V тема: Вступ до спеціальності. Навчальний...


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V тема: Вступ до спеціальності. Навчальний заклад.

16. My Future Profession

Моя майбутня професія

I. Active Vocabulary.

pharmacist - аптекар, фармацевт;

pharmaceutist - фармацевт, провізор;

to be responsible (for) - нести відповідальність;

protection – захист;

health - здоров'я;

to require - мати потребу, потребувати;

composition – склад;

to prepare - готувати, приготовляти;

preparation - готування, приготовляти;

to master – удосконалювати;

human - людський;

origin – походження;

range – ряд;

to test – контролювати;

quality – якість;

qualitative – якісний;

technology of drugs - технологія ліків;

organization and economy - організація та економіка;

of pharmacy – фармації;

preventive – профілактичний;

curative (medicine) - лікувальна (медицина);

dosage – дозування;

formulation - технологія приготування ліків;

activity – активність;

to compound – виготувати;

to dispense – фасувати;

prescription – рецепт;

prescription department - рецептурний відділ;

chemist department - відділ готових лік, форм;

dispensing pharmacist – рецептар;

manager - завідуючий аптекою;

legal expert - судово-медичний експерт;

powder – порошок;

pill – пілюля;

mixture – мікстура, суміш;

ointment – мазь;

tincture – настоянка;

decoction – відвар;

drops - краплі;

things for medical care - речі медичного догляду;

cups – банки;

hot-water bottle – грілка;

bandage - бинт;

cotton – вата.

IV. Запитання до тексту

1. What do we need to be good specialists? 2. Why can't we be bad pharmacists? 3. What is a

chemist's shop? 4. What departments and rooms does an average chemist's have? 5. What drugs

can you buy at the prescription department? 6. What do you know about the chemist department?

7. What things for medical care can you name? 8. Where are drugs kept in the chemist's shop? 9.

Where can one work with a pharmacy diploma? 10. Where would you like to work in future?

Why there?

V. Заповніть пропуски словами з активного словника:

1. Pharmacology is a theoretical basis of... medicine. 2. Students ... the methods of chemical

analysis. 3. We test the ... of drugs in pharmaceutical chemistry. 4. Chemistry is the science

about... 5. Methods of... are studied by analytical chemistry.

VI. Дайте визначення науковим дисциплінам за зразком:

Model: Pharmacology.

— Pharmacology is the science about drugs.

1. Chemistry. 2. Biology. 3. Pharmacognosy. 4. Physiology.

VII. Напишіть по три речення про те, що ви нещодавно змогли

зробити, та про те, що не змогли. Почніть із таких слів:

I was able to... I wasn't

able to... I couldn't... 1

managed to... I didn't

manage to...

VIII. Прочитайте фрази, запам'ятайте їх:

Would you mind...? No, of course not

Could you...? Yes, of course

I'd like you to ... Certainly / All right

Would you mind if I …? Not at all

Do you mind if I...? No, of course not

May I...? Yes, of course

Is it all right if I...? Go right ahead

Could I...? Sure

IX. Що б ви сказали у подібній ситуації? Використайте фрази,

подані вище.

1 .The door is locked. 2. You need a dictionary. 3. You can't do your homework. 4. You are

hungry. 5. You want to make a phone call. 6. You feel unwell.

X. Напишіть запитання, вживаючи ввічливе прохання:

Example: May | use | telephone?

— May I use your telephone?

1. Can |use| dictionary? 2. mind |I| close the window? 3. can |look at| newspaper? 4. alright if| sit here? 5. mind |I turn off |


XI. Попросіть дозволу, звертаючи увагу на офіційне та неофіційне


Example: You are in a friend's house. You want to use the phone.

Can I use the phone? — Yes, do.

You are at your boss's house. You want to use the bathroom. May luse the bathroom? — Yes, of course.

A. 1. You are at your parents' house. You want to watch television. 2. You are on a train.

You want to borrow a newspaper from another passenger. 3. You are at a friend's house.

You want to make a cup of tea. 4. You are in a crowded cafe. There is only one seat next

to an old lady. You want to sit down. 5. You are at a friend's house. You want to play

some records.

B. Що б ви відповіли на такі запитання: Do people in your country ask permission to smoke, use the phone, or help themselves to something to drink in a friend's house?

What other things do people ask permission to do?

XII. Забороніть ці дії. Будьте ввічливими!

Example: l. May I come and see you this evening?

Well, actually, (I've got guests for supper)

2.Can I smoke here?

Sony, but (I feel sick when people smoke)

З.Сап I telephone you at work? 4. May I open the window? 5. Can I borrow your car? 6. May I play your new ABBA record?

ХІП. Які з поданих фраз будуть ввічливим проханням, якщо їх

використати замість X?

1. The room's so cold. X the door?

a) Would you mind closing

b) Do you ever close

c) Could you please close

d) Would you be so kind as to close

e) Are you close to

f) Why doesn't someone close

g) Is there someone at

h) Have you seen it?

i) It cost me a lot of money.

j) Could you possibly lend me $10?

k) Would you kindly lend me $10?

l) May I borrow $10 from you?

m)You haven't got $10 to spare, have you?

h) Lend me $10, will you?

i) I shan't be able to do my shopping without it.

XIV. Прочитайте діалоги. Розіграйте їх.


(С — customer; P — pharmacist)

C: Excuse me, сап I get this prescription made up?

P: Certainly. We have all ingredients for this solution.

C: Is this medicine for external or internal use?

P: This is for intramuscular or intravenous injections.

C: When will it be ready?

P: Come back this time tomorrow.

C: And I'd like you to give me something for headache.

P: Please, ask in the chemist department.


C: May I have something for headache and high blood pressure?

P: We have Citramonum for headache and Adelphane for hypertension. But you'd better not take

Adelphane without doctor's advice.

C: Are there any contraindications for it?

P: The preparation is contraindicated in ulcerative diseases of the stomach. Side effects are also


C: Don't you have an analogue?

P: Reserpinum, but it is less effective.

C: Well, and could you tell me how I should take this medicine?

P: Three times a day before meals.

C: Thank you very much for the information.

XV. Складіть свої власні діалоги, використовуючи слова:

cardiac medicine, tranquilizer, analgetic, laxative,, diuretic, sedative, depressant,

antiinflammatory, hypnotic.

XVI. Прочитайте та перекажіть уривки англійською мовою:


It is the science about physical and chemical properties of substances, their composition

and transformations. It has traditionally been divided into several categories for study.

Studying general and inorganic chemistry students get acquainted with such subjects as

biochemistry, physical chemistry, physiology, pharmacology as well.

The importance of organic chemistry in the study of pharmacy as a whole is like the

importance of mathematics for engineers, because about 3/4 medicinal preparations studied by

pharmaceutical chemistry are organic substances.

While studying analytical chemistry students master the classical and modern methods

of chemical analysis which are used further in the examination of drugs.

Biological sciences give the future specialists the idea of human anatomy, drug

biosynthesis of microbic origin.

Pharmaceutical chemistry is one of the important in the range of special subjects, it

leads in testing of drug quality. It is the basis of such sciences as toxicological chemistry,

technology of drugs, organization and economy of pharmacy.

The rational use of drugs is studied by pharmacology. It is a theoretical basis of

preventive and curative medicine. The students study how to test the mechanism of drug action.


1. What is the main subject studied by pharmaceutical students? 2. What does chemistry study?

3. What kinds of chemistry do you know? 4. What special subjects do pharmacy students study?

5. What do you think the most important subjects for your future profession are?


Pharmacists are trained at the university colleges. They have professional competence

in advising medical practitioners on dosage and other names for pharmaceutical preparations.

They determine the effect of different formulations on therapeutic activity.

Students who are at their first year study experimental physics, chemistry, biology and

mathematics. Three-quarters of the second and third year are cetred at the college of Pharmacy

and one quarter — at the department of Pharmacology, University College. In the second and

third year they study pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognozy

and microbiology.

Pharmacists receive university education which enables them to compound

prescriptions and gives them scientific knowledge to understand the properties of the material

and their pharmacological effects.


1. Where are pharmacists trained in Great Britain? 2. What do the first-year students study? 3.

Where are three-quarters of the second and third year of studies centred? 4. What subjects are

studied in the second' and third years? 5. What does university education J enable pharmacists?

