Tourist Spots in Visayas


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  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    B Y : G R O U P 2 ( C L A S S C )

    Tourist Spots in


  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas



  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas



    Boracay is undoubtedly the most visited among the tourist spots inVisayas. Boasting its white sand beach and extraordinary nightlife,Boracay really got the attention of many. Boracay is located in Malay,!lan, Visayas, "hilippines.

    #hite Beach is composed of three sections.

    The northernmost section $ Station % $ has the widest beachfront. Thishas the best &and most expensive' resorts and hotels.

    The center of #hite Beach is Station (. "eople come here to eat, shop,and party.

    )f youre loo!ing for a *uieter area, then Station +, the southernmost

    section, is for you.

    Because the waters off #hite Beach are calm during mihan season&ovember to May', tourism is at its pea! during these months whenthe northeastern winds blow. -onditions reverse during the rainyseason, when the abagat or monsoon winds blow.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    /ocation of Boracay

    Boracay is a small island inthe "hilippines located

    approximately +%0 !m

    &%12 mi' south

    of Manila and ( !m off the

    northwest tip of "anay

    )sland in the #estern

    Visayas region ofthe "hilippines.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas



    3oreigners love to shop for souvenirs especially after eating at the nearbyrestaurants and food stalls.

    Many of the TMs and 3oreign 4xchange in Boracay are available in 5Mall sothere is an easy access to cash.

    Most of the small souvenir stores do not accept credit cards so be sure to bring

    some cash. )t is nice to haggle for a better price but always thin! that they arealready selling it at a very affordable price and they are paying a lot for the storerental and taxes.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    /a!e Balanan

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    /a!e Balanan

    /a!e Balanan is a freshwater la!e surrounded by lushforests and mountain ranges in the southern portion ofegros 6riental. This natural attraction has been developedinto a mountain resort providing hotel accommodations

    and vast selection of fun outdoor activities.Swimming in the pool, !aya!ing in the la!e, riding boats,

    7ipline adventure are some of the things to do in /a!eBalanan.

    )n %1(0, the la!e was formed after a tectonic *ua!e causedlandslides that conse*uently bloc!ed the southern end ofthe Balanan 8iver. The natural dam now covers (0 hectaresin surface area which ma!es it ideal for water sports andactivities, including !aya!ing and boating.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    /ocation of /a!e Balanan

    /a!e Balanan is a la!e situatedin Siaton, egros 6riental inthe "hilippines.

    )t is a freshwater la!e in the forestedmountains of the southern portion ofthe island of egros, with a shaperesembling a figure of eight, the

    narrowest point between the two mainportions of the la!e being only 19metres &+99 ft' wide.

    The la!e is surrounded by mountainranges, and is fed by three tributaries,all located in the northern end.

    These are the /amarao -ree! at thenortheastern corner with twowaterfalls, the Balanan -ree! at themiddle of the northern end withanother waterfall, and the asig:id-ree! at the northwestern end.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    -hocolate ills

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    -hocolate ills

    -hocolate ills, as per the name implies, it is composed of hundred of cutechocolate:li!e hills.

    They loo! li!e chocolate because the hills are covered with grasses and duringsummer, grasses dries and ma!e the hills loo! brown.

    This is one of the ma;or attractions in Visayas where you can ga7e one of the

    wonders of the earth. The -hocolate ills form a rolling terrain of haycoc! hills $ mounds of a generally

    conical and almost symmetrical shape. 4stimated to be from %,(2< to about %,==2individual mounds, these cone:shaped or dome:shaped hills are actually made ofgrass:coveredlimestone. The domes vary in si7es from +9 to 09 meters &1< to%2> ft' high with the largest being %(9 meters &+19 ft' in height. Bohol?s @main

    attraction@, these uni*ue mound:shaped hills are scattered by the hundredsthroughout the towns of -armen, Batuanand Sagbayan in Bohol.

    5uring the dry season, the grass:covered hills dry up and turn chocolate brown.This transforms the area into seemingly endless rows of @chocolate !isses@. Thebranded confection is the inspiration behind the name, -hocolate ills.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    /ocation of -hocolate ills

    -hocolate ills is locatedat /oay )nterior 8oad,-armen, Bohol.

