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"La Culpabilite Allemande." Review of Die Schuldfrage: Ein Beitrag sur Deutschen Frage, by Karl Jaspers. L'Age Nouveau,

. 28 (1948).

"Nes en 1925." Les Temps Modernes, No. 32 (1948).


Review of The Changing Culture of a Factory, by Elliott Jaques. Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, 12 (1952).


La Phenomenologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1954. Pp. 126.


"Note sur Ie Maneisme.·· In Tableau de la Philosophie Contemporaine. Paris: Fischbacher, 1956.

La Phenomenologie. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1956. Pp. 126. (B829.5 L9)

"La Situation en Afrique du Nord." Socialisme ou Barbarie, 17 (1956) •


"La Bourgeoisie Nord-Africaine." Socialisme ou Barbarie, 20 (1957) •

"Nouvelle Phase dans la Question Algerienne." Socialisme ou Barbarie, 21 (1957).



"La Contenu Social de la Lutte Algerienne." Socialisme ou Barbarie, 24 (1958).

"La Guerre contre R.evolutionnaire, la Societe Coloniale et Ie Gaullisme." Socialisme ou Barbarie, 25 (1958).


La Phenomenologie. 3rd ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1959. Pp. 126.


"Le Gaullisme et l'Algerie." Socialisme ou Barbarie. 31 (1961).

La Phenomenologie. 4th ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1961. Pp. 126.


"L t Algerie Sept Ans Apres." Socialisme ou Barbarie, 33 (1962).


OIL' Algerie Evacuee." Socialisme ou Barbarie, 34 (1963).


La Phenomenlogie. 5thed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1964. pp. 126.


"A Propos de Cl. Levi-Strauss: Les Indiens ne Cueillent pas les Fleurs." Review of La Pensee Sauvage, by Claude Levi-Strauss. Annales: Economies, Societes, Civilisations, 20, No. 1 (Janvier­Fevrier 1965), pp. 62-83.



La Fenomenologia. 3rd ed. Translated by Aida Aisenson de Kogan. Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, 1967. Pp. 63.

La Phenomenologie. 6th ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1967. Pp. 128.

"La Place de I'Alienation dans Ie Retournement Marxiste." Les Temps Modernes, 25, No. 277-278 (1969), pp. 92-160.


"Le Travail du Reve ne Pense Pas." Commentaire de Die Traumdeutung, Chap. VI. Revue d'Esthetique, 21 (1968), pp. 26-61.


"A La Place de I'Ho1llll1e, L'Expression." [On Mikel Dufrenne's works.] Esprit, 7-8, No. 383 (Juillet-Aout 1969), pp. 155-178.

La Phenomenologie. 7th ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1969. Pp. 128.


With Dominique Avron and Bruno Lemenuel. "Espace Plastique et Espace Pol1tique." Revue d 'Esthetique, 23, No. 3-4 (1970), pp. 255-277.

With a group of students. "Nanterre: lei et Maintenant." Les Temps Modernes, 26, No. 285 (Avril 1970), pp. 1650-1665.

"Notes sur la Fonction Critique de l'Oeuvre." Revue d'Esthetique, 23, No. 3-4 (1970), pp. 400-414.

"Oedipe Juif." Critique, 26, No. 277 (Juin 1970), pp. 53-545.

"La Theorie." VH 101, (1970).


Discours, Figure. Paris: Klincksieck, 1971. Pp. 428. (AC25 L9)

Reviews: Bernard Defontaine and Jeanne Defontaine-ouazana, "La Figure

dans Ie Langage, l'Art et la Representation Politique." Annales: Economies, Societes, Civilisations, 28, No. 1 (Janvier-Fevrier 1973), pp. 125-141.


Veronica Forrest-Thomson. British Journal of Aesthetics, 12 (Winter 1972), pp. 92-94. Gilles Lipovetsky, "Travail, Desir." Critique, 29, No. 314

(Juillet 1973), pp. 615-635. Peter Dews, "The Letter and the Line: Discourse and its Other

in Lyotard." Diacritics, 14, No.3 (Fall 1984), pp. 40-49. Michel Makarius, L'Homme et la Societe, 26 (Automne 1972). Gilles Deleuze, La Quinzaine Litteraire, 140 (1-15 Mai 1972),

pp. 19. ' Gilbert Lascault, "Un Entretien avec Jean-Francois Lyotard: 'En

finir avec l'illusion de la politique'." La Quinzaine Litteraire, 140 (1-15 Mai 1972), pp. 18-19.

