two eight percent) (net) in 2016 (two thousand


Thus, it was conveyed by the Chairman of the

Meeting, that a more detailed explanation on the

Company's condition as of the 31st (thirty first)

of December 2017 (two thousand seventeen) would

be completely set out in the Agenda of the

Meeting on the Company’s Annual Report.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the Meeting stated

that as contained in the advertisement of Summon,

the Agenda of the Meeting would be as follows:

1. The Company’s Annual Report and

ratification of Balance Sheet and

Profit/Loss Account for the financial

year ended on the 31st (thirty first) of

December 2017 (two thousand seventeen);

2. Determination of the use of the Company's

net profit for the financial year ended

on the 31 (thirty first) of December 2017

(two thousand seventeen);

3. Appointment of Public Accounting Firm to

audit the financial statement of the

Company for the 2018 (two thousand

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eighteen) financial year and

determination of honorarium of the Public

Accounting Firm and other requirements;

4. Changes in the composition of the Board of

Directors, the Board of Commissioners and

the Syariah Supervisory Board in relation

to the expiry of the term of tenure;

5. Determination of honorarium and/or other

allowances for the Board of Commissioners

of the Company;

6. Delegation of authority to the Board of

Commissioners to determine:

a. Salary and/or allowance for

members of the Board of Directors;

b. Honorarium and/or allowance for

members of the Syariah Supervisory


7. Distribution of duties and authorities

among member of the Board of Directors of

the Company;

8. Report on the Use of proceeds from the

Company’s Public Offering of 2017

financial year:

a. Obligasi Subordinasi

Berkelanjutan II Phase I of 2017

(two thousand seventeen); and

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b. Sukuk Mudharabah Berkelanjutan

II Phase I of 2017 (two thousand


9. Approval of Recovery Plan of the Company in

order to comply with the OJK Regulation

Number 14 of 2017 (two thousand


Furthermore, the Chairman of the Meeting also

informed that the provision regarding the

mechanism of passing resolution and the

procedures for exercising the right to ask

questions to or opinions of the shareholders who

are present shall be as contained in the Rule of

the Meeting which had been distributed to the

shareholders prior to entering the meeting room,

and the subject matters which had been read out

by the Master of Ceremony before the Meeting



"The Annual Report of the Company, ratification

of Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss Account for the

financial year ended on the 31st (thirty first) of

December 2017 (two thousand seventeen)".

For the discussion of the First Agenda of this

Meeting, the Chairman of the Meeting let Mister

TASWIN ZAKARIA, as the President Director of the

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Company, to present elaboration on the subject

matters of the Company's Annual Report, in

particular on the circumstances, performance and

results achieved by the Company during the 2017

(two thousand seventeen) financial year .

Mister TASWIN ZAKARIA stated that in the midst of

the slowing economic conditions, and challenging

business climate, the Company succeeded in

closing the year of 2017 (two thousand seventeen)

with quite encouraging result, i.e. be able to

book a net profit (PATAMI) of

IDR1,800,000,000,000.00. (one trillion eight

hundred billion Rupiah) in the period of the 31st

(thirty first) of December 2017 (two thousand

seventeen), slightly decreased from

IDR1,900,000,000,000.00 (one trillion nine

hundred billion Rupiah) on the 31st (three first)

of December 2016 (two thousand sixteen).

This performance was overall supported by better

net interest income (NII), accompanied by

discipline cost management, credit growth of the

Global Banking beyond the industry average

followed by better improvement of asset quality

level (NPL), outstanding achievement of Syariah

and increased performance of subsidiaries.

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Net Interest Growth or NII in 2017 (two thousand

seventeen) was primarily resulted from the

Company's discipline in making credit pricing and

fund management actively.

Similarly, the Company's overhead cost was

recorded in the amount of IDR5,800,000,000,000.00

(five trillion eight hundred billion Rupiah) in

2017 (two thousand seventeen) or increased 5.0%

(five point zero percent) from the previous year.

If it excluded one off cost, the Company's

overhead cost was well controlled, and only grew

by 0.6% (zero point six percent) to become

IDR5,600,000,000,000.00 (five trillion six

hundred billion Rupiah). This was the result of

intensive cost management in all operational and

business lines of the Company.

Throughout 2017 (two thousand seventeen), the

Company's liquidity position strengthened with a

healthy managed Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) of

88.12% (eighty eight point one two percent).

Total customer deposits grew to become

IDR121,300,000,000,000.00 (one hundred twenty one

trillion three hundred billion Rupiah) in 2017

(two thousand seventeen) from

IDR118,900,000,000,000.00 (one hundred eighteen

trillion nine hundred billion Rupiah) in 2016

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(two thousand sixteen) with CASA (Current Account

Savings Account) ratio increased to become 40.01%

(forty point zero one percent). The increase in

CASA ratio was mainly due to the Company's focus

in building transactional banking and cash

management services as well as improvement of

electronic channels including Maybank2U mobile

banking facility.

The Company was successful in improving credit

quality through restructuring, write-off and sale

of troubled assets efforts in 2017 (two thousand

seventeen) and it gave a positive result. The

Company's consolidated NPL rate was 2.81% (two

point eight one percent) (gross) and 1.72% (one

point seven two percent) (net) as of the 31st

(thirty first) of December 2017 (two thousand

seventeen), it was better compared to 3.42%

(three point four two percent) (NPL gross) and

2.28% (two point two eight percent) (NPL net) in

the previous year.

The Company's capital adequacy ratio (CAR)

increased to become 17.53% (seventeen point five

three percent) as of December 2017 (two thousand

seventeen) from 16.77% (sixteen point seven seven

percent) as of December 2016 (two thousand

sixteen) with the total capital reaching

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IDR22,600,000,000,000.00 (twenty two trillion six

hundred billion Rupiah).

