The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 19 No 6 Dec 9, 1964



Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College

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• Pean' s list Shows • Hawkins Has 4.0

a .• • t""1 R. Hawtln ?iu &be ruu -um• student do1n'

• ~~&:ihl ;. " war~ a& mid· ••· est•r, ACc<>rdln( to ltll<? :·

ado• ,. Jeaaed l:om th i:; 11str>1'I office lul weell. ~~-ttrO other.I wert> aver· we~ 3.0 or beUet.

niose ha.-inc a 3.5 or belle r a<tr&i:t! were Ila) Pord, :al>I• fW\IOO. Belt.Y Johnson. l(Slb•nne ua:nb•rl. Rl)bMI J.A!lO. R<>bln S'!lnge, Sell>' Sl>aln. a.•d Janet Spilker. sud•nts 1;a1·1nc rlad<· point

b•Drt<'ll 3.D 1111d 3.S wese Jobll .~llen. carol AJTns&ronc. A:" Bt>JW, Hau.el Bll~er-1;art, \1rclnia BliLn!old. B n ­tllr BousliLOn. Karen Bruehrt , IW!hn camllbell . Jo "'Ph Clark. l\l!lba Clt>Vel<'nd. Frunk Oalllnsl<ln, LArralne Cr~. J&(qU~line ElhPrton, T :il GeorCP/ Gr•lch<m C -:itz. soanle Hsines. R osomary !W>&en, c1airtJ Hoenp, .: ..... nelll Hmtmelman. Rusacll JQII. ,..nraret KamUn. T homW! J(unlr.sui:nn Lanc.Fton, Cl&Jie l.llcas, Sane)' Lunde n, Martin Liii.ii r. Vltcil MillN. Nancy olaen. l\Jlten Parnou, Jan Par.ions , Toni Paul , Carol Plall•r. oordon Prtc r . M:Jrn11 Rt.·blnson . KA r•n Roe. Edward R<ISMll . LC<JN St. Amand, soibara schutr. Barry Simon . Tito ThOmpson, t:nth lecn \'•Hr! . Jerry W1u:nn A lan /I r, ~•nl YOU!!!:_

Student Board Plans Homecoming Activities

YOi..UV.E iii. , ' o. I,

Drama Cltu~ Offers Pla_y

>iOn , u txi K r D

llPI• lnkd l luca .

A BU ~ 1. I rm Bii IMCNlub t1h1ch 11111 b dl lh< n •l Un;.

'Snowflake Fantasy' Theme Of A WS FormaJ


Chri.stmas Tea Set For Dec. 16

., ooc p.m. 11s "".s 1cpor1c<I In the

e r tb" R •1~w .

tht> lerm · •anlz1l '". ts • •·en mote 1eluctanl lo be classl ­fl.-l as "area art.Isl.'" "PD.Int· mg I:; only one o 1 my hob­bies." he 1'11.Jd. und. mor" 1 red ~IJ . "e•perttnenunr.. wllh no i;l1 en Bl• lc nor type."

He chums no esoteric le1el for his \\Ori<. 1dd1ns thnt. •·an) deci> psycholo~lcnl mennlni::s the v\pv,, r ml~bt look ror ure slmpl~ no t there . ..

'"I could hD\~ lltled them.•• ~" exp!D.lned. "but dldn 't be· cnuse u p11lntln~ should be q.-lther lim. It'd nor ~1er.,.J • l)'ll• d. II may m"1ln omrlhlng lu onc 1)('rson and not tn nMlhN nnd. lhNe!ore, hnuld nol bc cal•gnnzed. F'l 11Ur<', de~lt:n. 11nd color Yilll oppeul dllTc r nllr 10 different lndt · vldulil . Pl!OJ I~ must think whal lhr'1 WMl. "

II hi le presenth paJnt inx ror hl 0\\0 SUl16fllCtJOO nnd en 07mrnl, MYN llddtd tha t he hoped onr da_\ IO "c nit! · but• omNhl111 1., . .ooely. "

Winter Concert To Be Given Dec. 15

A sped.ii wlnl •r ODncPlt "Il l be presented br the com­bined lnlools ol the Cardlnnl pep Bllnd and the A C:ippel lll Choir Dec. 15 1n th& NI.IC &Ym 111 8:00 p. m.

Lou Ket I} . di rector of the t:hol r . sa ld the t:hol r•.s s lllre of the progmm ""uld Include Chn lm11 ro rol>1 sun1 b) the Cnrdinnl Slni;er . the Coeu r d' Ettes nnd the North Idaho Junl r Colle~" A Cap1><; Ua ("h Ir.

Llklll llll ,tclll a nd popular U lo wtll b<• p lUH'<I b\ lht!

C rdl mil l'~p Bond 6ald lames Bum • l11ec1or.