Michel Enaudeau, "Mais nul Discours ne Possede son Objet." Revue d'Esthetique, 25, No.3 (1972), pp. 356-362.


"L'Acinema." Revue d'Esthetique. 26, No.2, 3, 4 (April 1973), pp. 357-369.

"Contributions des Tableau de Jacques Monory." In Figurations 1960/1973. Ed. Bernard Lamarche-Vadel. Paris: 1973.

"Contribution des Tableaux de Jacques Monory a l'Intelligence de l'Economie Politique Libidinale du Capital dans son Rapport avec Ie Dispositif Pictural." In Nouvelles Figurations. Paris: Union Generale d'Editions 10/18, 1973.

Derive a partir de Marx et Freud. Paris: Union Generale d'Editions 10/18, 1973. Pp. 316. (HN430 L95)

Reviews: B.M., La Nouvelle Critique, No. 76 (Aout-Septembre 1974),

pp. 81-82. G. Durozoi and Guy Fibman, Opus International, 44-45 (Juin

1973) t. pp. 114-116. Jose Pierre, "Derive, a Partir de Lyotard." La Quinzaine

Litteraire, No. 178 (1-15 Janvier 1974), pp. 27-30.

Des Dispositifs Pulsionnels. Paris: Union Generale d'Editions 10/18, 1973. Pp. 318. (AC25 L95)

Reviews: Garrett Barden, Human Context, 7 (1975), pp. 616-618. Christian Descamps, "Le Desir, Force Productive."

La Quinzaine Litteraire, No. 178 (1-15 Janvier 1974), pp. 26-27.

"Lea Filles Machines Folles de Lindner." L'Art Vivant, 41 (1973).


"Notes sur Ie Retour et Ie Kapital" by Jean-Francois Lyotard; and "Discussion" (participants: Jean-Francois Lyotard, Claude Vivien', Pierre Klossowski, Jean-Michel Rey, Sarah Kofman, Jean Maurel, Andre Flecheux, Gilles Deleuze, Robert Sasso, Mieke Taat). In Nietzsche Aujourd'hui. (Proceedings of a conference held July 1972 at the Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle) Paris: Union Generale d'Editions 10/18, 1973. Vol. 1. "Notes sur Ie Retour et Ie Kapital," pp. 141-157; "Discussion," pp. 175­190.


"Adorno as the Devil." (Translated by Robert Hurley) Telos, No. 19 (Spring 1974), pp. 127-137.

Afterword. "Ante Diem Rationis." In Science-Fiction et Capitalisme: Critique de la Position de Desir de la Science. Paris: Mame, 1974.

"La Confession Coupee." In Butor. (Proceedings of a conference held 24 June - 1 July 1973 at the Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle) Paris: Union Generale d'Editions 10/18, 1974.

"Considerations Preliminaires a une Histoire Paienne: Notes sur Ie Dechristianisation. t. In Vers une Esthetique sans Entrave. Paris: Union Generale d'Edition 10/18, 1974.

Economie Libidinale. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1974. Pp. 314. (HB74 P8 L94)

Reviews: Michel Sicard, "L'Economie Libidinale." Les Cahiers du Chemin,

24 (Avril 1975), Christian Descamps, "Entretien avec Jean-Francois Lyotard:

'L'important, ce sont les "intensites", pas Ie sens'." La Quinzaine Litteraire, No. 201 (1-15 Janvier 1975), pp. 5-6.

Hubert Damisch, "Le Discours du Tenseur." Critique, 31 No. 336 (Mai 1975), pp. 461-464. Madelaine Chapsal, "La Cite du Desir." L' Express, No. 1226

(6-12 Janvier 1975), pp. 64.

"Par-dela la Representation." Introduction to the French translation of The Hidden Order of Art by Anton Ehrenzweig. L'Ordre Cache de l'Art: Essai sur la Psychologie de l'Imagination Artistique by Anton Ehrenzweig. Translated by Francine Lacoue-Labarthe and Claire Nancy. Paris: Gallimard, 1974.



