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A2 新闻


翻译:1. 12 月 29 日,即将卸任的美国总统奥巴马采取了前所未有的行动,以大范围的一系列惩罚措施对俄罗斯以黑客手段干预 2016 美国大选加以反击。2. 在采取这些行动之前我们已经对俄罗斯政府发出过私下以及公开的反复警告。这些行动也是针对违反固有的国际行为准则,损害美国利益的行动所作出的必要而恰当的回应。3. 那些黑客行为导致数千封遭窃取的邮件被公之于众,其中许多封涉及到有损民主党及其总统候选人,前国务卿希拉里·克林顿,形象的内幕揭露。A5 口试

情景提问专项训练(答案供参考):1. Question 1: Did Flight MU123 depart from New York on time?

Question 2: When will my father’s flight arrive at the airport?

2. Question 1: Is it serious, doctor?

Question 2: What medicine shall I take?

3. Question 1: Excuse me. Can I have the bill, please?

Question 2: How much does the steak cost?

4. Question 1: How long are you going to stay there?

Question 2: Are you going on a package tour in Paris?

5. Question 1: Why are you interested in working as a volunteer?

Question 2: What are your strengths?

6. Question 1: Are you free tomorrow night?

Question 2: What about coming to my birthday party tomorrow?

7. Question 1: Do you mind if I sit here?

Question 2: How do you like the party?

8. Question 1: Do you think it will clear up this afternoon?

Question 2: What’s the weather like tomorrow?

9. Question 1: Can you do me a favor?

Question 2: Where can I find our science teacher to help me with my report?

10. Question 1: Excuse me, but which subway line shall I take to go to the Bund?


Question 2: Where should I get off?

A6 口试


One day, Xiao Ming was taking a walk with his father along the river. They saw a

notice board set up by a tribe. Xiao Ming asked his father, “Dad, what does the board

tell us?” His father answered confidently, “It must be a warning against playing with

water because the river is deep. I used to be a member of the swimming team in my

school, so I am not afraid of deep water.” Then, Dad jumped into the “river” and hit

the bottom of the river hard. Xiao Ming said, “Dad, do you really understand these


(二)One day, when Xiao Ming got up, he found it was already 7:00. It was later than

usual, so Xiao Ming was in a hurry to go to school. Xiao Ming rode his bicycle very

fast and he didn’t notice that there was a car coming towards him. It was too late and

Xiao Ming bumped into the car and fell down onto the ground. The driver got off to

see whether Xiao Ming was hurt. Luckily, Xiao Ming wasn’t injured. A policeman

came and asked about the accident. He reminded Xiao Ming to be more careful when

riding a bicycle.

B1-2 听力

模拟练习一1-10 BDDBB BDDAB


听力原文:Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a


conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper,

and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. W: The flight for Berlin will leave in an hour.

M: Where is our boarding gate, then?

Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?

2. W: Sam, are you taking the underground or driving the car to your office?

M: Don’t you know I moved residence? Now it is only ten minutes’ walk.

Q: How does Sam go to work every day?

3. W: As a tourist guide, I have travelled almost everywhere.

M: So far as I know, you haven't set foot on Africa yet.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

4. W: Can you believe it? I have watched the movie The Godfather for six times.

M: That is not surprising. It is a classic anyway.

Q: What does the man mean?

5. W: I suppose I was going at no more than 50 miles per hour, officer.

M: 50? You must be kidding. I caught you driving at double that speed just now.

Q: How fast did the woman drive just now?

6. W: The room was so dry and the lecture so boring. How can I refresh myself?

M: I think we must go outside to grab a cup of coffee.

Q: What will they probably do next?

7. M: Could you have Walter Clemens come in for the interview?

W: Sure. I will call him up immediately.

Q: What is the probably relationship between the two speakers?

8. W: Could you tell me the starting times for both performances?

M: The first begins at 7 o’clock, and it lasts two hours. The second follows

immediately after a ten-minute break.

Q: At what time does the second show start?

9. M: My wife found a gold ring in our garden after the party. Do you think it might

be yours?

W: It couldn’t be. Thanks. I wore a silver one last night.

Q: What does the woman mean?

10. M: I’d better clean the screen of the computer right now.


W: Shouldn’t you clean your keyboard, too?

Q: What does the woman imply?

Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Like many new graduates, I left university full of hope for the future but with no

real idea of what I wanted to do. My degree, with honors, in English literature had not

really prepared me for anything practical. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the

world somehow, but I had no idea how to do that. That’s when I learned about the

Lighthouse Project.

I started my journey as a Lighthouse Project volunteer by reading as much as I

could about the experiences of previous volunteers. I knew it would be a lot of hard

work, and that I would be away from my family and friends for a very long time.

After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the

candidates and survive the test alone. Several months later, I finally received a call

asking me to report for duty. I would be going to a small village near Abuja, Nigeria.

After completing my training, I was sent to the village that was small and

desperately in need of proper accommodation. Though the local villagers were poor,

they offered their homes, hearts, and food as if I were their own family. I was asked to

lead a small team of local people in building a new schoolhouse. Sometime during

that period, I realized that all those things that had seemed so strange or unusual to me

no longer did, though I did not get anywhere with the local language, and I returned to

the United States a different man. The Lighthouse Project had changed my life


11. What do we know about the speaker’s college education?

12. How did the speaker finally get the chance to volunteer in Nigeria as a member of

the Lighthouse Project?


13. What can we infer from the speaker’s experiences in Nigeria?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

An Air Asia plane went missing in stormy weather on December 28 as it flew from

Indonesia to Singapore, killing all aboard. Police said that the black box was believed

to be buried in the seabed close to where the tail was found. The challenge is that the

sounds sending out from the black box are very faint. If a ship passes by, the sounds

will be drowned out. So they really need calm waters. To aid the tracking of the

signals, the engines of the warships involved in the search operation will be turned off


The United States reported that the unemployment rate reached a six-year low. The

numbers support expectations that the U.S. will strengthen further this year even as

overseas economies suffer. The Labor Department said yesterday that employers

added 252,000 jobs last month and 50,000 more in October and November combined

than it had previously estimated. The jobless rate dropped to 5.6 percent from 5.8

percent in November. The rate is at its lowest point since 2008.

CHINA will launch its first direct air route to the Caribbean on September 28,

according to an announcement by Air China. Operated by Air China three times a

week, the new route will fly from Beijing to Havana, with a stop to refuel in

Montreal, marking a huge cut in travel time between China and the Caribbean.

14. What action is taken to search for the signal from the black box?

15. What is the current economic condition in America?

16. Where will the plane stop to refuel on its direct route to Caribbean?

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

M: Jenny, I hope you’ve finished packing and are ready to leave. It is already half past


W: Not quite ready, Danny. I can’t find those coupons I downloaded from the


M: What kind of coupons are they?

W: We can enjoy a discount in major department stores and some famous local



M: Come on. Time is running short. We can try downloading them again once we

settle down in Italy. What about your passport? That’s the only thing you mustn’t

leave behind.

W: I know. I’ve put it in my backpack together with the guidebook. We can do more

research into the famous scenic spots after boarding the plane. It is a tough choice to

visit so many places within seven days.

M: I know it will be a hard decision, but we have to give up some places. The taxi

will arrive in ten minutes.

W: The plane won’t leave until a quarter to four. Why in such a rush?

M: You know, it is peak season right now and we have to arrive at the airport at least

two hours before the take-off time. You’re taking just one suitcase and a backpack, is

that right?