XVII. Що б ви сказали у подібній ситуації?

1. Ви зустрічаєтесь із своїм шкільним другом. Розкажіть йому про свою майбутню


2. Уявіть собі, що ви приїхали навчатись у британський фармацевтичний коледж. Які

запитання ви поставите перед своїми майбутніми однокурсниками стосовно навчального

процесу в їхньому навчальному закладі?

3. Уявіть собі, що ви репортер, який бере інтерв'ю у ректора УкрФА, щодо

спеціальностей, яким навчають у академії. Розіграйте це інтерв'ю із своїм партнером.

Будьте дуже ввічливим.

4. Уявіть собі, що ви молодий спеціаліст, який прийшов на роботу в аптеку. Продумайте,

що ви запитаєте у завідуючого аптекою та які запитання він може поставити перед вами.

Розіграйте ситуацію, використовуючи такі фрази:

5. Уявіть собі, що ви репортер, який бере інтерв'ю у ректора УкрФА, щодо

спеціальностей, яким навчають у академії. Розіграйте це інтерв'ю із своїм

партнером. Будьте дуже ввічливим.

6. Уявіть собі, що ви молодий спеціаліст, який прийшов на роботу в аптеку. Продумайте,

що ви запитаєте у завідуючого аптекою та які запитання він може поставити перед вами.

Розіграйте ситуацію, використовуючи такі фрази:

Do I have to..?

Is it necessary to..?

Should I . . ?

Do I need to..?

It's a good idea to...

If you want you can... You're (not) allowed to...

XVIII. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову:

1. У відділі готових ліків ми можемо купити речі медичного догляду, наприклад,

термометр, грілку, бинт, банки та інші. 2. Лікар може призначити ці ліки у формі

внутрішньом'язових ін'єкцій або орально після їжі. 3. У великих дозах ліки можуть діяти

як отрута. 4. В Англії лікарі повинні виписувати рецепти англійською мовою. 5. Вам слід

зберігати цю мазь у темному та прохолодному місці. 6. Для того щоб стати добрим

фахівцем, тобі треба оволодіти великою кількістю дисциплін.

XIX. Read and translate the text.

Pharmacy is the science and the art concerned with collection, preparation, and

standardization of drugs. Its scope includes cultivation of plants that are used as drugs, synthesis

of chemical compounds of medicinal value, and analysis and standardization of medicinal

agents. The science that embraces all available knowledge of drugs with special reference to the

mechanism of their action in disease treatment is pharmacology. Obviously this broad science

has many subdivisions, such as toxicology (the study of poisons) and therapeutics (the use of

drugs in disease treatment). According to the description, pharmacy is one of the subdivisions or

specialties of pharmacology. Members of this profession are called pharmacists or druggists.

They were once called apothecaries. The word "pharmacy" also refers to a place where drugs are

prepared or sold. Most pharmacies, sometimes called drugstores, sell a variety of products in

addition to drugs. Pharmacists fill prescriptions written by physicians or dentist and prepare

labels for medicines. On the labels, pharmacists include direction for patients given in

prescriptions. At one time, pharmacists compounded their own medicines. Today pharmaceutical

manufactures supply most drugs. But pharmacists must still compound some medicines and be

able to prepare antiseptic solutions, ointments, and other common remedies. They also advise

people on the selection of nonprescription drugs, such as cold tablets. In addition, pharmacists

are responsible for the legal sale of narcotics and poisonous substances. Pharmacy laws generally

include regulations for pharmacy practice, poisons sale, narcotics dispensing, and labeling and

sale of dangerous drugs. The pharmacist sells and dispenses drugs within the provisions of the

food and drug laws of the country in which he practices. These laws recognize the national

pharmacopoeia (a treatise on products used in medicine, their purity, dosages, and other data) as

the standard for drugs. The pharmacopoeias of different nations are compiled and published

according to respective national legal procedures. The World Health Organization of the United

17. My College of Medicine

Мій медичний коледж

I. Vocabulary.

I am a student of the National Medical University. I study at the pharmaceutical faculty.

My everyday activities are quite routine. They are like those of any other student of our country.

On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I'm not

an early bird, that's why it's very difficult for me to get up, especially i n winter. I switch on m y

tape recorder and do my morning exercises. Then I take a cold shower, brush my teeth, wash,

dress, and have breakfast. Exercises and cold shower in t h e morning help me keep fit, so they

are a very' important part of my daily routine and I try to do these procedures regularly. As a

future pharmacist I believe that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment".

I leave home at about 8 o'clock and go to the university. I t takes me about forty

minutes to get there. We study five days a week and usually have three or f6ur lectures a day.

During the first two years we study general sciences, such as chemistry, physiology,

botany, English, Ukrainian, Latin, etc. During the next three years pharmaceutical students study

special subjects, like pharmacy, pharmacology, toxicology and other.

The sciences we study are difficult, but good knowledge o f them is necessary for m y

future profession. So it takes me much time and effort to do all my homework and prepare for

the next day at the university when I come home in the evening. I usually sit up late and as a rule

haven't got much free time on weekdays. But when I'm not very busy I like reading, meeting

friends and watching TV.

I ' m a very busy person and have to work hard every day, but still I always look

forward to my next working day because I like my studies at the university a n d 1 get a lot of

useful knowledge and necessary experience here to become a good pharmacist and help sick


III. Answer the following questions.

1. Where do you study?

2. When do you get up on weekdays?

3. Is it easy for you to get up early!

4. What do you do in the morning?

5. What time do you usually leave home?

6. How lung does it lake yon to get to the university?

7. How many lectures a day do you usually have?...

8. What do you do when you come home from the university?

9. What do you like doing in your free time?

pharmaceutical faculty – фармацевтичний факультет;

morning exercises – ранкова гімнастика;

cold shower – холодний душ;

chemistry – хімія;

physiology – фізіологія;

botany – ботаніка;

pharmacology – фармакологія;

toxicology – токсикологія.

II. Read and translate the text

IV. Vocabulary.

Nursing Affair – сестринська справа;

medical nurse – медична сестра;

health – здоров'я;

Curative Affair – лікувальна справа;

Graduates – випускники;

Obstetrician Affair – акушерська справа;

pregnant women – вагітна жінка;

Stomatology – стоматологія;

Medical-prophylactic affair – медико-профілактична справа;

Orthopedic stomatology – ортопедична стоматологія;

crowns – коронки.

V. Read and translate the text

My name is Sveta Popova. I'm 17. I'm a student of the medical college. Our college is

one of the oldest educational establishments of the region with its own traditions. Its graduates

are considered to be the most highly trained specialists in the region. There are 7 departments in

our college. I would like to tell you about them.

―Nursing Affair‖ gives qualification of a nurse of general, practice. A medical nurse is

a chief assistant of a doctor. She , provides uninterrupted medical health, uncluding preventive

and rehabilitation measures. Our graduates work in the poly-clinics, hospitals, kinder-gardens,

schools and houses foraged people. If you want to become a doctor assistant you should study at

the "Curative Affair" department. A doctor assistant of general practice is a highly-trained

specialist who works independently in the policlinics, emergency ambulances and hospitals. His

main task includes prescription and performance of preventive, curative and diagnostic

measures. The graduates of this department are waited for at the stations of emergency medical

help, in the country-side hospitals and in the military hospitals.

―Obstetrician Affair" is another interesting department, it offers qualification of an

obstetrician. An obstetrician provides preventive and curative medical help to the pregnant

women and patients with gynaecological diseases.

Boys and girls whose future profession is dentist study at the ―Stomatology". A dentist

is a highly-trained specialist who works independently or under the guidance of a senior doctor

who provides preventive and curative medical help for the population.

"Medical-prophylactic affair" gives qualification of a sanitary doctor assistant, who

prevents appearance and spreading of infections and other kinds of the diseases. He controls the

influence of the conditions of work and life on a person's health and takes some measures to

prevent this harmful influence of the surroundings. They work in the centres of state sanitary

inspectors and laboratories of different branches.

A dental mechanic-while studying at the "Orthopedic stomatology" departments a

future specialist learns to make artificial teeth and crowns, plastics and porcelain teeth. On

graduating from the college they usually work in the dental mechanic laboratories. As for me I

am a student of the "Pharmacy" department. My future profession is pharmaceutist. I'll be

provided the population with different medicines. My work will demand the knowledge of

preventive rules, the rules of herb's preparation and so on.

