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Βαϊανός ΩΡΑΙΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ-ΚΕΛΕΝΗΣ, Προϊστάμενος Γρφ. ΟΕΥ Σύδνεϋ

MAΪOΣ 2016




Australian Window Associationhttp://www.awa.org.au

Οι τεχνικές προδιαγραφές για την εγκατάσταση παραθυρικών κουφωμάτων αλουμινίου στην Αυστραλιανή αγορά ελέγχονται από τον Φορέα ”AWA” του οποίου η κατηγοριοποίηση αφορά τόσο τις οικιστικού όσο και τις εμπορικού χαρακτήρα κατασκευές.

Το γενικό ποιοτικό πρότυπο που υιοθετείται εδράζει στη φιλοσοφία “WERS: Windows Energy Rating Sysyem” και κατηγοριοποιείται “commercial” / “residential”.

Το σοβαρότερο πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζουν στην Αυστραλιανή αγορά οι Ελληνικές εξαγωγές είναι οι καθυστερήσεις των φορτίων από Ελλάδα καθώς και το μεγάλο διάστημα που απαιτείται για το διαμετακομιστικό εμπόριο (περίπου τέσσερις εβδομάδες), με αποτέλεσμα η χρονική υστέρηση να έχει κόστος για τους κατασκευαστές που αναθέτουν τα εν λόγω έργα στους Έλληνες εργολάβους.

Από πλευράς Ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων που έχουν μέχρι στγμής συνάψει εδώ συνεργασίες με επιτόπιους συνεργάτες είναι η ΑΛΟΥΜΥΛ, η EUROPA, η ΕΛΒΑΛ, η EUROLINE και η PROFILCO.

Παράλληλα μία εταιρεία έχει πλήρως δραστηριοποιηθεί στην περιοχή της Νέας Νοτίου Ουαλίας, η ελληνικών συμφερόντων ECODPB/ECODESIGNPROVIDEBUILD.

Τα ελληνικά κουφώματα αλουμινίου θεωρούνται από τα ποιοτικότερα στη διεθνή αγορά και σαφώς υπερτερούν έναντι των ανταγωνιστών και κυρίως των Κινεζικών επιχειρήσεων. Σοβαρότεροι ανταγωνιστές από τη ΛΔ της Κίνας είναι οι εταιρείες: JenHoon, Yintec και Yuanda οι οποίες συνεργάζονται με Αυστραλούς κατασκευαστές (fabricators).


Υιοθετούνται τα ακόλουθα πρότυπα:



What is WERSThe Window Energy Rating Scheme enables windows to be rated and labelled for their annual energy impact on a whole house, in any climate of Australia. To participate in WERS, window makers must obtain energy ratings for their products from a rating organisation that is accredited by the AFRC (Australian Fenestration Rating Council). WERS is independent of any one manufacturer and acts as a fair, rigorous and credible system for testing performance claims. WERS-rated windows must meet all relevant Australian standards. The scheme forms part of the quality assurance that smart manufacturers offer their customers. It is all about certified performance. The Window Energy Rating Scheme is managed by the Australian Window Association (AWA). To realise their full potential, WERS ratings are designed to 'plug in' to NatHERS, Australia's Nationwide House Energy Rating Software. Similarly, the FirstRate house energy rating software from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Victoria will accept data for 'real' windows. This enables designers to 'kick the tyres' of different windows during a rating before final selection is made.

About WERS

The Window Energy Rating Scheme rates whole of window product energy efficiency performance:The Window Energy Rating Scheme enables windows to be rated and labeled for their annual energy impact on a whole house, in any climate of Australia. A New Zealand variant of WERS, the 'Window Efficiency Rating Scheme', is also available. To participate in WERS, window makers must obtain energy ratings for their products from a rating organisation that is accredited by the AFRC (Australian Fenestration Rating Council).The Window Energy Rating Scheme is managed by the Australian Window Association (AWA): WERS is independent of any one manufacturer and acts as a fair, rigorous and credible system for testing performance claims. WERS-rated windows must meet all relevant Australian standards. The scheme forms part of the quality assurance that smart manufacturers offer their customers. It is all about certified performance. To realise their full potential, WERS ratings are designed to 'plug in' to NatHERS, Australia's Nationwide House Energy Rating Software. Similarly, the FirstRate house energy rating software from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Victoria will accept data for 'real' windows. This enables designers to 'kick the tyres' of different windows during a rating before final selection is made. Why You Should Choose Energy Rated Windows Energy Rating for windows is here to stay. The federal government's Australian Greenhouse Office helped to underwrite WERS as part of its commitment to improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the built environment. Home resale value, comfort and amenity are improved by the use of high-performance windows. We have moved from an industry traditionally considered as providing a commodity building material to be sold on price alone into offering true consumer goods viewed as performance appliances for energy, noise and security. WERS conforms to the alternative solution path for energy efficiency within the Building Code of Australia.How Custom Energy Ratings Are Produced: The information needed to generate a WERS rating is furnished on a commercial-in-confidence basis to the rating agency by the manufacturer. This takes the form of drawings, computer CAD files and material specifications for the window components. Most windows can be rated entirely by a two-stage process of computer simulation. This is the preferred and most economical option. The computer modelling software is the same as that used by the U.S. National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). It has been thoroughly validated against laboratory tests in all climates, hot and cold. WERS is truly international in its heritage and draws on over 100 person-years of


research and development in 15 countries over the last decade. Occasionally, unusual or complex products may need to be measured by physical testing to establish their basic thermal behaviour. After initial modelling or testing, a second stage of computer simulation follows using NatHERS, from which the final WERS rating is generated.History: The technical basis of the Window Energy Rating Scheme was established in 1995 under contract by Unisearch Ltd at the University of New South Wales. The foundation work was carried out by Dr. Peter Lyons and PC Thomas in the Solarch group of the UNSW Faculty of the Built Environment. Software assistance and the interface to the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) was provided by CSIRO Division of Building Construction and Engineering. Funding was provided by the then Residential Window Association, the then Flat Glass Association of Australia and the research arm of Pacific Power.

Frequently Asked Questions

• What is a U-value or U-factor?• What is the difference between R-value and U-value?• What does Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient (SHGC) mean?• What is Visible Transmittance (VT)?• What is the difference between ANAC and NFRC ratings, and which one should I use?• Why do I need the air infiltration figure from my AS2047 test report for an energy rating?• What is Condensation Resistance (CR)?• What is considered a standard aluminium window frame?• What is considered a thermally improved aluminium window frame?• What is considered a thermally broken aluminium window frame?• What is spectrally selective glazing?• What effect does the window type have on energy performance?• Are there any recommendations I should consider to deliver comfort to my customer?