W: No, there is another bigger suitcase filled with clothes inside the bedroom as well.

And don’t forget my travel pillow in the bedroom wardrobe.

M: What a lot of stuff! You’re taking enough for a year instead of a week.

W: Well, you can’t depend on the weather forecast. It might be cold.

M: It’s never cold in Rome. Certainly not in May. Come on, we really must go.


17. What can’t Jenny find?

18. When does the plane take off?

19. What does Jenny suggest they should do on the airplane?

20. Why does Jenny take so many things with her?

模拟练习二1-10 CBBBD CDCAA


听力原文:Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a


conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper,

and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. W: Do you give students a discount?

M: Sure, the normal price is 90 yuan and students can enter our museum at half the


Q: What is the price for a student?

2. M: Kate, I’m going to a meeting tomorrow. Would you please help take my phone


W: No problem, Jim. I’ll take a message if anyone calls.

Q: What does Kate promise to do?

3. W: Congratulations, John! I heard about your new job.

M: Thanks. It’s nearly perfect for me. The working hours are convenient, and it’s an

easy walk from home. If only the pay were half as good as everything else!

Q: What do we know about John’s new job?

4. W: What time is your train leaving?

M: It leaves at ten. I have got fifteen minutes left.

Q: What is the time now?

5. W: Hi Michael! I heard you just came back from a long holiday.

M: Yes. I stayed for a week in China, and five days in India, and then I met my

friends in Norway before doing some Christmas shopping in London.

Q: What was the last stop of Michael’s holiday?

6. W: I thought you had left for the airport right after your last exam.

M: Unfortunately I couldn’t.

Q: What does the man mean?

7. M: Wait a second. I like the sofa displayed in the window.

W: I like it, too. Let’s go in and have a look.

Q: Where are the couple standing?

8. W: Professor Benson is working in his lab this afternoon.

M: But his vacation isn’t over until next week.

Q: What did Professor Benson probably do?

9. M: Is it true that you’re going to Europe this summer?


W: Yes, I’ll be touring Italy, Britain and France after I finish my degree and save

some money.

Q: What does the woman plan to do?

10. W: I was surprised when you told me that Connie and David have become good


M: I know. They didn’t use to get along well, did they?

Q: What does the man mean?

Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

It was in Africa and Asia that early human beings first made the kind of stone

tools they needed to hunt and kill large animals. With these arms—rough spears, axes

and knives—a small group of hunters could get enough meat at one time to feed many

people. Now and then, seeds, fruits and roots made good eating. The number of

people increased.

A group of related families, including children and the old, would stay close to

the large animals they lived on. As long as there were “new” spaces to move into and

plenty of game, the growing population could survive. When such an organized group

—our society—became too large for its members to travel together comfortably, it

would split up. In this way, hunters moved into Africa, Europe and Asia.

The best areas of the world for human beings were those where many kinds of

food could be found. When one kind became scarce, people could use another to keep

from starving. Life in such areas was safe.


11. Why did the number of early human beings increase?

12. Why could a few hunters get enough food at a time for many people?

13. Where were the best places for human beings to move?


Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

Hello, I’m Judy Henderson. Before we start our first lab, I’d like to tell you a little

bit about the workbook we will be using. The first thing I’d like to point out is that the

workbook contains a very large amount of material, far more than you could ever

handle in a single semester. What you are supposed to do is to choose experiments

and activities that you want to do, within a certain framework of course. Part of my

job is to help you make your choices. Next, I’d like to mention that in each workbook

chapter, there are usually two sub-sections. The first is called experiment, and second

is called activities. In the experiment section the workbook gives full instructions for

all the experiments including alternate procedures. You may use the procedure you

wish on the basis of available equipment or personal preference. In the activity

section, you will find suggestions for many experiments, exercise and projects that

you can do on your own time. You’ll see that there are usually no detailed instructions

for the activities. You are supposed to do them on your own way. OK, let’s turn to

chapter one now.


14. What is the instructor describing?

15. How are the activities different from the experiment?

16. When could this talk be given?

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

W: Right, well, in the studio this morning, for our interview is Peter Wilson. Peter

works for Greenpeace. So, Peter, welcome.

M: Thanks a lot. It’s good to be here.

W: Great! Now, Peter, perhaps you can tell us something about Greenpeace and your

job there. When was the organization established?

M: It was established a decade ago and the headquarters is located in London.

W: What kind of organization is Greenpeace then? What is its major task?

M: Well, we’re a non-violent, non-political organization. We’re involved in anti-

nuclear activity, conservation and protection of animals and protection and support of

our eco-system.


W: So, to be more specific, what are you in charge of?

M: I’m the action organizer and arrange the protests.

W: That’s a pretty important role, Peter. What sort of protest would you organize?

M: Well, recently we’ve been involved in anti-nuclear campaigns. Last week, I

personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the

Atlantic Ocean.

W: I see. How will you stop those who are actually doing some real job polluting the


M: We have got some small boats patrolling the ocean. Once we find a suspicious

ship, we will circle round and try to get in the way when they try to dump the nuclear

waste in the ocean.

W: What is people’s reaction to your appeal? Do they support it?

M: Well, people may think differently of our methods but they do support us in

different ways. There’s no doubt that we’re doing a great job.

W: Keep it up and good luck. And thanks for talking with us.

M: Thanks for having me.

17. Which of the following statements about the Greenpeace organization is false?

18. What has Greenpeace been involved in recently?

19. How does Greenpeace try to stop people from dumping nuclear waste?

20. What is the public’s attitude towards Greenpeace’s campaigns?

B3 听力

模拟练习一1-10 CBACC AADCB


听力原文:Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper,


and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. W: Can I fetch my car this afternoon?

M: Sure, the damage is not that serious.

Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?

2. W: Well, Mr. Brown. We are very satisfied with your resume. And we will arrange

for you to meet our director tomorrow.

M: Thank you. I will get prepared.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

3. M: When are the other guys going to get here? The train is supposed to leave in

fifteen minutes.

W: It is 10:40 already. I told them to be here by 10:20.

Q: When is the train leaving?

4. M: The food in this restaurant is horrible. If only we had gone to the school dining


W: But the food isn’t everything. Isn’t it nice just to get away from all the noise?

Q: Why does the woman prefer to eat at this restaurant?

5. M: Our neighborhood is going to have a swimming pool soon.

W: It is about time. I don’t know why it has taken so long.

Q: What is the woman’s opinion about the swimming pool?

6. M: What is the weather like in Hangzhou in the coming week?

W: It will be fairly hot and there will be much rain.

Q: What will the weather be like in the coming week in Hangzhou?

7. W: So you finally listened to your wife’s advice and gave up smoking.

M: It was my doctor’s advice. I was suffering from high blood pressure.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

8. W: Washing dishes in the restaurant every day is really boring.

M: Why don’t you quit and delivering flowers for me?

Q: What does the man advise the woman to do?

9. W: My teacher tried hard to explain her theories about modern poetry but it was

Greek to me.

M: Come on, with a little more effort and I guarantee you will pick it up in an



Q: What do we know about the woman?

10. M: Will the Metro Line 1 stop at People’s Square today?

W: I am afraid not. You see it is a routine to have traffic control on National Day.

Q: Why doesn’t the Metro Line 1 stop at People’s Square today?

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and

passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s)

and passage(s). The conversation(s) and passage(s) will be read twice, but the

questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible

answers on your paper, and decide which one would be the best answer to the

question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Science can’t explain the power of pets, but many studies have shown that the

company of pets can help lower blood pressure and raise chances of recovering from a

heart attack, reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer.

