Unit One Patriotism The Third Two Period Designed by Zhongxin


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Unit One Patriotism

The Third Two Period

Designed by Zhongxin



1. Understanding Paragraphs — How to Identify the Topic

2. Reading Holiday Schedules3. Practical Writing: E-mail

Key Points

1. Tips for how to identify the topic

2. Tips for how to reading Holiday Schedules

3. Tips for how to write an E-mail in English


1. How to identify the topic2. How to reading Holiday

Schedules 3. How to write an E-mail in


Unit One Patriotism

GrammarPractical Reading

Practical Writing

Reading Skills


Unit One Patriotism

Grammar -- Attributive Clause 作直接宾语时,关系代词可省略。 e.g. The woman (whom) you saw a moment ago is our English teacher. 关系代词放在介词后作宾语后时,不能省略。 e.g. This is the town in which she was born. 介词后的关系代词不能用“ that” 或“ who” 。只能用“ w

hich” 或“ whom” 。 e.g. The man with whom she worked was a bit strang

e. The question about which we had had so much discussion was solved at last.

Unit One Patriotism

如果先行词是 all, much, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none 等不定代词,关系代词一般只能用“ that” , 不用“ which”( something, everything 或 anything 后面偶尔用 which )

e.g. There is little (that) we can do about it.

在“ It is + 名词 +定语从句 +定语从句”结构中,后面的从句要用 that (emphatic structure)

e.g. It is the mouth which talks too much that always causes trouble.

Unit One Patriotism

如果先行词被形容词最高级以及 first, last, only, any, few, much, no, some, very 等词修饰,关系代词常用 that ,不用 which, who 或 whom 。

e.g. She is the only person that was invited to make a speech at the meeting.

在非限制性定语从句中,不能用 that,作宾语用的关系代词也不能省略。

e.g.The park, which we visited five years ago, has now been turned into a museum.

有时 which 用于引导修饰整个主句的定语从句。 e.g. New Concept English is intended for for

eign students, which is known to all of us.

Unit One Patriotism

Correct the errors, if there are any, in the following sentences.

The hotel where I stayed when I went sightseeing in

Chicago during the summer vacation is rather poorly


The speed at that light travels is said to be the

maximum one in the universe.

This is the most important position which has ever

offered to a graduate from the college.

The woman for who he was waiting came from


at which


for whom

ExerciseUnit One Patriotism

He would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

I have many friends, some of which are


She is going to spend the summer holidays

in New York, which she has some relatives.

Our two countries are neighbors which

friendship is of the long standing.

All which has to be done is to press the


The farmer used wood to build a house

which to store grains.






in which

Unit One Patriotism

Reading Skills: Understanding Paragraphs —How to Identify the Topic

1) Paragraph: defined as a group of related

sentences about a single topic.

2) Topic: the one thing the paragraph is about,

and every sentence and idea contained in the paragraph relates to the topic. Usually, it can be expressed in two or three words. The repeated use of a word in a paragraph can serve as a clue to the topic.

Unit One Patriotism

3) Main idea: what the author wants to

communicate about the topic, is the central or most important thought in the paragraph.

4) Topic sentence: the sentence expresses the main idea

5) Details: offer the proof, support, explanation,

reason, or examples that help to explain the paragraph’s main idea.

Unit One Patriotism

Practical Reading

----Reading Holiday Schedules

Section A: A laboratory announced the following

holiday schedule

Section B: The following is a list of the holidays on

which the bank was closed in 2003

Unit One Patriotism





New Year’s Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Day

Independence Day

Use the information to find the expressions

equivalent to those given in Chinese.