Energy Efficient Windows

Beautiful windows are possibly the most complex and interesting elements in the fabric of our homes.They provide light and fresh air, and offer views that connect our interior living spaces with the great outdoors. However, ordinary windows can also represent a major source of unwanted heat gain in summer and significant heat loss in winter. Today, remarkable new framing and glazing materials have changed the energy performance of windows in a radical way. Energy efficient windows will make your home more comfortable, dramatically reduce your energy costs and help to create a brighter, cleaner, healthier environment. To enable the selection of high performance in different areas of Australia, WERS has split the country into three main areas that each require different window properties to achieve the best results. The map below shows these three main areas.


Cooling Climate ZonesThe priority in a cooling climate is to keep unwanted heat out of the home. In order of decreasing importance, unwanted heat gain takes three forms; radiant heat gain, conducted heat gain and infiltration of hot outside air. In a cooling climate (tropical, subtropical or hot arid), coloured red on the map, the best results are obtained from windows that limit solar heat gain on all orientations (low solar heat gain coefficient). Although the first two climates are frequently humid while the last one is not, they can all subject the home to the risk of overheating at any time of the year. Good insulation (a low U-value) is also beneficial, especially if the home is air-conditioned.When selecting a window product from WERS, look for products with a high cooling Star Rating.Radiant Heat GainRadiant heat gain occurs when solar energy is transmitted through the glass. In addition, some solar energy enters indirectly. This occurs when the glass (and frame) are exposed to sunlight and heat up. Some of this heat is transferred inside by conduction and convection (air currents). The best way to stop radiant solar heat gain is to shade the glass, but this is not always possible. In addition, shading systems sometimes interfere with the view, reduce natural light, inhibit ventilation or add cost to the window system. Every situation is unique. An alternative is to select a window with a built-in, low solar heat gain coefficient. Under WERS, windows with more than three cooling stars have a low solar heat gain coefficient. A poor cooling star rating tells us that the window, on its own, 'needs help' to reduce solar heat gain. A good cooling rating implies the window reduces solar heat gain very substantially and may need no further shading treatment. Note that even in a heating climate, it may be desirable to specify a good 'cooling' window if the orientation is to the west and the window is large. However, for other elevations, the guidelines for that climate type should be followed.Conducted Heat GainTo reduce unwanted conducted heat gain in a cooling climate, a window with a low U-value is desirable, especially if the house is air-conditioned. The best 'cooling' windows have low U-values as well as low solar heat gain coefficients. If in doubt, look for a low U-value on the WERS certificate. Insulating glass units (IGUs) with some sort of low-e coating and an argon gas fill between the panes give the lowest U-values: as low; as 1.8, compared with at least 5 in the case of a single-glazed clear window. A frame with a low U-value assists in reducing the whole-window U-value. Frames that use thermal breaks or other improvements, or timber or uPVC frames, outperform standard aluminium windows. This performance difference shows up in the WERS stars.Infiltration Heat GainThe final way that unwanted heat enters the home is through gaps and cracks around sashes and frames. When a window is shut it should be shut. WERS-rated windows must satisfy Australian Standard AS 2047 for air infiltration performance. Most easily exceed it and achieve air leakage figures below 1 litre per second per square metre of window area. Look for windows with good weather seals. Traditionally,


those with 'compression' seals, as fitted to awning and casement windows, tended to have superior long-term infitration performance. However, recent advances in some sliding window seals have reduced the gap.

Mixed Climate ZonesThe priority in a mixed climate is to keep heat out of the home, except during a relati vely mild winter season, when 'free' solar heat gain and retention of warmth in the house become important. Heat gain or loss takes three forms; radiant heat transfer, conductive heat transfer and heat transfer via air infiltration. Ideally, mixed climates call for strong solar control on east and west windows, but deliberate use of free sunlight admitted by northerly windows. This means different glazing solutions. In a mixed climate (temperate), coloured green on the map, the best results are obtained from windows that insulate well (low U-value), admit plenty of free solar energy (high solar heat gain coefficient) on the north during cooler months, but limit solar heat gain from the east and west (low solar heat gain coefficient). Ideally, northerly windows should be protected by correctly sized eaves. This will provide protection from summertime heat and glare while still allowing sun penetration in winter. When selecting a window product from WERS, look for products with a balanced heating and cooling Star Rating.Radiant Heat TransferRadiant heat gain occurs when solar energy is transmitted through the glass. In addition, some solar energy enters indirectly. This occurs when the glass (and frame) are exposed to sunlight and heat up. Some of this heat is transferred inside by conduction and convection (air currents). On the east and west, the best way to stop radiant solar heat gain is to shade the glass, but this is not always possible. In addition, shading systems sometimes interfere with the view, reduce natural light, inhibit ventilation or add cost to the window system. Every situation is unique. An easier alternative is to select a window with at least four cooling stars - that is, follow the guidelines for a cooling climate. To the north, the windows should be shaded in summer by correctly sized eaves. To maximise the benefit of free heat from the winter sun, look for windows with at least three heating stars. In other words, follow the guidelines for a heating climate. This will also ensure that beneficial winter sun is admitted.Conducted Heat TransferIn a mixed climate, windows with at least four heating stars, on all sides of the house, will ensure that unwanted heat losses or gains are minimised. This means the windows must have a low U-value. Insulating glass units (IGUs) with some sort of low-e coating and an argon gas fill between the panes give the lowest U-values; as low as 1.8, compared with at least 5 in the case of a single-glazed clear window. A frame with a low U-value assists in reducing the whole-window U-value. Frames that use thermal breaks or composite metal / timber (wood) design, or timber or uPVC frames, outperform standard aluminium windows. This performance difference shows up in the WERS stars.Infiltration Heat TransferThe final way that heat enters or leaves the home is through gaps and cracks around sashes and frames. When a window is shut it should be shut. WERS-rated windows must satisfy Australian Standard AS 2047 for air infiltration performance. Most easily exceed it and achieve air leakage figures below 1 litre per second per square metre of window area. Look for windows with good weather seals. Traditionally, those with 'compression' seals, as fitted to awning and casement windows, tended to have superior long-term infitration performance. However, recent advances in some sliding window seals have reduced the gap.