Any owner will tell you how much joy a pet brings. For some, an animal provides

more comfort than a husband or wife. A study by Karen Allen of the State University

of New York measured stress levels and blood pressure in people—half of them pet

owners—while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic or held a hand in ice

water. Subjects completed the tasks alone, with a life partner, a close friend or with a

pet. People with pets did it best. Those tested with their animal friends had smaller

change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates. With pets

in the room, people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing it in front of

other companions. It seems people feel more relaxed around pets, says Allen, who

thinks it may be because pets don’t judge.

A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only lifts your spirits

but may also have an effect on your living habits. Researchers at Northwestern

Memorial Hospital spent a year studying pet owners and found they got more exercise

—mostly with their dogs—and found it worth doing.


11. Which of the following is not a way pets benefit their owners?


12. Why can people make fewer math mistakes with a pet beside them?

13. What did the study conducted by researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital

find out?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

No fireworks and firecrackers playing would be allowed anywhere inside the city’s

Outer Ring Road throughout next year, which would start on Friday, according to a

new regulation aiming to prevent air pollution. The ban would mean that locals are

not allowed to have their traditional festival fun anywhere in downtown areas during

the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday in February. Locals would face fines up to 500

yuan for each violation and may also face criminal charges depending on the results

of the violations, according to the regulation.

Rescuers have found some survivors five days after a mine collapse in east China’s

Shandong Province, rescuers confirmed Wednesday. The mine accident happened at 8

p.m. Friday in Pingyi County. At the time, 29 people were working underground. One

is confirmed dead, four escaped by themselves, and seven have been found by

rescuers, so far. The cause of the accident is still to be confirmed.

A sharp decline in the Japanese yen and easier visa rules for Chinese travelers are

driving tourists to Japan. Not only Tokyo, but also smaller towns are holding great

appeal for Chinese travelers. Japan relaxed visa requirements for travelers from China

from January this year. The number of tourists to Japan has hit 18 million in the first

11 months of 2015—almost a 50 percent increase from the same period in 2014.


14. Which of the following statements is true?

15. How many people escaped successfully by themselves in the mine collapse in

Shandong Province?

16. Which of the following reasons doesn’t account for people’s interest in a trip to


Questions 17 and 18 are based on the following conversation.

M: Hello! May I talk to David Jackson, please?

W: Sorry, he is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?


M: Yes, please. This is Peter Jones calling from Amazon Trading Company. Could

you tell him that tomorrow’s dinner has been put off to next Wednesday? The time

remains unchanged, at six thirty in the evening.

W: OK. May I have you phone number, please?

M: Yes, it is 33789274. By the way, would you remind him that he still needs to

deliver a presentation to all our working staff at the dinner?

W: No problem. Anything else?

M: Nothing else. Thank you very much.


17. What is the message about?

18. What does the woman need to do?

Questions 19 and 20 are based on the following conversation.

M: Hey, Jean. How’s everything going?

W: Oh, the same old thing, I guess. I have to go to Washington next week to meet

with my publisher. I’m looking forward to the break this summer.

M: Yeah, me too. How’s the book coming?

W: Pretty well. I think I just have to meet the publisher to talk about something for its

last part.

M: Do you have time to come and discuss something with my American literature

class. I know you have the intention to write a biography of Bob Dylan and my

class are really interested in that topic.

W: I’d love to, Jim, but I don’t know what my schedule is going to be like when I get

back next Thursday. When does your class meet?

M: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00.

W: I might be able to do it. Let’s talk when I get back next Thursday and I’ll let you

know. Dylan is a legendary figure so influential in popular music and culture for

more than five decades. After the recent Nobel Prize, the young generation kept

talking about the poetic powers of his lyrics.

M: I am so thrilled that you can come. I am sure you have a lot to share with my class.


19. Why does Jean go to Washington next week?


20. What does Jim invite Jean to do?

模拟练习二1-10 BCCAD ABABC


听力原文:Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper,

and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. W: How long will it take this package back to get to India?

M: Well, it depends on how you want to send it.

Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?

2. W: Your book is not an easy job. I can’t find some equivalent words in Chinese


M: Yes, there are many dialogues between father and son in dialects.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

3. M: Nice room. How much is the rent?

W: It is two hundred dollars a month unfurnished or two hundred and fifty dollars

furnished. Utilities are forty dollars extra.

Q: How much will it cost to rent a furnished apartment including utilities?

4. M: Hey, Mandy, aren’t you and Sam going to Singapore in Janurary?

W: We thought to go there in January, but the travel agency gave us a great deal if

we go there in summer. So we are thinking about July.

Q: When will Mandy probably go to Singapore?

5. M: Sorry, I didn’t show up at the meeting last night. But I wasn’t really feeling

well. So I decided not to go out.

W: Oh, that is OK, Jack. I understand.

Q: Why didn’t Jack show up at the meeting last night?

6. M: I don’t suppose you’re free to go shopping on Saturday evening, are you?


W: Actually I am. I was planning to have a conference with my clients, but it was

called off.

Q: What will the woman probably do on Saturday evening?

7. M: Have you used the tent you bought last week?

W: Yes, indeed. We went camping yesterday and had a good time staying warm

and dry in spite of the weather.

Q: What was the weather like yesterday?

8. M: Can we finfish the project ahead of schedule?

W: It is out of the question.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

9. M: I think I should go to the bank right now to exchange some RMB for euros.

W: Why in such a rush? The financial crisis in Europe isn’t over yet and euros may

continue to fall in value.

Q: What does the woman suggest?

10. W: What topic is Professor Stanley going to address tonight?

M: Professor Stanley is speaking tonight?

Q: What does the man mean?

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and

passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s)

and passage(s). The conversation(s) and passage(s) will be read twice, but the

questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible

answers on your paper, and decide which one would be the best answer to the

question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Helen Thayer is to celebrate her 60th birthday in a special way. She is bound for a

three-month, 1,500-mile solo hike across Antarctica.

In Antarctica, where temperatures can drop to 40 degrees below zero, she plans to

walk at least 12 hours a day, with about five minutes of rest every hour. Anything

longer will make her body temperature drop too much. Anything too tiring will make

her sweat and freeze. She spent two years getting in shape for this adventure, with a


workout plan that included 10-mile runs, 20-mile hikes and hours of weight training

each week. Thayer also put in a daily hour pulling a heavy bag to train her for the

pack—full of carefully weighed items—she’ll carry across Antarctica.

Every little thing counts. The handle of her toothbrush has been cut off to make it

lighter. Her wedding ring is in her left jacket pocket keeping her link with husband

Bill—because it could freeze on her finger and cut off circulation.

For three months, only her journal will keep her company. No music, no books.

“There’s going to be plenty to keep me occupied and boredom will not be a factor,”

she said with a smile. “I make this plan mainly for my kids—through what I can

gather through my camera and my notes for them. I want them to learn how to set

goals, plan for success and be the best they can.”


11. What will Helen Thayer do to celebrate her 60th birthday?

12. Why does Helen Thayer put her wedding ring in her pocket?

13. What is the main purpose of Helen Thayer’s plan?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

Every day, the alarm clock announces the start of another busy weekday in the

morning. We jump out of bed, rush into the shower, into our clothes and out the door

with hardly a moment to think.

