Unit 11 Company Events 活動. No Limits 無限制! Corporate 公司 Events (公司名稱) Are...


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Unit 11

Company Events


No Limits 無限制! Corporate 公司 Events (公司名


• Are you looking for an experienced 有經驗的 and reliable 可信賴的 partner

• to organize 舉辦 your 。。。? • ( 1 ) company outing/ trip 員工旅行• ( 2 ) team building activity 團康活動• ( 3 ) corporate event

( 1 ) Blindfolded Driving (帶著眼罩開車)

(兩人一組。握著方向盤的同事戴著眼罩, 依賴坐在他旁邊的同事給予方向的指示。)• not about speed

• It’s all about trust

• and the ability to communicate

• We can customize (因客人的個別需求而訂做) the event to include your own ideas.

( 2 ) Paintball

漆彈球( 3 ) Family fun day

全家同樂日-a game full of action

動作(動態的遊戲)-shoot each other with pellets 漆彈 containing paint

( a small and hard object that can be shot from a special gun )

A typical 典型的 day includes

( 1 ) competitions 競賽( 2 ) face painting 用顏料在臉上畫出一些圖案( 3 ) a barbeque

No Limits!• We can also recommend 推薦 • and book a venue 場地• ( that has all the facilities 設施 needed to meet

your expectations 需求 / 期待) . 符合 / 滿足你的需求

• We draw on 吸取 15 years of experience to provide/ offer the best solution 解決方式 for your budget 預算 .


Vocabulary 1(1) experienced

( adj )有經驗的

being good/ skillful/ capable

技術熟練 / 能力強 at something

because you have done it a lot

(2) corporate ( adj )公司的

relating to a large company

有關(3) popular ( adj ) 受歡迎的

liked by many people

(4) blindfolded

( adj )蒙眼的wearing a cloth 帶一塊布(眼罩)that covers your eyes

(5) typical ( adj ) 典型的

like most people or things of the same kind (跟大眾 / 一般的事物相似)

Vocabulary 2(6) competition

( N )競賽a game , each person or team tries to win

(7) customize

( V )為客人量身訂做

to change something

to meet someone’s needs

(8) entertainment

( N )娛樂節目 performances 表演 that people enjoy

(9) recommend

( V )推薦 to suggest 合適的 something is good or suitable

(10) venue ( N ) 場地

the place/ location

where an event happens 發生

Listening I

• D: If the rain doesn’t stop soon, we should consider 考慮 postponing 延期 Ruby’s farewell ( goodbye ) party.

• S: I think it’s too late to postpone it. The food we ordered will arrive in an hour.

Listening I• D: Why don’t we do it in the meeting room instead?

It’s a shame 可惜 to move it indoors, but what other choice do we have? 無計可施

• S: OK. I’ll go to my office and call everyone to let them know that we’re moving the party from the rooftop 屋頂 to the meeting room.

Reading I• Subject: Sign up 報名 for company outing 員工旅行

on September 13

• We are pleased to announce 宣布 • that our annual 年度 company outing• will take place 在這天舉辦 on Saturday, September

13. • ( 1 ) BBQ and ( 2 ) paintball were the two most

popular choices 。 。。

• Please use the attached 附上的(附件) Excel file to sign up for the activity of your choice.

Reading 2: Showtimes

Dear John new!1 h. 48 min.

1:30 4:15 6:55 9:45

Quantum of Solace new!1h. 46 min.

12:55 3:45 6:35 9:15

Edge of Darkness1h. 48 min.

12:45 3:25 6:20 9:10

The Wolfman1h. 35 min.

12:30 2:40 7:05 9:20


Prices: $11 for adults.

$8.50 for children under 12 and seniors 老人 .

All shows before 6 pm are $9 for adults.

Not a film club member?Are you interested in getting information about new movies, FREE tickets, and notification 通知 of special events?

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GRAMMAR 1(1) He sold his old Ford _____ bought a new

Toyota. (A) or (B) nor (C) and (D) so (2) You can make your presentation 簡報 in

Chinese or _____. (A) both English (B) or English (C) in English (D) and English(3) The FBI started a slow yet _____ investigation

調查 . (A) careful (B) carefully (C) carefulness (D) be careful(4) She is poor but ____. (A) ambition (B) ambitious

有野心 (C) is ambitious (D) be

ambitious(5) Everybody is either sitting _____ lying 躺在 on

the grass. (A) and (B) but (C) yet (D) or

GRAMMAR 2(6) The new video game was very attractive 有吸引力

not only 不僅是 to children _____ to adults. (A) and (B) or (C) and also (D) but also

(7) She offered neither an excuse 理由 nor _____ for her behavior 行為 .

(A) to apologize (B) an apology (C) apologizing (D) apologized

(8)_____ it was a formal occasion 正式的場合 , each attendant 出席者 was required 被要求 to wear a suit and tie or an evening gown. 晚禮服 (A) Since (B) For now (C) For what (D) Although

GRAMMAR 2(9) _____ he has got a good job, he still complains. 抱怨 (A) Whether (B) Until (C) For (D) Although

(10) The employment agency 幫人尋找工作的公司 (人力銀行) recommends that job searchers 尋找工作者 change the style 風格 of their resume 履歷 _____

it stands out from others. 脫穎而出 (A) so that (B) that (C) such as (D) so long as