Heating Climate ZonesThe priority in a heating climate is to retain heat in the home and maximise the use of 'free' solar energy in winter. Heat transfer takes three forms; radiant heat transfer, conducted heat transfer and heat transfer by infiltration of outside air. In a heating climate (alpine and cool temperate), coloured blue on the map, the best results are obtained from windows that insulate well (low U-value) and admit plenty of free solar energy (high solar heat gain coefficient). In a cold region, large west-facing windows may contribute to short-term overheating in summer, but glazing with a low solar heat gain coefficient must be used with caution on the west because of the energy penalty it causes over the rest of the year. When selecting a window product from WERS look for products with a high heating Star Rating.Radiant Heat GainRadiant heat gain occurs when solar energy is transmitted through the glass. In addition, some solar energy enters indirectly. This occurs when the glass (and frame) are exposed to sunlight and heat up.


Some of this heat is transferred inside by conduction and convection (air currents). To the north, the windows should be shaded in summer by correctly sized eaves. To maximise the benefit of free heat from the winter sun, look for windows with at least four heating stars. This will also ensure that beneficial winter sun is admitted and heat loss is minimised. Note that occasionally in a heating climate, it may be desirable to specify a good 'cooling' window if the orientation is to the west and the window is large. However for other elevations, the guidelines for a heating climate should be followed strictly.Conducted Heat LossIn a heating climate, windows with at least four heating stars, on all sides of the house, will ensure that unwanted heat losses or gains are minimised. This means the windows must have a low U-value. Insulating glass units (IGUs) with some sort of low-e coating and an argon gas fill between the panes give the lowest U-values; as low as 1.8, compared with at least 5 in the case of a single-glazed clear window. A frame with a low U-value assists in reducing the whole-window U-value. Frames that use thermal breaks or composite metal / timber (wood) design, or timber or uPVC frames, outperform standard aluminium windows. This performance difference shows up in the WERS stars.Infiltration Heat LossThe final way that heat leaves a home is through gaps and cracks around sashes and frames. When a window is shut it should be shut. WERS-rated windows must satisfy Australian Standard AS 2047 for air infiltration performance. Most easily exceed it and achieve air leakage figures below 1 litre per second per square metre of window area. Look for windows with good weather seals. Traditionally, those with 'compression' seals, as fitted to awning and casement windows, tended to have superior long-term infitration performance. However, recent advances in some sliding window seals have reduced the gap.

How To Select WindowsHow to Select a Window for Your Climate Zone: As Australia is a wide and diverse country it can be difficult to select the best window for your climate. For this reason the Australian Window Association (AWA) and the Australian Glass and Glazing Association (AGGA) are developing an industry-wide strategy to deliver more sustainable residential buildings through energy-efficient windows and doors. The SWA project has run over 4000 simulations in all eight BCA climate zones in three house types with a wide range of windows to show the impact of high performance windows on the energy efficiency or star rating of the home. All results have been peer reviewed by a panel of Australian and International scientists. From the SWA project there have been three Simple Guides to Window Selection Developed. These guides focus on providing the information to allow you to select the best windows your climate. The three guides cover heating areas (BCA Climate zones 6, 7 & 8), cooling areas (BCA Climate zones 1, 2 & 3) and mixed areas (BCA Climate zones 4 & 5).

BCA Climate Zone Map - Courtesy of ABCB

How to Select a Window for an Energy ReportNationally, there are a wide range of energy simulation tools and processes however they all have the same purpose, that being to maximise the efficient use of the home. Energy Reports specify the


materials and design characteristics to be used in the construction of the building. With respect to windows, the report will specify any number of given performance levels to meet.What is needed to comply? The report will list one or many values for windows, these being U value and SHGC. In order to comply the window system must perform to the set parameters. It's important to note, that these values are 'whole window values', not glass alone. When looking for a U value, it's important to find a window with a U value Lower than or equal to specified. The SHGC must be within 10% of the set value. For help searching for windows, visit our advanced search engine which has these calculations and many more features built in.Does the material or glazing specified on the report matter? No, the material or glazing given on the report is used as an indicator to show 'typical' windows in that range. Many window manufacturers have alternative solutions which still achieve the same or better performance values. When looking for a window, search on U value and SHGC to ensure you comply.

How WERS WorksRated windows and skylights display the WERS logo, similar to that shown below. Each rated product has a certificate which certifies that it has been energy rated. The window star ratings for heating and cooling rank the window against alternatives, using a ten-star scale based on 17 'generic' window types. The generic windows range from very low performance to very high performance in heating or cooling. The ratings apply to the effect of the whole window including the relative contributions of glass and frame.Rating Labels: Rated windows carry a label which certifies that the window has been rated by the Australian Window Association. The window's cooling and heating performance is rated separately on a scale of 0 to 10 stars - the more stars, the better. These stars indicate the effect the window will have on the energy performance of the whole house.Certified Accreditation: You should also look for the label below or a WERS Compliance Certificate to certify that your window manufacturer is WERS accredited:

Example of a WERS Label

Window Ratings: To provide consumers with a simple benchmark, a comprehensive range of representative windows has been rated for their energy performance which is illustrated in terms of stars. No stars shows that the window is a very poor performer, 10 stars means excellent performance and a whole new world of energy efficiency and interior comfort. Manufacturers participating in WERS may offer custom rated high performance products which exceed the results shown below. Check the tables to see just how much benefit can be gained from a correctly selected window. In addition, a 10 Star energy rated window will provide significant benefits in noise control and protection from fading. It is important to remember that window placement and site orientation also have an impact on the type of windows required within a house. Your WERS accredited manufacturer can advise you on the right windows to suit your home. Look for the sign that ensures your window manufacturer is WERS accredited.Official Views:


"This Government recognises the important dual role good windows can make in improving quality of life, as well as leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. I am delighted to note the

commitment shown by the window and glass industries to the success of WERS. I look forward to the continued success of this exciting initiative." - Department of the Environment & Heritage

"The Window Energy Rating Scheme is an excellent example of government and industry working in partnership to address the greenhouse problem. The Australian Greenhouse office supports the introduction of the Window Energy Rating Scheme and commends the window industry for helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions." - Australian Greenhouse Office

"Windows remain the make-or-break issue in achieving a good whole-house energy rating. WERS is the

vital source of data for such windows." - Tony Isaccs, Principal Project Leader, Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria.

WERS Compliant Products

Ensuring WERS Compliant Energy Rated Product:

As compliance for energy rated products increases it becomes especially important you are able to ensure that you are purchasing or supplying compliant products.WERS has produced a fact sheet to ensure that your window products are AFRC compliant. This Fact Sheet includes a simple check list to determine if your products are compliant.There are a number of different Product Categories on the WERS website that have different compliance requirements. To ensure that you are receiving compliant product the following is a guide to check that your products can be certified to their performance values.