     The way most of us spend our mornings is exactly opposite to the conditions that

promote flexible, open-minded thinking. Imaginative ideas are most likely to come to

us when we’re unfocused.

    The stress slows down the speed with which signals travel between neurons,

making inspirations less likely to occur. And while we all should read a lot about

what’s going on in the world, it would not make us feel good for sure, so put that

news website or newspaper aside until after the day’s work is done.

     So what would our mornings look like if we wanted to start them with a full

capacity for creative problem solving? We’d set the alarm a few minutes early and lie

awake in bed, following our thoughts where they lead. We’d stand a little longer

under the warm water of the shower, stopping thinking about tasks in favor of a few

more minutes of relaxation. We’d take some deep breaths on our way to work, instead


of complaining about heavy traffic. And once in the office—after we get a cup of

coffee—we’d click on links not to the news of the day but to the funniest videos the

Web has to offer.  


14. When are we most creative?

15. Which of the following is true about newspapers?

16. What does the speaker suggest that we should do?

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

M: Excuse me, Madam. I am Albert Shaw from Cambridge. I am now doing a survey

on people’s shopping habits for my graduate project. Could you spare some minutes

for a short interview?

W: Sure. Go ahead, please.

M: Do you prefer shopping online?

W: To be frank, no. Middle-aged people like me still prefer the traditional way, I


M: What drives you away from online shopping then?

W: Oh, the main reason is that I am not good at computer stuff and my children

moved out when they had their own household.

M: Where do you usually shop then?

W: Normally I go shopping twice a week. I usually shop at big shopping centers.

Those small shops on the streets hold no appeal to me.

M: When choosing a product, what do you pay attention to most?

W: Quality, of course. I don’t care much about its price as long as it is worth the

price. And a good brand is always the guarantee of quality. After-sales service is also

important for some big items, I think.

M: That is all I wanted to know. Thank you for your cooperation.

W: You are welcome.


17. What is Albert Shaw doing now?

18. What does the woman say about middle-aged people’s shopping habits?

19. Where does the woman go for shopping?


20. Which of the following elements is not included in the woman’s consideration

when she is buying things?

B4-5 语法(一)

模拟练习一1. was elected 2. an 3. none 4. Unlike 5. who 6. when 7. reading 8. would bring

9. stolen 10. have to

模拟练习二1. to describe 2. A 3. that 4. To understand 5. had been cut 6. Instead of 7. which

8. achieved 9. before 10. learned

模拟练习三1. who 2. had just released 3. as 4. lasting 5. to 6. has been recorded 7. himself 8.

what 9. Apart from 10. even though

模拟练习四1. was scheduled 2. that 3. how 4. as 5. made 6. as though/as if 7. has pushed 8.

everyone 9. to be seen 10. even if

模拟练习五1. is made 2. has ever tried 3. to turn 4. called 5. Another 6. that/which 7. it 8.

how 9. because 10. understanding

模拟练习六1. was actually created 2. whom 3. to cover 4. which 5. As 6. leaving 7. sold 8.

Because of 9. put 10. nothing

模拟练习七1. will be linked 2. that 3. has become 4. built 5. thanks to/because of 6. to

7. connecting 8. longest 9. run 10. do

模拟练习八1. receiving 2. because 3. that 4. be 5. be wasted 6. rang 7. had ever swum 8. were

battling 9. have got/have gotten 10. with

模拟练习九1. which 2. discovered 3. was given 4. lacked 5. may/might/could 6. will be 7.

when 8. containing 9. by 10. to taste


模拟练习十1. few 2. were 3. to have played 4. where 5. The 6. have been made

7. filled 8. must 9. without 10. will continue

B6-7 语法(二)

模拟练习一1. which 2. starting 3. when 4. understand 5. despite

6. where 7. what 8. to do 9. than 10. Having played

模拟练习二1. why 2. leaked 3. themselves 4. it 5. as well as

6. based 7. could8. Adding break 10. change

模拟练习三1. has long been 2. held 3. to share 4. When 5. which

6. latest 7. operates 8. without 9. is expected 10. everything

模拟练习四1. stranded 2. waiting 3. Though/Although 4.was launched

5. will go 6. whether/if 7. to study 8. have been growing/have grown

9. if 10. can

模拟练习五1. did 2. that 3. was serving 4. had made 5. As soon as

6. to hear 7. was caused 8. since/because/as 9. themselves 10. hoping

模拟练习六1. dressed 2. when 3. one 4. chose 5. lying

6. to 7. was paid 8. was putting 9. what 10. prettiest

模拟练习七1. it 2. neither 3. while 4. had broken 5. affect

6. had to 7. until 8. however 9. talking 10. will be recorded

模拟练习八1. appears 2. to describe 3. so 4. posting 5. that/which

6. what 7. is erased 8. spoken 9. before 10. There

模拟练习九1. to 2. even if 3. whether 4. are usually served 5. closing


6. to enjoy 7. yourself 8. an 9. nor 10. brings

模拟练习十1. a 2. as well as 3. is affecting/has affected 4. to track 5. are exposed

6. suggesting 7. that 8. where 9. heard 10. It

模拟练习十一1. will remain 2. until 3. including 4. making 5. as

6. to be delayed 7. that 8. stated 9. should 10. even if

B8-10 词汇









B11-14 完形填空
















B15-18 阅读

专项练习(A) BCEA (B) ECFB (C) DECA


更多练习(A) ABCB (B) AAD (C) CCAD


B19 翻译

1. An architect is a person who/that designs houses and buildings.

2. The article that/which was introduced by the professor yesterday is worth reading.

3. If you introduce a subject that causes much movement in the audience, you know

that you have aroused their attention.

4. New Year is coming, which is the moment for us to look back upon the past and

look forward to the future.

5. The bad weather of last weekend spoiled our picnic in the suburbs we had been

longing for.

6. We should be grateful to our parents, out teachers and those who have helped us.

7. Those who are infected by the infectious disease should be isolated in time and it

will take two weeks of time.

8. Nowadays the Internet keeps people informed of the things that are happening

every day at home and broad.

9. Because of the heavy fog, the flight didn’t take off on schedule, which caused some

passengers to complain.

10. The financial crisis at that time and the suffering it caused had had a great

influence on the whole world.

11. As is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high schools is


12. Their family will fly to Sanya, where they plan to observe the Spring Festival with

their friends.


13. Mr. Li has a 20-year-old daughter, who works as an air-hostess in an airline company.14. I often think of my middle school chemistry teacher, from whom I learned a lot.

15. The taxi driver whose left leg was injured in the accident is well looked after.16. Remember when you meet with trouble, a policeman is someone to whom you can

turn for help.

17. West Lake of/in Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful places (that) I have ever been to.18. The days are gone when the farmers relied on the rainy days to collect water for drinking and cooking.19. It is said that the Hong Kong film star Jackie Chan is the only actor who does not

allow anyone else to do his stunts.

20. Obviously, he didn’t want to tell anyone the reason why he was not employed by

the company.

B20 翻译

主语从句:1. According to the report, it was obvious that the driver failed to control his car.

2. Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question that is often asked. 3. It really matters much whether you attend the closing ceremony or not, so please

tell me your schedule as soon as possible.

4. Where the Christmas Evening will be held has not yet been announced.

5. Whatever you give me as a birthday present is most precious to me.

宾语从句:1. He has told me that he will go to that company for a job interviewed tomorrow.