Alao on lh~ pm ram I a m d m c larinrl do br K<1lh LI n. n '"" Uy drurr. du et by Ooui: V.nn:im~ kN and Hunt S an, a Dl11eillnd f".n emblt'. and l\Athy Vii i on . ~ho ..-111 inc a i;olt> wt lh th•• bllnd . llld llr. Bums. '"Too c ncert ts p re6cnlcd

tree u. the public 1n ar11rc­d11non Cot the co-ope:ntlon tr c mmunl t; 1111 b " n

' • Ir. Burr i.d.

SUBSTI TUTE PICS DUE S. L lllU l• ~IC IU t •'· Cn r h•

.mnu I, I 8'" ll . . pn nt. must be tum<'Ci Jn tu th<> library bs Dec. ti 11~c.,rd1 na to U1t' nnn.un~ l'dt tor:, .

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW .......... SotN-M .. tWy Dwlot .... c.a.,. v­



Co•Edltou • ••• · • • ........ Lonolne On:os. Barbaro Scrafforcl Sporlt Edhor ••••...•..... ..•...•.•..••.. R:ust Jo1tl Monovi-r ••••• • • ••..........•. • Toin Gilbert Citcv'°"°" Mon~94n .. .. ....... Andrea Rou. Gl.rt Nldteuon Photogrophy Eduor .•••• ••••••.....•.... Ric1.. A.clknnan RePor'tou: Stv KTmboll. Fran~ ftoRlto. Ro1emary HonM-1'. Borb McKay. Khty Jeffrru, Motaho Lefronc.h, Tom Atl&lns, Jo Ann O .. rsby, Rogor Sc,.,f10<d. Bob L••gluy, Soni• Cothan, John Milby


It • now o1Fi 1olly • Chr "nos seoson ·- rho ••rro oi yoor for giving. Yl'.l ore c~•on· t rer:unded to rninl< less obour mot.:inol thongs NO gr·,c and more obour the n-.:ing1b'9s -­St><vicos, good 'Noll, lovo for our fellow rron.

There ore mc"y fora1gri studen .. o"and1ng NI.JC •his yoor ond many m<m! studcnrs roo for !rom 1hc r liomos •o be w th rho1r fomol1es Ch<ls1:nos Day. We feel • wou d be a nice ges1ure on rhe per' of the ~1uden:~ 10 1nv1•c th<!m •o 'he•• homt>s for Chris:mos.

Thos could work both woys - 1t.ey could ge· •o •.now ou­woys ond we theirs.

In rhis rime of wor, pove<ty ond gen<!rnl ct-cos on •he world, •1 os impor1ont to know o~ undors:and our le1Jaw man who1ever hos roce, color or creed. ' LET'S HOT BE DEFEATED BY APATHY

S !I.Iden! opothy, according ta members of OVt s1uden• body government, hos often been o detrimenr to successful planning of srudem oc11v1ries and general suppo"I of thos" planned (o sub1ect rec.,ntlydiscussed on on ed11or1ol reloung •o tne SA Cl. n\ls complo1n1 hos been voiced again ond again by schoo leaders - 1his year's ond losl.

Perhaps mony students ore only hesitant "' >ugge•­"°"" (we con ' r all be 1nd1fferentl). Perhops oho. mony do nor reoll!e haN iiroor,ly campus orgonizohons ar-d comm "~• n<!ed rheir help and bock1"9·

Ovcrcom•ng this negorive influence con bo,,..!1t •ne co ege as o whole os wall os s•udent< 1nd1v•dvol1y. Two good place~ ro begin ore w11h rhe odvonr ol Homecoming and he p-oposal by Russ Bro"" to prosem srudenr. w11h on opPOrtUn1I 1 make personal selections from o llsr of ocr•v1hc>. Shou 1 s lo!IM pion be comed our, we will hove been g•ven o pr v ege "°' <t<Onted in many colleges. (EWSC, ;;e've beer rod, re· centfy concellt>d oil exrto-curroculor oc11v111es dUd ro d f. fcrcnccs ond poor cooperation.)

Homecoming " every siudent's week. The vor1et1 o planned oc.t•v111es is excellent. The success of rhe on:leovcr resrs w11h rho 1nd1viduol contribu11on - corrm1nees end or-9oni:or1ons connor accomplish 1h1s for us.

If yoo hove suggnsroons, roke them 10 rhe opp-op<1ore com· m111ee or group. If you have time to give, offer 11 N1llingly . If you give norh1og more, give a vote of confidence to •hose loothful students 91vrn9 the some thought ond ellorr to rht >ucco,;s of Homccom1ng os they hove so rnon) endeavors '" •he IXJS'.

" RI ver.i follow the course or least resistance. That's why they 're crooked." -

Abraham Lincoln

"The love or pnllse-worthl ­ness Is bY oo m1>ans derived nltogelher from the love of praise." - Adam Smllb

f SAC Schemles Series Of Firesides In SUB

=HM';l.J~·~=· :=Et~Vt=:~=;;.=:="'~;~;;;;~~;,~· l~do;;;,;ho~,;~~~.,~;~~~·~~bo~~~~~1~64~A=f =~:~,

The student Activities Com­mittee hllS completed sched­uling or Firesides for tbe .rear. The Firesides will oo lnConnal set-iogetbers. reaiur­lns Jam sessions, special speakers, genernl entertain­ment, talent parades, stUdent debe.tes, game nlpt$, skits, contes'5, and "wbat have you!'•

Chari otk> Welz. Fl reside chalnoan, said tbe firesides will be spaosored Ii)' dH· Cerent clubs aod llfOUPS which wt U p Ian tb eit own p rosnuns. This ls Intended to al lo" lbe widest ranee of loteresunc entertalmnent throudlout the year.