WERS Custom rated products are certified product that have been simulated to AFRC (Australian Fenestration Rating Council) Protocols and Procedures. They are specific ratings of glass and frame combinations that have been independently simulated and then passed through an audit process by WERS for individual companies.To ensure that the products that you are purchasing are compliant check that the description of the glass (from the WERS Certified Product Directory) matches the quoted glass description. Further the frame description of each product should match the quote description (including frame material type and operator type) from the WERS Certified Products Directory. WERS custom data is solely for use by the individual WERS member.WERS Generic Products: The WERS generic products are a set of generic values developed by WERS for use by WERS members only. These product performance values rely on the pre-certification of these products to the Australian Standard AS2047 (The Design and Installation of Windows). As a part of the certification of these windows there is a requirement for every WERS member to participate in our NATA accredited audit scheme. WERS generic data is solely for WERS members. WERS membership can be verified using the WERS members search or by contacting the WERS Office.WERS Commercial Products: WERS also certifies commercial products (WERS Commercial Certified Products Directory) for use in Section J of the BCA, Volume One. The use of commercially rated products is strictly for use in Section J of the BCA Volume One only. As this is the case to use a product in Volume Two of the BCA (Residential) the product must be listed on the WERS Residential Certified Products Directory.In the case where commercial product is to be used under a residential project and has not been listed on the WERS Residential Certified Products Directory the product must be rated at a residential size. For more information please contact the WERS office.WERS for Film Ratings: To be able to certify WERS energy ratings the film applicator must have a WERS License. The WERS License ensures that the Applicator has undergone training into how to provide advice on the correct use of applied window film to meet energy efficiency goals. To find film applicators with a WERS License or for more information please visit the Window Film Association of Australia and New Zealand at www.wfaanz.org.au.

About Custom Ratings

Accredited organisations wishing to demonstrate the energy efficiency of their products comply with the Window Energy Rating Scheme (WERS). WERS enables windows to be rated and labelled for their annual energy impact on a whole house, in any climate of Australia. The Window Energy Rating Scheme employs a combination of physical testing and computer simulation to generate energy ratings for fenestration products. WERS applies a suite of interlinked procedures including those used by the U.S. National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). As with the NFRC, WERS uses the software tools Window 6, Optics 5 and Therm 6. In addition to the U.S. software, several other ‘downstream', purpose-designed tools have been developed for WERS to process data, calculate performance indicators and create final reports. The tools perform different function according to the type of fenestration product being rated.AFRC Ratings SizesThe WERS scheme operates on three levels to convey information about the energy performance of custom-rated windows and skylights:• Star ratings for heating and cooling• Indicative % reduction in heating and cooling needs• Thermal, solar and optical performance dataMost of the rating data produced by WERS is at the level of the manufactured product and is therefore valid regardless of the final building type the product is employed in. Only the WERS star ratings are building-specific and relate to the annual energy impact of the rated product on a model house. All other WERS rating data is application-independent and can be adjusted and customised for any building type, usage pattern or climate. The data derived is available for public access in the Certified Product Directory tables attached to the member name and allows for easy comparison of windows. The WERS scheme allows manufacturers to assist energy raters, window specifiers and consumers in the selection of the most energy efficient Windows for a home and support those who need to know if the window will enhance or degrade the house in energy and comfort terms. Energy efficient windows offer significant benefits to house owners and occupants. In addition to reducing energy costs and green house gas emissions, a properly selected window plays an important role in improving a homeowner's comfort and well being.Key to Rating Tables:

Column 1: A window ID number, for example Window 14,used as a shorthand to identify each


window in many of the examples given in this chapter. Column 2: A glazing description listing the products used to make up the glazed parts of the

window, where IG (or IGU) - means insulating glass unit,usually made up of 2 glass panes with a sealed space between them,filled with air, argon or other dry gas. Note that the space is not evacuated. [3/12/3 - represents the order (from outside to inside) and the spacing between glass products, in this example a 3 mm thick glass pane,followed by 12 mm of air space or gas (argon) fill, followed by 3 mm thick glass pane; similar explanations apply to all other combinations listed / 'toned' and 'supertoned' refer to different grades of body-tinted glass products available in the market / low-e indicates the presence of glass products with low-emittance (low-emissivity) coatings / pyrolytic low-e coating is one type of coating technology].

Column 3: Cooling Stars when compared with the base case Generic Window 1 (3mm clear glass in a standard aluminium frame).

Column 4: Heating Stars when compared with the base case Generic Window 1 (3mm clear glass in a standard aluminium frame).

Column 5: Percentage improvement for cooling compared with the base case Generic Window 1 (3mm clear glass in a standard aluminium frame).

Column 6: Percentage improvement for heating compared with the base case Generic Window 1 (3mm clear glass in a standard aluminium frame).

Column 7: Whole-window U-value (Uw) that accounts forthe performance of the frame, edge-of-glass and centre-of-glass components. Uw is calculated for the standard sizes given in Table 1.

Column 8: Whole-window solar heat gain coefficient (SHGCw)that accounts for the performance of the frame and glass components.With SHGC, there is no distinction between centre-of-glass and edge-of-glass. SHGCw is calculated for the standard sizes given in Table1.

Column 9: Whole-window visible transmittance (Tvis).Product of glazing Tvis and glazing/frame area ratio.

Column 10: Air infiltration rate (L/s.m2) at positive(inward) pressure difference of 75 Pa.

WERS Certified Products Directory- Residential http://www.wers.net/werscontent/certified-products-residential

WERS Certified Products Directory- Commercial http://www.wers.net/werscontent/certified-products-commercial

How to Use WERS Screened Products

When using the WERS screened products in energy efficiency ratings it is important to utilise them in the correct way to achieve accurate glazing performance outcomes. This page gives a guide to how the simulations were performed and how to use the performance ratings in regulatory tools such as the National Construction Code (NCC) Glazing Claculator, the NatHERS programs and the BASIX tools.How to use the ratings in regulatory tools: To ensure that when rating a house with a screened product, using the regulatory tools for each state, you are able achieve accurate results it is important to correctly assign the performance ratings for screened and unscreened window portions. For WERS to rate the screen on specific windows it is necessary to rate the product with complete coverage of the system (pictured below).

If the window system utilised in the building is completely screened the WERS Screen performance rating for that window system can be used for the whole area. If the window system contains screened and unscreened portions it is important to break the results into two distinct portions. It is important to apply the results of the screened window system to the screened portion of the window only. The image below shows an example of a window system with screened and un-screened portions.

When entering the performance values for the sample window system above the window needs to be


broken into two main sections. The screened portion of the window system and the un-screened portion of the windows system. In order to insert these two different performance results into the regulatory tools the window system must be broken into three main sections with three different window performance inputs:

The screened area of the window system: This portion of the window system can be input as one area with the performance values associated with the installed screen on the specific window that are available from the WERS screened product web page.