"Beyond Representation." (Translated by Jonathan Culler) Human Context, No.7 (1975), pp. 495-502. See above: "Par-dela de la Representation" (1974).

"Considerations on Certain Partition-Walls as the Potentially Bachelor Elements of a Few Simple Machines." In Le Machine Celebi/The Bachelor Machines. New York: Rizzoli, 1975. Pp. 98-109.

"Considerations Preliminaires a une Histoire Paienne: Notes sur la Dechristianisation." In Vers une Esthetique sans Entrave: Melanges Offerts a Mikel Dufrenne. Paris: Union Generale d'Editions 10/18, 1975.

"De I'Apathie Theorique." Critique, 31, No. 333 (Fevrier 1975), pp. 254-265.

"For a Pseudo-Theory." (Translated by Moshe Ron) Yale French Studie, No. 52 (1975), pp. 115-127.

"Marcel Duchamp, Ie Grand Sophiste,," Review of Marcel Duc:hamp, ou, Ie Grand Fictif: Essai de M thanalyse du Grand Verre, by Jean Clair. L'Art Vivant, 56 1975).

Le Mur du Pacifique. With: Toil by Michel Vachey. precede d'un avertissement et Le Mur du PaCrfique de Jean-Francois Lyotard. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1975. Pp. 299.

"Que leSigne est Hostie, et 1 'Inverse'; et comment s 'en Debarraser." Review of La Critique du Discours, by Louis Marin. Critique, 30 No. 342 (Novembre 1975), pp. 1111-1126.


La Phenomenologie. 8th edition. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1976. Pp. 126. See above: La Phenomenologie (1954).

"Petite Mise en Perspective de la Decadence et de quelques Combats Minoritaires a y Mener." Politiques de la Philosophie. Ed. Dominique Grisoni. Paris: B. Grasset, 1976.

Sur Cinq Peintures de Rene Guiffrey. Stevenson & Palluel, 1976.

"Sur la Force des Faibles.'· L'Arc. 64 (1976), pp. 4-12. "Ces pages sont tirees d'un livre en cours."

"The Tooth, the Palm." (Translated by Anne Knap and Michel Benamou) Sub-Stance, No. 15 (1976), pp. 105-110.

Extract from Des Dispositifs Pulsionnels (1973).



"Erergumen Capitalism. (Translated by James Leigh) Semiotexte,II

2, No.3 (1977), pp. 11-26.

Instructions Paiennes. Paris: Galilee, 1977. Pp. 87.

Reviews: Cecile Lindsay, "Experiments in Postmodern Dialogue."

Diacritics, 14, No.3 (Fall 1984), pp. 52-62.

"Jewish Oedipus. It (Translated by Susan Hanson) Genre, 10, No. 3 (Fall 1977), pp. 395~411.

Das Patchwork der Minderheiten: Fur eine herrenlose Politik. Trans. Clemens-Carl Haerle. Berlin: Merve Verlag, 1977. Pp. 114.

(With Jacques Monory). Recits Tremblants. Paris: Galilee, 1977. Pp. 125. (PQ 2672 Y6 R4)

Rudiments Paiens: Genre Dissertatif. Paris: Union Generale d'Editions 10/18, 1977. Pp. 249. (P99 L9)

Les Transformateurs Duchamp. Paris: Editions Galilee, 1977. Pp. 154. (N6853 D8 L96)

"The Unconscious as Mise-en-Scene." (Translated by Joseph Maier) In Performance in Postmodern Culture. Ed. Michel Benamou and Charles Caramello. Madison: Coda Press, 1977, pp. 87-98.


"Acinema." (Translated, in collaboration with the author by, Paisley N. Livingston) Wide Angle, 2, No.3 (1978), pp. 52-59.

"De la Fonction Critique a la Transformation." (Un entretien avec Jean Papineau) Parachute (Montreal), 1978.

"L'Endurance et la Profession." Critique, 34, No. 369 (Fevrier 1978), pp. 198-205.