2. There will be a special price for whoever buys things in large quantities here.

3. I feel it an honor that I have been chosen to make a speech on behalf of my class.

4. She is a person who pursues perfection and she is never satisfied with what she has


5. Every time you cross the street, you must look both ways to see if/whether there are

cars coming.



1. I have never been to his home and the trouble is that I have lost his address.

2. The question that puzzles us is how we can get rid of air pollution in the area.

3. My basketball idol has changed a lot and is no longer what he used to be.

4. Your problem is that you think you can get something for nothing.

5. The proposal is a copied one and that’s why I object to it.

同位语从句:1. Students should be fully aware of the fact that ability, diligence and health are three

important factors of success in school.

2. Do you know the truth that where there is water, there is life?

3. Word came that the earthquake that occurred last month resulted in severe damage

to the newly-built area.

4. Bob injured his foot when he was practicing, so there is no possibility that he can

sign up for the coming marathon.

5. We haven’t yet settled the problem who will come to the company for overtime this


综合练习:1. I took it for granted that what my father had said was completely right.

2. A conclusion we can draw from the passage is that walking is an exercise that is

good for our health.

3. Jane’s pale face suggested that she was ill, and her mother suggested that she

(should) go to the hospital to have a medical examination.

4. At the crossroads of life, what I want to know is which road I should take.

5. The first time I swam in the sea, I expected that I would feel a little pain when the

water got into my eyes, but actually it was so painful that I couldn’t open my eyes.

B21-23 模拟试卷一


11-13 BAB 14-16 ACC 17-18 AD 19-20 CD

21. from 22. is/has been polluted 23. cleaner 24. that/which 25. cut

26. had removed 27. Seeing 28. that 29. to clean 30. before




56-59 BBDD 60-62 BDB 63-66 CDCA 67-70 CBFA

A summary for reference:

The celebrities’ good intentions of saving rare animals by taking pictures with

them has been used for profit by greedy businesspeople. That 40 cubs were found

killed in Tiger Temple recently reveals the fact that animals are cruelly treated for

money. So everybody should stay away from these cute animals while enjoying

watching them.


1. The flight was delayed due to bad weather.

2. The charity concert is said to be financed by the generous businessman.

3. It is not good for adolescents’ adaptation to real society if they are completely

confined to school.

4. When a large part of Africa was facing a famine, the volunteers worked hard to

raise money for famine relief.

听力原文:I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper,

and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. M: I’ll go to the cafeteria and get some lunch. Would you like to join me ?

W: I’d like to, but I have to go home now. My mother didn’t feel well this morning.

Q: Where is the woman going?

2. M: What did the doctor say, darling?

W: Well, he said there is no need for me to take any medicine but I need to have a

well-balanced diet.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

3. W: Good morning. May I help you?

M: Good morning. I’m interested in renting a two-bedroom apartment. Do you have

any available?


Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?

4. M: I bought this tie for 60 dollars. How do you like it?

W: It’s very nice, but last year I bought you the same thing for only half the price.

Q: How much did the woman pay for a tie last year ?

5. M: What time is it now by your watch? I have 8:45. I guess mine is too fast.

W: 8:30. I set my watch by the radio this morning.

Q: What happened to the man’s watch?

6. W: Can you give me a driving lesson this afternoon, dad?

M: Of course I can.

Q: What is the girl going to do this afternoon?

7. M: The lecturer is an American. He will teach us world history next term.

W: Yes. It is said that he can speak Arabic, Greek, German as well as English.

Q: What nationality is the lecturer?

8. M: Mum, I’d like you to meet Alice. She is a newcomer in our class.

W: How do you do, Alice? Glad to meet you.

Q: What’s the relationship between the man and the woman?

9. W: What do you think of Mr. Oliver?

M: Well, he always shows what he is thinking and feeling clearly and directly.

Q: What is the man’s opinion of Mr. Oliver?

10. W: I have no idea how many students will attend tonight’s lecture?

M: Don’t worry. We have enough chairs for all of them.

Q: What can we infer from this conversation?

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and

passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s)

and passage(s). The conversation(s) and passage(s) will be read twice, but the

questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible

answers on your paper, and decide which one would be the best answer to the

question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.


Police are asking for help from the public with an investigation into an armed

robbery at downtown earlier this year.

About midnight on Monday, January 12, two men entered a hotel as it was

preparing to close. Female staff members were confronted by one of the men who

aimed a pistol at them and ordered them to the ground.

The offenders removed money from the hotel’s cash registers before ordering the

frightened staff to unlock the door to the office. The offenders then removed cash

from the hotel’s safe before fleeing the hotel by a rear entrance.

Police said the offenders fled the scene in a white car, both men wearing black T-

shirts and blue jeans, and they have been described as tall and large.

Police are also investigating another armed robbery which occurred at a bike

store last Monday. About 2:10 p.m., three men entered the store. One of the men was

armed with a metal pole and another armed with a knife.

The man with the knife threatened the attendant and forced him to place an

amount of cash from the cash register into a bag. They fled and were last seen running

into Seventh Avenue.

Detectives from the downtown area command are investigating the cases and are

seeking assistance from the public. Anyone with information about the incidents is

urged to contact downtown police at 9955-0055 or 1800-3300.


1. How many robbery cases does this report involve?

2. How did the suspects leave the scene after they robbed the hotel?

3. What did the criminals get by robbing in these cases?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

A women’s assembly was held in the Town Hall yesterday, Rebecca Mclean


There are many aspects of the women’s liberation movement. Some women want

full equality with men in every aspect of life. In marriage, they want husbands and

wives to share all the work and responsibilities of a family. In work, they want

women and men to have the same jobs and the same chances to succeed. Other

women want the same pay if they hold the same posts as men. At home, however,


they do not expect their husbands to share in the cleaning, cooking and other


It is important to remember that the women’s liberation movement is not

concerned only with concrete issues. The movement is also concerned with attitudes

and beliefs. One example of this concern is the issue of a woman’s identity. A

woman’s identity is what she thinks of herself as a person, and what she thinks she

can do. Some women do not think they are capable of doing anything important. The

women’s liberation movement has helped these women improve their view of

themselves. Many women have taken jobs, helped others, raised healthy children, and

done many other things for their community. They have shown that they are capable

of being good leaders and of doing many important things.


1. Where did the women’s assembly take place?

2. What did the women’s assembly mainly discuss?

3. What was the women’s liberation movement concerned with?

Questions 17 and 18 are based on the following conversation.

M: You are Linda Powell from Britain, aren’t you? How do you do!

W: Yes, I am. How do you do! I registered for this summer course by e-mail on

February 15. And are you Mr. Lee?

M: Yes. I teach this course. You’re welcome to study Chinese here.

W: Thanks a lot. I’m interested in Chinese culture very much. By the way, how many

students are there in a class?

M: Each class has a register of eight students. They come from different countries.

W: That’s to say I can make many new friends. I like it.

M: It will take us two months to finish this course. When will you have to return to


W: I’ll be returning to London in the coming December.

M: Will you be attending school at that time?

W: Yes, I have to continue my lessons at college in London.

M: What do you major in at your college?


W: I major in architecture. This is one of the reasons why I want to know more about

Chinese culture.

M: OK. I quite understand and I think you’ll gain a lot in our summer course.


17. What is the woman going to learn in the summer course?

18. When will the woman go back to London?

Questions 19 and 20 are based on the following conversation.

M: Hi, Catherine. How are you getting along these days ?

W: Hi, Clive. I’m very busy and a bit nervous.

M: You have to find a way to relax yourself although your application interview is

near at hand.