Throughout 2017 (two thousand seventeen) the

Company's Syariah Business Unit (UUS) continued

to record strong performance. Total Syariah

financing grew by 48.0% (forty eight point zero

percent) to become IDR20,700,000,000,000.00

(twenty trillion seven hundred billion Rupiah) in

December 2017 (two thousand seventeen), while

total Syariah deposits grew by 52.6% (fifty two

point six percent) to become

IDR16,700,000,000,000.00 (sixteen trillion seven

hundred billion Rupiah). UUS's total assets

increased by 16.7% (sixteen point seven percent)

to become IDR27,100,000,000,000.00 (twenty seven

trillion one hundred billion Rupiah), contributed

to 15.7% (fifteen point seven percent) of total

assets of the Company. While UUS net profit

increased by 35.3% (thirty five point three

percent) to become IDR630,900,000,000.00 (six

hundred thirty billion nine hundred million

Rupiah) in December 2017 (two thousand


Further, Mister TASWIN ZAKARIA stated that the

Company's subsidiaries, i.e. PT Maybank Indonesia

Finance (Maybank Finance) and PT Wahana Ottomitra

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Multiartha Tbk (WOM Finance) also gave

outstanding contributions to auto loan segment

(four-wheels and two-wheels vehicles).

Maybank Finance continued to show solid

performance with the increase of profit before

tax to become IDR357,000,000,000.00 (three

hundred fifty seven billion Rupiah) in December

2017 (two thousand seventeen) from

IDR334,000,000,000.00 (three hundred three twenty

four billion Rupiah) last year. Total financing

also recorded an increase of 14.5% (fourteen

point five percent) to become

IDR6,800,000,000,000.00 (six trillion eight

hundred billion Rupiah) in December 2017 (two

thousand seventeen) from IDR6,000,000,000,000.00

(six trillion Rupiah) in December 2016 (two

thousand sixteen) in the midst of such

challenging economic climate. This achievement

was accompanied by strong asset quality with a

lower gross NPL of 0.26% (zero point twenty six

percent) in December 2017 (two thousand

seventeen) compared to 0.39% (zero point three

nine percent) in the same period of last year.

Meanwhile, WOM Finance recorded a remarkable

performance in 2017 (two thousand seventeen) with

the significant increase profit before tax to

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become IDR237,000,000,000.00 (two hundred thirty

seven billion Rupiah) on the 31st (thirty first)

December 2017 (two thousand seventeen) from

IDR30,000,000,000.00 (thirty billion Rupiah) as

of the 31st (thirty first) of December 2016 (two

thousand sixteen). The performance improvement

mainly came from multipurpose financing growth

(MotorKu and MobilKu). Total WOM portfolio

financing (WOM only) increased to become

IDR6,900,000,000,000.00 (six trillion nine

hundred billion Rupiah) in December 2017 (two

thousand seventeen) from IDR6,100,000,000,000.00

(six trillion one hundred billion Rupiah) in

December 2016 (two thousand sixteen). WOM also

kept focusing on the implementation of prudent

risk management policy and the improvement of

collection strategies to ensure good asset

quality. As a result, WOM's asset quality

improved with a low gross NPL of 2.2% (two point

two percent) in December 2017 (two thousand

seventeen) from 3.3% (three point three percent)

in December 2016 (two thousand sixteen).

Representing the Board of Directors of the

Company, gratitude and highest appreciation was

given to the Board of Commissioners for the

advice and suggestion provided to the Board of

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Directors throughout 2017 (two thousand

seventeen) so that the Company could go through

2017 (two thousand seventeen) very well. In 2018

(two thousand eighteen), Maybank Indonesia

believed that it would continuously strengthen

its presence in the banking industry with

improved performance and ability to respond

quickly and effectively to the changes in market,

economic and political in order to maintain more

valuable reputation, brand and creative


The same gratitude was also given to all

shareholders, stakeholders, customers, and

business partners, for the support, trust and

cooperation that had been well established all

this time. The Board of Directors also expressed

gratitude and appreciation to all employees who

had worked with full dedication in carrying out

their respective duties and responsibilities.

Furthermore, Mister TASWIN ZAKARIA also stated

additional information as follows:

1. The Company's Annual Report for the 2017

(two thousand seventeen) financial year

had been signed by all members of the

Board of Directors and the Board of

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Commissioners of the Company who held the

positions in the said year.

2. The Company’s Annual Report which

contains the "Financial Position Report and

Consolidated Profit/Loss Report of the 2017

financial year", had been audited by the Public

Accounting Firm "Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja" (a

member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited)

based on the report No. RPC 5706/PSS/2018 dated

the 23rd (twenty third) of February 2018 (two

thousand eighteen) with audit opinion: "without


3. The result of examination by the said

Public Accounting Firm had also been reviewed by

the Audit Committee of the Company and submitted

in the Board of Commissioners Meeting on the 23rd

(twenty third) of February 2018 (two thousand


4. This Annual Report had been submitted by

the Company to the Financial Services Authority

and the Indonesia Stock Exchange through a letter

dated the 15th (fifteenth) of March 2018 (two

thousand eighteen).

5. The Financial Position Report and

Consolidated Profit/Loss Report for the 2017 (two

thousand seventeen) financial year had also been

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announced to the public through Media Indonesia

newspaper published on the 26th (twenty sixth) of

February 2018 (two thousand eighteen).

Thus the explanation regarding the performance of

the Company conveyed by the President Director,

the meeting was then handed-back to the Chairman

of the Meeting.