Unit One Patriotism

Calendar Year 2003Wednesday, Jan.1. 2003 New Year's Day

Monday, jan.20. 2003 Martin Luther King, Jr holiday

Monday, Feb. 17. 2003 Presidents' Day

Friday , March 28. 2003 Cesar Chavez Day

Monday, May 26,2003 Memorial Day

Friday, July 4,2003 Independence Day

Tuesday, Nov.11, 2003 Veteran’s Day

Thursday, Nov.27, 2003 Thanksgiving Day holiday

Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2003 Christmas Eve

Thursday, Dec. 25, 2003 Christmas Day

Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2003 Employee vacation or leave without pay day

Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 New Year’s Eve

A laboratory announced the following holiday schedule

Section A

Unit One Patriotism

New Year's Day January 1, 2003 Wednesday

Martin Luther King. Jr holiday January 20, 2003 Monday

Presidents' Day February 17, 2003 Monday

Memorial Day May 26, 2003 Monday

Independence Day July 4,2003 Friday

Labor Day September 1, 2003 Monday

Columbus Day October 13, 2003 Monday

Veteran’s Day November 11, 2003 Tuesday

Thanksgiving Day holiday November 27, 2003 Thursday

Christmas Day December 25, 2003 Thursday

A list of the holidays on which the bank was closed in 2003

Section BUnit One Patriotism

What day is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in


How many days will the bank be closed during

the Independence Day holidays in 2003?

On what date can the laboratory employees

have their leave without pay?



Three days

December 30.

Unit One Patriotism

How many free days will the laboratory employees have during the Christmas holiday?

Which holiday do the bank employees have that the laboratory workers will not have?

One day.

Columbus Day

Unit One Patriotism

Design a Chinese Holiday schedule in 2008 in English.

1 )元旦 2 )春节 3 )元宵节 4 )植树节 5 )清明节 6 )劳动节 7 )五四青年节 8) 六一儿童节 9 )护士节

10 )端午节 11 )建党纪念日 12 )七夕 13 )鬼节 14 )建军节 15 )中秋节 16 )教师节 17 )重阳节 18) 国庆


Unit One Patriotism


Main Parts of an e-mail

Notes of Format

Notes of Writing

Basic Patterns

Do it Yourself

Practical Writing: E-mail

Unit One Patriotism

From (发件人) : Tom @ sina.com.cnTo (收件人) : Lucy @Yahoo.com.cnSubject (主题) : Low oil heater stock levelDate (日期) : 15 November, 2003Attachments ( 附件) : Dear sir, This email is to let you know that I have processed

your monthly payment and the cheques should be ready to collect from the Cashier’s Office in the Molineux Building this coming Friday 14 June.

Regards, Mary Woodall DLCC Assistant to Professor John Malcolm

SampleUnit One Patriotism

To : the e-mail address of receiver

From: the e-mail address of sender

Subject: main idea of your e-mail

CC: e-mail address of your receiver

BCC: e-mail address of your receiver

Body Text


Main Parts of an E-mail

Unit One Patriotism

Notes of Format 电子邮件的格式是从备忘录发展而来的。它们之间有很


To (收件人) : patty@sina.comCc (抄送) : (carbon copy)Bcc ( 密件抄送 ) :(blind carbon copy)Subject (主题) : Greeting card!


Unit One Patriotism

收到电子邮件时格式有所不同,多了“发件人” (From)和“日期” (Date) 两项。

From (发件人) : patty@sina.com

Date (日期) : 31 December 2003 11:24:30

To (收件人) : yunhu@yahoo.comSubject (主题) : Greeting card!


Unit One Patriotism


To (收件人) : chenxin@citiz.netCc (抄送) : (carbon copy)Bcc ( 密件抄送 ) :(blind carbon copy)Subject (主题) : attachment


Unit One Patriotism

Notes of Writing



电子邮件还创造了一些情感符号,如: :-) 表示微笑、快乐, :-( 表示苦笑、苦恼, ;) 表示眨眼等,用于私人电子邮件中。

Unit One Patriotism

To (收件人) : lilian@columbia.edu

Cc (抄送) : (carbon copy)Bcc (密件抄送 ) :(blind carbon copy)Subject (主题) : congratulationscongratulations on your being promoted to the managerial position. :-)

Unit One Patriotism

Basic Sentence Patterns

We may be able to communicate via this new e-mail access.

我们可以通过 e-mail 这种新的途径沟通。 Please e-mail me in response. 请发 e-mail 答复我。 Write to me via e-mail and tell me what is happenin

g in our company. 给我发 e-mail ,告诉我公司的近况。 I have received your message. 我已收到你发来的信息。 This is just a thank-you note for the recent dinner

with you. 现发短信感谢你上次的款待。

Unit One Patriotism

I have some pictures for you, where should I mail them?