A feature or the comloc sessloo will be an lntel­lec:tually humorous d<!bate on • sub)Pct UUed "Candy Is Dond1 but Uquor Is Quicker." Also tbc "Rocks" pme cbamploosblp will be fea­lllred.

lnt<'rested croups Qr clubs should contact Miss \lelz or other members for d Illes and more lnt>rmatloo.


The Veteran's Club, once an ac:ti ve ser.;ce org11nlz1t­t100 In tht> school, Will be reorganized provtded sur­l!cleot lnteresl Is shown by those elle!ble. Those llt­temptlnc to reorganize the club, accord I n1 to Paul Warner, exPec:t to continue Ille service role of the lfl'OUP oo the NIJC campus.

Vettrans are GSked to con­tact BOb Oahlbers. Russell Brown, Pau I warner or Warren Keat.Int. science Department, v.llo will be advisor for tbe gioup. -------S75 SCHOLARSHIP FOR ED MAJOR IS OFFERED

Zeta Chapter of Delta Kllppo Gamma, oo Lntemat!oDlll teacher& honorary soclecy, ls offering a $75.00 schollll'BhlP to a North Idaho Junior COi· lcgc sophomore education maJO• for the second seme!dlt'r or tbl s schoo I tenn.

Applicants should CODl8CI Dexter MOser. guidance direc­tor. Deadline for rilling out appUc:auons ls Jan. 11. 196S.

Vacation Starts o .. c. 19 Chnstmas vacation wlll

bepn oec. 19 and extend through Jan. 3.

.•. ,,. , ... '·

.. t' !\ .. ,. "":: I \

,.. ·.l-. . . •'


Wm. v .smith, Coeur d'Alene, swted work No 1•. 26 as an ou'5lde lllll.lntenance employee or NUC.

:.Sr. nod Mrs. Smllll, orl,inal­IY from New York , have Uved In coeur d'Alene 10 years. Smith Is a Conner mana11N or the Blue cross omoe In Coour d 'Alcno and Is n mem­ber or Ille Coeur a· A lene Elks:...-------


The Hane Economics de­partment Is orrertng lnstruc· Uon In child development lUI a branch or home ooonomlcs. Gradu!ltes mll.Y mnJor In Pre-sc:hool Educnllon , Pnrcnt Education. or they mny tnk e the cou111e 110lal.Y for ex­perience. Tho purpose 111 to tntNest the ewdent Ln phil­osophies and practices of chlld raising nppUcable to lhe family or school child.

Under:11andlng the nonnnl development of children. with actual experience In ob­ and work In& wt th children In the Jack and JUI Klnderi;uten la planned to help lhe student understand the chi Id be mll,)' be teaching or rerulnc Jn later yenrs.

~larcl11 Antonson and Tam­sin Grant worltcd under Mrs. Ros Fawcett. Child Devclop-ml'nt Laboratoi:y super-visor. Mrs. Joseph Cordon teaches the Child oeveloi:>­ment clasa. ------

Brotlierlioocl "Whoever among us has

tbiough personal experience teamed what pain and anxleLy really are • . . belongs no more to himself alone; he Is lhe brother of all who suffer. "

- Albert Schweitzer


Scripto pens

SNACK BAR Breoklosr 6Sc




Ringo p .. , NIJC Stationefy

Nl1" ~ •• Crnt Adopt.Oby Coll•v- Bocrd

Cardinal Ring-bind•rs

Hew Sw..,t Slilrts

Lonch 75< II :30-l:IS

s.ndoy o ••• ., 51.2S I :00-1:30

Lindy pons

CAFE TERIA Dinner $1.00 S:3~:1S

Bonqu•ls By Special Ar1on90111•nt

Solt Drinks a.111

Open 7 o.on. to I 0:3') o.m. ',\ondoy thllJ So:vrclay 8 o.m. ro ];30 p.m. Sundoy

Regional Conference Toni Paul and Nancy 01

recently atlended a ,. 1110a,: conf~rcnc:<> for Phi Th ~I Kappa at Vancouver, wa: Accompanyln& them ~ IU1!9la werl' Kenneth Johnson '"cli Jeff Wntts or Spok1.11• Com- ' n11nlt,y 0>1\cge. Mr •bl! Mr,. Fullon Cale cl'ap;ionec1 the four sludenll!. 1

The conferencr ,..1111 held bJ thl' Theta Etn ch111>ter or Pb! 'I'heta Kappe, Clark Collen• VancouvPr. •

Main thcmit' or lh• con­ference "M "The Role 01 "Pht TheU! Koppa In 0 Junl~r Co lll''C". The re were 1111~ • Pant'I d1scusslon11 In whlch the delecotea vartlc!patt!d "ll'hal put doe~ Phi Th•~ Koppa Piny In aocllll acU· • vlUt'll•", "What part do"' Phi Tbotll KOP!ll pla,y In cultuml acUvlllflll?" an4 "What port dO<!S Phi Th•I• I l\appu P lny In community



Al I book& wlLhdrawn Imm the 11 brur.Y wlll bl' duo on Dec<'m bt•r 16 \lr. Soderllna ltbnutan, stlld. II \\ould b~ apprecl nted If •tudcnh would coopcrutc both In relUmln& thel r books and In 1emltLln1 for On~s thut Brt• 00"' owln& prior IQ 01.'C. 16.