W: Yes, I must. How do you relax yourself in your spare time?

M: Oh, I help in the school library, which I enjoy very much. I find it very interesting.

W: This is really a good chance. I usually spend my free time chatting with friends.

M: Most girls like chatting. I like reading. That’s why I choose to help in the library.

W: I see. How much time do you spend on reading?

M: About two hours every evening. If there were not so much homework, I would

read more.

W: Really? What sort of books do you like?

M: Well, my favorites are the ones with lots of mystery and action in them.

W: Oh, me too.

M: That’s good. There are some newly-published books in the library. Shall I borrow

some for you next week?

W: That would be great. Thank you very much!

Questions: 19. What is the woman’s way of relaxing herself according to the dialogue?20. Why does the man like to help in the library in his spare time?

B24-26 模拟试卷二



11-14 CBBB 15-17 CDA 18-20 CDD

21. whether 22. to memorize 23. a 24. it 25. lost

26. as 27. living 28. had stored 29. could 30. from



56-58 CCA 59-62 DDCB 63-66 CACD 67-70 CFDA

A summary for reference:

According to a study done by Swedish researchers, chocolate can help reduce

men’s risk of suffering a stroke by about one-sixth. The antioxidant contained in

chocolate is beneficial to cardiovascular health. However, the lower stroke risk in

these people could also be due to their relatively healthy lifestyles. Experts advise that

chocolate be consumed in moderation.


1. There is no need to worry unnecessarily/have unnecessary anxiety.

2. Please remind me to attend the meeting on environmental protection.

3. More and more people have realized/have come to realize that it is not difficulties

but their lack of confidence that usually defeats them.

4. The sudden power failure left the whole city in dark, but provided people with the

rare opportunity to appreciate the shining/sparkling/twinkling stars in the night sky.

听力原文:I. Listening comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper,

and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. W: What time does the bus leave?

M: Not until 8:30, but I want to get to the bus station by 8:15 in order to get a

good seat.

Q: When will the man’s bus leave?

2. M: Is June the hottest month in Shanghai?


W: No, as a matter of fact, the month that follows.

Q: Which month is the hottest in Shanghai?

3. M: When will we get back home?

W: Well, now it’s just eight. We can make it in about two hours, I think.

Q: What time will they get home?

4. W: I have been waiting here for almost half an hour.

M: I am sorry. I had driven two blocks before I found a place to park the car.

Q: What can we learn from this conversation?

5. W: Why are you so late? I thought you had changed your mind.

M: My bicycle had a flat tyre and I had to walk.

Q: Why was the man delayed?

6. M: I think you should have a single room reserved for me. My name is Jack


W: Yes, Mr Smith, we’ll put you in Room 204.

Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

7. W: I’m getting absolutely nowhere with these physics problems.

M: How about my going through them with you?

Q: What does the man mean?

8. W: Don’t wolf down your lunch. It’s not good for you.

M: OK, Mom, but the boys will be here any minute, and I don’t want to miss the


Q: What did the woman ask her son not to do?

9. W: Heavens! Please be careful. You almost hit the other car.

M: Did you see him cut in right in front of me?

Q: What’s the man probably doing?

10. M: I thought you were going out dancing this evening.

W: I was, but I cancelled my plans because Catherine came down with a


Q: What happened to Catherine?

Section B


Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and

passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s)

and passage(s). The conversation(s) and passage(s) will be read twice, but the

questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible

answers on your paper, and decide which one would be the best answer to the

question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 14 are based on the following passage.

It was a big job, but somebody had to do it, said editors at the U.S.-based food

website The Daily Meal. So they set out to recognize Asia’s top 101 restaurants.

It took the website six months to make the list, which included restaurants in 25

cities, such as Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo.

Din Tai Fung, a dumpling eatery in Taipei, took the top spot on the list. It is

known internationally for its soup dumplings. Editorial director of The Daily Meal,

Colman Andrews, said they finally chose a place best-known for “doing one thing

perfectly.” They knew their selection of the restaurant might cause some

disagreement, Andrews added.

Meanwhile, Mainland China topped the list with 28 restaurants and 21 of them,

including half of the top ten, were in Beijing.

Making such a list was a very big challenge for all kinds of reasons, said

Andrews. “The number of excellent restaurants in that whole vast region is just

extraordinary. Japan, for example, has more Michelin three-star places than France,”

he said.

To arrive at the final list of “101 Best Restaurants in Asia,” the editors sought

nominations from many different sources. Then people including food critics, writers

and long-term foreign residents in Asia voted to select the top 101 from 300


Andrews said they chose to list top Asia restaurants partly because almost

everyone in America loves Asian food of some kind.


11. How many cities are covered by The Daily Meal’s list?

12. Why was Din Tai Fung given the top spot on the list?


13. Which of the following groups didn’t help picking the top 101 restaurants from all

the nominees?

14. What can we learn from the passage?

Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage.

The Golden Gate Bridge joins the beautiful city of San Francisco with the

suburbs to the north. Each day about 100,000 automobiles cross the bridge, taking

people to and from the city. More than half of them cross the bridge during the

morning and evening rush hour. When traffic is so heavy the trip is not pleasant. Now,

however, there is at least one group of happy commuters. These are the people who

travel under the bridge instead of on it. They go to work by boat and enjoy it so much

that most of them say they will never go by car again. The ferry they take is spacious,

quiet and comfortable. Commuters can enjoy the sun on the deck. In the morning they

can have breakfast in the coffee shop. And in the evening they can order a drink in the

bar while looking at the beautiful scenery. The trip takes only 30 minutes and is not

very costly. Best of all, being on a boat seems to make people more friendly toward

each other. There has already been a marriage of two commuters who met on the

ferry. Because the ferry has been so successful, there are plans to use other still larger

boats. There is a proposal for a high speed boat that will make the trip in only 15

minutes. But not everyone is happy about that. A lot of people feel that half an hour is

just enough time to relax.


11. According to the passage, how do commuters feel about crossing the Golden Gate

Bridge by car?

12. What does the speaker say about ferry commuters?

13. How do commuters respond to plans for the future of the ferry?

Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following passage.

M: Julie, I have an urgent meeting to go to. Can you write a memo for me?

W: Sure. Who’s the memo for?

M: It’s for all staff of the Marketing Department.


W: So the memo is form the Marketing Manager to all staff of the Marketing


M: That’s right, and the subject is Sales Conference in Shanghai.

W: OK, is the memo to be sent today?

M: Yes.

W: So the date is 15 November 2016.

M: The conference is to be held on 13 December. It is going to be held at Jin Jiang

Hotel in Shanghai.

W: 13-15th December, Jin Jiang Hotel. So it’s J-i-n J-i-a-n-g Hotel.

M: That’s right. The company is sending two staff members of the Marketing

Department to the conference and will pay for all the expenses.

W: Okay. I’ll type it out now and you can sign it after your meeting.

M: Thanks!


14. What is probably the man?

15. When will the meeting be held?

16. Who will attend the meeting?

B27-29 模拟试卷三


11-13 BAC 14-16 BCB 17-18 CA 19-20 CD

21. whose 22. to shape 23. with 24. into 25. because

26. that 27. composed 28. was introduced 29. Paying 30. being



56-59 CDCD 60-62 CCA 63-66 DBCB 60-70 ECFB

A summary for reference:

One afternoon last October, James Vernon was monitoring a youth chess club

meeting when Dustin Brown rushed in, threatening to kill somebody. When James

kept talking to Dustin, Sandy Rassi had the kids leave the classroom. Finding the

room empty, Dustin got angry and attacked James with the knives. Finally, though


injured, James brought Dustin under control.