有些照片要寄给你,我该把它们发送到哪里? Please keep in touch with me. 请保持联系。 Please e-mail me a catalog, for I am interested in

your college. 请发 e-mail ,把贵校的一览表寄给我,我对贵校很感

兴趣。 Congratulations on your being appointed to the

managerial position. :-) 恭贺你荣升管理职位。(笑脸) To get application materials you can write to Jill

Quirk by e-mail at griff@omni.cc.purdue.edu. 有关申请材料你可以发 e-mail 到 griff@omni.cc.p

urdue.edu向吉尔 柯克索要。∙

Unit One Patriotism

Do It YourselfDirections: This part is to test your ability to do

practical writing. You are required to fill in an email according to the following information in Chinese.

To (收件人) : yunhu@yahoo.com

Cc (抄送) : (carbon copy) linming@fudan.edu

Bcc ( 密件抄送 ) :(blind carbon copy)Subject (主题) : (美国的生活)____________________ (亲爱的叶先生和林先生 : )我到美国来已一个月了。这里的生活充满乐趣 , 只是我不适应美国人的饮食习惯 , 而且我恐怕永远都适应不了。我很怀念上海的一切。 给我发 e-mail, 告诉我学校的近况 . (祝) (陈欣)

Unit One Patriotism

To (收件人) : yunhu@yahoo.comCc (抄送) : (carbon copy) linming@fudan.eduBcc ( 密件抄送 ): (blind carbon copy)Subject (主题) : Life in U.S.

Dear Mr Ye and Lin,I have been in U.S for a month. Life here is full of fun, only that I have to struggle with the American food, which I’m afraid I can never get accustomed to. I miss Everyone and everything in Shanghai. Write to me via e-mail and tell what is happening in our school. Best regardsCHEN Xin

AnswerUnit One Patriotism

Write an e-mail containing the following information. From: the writer concerned

To : zhouming@wvl.ac.uk Purpose: To invite Zhou Ming to a Chinese

meal at your house next weekend, either Saturday 22nd or Sunday 23rd at 7 p.m. You will go and pick Zhou Ming up. You also ask about Zhouming’s address or the picking up point.`


Home Assignment

Unit One Patriotism

the power or right to enforce obedience

join or mix together to form a whole

become evident, appear overcome by force give formal orders or instructions fight against strengthen give up fighting expose to danger attach importance

Additional ExerciseWrite out the word according to the meaning given below. authorit


Unit One Patriotism

A (combine) of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep in the middle of his lecture.

It is not (law) to kill or injure a pet animal.

Students are expected to be quiet and _______ (obedience) in class.

A folk group led the singing of (patriot) songs.

Their decision seems to have been motivated by greed and (selfish).

Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given in parentheses.

Unit One Patriotism




selfishnessKEY KEY

When he was caught he put up a stiff_________ (resist).

My computer makes a (continuously) low buzzing noise.

The people are prepared to (sacrificial) everything to achieve victory.

My mother smiled (encourage) at me as I went up on stage to sing my song.

Last year saw a slight (improve) in the economy.

Unit One Patriotism







1. Although he is my son, I felt morally tell the police what he had done.

2. Should the opportunity , I’d love to go to the United States.

3. Poor people are increasingly ________moneylenders.

4. __________the manager’s trust was the hardest part.

5. You are your health by smoking so many

cigarettes a day.

Fill in the blanks with words and phrases chosen from the following box. Change the

form where necessary.hand down at the mercy of arise resist yield to win back fill with bound to give in risk

bound to ;arise ;at the mercy of; Winning back ; risking

Unit One Patriotism

6. He tried to run away from the police and

was later charged with the crime of


7. My grandmother this

necklace to my mother.

8. She was determined not to

until she received compensation for the


9. The secret of happiness is to

one’s life activity.

10.If I your wishes, you must

respect my feelings.

resisting ; handed down ; give in ; fill with ; yield to

Unit One Patriotism

Read the text again and again Learn the words and phrases by your

heart after class, next time we’ll have a dictation.

Translate the Chinese into English on Page 10.

Read More: Passage one and two. Preview Unit Two Listening and Speaking


Home Assignments

Unit One Patriotism