The Chairman of the Meeting expressed gratitude

to Mister TASWIN ZAKARIA as the President

Director who had presented the report of the

Board of Directors regarding the performance of

the Company for the 2017 (two thousand seventeen)

financial year. A full description of the

Company's financial statements and other

activities, including report on supervisory

duties performed by the Board of Commissioners

during the 2017 (two thousand seventeen)

financial year, social activities conducted by

the Company, and various awards received by the

Company throughout 2017 (two thousand seventeen),

may be found in the Annual Report of 2017 (two

thousand seventeen) which had been distributed to

the Shareholders prior to entering the Meeting

room and had been available on the Company's


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Further, the Chairman of the Meeting stated that

before passing the resolution, the shareholders

or proxy of the shareholders shall be given an

opportunity to ask questions or give responses,

if any, by raising his/her hand and submitting

the filled out inquiry form to the officer.

It turned out that one of the

shareholders asked question, i.e. for

clarification of some reserves with losses of the

decrease of BNII value and the changes in fair

value of financial divestments which was

available to be sold in the amount of

IDR21,000,000,000.00 (twenty one billion rupiah)

while in 2016 (two thousand sixteen) it was in

the amount of IDR79,900,000,000.00 (seventy nine

billion nine hundred million rupiah);

after the questions and answers as necessary then

it was proposed to the Meeting to:

1. accept and approve the Annual Report of

the Company for the financial year ended on the

31 (thirty first) of December 2017 (two thousand


2. approve and ratify the Annual Financial

Report, which includes the Financial Position

Report and Consolidated Profit/Loss Report of the

2017 (two thousand seventeen) financial year,

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which had been audited by the Public Accounting

Firm Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (a member firm

of Ernst & Young Global Limited) with report

Number RPC 5706/PSS/2018 dated the 23rd (twenty

third) of February 2018 (two thousand eighteen)

with audit opinion without modification.

3. give release and discharge from

responsibilities (acquit et de charge) to all

members of the Board of Commissioners and the

Board of Directors of the Company who held the

positions for the 2017 (two thousand seventeen)

financial year for his/her supervision and

management conducted during the said 2017 (two

thousand seventeen) financial year to the extent

that his/her supervision and management conduct

as mentioned were reflected in the books and

records of the Company during the 2017 (two

thousand seventeen) financial year, and did not

violate any prudent banking practices nor be

included in the category of criminal acts.

Further, the shareholders or proxy of the

shareholders who attended the Meeting were asked

whether the said submitted proposal could be

approved by deliberation for consensus?

If there was any shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who would cast negative or blank

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vote, he/she was asked to raise his/her hand, and

submit his/her voting card to the officer to be

forwarded to me, the Notary.

Since there was no shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who had any objection, it could be

concluded that the Meeting by deliberation for

consensus had decided to accept and approve the

proposed resolution as presented in the First

Agenda of the Meeting.


"Determination of the use of the Company's net

profit for the financial year ended on the 31st

(thirty first) of December 2017 (two thousand


The Chairman of the Meeting let Mister TASWIN

ZAKARIA again as the President Director to

present the discussion on the Second Agenda of

the Meeting.

Mister TASWIN ZAKARIA stated that taking into

account the prevailing provisions related to the

allocation of the use of profit of the Company,

it was said that the Board of Directors of the

Company in its meeting on the 19th (nineteenth) of

February 2018 (two thousand eighteen) and the

Board of Commissioners of the Company in its

meeting on the 23rd (twenty third) of February

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2018 (two thousand eighteen) resolved to propose

to the shareholders to:

1. approve the use of net profit for the

2017 (two thousand seventeen) financial year

which had been ratified in the First Agenda of

the Meeting, i.e. amounting to

IDR1,804,030,994,217.00 (one trillion eight

hundred four billion thirty million nine hundred

ninety four thousand two hundred seventeen

Rupiah), with details of use as follows:

a. Amounting to 5.4% (five point four

percent) or IDR96,712,512,653.00 (ninety six

billion seven hundred twelve million five hundred

twelve thousand six hundred fifty three Rupiah)

to be used as a "General Reserve Fund", in order

to comply with the provision of Article 70

paragraph 1 of the Limited Liability Company Law

and Article 25 of the Articles of Association of

the Company.

b. Amounting to IDR5.33 (five point thirty

three Rupiah) per share or approximately 20%

(twenty percent) to be distributed as Cash

Dividend with a total maximum of

IDR360,806,198,843.00 (three hundred sixty

billion eight hundred six million one hundred

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ninety eight thousand eight hundred forty three


c. The remaining balance of 74.6% (seventy

four point six percent) or

IDR1,346,512,282,721.00 (one trillion three

hundred forty six billion five hundred twelve

million two hundred eighty two thousand seven

hundred twenty one Rupiah) to be included as

"Retained Earnings" of the Company.

2. approve the distribution of cash dividend

for the said 2017 (two thousand seventeen)

financial year which was implemented with the

terms as follows:

a. The shareholder entitled to receive cash

dividend of the 2017 (two thousand seventeen)

financial year was the shareholder whose name was

listed in the Register of Shareholder of the

Company on the 18th (eighteenth) of April 2018

(two thousand eighteen);

b. Cash Dividend to be paid on the 4th

(fourth) of May 2018 (two thousand eighteen);

c. The Board of Directors was given power

and authority to determine matters related to the

implementation of the payment of the said cash

dividend, including but not limited to, among

others, to provide the procedure for the said

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distribution of cash dividend and announce it by

taking into account the applicable Exchange


Thus, it was conveyed, the meeting was then

handed-back to the Chairman of the Meeting.

Thus, the proposal of the Board of Directors for

the Second Agenda of the Meeting.