The graduates of our department will be able to work in the chemist's, pharmacological

enterprises, laboratories.I like to study at our college very much.

VI. Дайте відповідь на питання.

1 . Where does Sveta Popova study?

2. How many departments are there in the college?

3. What kind of qualification does the "Nursing affair" department give?

4. Who can work at the station of emergency medical help?

5. What does an obstertrician provide to the pregnant women and patients with gynaecological


6. Where do the sanitary doctor assistants work?

7. What is Sveta's future profession?

VII. Скажіть англійською мовою.

студентка медичного коледжу; медична сестра, фельдшер, головне

завдання;станція швидкої допомоги, акушерка, вагітна, зубний лікар, медична допомога

населенню, умови роботи, шкідливий вплив, майбутня професія, знання.

18. The Working Day of a Medical Student

Робочий день студента-медика

I. Active vocabulary.

II. Guess the meaning of the following words.

Activity, weekday, procedure, regularly, minute, person, Latin, daily sanitation, hygiene,

academician, graduate, personnel, reorganize, prize, department, initiative, status, training,

leading, faculty, founder.

III. Match the words with the definitions.

1. Worth

2. Fit

3. Effort

4. Routine

5. Department

6. Disciple

7. Surgeon

8. Achievement

9. Honour

10. Facilities

11. to equip

a) the usual order, in which you do things, or the things you do regularly

b) physical or mental energy that is needed to do something

c) having a value in money

d) strong and healthy, especially because of regular exercises

e) to supply with what is needed

f) aids, circumstances which make it easy to do things

g) great respect, high public recognition

h) the doctor, who performs medical operations

i) a thing done successfully with effort and skill

j) a follower of any leader or religious thought, art, learning, etc.

k) one of several divisions of a government, business, shop, university, etc.

leading – ведущих;

Weekday - буднiй день;

graduate – аспiрант;

prize – премiя;

department – вiддiлення;

training – професiйна підготовка;

асhievement – досягнення;

procedure – процедур;

faculty – факультатив;

the National Medical University – Нацiональний Медичний унiверситет;

sciences – наука;

busy – зайнятий.

IV. Read and translate the text.


I am a student of the National Medical University. I study at the

pharmaceutical faculty. My everyday activities are quite routine. They are like those of

any other student of our country.

On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I'm

not an early bird, that's why it's very difficult for me to get up, especially in winter. I switch on

my tape recorder and do my morning exercises. Then I take a coid shower, brush my teeth,

wash, dress, and have breakfast. Exercises and cold shower in the morning help my keep fit, so

these procedures regularly. As a future pharmacist I believe that "an ounce of prevention is

worth a pound of treatment".

I leave home at about 8 o'clock and go to the university. It takes me about for minutes

to get there. We study five days week and usually have three or four lectures a day.

During the first two years we study general sciences, such as chemistry, physiology,

botany, English, Ukrainian, Latin, etc. During the next three years pharmaceutical students

study special subjects, like pharmacy, pharmacology, toxicology and other.

The sciences we study are difficult, but good knowledge of them is necessary for my

future profession. So it takes me much time and effort to do all my homework and prepare for

the next day at the university when I come home in the evening.!usually sit up late and as a

rule haven't got much free time on weekdays. But when I'm not very busy I like reading,

meeting friends and watching TV.

I am a very busy person and have to work hard every day, but still I always look

forward to my next working day because I like my studies at the university and I get a lot of

useful knowledge and necessary experience here to become a good pharmacist and help sick


V. Language development.

1. Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations from the list.

1) My everyday______________are quite routine.

2) On_______________the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30.

3) I’m not an early bird, that’s______it’s very difficult for me to get up.

4) Exercises and cold shower in the morning help me keep_________________

5) An ounce of prevention is___________a pound of treatment.

6) It__________me about forty minutes to get there.

7)_________________a rule I haven’t got much free time on weekdays.

8) I switch on my__________and do my morning exercises.

2. Answer the following questions.

1) Where do you study?

2) When do you get up on weekdays?

3) Is it easy for you to get up early?

4) What do you do in the morning?

5) What time do you usually leave home?

6) How long does it take you to get to the university?

7) How many lectures a day do you usually have?

8) What do you do when you come home from the university?

9) What do you like doing in your free time?

3. Mark sentences about yourself as true or false. Then correct the false sentences.

1) I study at the medical faculty.

2) On weekdays I get up at half past seven.

3) It’s not a problem for me to get up early, especially in winter.

4) I take a bath every morning.

5) I believe that it’s easier to prevent diseases than to cure them.

6) We don’t study on Sundays and Saturdays.

7) It’s easy for me to study.

8) I am a busy person, so I haven’t got any time to meet friends.

9) I don’t like watching TV.

4. Translate the sentences into English.

1) Ви вивчаєте фармакологію?

2) Коли вони відвідують лекції з хімії?

3) Яку іноземну мову вона вивчає в університеті?

4) Я - студент-першокурсник.

5) У нього невисока температура.

6) Студенти мають глибокі знання з ботаніки.

7) Академічний рік не закінчується у квітні.

8) Що описує анатомія?

9) Студенти не складають іспити восени.

10) Це спеціальні медичні журнали.

5. Make questions for the answers. Then, in pairs, act out the dialogue.


- The main general and special sciences we study are botany, physiology, chemistiy, physics,

pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistiy and other.


- In laboratories we study physical and medical properties of medicines.

__ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?

We have practical training at chemist’s shop where we learn to work as pharmacists. ?

- The internship lasts for one year and we specialize in four specialties :’’pharmacy”, ’’clinical

pharmacy ” , ’’technology of pharmaceutical” , ’’technology of perfumery and cosmetic



- We can work at chemist’s shop, pharmaceutical plants or chemical laboratories after


VI. Speaking.

Give as much information as you can about:

> The higher medical institutions of Ukraine, which train pharmacists

> The curriculum at pharmaceutical faculties

> Internship and specialization

> The international contacts of Ukrainian medical institutions

> Postgraduate education

> Extramural department.

VI тема: Фармація. В аптеці.

19. Pharmacy as a science.

Фармація як наука.

І. Vocabulary.

1. Study the definitions of the word «pharmacy».

Pharmacy (noun)

1) a shop where medicines are prepared and sold;

2) the scientific study of methods of preparing medicines and drugs used for treating medical


2. Learn the new vocabulary.

God or higher being — бог чи вища істота;

A.D. — нашої ери (порівняти B.C. — до нашої ери);

it took man — людству знадобилося;

a new branch of knowledge — нова галузь науки.

3. How do we say these words in Ukrainian?

Recognize, identify, collect, prepare, store, test, compound, dispense.

4. Study the groups of derived words.

Verb Noun Adjective

Define Definition definable, definitive

Demand Demand demanding

Use usage, usefulness useful, useless

Collect collection, collector collected, collective


Read the text attentively, use a dictionary. Find or check the meaning of the

words you don't know.


Pharmacy is defined as the art of recognizing, identifying, collecting; selecting,

preparing, storing, compounding and dispensing drugs used in preventive or in curative medicine

for treating people.

Pharmacy was an integral part of medicine when preparative pharmaceutical techniques

were simple. It became an independent branch of medicine when an increasing variety of drugs

and their complex compounding demanded specialists familiar with the technique of their

compounding. Thus we may define pharmacy as the science of drugs. The word "pharmacy"

comes from the Greek word "pharmakon" which in the modern language means "a drug". To the

Greeks it was associated with a god or higher being who had the power of affecting people with

herbs, infusions, etc.

Pharmacy is as old as man himself. The first primitive man who tried to use a plant in

the food and observed that it caused a disease was already in the drug business. In this simple

way many drags have been discovered.

The civilization of the past contributed to our present knowledge by the collection of

drugs and drug preparations. The old Egyptian texts list many preparations, some components of

which are still used in modified form. In these works the important beginning of the science

pharmacognosy may be seen. Galen, in the second century A.D. one of the most famous

physicians of the past wrote much about drug effects. Even today pharmacists use the word

"galenicals" when they speak about simple vegetable extracts.

However, only in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries chemical knowledge

advanced to the point at which it could contribute significantly to pharmacology.

The first and the most important was the isolation in relatively pure chemical form of

the active constituents of plants. For example, Serturner isolated morphine in 1806 from opium.