Intensitaten. Trans. Lothar Kurzawa and Volker Schaefer. Berlin: PRO Verlag, 1978. Pp. 160.

"Notes on the Return and KapitaL" (Translated by Roger McKeon) Semiotexte, 3, No.1 (1978), pp. 44-53. See above: "Notes sur Ie Retour et Ie Kapital" (1973).


"Notes Preliminaires sur Ie Pragmatique des Oeuvres (en particulier de Daniel Buren)." Critique, 34, No. 378 (Novembre 1978), pp. 1075-1085.

"On the Strength of the Weak." (Translated by Roger McKeon) Semiotexte, 3, No.2 (1978), pp. 204-214.

"One of the Things at Stake in Women's Struggles." (Translated by Deborah Clarke, Winnie Woodhull and John Mowitt) Sub-Stance, No. 20 (1978), pp. 9-18.

"L'Opera come Propria Prammatica." In Teoria e Pratiche della .Critica d'Arte. Atti del Convegno di Montecatini, 1978. Milano: 1979.


A Partire da Marx e Freud. Milano: Multhipla, 1979. Pp. 260. Italian translation of Derive a Partir de Marx et Freud (1973).

Apathie inder Theorie. Translated by Clemens-Carl Haerle and Lothar Kurzawa. Berlin: Merve Verlag, 1979.

A selection of essays translated into German.

(With Jean-Loup Thebaud). Au Juste: Conversations. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1979. Pp. 188. (JC 578 L86 1979)

Reviews: Geoff Bennington, "August: Double Justice." Diacritics,

14, No.3 (Fall 1984), pp. 64-71. Cecile Lindsay, "Experiments in Postmodern Dialogue."

Diacritics, 14, No.3 (Fall 1984), pp. 52-62.

La Condition Postmoderne: Rapport sur Ie Savoir. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1979. Pp. 109•. (BD 162 L9)

Reviews: Mark S. Roberts, Man and World, 16 (1983), pp. 161-165.


"La Micrologie de Lascaut, ou la Grandeur du Petit." Review of Voyage d'Automne et d'Hiver, by Gilbert Lascault. La Quinzaine Litteraire, 302 (16/31 Mai 1979), pp. 8-9.

Le Mur du Pacifique. Paris: Galilee, 1979. Pp. 84. (PQ 2672 Y6 M8) See above: Le Mur du Pacifique (1975).

Reviews: Georges Van Den Abbeele, "Up Against the Wall: The Stage of

of Judgment." Diacritics, 14, No.3 (Fall 1984), pp. 90-98.


"The Psychoanalytic Approach." In Main Trends in Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art_ Ed. Mikel Dufrenne. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1979.

"Preliminary Notes on the Pragmatic of Works: Daniel Buren." (Translated by Thomas Repensek) October, No. 10 (Fall 1979), pp. 59-67.


Des Dispositifs Pulsionnels. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1980. Pp. 307. See above: Des Dispositifs Pulsionnels (1973).

"Logique de Levinas." In Textes pour Emmanuel Levinas. Ed. Francois Laruelle. Paris: Editions Jean-Michel Place, 1980. Pp. 127-150.

(With H. Maccheroni). La Partie de Peinture. Paris: Maryse Candela, 1980.

Sur la Constitution du Temps par la Couleur dans les Oeuvres Recentes d'Albert Arm!- Paris: Editions Traversiere, 1980. Pp. 66.

"Tromeur." La Quinzaine Litteraire, 327 (15/30 Juin 1980), pp. 2021.


La Condizone Postmoderna: Rapporto suI Sapere. Translated by Carlo Formenti. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1981. Pp. 123. See above: La Condition Postmoderne (1979).

Daniel Buren. Les Couleurs, Sculptures; Les Formes, Peintures. (With Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Jean-Hubert Martin. Ed. Benjamin H.D. Buchloh. Paris: Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou, Musee national d'art modernej Halifax, N.S.: Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1981. Pp. 73.

French exhibition catalog published contemporaneously with English version.