The central unscreened portion of the windows system: This area of window is input with the performance values for the specific window from the WERS Database.

The low light windows below the screened window area: These areas of window need to be split from the main area of unscreened window due to the different impact that shading can have on the window system. They can be inserted using the same window performance data as the central unscreened portion but if shading is applicable the height above the head will need to be associated with the top of the unscreened portion.




Material: The type of window and door material, including timber, aluminium, uPVC and fibreglass.

Opening: The opening type, including sliding, awning, casement, double hung, louvers, tilt-and-turn, sashless and bi-fold.

Noise:To reduce external noise from entering your home, you might like to consider windows and doors that can reduce noise and make your home more comfortable.

Energy:Insulation is a must for a modern home; windows and doors can be part of the insulation of the building envelope. To ensure you select the right windows and doors for your climate zone, and to improve the comfort and energy efficiency of your home, visit the Window Energy Rating Scheme website at http://www.wers.net Bushfire:If your home is in a bushfire zone, there will be specific bushfire requirements for your area. Please check with your local council to ensure you order the correct windows and doors for your home.


Image courtesy of the Country Fire Authority, Victoria

Ventilation:The opening type can also influence the ventilation of your home. Select the opening type that ensures adequate ventilation throughout your home. Daylighting:For health, comfort and energy efficiency it is important that an adequate amount of natural light can enter your home.. Windows and doors can admit an incredible amount of natural daylight into a home. Safety: For security and confidence choose your window and door products carefully. Features to look for in windows and doors include appropriate locking systems and safety glass. Safety can also mean keeping your family safe from accidents. All windows must be glazed in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1288. This standard has evolved to introduce increased areas of safety glass, and the reduction of ordinary glass, in locations where accidents are known to occur at greater frequency. Structural:It is your responsibility to ensure your window manufacturer has compliance to AS 2047 or it will end up costing you a lot of money.The Building Code of Australia calls for windows in all class of buildings to comply with Australian Standard AS 2047.

AS 2047 is the mandatory minimum specification for windows and doors used in Australia it includes compliance to the Glass Standard AS 1288.

The following performance tests are undertaken to verify product performance claims. AS 4420.2 Deflection Test - positive and negative wind pressures are applied to the face

of the window to test the maximum deflection under wind load. AS 4420.3 Operating Force Test - to verify that an opening sash is capable of opening

and closing without undue effort. AS 4420.4 Air Infiltration Test - the air leakage of a window is tested to ensure energy

and acoustic efficiency. AS 4420.5 Water Penetration Resistance Test - this test is designed to ensure no water

leaks through the window into the building. AS 4420.6 Ultimate Strength Test - negative and positive wind pressures are applied to

the window to at least 1.5 times the design wind pressure to ensure it does not fail in unusual wind conditions.

All windows and doors for homes must have a Performance Label which confirms that they are certified to comply with Australian Standard AS 2047.


Design:There are many different window and door designs available with varying features. It is important that you decide which features best suit your needs and then select products that fulfils these needs. In recent years there has been a significant amount of development from many companies changing the face of window design.

Window Restriction Requirements and Safety Information

Requirements for Window Restriction and ScreeningOn the 1st May 2013 the National Construction Code (NCC) will include requirements for window restriction and screening.http://www.awa.org.au/resources/requirements-for-window-restriction-and-screening

Australian Window Association (AWA) Safety Awareness InitiativesThe AWA has created brochures and posters to increase community awareness on safety for windows and doors.http://www.awa.org.au/resources/australian-window-association-awa-safety-awareness-initiatives

Warning Labels & Order formsIn a new initiative the AWA has released a fall prevention label designed to attach to the frame of most standard fly screens


Specifying Window System Performance

In the past couple of months there have been a number of cases which highlight that there is a lot of confusion in the building industry on how compliance must be reached when specifying and installing windows to meet their energy efficiency performance. Ensuring that windows are compliant with the energy ratings can be a tricky area as the performance of window systems can vary greatly. The specification of individual windows on different orientations and in different zones can vastly alter the energy performance of a house. It is vital that each window meets the required individual performance as specified in the NatHERS simulation or glazing calculator. The idea of averaging window performance across the whole house has been raised as an option to meet compliance but following this path will not meet compliance and can produce negative impacts on the overall performance of the house. In most parts of Australia there is limited solar exposure on the southern windows and as a result using a low SHGC window on the southern side will have limited impact on the performance of the house overall. However, on a western orientation there can be high solar exposure during the summer months and a low SHGC on western windows will positively impact the house by blocking unwanted solar heat gain. So in the case of a NatHERS assessment that has tinted windows on the western orientation and clear on the southern orientation in most locations we will receive a favorable result. However if an averaging


technique (as stated in the article) is used to assess the window performance of the whole house then heavily tinted windows could be placed on the south and clear windows on the west. This could still result in the overall average window performance appearing to be the same but the reality of using this method is that the house would not be compliant. The clear western windows will allow much more heat gain in summer and the tinted windows on the southern side will have minimal to no effect on the southern side, probably resulting in a much higher summer cooling load for the house. To ensure that windows meet the performance of the NatHERS report they must be matched on an individual window basis. Matching the window performance based on the U-value and SHGC for whole of window performance is the only way to ensure that the windows installed in a house will achieve the compliance requirements and the results that were modelled in the NatHERS tool.






Address 71 Ridge St, Gordon NSW 2072Phone 02 9498 2768Fax 02 9498 3816Email training@awa.org.au Website www.afti.edu.au

K ΩΔΙΚΟΣ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΟΥ: AS2047 http://www.awa.org.au/documents/item/603


ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΟΥ: AS2047http://www.awa.org.au/documents/item/601





Technological advances in the last 25 years have made it possible to design windows which insulate against heat and cold up to four times better than conventional windows. Dramatic improvements in sound insulation are possible. To a point, similar technologies can serve both needs.This Technical Note summarises the objectives, the technical solutions and the trade-offs that building designers and industry need to understand.

Energy EfficiencyAn energy-efficient window is one that helps to minimise the use of artificial heating and cooling in a building. In many parts of Australia, the priority is to keep solar heat out of the home, except during colder months, when ‘free' solar heat gain and retention of warmth in the house become important.Heat gain or heat loss take three forms: radiant heat transfer, conductive heat transfer and heat transfer via air infiltration. Ideally, this calls for strong solar protection on east and west windows, but deliberate use of free sunlight (via clear glass) from northerly windows. This means different window solutions for different orientations.Alternatively, it is possible to use the same uniform high-performance window type on all sides of a home - provided it is correctly chosen. From an energy point of view, this is not quite optimal but it simplifies the specification process and still results in very substantial energy savings and improved comfort, compared to using clear single-glazed windows.