The Chairman of the Meeting expressed gratitude

to Mister TASWIN ZAKARIA as the President

Director for the elaboration of the Second Agenda

of the Meeting.

Further, the Chairman of the Meeting gave an

opportunity to the shareholders or proxy of the

Shareholder to submit response question, if any,

by raising hand and submitting the filled out

inquiry form to the officer.

Since there was no one who asked a question or

gave an opinion, then, the shareholders or proxy

of the shareholders present at the Meeting were

asked whether the said submitted proposal could

be approved by deliberation for consensus?

Afterwards, the Chairman of the Meeting asked if

there was any shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who would cast negative or blank

vote, he/she was asked to raise his/her hand, and

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submit his/her voting card to the officer to be

forwarded to me, the Notary.

Since there was no shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who had any objection, it could be

concluded that the Meeting by deliberation for

consensus had decided to accept and approve the

proposed resolution as presented in the Second

Agenda of the Meeting.


“The Appointment of Public Accounting Firm which

shall audit the financial statement of the

Company for the 2018 (two thousand eighteen)

financial year and determination of honorarium of

the Public Accounting Firm and other


The Chairman of the Meeting, on behalf of the

Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners

of the Company, said thank you to the Public

Accountant Firm "Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja" (a

member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited) for

the result of its examination on the Company's

Financial Statement for the 2017 (two thousand

seventeen) financial year.

Furthermore, taking into account the

recommendation of the Audit Committee dated the

23rd (twenty third) of March 2018 (two thousand

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eighteen) and the 2nd (second) of April 2018 (two

thousand eighteen) and the approval of the Board

of Commissioners in its meeting dated the 23rd

(twenty third) of March 2018 (two thousand

eighteen) and the Circular resolution of the

Board of Commissioners dated the 3rd (third) of

April 2018 (two thousand eighteen), it is hereby

proposed to the Meeting to:

1. Appoint Public Accounting Firm

"Purwantono, Sungkoro and Surja (a member firm of

Ernst & Young Global Limited) "to audit the

financial statement of the Company for the 2018

(two thousand eighteen) financial year with audit

services fees and requirements deemed appropriate

by the Company;

2. Delegate power and authority to the Board

of Commissioners to appoint Public Accountant

and/or Substitute Public Accounting Firm in the

case of Public Accountant Firm "Purwantono,

Sungkoro and Surja" for any reason cannot

complete the audit of the Company's Financial

Statement for the 2018 (two thousand eighteen)

financial year.

Further, the Chairman of the Meeting stated that

before passing the resolution, the shareholders

or proxy of the shareholders shall be given an

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opportunity to ask questions or give responses,

if any, by raising his/her hand and submitting

the filled out inquiry form to the officer.

Since there was no question or opinion, then, it

was further asked to the shareholders or proxy of

the shareholders present at the Meeting whether

the said submitted proposal could be approved by

deliberation for consensus?

Afterwards, the Chairman of the Meeting asked if

there was any shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who would cast negative or blank

vote, he/she was asked to raise his/her hand, and

submit his/her voting card to the officer to be

forwarded to me, the Notary.

Since there were shareholders or proxy of the

shareholders who disagreed or abstained, then by

me, the Notary, the result of the calculation of

the casted vote was conveyed as follows:

a. No shareholder casting abstain vote;

b. Shareholders casting negative vote i.e.

476,100 (four hundred seventy six

thousand one hundred) shares or amounting

to 0.0009% (zero point zero zero zero

nine percent) of the total shares with

valid voting rights present at the


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c. Shareholders casting affirmative vote i.e.

53,531,010,048 (fifty three billion five

hundred thirty one million ten thousand

forty eight) shares or amounting to

99.9991% (ninety nine point nine nine

nine one percent) of the total shares

with valid voting rights present at the


In accordance with the vote calculation which had

been submitted by me, the Notary, it can be

concluded that the Meeting with the majority

votes had decided to accept and approve the

proposal as presented in the Third Agenda of this



“Changes in the composition of the Board of

Directors, the Board of Commissioners and the

Syariah Supervisory Board in relation to the

expiry of the term of tenure.”

Mr. TASWIN ZAKARIA needed to convey that under

the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 12.6 of

the Articles of Association of the Company, it is

stipulated that "voting regarding a person shall

be conducted by an unsigned closed ballot letter,

and regarding other matters shall be conducted

orally, unless the Chairman of the Meeting

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determines otherwise without any objection from 1

(one) or more shareholders jointly holding at

least 10% (ten percent) of the total shares with

valid voting rights".

Considering the efficiency of time, it was then

proposed that the voting in this Meeting would be

conducted orally. Is there any shareholder or

proxy of the shareholder who objected to the


Since there was no objection from the

shareholder, it was then decided that the voting

at this Meeting would be conducted orally.

The Chairman of the Meeting asked the President

Director again to convey discussion regarding the

Fourth Agenda of the Meeting.

The President Director then convey the same with

due regard to:

1. Several members of the Board of

Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and the

Syariah Supervisory Board of the Company have

their term of the positions which would expire as

from the closing of this Meeting;

2. The Company had received a letter of

resignation from Mrs. DHIEN TJAHAJANI as the

Director of the Company dated the 28th (twenty

eighth) of March 2018 (two thousand eighteen), in

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which the Disclosure of Information regarding her

resignation had been forwarded by the Company to

the Financial Services Authority and the

Indonesia Stock Exchange on the 2nd (second) of

April 2018 (two thousand eighteen);

Therefore, after having considered:

1. Recommendation from the Nomination and

Remuneration Committee of the Company at its

meeting dated 8 March 2018 and the meeting

resolution of the Board of Commissioners dated 23

March 2018;

2. Circular Resolution of the Nomination and

Remuneration Committee of the Company and the

Circular Resolution of the Board of Commissioners

dated 29 March 2018 in connection with the

resignation of Miss DHIEN TJAHAJANI.