    5ar! brown indicates the

    greatest concentration ofthe -hocolate ills in theBohol municipalitiesof Sagbayan, Batuan,and-armen. /ight brownindicates a lesserconcentration of the hillsin Bilar, Sierra Bullones,and Valencia.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    Bohol "roducts

    "eanut Aisses : this is a signatureBoholano recipe and only here youcan find coo!ies shaped li!e aminiature -hocolate ills &thefamous attraction of Bohol'or ershey Aisses. )t is basically

    made of high:*uality peanuts andeggs, ba!ed crisp to bringthat nutty crunch in every bite.4very department stores andsouvenir shops have displays ofthese delicious pasalubongs.

    Tableya : is a traditional3ilipino hot chocolate

    beverage made of roastedcocoa beans that are

    milled into tablets.C

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    Bohol "roducts

    Bohols hand:made products include bags, decors,house accessories, floor mats, fashion accessories, hats, bas!ets andother materials.

    These products are not patroni7ed only in the provinceD it is also beingexported to different countries already. )t already evaded

    the international mar!ets, thus more and more products are made. 6nefamous product is the bas!ets from the town of nte*uera.

    nother is the raffia or buri products. /oomweavers of the provinceproduces cloth from raffia.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    Euimaras )sland

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas



    Euimaras )sland is a favored destination by both foreign anddomestic tourists because of its pictures*ue beaches,waterfalls, springs, off shore islets, and its famous mangoes,which is considered one of the sweetest in the world.

    There are two other ways to get there, the "arola wharf in)loilo to the municipality of Buenavista. The "arola wharf isused exclusively whenever the water is rough. There also is aroll on roll off &8686' ferry that travels around five times aday and is used by the )loilo bicycle clubs on Sunday to travelto Euimaras.

    Eeologists opine that the island formed one landmass with"anay in the past. Euimaras was formerly !nown as imal:us.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    /ocation of Euimaras

    Euimaras is an islandprovince ofthe "hilippines located inthe #estern Visayas

    region.mong the smallest and

    youngest provinces, itscapital is Fordan.

    The island is located inthe "anay Eulf, betweenthe islands of "anay andegros.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    Euimaras Mangoes

    Euimaras mangoes are considered as one of the sweetest in the worldand the only mango variety in the -ountry certified as pest:free by theG.S. 5epartment of griculture. The variety of mangoes produced arealso best for ma!ing dried mangoes, ;ams and other delicacies. The besttime to en;oy Euimaras mangoes is during the Manggahan 3estival

    held every May (( to commemorate the provinces charter day.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    "escador )sland

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    "escador )sland

    "escador )sland is a beautiful island that loo!s li!e discfrom afar.

    This is a popular diving site in Visayas which is a home ofthousands of sardines famous by the name The Sardine

    8un of "escador )sland.5ives are from 09 $ (99 meters drop. The island

    has -athedral underneath.

    )t is huge hole with caves inside enough for a person to

    explore. This ama7ing dive site is located in Moalboan,-ebu, Visayas, "hilippines

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    /ocation of "escador )sland

    "escador )sland is anisland located inthe TaHon Strait, a few!ilometres from the

    western coast of theisland of -ebu in the"hilippines. )t isgoverned by themunicipalityof Moalboal.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    "asalubong and Souvenirs

    Shamroc! ma!es the best 6tap. They have branches near-olon and in 3uente 6smena in -ebu. 3or those who wantto do last minute 6tap shopping, Shamroc! has a store near/apu:/apu -ity all, ;ust minutes away from the Mactan

    )nternational irport. Sugbu 6tap is also a popular otapbrand.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    "asalubong and Souvenirs

    5ried Mango is another yummy -ebu pasalubong. They are also a hitamong foreign tourists particularly the Aoreans and Fapanese. 5riedmangoes are chewy and sweet ma!ing them the best pasalubong for!ids. They are affordable too. Many brands sell for + pac!s for %99pesos while the more established brands and export *uality dried

    mangoes sell for 09 pesos for a %99 gram pac!. "opular dried mangobrands are =5 dried mangoes and "hilippine Brands and Euadalupe.

  • 7/26/2019 Tourist Spots in Visayas


    "asalubong and Souvenirs

    The best lechon are found in -ebu. -ebu /echon are tasty anddelicious. #ith secret ingredients and spices, /echon -ebu can standout of its own even without Mang Tomas all around sarsa.

    3ashion accessories made in -ebu ma!es one of the best yet affordablesouvenirs. Bead nec!laces sells from %9 pesos to +0 pesos a piece, while

    bead bracelets sells for +0 pesos. 4ven pearl earrings are affordablehere in -ebu, where you can buy a pair for +9 pesos.

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