It took man over 5000 years to make this very important step. The industrial revolution of the

last century gave birth to synthetic organic chemistry and established a new branch of knowledge

necessary for the synthesis of new drags.

That the drag may affect the organism or may act more selectively was an empirical

observation of a primitive man. However, it took many centuries to establish this empirical

observation scientifically. Today the biochemical investigation of drug action is as important as

the older pharmacodynamic studies.

ІІІ. Post-Reading Activities

1. Read the text again and write out adjectives, which go together with the following

nouns. Arrange your findings in the given table.

Paragraph Adjective Noun Ukrainian

Paragraph I: medicine Paragraph V: form

Paragraph II: part constituent

technique step

variety Paragraph VI: revolution

specialist chemistry

language branch of knowledge

being Paragraph VII: observation

Paragraph III: pharmacy investigation

man study


Paragraph IV: knowledge




2. Check how well your partner understands the text What is Pharmacy? by asking him/her the following questions.

1. What is pharmacy?

2. What do you know about the history of pharmacy?

3. What do you know about the derivation of the word "pharmacy"?

4. Did the civilization of the past contribute to our present knowledge?

5. What do you know about Galen?

6. What was the most important step to contribute to pharmacology?

7. What is the role of industrial revolution in the development of a pharmacy?

8. What does the biochemical investigation of drug action provide? 9 What new facts have you

found out about your future speciality? 10. Why do we say that pharmacy and medicine develop


3. Finish the sentences choosing one of the collocations.

1) Pharmacy became an independent science ...

a) when preparative pharmaceutical technique was simple;

b) when the first primitive man tried to use plants in the food;

c) when complex compounding of drugs demanded specialists in pharmacy.

2) The important beginning of the science pharmacognosy may be seen ...

a) in a modified form;

b) by their collection of drugs and drug preparations;

c) in the old Egyptian text.

3) It took the civilization over five thousand years ...

a) to isolate morphine;

b) to isolate active constituents of crude drugs;

c) to establish the type knowledge necessary for the synthesis of new drugs.

4. Fill in the table.









What the first



Galen Isolation



What I knew about the topic

What I have learned from

the text What Is Pharmacy?

IV. Speaking.

Read the proverbs. What are they about? Do you know any Ukrainian equivalents? Do you

agree with their meaning? Diet cures more than doctors.

You can't buy health at the pharmacy.

V. Supplement.

1. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Be ready to discuss the text.


Contrary to popular belief, pharmacy is not limited to counting and dispensing pills.

Pharmacy is a rewarding profession in the health care system that involves working closely with

doctors and patients. No matter what health field you step into, there will always be a need for

pharmacists. They provide their expertise on the composition, use, and manufacturing of a drug,

as well as its physiological and chemical interactions. Pharmacy offers flexible work schedules, a

broad spectrum of opportunities and direct patient contact.

Pharmacy is the health profession that links the health sciences with the chemical

sciences, and it is charged with ensuring the safe use of medication. The scope of pharmacy

practice includes more traditional roles such as compounding and dispensing medications on the

orders of physicians, and it also includes more modern services related to patient care, including

clinical services, reviewing medications for safety and efficacy, and providing drug information.

Pharmacists, therefore, are experts in drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who

optimizemedication use to provide patients with positive health outcomes.

What are the disciplines? The field of Pharmacy can generally be divided into three

primary disciplines: Pharmaceutics, Medical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, Pharmacy practice.

There are various specialties of pharmacy practice. Specialization in pharmacy practice

is typically based on the place of practice or practice roles including: community, hospital,

clinical pharmacy, consultant, drug information, industry.

Other specializations in pharmacy practice recognized by the Board of Pharmaceutical

Specialties include: cardiovascular, infectious disease, oncology, pharmacotherapy, nuclear,

nutrition, and psychiatry.

2. Skim through the text and define its main idea. Write the key sentences out and translate them.

3. Put questions to the text and ask your partner.

4. Put in the missing words.

1. Pharmacy is a profession that involves working closely with ... and … .

2. There will always be a need for … .

3. ... offers flexible work schedules, a broad spectrum of opportunities and direct patient contact.

4. The scope of pharmacy practice includes more traditional roles such as ... and ... medications

on the orders of physicians.

5. Pharmacists are experts in … … and are the primary health professionals.

20. Pharmacy, its history and modernity.

Фармація, її історія та сучасність.

І. Vocabulary.

to recognize – усвідомлювати, довідуватися;

to dispense – відпускати лікарські засоби, фасу, вати;

to distribute – розподіляти, поширювати;

(in)compatability – (не) сумісність;

to encounter – натрапляти, наштовхуватися;

concomitant – супроводжуючий;

auxiliary – допоміжний;

admixture – домішка;

background – витоки, походження;

over-the-counter drug (OTC) – ліки, що відпускаються без рецепта;

to crush – вижимати, дробити, дрібнити;

regimen – режим, схема;

accessible – доступний, відкритий.

ІІ. Reading.


Pharmacy is defined as the art and science of recognizing, identifying, collecting,

selecting, preparing, storing, testing, compounding and dispensing all substances used in

preventive or in curative medicine for treating people. It speaks not only of medicines and the art

of compounding and dispensing them, but of their combination, analysis and standardization.

Though nowdays most drugs are prepared by pharmaceutical manufactures and are

distributed to the chemist's or hospital in such suitable dosage forms as tablets, capsules, liquid

preparations, or sterile solutions for injection, the pharmacist now has no less a responsible role

in properly dispensing the preparation in finished forms than when he powdered, dissolved,

mixed, and otherwise compounded prescriptions. Compounding and dispensing medicines de-

mand special knowledge, experience, and high professional standards. So to become---a

pharmacist one should achieve knowtectg'e' of different subjects, such as physics, chemistry,

biology, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacognosy, tech nology of drugs, organization and

economy of pharmacy, management and marketing in pharmacy.

Because of his knowledge of drug constituents, the pharmacist is able to predict not

only the chemical and physical incompatibilities encountered in compounding but also the

therapeutic incompatibilities that the patient may encounter when utilizing a drug concomitantly

with other prescribed or self-selected medications. Starch, saccharose, pork fat, gelatine, cocoa

and butter, among other substances, used as auxiliary admixtures and bases, include particles of

medicinal substances in treatment. But they themselves are not neutral agents: they may affect

the action of the drugs. When supplying both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC)

medication to patients, the pharmacist also provides information required for the safe and

effective use of such drugs. The pharmacist further serves as an information source of all aspects

of drugs to his colleages in the medical, dental, and nursing professions. These adivisory roles

are made possible by the vast background of the pharmacist, the drug expert, in fields such as

pharmacognosy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, and pharmaceutics. The pharmacist needs

to know where the dosage form can be obtained; if the drug is readily absorbed; if it has stability;

and if there is anything in the literature to confirm the reliability of this dosage form for a

particular patient. The pharmacist must also know what tablets can be crushed and added to food

(or used in compounding) without altering the drug's effectiveness and dose regimen.

Pharmacists should be very helpful and supportive when asked for their opinion and advice. It is

widely recognized that pharmacists are among the most accessible and respected health


Although the pharmacist is mainly concerned with those substances having application

to public health, he realizes that many of these therapeutic aids are also utilized as beverages,

and spicies, in confectioneries, and as technical products. During the past few years, as a result

of the intense concern with all aspects of ecology, there has been a renewed interest in so called

"natural" foods and drugs. The availability of an extremely wide variety of those products,

ranging from fenugreek tea to ginseng chewing gum, has stimulated the public to learn more

about them.

Progress in many fields of medicine depends on production of corresponding

antibiotics, effective narcotic, cardiac and other drugs. New pharmaceutical preparations are con-

stantly being developed for every branch of medicine. New drugs not only save lives, they help

to reduce the costs of health care by limiting the need for alternative, more expensive therapy,

such as surgery and hospitalization. Drugs which return people to productive activity might well

be viewed as investments yielding social benefits — rather than costs.

The pharmaceutical industry is among the most misunderstood of all industries. Just as

society has decided it is wise to have a population knowledgeable about sex education, so must

the population be knowledgeable about pharmaceutical development.

A creative act and nine months of development are needed to launch a new person. The

creative act of discovering a new pharmaceutical is followed by an average of 10 years and 100

million American dollars in development costs.