It was then proposed to the Meeting, as follows:

1. To approve the termination of Mr. TASWIN

ZAKARIA's term of position as the President

Director of the Company, and Mrs. THILAGAVATHY


and Mr. IRVANDI FERIZAL respectively as the

Directors of the Company effective as from the

closing of this Meeting;

2. To approve the termination of Mr. SPENCER


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respectively as the Commissioner and the

Independent Commissioner of the Company effective

as from the closing of this Meeting;

3. To approve the termination of Mr. Doctor

Haji Muhammad ANWAR IBRAHIM and Mr. Doctor Haji

ABDUL JABAR MAJID, Master of Arts respectively as

the Chairman and a Member of the Syariah

Supervisory Board of the Company effective as

from the closing of this Meeting;

4. To accept and approve the resignation of

Mrs. DHIEN TJAHAJANI as the Compliance Director,

the Independent Director and as the Company

Secretary effectively on the 25th (twenty fifth)

of June 2018 (two thousand eighteen), with

gratitude and appreciation for her hard work and

services for the development of the Company. The

granting of release and discharge from

responsibilities (acquit et de charge) to her

shall be determined in the relevant Annual

General Meeting of Shareholder in connection with

her term of tenure;

5. To approve to reappoint:

Mr. TASWIN ZAKARIA as the President

Director of the Company;


of the Company;

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Mrs. JENNY WIRIYANTO as the Director of

the Company;

Mr. ERI BUDIONO as the Director of the

Company, and

Mr. IRVANDI FERIZAL as the Director of

the Company;

Respectively with the term of position

effective as from the closing of this Meeting

until the closing of the Annual General Meeting

of Shareholder of the Company to be held in 2021

(two thousand twenty one);

6. To approve to reappoint:

Mr. SPENCER LEE TIEN CHYE as the Commissioner of

the Company, with the term of position effective

as from the closing of this Meeting until the

closing of the Annual General Meeting of

Shareholder of the Company in 2019 (two thousand


7. To approve to reappoint:

Mrs. BUDHI DYAH SITAWATI as the Independent

Commissioner of the Company, with the term of

position effective as from the closing of this

Meeting until the closing of the Annual General

Meeting of Shareholder of the Company held in

2021 (two thousand twenty one).

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Regarding the proposal of the re-appointment as

an Independent Commissioner, Mrs. BUDHI DYAH

SITAWATI had given a statement to the Company

that she would remain independent, in order to

meet the requirements as the Independent

Commissioner as referred to in Article 25 of the

OJK Regulation Number 33/POJK.04/2014 regarding

the Board of Directors and the Board of

Commissioners of Issuer or Public Company;

8. To approve to reappoint:

Mr. Doctor Haji Muhammad ANWAR IBRAHIM as

the Chairman of the Syariah Supervisory Board of

the Company effective as from the closing of this

Meeting until the closing of the Annual General

Meeting of Shareholder of the Company in 2020

(two thousand twenty); and

Mr. Doctor Haji Abdul Jabar Majid, Master

of Arts as a Member of the Syariah Supervisory

Board of the Company effective as from the

closing of this Meeting until the closing of the

Annual General Meeting of Shareholder of the

Company in 2021 (two thousand twenty one);

9. To stipulate that as from the closing of

this Meeting, the composition of the Board of

Commissioners, the Board of Directors and the

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Syariah Supervisory Board of the Company was as


Board of Commissioners:

1. Mr. Datuk ABDUL FARID Bin ALIAS as the

President Commissioner;



3. Mr. EDWIN GERUNGAN as the Commissioner;


Independent Commissioner;

5. Mr. ACHJAR ILJAS as the Independent


6. Mr. HENDAR as the Independent


Board of Directors:

1. Mr. TASWIN ZAKARIA as the President




3. Mrs. JENNY WIRIYANTO as the Director;

4. Mrs. DHIEN TJAHAJANI as the Director

Who will be in charge of the Compliance Director,

Corporate Secretary and the Independent Director;

5. Mr. ERI BUDIONO as the Director;

6. Mr. IRWANDI FERIZAL as the Director;

7. Mr. EFFENDI as the Director.

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Provided that the term of position of Mrs. DHIEN

TJAHJANI as the Compliance Director, Corporate

Secretary and the Independent Director would

expire on the 25th (twenty fifth) of June 2018

(two thousand eighteen);

The Syariah Supervisory Board:

1. Mr. Doctor Haji Muhammad ANWAR IBRAHIM as

the Chairman;

2. Mr. Doctor Haji ABDUL JABAR MAJID, Master

of Arts as a Member;

3. Mr. Doctor Haji ONI SAHRONI, Master of

Arts as a Member;

10. To approve to delegate authority and

power to the Board of Directors of the Company to

restate and/or reaffirm [the same] into a

Notarial Deed (including to make any amendment

and/or additional thereto) in connection with the

change of membership of the Board of

Commissioners, the Board of Directors and the

Syariah Supervisory Board, and to grant authority

and power to the Board of Directors with

substitution right to the Notary to submit

registration, to obtain receipt of notification

or to apply for approval from the competent


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IN BRIEF, to do any other necessary actions in

accordance with the provisions of the articles of

association and the prevailing laws and


Thus the explanation that conveyed by the

President Director, then the Agenda was returned

to the Chairman of the Meeting.

Further, the Chairman of the Meeting thanked Mr.

TASWIN ZAKARIA for the explanation of the Fourth

Agenda of the Meeting.