8ook1< mll)' b• chooked oul on Frtdri.y, oec. 18 to b• h•ld over vo.catlon. Thear will b~ due on Jon. ~ ,


T homas Brophy, oul1ld1 maintenance omp11111•u o N !JC, died at his horr.e 91 l A St. . Nov, 19. Ill Bropb,y had b•••n employ~ by the colle1r since aprln of this year. The l\Jncral was he Id NO''. 23.

Moclorn Twist !f at first you don't auccel'd

try once more and arop Thc1e•s oo uise being rnnailc about tt.

See us tor K"'" SUPPll~ eacl e r

- PPHEM*4 J 218 N. 4th Street

You can clean everythlac safelJ'


SUBverawn 01/£ TIO/i. 1ncc thr t•-

dfll 8()(Jtd oJ Control ha~ no ~"' of l:aolt'lng the peraonal lttlau uf all llU!eat.-;, ID/Uzi 1toal4 be ro111 oplll Ion of the • t P/ a /O<l!Ull, complrlc ,

•'UUt Iii>• Jorm, IO bt u­:krttd bv a aomm11/t'c 11p­

'111X<d"" th., sue• CHUC~. CAVANAUOf!, phooorr, Spokan~; "A

PfllU n suvca the amt 1 1110 •. I uci no roa.on to l incr." KARl:.."I f,(.'11001.ER, freeb· i.n, Coan d'Alene: "I

Lbln~ II would bf' ~ good du b 011 < o mM.Y now

ha,. ~u11c•llone lh4'Y k~~P Iv lhmi••I vo• or •llhln their

an &1uups. II wuuld Jl•'I• wd~n•~ • ch1U1ct' tu eJ.·

Ill• 1 thNneolvea to lhoH •It w1111 IO du ~omf'lhlns ab:>1.111t."

Ull I, HARRIOON. "opho· rt, 6"11111,, lluh.: "Thi

r 1m •uuld b•• of lllU" valu.,, u It would <'XPreds lhn froltns 11 only on• lndh1dual "11•11 11 p1 uuon \'Ole~ II t r din,• ol a sroup or l nill\ldu1ah w1d v.ould earn •u b 10 rn "•ll!hl and, In tiim, h•• c r. bN1~1 <'hr.nee 11pln I wllal 1 !e~l Iii "x• ~ •H lllnslt·mtnd<>dnei;s on l r•rt or aom" ur 0111 lacul-1.1 • bc1 ...

F.TJWl BRICllT, fre11hm1U1, I'll t hllR: "I think It' a

d Plan. M a nll'mber of Ill Slud .. nl Al'U\'lllmi Com­

illt • I am fn•qucnll) aaked 111 mou aclhHl•a amn'I h"'11ll!d.. Thi'! c 1mmlltt1•

n ds morl'! oncou111.1~mvnl • d ldeu from lhl' llludont

' bud)-. n ae~mi; n thlni; c-on· ltucu" um rrom uslnc

lht aunc lion 1>;)1 ll>Cb· • n <JJt."

'('.11. HATC'll, SlUdl'nt Union Li&ltr,Co"'' d'AIPnl'I "Tm

~d • la all dtht If Ille i;w· •h "'111 10.l< ••nouah In·

t 1 I Ill fill It .t.."

TT.;;;. H;;°vo C~on9ed It' ·~" 1 •n b lie'" lhlil

.::;.. I 00 •• , ·~() DC0Pl9

"' •r In An M ca In b n train.. 'r lb' '' <"Bn

• $,~· IOCk~I lulu 1>nce DI • bM • II an b ur onrl

1111 ' • .. ~l hin11. TbM ' to

;,. t ... ~~ ~m~ "'•lchlns "II aCf}n

Yearbook Staff

Body And Fender Clcus Paint.s Bus

AflPr two and o ir 1 a. ~

of aandln1 . !Illini: h I • oll!anln1. and putt101 on mr.sklnc 14PI!, \\arren Po•~r • bocb' and render clua apra7ed the firet or two coal!I of ll"ll.Y paint on the NT.JC aclmol bus NOV. 12.

Mt. Powers quoted hi& slu· dPnlll as sllylnc. "Thtu blc llOD or a 111n"? when lllld the1 bad the Job ol paint n' tho ble. Ke aald that F"nda 13 WU i;penl taking Orf 141ll' and cl~an1n1 up th11 n: • Mr. Po,.era added that each or IUs 13 &Wdents was TC cooperative and "did • n e Job" on Ille bua.