Low U-valueIn most climates, windows with at least four heating or four cooling stars, on all sides of the house, will ensure that conductive heat losses and heat gains are minimised. This means the windows must have a low U-value. It is possible to reduce the glazing U-value by means of single glazing having a low-e coating.Low-e coatings are near-invisible. While a low-e coating on simple single glazing reduces that part of the heat transfer which is due to radiation, it does nothing to reduce conductive and convective heat flow.A much better solution is to reduce all three forms of heat transfer. To do this an insulating glass unit (IGU) is required. The IGU is the vehicle for all high-performance windows, in all climates - hot, cold and mixed. The IGU should preferably have some sort of low-e coating on at least one pane and have argon gas fill between the panes, to give the lowest overall heat transfer. U-values as low as 1.8 are possible, compared with about 5 in the case of a single-glazed clear window.To complement the glazing system, a frame with a low U-value assists in reducing the whole-window U-value. Frames that use thermal breaks or composite metal / timber design, or timber or uPVC frames, outperform standard aluminium windows. This frame performance difference shows up in the WERS stars as an extra half star or so.The most common filling gas between the panes of an IGU is dry air. The narrowest air gap used is 6 mm but this should be avoided unless there is no alternative. The use of wider gaps (10-20 mm) will improve the U-value and increase the WERS heating star rating by at least half a star. Contrary to common belief, a very wide air gap is not disadvantageous, apart from being impractical for an IGU.Although convection cells are bigger and more active, this is counteracted by the greater thickness of air which provides additional resistance to conduction. The use of (cheap) argon gas instead of air in the IGU space lifts the heating rating by about a third to half a star in most cases. Table 1, the WERS table of Generic Windows, gives indicative performance.Wider gaps also give better acoustic insulation. For more information on acoustics, click here.

High versus Low Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: Low-e CoatingsAs mentioned, all low-e coatings assist energy efficiency by suppressing radiation heat transfer. This means they act like ‘heat mirrors' and reflect heat back into a room in winter, which reduces the amount lost to the outside.Some low-e coatings are essentially transparent to solar radiation; these mostly take the form of so-called ‘hard' or ‘pyrolytic' coatings. They are best suited to cooler climates or on the north side of a building where ‘free' winter heating can be exploited.Other low-e coatings (frequently referred to as ‘soft', ‘multilayer' or ‘spectrally selective' coatings) are available, which block up to half the invisible, radiant solar heat while still preserving daylight. Windows with spectrally selective low-e coatings reduce the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) by up to 60% compared with clear 3 mm glass. This reduces or in some cases eliminates the need for wide eaves or shading systems. When the Generic Table was developed, spectrally selective low-e coatings were unusual on the Australian market. However their performance is well approximated by windows 22 - 27 in the table, which achieve similar results by a different construction.


Image courtesy of University of Minnesota Good Weather SealsHeat leaves or enters a home through gaps and cracks around sashes and frames. When a window is shut it should be shut. WERS-rated windows must satisfy Australian Standard AS 2047 for air infiltration performance. Most easily exceed it and achieve air leakage figures below 1 litre per second per square metre of window area. Traditionally, windows with compression seals, as fitted to awning and casement windows, tended to have superior long-term infiltration performance. However recent advances in some sliding window seals have reduced the gap. The difference between a window that just meets AS 2047 (5 L/s.m2) and a very tight window is about half a heating star. The effect on cooling performance is much less.© Australian Window Association & Window Energy Rating Scheme SWA Climate Zone GuidesSWA - Climate Zones 1, 2 & 3   (2071 KB)Northern Australia, Brisbane and DarwinSWA - Climate Zones 4 & 5 (1937 KB)Sydney, Perth and AdelaideSWA - Climate Zones 6, 7 & 8 (1919 KB)Most of Victoria, ACT, Tasmania and Southern parts of NSW and WA

PROCUREMENT OF CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS:http://www.awa.org.au/documents/item/787







ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ ΒΙΚΤΩΡΙΑΣhttp://www.wers.net/searchdirectory/search/?command=getresults&SearchLocation=VICTORIA

FABRICATORS ENERGY STRUCTURES / SYDNEY AREAhttps://www.yellowpages.com.au/search/listings?clue=fabricators+energy+structures&locationClue=Sydney%2C+NSW+2000&lat=-33.87519393867556&lon=151.2084185369452&selectedViewMode=list

FABRICATORS ENERGY STRUCTURES / MELBOURNE AREAhttps://www.yellowpages.com.au/search/listings?clue=Fabricators+energy+structures&locationClue=Greater+Melbourne%2C+VIC&lat=&lon=&selectedViewMode=list


A.A Window & Door Replacement Service Pty Ltd A.A Window & Door Replacement Service Pty LtdAbbey Aluminium Abbey AluminiumAcme 1 Glass & Aluminium Acme 1 Glass & AluminiumAdd-Vantage Systems Pty Ltd Add-Vantage Systems Pty LtdAero Glass & Aluminium Aero Glass & AluminiumAffinity Windows Affinity WindowsAirlie Glass and Aluminium Airlie Glass and AluminiumAJ Aluminium Pty Ltd AJ Aluminium Pty LtdAlfab Manufacturing Alfab ManufacturingAlitech AlitechAll Weather Windows All Weather WindowsAllglass & Aluminium Pty LTd Allglass & Aluminium Pty LTdAlspec AlspecAluminex Security Window Systems Aluminex Security Window SystemsAluminium Industries Australia Aluminium Industries AustraliaAluminium Innovations Aluminium InnovationsAluminium Supply Australia Aluminium Supply AustraliaAlumode Windows Pty LtdAlumode Windows Pty LtdAlutec Windows Pty Ltd Alutec Windows Pty LtdAMA Aluminium Pty Ltd AMA Aluminium Pty LtdAneeta Window Systems Aneeta Window SystemsArch System Fabrication Pty Ltd Arch System Fabrication Pty LtdArchitectural Window Systems Architectural Window SystemsArchitectural Windows Architectural WindowsArchitectural Windows & Doors Architectural Windows & DoorsAtherton Glass Atherton GlassAus Windows Pty Ltd Aus Windows Pty LtdAustralia Glass (Brisbane) Pty. Ltd. Australia Glass (Brisbane) Pty. Ltd.Austview AustviewAvista Windows Avista WindowsBallarat WindowsBallarat WindowsBaseline Windows & Doors Baseline Windows & DoorsBatemans Bay Windows Batemans Bay WindowsBathurst Glass Service Pty Ltd Bathurst Glass Service Pty LtdBayview Glass Bayview GlassBelco Aluminium Belco AluminiumBendigo Windows Bendigo WindowsBeta View Beta ViewBGS Windows BGS Windows