Further, the Chairman of the Meeting gave an

opportunity to the shareholders or proxy of the

Shareholder to submit question or response, if

any, by raising hand and submitting the filled

out inquiry form to the officer.

Since there was no one who asked a question or

gave an opinion, then, the shareholders or proxy

of the shareholders present at the Meeting were

asked whether the said submitted proposal could

be approved by deliberation for consensus?

Afterwards, the Chairman of the Meeting asked if

there was any shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who would cast negative or blank

vote, he/she was asked to raise his/her hand, and

submit his/her voting card to the officer to be

forwarded to me, the Notary.

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Since there was no shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who had any objection, it could be

concluded that the Meeting by deliberation for

consensus had decided to accept and approve the

proposed resolution as presented in the Fourth

Agenda of the Meeting.

The Chairman of the Meeting conveyed that since

the Fifth and Sixth Agenda of the Meeting are

interrelated, therefore the discussion, question

and answer, and resolution shall be carried out



"Determination of honorarium and/or other

allowances for the Board of Commissioners of the

Company”; and


“Delegation of authority to the Board of

Commissioners to determine:

a. salary and/or allowance for members of

the Board of Directors;

b. Honorarium and/or allowance for members

of the Syariah Supervisory Board;

Further, [the Chairman of the Meeting] let the

President Director again to present the

discussion on the Fifth and Sixth Agenda of this


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Then, Mr. TASWIN ZAKARIA as the President

Director conveyed that taking into account

Article 15 paragraph 5, Article 18 paragraph 4

and Article 22 paragraph 5, Article 18 paragraph

4 and Article 22 paragraph 5 of the Articles of

Association of the Company regarding the granting

of salary or honorarium and or other allowance

for members of the Board of Directors, members of

the Board of Commissioners and the Syariah

Supervisory Board, and after having considered

recommendations from the Nomination and

Remuneration Committee of the Company dated the

8th (eighth) of March 2018 (two thousand eighteen)

and the 29th (twenty ninth) of March 2018 (two

thousand eighteen), and Meeting of the Board of

Commissioners dated the 23rd (twenty third) of

March 2018 (two thousand eighteen), it was then

proposed to the Meeting on the following matters:

1. To approve to delegate the authority to

the President Commissioner to determine

honorarium and/or other allowance for members of

the Board of Commissioners for the 2018 (two

thousand eighteen) financial year, by taking into

account proposals and recommendations from the

Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the


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The amount of honorarium and/or other allowance

for the said members of the Board of

Commissioners shall be included in the Annual

Report of the 2018 (two thousand eighteen)

financial year.

2. To stipulate the amount of bonus/tantieme

of the Board of Directors of the Company for the

2017 (two thousand and seventeen) financial year

was amounting to IDR20,787,864.00 (twenty billion

seven hundred eighty seven million eight hundred

sixty four thousand Rupiah), which implementation

of the distribution, including the stipulation of

the amount of bonus/tantieme of each member of

the Board of Directors, shall be conducted with

reference to recommendation of the Nomination and

Remuneration Committee of the Company with due

regard to the prevailing provisions including but

not limited to the OJK Regulation Number

45/POJK.03/2015 regarding the Application of

Governance in Granting of Remuneration for

Commercial Bank.

3. To approve to delegate authority to the

Board of Commissioners to determine the amount of

remuneration for members of the Board of

Directors of the 2018 (two thousand eighteen)

financial year, with due regard to proposals and

Dokumen ini merupakan hasil pengetikan ulang dari Akta Notaris untuk tujuan penyediaan informasi. Oleh karenanya, Dokumen ini bukan merupakan

dokumen hukum, sehingga tidak mengikat secara hukum serta tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai barang bukti dalam persidangan. Apabila Anda

pemegang saham memerlukan copy dari akta dimaksud, mohon dapat menghubungi Corporate Secretary Perseroan melalui email :


recommendations from the Nomination and

Remuneration Committee of the Company. The amount

of Remuneration for the said members of the Board

of Directors shall be included in the Annual

Report of the 2018 (two thousand eighteen)

financial year.

4. To approve to delegate authority to the

Board of Commissioners to determine honorarium

and/or other allowance for members of the Syariah

Supervisory Board for the 2018 (two thousand

eighteen) financial year, with due regard to

proposals and recommendations from the Nomination

and Remuneration Committee of the Company. The

amount of honorarium and/or other allowance for

the said members of the Syariah Supervisory Board

shall be included in the Annual Report of the

2018 (two thousand eighteen) financial year.

Thus the explanation that conveyed by the

President Director, then the Agenda was returned

again to the Chairman of the Meeting.

Further, the Chairman of the Meeting gave an

opportunity to the shareholders or proxy of the

Shareholder to submit question or response, if

any, by raising hand and submitting the filled

out inquiry form to the officer.

Dokumen ini merupakan hasil pengetikan ulang dari Akta Notaris untuk tujuan penyediaan informasi. Oleh karenanya, Dokumen ini bukan merupakan

dokumen hukum, sehingga tidak mengikat secara hukum serta tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai barang bukti dalam persidangan. Apabila Anda

pemegang saham memerlukan copy dari akta dimaksud, mohon dapat menghubungi Corporate Secretary Perseroan melalui email :


Since there was no one who asked a question or

gave an opinion, then, the shareholders or proxy

of the shareholders present at the Meeting were

asked whether the said submitted proposal could

be approved by deliberation for consensus?

If there was any shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who would cast negative or blank

vote, he/she was asked to raise his/her hand, and

submit his/her voting card to the officer to be

forwarded to me, the Notary.

Since there was no shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who had any objection, it could be

concluded that the Meeting by deliberation for

consensus had decided to accept and approve the

proposed resolution as presented in the Fifth and

Sixth Agenda of the Meeting.