Acoo1dJn1 IO Mr. Po• the bu• •BB ll'cn to th Junior colle1e ti:) •di I dlaldCI :11 ll!IN 11 beam• too old ror Ilic dlsu1c1 • u e.. lie eald the bua 11 lo p: d condl uon "n tho lnlld and 11101 the motor "'&!! nr· hauled laat 1111rlnG 111d U n lhl• tall.

Mr. Po• ~I'll C•"' tw r t!DOB IOI lhl' bull be! 1)11Dll'd. Tht nr11 'l<U Bl lhll Stiale 11a1rul w ld n t allow lhl! W5 to ht' u~

prtvah part) "11111' II "llli

vl'llO". Thtl ~ocond "" ~ ... U11' sc:hool -.nttd a bu with school colors.

Tht> ltllcdnc and !ht> ca• • 1nale on the sld r the bas •ere done b' comm "'"1al arttats. accordln£ w RuSli Bro•.-n. stud< I bor;l\ pr I· dmt.

MISS ll$U~O ;->1'2110. re~· I 111.r, i..Jd IUI.! groi:p I tbe CO ll<'CC! mll.) U$C tbl' l'U ~ 11 n.1 mllkln; arrancl!mm n I.he om<'" r r II~ use • s:;;;;; y-0-;;~tt


C•dinal Debate Club Has Busy Schedule



r.p llWIUft:J laJU

- SJ.HDWIOIES ... MOti ... ~ 4·'661



FOOT HOTE If leo· t rel r

o pcH of

Mo,. Wint!vp Dolls


Hel1! are a lev.· updaled wtnd-up dolls: Un1 •rrall)" of CaU! 111nd·up Doll: You wind II 011 :u1d II ~•Pllllds.

Linlled States M,Uuuy ACa· ~ClnJ" 111nd-up oou; You 'll"lnd lt up and II aalul<'s.

'SIJC l\lnd'llP Doll: \'OU wind ll UP and II '" ptlS.

0 o• •


Bob Lrlstm , SlUdl'fll Act!\'• ltll>'- 11cwte chlllnntlll. wants Ill ltno" atudcnts cholc~a o I mo•I"" w be &ehoduled lhls yeot. He hllll ln\1\od a.II atud~nts IO "comt' (n and breeze throu~ tbe movie coJrndars ...

cfuofolde $5.50 o--n, nrw•


I. X. L. T 0 G G E R Y ltr si,.,,... A .... COEUR D"Al.ENE. IDAHO - Pho•• MOhow\ 4-45'6

Entertain A t Assembly

A uto M echanir..s


The llrat 1n a o.erl~s o( frog ond turtl•· races \\Ill be run sometime In F ebru1u:i at the Fi reside contest. All enl11 es mu0>t hn\'e a physical


A HARD TOLEAvE RS'd Robtruon, Y ov1 Hoir

2306 Fron1 Ave. Coeur d 'Alt-nc-. Idaho

by Dr. Ra,i HIUI en, 1llu \\Ill 1ncludt> sl<:i!, ght, and d"corauon oofi re ~re­lJmin:uy um.-tnlll:. CD.I b set up. II has been &·

•>:>led ::1st tr"'nl bo 1mm••ly C1 tall • r.uu.:·l:-..

Woodcock's Drug Store C4no e• - SU11d' ~


U6 N Fowf't "' St. • Co• "'' d"AI•.,_•



Pl?li'<C HO'

MODERN DRUG CENTER )pcc1c11.tmg in Co -'I 01 Neeos

fo: Heofm .;,nd HapPm"'S

O~r Pla · o R ·aurcr• P eaY.s Pala• <7Xl P rw

1207 H. Fourth MO . COEUI! D' ALEllE, IOAHO

s~1vin9 Yovr S:vJent Union

Coeur d'Alene CREAMERY




The old doors bavn "swan~" op n n1:111n for another tnp Ulla the Ugllt.

Tb!S W('ek. Orick 11nd I would like to 1;Hscu•s th< wondertul lnsuiuuon of o. tr uavel. We Oe,,,. IO Dcn•N fllr Thanksi;I .-Inc snd noticed o. fe" !ttcls aboul peopl,. on an unc:o..-ded lllrplane.

Clouds h1ch In the sic,) So one .s near for comfort Frl<'ndly stewardl!.

- Orick-

WI" DOtlCl'CI t!lll people e,·~ryw~te are. as ever. happ.)' to n.sslst those who m'v nei!<I belp .