"Discussions, ou: phraser 'Apres Auschwitz'" by Jean-Francois Lyotard; and "Debat" (transcription: Jean-Francois Lyotard) (participants: Jean-Francois Lyotard, Didier Cahen. Francois Clevenot, Jacques Derrida. Michel Feher, Maurice de Gandillac, Barbara Johnson, Sarah Kofman, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacob Rogozinski). In Les Fins de l'Homme: A Partir du Travail de Jacques Derrida. (Proceedings of the Conference of Le Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle, 23 July 2 August 1980) Paris: Editions Galilee, 1981. "Discussions, ou: phraser 'apres Auschwitz'," pp. 283-310; "Debat," pp. 310-315.


With Jean-Pierre Dubost. "Edipo e Don Giovanni? Legittimazione, Giustizia e Scambio Ineguale." (Translated by Rossella Prezzo.) Aut Aut, 182-183 (1981), pp. 87-103.

"Essai d'Analyse du Dispositif Speculatif." Degres, 9, No. 26-27 (Printemps-Ete 1981), pp. b1-b11.

"Introduction a une EtudePolitique selon Kant ... In Rejouer le Politique: Travaux du Centre de Recherches Philosophiques sur le Politique. Paris: Editions Galilee, 1981, pp. 91-134. (JA71 R44 1981)

"Le texte qui suit est extrait d'un travail en cours, a paraitre ulterieurement."

Monory. Ciels: Nebuleuses et Galaxies: Les Confins d'un Dandysme. Paris: Galerie Maeght, 1981. Pp. 27.

"La Philosophie et la Peinture a l'Ere de leur Experimentation: Contribution a une Idee de la Postmodernite." Rivista di· Estetica (Torino), 21, No.9 (1981), pp. 3-15.

"Theory as Art: A Pragmatic Point of View." (Translated by Robert Vollrath) In Image and Code. Ed. Wendy Steiner. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1981), pp. 71-77.

"Use Me." (Translated by Michel Feher and Tom Gara) Semiotexte, 4, No.1 (1981), pp. 82-85.


"Endurance and the Profession." (Translated by Christophe Gallier, Steven Ungar and Barbara Johnson) Yale French Studies, No. 63 (1982), pp. 72-77.

Essays zu einer Affirmativen Asthetik. Translated by Eberhard Kienle and Jutta Kranz. Berlin: Merve Verlag, 1982. Pp. 123.

German translation of selections from Des Dispositifs Pulsionnels (1973).

Monogrammes/Loin du doux. Paris: Catalogue Baruchello, Galerie Le Dessin, 1982.

La Phenomenologie. 9th edition. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1982. P. 126. See above: La Phenomenologie (1954).

"Pierre Souyri: Le Marxisme qui n'a pas Fini." Esprit, 1982, No. 1 (Janvier 1982), pp. 11-31.

La Pittura del Segreto nell'Epoca Postmoderna, [Gianfranco] Baruchello. Trans. M. Ferraris. Milan: Feltrinelli, 1982. Pp. 61. French title: "La Peinture du Secret a l'Age Postmoderne, Baruchello."


Das Postmoderne Wissen. Wien: Theatro Machinarum, 1982. German translation of'La Condition Postmoderne (1979)

"Presenting the Unpresentable: the Sublime." (Translated by Lisa Liebmann) Artforum, 20, No.8 (April 1982), pp. 64-69.

"Reponse a la Question: Qu'est-ce que Ie Postmoderne1" Critique, 38, No. 419 (Avril 1982), pp. 357-367.

"Ce texte de combat tres personnel de Jean-Francois Lyotard est traduit, avec des legeres modifications, d'un article paru en italien dans Alfabeta, 32, et repris dans La Peinture du Secret a l' e Postmoderne Baruchello, aux editions Feltrinelli italien ."


"Answering the Question: What is Postmodernism?" (Translated by Regis Durand) In Innovation/Renovation: New Perspectives on the Humanities. Ed. Ihab Hassan and Sally Hassan. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1983. Pp. 329-341.

Le Differend. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1983. Pp. 279. (B29 L9 1983)

Reviews: Jacques Poulain, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, 4 (December 1984),

pp. 271-277. David Carroll, "Rephrasing the Political with Kant and Lyotard:

From Aesthetic to Political Judgments. Diacritics, 14, No. 3 (Fall 1984), pp. 74-88. G. Dellanoi, Esprit, No. 7-8 (1984), pp. 182-183. Pierre Pachet, "La Constat d'une Fissure." La Quinzaine

Litteraire, 414 (1-15 Avril 1984), pp. 19-20.