"Distribution of duties and authorities among

member of the Board of Directors of the Company;

The Chairman of the Meeting let Mister TASWIN

ZAKARIA as the President Director to present the

discussion on the Seventh Agenda of the Meeting.

Taking into account article 92 paragraph 5 of the

Limited Liability Company Law, in which it is

stipulated that "in case of the Board of

Directors consists of 2 (two) members of the

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Board of Directors or more, the distribution of

duties and authorities of management among member

of the Board of Directors shall be determined

based on the resolution of General Meeting of


Referring to the said provision and considering

that the Board of Directors as the organ of the

Company which carries out the management, so that

it understands better and clearly the needs of

the Company, then, in order to give flexibility

to the Board of Directors, particularly to

respond the needs of the Company's organization

quickly, it was proposed to the Meeting that:

The distribution of duties and

authorities among member of the Board of

Directors for the 2018 (two thousand eighteen)

financial year, shall be submitted to the Board

of Directors to be determined by the Resolution

of the Board of Directors.

Thus, those were conveyed, then the agenda was

returned again to the Chairman of the Meeting.

Further, the Chairman of the Meeting gave an

opportunity to the shareholders or proxy of the

Shareholder to submit question or response, if

any, by raising hand and submitting the filled

out inquiry form to the officer.

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Since there was no one who asked a question or

gave an opinion, then, the shareholders or proxy

of the shareholders present at the Meeting were

asked whether the said submitted proposal could

be approved by deliberation for consensus?

Afterwards, the Chairman of the Meeting asked If

there was any shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who would cast negative or blank

vote, he/she was asked to raise his/her hand, and

submit his/her voting card to the officer to be

forwarded to me, the Notary.

Since there was no shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who had any objection, it could be

concluded that the Meeting by deliberation for

consensus had decided to accept and approve the

proposed resolution as presented in the Seventh

Agenda of the Meeting.


“Report on the use of proceeds from the Company’s

Public Offering of 2017 (two thousand seventeen)

financial year i.e.:

a. Obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan II

Phase I of 2017 (two thousand seventeen); and

b. Sukuk Mudharabah Berkelanjutan II Phase I of

2017 (two thousand seventeen).”

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The Chairman of the Meeting let Mister TASWIN

ZAKARIA as the President Director to present the

discussion on the Eighth Agenda of the Meeting.

Mr. TASWIN ZAKARIA conveyed that in July 2017

(two thousand and seventeen), the Company had

taken a corporate action in the form of the

Penawaran Umum Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Public

Offering) II or PUB II Phase I of 2017 (two

thousand seventeen) with the acquirement of funds

amounting to IDR1,100,000,000,000.00 (one

trillion one hundred billion Rupiah) through the

issuance of the Obligasi Subordinasi

Berkelanjutan II Phase I of 2017 (two thousand

seventeen) amounting to IDR835,000,000,000.00

(eight hundred thirty five billion Rupiah) and

the Sukuk Mudharabah Berkelanjutan II Phase 1 of

2017 (two thousand seventeen) amounting to IDR

266,000,000,000.00 (two hundred sixty six billion


As of December 2017 (two thousand seventeen), the

proceeds of funds acquirement from the said

Corporate Action had been entirely exhausted in

accordance with the plan for the use of proceeds

in the Prospectus i.e. to increase productive

assets for the purpose of the Company's business

development, especially for credit distribution

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as well as to support the growth of business of

the Syariah Business Unit, particularly the

distribution of financing in accordance with the

principles of Syariah.

In relation thereto and in order to comply with

the OJK Regulation Number 30/POJK.04/2015

regarding the Report on the Realization of the

Use of proceeds from the Public Offering

Proceeds, we need to convey the report on the

realization of the use of proceeds from such

corporate act proceed to the Meeting as follows:

1. Funds from issuance proceed of Obligasi

Subordinasi Berkelanjutan II Phase I of 2017 (two

thousand seventeen) amounting to

IDR835,000,000,000.00 (eight hundred thirty five

billion Rupiah) after deducting the costs of its

issuance amounting to IDR4,792,000,000.00 (four

billion seven hundred ninety two million Rupiah),

had been entirely exhausted in accordance with

the plan for the use of proceeds in the

Prospectus, as the report of the Company to the

Financial Services Authority through Letter

Number S.2018.312/DIR FIN dated the 9th (ninth) of

January 2018 (two thousand eighteen).

2. Funds from issuance proceed of Sukuk

Mudharabah Berkelanjutan II Phase I of 2017 (two

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thousand seventeen) amounting to

IDR266,000,000,000.00 (two hundred sixty six

billion Rupiah) after deducting the costs of its

issuance amounting to IDR1,535,000,000.00 (one

billion five hundred thirty five million Rupiah),

had been entirely exhausted by the Company in

accordance with the plan for the use of proceeds

in the Prospectus, as the report of the Company

to the Financial Services Authority through

Letter Number S.2018.312/DIR FIN dated the 9th

(ninth) of January 2018 (two thousand eighteen).

With respect to the said matter, it was then

proposed to the Meeting to:

Accept and ratify the Report of the Board

of Directors of the Company on the realization of

the use of proceeds from the public offering

proceeds i.e. the issuance of Sustainable Bond II

Phase 1 of 2017 (two thousand seventeen) and

Sustainable Sukuk Mudharabah II Phase 1 of 2017

(two thousand seventeen) as included in the

submitted Report of the Board of Directors of the

Company to the Financial Services Authority.

Thus the explanation that conveyed by the

President Director, then the agenda was returned

again to the Chairman of the Meeting.