Onck IUld 1 i>at In the Orn· ve: At: Terminal for four and one half hour.; .. ulun~ for those who were to meet u tbNC. Ourtn g th.IS time we "Ne 3iJled repeatedly by totill Slt1Uli:NS If WC nl'edcd

hell'. II,. knew, how· •er. tho.I our uansport11t1on

uld arn ..-e soon "° that we uld gtt to 111~ proper pl11ce

nd cnJO) ll hBPll\ .... eek end. one observed:

Fn qdly faces near ~: those who have a

Ill blem. Appr~etallon


Tbcre b one pn blere with air 1111\'el ho..-ever. Fo11. Yie crn:led S><>kane lnte[ii';it\vaal Al:pOrt tor about 20 minutes a.nd tben Jke 11 ;real sliver bird we winged our "DY to Pmdle~n. O:ei:on to "alt r >r anolher Qlgbt. As H tur-'l!d •;Ul we arnved In SPokane by Hertz· Rent·A · Car h11ed b> 11 kind mll!l from Jndependeoce , ~usaouri .

Dropped In a st:un;:e place II ILh no transpo:uuon borne W.,ather !or the birds.


\le shill! close tfM, p11~do 1'lth till& thought·

Walk ~Oltl;' and carry a bit: umbrdla .


Tbe Studen~ Ac• \oUeH Com· mll tl'e Is con derl ac the ori:amzot.on or nn ln!onnal card club II sumcient 1n· erest Is shown. If ori:ll!llzt'd . xcblUl&es 11ould be arranged .1t11 othel scboola In the r1>11 and the Ar;sccl11t "'1

Coll .. ge Unlonr, commlUeP on i:nmes 'Mluld a!!cnoumlll!lents la«! r this yl':I.:, Tbls "" ould be nn opp0rtunlt r fo r c urd sharks, cht:li!, ;ind checke r enthu slasts to find po rtnors :ind fun . n m.-mb< r or the com· mlLtee aai;rst ed. He nddcd lh3t !hos~ tntNrste'1 hould conwct S b Brainard !or dr-tall . ------

T 11~t no" hrl<' - 1 llo" thl' CN~d.

N.l.J.C. l!EVlEW, C .. ur d' Aleno, tdoho, Wed., 0.c.,,,hor 9, 194~ ==~===========::;:;,:==:=:,;;,;,;;;;;~~~==4 I CLUB CAM PU FASHION

BY 0. E. SCHOEFFLER, ESQUIRE'S Fuhlon Director

Tomorrow'• roreca111 could rc~d "Belo" -free, mg temperatur•• a anow turning to ~!eel lute in the 11Jt•rnoo11." ;-;., doubt nbo~t I winter i• well on tls way. And no •df-re•pl'Cllnir call~lll? mon wan to oo caught looking throuKb the Rh~• dnrkiy whon l he biK rr hil.!I. So. a few fnshlon tip., on your cold·w"-th•r ward1·ul>1• Ar• 1 order. 'U!l'~ taka n quick run-down on the t rend• In outo,,,.·ear f the monthtt aheAd. ~ ~

THE THIN REO LINE plummNA tnwnrd mo. I(.~ ... hut you' ll be"''"!! in your campus tow cont-the / cold·\\Cllthcr ~over-nil Thi• ne" "lop•·~Hry thing" cont la a lineal descendant or lh• "Ski f . k Look." ItA buicnlly bullcy, mnocullnc lln<: 11re / combined with !cnther·liKhl weight. The low ~f-' l . n i cont i1 readily ldenllllnble by it• length. which f ~ iuhort-at moat, 38"-brCAklnl!' ju~l 1100,·c Uw ;. • ~ ;-latee. All-wool or pal)'Ulcr cotton Cnbr!c ~~ W1U11lh• In ti twill or poplin wenve, nr~ the moot popular in both s ingle and double brcMled s tyles. Color prcferencer range from tnn thr ough dark blue, blnck. nnd Loden green

THE BIG NEWS IS THE BIG S·T·R·E·T-C·H in nu kmd• or rnhr!c \Chlch nlong with the ''Sk1 Look." ure cr,•nlinK 11 mnJ1>r n\'olull I in sportawenr. One-wny S·T·R·E·T·C-11 la the homonlnl give-and tnke fount! in lht new ak1-inap1rcd Jllcket.• In ~··ncrnl. 1•ck•t• ttnl townrd great<>1· length thl; ycnr in both belt nncl itf'Jlt'r front •lylet. Th eir nddcd eluolic lty nfl'orda plenty of extra •hvuld1•1 room. lltu~ black. brown and nnlurn l tun nre thll dnm1n11nt color .. Ski Jncltt• feature c11nc0Alt'<I hoo<ls which roll Into the rnlhir Qu1lt•d !nbrit1 nylon or pol~·c•ter cottons contlnue th<· pupulnr trend In dio1on"1 nnd oblon1r pattern•. Professiona l type stretch 1kl ponta. under 1ta ted In dnrk ll'?'e)'. dark blue, nnd blnck, are slimmer nnd trimmer malntnlnin1r the ta pered look. along with 1rrenter eallt and comfor: :it polnta of strMs.