1. The moment you receive the letter, you will know the whole story of the incident.

2. Stepping/heading into adulthood/Becoming an adult means that you should be

responsible for/take responsibility for what you have done, (and that you should be)

independent of your parents.

3. Complicated/Complex as some problems (may) seem, they will be settled/worked

out/solved at last/eventually if we have enough confidence and perseverance.

4. The central government’s anti-corruption campaign so far has raised public

confidence in the country’s future, which has really injected positive energy into the

whole society.

听力原文:Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper,

and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. M: Excuse me, Can you help me? I’m looking for the Main Hall.

W: I think it’s in the administration building. Are you a freshman?

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

2. W: Do you think I have a chance of proving my case?

M: Definitely, and we are going to charge him with injury.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

3. M: This is Morris. Actually I have a bit of sore tooth and I wonder if Dr Green will

be available tomorrow morning.

W: I am afraid he’s booked tomorrow. Is it OK if I put you in at 9 a.m. the day after


Q: Why did the man make the phone call?

4. M: Professor Kennedy has been busy this semester. He works till midnight every


W: I wouldn’t have troubled him so much if I had known he was busy.


Q: What can we learn about the woman?

5. W: Shall we have a game of table tennis?

M: We need one more person to make up a four if we are going to play double.

Q: How many persons are there now?

6. M: How did your class do in the math test?

W: No one got over sixty.

Q: What does the woman mean?

7. M: Did you mind coming back by coach instead of by train?

W: No, we didn’t mind at all. It took a lot longer, but it was comfortable and much


Q: How did the woman feel about coming back by coach?

8. W: Do you know that Mark turned down that job offered by the Kid’s Art


M: Yeah, the hours were convenient but he was afraid that he was unable to make

ends meet.

Q: Why did Mark refuse to take the job?

9. M: I’d like to place a call to Bonn, Germany. How much does it cost?

W: Ten dollars for the first three minutes and three dollars for each additional


Q: How much should the man pay for a six-minute call?

10. W: Professor Smith caught some students cheating on the final exam and failed

them right then and there.

M: Serve them right. I don’t sympathize with anyone trying to pass that way.

Q: What is the man’s attitude toward the professor’s action?

Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.


Don’t throw away your empty bottles. People in Beijing can now exchange them

for money to charge their public IC cards.

Last week, machines looking like ATMs showed up in some stations on subway

line 10 in Beijing. They can take in empty bottles and cans, recognize, compress and

store them. A 300 milliliter bottle is worth five fen, a 500 milliliter bottle worth one

jiao. When people throw their bottles in, they can choose to donate the money or

charge to their transport cards. One of these machines can take in 300 to 400 bottles.

“It will be as easy to use as an ATM,” said an employee of the operating

company. “We hope to put one at every station on subway line 10 and later include

other lines, bus stops, schools and residential areas.”


11. What is the function of the new machines?

12. How can people deal with the money?

13. Where are the machines unlikely to be seen in the future?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

Students who want an easy way to get information about colleges in the United

States can visit a website like It brings together virtual campus

tours and interactive maps of more than twelve hundred colleges and universities. The

site plans to add an international database for schools in other countries.

CampusTours recently celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. The president of the

company, Chris Carson, says more than one hundred and twenty thousand foreign

students use the site each year. They make up about fifteen percent of the traffic on

the site.

Chris Carson and several of his friends started CampusTours in nineteen ninety-

seven. They noticed that many websites with campus tours were heavy with text and

lacked much visual material.

The virtual tours allow students to get a sense of how a college looks. There are

also links to official websites and online applications. And there are details like price,

number of students, admission requirements and sports programs.

But Chris Carson says students should never depend on a third-party website like

CampusTours to choose a college. He advises parents and students to contact a school


directly. In fact, he says contacting a school might even lead to a free visit. In some

cases, if the student is a good enough student or is a special case, they will sometimes

pay for travel to get the student to come to campus. That’s a little known fact.


14. How many students use the site each year?

15. How is CampusTours different from other websites with campus tours?

16. What is Chris Carson’s suggestion for choosing a college?

Questions 17 through 18 are based on the following conversation.

W: Would you fashion a cotton dustcoat for me, please?

M: Do you have a particular style in mind? We’ve got some pictures of the latest

fashion journal. Would you like to take a look?

W: OK. I think this purple design is my best choice. But can you make some


M: Where are the changes?

W: I prefer six buttons in the front, two pockets only on the left.

M: No problem, May I take your measurement?

W: Sure. Please don’t make it too tight. I think it is for autumn wear, so make sure

you allow for a thin sweater underneath.

M: I see. I’ll give you lots of space around the chest and make it a bit close around

the waist so you will feel comfortable.

W: And would you please make sure that there is enough room for me to raise my


M: Of course, as you wish.

W: When will it be ready for trying on?

M: Next Tuesday. That is Han. 15th.

W: And what’s your charge for the tailoring?

M: You have to pay 650 yuan for a dustcoat like this.


17. Where probably are the two speakers?

18. What kind of dustcoat does the woman want?


Questions 19 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

M: Excuse me, I want to know what’s happening about my plane.

W: Could I have your ticket please? Yes, here, Ah, Flight CA506 to Beijing has been

delayed due to technical problems.

M: Well, what does that mean? Is it going to leave today?

W: Oh, I’m sorry. We’re not sure.

M: Look, I’ve already waited two hours. Can’t I know how much longer I have to


W: Well, we are looking for another aircraft to replace it, but there is bad weather in

the south of the country, so we haven’t yet found one that can take off.

M: So, what do you intend to do with us?

W: Oh, we are just about to serve dinner. So if you wait in the boarding lounge, you

will be given something to eat.

M: But if you can’t find another plane this evening, what will happen?

W: In that case we will take you to a hotel for the night.

M: Will the airline pay for that?

W: Yes, of course we will cover the transport costs and the hotel expenses including

the meals.

M: I really need to get to Beijing tonight as I have a plane out to Germany tomorrow

morning. Isn’t there another airline I could travel with?

W: Not this evening, I’m afraid. That was the last flight to Beijing from here.

M: Well, what do you think the chances are of you finding a replacement plane


W: Well, we are doing our best, sir. I think if we can’t get one tonight, you will

definitely be able to fly early in the morning.

M: Do you think I could be in Beijing by 10:30?

W: Oh, yes, I’m sure we can get a plane by seven o’clock and that would get you

there in time.

M: Well, I suppose there’s nothing I can do except keep my fingers crossed.

W: Yes, please try to be patient, sir.


19. What has happened to Flight CA506?


20. Why is the man so worried?

B30-32 模拟试卷四


11-13 BCD 14-16 CDC 17-18 AD 19-20 BC

21. an 22. behind 23. owns 24. it 25. where 26. predicted

27. Although/Though 28. To promote 29. showing 30. was released



56-59 BCAD 60-62 DCC 63-66 CCAA 67-70 EBCA

A summary for reference:

Natalie was an 14-year-old girl whose hometown Rockaway was severely hit by

Hurricane Sandy. Inspired by the volunteers, Natalie joined the action to help restore

their hometown. By creating an online information sharing platform, she helped many

survivors in need, which earned her social recognition. Natalie has great confidence in

the restoration of her neighborhood.