III. Запитання до тексту

1. How is pharmacy defined? 2. What is the role of a pharmacist? 3. What do compounding and

dispensing medicines demand? 4. What is necessary to become a pharmacist? 5. What is

pharmacist able to predict? 6. What information does the pharmacist provide when supplying

both prescription and over-the-counter drugs? 7. What does the pharmacist further serve? 8. By

means of what are these advisory roles made possible? 9. Can you give the examples of

substances used both pharmaceutically and in food production? 10. What do you know about the

history of pharmacy?

IV. Доповніть речення інформацією із тексту:

1. Pharmacy is defined as the art and science of... . 2. Nowdays most drugs are distributed to the

chemist's or hospital in such suitable dosage forms as... . 3. Compounding and dispensing

medicines demand... . 4. The pharmacist is able to predict... . 5. Advisory roles of a pharmacist

are made possible by... . 6. Pharmacist should be very helpful and supportive when... . 7. The

creative act of discovering a new pharmaceutical... .

V. Доберіть українські еквіваленти до поданих словосполучень: 1) preventive medicine 1) відповідальна роль

2) curative medicine 2) стерильний розчин

3) dosage form 3) професійний рівень

4) responsible role 4)лікувальна несумісність

5) sterile solution 5) ліки, що відпускаються за рецептом

6) professional standards 6) профілактична медицина

7) drug constituents 7) роль порадника

8) therapeutically incompatibility 8) лікувальна медицина

9) prescription medication 9) дозована форма

10) advisory role 10) складові ліків

11) dose regimen 11) продуктивна діяльність

12) productive activity 12) творчий акт

13) creative act 13) схема прийняття лікарського засобу

VI. Виберіть один вірний варіант відповіді:

1. Pharmacy is defined as

a) the science; b) the art; c) the art and science of preparing, compounding and dispensing


2. Compounding and dispensing drugs demand

a) special knowledge; b) special prescriptions; c) special place.

3. Pharmacist should be very

a) handsome and kind; b) helpful and supportive; c) rude and impatient.

4. The creative act of discovering a new drug is followed by

a ) an average of 10 weeks; b ) an average of 10 years; c ) an average of 100 years.

VII. Прочитайте текст, не використовуючи словник. Зверніть

особливу увагу на: а) стародавність фармації; б) зв'язок фармації та

медицини; в) згадку про видатних науковців минулих часів.


Pharmacy, which literally means a knowledge of drugs, or pharmaceuticals, has been a

part of the healing arts and sciences since mankind first began to treat illnesses. It has developed

from ancient civilizations that used parts of plants and animals to concoct various potions to

eliminate pain, control suffering, and counteract disease. It has risen from the mysterious

incantations of voodoo tribes and has survived the unwritten secret recipes of medicine men.

It has progressed from an era of empiriocriticism to the present age of specific

therapeutic agents. A number of the drugs used by the ancients are still employed in much the

same manner by today's medical practitioners.

By trial and error, primitive man must have acquired biologic knowledge that was

useful in determining which plants and animals possessed good value and which were to be

avoided because they were unpalatable, poisonous, or dangerous. The healing powers of certain

herbs, roots, and juices were undoubtedly discovered by accident; but once these attributes were

learned, they were too important to be forgotten.

Dioscorides, a Greek physician who lived in the first century A. D., wrote his "De

Materia Medica" in 78 A. D., in which he described about 600 plants that were known to have

medicinal properties. Of these, a surprisingly large number are still important in modern

medicine. Aloe, bela-donna, colchicum, ergot, hyoscyamus, and opium are a few that were used

then in much the same manner as they are used today.

Galen (131—200 A. D.) was a Greek pharmacist-physician who lived in Rome and who

described the method of preparation formulas containing plant and animal drugs. He devoted

considerable time to compiling this knowledge, which was distributed throughout 20 books. As a

tribute to his accuracy in recording his observations the term "galenical" pharmacy was


From the humble beginning, medicine and pharmacy gradually emerged along separate

paths: the physician diagnosed the ailment and prescribed the remedy and the apothecary or

pharmacist specialized in the collection preparation, and compounding of the substance.

Pharmacy, as an independent branch of medicine was born in Europe in 1240 when the

Emperor of Holy Rome separated pharmacy from medicine. However, there was no special

pharmaceutical training at that time. Till late 17th and even 18th century, the universities taught

their students materia medica.

VIII. Запитання до тексту

1. What is pharmacy? 2. What has pharmacy risen from? 3. Are many of the drugs used by the

ancients still employed? 4. How were the healing powers of certain herbs, roots and juices

discovered? 5. What plants were described by Dioscorides and are many of them used today?

Can you name some of them? 6. What do you know about the origin of the word "galenical"?

Can you name any galenical preparations?

IX. Випишіть із текстів уроку всі складнопідрядні речення,

перекладіть їх на українську мову та визначте тип і сполучники

підрядності, за допомогою яких вони з'єднуються з головним реченням.

X. Прочитайте та перекладіть подані нижче тексти про деякі

складові частини науки фармації — фармакологію та токсикологічну


Pharmacology may be defined most simply as the study of drugs. In the broadest sense

it includes, all the scientific knowledge of drugs, such as the name, source, physical and

chemical properties, and the mixing or preparing of drugs in the form of medicine. It is concer-

ned also with physiological action of drugs — their absorption, action, and rate in the body —

and with their therapeutic uses, as well as the poisonous effects that result from overdosage.

Toxicology is the scientific study of poisons — their source, chemical properties,

action, detection and the treatment of conditions produced by them. A poison is a substance

which, when introduced into the body in small quantities, may produce death or cause serious

injury to one or more organs in the average healthy individual. It is often difficult to distinguish

between drugs and poisons. All drugs are potential poisons, since overdose may cause dangerous

or fatal symptoms, and many poisons are useful drugs if they are administered in small doses.

21. Chemist's Shop - the future employment of student-pharmacist

Аптека – майбутнє місце роботи студента-фармацевта

І. Lead-in

1. Translate the following words with the suffixes -tion and -ity.

-tion: prescription, medication, respiration, contribution, digestion, urination, exacerbation,

contradiction, contraindication, instruction, direction, production.

-ity: authority, authenticity, perplexity, proximity, safety, quality.

2. Form the words using the suffixes -tion and -ity.

Donor, sanitate, ulcer, difference, mobile, mature, reduce, simulate, nutrient, rotate, cancel,

proximal, deviate.

3. Learn the following words.

remedy – лікарський засіб, ліки;

retail – роздрібна торгівля;

pharmaceutical – фармацевтичний;

potent – сильнодіючий;

designate – визначати, вказувати;

storage – зберігання;

expiry – date термін придатності;

warning – застереження;

danger – небезпека;

essential – важливий,основний;

adjuvant – допоміжний засіб;

vehicle – середовище для ліків, розчинник;

guarantee – гарантувати;

authenticity – автентичність, достовірність;

assess – оцінити.

4. Match the explanation with the term.

1. an unwanted effect produced by a drug in addition to its

desired therapeutic effects

a. dose

2. any substance that affects the structure or functioning of

a living organism

b. prescription


3. powerful, strong-effective c. drug

4. the safekeeping of goods in a depository d. narcotic

5. the amount of medicine to be taken e. adjuvant

6. insufficient, incorrect f. side effect

7. a substance producing sleep or other undesirable


g. potent

8. the department where medicines are ordered h. inadequate

9. a substance used in medical treatment, internally or


i. medication

10. an ingredient (as in a prescription or in a solution) that

modifies the action of the principal agent

j. storage

5. Translate the following words and word combinations and make sentences using


1. Drug action, drug disease, drug eruption, druggist, drug inflammation, drug order, drug resistant, drug room, drug store.

2. Medicine bag, medicine bottle, medicine cabinet, medicine chest, medicine dropper, medicine glass.

3. Thermometer scale, thermometer reading, thermoplegia, thermo-resistant, thermotolerant.

4. Poisonous gas, poisoning, poison label, poisonous, poison register.

5. Bottle feeding, bottle for pills, bottle label, bottle-stand, bottling.

6. Glass beaker, glass bulb, glass marker, glass rod, glass slide, glass tube.

7. Toxic, toxicant, toxicity, toxicogenic, toxicologist, toxic unit, toxin.

ІІ. Reading.