Big River Glass Big River GlassBill Dreger Glass & Aluminium Bill Dreger Glass & AluminiumBlue Sky Aluminium Blue Sky AluminiumBonds Windows & Doors Pty Ltd Bonds Windows & Doors Pty LtdBradnams Windows & Doors Bradnams Windows & DoorsBrett's Doors and Windows Brett's Doors and WindowsBrisbane Water Glass Pty Ltd Brisbane Water Glass Pty LtdBudget Showerscreens & Windows Budget Showerscreens & WindowsBudget Showerscreens & Windows Pty Ltd Budget Showerscreens & Windows Pty LtdBusselton Aluminium Windows Busselton Aluminium WindowsCable Beach Glass & Aluminium Cable Beach Glass & AluminiumCapeview Windows Capeview WindowsCapitol Glass Capitol GlassCapral Limited Capral LimitedCentral Coast Shopfronts Central Coast ShopfrontsCentral West Glazing Central West GlazingClearshield Stainless Steel Security Clearshield Stainless Steel SecurityClearspec Pty Ltd Clearspec Pty LtdCleveland Glass & Aluminium Pty Ltd Cleveland Glass & Aluminium Pty LtdC-Lite Aluminium Windows & Doors C-Lite Aluminium Windows & DoorsCom-Al Windows Pty Ltd Com-Al Windows Pty LtdCool Glass NT Cool Glass NTCrystal Glass Pty Ltd Crystal Glass Pty LtdC-View Windows C-View WindowsD&W (Asia) Limited D&W (Asia) LimitedDabsco DabscoDahlsens Building Centres Pty Ltd Dahlsens Building Centres Pty LtdDandy Glass Works Dandy Glass WorksDarley Aluminium Darley AluminiumDazmark Windows Dazmark WindowsDenmark Windows Denmark WindowsDLG Aluminium and Glazing DLG Aluminium and GlazingDonalco Windows Pty Ltd Donalco Windows Pty LtdDyna-Fix Commercial Pty Ltd Dyna-Fix Commercial Pty LtdDynamic Window SystemsDynamic Window SystemsEagle Aluminium Pty Ltd Eagle Aluminium Pty LtdEco Classic GroupEco Classic GroupecoMaster ecoMasterElement Windows Element WindowsElevate Aluminium Systems Elevate Aluminium SystemsEmpire Glass & Aluminium Pty Ltd Empire Glass & Aluminium Pty LtdEnvirotech Facade Solutions Envirotech Facade SolutionsEternity Aluminium Pty Ltd Eternity Aluminium Pty LtdEuro Eco Windows P/L Euro Eco Windows P/LEuroline Aluminium Pty Ltd Euroline Aluminium Pty LtdEuropean Window Company European Window CompanyEurotech Windows Eurotech WindowsEvolution Window Systems Evolution Window SystemsExpo Aluminium Expo AluminiumEzi Aluminium Systems Pty Ltd Ezi Aluminium Systems Pty LtdFacade Directions Facade DirectionsFarrawell Aluminium Farrawell AluminiumFive Star Aluminium Pty Ltd Five Star Aluminium Pty LtdG.James Glass & Aluminium G.James Glass & AluminiumGCJ Glass & Aluminium GCJ Glass & AluminiumGlass Block Technologies Glass Block TechnologiesGlass Co WA Glass Co WAGlass Suppliers Albany Glass Suppliers AlbanyGlass Suppliers Albany Glass Suppliers Albany


Glass Supplies Glass SuppliesGlass Vision Glass VisionGlasscene GlassceneGLASSPLACE GLASSPLACEGleco Enterprises Pty Ltd Gleco Enterprises Pty LtdGoldfields Glass Goldfields GlassGould Bros & Co Pty Ltd Gould Bros & Co Pty LtdGP GlassGP GlassGreat Lakes Windows Great Lakes WindowsHanlon Windows Hanlon WindowsHitec Glazing Pty Ltd Hitec Glazing Pty LtdHi-Tech WindowsHi-Tech WindowsHorizon Windows & DoorsHorizon Windows & DoorsHughes & Hessey Pty Ltd Hughes & Hessey Pty LtdImage Windows & Doors Image Windows & DoorsJag Windows Pty Ltd Jag Windows Pty LtdJason Windows Jason WindowsJDR Windows & Doors JDR Windows & DoorsJewel Windows Pty Ltd Jewel Windows Pty LtdJH Williams & Sons Distributors JH Williams & Sons DistributorsJRL Aluminium Pty Ltd JRL Aluminium Pty LtdK&B Windows K&B WindowsKadina Aluminium Products Kadina Aluminium ProductsKarratha Glass Service Karratha Glass ServiceKatanning Glass Supplies Katanning Glass SuppliesKimberley Glass Service Kimberley Glass ServiceKnights Aluminium Knights AluminiumKristalBond KristalBondKuzman Metals Kuzman MetalsL&B Glass & Aluminium Pty Ltd L&B Glass & Aluminium Pty LtdLakes Entrance Glass & Glazing Pty Ltd Lakes Entrance Glass & Glazing Pty LtdLangford Windows Langford WindowsLangs Building Supplies Langs Building SuppliesLeetoria Windows & Doors Leetoria Windows & DoorsLickiss Fabrications Pty LtdLickiss Fabrications Pty LtdLidco LidcoLifestyle Windows Lifestyle WindowsLotus Aluminium Pty Ltd Lotus Aluminium Pty LtdLotus Folding Walls & Doors Lotus Folding Walls & DoorsLowes Windows & Joinery Pty Ltd Lowes Windows & Joinery Pty LtdM&C Aluminium & Windows & Doors M&C Aluminium & Windows & DoorsM.E.M. Architectural Industries Pty Ltd M.E.M. Architectural Industries Pty LtdMaddington Glass & Aluminium Maddington Glass & AluminiumMagic Glass Pty Ltd Magic Glass Pty LtdMagnetite - ACT Magnetite - ACTMagnetite - Adelaide Magnetite - AdelaideMagnetite - Australia Magnetite - AustraliaMagnetite – Brisbane Magnetite – BrisbaneMagnetite - Gold Coast Magnetite - Gold CoastMagnetite - Melbourne Magnetite - MelbourneMagnetite - Newcastle & Central Coast Magnetite - Newcastle & Central CoastMagnetite – NZ (Wellington) Magnetite – NZ (Wellington)Magnetite - Perth Magnetite - PerthMagnetite - Southern Highlands Magnetite - Southern HighlandsMagnetite - Tasmania Magnetite - TasmaniaMahers Glassworks Mahers GlassworksMajestic Windows Majestic WindowsMalone Glass Malone GlassManilla Aluminium & Glass Manilla Aluminium & Glass