"II Dlssidio, Conversazione dl Jean-Francois Lyotard con Paola Fabbri e Maurizio Ferraris." Alfabeta, No. 55 (Dicembre 1983). pp. 20.

"The Dream-Work Does Not Think." (Translated by Mary Lydon) Oxford Literary Review, 6, No.1 (1983), pp. 3-34. ~ above: Discours! Figure (1971) and "Le Travail du

Reve ne Pense pas" (1968).

"Fiscourse Digure: The Utopia Behind the Scenes of the Phantasy." (Translated by Mary Lydon) Theatre Journal, 35, No.3 (October 1983), pp. 333-351.


With Ruth Francken. L'Histoire de Ruth. Paris: Le Castor Astral, 1983.

Reviews: Timothy Murray, "What's Happening?" Diacritics, 14, No.3

(Fall 1984), pp. 100-110.

With Jean-Laup Thebaud. "The Insistence of Pragmatics." (Translated by Ruth Brinkley and Robert Brinkley) Mississippi Review, No. 33 (Winter/Spring 1983), pp. 65-92.

"Passages from Le Mur du Pacifique." (Translated by Pierre Brochet, Nick Royle, and Kathleen Woodward." Sub-Stance, No. 37/38 (1983), pp. 89-99.

Preface. "On Dirait qu'une Ligne ..... [Valerio] Adami: Peintures Recentes. Paris: Galerie Maeght, 1983. Pp. 39.

Reviews: Timothy Murray, "What's Happening?" Diacritics, 14, No.

3 (Fall 1984), pp. 100-HO •

.. Presentations. II (Translated by Kathleen McLaughlin) In Philosophy in France Today. Ed. Alan Montefiore. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1983. Pp. 116-135.

"La Quantite du Silence." !!!!.. 4 (1983).

"Un Succes de Sartre." Review of Politique de la Prose (Jean-Paul Sartre en l'An Quarante), by Denis Hollier. Critique, 39, No. 430 (Mars 1983), pp. 177-189.


"Agire Prima di Capire. L'Etica di Levinas." (Translated by Federica Sossi) Aut Aut, 201 (Maggio-Giugno 1984), pp. 8-14.

Arakawa, Longitude 180 E or West. (Arakawa: Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea) Trans. Maurizio Ferraris and Mary Ann Caws. Milan: Edizioni Nava Milano, 1984.

Reviews: Timothy Murray, "What's Happening?" Diacritics, 14, No 3

(Fall 1984), pp. 100-110.

(With Jacques Monory). la Peinture. Paris: Flammarion [Le Castor Astral,


"The Differend, the Referent and the Proper Name." (Translated by Georges Van Den Abbeele) Diacritics, 14, No.3 (Fall 1984), pp. 3-15.

Driftworks. Ed. Roger McKeon. New York: Columbia Unlv. Press, 1984. Pp. 110.

"Das Erhabene und die Avantgarde." (Translated by Heike Rutke and Clemens Carl Haerle) Merkur, 38, No.2 (Marz 1984), pp. 151-164.

La Feuille de l'Histoire. Paris: Diagraphe, 1984.

"L'Instant, Newman." In L'Art et Ie Temps: Regards sur la Quatrieme Dimension. Ed. Michel Baudson. Paris: Albin Michel, 1984, pp. 99-105. (N8253 T5 A77 1985)

"Interview: Jean-Francois Lyotard.·· (Translated by Georges Van Den Abbeele) (Georges Van den Abbeele interviews Jean-Francois Lyotard) Diacritics, 14, No.3 (Fall 1984), pp. 16-21.

La Peinture du Sacre a l'ere Post-Moderne. Paris: Catalogue Barachello, Centre Pompidou, 1984.

"Philosophy and Painting in the Age of their Experimentation: Contribution to an Idea of Postmodernity." Camera Obscura, 12 (1984), pp. 110-125.

"This text was written in September 1979 at the request of the National Gallery of canada."