Chemist's shop is an institution of health service which supplies the population with

medicines and medical things. It is a place where a wide variety of articles is sold and

prescription can be made; drugs are composed, dispensed, stored and sold. Chemist's shops carry

out both retail and wholesale selling of medicines and preparation of drugs in pharmaceutical

properties. They are differentiated into municipal, public and private ones. An ordinary chemist's

shop has a chemist's department, a prescription one, proper working rooms and a hall for visitors.

At the chemist's department one can buy drugs ready to use, different things for medical

care (hot water bottles, medicine droppers, mustard plasters, cupping glasses, thermometers and

so on) and medical herbs.

At the chemist's all medicines are kept in drug cabinets, open shelves and refrigerators.

Poisonous, drastic, narcotic and psychotropic drugs can be sold by prescription only. These

drugs are potent and can be dangerous if taken in an overdose. Therefore, their use must be

strictly controlled.

All containers of dispensed medicines should be clearly labeled with the following

particulars: name of the patient, name of the medicine, correct dosage instructions, date of

dispensing, expiry date, warnings or contradictions, name and address of the pharmacy.

The pharmacist should instruct the patient about: the necessity to follow the prescribed

directions carefully; the dangers of overdosage; the problems resulting from an inadequate

dosage; the expected side effects of the drug; the proper storage of the drug, etc. The pharmacist

should also advise the patient about the dangers of taking drugs for longer periods unless he is

under care of a physician. The patient should be warned about the danger of letting other

members of the family or neighbours use his prescribed medications.

A complete prescription is made up of six essential parts: the patient's name, the

superscription, the inscription, the subscription, the signature and the prescriber's name. The

superscription is the traditional symbol Rx, which always appears at the beginning of the pre-

scription. (It represents the contraction of the Latin verb "recipe", i. e. to take). The inscription is

the body of the prescription. This contains the ingredients and quantities of each. In the complex

prescription containing multiple ingredients, the inscription may consist of three parts:

medication, adjuvant and vehicle. The subscription always follows the inscription and contains

the writer's instructions to the pharmacist. This designates the form of preparation (mixture,

tablets, ointment, etc.), the strength in words and figures) and the quantity of total number (in

words and figures. The signature consists of the directions to be given to the patient. This

information is intended to be placed on the label of the container in which the medication is dis-

pensed. The prescriber's name is the part of the prescription that guarantees its authenticity.

Before the best compound of medicines is found, the toxicologist is called in to assess

the safety factor of the drug or the series. In most cases the best compound will be that with the

highest therapeutic index, i.e. the ratio of the lethal dose to the active one. The most potent

compound is not always the best: frequently, a less active but also less toxic one will be chosen.

Once the toxicologists have agreed on the safety of the compound, the next step is its clinical


The realization of medicines is promoted by presenting the license given by the State

Department of Quality and Safety Control and Production of Medicines and Medical Articles.

ІІІ. Language development.

1. Explain the meaning of the following words in English.

Health service, facility, to differentiate, label, to dispense, appropriate, side effect, inadequate,

instruction, to guarantee, to maintain, contraction.

2. Match the word combination with its Ukrainian variant. 1. drugs ready to use а. крапельниця

2. hot water bottle b. співвідношення отруйної дози до діючої

3. filling prescription с. побічний ефект

4. medicine dropper d. готові до вживання ліки

5. mustard plaster е. додатковий рецепт

6. refilling prescription f. грілка

7. drug cabinet g. клінічне випробування

8. side effect h. шафа для ліків

9. clinical trial і. гірчичник

10. ratio of the lethal dose to the active one j. виписаний рецепт

3. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

facility, factor, institution, patient, water, index, a label, cupping, dosage

Safety ... , therapeutic ... , prophylactic ... , hot ... bottle, ... glasses, inadequate ... , to be given to

the ... , to be placed on ... , pharmaceutical ... .

4. Fill in the words from the list to complete the sentences.

remedies, drugs, medicines, pills, ointment, laxatives, sedatives, prescription, sleeping draughts,

mustard plasters, cupping glasses

1. The pharmacist compounds, dispenses and sells different _____ .

2. She is rubbing in a healing __________ to relieve pain and skin irritation.

3. Any kept in a cold place should be shaken before using.

4. __________ are usually prescribed in case of sleeplessness.

5. Potent and strong effective drugs are available only by a doctor's

6. That patient suffering from constipation is prescribed ________ .

7. You must apply __________ and _______ on your back.

8. Ancient Tibetans used different ________ , such as minerals, parts of animals, herbs to treat

their patients.

9. People with nervous disorders are sometimes prescribed _____ .

5. Complete the sentences using words from the text.

1. Chemist's shop is an institution … .

2. Chemist's shops are differentiated … .

3. At the chemist's department one can buy . . . .

4. ... should be sold by a prescription only.

5. All containers should be labeled with the following particulars: ... .

6. Pharmacist should instruct the patient … .

7. The signature consists of ... .

8. The realization of medicines is promoted … .

6. Underline the correct preposition. Translate the sentences.

1. There are many possible forms: from/with the simple white tablet till/to the sophisticated

micro-encapsulated slow released multicolored formulation.

2. The pharmacist is responsible for/on purity, stability and availability of/in the. drug.

3. In/for many tablets, the drug substance is only a fraction of/on the whole.

4. The coating in/of a tablet does not influence drug availability.

5. Caution is advised for/in attempts to utilize cheaper forms of proprietary drugs;

6. The forms of drugs have not been changed for/in many years.

7. Answer the questions.

1. What do we call a chemist's shop?

2. What kinds of chemist's shops do you know?

3. What can we buy at the chemist's?

4. Where are all the drugs kept at the chemist's?

5. What drugs can we take by prescription only?

6. What are the necessary particulars on the label?

7. What are the essential parts of the complete prescription?

8. What is the difference between superscription, subscription and inscription?

9. What is the body of prescription?

10. What parts does the inscription consist of?

11. Who assesses the safety factor of a drug?

12. What dose does the therapeutic index mean?

13. How is the realization of medicines promoted?

8. Correct the following statements.

1. Chemist's is a place where a wide variety of articles is sold and patients are given


2. An ordinary chemist's shop has a chemist's department, a prescription one and wards.

3. At the chemist's department, all the drugs are to be ordered.

4. Different potent and drastic drugs are available right away.

5. All medicines should be labeled with the following particulars: name of the patient and the

name of medicine.

6. The inscription is not obligatory in prescription.

7. The best compound of medicines is with the lowest therapeutic index.

9. Replace the underlined words and word combinations with their synonyms from the


unwanted reaction, prescription, poisonous effect, potent, drugs, affect, pills, inscription

1. All the medicines must be taken according to the indication and prescription.

2. Non-acid-resisting tablets can be washed down with any juice.

3. Any overdosage may cause bad reaction.

4. The body of the prescription may consist of three parts: medication, adjuvant and vehicle.

5. Alcohol has a very negative influence on the action of medicines.

6. The use of drastic drugs must be strictly controlled.

7. Some drugs can be obtained only by means of doctor's authorized direction.

8. Alcohol increases the toxicity of barbiturates by more than 50 %.

10. Read the following information and translate it into Ukrainian. Give some examples

of these drugs.

There are many drug classifications in the modern pharmacology. You are offered the

most general one. According to it, drugs can be divided into such groups:

Neuropharmacological drugs - the drugs acting on the nervous system. This group can

be divided into 2 subgroups: autonomic drugs and central nervous system drugs.

Antihistamines — the drugs blocking the action of histamine.

Cardiovascular drugs — can be divided into 3 groups: the drugs affecting the heart,

blood pressure and blood clotting.

Gastrointestinal drugs - the drugs relieving disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Antibiotics — drugs inhibiting microorganism growth.

Vitamins - drugs necessary for body functioning.

11. Match the words with their definitions.

1. anesthetics a. mild purgative (promoting defecation)

2. antacids b. drugs producing the loss of sensation like cocaine, lidocaine

3. antibiotic c. central nervous system depressants causing sleep

4. sedatives d. drugs relieving loose bowel movements, like atropine

5. antidiarrheals e. drags decreasing function

6. antinauseants f. drugs relieving constipation

7. depressants g. drags inhibiting the growth of bacteria

8. barbiturates h. drags relieving nausea and vomiting

9. purgatives i. drugs neutralizing acids in the stomach

10. laxatives j. drags used to induce sleep, sedation

12. Complete each sentence with a type of medicine.

a painkiller, a sedative, an anti-inflammatory, an inoculation, an antibiotic, an antihistamine, a

stimulant, an antidepressant, a laxative, a supplement

1. ... kills bacteria and other microorganisms.