SOUND THE TRUMPETS for the big awing bnck to lenther ~athor sport co:it and J:iekeL• M well a• longer conk In bru•h•d •Ucde •n~ xr nincd lelllhcr a re definitely in . Leather ncecs•orle• ar• b111 ~ bindings on collnra. closur<!a, button-hole and s]l-.. vc· add a dit tinctive and practical touch For the m1>re con••n'All\'l~ond f ti.~ more ! onnal occa• ia n- w•>Qlen top co~\J! in " ra11lnn !1"1' nnturnl·•houlder. ain11le-breruited bnld OPW Fterringbon< are ~eular t he nod. The Her ringbone meu•u res about an inch wldo ond 11 m• of blnck and "hit.<> or irre~· cnar•e yarne Tr:1d1Llonal cumpus •IYflrl include.< tl:\pped pocket!! "nd n fly front. Aud. of cour c, th• Ct«<! t )'pt! cAmPl hn ir c°"t Temaino a camJ)u• clu•ic

THIS SIDE OF PARADISE the wen-<tmud le11e man will be properly htllted :iga1rut " ur·9 icy fury The "suede''' 1nsc~r .. conttru< an a firm )'ct 11~x1ble nyl<>n frame. .. mad• velvet\• suede. .ind brmh••rl leath•rl in nat •had~ to coordin:.t• with nil kind• of t .. t"i

and textured JtpOrUwcar fobr: c" A 1mnll crown. a n•rr""' br a nd ~ nAJ>-band complrte the picture.

THE CALL OF THE WILD com~ throu1rh loud a nd clenr •n lh< HOOT BOOT. Gr~111 for foot­bllll game. nd trudging through mldwinl~r s lu•h. the HOOT BOOT i• :>n example of the ide:d munn11e of f3l<h1on :tnd !unction. Thi' 2-eyelet d•mi·bool ha.. ft ~horter ris" than !:«t's model•. painted np by 11 turnback wdl t:nh nt'd or-for the cold·"eath•r cnmpu• -lined with llcecc or •he11rhn11. th" HOOT F/ BOOT foa tu 1·('5 gTnin.d . pln1n or bru•hed l.:ith - y en. Wllh le:tther or rub~r 11ole Soft •ubtl• ~..C h•ather m1xturL.,. o! HOOT HO"e are emphn•iud by th• •r d • fin11h. They ore th~ ;rn~wer to the P"renni:al CJ!mpu• cl"""' " pr •• dical. cru1) -c:arc ho•e.

That 's I t !or the lat~t nord on outcrn~nr :-=c' t nl'•nth. 10 pltrf 1

o ( Um~ lo pn·p.trt.! \'OU for thP. up.coming '" h1rJ of hohdl) (" t be

t1on11 \\l"0 ll l.1ke a clo~•!' look nt thr fol'mah\ t .1r ~ct n~ ~ ynu t

C l-Ht h'J ESQUJU h w

Tt ouaht or the month : "Time replace& oil wounds ."

- \toderutor


" I( " " loc:Jc up all feeble mlndod,, .. • write ou r popular &0ni:t' ,_.

Jump Slwt


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r, Cltoos. ~'ti-.. t.:) Our ( •I~" I}. f: ~ . ....._

Corel11I ~· • 'i f\ \ .. Clnin1n9 ; /.{ '11..

For rd I) Your

SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Dry Cleaners frH Pid.up and Delivery

)')) J..aet MOI.• ... • 4-1S1'

Joe l.uds C•ds To Yidory Over Yakima Indians

T'1< CUilnwo bl.unc: -d back ant• loslac lO Ciunzai:i In 1be a-n apene: IO dcfaH YU..m. \'alle1 Collci;l!, iB-6~. ln the erst o! ll sen ea W'l lb tile lndla115.

Steve Bnxe11 11111! JlmllO' Joe led :b,. Cardlaal "~ck. B" xen 11<2 a stalwan la tbe Card!Jlal defec&e aod ll!bound· Inc depa:-..n:eol6 u tile t:l 1 card forward pull@<! in 18 :e bo llllds. cwo o C! 11ie scl>Dol record. wbicb be holds a1 ~D. Bnxen also tallied lo points.

Jll!W1 Joe p'-3'ed &b&IJ) tal I '° PU t lb e Cards bl.ct Oil tile .-1c:oiy 1ra11. scoring ::;. PDIDL~ Joe ballhllwkft! tbe bdlans !hr many 11 steal and st:>od ou1 on defense.

Tbe came started sloll"b' "'itb i'alU::ia srabbias "qulck lelld ot 5 p0lnts. The Cards taucht tieck 1o calr. Ill• l1!ad­ln1 ma111n ear!7 In the 11 rst haH whm Bill SIDI lb PUl lhe Cl.Jd!t out la (Nnt l!:-9. YILl:lma ne'l'et rei:>ln<d the 1!'11<1 atlcr this polnL Tbe lndlana did, howe•er. kc"!> w lhlo Moklni; dlslAncc. In the- tlrat llllll aa th~ bal r­um., sco re abowed ~!JC onl,r a 3·polnt !srnr:tte, 37·34.