The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Trans. Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi. Foreword by Fredric Jameson. Minneapolis: Unlv. of Minnesota Press, 1984. pp. xxv, 110.

See above: La Condition Postmoderne (1979).

Reviews: Marc Chenetier, American Book Review, 5 (November

1982), pp. 13. Maurita Harney, "The Philosophy of Technology. t. Austra­

lasian Journal of Philosophy, 63, No.4 (December 1985), pp. 526-527. K.M. Newton, "Marxism, Postmodernism, and Knowledge." Cambridge

Quarterly, 14, No.2, pp. 178-184. Richard Rorty, "Habermas, Lyotard, et la Postmodernite,"

Critique, 40, No. 444 (1984), pp. 181-197. French Review, 54 (April 1981), pp. 754. Christopher Norris, London Review of Books, 6 (2 August 1984),

pp. 14. Daryl Chin, Performing Arts Journal, 9, No.1 (1985),

pp. 99-100. Mark Conroy, Southern Humanities Review, 19, No.4 (Fall

1985), pp. 374-377.


"The Sublime and the Avant-Garde." (Translated by Lisa Liebmann) Artforum, 22, No.8 (April 1984), pp. 36-43.

Tombeau de l'Intellectuel et Autres Papiers. Paris: Editions Galilee, 1984. Pp. 87.

Contains newspaper articles and a conference paper, 1982-83.


I. Tombeau de l'intellectuel. II. Le differend.

III. Pour une non-politique culturelle. IV. Nouvelles technologies. V. Wittgenstein, "apres".

VI. Les modes intellectuelles. VII. Appendice svelte a la question postmoderne.


Editor. (With Annie Cazenave). L'Art des Confins: Melanges Offerts a Maurice de Gandillac. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1985. Pp. 656.

"Discussion entre Jean-Francois Lyotard et Richard Rorty." Critique, 41, No. 456 (Mai 1985), pp. 581-584.

11 Dissidio. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1985.

Grabmal des Intellektuellen. Wien: Bohlau, 1985. Pp. 94.

"Histoire Universelle et Difference Culturelles." Critique, 41, No. 456 (Mai 1985), pp. 559-568.

With Jacques Derrida et ale Immaterialitat und Postmoderne. Translated by Marianne Karbe. Berlin: Merve Verlag, 1985. Pp. 103.

German translations ot articles and interviews previously published in French.

Die Mauer des Pazifik. Wien: Bohlau. Pp. 174.

(With Jean-Loup Thebaud). Just Gaming. Trans. Wlad Godzich. Afterword by Samuel Weber; translated by Brian Massumi. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1985. Pp. 128.

"Sites et Recits de Sites." In Traitement de Textes: Cartes et Brouillons de Michel Butor. With Michel Sicard, Pierre Canou, Patrick Stefanetto. Gourdon: Dominique Bedou, 1985, pp. 9-14.

"The Tensor." Oxford Literary Review, 7, No. 1-2 (1985), pp. 25-40. An extract from Economie Libidinale (1974). .



Anis, Jacques. "Visibilite du Texte Poetique." Langue Francaise, 1983, No. 59 (Septembre 1983), pp. 102.

Arms trong, Paul B. "Reading Figures: The Cogni tive Powers of Metaphor." University of Hartford Studies in Literature, 17, No.2 (1985), pp. 63, 67.

Arnauld, Alain. "Nihil Sine Visione Sive In Visione Omnia." Revue des Sciences Humaines, No. 197 (Janvier-Mars 1985), pp. 84 n. 16.

Barbagallo, Francesco. "La Storia tra Passato e Futuro." Studi Storici, 25, No. 1 (~nnaio-Marzo 1984), pp. 106 n. 2.

Baudri11ard, Jean. "Forgetting Foucault." (Translated by Nicole Dufresne) Humanities in Society, 3, No.1 (Winter 1980), pp. 90-91, 100, III n. 4.

Bayard, Caroline. "Post-Modernisme et Avant-Garde au Canada." Voix et Image, 10, No.1 (Automne 1984), pp. 39 n. 8.

Berg, Elizabeth L. "Impossible Representation: A Reading of Phedre." Romanic Review, 73, No.4 (November 1982), pp. 437 n. 15.

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