2. ... protects you against infectious diseases.

3. ... relieves pain.

4. ... reduces swelling.

5. ... encourages bowel movement.

6. ... provides a substance that the body lacks.

7. ... treats allergies.

8. ... increases activity in the body.

9. ... reduces feelings of extreme sadness.

10. ... makes you relaxed and sleepy.

IV. Speaking.

1. Fill in the missing words where necessary. Then, use the information to give advice to a

person who is going to the country with children to have a rest and wants to take a first aid kit.

Things to have in your child medicine cabinet

A box... sterile gauze. Two rolls ... sterile bandage. A roll... adhesive plaster... 1 inch

wide. You can make narrower strips ... cutting the end ... scissors and tearing.

Ask your doctor to recommend... antiseptic. A package ... bicarbonate ... soda. A tube ...

petroleum ... jelly. A bottle ... aspirin tablets ... babies. A bottle ... syrup ... ipecac ... cease

vomiting ... a case ... serious poisoning.

A thermometer... children. A hot-water... bottle.

2. a) Complete the chart with the information of the previous text.

b) What things would you recommend to add?

c) Make the same chart for adults.

Child Medicine Cabinet

Drugs Equipment Others

3. Answer the following questions.

1. How many chemist's shops must be there in a capital, in a city, in a small town? Explain your

point of view. What place must they be situated in?

2. What kinds of chemist's shops must be prevalent in a city: municipal, private or some other?

3. Should all the drugs be free? How much should an average drug cost? In what way can the

problem of expensive drugs be solved?

4. Should drugs be sold without a prescription or should all drugs be sold by prescription only?

Where is the borderline between necessary rules and stupid instructions?

5. What are the home rules of drug keeping? What rules would you recommend to people with

small children?

6. Why will a doctor prescribe dangerous drug that will cause harm (some disorders, abortion,

fetus disorders)?

4. Give as much information as you can about:

- the institutions of pharmacy;

- the labels of medicines;

- patient s warnings;

- filling completed prescriptions;

- therapeutic indices of medicines.

V. Vocabulary.

1. Read the words and their definitions, use them in your own examples.

to deliver — to carry something to a certain place;

e.g. Medicines are delivered every day (the delivery of medicines);

to dispense — to prepare and distribute medicines;

to supply — to furnish with something that is needed;

to rub — to spread with pressure, especially in order to be absorbed;

to be in charge of — to be in command of something, responsible for something;

e.g. I'm in charge of your group;

glassware — glass objects (bottles, tubes);

cabinet — a piece of furniture with shelf and doors used for storing things;

herb — any of several kinds of plants which are used in medicine and cookery;

personnel — all the people employed by a company;

e.g. The company needs new personnel;

label — a piece of paper fixed to something used to identify it;

separately — existing or considered independently, individually.

2. Read the definitions of synonyms, discuss them.




Dispensary — a place where medicines are dispensed, esp. in a hospital or a


Pharmacy (chemist's) — a shop or a part of a shop where medicines and medical

goods are sold.

Drugstore (AmE) — a pharmacy, esp. one which sells not only medicines, beauty

products, films, etc., but also simple meals.



ist Chemist—a person who owns or runs a chemist's shop.

Druggist (pharmacist) — a person skilled in preparing medicines.

Apothecary (obsolete) — a person with a knowledge of chemistry who mixed and

sold drugs.



Drug— medicine or material used for making medicines.

Medicine — a substance used for treating diseases, esp. a liquid which is drunk: a

bottle ofmedicine.

Medication (AmE) — a medical substance.

VI. Reading.

Read and discuss the text.


Pharmacy (chemist's shop) is a specialized shop where medicines are sold.

Pharmacy is usually situated on the ground floor.

It has a hall for visitors, two departments for selling drugs, and proper working

rooms. The department for reception of prescriptions and delivery of drugs is called a

prescription department. The other one is called a chemist department. At the

prescription department medicines are sold or made according to prescriptions. Here

one can see medicines of all kinds: boxes and parcels of different powders, ampoules of

glucose and camphor used for intramuscular and intravenous injections; tubes of

ointments for rubbing; different pills and tablets for internal use; tonics and sedatives

administered orally.

At the chemist department one may buy also different things for medical care

and medicinal plants. At this department medicines are kept according to their

therapeutic effect drugs for cough, cardiac medicines, drugs for headache.

Disinfectants, herbs and things for medical care such as hot water bottles, medicine

droppers, cups, thermometers are kept separately.

The working rooms of a chemist's include rooms for washing, drying, and

sterilization of glassware; an analytical laboratory; a room for storing medicines; a

room for dispensing drugs and some others.

At the chemists all medicines are kept in drug cabinets, on the open shelves and

in the refrigerator. Poisonous drugs are kept in the drug cabinet with the letter A.

Strong effective drugs are kept in the drug cabinet having the letter B.

Every small bottle or box has a label with the name of the medicine. There are

labels of four colours for the drugs prepared at the chemist's: labels of a green colour

indicate medicines for internal use; blue labels indicate drugs used for injections. Drugs

for external application have labels of a yellow colour. Drugs used for treatment of eyes

diseases have labels of a pink colour.

The personnel of an average chemist's consists of a manager of the chemist's, a

dispensing pharmacist who takes prescription and delivers drugs, a chemist controlling the

prescription. The personnel includes also a chemist analyst who controls effectiveness of the

drug prepared at the chemist's as well as that of manufactured drugs.

There is also a pharmacist who is in charge of the supply of necessary medicines.

VII. Post-Reading Activities

1. Check how well your partner understands the text At the Pharmacy by asking

him/her the following questions.

Use: I think...

I suppose...

I know...

1. On what floor are chemist's shops usually situated?

2. How many departments are there at every chemist's shop?

3. What things can you buy at the chemist department?

4. What is mainly sold at the prescription department?

5. How many rooms does a chemist's consist of?

6. Where are different drugs kept at the chemist's?

7. What is the colour of labels on bottles with drugs for external use?

8. Can we buy things for medical care at the chemist's?

9. What kinds of drags are there at the prescription department?

10.What can you say about the personnel of the chemist's?

11 .What does a manager of a chemist's do?

12.What does a dispensing pharmacist do?

13.What does a controller do?

14.What does a pharmacist of supply do?

2. Complete the dialogues disagreeing with your partner. Practise the dialogues.


A) l thought you said the drugs were for internal use.

B) No, quite the opposite, the drugs are for external use only.

1. A. Medicinal plants are usually stored in open shelves, aren't they? B. No, quite the opposite,

they should be stored in...

2. A. You often use tranquillizers when you pass your exams, so I've heard. B. What? Who told

you that, I do not...

3. A. So tell us about the new manager of our pharmacy. Good looking young man?

B. No, I'm afraid not, rather...

4. A. So, all drugs are sold without a prescription at the chemist's?

B. No, I'm afraid you're mistaken, a great amount of medicines are...

5. A. It's him who graduated from the school of Pharmacy?

B. No, apparently he's only...

3. Ask your partner which things from the matrix most typically go together. Underline

any words that might be useful for describing a chemist's.

Mode of use Dosage Chemist's Medical goods Types of drugs



i.m. (i.v.)


a hot-water bottle


before (after, during) meal

per kg body weight






one teaspoonful

drug cabinet


to dispense



to rub

4. Fill in the missing items in this word class table using a dictionary if

necessary. Where there is a dash (—) you do not need to write anything.

Verb Noun (a thing or an idea) Noun (a person or an object)

— pharmacy


prescribe —

label —





— chemist's —

5. What does a pharmacist use the following things for?

Example: Prescription For delivering medicines

1. refrigerator a) for keeping poisonous drugs

2. drug cabinet b) for keeping drugs in a cold place

3. labels of green colour c) for indicating drugs used for injections

4. labels of blue colour d) for indicating medicines for internal use

5. labels of yellow colour e) for indicating drugs for external application

6. labels of pink colour f) for keeping tablets and powders

7. boxes g) for indicating drugs used for treatment of eyes diseases

8. open shelves h) for keeping liquid medicines

9. small bottles i) for keeping herbs and medicinal goods

10. medicine droppers j) for mixing them and preparing drugs

11. balance k) for dropping medicines

12. glass cups l) for keeping medicines tightly closed

13. glass tube n) for holding and carrying liquids,

14. ingredients m) for weighing ingredients

6. Learn some job titles connected with a chemist's shop. Which of the job titles would

be best to describe the following? Try to work from memory. Compare your answers with

your partners.

a manager

a dispensing pharmacist

a chemist inspector

a chemist analyst

a pharmacist

- A person who is in charge of the supply of necessary drugs.