Manly Windows Pty Ltd Manly Windows Pty LtdMarbec Glass and Aluminium Marbec Glass and AluminiumMaster Windows Master WindowsMid Coast Windows Mid Coast WindowsMillennium Windows Millennium WindowsMitchell Glass Mitchell GlassMonaro Windows Monaro WindowsMount Glass & Glazing Pty Ltd Mount Glass & Glazing Pty LtdMurano Walls P/L Murano Walls P/LNanango Homemakers Centre Nanango Homemakers CentreNatural GRC Product Natural GRC ProductNeata Glass & Aluminium Neata Glass & AluminiumNew England Glass & Aluminium New England Glass & AluminiumNGA Commercial Glazing NGA Commercial GlazingNorth East Glass North East GlassNorthern Blinds Northern BlindsNu-Look Glass & Aluminium Windows Nu-Look Glass & Aluminium WindowsNuspec Windows Nuspec WindowsO'Sullivan Bricks & Windows O'Sullivan Bricks & WindowsOlympic Aluminium Co. Pty Ltd Olympic Aluminium Co. Pty LtdOpen Windows & Doots Pty Ltd Open Windows & Doots Pty LtdOracle Windows Pty Ltd Oracle Windows Pty LtdPackers PackersPage Window Systems Pty Ltd Page Window Systems Pty LtdPearl Coast Glass & Windows Pearl Coast Glass & WindowsPentak Windows & Doors Pty Ltd Pentak Windows & Doors Pty LtdPilbara Glass Pilbara GlassPorters Glass & Aluminium Porters Glass & AluminiumPortland Aluminium & Glass Portland Aluminium & GlassPrecedence Windows & Doors Precedence Windows & DoorsPress Metal Aluminium Australia Press Metal Aluminium AustraliaPrestige Aluminium Windows Prestige Aluminium WindowsQueensland Windows Queensland WindowsR&D Glass Services R&D Glass ServicesRapid Aluminium Rapid AluminiumRedback Windows Pty Ltd Redback Windows Pty LtdReflex Glass Pty. Ltd. Reflex Glass Pty. Ltd.Regency Windows Pty Ltd Regency Windows Pty LtdRehau RehauRema Windows Rema WindowsReynaers Aluminium Reynaers AluminiumRJS Aluminium Group Pty Ltd RJS Aluminium Group Pty LtdRosebud Windows Rosebud WindowsSafetybuild P/L Safetybuild P/LSafetyline Jalousie Safetyline JalousieScope Doors & Windows Scope Doors & WindowsSette Windows Pty Ltd Sette Windows Pty LtdSGA Architectural Window Solutions SGA Architectural Window SolutionsShelley Glass Shelley GlassSkyview Windows Pty Ltd Skyview Windows Pty LtdSouthside Windows & Doors Pty Ltd Southside Windows & Doors Pty LtdSovereign Windows & Doors Sovereign Windows & DoorsStatesman Aluminium Windows Statesman Aluminium WindowsStirling Glass & AluminiumStirling Glass & AluminiumStunning Windows & Doors Stunning Windows & DoorsSunbrite Aluminium Windows Sunbrite Aluminium WindowsSuperior Windows Pty Ltd Superior Windows Pty LtdSupreme Windows Supreme WindowsT&G Glass T&G Glass


Taberner Glass Pty Ltd Taberner Glass Pty LtdTasman Windows and Glass Tasman Windows and GlassTaylors Window Supplies Pty Ltd Taylors Window Supplies Pty LtdTechnal Aluminium Pty Ltd Technal Aluminium Pty LtdThermaglaze Windows Thermaglaze WindowsThermal Impact Thermal ImpactThermeco Pty LtdThermeco Pty LtdThermosmart Windows Thermosmart WindowsTony Simpson Joinery & Windows Tony Simpson Joinery & WindowsTotal Glass Solutions NT Pty Ltd Total Glass Solutions NT Pty LtdTrend Windows & Doors Trend Windows & DoorsUllrich Aluminium Ullrich AluminiumUltimate Windows Ultimate WindowsUrunga Windows & Glass Pty Ltd Urunga Windows & Glass Pty LtdVantage VantageViewco Glass Viewco GlassViridian ViridianVista Windows Vista WindowsVue Windows Australia Vue Windows AustraliaWestern Plains Windows & Glass Pty Ltd Western Plains Windows & Glass Pty LtdWestview Glass & Alimunium Pty Ltd Westview Glass & Alimunium Pty LtdWideline Pty Ltd Wideline Pty LtdWindows By Design Windows By DesignWingham Windows Wingham WindowsWinlux WinluxWintec Architectural Systems Wintec Architectural SystemsWood Street Windows Wood Street WindowsWunderbar Aluminium Products Wunderbar Aluminium ProductsYork Glass York Glass

ΥΛΙΚΑ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΗΣ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΩΝ ΚΟΥΦΩΜΑΤΩΝAluminiumCompositeTimberuPVCFibreglassThermally Broken Aluminium

ΤΥΠΟΣ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΩΝ ΠΑΡΑΘΥΡΩΝ/ΠΟΡΤΩΝΑwning WindowCasement WindowBi-Fold DoorBi-Fold WindowSliding WindowFixed WindowLouvre WindowTilt N TurnSliding DoorFrench DoorEntry DoorHinge DoorStacker DoorDouble Hung

ΤΥΠΟΣ ΥΑΛΟΠΙΝΑΚΩΝSingle GlazedDouble GlazedTriple Glazed


Secondary Glazing

ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΟΠΟΙΗΣΗMinimum Cooling Star 0.0Minimum Heating Star 0.0

ΔΕΙΚΤΕΣ ΑΠΟΔΟΣΗΣMaximum U Value 0.0SHGC Value 0.0


#3925 2000 Buildswares & Plastics (Doors/Windows & Frames/Thresholds) 5%

#7604 2990 Aluminium Bars, Rods & Profiles 5%

#7610 1000 Aluminium Structures (Doors/Windows) 5%

#7610 9090 Alumium Structures (Other) 5%

O συναφής δασμός δεν είναι απαγορευτικός για την περαιτέρω διείσδυση σε κατασκευαστικά έργα. Το μόνο εμπόδιο είναι το υψηλό ποσοστό κέρδους που έχει καθιερωθεί (μέχρι στιγμής) στοιχείο που δεν επιτρέπει την ανάπτυξη ποιοτικών έργων.

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