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pemegang saham memerlukan copy dari akta dimaksud, mohon dapat menghubungi Corporate Secretary Perseroan melalui email :


Further, the Chairman of the Meeting gave an

opportunity to the shareholder or proxy of the

Shareholder to submit question or response, if

any, by raising hand and submitting the filled

out inquiry form to the officer.

Since there was no one who asked a question or

gave an opinion, then, the shareholder or proxy

of the shareholder present at the Meeting were

asked whether the said submitted proposal could

be approved by deliberation for consensus?

If there was any shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who would cast negative or blank

vote, he/she was asked to raise his/her hand, and

submit his/her voting card to the officer to be

forwarded to me, the Notary.

Since there was no shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who had any objection, it could be

concluded that the Meeting by deliberation for

consensus had decided to accept and approve the

proposed resolution as presented in the Eighth

Agenda of the Meeting.


“Approval of Recovery Plan in order to comply

with the OJK Regulation Number 14 of 2017 (two

thousand seventeen).”

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The President Director conveyed that in

compliance with the OJK Regulation Number 14 of

2017 (two thousand seventeen) regarding the

Recovery Plan to overcome financial problems

which might occur in the future, and the

obligation to submit it to OJK within a specified


Mr. TASWIN ZAKARIA conveyed that as one of

Systemic Banks or Systematically Important Banks,

the Company with the approval of the Controlling

Shareholder had submitted the Recovery Plan on

the 28th (twenty eighth) of December 2017 (two

thousand seventeen), which includes the Recovery

Options which shall be implemented if the Bank is

in financial distress. This Recovery Plan shall

be used as a guidance by the Bank in preventing,

recovering or improving the financial condition

and business continuity as a Systemic Bank.

Further, Systemic Banks are required to update

the Recovery Plan periodically at least once a

year. The Approval of General Meeting of

Shareholders will be required in the event that

the Recovery Plan updates which involved material


It shall also be conveyed that one of Recovery

Options implementation was the Bank's obligation

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to convert certain types of debt or investment

into capital, whereby the Company currently had

debt or investment instruments having such

capital characteristics.

With regard to the said matter, it was then

proposed to the Meeting to:

1. Approve the Recovery Plan of the Company

as [included] in the Recovery Plan document which

had been submitted to the Financial Services

Authority on the 28th (twenty eighth) of December

2017 (two thousand seventeen) in order to comply

with the OJK Regulation Number 14 of 2017 (two

thousand seventeen).

2. Grant the authority to the Board of

Commissioners and/or Board of Directors to

perform all necessary actions in implementing the

Recovery Plan in accordance with prevailing


Thus the explanation that conveyed by the

President Director, then the agenda was returned

again to the Chairman of the Meeting.

Further, the Chairman of the Meeting gave an

opportunity to the shareholder or proxy of the

Shareholder to submit question or response, if

any, by raising hand and submitting the filled

out inquiry form to the officer.

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dokumen hukum, sehingga tidak mengikat secara hukum serta tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai barang bukti dalam persidangan. Apabila Anda

pemegang saham memerlukan copy dari akta dimaksud, mohon dapat menghubungi Corporate Secretary Perseroan melalui email :


Since there was no one who asked a question or

gave an opinion, then, the shareholder or proxy

of the shareholder present at the Meeting were

asked whether the said submitted proposal could

be approved by deliberation for consensus?

Afterwards, the Chairman of the Meeting asked If

there was any shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who would cast negative or blank

vote, he/she was asked to raise his/her hand, and

submit his/her voting card to the officer to be

forwarded to me, the Notary.

Since there was no shareholder or proxy of the

shareholder who had any objection, it could be

concluded that the Meeting by deliberation for

consensus had decided to accept and approve the

proposed resolution as presented in the Ninth

Agenda of the Meeting.

For there was no other matter needed to be

discussed at the Meeting, then it can be

concluded that the General Meeting of Shareholder

was finished and had passed valid resolutions on

the matters discussed at the Meeting.

Accordingly, the Chairman of the Meeting closed

this Annual General Meeting of Shareholder of PT

Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk. at 10.25 A.M. (twenty

five past ten A.M. Indonesia Western Time).

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Then, this Minutes of Meeting was made by me, the

Notary, to be used if necessary.

The appearers were known to me, the Notary.


was made as a minute and officiated in the

Central Jakarta, on the day and date as mentioned

at the beginning of this deed and attended by:

1. Miss LAUDITTA HUMAIRA, Bachelor of Law,

born in Jakarta, on the 23rd (twenty third) of

April 1991 (one thousand nine hundred ninety

one), a Notary Assistant, resided in Jakarta, at

Jalan Duyung VI Number 7, Rukun Tetangga

012/Rukun Warga 008, the Sub-District of Jati,

the District of Pulo Gadung, the East Jakarta, a

holder of the Resident Identity Card with

Population Main Number (NIK) 3175026304910004;

2. Mr. BOY SETIAWAN WELYUS, Bachelor of Law,

born in Padang, on the 13th (thirteenth) of July

1992 (one thousand nine hundred ninety two), a

Notary Assistant, resided in Padang, Taruko I

Blok PP Number 12, Rukun Tetangga 004/Rukun Warga

010, the Sub-District of Korong Gadang, the

District of Kuranji, Padang, the holder of

Identity Card with Population Identity Number

(NIK) 1371091307920006, temporarily staying in


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both of them are known to me, the Notary as the


After this deed is being read out by me, the

Notary to the witnesses, then this deed was duly

signed by the witnesses and me, the Notary, while

the appearers have resigned at the time this deed

was prepared.

was made without any change.

The minutes of this deed has been signed


Given as copy with the same contents.

Notary in the

South Jakarta