The Cards eam" lnlO lbe aec nd hair or P!a.Y •rnld lb~ cb11 B of a •c:y larlt' s:oup r cardu:al supportrr.o 1o

wt·b!eat their lead ID a ah p0lnl a.:s! arl7 In lb~

" tld • 1"5 or plll,y. Th~ ca ~ I d llC'll 111<'1.dll) I chi IO JO.

I d Blll s:nl th

! Uut


B:alnal!! z 3 4 .. Bo1ei 0 0 0 0 OaclM•, O. 0 0 0 0 ~: nJtoD 0 0 0 0 Scllu11:% 0 0 0L"1111t:, L. 3 0 I 6 Obersb 0 0 0 0 S:l:!J 5 ~ • 1:1 Joe ~ :! 3 i :?7 Bsyant 0 : :?. z Clue,- 3 :? 3 8 B ptall :? 2 z 6 Brien 3 4 :? ID :.::iillets 0 0 0 0

30 18 73 Y\JC Peua11t :? 3 l .. Bas dcr I 0 0 2 ROSS 3 I 0 7 Sl!<.1.~ 3 3 ~ 9 ianc 0 0 0 0 P11ttfflOD 2 :? 8 Pep~r z 4 5 8 '1111zb7 0 0 0 0

1.1.nnlnc: 3 3 1 9 Gladaoo 4 , :? 10 AcliX 3 0 5 6 McPbel"60n :? I l 5 Miine 0 0 0 0

z• 19 2-1 67

Smith Drives In

Tbe 511., Club hold lie Qr I

OU Un ILi SCh" Cl li:N the ..,.eckl'nd o! Nov. 28·2~. Be· slnnert n!c ... l,ed 1h01r lltsl IE!t\aon • Ll!llaons will be 11\en l<!CUlnrh, Mr. Champoux, club md,'lser, s111d and br. rcmlnd<'d students 111111 tho:se ... 1sh1na 10 l<'mm mil.' set' him for rurther In· lormaUon.

The SIOUD Will llB!lcmbk for lbe ne~I uuUng 111 the SIUdPnl t..'tlton, SllUNO.Y al ; 30 a.m. Mr. ChlllllPOul 1L&ked U1t.1 Ill! nltencllni: corne prepu~ b) rcnl.sng nl't'doo pqa IOlnanl 11t The Ski Chill ot, Coror d 'Alen!". This wlll sue wa1anc In line ul the akl area, be sold. Also, be added. 1:111 akter.1 should ma.kl' sa~ lbelr bindings nre nd·

:ed before ntr:t \fos. The collece takes no re­

spcnslbllll..V ror lhl! rrtp, Mr. Cha:npoux pointed out. and tudcnts anendlna must hnvc

respon1oLWltr slip . stsned b th .r parent&. The neces·

1111 r rms tor this may be b !tin ln;m w. Chllmt>OUX.

Th<' North Idaho Junior Co Ue , Bowl! nc Terun "U I ~nlM lb! Or•I eompN11lon or lhe , ... ar wh!"n th~ aolll'I<' k•l!lers l1'6vel ID SPokanc's North Bowl. rl'ports Atl'llcl1o DlrcC'IOr Roll.! 11\IUams. The Cardinal bowler!! will <»mpele tlttalnAt nve 01her coUue teams tn lho mrellnc.

Mcmbem ol lhls Y<'ILl' l\ learn lneludt!ll Fll\nk f'lo Rlto, Roger Seek, Dav~ Sto~. Jack Edwud.s 1!.lld LArry &nlth, rei>otled Iha leem chtU nnu.n.

S(overa.I .ream n&D ll meml><-r or NIJC'a bowline com· peloo In the Natlonlll Col­l<'llale IOurnam rnl In Des lloln•s. 10-.a. Don .\r.hur carried Ille Cnnllnlll bll!lner !rom lhc tel!!onals lo lhe

n~1'l:~ear·s team la com­posed or soml' or the l!nft!ll coUeae bollilef!I tn the arel and hopes or repeaun, Don Azdiur'a re111 are running hlsh. Th~ :ilJC team will compete at the Norlh Bowl <>n Slnd11y, Dec. 6.


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For a lifetime of

PLE ASU RE Learn to

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• "• •• Doc. i,., • 19f,!


Smith 7 I JO<' i ~ Brl wn 0 I BflnK Uln 0 5 Bralnufll 2 0 c;ardn r I 2 Care 0 :? Br ant

19 21

f'T Pf 011u11lwrty ~ 3 llnnl 1 ~ Clollcrt I 3 fonkt!1"1 2 3 Brl'\ I ~ Dahtber11 0 I Sllvl'm!lll 3 3 J•>hn n 0 I




I.I • ~ •!to ..... 21) Sfr.•'fM"' A .. • • Coe .it d A.I.

date .•• late ••. shower ... shave ••. nick. •• ouch . .•• dress ••. rush ••• rip . change .•. drive .•. speed flat .•• fix ••• arrive •.. wait: .. . wait ••• pause .•.

things go

b~~th-" CO Ke

11ottlod-.•ni.au11>o<1JotTheCoc•ColaC..,,_,tr: EMPIRE COCA:coi:.. BOTTLING CO·