1. They had been married for years before they bought the house.

2. This movie is worth seeing a hundred times as it reminds people of their happy

childhood. / This movie, which reminds people of their happy childhood, won’t lose

its appeal even after it has been seen a hundred times.

3. Over the past one thousand years, the lifestyle of this small town has not

experienced many changes, which is/serves as a museum showing ancient


4. College students spend most of their time studying/on their academic subjects,

and it is not until they start looking for a job that they realize they lack necessary job

training. / …, and not until they start looking for a job do they realize they lack

necessary job training.


I. Listening Comprehension

Section A


Direction: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.

At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The

conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

conversation and the questions about it, read the four possible answers on your

paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. M: Do you remember the wonderful film on space exploration we watched together

last month?

W: Sure. It’s actually the most impressive one I’ve ever seen on that topic.

Q: What do we learn about the speakers?  

2. W: Wow, what a variety of salads you’ve got on your menu. Could you recommend

something special?

M: Well, I think you can try this mixed salad. We make the dressing with fresh


Q: What is the most possible relationship between the two speakers?

3. W: How are the kids at swimming?

M: They’re doing just fine. I ask them to swim 500 meters each day. That’s 20

lengths of the swimming pool.

Q: How long is the swimming pool?

4. W: I’m considering having my study redecorated. The furniture is old and the paint

has come off.

M: I’ll give you my sister-in-law’s number. She just graduated from an interior

designing academy.

Q: What does the man mean?

5. M: Look! The curtain is going up slowly, and all the lights on the stage are lit up!

W: Yeah, the play is about to start. Oh, something caught my sleeve. Give me a hand

please, Mary.

Q: Where are the two speakers now?

6. W: When do you have time to discuss our project on water pollution? I think we

have to make some revisions.

M: I’m free at 3 o’clock this afternoon. But what exactly needs to be changed?

Q: What are they going to do this afternoon?

7. W: Have you saved enough money for a trip to Okinawa?


M: Not even close. I can hardly make both ends meet since I moved out of my

parents’ house.

Q: What does the man mean?

8. M: Congratulations! I heard you received a prize for your book.

W: Thanks. Actually, I was happy just to get the book published. Winning the prize

was an added bonus.

Q: What can be learned about the conversation?

9. M: You took a literary course this term, didn’t you? What do you think of it?

W: Well, the trouble is that I never get through the weekly reading list though some

books are quite interesting.

Q: What does the woman mean?

10. W: Mike told me yesterday that he had been looking in vain for a job in the

Hopkins Hospital.

M: What a shame. If I remember it right, he could have a chance to work there if he

had obtained a medical license two years ago.

Q: What does the man say about Mike?  

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several short passages and longer

conversations, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The

passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you

hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one

would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Laughter research has found that only a small percentage of laughter, less than

20%, is a sincere response to someone’s humor. In fact, laughter is primarily a social

signal, as opposed to an emotional outburst.

People are 30 times more likely to laugh in a group setting than when they are

alone, leading observers to conclude laughter has a primarily social function. For

instance, there’s “polite” laughter just to show kindness. How often have you found

yourself laughing at someone’s jokes because they are really funny? Maybe you just

do it to spare their embarrassment and make them feel good.


Research has also found that women tend to laugh a good deal more than men.

And male speakers tend to elicit more laughter than female speakers. Employees tend

to laugh more at their boss’s jokes than that of a newcomer. Laughter may very well

be a sign of power dynamics between people, signaling dominance and submission,

acceptance and rejection. It’s more than a mere expression of inner emotion.

Certainly, that seems to be the case when someone is laughing at you rather than with



11. What makes observers draw the conclusion that laughter is primarily social?

12. What’s the difference between men and women in terms of laughter?

13. What is this passage mainly talking about?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

Good afternoon, everyone! Welcome to our program today. I’m Wilson, your old

friend. As winter is approaching, I think maybe today I’ll tell you something that

might warm your heart in this cold weather.

There are an estimated 100,000 homeless people living in the Indian capital of

Delhi. A few temporary cinemas are providing some basic entertainment and

relaxation in the hardship of their lives. They have become a place to socialize and

relax. Regular visitors who settle down for a good film include migrant laborers and

drivers. This kind and generous project are warmly welcomed by most below-average

citizens who can’t afford to go for a film. Thanks to these transient cinemas, the living

standard of lower classes has been slightly improved.

Even more romantic is what an English poet Chris did recently in Exmoor, a city

in the U.K. He laid several empty boxes randomly around the street corners of the city

and asked the public to leave poems inside anonymously. Inspired by the beautiful

landscape, daily routines, beloved people and other seemingly common yet poetic

things, 6,000 people wrote verses. Chris says most people would be frightened if they

were told to write a poem but he told me that here in the open, with no pressure, they

felt more confident and creative. People lose themselves in the big world but find

poetry in the small box.



14. Who are the frequent visitors of temporary cinemas?

15. Why wouldn’t these people write poems before the poem boxes were set?

16. According to the speaker, what do the two reports have in common?

Questions 17 through 18 are based on the following conversation.

W: Michael, tell me about your first week in school!

M: The first week is Shopping Week.

W: Shopping Week?

M: I mean, in this week you can go to any class as you want and see whether you

want to take that class. It’s like doing a campus shopping.

W: That’s wonderful. But why do you call it Shopping Week since you are not

actually “buying” classes?

M: We call it Shopping Week because during this period, the whole university is like

a market. Students come and go. It’s bustling with noise and excitement.

W: Sounds interesting. But is it feasible? I mean you may not have enough time to go

to every class.

M: We don’t have to sit through the whole class. If I feel that the class doesn’t

interest me and is boring, I just leave.

W: What if the professors feel angry?

M: They’ve experienced a lot of things like this; they won’t mind. No professor can

ask students to stay quietly in the first week.

W: You mean you can arrange your own classes according to your own taste without

offending professors? Cool!

M: That’s true, but it’s also a big challenge to be the master of your own, and

students begin to get down to business in the second week. Studying at Harvard is by

no means a piece of cake.

W: That’s for sure, or it will not be Harvard!


17. Why do Harvard students call the first week Shopping Week?

18. What will a Harvard professor do if a student leaves his class in the first week?

Questions 19 through 20 are based on the following conversation.


W: I notice that there are plenty of beautiful bridges in Cambridge; for example,

Clare College Bridge, the oldest of the university’s current bridges.

M: Quite true. It survives as the oldest because all its contemporaries were destroyed

in the Civil War, to make the town of Cambridge more defensible.

W: So, you mean by destroying bridges to cut off enemies’ route to this town, right?

M: Exactly, but personally I think the Bridge of Sighs is more impressive.

W: But why is such a lovely bridge called the Bridge of Sighs?

M: There are various versions about its special name. Some say that the strict

graduate examination of the University of Cambridge which failed countless students

despite their diligence would bring them up to the bridge.

W: That sounds logical, but I’m curious about the other versions.

M: Some claim that students who break the university’s rules have to reflect upon

thei misbehavior on the bridge. Some say this bridge was named after the Bridge of

Sighs in Venice, upon which some prisoners would sigh at their final view of the

beautiful city before being taken down to their jails. Still some others believe that the

bridge got its name from Lord Byron who lost his lover and jumped off the bridge to

commit suicide.

W: Wow, the stories of Cambridge’s bridges are beyond imagination. I really hope I

can learn more about them in the future.


19. Why is Clare College Bridge the remaining bridge with the longest history?

20. Which might be one of the explanations for how the Bridge of Sighs got its name?