- A person who controls effectiveness of the drug prepared at the chemist's.

- A person who directs the affairs of the pharmacy.

- A person who controls the prescriptions, that is, physical, physicochemical and

pharmacological compatibility of the ingredients.

- A person who takes prescriptions and delivers drugs.

VIII. Speaking.

1. Read and translate the quotation. Divide into-two groups: group 1 students agree with

the idea of N. Bonoparte; group 2 students have quite an opposite idea.

Medicine is a collection of uncertain prescriptions, the results of which, tak-

en collectively, are more fatal than usual to mankind. Water, air and

cleanliness are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia.

(N. Bonaparte)

2. Read the proverb, translate it. Comment and discuss it in groups.

Remedy may be worse than the disease.

IX. Supplement.

Read the following text. Put questions and retell it.


A pharmacy (commonly the chemist's in Australia, New Zealand and the UK; or

drugstore in North America; retail pharmacy in industry terminology; or Apothecary,

historically) is the place where most pharmacists practice their professional habits. It is the

community pharmacy where the dichotomy of the profession exists — health professionals who

are also retailers. Community pharmacies usually consist of a retail storefront with a dispensary

where medications are stored and dispensed.

The dispensary is subject to pharmacy legislation; with requirements for storage

conditions, compulsory texts, equipment, etc., specified in legislation. Where it was once the

case that pharmacists stayed within the dispensary compounding/dispensing medications; there

has been an increasing trend towards the use of trained pharmacy technicians while the

pharmacist spends more time communicating with patients. All pharmacies are required to have

a pharmacist on-duty at all times when open. In many jurisdictions, it is also a requirement that

the owner of a pharmacy must be a registered pharmacist (R. Ph.).

This latter requirement has been revoked in many jurisdictions, such that many retailers

(including supermarkets and mass merchandisers) now include a pharmacy as a department of

their store. Likewise, many pharmacies are now rather grocery store-like in their design. In

addition to medicines and prescriptions, a lot of establishments sell a diverse arrangement of

additional household items such as cosmetics, shampoo, office supplies, confectionary, and

snack foods.

22. Duties of the pharmacist in a pharmacy.

Обов’язки фармацевта в аптеці.

I. Vocabulary.

1. Read and learn the topical vocabulary.

duties – обов'язки;

responsibility – відповідальність;

to perform – виконувати;

prescription – рецепт;

to regard – розглядати;

assure – забезпечувати;

take care of – піклуватися;

to be misused – неправильно вживати;

side effect – побічна дія;

may cause – може спричинити;

aseptic techniques – асептичні методики;

sterile products – стерильна продукція;

precaution – обережність, застережний захід;

maintain – підтримувати (зберігати);

inventory – інвентар.

2. Find words by their definitions.

1. someone whose job is to prepare medicines

2. a legal or moral obligation

3. a piece of paper that a doctor gives you that

says what type of medicines you need

4. something done to protect people or things

against possible harm or trouble

5. a list giving details of all the things in a


6. drugs that you take to treat or cure an


1. precaution

2. medication

3. inventory

4. pharmacist

5. prescription

6. duty

3. Make up a story using the words from Exercise 1.

II. Reading.

Read the text and discuss what you have just read.


Not many people know everyday functions and commitments of a pharmacist. Going to

your local pharmacy is one of the most routine trips, but have you ever wondered what people

dispense your drugs?

Pharmacists are experts in drug discovery, development, preparation and usage. They

are both professional scientists and qualified health care practitioners. Pharmacists work in.

hospitals, in the community and in the pharmaceutical industry. They promote the safe and

effective use of medicines and ensure quality patient care. Often, pharmacists are the first point

of information on medicines for the public and other health care professionals, and must be

effective communicators.

Pharmacists, or pharmaceutical chemists, are specialized individuals in the field of

chemistry. Their responsibilities are to take care of patients' health and — in many cases — their


The knowledge of medications is absolutely vital for a pharmacist. Pharmacists not only

dispense medications, they also teach general public about drugs and advise them on safe use.

This is probably the single most important responsibility of pharmacists. If they cannot educate

healthcare staff and general public about medications, there is a serious risk that drugs will be

misused. A pharmacist explains to the patient when to take the medications and how they must

be taken.

Pharmacists also have to keep track of the newest drugs on the market and have the

ability to answer questions regarding them as well. Pharmacists never stop learning about

medications and pay attention to detail in such an important sphere.

Also pharmacists are responsible for doctor's prescriptions and dispensing the

medication ordered. Pharmacists check that the right amount of drugs is dispensed, and that the

patient receives correct instructions. Pharmacists also have to dispense medications correctly and

accurately. They make sure that the right drug is dispensed, and that it is given to the right

patient in the right dosage. They are capable of compounding and mixing drugs for a wide range

of applications as prescribed by physicians.

Nowadays pharmacy as a profession continues to grow and expand as well as

pharmacist's duties.

III. Post-reading activities.

1. Skim through the text and find sentences expressing its main idea.

2. Answer the questions.

1. Who is a pharmacist/pharmaceutical chemist?

2. What are the main duties of a pharmacist?

3. What is absolutely vital for a pharmacist?

4. What should pharmacists check?

5. What are pharmacists capable of?

6. Is it necessary for the pharmacists to continue learning about medication? Why?

3. Write a summary of the text in your own words. Then read your summary and discuss

it with your partner.

4. Read and learn the information about the pharmacist's duties. Using this information

make up a dialogue between a patient and a pharmacist.

- Pharmacists are the people that are behind the counter of the pharmacy, always in a white coat

and looking professional.

- Pharmacists must know their work extremely well, our lives depend on them.

- Pharmacists have to know the most common drugs up to and including any new drags that is

placed on the market.

- Pharmacists have to know computerized pharmacy medication to be able to order what drags

they need.

- Pharmacists should have time to come and chat with you about the type of medications you

have and any side effects that they may cause.

- Pharmacists make you feel like you're the most important person in the store at the time.

- Pharmacists have to know about aseptic techniques for preparing sterile products and the ability

to use equipment such as computers and pharmaceutical packaging equipment.

- Pharmacists also have safety and health precautions that must be strictly followed.

- Pharmacists have to deliver medications to meet standard or emergency patient care.

- Pharmacists have to keep accurate records and they are totally responsible for any controlled

substance in their pharmacy while keeping and maintaining an inventory.

- Pharmacists must know every drug on the market, what it is used for and the possibly

interactions with other drags.

5. a) Read and learn the poem by heart.

By Cal Begun


People in pain can be cross as a rule.

However, the Pharmacist helps them keep their cool.

Always your friend, he often gives free advice.

Remember his service when you consider the price.

Many years he has trained before he could start

And more importantly, he's got a great big heart.

Certainly his is the most trusted profession,

It's your health that is his obsession.

So the next time you see him, give him a smile,

Treat him nicely, you'll get it back by a mile.

Surely, he'll keep you healthy, at least for a while!

b) Answer the questions.

1. Have you ever dreamed to be a pharmacist? Why?

2. What is the first thing that pops into your head when someone asks you to

picture a pharmacist?

3. Is the profession of a pharmacist the most trusted one? Why?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the poet's views? Why?

c) Team work.

1. Make a list of 3 main things a pharmacist should do.

2. Make a list of 3 things you will change for the better in the duties of a pharmacist.

3. Compare your lists and discuss them.

IV. Speaking.

Discuss the following questions.

1. The mission of a pharmacist is to help patients make the best use of their medications. How

can a pharmacist do it in the best way?

2. Some pharmacists go on to do a pharmacy residency. What are the advantages and

disadvantages of doing this?

3. As a pharmacist, what characteristic do you feel will be prominent in your dealing with the


4. Being a pharmacist means being a lifelong learner. What does the term lifelong learner mean

to you?
